Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 11, 1915, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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L . fTA "PIT1 rmmvr ttt -, .
A w "" x v iN JjAULtS MERE
Many Philadelphia Matrons Will Have Charge of
r- Booths Miss Thomas, nf w,'liu
to Give
fyl Theodore Voorhees and MrB. Howard
k..iv Mill will each have a booth at
Ke bMaar to ho given next week at
pal Chapel.
.,nHA ThnitiflR. nf Wllmlneton.
tm lve a tea on Wednesday afternoon,
jjSgust ; 18. at the EaBle'a Mere Golf Club.
nr and Mrs. Monry K. Dlllard, of 231
L.,,i'h joth street, have joined Doctor
iK,,.'. mother nt her cottage.
I" itf and Mrs. w. iicywaru Aiyors, ;uiss
IruYabetl. Myers, Mr. V. ltcywnrd Myers,
IS and Mr. A. Charles Myers will close
"rtrif house at St. David's on Friday and
R.ir for Winter Harbor. Miss Marlon
r. " .; . n,i Mlsa Sarah S. Myers, who
'U been visiting at North East Har
J, and Miss Margarotta D. Myers, who
?or,.r ti-nMlev Lakes, will Join their
.mibr at AVIntcr Hnrbor. They wilt re
"l until tho flfst of September.
wL r Charles Wolcott Henry, Miss Ger
Wmio H. Henry and MIbs Elizabeth W.
Stnry who aro In Rockport, will return
Rli Bto'nchurst, their homo In Chestnut
r 'mil the end of Scptembor. Mr. and
B Mr T Charlton Henry arc aiso spena-1-
..Liho summer In Rockport.
K .. and Mrs. jonn jti. x-aciinra, m, oi
r-. . lilll wlm nrn flriGlwllncr thn
Hi "f?. . TTnnnr Bnrnnno Lake. N. Y..
have been Joined by . Mrs. Packard's
m : .. ,. T.nivrnnpn Ttpnsnn.
MOtner, " ""
. rrodrrlck A. Rlchlo and Miss Caro-
i lins A. nlehle, of 2203 Do Lancey place,
who aro at Galen Hall, Werriersvllle, for
the month of Aucust, will spend Septem
ber at Spins Lako, N. J.
tr nnrt Mrs. Grahamo Wood nnd fam-
' Ilr of 22U Do Lnncoy placo, Phlladol
'' thLi. have gone to Jamestown, It. I.,
. . .. .. nnnitnvlni. thnl. nnMniTA
lor the summer. Mrs. Wood will havo as
her guests her brother, Mr. John Price
Wetherlll, Jr., of 1830 Illttcnhouso squat c,
and his daughter, 3Ils3 AUco Wothcrill.
J Mlsa Elizabeth Rowan and Miss Kath
arine A. Rowan, of 1228 -Spruce street, aro
at present at Brctton Woods, and will
Visit In Montreal nnd Quebec beforo re
turning home.
Mr. Joseph I. Rowan and Mr. Thomas
F. Mohr havo returned nfter spending
'.several weeks In a trip through tho Great
Lakes, Montreal and Quebec.
Mrs. William C. Bullitt, who has been
passing tho early summer at "Oxmoor,"
her suburban residence at Dovon, has
tone to North East Harbor for a sojourn
of several weeks.
Mr, and Mrs, Gcorgo Wharton Pcpper
and their family havo left Fox Creek
Farm, their country placo at Dovon, and
havo gone to North East Harbor, to re
main until tho middle of September.
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Wright, of St.
David's, who aro spending several weeks
at Stlllrlver, Conn., nro entertaining a
house party for a week, which Includes
Miss Rose Jacobs, Miss Eleanor Tlngloy
and Miss Margarotta Tlngloy. Mr. and
Mrs. Wright gavo a dinner party, follow
ed by informal dancing, for their guests
lait evening.
j! Along the Main Line
PMERION Mrs, Leonard Flnletter has
i jtturned to her home on Balrd road after
a protracted stay at Atlantic City.
r ARDMORE Mrs. II, D. Archibald, of
Mill road, will entertain at cards this
afternoon Her guests will Includo Mrs.
'Edard S. Sterne, Mrs. Alvln Mead, Mrs.
David Smith, Mrs. Florence Garnett, Mrs.
A. B. Detwller, Mrs. Mary Wilson and
Mrs. J. A. Mann.
Mr. Slgourney Mellor. of 6 Church road.
Jls spending six weeks In California. Dur-
llng his absence Mrs. Mellor and her son
fare staying with her mother. Mrs. Ed-
fvard Clinton Lee, of Haverford.
HAVERFORD Mr. and Mrs. rMwnrri
pmlth, Miss Blnncho Smith and Mlsa
Florence Smith, who havo been sncndlnc-
,the early part of tho summer at Atlantic
jjCity, are now stopping at tho Oaks.
BRYN MAWIl-Mr. nnd Mm. Paul T.
Mills, of Bryn Mawr avenue, havo opened
gthelr cottage at Capo May for the ro
malnder of the summer.
Mlsa Henrietta Brandes Elv. daughter
sol Mr. Theodore N, Ely, of Yarrow road.
Heft last week for Canada. Miss Ely re
Icently returned from abroad.
Mr. and MrH. ITnwnrd TC Pftnnnr nnd
jfomily, of Bryn Mawr and City avenues,
IBala, who are occupying their cottaga at
Cp May, wilt return homo around tho
llast of September,
L'Mr. and Mrs. .Tnhn f! TlMeM nnd Tltli
iporothy Fleck, of Bala avenue, Bala,
w returned from a motor trip to Elk
tton, Md., where they were the guests of
r. and Mrs. Alfred Biles.
Mr8. A. W. Tl.1rr,irri end XTIna Xfnplnn
fcPlckford, of Birch avenue, Bala, will
pjeave the end of this week for Newport.
i I., to remain until tho early part of
, September,
Mr. Josenh 'M'. Clorhnrf. 3d nnd Mr.
liJid Mrs. Willis C. Gerhart, sons of Dr.
I Mrs. Joseph M, Gerhart, Jr., of
IWiwyd, havo returned from a two
peeks' stay at Lansdale, Pa.
Mr. and Trn A rt PaUnl, Xflaa TTlAn
fedrlck. Miss' Sarah Pedrlck and Mlsa
y J'edrlck, of Penarth road, Cynwyd,
' teavo Saturday for Ocean Ulty,
ere they will spend the next two weeks
"jo Buest, oe Mr. FedrlcK's ratner, wr.
W Pedrlck. at his New Jersey cot-
m Miss Sarah Pedrlck, who, with Miss
v.uiuy triecK, or uala, was guest at a
a party last month at Chadd's Ford,
Just returned from visiting In Sharon
pMr. and Mrs. Walter Scott Detwller, of
Sr "". uaia, left last ween ror a
nonta's stay In Maine.
"Mr and Mrs, William A. Gray, of
n. ",B,,uo ana tiQneB luiie, win
ve Saturday for Atlantic City, to
E" " remainder or xna summer.
"r. and Mr. AtAnnnn TrT.nmhert and
ir daughter, Mlsa Dorla Lambert, and
Mr Raymond Lambert, of 608 East
Ut lanft loft -iAatArdnv fnr- n. ihraA
ftk' visit to relatlvea In Brooklyn.
Ww Nellie Doherty, of IS East ChUn
""?, spending some time in una
" i., aa tua guast or reiauv.
William SIdnev JoDson. of 311 High
t. has left for PlaUsbur. N. T.,
re he will remain for some Una.
William Canavan, of Wt HaiM
"'. wui leave next weK IW vnfiMi
. where be will b the sueat of rela-
'or a fortnight
jjjf Sarah Fern, of McCaUum and Klt-
"wuse streets, baa retarnea irom
P to frlende In Atlantic City
a Tea. J
h.h wndwnoVodnue, la 8pcnd,nB 8om6
Harvey"11, ArnI!Ur,,lk,c' of l09 Wert
Seasme Heights N iheJr f,n,mlljr aro nl
'icignts, N. J., for t,0 season.
MuL!SMM?'rtie Ormlstcn and her sVcr
s reel n'n Jmta. of 7J East n,fnerf
lentow,,hnV0 tCUltnti ttom a lrP A"!
street IL"rry !51"0' of 122 Bart Price
8& to'Hea frm V'Slt ,0
Along the Reading
Mr. and Mis Edwin M. Abbott, of Gltli
.. V ul l,,e "est Mr. Abbott a
Stary .0t. th0 Al'a Institute,
Tnv. als,? UMt Colorado Spring,
Pofiinnf6 esi S?'! DleK0' Sn Francisco.
Io tland, Seattle, Vancouver. Lake
Louise and tho Canadian Rockies, return,
ing September 8.
Miss Emma Supplee, of Webster avc
v.".'. Wyncoto. Pn, has icft for Cn0
in, N. J., where she will occupy her
cottago at Cnpe May Point for tho sum
mor and remain till Into in tho fall. Miss
Bupplco will entertain many of her
friends during August.
Miss ndlth Lnndell, daughter of Mr.
Charles Landcll, of Webster avenue,
Wyncoto, Pn has refit tied from Salem,
t " ". ,whoro sl,c wns the guest of Miss
Josephlno Shcrron for sevral dnys.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard II. Henry, of
Hawkswell, Fort Washington, Pa., havo
left for Islcsboro, Me., whero they havo
taken n cottngo for tho summer months.
Mrs. Andrew Frccland, of Cannda, who
has been tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ar
thur C. Oehrlo at their cottage at Ocean
City, has returned home. Mrs. Frccland
will bo remembered ns Miss Edith Webb,
of Oak Lane.
West Philadelphia
Friends of Mrs. B. C. Mctheny, of 4G09
Spruco street, will bo glad to know that
sho Is recuperating from her Illness.
Mrs. Julius Hammerman, Mr. Michael
Hammerman. Miss Bertha Hammerman,
Miss Jcnnlo Hammerman and Miss Frledo
Hummerman, 3317 Pennsgrovo street, aro
spending tho summer at Atlantic City.
Friends of Miss Dorothy Edith Wright,
4113 Market street,, will bo glad to learn
that she Is now recovering at her homo
from a recent Illness.
Mr. nnd Mrs. David G. Gallop and their
llttlo son, David, Jr., 3717 Ludlow street,
left yesterday to spend several weeks at
Spring Beach, N. J.
Mr. Paul Llndcck, of the Bratton Apart
ments, entertained at his homo last night.
Among those present were Miss Elizabeth
Louis, Miss Anna Reynolds, Miss Ger
trudo Mack, Miss Betty Welghtman, Miss
Eleanor McGowan, Mr. Albert Garrett,
Mr. J. A. Coylo and Mr. vrank Fulton.
Miss Bertha Mayer, of 322 North Blth
street, has Just returned from a three
weeks' visit to her sister nnd brother-in-law,
Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Slnsabaugh, of
Wyaluslng, Pa.
Mr. James McCarthy, of 1226 North
B5th street; Mr. Harry Rhodes, of 1212
North 55th streot, and Mr. Ray Rellly,
of 1518 North G2d street, aro on a two
weeks' camping trip on tho Perklomen
Miss Edith G. Hamilton and her sister,
Miss M. Nalda Hamilton, of 6032 Media
street, nro spending a few weeks at tho
Delwyn, In Wlldwood, N. J, and on
their return will be tho guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Renlson, nt Lawndale,
at a week-end party.
Miss Alice B. O'Neill, of 38th and Chest
nut streets, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. S.
Donner at their cottago In Chelsea.
Mrs. Thomas B. Jones has clOBed her
apartment at Hamilton Court. 39th and
Chestnut streets, nnd la spending the
summer at Atlantic City.
Miss Ida Bull, of Hamilton Court, Is at
tho Brighton, Atlantic City.
South Philadelphia
Miss Mario Calm, of Richmond Hill,
L. I., has completed her two weeks' stay
In Philadelphia and has returned to her
home. Miss Cnhn was tho guest of her
uncle, Mr. Max Cahn, of 231 Christian
Mr. Thomas Haines, of Broad and Por
ter streets, had as his guests on an auto
mobile trip to Atlantic City last week
Mr. Fred Lauterbach, Miss Leota Beards
ley, Mr. John J. Foley and Miss Minerva
Mrs. Josephine Brlgas, of 1S0O Daly
street, is spending a short time time as
tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Davis,
of West Grove, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kelly and their
daughter, Mlsa Florence Kelly, of 2U6
Soupt 15th street, aro home after en
joying their vacation at Atlantic City.
Mr. Robert Parvln, formerly of South
16jh street, will come on from Cincinnati
to visit his parents late In August.
Mr. John Gamble, of 26th and Federal
streets, will spend the week-end next
week at Atlantic City.
Mr. F. P. A. Burke, of 2112 Lombard
street, has returned front a big-game
hunting trip In tho Canadian wilderness.
North Philadelphia
- r a nnnmv nnd daughter. Miss
Josephlno Conroy, of 2514 Diamond street.
w .. . .... n.l nnvt t Ran.
are spenatng ubu """ t , ... ..
tember at the St. Charles Hotel, Atlantic
Mr. James ConnorB, of 1913 Hope street,
spent tho week-end with friends at Clem
enton, N. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kampf announce
the wedding of their daughter, Miss Anna
Georglna Kampf. to Dr. Milton A.
Klrshbaum on Juno 17.
Mlsa Helen Dudley, of Pnn street, who
has bUn spending tho .iimmtr at Lake
thL n the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Thoema" Barnefol their Bungalow, will
i.v today for New York, where she Is
oab the maid of honor for Sites He en
MnNanwMS Burkley. who will be roarriad
SSirday August . to Dr Roy Clayton,
ot ChKwo TMI udly will b. aeeom
Mnled by MI" Alice B Curt, who will
JS m her & until Sfcptarabw.
Mrs. G Griffith and family, of Harford
T ud ar aneadlBK a few wk
SSafMVd WJUUW Bpwr. of D
.tjt. Fox Chaw.
summer at alo, r . Jr" . n,
the uU of tlWi m Uim "
HniHHBov .C.HI r ml ill ill
HflHKl'CHiF fill ri
v mSmMBSBSSSF iHffii 'Km
Who havo just returned from
Seaside Home, in Cape May Point, Will Give Musical
Benefit Miss Joyce, of This City, Guest of
Honor at Party in Wildwood.
MANY ot tho visiting boys and girls
are generously aiding the less for
tunate llttlo folks by raising funds for tho
benefit of the Children's Seashore House,
Annapolis and Atlantic nvenucs, Chelsea,
which Is greatly In need of money to
carry on tho work of tho Institution. The
children at tho Hotel Ostend gavo an en
tertainment which netted tho Seashore
House twelve dollars and seventy Ilvo
cents. Those who took part weto Miss
Maxlne Kauftman. Miss Joan Morris,
Miss Sclma Rothcnperg. Miss Dorothy
Gosslcr, M1S3 Ruth Gosslcr, Miss Adeline
fahoenfleld, Master Lester Shocnlleld,
Mnster Paul Morris, Miss Ruth Stern,
Miss Mary Helen Adler, Mastor John
Adlcr, Miss Edna Schwarts, Miss Alice
Marks, Master Karl Glaccr nnd Miller
Glacer. Another successful affair for the
same worthy charity was given nt 217
and 202 South Victory avenue. Chelsea,
when eight boys and girls mado ten dol
lars and twenty cents.
Those who worked to make the fcto a
success wero Miss 8arah King, Mlsfl
Helen EckBteln, Mlsa Louise Eckstein,
Master Frank King, Miss Helen King.
Miss Frances Botthof. Master Robert
Topllngcr and Master Daniel Jones.
Mrs. Frank Park nnd her sister, Mrs.
Charles W. Welld, have Issued invitations
for an auction bridge party to be given
on tho afternoon of August 27 at their
summer home, 103 south Dover avenue.
Mr. John Dorfner, Miss Dorfner, Mis3
Elsio Dorfner nnd Mr. Herbert Dorfner
motored down from Philadelphia for tho
Mrs. Frank Schanz, of Philadelphia, Is
quite ill at her summer home, 23 Soutn
Rhode Island avenue,
Mrs. Samuel W. Whan and Mrs. John
M. Bradley entertained a party of friends
aboard the Whan yacht PW""
for a trip to the Ocean City Yacht Club,
where a? beautifully, "PPO'li11",6""
was served, loiioweu ay w -..,,-
Mr. and Mrs. William McAdoo, who
havo been hero for a month, left early In
,tho week for their country place at 1-ort
Washington, Pa.
Miss Mabel Thompson, who is an annual
summer visitor, has left to Join friends
at Marblehead, Mass.
Church tomorrow evening.
A children's party will take place at the
New Hotel Cape May today. Early in the
moving he tiny tots will arrive and
avervthlne will be given over to the chil
dren for that day. There will be games,
of Su?se; and many things that delight
the heart of a child.
Cane May was thrown into a state of
-.-.? Zl, Himrtnv when a motor party
topped I at the new hotel for luncheon. In
muilcu " ,,, t Milan TIiiBsell and
tho party was a " " :-:-
her a few friends from Pittsburgh.
".. .!..II..UJ ovroHlnitV Well
with her a few irienao nun, ........
Pa Mm Rus11 looked exceedingly well
ajioo ".. .!.. - ,,,. hlnnan nnrt
In a short wntie SKiri. u. . -.---a
long Alice blue Italian silk coat edged
wl h wide fur and with collar and cuffs
of Ae fur. She wore a white hat trimmed
with black.
As usual, the concert In the beautifully
lighted foyer of the New Cape May Hotel
on Sunday evening was a success artutt
tally and from a social point of view.
Mr and Mrs. George MoFadden. Miss
Emily MoFadden and Alexander McFad
den are guests of the hotel. Also Mr. and
Mrs Walter A. Bailey and Miss Frances
BaUey. Mr, Arthur Marls and Mr. R. R.
Bfddle went the week-end here. Also
MrTand Mrs. Wlstar Brown. Jr.. and Mr.
James A. Colahan.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin P. Glynn motored
over from Atlantio City and with Mrs,
SZph clnnon dined at the hotel lasj
uhsht Mr and Mrs Clarence Zait zlnaen
wilt arrive August H to stay until after
Labor Day They will have with them
their children. Others registered are Mrs.
WUlan. Tenbrook and Miss Catherine
'p.nbrook Mr. James Fry, Mr. Bdgar r.
ItariTof ChitoSt HUl. and Mr. William
Others noticed wero Mr. and Mrs.
Henri- B Fatten. Mlsa Alva Sargeant,
iZ Anne StwlVand MUs Selby XeU .of
EWtlmore; Mr. ad Mre. Arthur Cola
S7r. and Mr. Howard SbeWe. ho
wew guait. of Mr. and Mr. LVtoa
at tfaelr oag, Mr. S. OasMll.
Mrs Sussex vU, Mr. Samuel BUpham,
5rChrl Dvte, Mr and Mm Thorn
Stockbaueen. Mr. and Mrs. John BUke
ler ad Mr Peul Pe. J"
week-end w"b tbem, Mr and Mt T1U-
a lengthy visit in Wildwood Crest, whero they were the guests of their
sister,. Mrs. F. W. Lyly.
lam Morice JIIss Lllllo Harris. Miss Vlr-j
glttla Hniri.i. A dancing contest took,
placo at 10 o'clock, tho silver cup being
won by Alls'? Anno Steele, of Baltimore.
Mrs Howard Pepper has as her guest
for a fortnight Mrs. C. Lclghton, of
Dr nnd Mrs. R. Wnlter Starr and Miss
Mario Loul80 Stnrr will lcavo this week
on their jncht Cora for a short cruise,
stopping at Hay Head for a few days.
Miss Starr made her debut laBt winter.
Miss Mary Corse, of Gormantown, has
selected Capo May lor a stay of soveral
OCEAN CITY. Aug. 11. Two of tho
Boclal events that will attract the visitors
to the Casino Club this week will bo tho
midsummer masque ball Friday evening
and tho Venetian Carnivnl Saturday eve
ning. Many well-known Philadelphia
people aro members of this club.
The absorbing topic of conversation
nmong the members of tho Ocean City
Yacht Club Is t'no Schcrmerhorn Cup
ruce, which will tako placo Saturday at
Island Heights.
Mrs. G. A. Russell and Miss Chambers,
of Philadelphia, wero the hostesses at tho
woekly meeting of tho Visiting Ladles'
Auxiliary ot the First Presbyterian
Church at tho Casino Club. A literary
nnd musical program was presented.
Dr. William Gordon Stlmpson, of Wash
ington, assistant surgeon general of t'no
United States Public Health Service, Is
nmong the vrltors.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. P. Glbney, of Philadel
phia, havo opened their Central avenuo
Mrs J. Roehm, Mr. Herbert Roehm
and Miss Catherine Roehm, of Philadel
phia, are hero for an extended visit.
Miss Helen Orosart, of Philadelphia, Is
here for the remainder of the season.
Miss Edna M. Benn, of West Philadel
phia, Is among the visitors.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tltlow, of Phila
delphia, aro enjoying their visit.
WILDWOOD, Aug. 11. The Misses
Kerrigan entertained at a card party
at their delightful Garfield avenue
home In honor of Miss Anna Joyce,
of Philadelphia. Tho .other guests In
cluded Miss Hilda Sloan, Miss Margaret
Kllroy. of Pittsburgh: Mrs. McMnnus,
Mlsa Ella Maloney, Miss Mary Moloney,
Mr. B. Kllroy, Mr. P. Lally, Mr. J. Deane
and Mr. M. C. Kerrlgnn.
Mr. Wilbur Horwlg, of Springfield ave
nue, Philadelphia, Is sojourning here.
Mrs. Hcrwlg Is In California, accompa
nied by her son and mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Beckley and
daughter aro stopping at 203 East Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sterempflg. of 619
Lincoln Drive, Germantown, are hero for
the remainder of the month.
Mr, and Mrs. James Frlel, of German
town, aro here for an Indefinite stny.
Mr, and Mrs. Bacon and family, of
Philadelphia, are at their cottage on
Primrose avenue, Wildwood Crest.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McDowell and
family, of Philadelphia, are at their cot
tage at Wildwood Crest for the season.
Mr. Frank W. Martinis and family, of
South Bethlehem. Pa., are registered
at the Hilton Hotel. Mr. Martinis Is
secretary of the Chamber of Commerce of
South Bethlehem,
Mrs. Ward, of Philadelphia, has rented
a cottage on New York avenue for the
season. '' '
Dr. A. B. Voegtlln, the well-known or
ganist and choirmaster of the Protestant
Kplscopal Memorial Church of the Advo
cate, 18th and Diamond streets, Is In
Wildwood for the remainder of the sea
son, Mrs. Ross Hemphill, of Camden,
was a visitor last week at the homo of
Mr. and Mrs. George C, Cox, of Chest
nut avenue.
Mrs. C. H, Rlggln, of Windsor, Va., is
spending a week at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. G. K. Rlggln, First and Central
Mr. and Mrs. Branston Williams, of
Pittsburgh. Pa,, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. T. Kay, at their cottage, on 18th
avenue, the past week.
Kotlcr for the Socletr pexe wllj be
accepted and printed In the Evening
Ltdrer, but ell ech netlcce mu be
written on one lde of the paper,
cuiat be lned In full, with full ed
dref, end when pelMe telephone
number nut be (Ires.
fiend ell eocb communication to
"SooUty Editor," Bdaar Idsr,
(Of Chestnut etieet.
Unlet tfcuo requUemenU ere
carried oat e that verification may
be poi. the neUoe will net be
Mr. and Mrs. C. Cort Mngcns nnd
daughter, of La Crosso avenue, will spond
several weeks at tho Bollovuc, In Ocean
Mr. nnd Mrs. Theodore Dwlcr, of Now
ark, N. J nro tho guests, for several
weeks, of Mrs. Thomas Gaffney, of Lin
den avenue.
Camden and Vicinity
Mrs. Charles Hognu and her sisters
hao closed their homo nt 210 Cooper
streot nnd are now occupying a cottage
at Asbury Park.
Mrs. Albert B. Davis and small dnugh
.tcr, of 611 Cooper Btrcot, aro visiting Mrs
Dnvls parents, Judgo nnd Mrs. Frank T.
Lloyd, nt their tummer homo at Sen
sldo Park.
MIbs Chrlstlno Wright, of Hnddondeld,
Is spending sovcrnl weeks at tho Chelsea
Hotel, Atlantic City.
Miss C. R. Walker, ot 1722 Edgmont
avenue, has left for Hants, Cape Cod,
Mass.. whero she will bo tho guest of
friends for two weeks.
Tho Rov. II, R. McDado, pastor of tho
Caltesbury Methodist Episcopal Church,
of MarcuB Hook, has returned from a
two weeks' vacation, during which time
ho visited tho Allcntown and Pitman
Grove camp-meetings.
Plan Reading
and Estimating
Drawing, Surveying, Structural
Engineering, Hydraulics, Steam
Engines and Strength of Materials
taught by experienced specialists.
Ask for Catalog T-Sl.
rliono Diamond 631.
II Uroad St. below Ilerka Jj,
The Phillips Brooks School
,w.' .chool. odpoiIio Clark Park. Atbletla
flaid adjolnini bid. Large rul.equlppe4 rym
nasluio. Eiperlcncea tncnara.
Year Hook.
Howard B. Elt"l. """
ttii Dalllmora av.
ti. in" . Shorthand and Secretarial Course..
Vo prepiri bVya for college bualnesj. devel.
oolna- them syrametrlcallyfortheworkof life,
by our carefully regulaleO instruction & modi.
nSd military training. Send for catalogue. Th.
Principal. Eordentown-ontthenejaware. N. J.
Swarthmore Preparatory School
Find Me
For My
enr and go I come to your
...,. m,in rvrrvthinp to U3."
Uiat w- .
ry W- SSft U-'MSx JRiiiL-1
I : . m
This is the request made to us by one father, who is a busy man-of-affairs. He has had a college
and he is acquainted with tne dcst. scnoois m a general way, dui, as nc tsaia, want tu ib
Everv day we receive similar requests, ana wc nrc giving spicmuu MMsiasumj, juusihb jr t
appreciative letters we receive from both parents and schodls.
Come in, read some of the letters, and if you have a daughter
nnl let us helo you. We can save you a great deal of needless
m,mi'rinuii f WTii'ITTI jfVT? "rkYftfT
tUWWftUru, laM.lllYM. rf flsPW I
11. 1915;
All Sorts of Amusements for Boys and Girls Surprise
Luncheon in Honor of Mrs. Martin at Yacht
Club Other Affairs
RESIDENTS of that section ot tho city
from 6th to Btoad street and from
York street to Allegheny avenue, particu
larly tho children, are looking forward
with pleasant anticipation to tho annual
outing of tho Central Germantown Ave
nue IlUBtncss Association, which wilt be
held tomorrow In Hunting Park.
For tho amusement of tho boys nnd
girls n series of sporting events hns been
nrrnnged. These will Includo foot, sack
nnd threc'leggcd races, climbing a greased
polo nnd n ple-entlng contest between 20
of tho boys. Prltes consisting of pocket
knives, sowing outfits nnd other usoful
articles will bo awarded tho winners In
tho different events.
A plenslng fenturo of tho occasion Is tho
outdoor supper, which Is of tho nnturo of
a grand reunion. At last year's outing
It was estimated that 30,000 personB wero
present, nnd It Is thought by tho commit
tee that tho number this jcar will bo still
Through tho liberality of tho association
everj thing In tho park will bo free, nnd
they havo nrrnnged to distribute 10,000
blocks of Ice cream, bcsldci bushels of
peanuts, popcorn galore and nt least a ton
of nssortcd candy.
At each outing the association hns nn
equipped hospltnl tent, with a corps of
nurses nnd physicians, for tho treating of
sucn minor accidents as may occur.
Tito officers of tho association nrc:
Picsldent, Mr, William J. Nosh; vice
president, Mr, Joseph T. Brown; secre
tary, Mr. James II. Glcnson; financial
secretary, Mr. Gcorgo Klauder; treasurer,
Mr Max Kauff matin; directors, Mr, Peter
F Daley, Mr. Grcgor Drummond, Mr.
Otto Schlctkl, Mr. George A. Michael,
Mr Max Knuffmann, Mr. Stewart S.
Graves, Mr. J. P. Brown, Mr. A. F.
Sloltz. Mr. Danlol J. McCrudden, Mr.
Gcorgo G. Iluscman nnd Mr. Louis J
Mr Joseph T. Brown Is chairman of
tho Outing Committee, which Includes
the officers and directors. Thcro nro at
present 230 members of tho association.
Mrs. J. W. West, of Wallace Btrcot,
entertained In her summer homo In Per
kntlo Park, Pn., Inst week tho members
of tho Christian Church Missionary So
ciety. Supper was served after tho meet
ing and nmong thoso present wero Mrs.
J O. Arnold. Mrs. D. C. Lymnn, Mrs,
Mary Miller. Mrs. W. Mulhollnnd, Mrs.
E Reed, MrR M J Fisher, Mrs. Mary
Llpplncott. Mrs V. Stewart Collins, Mrs.
I.o Roy, Mrs. Short, Mrs. Mlngus, Mrs
Floronco Burke. Miss Jennlo Wllmcr,
Mrs. Henry Hodgson, Mrs. A. Nogg, Mrs, J
Anna rreor, .Miss Lillian Alcuulgnn,
Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. M Bcnlselmclr, Dr.
Mary Lnngson, Mrs. Langson will go
to India shortly to tnko charge, of tho
Tuberculosis Hcspltnl.
Mrs. West was assisted by her daugh
ters, Miss Anna and Miss Helen West.
A surprise birthday luncheon wns given
nt tho Chelsea Yacht Club this week In
honor of Mrs, Joseph J. Martin, Sr., of
1901 Green street, who Is spending tho
srnson nt the Mnrlborough-Blcnhclm.
Mrs Richard Y. Filbert presented Mrs,
Mortln with a. bouquet of SO American
Beauty roses, representing the number ot
her years. Covers wero laid for the fol
lowing named ladles: Mrs, Richard Y.
Filbert, Mrs. Otto Schaum, Mrs, Clarence
Kugler, Mrs. Frnnk Stockloy, Mrs. Wal
ton, Mrs Richardson, Mrs, Matlack, Mrs,
Gcorgo C. J. Fleck, Mrs. George Rocsch,
Mrs. Gcorgo J. Mtiller, Mrs. Nettle Ruh
land, Mrs. Edward Wilkinson, Mrs.
Thomas Kay, Mrs William Smith, Mrs.
A. A. Blaess, Mrs. Samuel McDougal,
Mrs Charles Woodruff, Mrs. A. Law lor,
Mrs E. Mugle, Mrs Charles Allen, Mrs.
William Cooloy, Mrs. Charles Miller, Mrs.
C. Wealoy Talbot. Mrs. Harry Boyd, Mrs.
A. Jackson, Mrs. T. II Wagner, Mrs.
Lydla Bradford. Mrs. Jacob Stocr, Mrs.
E. J. Holmes. Mrs. A. E. Oppenhclmor,
Mrs. E. Shcllenberger, Mrs. William In
gram, Mrs. Thomas F. Durham, Mrs. A.
No atudent of thla school la "one of a mass." Every pupil Is gtven
personal Instruction, with tho Idea of developing hta or her Individual
talont. No school stands hlghor In tho estimation of auccesaful men and
no diploma Is glvon more honorable and remunerative recognition by them.
Telephone: Lombard 1200-1:97.
Day School. Niqht School. Enter uny time.
K. M, Hull, A. SL. PiI.K., President, Lafayette llullillng, Philadelphia
After October 1st, Penn Mutual Ilulldlng
Commercial, Stenographic, Sec
retarial and other business
courses, Pay and night aesslons
now open. Individual and clasa
Instruction. Charges moderate.
Positions guaranteed. Special In
ducements to start now.
01.807 Chestnut St., Phila.
Central Educational Institute
Dav and Evto Prtparatory and Business
The Community has confldenco In Central a
Educational System, You ahould know about
Ita unique work. 2000 Students last year
Send for Illustrated Catalog X.
Central Y. M. C. A.. 1421 Arch at,. Phlla,
M. For Men and Soys, Unlimited use to
C. members, 1 month. 2 00 ; 3 months.
A. J5 00: a year, ?). Boys, one-third
1431 rate. Private lusons, 0 for 13 00. gin.
Arch St. gl swim Men. 300 ; Boya. 13a.
a First-Class Boarding School
Fourteen - Year - Old Daughter
Educational oureau. tuy uauBuicr a an umy uiuu, uu b tu" -
.. ... , ,,' -i.ju ... i.e. .1 S..J-I t... ,.
C. Buzby, Mrs. William Gemml, Mrs.
Thomas Hurley and Mrs. Edward Beech
cr Filck.
Members of the Alpha Beta Chi Club
entertained n number of friends at a
houso party nt their bungalow In Wild
wood during tho last week. Among the
guests were Miss Mary Glltooly Miss
Kitty Kane, Miss Mary Mclnerney, Mlsa
Marjorle Nolan, Miss Alice Olllorley.
Mlsa Josephine Snyder, Miss Doris Ru
perils, MIsb Eleanor Keohone, Miss Ag
nes Coll, Mr, Lorenz Fnlk, Mr Bernard
Miller, Mr, James B, Met, Mr Thomae
O'Brien, Mr. Joseph Anions, Mr Joseph
Gates, nnd Mr. Francis Doyle.
What's Doing Tonight
Municipal linnit. Cotton and SUverttood
irpcip, iioxDorouirn;
R n'elnclr. Vr.
i Rirmouni .I'arK
nni4 ll.lm.nl ffAta.tA
8 o'clock. Pri. ,
Philadelphia. Uaml. City Hall rlaaa S o'clock.
Kctn for Ml. .final Hospital, Dlafnond atreal
cntranco to Falrmount I'ark.
Kntertalnmont by membcrao of Young Men's
and Young Women1 Hi-brow Associations, 310
Cathnrlno atreet; 8 o'clock.
The exquisite
flavor, the antisep
tic value, the mild
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and the purity of
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"S. S. White"
Tooth Paste, to
gether with a
long - standing
knowledge of the
makers, will lead
your dentist to
recommend it.
In Pnsto or Powder, 25c
If not nt your drupKiat's,
mailed on receipt of price.
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Helpful Talk By Butlnen Men at
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2 Fall Term will be opened 8
a in New B u i 1 d i n g on
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