EVEttTX G LEDGE-PHTLA-DKLPHTA, SATF11DAY. ATGUKT 14, 1015; W ii" ii w ii iimi wi.iii i..iiiiiiin,.i. i.i mi i , - urn ii J, . n h j A V P J rr - ' - - . "'"",nT mviMtftfl-rntMUftjii'mA, HATFRDAY, AUGUST 14, 1915; l1 !SI1 $50,000,000 INCREASE IN NEW YORK'S BANK DEPOSITS feverish fluctuation Priced final trading focks Rallied After Severn! Had Suffered Sharp Breaks. llecord for Studebaker NtRlv vnnit Ano- ii b . . - .uw ,,f ffvrlnH flllMiiAtlrtn lUn Kriet closed strontf under the lead of re rootitt shares Tha railroad group IBS vv'. , ii and nvrnl ariAlAltlA Ixfrh had suffered aharp breaks around SMtH .--i. .AAt-n1 nlirtfltnnttnl rrnvArUo tKih end. The motor shares were fen &$! of Hie trading, and Studebaker tSMieil 100 at me cmsc, n rise 01 ti'.i K.i( and n, new high record price. jAt.hm StVel preferred told at 150 mwvJL I 1WI mov .,, .,., .... vvimiiiuii jxi a substantial gain, Heading was SltSne factor, nt tho last. l" ..1.-i. nilrUm th trnrllntr nn ).. nrfeiuin"" '-- -, -. " " " rk EXchaneO throughout most of $t 'being closed, and tho tendency of iarnv of the floor brokers to regard '. SJiurda)' " n -holiday, kept business 1 SomWrallMly quiet. pgeftttment was considerably mixed, but Ru hoff that the big banking houses IKvjrj making .every eirorc to arrange a tires Cfcall wiin uiuii uMiniu in umer t.SMlta foreign cxclmnso wns an cn- fouralng factor. Demand sterling MVtrtMess fell to a now low level this Several Issues modo further progress to l,u lt.rtfa Htiwlohnk'or wnn nno of BSW 018 k.i,-.- i-lon Amrfrtoon rni- ind Foundry, Bothlohem Steel, Pressed . ., w rcnmlrlnh. Mntlnnnl Rnnmnllrii? 'Una Slow Sheffield also moved up sub tr. ..,-..,,.. v.,, nrnaniirft tt'nn ncftln nntmr- ; gi in Brooklyn napld Transit. Amor- lea it WOOlCn issues noiu mi uuuDuuni rood oemanu. i.-o,u...o .." -.uw . that fho comnnnv would abandon Its New Jersey charter and In corporate In Massachusetts. Thorn were iln slight advances In some of tho lend fil;X, notably Lehigh Valfey, but erlccs gradually eased off later. Max-'-,, ,,-,, man nnvornl nolnts on tho statement that sales this year would bo jOO per cent, greater than last year. It m"ht shortly bo paid off through a ' iiock allotment. 1 SCOfflclals of both tho Bethlehem Steel Company and the Itumely Company lime out with denials of the report that I'merger was piannea. inumnuon, now . . ,un ,t,ma nf thn nronnflrd Ru- ever, oi m i i vr .. nivntlnn ivprn hoard. It was lild that the common will be Obsessed IS' and Is to receive ;o.per ceuu m m common .stock, while tho preferred Is WW assessed $17 and to get 50 per cent. InTtiew preferred. Both are to rccelvo W-iear 6 per cent, debenture bonds for th"e amount of their subscriptions. fWhe early advances brought about MoSt-taklng sales and some severe :'.,- n.,i rnwlliln Steel, nfter jelling up a point to TJ, broko to 70 short ly-after U O'CIOCK, wniie aiiis vjnnimcrn ','.!i . it n did Wlllvs-Ovcrland. Studebaker lost most of Its initial rise. ware and Hudson was a weak spot. Prices rallied all around in the final dealings. fEW YORK BANK STATEMENT Mg 'J"mP 5n Doposits; Reserves Largely incrcasea nn rftotr Attn 11 A 1ltmn ftt moro than t50.000.000 In uetuat deposits was line ouisiaiHiiiiK cwmi w .... .. - htatelncnt of the Clearing Houso banks eeipt of British gold from Canada. SI reserves roso J21.174.620. Net de-2-T : .. eoo mo finn with ItlSi irooslts of JH5.13S.000 and total loans !irttWJS.0O0. The nctunl aggrcgato re l.i.ir ten ceo tuft DpIiiIIh follow: rCIVCM ,w.uv..m lnrmi tutns iCepwlti ... . iTIntt deKtta house memtera, nvorngc; if tarlnff hntirA members, actual: ff A3m EeiK!It LTinnil 4fi.rti.llt A WUirv gpeereaie. lnrrnRp. . S7.7li.nuo . 10,!! 1 1,000 . U.77.:flO .ssri.ini.noo -. 50.77;. ino . sis.min . 21,171, MJ Ireserve BANK statement mi tomiltlon ot- the Federal rteacrvo Wank ItSlMr clow of buslneii3 AUBUat l!l. 1015, war iif(i!!owa: m" t REOUKCES. . ' Autuat VI. August 0. firtt.I 'intln nnrl kip. HtldMtej In vault .$12,370,810.00 $11,003,783.10 $AiiiU$mT. 1.213,000.00 1.101.0CO.CO uoifl rwi,inmnn flol,1 Inl.. uni tenaer notea, Um'r, tc r (ConraercUl paper. : accepianccs. 37,000.00 3,110,432.00 37,000.06 ,0.14,65s. (X) Bc-tat reserve $10,010,202.00 $io,reis,4i:i,CO $308,072.14 1,620,001.20 Sm7.077.u3 1.474,W)7.4 LTW1 hllla Ul- joumetj & bought $2, $2.11,0S4.33 $.H0,131.21 1,OM,13.07 MyM)pl warrants. l,0iS,0S0.4T IoUl.nealmenti., $2,311,845.72 $2,2I0.3(IS.22 wErcm other 'Ped- B?nu i rirrt'M hnnliD rtt1 i, fl, nno ,n on ainM i'oeml rieerve smh on hand.. . 104.260.00 114.060.00 -Biner resources. -13,'Jii.Ni lUl rourcea ,.$2.1,13.1,001,23 $22,001,82T.13 T.TATlTT.fTtr'O ,&UI' nahl In.. . $3,271,03o',00 $3,274,800,00 iOfrve deposits kS". ., 1T.B7T.SO4.B0 1T.33.7I.U.1 per llabllJitea, 2,01133 1.2M.48 lUUUtlea ,,$23,133,001,23 $22,001,827,13 MEMORANDUM. ri?rl Heaena f, n circula f.Ijr niiiH t,. w panK ,. $3,130,000.00 $3,030,000.00 r k 1 Heserv'A 'It OUtBl,,H.. n rnm v.a m nr.4A,ln, Sll..:1 ':"' DiVmJi HU.W ,uw,vv.uu '"I tit ', a$ent in ... or odwr money ... 3,130.000.00 3,030,000.00 BANK CLEARINGS flf?!'1!"! today compared with corru i say last Iwq years: 1015 1014, 1013. 3au jaiaisSa "":::::T: -J'::::; rates for money Crfll :i(44 ims m 1JT 2y,L5'P' 9 ' to' 0 rooniha. Phlladel Mcrve Banks' Discount Rates (jelphU 4vric ... SI T)aviiv I to 11 to 31 to 01 toJOX to 10. 30. 00. DO. OiWi. 3 4 4V 4 5 3 4 '4 4 B 4 4 4 4tt 6 4 4 4 4 4 3H a 1. 4 4 3V ; papw ouiy. fu 4 4 oil. ; . :..:'. u .clavo R 4 "Til and live stock r4ti (or faAiikr aafaotancaa Pr cent, and auwtSWPt 4 Pr ceot ?.REIGN EXCHANGE WEAK YORK. Auc- 11 TOIL PnMlrn 1z. - sutlttt bad an unulHil siMn.a. , 4uoauona nominal. 8(riiDi raiu nlnii hoe4 dwllnaa ot mora than tin lewaat Hgursu mad at m,r,J MarlUMt waa quotad at 4 70 i 4 71 4 7tS r,.n SIX, HTI 4-70 5.M 81'.. U4U Rglieh Currency Expands N. tut 14 Th Hank ft mriaild aniQuni .. . iircm. w nutHaaAlll J H.MI4 j.ji.-t rin.Utt.t40 laat wak u'.i uf j,.i.l hwd for radtuuiiUuu ot Vc?w York Stock Sales w.8fc !'t'5h- Jay- T,r Am rmcit ft Kef 70 J m ?lu -I ''lYTPf...l05n 10SW iof 100 Ain Heel toundtsj... a;iij 4,. a'iu liu Am,TXCia0tlne,1a'- "" "& I'"" Am Woolen rrcf..:.: o'j.' i$f .J? 3M AmVtlilnBrawt,,f,.uiJ i w L Anaconda Copper 074 (,? Ml 07 J3a w win Loco w,u u j4 7,5: cni nimonroLrof--,io!5 lSSii 11a umoro & Ohls 82 M!l k- vj Batopllas Mining ij l! in Hf Bethlehem Meci. 2S8 -na n8H "tin Bethlehem Mcfllpf.... 105 5, i?n ifiS rooklynnapTranj..S4 ?fi MM S Cent Leather Co U 42i, 42) 4JU Chesapeake & Ohio... 40 4u 45 f 40 ChlnoCopppar J4, 445$ 44 j4 Chicago & Alton 15 14U 111; lJtf Lhlcaso Ut West 12 la, iJ,, Jau oatWestpf... MH $ S 0 ui h 1 & r 17 17,. ,(,,,, .nu CM Mil 4Stl.au 82Ji 83' 8? 1 Col Fuel & Iron 40U 41 40 J 41 Continental Can mi 02W 01 12W Comstock Tunnol.... 10 10 "u o (cm t'reduct) ito 10)5 mw n'J( jni Cr Carpet 45 40 40 iJ Uuclhio icm 7i 70 70 7 H Crticlbtc i Mevl p: lu3!f U2K 1U2 102 Del & Hudson.. 140H 142,i 142 142 Dlitlllerj bccurltlcj.... ,'OU lo vu "SM Uomo Mlnoj -jiJi 22 il 2lil ' :7K 28 7J 27i J,: ?d Pf... :4U wn 34 K ai red Mln & Sm 27i 2"i 2S 5 Kcd Mln & 8m pr.... 44 42 42 42 General Electric 17a 1.2H 171J 171H Oencral Motors 220 2.U 210 ""20 Ocncral Motors p. ....luy 10U 10U 1U.( Oocdtlch U F Co 605s ASM 0 5 H Great Northern pi 110 11j H8'f 118U Gt N cfs for oro prop. 4UH 41H -Mi 41 Ouggenhclm Expl iw 113 Ii2!i 1 ' i InterAsrlculturo 17 f ii,f jo lut Con Corp 1DH 19iJ 10'i 10)f lnt Con Corp pf yy ,u, ,y; 7US Int Uarv Corp N J....1C0 107 H 6H imi'f Inter-Met vot t c Wi,li lit: 10)1 International Paper.... wy, 'ii)) n 10 Intcrnat l'aper pf iOH 39 ao 30 Inspiration Coppor 82M 32H 32 VI Kan City Southern 28n 2aK 2S ".1 Lick-Steel C4H 63)4 63i 53M Lchlch Valley 141lf 142). 141 14IJJ Lorlllard p Co 175 ' 170 1 175 17dK May Dcpt Stores pf... Ud UU 03 00 Maxwell Motors 4'l 42 40' 41) Max Motors 1st p, .... iOVi . lii ;6i 87 Max Motors 2d p HfiJi 30 2Vt 33 Mexican Petrjloum.... 70 hl'j 7 )( 81 Mlun & St Louis....'.: 15 15 15 15 Mfctl'&bSM 121 1231 11!) 120IJ Mo Kan & Texas 8H ' 7' H Mo Kan & Texas p. .. 18 17'f 17) J7;i Miami Copper i5M 24i 24 W 4M Mksourl l'aclllc 2 2 lvf 1J National Biscuit 12Uf 122 121 12i at Kiumj . io) JJ,i 27Jf Nat Enam & S pf 87Jf 8 88 8 iNatLcul 141. L'4Vi C31J L'4 Ncv Con Coppor 144 144 144 14M NY Air Brake 117 316 114 11U NYNH&H... 14 04 (14 04 NY Central lO'. W)H 104 O0J-S NYO&W :6 L04 204 204 Norfolk & West 108M V.7H 107 107i Nonhern PaclUc 10SH 108 107 10J Pacittc Mall t3 311 334 34K l'enn It Jt I0o5i 100 10SM 100 Philadelphia Co 70 57X 77 i7 Plttsburch Coal 25 -.'5 25 25 fiesscd ;teol Car (24 03H 0.'4 LilJf quicksilver iH 34 34 34 Quicksilver pf 44 5 6 o hy tleel aprlnj 40 314 30 30 luy Con Copper :2'( :24 22 22 Headlne..! 1474 .4S'-4 140 148 hep Iron & steel 43i 44)i 42k' 43f ltcp Iron & tteel pf... ti84 wf :U VJU Itock Island pf 4 4 it 4 Ituimey M a Co 114 11 84 11 llumley M & Cj p.'... .dK 15 134 13U teaboard Air Lino pfl 33 i 33H 334 33)i fcloss-S'hef S Ic I Co... 48)f 52 404 50. 1 Sloss-3 8 & I Co pfd. .00 00 00 00 So Porto It Bus 76 77 77 77 bouiliern 1'acnu 8i4 8J4 89 804 touthern Ity 104 104 '0 104 Studebaker Co C44 100 054 9J4 Tenn Copper 4t 444 -i-'4 444 'lexasCo 142 i 14-IK 1134 1434 'IWrd Avenin i04 604 504 iO'i Twin Clly RapTr.... 01 00 i 10 i UU'i Union Bas & Papor... 84 8 74 7 1 Union Pacltt: 131 1314 13), 131 Union Pacltto pf 81 814 814 814 U .. Ind Alcohol 19 (IS 07 071 U LCast I V &F.... 204 20f 204 204 United Hys Invest .... 10 104 104 14 United Jtys Invest pf. . 374 37 37 37 U Mtubber 48 1 48 174 474 Ub&teo; 744 744 734 734 U Ueol pf 1124 112', 1124 1124 United Cljar Mfrs .... 45 45 45 45 utaii Copper 054 054 '13 l54 Va-CaroChem 304 304 :0 :tH Valron Coil AC .... 594 01 504 00 Wabash H 4 4 Wells tfarea Exprasi...ll0f 10S4 10S4 1084 Western Union Te 714 71 i04 7 Yesllni:E.&M 1134 113'.' 1114 ll.'Jf Willys Overland ..19 1 110 f i75 18J Wisconsin central 35 ;.tl w54 35H Wooiwortnpi 1234 121 124 12t Quoted ex dividend. Total sales. 3S0.S0O sharns. compared llh .1U1.31W ahurea last Saturdav; this week, 3,202.. 100 kharea; last week. 3,30a,80O shares. I New York Bond Sales NEW YORK CURB Br-Am Tobacco old..., 1a naatV ..... Electrlo Iloat 1 do preferred Oold. Cona Crene 'Cananao .,,,. i.m (Vniwf ........ I,a Itose 1. v i?t galea K.lnla.1,19 ............. Olfa Elevator do preierrwu HlkerHseman anhmsHnA ............ Starling flum ToMceo w.-- ' UMia do preterrao :, tiSitil Prortt Sharing World Wlpj Yukon raw ....... 14 UU :::::::S3 ' ::;:::; JU ....... 3014 ".'.V.'.Kio" ....... 3A 70K :::::;: 4" .2i 40 , 100 no 2K ....... io Bid. Asked. 7tt mi 14 I J', 44U 410 1?. auh 3ilti 00 uu 44k. 4 m lot 113 23 24 DIVIDENDS DECLARED WHmlMS'.on Uaa L-ompany, . ir . w prVfarred? IrHUle SpUmbr ' ,0 st0tk ot rAlmrSTw- ahd Light Company, regular '"."'.rTi SJni.. navable 6Dttmbr 1 to reg,u1irXr.y'4 -pl.bTrs.p.n.t-l to JnlU 1 Fe !'. ot rt&rd AwusTll. SteaHi Pump Reorganization '"'fS.if.uvfiwp a r agorcll for aa M '. "SS' PsJlS! t o3awii wilt re ieJvr. ." XJ.Jrfftaa arTt V ?'r. ." &fiii.&'iJmSU . 'clE luiuunii" r: a ah iti.tniiitikat fur ..., ntwisrirnHi swiiinw'" - and about I13.O0O.0C0 or common ..A.., "B per lli,. J '' 11 , maiumra Ui rcielta ll.uuo.- uou iwu ""',."!ul r,?ttinu. alw vasli cow- .. . u-t Mr at LLU "- -.... skV iaal (Mm uv ": . -..r Lent on ui. "",,r'Mr,:r. - tiitMfion v. ivVLkr KefCtorl. ouarurny ei l I Bi' l Z taai - ...4 aVUSOtt U- DrflU in Zinc Pe J000 Amer Agr Sa iA .1000 Am Smelt Sec 0S...IOH JHUJW Amer Tel ct 4....101 tRK Amer urli l-ap .... IWp AtrblMn cv 4a 10.VI... HI', 1000 Atlan Co Mn 1st in. ms(? loiiin unit a oh cv 4m srr ,SW0 Halt K O awn .H... ss Ijtjji ueth steel rw iw: ...loin, 1001 likljn Un Elv 1st ,v. tti 8000 I 'nt l.enthcr 1st f. tititk HJRI t rnt !c 1st 4 as ito, i.ent II n N J M. 4;jtn; chea a Ohio 4. 11101) (hi ,11 tnl J. llKW) Chl II A o joint 4a. Urtv. Clou. wu MM VJ" hl B A o in 4a. . . . w 1)0 tw ,!'i Ohl Mil A St 1' Ja.... ! SH 514 11 ;; cm mii & ht v cp M.tiH-! iwi, nafi ;W0 Chl MII A 8t P cv 41,, U.1Ji ti.ll J I'.l'l 1 f .till lrt flaa .. fl. Snuo Dla ycur r-orp .is.... lui MKM) till linnl Dflwi 11 ini 5JS2 Kr!8 conv ' Ser'Aii! nlU ,-!" r.ria conv 41. Ber 1J. !) Hud Man rid 3a.... ij 111 Steel deli 4M.... ifcO lov?a central 4s mo lown central .la MOOD Insp Cop cv 0.1 '10. mm insp Cop evdi '10... mi 13JI, jll Ins cv let ;id Dd Us... .1X1 l.wtj si K4l'. urn 101 ', t) oij, & .88 imi on IS8 ii'Jta .s:, in 1'i.ij llik I HI 100H ttlg 70 ti HIU lim 101H tw uiH ." lillli II! I utk lU-j 8,1 tw ll'i'i JU Ilit. mii, iwH I'1? J,,. . . in 1 ltDtJ nt in 81 DO . US 4norl lnt.! At.. Hi. .lowj lnterli H T ret fia. ... i.)il Inter Mer Mar 4V,... lwo Intnl stm l'ump n.. ,I"S Jap new Qcr stn 4V,. Z i.HtKu nieei os llioii. u- v L.oriuara f, . . .,, ,uo t'ac 48.... .... 100MI Mo lac cV 5a.' 4100 Mo Pe vol .11 101 KM) Mont rower ra H'OO Nnt Tuho .-. .iu .n r i; ft i nvis. ... isii IW.-.cu N Y c A Hud ret 0n..l(VIH lB'TO N V c A Hud 4a 801 IHXIO N Y rity 4H HH 4000 N V N ft It IU Un lOnnoo v Y nwv ml fia 4m 40(10 Nort A West cv 4e... M finon Nor rc prior 4a 88 anno v, pa . a ,tn imoo 1'ennft ct 4V4s ..'.'.'. .1102 IfKH) Penna 4',ia 1021 1004 ,.vi, nay i;on l-Opucr OO..II4 220O0 Hep Ir A a r. 0.1 JliOO Fcnbonnl A 1. odj 0 mi poum lieu iia .lOlVI Rrtlllh Il n . , 1200O do cv ret f p Sa '.It 1000 South Tac rfd 4s.... 74ixn south Pac Term T,. nooo South Hwy gen 4. . 1000 South Bwy con ."a. MXH) Texas Co cv 0a 200(1 Third Avo adj 3... iiKii, i; h itunoer us. . 110(10 tt s Steel iia . . . . 1CC0 Union Pne 1st 4a 1000 Cnlon Pne cv 4s. "000 Va nwy ,1a 41100 Wabash 1st f.a... 1000 Wnhaali Id .1 2000 IVnli Knu ct rta 4a... 104 roooo Wnh-P Ter 1st ct At, . 4 12000 vot nice cv r io.it, liaoon v b a M cv n w 1..11SU 1000 West Shore 4s 83(4 IIH on 101 "(i 8S .11 M'l 1.121, 71' 74 U Ui'i P7)i (Wt5 mi. .-. - 7 ji icon 34 :n 81 no 1)8 10.1W 1M H8(i ( On. lOOVi 111 :n 81 to P8 Ml .... U.I 4a. MM "Mi . IH . 8.1 . SO . IU'.i tin ....100 .... Til ....I02U ....lO, .... 03 4 nok .... 01 ....100 112', 110 4!)H 88ti 88'4 raw 102, 100H 114 oir, y& 011 'S.1U 80 02 II!) 1O0H 7n lostl 110 4UU 881 88H ra 10211 100i 114 11.1 4 PO l ll!l looH 7(1 !'.. 1II2U 102i HUlf ,nlZ IH)iJ 04 100H !I2I, 1.1JJ 10.1 M(4 ai'4 oo'i nt loos 1124 10.1 Total ailes, l,2fli),roo, compared with tl.afil, 000 lart S.itunlnv; this week. $1,4.W,11K); lust week. l.2S2,C0. Sales 'in Philadelphia Yes. close. 100 Am Can BO',4 31 Am Ona 100 ltald Loco 704 RR0 Ilrlll, JO 4.1 2.122 Cam Steel M'i aw Crucible Steel.. .. 782 Klec Storage lWi 121.1 I.nkf Sup Corp. 10 11 2 t.ehlgh Nav . . . 7.1 "M penna Ilallroad. 3P 7.1 Penna Halt Mfg. IM 27.1 Phlla Clc.'trlc. 2IU 100 P It T tr ctfa. . 11 .1 Phlla Traction.. 7:t ino Presied St Cnr. . 4)0 RenAIng 14 10.1 Tcnopah Minim; .V 2.1 Union Traction. ai 00 Pnlteil Oas Imp 8.Vj .'.011 I! S Steel 71 11 Warwick Ir & S lO'.i WO Wvlabarh Co . . High. IW 101! 70 4I1V4 B.1 7.14 ratj lou 74H iHi III! 2IU It! MY, Ml, ,4 I11H Low. Close (Wf, (iiHi 101. 71) 45 M 72U 024 10U 71U Sl (Ml 241 -'I iil'i $i 7:l'i lots loti 70 411m r.t 72Vi 03 11154 74S, nils no .i;i 7a"" en 74 1014 Total sales 10.082 shares, compared with 21, 071 shares last Saturday; this week, 174,4:11 shares; last week, 1DS.1U1 sharca. BOND3. Iist iirev. sale. HlKh. Low. Ctoa. 4C0 Am Oas A El r,a S7V4 87 87 87 (17 Cam Stl May '17 HS4 OSi', us lisi; 40 Ton True N J .la H8I4 0S! H8'i lu .11 1:1 Co or Am ag .. lflm Harwoil Elcc Oa im',4 43 Phlta Co a '1U.10O 43 do WIS OR .100 Phlla Klec 4a. . . SO 3W10 Un Rwy Inv r,a 0.1 Total aalea $10.12. compared with $18,000 laat Satunlay. thla week. $231,409; .last -n,cek, $104,4!)S. . ,-.. 8.1 RT. si," 0014 n-ijs rov-i loo 100 too 118 IIS IIS 80 SO SO CI 03 li.1 Local Bid and Asked tc. Baldwin ... do pref .. Butt A Sua do pref Cam Steel Klec Storage (en Asphalt do prof Kcyatona Tel do t c do pref Lukn Sup Corp...., Lehigh Nnv Lehigh Valley Lehigh Valley Tr.. do rref Pemisjlianla PhlU Hoe Phllj Co do 3 per cent. pr. ao u per ceni. rnua it 1 du t c Heading Tonopali Bel ... Tonopuh Mining Union Traction . U O I U H Steel York Uwy do pref Wm Crump to.. Kx dividend. Today Bid Asked pr. lcsterday Bid Asked .so si .10.1 10(1 10.1 101! . 1214 l.lVi 12!4 13Vj . 40 41 40 41 . 51 .ii1.; si an; 0214 CI . 32(4 .TP4 32U :ui4 . 1.14 14J.' 13i 14J4 . 134 14i 13! 14 3 . i;i. i;ii4 ii.iI H11I4 . 10 lou 10s l!i . 7411 744 744, 71J . 7I)I 71 7li 71 . 1.1 111 1.1 111 . 321', 33 3214 Kl .11 3.10 .1154 -UU -11 . 2IS 21. 2IU 21h . as 3S14 :isn ,i . a.1 3.1 33 :', . 311-71 40'i 30; 40U . 1)V 10 8?, I) . 0V4 10 SiJ 0 . 73i 74 73i 73H . & V. 3'. 4 nil .in .i(; nji . a 1 14 3474 314 31 , 84 8.1 8IU 8.1(4 7311 73!4 74 74J 74 8 74 8 ,2!) 30 20 30 70 72 70 71 BIG BUSINESS EXPANSION Bank Clearings Roso 45.7 Per Cent. During the Past Week Another bis Jump In tho business of tho unH,.. nt t,n nniintrv hna ahown In tho .statement of clearings for the week Just passed. Tne sain was .i per ccm., i-oi York lending with an Increase of 90.5 per cent. . Philadelphia clearings expanded 26.? per cent., being the second largest gain. Tho total flsuiea were 3.137,403,654, compared With 3,32D,llV,0J0 luai. ween mm ti,oj,u,i for the corresponding week last year. mix inn. I'.c. Now York...l,W,l,7U.2l 0,S(il,;;78 0O.J Boston 114,isi,o.ii Philadelphia. l?Jt.S Baltimore ... fn'n-T'aSi Chicago 230,0.,7,ol St Louis ,... 00,020,327 New Orleans. 16JM.418 'tlO!)II7!3ni 4-2.V3 (in 'ittv ttail J.it 11 2fl.3IHi.41H J2.1 siT,iri,-i-ii ,10,000,3S.1 13,301.143 l 12.1 I li.S I 1.7 I 4-2-1.3 ""Juya Cil.l'.6.$2.113,203.310 H.327.7U1.120 -fOl.4 "unrV".'":.'! C84.88T.003 BOa.!M4.!im 4-4.4 T?1taaaayaC'.,!f!iJ,oaT,401.0l2 $1,820,003,383 43.8 day1'".'!?. . . .l 820,007,012 948, 2S0.CW3 43.1 Tfof ,UCi,.'"$3.1S7,408.W $2,168,223,413 43.T SHORT TERM NOTES Itate Due. Bid. Amar Loaomotlve. July .10.10. 10 u . n. l. n, ..,. Am 4 t w Anaoooda Cop Co Argenun .. " ArsBl lie Govt... 0 Argent lie rtvt... J Argenliiwi Govt... ,, Balto & Ohio n Balto i. Ohio 41 j Mklvn Hanid Tr. . a Canadian lc By o !c n tv. . . Chteago Kiev Bya- gria naiiroau awu iki Erie Ra Ouvt of i lUd...-Swit'Uad. Qovt of iwlt'UBd. tfiAu. Mr nuit'uu. Iota iartaatr Co 6 Lacka 8tal Ca. .. L S i II 8 . B. 5 N T C A II B N Y C 4 11 Blv.. i Naw York 4Jy--- Naw York Mr... 1 N Y NlF II -- rH R 8 ;; ..k flu-v nia Kll Seaboard A L Br- 5 Soutocra Southern Railway. 4 iTs 8. R i M Co. Cntoo Typrtter. s UoltaJ Fruli - rT..l,A Vrult ... a Utah Co . A,i I (11 it Mar. IflIT Dae. 1813 icor. Bee, 1010 10.JV4 l)e. 11)17 100 mv 10AI nhu JUS, 111 Juno 1018 July HUB Mar. 1W1 June 1010 i..iu inni Apr. 1010 loog LKt 1U13 J. A nm 1111? I Mar. mm o Mar. UU! Iia- 1QQA vh' una tim Mar. lSlT tgS 1JW.. 1W4U Spt. 1013 I 7s3.. mil 1 c... Ilil 1(Vll MIT loajl 1SW 100i wis 100 1 tkt II Itlfaak. ibid 100S mm . MI Ask. WlVj ion; 'loo io2 iml" tOltl 102(4 OIK i niu ua. lUOli ' 'S3 0(4 tun isa ff 2 IOOV UU44 1,11 0OU 1001, All? lUi. a iiiiii. :. 7 Lusm 101 ICiuu 1IWH iSJE IS tsMa W lit 5tt4 J urn mii lujv, s Apr. t ym im u . , 11 a , Rise in Scrap Iron MW.KON. Au. .- a . ,?u?: itX., amdi i.utcliM l CUvlaorat iUM. rola U the. Uait : J))M wra " ia' STEEL SHARES STRONG IN SLOW SESSION I sa, Cambria anrl Lake Superior Helped by Rising Prices of Products Activity In Gambia Steel wns a feature of the dealings on tho local exchnnse today, the nuotAtlon ndvanclne; more than a point nt one time, hut the Kaln wag not all maintained, t.ako Superior ivna also In demand nt a fractional ftnln. Asldo from theso two Issues the local list wns dull except for some little buy. Ing'of Pennsylvania and the customary trading In t'nlted States Steel. Ulectrlo Company of America scrip mndo Its ap pearance on the tnpe for thr- llfst time. selling nt 85. t'nltrd Oas Implovement and IJnldwIn cased oft, whereas Brill moved up 1V4 at the close. Tho strength of the metal shares Is only natural nnd keeps pneo with the rising tendency of plc Iron ns well as of Mulshed products. Furnaces nre well sold up, and the Inquiry now Is sub stantially as Inrse for tho first half of next year as it Is for tho present ycir. Thoro were rumors today that tho Steel Corporation had this week bouaht pig Iron In tho North, following Its recent purchases In the South. Thoro nro no weak spota In the Iron nnd steel markets nt present nnd some men In tho trodo nre even expressing fears of n runaway mnrket If existing conditions continue. Ilesldes tho foreign orders the domestic demand for Btecl products Is good and the mills me falling steadily behind In tho tnnttcr of deliveries. Exports have rlson by leaps nnd bounds. Tho Mny ex ports were 14 per cent, under the best monthly record, while June exports were 16 per cent, beyond that record nnd ex ports now nro bcllovcd to exceed a rate of B.OOO.OOO tons a year, The locnl anthracite group relapsed Into stagnation todny. Tho 8trcet ap proved tho statement Issued by I.. F. Lorce, president of the Delaware and Hudson, regarding the Interstate Com merce Commission's methods of Investi gation, but could not see thnt It was like ly to have much effect. Meantime tho ac tivities of the miners' unions hnn led somo of the big companies to look for labor troubles next year, and they nro already beginning to storo up coal. Tho demands of the men nro such thnt the operators cannot accept them, nnd, In fact, they have failed on nil ulmllnr oc casions to have somo of them seriously considered by the employers. For the present tho trndo Is dull, but Improve ment Is looked for shortly. Financial Briefs No London market today. Edward T. Stotesbury Is In tho Cana tllnn Itoekles. The amount of bituminous coal hauled by the Philadelphia nnd Rending Rail way In June wns 1,305,228 tons, compared with l.:30.O22 In June. 1914. Total failures in the United States this week nt 321 against Sir, last week, 375 In the preceding week and 313 in the corre sponding week of 1011. Falluics In Canada numbered 13, against 4? last wcok, W) In tho preceding week and 45 in like week of last year. According to Drndstreets, country-wide optimism, smarter nctlvlty In metal man ufacturing, further slight Improvement In lines thnt have lagged, heavier buying of pig Iron ot ndvnnced prices, relatively ex cellent crop news, war orders that over flow regular, channels to. plants not here tofore engaged In-that respect, better collections. Incrcnscd calls for money with which to move crops, some, though not satisfactory, relief In the way of higher frolght rates for Western rail roads, a heavy Influx of gold to help bol ster weak rates for foreign exchange, which are at new record low levels, nnd sustained public Interest In tho stock mnrket, comprehend the chief features of the week's development. Besides, warm weather has helped retail traders to dispose of summer goods nt greatly reduced prices. Practically all visiting merchnnts, irrespective of tho Bectlons from which they hail, agree that the out look for the fall nnd winter la exception ally good, that Btocks In the hands of In terior distributors aro low. and that in tho grain-growing sections high prices mean reduced obligations and enlarged spending power. Oross earnings of 31 railroads for tho fourth week of July showed a decreaoe of Jl.D98.37l. mu. ficruiAAn rnnnHlnn Vnrthem Tlnll- 1 IIC fliww.vw, -.. .......... "- way two-yenr 5 per cent, gold notes, se cured by collateral, guaranteed by ho Dominion of Canada, nnd publicly offered by William A. Itead & Co.. have all been sold. . iviiint pxnortB from the United Stntcs nnd Canada this week total i,5Uiu bushels, compared with 3.132.050 last weei: and 3,726.319 n year n:o: for six weeks ended Thursday last, exports were 21. 334,000 bushels, compared with 38,722,000 lnstt vear. Corn exports for the six wee' were 2,263,500 bushels against 275,700 last year. Austin D. Mlxsell. vice president of tho nelhlehem Steel Company, confirmed the report, provlously denied, that the latUr has purchased the plant of the Detrlck Harvey Companv at Ilaltlmore. Mr. Mix sell bald the new plant would not be used for making munitions of war. The New York banks gained J1.M5.000 from the Subtreasury yesterday. RAILROAD EARNINGS CHICAGO QBEAT WKSTEBN. 1013. 1st eek AUBUst ,H5T'S! July 1-August 7 1.M1..I20 WABASH. 101.1. July cross 2'?.,'J Net after taxea ........ llls.S.'ti. Twelve months' fro... m.2.787 ? an., lavii 4.031.000 , -- --,-..- . CHICAGO AND BASTEHN U.LIKUIH. Juna srosa I1.0O8.1M 101.273 Net after t----- 83.014 '130,240 Twl!" months' roaa... M.2W.WI ''"jg Net aftr tax 1.007,224 60,888 ST LOUIS. IRON MOUNTAIN 4 SOUTHERN June groaa SUS'l!. ,?9S'??! Vt after taxes ,,,... iUa.,824 '93.13J &elv; month" ?,.... MpS M Net alter taxaa 7,002,860 2.TM.T33 Dccreasa. AUBOBA. KLGIN A.NDCHICAUO yiAfl.TM 30.881 It, SM 1 I1A1 i.ote.'ouu ln(ri4M. It2,8n 8,872 Increase, 1.13,570 33.821 1,132,00)1 412,433 IWI.-JIT 21 1,13-1 10.I.J1WJ 428,81.1 .14.520 u.:r.i M.312 130.4-il lef.Vlli M.1.28U 148,011) Jilna rroaa Balance ' i'ttff ' Vhijiii. Surplus after deprn-.. Tvtalve mouth' irroaa. . Net Ililam-e afl.r charsM. axmltiH aftar daDlrn... A1.AUAMA UKKAT Bt)UTisn.. German Wotes to ue raio un KSW VOBKV Am. 14.-BBker ara adtlsad that tb 10.S)9fl,eW of wwk. 0buii J,i5J montba' triury not., wblab wf plaeea bar early In M " BnJ '! mature Jan uary 1. 101. "dtt M rnaad. Tha money GOVERNMENT BONDS 2 of 1U0 t u 01 im fc.wiwi 3a VattsmA !fa Panama, naw gUt.rjil nou . iftM.re.l I rtglatarej rcaiaurta Bli. Hit, 01 VI Hauoi-. saw Sa coupon as or mm raajM&vrfiu . . i ox Ug r&tard . 4a ot 1838 cofefuU Local Half hourly Sales 200 Elec Storage. . uo I W U 8 Steel. . . 10 do J CO Phlla Blec ..I 100 do ; SJ J.- gup Cor -2 S'S? Slorno. 1 M r.hlta Elec .. ! a Union True, 10 to 10:30 A!M. 8 Steel. do!'..!!' do Uo On. A . union Tmc,. . JiX t ""P. Cor 10O U 8 Stei .... 10 Union Trae. 30 f 2W I KM , 10 1 l(l 1 ,ui, un t.i , 2.1 Ulte Sup Cor iff 1 10 t'nlon Tntc... 31 1 180 Penna. ... MD-iil 1 21) do .11 .1-10 too Klec Storage. IB!), ., i-nna trac . . i.i 10 fnmhrU Steel .lljt . tll 1 40 :m SCO 10 . 7 1 M tn do., do., do. . do., r.o. . In. SO Ilrlll J 7 rennn .1 do.. 1.1 rin . tot) V It T 30 Cambria Steel S3, 40 Lake Eup Cor ' ,-' w 100 do ; ,2.1 Penna Salt... I Ino U s Steel.... 100 do ' II) Irfike Sup Cor : 10 l'enna ; 23 do ; ; on Cambria Steel I 601) l.ake Hup Cor ' 0 l'rnna 1 .1 do ; 100 Cambria steel ; :ioo ir 8 Steel.... ' 20 Penna ..,..., j Ito 1! H Steel.... 0 Ilrlll JO... Hi Cambria Steel ; W) do i loo V 8 steel.... 200 do ' 100 do ' 100 do ' Co Cambria steel ; 10:30 to 11 A.M. 10O Cambria Steel f,IJ(i 30 Ilrlll J I" l h Mteei.... l.l'i ao no. Id 10( ,ln 73IA ion Klec Slornge. 01 200 I' 8 Steel .111 nr ir tit. iui kki uo 1.1 do 10 100 do loo ttradlnit. .. 73 3-1(1 too do .V) l'enna Salt. ..no 20 do 2.1 War lr & St. 10K, 10 do 10 do 1014 30 rin 10(1 t' B Steel.... 7.1'i 20 Lake Sun iitt .... .11 :::: ::::m 43 :::::: Sift ,::: !? Ml An 30 Ilrlll J 10.1 dn.. 30 do. . .1 l'enna 8 do. 8 do. .iitt . 4.1 . 4.1 . 4.1 I'M 5! .Ml n rnntlri'HIrVl .11,'k too do .Ilji HOI' 8 Steel.... T.-lS, i, 1. r, ieei.... i.i -iu 110 2 t.chlah Nav.. UY, Iiki llotldn-tn . Ml V a Steel 7.114 100 U H flteel on Crucible Steel 73 KM do Oil do 721 3.1 l'enna.... loo Cambria Steel 01 r,n Ilrlll J CI 10 do NU 30 do IIO.NDS. 1()0 llarwood Klcctrle l!a 11 to 11:30 A. M.. 2.1 Rice Storano. rtl 100 do 3.1 do 3 100 do W) t' tl I Slli 40 Klec Storage. 1ft Tonopali Mln, 3U 2 do 100 Cambria Steel MV, 2.1 r h Steel ... .10 do 3IJ, 10 Cambria Steel 7.1 do 3IH. 8 Penna 2.1 do mS inn I! 8 Steel.... 100 do ftltt 10 Cambria Steel in Reading 73Vj 23 do 100 do 73i, I10NDS. ... 4.1 .... 40 .... 71) ...'. Tl, .... T34, r,t .-..in ....73"4 . .. 73! 13! . .. 73J4 .... 71 Cor m, .'.'.'. 43 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS 3.1.1) do., atnilalit, t, new, .V4)flft.iM ks. f.1.4oI).l.R.1 do., OOW 73V, 38 7.1 .llU r ft 1oro t'nlted Itwyn lnv Ss .100 Phlla Electr-.e 4s 31 Klcctrle Co of Amer scrip !l Cumbria Strel scrip May 1017.. 400 Amer fins & Clrctrlc ns It Cnmhrla Steel scrip .May 1017. f.1 80 8.1 lis 87 08 11:30 A. M. to 12 M. 2.1 Phlla Elec . . 24Vi 1ihi Wclsbnch Co. 33 IW) Cambria Steel 31 00 Tonopnh Mln. .Ill ID f 8 Steel 71 40 HUH J (I ... 4r,Vi 30 do 411 100 Amer Cm . . tu)a loo Lake Sup Cor III' 111 Ilrlll J 11 .... 4HU 100 do 41! 2.1 Cambria Steel R4H 2.1 dn ... .Hit 101) .In .11 100 PrCk.ied St C. (tl I10NUS. 2000 T'nlted Itwya lnv 3a 43 I'hllo, Co tcrlp 10111 43 I'lilla Co scrip 1II1K Ill Cambria Steel scrip May 1111 411 Cambria Steel scrip l'cb 101 II) Urlll J a ... 43', 2.1 do 43j, 2.1 Cambria Steel -1 1 ' w 111 u H steel.... 14 1.1 do 14 renn; in Iike 100 Pressed St C (tl 21) l:lec ftonige. ill 20 do (tl 10 Amor Oia ..W1; 1 aicei. ... it lo 40)', mi SIV, e Sup Cor 1(1 5 24 do. 40 Drill J a is Wnr lr u ...tuii-i ... 4(0i St. 10W . 0.1 .toil . OS 08)4 . 1)8(4 july corroN exports M Government Shows Snlc3 Nearly Dou bled Last Year's WASHINGTON', AU5. 14. Kxports of cotton In July this yenr were nearly doublo those for tho same month In 1911, the Census Bureau today announced. The total for July, 1915, wns 213,522 bales, 'in cluding llnters, against 126,211 bales In July, 1911. Claims of cotton men that the British blockade has Interfered seriously with their huslnens are borne out In part, how ever, by the flKures for the 12 mon'hi ending July 31. The total for the period this year was 8,543,573, analnst 9,150,801 In 1911. n. drop of nearly 750,000 bales. No cotton went tp Germany In July this yenr. Last yenr tho shipments there for July were 41,291 bales. Other coun tries, however, increased their purchases of tho Amerlcnn staple. Orcnt Britain took 58,911 In July this year, against 43, 777 bales In tho month last yenr; cxport to Frunco rose from 2522 to 27,203 bales and to Italy from 22,758 to 52,969. To all other countries the exports Jumped from 15.SG3 to 101,000 bales. Cotton, exclusive of llnters, consumed during July 498,474 running bales In 1915, compared wtlh -44S.V 333 bales In 1914; held In manufacturing establishments on July 31, 1.401.4S4 bales In 1915 and 905,702 In 3911; and. In Inde pendent warehouses, 1.7SI.612 bales In 1915 nnd 4:5,102 in 19H. Imports. 33.0(17, equiva lent, 500-pound bales In 1915 and 23,790 In 1911. Southern cotton planters are storing their product to prevent n crash In the market price, according to today's re port. On July 31, there were 1.784,000 bales In storage, against 425,000 bales on tho same date last year. Nearly a mil lion nnd it half bales were In southern warehouses on June 31. nnd only hbout half n million bales were stored In tex tile manufacturing centres. The south ern farmers also aro putting Into affect crop diversification, tho report shows, and much acreage has been planted to other crops. COTTON KEW YOltlC. Aug. H.-Cotton opened easy this morning at a decline of 2 to 4 points. Better cables from Liverpool were Ignored. Tho Influence was. better weather for the crop. Traders and the South sold. Tho Increase In consumption In July was favorably commented upon. The market fluctuated narrowly through out the session. .. r. . ii, ..... ,,,.. vest, ciosi. wijciuiia unci. ijt. b.i.,'. January "-7H .71 0.74 O.dT U.TI ,niuuj o ',T ,,-41 luijmber .... I'.'U n.tm li.ill 0..1S O.irJ Marti" '...!.. 0.0-1 .tn 0.08 H.HI n.lis May 10.20 ll. It 10.21 10.12 10.21 fpot 0-30 0.30 COTTON STATISTICS Tho statistical position of cotton la aa follows; Thla Last Last week veek year Visible auppty l.2.W.773 4..1.Vt,2i2 2.!l!ll,4l3 Ot which American.. 2.010,77:1 .1.1.17,212 I..1M.4U Total in sight Aug 13 132,011 120.UK) PUBLIC UTILITIES Operating Income of all properties now controlled by tho Utah Securities Cor poration, with Intercompany charges eliminated, as reported by the Eleotrlo Bond and Share Company, amounted to .113,674 In gross for the month of July, which was 7 per cent, greater than that earnvd In the same month a year ago Net earning -after expense were I2CWJW, a gain of 18 per cent. In the seven months ended July 31, grow Income from thesa properties totaled i:,6S0.C00, com pared with I2.6S2.HJ for the correspond ing period In 191. ahd net Darnings in creased ls,S13, to ll,3TT.40. or a gain of 5 par cent. The directors of the International Trac tion Company have adopted plan calling for tha retirement of the exlU.i 4 pr sent, cumulative preferred slock of the company, together with the accumulated and unpaid dividends, and the leauanee In Its place of new 7 per cent cumulative nrst preferred stock. Holder of tbj stock will be requested to deposit tfcetr holdings, for which they will receive new I per cent, cumulative flrst preferred stock, share for share. The atUptlw of the plea by the HockhoWew will eliminate unpaid dividends on the presenr Breferred stock. This aocuwjlatloii of drttdeuds was due to th restrictive pro vtotMS of the oriftMl collateral trust Indenture, which prevented the Inter national Rill Cony, the operatlnii compSJty. fro Issuing aWX securities to auihU It to provide fK needed improve- GRAIN AND FLOUR WHPAT.-Ilerelpts. 141.0.18 bush. Heperta pr OTticellnltona of foreign orders tntluen, eJ brsrlsh speculation In nil homo grain eenliej iinrt prices here sympathetically tutlher de cline,) 2Vdc. UuotMlons: Car lots, In espntt elevator No. i ret, new, sit and August. H.ltMil.lili,: No. 2 red Western, new. fl.l?i flt.l'i'41 No. 2 Soulliern led, new. fl.MViv 1.14!; rtenmer No. 2 red. hew. fl.lOHfil.l2t,: Nn. :t red. new, ft 10i(l.l2i,; rejectid A. new. fl.Oiltteil.OM, tclccled II. new. i!.M)iiif.(Uit: No, I Norlhem Dululli. old, fLSlHWI., ,. COnN.-llecolnla. lnnT bush. The market was qulol. but ntrady Under small aupnllea. Quotation,.' car lota for local trade, aa to to-entlon-'-No. t vellow, ih)16ii1V. : steamer yel low. SOtjOOOHc ; No. 3 ellnw, R7ii8S'i. OATS.- Ilecelpts. 2.1,21, bush. Surpllea wera try small and the market ruled tirm with No. 2 white held nt 70c. PLOL'Il. - Itecelpta. 1.30.1 bhla, and D07.38O lh.V. W forks. Tliero was little trading nnd mill limits wtte generally reduced, In aym-iwthj- with tho inutlnurd downwnrd movement Of Wheat. UllAtnllnrtH T. tlWt lh In MA.1.1 t.',. ..- .i. ., !.:.... . '...... ,, ,il-i, ,-irnr, new, e,.iiim.Klo uo.. sinilgnr, ,,,-r. .,. ivi,i.,ut un., pitent. 1 Kansis, clear, new. lute si dn., straight, new. lute sacks, t.1. f'.,i,'iu, 11011, juiQ sncKi s.u.rt,a.iiui spring. Irsr clear, old, fil.4iiflit.0.1i do., straight, old, SiMIMTlMaii do., imtent. oldt Jil.Wflt.t.l; dn., ratnrlte brands, old, f7Jofl7.4o; city mills, i-hntro nnd fancy patent, 7.!S)fi7.4i); city mills, regular grHdes-IVInter, clear, now. f4.kUIJ3.l.1j dn.. itrnight, (lew. J3.1."fl.1.t0! do., polcnt, new. r, 40vn.R3. nYR FI.Ol'll sold slowly nnd showed little change. Quotations: New l'rnnsylvnnln. In wood, nt I.T.1W3: new Western nominal nt 1.1 W.i.Mi, In sacks, PROVISIONS TI10 market ruled steady, but there was lit tle trading, Quotations: City beet, In sets smoked and nlr-drled, 2.B2ilc. : Western lef. aeta, smoked. 2.1U2(lc.i city beef, knuckles ami tenners, smoked and nlr-drled, 27fl2!(c.i West ern beef, knuckles and tendera smoked, t'tt a1!-.; beet hums, f3l32s pork, family. f22v 22.30; hams, s. ( cured, loose. I:i),fll)c: di.. skinned, loose, i:i;fiae. t do.. Mo., smoked, 1.1)101 4ie. 1 other hams, smoked, clly cured, aa to brand and average HHtfl.'i'ic. 1 hams, smoked. Western cured. 1 4,4 lhlfcr. : do., boiled, boneless, 2.ll24c.i picnic shoulders. S. P. cured, loose. IIWH14C.1 do., smoked, lllf Ulie.i lielltis. In pickle, according to average, loose, lXMUKIc. 1 breakfast bacon, aa to brnnd I i,u iitciuKc, cuy cured iiuinc; urcnKit.si I bacon, Western cured, 1i(?lc. : lard, Western, rciincn, nerces, uiitru'.uc.; no., uo., un., tuns, ti'lWWic. ; lard, pure clly, kettle rendered. In tlcrcea. lUifliic: lard, pure city kettle ren dered, In tube, ottttlisjc. REFINED SUGARS The market waa quiet but Arm. We quota formers' list prices: Standard grnimlnted, 3.l..c.; extra nno granulated, r.M)c: powdorod, .,.IK)c; confectioners' A, 0.,0c; soft grad, 4.Poj o.odc. DAIRY PRODUCTS r.VTTPn.-Wholesalp trndo Wfla (piiel, ns usual on tha last day ot the week, nnd the market nhowcil no Important change. Polio ty ing am the quotations: Western solid-packed crcnniory, faiu-y special,. 2Uc. 1 extras, 27c: olr.l tlrata. 2C.n2i;Hc.; tlrsts, 2H,2.Vtc; ec 01. ds, 2:W(24c. : ncirby prints, fnucy, 30e.; iin nvcingn extrn 2Nfi2llc; (.0.. fnlr to soo.l. 2.111 200.; JoiihiiiK snlen of fancy ptlnts, 344i:i7c. KOtlS. Suppllca of Pne ftesh egga were ai'.uill and the market ruled Orm, wlln demand full. Ko'lowlng are the quotations: In free cae. nearby extras, 2.1c. pet i!ox.; lints, fii.30 per stnud.trd enso; nearby current receipts. .1.4ifl.1,70 per case: exceptional lots higher; Western, extm nrsta, Ji(.:i0)iinX) per ciu: rtrsta f.1..',M(i per case: tancy aelected cnndled egga were lobbing nt 27J72.V. per doi. (ilHKSR sola slowly, with ir.odernte but ample oirt-rlupa nt former mica. Quotations: New York, full cream, new, Hill Hie: do., do., (air to good, new, 131,(f 13s,c. ; do., part skims, (ifll.lc. POULTRY T.tVK, The market wns dull nnd weak, with fairly liberal offeilngs. Quotations: Kowlp, aa to quality, lllfilil'ip.; roosters. lt12c,; broil ing chl.'kcns. fancy, nnt leghorns, weighing l'i 2 lbs, iipleco, 10820c. : do., not leghonia, weighing 11U lbs. apiece. KWlSc; do., leg horns, weighing IK102 Iba. n nicer, l.UflTc: ill., leghorns, weighing IVHJ lbs. apiece. Wt lie: ducks. Peklu, old. 13iil4c; do.. Inill.in Hunucr. old, lL'fiMc; do., young, according to sl-.e, ilVililc: plgcona. old. per pair, l.Sti20c; un -iinr per pilr, 17ilH?. DltESSED. Tho market ruled atendy. with demand equal to tho offerings of dcBlrablo atock. Quotuilona: Prcah-klllcd poultry, fowl. 12 to box, dry-plckcij, iniu-y aelcclud. Ilk-.: Kelghln 4!ifi3 lb, uplece, lHHc.; weighing 3'itf4 Iba. apleco, lS'ic.; weighing .1 Iba. nplece. IU','.) 1, '4c: under 3 lbs nnlecc. H'.ifil.V.ic. ; lie packed Western. 4H Iba. nnd over aplovc, 17!tc; do., amalloc slzer. Iptll7c; old roostsra, dry-picked. i:ic. ; broiling chickens, Jersey, fancy, 2li2Uv. : other nearby fancy. 22U21c.: fancy, largo yellow Tlllnolt. weighing 2Uft:l Iba, nplece, 2o21c; Western, weighing l!i2 lbs, uplece, IStilPc.l do., weighing HDU Ibi. apiece. 1111 17c: spring ducks, mil 17c. : squab, while, weighing 11612 lbs. Per doz.. f:l.U)U 4.00; while, weighing. PfllO lbs. per dcx., f.iU.1.30; while, weighing K lbs. per dux.. S.'.2.i il-M: do., 7 Iba, per doz.. S2.10S2.2O; do., liftll", Iba. per doz.. tl.H0Jfl.0Cj; dark. fl.SOtr 1.03; small and No, 2, 1. FRESH FRUITS The market wns quiet and without Im portant chnnce. Quotallonsi Apples, new, transparent, lumper. Me. Of 1.2.1; peaches, tloorglu, Hello nt (leurgln. per crnle, fldl.oU; do., Ceorglii, IClberta, per crate, f!li..1D: do., Dclawnro nnd Maryland, per busket, 20fl0c.t du. Jersey, per Imbket, 13ti"40c, ; pears, bouth em Le Come, per batrel, Ifrl: grapea. North Car, Una, Di-luwarca, per S-bnsket carrier, xl.ruf,2: lemons, per Imx. f3tt:l.10: ornngea, Florida, per box, f'l.30U:; graKfrull, Klorldu, per box, ,111)2: pineapples, per crate Porto illco. fl'02.7.l! Florida. il.A0432.T.1t Plums, (iccigla, per carrier, OOc.uHl blackberries, Hclawnre Mai-iland and Jersey, prr quart, 1 Nc.; gooacberrlca. per quart. 391UC.J liuckle ucrrles. per quirt. UftS?. 1 cantaloupes, Mary land, per standard crate, SOcOfl: do.. North L'nrollnn, per standard crute, ,10ft i3c; do.. Nnrtli Cnrollna per flat crute. 2.1)H0c. ; do.. Jersey, per basket. 50t)03c.: wetermclona, per cnr, M.HJU--0. VEGETABLES Supplies were liberal and prices generally favored buyers under a light demand. Quo tations: While potutoes, Virginia, per bbl. No. t, (1V1.2.1; do., No. 2, OuUTOo.; whlto Sotatoes. Jerey. per basket No. 1 rose 30f 3c; do.. No. I other tarletles. 2.1ft3Uc.; do., No. 2, 1UH1.V-. : aweet potatoes, Ktnh Caro lina, per bbl.-No. 1. f Iff 1.2.1; do., No. 2. f3 1)2.30; do., culls, fl.23tt..'iO; aweet JK,tatoe. Jersey, per basket No. 1, fl.2.1; do.. No. 2, mmf.lc.; onions, Jersey, per ?-nuih. basksi. l.lff'.'Oc; 00., Kastrrn Shore, per hamper, Jiutt 40c; corn, Jcrrcy, per basket, 23tf33ci torn.- oes, Jersey, per basket No. 1 early, StfUc; do., second early. 13t)20c; mushrooms, per 4 lb. basket, SOc.tlft. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YOIIK. Aug. ll.-IIUTTUIl.-Uarko: steady; receipts. 33.10 packages; extra, 20c.; higher scoring, '.'(i'sli'-tfc; Stute dairy. 23Ujc; Imitation ircamcry. 207f2()tc. , EfltlS. Market tlrm. receipts, 003.1 iiackagea; extra tlrsts. 224121c, regular packed; firsts, 2021!tc. regular packed, nearby whites, DIM :;3c. ; mixed colors, 20025c gathered; nearby brow lis. 2(ll 3Cc NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YOIIK. Aug. l.8leadlnes iharne terlzrd trading on the Coffee Bxchangc at tho 11 art today, The market generally dUplnyed an upwniil tendency. Opening quotations thuwed gains of 1 to ,1 points. The market continued atrong throughout the remainder of the day, trading waa tery active and aalea were exceptionally large, aa the totala were tha largest recorded for a Satur. UUIing ins last year. IOUBJI opening, August September O. lober November December Juiiuary Fcbruury March Atrll ... May . . . June July UU ::M ::; iTwMT ::: Today's Yesterday's cloi.0. close. ' ii.:!(Uiil:ii (L.T.'drt.lll M.;i3f)iv,n WHEAT AGAIN WEAK; UNUSUAL SITUATION Conflicting Reports aa to For eign Cancellations Kept Traders Guessing CHICAao, Aug. H.-Tradors were ex tremely nervous nt the opening todrtv. While tho variations In ptlees weie light, a weak underlono wns evident. Open ing prices compared favorably with the closing; bids of yesterday. Buying tvns limited nnd the prices sagged a trllle nftef tho opening. Unprecedented conditions fnce traders nnd no one appears ccrmln Which Vfny prices will ro when the ex pected hrenk comes. ConfllctlnK rumors ns to foreign can celations were hllont. hut tho tenernl senllmcnt Is thnt the situation Is not as serious ns It appeared when first promulgated. Wenlhcr and grnln move ments' are now considered the most serious Influence which will ventfull7 affect tho market for hotter or worse. Scptcmhe- whent opened n tl.07?i, ngnlnst II 0J-H hid, nt the Inst sales Ves. terdny, Uccemhcr dropped Uo , when It opened nt $1.07, nnd May opentntt at II. UU snttged Hc. when compared with tho c'oilng price ot yesterday. As the tiny advanced prices continued to decline until September was down about 2 cents nnd tho other months about n cent. There was prartlcally no rally ftt the close. Corn nnd oats wero unsteady, with sales light and prices shrinking In tha early hours. ,Tho Indications arc they will fol low wheat on the breaks. Chicago cash handlers reported sales of 1S0.O0O to 200,000 bushels of whent for Bcnhonrd delivery for export. Liverpool wns ensy on American cables, but Inter grew stronger ns lighter ar rivals were reported. Cargoes were firm, but Innctlvc. Spot remains unchanged, Lending futures ranged na follows: Y..IM1. nrai iipen. llign. September .. l.oTSi 1.0, H llAimhA, I nl ( flTlL 1 ,,Ml' , rut May ', .UK I'.ufo L101.4 1L101, Corn (now delivery) Sfptcmber ., 74 71 December .. Itrji Cl May 0.1 11.IH .IliK .l14 42S O.K September . December . May Lurti Srptcmlr . October ... Jiiuiinry ... Itlbs Heutember . October ....ts.10 j-nrk September ..14.0.1 Ccinher ...414.1.1 Hid. 'tAskcd, Low. Close, close. LO.IH tt.0.1 '1.07 I'd Ti.ur , 1-Wihi 7H SM H.1I1 8.17 S.3.1 S.8.1 3011 x.m s.i 7 74 inu (kit, 30 W 4lii S.00 ' s.0.1 !W t.0'51 ii 42r S.S7 MH) 14.10 ) 1.11 S.K2 S.87 13.0.1 14.03 8.33 8..S1 tS.!)l) 8.1(1 8.1.1 8.33 8,1k) tS.07 413.0.1 fll.04 In.ca TH.lu 0.4160.41 (la4(L3t) ll,424 (1.4 r i).i.ie(i.4i; 1I..-,1ILR1 .. .. .... a..v,sj!i..'ti ..ana o.o2(i.(n 0.30411.111 liml.li .... iLUifdia tO, 73 .... ,ll(IKft.70 .... lusfian (I.7fll).60 0.81 CM (t 75l U.S 1 yijiierw,. FOREIGN TRADE CHANCES The olfoiclHff list 0 opporiunltlcs for Amer ican mniiuflcturo-s In the torch" trade fflt-cii by the Aurcaii 0 Portia anil flomtstla Commerce, OcjiartHiitnt, 0 Commerce, und nd dllloiial Infonnnlloii mop bo find ill corre spondence, clclno Die file numbcf; No. 17812. box material An Amoticnn con sular ofllcer In llnull reports that 11 Arm In hla district dcalrca to communicate with Amerl cnn manufacturers of woodrn tioxes with a view to supplying material. Three samples of tho wood mny lio examined nt the bureau or Its brnrcli offices. Sample No. 1 l Ilrnilllnn pine, nnd la quoted at $103 per cubic meter c. 1. f. New York: mimnlo Na. 2 Is white pine, quoted nt 170 por cubic meter c I. f. Nov York, and simple No. 3 Is cedar, quoted at $100 per cubic miter c. I. f. New York. Tho wood Is used largely for making clgnr nnd perfumery boxes. Jn placing orders the Inslda me-isuremenia of boxes nnd thickness of wood desired should bo clearly suited. No. 17813, laboratory supplier An educational Institution In Colombia. Informs an American consular officer that It ilealrra tn receive, cata logues, prlco lists nnd full Informntlnn relative to Instruments, furniture, chemicals, etc.. tor 11 now latmrntorv. Quotations should lie m'ade f. n, b. New York Thla opportunity should have Immediate nttenllon. ' No. iTSil, .ateel joists An American con sular officer. In Unglund rcpiirls that n firm In his district de?lrea to communicate with Amer, lean manufacturers and exporters ot steel Joists. No. 1784.1. oil of cotinlbn A business man Ir. nrnxll Informs an Amerlcnn cnnnilir officer that he la In 11 porltlon to supply about 22.000 pounds of oil of copalbn per nnnum. Thla commodity is aelllng at from 40 to 43 cent' per kilo. f. n. ti. shipping port. Samples uf this nil mny be examined nt the bureau or Ita branch nrflces. References are given. No. 17810. household devlcci An American consular officer in England reports that a firm In his district desires to hear from American manufacturers of domestic uud household goods, auch aa kitchen utonslls. labor-raving devices, hardware, etc. The 'Jlrm desires to act aa an ngent. ' No. 17817. lumber and railway supplies Ono ot the enmmcrctnl agents of Ino bureau reporta that tho superintendent of a tramway nnd (Miwcr company In Uruztl desires to ro reive c 1, f- quotations on seasoned white ash, 4 by 4 id by to feet; seasoned whl'e 011k nf Ihn mime dlmcnalonr, un, Hist and second grndc white nsh und white imk howls 4 by 4 f,et. The timber must be thoroushly dried. The mnn also desires to revlvc dialogues rel.uive to car uxturra nnu rnimar suppuva. I'OltT OF PHILADELPHIA Vessels Arriving Today Str. Amolco, Sabine, crude oil. Sun Com pany, Sir. Grecian, lloatcn. passengers and mer eUudise. Merchants und Winers' Trnnsuurta tlon Comiuny. .... ., Sir. OaWnda Orango lllr.), Cru Urando, Iron ore. J. A. McCarthy. Str. Missouri tllr.l London, merchandise, Atlantic Tnimport Line. Motorshlp Emmanuel Nobel lllelg.), London, ballast. Sun Company. Str, Tuiva Maru (Jap.). Falmouth, merchaa diss, Charles M. Taylor's Sons. ' Srhr. Mark Pendleton. Savannah La Mar, logwood, A. 1. Cummins & Co. ( Steamships to Arrive FltEIOHT. k, l.rnm Auatmlian Transport ..CalcutU V.U. llAllAN,, Tht.r. n.-ui, ........... Slrnthardlo ,,-,... t-'otls Salami , Arlionau ...,.,.. l'olarstjernen ..., Ilrnest Cassel .... Carlton Waverley ,., Illnihorn Algerians Isthmian Achllebater lias, I'vman ..... nusebank Dominion Jemtlam! Athinasloa lltllu ....,.., , i.Ilottcrdam' . .,IX)I1C0I1 .. . olqulnuo .. , ..lluclvu ... ..Avon mouth .. ,1111a ...Shit Ids .. ...Narrlk ... ...Newport .. , ...t'owey .... ...i-enarin .... . ..tAitdon .... ...Caleta lluemt .nueiva Sallad. .. .July 10 ....Jul, IU lulv 2u ....Jul.v2t ....July .'J . . .July 21 ....JulySX ...Jul) 211 ....July 0 . . July 31 . Aug. 1 . . . Aug. t ...AiS. 1 Aug. 3 Aug. 4 ii.iillarrelona Aug. 4 .inuraiiar auk. .a . . .I.lvernoal ...Klrl-wall .... . ...Oran . ...l'orl Antonio. .,1'ort Antonio. Aug. 4 Aug 4 Aug. 4 Aug. IU Aug II JCWt , VW niuiwiv. n HUIarod , Uarstoj ...... .Aug 11 Concetllna do Olorgw.l'ort .ntonlo. .Aug H llMaunMs . .Aug 14 . .Mam.hs.ter Aug U Vlendvk Mae loannlj Coutiaa Total sales, 1U..VO bags, LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CmCAQO, Aug. l4.-l!OPS-nflBts. lS.wtt head; market .MTloe. lower. Mixed and gTvyf.Ul?t1.rV,iei7 sti.oufci.ir i : puia eu.uui.irf. cattle.- Racelnts. 200 bead: market steady, rttevea, S8.IOftlO.3A; cows and helferv. (Jl.) 04)0.10: Texans, 4U.IUfl7.70; omIvh. lev SliHBP.-Iletelpts, SH bead; njarkit ii-i7.ssji:i.aRa w"uu' "ww- ii A big l lumoer I flhl: rj 1)IVI1)KM3 OrriCK OF TUB C. II. flKIST Cdlll'.VNY laind lllle Iluildlng Philadelphia. Pa-. Attgust 1C 1811. The Dlrt ef Wlluilugtou Om CJoiuiumy twve this day deeterad a dlvlLsad e three tier cent, ea tha preferred sim-kW the Coui Uny ouUtABdUig, najreble aPtwV 1, 1919. to hoidsra et said stock ot rwoti t tax sIah of ueUu Aveuet 90. 1014. Beets will be eleeed tram i o'clock p hi. August 30. 181. te 10 e'cleck e- D- ttfrtiraber 1. 191S. Checks will be mailed. C. JL W8AK. Bretery. LEGAL ADVERTI8BMENT8 II. T2v AmnMimA 1 etlars taeteiuentary ea tba ,w JAMBS P LAFKaWTT. 1N CeeataW at. yard full of structural traveling cranes ana ran with a river ,Lhu.h In fnr Bftnil mSKIUra no reason under the Sun why we shouldn't make Im mediate Shipments 1 Edward F. Benson & Co. tftrwttaiai .u')ki- ami Thnbei INXiUr St, Ytlumn. 1'hUe. im i jjsmiuju") Js-1 "" MEARS & feROWN CITY AND SL'BUHHA Ai BttlATB 202 South XStri Street , yi'l l l I llll' II nsj. i -1'itju u r raiU4U.. il K8 WW.WW.