TtnlipwTiwf,t .-ip-saRx?" ' IaBNEY H. MAURY f TlTT71C1'niXTm'tTT jrjvapjM.NX.ciii Lghters of the South to Benefit by Open-air School I nf Jacksonville-'-Doines of Ph,inrii..i,,'. ,.. in New jjS DABNBV It. MAttRV CHAPTlJit , in D.iugliHTs or. tnu confederacy, been presented with a scholarship . Anen-nlr School of Jacksonville. r j whlcih Mrs. Lnnsdon Caskln Ib 1pI T,1B scholarship ta to be known i(i4 "Josepnine foo uuer ocnoinrsnip, lono' "f Mrs- s' rftU(lal11 Duor, of this , 4ny girl ot genuo uirtn is eligible, ,-i,. rnntlltlons being that one of her IftnU must be of Southern birth. The imlltte to tlfCiae upon me cnnaiantcB ,.. Mrs. Henry K. Dlllnwl, Jr.. pres- IL r the chapter; Mrs. Naudnln Duer fit Mr. Jawcs T. Halsey. km voorhees Drayton, accompanied by kill"' . j..i..j i, no inin,i .. V little oaubiiit.-, .... .,ud, ftw'iir Voorhees nt Enple's Mere for , tale summer. h1.. - tt-.AnfliitA Ttnlrrl. who linn been nt'"?., . !. nnrtt, DitmMAP Mitt. h. H&!Uher, who Is occupying the Devon sglltMe latter's trip through the West, z2?.- fam&alnwti with lir nnrnnlft !i" . ... Wllllnm T. rjnlr In rn. snu ana ,,....... .. ..u, ., .- itn until the early part of September. Sim Harriett Hogcrs Van Bnun, of Hi snruce street, is spending August at itkoii, N. H. h ... T? VnUrtnntnnU n ml Iia. mllXt JullltD ........ ...... ..... Br. .. ft.iu r.lin.'lnfta HntiAc,f ftM. I -. in. Marv Fnlinestock. nro at Mno 'mills, Mass,, where they will remain un- ft the early numnin. W. . , ......., rtAI.AttH I. t. Hup iienry wiuoam wcjhi ., nun ffr . L,. fHH.t1.. nt tl.nlt nnlln.n flolnca ma !" " ...v.. vu.....,u 1.,. IVielt'i Here. Miss Harriet O. It. Geye- Sllnnllgone vu ""' """ " ."..i. r .,- .i fB Tlnnll Wnrrl. of Ut. M:,r. Ftin'i. )'t yesterday for Blddcford Pool, ;Ut, where tney wi i fcpeiui me rtmainucr lit (he Bummer r !( H Mrs. J. AshbV Taylor, of Lnntr- fv-rn'. have Issued Invitations for the s-arrlage of their daughter, Miss Eliza aiita Clayton Tnylor, to Mr, Richard RTmsii. Sentembor 1, In St. James' Ifjurch, Langliome. A reception will fol ioW the ceremony at the homo ot the tilde's parents. F Along the Main' Line IfABDMORE. Mra. Byron P. Moulton fcfui left for Poland Springs. Me., whero lliic will spend the month of August and Itroiala until the end of September at if tin, Poland Springs Hotel. I. HuVERFORD. Mrs. Rowland Comly, Of panmurc roau. who hub utcn vioi.nib, t Bait Oloucester. Mass., will return i" hbmt today. iii ci.Ia. HiIiIa nt C.nUecp. avenue. I' fcsa. left for Beach Haven, N. J., where I (In will be the gueHi or ."Miss Virginia ) Jjjptncott at her cottage, making a. visit rr, 01 several ween-a. gr Mr ana airs, wuuam xiuwcu, ui mu llHo-verford Court, have gone to Magnolia, II Mass., for the montn or August. otivm iWRMro. Til-hard Tavlor. ;'p Radnor roaJ, Is spending several weeks a Province ae yueuec, tunaau. r- An4 fr Hahpv Xntnnll. Miss Allen Talnall, of Stanthorpe, Pa., accompanied Dy vr ana airs, xicnry . i,iitD, w M Monffjdmcvy nVeliueV have left for aaja, wnere tney win spena .evcrm tki st Mr. nnd Mrs. Tatnall's summer Slence, at Algonquin Park, Ontario, rcvBSlsa. 'ftfu. an Tro Tnlin CI Phnmhprn. Sr.. of .. nj.mM U.,n na.n antsHnin. MiIlCLt UVCIIUU, liuwa Mt ..w. .ui.,- r tn. r.thol V AnrtprHOn nnd Mr. W. iKPancoast. of Philadelphia. Kiir, and Mrs. 'Walter Schnlder. Mr. Alfred schnlder ana jiaster waiter fcfcblder, Jr, of Philadelphia, who have ,wjn spenaing several monins nerc, re ibrneii home Tuesday. mt.y 103EMONT.-Mr. and Mrs. William B. mtt are at the Anthony cottage at TOerly Farms for the month of August. IVJILANOVA. Miss Harriet O. R, Oey- jffin, of Hardwlck. has left for Bnr Har IKr, J!e,, where she will be the guest of ptis Charlotte Slter for several weeks, Klter which she will also be the truest of U Eleanor de G. Cuyler at her cottage. Germantown Mr. Charles B. Cooke and family, of Bayn avenue, will rerrialn in their At- Jio City cottage till after September J. a Elizabeth Moran. of 537 Tulnehock- treet and Miss Frances B. Miller S3 Just returned from a stay at Maple fjrat Bungalow, Wildcat Falls, Susque tena Mountains, Pa. IBIMtaS Eileen lprwlnl nf UnlmABhnri. Hllher iter, Mlas Marguerite Kerwlck, spj'vo oeen tno gueBts ot miss aiar iptet C. Burns, of 5813 McMahon avenue, Kff returned to their home. Fife"- Joseph P. Connelly, of UO Pas. bUti wr, onu ner daughter, Miss Upon Connelly, have returned from an gwidea: stay In Atlantic City. it mf m r icueverun ana ner eiaier, m Florence McGeveran. ot 6325 North i Tlittu .- ,. ... I -McCi, wm ,eave on Saturday for 13 a, N Y.. Whrntrii' will ha iha ! of relatives. John Burns, of 1333 Narragansett '. U spending tho summer at Poland , Me. 3tlQ Sfrfl TlAftrnm T.Aamqn rtr UllSr fitreet. Whn hnua inlyan r knnaA Wsyres, Pa . for the summer, have r guest Mr. Whejple), of New Along the Heading ina Mrs. William If. Shelmerdlne, rwiii Adlrondack Mountains, wher n, """ l monin or August ai wip of Mr arid Mrs. William P. . which la BltuatedJpn Loon Lake. James n m,...i... . n-. at Wiidwood. will entertalu a -"iy irom August until Ai'aust ",""" wih intiude Miss Anna -MUa viola Grldley, Mr. Charles "m r Theodore Vsgt. June Warmer, f Qak Lane, will - r gesi lnta W8ttic jilsa Kvelyn ' Of 41 Coilcur,! nvnnp Wilmliis. '' Toniffht Miss Wvy will be luest mi a .. I Jinn n. i inuutl Mr. JasS Mullln, Mr. Bloxooi. Sturda and Sun- MS Uanna. on hn ... ..,111 Lt Atiantle City as the guests of Mughea, of f jamM piase, ! KckJ. V.'ynite ra4. 1 th HJI. m"-7'W ' .Mt 1VV- Sir. ,.. i ...j ... u ' sMWtu, u - y; " ocoi, wm uve laoair !B ITan.HL nurnla d , here thay will rtmutio uutM . iviiic hr fw the PaeMe EVgJL( "chapttod Ttfrm.. WITH SCHOLARSHIP England a ftw weeks Mr" "l hSMbccnJ,pendlnK remain uwux"' Mr"' Tyro w'" mhSBStreee!,eo0Tn' of.71t nvenu "- i. tvlMbet" Krapp, of Sunburv rn K.sph hu, bteiV spending most ol the summer at Atlantic City. OnfcTnlhf' n,ckor' of " City Line, wher , Jhn 55!. ""''S1 nt Snn nnclsw her Parents SPC"d a few Wcek" wllh Mlro.'r? ?,rs-1"'ey Towneend, of ''" Pnrk. w entertain nt their cot tage at Ocean City over this week-end "tako Ml?"'!?10. rVllllnms' M'" len l Iske, JH,8 Hcntrlce Thornlcy, Miss Ber- Vvnittlc,y,..MlM Leona D"e. Miss Eve. MSrthn ki'i "'"? SldmnVntid Miss moi Vrkl ,V l,s Twnsend will be re- Ashboe."8 M'ea "ClCn D' 0rnndl' of West Philadelphia Mr. nd Mrs. Samuel Lownes, 82 North ,hr S!ln C?t ".re bDlnB consfitulated on tho birth of a daughter. Is visiting In Hnrrlsburg, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Foster, 1139 North Robinson stiect, is spending a few weeks In Lancaster, Pa. Miss Irene Law, 123 South C!d street, hus returned homo after spending a por tion of the summer at New York. .Mr. and Mrs. Charles Myers. 61H Glrard avemic, is at hla summer homo In Ivy land, Pa. Miss Margaret Bergantz. 5116 Locust street; Miss Mazle Collcn, Miss Rose Col len, MSB Louise Collen, 5IU Sansom street; Miss Marie Gallagher and Miss Sadie Gallagher, 5115 Locust street, are spending the month of August In Laurel Splines, Pa. Mr. Louis Bergantz, 6115 Locust street, will leave tomorrow to visit his daughter there. Mrs. Harding, of 427 North 5Jd street, and Miss Adollno Haines, of 320 North 6th street, have gone to Manchester, N.H., to visit Miss Agnes Bloanev. of 213 Bl. mont street. Mr. and Mrs. J, w. Mills, Jr., have closed their apartment at Hamilton Courc and are spending August nt the Idle wild, Media. Miss Edith Godfrey, of Hamilton Court, has gone to Providence, R. I for tho month of August. Mr. Fred Tomllnson and family are at Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Havlland are Planning n vacation at ono of the sea shore resorts. Mrs. Harry Boyd, 27 Larchwood ave nue, haa returned from a visit to Mrs. Clnrence p. May at piodgetfs Landing. N. 11., and has gone to her Ocean City cottage for the season. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Waltz and their daughter, of 600S Cedar avenue, have gone to Lake Dunmore, Vt. Mr. John J. Mulllns, 56th street and "Westminster avenue, has returned from a trip to Troy and Saratoga. N. Y. Mrs. Leonard Burnley, 5129 Addison street, has returned from a stay at the seashore Miss Edna Carson Smith, of 1325 "West minster avenue. Is the guest of Mrs. Han nah Clark at her home In Chelsea. Mr. and Mrs. John Adnms and children, of fil52 Sansom street, nre spending a few weks In Wildwood. Miss Catharine V. Kelly and Dr. Grace Junes, of Chlcngo. will bo the guests of Mrs. H. M. ICoeune, of 5923 Webster street. Dr. Gr.fce Jones will leave for New York the latter part of the week, but Miss Kelly will remain for an Indefinite period. Mrs. Henry Brooks, 6319 Addison atreet, Is visiting friends nt Christiana, Dol., for a month. - South Philadelphia Mlsa Anna McGurk, of 2103 South Gar net street, and Miss Laura Bean, "of Ferndale, have Just returned from a trip to Niagara Falls, Canada. Buffalo. Wat kins Glen nnd Rochester. While In Buf falo they were entertained by Mrs. T. Rogers, of 776 Elmwood avenue. Mlsfl McGurk left today for a short trip to Now York and up the Hudson, and on her return 'Will go, accompanied by her mother, to "Wildwood, where they will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc Gurk, Mrs, D. Margolls and her daughter. SIlss Leona Mnrgolla, of KM South 8th street, will stay at the Glenslde Hotel, Atlantic City, for the rest of the sum mer. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Kapus and family, of 2317 South 16th street, have gone to Wildwood. N. J., where they will remain at the Hotel Glenwood until September 7. Mlsa Rebecca J. Wilson, of 133 South 22d street, will leave on Saturday for a two weeks' visit in Sea Isle City, N, J, Mr, and Mrs. Bennett Morgenateln, of 737 South 4th street, are the guests ot Mr, and Mrs. Barnet Levin at Asbury Park. North Philadelphia Mr J, L. Brubaker, SUt and Ontario streets, has gone on a tour of the Great Lakes. Mr and Mrs. Frank A. De Lacy, of 2S31 Columbia avenue, are visiting in Trenton, N. J. ,Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dokowskl. of 1715 North 33d street, announce the marriage fc?S-!MtaM.rlSSs Mny awasVe-rformT0n Friday, Au- gust 3, In wpop.p". Mr and Mrs- ioao ar In Wildwood for the drawer, and on their return will live In Camdkn. , jsk . raM "wtis Asbury yarn. Northeast Philadelphia ! John Beardon aruj his family, of W . k ta AtlMtln City. Mr an4 Mrs. Lwrene Harjw. f Htf oattMi at AglWJ. N J LEDOJpB-PHTT.ADELPHTA. THURSDAY, 'AtTQTBT Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vollum Hutchinson, of Bnla, whoso marriage to Mr. Robert Philip Koebler will take place Wednesday, September 1, 'in St. Asaph's Church, Bala. FARMERS' DANCE WILL BE GALA OCCASION AT CHELSEA YACHT CLUB Men and Maids to Dress in Rural Costume Tennis Doubles Attract Cape May Folk Ocean City and Wildwood Personals ATLANTIC CITY, Aug. 12. THE members of the Chelsea Yacht Club have Issued cards for a "Farm ers" Dance" to Ic given on Au-ust 20. This rural pnrty Is an annum summer event when all tho guests come attired as dairy maids and farm hands. Mrs. A. E. Russell, who has beon at Bay Head for several weeks, has arrived at Chelsea, where she has taken apart ments at tho Ravenroyd. Mrs. Russell expects to spend the greater part of tho year hen. Sho will be joined later by her daughter, Mrs. Caroline Russell Blsp hnm, who Is now In New England, Mrs. Joseph J. Martin, Sr., of Phila delphia, who was tho guest ot honor on Monday at a luncheon given by tho Quaker City Motor Club, nt the Chelsea Yacht Club, gave a ucaumuuy ai,,ui,. luncheon on the following day nt the Hotel Shelburne. The favors were quaint nosegays of China asters. Bridge fol lowed the luncheon. Tho prized were hnnd-embroldercd needlework bags. The guests wcro Mrs. David Richardson. Mrs. Lydla Bradford. Mrs. Edward Storey, Mrs. Andrew J. Lawler. Mrs. Nct tlo Ruhland, Mrs. Llneweaver. Mrs. Georgo Miller, Mrs. George C. J. Fleck, Mrs. Deward Flnck, Mrs. Richard fil bert Mrs. Talbot, Mrs. George Roesch, Mrs.' Lydla Bradford, Mrs. Ingram, Mrs. "Woodruff, Mrs. Douglas. There wero 33 tables In play at the Tuesday afternoon bridge party held nt the Atlantic City Yacht Club. Those who received were Mrs. W. Chandler Stewart, Mrd. Arthur Wright, .Mrs. Henry C. Ransley, MrB. Jesse W. Starr. 3d. and Mrs. Alfred W. Ely. Among the Ph 11a delphlans who were entertained on this Seen" on were Mrs. W. W Hanna. Mrs. J A T. Brown, Mrs. W. M. McCormlck. Mlrs Ray, Mrs. J. C. Lawrence. Mrs. George Hand. Mrs. P. W. Degerberg, Mrs. George Elliott, Mrs. W.H Sharp, Mrs. I. T. Relter. Mrs. Joseph Mathleu, Mrs B. F. Sweeten, Mrs. J. Ivlns Nich olas! Mlsa Mnrle O'Keefe. Miss Broomall, Mrs Frank Jarden, Mrs. Harry Parsons, Mrs'. Florence Garnett. Mrs. Bertram Frazler. Mrs. William Longstreth entertained on TueBday afternoon at her Chelsea cot tage for her daughter. Miss Mary Long streth. Mrs John King Van Rensselaer, of New York, will be the guest of honor at Jl.j" ...... tn v, niven on Tuesday 2ftXonFbTMrs:w.llIamM.Lycettand her sister, Mrs. vauer Mtiibuuu u.... at their summer nomo in wiic.oo. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Wlldemore, Mrs. Jacob Wlldemore and Miss Carrie Wide more who have, bien here for (he last " weeks left today for Philadelphia en r"ute .for a motor' trip through NeW England. nni CITY, Aug. 12, Mrs. Charles I Ort ot Tlo'ga. is here for a short MIm Marian Wickersham, of German. Mu's'Martnriowman Is entertaining Miss Anna Blair of Lansdowne. Mrs. E. B, Steele and daughter, of Philadelphia, are guests ot Mrs. . M. Wood. Mr. Eugene Whitman, of PWlde'pha. Is vUlting his mother, Mrs. A. W. Whit map, a cottager. Mli Rachel Brewster, of Lansdowne, Is here on a lengthy visit. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cardeli and daughters. Miss Elizabeth and Mis, Ilelen. of Philadelphia, are. here for the remainder of the season. Miss Mabel Gllflllan, of Vet Pblladel pWa, is the guest of MUs Grace Hal. Mr. Gilbert P. Van Hoeaen, of Phlladel phia. isamiin? the Boardwalk strollers. Mr. and Mr. Oharles F. PhUUp and family, of Philadelphia, have taken apartments for the remainder of the season. With them Is MlM Mildred Franklin, of West Phlladelphian. Mr. J. Irwin Taylor and family, of Chester, have taken apartrowU in this etty. jjr. Charte Kiofwwro ad family, of PbUadelphla. -will wrid the remainder of th season ia apartawnts hew. .n. ...v iuf tfTh ftua.1 round f9r the mixed tamf'J?f t the t!9iu prila r r - MISS ETHEL VOLLUiM HUTCHINSON H S. Worth resulted In a victory for Mrs. Gilbert A. Harvey, of the Phila delphia Country Club, and Mr. A. Greene, of Philadelphia, a member of tho Penn Charter tennis team. The runncrs-up were Miss Anne Steele, of Baltimore, and Mr. Henry B. ration, of the rhllodclphla Cricket Club. MIks Eleanor Hopkins managed a very successful eake sale at her cottage on Ocean avenuo Tho cakes, which wero donated by society women, wcro all sold and the proceeds, amounting to tho sum of JbO, wcro sent to aid tho wounded French soldiers. The U'sual clock contest will take place tonight at tho Red Mill dancing pavilion; also a dancing contest tor children will be arranged for Saturday ufternoon. The tea at tho Hotel WlndJor was Un usually well attended this week. Among those present wero Mrs. B. Homer Lo Boutllller, Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Hill, Mrs. A. M. Rumscy, Mrs, McConnell and Miss W. R. Tyler. Mis. Kane and Miss Elizabeth 'Cane, of Chestnut Hill, spent several days here. Mr. Gilbert A. Harvey came down as usual over tho week-end. He will leave next week for a camping trip In tho Maine woods. Miss Elizabeth Kennedy has returned .o Haverford Court from a visit to Mr. und Mrs. Earl Putnam. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cobb Kennedy, have gone to Canada on a fishing trip. Mrs. Robert Nelson delivered the third of a serien of addresses on Tuesday morn Ins at tho golf club. The, subject was "The Internal Problems of Mexico." Mr. William Klngslcy, Jr., of German town, who has been Btaylng at tho Bal timore Inn with Mr. Edward Cassard for tho last tew weeks, has returned to hla home. Mr. Thomas Hart, of Mask and Wig fame, left yesterday for Philadelphia, having spent beveral Uays here, WILDWOOD. Aug. 12.-The Holly Beach Yacht Club will hold its regular annual meeting tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock, at the clubhouse. Mr. Edward Greuner and family, of Germantown, are occupying apartments at the Wisteria. Mrs. L- J. Kelly, of Philadelphia, is a guest at the Sllverton cottage for several Mr. 'spencer Goodwin has returned to his home in Falls of Schuylkill, Ta., after spending some time here. Mr. O. E. Keller, of Seattle, Wash ington and Mr. R. L. Beck, of Pitts burgh, were guests of Mr, Robert Rambo, at the "Wildwood. Mr. Edward Bchleslnger. of i'hlladeN phla, Is the guest of Mr. Joseph Long, on Rio Grande avenue, for a short time. Mr. Jack Tredentck, of Philadelphia, is spending Beveral weeks here at the shore, Lansdowne Mr, and Mrs. Michael Skeety. of East Stewart avenue, are visiting relatives in St, Louis. Mrs. John Loughney and daughter, Miss Elizabeth Loughney, returned today from a week-end visit to Ocean City. Miss Marie G, Loughney, of La Crosse avenue, is spending the week at Pine Beach. Miss Loretta Snyder, of Trenton, is the guest of Miss Marie de Vaux. of Win dermere avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Fre4 Gordon, of Wild wood avenue, are receiving congratula. tlons on the birth of a son. Notices for tbo Soclelr P" "Ul eepUd and printed la tho Enlng Ledger, but -U sach notbes mutt M writ tea -a on sldo of tbo paper, most bo signed la full, with full -4. drci, and wltea posalblo icUobea noraber most bo (Ifea. Send all o-cb communication to -BaeUU Editor," IS reals l4tr, SI Chutout street, Uultu tUee requUeoifnU sure carried out so that wUk-Uaa taay to peiltt. tbo Botlecs wlU not M pstiUiLd. rhoto by Marceau. Frankford Miss Bcrnlce Cai tledgo, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Franklin .' Cartledgo, of 3102 Decatur street, wl.l return during the latter part of this month from Easton, Md whero she Is being entertained by Mm. It. E. Mlddaugh, of Washington, at tho Mlddaugh countiy scat. Miss Inez Cartledgo will leave for Bur lington In a week or so, to remain until fall. Miss Loretta McCann, of 7010 Tulip street, has returned from her recent visit to Chestnut Hill. Mr. and. Mrs. Anthony D. Morton, of Penn street, arc entertaining Mrs, Mor ton's alstcr, Miss Jnne R. Renbcrgcr, of Chicago, III. Saturday evening Miss Ren bcrger will bo honor guest at dinner and a porch dance given by her uncle, Mr. Frederick M. Renberger, nt his summer residence In Chestnut Hill. About 60 guests havo been Invited. Miss Renberger will remain until September 1. Mrs. L Plumley, of Pine road, 'Fox Chase, Is spending two weeks at Lake Hopatcong. Master E. Nelson Thomas, of 19a Auth street, is spending his vacation nt River side, N. J., ns the guest of his aunt. Mrs. Llllle Lcnnen, '' 'mnrly of Frankford. Roxborough Mrs. Mary R Kelly, of Judson street, and MIsb Frnpces V. Monahan left yes terday on n visit to the West which will consume, four months. During their ab sence they will visit Chicago, Salt Lake City, Seattle, Washington and the Pan-ama-Paclflo Exposition. A largo number of friends gathered at the home of Miss Monahan previous to her departure to wish her a pleasant trip nnd a safe re turn. Mr. Don F. Lanlgan and Mr. William F. Lanlgan, of 4509 Smlck street, left yes terday on a visit to their uncle, Mr. Bert Lee, Chester, Pa. Today they will leave with Mr. Lee and his family on a motor trip to Canada and the Thousand Islands. Mr. Thomas Kenny, of Kalos street, Wlssahlckon, left yesterday on an ex tended automobile trip to Cape May nnd Atlantic City. He will be absent for tno weeks. Mrs. C. J. Thompson and daughter, Miss June, of 529 East Leverlngton ave nue, returned yesterday from an ex tended visit to Ocean Cty, N, J. Camden and Vicinity Mrs. Ernest V, Chamberlln is visiting Mrs. A. II. Slckler at her cottage at Ocean City. Mrs. E. Y. Schellenger and son and daughter, of 5th and Cooper streets, returned this week from the West and will spend the remainder of the summer at Ocean City, Mrs, Martin V. Bersln, of 4th and Lin den streets, Is In Oceap City for two weeks. ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles V, Bailey and children, of Merchantvllle, have moved to their new home on Washington avenue, Haddonfteid, Miss Laura Reeve, of 3d and State streets, Is spending this month at Casco Bay, Me. Mes Fannie Sanderson has Joined Mrs, Stanley Muschamp at Provlncetown, Mass. SUMMER ItESOllTS ATLANTIC CITY, N, J. OSTEND Occupying an entire block at ocean front and connected with the famous l!Mrd.wallt; In tb popular CheUca sectloa. capacity 3M; unuaually large, cool rooms, with unobitructed view of tbo ocean front all; ea and (run water la all bathe; runninz water In rodnuj 4O0O ft. oj porches surround tbe hotel: tbo new dtnlnc room overlooks tbo sea, finest culilna and unite aervtce; orcbeitra o( oolo ljti; dancing twice dally; aoclal dlrerilona; magnificent new Palm Lounse. Speclal-21.00 up weekly, booklet mailed, auto meets trains. OSTEND CO.. Owner. The celebrated RADIUM WATER TREAT. MENT tonic, recoattructiva and rejuvouant -hi 'bean Installed and u administered by tne notera rwoai tiaiwvwu. fzll uuui nawaocr woat tsoix!, ' f tU a Bold Original Creation M4 LlJ -uatl-LoniCabieraiUMU cut Mid Leading Uj h-TUM SJodert-RU Hotel AI RFMARI F Virginia o' Sen- ALRCnmrU.G j Elevator, prtvtia k-tfca. (to e-eeUOBt table. Sususar HM, Ij) 4 12, 1915: MIDSUMMER WEEK-END PICNICS AND HOUSE PARTIES Monument Grouhds at Malvern Had Lively Crowd. Reliance Country Club Gives House Party. Other Outings A MOST successful picnic wns given on , Saturday nt the famous monument grounds, Malvern, in old of St. Patrick's now church, of Malvern. Not only were nil tho neighboring parishes of Chester County largely represented, but also many Philadelphia parishes, the greatest number coming from Our Lady of Mercy, for whom special tars were chartered, "Jitneys" met all trains to and from Malvern, nnd also the Paoll express trains, from 9 A. M. until H: P. M. when tho last ot the guests departed, Among those running Jitneys were Mlsa lrma Hnrdnrt, Miss May Hardart, Mr. Morris, Mr. McCauley, and Mr. Farley. Dinner nnd supper wero served nt at tractively arranged tables In the pleasant and shady grove. A lempornry pavilion having been erected, dancing was a prominent fcaturo of the afternoon and evening. Tho fish pond, where many valuable "fish" were caught, was of special Interest to tho children. Tho shooting gallery, nbly gunrdede by Mr. Hugh Gallagher nnd Mr. Dennis Sheridan, wero lnrgo attractions, On Saturday, August 2S, a supper and euchre, followed by a promenado concert, will be given by Miss Allco Morris nt her home, Planebrook. Tho Reliance Country Club, of Lucas ton, N. J., entertained a week-end party Init week. It was chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. John Green, of 2309 South Mill street, and Mis. Dougherty, of Kill and Mc Kean streets. Among the guests were Miss Pauline Dougherty, Miss Elizabeth Duanc, Miss llesslo Guitagher, Miss Margaret Green, Miss Mffrlo Logue, Miss Elizabeth Phil lips, Miss Helen Stewart, Mies Mary Tuner. Miss Margnret Tltli-rmary, Miss Edna Tatcm, Miss May and Miss Mar-, g.uct Touch, Miss Mario Pounds, Miss Clulte, Miss Agnes and Miss Gertrude Pjunds, Mr. John Baker, Mr. William Ducey, Mr. Joseph Dougherty, Mr. Jnmcs. Duauv, Mr. Joseph Green, Mr. Frank Feeney, Mr. Josph Ford, Mr. John Green. .Mr. Raymond I.UU, Mr. Harry McCabc, Mr. Allen Murphy, Mr. William Pounds, Mr. Thomas White and rir. Mar tin Henrj. A picnic of the Bookkeeping and Pen manship Class of 1910 of the Hebrew Edu cation Socloty was held nt the Pavilion at Wlssahlckon on Sunday. Mr, Herman Mazer and Mr. Jack Wclner were In chaigc. At 3 o'clock a watermelon party took place In flatboats on the creek, In which all participated. Among the honored guests were Mr. Hymen Bcrkovltz, u recent recipient of a city scholarship, and Miss Florence Elscnhnmller, Miss Hose Creshcorf, Miss Sara Verbltsky, Mlsa Goldlo Lovenaon, Miss Sophlo Berkovltz, Miss Sophie Har ris, Miss Klorenco Applebaum, Miss Eliz abeth Rooenblum, Miss Pauline Rosen bluin, Miss Anna Hazen, Miss Henrietta Eullch, Miss Anna Lcfsky. Miss Rose Gross, Mlsa Lily Atkln, Miss Sara" Reiser. Miss Ethel Wnpcnslcln. Mr. Samuel Mil ler, Mr. William Fllckstcln, Mr. Herman Mazer, Mr. Jack Wclner, Mr. Samuel Selgel, Mr, Jack Jerome Kntz, Mr. Joseph Fllcksteln, Mr. Samuel Vltz, Mr. Herman Silver, Mr. S.imuel Kramer, Mr. Morris Abramson, Mr. Samuel Schmucler. Mr. Frank Steinberg and Mr. Emanuel Cohen. A delightful outing was tendered to the members of the Madonna Catholic Club In- the chairman, Mr. William A. S. Lape tma. on his farm at Blue Bell, Pa., last Sunday. The spirit that has characterized tho entertainment of the members on various occasions was again In evidence and marked the second scries of outings as a decided success. In the morning a baseball game between the "Bnchclors," tinder the leadership of Mr. Victor J. Feola, and the "Newlj' weds," under the guidance of Mr. John B. Crescenzo, was a great feature, the score at tho end of the seventh Inning being S-5 In faor of the "Bachelors." The game was called on account of rain Interfer ing. The afternoon games were very well contested, the winners being: Sack race. 'Mr. Victor Pretc, with Mr. Feola a close second; three-legged race. Mr. William Lapetlna and Mr. John Nocltra, with Mr. Victor Prete and Mr. Joseph LombardI few Indies behind; broad Jump, Mr. Victor J. Feola. Mr. Frank Calabrese second. The running races were postponed on account of wet grounds. ann,a vrtnitnflnnn monologues, auartet and a minstrel revival by the members mado the evening one of the most enter taining The Flvelblp had one of Us most suc cessful outings this season on Sundny at Six Boys' Woods, a rather densely wooded place about seven miles north of Norrlstown. Athletics were participated In. Including boxing. Tho star boxing bout of the day was between Mr. D. Vcr blt and Mr. If. Farbsteln. Many hikes wero made up pround tho various llll In that vicinity. Thoso of the Flvelblp present were: Mr. II. A, Furustuui, m,. D. A. Verblt. Mr. A. Levy. Mr. H. L. Brownstcln, Mr. William H. Posner. The Uptown Homo for the Aged Ladles' Association gave a street carnival last evening on Franklin street, from Poplar street to Glrard avenue. Tho street was illuminated with lanterns. Refreshments of all kinds were spld, The attractions for tho evening were automobile rides and hay rides, Ashing ponds, fortune tell- 6UMMEII TtESORTS WII.MINOTON, Del. Nothing Surpasses This One-Day Trip Splendid combination of Doat and Trolley over the majestic Delaware Hirer and a pretty coun try to Brandywine Springs Park The Park which entertains a million PhHadelphtans a year. The Park which always maintains aplendid order. No liquor sold within six miles of the Park. SPECIAL EXCURSION FARE is only 35 cents for Adults, 25 cents for Children. Saturdays, Hundaya ana houdsys 00 cenU for adolta. IS ntt fo children. Tlrkrlt con b obtained only on THE WILSON LINE BOATS Frequent trine by tbo boats male a t,ip piMl ny tlm of day. TroUey care yaret every boat la Wilmington. VHKE BAND CONPEUTS, MUSICAL COMKDY. DANCINO AND ALL OTHER rUltt AMt'BKMKNTS. To arrange excundent apply to James E. "lenTyT "" Manager, 1 8Wpley street, Wilmington, Del. BEACH HAVEN. U. J. NEW HOTEL BALDWIN Ideal modem bo : capacity 00; ata watw fcathi. elc-isaloand rlllt garaga. Booklet. OAFE MAY, N. J. TUB PI WAHn DeOM-r at aboY boe-b, BOVVAKD P. NITTlKaSt i i.i. i i-i-.n i-iy C1UCIUU ..sufcBjfc, , WU fc tos. 0 Ing and dancing, A double orchestra furnished music at n private dancing hall. The committee In charge of the af fair consisted of Miss B. nuberuteln, Mist J. Ho odar, Miss n. Klndermah, Mls It. Koenlg, Miss C. Klndermnn, Miss M. Cohen, Miss It. Fisher, Miss O. fJellef. man, Mr. 8. Gold, Mr. C, Bunte snd Mr. S. Stubman. Mr. and Mi. J. d. Lewis, ot S1J$ North aist street, gave a surprise party last week In honor of their niece. Miss Beth ager, of Chlcngo. Among thoso pr ent were Mr. and Sirs. Marx, Mr. and Mrs. H. Silverman, Mrs. and Mrs. A. Bass, Mr. nnd Mrs. I, Isaacman, Mils Anna Max, Miss Frances Prelce, MUs M. Pearlmnn, Miss Esther Bass, Mlsf CUra Lewis, Miss Motile, Mlu May and MUs nay Lewis, Mr. Meyer Sacks, Mr H. Lewis, Mr. H. Frecdman, Mr. Herman" Frcedman, Mr. E. Dally, Mr. M. Price, n r..E.,. J' Smotes, Mr. S. Perlmsn, Mr. 8. Malls, Mr. Eugene Lewie, Mr Charles Huben, Mr. U Gottesman. Mr. Edward '0,B,',en' -Mr. Raymond Bass and Mr. rhlllp Bass. Miss Emma Oawes rendered several vficnl solos. -Mr. nnd Mrs. William J. watiK, ot 6151 Arch street, celebrated their silver an nlverfry yesterday, Sir. and Mrs. valeh received many beautiful gift ond the congratulations of a host of friends. A reception took place nt their homo In the evening. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Walsh, Mrs. Kntherlno Bulllvan, Air. and Mrs John Mooncy, Mr. nnd .Mrs. Edward Dalian. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Herring. Mrs. James Walsh, Sirs. Katherlne ltylandi and her daughter, Mies Mary llyland. Mrs. Taylpr and her daughter, Miss Anna Taylor. Mr. Frank Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. McDermott, Mr, nnd Mrs, Dunlfl Latch, Mrs. Mary Bond. Mr. Peter Kear ney. Miss Mary Walsh, Miss Mry Sweeney, Mr. John Barry, Mr. John Sul llan, Mr. and Mrs. Mnrk Barry, Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Smith, Mr. and Mrs. William Burke, Mrs. Annie Winters, Mr. nnd Mr, Andrew rcterson, Mr. nnd Sirs. Joeph Woollen, Sir. and Sirs. Michael Woollen. Miss Catherine Wootten, Mr. and Mrs. John Allen. Mr, John Dowllng, Miss Emma Herring and Mr. John Agnew. Chester Mr. Lance C. Lathem, son of the Bev. Dr. nnd Mrs. A. L. Lathem, Is visiting In Jamestown, R. I and his sister. Miss Helen Lathem, Is with friends at Caps May, N. J. D-.strlct Attorney John B. Hannum, Jr., has returned to his homo In Chester after hnxlng toured several Western States. Mrs. Anne Wallace Ladomus, of 1121 Potter street, and Mrs. Alexander B. Geary, of Walllngford, have returned from a visit to Wildwood, Cope May, At-. lantlc City, and Ocean City, N. J. Former Mayor S. R. Crothers, SI. D., and family, are spending sometime at their bungalow on Bush river, Maryland. Tioga Mr. and Sirs. Harold Smith, 1321 Rui sell street, go this week for a stay at Wildwood. Mlsa Henrietta Lea.ntng. of 3722 North Broad street, sptnt the week-end at Salem, N. J as tho guest of Miss Edith Siangan. Sir. Charles G. Gartllng and family, of Rising Sun avenue, aro located on Morris avenue, Chelsea. What's Doing Tonight Municipal Hand, Utarr Garden Playground, 8th und Iximbard streets; b o'clock. Hit. Philadelphia Hand, Convention Hall, JiroaU treat and Allegheny avenue: 8 o'clock. 1'roo. Kalrmount Park Kind, Lemon Hill: S o'clock. Free. Open-air carnlal In aid ot Corpus Chrlatl Church, S9th street and Allegheny atenua; evening. Lemon Hill Aasoclatlon, City Hall Plaza. rjermantown Improvement Alliteration car nival, Chelten avenue and Anderaon street. , IUVKIl STEAMBOATS THOMAS CLYDE Family Excursion Steamer to AUGUSTINE BEACH 100 Miles 50 Cents Stopping at Cheater and Fennigrsv Only Iloat to AugueUne Beach Landing In tront ot grove; ears salt-water bathing; COO unitary bathrooina. full or- cheetra, on boat and beach! dancing all day. Artealan water; plenty tablee, benches and ehade. All klnda of amuaemente at beach. Pare, Round Trip. ISOr. Children, S to 10, 29c. Leaves Arch Street ttharf 8130 Dally, Sunday, 9 A. M. JAMES E. OTIS. Mgr.. 3 Arch St. T Auto Road Maps Free Showing best roads to nil tho popular Eastern summer resort regions, such as Asbury Park and North Jersey coaat points. Atlantic City, Ocean City, Wildwood, Capo May and all other South Jersey places. New England to Canada, Cat skills and Adirondacks, Delaware Water Gap and Pocoflfos also map show ing auto routes to ths Panama -Pacific Exposi. tion. Before you etart your vacation trip or week end tour, drop into Led ger Central and ask for the map you want. All free. The folder illus trates and describes each resort, and directs you t the best hotels in each place. All vacation ques tlons are cheerfully and quickly answured on tbo Balcony, LEDGER CENTRAL ChMtmwt Si. mt Brwri t-.riii tMtt Qewwr (. Mil. !',, " -S"k RV--l