V i H r ; i " ,? t r r ! v if i I 1 f r v GREAT BATTLE ON ALONG YSER LINE AS ENGLISH GAIN Btf tish Ketafte Liiie of I'ren'c'Ks, Near HoogoW i n if e w Ground.' Entire tiAHdord Lino Front YproB to DIxmudo Scoic of Third Big CorifllelGcrmnns Make Desperate But Futile Attacks.. Asphyxiating Gns ntid itoovy Artillery Used by Teutons to Regain Post lions AMoV Gun Bronk U At tacks Losbm Torrliic--FlRitlng Continues on Dig Scold. LONDON. Aug. 10. The heaviest fighting since the second ba'ttle of Ypres last spring' Is now In progress In West Manjlera. The ronr of big suns on the Ypres-DlKlnudo llni tins boon Incessant since Sunday nnd there hna. been a srtcady stream of German wounded pausing thrmigli Thlolt, Ghent nnfl Ilnlg, A Consldeinliie numbef'of. the wounded Oormnna jvcio taken to Ahtwetp. , Following 'a atvere bombardment thn Germans tried to attaali nil along tlio line, hut the lire .of tlio nrlllslii frenrh and Belgian guns' cut the Teutonic ef. forts short. r Following tho fiapture of 1200 yards it trenches by the British In tile vicinity of Hooge. east of Yprea, the Germans trie- Inrffcctliallr to rocnln their loct around. Using asphyxiating fiirrios ami. heavy ar tillery Thn battle nt 111 continues east of Ypros and along the YpresCnnnl and the Yser niver. Thn British batteries, supported by those of the French, began to east n blanket of fire oVcr the Oerntah positions early In the day by way of leveling out the ground an much as possible and throwing the German troops Into rilsor IRnhlzatton. This work JInvIng been ac complished tho British "troops Attacked, turned out of their trenches nnrt charged across .the Intervening terrain with great misto. They jumped Into the Uermaiy trenches, and held on In spile of the cotlif-ler-Attacks. which followed. T vwa Marshal Sir John French falls to speak of tho extent of jho British casualties In (his action, lo nays, hotv v Aver, thnt his men took t!7 German pris oners, three of whom Wore officers,' And captured two machine- gtlhit. HIh lepert of tho QngnfjeijlCli.t follpwsi "Bine niy communique jjf AhgUst 1. me artillery on both sides has been active northeast j)f Yprea, In the Jo en Chance, the advantage has been with us. "This morrung after a successful artil lery bnmUaramnnt in which the French on our left ?o-P-nernted ffctlYCly, we. attacked tlio Ueiiclicn near tluiieo, cap tured by the enemy, oli July '. These Wem all retaken. Following 'Up ,tha suo ees wis fuhr programed wt and north of Hooge, Wending our front t& I2m yards. During Hie Hthtlng our nrtilt lery snelUd if nefm'aii 'IrAIli at Lange marck, derailing and. settlnTJ life tu flCo trucks. , I Tho captures replied are thi'eo ofll.irrs end m men of other rftnu and two ma chine guns. ! r; .? nttiA ?.? stttps f () SAtt, TO VMA envz , renltnaed S'ttm Ttti One Utfllv btgtlBg- grafj. Jt Mkf thst at least two biutlesfllp M sent to dnmlnate thp situation. BRNBON ACT8 QIJICKLY. Th rttttmtPJt wb rolvl by Admlrai tlennn, Gtttef of staff. U immtditiMf wired the ewnmander of ih, naval slattafi at Newnart to el thfl tiAulslans. nnd Mtw ffaifiWrffi'frMf thm tr irw J Into touch will) Irfort .Conova, chlftf.of the Mexican Affairs BUreau of the State nnArttitit T1,A lUr nlif1rmj fftA report that th Vr Cm iltustlon wasj enotis. utit ne warnw uenson noi 10 Brflof ah WftrshIM 6llh WlthbUt spe Crtn aillliBrlty rem the Blalfi Dinnrt went Uenton and Conova-went to see KT6lnip Lansing , LANSING OBJECTS. Tlio latir realised lo see the matter from the standpoint of lldmon or th,o nVy. lie deflafed'thaf 16 send warships 9au.th at this tltno would upset entirely the program approved by the lllrt American dllilomats1. Under no circum stance should they go, he declared, un lean conditions should bceome even more serious. Admiral MenMii returned Id tho Navy Department, whele he sot In motion the inadlilnery to rlnl Ihn navy In readiness for any emergency, and tore un the or ders h6 had prepared for ho Louisiana and New Hampshire to get under way. ft tvtwa rrnnt'T) tvrrirT a -nT ntt t a mtr1!RTl X V. AnO-TTtT t' li il I .11 lfEflVY ! I I II I Il.klJ-fltJllI I 9 . r A . Jf - . JL r -.- JL-j, m V - , j. js m -m m. m m --w IftiS; ! HOUSING CHIEF TO BE HENSOM ANGIIY. Although refusing to talk, ho .was plainly deeply nhgered because tho navy once more h.-ul been tletl up by tho dip lomatic branch of the Government Oniclnla generally believed today that energetic nctlon would bo forced by Car ransa within a very few days. They dc clarelhat he la now convinced that tho t'nltfd States Is hostile nnd can be de pended on to inn lie reprisals. In this connection tho Carranata agency here this afternoon Untied u statement uVlatlng that It will filo nn offlclal com plaint against Conflul Canndft nt Vera Cruz, who was reported to have said on July 27 that eltiht Mexican warships were "preparing to embark troops which wcro ootnlmt Into Vera Crust from tho Inter ior," Tho charge Is that If this slate ihcnt was made bV Canada It was "a He Intended to create prejudlco against Car zaniSB," VAY CALb TENNEflfifcK. It Is understood that If the emefruency arises' the Tennessee, which Is now on route to Httltl with ColtJnel Waller's ma rines on board, will be diverted by wire less and sent to Vera Crui, whllo ltonr Admiral Cnperlon may nlso bo sent there from Port nu' I'rlrtee. Tlio present intehtloha of the Govern ment do not eontemplato nn.y movement of troops. Kven tho warships will not be rent until l,ano!ng nnd President Wilson lire convinced this action Is necessary to prevent massacre, They are fearful that a resort to force or An appearance of It, on the very eve of the .renewal of tlio conference with the Latin-Americans might cnlise the latter to balk against silpporifn the general prosram to brine ahout pence in Mexico. 'J'Jlls flUIUlilC hna Krcatly displeased tlio navy men ylio have accepted tho Vqra, fnco vnlun nnd believe ho should bo backed up to ih'e very limit. ITALY READY TO OPEN WAR UPON URJlEY Latin. Co.$u leaving k 0 H o jn a n OfRces, nA maricaiis Take f ChaMQ bf Cdrfsulates 4tifltro - damans dpnconlrAto ,Bi Aritiy on Sorvlnn Frflri tlaf PJnn to Overrun S3rvla nnd Frlgjiton Gieeco nnd Btttenrlft. TALKING HAITI SITUATION OVEp .Civil Service 'Commjiiaion Must Hold Exnmiimtloh for Head of Sanitation Division. A chief for the how DlvlAJon of Ilgus Ine and Sanitation, nt $3100 a year jmlnr:, wilt rrobably not be namecfuntTTSeptom bor. Dlrrctor fi. Lewis Zleglcr, of the Dor jiartmenl of Healtli and ChaKltleu, eald tdriay that he Id Waiting for the Civil rYjce Commission to furnjih him, a list of eligible for tho place. H lias wHt tcn the Civil Bervlca Commlstipnerj out llnlnc the general qualified tlons i tliaClEe chief of the diylslqn should possess, snd also the scope Of What tile Dlre'ctUI' bt JleVcs Would bo a fnlr exafOlnatlon fpr the position. The nvl fienice CqmmWlon ba h6t tct scheduled nn examination for enter ot the division,' and aa two weeks' ad tcrtlslnC: mujt bu conducted heforo .tho teti. Under tho law. It Is not llkelv an ellylble list will bo at'allablo for aimjst a jnoniu. allowing nine ior ine wora or tli cxumuierik ' It was stated at the Civil Service Com mission onice today that 'tha -oxaraliia. Hon will be held In the. near future, but that the exarnins Ma been wMri, to proup other examinations for places in tft iliirlslon with (lie test for a Chief. Plrector Zlegler ha a Hat of U Uer aons elleible for appointment as sanltarv inspeotohs m the nw dlvlefon, from whlrtt ll.it five Inspectors are to no chosen All mp.oyei In the old Divi sion of Sanitation hayt betn notlflsd jgC th.-ir formal transfer fg the new division. aUhottRu thctr- former antic rravs" not been i-hanged. F. if ptlont, to this aro Joints . 'wrl 'rudden. former Chief Banltftry In sprrtnr at m a vnr. and Ruiisll H. rianett. fonner Qnkt Iipctor of Nui sances, at ntoj) n year. uarrett Is unling dMhtant to the chief of the new dlvWftti, and MsOlUdda la "tuns ' nidi oi nu ulMnoa. tmnAatnro Their saiarlegr b6wMC rerfiflri un- rnnngeu qu to tne protMttve stlpuiationa tor the former: ainlay mads tvy Ilia or- dlnance of Councils ciosilng 4 bw dl, VUion. URGE .MOpSBN PQSTQFfflCF Architects Sigoihmstui kyfcrajiers for AH argo CJlttetf.' w'ashinuton Aug. io. -skytct-apor P',iom, . buiidiugs will replwe tne nr ent FMU.itty. Ipreadm. smicTcJrel V t l(r cliiv of Hi e Unit) WptM, If 4 rwv oRiniundJllon made todft; b IHMwI csmmllt". of atchttcj nirota b ,TilJT nt eecreury f n Treasai" Newton to ttmly tin, (juniion u adWWU. Tii con.Biiti firtii tpua buUdinia bte rifles sr6rri.etlclrMef - Newioii plans o pjjt thn idea tn sltvet I all furge cities which will rulr new uuuius iii int; pxi lew VMri, u toa pfvd. Th aillU b H-hfiDu fe H' i'laccd t,-.oc Ittt. McAIUio for final declMott ktmksUr ountson nn HF-reUsrdr IS Tftaiiinf n. flrai KrargMIBtiitb HtfM4 fcft KUi Suit li. igpi,-my I'ouri lAjt ftfuimi ut'Quuiwiifg in ht eai,f o T1lis&m J lr. m iv am j Kallrjfl EflflUjtjkY, f .Tininpton Couny," iu i in m si ariuuiilstJstor, I'liiladflphJa uiid RMdinx n I'umyai, PMItt4l4wl '. t lie h en U n Jll ti.lli .U-.f I. 'I I ll . V.. tli, '"li! BJid li CItUISEIl WITH 858 SlAniNES OI-'F FPU "liliACIC Rfel'UllLlC" The second ielnchment of marines to sail from this city for Haiti left Lcnguo Island S7S trrtt nils morning At I30 o'clock, on ilia armored cruiser Tennes see, the most nctlyo vessel In Vnclo tiitw'e navy, Tim Tenhottit is the cruis er that carried cold to American refu gees in Kufflpb, waif nrw on last No enilier at Hmyrna and then IrahspoftSd a total of BSOO refugees io safety. Jttarlnts and pallors wcro almost unan imous. Juat hofpi'o tho ship salted, in tho opinion that boforo tho thrco months' stores: aboard al'fl consumed tho vessel wl be eomowhpro in Mexican waters. Instentl or pntrollns the rorls of tho "Hlak RtnuUllo.)' How tho rumor gained crcn!at)pi) ,no one at league Island In authority seemed to know, but (t lifts h6cn becoming " mora acnnito every day. The Tennessee carried away "3 machine guns, 1000 cases Of m?rno. stores and 1T0O cases of ship's stores, inaludlns W.0O0 pounds of po,Vder.' She' had' heF full com plement of 'ISJ men, 18 commissioned ol ft cjra al)d tlfllt warrant fllccrs. The total number pf" men aboard la 1631. Kvery trolley ear bound for Leacue Inland thl mdrnlpg was laden with drift njju (uners. inicni on. cayine jjooa-uy o the marFnes" anil snUors. In splfg pf Iho earl- hour at whlclr the boafsallcd, tfie fiver froKl was thronged with people, All tho work of loading the vessel was flhtstUd About midnight. The marines who comprise th 1st neelfnpnt boil nil Ihnlr eriulpment Aboard. Tlioy were open ly dellghtea fit tK pr09petl of gome service, whether It be In Haiti or In Mexico. The marines, commanded by colonel L, T. Kane, lned up on the parade grounds At T o'clock, nnd from there marched aboard the Tennessee to the tuiw at rouWial trnwJc. They were, ac companied by the Third Signal Corns, coniujajulfld by Captain Richard" TJ,. Crecoy. Colonel U W. T. Waller also left League Island on tho Tennessee., and so dld'a brand nMv'FOfd runabout that will be uaoU to carry him afonnit the "Olaci: Itopubllo," qj? Mexico. This Is the first tlmo on fiulomoplle. has been purchased by the Unllert States Oovernment for such a purpose. At Vera Ortiz, th incurs ui commana jr.ere carried about la carnuKev. . When tho Tehnessee pullSd out, tho pilot was loeklmr worried. Ordinarily, tho ship drawn a or test of water, Taday, sb wsj so heavily laden that she 'yas four feet below ths mgrk. At sev eral nolhtit In tho Dilawafo there Is barely a 30-fool channel, and some trouble WAS nnfjclpdted Mttlng'tHO cYUIs er down to Delawnfe ttAy over tho shoals, Everybody cheered when the cruller i&Hed. The tnarWes, In thslr natty olive fjrpb unlfprjus. I" 9hMt $ontrpat to the snow white of tho sailors, lined fha'rathror tnm rtghtingrshlp and waved g0BdHy"ta fllatives and sweethearts. Bo many are aboard that soma of the men wirt luiv t6 JprsflT! out their blankets and blvouao on deck, OHDlSKn HMAV1LY LA0. About W miles of IsiegtHph an4 UU iihBno wire is aboard the TunjM$, TU idgtul smt 11) erect poles at the varl 9V1B polnt of occupation, and lnstal Tele- PW ana Vlf9 Wl ttUWV tomethlng y unmigivn now W Iigl, ATHRNfl, Aug. 10. All Italian Consuls In Turkey hro fte pafihg io depart, according to reliable advises from COnAtnrttlriople. 'XTiey hive turned over their1 dittleis lo neutral of fialals, ohlefly Amerlftrtn Consuls. Itfimedlately following Ihelr departure. It I expected that war between Italy nnd Turkey will ho declared, Italian troops Will then join the Allies At tho nar dandles. A Buoharest dlpatch reports lhal n ministerial crisis la said lo he Imminent In Itumania. . LONnONf. Alig. 10. Accordlne to n ftAldnlka dlspMch, the Atistro-Germnns already havn begun to concentrnte a new nrmy on the Servian frontier, planning to overrun BerVta nnd frighten Bulgaria nnd Grceeo Into re maining neutral. Advices received from there today nald that nearly iOO.tmo troops are being massed nlong the Servian frontier, Itussla having rejected what in Eng land Is regarded no n. bonn tide proposal from tho German Kmperor for peace, tho ureal strtingln lit the Mart must continue, with an added Interest In the Dardanelles operations. The Onlllpoll field will be closely watched because of Itfl .ponolblo bearing on tho Haitian imitation, which Is agnln simmering because of renewed Entente pressure on Bulgaria and Oreftce. Never boforo has the Importance of tho opera tions at tho Dardanelles teen more keen ly realized In Great Ilrltnln ond Franco, than now, especially as there tiro many indications that Germany plans to (lellver her next hard blow imalnst Hervla, Idrge a Connecting link wllh Turkey and thus checkmate the Fpilng plans of IIkkAIIIos. It Is Increasingly manifest thai Ger. mshy look to inn East tor a Kcttloment of the war. By overrunning Fcrvla alio wo;ild occupy n favoroble strategic posl tlon to Invoke Bulgaria's old l reaching Conttantlnuple plong tho nialn line. Tho expectation of such n inoye doubtless b.as brought about lUe renewed negotiations between the Entento Allies nnd Bulgaria. The Turks claim successes in tho recent trench warfare on tho Galllpoll Pcnlmtuln. uui mere reanv tins wen no noiowortliy cnange in mo siiuntion, so If public la. ritvaro. -I Jr SisisiHBsPiK. Hr i m. .-21 ' ' I HUfKl K tfA.rti SOAP BUWnfuMAtBttIAtFOBII 8oP msntirncttirers, ""' cort. the blame o the pnt.llr. J?1 , TUt same Hie 'ij, tUjllt oft ,, ti lint tth n " lle'mnd lag s.t. htii, new It I "cnTh,rt w .SStw! and M the lfrM ""l" ' and ior ":". .. IXtlttile.. Cecia. . '"! I.s nusUmild In l-r ke " ' """i:;' ,. .- i.n,f 1 thsl. tli titrers hr nf ',",,l 8endinln flih." lie soP mAtitt ed io the oil tt df Cnptnln Dockm (In whllo), commando); of tho Tcjiiicbbco, nhcl Cnptnln Horton,"of tho Marina Corna, conferring on tho deck of tho cruiser Dciforo pnlllnj:. so far ns the EMBRYO WARRIORS ON DUTY IN TENTED CAMPATPLATTSBURG LIITLEARMANDNAVy MEN PLAN CAMPAIGN Seek to Enliqt Government Ownership Advocntea Agninst National Defense Program. vlrt Animuhlliari aboard founds foe totiii an 1 S JM , a Intul4l Mt.000 Twelve Hundred.jilen From VarioiiB Walks of Lifo Start Trallilntr" Under Rigorous Military Dlsci ' plirie. 1 V' ' ' ' ' ' ' By a Stalt-Correpodenl rLATTSOUBG, -N. Y., Aug. JQ,-TweIvo hundred mqiti Whom nobody In the past h.as rrijscd'to bo soidljrs, nnd who, "there fore, ha'vo taken matter In tlielf dw'n hands to that end, swept down on a tont qltv, which js tho -military training camp at I'lJitt.aburg totjaf, atv) tOQji It In Oom Cleto iiosicesJan. 7hywl) majntnli) that possession until September 6, by which "mo wiey-oopo v mw mistered enough of military sclonce, ail tho way from rtghtvAbouUfacIng to Ijanaiing a neld battery to warrantlhe "War Department granting them camrnittioiis as omcem of voiuhteers in Mso of A national erlsls. From all porta of 'the couhtry and 'ffom nil wAlkx of llfq thty came. Bankers, brokers, cifHjpe.ors, bijalnesu oxecutlvee, Moyots of clllos, policemen, cle'f.ks, aportsliieh and youths just out Pt college wtra h'uinbcred among thetii, and tfmy cal04 Piila,delphla, tTew York, rilta burgh, Boston, Bjjlltnore, or Intermediate stitiops, "fiijie." yhejjjajjicjjcrllon of,th$ gtcol gather ing, incmaing practically altiof the Phil, ndelphla delegation ot 136, arrived on tho snecn( trains from. Now York, jj was a dreary scene that greetf-d the would-be soldiers, whl? they tumbled out of their berths ascarly as 6:30 a, in. The stop was mad on the main trnck of tho Dela ware and Hudson, opposite tho camp, w)h Lake. Champlaltt a ecapt filone'a tho,w i,way, Ttlero was no stAtlon; It ws pouring rain. Those who had donned unlfojma on tha tran Jvere iqrtunte. ThoBo wiw du not ,wcro forced to parry their baggago. as far as the camn In thJr "t" olothea to Yel nigh the ruin of tliem. A iRsty broAkfast wae tho next proceeding, and then out again to tand In lino In, tho rain for nn hour and Jif. in order hat tho regular omctra in ohnrge, might make M'gnment to er for addltlon- ' WASHINGTON; Aug. JO.-Opponents, of the big nrm7 nnd rtavy are planning to flliilst thp Govornrncnt-own.;hip advo cates In their campaign to prevent tha passage of greatly increased appropria (Jtyi lilljti, To do so they intend stnrlng a general campaign, when Congress meets, lo have ail warships, munitions and suppllen generally manufactured only In Oovernment navy yards and Govern ment ntsonals. They intend also to try to havo tho wage trials' fixed at "tho highest prevailing rnte,",aa avefaged In this country nt large, Instead ot as pres- fent In the locality whoro the work Is being carried on. fiorao of tne Oovernment-o.wnershlp men declare that there has been no competi tion In bidding tor Oovernment work for tho artny and navy for yearn. Their forces will bo led hy nepresentnlive Clive H. Tovenher, of Illinois, who said, today: ';! Intend tn advocate on the Hour at th.. HoUso. that nit protn be taken out of war preparations by having tlio Oov ernment nihiiufucturo its own mnnltloris. I will show that, In armarplate alone. If this schemo had been followed, (39,000,000 would huvo been snved since J8S7." Although tho lttlo army and hiivy men aro elnted over their plan, some of the men who wll light for reAl national de fence legislation dectaro that It will fall. They say that. If necassary, they, too, will try to send as ntueh work as poa- suiio to Government mania, ft S. TO MAKE HAITI A MODEL REPUBLIC Work of Recanatruction and Peace Well Under Way as Re sult of American Aid. WASHINGTON", AiiminiBirRiion 'l' T t", "" il's"", is nopeiui i nai nam may be made n mo1H repittpllc. That 'vllf be tna goal ttint u-iu, Ija attempted viion tho I new Government there la created With the nw oj i(ar- Admiral uapenon, inn war ships nnd hlsmarlnes and blticJnekets. -VhetfhtirmtlrtH-flr'iiiy Is bclnft dltibrind ed, the troops paid oft with- money- taken from tho customs receipts iand then -sent home. Wandering bands- of robboro nro being wjnejt pu. and their lenders Jailed. AccordInK tn the latest' report? re celveil.by tlio fjwte pepnrtmeiit, thp re generanon of the "nlfick cIlllblle" is nhw well 'under woy. All or iho fAetlpn.il leadefH ana presidential aspirants nave assured. CAperton that they win noldc by the election to bo held by the Uahiaii fPhgre'ss when the American Admiral elves the rord. And they, all nave aerecii that thci" will support ,tho AucceaBtirr ddit dldate after he takes hoM, Whldlf'ls, td sAV tile" leaill, ati Ihnovdllon III Hdltlan arfrtlrn. Jt ALLEGED "DOPE" MEN HELD compfliiiH and issue orde At wjulp'thjnl. ozelfsmant. and lay, Wtgs ewltd when DiaeK nag ffe,fi u . fll' Ik- ! tioji lbul f li . ifiNK,,r n, nfhtl ., th-l . In, Wr li-HniS ml rl'BVWJSj lively .MB. ftg4r" is g, veteran f "Venr CrufT'twt h an't em to get ac ,evi!pft4 ta fcaUlag, ANYAt'TOM6WLS f AKN. Jo mU0 U the autotnotilt? for dolni Ifalla?. HO wH take MMHNMd Of Iki wiure Mtmi hn as Miu Uftitl. tbf TtSnti crr!e on 4sc; tf autowo btU liurk dump wagou jtf Iftm Auto tfu.-k learcbttght oarrter.. tt U Hadn't b n for the long iuue of tM SUM sttefcmg op out of tha turr.tg the crdlwr WPUld hav lpokd more like a hvlly M4ft UMi tha . mar veKl when afa left l.jym llnd Everyway at th yard was congratu lating CtaMkta lUt R. Marian. kiUd. (t'4rterBj(tm. md,),, to, ,k8 r.COr, hin4 '' br)m'il four-huiiv sHlfts ivster- OOOD-BYa TO J5MBBYO ill'? IS?!1 m rftf TlU"r9 gtatlon last nIM Hfoie ifift SkMMlilcSfi B"uhti.ie Jjoerience for every man there. Friends wtid had not Mn awn other for xar xclimsd sntbutlastk! grebtlrtgg; college cUaniMW. held ftlforlnitl feQnloh. h tne tatlon pIMlMmt; forid fathers awl mth era mingled In the arowa for a lost gocd. by with Mun atrappiifg young JismJuL It might well have Men that the train bearing. WO Win U lo carry tbsm in gome battUflAld that u to t more than " WWUiS 1 blank cartridrf Woiilit h tTurf y minutes' a I ,,,. ,, h. m u,u v? J:.!:i . . " that many ot thn wr total iUHngera to everyhAdy eJt. Of eire it w true that th mairttty wr& mq eriei" bromlMOM as to hjtve a wtdse eiral of acqu.mtjJWM, but even tbjt etmltA tor UttU, urt WMn wgBnuti t lout. Wr. ( toa t.y ku nad. u the n0 stood in lias, and almut frlsMg wr jwartrd at spinie paints ot tw .'?, W! W tb mm $ expected it to be that wAy, nd sun juAt tha aftBM. nat ds Igger.'' the llllle mas ot tne gignat oarof. ilia Vc TUB W4II ONM tB4n AGO rMM evw alplAUatlo felatli MHh Aii.uu. . . " Vb ( iMa AUnr by aap HHf si tltthihBie SS4 Mlsle Marl. Uecnutt utrte 04 umIAb tr tier. ' felt! aixtrat H4Ml, Two Prisoners Accused of Peddling rtiga In Cjlty, Two meli we're held In ball at Central Elation today Accused of having drugs in their possession. .They are Frank a ru ber, of M0U North Junlpsr street, And NalfiOJi Ab'bleson, Of WfiBhfrTgtOltnj.'X;. XlrubeT la a former fncinber of tlio polce force, ana no enuvenea ni3 nearins by threats to "expoFo'1" "police methods of getllnn evidence. Abblgsoi) Itj said, jo bi ono of four men who Amo to tlila city from "Wailhlngiciri with large auantitloa of "dbpe" to peddle Among victims of the drug habit. Seven nachagoA beloved ta contain morphine, wore found In his possession. They are being ahal'yjod. ' ' WILSON STUDIES REP011TS OfrjIKilCANSJTbATIOS COKNIflll. Aug. I0.-fflsldnt VlU6n rewived several long coat musagea re. lating to lb Mexican situation ledAy. None was made public, but the President went to work in his study-As soon As ho had returned front the golf Unto. The President had goHe- to play 6lf before the pr report of a crllical turn in the Mexican situation reached - hore. tie WA not dllturbd. but the dupntchea were laid before him as soon 49 ha re turned, f VILLA TALKS WITH SCOTT; . , NOTHING ACCOMPLISHED Eti PASO. Alig. W.Mcnefoi'e Gerierai HUth L. SCOtt bekan hla oftlclal confer ehco' Wltir Gel-SfafT-rahclsCo Vlla tddny the United Stntes army's chief ot staff hud befcn thoroughly Infdrmed reghrdlng the' ijltflcultjes of tho American mlhlhg men'antt tlio merchants in tho State of Chihuahua, Whllo It vaa expected that a considerable -portion of the cpnfwence would bo devoted by General acatt to ef forts td secure better treatment for American business Interests, in the terri tory controlled by aenoral villa, the main discussion slated for the meaiing' woe un derstood to be HlAt relating ttf tha tttiib lishment or np nfthlallco between the sev erAl factione In Mexico. RtNnge rumorS o'( n disagreement be tween General Scott nnij denerat Villa wero circulated here jast nlsnt after the American officer returned to iSVp'hBb Af ter paying what lie called "a.viait or courtusy" of tho. Mexican leader. One report naa it tn&l GetierAl Scott had toind Vllhijrt ftjj nntrJ' mood Afid M thin htsAtfiV tn Jllafsl "in" conheclloh with this repflrj, It Wai regardeil ns ilg'. piflcant lhat.Oenerat'ficott stayed only 17 minutea at yUio.'B headquarters." DEULlK IlONOitS AMERICAN yiglj Jfisg Colebrntcd for tytfo of Fornior-U. B, Consul Qeherul, ADVANCE OF ITALIANS THREATENS TO GUT0F AUSTRMNSAT TRENT Cttpturo of Pass of Montoz- zo, in Tyrol, uauBeanun cis Joseph's TroopB to Evacuate Lines Rail road in Peril. 1 - - s nOMB(lAUB. 10. The Aiiettiftn forces lmve been forced to evaCuAle the wnoio region amui... Montoo, thirty-four miles northwest of Trent, occordlng to to-day'e deepatdie from the front. Tho Apllne contingent ftctvanelrlir from the TonAie Pass rcglbn, first taptu red the pass of Montoito, and nter by A night nttncU took the Montowo peak Itself, aims havo been dragged up this summit and ro now shelling tho Aug. trlans out ot their position in the vicinity. Tho vivacity of tlio Austrian torceA tliut havo been displaying such tenAclous ,reslslaiu:o on the Cerso plateau seeing lo be gradually waning. Their coilntcr atlAtks, tho -ndvlces fiAy, aro of n leee violent character, and aro lees freniient as well. .Meanwhile, the Italian 'fc-rcea here are gleAdily creeping forward! The task Is recdgnlMd to bo n ntupendous one, owing; to'the elaborate fortllicntluns creeled bvlho Austrian, and tho people nwAlt the outcome with somo apprehen sion. , ,. Bomo of the correspondents from the north report that . lieavy. iflrjUiwailone nro being thrown up by tho Italians In anticipation of an Austrian attack In forco down the Adlgo Valley aa soon ns teoops flan bo jiiovuI from iho Busslan front. South of povcrCto rpclt barri cades tiro being built Acroea the valley nnd oh both sides heavy guna nro -being mounted on Ihe "peaks'."" The otnclal report list night eald: "On th'e Upper Comellcd (Cadore) Our troops established tli'emielVeA solidly on Clmo Unllol. , "Iil.CnrniA orto nf our aetaenmenu . UnMnts CAynllo PAfA belwcell FrOtkofol nntt Val Grande -attacked tiny AUstrtans' tronchea opposite an ihc morning of the 7th and drove out tho occupants. At nlsbtfajl tho eperov lh' farce attempted to recover tbli position, but wAa repuliwd with heaY Ioebcs. ' "Ih thi J?la.VA zofla. our ltPb& feecjipled some enemy entrenchments neni Zagora and I'aljntto, tnhlnri a nuantity of Ammu nition, Tinfia arertaa6a-'AndL trennh mortars. ."'During yesicrdQy thp eneniy .agam be gan to' throw WOlnbs On the Jtonfalcone shipyn.rds, "causing a fresh outbreak ot nre. Which wdT'nmsieTe'aT'apldly by our volianti.troops, although tlwy wero shel M tjniumiiousiy by the enemy's arlllfeiy. "In tho- Tonalo Pass zone our Alpine detachments', advancing bofdly aldrig a. dljnclijt rldg of rodRfli which flsea ffom tlio south over Vat dijl Mgnte (Node), nur- o ana duneKta m mo. iDQUunc of 'r''-'i't1: CARRANZA Mil AID PEACE PU OR BE JRUsill trt.srand.Latin Amm to Mist All ItWf Enter Harniony' fiifehco, tMtlri nli,i VhHt JL. 'TLirvu",B" m iteaay to Jrcat If ranza's Obstlhacv if " ,!JanAr.mB .Embargo AI Him Win Follow, By JOHN E. NfiVIN t WAfliHMlT'ON, Aug. iO.-AS peaea c'onfetenee wilt b. detnin owing mo conclusion OI tDmorfnR'B feronco betweeh the six LatinMffiS k h. is.rrw r ti $rm the "derthlte peace progtAm" .ssS by President Wilson. ' m& All fnetlolig in. Moxieo, miiifiiRl! civil, will he .urged In a, geheu? iBsiiert-liytlw urilte'd State "jl proved by t.atin-merleA. lo untiim meeting to agree on tho best sBy of restoring cohBtltuttonai goveriiffi unless something unforeseen deriiJffi: ips6t the program. Those factiififfil do not patlfelpate Will bfl made thffli gets of a sweeping arms emWriaii the financial' and moral BiiBfiofraSr, Urtllod BtAte and tho eeuih Affl flijtjsph wfll he thrown behlhd thflB orniiicnt recognl2edJ)y the maJorHjSj VlhLJi TIIOOQIIT WILLtl5tS A'ilW fliid, through hlrrt, ttftptM been lined up for the plan by Mjjot'ft eral Scott. It 1& believed here Caliv Is oxpocted to prove the greit ta'catt' block. Dut MiWertul pressure alre'adi bearing on him and his chief g(aj obtain their acquiescence It is iiu,-that-tho peaeo onfrno wauta m Ing to mkko sweeping concessions tS'sl tne nrs't chief's feelings, nd oflicuii hopeful today that nt tho lnit SS Jus would ace thp nccefisjly of titmlL mo uaw iv...i uiuii wiliun 14 expft- ern cowers win- ue usiBDiienAi' lil td solve the Jiexlcan problem anarchy In thnt troubled enrranza aocs not tuen the QvrnK ilfdt Avilt "ttavfl The AUppott ol tlil-lfi 1 u exet em dffl 8 he 7th troona of tho nnemv rtitrftncherl southeast VMho-" peals. &f-"JiJoaV'ilIli, cap turing bombs, fuse, cartridges nnd other material.. ''.Qn,, UJs 5me dnj' other detachments of the ecKiy entrenched at Malga patude. northcaet of the 'peak of rcA vnllo, wcro driven trbtn their position tiy m north, will be fully flnanced. will Si vlded with opportunity to mi lui iT)iintlons It need and wll hi tig to go aficrid nnd eliminate CflrrlifuM, matcriaj faotof, TB TO PROCLAIM AltMIBTloi Tho first factor 'in the lieflca eoipfr will bo the proclamation of Ap Afiatia That will test the' good faith Ofatlli factions, it'ia aXhcctod that -each fnlilfi chief Will be rfsltid to free ell jsaiRJ trlsonefB. Tnla tn-obably will tJTfd? hy Villa and Kapata, but wjietKJt Mitia would, consent to this pldh ICTi in douut. a If Carrnna tSam And a new gdVernl Is established In tho horth. It Is ettjM! the entire dipianiatie odrps now sQit eo City wilt rhove to tho new ciBi leavlna,Carranza without dlploaallisJFi resentiillon. '-Affairs ot evefy oeslii: htobaoly .would bo looked after in Jul City by cnarieh b, Parker, g iiefa the American Embassy, but he r?i have no diplomatic rank. -"3S SteanWhlUi until tha united plan fifif ganeratlon," as It is ohAracUrUedf secretary" xansing, la Complete, tm claj announcement Is to be Iffla6.22 Siuto rjepArtment is still twsh rim bf the- ox'p'Ulsfon ot )fl8 OUAteTMUnTK Istef and tliji fact thnt tno UfaflllW!! later fell It .UOAt to 16avo JlexRffC And Is tleallnfi Ahafply Willi Cdfftlti all mailers developing ih llio temij controiD. SEVEN MAIMfAGES IN ELftTt BEItLII Aug. 10 A High MASS waA pfllebTAtjid thU morning m morndfy! Nter-Ar. Montgomery Thackera, wife jof tliS AmCrlban Consul aenoral nt Po,i. but who wa formerly Consul--General here, Among thoee present ?erp Mrs. Jamea JVj W,W. Ui' i Me Uhifed fkt 4fiWMdfr; Hr. pfa Mrs. Grew. Jlr. and Mrg. absrardl, attaches of the Amrlen arobogey and oommittea from the Amertean Wotfiens CM, or whicK Mrs. Thackew WA prIdeht for eight years. KfCAVallO. ."In tho valley of Sexten, In Cadpre., nftpr careful prcnaratloo by our medium allbre. Artillery aaring the- past few day, pur infantry advanced, gradually forc ing back the enchiy. and reached rrohi Monte Nero as tar as tho southeri slopes of Burgstall, -where IhcyhaVe been reinforced. 'On the Carso plaUAit yejterday the enemy, wllh tho objeat of hamnerlng tho nrocrts of our Approach works, lAiinfihed wak but frequent counter ntfajjRa, whloji werq Immediately "re pulsed. He tried to Alrelcli' wire en tanglements before our lnes, "Our artillery' bombarded a column of the enemy on th9 march from Oeve ak . m 'ron-U ,1h' aecUrato fire It rtlso Catlsed explftilons and outbreaks ht names in the rfelgHborhood ot jStmi"' VIlNA neroftw-itAMAN ait ACjiS AT PLAYA FAIL RopulB.e of Foe in, Tyrol Also, Asserted by- Vlsnna, VIENNA. Aug 10 The War OfHce Is sued the following statement last night In roepect tn the campaign on the Italian '4)ri the southern part if the Cavso plateau, near Baberdo. there has been hostile infantry; trt?ae Sfigjft f feeble at- r"'y .V..p? "irougn our poaltiona rnhta .a...,,-... ... . u anunipia lailM. 01x Btldcs and oUf Bridegroom Phlftidclphlarts. BLKTOr, Mri., Alig. io.-svcnm n&eg'to&lc place in Kiitton; m ojtl seVeh br doa were Ph IrtdelOhla Slfli howlywcda are: Cllarlep W. DtmJiSJ Kmnia :L. Lcrttcrs. .William H, and vathryno it. Pruer, Kdtvan (tlid Kllt'abeth BUltiibUs. And Josii koWskl arid JIary A. Jtnk61m6vlci, Phlladelpjilai llicltard II. Taj'ior, mond. Va.. And Irene DoUCliettV. delolila: llnrri' liake'f. Canton. Pi Jtisllna M. KumsWcller. Piilladelohl; EdWln II. iVlke and Caroline "0. XIi Paatfesvllle, Pa. ,' cttAKLm nmm clam noted At won, Pj heap aagora. GERMANS CAPTURE fcOjJ&A; . ;. . RUSSIANS EVACUATE V1LNA cobtioucd from rage Oa vag the flt tiuimation that had bean t8t44 tMt fhjfl fUj.tlpg pi;.tan army woulrt abindSn the Kovno.urnirtort LllOV lltytof pfjm and withdraw farther Into ihfi ltt(lkr of Uiit Ksvno aw) Qfsdno ontltute tlio mBin defame f nrina, whleh f on thr war-attw-PetrBgntd PJUffXJTaHa It Is cgnld r4 hightf 4mpeei thit the. JtuSna would tvctta.ts U y )iy expeetd to keep tbe t v QuthsAM. rlrfan M 0rwn giuuw nr &. tempts to carry the western fortlflealtonA of tha Uttxmghold by stora, BftMrdTn to tba JAtfst Import!.. ratetvS 4m .i'J?. H. a8 P'""" r..i J j "" n upw, have ttld down to s, tM of thefortresjT Hoping td destrO? lA?Wfc A to?! wBs Mmmm raLin 1 lrZT ? thosa fn.T &. vnr '?" "" - rWW 4fl LMMm IirHV. Itdmnn u $$? ifSS31 SLAV DREAPNOUGHTS BELIEVED TRAPPED IN GUW OF RIgX )tuMtttl wgsblp, ily rJjwft nn trapped In th 6t ofUl ."Clnl!16, Cat'l'tblan frontier email hew 16 dedehinenta dttaclted ftveral I tjelflta W thoufsficcesa. Uefore fliiTMiiiiSrJ? JiinJL?1?? b,c ,h TWwn frontlet o,ne of our pAtrolg near Crestd bianaii re ptileed fin enemy half company, infliu ingle one or our men. wwt of daooa. our troops partieipated." P. li. K, FREIGHT THAW OF UCAHS WmOltED Continued from l'agu One f train wU jhs diverted mue. o ATtf&-Kvrm WJ tfeSjk. era uusn wgrsaip at, rMrtd to Uv um trapped In th dttlf , lUgg, j ...- ."h rH", nn, pu 1 tie en trance on Sunday of large German bAt. tie squadron. dteted that the Uerman. - 01,1,1 M&.i lbti.u1 to Pea4 th M( mud Official dUuatchis fM.a, ii.i...... talilnjr laa Abaa'.u .1"J"."". mil. izzzi'.rr? i w Mlnft IW fcafn-t h (,lkt tMeVa I BI.J unit hv. Ben .iib, ...ulVSfl ?!v Th. whereabouts of the .lfaadatougfu, u,;..l;tfei WW fleet la ntSl-'01 tha TTIivk uuiuufui irairia arA hair,i "" .t running UllZ owikBTiHf 1ftKjfct4.ifc..wi- ix&fc"ji&m9Em 1mm ! ...i.l.. T " ' " w net taka tu Ume t prejrsjtt IMm!? II. W. Pruiteis Bun lF?ru iuZZi"iyzr- AU -C' continued ttu'm rase one secretary oF the Manufacturers' cdltlnk the clilb'a Kilirn.-ll. in vjot, when the Bureau of Mai tures, In tho Daparmtnt of Com! ana jjaoor, was estauiisncui xn RnnseVplf fnliitMArid nnnnlntlHi' h the head of the now bureau. J. Uftmi Moore received the ofllce, hqwever. next yen Mr, Clark became crj ill And for some time there was bi df hU recovery. Mehibors of hij assemoieu at mo ntasiue ar is Conshohocken. Ih JAhuaty. i!)0l. lied and shortly after this was d out of ilaneer. .- In 0i, After his lliersry tAletifc lam dormant nearly a quarter 01 tun-. Mr. Clark aurnrleed hie frien the publlo by .prqducihB Anolhef "OAPtaln IllUitt. Otliora folio eiuama i-in HAppy lieiiow." "The eisa,"-(ir, and their exeelUucs that he had lost none Of hie old el ,ur. viaru ai one time awnl trial Journal, and hi articles on tariff, and peiitico-aoonomieal bum way rMtred the earnest atteiil bilnesg men I'olltlcflliy Mr. Clark waa long 5 ,Bi), anil-OrgahUatlon man, tiarllcularly ofitoud tU domlnai OllaV Ih VKhnatiVnrilt, r,llM,u II dt hij indlipehdeftee ha wa vvidt flortt for tijA fHMItldn for wni( Ilooeyii ciJfiitdWea his name. eupiwr ed by JUdge ltalland, 1 man waiig'er ana tnAijy manutai in tliH city. BclnW Coal Supply Itcady. -wva. uj9ira, who ime cuniiv auppljrlfia Approximately So.800 torn mraeite, ip the JOO public school ot tne any nave begun making SW1WM espenquure of tne on fOr fuel aggregates a year. dJJtf MusBJtaaf Niagara Fall A IS, AT, Hptnber 19, li OettW 8 - . HfftCIAL TfUlN UtAvm .isir.st Parte Cju fUnlDj c. JD -""cA m nWjFfH MMlMha84 V taakau hen tw Mitiekn days. i. rem Jl(J. as. wni t t M il m , a .e. ll'V MMUl' mwltmxii b&, mtfEtfr- M Mtt tear at ftifUJa toA Hrrltui r "Vj- IJH).l put nkMeVid WHav ua laua aktavk baraumit fron the H9 mf. Mltra(d liuotl of TLk) Vrancls. dm AutUnlJZZZ "' . "aa tiu htia 14 - 'frigju isfc,-. 1 -wafp 4 te? rrtfepi KSSSSS TS:r'?A qiun ot ttta Hi m$ lf corrtv.