Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 17, 1915, Night Extra, Image 15
I tmi nct.a UJJ Unl! aleal "4 jilij m iCH, r-ls iiral BiV t a" :1 (6 KB iia" It. it if , lElMffiK 11IN ftS TJ0 III .1CS 1 dill 7J0J I 1 J Ifcr DEATHS . I..... I 1J IfllA t-B..... krflLv.- , ltnrrv W Price- Relative n3 . K.'asi'i.vi .vnU"j ".wfli!7- fa. iwdn. day sth " at 2 p. m inter , private, t West Laurel Hill Cemetery. It. ar ncr '" , cr,,, ,..w .v tvuill lUin BIh hJRV. miaueniy. on Anpil J3, join, Lp".:!'.W r-o T ntlahAhd nf KilMhoth n-na. fcUkUl E 'luu"u"".u 'fl, ii-usbii uoney .sia Fish). ii 0n of emm nnd the 1st raSi-l Roner .. Relative and friends, also ItWC . , If C-. ... But... ... ., E.-stlend the funeral, , mi Wednesday, at a SB.S't it Interment at Mount Morlfth Ceme IRm Friends may call Tuesday evening, be -7. and 10 o'clock. MlrsKKLL. On August 10 101B, WILLtAM, Ivtritnil husband of Mary H. Russell (m ramll) and son or me late wiiiiam and ' KiTnvlted t attend the funeral services, on Toftdy afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the ; iJ.timenls of Oliver 11 Dalr, 1820 Chestnut B1M.M Interment private, In Evergreen Ceme SdtV . i,im4,ii. M. .1. ilf3!.--On August 18, 191fS, formerly of Vriiton. r.i rtiAiu.ua J., nusoanu ni unris Kf aavltCr Alto'1 8 yeara. Relatives and Menu alio Lodgo v"t 3- " A. M.! Bt. 'V?f!. rnaotcr. No.2a It. A, M, St, John's SEvJ rnmrninilory, No, 4, K. T.i Lu Lu Temple. IiC?? A O. N M. b,i Presbyterian Hoard or KKl nllIi RIB llltliru iiu itiiTiiu tail) tiuiDiui lis $a- on Wednesday ovonlng, at a o'clock, at mm lVt. ra.ti eneai 1037 V, Cambria at. In- 'lEv liVment on Thursday, at Easton, Fa, Eaa mmK t'n TrPer Pleaao copy. " II.. widow of the Into Charles Henry ,8chm"'1"'. f,'1.'8 ". Duo hotlee of . S funeral will b nlven, from her non-ln-u'l ret(lcnce, Jacob Urcltmoycr, 3720 N, ttl t- 'niUTZ. On tlio.lBth Inet, MAUD DEtt yii-E. beloved wife of Charlea N, Bchuta a JVr nhfr nf rhnrlea and tha lata tnv h ir seed, area 2 yeara. The, relatlvea nnd rjfrtnde of, the family nre Invited to attend 15, . at Iter late residence, 8003 Fo'.eom it,, J will Philadelphia. Interment In Fernwood l 'r.rtfttfl. nemaina may do vicwoa on Tuee ?fC tgyVvtSlnf. after T p. m. rhimei.yr.v.on Auguit in, ioib. annib mm. fillKLlViUXl 11UIUUVVD tlllU 1 IVUUH Ul I HO g-if e'l""'-,.- t.a(iiin nf 4hrt Hnnrnel Ifftat-f at- iti to nttond funeral, on WodnenJuy vtDOrtW, t 8:-lu oeioek, from hop Iftte -(. SSm. S2 8ar lit. (near 2nth and Whurton . UB t.M ttltvli Mnaa nf Tlnnntfitr n C rutbtlera Church, at 10 o'clock, interment r n?le Croea Cemetery. tlllT.tnS. Suddenly, on August 14, 1010. H'.'ttipa h . husband of E labeth Bhle Ma and m? inn o( Andrew and Iho Into Mary Shield!. m '?'.. HA,in nf thA funeral will hA Dlvn i, from hit late residence, .1817 North 11th st. i-A ouiband of Ada M.BIIverthorn. HeUtlvei '! and friends, also employes of Central Wan t i.ij,i n,l Fmnclsvl la Council. No. nfl. f American Mechanics, are Invited to attend ft'rVJMl n ThlirrlAV. fll 1 !Hn n. m .. trn the residence of his nephow. 1831 Olnnodo st. iisth and airard avo.) Interment at Orccn A. Mount cemetery, ftemalns may be viewed i Si Wednesday evening, from 7 to 10 o'clock. VrraiV. On August 115, 1015, ELMEIt I, ti son o "".-.--2".r..,.A.. rj: "v::i v' Ettln, KCiailVCS UflU 111C11UB U1U 1I1VIL6U (Q illend the funeral services, Wednesday aft ttrneen at 3 o'clock, at his late residence, 4010 Ilaverford ave. Interment at Fernwood Cemetery. nibltNTON. At Ilrlatol, Tn., on August IB, i?.r...fc,r n TrmnvTfiN in ki. ,17.1. ....- Rtlstlres and friends, also Tahoe Tribe, I, o! 1 if It. M. of MlllernburB. and employee of ? MIllersburR Fifth, V'hcel Co.. ore Invited to F iiimd tho funeral services, at Ills lata resl- 1 ienee. B7.I Ilath aL. Ilrlatol, Ta., on Wed i nudy. Auuust 18. nt 2 p. m. Interment at I l)rlol Cemetery. miWAITES. At Conshohockcn. Pa., on Au. ' suit 15. 101S. SAItAlt A wW6w of c. II. 5'bwtei. nrod 82 years Itelatlyca and "frln3, also W. C. T. U. of Montgomory !:.-...' ,m InvltAd to attend thA r....t l ''eerlees, Wednesday, at 2 p. m., at her son J 5'law's reeldence, Thomaa Silk, 300 East jiEtb are. i,uii,ii'mwtu. ,..c.iuuiii uuinn iCeinetery. The remains may bo lowed Tucs i .oiy evening. vTTBNEIt. At Doylcstown, Pa., on August ." 19l OEOKOn TUItNER, Jr., son of iOeerfe and the late Chnrlotte Turner. Duo i- ..it., nf thn funeral will bo aiven. fif '."WAONrR-On August 10. 101B. EDWAItD $ " J. WAONEIt, Son of Charles P. nnd Cora E. I Wlfner (neo I.utz). Kelatlves and friends of tat family are invitea 10 attend tno funeral Unices, on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, it his father's residence, 1004 Wilt st. (10th end. Montgomery avo.) interment prlvato, at Kotthwood Cemetery. WAVUAOn August 10, 101B, LEOPOL DINE, wlfs of Julius Wayda, Sr. Itclatlves and friends are Invited to attend the funeral lenlcei. Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at l ner law reBiucutc, w.n iioninub bi. inter IBs mint private. H.WKilEit, August 14, 1016, HAnniET CV itidAW Of WHUam M. "WAhAr inri rfmi.h. t ip nf the 1st Eliza Dawes. llrlntfv .mrf ft' ItUnM, alo Weston Memorial Ulblo School: 11, Wpunt Pleasant Circle, No. 20. L. F. of A. P; Moon Council. No, 1, D. of P.: Naomi r Home. No. 4. 1). of A.; West Park Clrcto. WA 3. It. F. Of A, Illva No. 2111, U. O. T. lr A' V.. are Invited tn attend thn fim.Mi ,S.Uj Wednesday, ut 26. m.. from her late real. 'SflMs. u. North Wanamaker st. Interment hl'nwtllWDnd (K. Of 1M CAlTlAtAPI. tl.m.lH. ,w.f,i lowed Tuesday evening, from 7 to VrOtfTin. On August 14, 1(110. CATII t AMliZr widow of Gee tec Wolfer, In her Wd . nr Belatlves and friends, also League of t DBCrCU 11CA1V H1U 4I1V.ICU lO Hliena tU (Mr41, on Wednesday, nt 8 a. m., from hor - ure rtsiaenco. ijj aimvaie ove., t"aiis of I'.-hilMktll. llleh Mass at St. n,id.r.i'. I'VOiarch at 0:30 a. m. Interment at St. I'OVf.Mf "mAtrtf. Tlnvtmrntlcfli K.hTttTV At nnlllmnn Xt ah A. ...-. V IttlMJ, ANNA P., wife of John Wurts and I ?. JaHfttit Af T.ni,1aa nnA thn lata lUttll.n. :"Wtrmann. Due notice of the funeral will 'ha, art an feAm tliA t-a,ti1r1am-ak nf ha (al.Ak.A, . M ln-Iiw. John Konrfld. .'341 Maachcr St., Thlla llHEIiP WANTED PEMAl-E fin Itiio Wahttd and Situations TVanfed 4verllllsa instrted In the Dally PuMto Lcdoer U'.Uitalti in fhe usnlncr Ledaer the same :jy iciiaont naamonoi cnargo. ECO0K and downstairs work, prleat'a house, Pa.il.nl.a 11.1. ..&. Yj. llA T hvmh ...u.WB, 1UC.I tUIIUIUjUl, .MJV1U WW, UVUBBI yi;a, weonesoay. iu a. m KCOOK, good, Protestant, for general house- r; two in tamiiy; oesi roterences. u nv. "cieruince. tI(,TXriIONE operator wanted, excellent op K,ptunltjr for a thoroughly experienced oper- f4. Apply Applloatlon Office. -Victor Talk UriC Machine Co., Delaware ave. and Market sit. Camden. N. J. pyiL. Whtie, good. rr for plain cooking and uaADjiaira w iarmantawn. 6dwBJt4drs work. Apply 6130 Newhall at., mono uermantown an u. gfRI to do filing and general office work: state Pr, eiperlenco and salary expected. D 118, gMdier Offtc e. SOVERNESS. North' Qerroan. to take care of fW-o iru, s and o years; good wages; refer- Sjtrwt. itMuitou. uau, v to jz, iDio a, join lySBWOItK, Swedish preferred; good cook. ;'-"-" "wi aiuuii iRiimyj Buuurpa. litoiES .... .,v. Adulter mn.ee. and'erlrla n. AM ... An.I IA 1 '. w. fas Federal at. Camden. MILUNERS lial n .1 . . .. BinTia -.M, "'" roquiro tnorougniy exneri Ijaus rnllllners. Apply, 8:80 to 10:BO Tues. awkfloo ' Bm''loyment Bureau. A. OAliBtHVOMEN or Seder Co. daaipM nrti..i... !. KJH-w Snte ifJS cloak, auu and millinery dat a '.IM AmeiAs inu permanent po- iA,?,0Jt? Jhwoughly experienced and iri?i.VdI""h Irst-clsss reference. Apply W.Mident'n office, Uth and Market ets. I'lfEmai STENOORAPlIBRBil " an increasing demand for first- ' WJSlt,JftJia 1 1 erienced girls. If you are not E'Gu ... " 'iur Present position, or SraSn.V."."?'1"1" 'O011 ont Hhw f7. ..i Bioporary, see uisa uean, H ihiF. P'1, V" oh'esha will help a "tv,:ft.;" KL 5S L .c ' IlLf ndlirl tl bnarlnAA. tixil. Itf?-"llerlis. Tjhs IB A FItBB (llliUtiinr. L.'i . ". . " . ' ' .1' la n,. f " wantsa jor temporary posi 5 alT "atwesh o and 11 a. m.. Bl B. Ei4". COhitiAtariT Oav" Yrt'w-' .Vl.r".....1 -1 t bi.4 -"- Mlt cuius VUAIBt V4 ffiSeft Office. o,.25 and 40, wanted to fill perm. ri7T'i.BIV,:a.nt must hava the equivalent lft;I.i,,fw1 education md. ba free to ISA i5?r' Uttllul opport. for high-grade ... " , ."hmmom, poAi.ion pays inivii. ai?niill,r.?n(1 commlMlon. Ask for LUIUUn. 1.121 HnniAA ., K.f 1(1 .nd 1 -.- -i r t Tr ; flsneral fAItS wantadto call up bat class lii!. "f ail suburbs, to deatocuitrate and 2 t,ni aavtag device, plaasaat . 7vi.y ( proouaers. usu isq Building, 4th pud Walnut. JIEtP WANTEp MALE s$iM,au'1 ".9td "." olltwlsl. S iifitfS24, B1 . .viwKiVv'Sffijnefe aritculara Je 41 ;sr Central Vrle&Lad rsu.ll hardWirVcterk for Vest Phil.il. 1 SKLrlrfmu l e'XK WliiUi j 1 (lb frume. Slick Unal. A. a...L ..rf TAkfr r"IXBH JKfe Hl ESMBN wastad selling nre. 1 s!UI.QsUiJlillai Inat.p. ii(i inbti, ra la P, '4 Iia4B, tusat awHiJiK ".untua f r tTTsT li tllc airktfl if .tu - u liJ. nr w i j a tiemc iMiattef tiui I 4.difr 'IK'RK LlULft ItC JX4 f !- ii i!..1 '-H bCftllfV 4i u -EELP WAHTED-.MA1.B CJyig'ei,Apply JmM rlier, Inc., Hh and ftAT.tai.f t ... ' . ' . man fAi SCii.V ,rKncoa. c"tton yarn aales--SS2J5L rhlUdalphla. D DO, Ledger Oftlce. dll taalita.. ... . " . with "aShiriy?1?, B. PMi c,cl csmen Shfth TSS,il,i11 .ellen" " el Href, stook nartlnii?.?1.'. P Jionu?.''.f common, glvo full iisriicuiara nr.d If sattsfaetorr mil irrnnta JjTsonallntMvJe.Jyr 8buIinIt2.',txprJ"lr.1' knowledge of HorMt Ur;AJnT.E,-lVoiirit r,n' nbu' 20 rrs of age, nflS1 $li.i ii,aUM,0.n '"' desirable person 2ntt MSSiit,ucl1Sn. Preferred 1 must have 5?!i..?.?!l?! ,b IV- l1l"" In large uwa. B'iA.liStl ttw' Miabllshmeni, Ad uress salesman, Vetofncennxii bt, Oenerai il,7nl.e d"r l0 operate moVlng-plcture ",".!?". J ,u,cn yu QulcK methods ef operating the eleetrlcallhstaltstlon of a, thea tre and nt you for a position paying 15 t 23 per week complete course $18. payabls In 8 paymentsj Keystone School, isfo Arch. SITUATIONS WANTED EEMALE A88T. BOOltKEEPnit. 2H years' experience, Bg .s?. rT""t od rets. V 210, Ledger Cent! BOOKKKDt'Cn and general office clerk doslres position Al references. F 441, Led. Cent. BpOKKnci'tlH, exp., employed; capable of ..taking clurge 1, refs. F uBO, Ledger Central. CIIAMlinilWCnlC and waiting, Scoteh IToL, .suburbs, good ref, M UjQ. Ledger Oftlce. OInnK Voun lady of experience desires per . maneilt lioaltlonj 9, P 140. Ledger Central, CLB11K, lpat, asilntant booUkcepcri former scliool Uacher; experienced. V 2S8, Led, Cent. Co5IC CompcTent German Protestant wishes . position; references. 2800 N. Warnock st. CCKJKINO or housowork; has good reference. 1 1 tiiiom pson bc dTctaPHoNE OPHltATOll and clerk; Bvcara' experience! refa. F 1134. Ledger Central, UENEIIAL HOUSEWOIIK, good coolc, Serman . 1'rot., suburbs: ref, M iritt. Ledger Olllce, OnNKUAL HOUSEWoTTlC Oood cook; best references. M 024, Ledger Office. HOUSEKEKPnit. apartment hquso or phys icians home: rooms, heat. Kent. comncnsiL- . tlon for 3 adults: rots. M 027, Ledger Office, 1IOU8EWOIIK Woman wants gen. housework: rctcicnco. 18 ledger Urnncli, 20th and South. HoDSEWOItK Woman wlFhes general house- work; B years' ref, Write 1813 Mountain. llOUSEWOHK-Qood cook wonts position. 17 Lcugrr iirancn. ram nnu coutn. OFFICE nsslatunt, knowledge bkp, nnd type writing, 01 Ledger Hrnnoh, lBth and Dauphin. P1UVATE secretary, experienced, wfshes" per maricnt poa.j best refs. V 247. Lodger Cent. STKNOOItAPHEn, slight experience, would like permanent position! Pclrco School stu dcnti willing worker, F 0.T0, Ledger Central. STENOGHAl'llEIl, dependable, neat, would conalilcr moderate salary, with optortunlttca; reference, D 114, Ledger Office. STENOOIlAPIinil, trior, comp., accurate. In dua.. desires perm, position. !' 24S, Led. Cent. BTENOOHAPHEU High school grnduato; will. int; to start for mod, salary, F tlM. Lml, Cent. STENOanAPHEIl. exp.. knowl. of bookkecp- Ing: moderate ealary. Phono Hpruce flSKj. STENOCnAPHEHS, BOOKKEHPEltB nntl CLERKS are furnished throuRh tho COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT at Ledger Central, When you arc In need nf a competent office assistant write or telephono MISS DEAN, Walnut 3000, and prompt attention will bo given your request. This Is n free scnlco to ledger ndvcrtlsera. WAITRESS Head waitress, . exp.. wishes po sition nt onco. M C21, Ledger Office SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT, expert, brond exp., seeks en gagements of Indus, and financial organisa tions; costs, periodical statements. Interim AYfltlia . pliant.' hanlr. l.n, t Ant T .... AA ACCO UNTANT. exp.. deslrrfl position with ro luthlo house; reference. C 4'I3, Ledger Office. ACCO"UNTANT,"C.'"K A., expert, wants posl- tiun an ouuuor. u tt, i.ctiKcr t-cnirni UOOKKEEI'ER or auditor A graduate of Stewart Business Collezo. Trenton. N. J.. with IT yeara' practical experience requires position. Address F. It. M.. 223 South 3d st. HOOff IvKntFriT lhorouithlv AvnArlAnrnd n7 countant and capablo office manager, wlshos responsible position; can furnish heavy bond 11 rrquirpu. li hi. j.canrr mnce. BOOKKEEPUR, thoroughly exp., will audit Bccoumn, oprn, ciosn nnu wriio up books, uay or ovenlng; mod, terms. D 407, Ledger Office. BOOKKEEPER. 12 years' experience, desires posltlonwlth reliable firm. D 112, Lcdgcr.Off. liodtCKBni'Kir wnilts nork evenings; charges mod. Add. "Bookkeeper," F 744. Led, Off. CHAUFFEUR wants position to drive Ford. private family; first-class reference; make nimseu unoiui. u iu.i. ieager utnee. CHAUFFEUR, careful driver arid mechanto; best ref.; go anywhere. V 044, Ledger Cen. ciTt'FFEl'R, miirrlod. all round man. 12 yra. with present employer. D115, Ledger Office. GARDENER. Swiss, charge country place; re liable, all-around man; greenhouse, stock, Frank. 1031 Fnlrmount ave. MAN AND WIFE, white, wish situations: but lor and houseman; wife, cook: do entire work nf small family; relcrences. D 110, Ledger Office, MANAGER Alert business man desires posi tion aa office managor; vast exp. ; beat of retorence. F 018. Lodger Central. SALESMAN, having wide experience, dealrea position with reputable manufacturing or mercantile concern, traveling or local; thor oughly educated and of excel, appear.; hljh ref. as to char.. abM., etc. F BBT, Led. Cent. SECRETARY"- Thoroughly educated young man, 23, familiar with modern business methods, a capablo correspondent and with executive experience, desires position with some future; sal. secondary. I 738, Led.Cent, STENOGRAPHER Young man. 30,"lndustrloua and efficient, at present with public service corporation, -wishes to enter mercantllo busi ness offering good prospects of gaining full knowledge of bualneea. F 741, Led. Cent. TUTOR French tutor, college education, oe slres poaltlon In prlvato school; prlvato les sons given. D 85. Ledger Office. WATCHMAN Wanted, poaltlon; can furnish oona, aiso references, r uoj, meager uenirni. YOUNG MAN. 23. with executive experlenee, thoroughly familiar with all ilnea of office work, finances, credits, collections, business correspondence and advertising, desires po sition; aalarysecotidary. F 051. Led. Cent. YOUNG MAN. 23, desires position with ccn cern whero services will bo appreciated; six years' experience foreign exchange and 81 countlng. F ISO. Ledger Central. YOUNO MAN. '27, clerical experience, stcnog raphcr. evening law student and notary pub lic, desires Immediate position with real estate firm; ref. P TlS.JdgerjCentraL YOUNO MAN. 21, high school graduate, 0 years' clerical experience, desires position Inside or ouUrpferenoe. P 213, Led. Cent. UNIVERSITY GRADUATE. 23. wants to learn business; Industrial preferred: business experience; references. P 03.1, Ledger Cent. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES NICHOLLS. 1020 Balnbrldge. lias competent butlers, couples, cooks, wsltresses, chamber maids, laundresses, French, Oerman parlor, and ladles' maids, nurse., etc. Wanted, couple, clJiufTour and cook; German child nurse and housemaid. Phone Locust 21.10. AUTOMOBILES For Sat WINTQN SIX, air-starter, demountable rlros, 8 new shoes; recently overhauled: very rea- ini.ble. Ontario Garage, 3428H.N. ieTth at, Hea - nBo "," .... .... - . MATHKSON. BO II. t.. 6 9faJFiin'j& Sea Photo l-dger Central. No. 103. ra.: aeinoitaiiniw. - -.. M-. REUUILT Autdcar true,, extra Ure. speedom- ?t5r; iroo cuiiuuwhi n --si" ---....-.. AUTO LIVERY AND OABAQES NBW I-PA8SENOER HUDSON OARS FOR hlri trio, to AtUnMo .City, and return ,18 Sl.-O73'V.PAnrirVcand"30O3Vw: TO HIRB - LIMOUSINE AND TOtmiKt. TCAR8. rllONE .TIOGA 8800 W. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES r-.iocHRY and prov. store, flxs., stock and fiSf.. iMludTstabl. wit. for a garage, for lie cheap, des. loc., receivers' ssle, chance S'a fffVtlras. M 3. Ledger Central ATahd stationary bualBM for sale, near ASt soliyt; ''i.15lHr ruSE?'1"' atvnsr lamg c" f -- -,---. -Eg--;--ge3Bt-i!--r ' ."W- CLEANING AND DYEING QffSJWimiiiBg. ig-BK pyttasMAKING AND MILLINERY IulApfiyfSu'P'sT!41 P0R SALE it t IAHD cool Lomblnatwo. 24-Ma4 beugfet. STOSAGB hZZ., iLS Caro-a a-. Wi n. EVENING LRDaERPHILAPELPHIAt TUESDAY, AUGUST ROOMS JOB IlENT JUBT TUB ROOM YOU V7ANT Can Very likely b located In a, few minutes by examining the, photographs and descrip tion of rooms with and without board which are on file for your Inipeotion at Ledger Central, Ah Interior photograph and an swer to every question you would ask Is cere, so, you (an decide intelligently 1 free service: test It. RALTIMORM AVE , B111-2 communleallng id story front rooms: southern exposurei nex to bath. Woodland 4273 Y. CHESTNUT, 1904-La.rge and small attractively nirn. rooms, single or en sune, ukiwimi. QriEKN, 1M0 2 largo rooms; running wateri gai range, completely rum. i nspg ; quo Pr. PINE, SOo Ideal bachelor quarters, furnished single, double private baths: also suite, ec . com. 4i reduced rntM to permanent tenant. SI'RUCn ST.. 1113 ad-floor Tront: beautifully furnished: rum. ma water, elec, light, phone 81'RUCti, 2022"Attractiely Turn, suit?," two rooms ann priv. Dam) teiepnone; geniiemmi. WALNllT, 1120-New, two rooms and bath. sAona noor: mwerate rent. Apply iiarry Hnlthauer. Jllo walnut at. for fl," N.i. IBllPseveraT Targe unfurn. rooms, Private famllyl reasonable. Poplar 4441 V Tbl'lt ST N 1732 lrge, cool 2iPHoor rooms. lurnunen. uniumiineai private ramuy, rnont uiHnionu owi v. JlTll, U 1715 Large, comfortablo room, fur nulled or unfurnished ; convenient to ears. ,'IBIIIUIIU ,,Ut, .V, ijlUW H, UrJB.1 VTIInni, R2"d and Bnsofn-MirnlrTe3 WERT RRANCIS roomsi men only! mean; Yt M, C, A. shower baths; near T; all tha comforts of home. Phone Bel mont 4081. Key., West 3811. BOABDINQ BROAD B 770 (The Grahaml-Cool attract Uely fur, rma.i all conv.l table board, $7 up. LEHIGH, W ini3-15-JlJeautlful rooms, wllh board; new management. Phone Tioga 8221, PARK, N,rBJ-Newly furnished single rms, ror gentlemen with board:, rates very reason- ..able. Phone Diamond nals. PINE, Blli-l,argoro"nt room, ror '2,"furn with board! private family. Belmont 40J8D. Ul'RUCU. 1023-8O-2d-noor room, aeufhefn ex- posure; cholca table board, walnut 7233 W. BPRUCD, 1231-20 (tlrlsmonde)-Furn. rooms; single, en, sultei private baths; table board, WALNUT, 4MI-Sd-noor"rooms with board; near L. southern exposure: reft, exchanged. :iTH, P.,' ir8 HanilaomfTv" fuTnlshed rooms; excellent taniei priete ramuy; pnono, 40Tlir"N7, ,12 Delightful vacancies, perch" lawn; except'nl table: near L. Baring 2098 W. BOTH, N l2t-3d-atory front;" southern ex posure, modern conveniences; private family; near L. . HOARD" for 2 men: turn, room Together, sen urate beds; prtv, family, near 31d and York: .ou. rnone uiamonu in w. 8PRUCET.YN-n03 S. 4lat at. Mlaa S. M. , .lANLur, rormeriy of encttnut st OVERUROOlC-SOtn Dreiel road: boarding, tennis, swlm'g pool. Phone Ovsrbrook 2P03. Suburban OERMANTOWN iThe Shlppen), Wayne and Hanabury; first ciass In appointments and sen Ice. Kensliore OCEAN CITY. N. J., Hotel Henrj'-Home com forts, bountiful table; fit up; board and room. COUNTRY BOABDEHS WANTED SKIPPACIC. PA Best accommodations and board on country form; 20 miles nboo I'hlla,, nlonc Fltlppnck Creek, convs.; rates 13, ?0, 37, trolley at entrance. V. II. Zlegler. APARTMENTS SPRtNO GARDEN lOtO-Excollent npts. In S aim. ..nt hAii,i '.nm f,, n . 1, Ith.n.ttaa. 12TH. 8., 20O Two or three rooms, bath and kltcneiiotte, aiso rooms ana unm: can os rented separate or together, furnished or un furnlahed. short or long term leaso. 232-254 SOUTll 17TH ST. Physlclan'a ofneet; olio nnnrtroents. single or en suite: fur nished or unfurnished; wtth or without prl vato bath; board optional. Apply 232 South xi m st, APARTMENT HOTELB Comfort Without Extravagance THE MAJESTIC APARTMENT HOTEL BROAD STREET AND OIRARD AVENUE Under New Ownership. Now Booking for Lnto Summer and Pall Occupancy. Mnw itt.v nr.vrAt. firniKnm.- RtnirlA rnnmn. -without bath, but running water and new plumbing $10 Single rooms, with both 40 to t! Two-room suites, with bath $00 to 1100 Three-room suites, with bath $00 to $1B0 Alad- four magnincent, bright. lilgtf-ccllng corner suites, iroming nn jiroau aircv,, re cently i-t-Htedifpr immediate rontal.oruresar , atlun. Highest, hotel .elevation, and arUtnat hotel values for moderate prices, LLAB ORATE FURNISHINGS. These prices Include heat, light, maid and room servlco, floor and bellboy attendants, wtth telephone for each suite, and elevators for .4 fours. ;ne servant pruuicin ih iiiimk of tha past here. An Ideal home life, v-lth notei comtorts. Forty-one suite" nre now ready for occu pancy or reservation, with term or yea-ly contracts, aa deslrod. High-class French Kltcncns at reasoname prices, wim an ajhu tional dlecount of 25 per cent, for all food innrgen to regular guests. Cheaper than housekeeping. Addreas al! communlcattone to JAMES S. MCCARTNEY, Oenerai Manager, MAJESTIC HOTEL HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS BROAD AND DAUPHIN STS. (8. K. cor.)- Apt. with 0 mis. nnd 2 baths: maids rm.; 1 ant- a rms. and 1 bath. Apply janitor. DIAMOND, 2112-3 rms., bath, kitchen, hot- water heat, ref.; 2d floor $23; 4 rma ;.. bath. iritrh.n All ror. rms.: $33. Diamond 1813 W. POPLAR. 1322 Attractive housekeeping spts.. 2 and 3 rooms, bath, kltchenetto; .mnlern conveniences. Apply 1Q"I i-ana Tine mag. 11T N. 10TH ST. 2 bedrooms, bath, living and dining room, kitchenette, unfurn.; light four .idi.- nttractlve.R. WT Olhiuen, 1B03 Arch. ' NTrTibn, 18TII AbJD MASTER Suites; room, private bath: $3.00 up- West l'hlladelph-i THE GIRV1N, 3310 Hamilton st, 8 rooms and baths; 3 bedrooms; second floor private porch; $43. Phono Preston 5270. or Janitor. $20.30 53TH7"S., 1320-38 (near Chester ravo.l Modern In every respect. Apply Janitor, on premises. Phono Filbert 4433 REAL ESTATE POR SALE CITY B ALES-RENTS-EXCI I ANO E8 3T3 Drexel Bldg.-Albrecht-2I14 W. Lehigh, Logan LOOAN REAL ESTATE SALE. RENT AND EXCHANGE 11. M. Bmlth, Broad st. opp. Logon Station. NEW JKnSKY lladdon Heights. N. J. L1PP1NCOTT ixrra and homes 1IADDON HEIGHTS. N. J. National Park, N. J. nt'NOALOWS. $100 cash. $10 monthly: lots 23 xllQ: "near trolleyl conv. to river; National Park. Get off Red Bank ave.. see agent with badire. greater New Jersey Co.. B3 B. 10th. PENNSYLVANIA FAKM8 lfff" ACR'ES. 5uO0 handy to West Cheater and Mainline. Vgffa w.. ,,,,,,,., r.. REAL ESTATE SALE OR BENT C1T1 OWN YOUR HOME by monthly paymenU o( tvAm iit to $B0: houses located N. Pblla. and tun worth from $1800 to $0250. Merchants' uSc-nrust Col? T13-710 Chestnut st. HEAL ESTATE POR BENT HENTAI. UST8 p. NBALIS. 810 SOUTH 12TH. .I3U Ti . ltn. w nAw.i -. -j-y VT' HI Cypress, ii vw.- . wwt- .f.' . V kai.. nnnvM , .v , za Sin. V rooms, conv. I key at cor. 20 a (4th and hjmg'Sl ! FfStJcSthVad 'Flrmourit),?r.,cni'i fiJO N Warno-k (Kth & Master), (Jr.. ova 187 Ttolrrav. .front t Norrlsl.tr. ov i?i4 Rodman t- (12th and Lombard). 4. .. .."i5.r M&h & Lancaster ave.). Br l 11 ii 'inth r f.anABter ave.). Br i$ St &! ' St.. No rear. roopia, wiabm.. jb B .-..- -.'..-' ,t a rltrtnn twtn ana lawusij. s iwhw. iv S VU-t- ittth and Master), 3 rooms. . 11 AUer (UthjMsajjr) 3 rooms It nVPICEB. Ul'BINBSB ltOOSIH. ETC. sni'Aiiti Desk Kaoia air room; Vrs us of phone: Perry Bldg.i always oSw. M 24$. Ledger Central. WEST rniLADELTHL- iXiCU-T. 312-: j ro, i all caavsa4cejl yard. MTi im aa to U, M n r,; m K,y it Sl. win im fN MO&TGAaBS monks rem MORTGAanB J5500 JSIOOO J1200 $1500 i60O J5500O w t hood, tn Noai8 err. iv-XKI, BUILDING. ANNUA., wi"-.- ... i-A 4irii uin rrn-i . litu. inn Cl Gentleman You naughty boy. You know you shouldn't emokel You'll never live to crow up to be a man like me If you do that! Boy If I'm Koln' ter havo whlskera and a face like, yours, I don't want to grow up, mister. -AND THE WORST II ISqstsfcai: ' ' - -,-, m i ,,, I,,... ' ' ' .-- ' ' ' I.. .... .ti ' ' -- f-iiiiin ii i i i i . . ...j . . THE! PADDED CELL Walter-Ig thore anything else yo u would like, .Irr Th p",,n 8h0',r' hJ) if KUIIvl ' Ctigtotner (who has ju.t nnUhed hi 12th lce)-Er-hav you nny fur ovar- ISiV i TSiril " fty m Mnrk Twaln wm iinsr h. h. L- -V -S W J v Id. M Slia,-w4, ri,B Kill New York editor. fT-- Zf 1 -W 'Y v" sl ).J !M "" " i" Jiumoriti into hto J -Sw- V0 0" - Z - IhvMc Mif51 "There, ho ald ns he pointed to a XV ''"'"' BMsSl (M AfNaPrf bu,t of whl, ml,rbl0' What do you k w03 llxsSasi? If Mnk ot thnt1' U WM a bu,t of a ( J I I I mWm &&(rW && "oot'ol "tnle of Italian sculpture. ,TVu , rfrT. -, . '- 8sfi 2Av J?vi& Jl" c,1enl, looked nnil thert ho said: 1 VTH A BEAUT V ' I PJV tf c? '"It Isn't trua to nature,' PATCH, A "i. ,t . I Wflim 1 wi I m && " 'WhJ' nol' Mr- n8ers n,ked' WMWA&b fB'A' .frrHiJ --i-yB' Lst " 'She ought to have her mouth full wti'lxW'fFtiW- I t f ,mlrpl,,,', Fnl(1 lhe humorist." f-" "s0" ' -. , " 7""yA'""""'"""--0 Rchcnrslntc In Front of a Mirror Never Helped a Man to Pop tho Question RIGHT AND LEFT London Opinion. , . . .lirtlBfei. "My tvlfo tells mo, Jane, that after 1 JJK isy 10 Inst nlffht you had a soldier In here i -o --i swAb 3tK, to supper, nnd that ho finished the I I 11 (fWUmK rvSl cold roast which we were to have for I I II ") f vSwP I Htfl wfrC? lunch today." X x fflM. fflM "Well, If I dldl You enn't expect I )J S 48i 1 VejS fej lA &rSS mo to bo cooltln' 'ot meals for nny I I au? 1 I i 1 vl ( ?J m Sf&Mz" soldlor at that time of nlghtl" 1 I t "N. I N II VjV-v. Wm!$$ "rV "Ah, bo you found my wallet? Well Ci C-S-J ItA - - Jlv. er-' cSiS -arl J I'm very glad to meet an honest ''- 'if V t.rA uaa Jftsi -. V j "Oh, no thanks no thanks. The "1 . , n n rs -TxWfx ?!$? V i nickel, penny, two shirt-buttons, and 1 I yS 1 v r P S i ''" S itftU iS rectpo for hair tonic wcro no tempta- I I y xv tt vV-tis. J J Mjr vl tlon to mel" I 1 I VV TbJp gL -StW v. cS3seli Didn't Wnnt to Grow I 1 mk )kZj' uuV . Wti S LlM --, II I I fia .a2V57 Lrf3wV Vc If III iwllllillllfl tr Wi"a 2IKJ 16 Mi W'MsV -rW-l VaL. jmkf -J '"" -JLL, K ' W94m IT - (K6zkiK7f B B Humbled yi-pr jS PEPPSR. A ll oft 9--4'$ )ti)um)Wi h 'Mp i I. SCRAPPLE Mrs. Melen did not wish to offend her new cook. "John," she said to the man ser vant, "can you find out, without ask ing the cook, whether the tinned salmon was all eaten last night? You see, I don't wish to ask her. because she may have eaten It, and then she would feel uncomfortable," added the good soul. "If you please, ma'am," replied the man, "the now cook has eaten the tinned salmon, and If you was to say anything to her you couldn't make her feel any more uncomfortable than Bha Is." Christian Register. IS YET TO COME 17, 1015. NO CHANGE Tommy (to neighbor) This Is a bit of ard luck. 'Ere I'vo bn Invalided owe after two months In the treneneg, and,thls Is the bloomtn outlook I've gotl" - ... HIS OWN BserulUna Offsr And now. my lad, pared to din fer'yoUr oountryT HtsrultNeTl aln'tl That ain't wot few of them uernwu blighters die for Vague Meaning "Dt4 yow husJsaad like our tnuart4 Wler" "He wm J full of R wlua bt caaM kAiui."-AUtlje Urt4uicM. en & . l nsrj 'aj r. I ti u .a i s ill i fnmilm rs Thomas "What what ijo Vou see? Dorothy Far, fur below, I see a lonj whit streak, scotching imp a paper ribbon back almost to our hotel. Thomas Ah-hal It's that hotel bill overtaking us I -fun ah. IDEA Hi." -SyilMhiK. just on more qufcw-4) Jfm$ w- . . mk,tel C Vm I'tolng tr. I want t? tssuai -fa jsbns taM MwtsyfMsV' 1m turn to t kiji nr-t- l I Srwffi -- -KWl veil4T41. fSfe?jk s; ".- :-- 4'-W. .-,5Wt. - ZSiiiJa