IWWSflWj TTlVTP.ArTTtfn T1?TlltnT rtntT a nwr - . , . s- awa,-, Jd"IJ"rflllJUUjJjrtHA' 1-KJLDAY, AUGUST 13, 1915. H REIhangEMARKET, IN DEMORALIZED CONlDlTIONrMAICES BANKERS ANXIOUS t WIDE FLUCTUATIONS IN WALL STREET bluttip in Goal Shares Did Not Prevent New liecorus for Industrials r NEW YOllK, Aug. 13. "'stocks closed heavy In Wnll street nftcr .... r wlitn fluctuations which nt llmAo npronctied the oon-ntlonnl. For Instance, CruelMo Steel, after sclllni? up two points ormoro to 83V4, whllo the coal stocks were .tilmplns. broh0 to " nt ll, c,08o 'Whlehom Steel foil 10 points nml tho ' .referred oven more. On tho other hand Jsvcrnl of tho wnr stocks and motor group wftl, now ,,lBh rccords' !-,A n result of tho nnthraclto rnto do s tlilon there wns a general cancellation of S'.i.ndlnff bids on brokers' books In the iftkArd coal shares beforo tho opening In 5viS.ii gtrcet this morning. Consequently T"Le three actlvo stocks In that group, Lo 'tliti Valley, Erie and Heading, were IL .-, fnf nnlo at tlin nlltflet ntiil ntm. '' Mmi substantial declines beforo support '! beared. Lehigh Valley fell six points and then rallied about half way back. nJodlne 'ost moro hatl tow beforo any "'Ljijrlal recovery set In. Tho Krle post ral surrounded by n. big crowd and open 'MA als amounted to moro than 3M0 "hKCS, thd prlco falling from 29, last .VKghi's close, to 27. Beforo the first hour 'L'r, over, however, It was bnck abovo It; jn0 weakness of tho Coalers did not P orCvont tomporary Btrcngth elsewhere. r''ror ft t'mo car,y n11 tne Important Is- rHIIBu ww. t... -.wo- Fi K iuea I' itst figures. Tho war orucr siocks wcro P- .win prominent, notably Crucible Steel, 'American vui , .,.... -u...u.,iiii4. BrSt latter Is said to have at least ltMOW.WO on tho books for foreign Ipicwunt. Tho contracts aro ror com- inlisafy UOpnnmeru. uieusiiB, buuii as kittles, buckets, univcs anu torus, can- V'tecn, tc- united Btnr.es aicci was nrm, ife.nd so was Pressed Steel Car, after an Initial drop, but Canadian racino wns ? repressed. ,JV When tho news reached tho Street that "tho Allies had canceled large grain or- dtrs, tho conclusion was Jumped at that U the samo might occur in tho nmmunl- tlon ahd othor war orders. Bethlehem 5t Steel preferred promptly tumbled from KlTO to 165. Crucible Steel and other war Kitocka followed suit In a less spectacular Scanner, and tho whole market turned Streak again. Wyllls-Overland mcantlmo cT'Jumpcd from ITS, last night's clOBe, to K.034, a new high record. Tho financial sTiilstrlct soon got over Its fears of war cVeraer cancellations when it was dlscov- . .jtred that tho reason for tho withdrawal : " wtinnt onrrnirnmcnta was merelv be cause of tho expectation of forcing tho '-.Dardanelles. Prices rallied again there- , upon under renewed speculative demand. : JJaltlmoro and OMo, Pressed Car, West- t'taghouse, Mexican Petroleum, Beet Buear and.some of. tho railroads nil moved tStudebakcr' made a now top. wa that tho Bethlehem Steel Com ' had bought tho Rurfiely plant In in caused a l-polnt jump in tho Inst-ea- stock. Continental Can made a if, W record,! selling up from $6 to 95 In f . mt last hour-. til -iiTfwfikn exchange wns demoralized and St' it& ' ncw 'v lve'3. International 1 cikkVlrAra srmlHfiri Inilnv tlinf thn rrfi1f 'Tflf ,lho Allies In America is being seriously I: Vraenaced by tho fall of sterling rates. .' 'Continuation, of tho downward move- rmnent, 'they aeciarea, wouiu result in L,W)v Being exported from America for SiWff'ind. Franco and Russia. Tho rtwea ran in sterling exenango iM groat isurprlso'-.ln view of i?Bhlpment 'of rnoro than $30,000,000 in jind securuicft received tms weeK. ;cne vttr units uru iiiuluiiiik hi liu3 ilry. and bankers assert that credit fidilflFg must ba CHtnblished nulcklv or ,Jn the Allies will bo unablo to place any Qporo oraeru. viui mrvci ncaru inai i, Bjany manufacturers have already re Iffused great orders bccauBO they have had biti accept notes running for at least a tmm . . Russia naa oirercd nonas, nut tnese "tit been accepted In only fow cases. Wp po banker will discuss the posst- y .or a complete collapsa of Euro- ?tl-TC rtA(4U I In rvnMnnl nll. Ih MFnll fitt&tl. that such a possibility has been tA'frkuenlly suggested. Thcro Is no qucs-K-lsa1 but tllnt tho European conflict has raten a terrific Btrain upon tho nations ln Kvijplved. It has ulrendy cost billions of pplmi, and tho immense cost mounta ittlth every hour that the struggle con- uta. BETHLEHEM BUYS KUMELY diana Plant Purchased for Making fi War Munitions LAPOnTE. Ind.. Auc. 13 Thn Bethle- filitm Steel Corporation- Interests have iwugnt tho Richmond. Ind., plant of ItUmelv Comn.tnv nt n nrlA nhnvA Ito nn. Jrilaed valuation, according to local bank- tr. it will be used for the manufacture E ei, munitions of war,- largely tho machln Bmi of shells. ft" Chicago and New York bankers Inter- ted In. M, Rumely Company say tho IclDanv nrnhnhlv nan rrt nil ttiA wnp n- Bld It wants, but that It has not yet jposcg any contracts because the court s iwEuun. is nocecsary, as mo company : now In a receivership. ney aaa that the court presumably can me receivership, prior to the nccept o of any contracts, thus averting s, ethnical nucstlon of netrallty. which snt uo involved, as a receiver a an Ictr of tho United States Court, and wcquently of tho Government. New York Stock Sales tou temmvS J'"" uom Mines.. 33 .'-'.: it V ', iar....4 Ut elOM. nih. Low. close. Wi 31 1 41'f 76M r,ut 16H 6M DO 33H 41 73 65 C8U 105 D0J 34H iUi 73H 60 53H 10-5 2 5ft'-nvii:.iSSB1ffl Am rC:." .&8) 6Q.f 8H 69 Amc,:;:; AmcoVrZr.-'' i?i "IK "IS Am Cotton oil.. ...... u AmiHdo&Lpre41 35J Am ico Sccuiltloa 23 Am Locomotive 0mJ Am Malt. CM AUMMH&IM 8054 Am Smelt & Uet pt.103 Am fcfcol Koumlrku ... 411 Vm ..:" .,ne"M. Ill) 142 61 97M 7!i 35 20!f mi 0 W-i 142 51M 07J1 7J. 35 23 20 64( 0 70 142 iWi or 7 34!( 23 WH 63)i n 70W 105W 105?i 10SH 40 4iJ ! Am Wootn ' m., H Wi ": aS ttVrVt :::::: ?, f ggj jg AmWtltindrapcrpt.. 7 S 8t Anaconda Oopper (h r.s i?ii n?u Assets Hciiiuuon " 0 5 "f Atchison T&ol,' W2u ,,,, 1()2,r . ',, S?J5P":i?S8 iS" 10f & 5a.tT6h.o:::::?)f ?? s7j Bcthlchom Stool 20U 200 2S8 n '"Lc r,,6!00' ?.r.vip5.. 1W 155 llntte & Superior uu IluttcrlckCo isjj Cat Petroleum jmj Canadian l'acine id Cent Leather Co 4;) Chesapeake & Ohio ... 45J1 Chlno Conppor 44 Chlcaco & Alton 10H ChlcacoOt West 12'i Chicago Ol Wost pf... 31J4 127 11H i3 40 sou : 0J 28 105 H-l VI 23 111 M 2bH - 22U . 20 . 45H . 30! . 41 200 .173 .221 H 2SH 44W 3D 44 Chi & Northwest. Chill I si' Chi Mil & St Paul.. Col Fuel & Iron.... Continental Can Continental Can pf....l03 win l'toclucts Ho(.... 10H Cora 1'rod lief pi 12M uruciDio Bteol si i;ruciDio stcot pr Del & Hudson Den &lllo Qrando... Distillers hccurltlos... Dome lllnos Erie Erlo 1st pf Erlo 2d pf Fed Mln & Sm pf... Oen Chemical General Electric General Motors General Motors pf ... Goodrich 1) S Co Goodrich B B Co pf. . Great Northern pi.... Gt N cfs for oro prop GucEcnhelm Expl Homcstakc Mlnlnc... IntcrAcrlculturo Inter Agriculture pf... Int Con Corp Int Con Corp pf Int Harv Corp Int liar Corp N 1... Inter-Mot vot t c International Paper... Intcrnat Paper pf Inspiration Connor.... Kan City Southern 20 .Kansas City So pf.. Lack Steel Lehigh Vallcv Loose-Wiles Biscuit. Louis & NasUvillo . . Maxwell Motors.... Max Motors 1st pf . Max Motors 2d lit. Mexican Petroleum.. MoKan&Toias aH Mo Kan Texas pf .. 19 Miami Copper 25H Missouri PacIUc 2 National Biscuit pf....l23J 124 Nat tnamj. s j -j.V,i !9a Nat Lead f'Oli 051$ NatLcadpf 109 114 Nat HyolM 2d pf... 5i 5 Nov Con Coppor Wi MH N x Air Brake 118 118 mi mi 0W C2 23 23 17 ill 153!( 151!f 162' i JUJi 42J1 4-2U an Alii HJi 12 iOM 127 10 mi 40U 83 103)4. 101M 103M 10!, 10K 10S b21( N2)( 825i S3W 77)4 7rt 102U 103'f 103 103!f 143 14C)i 140)i 140)4 fl't bit HH 20)i 28!4 20 47U 44! 16 12H 31 127 183 82!t 42)i 03!j 405X 4IM 15 12 30)4 127 17 b'2H !U)f 124 215i 21!( 27 274 J 43U ili'i 3111 31U 44 44 25'J!i 23!)!J 2S0U 173 17IH 172 224 218 22J 109K 109 109 109 CIH 57Ji 54)1 50'f 105)f 107)4 107H 107)4 110)4 111) 118'4 110 4l)f . 03)4 .119 . 10 . 30)i . 20a . 72 70)4 12 P3 110 I8H 3,'Df MH 7U 4u4 03 118 10 30 10! .107)4 109 21 38)4 32S 20 10J4 39)4 :i2)i 29JJ 58)4 64)4 69 54)4 140 175i 10 115)4 113!i 0! 40'4 86H 33!i 70 40)4 03 118 17 ;o 1UH 1 2 72 70 70 HOW 100 io( ion 9!i ' 10JJ 38)4 30)4 32)4 ;-2)4 2bH 24 6734 8)4 53 61)4 143)4 130H 141U 19 10 j 113!. 113U 34)4 40 t5 32 77 mi 18 25 15 124 28 03 114 5 14)4 115 C3J4 80)1 25 o73i 30)i bl)( 8)4 IS 25H 2)4 108)1 103)4 107 J4 109)4 10S31 10SH 108M 108)4 2)4 2)1 2)1 2)1 32 34)1 32)1 33 1C9)4 10831 10834 10831 78 77)4 7031 70)1 5)5 25)4 25 25 3)4 40 NEW YORK CURB 1 Zlno ;Am Tobacco' lid"! A"."i '"""cvo nw .. v-ona . 1 wananea vopper L2SJ'&".". I gJvator'.""! 1 !vator nrar ..if. - ' r.'ean Bid. Asked t Mllll MtllMtftMI tap MttMMtMMI Mt'ftf MIMMMMtftfll f t t M f t ft t HMIMilMI Ou'm " "It .? Clitr Hiorta PlffB- H.AVA- K... v; "tv." ?. Film ::r.,: aow ta a 1? ilw U UK ,,,1 t ,.,...,485 4. 8oU B&9 70S ri 44U 60 104 ....iiu .jit "MA BO ink Msiri BANK CLEARINGS clarlngi today oempare with torre- ' Q3V last turn VAjat-af 191B. 10I4. 1013. ror, ntm w n?. RATES FOR MONEY . w Pnl iora en . 1 s4 per cut. riBie. Si4J 4 im g 3 U 0 ruootSi. Phiua!7 COTTON Vork. Auk. 13.-An MSlar ten- X wag amnlayed on the Cotton Hx- RS tbi mornlnir. OfferlnKa on the .at conaanaiona wre large, with the mm priCM were 1 to 1 poioia Wail street bouses. Southern lu- nd traders uuiallv huslns: for- ardara eold. while the UuyUuf was lrd X'acea recded flutter In the ... .. . oHjph. 1- ? SJ2 Sf if 8-f? t I0.0B 10.02 10.0B B U-i1 lO.iO 10.10 10.M 10.18 W-S 4 K.SO .... .... .... KiNU &II olM 04 N Y Central 91 01)4 NY O&W 28)4 27)1 Norfolk & West. Northern Pacific. Ontario 811 M... 1'acilicMall Tenn II n Philadelphia Co . rittsburEh Coal. I'ltlsbureh Coal pf .... t4!l 04)4 03)4 rittsCG&StL 7U1 72 70U Flttsburch Steel pf.... 02 00 00 Pressed steel Car 12 01 00) Pullman Co 1WJ 1U24 ItiO Quicksilver liy bteel Sprlaj . Itay Coa Copper Heading Itcadlnc 2d of... Hep Iron & Steal Hep Iron & Heel "!- Home Wat Ob H It. ltumley M aj v. Itumley M & Co m... St L Southwest pfd . . . BtLJfcb ' St L&SP2d pfd.... Seaboard Air Una Seaboard Air Lino pfd Sears, Hoc. & Co Sloss-ShefS & I Co.. Southern Paclflo 8i!l Southern Hr 10U Standard Milling 50)4 btudebaker Co t8 fitudebakcr Co Pfd... 10-111 105 Tenn Copper 42H 43)4 'lexasCo 143H 143 Texas & Pacific 12)4 12H Third Avenue 51J( 61)4 Tobacco Products pf..!01 TolStL&Wpf 7 Twin City HapTr.... 01)4 Union Has & Paper... 0M Union Dae & V pf .... 27)1 80)1 3531 70 )5 18 6)1 .2- ' 124 18 0)i 111 5 14)4 117 04 0034 25 . t4!l . 7U31 . 02 . 12 .160 . 331 . 41 . i2)4 .160)1 . 82)4 . 4331 18)4 10 8'1 30 5)4 0 15)1 35 4 4134 22)1 140 82 45 0SJ4 11 14 18 31 6 5 1434 33)4 Wi 7031 00 U2J4 100 3)4 40 22)1 14031 147)4 82 43)1 98)i 11 10)4 15 31 5 6 14)4 33)4 82 4331 USH 11 UH 10)1 31 5 5 1434 33)4 15534 165)4 15131 155)4 48)4 40)1 4831 48! 8U31 10)4 50H 05 89)4 10)1 60)4 01 U 10j 43 8S)4 10)4 60 t8 102 42)4 142)4 142)4 12)1 12)1 50)1 50M 101)4 101)4 101)4 7 7 7 01 01 91 8)4 11)4 8)4 a 27 28 Union Pacific 13134 13134 123)4 131. Ilnlnn Padfla pf 81 U S Ind Alcohol 06)4 US Cast IP &V.... 22 U S Kealty & Imp.... 39 United Ky Invwit .... 10)4 tinitni ltvs Invtwt pf.. 37 U SHubbcr 48)4 81 70)1 22)1 33 1011 37)4 48)4 81 05 20J4 33 10 36)1 48 81 CO 2034 33 19 37H 48M U S Hubber 1st pf ....103)4 103)1 10331 103)1 UB steal 74 7431 7331 74)4 U b Steel of 113)1 113 11234 U23i Illih f'nnmir ...UOU Va-Caro Chem 35 ll Valron Coal & O .... 69)$ Western Union TeL,... 71 Western Maryland...,. 20 Westing E,M 3 Wheel & L. E, 2d pf " Sviuys Overiand.,....,178 Willys Overland pf..... 105 Svisconsln central...,,. 30 Quoted ex dividend. 00 30J4 01 71)4 20)4 06)1 0614 35 3 OX 59 69)1 7034 71)4 25H 20)4 11334 112)4 113)4 H H ii 100 181 100 108)1 103)1 100)1 30 36 35 Local Bid and Asked TWay BI4 Aakfd HrLi-v.:::::::,. cftli-::::::::::::i gam i OUo Stera lan KyOM T&-- to t d pr ..... jj, gup Corp Lth5h Vally . LibSh val ft- JSjlT Blectrtc g g PUU T YMtcnhy r 8W h m m m m m m u iP w HMUtM Too 3 I'D 'WC r c- 1 , l u te Vvrk B do I'fel Wm Crasoij t c. Xx dlvidl4. to V T wj sis aSil wi u ' " smI atH m W ?j3 Ug 74V ji so .;.; u " SUDDEN UPLIFT IN LAKE SUPERIOR Cambria Steel Stimulated Russian Rail Order. Cramp Under Pressure by Tho weakness of tho nnthraclto carrier shnrcs overshadowed the local market be cnuao their RtOchtt nro very larRcly held in Philadelphia nnd nlno tlRiire consider nhly In collntcrnl lonns. N'evcrtlielesa, ns In Now York, prices here steadied nftcr an enrly actback. which, In the cnao of Cramp Shipbuilding nnd Drill reacted over two points, lhlgh Valley followed tho slump In Its New York quotation, On 'the other hand, Westttlorelnnd Coal, Ilnhhvln Locomotlvo nnd 1'ennaylvnnla Salt moved up nbout n point ench. The Inst nnmed Is understood to linVc 'booked somo lucrative orders for chemlcnls, nnd this hns revived tnlk of the restoration of the former dividend rate. Ualdwln relapsed to a fraction below lnat night nt the close. Rlectrlc StornKe Untlery continued to surfer from tho effects of liquidation, some of which wns snld to be for nn es tate. In tho afternoon Cambria Btrcl mndo a belated rcsponso to the big Rus sian rail ordfcr announced ycaterdny. Uuyfnff by traders lifted the prlco a point or more. Meantime Cramp extended Its loss to moro than 4 points, while Ilnpld Transit weakened, ns did United (Ins Improvement. Pennsylvania Steel wng down n dollnr. I.nto In tho dny i sudden demand de veloped for I.ako Superior which lifted It shnrply over n point. Some 4000 elinrea wer tnkon oh thn rise nnd there wore bids In the miirkct for M00 moro ut slightly below tln top levels. Wnr or ders were responsible. It was snld nleo tlml the liquidation for foreign nccount liml censed. Philadelphia Compnny shnrcs mndo no response to the news that a number of Philadelphia nnd Now York bankers are to go to Pittsburgh shortly to look over tho phyBtenl condition of the various properties, with n view to strengthening tho company's credit nnd to facllltnto new flnnnclng whon licccssnry. Inci dentally tho San Francisco Exposition Is beginning to have Its effect upon the earnings of tho subsidiaries nf the t'nltcd Itnllway Investment Company. The Frisco lines for July reported nn Increnso of over $11,600 in gross. As for tho Philadelphia Company net earnings In June Increased $123,000. or nt the rate of more than 3& per cent, n year on the common stock. This Is due to the largely Increased activity In the mills about Pittsburgh, which Is not only reflected 'n larger street railway traffic but nlso In natural gas and electric light nnd power consumption. New York Bond Sales 102'.4 .107 Mil li 1 10000 Amer Cot Oil 4s. . 1000 Amor Illdo & h il. 10"O Amor Smelt Hec 0i.. ."4)011 Amor Tel clt Is.... a:xioo Amor Tel cvt 4'4...10l HIHiO Armour Co 414' HI'S KSOil Att'hlson cv 4u lli.VS.. 1)2 COiK) Atchl-on cv 4a 1UH0. ..1UI Mini Atrlil-on cv ns 11)17. ..101 lfllM Atlntk Co Mnn clt 4s. . K'2 ioix) Halt fc Ohio 4...... riuiX) Halt ft Oh cv 4I4-. . 8000 Halt A Oh 8wn VAa 120iK)0 lleth Slool rM Sa 400O i-ont I'ac 1st 4a.... row) Choa & Oh cv 4)4. . . . I'lXKi Uhl & Nun alia HIXKI Chl 11 & Joint 4a... IKKX) do gen 4s JWO Chl 11 & Q 111 4a loon chl if & at V Dlv 4s. 1M10O il.) cp Sa ll.vio tlo cv 44a loon Cumborl.ind Tel 3a.... inn non & iuo ur as High. Low. Cloae. 100W 10(Hi DIh Hocur Corn &a lnimoA Du l'ont rowilor 4'ia., noiill Crlo conv la for A i!oii io prior 4 4O0O 111 Stool deb 4'4s. -'('IK) Inap cv ret .Id )d 6a. .-.OOO Interb Mot 4Hs 1(100 Intorb 11 T ret 5a. . . . 10000 Inter Mer Mar 4Ws.. 1WXI fntornl I'aper cvt Sa. . 10000 Intornl I'aper Us UIXW) fntnl Sim i'ump Ca. . iuou jnp now S7 SJH Mb 101 H M 74i 81 1111)4 87 U 1iis4 oa 0(1 .loci 1)1': 7fi iaa 74i no ? . 80 .100 . 00 Ger am 4H-1..TO eel .a 1ICI... II I 'i. 0000 l-ncka Steel Sa IPSO... TNIi :iooo i.tg & M T as ioiw W.O0 Ug A M T 7a 12015 0000 f-orlllani 0a 100!. .1000 lu & Nash col Cs... 10114 .'1001) Minn & 8t I, 4 At 21000 Mo Tao cona K US 1000 N Y C & lluil 3Ha TW 174UOO N V C & llud ret tla.ioa), SOOO N Y City 4Vi 1UCU.... dM Um NYC 4hs May '17.. 101 SOOO N Y Gas II & P 4a.. 81 11100 N Y aaa 11 A: I 5a.. 10211 liOOtJ N Y N II & II cv aa USi IOiH) M Y Tel uL'll 4ViB.... IWb 6000 Nor Pac prior 4a OOiJ 20OOO Nor I'ne sen ;a. . . . 2000 Ore Short Lino in... 3000 I'aclllo Tel Sa HOOD I'enna gen ct 4H. .MK.n Ihil.lln Hrrv N J Sa 13000 Iiay Con Copper 0b.. 114 .'IK hi iieuuing gen is u.i ItOOO ltep Ir & 8 3 05J5 1000 ltlo Or : V clt 4a. . . 704 4000 Hock lelaml 0a 114 7000 Hock Ialand rfd 4s... CI 2000 Itnolc Island Sa 44 ' 2000 Ht 1' M & M 4Wa 1011 aooo Seaboaid A t ndl 08. . Ml!i 100O Heaboanl A I. rfd 4a.. 70 2000 Soulh Hell Sa 07H 12000 South Pho qv 4a 81 8000 do cv ret f p Sa 1U.'I4 Dflii liooo South Pac rfd 4s 8.1 WXX) South rtwy gen 4a.... tt3i WOO South Ilwy eon Sa.... 00 21000 Texaa Co cv a 100'J 2(X)0 Third Ave new 4a 78 2M00 V B Steel Sa 102)4 1000 1'nlon Pac 1st 4a Mti IOIH) Pnlnn I'ac cv 4s 00J4 IHJl I'lllOI! v i.u a.... i-.t. 1000 Wubaah 4a 17U t)0 Wabash lat Sa lOftS 2000 Wabash 2d a U2JI. ,430i0 Wab-P Ter lit ct 4s.. 1 PCOO Wab-P Ter 2d ct 4s.. 102 1000 West Klec Sa lOO't 1000 West Wd 1st 4a. ..... OJfe 1S1M0 West B & M cv "a w 1.113'j aooo Wheeling- & I. B 4a. . (ll, jtiOO Wlscon Cent Ben 4a. . 82 100'i 102 H, 107 101. 1)1 i, tllS UM lUlli 82 80J. 8JW 8714 101S 8S 74?l 81 oo(I in 87H 102 Vi 113 lUI'i 70 WI 101 looii 10211, 107 8JH lol, itj l'l KM 101, 82 80'i lh 87!, 11H 8SH 74h 81 noti in 87 ,t lOJ'i mi ll'.i 70 till 1111 'i 01', Ol'l. Mi : sml . m .1(XII 8(i 13.1 74', OTJ, nn 80 ion no 7o Dili 78U, lOljJ 12M, 100 101'v rota 78 t ouj 101 81 102 U8ji M 00 III 100 K Il7k 07J4 114 in 1)3 70!i 114 0.1 44 10O Ul To Dili 81 nliU M (SV, 00 100V4 78 1021. 0314 00 MS 171 10O1, 02(4 102H 100'i, 079i 113 Slli 82H 133H 7IS Il7'i. IHlJ Ml 100 CO 70 lll'i 78'j 101'i i2o;j 1 lOU'a 1'iiia si HSU THfl iui'5 1M4 101 81 10211 IS( 0.1;, nob 03 100 1. 03 US 70!5 114 (CI 44 100 Ul TO si k 00 U K5 024 00 UK) ',4 78 102i !.... i. ,- SHARP FALL IN MEAT ON HEAVY SELLING Hope of Enrly Forcing of Dar danelles Caused Cancella tion of Orders ALDA B. JOHNSON President of the Baldwin Loco motive Works, who has Bono on n six weeks' motor trip through Ncw Englnnd. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS CHAIN AND FLOUIt WllIIAT. IlcceUv.B. 82,037 bush. Demands a rulrly nrthn, but upenilatlon In nil home ruin cantrip was slrnnKly bearish nnd price" mviu viiwuiieiicaiiy oeclltlcil lie. wuomuonn Car lols In export elevator No. 2 red. now, (pot and AUBiisr. f 1. 17(11. Ill: Ko. 2 red West- -' ! JKiasKI. T I 1 I I . 14' i illl. ak I I'll t fl't" ern, now. I.i.1'(l.22; No 2 Sntiihern red, now. lhVrl.l7; slenmer No. 2 red. now, fl.l.llr 1.13: No. 3 re.1. new. il.ifitrl.13; rejected A, now, l."!i)(l.ll: rejected II, new, 1.0Jl.o3i No. 1 Northern luluth. old, t.67(ill.C2. COUN.-Ilocoli'ts, 10,072 bush. Tho market Mfta quiet, but steady under small supplies. Quotatlona: Car lota for local trade, aa to location. No. 2 yellow, tHHkirlilUc. ; atenmer jellow, Wii,5flK)iic.: No. 3 yellow, 87MBS8',ic. OATS -Ileeelpta, af.miil bush. Old No. S white was held at 7oe. Supplies very small. Kl.oril.' Itccelpla, 717 bbla. and 1.3:8.300 Ilia. In sacks. Tho market uaa larKoly nom inal with buyers holdlna off. quotations, per 10(1 Ilia.. In wood. Winter clear, new, f.103.23; do., slnilKht. n..w, .1.2Sr..r.O; do., patrnt. now. $3.BOtir,.i.1; Kansas, clear, now, Juto a.icka, $3.2.4ia.so: tlo.. atriilRht, now, Juto aacks. J,"..HH.".7,",; do., nalcnt, new, Juto B.ks. ?3,73i0fl, siirinir. Ilrat elriir. old, $0.fiUtf0.73; lo. atraUlit, old, $i).73tf7; do., patent, old, $78i,.2.1; ilo., (avorlto branda. old, $7.40jr7.."U: city mills, cliolio and fancy patent, $7.40 i.BO: lily mllla. regular trnule Winter, clear, new. $r.tfS.2.1; do., atrnlght, new, $.1.2303.30; do., patent, ncw, $3.S0tt.l.TA. 11YK PLOUIt dull. Quolallons: New Penn sylvania in wood at $1.7303. Now Western nominal at J.111.1.50, in aarka. PllOVISIONS Tho market was quiet and without Important clionao. Quotations: City beef, in aets, smoked and nlr-drli'd, 2,132(10.: Western hoof, seta, amoked. 2.1fl2(lci city beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked and alr-drlcd, 27W28C. ; West ern beef, knuckles and lendera, smoked, 27(0 28c.: beef hams. $31:12; pork, family, $22. 22.S0: hama.R. 1. cured, lonsn l.'ttlfrii, !,.. skinned, loose, MUWlflfic: do., do., amoko I, curcn. hama. C111CAQO, Atitr. 13.-Tho reports-that forclgnors were canceling nil export con tracts, with the belief that tho Dar dnnellea tvaa aoon to bo forced, mml aoino traders as nervous ns those super nlltlouB ohes who predicted thesd things to happen bccatiac tho day was "Friday the 13th." Aa no vcrlfllcntlon or denial could be obtained to tho rumor In tho early hours, trading was weak and spas modic. Later ndvlces from nUthorltatlvo rources wcro aald to have been received ridiculing tho rumor. It wns pointed out Ihnt Ittipsln has not n great surplus on hand, even though tho Allies should con tiuer In tho Straits, nnd shipping condl Moua would bo so hampered by military movements to prevent any large qutintlty of grain getting out. Tho only fear now of a bad break, operators say, Is a too 'icavy movement from tho country with tirint n.,.1 tvlnlnv nVn.lnhHlnn Reptcmber wheat Bold off 7 cent nt t:ie opening when compared with $Ult4i, .lie closing prlco of yesterday. It dropped iiiiuiiiy until it reacned $1.0i4 Ana then showed n disposition to ntrengthen, Tho imdcrtono wns nori'ous. Trading In December wns more brisk. It opened nt ll.OS. Last night's ntml fig ures wero Jt.OO'.i. Httvors of May wcro few, but sellors abounded. However, trading was Veiy light It fetched ,1.11 nt tho opening, ncnlnal $!.13is ol yesterday's closo. In tho afternoon prices remained de pressed and closed but slightly nbovo the day's lowest. Com nnd oats also showed n tendency It alldo down the ladder. Prices ntlffcneil following tho opening with slight varia tions beforo noon. llxport sales reported amounted to 2M,0W bushels of whent nnd 200,000 bushels or oats. Chicago cash handlers reported sales for seaboard dellvory nmountlng to 200.000 bushels of whent nnd 200,000 bushels of oats. Conditions nt Liverpool wcro un changed. Trices wore firm, with cargoes and spot strong. Weather reports from the United Kingdom wero unsatisfactory. Leading futures rangod as follows: ..!..-. v .... - .vo.wa ,.m-ftt uprn. lllgn. September .. I. in l.iit December .. l.os l.its Mey I. It 1.12 Torn (now delivery) September .. 74 74'4 m isim m 13"i14Uc.; other hams, smoked, city us iu oranu onu uveraae. lLjario's 4lSHe smoked. IVesterh cured. ni,ifllSV.c.: do. boiled, boneless, fSIQS4c; picnic shoulders, S. P. cured, Ioobo,. llfflHic ; do., amokod. 11 ll'ic,; beltlen. In pickle, according lo averaxc, looao. 12'f13c. ; breakfast lwicon, na to brand and average, city cured, 17tflHc: breakfast bacon, Weatern cured. 17lSc. ; lard, Wcalern, refined, llorcea, IHii!lc.; do., do., do., tuba, IHili.r.; Iiitil, pure city, koltla rendered, In tierces, lUiCfOXc : lard, puro city, kettle ren dered, In tubs, iHitJ0c. REFINED SUGARS REFINED HUOAItS wore qulot. but very firm, with nil retlnera quoting on a basis of S.SOc. ror extra flno granulated. We quota reflnera' Hat nrtooa: Standard granulatcl. 'SiS.ld. ;.iMtra 'flno gratiUlaied, !.N)t,; powdcrod, a.ooc: confectioners A, 0.70c.; Boft grades. 4.03U6.BJC. . DAIRY PRODUCTS iiL'TTnn. There mu a fair demand for flno guooa and prlcoa ruled steady under inoderafo ufferlnci. Kolloninir are the nuotatlona: Weht- ern aolld-packfd creamery, fancy speclnls, 2Uc. ; extras, 2ic: extra Hrsta. 2020Hc; flrata, S3W Iiw. Closo. closo. 1.07 1.071,11.1111 l.on Tl.ilIJi Jl.onU 1.10 l.iiN, l.iafj Deeombor May Oats September 'Oecemher May f.-ird Soptembcr October . . January . . lllb a Peptomber October .. fork September uctober . oa 40K . 40 . 421J . 8.10 . 8.13 . 8.30 . s.no . 8.110 .14.22 .14..10 KlC 03, Hid. fAsked. S.17 N.22 8.37 '8.t 8.07 14.30 14.32 3m. 30' 42 8.07 8.12 8.30 8.83 8.87 13.87 13.03 74H 7IVI. 03 noU l"'!i 'int; too; 2l 42 14', ts.10 8.33 ROO 18.07 114.03 tU.11 8.01 8.07 18.27 8.02 8.1)5 114.03 14.10 I Financial Briefs' 0314 ; 00' 831J IT'i ll"" 100 02t 1 102 lOoH ll.T j 82S1 Sales in Philadelphia Yea. close. High. Low. Close, Claim.... 44H 43W 40J4 4U4 Oil "?8 Mf7 81 losu jr.) Allla iuo An.cr won .. I Amer Ilallwiya. 20 20 Amer Ilwya pfd 0JJ4 iuo li.ildwln Loco... ho 4 do praf iilOJ 8 Ilult & H t cpfd 41 23.1 Hrlll, J a . . .. . 47 4S02 Cambria Steel.. 33)i 10 Cent Leathe.- .. .. 1U Clilc II I '' I.Ut Inrn Irod 1300 Kleclrlc Storage JB lao KriA JO1 20 Ulen Asphalt .. U1 fSO.iJoipdrlch U F. 1nlphro Met . . Ml In. Ca N Am 72G1 Lake Sup Corp At T.hlrh NaV .. BO LehlBh Valley. .7? 80 I.eh Val Tran. 473 Penna 11 U 'SO 1'ttHalt Mfg..,. 10 Penru Stoel Pf. 20 Phlla CO . 50 do cum pref.. 820 Phlla Klc ..... WO 1' Jl T tr ctfa. . 161 Beading ....... 43 Ton llflnwnt ,. 4MJ Ton Mining 15 Utah Cw 100 On Pacirlo 11 Union Trtw 118 U Qas Irup 6172 U S Btael m VftrS'lr & V.'. 1(W Yt mm i;ui IH W sa m Oranip & a HONDa. ' Wv saU. II. W.M. TS. iffiS etssvfi do Iur 1&1T. . 0 l ? ::, aai; r T- w a .a 70W 70iJ 43 4414 41 Cl'i 33(4 si'.i 42IJ 42t 42J2 18 1M 18(f 10(? K)U 111!, u my. lay, in S 23 27 2S 4 own uw uoa ou 00 , ou 44'4 '4l! 44 .. 22li .22 '1 22 , U 10K .044. 10i 74K 75 Tiff 75 It 71 70S 71 iS 15 15 15 . .145; 54S B4',,: ' 6I',4 . i 00 03K wr .hi 84 Hi 84 I So Si .10 . 40 304. .101; 3S . i'4S . 34g SlfJ 241, . l)t 0 0 0 : ." & .SS $ 84 K5V4 SAW 85 (J T4H 74? Tag 74 ijflf . fl TH TO TO teta. Law. clof m a dp is He lis lis 1 i -W SjT ri iuiii Kai at tamtv v ".. -.. .., iP aa iu: jb jg iff s CRUDE OIL STILL CLIMBING HoLiJTuN. Tex . Xu 13 -A turlntr d vinta 1 of 5 c.iu. a bSrr.l to North Teaja ifaiea or .ru4e oil U oouncd by tha) f'Ala Coi.iiwoy- atns tha na-mi uaf- tefe. Hr 231'jC . seconds, 2,1240.: nearby prints, fancy, 10c. ; do. 1 average extras, 281i2Uc. ; do., fair to good, 23tf20c. ; Jobbing salea of fancy prints, 34tf.l7c. KOflS. Cnolco slock was scarco nnd wanted nt full prices. Following arc tho quotatlona: In free cabca, nearby extras, 23c. per doz. ; llrnta, $0,311 per standard case; nearby current recetpla, $3.40V5.7u per rase; exceptional lota higher; Weatern, extra nrsts, !H.aui0,il I'er case; firsts, .1.33lfn per caae; fancy relected candled eggs were jobbing at 27f2Sc. per doz. CIIKKSC Tnore wna little trading and tho market waa barely steady. Quotatlona: New York, full cream, new llflll'lc. ; do.. lo., fair to good, new, i:t'.il.'15,c. ; do., part aklms, 04) 13c. POULTRY LIVE. Demand waa lesa active and thn market ruled ueak, with broiling chickens again lower, quotations: Kowls, aa to quality, llltrlOVic ; roosters. 11012c; broiling chickens, fancy, not teghorna, weighing l'y2 Iba. apiece, llifi20c. : do., not leghornr, weighing llrlli lbs. apiece, 10fl8c.; do., leghorns, weighing Mill 2 lba. 11 piece. l,M(Tc; ducks, 1'ekln, old, 1.1011c. ; do., Indian Ilunncr, old, 12f(l;lc. ; do., younir, according to alie, lliOlttc. ; pigeons, old, per pair, 18ii2uc.; do., young, Per pair, 17018c. llltKHSBD. Kino deslrable-alied fowla wera well cleaned up at full (Inures. Ilrolllng chlckena wero plentiful, dull and luwer. Quo tatlona: l'Vesh-kllled poultry, fowla, 12 to box, dry-picked, fancy aclectod. lite; weighing 4KB5 lbs. apiece, 18',lc; weighing 3ii84 lbs. apiece, lhHc. ; elghlng 3 lba. apiece, lOHitf if (4c. : under 3 lbs. apiece, 14!4B13'.4C; tea packed Weatern, 4Vg lbs. and over apiece, 17',4c; do,, smaller elxea, 15lfl7c; old rooatera, dry-picked, 13c: broiling chickens, Jersey, fancy. SltrSOc.; other nearby fancy, 22024c! fancy, largo jellow Illinois, weighing 2jnJ Iba. apiece, 2012lc; Western, weighing llittJ lbs. aploee, 18ulnc; do., weighing lHlVi lba, aploce, 10Srl7c.i spring ducks, 10I7c; aquaba, while, weighing 11012 lbs. per do., 13.004 4.00; .white, weighing. 010 lba. per do;.. .1?3.50; while, weighing 8 lbs. par doi J.2J Jj2 03; do.. 7 lba. per dox.. IS.10AS.S0; do., iHJtlu. iba. per dot., fl.uwi.Oi; durk. fl.Ultf 1.03; small and No. 2, L FRESH FRUITS Trade waa fair and prlcea generally ruled steady under moderato offerings. Quotatlona; APPlea, new. transparent, per honipcr, 50v.U IL23; peaches, tleorgla. Hello of lleorgla, per crato. tlBl.50; do.. Oeorgla, Klberta. i'er crate, tltfl.30; do.. Delaware and Maryland, per basket. 20840c. : do., Jeraey. per baakct, 1BB40C. i peara; Boutbern Lo Conte, per bbl.. 34; grapea. North Carolina. IJelawarea. per S-basket carrier, tl.aoas. lemona. Pff bjc oranges, nunuu, w, .wm, .75: Florida. il.JO carrier, UOcBtli uua.DU OIttv, .t,l."i r.rotiofrnlt. Florida, ner box Jer cralePorto Itlco, tLKHC uiafR. a.llttllB rifulPlTill. tier blackberries, Delaware, Maryland and ". per .. 5j8c.; gooseberries, per ql., JSiw.l KuckleuerrUa. per qt.. (Wfc; ..n';'?". Maryland, par atandard crate, SOc-ii-9J-: North Carolina, per atandard crate. JofJSc. do". North Carolina, per flat crate. f40c; do. Jew"-, per basket. BOSac.l waterroalona, per car, I15&SS23. VEGETABLES Si-ppllM wera fairly liberal and prljea geri. eraly favored buyers with dciaand only moderate. Quotations; White MtaWaf. Vlr SKlJ, pir bS.-No. 1, tlL23; No, 2, SOgTBo: White Vitatoea. New Jeraey. Pf f'l'ij0; ItOM, 30fi;c.i No. 1 olher arlfll. ,?&& No. S, 106 IBe. Bweet potatoea. North Carol na. per bbl.-No. I. l4.26; No. 2. t!B.50; Culla. ll.Wl.50. Sweet potatoae. SfW.'Wp.1 V Laskit-No. I. tl.1l; No. 2. S0J7&c, Onions, New Jeraey. per Uush. ba.ketM820c, , do.. Kastern Shore, par hamper, ,30400. Corn, New Jeraey, BerTaskot. S. Tomjm, Now Jersey, per Ukot-No. 1 Early, 812c; No J Secon4 Barly. 1580c. Muahrooma, per j.lb, laket, SOc.fltL NEW YOItK COFFEE JIARKET NBW YOllK, Aug. 13.-Tb market for rorfoa future waa soma what Irregular In I ha iarly awlon tody-. October contraats oe ollaed about 4 Points, whu 8ttnbr ds- . M.. ... . V- "- If - - Ti' Vaatafda" llvwlaa stoowsa an adva log vKTijiiW. Price Auguet . SastaoUaM' Ooiobar . Kovaaasw January Patwraary March . April '. May .- SSL- oitftiJa 6.60 ,.. &aiWa.w uioaa. tt.3ieu.15 .3iE.3S .3Sl.Ji tt.iM3 0.4f4f.lT ti.6lfi4i.bS au44fa.5s .3.is n.i.i3 FURTHBR FALL IN BXCHANGE NEW YOBlt. Aug. W.-AwKher decllaa oc curred IB tb foreign eacbange uiarket. which Wi-T4al WltlM.X.a.3 "jy",, Vjta Hrw According to llrndatrcct'a, cxporta of wheat thlB week wcro 4,524.000 bushels; Inst Wcolt, 3,133,000 bualicls; last year, 3,726,000 bushels. Sinco July 1, 21.331,000; year ago, 38,722,000. Corn shipments this week, 371,000 bushels; last week, 111,000; last yenr, 63,000. Since July 1, 2,270,000; year ago, 276,000. A deficit of J297.373, reported by tho Lnclcawunnn Hteel Compnny for tho first half of tho yenr, wna converted 'Into a surplus of nearly $200,000 by July results, 11011 jiruius 01 nunost tooo.ooo were shown. Tho Lehigh Vnlley'H loss In cross nnd net revenue, by reason of rate reduction, will not bo for from i,zoo,000. Tho gross earnings of 22 rnllronds for tho fourth week of July showed a de crease of 9541.91!), or 4.61 per cent. What Is said to bo tho largest single shipments of rails from this country will leave nn Monday next for Kussla. via tho Panama Canal. It consists of 11,000 tons of ttccl rails, for imperial Russian rail ways nnd is n product of tho Lackawanna Steel Company. Tho company Is operat ing at full capacity. J. O. Hobby, Jr., was elected treasurer of the American Locomotive Company, succeeding- C; B. Denny, resigned. Albert IL Ladncr. Jr.. was elected a director of the People's Trust Company. A New York Stock Exchange, seat sold for 155,000, unchanged from last previous transaction. The city of Newport, It. I., has sold $42,000 114 per cent, coupon llro depart ment bonds to Merrill, Oldham & Co. at 100.619.' ' The spot quotation for raw sugar ad vanced 6 points to 4.93 cents. Tho first cnrload of new spring wheat has nrriVetl in Chicago. Tho Now York banks lost J310.000 to tho Subtreasury yesterday, and gained 11,250, 000 sinco Trlday. The Utah Securities Company reports n net Increase In July earnings of J27.M2. nnd for the, seven months nn Increase of 65,813. Exports of copper from tho Atlantic ports the week end;il August 12 totaled J7 tons, Since August 1 the exports were 8128 tons and for the same period last year 6S08 tons. The impprts of general merchandise at the port of New York for tho week ended AuguM 7 totaled 17,78.695. an Increase of 15,550,112 ugalnst a year ago, DIVIDENDS DECLARED Atlantic IttnniiiB Company, regular quarterly 6 per cent., payable September )5 to Block of record Auguii u, I'll mouth Itubber qompany. regular Quarter ly I1.T5 on preferred stock, payable September I v stock of record Auguat 18. Inaepenacni iwokwi vyir, sw, lerly Hi par rnt- on preferred, payable August 31 to atoik of record August 20V . Manhattan Bhlrt Company, quarterly H.of I le eepienioer 1 to aiovK 01 rn rent., uayab record August 18. RECORD COAL EXPORTS NBW YOUK. Aug. 13. Exporla of 'Mat from the Untted Status have again brok. "as for tha preceding tbrec months, the leeord for foreign trade. Total July eiporta ere putat 1 070000 tans. April aiports were 7)7,002; mV. 774.687; June. 1.047.000. August U glDig Indication of continued demand. GOVERNMENT BONDS u of r 2s or 1 ) ractaUrtd coupon Panama 'J'"'! ;; vanama 2 13 rMuitarad. . Punama new S ragnterad-, 1'iratiu w a caupon a. ol U1S rMiaitd '4a of 1IS coMPWi j--.. 4a of Itta coupon To Manufacture Benzol ..!,. vnnK- Aui. 13. Iooraaatsa . v"L.jr hBa1 and aoarfnar dtuab lap utTwItTTudlcalicM.tlat a toavy daanaad th. through tfaa war. but orvugw tu C u ciotloaa not cuOr through if?- - ib. imt taaraaftar. baa Virgin' Iron. al and Wa iwuwiy , into J'piaautaciujlM of UtM product aa a bugs Advance In Pennsylvania Oite rirtuvwiH. S. -Jf JS V ral advucbs April waa In Pw Panaavlvajiia olta since - " k ' . Z.t .. ..- . aaj?uttu oy iae juhiib owy Ta advaaoa wai a mil Local Half'hourly Sales 10 to 10:30 A. M. 10 do 7.lf loo Blee Storage, m a dn m IM Klo 23 do , m loo nrlil 10 (.ambria Hteel M 40 Cambria, steel M'i 10 do.. rn(i Nl rreaed HI t . 02 Btorage. uv J t ... 44(J 1' mu. i 2.1 l'enna Salt... lisii 100 do 7411 10 do .00,101 do 71 IM Blee Storage. 0S1 100 do l, 74J4 100 do (B 10O . do......... 74 100 do. (I2U tiK rten Aaph pfd n 100 10 do. I0 do........ 25 .. do........ lot) U 8 Hteel... r.O do 10O do........ lt do Cramp t e Ta :. a w fNU M Blee Storage. (HJi (BM 7 de m 73 lo U 8 flteel,... 7lS GENERAL TRADE WWb OUTLOOK PROMISING Cotton and Wool Business In clined to Dulnesa Leather Market Firm 100 do... m I'enrtrt. Halt.. 4n . no. . 74 IKI 20 l'h Co cum pt an'. 2S Ixhlsh Nav, . il)i 60 Wfstmor t!oat m 2W If 8 8leet..,, 74 , 10 l'enna Salt,., no 10 rhlla Klec .. 24 "ft Tl4f no on., , ii at wesimor Coal m 30 V Cramp t c 72 10 do 72 10 Heading ..... 74 0 I.eh Valley Ifl (..rnhH. Rfaal a lblah Nav.. 7ft BO Drill JO ... 44'k f,0 Inter Met .. inW enna Bait... on 'enua 017-10 tnii 10 Ont Leather iliZ 1011 Rrln . .. . . 2 ...- .-i-v.- ... . T' i zz'-t :.T... .... w u n oieci. 21) IV 7 l'i 1.1 Cambria Bteel M'j 1,. U O DICUJ. ... (1 I.I V.UII1UII QICOI 7 20 do 74J41D0 do......... M 100 do 74(j 100 tl B.Bteel.... 74) 100 do 74 J 11 Mlnehlll M(i 4Cash sale. 1IOND3. tOOO 1l.ll,lKln 1st Ca) 102 .iiuki retina gen 4'j .... loon l'enna gen 4!a .... m Amer r.llO Amer 1iKK) Mleetrle & I'eonla'a Trafl 4a 74 Km l'hlln Kleclrlc 4a K) lomo to n a. ai. 100 It H meel 74U 1 Amer llwvs . 1.1 10(1 llablwln Rl 20 l'enna Salt... 00 ii (jnoarirn 11 r ii ;i.i Ton Min 10 r.Iea Storage, (tlji 100 do.... .VI I'nlnn l'aeiac.l.ll'i. 1() rin 2(1 llrlli J u ... 4 It, ir. l'enna . II ft t 0 ptd 41 tOO U 8 Hteel.... 74i 11H) do 74t in IClec Storage, rn'i 10 do (Ilk IH Phlla Kle.' .. 24. too Tonopah Mln. n 2.1 i:iec Stotage. ft'l m Cambria Steel Mtj, 10 Tbn Mln .. .1 .1-1H 10 Ton llel ... I 1-1 tl IIONDS. 1000 Kcystono Tolephone lit fla .i rnun (o serin mill I.!.!!!!.!!; ms i gen 4'5a 07)4 Oaa & Klectrlo Ra atW (ln & Electric n M7'i 50-10 8 B4. 2 do t4 7.10 II) Prill J (1 ... 4!V 100 U H Steet. . . . "4j 100 do 71$, 10 Camhrla Bteel Kl'.i 10 W Cramp t c 72S m l,eh Val Tr. 1.1 la l'enna ,.i 7-iu 10 llrlli J 23 l'enna , 4: MH . OS 4 . ns . "7 i .100 . OS 1000 l'enna cm 4a a.i l'hlla Co scrip 11)111 3.1 l'hlla Co scrip 1018 11 to 11:30 A. '. 25 Cambria Slcel M 100 Allls wi.tim. . 43V! 100 U 8 Hteel.... 74 00 do 42' ion wnr ir & St. iuv4 200 iJiko Hup Cor I) 2.1 r.iec Htorage. rci no Cambria. Bteel M il Union Trac... 3.1 100 do MU 70 IT 8 Steel.... 74, 2.1 do MlJ no Cambria Bteel 5 1 do at 2.1 Tononh llel. 4 1 I.rlilgh Nav.. 7.1 10 do 4 loo Amer Can .. nott 10 l.eblah Nav.. 74 H 10 II M Rlenl 74 U 30 l'h Co cum pt 3IIH 200 War Ir St. 10( no ii.iidwin ea .lo t'nlon I'acinc.l.'ll'l 40 l'hlla i;icc .. 2)i 10 do 2I 10 r.ch Valley . . TON Wi do 71 2.1 do 71 2oo Cambria Bteel M 000 do SI BONDS. 2000 I'onna gen 4Vj IOX) I-etilgh Nav cons 4)js 2000 l'enna eons 4H 1 Cambria Steet r4 A7 (lo .11 100 do M .100 do ni 100 U 8 Bteel.... 74 100 do 74 200 laxko Sup Cor 014 10 l'enna 01 . 07 . 1)1) .1(M 11:30 A.M. to 12 M. 200 Cambria Bteel M 100 Utke Sun Cor 014 20 do n-l -all Ins Cn N A. 22 10 V 8 Hteel.... 74 Its) II 8 Bteel MU 20O do "Ift 100 do R4(i 200 do 74 0(1 niec Storage, (tl 100 Tonopah Mln. fiU a rnlon Trnc... 3.1 20 Ibildwln SO 00 l'hlla. fcloo .. 24Vi 00 Klrc Storage. 0211 loo CambrU Steel .11 ID Am Ttwya pf. 07(4 100 l'hlla Elec .. 21V, 00 Klec Storage. H2JJ 200 Cambria Steel n 100 l'enna ni ion no r.i do.. M 07 100 Cambria Steel 01 20 uoNna 4000 l'enna gen V.in 12 M. to 12:30 P. M. 2.1 nrlll J (5 ... 45 200 U 8 Steel.... 74 100 IJ H Steel 74i; 10 00 0(1? K) do 74V4 10 Cambria Steel 0IJ4 20(1 Cambria Steel .14 10 Am IXwya pf l)7' 1.1 l'enna HI .-.-111 000 Cambria. Bteel 04'f. 20 IT S Bteel.... Till 200 do 34 10O Cambria Steel r.l 00 Erie 2V& lis) u M orcci.... i7H lu 110 n lim do ,4H in Cambria Steel mi 04 Cambria Steel 04 2.1 do 04' .10 U R Hteel.... T4K 75 do Bl; 10 Ijiko Sup Cor 11 100 Allla Chalin. ion Elec Stornao. I1 .1 II S Blccl... mo it a Steel.... 7i 20 l'enna 04 II) Cambria Steel .MtS II do 511, 200 Allla Ciinlm.. 4.li4 4 1-ako Sup Cor 10 100 Cambria Bteel 51 0 Carnbrla Steel Mi. 100 do 3li UDNDS. 1000 Tenna gen 414a 0714 in .. .. 7I 04 O.lll Cotton ntul cotton am i1rnlr rennrt trade conditions dull and unaatlsYactofy. ouylnp; fnvora the manufacturer nnd ,nr oera as a rule nro small, .According to n, Q. Dun & Co. A goad fall btulncaa la nntlclpatod. Collections, howevir, are satisfactory. Tho local wool market hns developed tip Important change during the last week. The demand has been Uchf. nlthoufth manufacturers In need ot sup plies have taken n fair quantity of alock and prlcoa nra nrm. Those holdlnft stock of medium unwashed fleece nro naklnff hlRhcr prices than buyers nro Inclined to pny. Territory wools are, ns n rule, held for price higher than tho troyefn itlsh to pay. "Western prices aro atrorwr, And It Is reported thnt stocks nro well cleaned tip In thnt aectlon. Tho demand app'enr. to bo Increasing owing to tho fact that conditions In the drygooda trade are Im proving. Uuslnrsa during tho last tveek has been genernlly quiet In tho cotnmis alon drygoods line. Tho season Is -about over nmong tho shlrtwnlst manufactur ers and has been n satisfactory one. ActlVo preparations nro being made for fnll business nnd a. largo spring trade Is nntlclpatod. Clonk nnd suit Tnnrufae hirer a report business Benernlly' quiet. They have their lines out npd atato that tho trade Is disposed to buy sparingly. They nntlclpnte, howover, n, gdo4fnll business, lint tho season, they think, wilt be lntc. Jobbers ot woolens, etc., stato the market Is ndvanclng nnd there la a fnlr demand, Manufacturer of men' nnd boys' clothing state thnt tho, .nil business la very promising and they 190k forward to u satisfactory season a busi ness. , , Tho leather market continues .firm, prices nro high and supply email. .Qlaied kid Is In modcrnto demand, prices for rnw mnterlnl continue; firm nnd export business' la somewhat Improved. Bftoe dealers rcpqrt salea nbout normal Tor thin period of tho year and collections' as somewhat Improved. Millinery dealers nro making prepara tions for fnll business nnd Inquiries hro encouraging. PUBLIC UTILITIES . Authority hna been granted tho Con solidated Klcctrlc Company, the reorgan ization of tho United Light and. JPqwor Company and n new aub"djarj of iho Oroot Western l'owcr Company, by; )ho California Ilallroad Commission 'to amend the mortgngo securing Its 2,C0O,OOf general mortgngo 5 per cent, 40-yenr bonds In order that tho company may deal with Its own franchises, .and .thus eliminate tho right of a number of' bondholders, to modify tho trust tided. The continued dcclino in revenues of tho Galveston-Houston Klcctrlo Company la ngnln reflected In tho Juno report, which shows, a loss of moro' than 1 per cent. In btoss Ine'ome and' n Octrenso equal te moro than 17 per ccnt'liiihet There wnB n groSi Ipcome fo.r thfi' month amounting to JICj.KS, nqt earnings rjftor operating expenses were 53S.SH. and 'after deducting Interest and other charKeff'1,hn surplus remaining waa S22.7S4, .against J'5,71.7 In tho samo month lnat y.o'ar. For the 12 months ended with June, Ipl3, graBa income totaled i2!lS5,512, n, loss, of 1271,530 from the preceding year.' .IBt.ln como for tho . period wns J3I1.2S0'. .a de crease of $137,855, and surplus earnings decreased $130,530 to $303,538. 12:30 to 1 P. M. 100 Cambria Steel MV, .10 U 8 Steel., 100 Ilcadlnir.. 73 1.1-111 00 do 00 l'hlla Kleo . . 2411 20 Brill J O 10 Ch It 1 1814 10 11 8 Bteel. Kl I'onna 04 0-1 11 10 l'enna IiONDS. 2000 Iiethlehom Steel reg- fla 1000 Heading KCn 4a 1 to 1:30 P.M. 4 naldwln pfd..lo14 200 Lake. Sup Cor nr, 20 tl H Steel.... 74), 1.1 do 11(4 12.1 bako Sup Cor IIJ4 4.1 l'enna Bait... 0(1 10 do OU IS U CI I h:m 100 U B Steel.... T4i4 100 do Mij 1:30 to 2 P. M. "Ia .. 7411 01 7-llJ ..1111 .. DJ14 100 IV Cramp t c 70 10O l'hlla Hlec .. 24 do -4 10 Tenna ....... MH 1DO ,'10 do Ol'h 20 2 l.cli Ik h Nov.. 70 .1 100 U 8 Bteol pfd,112H 10 sm Lako Sup Cor 10 Ion no 1110 100 111 100 100 200 000 loo 00 00 100 I.ako Sup Cor 101i 100 do W. 7 10 do Wt MINING STOCIt QUOTATIONS TONOPAH STOCKS. Jim Ilutfer Jl I d vn y , '. , 1 ; Mlspah Extension ... Montana Northern Star ,. ..,..,. ;. .,,,,., Tonopah llelmont ..,'.,..., Tonopah Mxtenslon . .3. .v.... ,.-.-.., lonopaniierKer .... Tonopah Atlnlpc . Ilescue 1'ula West 12nd r' ......ji, ..,..,., do 10H do 10 do 10. do 1041 do 1011 10(1 do lOti 20 do 10 1K do KS 100 do. da. do. do. do. do. 101 10' 111 n.l III- K'H I1 100 100 100 do. do do do do do do do do.. 10 Klec Storace. Kit uo Ul). ..102 Ke. itli! oto-ia oH DO' KS lo; IX3NDB. 10000 Daldwln 1st It 2 to 2:30 P. M. mo IjiVb 8uo Cor lO. 100 Corn Prod . 1() da, 10 0 Klec Storage kmi Ciiiut.rla Steel Ol-V 12 l'enna 0 07 l'hlla Klec .. 2lli 20 do... sift 10 dn 24 20 Phlla Co .... 811 .10 I' It T t c... 0 100 I-ake Sup Cor 10jl 00 do 0 1000 do......... 10(J 10 l'enna Bait... DO 100 U 8 Steel.... 74U 41 l'enna 04 3-10 10O Lake Sup Cor 10 500 latKO OUp tor 1V4 IWi UO IV. "iwi do. ........ loi! .100 do 10- 200 do JOiS 200 do 10-1 "U ao i.'m -v (i a nieei.... a 100 do lo HOD Cambria Steel R4" K) do 10S III U H Hteel.... too Phlla Kleo .. 2l!t 100 do... 7ai 100 II ri Steel.... 74 100 do 731 in r-n.nhrla Hteel 04U 20 Iteadlnsr 7:1 00 do., SIH 10 Lake Sup Cor 10JJ UON03. 02 Cambria Steel scrip 1010 0 Cambria Bteel scrip 1010 2:30 to 3 P. M. 100 If 8 Steel.... TTlk 8 Cambria Bteel UK .1 union ITac... 7t JV..ua;:; H 1 IteadlnB ..... 7;lU CO Ton Mln .. B3.l3 10 Allla claim.. Wi 15 Utah Copper.. UoU a.i Kleo Btoro bo. CI 20 l'enna. .... M B.ld 10(1 do O 40 do 53 0-ltl 10 Baldwin ..... 7UV4 100 U 8 Sleel.... 74 10 l'i Bttel pfd. Kt 10 do 71 30 Kleo Storage. Ul 100 Cambria Steel 5 Hi 1JOND8. 113 Cambria Steel scrip May 1017 0S14 TB.1 Cambria Steel serin May 1017 uslJ 7.1.1 Cambria Bteel scrip 1011 ,, 0044 7S3 Cambria Steel 'scrip Feb. 11)17.,.,., iw RAILROAD EARNINGS MISSOURI PACIFIC. lata. June ro4 '2'i?'?JT Net alUr taxes ,.,, 0kI1,is2 12 montba' grots 28.32n.u7a Net after laaa.., 6,300,7J3 CINCINNATI. HAMILTON t DATTON, Juoa aroaa e3?'' M.M1 Net altar taxes..., .S-523 0M.7J0 12 montba groaa 0.720.07S -33S.241 Net after taiea.,.. 731,710 WU.Wi PBTB01T AND MAqKINAC. 1st weak Aua-uat Htl,7t7 il.aiu ST. UKJJS AND SAN PItANCISCO. i.ff..:::"::-.-.::: !! .fiftSB .. .,. .... aa.iwv.am 4,iga,car TsJXAB AND BACIPIO. OOIJDFIELD STQCKS. Atlanta lllue Hull , Month llulldog o o i : Combination Fmrllon ..... IllHrnomlllrld II II - Daisy .-. 'Floret,- ........ v.,.....;..,. (1 old lie M Cona,., , doldtlrj.l Merifer.i. Jumlio- Rxtentdpni .....f ., Kcwdnaa.. , y?i "" Oro" -. '. . , ......... . j , Band Ken ,,....,,,',.,,,.,. Silver Tick. ,. ,4, ., ,')W . ' MISfJELIiANEOUS, Falrvlow. Aztec , '..,,,, Klmberly- Nevada lllll ,...,'....11 .., NrCada IVocder . .... r Bid. Asked , .82 , .R3 .10' .11 , .i0 .21 ,ai ..si 'it , .13 atf ' ftll-IO .33 - 87 fills . B,t ,00 ' .08 .08 .00 .20 ' .UO .02 .01 .44 .III ,01 03 .02 . ,01 .on " .os .01 .03 .01 .0(1 -.4,1 . , .4(1 ' IH, 8-10 .21 .22 1.43 ij 1.00 .10 " .12 .07 .08 .03.1 .07 :o8 ,oo ,br-t ,03 .03 ,ai ,17 .10 1,45 1.00 ( LIVE STOCK QUOTATION$ oiliaKOO'. A'ug. 1.1 IfOOS.-lteorlpti, 1B.0O0; market 5o.' lower; mixed and butchers, I7.3.1 T.hO:Jaod heavy,- $H.4.1ff7.40; rouali htavy, 10.151(11.111: llaiht, T7,lCi7.80; pigs, 4i.7M7.4ll' Imltc.'$..H"i7.4n, ' . , ; OATTTI-B.-'Iteeelpta. M00 market alion. beeves, il.4010..V); row and brlfcrs, s,l.not P..1Q; Texans, 0J(.1fl8.4O: calves. 4tp.roBIO.50. KliKEl'.-IlereiPlK, TOOOi market atcad na tive nnd Weatern, ,3.00J)a03J Umbs, sy.400 0.10. ,' "..' ; Increase. I171.21H) tl,b(H l,02i),(KU 1,737,042 If. IMS. iTafWVx-fe-:::::;.:: lm. fwelv liawKM' gro...i.jHi,! Increase. IP .1IB Kai aftar Uxas ..-..' J. TQLBDO. PBOIIIA AND WWrTBRN. 1011 IncnaM. NEW YQRK BUTTER AND EGGS EGOS - alarkat tim , r.eU.u. MMO caana. .., Aral. aMte rcauiar BackM. icauJar ITEa. '.!.. T.--, A' -.-".fc... Ci.TL 1 BKrsa istu vz?&j& ssrw-jaenbmrisssst zz j Thla Iollua w raitiHi n " - . Wua. -..... Movements' of Currency NEW YOftK. Ailg. 13. Tho repdrted piove. ments of corrency thla week Indicate a. 'train In cash by banka or about t20.O0O.0OO, mostly through gold Imports. Hanks received from the interior 11I.7M.000 .and shipped ta,,th Interior f I.S07.000. Gold Imports were 11k toO 000 United Btalea gold from Lohdoh. Orll nary dlaburaementa from tlai Subtreasury aera ,$18,270,000. raimenta by banka wer $1.1. 770.000. showing gain on Subtreasury operu ftonaproper ot L00O,O0O. Electrical Utility Investment Tbelr Record and l'rosreaa Send for Booklet SS5 William P.Bqnbrighttf Co,, Inc. MORRIS WISTAR STROUD. Jf. Manarjer 431 CHESTNUT BTltEKT I-blladelpbur, New York Botton Datrolt London) William P. Oonbrlght oV Co. Paris: Bonbrigbt S. Co. SOUTHERN PACIFIC R. R. On Monday next a special tetter on the above company will bo Usucd by u. Call or write for u copy. HUGHES & D1ER pankera and Broker tlembara ot PhlUdelptU Steele Sxcttaafa Uambara of Chleaga Board of Trade 1435 Walnut Street lblUdlpbl Direct I'rlvaU Wire to MBVV.rOHK m ciiicaoo BOAHn or tradi.. kw TOKK CDRB aa4 attW ;prtaai uw SOUND INVESTMENTS IWIERG-Ca HAIVKHOS 'uuuuis,i,,.i.ina-jj..jj .-ct BUiJiCTUKV lr DM7TM lVlaHc AHH)(IU.t DpUU N U. UUU Lawij,ljt aaO. 411 J.t