'J ai deaths Sua-?.?. August 0, IBIS, EMMA Vwrl!' daughter of the late Rlnard and ,i fitlmmel Buried In Fernw-ood Ceme 'Z, Wednesday. August 11, IBIS. TvnKnr.n on aiis-usi 11. btiTZENBF.ROEH, Tiusband Irtt ifc-SB BTITZENBF.RO "Sv.i.fti.nn Rtitienbt usband" of the Mlgdaiena Bnurnueigrr inre ncnugj. rMJsr Lodge No 100. I. O. O. P., and ifiSSawISt Kranken and Btefbekasee: ,,re . . viiM uriauves una xriflnas. iliaa jwi to nttM.n ninerm tin Hoiurasy, at l1 -... hi lute residence. 'Mn7 Hnnh ,t ' Interment U Glenwood Cemetery, 1VA". -.?; iiT&i&rrl at'tWlrl?.'' tt in, Al'l" ,--,.- W. UUUU. T ,1..,, fad of tsrri O Sullivan, aged St years. sniltra nna iri"isro inviiea 10 aiienu l?'Sjn Vnay nt 8 30 . m. from hts lata 32,nr, HaMMport. N. J High Mass at SST Hatt rhUrei. Mount Holly at n-30 " ifunni ltd v I'rora Ometerv tlhlln 'IhrnRlFT -In Allnntlo CltjvN, ,T . on ffiTa 1 11.1, ohonpn j.. VANboniinr. :SSirMlWit rlttdi oftll fnrnlly. also Vot iLrirtfinuatlons of which. he was n mem- 'Kl Sa FfiiV morning proeit.ly nt il.ix at ?S lite residence. 214 Nippon at , Allen lHrit.fF.lH husband of SaIHo Walters (ne rfSiffiVrUi,ea erlvptt. at Ml. lllon Ceme- fiK.U pattrtown, ra . on I'riaay, at, ; p.m. SifyW.--At the. ;ldnC of her aon-lh-ifAJ HAflRY OLtNE, 7 Llanerch mraie, aftTfrb Dlar County. Fa., en August j ? JURY, widow of Jamte Waters. ,USreh M n Good shepherd. Rqsemont, l'a., ' l?SSuraiu ' '" "' TV '""'Went SiSrM. fe Cemetery. Remains may be Manor tslj.., from ft fh n v tn !tlf on ri'""". -- n V" ... ?", iV hull J Sr4vn . glrenfroroi"- " -- "- "-" 'fc'nrinS." August 10, 106. TErtJtENCB iJf fW- KlatlvM and frkndi. aleo &iA--'uML,. rAiiriiii. iMn. .tii. it. fHi'A '',;., . t. Chnrlea1 r.hiy '.,:-- iwih Kik intenn'nt ilt Holy Cross Cemetery. eneif(Ml Henderioni. un August 11, .fKApETII. wife of David York. ' iiitMt and friends ara Invited to attend ff.nin.ril services, oh Sunday, at 1 p. m It Kit Ute residence. 2422 South 20th st law, !! Arllnrton Cemetery. Automn. . i(urra.u " VnWtJ.r-NNA VAN OILDnn YOUNO, L'SSfw of A 'jownsend Young, died at Allan. WEL5rAK,-qn August 1 10, 1013. CHRIS- TllJi nllBDanu U. vi imuiw uihiuhui, -u-- aJlil to which relatives and frlendn are ',!Xl on Saturday afternoon. Aug. 14, at Um o'clock, from his lato residence, B5 lie- ne zizeimnn, Fu- inSos may call Friday evening after 6 . 'clock. Automobile service. CLASSIFIED RATES !P PUBLIC LEDGER "till STtLB TYPE (or Ilka this) t m-il -trtfi .............. . lBt5 nr tin 9 TCirc0 Insertions In a -week.. .12Uc per Un r Eivcn consecutive Insertions.. 10o perllns ci...t(nna trnnfAd. thrp lnRr 1 firm, in h. wetc 10o De r Una I: THIS 5IZE TYPE (or like this) I t- i ... i .it .i..lMin .. ir.i. . iVunitima Tfantri. Tiat And PAtincl. Pr I tmuJt Doardlnr and Rooms. E; upi is KH.U., . ... ...-. .-yj, " ; TSrl. mieriiw". iroc,,.,,, tju ycr itna ftrtft cpnjBCuthe Ineertlqno. ..10o per line All ritei are based on agate measirrement, , It wle lines to the Inch. COMBINATION RATE DAILY ONLY Iter Insertions In both the morning and evening tipers cf tame day: PUBLIC LEDGER (MORNINq) EVENING LEDGER (BVENINO) lit fmlr cents Mr line net to rates given 'ittAm. !HEL, AND SITUATIONS IVAM'TI.'n AnVKRTTRTNf; TN THE PUBLIC LEDGER IS IN SERTED' IN -THE EV-ENI'N'G' LEDGER WITHOUT ADDI TIOL CHARQE. Tbtte fs a drw; store hear your fcofq?jhit will a't;pept Ledger want ti(iteiJice rates,- I Sect wanted female - iUILVflp Wanted and filliiatlous Wanttd TJIji? (ajerfed in'the Daily Publlo Ledger t (4 llvsitii. (it th? J'lict((tff Ledger fae 'taxnr f ii k'(lti additional charge. 0355.- seed plain, Protestant, white, with wireace, in a private inmiiy lor a lew tNit fltsie call after 1 o'clock Thursday. Itfil Bfltfor it. CoJk, Frotistant) furnish best ret.; prhate '.dm. Itlantlo City. N. J. If 015. Ledger OR. I CKX.inl downstairs work Competent and '..immtirtnces. iioom -ju, imager uince. (CtnKL general Oood cook; thoroughly ! )!ub!e PIUINER. first class, one that ca i.m. i ncii Atumor. ioj. in trim a 8. 10th St. 'tetlt, .call i alternoons. Brink, 271 Hsi&ijlf nt'UUUU;it U'AWXtiU ibson Blanket Mills, Scott's lane. jp5fTni?ITKIt AND TYPEWRITER wont-i .,.e":lr, thWe thoroughly experienced and f.J. irwiiinitnueo nceo apply; gooa salary IMiJMr'cos. tbose onswerlng above requlra. IjtSts Ipply early Thursday morning ready to ttUrt. frank fe Seder. 11th and Market ate. OOQHAPIIRR nnrf hnntrWn.rr.n.rl. IKld doable f-ntrv hnnttbA.nAr tknA t.n- rtf&tr. no aSDllcatlons considered without ltri!" lljyedger CentraL traSWlilFlIER. experienced, quick ond"a"c: qnut. Fjank Toomev. Inc.. 129 N. 3d. npiOClRAPHERSl ETENOGRAPHER3II ,'' l an Increasing demand for first- stHS. lit. ' ' lou Bre not .MftK5..W KiUn eood one. either 2iTr vt """wrsry, .ea uiss Liesn, Utr CnlP.1 . ahaa .h. ...Ml k., B7 lu (.i. . j. wtvq .iiv will tieiu m.m Wttb ysur ad. anrf nut mil In .ftnnh 'It K? position. The wmo court CtSSL "''"A'd to experienced book- lCr-Tb"LpDaER 'aDe'r' S.WSSELLA SALESWOMAN wi.tiu UEFA 1TMRNT BIYinu TJTT. iA'iweySM&X WCPERIBNCBP f.lATE AOE. QUALIFlhATIl-IVS 'jn i.T" n4lt,DYUfll IAN, IN REPLY. .iFinATinvs ANr ini nifotiiirx .. r.a - -.- n nt.T. ", i ;al M 312. LEDGER 4rsiu3J;im,ll!V.ii"'0r m',,J' 'w,hu, ! ttotidVi?muM'S' emplover, Room r' imrimy, iu:" a. m. .nto.iJJ&wWF. lint- Hi- t. TW oyrqge n Dlint lo iatti'eniireLcharga o( Ij? WANTED MLE BS.'SSi"". lh ' fcE??'.-"'! ledger clsrk; refer- TC &?v,&ffi"i,D" " Ml- Ji"1! Jor teamster's office, MlaVy,lCJ,',y,t J1, nUWl. 'or office WK L 2S ?lW.rice for ad- Ht a5dI i VL4 feeder and placers. Wf, koit.Ji?n J,m Dobson Blan Mhr' u"t FUp of Schuylkill I Pivin. ij' ,'J" aa. oprjjoe sis.. iToas amjbta; saL;TKfi"5!?' . Wi iLntrWK j;'r tif"M j II ,I - WH.n iiiii'afs 4 .,.Uln ' nd Ht i4Ml l" fclcromtter wens as aiwo, ifruclinii or uked Urn a,l ., W'S Ldyr Cantral nirjc wkntad n,k hUdran. u tare A" HA heat, naht aad Uvlu ;t 5fT ilermantown w; win meet &Kw l'lM tironrt 81 Station at 10-41 n. m. (16w. f.Vl.ane station, interment at vVeit iit?.H Hill mbterv. . i; 1 contain council, ro. .. or t;.i . RJkbffi rfi" Aiiembly, 4lh Degree ll. W Caihollc Phllo. Literary Inat). J'l.t'i PtrcKa Uterary Institute, Pima. '. ?M 'Ww. No. 2. . i'. O. B and other ,1 SUSfliatlorii of, which he n a member, K SfiSliSS attend th,o funeral, on Saturi K5 martini', t 310 o'elook, from Ms late I ffii.TeV 1W6 Chrla Ian at. .Sofemn llfgh . tHw'irA.iiM at Mi. ChArlea Phnrrh nt In I H&fi&tTj.. on FriaVy."AugSit XsV " irtliRrtSS In Dover. 'Del., on August 11, its DAISY I. ZEAllFOSa, wife of Onarlea Ilir iar(oii of Dover. Del. Funeral on Sat B'L.li it 4 p. m., from rosldenco of hue ISffl" interment at Lakeside Cemetery, 9 "i.S ft) 0r neck B.tu. jTisT Ledje, .1JJ ' i htit.in, Mill tr Central TBVENtyff HELP WANTD-MAL ta 1-epeofM 7h it,. '"? Bai'' Po' terfr 1IDM - . " 0pnTdORA8in?,fnlevS,lidTrT5: 6pr.Ep?,fiN,"'- .e,.efc,d llthb- SPECIALTY SALESMEN nintJ"i!en tr5S.u.rlng.'1:lll,J' ""Its n PhllttMnhR Vii2LAmW'unt d'lltrlcta -S. ,E. SI AKWOOD " A"" iffllfflW-W" RTrtJAU)ii,P.V.9HJ'Y. .JJXPEniENCEp 5 T ??."Jnf,1? inV. Mf . "' Prl culats. J... Ciarrteld. 1011 Ch.itmit. j i. oarrttid, ion cheitnut. U5VniEmhA.!'ilAME MAKERS -20 expert- ffiitt-'".' b,i! eteaav work, good pay. . APP'y Frett-Oross Co., 22d and Bedgley ave. JliiJi.1" xr'!"hc1'' ecurale and, reliable; FI5ir.nJ.a"5 mn wllh automobile au ir, "f,harowrp experience. Write details, Washington, D. C. fi.Uwi?.-MAri nted, about 10 ytata of age p'fle of furniture manufacturer, state aie . and talary expected p 4. I.edger Olflce. (lenerni MEN Vpanted dally to operate moiing-plcture machines! wo teach you quick methods of operating the electrical Installation of a thea tre and fit you for a potltlon paving J15 to $25 per week; complete course , payable In 3 payments. Kej stone school, 1110 Arofa. SITUATIONS WANTED JEMALB AFBT. BOOKKEEPER, hlfh school graduate, willing to do clerical work. D 2, Led. Off. BOOKKEEPER, experienced, capable of tak Ibgchargj of orilco. F 41, Ledger Central. CLERK, young lidy of experience, desires per manent position. $8. F 140. Ledger Central. CLERK and asslstnnt bookkeeper, experienced In dentist's office, rets F BO. Ledger Cent. COOK and downstairs work, assist wish, city . or suburbs. Room 230, Public Ledger. COOK Competent Gorman Protcstunt ulsliea position, references 2MX1 N. Wnrnock st. OD.VEUAL HOUSEWORK, good cook, best roferon;ei M CIS. Ledger Office GIRL, colored, neat, desires general work or wuninKi reiarertceti rnone rreaion .ii lIOt'SL'K.r,121'l'.R, norkliiK. or care of Invalid, nctlei retcrencue, city. M utl. Ledger 01fl.ee. IIOUSEKUUt'KR, working, ernalt child: esperj- . , -... . T-.q.. encgq; rets.; ipoa w a gee, iu i, i.ea un HOUSEWORK. nbslsfttlth children; plain cooking. M 010. Ledger Office. NURSERY OOVElTNUSS, seashore preferred; referoncea, p 1181, Presa Off Atlahtlo City. SECIIETXrIA L-atenogrnp"hic pos. des. by bu?. woman of exp and ability. J 043, Led. Cent. SOPRANO "SOLOIST desirous of "making a rhfltl.A vvl.hoa n nn.ltlnn tn htlreh choir. good redder, experienced. P Sl. Led. Office. STENOGRAPHER, rapid typist, neat, accurate worker; knowledge bookkeeping. J 050, Led- ger Central bnttAMnlll ,t)Tlf t l.i.nwl..l.B kn.hl.i.nln.i j moderitte salary. Phone Spruce 0.V12. rapid typist, trial solicited F S7, Led. Cent STENOGRAPHERS. BOOKKEEPERS and CI.ERK8 are furnished through the COMMERCIAL. DEPARTMENT at Ledger Central. When you are In need ol a competent office asslstnnt write er telephone "MISS DEAN," Walnut 3000. and prompt attention will bo gives lour request. This Is a free service to Ledger advertisers. TELEPHONE OPERATOR, S years' exo., d. sires a prlvnt a brunch. F 140. Ledger Central. CC-LORE!) WOMAN wants day'B wotk or downstairs work. 10 S. 18th. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT, expert, broad exp., seeks en gagements of Indus, and financial organiza tions; costs, periodical statements, Interim oxams.. clients books kept. 11 402. Led. Off. ACCOUNTANT, C. P. A., expert, wants poel tlon as auditor. J 24T. Ledger Central. ACCOUNTANT, exp., desires position with re liable house j reference. C 415, Ledger Office. ARCHITECTURAL DRAUGHTSMAN, grad.. wants pos. wun contractor, u -I.U, i.ca un ASSL'MllLER on automobiles and sheet metal strnUhtnicr, wishes position E. L, 'J., 24s4 xn. inn it BOOKKEEPER, knowledge of audltlne and accounting, also stenographer and typewriter: aged 2T, married, can take charge of set of books or would act as private secretary, highest references. C 418, Ledger Office. BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly exp, v. ill audit accounts, open, close and write up books, day Or evening, moa. terms. tut, ueunor muw. BOOKKEEPER. 4M, ambitious, 7 years In present potltlon. desires clianpo to Inside or outside ros with opportunity. U 428, Led. Oft BOOKKEEPER thoroughly exp., with modern methods ; accurate and reliable. J S48, Ledger ireiiuni. CHAUfrTKUH., single. American, S years' private experience on high-grade carp: do own rcpalie. accept position, prhate or truck. boat reference. J 052. Ledger Central. CHAUFFEUR, single, speaks" English and Ger man. 11 sears' experience, do all overhaul- jnffi yvry oct iciciculc a- h, utusn cm. tiirtirrniiR. Swedish, wlshea Doaition: er ".?.-?- Ji. . ..Illln MV.IIlr 4t41 T m.- ger Branch. C2d and Market. CHAUTFL.UK and exp. mechanic, can travel auyuhre, beat ref. JjBSS. Ledger Centra! CHAUFrCUU ondITousenwn. , colored, can 1.- ..ln fa..naa t 4I1T T art 11 fT IIIHRO HT,milP IPttltllV-Vl A.A ul fc" W CLERK and typlt 0yara' rxperlence In gen- eral of flea work. J UZO. LedgcrCentral. FOREMAN on metal furniture" conitructlon ana laying qui nauuig mvu n,tu umtu beat of reference!. C 410. Ledger Office. QAHDUNUR. inarrledr thoroughly e f.erlence .. .mnlavait will trlv. tiar fi( rf A and faying out, handle men and furnish the 3AHDENER. married.' thoroughly efierlenced, present employer will gl. best ot ref. Ad- nrefca VJ naurr tu.i. iiiuhc mw , .vu.uumu.,. GARDENER, poultryman and manager of gen- tleman . esiair, marneu, tnimu lumur, city reference C 434, Ledger Office GENTLEMAN willing to travel or tak. agency In country wtysre Spanish or Dutch Is used! 4 years' experience In Latin-America. C 310, j.eager uuice. "i. i'Ati attr urif.n MlfltRB'orlvats or lni IP uP.rv..tirr".nv- vr -'urii tv, ;-.; HARDWOOD floor expert wants laying, scrap, ine. reflnlshlne; references. Address 2315 Walnut Locust 88T0. , PR6bFREDlt. excep. nua.inwt.on. ana ex.. SS.KS PP.. I'"'""'" - "- ----- SALBSiiAfL HIGH ORADB AND SUC- Cfwfctuu ERAL BUS LARQE TRADE AU MJ "" FOR ; A NUM SALBSMAN, traveling reprent4tlve, N. Y.. Pa .Ohio, N J., Ilfhtlng fixtures, has good following, open Sept 1. F of. Led. Cent. SALESMAN Young man, si year, of ag., a.- pilSS is m,,JT"or wfit. j" 03t, L.di.r Oentfal . .'.im4, i ., VAnno. m.n. 30 vi years old. 0 "ySwJlth prieent employer In buying and J.""g oapaclty, dwirqu of waving a rhaiise. C 420, I.dgr Office, tiHIPPHR AND PACKER. .P.lWlcirf. can Be'lvE V... ilr.r.nr. B 147. Lads.r Cent. HIPPER AND i'AUiUM. oiperiefMiw. win ?, ,-T.h b.t ref.renc. f lit. (.r Cent. SaBNOORAPHER. .flulek. accural.. hd "irW7. dMlre. position F 40. Ld Cent VdUNO MA"N des r. to mk. oonneton with irorV pr tl concern WlMmin or jfriee rv.-.r .'crl..t.Mv xnrleneed oh sale, and f"'lVA"U,VhvFfn-uTr-JBW:'L Cent ?arge wk of anyTtlad. Apply iMoTen.mg at, an wiww .. . , . j - -. TftiriWi MXn wlshe portion. oUrlail. laald. Y.uV!at4dVgerggc.. uju.l"JlLi.. ;'nn,Hlmi of any kind. D4.t tWYii wlibls'' Pillion ol ! aay klad. bi fWAliwcyr Robl Joo. lft WaattoasH AUTOMOBILES For Sal. SH AiiOlV iiiwrd v . -- INOPPORTUNITIBS - '",-.nrf uote tor ciuwfle aad nV "i-iSifin Aiisly U BWM. vnm K5-Sra LKDGBJ-PHILADSLPgU-, THtmSftAy, AUfttTSf CLEANING AND DYEING OS! RICH CLEANED, Tr'tnlTiftrrtfj .t .Nf 'ttpa , DYED. MAtl.HOT. 1810 Chest. DltESSMAKINCr AND MILLINERY HEMSTITCHING. 10 cents yard, Al matetlil. A. REICHARD, 1IW CHESTNUT 8T, liviiiuAu itthvituw 1'Aiixsiina DRKBRlfAUlHrt TiugKl, K6"rT;""Jfac. eoufiT MacDowell. 307 DencKIa Bldg , il Market ton SALE BILLIARD, pool) combination, 2d-hand boulht, .Mrt rnlart .rt. TA.f.v tk1ti m.4 .... ail&Vt'-Naw .. k4f (22x2538)" oMUIdeT Royal, llso Vine. ...... , MAOHINEKY AND TOOLS pipe boutht an1 told: all slits. Philadelphia Boud-Ilanf) pipe Supply. 1003 N. 7th. ' STOliAtsE MILLildtJhVto BTOnW CO. 22 N. Rid. B.lmont 4828. Clfpelp cieanM. Weat 421. ' ' i i i M I BOOMS SOU BENT DRbAb. N 120-Nlcly urnlshd fooma; hot, cOIJ water every toomj phon.l gentlennen. CHEStNUT, 1D04-Largs and small atttacUvely iurn. TQoma, single or en siuie. ia?cusi ut GREEN, 102tt j Urge roomii tunrilng water, IRERN, ll243 Urge roomJi tunrilni water, aas rinaei cumoleteiy turn.: hknt. ; also oar. MORhlS. lMH-Larga 3d-floor front or 2d front com. turn, rooms, adjoining bath) hot water heal i private family; porch; phone. PINE. BW-i.Ual bachelor quarters, furnished slngl. doubl., prltat. bnthsl also suite, so- INK. FtW-t.Ual l.achdlor qdarters, iutnlsh slngl., doubl., rtUate baths!. alio suite, i com 4, reduced rates to permanent tenant. BPRUCE St.. Ill5-2d-floor front, beautifully .futnlshrd, running water, elec, light, pitone. SPRUCE, lllT-Two well'lurh Iront rms sin. pie or communicating, wainui u.u w. SPRUCE. 2022 Attractively turn, suits: two roorni Q"" rriv"'e omni upi, mir. pntn.i WALNUT, 1120 New, two rooms and b.th. se'ond floor; moderate rent. Apply mrry lioi.paner, iuu ainm qi. lUTll. S .120 Single or double, rooms, with or without bath, prefer men or business wqmen. Phone Locust 0029 Y. lM'H ST., N.. 1712-Lqrgv, cool 2d.floor roams, urntined unfurnlihed; private family phone uininonu o.i,i iv miCS' . 1112 Well-f urn. bachelor apt, pil" ale porch; other vacancies. Poplst 47S w, 24TliTN , 17is Lsrge, comtortable room-, fur nished or unfurnished, convenient to cars. Diamond 3077 A. Photo at Ledger central BACHELOR APAHTMENT, one or two, and bath, beautifully furnished; exduslvo seo- tton, '.Vest PhlU l'reston 2261 J. "" l;d and Sansom Furnished WEST BRANCH looms, men only, meals. Y. M. C. A. snouer pains; near u, an tno comforts oj home Phone Bel mont 4WL Key., West .Ml 50AHDINO ARCH, 1012 Nevly turn.; running water all rooms, bath, meals served, phone. llhuAD, 8 770 tThc Urnhsnu-Coof attrac. 17 up. fur, rrns.; al cpnvs., labia board , PINE ST.. 5011-Small adult family has large front room, nullable for two furnished, with boorn, tots, exennngea, ueimont join p, SANSOM, 6211-dheoriujrfur. rm., gentlemen; reunea surrounaings, excellent inDie; pnsne. SPRUCE, 1028-30 2d-floor roorri, southern posure; choice table board Walnilt T2M w. SPRUCE, 124-20 (Brlimonde) Furp, rooms: single, en suite; frlvate baths, table board. WAT.NtfTns.il rt.noor rooms. wlthTbaard: near L. southern exposure; tefs. etchspgto., 4UTII. N.. Wi iifiignttui vncancies; poren; Inwiii except table; near L Baring 2008'. 8FHUCELY"N30S-Soutri 41st St. Mis. S.'ll. IIANLBY. formerly of cneatnut i. NICELY-FURNISHED front roorq for two. with board; comenlent to 00th nnd Market ats. el.vated. Phone. Belmont 10.17 D. Suburban OVERBROOK-0063 Drexel roa'd: bqardlng, tennis, ewlm'g pool. Phone Overlook SOW. r Senslion OdEAN CITY. N. J.. Hotel Henry-Home oem forts, bountljul table, $0 up; poard and room COUNTRY DOARDEES WANTED VACANCIES GOOD TABLE; TERMS RDA. SONABLE M. B DOHAN, WAWA,. PA. APARTMENTS 252-2B4 SOUTH 17TH BT.-PhyHdan's olflceal also apartments, single or en suits: fur- niniivu Vh wi"?Si".TJ:;"Vi-'WliAV.Vh JtlBUVU WV Hll.w.M,-i,- .-. vote bath, board optional. VV3 w jw inn et lUTll, 8.. voO-Twa or three roomy, bath anJ KUchnetl aiao a iiwnn 4u un "--",,v rented earately or together1, fym. ox un- BKOAD AND 6jitcTni 2 lare rpornp J.d bath, unfurnished! light three sldfs l.rlyuta urii; hjioh w jvh 't" '"" J- l i - -::. j:iji.a 'A' I--'""" B"i I. """"."'Sl'f'T ..V r.ntrr' SPRING GAHDEN. 1010-Excellent Pts. In different Bouses; some turn.: kltchinsttas. HOUgEKEEPINO APARTMENTS SnO-AD AND DAUPHIN 8TS. tS. E. c.f ADC. .villi u l,J". , k...w. .... - - .. ' !. -., i vnK Inn i l.nltnr. apt., o rmi. una hiii nyy ....y. . DIAMOND. 2112-J rnis., bath, kitchen, hot- u.f . 'J..i. JLi "A nw 9-. i rm.,. hath Mtffin 'ill cor rms. tt Diamond 1811 W POPLAR. 1522-Attractivc riouselse'e'ping acta 2 and !! rooms, bnth. kitchenette, modern conveniences. Apply KOI Land Title Bldg West I'lilliulelplilu MTH. S. 1520-18 (near Chester ave) Hodeni 2t0. Phone Filbert 4453 Tiir ailtVIN. 3310 Hamilton St. 0 rooms and . .. . ,. ...... .....I Ann n.ltttl. pains; .' unuwin. """'Lt..."1: .......... porch; $45, Phone Preston 0270 or janitor. REAL ESTATE TOR BALE CITY REALTY and Insurance brokers. Albrecht, 375 nrex.l Bldg 2414 W. Lehigh ave. Logan LOGAN REAL ESTATE BALERENT AND KXOHANOB it. M. Smith. Broad St.. opp. Logan Station. JHJBUltnAN Cheney. Ta. COUNTRY HOME, BU acres; J1000: bargain, cou"'i?D HEAllDit Chaster. Pa. it1 " NEW JERSEY. National Park. N. J. BUNGALOWS. J100 casb. 10 monthly: lots 25 xlBO near trolley; cony, to river; National P.rk. Get oft Red Bank ave . sea agent with badge. Greater New Jersey Co.. 83 B. 16th. H.ddon Heights. N. J. L1PPINCOTT IXITS AND HOMES I TtADDON HBWHT8. N. J- REAL ESTATE-SALE OR RENT CITl OWN YOUR HOME by Mntblr jaWjfil- ! Utn worth Wm lm to Je53o.-MercE.5W Union -Stilt cS" fMH ChMtnut .1. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT v-torl... Warehouse., Mfg. Woof Si it ci'itlRRY-3 floors. S000 sit It each; 1 WI-1! H12i-l,ll .v.t.m Anelv owl W !( g"sroib. 713 Spring q.rd.n. nVFICES, HOBINEB9 ROUlia. ETC , .i 'j. ; ...:. z .. BTa BL1XI orriuwi-rAnniiar re ma nFFICES A m: f- ui i"4 i? rga ltW, i mm i 1 r ttc' it I yw. f-" T7? V UlUM 2 t wrMB, f livmsa t fa, WILLIAM illdldr Desk Room iynsvJK1 nwiHiw MAIN IJHB, -A. nuieno .23d ; mmmm-mm JiORTqAQBS -TSilFOR MOBTGAGJCa JUBTTHB HOOll YOU WANT Can very, likely hi located In a tew mlnule. by txamlnlng the. phoiograpba and drier p. tlons of rooms with and without boatd.wMcn era on flle tor ,eur Inipeolion. at Ledger Central. An Interior photograph and an. swera to' every question -ou woulif a.k , Is hire, .a jou can deilrte InUlllginlly; free servlcei test It. CITY -ltBfeir.ein.fft TiflEXI Pt c$sw 9&3& STLAWCJill fbtva!t; wBaras EMi rtwll pEww Wal harth 5Q0 $1000 $1300 1500 ?1600 $50Q0 'V H. liOOO. W WQ8iU W, b. V The Toothbrush Languape Is We Love This Man 1 , V '$&$& TH0Wr, WIU. Vou Ne? Learx tone. A Ref" PTiORERL"? "txir. "TE V.0CKS Dl6GRA.CCFvlL.rj il Offer Declined It was after an attack, and two Highland soldiers were lylnp flat to escape the flying- bullets. During a bflaf lull In the flrlne one of them said, "Let's be moving- on, Jock." "I can't. Bandy," was the reply, "I got It In the leg." "Then crawl on tae rny back," aald Sandy, "and I'll carry ye In." "Nae danger, fear," exclaimed Jock; "the Victoria Crops for you and an Itlier bullet for me." Boston Tran script. -AND THE WORST -'.knsilli3-HH- , '' '' "i i .i. t.'i'.i , ... I ,i WjXt e. J THE PADDED CELL Enerscilo Platoon Conimandor-Dtt n't pant. " -p h I "J? 5Ni -. 7 v iV- I JUST LIKE A MAN A f ) TSrM 1 ,;Mto-pMr fL'iwJ 5Ct ATLmsc c,Tr Started s 4Jr O ESURE BATHlAfS SUITS. "jiuQ. Ojowb .j.( KR-W'M-stLjt . "CW MY DESK! WfA & IllHifl " VvtH r- Npslsk "jCSHbY WHi 4 WUeyVhy did you give thnt waiter is TtaZ s"r&S8&? 1 '"JUSxa tfflsl i i BM(fl f n dollar tip for cettlnp your coat? t .''" v J j$8mI -v 7sf ? "7!Mtir Bpt mo? f W hS Y 111 Y HSfi i ' l"" s .Wtll1 IS Bllffl f PCls f : , . i i. i . t . SCRAPPLE Hard to Understand at Times tgagnjsBrq.'n A Match for Her A certain suburban theatre was very full when the young; man entered. Preqently ho stopped bealde n, some what etout lady who was trying to occupy enough room for two. "Is this seat ensrasedl" he asked politely. The stout woman looked up angrily. "Yes. It isl" she mapped. "I'm keeping It for a. gentleman." "That's me right erjoughi" smiled, tho witty youth, as he el(d Into the seat, "Hut how dd you know I was comlnst" Exchange. IS YET TO COME . i .1 - i r m . i - hi i J 1, 101K. Wisdom "SgmetlmfB," said Uncle Eben, "a man slts'de reputation of beln' terri ble' Industrious vhen ho's only fid pety." Kxohiiilse. FLAG JIAY. THE PATRIOT'S PROGRESS "rjuard, have I time to say good-bye te my wifr "H'wi Hv 188 wv yw ba marrtUd. trt Mrs. TWatM HM Uki-w her sou te sctml fv CM Hmt ttttM, tvnd. tUtu" uMIS4r aeaoolmaat.r with tb itwwuHr of kkVi Bvtac thoul. .JHoiiteii. iijat- u wy-og- '?M aura U iemroa Laun. IB rfiifcuiaii .. - --' ' -I Jj The Nut Tliey must Imve protty strong winds In Chicago. The Mut What makes you think sof The Nut Why, I read In the paper this mornlnc about a safe being: blown open therel Punch. - But, my dax iiwdsjn. ' aajtl Hit "A HMkU- aaM Hn, TiaiMM. fl( lu tw M. "keg wot it W U4ut-tal.er. '-1 " -lafBgffssH-ejeBt tjh -T.tW. i ? .i .a . i i 1 g i t a- t t a i 1 .ark tn amall mzsETXMis" US. nc.tuu.1 U1U. Room MM" "'