Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 12, 1915, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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    pi sf $sp snH$i
Dug Torpedfniere Auatrlacho
Atkccano e Bombardano.
Scnzn Ristiltato Bad cd
Altre Citta
B Gen, Cadorna Dlco Nel Suo Rap
potto Cho Altrl Attachl Nemicl
Sono Statt Rcsplnti
ItOMA, II AbobIo.
t"v da fiucrrn, Austrlache hanno fntto
lerl un nllro raid sulle costs ttnilnne
aelfAdrlattco ed hanno bombardnto
ilnrl d Altro locallta' delta cogtn, delle
rufjllc. Durante it raid un sottomarlno
Austrtaeo del tlpo "U" fu nttaeento da
Un sottomarlno ltatlano cho lo a fondo'
con tutto I'toulpagglo. II Mlnlslero della.
Marina ha pubbllcato a questo proposlto
It segupnta comunlcnto ufflclatc!
"OueaU mattlna due torpedlnlere Au
trlacha hanno bombardato Barl, fnntn.
Splrllo e Molfettn. Una pcraona rlmase
ucclta e aette ferltt. II bombdrdamento
non urreco' alcum danno alia ferrovla.
"Un sottomarlno Ital'ano rluacl' a
llturare II tottomnrlno auatrlaco tM2,'
the nffondo' con tutto requlpasslo."
81 tratta dunquc d un raid dl scmpllcl
torpedlnlere, perche' le grand! navl nun
Itlache non at aziardano ad usclre al
largo, nonoatnnto cho t'Adrlatlco offrit
loro Vantaggl atraordlnarll par ralda come
quelll cho le navl mlnorl tentano spcaso
tulle costs Italians deU'Adrlallco, aenxa
success! yeramcnte degnl dt nota. 13 per'
dl plu' questo rocenlssImo raid e' costato
agll austriacl la perdlta dl uno del loro
mlgllorl sottomarinl.
Fer quanto rlguarda le operaalonl dl
terra, II Mlntstcro delta Querra ha pub
bllcato lerl sera II teguento comunlcato
"Nel Cadoro gll sforzi ,dol nemlco dl
logglarcl dalle fort! poalzlonl cho not
eccuplomo sono faliltl. II 9 AEosto hoi
reaplngemmo un uttacco contro lo nostro
poslilonl alia Forcella dl nlmblanco, nella
valle del Sexten, ed arrestammo ancho
una avanzata nemlca contro le nostra
poslilonl dl Frelkofel.
"But fronte delle AIpl Carnlcho si sono
avutl violent! duelll d! artlgllcria, lerl
sera la fanterla uustrlaca avanzo' contro
le nostra poslilonl nel settoro dl rlava
resplnta, per due volte nonostanto che
fosse,' vnlldnmento appogglata dalla sua
"tl nemlco ctrco Invano sul' fronte- della.
Carnla dl collocare retlcolatl moblll
davantl alia nostre truppe occupant! le
trincee dl Made Medatta.
"Sul fronte del Carao ntlla notte del
10 Agosto, dopo aver resplnto un attacco
contro le nostre poslilonl dl Monte Set
Busl, nol operammo un vlgoroso cbn
trattacco e focemmo progress). Duo
dello nostra compagnle, assoltando II
nemlco alia balonctta, conqulstarono un!i
colllna fortemente trlnccrntu dentro le
llnce del nemlco, rero", a causa del vio
lent! contrattacchl dcgll austriacl, la
poelilorte fu poco dopo abbandonata.
i nemlco ha rlpreso a bombardaro le
poalilonl nel settofe dl Monfal-
Injury to Women Prevented by. Alert
fersona hurrrlnar to work narrowly
escaped Injury at ISth and Walnut streets
today, when a larjto truok horse ran
away. It broke away front a wagon that
collided with A northbound trolley cat"
at 16th and-Latimer streets. Trolley traf
(10 Vrne held up for More than a half
Tho truck, owned by the Oreat Bear
flprfnff Water Company, ahd driven by
John Williams, of Yenclon, Ta., was going
west on i-atimer street. The impact
frightened the horses, and the one. broke
his traces and dashed Up the street.
rollceman Mitchell, of the 15th and Lo
cuat streets station, stopped the fright
cned animal Just In time to prevent in'
Jury to several Women who had alighted
rrom a walnut street car.
Abraham Kallster, 20 years old, of liW?
South l'ranklln street, was held In 1WJ
bail In Central Station today to await
tho result of Injuries to Mrs. Mary Llth
erburjf, i7 years old, of 727 Taeker street.
Mrs. n,lthorbur.v was knocked down and
seriously Injured by the bicycle, which
Iwtflsler was ildlng, on Saturday.
Lorenz Stlckenberger, 2 years old, of
3107 North 10th atrcet, was found dead In
bed by his daughter, Mrs. Louise I'rctcl.
Ills room was filled with Illuminating gas.
Tho mnn Is thought to have turned on the
gas accidentally Just before he went to
Harry Ham, who gave as his address
602 South 6th street, was held without
ball by Magistrate Beaton, In Central
Station today, to await requisition to New
York, where ho Is wonted for alleged de
sertion and non-support.
George Morgan, 31 years old, known to
tho pollco by a -number of other names,
was sent to the Eastern I'enltentlonary
today by Judge Shoemaker In Quarter
Sessions Court for robbing houses on
.Spruce street near 3tat. Morgan received
an Indeterminate sentence of six to eight
yearn for hln mrpnt rr!ms. finil hn illsrl
I will be forced to serve three years as a
parole violator. By reason of his past
record tho prisoner has little chance of
being dlschurgcd until he has completed
11 years in Jail.
'1 I
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Referendum of U. S. Chamber
of Commerce Actively Pressed
Throughout Country's
Trade Bodies
Sirens' Sentiment Hero In Favor of
Killing Statute Which Threatens
American Merchant Marino
New President for Packard Company
E. B. Jackson, of this city, win suc
ceed Milton J. Budlong a president of
the Packard Motor pompany of New
York, Chicago and Philadelphia, accord
ing to an announcement received from
the New rork offices. Mr. Budlons re
signed to become vice president of the
firm of Gaston, Williams & Wlgmore, Inc.,
Importers of New York. Mr. Jackson has
managed tho Packard dltlces In this city
for a nuriiber of years.
Philadelphia Hospital Figures Show
How Graving Is Developed
Trying a narcotic to "so how It feels"
Is responsible for a large percentage of
drug victims, according to the report of
Dr. Joseph C Doane, chief resident physl
clan at the Philadelphia General Hospi
tal. The report is now in the h4rt
Director ?.loeW i, "c n4hpsj!
Public Health and Charme. PWmi
Close study Wan made by Dou. -k
found that 8 blamed uu.Smi,1";
cthor dope fiends for itartlne them lA
use of the drug! U, doctors' bs J
tlonsj , BmoKing ppium. reallv rt,,a
experiments with the drug, an r..
using drugs to cause sleep or qui-t ,PS
After Illness or a debauch. 3S
Pleading guilty to chnrges of false pre
tences, Charles Moore, J9 rears old, of
10th street, below Falrmount avenue, was
sentenced to 11 months In the County
Prison today by Judge Shoemaker In
Quarter Sessions Court. Moore went
about the city Collecting money on bogus
subscriptions for a magazine. He ob
tained 12.60 from each of his victims and
Is 'said to have collected n considerable
sum of money by his fraudulent scheme.
Timothy O'Connor, 3D years old, of 879
North 27th street, a bollermakcr's helper,
was badly scalded today at the Queen
Lnno Pumping Station, while engaged In
repairs on 'a larga boiler there. He was
taken to Ht. Timothy's Hospital. O'Con
nor, thinking all water had been drained
from the boiler, 'ascended a 23-foot lad
der and opened a door on the top of the
boiler. A stream ,of scalding water
spurted over him, burning his face, hands
mid arms and back. A later examina
tion by other workmen showed that a
pipe had been clogged, preventing the
compioto draining of tho boiler.
II sottomarlno austrlaco "IJ-1J,'" at-
fondato da un sottomarlno Itallnno
nell'Adriatlco. era dl tlpo rcceritlsslmo.
Ksso cia stato completato i Pola dopo lo
acopplo della guefra curapea. Spostava
1CW tonncllatc In nommerslonc. ed avev.a
una veloclta' dl 18 nodi nlla superflclo e
dl 10 nddl In Fommerslono. Era armato
dt cinque tubl lancla-allurl o portava un
equlpagglo dl forso 25 o 30 uomlnl.
Slccome molt! al meravgllano che
lavnnzata della tone ltallarie sul fronte
dell'Konio non nrocede come n,ii nrim.
seftlmnne della guerra, e' stato pubbll
cato un comunlcato urr)closo nel quel
quale sono spoate la enorml dimcolta'
che l'eserclto Itallano ha dovuto e deve
aupcrare speclalmente sull'altoplano del
Gil aUStriaCi Si Bono nvvnntmrilnM HI
futto la caverqe dt tutte le anfrattuoslta'
cho II Carso offrlva loro per Ja dlfesa.
e lo trincee loro sono dlfese da tcttl
nietalllcl e da retlcolatl dl acclalo cho
persino I'artlgllerla dura fatlca a dls
truggere. Inoltre le trincee austrlache
aond In comunlcazlone fra loro, a mezzo
cello cave natural! del Carso.'
Tutto le volte le volte cho II nemlco al
vede coot ret to ad abbandonare una sua
trlncea, esso la dlstrugge, ma restano U
eomunlcazlonl aotterrance con le trincee
che si trovano dletro, dl modo cho Kll
Itallanl, dopo avere avanzato, devono
guardarsl le apalle contro le sorprese del
neni co e contro 1 tlratorl lasclatl indletro
dagll austriacl per molestare sl lnvusorl
Eppuro con tutto queato gll Itallanl non
nanno ancora abbandonato una della
pojlzlonl che estl hanno preso e consoll
dato. nonostante I vlolentl contrattacchl
e le sorareae del nmlm I
.iuCC1 COn.'0 .Un so.ldato ch Parteclpo
Jl e operazlonl per I'occupazlone dl Cas-
.Hvu .awvunio appunto un eplsodlo dl
Jnmcs "F. Hyde, who said he lives at
6132 Douvler street, will spend the next
10 days at tho county prison as the con
sequence of nn untriusmcled desire to
ride about tho city in ,a Jitney. Hyde
hailed the car of James C. Hardy, of 610
North 13th street, at Broad and Ontario
btreets. He was taken to Gcrmantown
at his request and then to Palmer street
near Glrard avenue, where he gathered
a party of llvo persona and took them
to Chinatown. At midnight the machine
brought the party back to the Palmer
street address and the chauffeur de
manded his fare. - ., ,
Hyde told the driver that he had but
11.25. Hard called Policeman Geakler, of
mo uirnrn nnu Montgomery avenues sta
tion 'and Hyde was arrested. Magistrate.
StoMiikon gave him his choice of paying
n ccsts or taking 10 days In prison. Hyde
naa no money and went.to Jail.
Nelson Prutzman, 31 years old, giving
os his adddress 2232 Bancroft street, wau
arrested and held under $500 ball for a
further hearing today after being ac
cused by Mrs. Mabel Wright, a widow.
Of 2201 Opal street, of borrowing $32 and
a ring, which he failed to return, and for
wnicn ne gave ner worthless checks.
Prutzman, who is snld by the police to
be married,, had been an admirer of Mra.
Wright, according to her testimony bo
fore Magistrate Wrlgloy In the acrman
town and Lycoming avenues police sta
tion. 8he said she hud known him for
about six months: He was out of work,
she aald. and she lent him tho money and
ring. The police believe that Mrs, Wright
was only one of several "sweethearts"
jrom wnom Prutzman has obtained
B. and O. Excursion Train Tele
scoped by a Freight Train
at Orient, Ohio
nE!; cK?.,5ta2?. .' """"It-Plano dl
"Gll austriacl erano trincerati In una
tro grotte fresche e asclutte. Essl lo
avevano traaformato In vere abitaslonl e
?aU,u"J ? Prende!"" vl trovammo C
fattl molte prow ate a tutto II comfort
EEtatl n?.Uand,0 S" "! M f?rSS
cacclajf. nol eaplorammo' le grotte e la
trovammo dl vuoto. nasslcuratl I nol risa!
llmrnt. ttH'apertQ e contlnuamm'o I'avan
lata verao Castelnuovo. che scorgevamo
gia' Bulla clma dl una colllna. U vlllagglo
' formato dl una chlesa eon un carnnanl e
e dt poche case. Pareva mol" vicfn"
perche' la etrada era dlritta davantl a
nol Noi cl avvlammo lentamente per
queet atrada. fumando e converaando I
tt V- ,m Pur "Wrvando cam
pan le da cul venlva fuor! fumo. ev denu
meme per segnalazlonl. nol dovevamo
ancho. suardare dov0 mettevamo II plede
lupo e da altrl ostacoll.
"Ad ua tratto uno shrapnel ejnlose
davantl a noi, ma Tortunatamento II tiro
era corto, perche' altrlmentl pochl dl nol
.teahbero restati vivt suwt dopo- pero-
SL?,t'Qm?f u,n'a, rannonata. queata
volta dietro le nostra spalle ti 1?.
gaoHe crolluva In una nuv.U dl fumo,
Ba la nostra artlgllerla he appoggUva
Uj noatr avanzata. Not sIut-mmo con
Biol qua queato prlmo efllpo, JIa m
prowisamente la tiromba uou' I'alt
ua.m( cm erano fuaglti quando
mi avevanw attaeeato le i0i jripcee,
E vmo afaucati dletro nol. e nol eravamu
mmm ,-he ctrcwviau. FsrtuMtaMwu,
mm on due sloi dl mitra
mftfU.1, ubj dalle qua)! analnelo' Jublto
mminute Bu auatrlael eft, erano abu
au il nostra apalle, mtte Peo dopo
,Mlww. wwro dl not d4 CaiteuqTo!
HWbhio not lnva nv ,i, ...
f, liyiwire u utjtact e tagilaTlBro la ml'
. in! pocat at JaWarono."
,M8I ' , Aiptoi attactarono un
gmjtel Nero, di 3009 nt umI-
jfT ajHAaiwi ,wM atati uectat da p-itet.
aj,u alW ra perttl per colpt
COLUMBUS, Aug. 12. Five persons
were killed and K injured, some fatally,
when an excuralon train on the Baltimore
and Ohio Southwestern Itallroad was tele
scoped by a freight train at Orient, O., 15
miles south of -here at 3 o'clock this morn
ing. Most of the victims were -women
and children.
The dead are:
TJIAD MITVHBU J.I y,r, old. Mt. SUrllnir
MAOOIB BOU.KItS. 26 year. old. merllns'
MBSuSlag Tpn-'-'TON. Jr.. B5 years old.
'Ohio? "A''"3"' " '"' oW- Wllllamaport.
IIAllOM) ItEICHELDEnrBn, J8 years old.
Thoae moat seriously Injured are:
Jurl.. MllJ,'El, W "id. Inlenu.1 In
1,.Ahould?r.JO"N80V X y"" oW' ""'
tbro!hi ISf"-' X y"r" "H" " Brlln.
OHOUa auI'tlS. .10 years old. Internal Inlnri..
tibw,di.B0W'Bn8, ycar" 0J' prb-
Ml8.t(TJl6RNTON HmF, Mt. Bterilag. badly
Railroad offldala are determining tho
cause of the wreck:
The train bore members pf Knights of
Pythiaa and their famiilea from Mt.
sterling, who liad been on their annual
Picnic to Cedar Point near Sandusky, and
were on their way home.
The two rear coaches of the excursion
........v. .. ..,., Kre.uwu wnen ine passen
ger train stopped to take water. The
coaches were wooden arid were badly
tABt,i' ,: " those unln
Jured in the two coaches were taken
aboard the other coache on the train
and rushed to Bloomingburg, a few miles
he? Stalf" r l WMhm5ton Cour "ue
Italian Consulate Without Mpney &
Pay "fajeIs Report
Italian reaervUU are eieltedl today
over tha report that the Italian consulate
WirUllori for them Jaick, to Italy. Qm.
!rU Li!" Mnit declined to dUausa
the report or to admit that two raawvuTu
who applied for transportation were told
that th,e neaaulat. hs no oney.
A 1rw WMftJr of ItaJlana left thU city
jrty for Jlwr rk, wh.ri thS wm
SSSKl!" !"' w w7k itkitaL1
!R3- m Uai mtS a3K".it" ".?fc J
spxartwrjLrs &sxjssz
I'noto by Cllnedlnft
Comptroller of tho Treasury,
named by President Wilson as
Associate Justice of the Court of
Claims instead of A. Mitchell
Palmer, who declined.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 12,-Dlverslon of
Interest In the La Toilette seamnn's act
hornimr. nf thn Rastland disaster at Chi
cago will have no effect In stopping tho
referendum of the Chamber of Commerce
or the United States on n proposal that
tho act should be rcpcolcd.
This referendum, Involving chambers of
commerce throughout tho country, hag
now been begun. It Is announced at na
tional hcadqunrters. The returns are al
most wholly In favor of repeal, on the
ground that the act Is ko costly In Its
requirements of shipowners that It will
ruin both the Great Lakes traffic and the
American merchant marine on the high
Rebecca G. Rogers Left Property Vol
tied at $452,764.29
Rebecca G. Rogers, who died nt the Al
dlnc Hotel May HI, 19U, left an estate
aggregating $t"i73t,29, according to
account filed with the Register of Wills
by the Cllrard Trust Company, executor,
for adjudication by the Orphans' Court.
Disbursements mnde in settling the es
tate are set nt JM.IHS.IO. leaving IH,51C10
for, distribution apiong the heirs. In
vestments Included In the remolnder are:
V't'l Jihurrn ltilln. Trnillon l.ft :i,.'l(i."i
209 shares Uttle Schuylkill .Vav. Co tl.'.'no
r.'7 diaii-d lhwh loui 11111I Nnv. Co... I'i,t
2ii) "harm I'tnnj. Itnllroad Co ll,(XJO
Kmiaaa (lv Hilt Iliillwuy Co IS,II
Bnltlmoro tlleelrlc Co 11,1100
Suburban Clan Co. Philadelphia IR.OO11
l.el.lnli Valley Transit Co IO..TJ11
Uplled SlultH Slfel Corporation IO,:(iO
Amfrlcnn Hide mil Leather Co in.i'Ort
Manufacturers' Water Co 10,100
Philadelphia trnde bodies will be a unit
In condemning the La Follette seamen's
bill and recommending Its repeal, In their
rrpllen to the referendum voto 0? tho
Chamber of Commerce of tho United
States. As most of the trade bodies
have adjourned their meetings until next
month, no Immediate action Is anticipat
ed. When the La Follette bill was before
CongrcM last session, the Hoard of Trade,
Maritime Kxchnnge, Commercial Ex
change, lloursc and Chamber of Com
merce adopted resolutions urging the
bill's defeat, and letters were sent urging
the Philadelphia delegation In Congress
an 1 to oppose It.
The same notion was taken several
yenrs ago, when a bill sllghly different
from the La Follette measure was pre
sented by Representative Wilson. After
It had passed both the h'enatc and the
House. President Tnft "pocket vetoed"
It, to the delight of Philadelphia business
Lucas Salesmen ' Hold Banquet
The annual bnuquet of about 100 sales
men from the Lucas Paint Company was
held nt the Hotel Adclphla last night.
Humorous stories of the road were told
and modern selling methods were dis
cussed. E. J. Cattell, City Statistician,
was one of the speakers.
Recommended by an Authority
ONE of Philadelphia's leading certified public Recount
ants, in a letter recommending PEIRCE SCHOOL S
own "Manual of Bookkeeping and Accounting, tc
a high school official, said among other things:
"It was a great pleasure to me to read the book,
and it will be a treat to teach from it. I can
not make my endorsement too strong."
PEIRCE SCHOOL methods of teaching business are
scientific and exact. They have the endorsement of thou
sands of practical business men, and in business procedure
a PEIRCE SCHOOL diploma carries the weight of author
ity. The reputation of the school bespeaks for its graduates
the respect of the business community.
Entering business life with an asset like this, it is small
wonder that Peirce graduates make such wonderful head
way as is shown in their records, which establish that a
majority of them become owners or executives of businesses
within 10 years.
Send for Fifty-first Year Book, showing illustrations of
the new building, and a special Booklet
"Laying the Foundation for Better Business."
ioth GEUTING Stores
Both Stores TrTr I H
$5.00 Bostonian
Shoes for Men
31 r-
Including Tans and Black smart new English
lasts, both leather and rubber, soled. Also- many
Outing Shoes. All sizes in the lot. -
' Also $3.90 for $5 to $7 Shoes
$4.90 for $6 to $8 Shoes
$5.90 for $8 to $10 Shoes
Men's, Young Men's j
& Boys' SHOES
About 550 Pairs of Low Shoes in a great 'RummuEc,' regard
less of former unices, to go at $1.50.
Shoes and
for the
(nOHOwcesD orrmt)
tThe it"
ores of
Famous SKon I
1 isj
So. llth
Every Foot Profesrionally Fitted Three Geutinr, Brothers
m Established 1865. America's Foremost Business School
fl Fall Term Will be Opened in New
jk . Building, on Pine St., West of Broad
SlSte&'Ssftn iSTSno -n-n ; USUI
R.Mis. WAYNE. r.. XAZAIlETg. PA. fl
&5sSs . .. ,i -. ssssa 77 '..""' . . ' ' ' ' tail
t! gf-! mss4
I &Ss &
I iSvf im
Mr. Strny.r. nays, "Every child
(ilifiuld got a 'lireiid and butler
education flrf." Tho boy or slrl
uho through practical liuslnenri
training ha become expert In
Huftlnefls MethoilR Is nnancially In
ilenendent for life. Higher edu
cation should follow business edu
cation. Necessities first, luxuries
afterward. Will you Give your
children this advantage?
801807 Chestnut St., Phils.
1 ... A
'sijssMmsim' ;
Phila. School of Design for Women
jieopeiu September S7, lots.
Full courses In Art and Industrial Art.
Practical Deslxrlns In all Its branctus.
Illustration. Costume Illustration.
Central Educational Institute
Daj and Evening Preparatory and Business,
Before deciding fall plans for study send for
Illustrated Cataloe A. Education to us means
more than book learning. Ask about our Sys
tem of Education. '
Central Y. M. C. A.. 1121 Arch St., Phlla.
From Montessorl through College Prepara
tory. Girls and small boys. "r-
"Country Day School for Boys"
A school In which each Master will h .
specialist in th. branch he teaches.nd llmfted
siud'en" P "O"' Interest In each
STWna't "X'Sffc. UW" Sch001 "
n.V.ii,i"ol,.,,',l A'n'i n-D-. Hrart Master
S10 Nv.ho. Btreet,' Chestnut II1U. .'
V 'Military College
with Preparatory Department
Nearest of all colleirea tn Iho rtUrlnlln. r.h...
il.T.Z t i --..... ....d
cai iraininc ana eaucation of
West Point. Aire limit II
years and upward. Total en
rollment limited to 160.
Decrees trranted In Civil En
trlneerlnp, Chemistry, Arts.
For catalogue address
C.L CHAS. E. HTATT. Pr.iM.st.
Box 56 S, Chester. Pa.
Military School
Takes tho parent's place for tori
from lght to sixteen years.
One of the oldest Boardlne Schoils'
for Boya in America. '
Established la 1783. .'
1 4
Send for Catalogue; you teilVs
be pleased.
Rev. S. J. Blum, D.D. Pr!n.M
Allentown Preparatory School rr.
lf.th year 8pt. 2J, J91B. Accreaited.
' . . The
Curtis Publishing Cornpany
cordially invites you to see its new industrial
"Motion Pictures
tory School with as.
Plet. equipment. Alms to d.v.iXS'" nd eom'
"Manufacturing and Circulating
a Magazine"
W111 "Oh Curtis BUilding, Sixth street.above
Walnut, Jndav evening, August tS; Tuesday evening, Aug.''
Ht 17, and Friday evening, August tq.' 9'
at 8,15 o'clock sharp'
Thti$ motion picture. ihwiHif the intirettina oberatta ..
take place in A? rirsifMottai ani dUtriiutiinL ikiCUrft. SMfA
cotton., qre tn .te reel.; eaoh perfirwitiei laid t!hoJ, pmk
Admtafion 6y t(cet only, tiekett may be prooured
iiral. Vroad and QhMnut Uriicti
tfed tstMou charge
, and thJ miQU&g
?.1fn?r' MSPna9V fitlPranfclord avenue j .Durbtn'a-Pkr..
rrSifJX " -tt frit
tUk,H lAssy cr rjnitl iurm tnM, vun9a "
S' :rh,or.co2". s tutaiS? fS
. mo, Dpeci&i courisk tn ... I...T.... '
Mercersbure Academy
Aim of the School A thoroueh p!inlti
mental and moral training for collets i
trance or business. Spirit, of SchoolA
manly tone of self-reliance under ChrlitUs
masters from the creat universities. Fr
sonal attention given to each boy. LocatlM
In the country, on the weatorn slope of tfct
.auiuua .umDeriana vauey, one or tne ibsh
beaut. ful and healthful spots of Amirles.'
Equipment MmUrn nn .nmnl.1. K.I.
aymnaslum. Write for catalocue. AddrsM
uox no, William Jlnnn Inlne, LL. U., Wwf;
uuo.vs, .irrct-rsniirtT, i'a.
SclentWo physical
-sv.200-""0 'aarm- A "hool of ch.raftVr
uuJLtp'n B'.V- 2l- Write for Cat" No !'
Kjlmlnetas Spjlng. School. .Saltsbura? l'l'-
CENTOAT. uini. I.".'
Mii7iri.sSi.!ir'. J?: one.thlri
The National Cathedral School for- Bojljj
a country school In National Camuwi
nihhop of Washington. Prea, Address imii
master, .lit St. Alban, Washington. D,
.- . rrirai. .laMi. n -- -T ";-
Arch st. .1. .wlmMVn.-30!,'oyi,aSt'-
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Read WKnf W n r... r& . .
Who Put Their l&ZFtZgfi? IJ
Everv Anw Vn-tM r.At. . T "
PfB flnrl w j.TL
requests for information. qYerterdav Zl wfe nS and cvy mail brings
ILT.; "a.D DKtng a home school fr -"-i.; -". a aaugntcr; a
QEvery day brings fath
requests for information.
SSt.?ift? M -ss s
military school for his son. and a eentlem-in ,B ?ri a,?other father wanted a
ward, a 14-year-old girl. gentleman wanted a boarding school for bis
AXSi uWe, and it takes
. and delay means disappointment T ice' SchooIs e "pidly filling up
to KU.-MTK ft- vmg poMego, 1 taM,
Urn tn th
a uneitnut Streets