EVEytyft LEDttKR-PHILADKLPHIA WTIALADVAES IN IRON AND STEEL QUOTATIONS Tr repay. ArotrsT in, 101 n KXN fll I'KNK ATZ-TT-r-- , "M "" w fork Stock 8nt w..s v..r ..,, o.. I iHteu J ' , . I i. - ..ab5SZw7" T7 " ' WMDHbw uiRn. imv. cms. - $ lllilKVDHnL : 1 IV" l,Hj'l I Sj jHRHHUHH.Hfc win in ! Hi,... lOV. It' ' 9 TfflHr huh liii'A fl fflloOtaWrafc, ' i linn two, S jaEv91ttBlt&9sPtMb' i nil -do $ MHEB' I i'.N Mil : n LWRmtmk'iwtfh)Mt -M S.V MV. i !! Mil I I I I Ml 'i v liKKawSliH . IH IMt urns , ' tvf.iWSuMSBK .iiu tui's mi , WflRIIMHini ..4U iii-i, iir, JBMtrrr tfBTTnWBfiHIi n;s ii- u.-,j X3Mfflmm$&3Kas . m ii;'i ii-2 " 'HKEsrlilffi&miB . onji tm tin ; ? ffc ilHIPKra&iffKffiH&Si . iii'4 ut3 iiij ' .jmmSl&vMStmSJjmm' iim in:i iu:i WtiSmSamSfmmi " in', iiii. Kb 3n,BPBwiSa3B"S4BBF hs ss ki tBBtJsrc .Hnuwi'',rMias(ui ini ii 17 9HnfflHMt&Sf ii 1st i ems ima28ttMBhyfG3ffl i ;m ar ranLsYtwaE' f$PS8KKPI - i PI' a7'' Srar dl!ffiit9imtB?j2l . ' i ' i KDI&Oawar 'TOtLCsSSftt W". BwEiaiagy V. tfcaSMfH Ts "" immWtMBMaitr Tsl IN FINAL DEALINGS L itfnn flm Tjinnni' nt tVin m UUD .. . : mrket( but Kauroaa bharcB hto Also Active. NEW YOHK. AUR. 10. mimB otrons throughout tho Wit nurt or the ny. prrcs reaitcu ft4l StrCOl III "l i.iral un i" hrolll-wiKii'K "" ' '"3 ninuo- KtrOUp. I IUC'1"0 OIKl-i! i iniini raicci .t.A- Urtiwl. (liti rnllrnnil UfiltnA hi Olllt-l M"t - .- i'Z. .lomnmi. nntl were not so much (trt by tho Rcnernl rcnBtlou. Sltief IlUOjnill upuiiuiK viuy;iuivu Kii utreet mis morniiiK nn a ti of the ravoraoio crop report fiS'.v. .Ipelnratlon of tho reuulnr a' j m num.llmi 1'nclllo, with tho SSIllon of ,hc preliminary Incomo nc t thowliW thf11 t,lc O'VHICIKI pain lomcthliu to -psirc Nearly nil tho . .i ..I I.Rimu (iitvii linnrl llinlllrl. raiOU"u irnT ...""... iowwu- Millan PiK-HIc Itnelf, which Jumped '"'"" ..! T,.n.ll., nn.t I'l.. I' CI lll'" .iwu"iiih n'lu uii'wil nvi-rt mi tnodomtely. Tho mils Tiimuluteil I'.v published Htiitcnicntn the forthcomliiR doelHlon ot tho In- i. commerce commission in tno ill fniK ciise. Southern ltnllway Sfd rose 4 points, while Lehlh Vnl gtlned hnlf n much. Trnillng In ni fflaln RIPCl WiiB uii ti iuihi1 utaiui It reached a now top for tho present rffc.nt. Crucible Steel and Westing- vSwero aloo strong, hut Uothlehem fST'i. v.m .ipmlv. General Motors made Adam, Kxpfw...."'' " 'W CT mm s 1 1 1. Am Cat & Fd. r,,, (, ,,'' A- 2l Am t.,Volr ::: fe 1 - 51 Am rottnn on 'I! M:' '? C , w?ottcf....OI V"' i"K ioainef.. Am Hlilo i, pre( ,,, Am leo.Secutltlej Am Unseed Am Linseed rirof Am Locomotlvo Am Lctomotlvo p.... Am 'melt & ltcf Am mclt & Itef nf... Am PnuiT Alii iit'i KoundrlBi iii 3IU 24 12 31 MH Us 8.1 Ml ! 40H 03 l)j 03 Hi IIU i(( 30 34)f F-)!( 2 '-:) :a. 12 Yi i SO 29H i.'IIW id 6IH fiUj US 1 US OS ttiOM ID M 1P8- icswf loO lfiO 150 lflj AmSiiMf n.ri.i:. .T,f. .'?. Am Woolen 1i, iV W -M Am Woolen prof hoJ Mv b8H M) 2 Anaconda Copper 0s!i rou hi m .;.-"..." "." " o us s usu iisu 1U0 1U2H 100K iniv, Oi.'t S.-) STOCK MARKET BOILING B SSIinr hllth record. Rv farther rush to buy U. 8. Btcel Ki'.fA after midday, when the tin- Sufi tofinaKO figures reached the Street. feflmatM ranging from 200.0CO to C00.O0O W'i ben made. Tho actual figures ST a uBln over Juno of 250.000 tons, ny...MpA to nleaso the bulls, who pro- r&cAti to push the. stock to tho highest jfots since 1812. The whole market Svl higher In sympathy but it was WTroated that about one-fifth of tho MV, dealings wero In Steel. Cruclblo SUcl fell hack a couplo of polntB, whoro WPrle Coal Products, Heading, Lehigh W New Haven, tho Hill shares and KJffolk and Western were nil buoyant. .Tl6 tatter's Improving earnings were a TOmulatlng factor there, irjtneral reactions developed In tho clos iit' dealings. Heavy sales of Steel and Ttber leaders cut Into the earlier gnlns TA the close was very unscttlod. Foreign exchange was steadier today. fritmlmr yesterday's drop to a new low ifrecord for demand sterling came tho t. tv,a Imnnrtritlon nf nhnut Jl.00O.00O gold from England. On top BMhls announcement was made In I.on 'd6n that deflnlto action toward steudylng Rmerlcan exchange rates had been taken Lhy the Government by arbitrarily raising ftb flied rates for tho salo of Treasury tlllU it the Bank of Engltind to IV4 per Rent for all maturities. Former rates (for three, tlx, nine and twelve months' ibllls ragged from 2 to 3i per cent, lly Ithla action the English Government hopes to obtain better control of money rates W correct exchange quotations. This 'brings Treasury duis on me same oasis 'to the war loan. ffi.S. STEEL UNFILLED ORDERS SHOWED HEAVY INCREASE Cnmoration'a Bookincs as of July 1 I Rose 250,344 Tons. NEW VORK. Aug. 10.-Unnilcd orders Tn the books of tho United" States Steel "CorDorutlon. as of July 1, amounted to 5,5)0, It was imnounccu louuy. his compares with 4,678,100 tons on ast, and is an Incrcaso of Soo.uti n July 1, 1911, tho unlllled oiders 15S,5.sD tons. rlsnn of unlllled tonnage is mado vlous reports as follows: mis. mi I. I.SIS..i?l Ult:i.!,M) I.:u.:i71 .i.ir.'ii, lid 4,1'.i.i,T4U l.lii-j.n 4, Hill, "ills J.i.TM-ii, l.ius.sto l.il.Vl.S'.T, 4.2iT.'i1I8 ::,iij.s.iiiu 4,-Ji:i..i:i1 :i,7S7,l'IIT :i.iiu,i.i7 :i,'isi,.vrj :i.hiii.iii:: tni:l. 7.W7.IIIW 7,(I.-,II,7U 7.IIIM.H.VI (l,78.7ilJ Il.:i34,:r.'2 r.,MJ7,:il7 .,,:i.i.:wii .-..al.lts ri,i'iri.7H3 4,51:1.7117 l,:ini;.:iiT J.i'SJ.lus SijJJING STOCK QUOTATIONS TOXOI'All STOCKS. Dlil ftuller mi Extension trn Sr . .. .: Jth Relmont jd Eitenelon n Jlerser h JllnlnB B .UIX , Ent .! .VO .- .11 .3 ,thel .-.'1 .'11 .12 4 -"'1 III r.s, .(IS QOLUFIHI-n STOCKS. jllon Fraction xinem l II ConnolMatcd I Extension M ... Ml ... .13 ... .01 ... .04 ... .07 ... .01 ::: Si :::Mr ...i.ii ... .in .-. .on ,OT irm Ken kit (17 JIfSi'Kl.I.ANEOUH. Altec 01 W. .:. . ..Ill "l. 17 Wonder 1.10 .:st .01 .17 .0.1 in US .0:1 .(HI .17 144 '.M .It ,ns .Oil .ou .at (i.i .13 1.50 Atlantic Coast l.lno llaldwln Loco llalduln Loco prof.. Ilallimoro & Ohio... Halt &Ohio prof.... Hatopilas Mlninc.... tli'lhlohcm Stooi llethleliem bteel pf.. llrooklyn Hap Tram llutto & Superior...., Cal Petroleum Cal Petroleum pi.... Canadian Paclltc Cent Leather Co Chesapcako & Ohio . Chlno Coppper Chicago (It West.... Chicago Ot Wcjt pf. Chi It &p Chi Mil & st Paul . . Chi Mb ft St p pf.. C C O &St L C C Oft St L pf.... Chi & NorltiHi'si.... Col Finl & Iron. . . Col & South 1st pf... 10)1 Comstock Tunnel.... 11 Consolidated uj l.t Continental Can tO'j corn Products Kef. ... jq 1 M XI 105 i 100 10(1 100 &03 a-Ai mi 8-2H roll 51 71 71 i in m m 205 8 L'M!J( :02 141U 1411 UUi 1UHH c6U ,j7J( fo Mil C0)i CO, HM ifilj IS 17,' 17.-. 17H 30 am as as 148 154'j 149U 154 43 44Jj 43H 4i4 42 6 42M 4 Hi ! 4& 46)i 46 f 4Ws 12 U'.'a lL'U li, 30H 32J !il U2!l 17H l5i 17! 18' 3i mi M'J Mli 12UW PJOJi 12 if 120JJ flftMl AmAr irti rill ii 1,... .;ii -- .v:- " " vj" rnrr amen isec m iji W" Anin- T en 48 i,k "U II no rvl 4UH llll-i .; Amrr wtiti-n a;:::. SA Aimmir to 4't ni II. Ill .t...ni...n ... ... ... ... 2M1M no fV In lnwi Iltt ;;: ." tv .i i.iit lull 1 AtlHti Co Lin. It j,.. wA-JJ UIOiM tm ev 4-e..." Sl .Jtwi l,h Steei Ut H !! "'OU . on I Id s too SKI !"'",", IT i iiVts. li.U JIKtl I 'm r ..lit... . .j iimiu ,..y."".,.r' ." " "rn My Chl ot Wen 4 te!J5! " & J""11 is., UOUII Chl H ft (, in 4, "W L' '' 81' en ..., WWi din uai cv to.:.?... .MUM Uii I'ont 1'onil lt., j Er t, conv 4r Hr II... si'S Krl p'""1 SH ,,'.,n IS1,' ", 6SH ! UH Sln 'i "" M"l 111 Hted del, 4i ii iininn Mwi r, mi tlJi Jont'entrnl ref 4. . ,-.n J0lHlln Cop rv On !) l-,.il !nf",tv.rct 3'1 P '13' 2itM IiHpiIi Met 411,8. jii 4ini Interli It T lef flu... iit- Sumii Inter Sltr Mnr 'i.. m V'I'i.li !4"", Cll' " r' I!s fim jii m Kieei r iotii.. hi 'jAI! '"lhn. ','''1 r"" iM'i., i ?, f, '?c1Me tlnn Ut r.s....UM4 Pin l.k Hli ileli Is 1IWS.,.. lijli V.'IL' i-?'1 Vnl of N v i'4-. "s'.I iiiivi i.g ji t n....;...iujG SU."! !'. M.T 7s::::::::l"J4 . ", !'."ul" "h 4s ni in 10 Mo l'ne oona lis ii.Vi ;;im Mnnl Power .V no tp.oi. n v ft it m-s::;::: VSJ ''U'rl! 5 ! l! " " " rci . . . . 1..-IV, VOOO N v (.' & It IV4 7V, iroi N v city 4i,b imai... ! 1WM N Y City 4ijs IWU... nsij .."F .km I o: Hl'Bl I'll 4'liH. .Illl .1.. ... .. .... t .. :to .. oo ..1.4 41 30 ou 125 IIU 40 PJ bOJS S'M 01 .14S .115 Id :0 i Com Prod Hcf pf. Cruclblo Stool Cruclblo Steel p(.. Cuban-Am Sugar... Da-ro & Co pf. ... Del & Hudson Del Lack & West. . Den & Hlo (irando Den & Hlo Grande pf Distillers Sccurttl.'j.... Domo Mine i Dul S S & Atl Krle Hrlo 1st pi Krlo 2d pf Fed Mln & Sm pf... General Klectriu General Motors General Motors pf ... Oocdrlch II V Co Goodrich II V Copf.. Great Northern pi.... Gt N cfs lor oro prop. Guggenheim liipl..;.. Illinois Centra: Inter Agrlculturo Inter Acrlculturo pf. ... 30 Int Ilarv Cory X J.. ..100 Int Con Corp 211 Int Con Corp pf 73 Inter-Met vot t c. 20 Intcrnat Paper pr 30 Inspiration Copper 32H Kan City Southern 'Mi Kansas City So pf 57H Kresso S S Co 145 L:ck itccl ASH ,'lli CO lit. UU 40 10 1-OJi 01 mi 81 01 U3h io:i'i io:i 110 107 li,7 05H 140 . 110 0 ll'i tOU 30 00 ns Alii 40 10 12S) IL'nJi 15 l tm SS 15 SI iO 1C3 107 05VJ ll'ii, 140,'i 410 410 OSVi 10 Ll) 21J 4 2,,'l 42U o ii ll'i :o i I 211 ! 45) i 3dH 40 172f 21S . 2 4 . 2 30 . 42 45M . 33 :u3 . 50 5la 173W 173)1 1,-J'i .Mil 2.M 218 10?M ICO'i 103U 101) . WM ;3- G2W 524 .10 j 105'-j 10 Ji 10W HS!i P.Ui 110 110 i Wi 42)i 41 11M . tMS i'5!j ill)j (J4 .103) 102M 1014 102h I'lH JOJs lo IU'-j M-, i 30 an; 1C9H lUOJf 10. !3 2uJi 2U)j 20M 73 72M 7.J 0!i 38M i3Ji 20!f 57H 145 50 .'0 20 37)j 384 32 2)i 21)i 20)1 50 57VS 145 145 65H 65M Laclcdo Gas 103 101 101M 10IM Lehigh Val.cy H5)i 147H 14611 147H Louis & N'ashvlllo ulaxwell Motors Max Motors 1st pf . . Max Moton 2d p. May Dept Stores pf. . Mexican I'ctrj.eum... Mex Petroleum pi Minn A St L pf M : t P & h h M ... M St P & S S M pf i..u nan & l',xas.. . Mo Kan & Trxai i); . Miami Copper Mfebourl l'aclilc Montana Power. . 110 . 32H . S3 . 31 . po . 83H . 70 . 35 n.;; .132 . S-s . lah . :5 i . :i 4S 111 31 t-lit 32H 00 s7 3!H 37 111 ;2X :i2 oo 81 ,0H 3 113H 31 el 32 0.1 oi -2-i 37 120)a 117,'i 12.0a 130 8i J'J :5'-i 40M l-'7)( 131 Nash C &St L 120H P:0 s 10 2o( Jh mi 1:0 MM i0.1 14 1 s 10 ill 2!J 4!li 120 -1 U0W o;i 11)1 lwiin tin n im I"" Nt.r I'm' i.rlor 4s (HI ilo nen :e 'lliiiii Purine Tel fls "MUM IVnnn sen ct lita., lumi ,in rt V,t, pmii Iteailliie sen 4s 1-MIIKi nop lr H a ltock is lund rf,l is. . sun i H.iImkimi A L ndj 3s :,iii,ii Htniiii licll r,s....... "IVlflll hf.MII. , .... I. 70IH) ,ln i i,. t .. r.i' I fi't rn U.,i. ti..., . u lioiio South Ilwy gen is'.'.!! Ill Hit . Ih-'j li."J . IKI . tl.l, (EMJ . (H . 1.7" . Ml'. 34 mi Nljt, xwiiio Tcxns Co cv (is lout iinm Tlilr Ave new Is 7S 271X111 I' 8 Sleel 3s WV E.-.IMI Fnlon 1'mc Ut 4s 1131., iniiiio fnlon Tni; rM Is 80 UW F11 llwys H V Is 41 iai Vu n lirnwn liros.... 3s( .Mum Wnlmch 4s lift. moo Waij.isii ai 3s iiu mono Wnh lOqn it sin 4s 15 lll(.o Wiib-P Tor Ut rt 4s.. K Uim West Klcelrlr 3 101 MI7IHHI V IJ X JI cv 3s w 1.11 Pi SCiOTO West K ti M cv 3s 1U,Vi Ull'i I' I ',4 n.s's, kip.i isa nix II.VI Ml IS(,j (111 ll.l'i lllllij ss I IKI II l, lli'-i tll2ts IC'I, ll...N II2H mil, iii i M us?. MH Hl'i KM 7S tiwis IIS mi 41 3S HIH ta 13 Ut 103 plls, l'j 1X II.V, 1117 SS HiN on, in-, 117'S ll' li:i i..-r, iX lie, ih!j Wl4 lltl lll'.i IISI'l. 78 1IWH 113 mi 41 M IO, 112 im1 111 103 WILLIAM J. CLOTHIEK Of Montgomery, Clothier & Tyler, who is nmonp tho prominent bunkers nt tho Plnttsburrr mili- tnry trnininj; camp. Financial Briefs United Cigar Stoics sales In July creased 10 per cent, over July. lull. In- 1,11 1 a uo.'i !U! 0OH 014 13 32 3.1 2llK 2S)j 2 107)1 1U0J 10 1 10954 71H 71U 7111 7I4 10s ir)) ios) noil 34 :Mi iii 33 BANK CLEAUINGS with corre . CiennEB tlulK mnm.iTa lr Aiu i... 1 - ' - - ta.v niu jmri: .. ll. .IM.IIII.SIi.'S Jlll.O-VlOJS . V '19 lltil 10 tinn "itq tfk. . .Itlll 111 II IM 1111'i.iu u'l'. J-. li.'it-Hjos ti.'(vn.'743 ii:i. I2M32 8I1 21 Kit. Kill 11.4(10.1X18 11.014,7)11 HATES FOR MONEY Call m- ...;::::;;:::ffl a9i Tlmrt I C:i',i VliH llj .IH4 0H 2PEIGN EXCHANGE FIRMER 11PK', UK- "'-A rtrmer tone de liC. '"ri'l"n Bxehango ratN today, ex inni. whlih Wr.nt to a nw low point. oieriing- franca Mark Urea . 4.THK, 7 s-V ii"' 4.TS14 tUSH S2KJ fl.32 PUBLIC UTILITIES age for the better was seen In the gWriKs of the I'nlted naltroarts of ncisco. Groin rlmiraa were ,an Increase of 111,597 over July, b?ramial10" plan of the Kana ay and Light CamiMay and IU , uie Metropolitan Streot Ilall- ine Kansas City JSIuotrlc Light "e Open completed, aiul la now approval by the Jdral court ' Itv. An ullnwnrrk nt Ifij.- liiJebtednec Is to be borne by coMiTiames. one tHlcins nvAr tha llW,l Uni-a anfl .k. nthar the 'Ifi He. About 13.OW.000 of tula ' will be Ukun care of bv tba Wopenlea, and an issue Qt ap- ' . 000,000 W, per cent, three "1 open nret h per cent mort- tr which JIO.UUC.OOO bonds shall and lo, 700.000 bond under a Oituage. will be made by the eoinpuny The plan alao pro- boanl at reudjMatiiinit inan- pmpo.e.1 ot Kuhn. l.oeb 4 Co.. J. I.ee. Hiaiiii.aon &. Co. H and N W lla'e 0. -'o iUUS TRADE UALANLB '. 111- in iravrivnblM trudtf ! ' l U.H ll', (jo o, ike ear ettdi'il al' l.a4lll. iX - Him -1 A'ut Lead t" . iS Nat Ityof M 2d pf... 4)1 Oil lcv con Coiipcr 15 1 N Y Air Unkc 115 :20'1 lltHi 120 AINU &H I2)i K Y Cenlral U0)i ti Y Chl &St L 31 NVOS W 1.7K Norfolk & West. . North American., Nor.htrn Pacliic. . I'.lrll,' M:iii Pacific Tel & Tol 2jJ1 3'J 30 3) itmMt ll liil IM HWJf "U Peoples Gas Chl 110 117 117 117 1'hi.adeiphu ui 7 17 77 7 Pittsburgh Coal 24H l" 24 24H Pittsburgh Coal pi .... 03)1 Wt t'3M 04)1 Piessed tlecl Car (!4 0'H 0i 01)i Pitts C C .1. St L fid 70 7d .0 PC C itSt Lpf 00' 01 01 01 1'resse.i stoel Car pf ..100). 101 101 101 Public S Corp N J ... .100 101 101 101 ivXi.win- 10'. -ll 40 .llii ltr.P i nn Conner 22f 2i'Ji 22!f 23)1 ilpaitlnc Iteailius2it pf bl b2 Hep Iron A steol 444 4o)i )lep Iron . Mcel pf... t&h Mi Ilock Island Co )i h Itumley fti Ca 5 n Itum'ey M Gi p:... J J liiii St I. SouthHint 11 L fceaboara Air Unt..... 14!l 15 lo.kmnl Air Una nf! 35)i 'wi tears. Hoe. & t-'o W :ai" J50 Mnui-Shnf S A: I Co... 4'lVj ( 4U Sl0k-S S & I CO I'fd bouinern racuw 151)i If3u 151M 153)1 82 441 Ui ii 5 HOi 13 llii H 00 cblf 15H 47 b5!( 42)1 houlhern lly fcoulhcrn Ity pfd".. btuduUiKer Co...... Tenn Copper Texas Co Texas & Pacific Third Avenus-..,-.. Twin City Hap Tr. . Union Hag & I'-wer. Uniou Mag & P pf union racirlo Union 1'aciac pf .... i. iti,l Aumhnt .... ucCMtiP&K.... aaj U01Pt K pf .... 4? U Sited & M J United lty Invait .... V UniUd lty Invest pf-. w u tJituwwt.. ... '" 00 m 50H b7H 43)4- 00 t8 1,)i 5) v0 12)i h2 44H tb U ft U I0H 13H 15 15M 151).' 4l( DO 00 J i 10VJ 50) tUH 4211 141 1 I42K 141), 14-M 11 12H lUi 12? f,lH 511 S14 5Uj 01 01 01 01 Mi S'-i W SM 20 25 25 26 13U l 131M 133M 81 8Ui SI 81 UIW ;0)I OWi u 20li 14 3 1 33 4bVi 0)1 10i 4 3 1 32 le)l 74H 1UK 43 3 17 32 4Si 75W Uttea' 2 ,WC iiu 112M U t. tuail Pf "f "j l& l0J vr l ititi I 'nnnaUTa, Va-Caw Ctoam...- 35 U UU Ya Iwu Coal & Watawfe uai aro IMpwa VMsjteru Uolofl la. tttse b'.&al.y wius UaiyUad. WiUru iUrylaua pf H .100 . IM 111 3 WuyUvwtaj4.. 141 niicaajluvaHki..' ' 31H 34H 4UH -U. U ) H !W 10SM 104JH 47U 70K ,WM 115 uaH iu m a 40 40 40 m 143 luO lMH lC 104 yl,WWWtu?. "'w-'iBK TSil i-jBM lUBH Woolmktupi 198H l 1Jm w cnu per ana" Reearve BanKs' Discount Rates l hllaueUliw Ne Yora li. mow i-l..v anil Kl Iii. ..ul Atl-iiitu CUJca gt l.utiia llluiujawlla . wrl uhuial i D1400UI1I rW UlL'UJUl- '- i4 v 1 lO 10 I I TWitt 11 to 1 19 Ul to TUl iO .Ml 4 i 4 4 4 4 4 i no 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 IKI tiu"4. 4'i 4 4', 4', 4'. 4', 4 . it Is said tluit at least ono-thtrd of the estimated earnings or tho lletlilelivm Stctl Corporation over tho next two years will go Into now construction. This means an expcudituio of at least Vii, ouo.oio. International Nickel was a feature of the curb trailing in New Yorlt, advancing to 12. Tho directors of tho Kcuwcnnw Copper Company havo called an nsscssment of $1 per share, payable September 1. Tho stockholders of the Trumbull Steal Company voted to Increase tho ' capital stork from 12,500,000 to $1,000,000. A New York Cotton lixchungo member ship sold for 112,230. an advance ot 730. The Baldwin Locomotive AYorks has re ceived ordet'3 for ono Mikado typo loco motlvo for the Pine Dclt Lumber Com pany, Fort Towmjii, Okla., and two Pa cific type for the Hlchmond, Fredericks burg and Potomac Railroad. The animal report of tho Distillers' Se curities Company shows net prollts equal to 1.64 per cent, on the stock against 2.27 per cent, the previous your. Tho leport stairs that the question of paying u divi dend out of the accumulated net earnings (which exceed $2,100.i;00) of the last two llscfil years will be passed upon at the mcctlni; of tho board on September 22. The company has now practically no lloatlug debt. It has nearly yI2.000.COO of tiulck assets and needs no additional working capital. Tho Lake Erie and Pittsburgh Itallroad has applied to the Ohio Public Utilities Commission for permission to Issue $3,010, OW Hi st mortgiiKc 6 per cent, refunding; bondu to be guaranteed by tho Now York Central. ' The Sharp Manufacturing' Corporation of New fledford, Muss., declared an Initial quarterly dividend of Hi per cent. JI embers of the Now York Coffee Ex change are circulating a petition to make the Saturday preceding Labor Day a holiday. Tho total production ot steel IngotB and castings In the United Stntes In 1011 amounted to 23,613,030 tons, nccordlng to tho American Iron und Steel Institute. Thin output compares with 31.300,874 tona In 1012. und 31.251,803 In 1912, The Ingots production alone lust year wob 22,810,781 tonii compared with 30,280,130 In 1D13. and S0.28I.6S2 in 1912- The output of castings In 115 was 693.218 tons, as ugnhiBt 1,020,74) und 960,621 ill the two- previous ycais. re spectively. Of the 1914 totul output of Ingots and castings 17.l7l.nsi tons wero made by the open-hearth process, 6,220,6)6 by Hcnocnicr. b,89 crucible, 21,009 electric und 3622 miscellaneous. All kinds of lln Isbod rolled Iron ar.d steel produced In the United States In 1911 umouiitod to 18, 370 196 tons, compared with 21,791,213 tons In 1813. and !l.o,8lln 1012. The Maryland Steel Company has re ceived an order fiom the Itiisslan Govern mont for 100,000 tons of steel rails. IN BRILL LOCAL MARKET FACTOR Heavy Trading in Steel Shares Followed New Advance in Iron Prices. NEW YORK CURB Hid. American Zln llr-.m Tobacco old ia new Kleclrle iteit do preferred Hold. Conn Uivene cinniia Keiw't Copper 1j Ruae ..., I. V CI (iit NlulMlng OtU Rlevator ilo irfirl lllker.Himewan Sterling uni Touaeco Products DnlleJ I'liur Mures do UfAfPfTttU Cnllwl PrtfU Hharlna new. World Kllai Yukon Oold .ji ::;;:4lo 41(1 ... ,111 ::::: $ :::::iV" 3 7'i)i ::::: "ii ::::.& 3ft Ashed. 0U), h 13 loi'i 430 aiU IM & wi 2l. m 103 113 In one of the broadest and most active fcssloiiB seen on tho local exchange this year j. (I. Ilrlll shares wero the spectrum- ; lar feature. Opening at ll',i ngalnst 42 I lant nlKht, v ptn i. jumpi'il to M betoiu I the end of tho Urn hour on buying coin- j posed chlelly of Kinall lots which Indl- j catcd a considerable dearth of tho stock. It subsequently fell back slightly, but j maintained most of Its gnln. Muantlmo Cramp Shipbuilding rose j r.earlj four polntn. recoveiinr prnellfnll. . nil of Mondav's loss. Klsowhoro fluctu- ntloiis wero not fo wide. Prollt-taklng i sales In Electric Stomuo flattery cost , that Issue more than a dollar despite tho ' announcement that the United States Government's submarine program calls for tho expenditure or about J17.000.000. Tho tinctious wero again distinctly Ilrm and Pennsylvania Salt moved up a point, as did Uahlwln and Lehigh Navigation. In the jute ling proMt tnklns caused irore or 'icra iMcinl rc.ictlong. Storugo wcnlrenetl fun. er and Cramp also fell buck, us did the Steel uhares. Cambria Steel followed the lead ot r. H. Steel into r.ew high territory and back again. Reports were current In pig Iron circles that tlio Steel Corporation was negotiating for steo'-maktng pig Iron In tho Valleys. After the publication of the tonnage Ilgurc3 the traders were In clined to hammer Steel on the Idea that the good news was out, but the market came back so quickly that some ot them found themselves short. The Iron mnrket'wna ngnln exceedingly nt'tHo and basic was advanced a dollar a ton to $13 In tills city, this year's "de livery, on sales of 20,000 tons. Other guides also moved up. In the Pittsburgh district sellers of pig lion ruined priccn on all grades today. Incidentally it be en mo known th.it tho Pennsylvania Steel Company had Increased operations ot tho Steelton plant 10 per cent, and Is now running at 70 per cent, of capacity. Sales in Philadelphia Kill 11 jji 12 33 414 iiiik s .'!2!1 IRI 1130 Allis Rhaliu III Am Can 2UU0 Am Cnnl Prod mo Amcr Mllllne .. - ,m tin.: ISO Amcr Hmolt . :i'."i U.Uil iji.'o ... a do lirM .... lo Halt .4 Ohio . 7n Hurt & sus t c .IU do iirfd ... 1303 J U Ilrlll .... 3 Cum Ii on .... ."SI.', Cnm Ktrcl ... 23 Cot Fuel 120 (li a I 4ls: Klue Stornno . tino l!rio n.13 Gen Asphalt . 130 do nrM .... iv imrwcuii i;icc pr .. 311 Ilia Co N A ... 2214 ::no Ijko Pup Corp. 10 173 Uhlgh Jfav ... 7.1 '. Ill) l.rlllsll Vnl 72 ?i I eh Val Tr or :n :WO N V N II Si II. .. oil Pennii It It M'i :I7II I'rumi Silt JUK W 2IHI Prnim Htt pf M(a ss I'Win co ri7 ruin Kie'- pi'i I'hila ,H T nl3 d. tr ctfs iro Prtwreil tl P.... rt rtep I A S 232 Itomllnir 30 Hn I'ncin.' 170 Tonornli Helm., till Tanni'iin .Mill... 333 Fnlon True, Vc. close. Hlgb. Low. an 1)4 (I 1(1 Hi H-lts KM ?s,J T I2ti .w; Close. IIII m. 141 II torn sn, NPC. IllMlT l,,.-.tit ,...,. ..-. 3$ NIK tsit.iT if" I2(i 3 Pi ...I"!. .ll1. 42U 42i IMi IMi ,:r.T iri ;in Im-1015 i ,'!., (i7i ;ip 22(, lul. 73 7:11s n ll M I'D s.i !?! lots. n2H NI1J .UH iu; 42'- I 1SU I !;: i :sPi i iv: ' ! II.VI 1'iil'eJ Uaj Imp wi l!.'l3n V H r-ttel 7li 2 do nruf 2ii Warwick I & H. 10 20 Crimp .V Sans. . . 7 Hi I ION US, I.HU nrev. sale. Illgll. Ijiiv 13300 Am ua & Kl na mm ski. nt ii iiaii lot im lo rn 13 Tit'-i ISI I ",. :i.m will .11.1 ll '(Ml 7l)i IW 3l?i CO .-! 2 III tow pit; ?oli I .lis MJt u 71 IW 111). Tin ii n mii. 3a. 102(1 r la 73 . f,i? 1 1 llll i:i & I'con Tr ttTHKl Key Tel fat 3a,. 113(1 3om l.k Sup Inc 4a.. IM 12 I'hllu Co u 'lil.lisi IS do 1IHK M 1111 Phlln RlK rm..l(U IIIhui ItfUillni; gen 4a. )i llsxi do Term 4a 10O WiUb Co lat 3a 02 UW si IMI M 1IKI IM imi ; III) 01H 1113 7S Ui'ii JH IIHI IM 301W 110 73 n1 im, fills mi :iun !! inij Ollj 13 IK) I ttati Kliu iVft Cliw. IIU 7;i mi js loo IM KIIV; us ; no Ully COITON NEW YORK. Aug. W.-Cotton opened easy this mornlnK at a decline of 8 Ufnts. followl. a r-ctdP') of J to fi polnta at Liverpool, and ood ralna In the belt. Thwe was acme selling by Southern In terests while ' a,eet pou"" UuU8ht- In the afternaoa deellnea war more Un4a. ranuioK otw U rotate below yesterday's nm" la. .w-r: January October pacemeer ... SarcS m DIVIDENDS DECLARBD .mral AraaSMa HaUimy and Ltabt Coui '" .Jn.tllr Suartefly lfc Pr tent 04 SM "In SyaUuXleXr 1 Sj stuck ot re.erJ uiwo. Hlah. Low- Cloae. ! ii i. ti. a a trwt aw 5:s "j s-s & b m & ii 1.1a . C'i pa (art AUiti" i yaUU tiepiei 10. iNUi o. oruioVilo atmlaaaual oi. ''' ill, W i"l' liepterober 1 to atut-W of rovoid XUUUM Uai 14, ,u !" I; K-lil '" ' I3ah wo a l la Hepuinbai to . So.lh K-iina)l"l .!.. nuartsriy '.'r II Vluuir toiniiaay itauur 'iuiwu a nra iratci. a.... -.uuai of i.uiualeii dlvlaepa O. lobar i le atok ot resera Karoi.a Coiuiauy. rel ent . iyaU Xujpitt M i Local Bid and Ashed Ulilwln do pief m & Bus t c do pref Cumbria Steel Blefirla giorexe.... qteral Aapbalt !" .'r'L'"' KcyaUua Teleplwae ile t o Uae Sup Cp Mb Nay tin artt IVeUtWlysal I'Uiu anas Pblla Ce ,i- .t .im aat. ar. da 0 per cent, pr -1 mil. K T oo i c Beadbitf toaapan ToJay. YeterUa. IU J, Ask. Bid. Aak. .. h(l, .SI )i Si bSH, ..llrt ll IIU 1WJ , . 11 PI 12 l.'l . . 10 4I IU(i 41 .. "ilVi -Hii blm ou .. UW W sit; ui;, .. 55i m, aiid. &t .. uuw 70 m iu .. l!l 14)4 14 14V, - ! ffl 74K )i 7J 74 '. lftK I" 10 iHVj siS M SB .11 i S3 34 3l'i 88 S SK V XM 4Hk i J3 4l mi 4 I f tiaLL lOlZ IfUl. 1 V,, vj ui :i3)i HUM 9 m T l a) l Hoot .. T4 T nn r i 'mmmfmwmr Belmont Tonopah U;W. talon Traction.. I. O. I...-- II. 8. Steel Verk Railway do srel Was- Cramp & NRW YORK METAL 3LARKET KEW YORK. Au. W-Tbe alal Bachaaae i,u.,u.a tui tead. 2-4H:Wic. Lead !. oflcreJ 4 30c. NOTES OF THE RAIL Washington heara the decision ot ir.i.ratair Comnieri.u t'omnilaaion in Wesiun iivlkht-iati. iaae which will oJ be mad public, and that It will statu uii erul incieasta to tne reiirwuui ou iirouud (bat iata have not kept with iucrestaed coat of opetfttious. the lllu LOCAL HALF-HOURLY SALES 10 to 10:30 A. M. i5 t:mbH Ate! ! ii ne-, (IjW 300 P 8 Stefl.... 73 "V ''iii JO ! 4:1 Ins fo N A. SB T4 -i 2 in i 71 I"0 Blec Stofsne lnu log) oirxhrta i "5! 1. n biwi atwi so loo Un !. JO dp .30 CAmbtl Steel KM f 8t(.... Hoi) 1fo .""I iln. HI no too rto 1(HI iln 100 Klee fllorane. iiTJi i", ,.o 23 ilo f.OO F 8 Ht1. 4(1 ilo Ill .lo t" ilo ;in iiii 2ii (lo 10 Ilrlll J (I 2011 I' It V t c 2(1 do II i'o 100 do 20 Loll Vnlloy 109 do....'.. 2IKI V S BlPPl. till iliAi 13 P It T I c 11!ll ,ln llll Wnr If A r-'l. 1 (10 1 Mlfll 10 rin. . M'.4j an ;: 73. 1 -., i, is r pic. 1.. 1 .Vi loo Union Ttwe, 1 Blee rttoMM. 11 SO Union True. . . a Sb Italdwln J so Brill J'l "!.'.' i do 4 Hi U 8 Bteel.... 7 loo do 7 in do 7 30 do 7 SO Drill J O ... I I k .In . . . . 1 "l'n 1IKI Cemlirla Slfel 33H "I-ri IB)., do.. 3ftjt ,n .iiiiMiuwin to 10 do Kl 2 Phil Co .... :i in 1'enni ....... oirt 37 do.... .. 54.1.1-Ul 73 73 73 8 73 llll F H Ultrl .. i Cnmiirl.i Sltel i to Phlln 1'lcp :., jitin j 11 . Ill do 23 do .VI V (1 I 30 do Ml F H rUeel.. 23 do 30 do All .In Kl't lrn do 11,1 lit .In iv '. .. ,::! :. 1 lirwi .1 11 . '.'(U do.. tno iln. 1'3'J ilo It'll Krlll J (1 . Kin llnlilwln ... Uii I'ltTI c. K'tl t: 8 SlMl.. 3(0 (Iii 23 Ilrlll .1 (I . .M CMmbrlK atcl m do.. n.i rennn 11111 I. H ' 7 ln M v a 1 10 v cramp 21 4S 4S14 Sit 73 12,. .si: .n ip t e "Mi ftl C. IB , .ViVHat) I'rofi 33K, mi F b steel, 43 173 do 73. M2'l IPO do 73(j lll'i ICO Eire FIOMge. II7 74, 10 do (I7ii 73 lit) do 117 .13! 1 2d Pennn 3 1'i .v.i! II tin nit? . 33. 10 Ijtec Ptonme. 117, n r,i'. S3 llAldwln ... Mlecl.... 73 S3 do Co N A. S2ti, 100 Plilla Klec HON US'. . 21 .101 "3 P3 88 3(00 I.ske Knp Cor Inc 3s UK1I t'hlla Kle-ltlc 3s ICOO Keystone Telenhone 1st 3s. . Iduo Ainer das & F.lecttlc il 10:30 to It A. M. iro Cambria Httel 33U 1D0 Unit ft Ohio, slti, too F 8 rilrtl.... 7.,i III Camom Ulccl OTli 2(10 ilo 734, 1(0 V 8 Steel ;ui i;:pr Htornjto. ut 11x1 no 3D Ilrlll J (1 sn Chl 11 1 .... 3 Hnr 1r . St iro Elec BIomrc. ton do HO F S Steel 13 l'ennn Kali... 10 do do. 4!P4 It'" n7 "I .vta III llll till l 73S , ., Ih .1 1'cnnn Knit.. . iu 3S do Ml 20 Fainlirln Ctrel , ; ,U 1, 13 Oll.t.ll. ,,,"J Storaae. i.ill 23 Lake Sup Cor lo'l 1 I!IIJ Kill F H Hied.... 73 a 3I4 to P It T t c... U"Ki S3 IViinu .... 100 tt K Strcl. 100 do 100 K(t 1(1 iln '11 lrnn Kill Allts Clinlm. 4UI do Kin Ilrlll J tl.... 30 do .OH Prima 20 do Ui Klfu Storage '.11 do in Hen Ir St. Kl Drill J (I ... 20 Cambria Sleel so no 10 do 33 to Flee Storage 20 do 1 V S Steel in do 1(1 Fhll.i Co 10 do 20 Krlo 30 F 8 Sleel 10 Amer Con a ilrlll j (l 20 do 30 Frle in P 11 T t c lf3 no tro "o 173 Ton Mln . 0 1; aicei. Virl! to 10H iota tt.lll 3- 7$ , i :! 10 Ilrlll J (1 ... I ini ::n Canilirla Steel W in do lion F 8 Meet llll do Ill llah'.ntn . 1(1 Ton Jtln 2U Ilrlll J il 2110 Puma ... 12 do .10 (Mmlirla Hind II) Klee Storage Mi; III U 8 Slicl.... 735, .'iro no tllll An no ..'; on ,a(i, 3 do 731, 13 Ton Mln .. 5:1-10 in I l. Vn, IN. ... TI 5 uii Aiiii cimim.. :tsi Iff; sit; 3IVi nnn 43 30 D3! 1:30 to 2 P. M. 100 t; g Bteel.... 7n 11 I' a I ,1H 106 Hte KtottRe. (in wiii Klee ore. 0314 Ifl l-m .TO ... 4WK .10 do ( ,i mbrta ie,t j3 10 do....... .. tn .'! y.tJim.v IJ .1l' Toitowih Itin. 3 'M CamhtU Sleel 33 1m F sTllf!.... T3 l,X .. '."'. iv I"" rermn..... ni i.i-iii n 1 5 neei ity, iim Tonoin urn. 1 ::::::::: .Sft 3BUf,a..J..?..:::t 1 iVtW (..m IP 3,'l f 8dKtW: : : : li 100 V 8 Sleel tcu Ii0 m HO Klee rltorxite. (13 It) do... DON lift. 2eoo rtmrllns: Ken 4s m tl IMIdwln .Us) V 8 8leel 2 lo 2:30 P. JI. J3U 2 do 113$ ?' d" '' H 4 Camti'riit' Kle'e'l S3 ( do 7( 1 da -33 m 'I" jMJioo do:::.::: .ti) .!' . do 73' Km do Bit? j. llj IPO F H Bteel,... 73(1 .. ! 9il do 73! , . 73t linl in 7.1(1 ., -.17 ..... . ......... ... . J" 73 :nl 10 73'JS. lt.1l 1IIO fa I SO 10 Sill 100 100 do.. iln do. 1.0. dn do.... ill.).... do.. do do do "J" dn no. 7-VN UW 73. 20 73(1 S3 ... 73 UAI 1110 ... no 7314 ion do IW) Ulec 8(orRe. II34 10 Klee Slornae 23 i!n 13C 3 do ., is""1" '',i 10 do K?. i. s ?.'.''' : "'" IKI Tonopan llel. -V. ! TfIn..Mln ..at'liilno do ,1 P It T It,., Kljt, loo 1! o I '.",' .,. ,,0v.;- '" nm Chl It I i,:, Jjlee HtorMKo. in 23 Klee Storimo Ho IteMtllni 7111, so do "., ion Fnlon True... 33w Ui V II 1 loo F 8 Steel..,, 73J 10 F 8 Steel.... 10O Amer Mllllnn in F 8 sice!::! , 2:30 to 3 P. M. ton cntnlirla steel siu 3 do 3I',J Sail f 8 Rleel.... 7.V, 1011 do 73)1 3 I.ehlBh Nnv.. 711,, Sill I'ennn . ....... 33 111 F 8 Steel'... 7Vi 2(KI X Y N 11 & II IB 30 do 113 lOO F 8 Sleel.... 73, JIM X Y N II It 113(4 110 t.thlRh .S'av.. 73 11.0 F 8 8teel 73'; S3 Cnnitirlii 8l.pl .111., inn 1' 11 1 3 (Mmlirii Iron 41, sin Krlo "I! .ill Fnlon True... :I3J, urn cnmbrla Steel ion :o :t3i, Ui Krle V Krle ;'o so C 8 sieol.... I0i in til Inn .In . . 3d 73(i m m '.ss IM', I 4 Kill: ls'Ji Ml 73'h 10(1 F 8 Sleel.... T3, loll l.k 8np C. U t.l-lil Id W Crump I c 7U Mi Ilrlll J (1 ... 4li)J III Citmlirlt 8teel 3lU KM F 8 8ieel 7Si 1(10 do 731, N Prima 3ll 20 I.ehlKli Nhv.. 73 stsi f meet 7311 IN Hurt A Han I e 13 2 Amer Has ..Inn. 23 I nlnn True. . . 33m, mi WHEAT NOT AFFECTED BY GOVERNMENT REPORT Commission Houses Were Sell ers Threshing Now Proceed ing at a Lively Rate. IIU F 8 Slret.... 73J4 10 111 Ulei Storage. l;.".'s sun 3 dn 03K inn 1t:o Krle , ::n ' 111 KO Cambria tlteel Wtj Sil n r-uiuii uwy . . 111 IIOXU.o. ni'00 Keystone Telephone 1st 3a do, . do., ilo. . ilo.. do.. m lit .in CHICAGO. Aug. I(.-No scrlouit break followed the publlentlon ot th Govern m'ont's prediction of tccorrl crops. Llgftt airlvnls and light alueks. with ennl1.eLn weather rcpoita, prirvented an gfrHtl downward slide. Indications nre, how mer, t!,nt n lower trend of prices Is bound to como Inter. Foreigners and tho domestic milling Interest are waiting Tor Thrr-miiiig in now proceeding at a il-rly rnto in the chief m:n districts, and fanners, who have been holding b.ttk expecting better pilces, will be compelled to ship to prevent springs and winters overlapping. Should millers nnd for eigners enter competition to secure their supplies rates may not slip very rnr. Light tintifcnctlcn featured the open ing, but sales Increased rapidly under prcssuui uf cummli.slou houses, wh:rh of foicd wheal' fiecly. There was nn In cllnntion to sell September nnd buy De cember. September wheat opened at II.OtiH. The last sale yesterday brought 11.0614. The umlcitono was weak, December wn,( Incklng In strength, opening nt fl.Mift. ngnlnst yeslcnlay's closing of Jl.07-. May sold oft nt the opening, .the rtrst rnlo bringing ft. 11;, ngnlnst 1 U'4 at yesterday's closing. No mntcrlol lluctuntlons from the earlier dealings developed In the after noon until the llnnl hour, when prices hardened alt around nnd the rinse found nil the months from 14 lo 1 cent rtbovo Inst night. Neither corn nor oats showed much ilrim.i'ss. The Government's report of ex traordinary crops had Its effect, nnd they were nervous. I eadlnK futures rnnged as follows. V.lM open. nun. I.nilt? 1.11, N l.Odjs 1 iim I.II-. I.I..., delivery) 1 ,,, ii'l nip. NEW YORK COFFEE .MARKET Xi:V YOIIK. Auk, lO.-Tho coffeo market i.itl,eil weak. Midi futuirs off I) to 11 polnta. Dealings wero smntl. Prlees follow: '1(kii's Vetterdav'a opcn.ng. clem', Aiimul MIIK,II Sepleillbrr '. lUHfllt.lll ll.4lllll'.3J I Wheat -Seiticnilier . Ui ember . May Corn mew jeiitelliler . December . Ma) date Seplenit'er . 1 .". i m'jci- 1 ... I.an. SiKeiiilnr . tu mln r . . . lube Septemlter . I (Uiober ... 1'idK l.niv. I ln. r.nie. I.U3IJ t.(l7'k 1..i.',i i.ihiu ti.um, ti.oi- l.ll'i-l.lSHTl 12', ILPk (i3 rt . 1i :iiik . 42'- . 8.13 .tl. SO .II.I2 . 11.211 !'... I Septpinlier I". Di'iolitr 'Jotimbcr .11. miary u.4"Kiil.43 11. 4.-.i it.rat .. up! .. 7SS 10 .. 73 2HI Slicl.... .3, 1 Fcbniiry il.3(ii 11.1m lib March (l.3inii.3ti i' j , Mirli n.3Miii.ii'i vSil :i:ii IIOXDS. 3nrt) UrnillnK Ken 4a lint) Heading Term 3s lot WclHlu.-h Co 1st 3s lorn Hea.llns gen Is lit 11 Amer Una - Uleitrle 3s :n (-11 Amir Haa .V: Kbi'irlc- 'i H11O Amcr das Fte-trlc 3s .(inn Amer Kns ft Kln'trl.- Rs 100 Electric & Pfonlo'u Trac 4s. . (Cl .110 . til'. W . SS(V . SU . 81 11 to 11:30 A.M. m n I'enna 33 smt C '.0 F S Steel 73)i 50 S3 Huff & Sua t c HI ICO 30 Cambria Sleel 33 1(11 30 Kleo 8t0rnco. IIIH, IIHI llll P It T 10JJ 110 so V 8 riteoi.. M do S3 no avj 111 (lo 731. 3 l.eh Val Tr pf : 3 Prnna 311, 73 do 31 13-HI 100 Fnlon Trac... ii.lli ll' lll'l ClU.N., 1(11) do .13 - do S3 dn 130 Ilrlll JO.. 8 Steel. 00, mil, (111 (UII IS do... do. . . do... do... inn dn. .. I l? O I 100 do.. 211 War lr ,11 i'enna halt... SO Urn Aaplnlt. 10 Cnnibrln Steel 20 V S Steel.... 10 no do do do ... 73 St. Ill SlK) ;:ou I Nil IOTA no 2U Til 711 7(1 7ll!i 7(1(5 IIOXDS. wo Amcr (Ins ft Kleetrlc 3a . . inno Amer Cas Hleetrle 3s... Ul) t'hlle Ulectrlc 3s .im!; 11:30 A.M. to 12 M. 1C0 V 10 S Steel... do.... 7IIU HKI F 8 Sleel. "! V1V- iafi ton Cnmbrln Steel S3 War Ir .V: 81. 10 F 8 Sleel I (JO do 7lP llll do Tilt: 71 j i !1il ICO V II) UK. II) too 1(0 100 10 7'f, 7ll Tilt, 711"! 7IH. .. 7l$ till r.Iri. Smr.iiro. (il! in do llilh si 00 20 do W. Kin F S Steel.... 7(1 ,10 no .( 1(0 do "II 20 do 711 U:0 do Til 100 do 711 JIOil do 7(1 311) do 711 ion do 7U 21 Penna Salt... 1.0 Kin Am C Prod.. 141 10D do til 10 Ilrlll JO ... 10 In dn 4 1' .VI do 311 200 Plilla KIoj . . 21 iu Penna . in Ina Cn X A. 2'l HKI U S Stoel 7(lt SOU do Jd't SOD do I"", 110 Klee Storage. I.U), Uii rnmkrlri 8teel 33k llii' F S Steel.... 7Hi llll do 711)5 Uu) do 711 100 Cen aii1ialt. :i:l(. rm do in?, i.'ii I'iniia ran... im HI3 l.eh Val Tr pf l 30 AlPa Chahn.. rift Hi) lien Aadhalt. (O 81 Pa Klecl pdl. 3 10 do :li .'I'l H A 8 t i ura i.i III do "IS 30 TmiDiiali llel. I 3D (ipii Aiph pfd oiiH st Pinna Salt... no S00 US Bteel.... 7di '23 tch iillcy .. Tl'.j I10XB8. t)(i Amer laa & Klcrtrlc 3a SSItj 12 I'hila Co M'llp Ull s 12 I'hila Co m-rlii UHO ,.1IH .M'l) Kleelilc & People's Tnu t 7:1 3f0 Hcctrlc & Fcoule'a Trac 4a 7.1 12 M. to 12:30 P. M. Mas Julv . 111.1. Sales. 3300 bags, il.ilttiti.nl . .(l.7U 11.321(1'. lVlilfcll.113 li.7irtlt.73 Kin. 1-I.S3 ... l.I.ll., tAtkd. 40 PIC, I I 8.13 s.sn 11.23 11.20 t.'l.l'll ll.WI 73) ItlN l.3 .'IS). 4'-'N tP-'l atl-x Will, mo 8.17 11.13 ll,IO 13.72 Pl.Sj S.I3 M..0 U.Sl) tl'.17 13.87 1.1.tl7 711, mil 03 .t t:tii . -4.-3I 8.13 S.22 3.20 W.l 13.00 11.00 NEW YOIIK BUTTER AND EGGS XIIW YOIIK. Aura ln.-HFTTUn. -Market barely Mia.li; ii'e.dpta. -.',37:1 paekaKea; extra, 2iltjfi2Hi: higher unrlnK, 27f.7'ic; Siaie dairy, .,3'i.i2ii. imitation ircanury, ssiiSS'H'. i:i.il8.-.M.irki't r.rm, iiitlpiH. t:i,2i)J pavk iiRea' i vtru firt, S(,SI.., rcitnltir piiflteti: llrntK lt,iSiHri., rCHUKir luckcl; nearby wlilu-e, :t2li.i:t.' , mixed cnlnr, lMjSIc, nailur cl; nearby biuwua, S382Sc. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS ; CHICAGO. Ainr. IP. IKIC.M. Ilevelltls. lO.O-.H) heiiu: miikct -.v.. blKhei. ..i v.i aim butihers. ! ni.'.(i7.nu: Kood hem.. Ml.:iuti7,2o: ruujn I hcaiy. S3."31m'.S3: IIR.it, ,(i...u.(i.,o. ,!. ,.i. o Hi7.iii; lul . (iis:.i7.2. CATTLE. lli'Lrl,t. UHO li".id; market weak. lleete, il.lii(iln..t. ; c.uva una hv.fe s. H'mtf li.-ld: TeMllia. U.N",!(..t..; niliea. .i.3mfll.S3. fjlIKK'P.-ttecclitr, !('.(.; O hu..; market I steady. Xalltv un.l .Vcitcni, s.l.OujjO.1.0. lambs. $7..'41U.3H. Another Cut in Lead Prices XB1V YOIIK, Auir. IO.-IIio Air.erlian 8m t Iim and Itehn'iti; Lotui my renuicd the prbo of lniil from 4 '', to !, cent. PHILADELPHIA MARICETS GRAIN AND FLOUR WIIKAT.-Hvcrliita, 73. IM bushels. Trndo was In rulrl) mt'.vc demand mid prteca un-iuu-eil le. uu bntli aprliu and winter varieties. Ouotatlons: tar Iota, In export elovntin Xu, S led, now, spot nnd AUffila,. S1.13)1.17: Xo. S lol Wee. em. new. H.lMf l.-'O; Nn. S 8011II1 crn r.'n new. l..l,ll.l.': steamer Xo. 2 leu. new. Sl.1isil.ll. No. :i red. new. Sl.1u1t.il: icjceteil A, new. Sl.u7til.i.ij! rejecteu II. iiuw. M.(i(i.i i.ii,, Xu. I .Nurlneih l'uliitn, old. el.u.1 111. it). COUX. Ituirclpta, -lll'O buah. Offerlmu ueio light and H10 iitaiact ruled nrm . Iwun unlit. (juotutlotm: Car luia lor local trade, n. tn lui'iitlon Xo, S jellnw. liU'jlinUti'.; steamer jelhiw, s.li 'lUjc. No. 3 e low. Ki'MIriMge. OATr). lluct'lpir, l.".30. buih. OIJ .No. 2 whiles uern (vuii-ii and firmly held at U7'. M.Ul'lt.- lti'l'i'lplH, 423 bids, and l,(ni2,tr.7 IbK., 111 H'icliS. Tno market waa dull, and nominal, ,,'uulattoua, er l'.o lbs., In wouu Winter, ilear new, SI.Va3: (.o., atraUhl. new. 13ii3.s;i; 'n.. patent, now, 3.:i03r.i.io: Knn S Sleel do do do do do do do till Tnnoiuli Del Hi Klee Storage. (i0r Sill Pa 8(eel hid. S3 :i(i Cambria Sleel 3Ti 110 C 8 Steel.... 711 S, 10(1 do 71: SO do ,iH4; ,i,m. ,li:ie. 111.1v. lul,, a.ieka. s.i'ii.,.1.,: -Jo., i l. in dot. i.rv-pieiii.ii. iiiiiev .e.ei'teu. jik triilRht, row. Jute eacka, 3.:ii-'.I!U; do., pal- welithlni: 4 !i' " m. apiece ISJjc.! welening rut. new, Juio incKa, X3.tH4f,i.M); spring first "'Mt Ida. apiece, l'jf.i wclgiilng ,1 ibe. clear, old, ll.:l3lllt.3ll; dn.. atralaht, mil. H..alir I nplece. lll!iy I !,!.; lllli.er .1 1b. apiece. tl'iW 0.73; do., favorlto branda, old, J7..ri7.7o; 13ljc; kcvdi'keu neie n, 4! Ibj. and otr ,,1'iu.v. 1,-2.-., i,u.. a, , in,, vi .i.r., ...(,..1... uhi iivMtci". ,lr-ii'u,l. ..vc. : iir lilnit hlilieni', J.'ino, f.incj,. sii'C. i'. j u.ner ncatiiy .uiuy, -I tiSilc: lnnc. l.i. ao icltmv ILIiio.-. MiUhhig -bi,i Uk. hi leu. :'.'i s.,.. iu uiii Hemniiiir Uiii 2 Iln.. Intel..'.; i.u.. wciKhlin: KM1, u... lii'dls-. ; .pnni: ilULk-. iiuiWc.; ,caa, white, wGtrtiinK ltu lb. .cr do.. e("0ti4.(l'. while. ueiiElilin; (mill Iu. -"per ni.. fll.aO. nil lie. itcmniiu 8 Its. cr uoz., .'.u.ni2.ilai do.. 7 I'jb. per dos., si. 10B S.Sa; do., itfilS Ilia, per dm., ll.l'iI.O; dark fl.MSl.VSi aiiiall und Xo. S, SI. ,, a? fliK ! -"; 'lo.. patent, old. H.NM7: do., favorilu 113 Oen HiiiiiiIt' iciS I muds old. 7.2fi..M: city mlllf. ilinleo an" 3 Ilrlll ''!',""" S (t ! fancy patent. 1.7.231(7.73: city mills, regular . ;l J U ' i! 1 liradc.-Wlnler, near, new, el.M3M3.Ws do.. 13 l.eh Val Tr iif 'O ' itraUhi. new 3.l3?i3.:ii; do., patent, new, i IM) lle.-idliiK ..... 711 . ,.'i.3Uii3.73. . I win ii'.,. ir .c. u, intL ItYll (tour witn null. Sales of new I'cnii- I'vlvnnla. in wool, vi'cie rci-nrtrd at e'l but mini) in ho nulla were unwilling to Mil belnw 3. N'ew Weatern waa ntflnlnal ut ea'd 3.3U. tn aacks. hj, miiiui.; otner naina, anioaeu, city , ua to biand and overuse, ll(i,f13!3Ci s(nnked. Weatern cured, l('if(13l4e. ; do.. , boiicle.ii.'. SliiSle.; picnic aluiuldcrs. 8. Ill) I'onnpnh llel. 2UI C 8 8teel.... 30 do S3U do ;,n no.. 30 do '! Id S3 Col Fuel ... 42W ID iwi Cambria Sleel J3U 2i in do 33C in 4 lo Brill J a ... 7iHk inn Oen Aiptvill. 7111 30 do..,. 7l'M S3 dn Ill, 200 F () I low mi; ;',! ,'(i'.a Ml JiT iiiiiil KKl U 8 Steel. IOI do 7.YI, do 73i l.'U l,U no do .vil son do 13 l' Steel pfa. s ion do I.. :.,... tiT..,' i:,m nil'. .vui .lA 11, , -, p-i" ., ," - III) do. 1W4 .! '" in i.enisn .ttv.. lis im uu. an t 8 Stee .... 7il, OO do. loo do I Ji io.) tie " 10" 20 do 78 100 S3 gen Aeulull. m ( 4im Rtadluit 7I1J, .Ml HI-, IU" 100 Erie ion U Sleel...- J M 100 tlo J -W iu) do ii; ij: do. do IMI 3D 31) Ilrlll id aaec 3n do 40 do.... ... li) Fulen Tree.. M I' S iMeel... sm oe.. 100 do , do aS::::::::: do do do Krle do TM 20 Cambria Niael 33 7(1 30 Amer dwelt.. Mfc 70 30 l.eh Valley .. rig TH Ml Cambria Sletl 331 .,.::: W brla (! 3IU, T Hlec 8toraae. K DO do M4K IS 1MPIIT I e... 10 TH 100 V 8 Steal.... 78 70 100 4a TO PROVISIONS Tha market ruled steady, with n fair Job bing demand. Quotations- City beef, in eli, smoked and nii-drled, S3H2ilc. : We. tern beef, .eta, Mllnlicrt. n.rijsiic. : city beef, knuckles and lenders, smoked and alr-drled. 2T1l2Sc. ; We.', cril bir, Knueklea and tendera, ainokeJ, 2IU ssc: beef ham, flltid'-': potk, family, T-"-'" SS.3U, Iianis. S. P. cured, looco l.TfiSlle ; do., aklnucil. loohc. l.'P.itiPKc. ; do.. tin.. tinokcd, I4U13. .; other haina, amoked, city cured bams. i hollod, l'. curca, ion.e, ii-,T(i.r.; no., aiiiiincii, .-t.t, 12',-ji'. ; belliea, n pickle, according to average, paiac, lS'ltt:!.; lireakln.t liacon, aa to bran 1 und nvprase, tlt cured ITSlISc: breakfast bacon. Wcnterii cured, lTblih.'.; lard, Mculern, reflned. tlrrcea. n44?t"c. . do., oo., do., tuba, Will We. : lard, pare illy, kettle rendered, In tler.'ca, Ii?i1illlc; lard, purw city, kelllc ren dered, In tuba. u?,B10e. REFINED SUGARS The mnrket waa quiet' and iinchnliKi-il. We nuoto runners' Hat nrlcea, subject Iu concea alnua cf 3 tolnta: standard grtinulaled. 3.Tof 3.73c; uxlrii lino grunulated. 5.u3U3.7oc, imwdercd, 3.iiH(.'.M)c. ; conic, tloner.' A. 3.au .COc ; soft grades, 403,43e. DAIRY PRODUCTS IIOTTF.lt. The mnrket advanced Ic. with a gool demand lor fine qualities, suppllea uf uhlih were well cleaned up. (Mouiloiia: Wwnirn aolld-uurked creamery, fancy aue- ilol.. Si)-. : eilra. 27c; extra Urals, 2U2ic. ; lirstw, -.iv-ayji.-. ; aviiiiuii,, a.i.-.i.i ,iw.r,. prlnla. lulu.), .'lOc.; do., HViruke cxtraa. 2Xf sue: do., fair to eood, 2.'tj2i)c. ; jobbing a4lea of Iniuy prima. .'HW-'Uc. K008. Fine new -laid egga were wall cleaned up and Ilrm. hut mucn of the aupply waa at more or has unattruillve aloek, which wua dull and weaJv. Quuintlona. In free raaea, nearby cxtraa. S3c. per do.., tlrats, U.:0 lr atindard caae, ucurlij mrrcnt receipts. M.lotf 3. Tu tier cnai: rxrepilnnal lota higher, weatern, exira flraia, sn.'luftU.UU oar laae, Praia. fA.33tf :::::: Storage', nm :w V 8 (HHtj 12;30 to 1 P. M. 23ii de KBSfrJ:: IIM ID IS Lake 8B Cor J8 4U Ebc Storaae. Ugh i no ilu. Suu Car 10U H SH steei : : : . ? mq gsa: g ijsg m c::::::::: ait's . S!i?.E:iLl?o 12: IB. J as J rssjaa 16 Elcc Stowga. tt4 I to 1:30 P. SI -. I" S attM'l . . " r ' ii War Irk 8t. l' 77 Fnl! Kiev io v Steal 71-1) "" L' S "' 18 Calrta8l.el j tog h " -V. T Mi IW OO T!. -' 1orjple m mi e - !- iS , 1 1 the I .-. Sti, I i'l It P-uua 3 ' 5 (' 8 Stiall Pl ail' I iiwl 10 V R T t ' v, f'll II 1' :tm V ; I so do io Pirni,., is i -i-ii 4A wq uuta L"'"' tS 731i 7K 7(1 2M 2S4T Bel i Mil, 0 Lake 8p Car : .5 n "1 FRESH FRUITS Choice stock waa ill fair rcqurat ard g n erally atmdy. yuotailona. Applea. new Iranaiuicnt, per banipcr, 3A'.CII.23: piachea, (lenrgla, Hello nt (leorgli, per nalu. e'lil-33: In., Georgia, Klberla. per irate. fltl.30j no.. Jcnvy. icr lu.kcl. 13l(.; ars. Soulhein l.o Ccnte, iwr bbl.. J-'IKI: Kiaa. Xurih CJirn llni, .Dclawaree, ikt .vbuaket cairler. .1.30(12. leruons. per box. lfri.30; otangea. Fio-btu. iicr box. i-'l.30ii3; giapcfrult, Murluu. per box. IlliS: IniKpplea, ir cri.le I'orio III ti. JI.3J 412.73; Florida. l.."04i:'.;.1; piunu, (leors a per carrier. no.Ul: blarkt'eiTle-. Deluware. yiarylan.l and Jeraey. per qt.. .V,8... ; Konau berrlea, per .it.. .'Ifloc.i liui kiebcrrfei . per ip.. o8e.i inn aioupea, 2taryland, icr standard (talc, f 1 4(1.23; du., Xorlti L'arollw, per .tan dard crate. lUit.'.ai dn.. Xntlh Carolina, iht flat crate. IOJ30c. ; watrrmelonr. per .ai. XI304J223. VEGETABLES Pntalnea roll fairly nn I luted a i-ha'e firmer. L'llier ivgclalilea ware geu.llilly plcnll ul and walk, ijuoiatlona: Whlto i.n.aioea. tlrululo. ier bbl, -No. 1, 1181.23. i.o.. Xo. 2. 504JT3C,; villllc jadaiovs, Jeiacy, per In. .el-No. I roj. 30e.: do., Xn. 1. oihar tarlellea. SmiS'i;. . no.. Xo. S. 10.' , aweet potatoes. Xorlh Carolina, per 11. Xo. 1, e303..'3: lie.. Xo. i 1.i3ms, dn., cull". I IU 1. .': aweit iotalis, Jer ey. per baakvt Xo. 1, JIII1.23. kl. .Nn. S. MuT-i.. anion., Jeraey. per ,-bnli Uiakct, I3trsuc.t ,tii., jSaalrni Klioie. pei lumper. ;n 0c . corn, Jertey, per laiiket. S3Vl"c. : tcmaloia. Ja-aiy. per bjlket ,Nn. early. 3ltlJc. . 1.0.. Xo. 1 aecoiid early. 204133c. ; inuahrooms, per 4-U basket MK'.lfll. New Ideas for Investors were never more essential if savings 'are to be used in the most remunerative way. Write for our spe cial letter No. 253, which suggests a way to get ikfi nite idea as to the wisdom of making- purchases now, selling what is already Qwneu, or making trades- William P, Bonbright & Co,, Inc. MORRIS WIBTAR STROUD, Jr. Manasor 1ST CI1BSTNUX STltKKT I'UlkiilelpbU k(w York Ifwelau Uetr.il Ixmdeai WIUi P. Beebtbt 4k Co. I'erlst JaeabnsM tt 9o. Bought, Sold, Quoted American Gas and Electric Philadelphia & Western R. R Preferred and Common WISTAR & STOKES Real Estate Trust BIdg. Hall H'nluut 1000 Kryttea Hare 1181 I -li i( 1 1 Vl W tti 1011 ruiiibilu Stct.1 xi i a jkcci .. W Asr 8itt.il S34. llIKKt'TOKY Ot- U'COlMT8 I'ublli Iccountents X. H bWligtN fuoau t-vwbard 433S, 411 W.Jaut at. United Qas Imp. Co. J. G. Brij! Car Co. World Film ' Ctewmunlcate "lib, im at ouia 4j).iUig " ale"" rrurUI. HUGH5S dt OiER baJtart aitel Uea MetulMre uf Wplltile'ffil )5.haose Mambira of Ctt'ii..' ' d -1 Tr.iite 1435 valiu. tievi I'll. lad. '.il.i-i i,i. 1. 1 i 1 1 ..ti ,. i-i . i i t i ' !ui eit 1 Hll Mi ! I IJI V .-!' , .lAVdlBs C1J1CAUO BOAKP OK 1MADK, .XlfrW YQWv CYK rtad iih i Unnu. ejaarist. gansinpaawis ' i ajiaaamearo j ULaaji -te-eww II per cisc; fumy selected candled egr.a were Jobllna; a. 271; 2'. CHrlKtlK. UtfeilngH were mo-lciato und tne market ruled stendy, bin trade was quiet, (juututlima: Xew )nrk. lull cream, new, 14U H'ic,; do,, do., mlr tu Bond, new, Ul'.cXfUPUc. , do., pan aklma, liuUlc, POULTRY I. IVK. Supplies were modcrats and the mar ket ruled runny, Willi undo mlr. inillouing ma the quotations: rim In us Iu quality. Wis lllvc. , looatc a, lKiIsc: brol IliK ilnckena. fancy, nut IcKhunia, wtHialnt I'jh. Uu. apl'ce. 21K22C.; no., no. lcgiiorna, welgh.ng I;l'. Il'a. apiece, 17ft2tic. to., I.'gho.iia, wclgulng i'.iti- ,ui, upiece, iijiiM'.; i.e., i.o., weifiitn I ltilt, lbs. upiece. lrni llic, duiks, l'c:ilil, . o.'J, I PU;14e.; Jo., Inuian itur.ner. olu, I2til.1c; 1,0.. I young, according In .lie, l.'ffliic.: pigeons, oul, icr iair, .nui..; ,u., 3JU11K. ie:' pair, ,,o-li lUtKHSCD l'OII.Tltl.-The market w4 quid, with fairly llbcial nfferinga ni rcll.it-il bguii'S. uuolatloua: rre.h-kll.ed puuli::. lutvis, J, bn' weealeawee" ul. ud umuOju" V -,:- flil IT". i;. fui Juu.' I'll",, .ml ul '"' S lie ,i. n u 1 Autu-i 7 ' fl - -.iii.iUiw 1 vl jiUlilillt vJa - i V. ' .iuuat '". W