LLEY CARS MAKE ffiOHKE DWINDLE ro INSIGNIFICANCE Umbrellas, Revolv Bibles and Jewelry ly an Idea of What ci..1 nUilrtrlnlt-ilii mia rgetiUl i niiuiiiiiuiia foiiate to r. it. r. Tthings left IN TKUIjIjIS UAKS rwk of uliUky. ,h ."K I'9'"' fobe !" OT ,f mouldy niacuiii. jlll)lf- 5,1 hair. mtolrt' rtWM.fn11l.n... '., -niegnil Hindi iiusneio, wen ui, i-mlrtUf, ; ' J.B'brl lT ! hundreds. Mnhlans. generally speaking, nro iUM? forgetful and absent-minded ! mould any one uucstlon tho truth I , unpleasant Indictment, a visit j "tost ntl Found" Department of lOAdelphla unpin i music v-umiiuuy, tnd Dauphin streets, win quiciuy jU doubts. L.i- tn the recordB of that do- l&t 51,0W articles of every concclva- WifiXInA WCre 1611 oil uiu Hiittt t.,iin 111 KftiW bv forgetful Plilladelphlans dtir lSlhar ending August 1. Of this X) .eoroxlmately ".000 hnve been re Vfiffl safely 1 ,nclr respectlvo owners, asy:7 ..i.ai hnvo niinpr ftpim civnn fiHwrsons who found the varloUB nrtl- KfS'tn the cars or nro sun ucins iieiu g,l the reguim ov-i.j H-.", - c, & articles are held, has elapsed. .. la arnrceiv tiiij jjum.uw "titbic i&Aiable Hint cannot bo found In tho ??. n..Mtiv'g "Lost and Found" m The first peep Insldo of tho door SKfffcsts the storeroom of n pawnsnop. nitcd for who would pawn a pet An- roieu, . l.1,i ,n fill-.. ri cat, or a unim-i i"".v " " Mnt, nr a Bet of false tecth7 They Jjftnlj ft few of tho unusual nrtlclcs iffih cro found on the cars during tho iRyear. SOME LOST ARTICLES. fn,.n iiiArn are Doeketbooks, somo well 00, and others slim and worn; Jewelry, iota real anq imiiuimu. n.,.. iw. ibles, jchoolbooKs from overy grnue, (leases, high sine nnis, mines irnis, mt and ilores without number; fishing iickle, every nnmeablo nrtlclo of cloth is for both men and women; revolvers, iniomoMIe tires, automobllo licenses, iquor (mostly whisky), nnd nbovo all um- rtllas. At the present time thcro nro, In round iumors, WAI umD.rciiua &iuiiuiii wiu lost and Found" department awaiting lalmants who can prove that they nro he rightful owners. There are plenty of (jlmants for even-thing, but tho officials ithe office have a system whereby the rraershlp must positively bo demon fiatcd before the articles nro returned. f FIFTEEN CLAIM $100 RING. iThu reasons (or this precaution are ob ious. Hecently a diamond ring valued !100 was claimed by 13 persons. Tho is was without Inltlnls or inscription tany kind, and It was only by clever Jgtctlve work that the 11 tmposters woro ju uui mm uio ring was reaiureu A young woman who had a right to it jfllclals of tho department, how- eftn,ia still puzzled by the fact that ppjfwii should have known that tho raj wii lost on a certain car nt a certain fFuhber. them nro mnnv THirgnmi wtin tiEfthty havo left nrtlclcs on tho trol- fefj?!lr!l UhAn (llA,' linvn tnffr tl,nr n. imetr in some other nlnce. It Is not un. SlSfc'0 'iave an Indignant woman dc- Mg at dishonest tho crew of tho car Wfguui uc auppusus ano nas lost some lywJi'U'd later to have hor apologize ie leiepnone when she finds the dljr lost article safe at home. ipjHREE CHIEF QUESTIONS. liransu company has n careful sys- !dr Identifying Inrh nf llm arlli.l 'SI As tho letters nr totnnlinnn onllo Vthe "Lost and Found" depart Wit person Is nskeil to mmn In ran prove the ownership of tho Wt The time when tho nrtlclo was l?a car or car line on which It wns m a careful description of tho artl- ;uirathe three things most empha. n Ihe cross-examlnntlon. Each mi. mmt be prepared to answer these "iings quickly and stralghtfor- pie cases, whero the Identification Svmade without ilimiiUv. in n, gff a check bo6k with the owner's -u auarcss, or a book similarly . .. urucies aro returned by mall 4 owner has replied to a notice 4 or her nronartv nn i,aa fM,rwi Bt for postage usually accompa- 59 notice to thn InHluMttol nl,l,,.u H"ft always forthcoming.' i nicea nave been kept for 30 "sy are returned to thn nniinr "on Is usually the conductor or nan gn tno trolley car. Occn U some passenger. In the case i ui considerable value they are W Or even 120 dnvii. Rnnl. f.f.re ali "turned to the finder. IWICS ShOW tlinf nnlv nhnot n5 jW "" ,hlnBa foun1 are returned TO WEATHER NdTON, Aug. m -, Showers "un PIHIadelphla last night. JWieo; from Heraillmi TTnrrls. lilmore and WnHi.ini.tr,,, ,,,i general In New Rni-lnnil nn,lr ince Of a disturbance thnt l moving off the coast this A storm nr mnfia.n,. .. . UD from ,, ....,.... n..tt an;aa and southern Missouri , '"unuershowers over Us Tu into the lower Ohlp val lemperaturea ara trnnnmiiv OVer the IVhnln pnnnlrv fmm Mountains eastward this Weather Bureau Bulletin I-ow ' mKx ,,n wI,.vd.- Ity.Wentber. fiS as ! tiS Ji VI IJ XI . n 4 M W i8 iO Wl SO T W 51 . . r, n iu uiouuy K 4 Cloudy 8W 4 Clr 6U J(V 12 Cttr N'H & Cloudy WB- B P.Cloudy S'.W I'-CToudy M SW 10 Clear 08 n 4 CUer K 4 CUer NB 4 Clear ."M sw a p"cJoudy 01 NW a I'.CIoudy U W 20 PCIo.idy . 8W 10 p Cloudy B 4 Clear .W SW 4 P.Cloudy N ti P Cloudy NW S Kaln W Nv 4 Rain It M 10 deai 8tt 4 P i louJ NW HI Cltar W 4 fiuudy 14 IfU 7M ri 1" l-S WJ i b Jano. bla Wl Ml ii HO lit '8 M P vi r, ii ciuur slunl. NH U CUmu fc lleitr P rioujy ( luu.ly i tear I- tj Bala Clear Clojr P I'louJy P i 'loud j Clear CWf 11 Ml b N N'E b 8i SW h NW SJB iMri c LWALIAE'FRONTA AINVIAREUN'ARMATA CONTROLATURCHIA La Bulgaria Accetterebbe l'Offerta della Macedonia per Marciaro Contro su Costantinopoli Successi Italiani a Plava, , .. NOMA, 10 Agosto. Oggl II Min9tero flella Oucrra lia pub biicato tin comunlcato ncl quale dice cs fccro scmpllcomento rldlcolo lo notlzlo dl fonto tedesca secondo cut ntnlla nvrebbo 8la pcrduto nclla sua guerra contro l Austria quatclio cosa come 200.00-) uomlnl. SI tratta soltnnto dl un rldlcolo canard" cho pero' ha II suo scopo, quollo cioe dl Impresslonaro lo nnztonl nncora neutinll o specintmento gll Stntl Bat canlol e fnr loro nbbnndonnro ognl vcl lelta' dl Intcrvcnlro ncl conflltto a tlnnco fcgll Allcntl. Intnnto, mentie la Qermnnla e I'Auatrla contlnuano a dlftondcro notlzlo false cli-cn presuntl Buccessl dclle forzo auslrl ftche, l'llnlla si prcpara alia sua nuovo guerra con la Turchla. glacche' nnche io Slnto Maggloro itnllano rlconosco cho la soluzlono della guerra devo cercarsl per ora ncllo Strctto del Dardnnelll. Un tele gramma da Snlonlcco dlco chc gll nustro tedeschl hanno conccntrnto un caerclto dl 100 000 uomlnl sill conllnln delta Serbia per Invnderc 11 terrltorlo dl ro I'letro e stablllre comunlcnzlonl dlrctto con la Turchla In modo cho qucsta potcsse avere lo munblonl clie Iu occorrono so devo contlnuaro a reslstero alia presslono delle truppe allcate. Ma, d'nltra parte o" ccrto che l'ltalia ha gla' pronto un csorclto per Invlarlo nl Dardanelll e portnre cosl' un colpo decisive nlla icslstenza del tur chl o Indirettamcnto a ouolla della fler- manla. U corrlspondento romano del Petit Journal dl Pnrlgl tolcgrafa al suo glor nalo lo segucntl dlchlarazlonl cho gll sarobbero stnto fatto da un membro del governo Itnllano: "Non nppena sara' deflnltlvamente determlnata l'attltudlno degll Statl Bal canlcl ch.0 ora sono neutrall, nol pren dcrcmo provvedlmentl rndlcall contro la Turchla. L'ltalia o' ben dcclsa a spazzar via II mllltarlsmo tedesco ed a mcttcre In ginocchlo I governantl della Gcrmnnla e della Turchla, I CONSOLI ITALIANI IN TURCHIA. Un dlspacclo da Ateiic dice cho' I consoli ltallanl In Turchla si p.-eparano a partlre, secondo qunnto affcrmano notlzlo glunto nclla capitate greca da Constantlnopoll. Essl hanno gla' aflldato la protczlonc dcglt Intcrcssl ltallanl al consoli neutrl, princlpalmentc amcrlcanl. SI credo cho non nppena che 1 consoli mi ran up pantltl sara' dichlnrata la guerra tra l'ltalia o la Turchla. Allora un for tissimo contlngcnte dl truppe Itnllano sara' Invlato nclla Penlsola ill Oalllpoll per cooperaro con gll cscrcitl altcntl nella conqulsta dcllo Strctto del Dardanelll. Un dlspacclo da New York dice che II capltano Vlttorlo Do Sanctis, dell'cscrclto Itallano, glunto cola' oggl col plroscafo Duca d Aosta. ha dlchlarato cho nel dln tornl dl Torino vl sono concentratl circa 150,000 uoml ll prontl ad csscro trasportatt nl Dardanelll non nppena sara' scopplatn la guerrn tra l'ltalia e la Turchla. E vl sono ISO trasportl mllltarl cho si tcngono prontl ad Imbarcaro qucstl uomlnl. II capltano Dc Sanctis ha dlchlarato che l'ltalia ha nbbastanza uomlnl da Invlare su altrl frontl o potrn' mandaro 450,000 soldatl in Francla per nlutaro gll alleatl so sara ncccsiario. SI dlco cho l'ltalia potrn mnndnre in Turchla, oppuro in Francla so do sara plu convcnlentc, circa 650,000 uomlnl pcr fettamenio equipaggiatl o dotatl dl abbon danto artlgllcrla. Ncll'uno o ncll'altro teatro della guerra qucsta grossa armata ltallana potrebbo certamente detcrmlnare una fuse risolutlva della guerra. L'attcgglnmento della Rumanlaj non e ancora ben detcrmlnato, ma evldente mento so dlpende da quello della Bul garia. SI ritlcne che, so la Bulgaria dara garanzle dl ncutrallta verso la Rumania o parteclpera alia guerra contro la Tur chia, 11 governo ruioeno, chc o pronto gla da uu pezzo, Interverra senz'altro. Un telegramma da Bucarcst nl Corrlere della Sera dlco cho dopo la partenza dcll'lnviato speciale austrlaco, prlncipe dl Ilohenlohe, la cusa Krupp offlrl nlla Rumania in rcgalo 36 bntterie moderne con una quan tlta dl munlzloni e circa 2.000,000 dl llbbro dl fllri motalllco per retlcolati so II gov erno rumeno avesao Insclato passare 1c munlzloni dlretto alia Turchla. Pero in tervenne 11 mlnlstro dl Inghllterra o 1'of ferta fu riflutnta. LA BULGARIA ACCETTA? Telcgramml da Solla dlcono cho la Bul garia lnvlcra' un eserclto nello spazlo dl 21 oro contro Constantlnopill se la Serbia cedcra' a lcl la Macedonia che lo prcso con la seconda guerra balcnnlca. Questa dlchlarazlone o' stata fatta dal presldcnte del Conslgllo bulgaro, ICadoslavorf, 11 qualo snicntr puro lo vocl secondo cu la Bulgaria pretenderebbe dl avero II pos sesso dl Costantinopoli chc, egll dlsse, deve appartenere ad una grando potenza cho puo' nddossarsl la responsablllta dl uti simile fardello, Si ritleno cho non e' affatto imposslblle cho gll Statl balcanlcl vengona ftnalmente ad un nccordo e che la Bulgaria prenda le arml contro la Turchla, Ma essa vuole la Macedonia, e dal niomento che la Ser bia sembra ora plu" trattablle su questo punto, si attende che l'accordo venga flnalmente annunciate UN'AVENTURA Dl D'ANNUNZIO Mandano da venezla che II poeta Gobrlele D'AnnunzIo e' Bcampato per poco all morte 1'altro glorno. Kgll era sallto su dl un neroplano e" con uu ablle pliota si era dlretto versa le poslztonl Austrlache, gottando ancho manlfestlnl Irredentlstl Bulle popolazlonl del vlllaggl su quail passava. Nel vlaggio ill ritorno, dopo essere sfugglto al vlolento bom bardamento a cul lo assoggettarono I cannon! Austrlacl, II vellvolo Itallano si vide dar la cassia da due Idrovolanti Austrlacl, j cul pilot! facevano fuoco col mm .noaehottl contro gll avlatorl ltallana. Dopo una sere dl ben riusolte evoluzlonl, 11 polota Itallano riusel mettersl n0 una grando dlstanza dal nemlco, che abban dono la cacola. Uh COMXWICATO UFFICIAW5 leri II Mlnlstero della Guerra pubbll cava II Mguente rapporto Jnvlato dal generale Cedorna: "Neiralto Comelleo le noetre truppe sono ora solldamente stablllte sulla eiina Unllol- "NelU Cdrnl ubo del noetrl regartl ehe dlfdeo II ruw CHVallo, tra Prelkofel . Val Oreivde. attaeeo' ill aiwU-iael che Lana trtactl 41 freute. ll 7 eorrente. rLicie' dalle loro trlneee che fgrooo oUupjoTdel tmtl- AU era 11 newlcu. atwdo riwvut mtottl. exo dl rtou peiaw U Pte trlneee co un aUeceo Iri foVw. n tu reeplato e eubl' gravl per dlte. , . Nella on dl Plava le noetre truppe " iA..ni f rinAramittiti r1l nein- OCiuperow ."":-;--v, Wl. a!la VlXMilatUAV Ul 5ve w " - - prendeoao -una quantiU" dl munl dl giaimie a meno e dl mortal il Sull'eltopleuo del Cereo leri U nemlco, tinaa a evllupperal favorevolmeWe a nui nii xloraata dl leri 11 nemlco .o -?'Z .ncora a teu.-lire '- dl MwHalcone. caueando un nuovo incendlo cue p?rw i www.. - douuiu iallo uoatte veioruiw iiuw. EVENING LKDaEtt-PTTTT QUAKERTOWN B. SEMICENTENNIAL MEETING OF B. OF A. Delegates of Grand Circle of the Order in the State Assem ble in Quakertown. QUAKERTOWN, I'n., Aug. 10. - Tho Grand Clrclo of 1'onnsylvanln, Brother hood of America, opened Us DOth annual convention today nnd will contlnuo in ses sion Wednesday nnd Thursday. Delegates representing a State membership of 13.000 are In nttendancc. All the sessions will bo held In Marlon Clrclo rooms, Mer chants' Bank Building. This morning's meeting wns devoted largely to conferring degrees. The feature of the convention will bo a street parado this evening In which many Circles from eastern Pennsylvania towns will partlcl pato. Wednesday and Thursday will be given 0N.r, ,0 uuslncss Pertaining to tho order. This Is tlin second convention of the or der to bo held here, the first being In 1S71, when a semiannual meeting took place. Ofllccrs of tho committee hnvlng the plans In charge nnd to whom much of the success of the convention will bo duo aro Leldy Lewis, Frnnk Henry, Jr., Norman Lmey nnd John Benner. FROWN ON VOTING BY MAIL See Opportunity for Swelling the Poll by Ballots of Dead Men and "Phantoms." There Is nt least one way by which Philadelphia can get out an enormous voto nt any municipal election. This Is holding an election by mall. Impossible, many will say, btit Colllngswood. N.. J., proved the contrary last week, when tho voters of that municipality decided by mail whether or not tho borough should purchase a water plant at tho price of J50,0C0. But Philadelphia Is not likely to fol low tho examplo of Colllngswood, nt lenst na long ns tho Independents hero have a singe volco left to protest. Prominent Independents when asked today to ex press their opinion of an election by mall did so In no uncertain terms. Thousands of dead men, phantom men tnd nil other kinds who formerly swelled tho election returns would bo enfran chised, they declared. E. L. D. Roach, secretary of tho Public Service Commit tee of One Hundred, riddled the sugges tion inrougn ana through. One deilred result, he said, would bo that Philadel phia would bo able to havo a voto in good proportion to tho number of duly qualified voters. At the last election thcro wero approxi mately 10(5,000 stay-at-home voters. But an election by mall, Mr. Roach believes, ivould bring out enough men nnd phnn tom men to compensato for tho stay-at-homes, numerically at least. In every other respect, particularly honest sup port of honest measured, Mr. Roach can see no compensation In tho mall election Idea. At tho. present time an election by mad Is Imposslblo under tho Pennsylvania election laws. At tho last setfllon of the Legislature, when tho election laws wero amended, Senator McNIchol offered as a suggestion a plan which, in effect, would be a mall election. Tho Idea whfen i.o offered was thnt the ballotx should be distributed rrom house to house somo time before election and thnt on elec tion day the voters could leave them at tho polls. The suggestion was bitterly opposed by independents nnd no blU (o Incorporate thn idea was ever offered. MUSIC IN THE PARK Programs This Afternoon and Night at Strawberry Mansion. The programs for concerts this after noon and tonight at Strawberry Mansion by the Falrmount Park Band, Richard Schmidt conductor, are as follows;: PAMT I-AFTKIINOON, 4 TO 0 O'CLOCK, 1, Overture, "Die Kledermaus" Strauss 2, ltfrnlnlflences of the most popular works of Cnorln. 3, WalU, ''Dreams of Childhood". .Walilteufel 4, Melodies Ironi "Alma" Ilrlauct 5, Suite. "The Swan Lake". .. ...Techalkoivskt R. ml "l.olri du Hall" lllllel lb) "llobon.oko" Iteevea 7. "Invitation to the nance" Weber 8. .Mrs from "Up and Down Ilroaday",Colian TAUT II-BVKNINO, 8 TO 10 O'CLOCK. 1 Overture. "II Quarany" dome 1. "Maieh Slav" , Tseholkowsky 3. fa) "Ilnganue Gatotte" Anlltl In) Marcla "IMuzhtera of America". Lampe 4. Suite da Concert, "La Itelne de Saba" Qouno.1 5. Scenes IHatorlcal. "Sherldnn'a nide"..Soua SynoiwU Walling- fnr Ihe Bugle. 'Ihe At tack. The Death of Thoburn. The Coming; of Sheridan, The Apotheosis. fl. (a) Kntro act and Oriental uanw from "Wonderland" ..... . . . ... ........ .Herbert IL) "Tlie Tearing of Ihe Oreen".... Douglas 1 Valae de Coneert, "The lieautlful lllue Da. nube" : Strauea 8 Melodies from "The Enchantress",. Herbert "Blar-Spangled Banner." SING NIGHT AT CITY HALL Program for Tonighta Concert by Philadelphia Band. The program for the "Sing Night" m wt tonight on City Hall ptaia by the IWldlphto Bnl- c- StanUy Mackey ooBdUClor, U as follows: - 5 "iiUyU,01dJlSS.fSgy H 4. Qrl lro "ua awl gtf a. Bens. jwmi" 3kwmt Si ftp& ttUU. id) yut Soimw. 81us. ) "T OU.,0kn Buck.!" cb) "iiusrlca T Vl dl Concert. 'Kncbantail NI''UwOMt 8. MelortUs from Th Foriuo Tltor".WrlMt MM WP" Shoe Button in Child's Nose Bp.imodU How of Uloo4 from UM WM ul -i-uW L" cultor. oX UU 6ouU 7th ktreat, puscUd poyalciam at ttM Ml. sinal Hokplial for ivi-J dy uutB it diMovwcd tht a ho buttun luoUd Iu A uoalrtl bad i.J.'Jd the trouM. Iw bairV tu icuiuvcd Uwt nM(ht t J0HN BENN S W H" HENRV JR. NORMRN ERNEY jADELPIIIA-, TTTEflPAY. AUatTT OF A. MEMBERS A Dog-Day's Dialogue at B. F. Keith's Kntcr Jess nnd Toss In custody of youthful and courtcqus Usher. Jess: "O, It's only movln' pitchers. I'm Borry we cum so cnrly." Tess: "No, it's llvln' pitchers. I'm sorry wo missed Cholly Schrnder's over ture, I am; I like Cholly's overtures, I do." Jess (consulting program): "Say you guess ngnlu. Them ain't no movln' Pitchers. Heads: 'Tho Helen Leech Wnllln Trio, Original Iron Jnw Wire Sonrntlon.' 1 bet'chll those whlto tlghtH'd go swell on the Boardwalk. They're con siderable girls." Tess: "Suttlngly n clever act. even If their limbs do look llko they belonged to tho August furniture sale. 'First time bore,' ch! Well. It's tho dog days, dear, an they'ro trying It on us." Jess; "I don't know 'bout dog days, but It's sure a dog's night. But It's really cool hero. I don't know how they do It but they rout lient nnd humidity from Kelt It'll, nil right." Tess: "Hero's another frankfurter turn, Snnlley nnd Norton, 'with trimmings.'" Jess: "What you might cull a hot dog net, hoy! They're warm babies! Joke. dcarloT" Tess: "I'm havln' too good a time to quarrel with you, ol'dcar. Look who's with us! 'Moran and Welscr, comedy hat throwers.' I thought that guv wiir goln' to make a hit, with poor little me ns target." Tcsii (gasping with admiration nt Au gusta Close's entrnnco gown): "Ain't It too sweet for nn tiling? I thought she had retired. Sho don't look a minute older than when I opened tho bill on the Orphoum circuit one year she was head lining.' Jess: "O, Cusslo Close Is some nrtlstc. un you obtain mo French accent, honey? Speakln' of honey, don't I get In on them bong-hongs ngnin?" Tess: Oh, hero's a comedietta, "Cran berries.' Let's keep quiet nnd follow tho plot." Joss: "Oh, Isn't sho sweet and clever. 'Marian Day,' who over that mav be. Be lieve mull, she's a comer. Who's tho boy? 'Nell rratt." " Tess: "The program says he's a boy anyhow. Maytio ho's gettln' bald from premature piety." Jess: "Well ho's a bright little come dian, you can tnko It from sister." Tess: "And It's a bright llttlo come dietta." Jess: "Bo still, Bwcothcart. Don't you eeo you nro nnnoyln' Tony Hunting and Corlnno Francis." Tess: "Well, tho lato B. P. Keith wouldn't of permitted any such vocif erous act In his day, I'll warrant." Jess: "They'ro good but they'd bo bet ter If they wuz moro quieter. 'Repressed emotion,' you know!" Tess "Tryln" a now 'un on us? Geno Hodgklns nnd Mile. Dcstrees of tho Polllcs Burgenr of Paris. What odd scenery nnd costumes!" Jess: "Plcaso expose your Ignerenco In sometliln lower thnn a stage whisper, you boobI mean dearie. Even If you did come from Lancaster, Pa., try and conceal you ro a hick. This s futurist art. Havo Gene nnd Mrs. II. split? They nlwnvs wero billed together. 1'vo heard no gossip, havo jou?" Tess: "No, the poor child Is In dear ol' Lunnon. Her paw Is a general or mar shal or sometliln' and got hit by some thin' or other." Jers: "How unfortunlt! But say, Tess, MUllo Dce-strcss ain't no hot sketch, so y' c'u'd notice of It." Tess: "Well, Deso-trees Is a classy dancor and so'b Gene. Oh, look. I seo the Cakewalk's comln' back. Well, I Just hetchu it can't." Jess: "Look who's In our midst! Charllo Howard and Co." Tess: "Well, they'ro good, too, nnd they know they'ro good and wo know they're good." Jess: "What's ncxt7 'Two real cksen trlcks.' I dunno ns I like these trick turns." Tess: "Oh, gwnn. They'ro comlques. H.i-tn. ha-ha! Did you get that." Both applaud loudly and leave to strains of exit march. Tess: "O let's have punch In tho lobby." Jess: "Suttlnly h good of Mr. Joidan to give us such a good bill und feet us up to frultndo for a llnnlay." Here and Thcro in Vaudeville Tho tabloid musical comedy Is stand-by at all seasons, but never more to than In the Mimmcr. The Tired Business. Man and the equally tired housewife can en Joy a mild inoculation of tho anti-toxin, musical show this week at Nixon's annul, whero "The Girls from tho Ori ent" is on view. Moore, Vincent and Co. are thero In "Hack to Erie," as well as tho Bell Hoy Three, Sprague and Mc- Ntoce, Bnikhardt nnd Walters und war lon and Francis. Music and fair women may bo com bined in other ways than tho usual "Book by Jinks. Music by Janks" variety. This week at the Cross Keys, for Instance, wo have those two delectable elomenta wedded In The Five Violin Beauties. Bon Grimes furnishes a monologue. Leon nnd Arnold have u skit. Other fnturoa in clude Dave Roth, pianist, and Bert and Lottlo Walton, 1'iee vaudeville continues at the now Woodslde Park Theatre as a competitor (o the other open-air and semi-outdoors attraction.. The program ncjuds: Carl Dainami Troupe, gymnasts; Richards and Montrose, singers and dancers: Mack, Al bright and Mack, In songs: Louise Mayo, slnglnjf comedienne, and Jack Reynolds, daredevil. Take Notice Members Order of Sparta! You can replace your insurance In an old-llmi company Illinois Life Insurance Co. upon rate terras xtremelilow. Our policies contain cash loan, paid-up values and axUndad Insurance feature. Compare theaa rtea par thou sand lor ulmolutc security with what you hava been paying: Age. . Ige. Age 4S. U.5 .J18.SJ .114.33 ,. JO 14 01 45 11.76 JJ J5 19 95 6U iV UU U . 01.(2 You .an mdlit ai miiKtiiiaijU to pay yout piuiiuui monthly aaeb year If you daslre- Addraaa MARK B. LOCKYER 810-81? Stock Exchange Bldg. jIIIMI,ii,iiiiii iiiiiiinnif iiniinrrnnr mmjif i ... PORTABLE LIGHT FOR R0MAINE FIELDING C0 A Remarkable Battery of Lights Mounted on Auto for Night Use in Arizona. By the Photoplay Editor tor tho first tlmo In history an Inde pendent traveling power plant complete lms been built, for tho purpose of taking moving pictures nt night. The mechan ism, which will bo used by ltomnlno Picldlng with Lubln's Arizona company, Is absolutely without precedent, mid will, without n doubt, bo a model for other companies U, follow In tho near future, ns It la invaluable for field work where It Is Impracticable to run wires for miles In order to gel the night photography. The plant Is mounted on a big .Mitchell motor car. mnkin u ,n..it.i ,., ii. ...i- n. 1,l?,1,,ll,g 8V,lte" anywhere that nn niHomohlle enn travel, with a cable of JM) feet which makes ll nnuiihtn in r.i into places which have heretofore been considered Impossible. .The generator hns a special switchboard, on which the dif ferent ,,oS or nrcuits enn bo run m Places where nrtlllclal light Is required rnnlnl" ""'I?'. Wr,- T1' Plnnt ' nls0 n-i . ' i"1"1 a 13',nt, "WW search ght. projector type, which will bo used n connection with the other lights when necessary This searchlight Is mounted at tho right of the driver, so thnt It can bo operated without leaving tho sent or ho ear, either while tho car Is in mo tion or un a stand. Tho capacity of this search Ight Is 1,500.000 cnndlo power, nnd when In operation requires 15 per cent, of the capacity of the plant. The entire plnnt nnd nulomobllc weighs npproxlmately soon pounds. Compactness r in Hl,n,,lfll', of the plant was the prin ciple nlm hi riVfUunin- n. ,,.: ., ffworr,,' '?Sto type Wnoln wii? ' ,h0 w?lRl,t la RrcatI- reduced, nlL , '" Proven "io fact that a light! mirrLI i ? Rnm., c,"lncll-. which can bo ST the KMtcrn mnnufnetur- HMnV- iK1"..t,lrC tlmCS "8 mUCl1 IS thO nbovc-rtcscrlbcd Instnllntlon. wui iT,1 ''.lB ,l"cUlro '" which this plnnt "The rr.1 V?i fT"!i nilv"R lll be Tho Great Dlvlile," which the Lubln Compnny will havo Mr. Klohllng produce" Ph'drn vn, ', W,'" ',0 tnkp" " "" "round I hocnlx and tho remainder In the Grand spot for bnckgrotinds. The famous Kssnnny trained nlir tnid-n mils n.i"0 coray- Th0 n"'B c'"'" J' lt0 Porker goes through a series of nets, from holding u nursing bottlo In his mouth to weaving his body around ,. i ., , ?" '""J'ers without getting under their feet. The pig wns trained b? " Ictor Potel, tho famous Slippery Slim. A tclegrnphlo dlspatcli from tho Oliver Morosco Photoplay Company. In Los An geles. Cal., announces the ncqulsltion of several new stars of tho stngo to ho screened by this concern in tho near fu ture, including such celebrities ns Blancho King nnd Charlotte Greenwood. The mnnagemeiit of tho Stanley Thentro announces that the fentuio film, "Tho Secret Orchard." which wns the subject, of court Investigation jestetdny, and which was passed after tho elision of one scene, will bo presented at the Stanley un Monday, Tuesday nnd Wednesday of next week. USE OF POSTAL FRANK BY TREASURY APPROVED Government Counsel Say Action of McAdoo nnd Williams Was Legal, WASHINGTON, Aug. 10.-Trenhiiry olll clals today spiked tho guns of attorneys for tho Rlggs Bank. They announced that Government counsel had held It legal for Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo and Comptroller Williams to send out briefs of their sldo of tho case ngalnst tho Rlggs Hank under Government frank. Tho Rlggs Bank attorneys had called attention to such use of tho Government frnnk by McAdoo and Williams. Govern ment attorneys held that ns McAdoo and Williams wero attacked In their olllclat capacity In tho Rlggs suit they could send out matter concerning It under Govern ment frank. h ferrSr Ms -w&.-rt-' ' BANKS BUSINESS COLLEGE A Mvo Rrhool Throughout Always first with tho newest. livery teacher anil pupil keyed up to con cert pitch. All work honestly nnrt thoroughly performed. Why should ll not have Its reputation among tho leudlnE huslnobs and professional men of tho rltyT Telephone! I.omlmnl 13011-1207. . , , roslllnns I'likltlvely Oiinriiiileeil i,Ai'.vr.'rri3 iiuii.iung Bill anil Chestnut Streets. K. SI. Hull. A. M.. I'd. I)., I'mldent After Oct. 1st, Penn Mulual UUjg.j Central Educational lnslidilo Dan and iina rreparoforv and UuslHtts, Ilefore deciding fall plans for study send for Illustrated Catalog- A. Education to us means more than book learning. Ask about our Sys tern of Education. Central Y. M. C. A.. 1121 Arch st.. I'hlla. Phila. School of Design for Women BROAD AND MASTElt 8TS. REOPENS SEPTEMBER 27'W. THE HOLMAN SCHOOL, 2201 WALNUT ST. From Motittjworl through College Prepara tory. Olrla and small boys. HAfUllBlIimU, l'A. HARRISBURG ACADEMY Modern bldgs., large campus. Small classes, liidlvldual Inalructlon; thorough collejs prtp i"sllon. llatss. 0O.60u. Writs fur oatalog. 1IAI.TI5IOIIE, MD. AFFORDDY NORMAL SCHOOL Kindergarten Primary. Diploma. The ITU Session begins Spt. ST. Courj of 3 ysars. Model and Practise Schools. Blljsb.lh Silk. San. Frln.. Oilman Apart. C Baltlmors,U. S ' r ftW-TI)l S1 rT(nrL'l IJ f Vo- J J iJl 0 J LrH 1 1 Vi V U-TLi J-LfcZlifr- w r, mtrnnw " y .QTvff sfe Find Me a First-Class Boarding School For My Fourteen-Year-Old Daughter This i the request made to us by one father, who i a busy man-o .affairs. He has hajd a eollege education and he is acquainted with the best schools in a general way, but, as he said, MI want to mal;o sureand so I come to your Educational Bureau. My daughter is an only child, and her future develop ment means everything to us." -,,,, u .t. Every day we receive similar requests, and we are giving splendid satisfaction, ii4glg by the appreciative letters we receive from both parents and schools. Come in read some of the letters, and if you have a daughter or a son you want tq Uce iif a school let us help you. We can save you a great deal of needless expense and worry. There 1 m charge. EDBSSSr LEDGER CENTRAL aSS to, miB; TT I ' . H& s?S. iHsRSsBsssssssssFn ' I EDDIE FOY Now on tlio Kcystono proRmm. ENftMSlI AUTHOR DIES Richard Mnrsli, Popular Novelist, Suc cumbs nt London Home. LONDON, Aug. 10-ltlchnr,l Marsh, tho noted Knglish novelist, died nt his home nt midnight. Mr. Mnrsh wns ono of tho most popu lar English novelists. 111b cnrly publica tions, tho first of which appeared In 1633, wero mystery tnles; tho best known nro "Tho Crlmo ntul the Criminal," "Tho Ilcctlo" and "Tho Goddess: a Demon." Later tho author turned his attention to moro serious works, clothing keen Inter pretations of life in tho gulso of ro mances. Theatrical Baedeker KKITH'S-Ceno Hodgklns, Mile. Hcstrces ami compaii). In "Le Cnfo Futurist"; ciinrllo Itnwnril anil rnnipnny, In "A llitppy com Mnatlnn"; Cnmiierrles." with Neil 1'nitt, 1 redone nnit Marian Day; Aumista Oloso; Hiiullnif ntul Krnnclj, presenting "A Lovo lxiKnner" : Mornn anil Wclncr. boom rrnnft lint throwers; Santly nml Nnrtnn, Cum min nml Hralinm, two "reccnlrlques"; Helen Inch Wallln Trio nnd Hearst Hell 1'lcturcJ, NIXON'M nitAND-I.il llclno Hamllo nnd cnmpiny, tho clectrlcnl wizards; Wlllnrd and Ilond In "Deteottwsm": i;dward Howard and rnmpnny In "Those Wero tho Happy Days"; Hoy Cummlngs nnd Helen UladHiiRs, tlio Cnvnim lino; Lnrcny nnd Snec, songs and Jance, and Kim Koto fllmi. ClfOSH KKYH -Firt half of wcok-Tho Five Violin lleautles: Ilcn Orlmo. monologlit; l.i on nnj Arnold, In u eomedy song skit; anllagher nnd .Morton, songs, patter nnd Inncliig, ni ltoth. pt.mlst. WnoDSlfiK 1'AnK-Tlie Cnrl Dnmann Troupe, lliiropinii gymnasts; Illrli-irds nnd Montroso, iicrolmtle dancers anil songsters; I,ouIko M). singing coniedlenno: Mnck, Albright mid Mark, In songs nnd romedv, and Johnny Itcynol.ls, tho Hoy Who Will Not Ho Dared. TODAY'S MAUKIAGE LICENSES Ocorgo W. Mr. Kim N. Phillip St., nnd Mn- t.ld.i Iluek, '.'200 N. Vllllllp St. lClwood Helm, Hill Arlionn St.. and Dorn It. Mmlcnmuth, 28.lt llamhroy st. WHlter K. Trnupp, usii Uplnnd St., nnd IJpronlna A. nlonlnn. Krmn, N, J. Vlrsll I. Van. ll.'ll Iximbnrd St., and l'lorcnca Mnlndo. UIO S. Itoscunod st. William II. Hupllls. L11T4 11. Cumberland St., nnd Lotil'n llerkcr, LM74 13. Cumberland (t. Albert Hollnnil 7I4'J rilrnmoro no., and Mar garet 1). Donning, .Slinron Hill, lliigeno .1. Hclinufelberger. Inguo Island, nnd Ann.i v. Kelly, 2025 Mnntnn st. Joseph I.. Tnmllnsnn, 1721 W. Venango st.. nnd l.oulo 15. lilllluglMm, Spencer st.. 42d Ward. John A. Mrl'.irty, Mnplo Simile, N. J., nnd ln li. llelilnu. 2202 H. Cth st. Joseph Itntushny, 14!i N. Nectnrlno St., nnd Mary Low. Mil N. Nectarine st. Dald J. lllnnk. Jr. 411 11. Willow nvo , und Mntllda n. Oithoff. 4I1.IS I'enn t. l'innklin Conway. :I2H Is", nth st., nml Margaret llowers. lltin S. nrnail st. Joceph I. Dempsey, 121 W. Jefferson St., and Mary M Murlha, 17,11 N, Howard st. Alfred W. Merger. Adams, Mass., nnd Cllza- Ix-th Hnltsch, SUI IV. lllrch st. Cnnlllo Hooker. 1HIN llirp st., nnd Margaret Do Cnnlleco. llilj Dorrnnco st. LouIh Fligg. Ilaltlmoro, Md., and Mario rayno, llaltlmnre. Md. Oeorgo ll. Drumm. lr.in Arch st., and Kathryn 1. Knode. UP N. ISth st. l-'Ved I. Ureeiiwood, 2,"i7 Montana St., nnd Kdith M. ltoberts. 4IU HcMllo st. Anton! Zlionlarek. 11022 Salmon St., nnd Jozcfa l.lszowska. Mnnnyunk. Oilier K. nirnoHS, 212.1 N. 2flth St., and I.eonoro Fcldsteln. BI25 N. 20th st. Samuel Fein, 111 Poplar St., nnd Pearl Lovo, :n wvaiusing nc. Clirford Morris. Ashevllle, N. C, and Ilcrtha liush. Delawaro Water Uap, Pn. Nathaniel If. Ilnrnett, 102 N. 10th it., and Ida Itnsenlhnl, 11)10 locust st. Loes 1'aros, 21.01 H. Sheridan St., and Clara Jnrofsky. 2001 8. Sheridan st. James Nelson, 2120 I'embcrlon St., and Mattlo Harnett. .12:1 S ISth st. Max Turner 028 N. Jessup st., nnd Anna flottesman, 4.VI N. Blst st. Charles II. Rodgers, 4U2T Merlon nve., nnd Susan Stlnsnn, 41)23 Merlon ne. S.im Musleolf, 1112 Watklns st.. and Ina llrlgal, 1121 i:. Moynmenslng avc. ?;jy4 r Sfi Am!1 A ta-vaMJifcs rr, rr jy-ft 'iafflijsn 11 co wm vT (&1?rPYVi I 1 S,75S7Sic&i n znys-ir "" TT ' - " 7 w&Mmrti - . 'Mgfmt rt 1'-..'. i' NA'AKKTU, l'A. SEND YOUR BOY TO Nazareth Hall Military School Eafest place In America for blm Established In 1T83 Rev. S. J. Blum. D.D.. Principal WYNNKWOOll, l'A. "Country Day School for Boys" A school In which each Master will b a specialist In I lie branch he teaches, and limited classes will permit personal Interest In each student, Open Beplembar 23d, Loner School the "7lh, at Wynnewood, fa, Hi'i. tilhsim Bell, .1.11., U.K.. Ilrnil Master, B31U .Nnvutioe Htrret, Chestnut Hill. l'u. CHKSTKIt, l'A. l'i:.NNSVl,VANl,V .MILITARY COI.LEGB AMth Preparatory Department. Nearest of all colleges to discipline, physical training and education of West Point, Degrees In Civil Engineering, Chemistry and Arts. Ad. dress Col. Chas. E. Hyatt, Pres.. Box CS9. Chester, i'a. CARLISLE, PA. CONWAY HALL $ r proved courses, experienced teachers and com- iJete equipment. Alms to develop strong men. :ataloguer W. A. HUTCHISON. Headmaster. MIUTlt 11ET1ILKIIE3I BISHOPTHORPE MANOR A slect school for girls. Collage preparatory & nnlshlng courses. iweuiivif siuuivs. Aim, ifuun N. wyani. i-rin. llox SU, So. Ilethlehem. Pa. S1V1M.M1NO Y. A. 1431 Arch St. CENTRAL NATATORIUM For Men and Boys. Unlimited use to members, 1 month. $2 00; 3 mouths, SB 00; a year, 11S. Hoys, one-third rate. Private lessens, 0 for IS 00. Bin. tie swItna-T-Mw. 30c ; Doys, 15e. LABOR MEN CLASH ON QUESTION OF MUNITIONS EMBARGO Gompers Opposed to Atti tude of "Peace Council" Represented by Congress man Buchanan on Visit to White House. WASHINGTON, Aug. ia-The. break between Itcprcscntatlvo lluchanan, of Illinois, nnd Secretary Tumulty may re sult In a sharp fight within tho ranks of organized labor. (Samuel Gompers. president of tho American Federation nf Labor, la opposed to tho work of "Labor's I'eaco Council," which Buchanan repre sented when ho applied for tho interview with President Wilson which was re- fused. Gompers hns had tho ear of the Whlto IIousp at nil times In thn past, and friends of lluchanan here declare they will enrry tho Gompers opposition before kviJ'.0!? co',v.cnn of the American I- edcratlon of Labor, Insisting that labor s unnlternbly opposed to war nnd that In opposing Htiehnnnn nnd his nssoclates uoinpers does not represent the: real feel ing In labor circles. Gompers, they de nniiVV,,or?. '" LnKlnn "nd his sym pathies naturnlly are with tho Allies. Gompers asserts that ho has not only -een nentrn himself, but that tho Ame trn t nMn.V" of.Lnbor has been nou trni nt all times since tho war began. Meanwhile, lluchanan nnd ,lo fri.i nro preparing u. make a strong tight on V. rou'L 'i,ln,lrtltl0,n'. uc'o It declined lo reecUo their opinions. Tho nrst move) , .i S. open Ioller "vlowlng tho Bit tintlon. Then the organization will try to nmn gamato all labor organizations, farmers organizations nnd tho like, to push through Congress. In defiance of tho Administration, an embargo resolution directed ngnlnst nil munition exports, MINERS MAKE MUNITIONS Ono Hundred Quit Collieries for Beth lehem Steel Plant. POTTSVIL.L.E, Pa7Aug. 10. -On ac count of. tho continued slack business nt tho collieries of tho Susquehanna Coal Company, In tho Lykcns Vnlloy, moro than 100 mlno workers hnvo quit and havo gono to Hothlehcm, whero they havo found employment with tho Ilothlohem Steel Company, which Is working full tlmo on war munitions. Tho loss pf so many -men at tho coltlcrles handicaps their successful operation. HUGE CONTRACT FOR RIFLES Plant at Marietta, Pa., Said to Have Order for 2,000,000, LANCASTER. Pa,. Aug. 10,-Tho old Plant of the Marietta Manufacturing ?ZrT5 .,7'" L Use,? t0 fl" nn orter of ..OOO.COO rhlcs. according to well-defined rumors. Georgo J. Atkins, of Now York. Is said to be th0 promoter. nnd tho state ment in current that JM0.0OO has been paid to bind tho bargain. thIo1start!I"lrCd mC" ,'"' b0 cmrtyea at PER WEEKS Pays for Any of These, Guaranteed for 3 Years, BICYCLES AT CASH PRICES fOOto Select from. PrlceslISuB. Wrlto for Catalos 4 Particulars. r.xcELSion motorcvclb Easy Terms. Haverford Cycle Co. l'Mladclphta'B Orcateil llicycle Store. B2TJi2n ARCH 320 MARKET 8131 MAIIKET ST. Open BventnD. STRAYER'S BusinessCoIIege Is better than other schools be cause. Its teachers are experts. We do professional work In our Una Accounting". Audltlnr and Shorthand Reporting". Experts as teachers produce experts. Send fnr list of our Gold Medal win ners May wo teach you? 801.807 Chestnut St., Pblli. 8ALTSI1URQ, PA. K1SU1MINETAS SPKINOS SCHOOL run hoys Indorsed by eiery American University. In dividual plan of work for each bay. College Preparatory Course and a good training for business life. Special course in agriculture. Sclentlfla physical care. Pure water, good food. 200-acro farm. A school of character. 28th year opens Sep, 21. Write f or Cat'g No.31. KltLlnilnetas fcprlngs School. Saltiburg, Pa. MKHCEKSIlUlta, PA. The Mercersburg Academy 10 R HOYS Mercersburg, Pa. Send for catalogue to Wm. Mann Irvine, Ph.D.. LU)., Headmaster, llox 119. AIXKNTOIVN. PA. Allsntown Prep. Schawl prepares wvTs fur lead lag colleges atunlvsrsftlea. New bldgs., all atu litlcs. Jr. Dept. Frank L. Slgroan, A.M.. Prln. HBTHLrlllrUf. PA. MORAVIAN SHMINARY A WOMEN. BBTHLailBM, 114th year Sept. at. 1D1B. COLLEOB FOB PA. Aocredlied. Streets X 40 t 2iS" JSA- i-i m t 'I wU b.T.aeUaU UU aiutot Meui4. &&$ . t