Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 10, 1915, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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    WHST:rr,; flyi N "'
' -2Zi
WVif ATlthtifm OF
...ha -' J..- J - - - I , . ... i JP
mtrdahtcdnm of Panama-Hcifie omntjhmd CmitatMit
lm fm tmiMy pimi limit? &
Son-y EhUh0n$omfNoLttbl6 norm, '
Irom Vhnf mUMl ht bwn theftreftlBfl tCHclt and Ikltl mr-et ever held
. ,nr. niMpir? of the- Amateur Atlite.tlc umr mere develoriett ihV ,XjY
grtarior., our t .Jit- r,fc, championship, rit S iCc.S'jSrty f
ft, (rMn o( thr- nthlplra of AlnArJc. were -m-harsit if,..rT",, ?'. '
tm rcntd pcrtormnww Wind
Ulv durms the turet. ana wimre worltfte rMonH might have h66h'7,Zirt
, , nov Up wen ol.ti "No rtcdnt bjfl)86 of.gttle" W 1WM
"Tne Ama'mir Ainietic union rjinrlnht
J, i., Berkeley, atrdlft (ftm Suit
Ifn.aH Perfect, fecvarnl wW hofofo
L R, riN.. I,KMten ihai a ebiw be
jjp enmo pr Ihr raws v?iml ftrcefl the rubber to tho (atfe in world. r0rd
JW m altera it hlnderST! the nlh.eles, tlffd wmtMlorM bn IS
a roicini rras wuiii nave been
ir'smlt milk, hivl t ?Ctns
Mring should do spoiled.
Many Upsets In Jnlerimtlortal Meet ,
en the- expert fM'"led Whn
red in the Panamft-lcifle meet.
fwbof. on form flhm.1,1 J,av0 Wan able
bt Howard I. Drew, world's rebonl
m,had he not pulleij up lame Iritho
Kralbotta defeat of Pat ftyftn In fi "B6" wnR ho biggest upset, becauao it ia
BUjl imposr.lble.to explain how tho big irishman wa defeated with a 315-foot
in mi --, ..w .. .... 'uuiu nv n
lincn nwv. in .....iuu iiyun unii uirown the ball over 38 teftt
6 Murraj e highland low hurdle vlctorlea wsro marked by 'tho ctovrreat
ffof Work, ana ho dcBorvoa eroat praise. To beat Slm.kon in n, m.i. .,
B7cd Kelly, world's champion, In the low,
n ,
IJIJIy Ciirlaon, AutoraoWlcDrlvcr. Ifillrd
Eastern papera liavo,.mado rlo mention of-tho foet.iW mm. f-. .....
Kd.known i-otiftB auwmobllo driver, wna killed at Tdcomn, Wash., recently
Rftfle taking a practl apln on the Tncomn Speedway. Carlson l.inm
Kppfeared in tho IvriHt, but as ho established several' wor'ld'n recordn Tn road
WpM thrco yearn aKo, fie was well Known to Xollowcra of mitomobllo rn
m. unso uH ..i..v;.....Ci uj. uic ia.TiOHS flinxwoll. roclntf team, nlonir with
ddy Tetzlaff and Htighlo Hughes, both
iff and Hughes competed lh tho Inat Pali
' ,-
J- Race Horse Still Winner at Age of Nine.
'."Vhat ia the averagp ngo of a race hoS
IWed the other day. The "question Is
IgrVilon that tliero does not sepn to be
liiiWlag as 3-year-olds, aid then sink
ora 'great exceptions. '
f,l uuy risiiur, uiu a-yeur-om sou of
traced tA the wire at the recent race
feracWdays go has paniclipated in 170 eyontSj and is today as sound ap a' dollar.'
parney Sclirelber purciulffed tho thoro,ui0ibfed'gnd gave $8B00i for him as a
j.Jr-o!d, but for mn.ny years pnt hez-hniTboon owned by 13. If.Cooncy and
trained by Ed Hefn'er. ''
! Sam Ja'cksQii'sfGrcat Mile Mark
Bam Jackson has proved to bo. one or
P.Hls'recent race In tho Mount Vcrndn Handlcao at'Amiedhct was the entwnlne
.SfeSof his 1915 starts. Ho stepped the
if record for the courso and 'within one-fifth,
' ;r:r;.;.T:: .;.""" :r. :n
s ii in uuvii.'Bt.i.(i iu iuiiijiuiu inu.-aiiuuiuou unci Rum-jocKson marKS witn tno
j.,bct world's, straightaway record. At Monmouth Prfrk Salvator, in 1890, rap a
ne lp l;35V4i in a race agalpst time, and.
lake Cltamplain Elqyer Expects,
PUis Legs Bclfleld (Jlub Notv 4most Abandoned
i by Golfers Wilfred tfeid'8 Success
o's a solfar at lako CliamPlaln
ha a email dachshund which ho nays
pralnlns to be his cadcly some day-
mi me uoe ia aDoui me sib ui u.
vn sausage with legs. ,
I hame Is FrJti," says tho golfer In
ring to his dog. "i tninK no wui
an excellent caddy come day. -VI.
I have taught him to retrieve balls
ie. VVhon he Efts to be full grown,
told, he will be just the length pt
ftolf bag. 1 will Btrap It op -his back
mdno doubt In time ho will get so' tnai
CTJII know what club I want an,d wl
i--Dio 10 nana u 10 me.
Dachshunds, you know, have quite a
yktion as hill climbers. They aro One
jrjj-and swimmers, so that Fritz-will
ine lots or onus in tne iaKe. no win
' nave no trouble In the sand or in
trough. I sunaose he will have a ,
Ird'tima at first with thn hunkers, as
fttir In crdsslng he may get balances In
i puddle on the Tldgo and not do ante
waeh the sides olther in front or jp
ik.with hf.i 3hnrt lr?n Ilplnjr so close
P ground, Fritz won't bo liable to gei
wniui is another noint in nis'iavor
Pp caddy."
Dachshunds are a new 'Idea. But Walter
irlt. Denver Countrv Club, has had a
P for many years whlgh ha. uses as
i men' runs rignt to me oau ajier ji
'first glance. Wilfred Iteld.Mhe Btlt-
bred nro. who nlnved In tha local onen
irpament last week, appears as slender
Miinevfiopca scnooi ooy. uno
: whero he frets tho stuff for" his far-
pi drhrg But a second look eleera
tlbe instcry. Ills muscular hands and
Ptlfros explain the control or D's ciud.
i the Absolute nwinai'v with will Oil
limes the bending of bis little bota
iae Bhot explains tlie uistanc "
The form of Wilfred Held as
Jly perfect as porb!eT-perfect tiro
perffit balance, perfe comroi
explain his little gut.
healthy ciowth of this great city
tens to srihhl un wlAF was. when
built, commonly concede to be the
at nine-hole courso In, the couniry
time of buildtn it ws ujouh
b wsb far enough removed from
tv i.ut it is now completely nem-
In with no chance of enlarging H
holes. This hag caused the mow
su golfer to take up me-moer-otboc
clubs, and, as a result, the
Country Club has been almo
ltd to tennis fans There are
lul tennis court, both lawn and
The rhih la nonular on th SO-
Bt There I a snlendld elubhonff.
: nlHer niKri. nannot heln ftfl
ng of rgret a thsy took on th
dp. nUtlnn nf tha BOif COUrW
onte hd 9. eountry-wW rPUUi
nti avenue U tuwlU tbrougn.
bhoveia mules and W brrs
hdardb on th Uaka. And tna
hd b,;en Uowed to aora ou
h"U Tbwre is no cewowj
the plj,r's bill goa Into H "
done fpr Thf rough to prtj&evai
H and no WMMW,
gUe ihe eBroachTOat fflt ?
(Wr kuufdom a. faithful few SMU P
links, hotilnu aaint Up y
rctturse at Blfleld may be '',
Ucnuid limds, on the other haua. fJl
Jhil nv aenitment in the old StftMi
SlWedivt tht !b tours W Wt f-
i "puiitr e4qa
, nMia a ! Bve-
u .'n vi'.iinpion or uiwv
ntaJn. 10 Rojieft I'obeH. Of Bif
Kr.,tua. win ahartV laef-
riia nj rfut t 4f ay
uiet rtli oalr, fiat A M "L! .
had piPnty of llrn. ,h ,- ' ;
ImLa Li. LM.Lh?nW.
(he merpZ tTnTlS
matte. " llwtJ
Oonmilftns bwn ldenl .nil
cgtabrlshcd, The'h, IA iittin mm tXiJ
llitU a ftiW opportunity for record
(hay try to .explain the llp.ur which
' ui.iucn
to romp home looking backward In
holder, of n.a .( ......, ..... ..!
nnt heat of the race' br-w waVwIi
I til it
a fent of Which to boast
of whom art. well It'nAwn i,BM ...
mount' Park race.
- sd, Bpenklng of his raeinc days?" waa
one difficult to answer.' for thn filmnln
a Bet. rule. Somo horses "make a great
Into oblivion. On tho other hand, thprn
. t
caip, fnrneu nis Blst victory when ho
meeting. This venerable animal an
tho sensations of the turf this year:
tjill'o, with 13 up, In 1:36 4-p, a now
of a eec'qnd of the world's mark, made
- i...
the figures have never been beaten.
Great Things of tiis Sausage,
make a determined effort to regain some
rf hor.lost titles. ' ,
"Huwahl" cried a golfer at Aronlmlnk
the other1' day, as he ran down a lomi
.putt. "Thatglves me pdr foUr for the
hole." ,
"That's nothln"," sneered his honorable
opponent,-who lost the hole, ".yesterday
I had' pa? twlcq he,re."
"itovr's that?" osked No. 1.
"I hnlil an eight,'' chirped tha Hon.
Opp,, asvho stumbjed and fell headlong
over a garden rake which had been left
nearby, ,
James Mortimer Barnes, Whltemarsh,
Valley, will bo packing up his links out
fit in n few days and depart for Glen
Eliyn, 111., where he will defend his tills
as, Westerp 'opep Champion. He will be
accompanied by several of the enemy,
McNamara, yVndersan and Nlcholls al
ready having decided to enter,
Ip an effort to turn aside the people
from tha pursuit of pleasure, when there
are, Germans to be licked. Great Britain,
through the Board of Agriculture, hast
appealed to the golf clubs to throw open
their crazlncr for sheen and cattle and
Lhas urged that wheat and other ceieals
be planted, .wore man iqu ciuds nave
heeded the nppeal and many have cut
down from 18 to 3 holes. Not a few have
gun In for market gardening on an ex
tended scale. At Walton. Heath about 20
acres are thus under cultivation t
Oolfers are sol to be much haraarjd
by the squash awlilma, beans pnd fra
quently bat tht tomatoes In their pnrfer.
Duo tp the I5r(e flood condition of the
course, tli pro took up lots of tender
epidermis at tha Country Club last week.
In front oS the seventh i,oe, which is a
mashlo pitch, ft regular earthworks of
divots was thrown up,
"Bring Nek tliat Back yard," shouted
Dan. Kenny jo hi caddy after he had
picked up a-MrllcuUjrJly long divot on
one of the hoim r
. .
Golf Etiquette Players should move off
the green immediately after the last
rites of putting have bean administered,
Golfers should try to hel put their putts
the first time and then there will be
no need (or practice. In cum there ts
an argument ta tb nartSsr of puttt
taken or as to wha wor (ik fcai do aot
curry on any quIbWlnr on the green ajid.
no blows should be tu!l il 'he pto.
ers have moved off the green. If tit
pteer thinks be be bM robbed ht
should beaj- in mind that this is a "rub
of the green" and dees ne 411 ipr hM
tile denionitratlo.
Carman and WUy t Meet in Fort
poned SmUe Affair.
Prenaratluns beve been made far the
big bike ttiatsWMp 19 be deckled oa
ST.' L.. n.kTit the Potot Bweze Park
biHw i" wpf wi w0 th
,rLXvben dec5Je t5ThuxS-
ui ta have bee'
Aai niaht, but the
rti.li. ... ,i hi face. UftNUWr
n VJ .nvd or aa-mtle-wptwpMl
, iia7w-!w. the itaUao.
vm Hi jf H '9 . Mbj
. v a .. 1 1
UnyBchnlk, of tho Chicago Whito Stx, hnS been pronounced by critics
and bnll plnyei-a alike the greatest backstop in tno American League.
Schnlk is fast on his feet, a good pegger, a good base runner and
ho has a head on his shoulders. The combination Bccms to work.
Vespef, tfflidinc and University
a Great Shoiving in Regatta Slated for Friday and
Saturday Afternoons
If well-trained bodies and confidence
have anything to do with the succefs of
"Hip representatives of tho Vesper, Uncllno
and Philadelphia Barge flub crews In the
natlorinl ("cgatta to 1)6 rowed a'f Spring
field, Mass., nejt Friday and Saturday,
followers' of the scullers here may be con
fident "of success. '
The greatest Interest locally probably
will 'U6 centred In tho outcome; of tho
rhnmnlnnnhln apnlnr Rlncrlpp. Ill Which
Jack Kelly, the lion man of the Vespers', I
win unucrgo me severest compcuiiQir
pv6r. Opposed to tho popular local ath
lete will be Bob Dibble, tho present nll
Anioilan singles champion, from To
ronto. Can. it Is believed tho race will bo
betv'e.n Iclty dnd Dibble, with the final
outcome an open question. W. M. Hoover,
of the Dtiluth Boat Club, has been per
forming somo wopderfuf feats in training,
and he may upset calculations.
University Barge's fodr will race In
both the, senior and International fours.
Tpfsis the riowlTiat'wonlTio cTiampIon
shlp inst year.
The -Undine Barge Club will have Big
Ed SehmldhPlser lp ihp Intermediate
singles, while a senior elght-oared shell
qrew will nlso start. These oarsmen aro
now In Canada, having taken part In
the Canadian Henley last week, nnd will
go down to Springfield from across the
border. .
For Vesper, Jack -Kelly will row cham
pionship settlor singles, nnd with Smith,
will go after tho senior doubles title.
Vesper and University shells were
Moran Pins Faith in Giant
Southpaw to Trim Cincinnati.
Toney to Hurl.
CINCINNATI, Aug' IQ. - Kppa JUxey
will twirl tho final S8m0 of th disastrous
Western trip for the Phillies this after
poon Wh Fred Toney ns his opponent1.
Hlxey has shown signs of weakening re
cently, but as Moran has no one else but
Chalmers or a youngster eligible to work,
t Is up to the lanky Southerher to hum
blQ the Pods '
Cincinnati has proved a lough Propor
tion for the rhtllles throughout the sea
son and Mnnaser Moran Is anxious to
capture the odd game of the present
seiles. In order ito bring the team back
home with a clear Jead Instead of a one
. L. jn(M. ns will be the ease If
be Phlljlaa lose today and Brooklyp can
trim the Cubs again. -
Ye.tfrd.rt defeat was a Mrtir
for the I'liuuw. as ji'tsy "''","V'
fcilnclied the Victory early Tha Beds,
ffiwever. capie froK behind and tied the
Hon l M W Into extra In
Plftfes. The end ca.mft whSB Wade Klllsfar.
brother of the Phils' BUI, laced out a
Ifnlle: to right' fiem In InVlWWrlot
m I opened the round with a single and
was roosting on second by virtue of a
saerlfiee by William, and Klllefer scared
Mayer was on the mound In that un
fortuiSt fame, He m rllad P,.
1 "in the sixth after the enemy ot to
AV dellvwy. VB. o the-sUtb Uia, former
Giant nt along nteely.
' iA f
NntlgnaVlAagua ' '
Brooklyn at ChlcaB"lr.
Boston at 8. Uoubj-raiiv
American League
Chicago at PWiadelpblaaear.
Cteveland at New YorlUiaar w
itftlouie at Boston-ebxu itW gffll
SftroU t viashington-Jear.
Federal Laague
fc Lotus at Balo clear
Rtab3rWJ ftttmowMar.
Intarhatlonal League
iefea4 SvWms-v.
Ten-Ceot MU for Ch$ei
chk'auo, am sj:rfsB
n i'ilAr, ATTfllTHT. 1(1, irm, ' y
1 - ; r wV? ?h
Barge Crews Confident of Making
Locals Leave Today
shipped to SptinKfield yesterday,
.otirsnifii u'ill leave this afterHodn.
Dchip'oy will accompany ihp University
tquall, while' Joe Dempsey wjll.ste that
Kelly and Smith recClvo their tralnlnB
finishing touches for the gre,it contests.
For mny perions rowing Is tho most
stienuous pastime In the world, hut pot
for such" hardly athletes aS 'thosq under
thii vwltig of C'nptaln Lewis II. Kenny,
of tho Jlnlta, Boat Clilb. Baskfctboll 'Is
to bo on' added means of letting off
.stonm. The doughty leader of the, fivo
has arranged to pl,y tho "Wlldwood
r.ulnte( nt tha place, August 27, w-
Komi of the members of the ;8chuylkllv
Navy Clivh has been looking foj- n game
that would glvo them sufficient training;
during the orf-rowlng season. uasKemau
Is an Ideal BPort for all-around athletic
training, and It Is suggested that t league
be formed mm winter for the champlon
khip of the Navy. Such a league could
be made n paying proposition. It Is bor
llovcd, In more ways, than one. Why
not try,, nt any rata?
ffhe Connectlcu't" Blver course, over
swhlcJi the national Rowing clinmplonshlps
winkle contcsteu, is upiuuiu iu u iwci
rrom eycry vfowpdlpt Tliere are no tides,
pp counter eddies, and ho shoal stretches
to kick up a atern draw se. Each crpw
will have the same conditions' to face,
nn unusual boon In river row(nf. '
" ' ' L
Eighth Annual Affair to Have
a Feature Three-mile Event
as Big Attraction.
Shanahan Catholic Club's eighth annual
tl&ld day will be held this year on the
PennaUanla llallroad Y. M, C. A. ath
letic grounds, at -tlth street and Parksldo
avenue, Saturday afternoon, August 21.
Th meet Is sanctioned by the Amateur
Athletic Union. An additional event has
been programmed, and three-mile runners
will have a chance jo shine In their fav
01 lie distance. "Other events on the regu
lar program-all handicap will bo 100 and
too j'ard dashes, 410, 8S0 ynrd and one mile
rUiis, SCO.yard low hurdles pole Vault, 1
pound snot-put, running bljh Jump and
pinning broad Jump
"Gold, silver and bronze medals are of
fered to iho, men In the different eventp.
A team tfophy Is also to be awarded tl;o
le.iiu scoring the greatest number of
points In these contests Four' places are
to be seored.
Novice athletes who are not registered
will have to apply to Secretary JHrmsn
Sleitr, 1W Vine street, for an appllpatlon
jo roister with the A. A. U. The cost Is
Hi sent for d year.
Bntrles for the meet close with George
3, darhard. sbanatian CgUwIlc Cjuy. llSJf
Uancaster avenue, Kntry fe Is $ septs
an event.
Kaufman Wfnncr Over Nash
ffU V. spp V
Sm mXry romiiT ia tw
rtary romia. In
Uanh (bran far '
an. uflt
tb count, afi'l
IlTal a:
,frlevMnB ta last tha raytii
Alter that
t h a on me u.
Three I Will Connie
PHirAQO. Auf 10.-pe Thraj J tjjaua
magnates at- a maetlng bre hv deewad to
aafih tbe H4n tto tlsht cluba, bitd
oiaropging tb iJecdtur imid. a had bean
ia atibbed b North Pta sn
te the "Iron Man ' Tonight Jjtk
Farreil will tndeavor to m,sk
"Iron RUn" T 'a steel jaw Tfcey
elai at tha Dtwgk-
Baooy KiufSUn won an ay v(eWr ovr
nSib IS tW w edup at, l Broadwiy
7S At fhiTuaaan. Kaufptan1 swater ex-
. ." rr i-i . .i.. ,....
GgJin, 'of idgGijie$
Holds Opponents to Six
Hits, and Lono Tally Is
Made on terror PVank-
ford Defoats Bolmont. ,
f i , .
The members of the Hldgo Avenue
team, pf the P. Jt. T Leasue, iDdny
hntliletl n. (ever" Jolt to the jRakson Ham
lh a nine, Innhig jtnmd at I J rand and
drogon streoU, Jjeore lo 1. rhl Jack
son players were linablr ' to get at
Gauglmn's delivery until th oiihtH mid
ninth Innlnga, arid otjt of Tour IiIIb they,
Could only coro one run. For peven
frames onfy two hits weie mnuo by1 the
JaekKbn club.
GntiBlmn Imd his batters Bleed tip and
In the first Inning tho first three men
grounded out. He fanned live men anil
save two passes,
Tho second Inning Was yo6d for four1
runs for. the nidgrmcn. Two.moie Were
piled up In the seventh, and the flnul
three In tho elithlh. v
It looked as If Jackson wna cnlne m
be shut out until tho ilnnKnerlod. rtullfoi,
tne in-Bt member up, smashed out n single
to centre and Mole (Second. A wild throw
to bend him oft the base sent him over
to third, and he scored later oh a bad
Morrlu, of the losing nttgresnttoV was
Riven ragged support, elx errQift being
chnlkcd up ngRlnH his squad.
TeSi errors cost Belmont Its game with
tho Frnnkford Club today In a P. II. T.
League contest. The llnnl score was 8 t
Although only five clean lilts uero made
runs scored by tho Frankfort! players
Wpic Inrgoly results of fumbles Weber
and fitoploy were tho chjef offenders,
ihdee mimes being credited to them.
Martin pitched good ba)l for Frnnkford,
nnd slrilck out eleven men Kgan was
the orily man on either aide to rcgls'ter
two safeties.
Athletics. t,q Have Recruits
in Line-up Again .Und
Hope to Even Up" Series
.'With Rowland's .Con
tenders, v ,
.'-"' 1 : '.
BUbe Brcfler or Tom Shcehan will face
the ""White Sox InUhe second game of
the seres1thls afternoon, lille J,6o Bcnz
tvill be on the mound, Iter' Chicago, ac
cording to Manager lowland's p'resctit
plans. Benz Jias been pitching Bplendld
ball 'of late, but has hftti poor iuck in
piany of hls games.
' Bresjlers woik has jicen a deckjed dls
apppinlmont, but Manager MacH atjd "his
playors nre convinced thut .the bg south
pawjwill get going in his 1911 form E00n
9onlU.,ence was Breslei's greatest asset
lnl9Ht wblli Hhls season lack of con
fidence has been apparent in his work
at nil times. Sheefiaii Is Jpst tho oppo
site to Bressler. Thjs lad does, not scem
to have as much bb Bressler, bitt Is chuck
full Ojf nerve and confidence-
The w'ork of the Mackmen back of
Nnbofs yeteVday was bj-'no means good
nndetho Box had little trouble winning,
but Nibors' poor -fielding was largely re
sponsible, for demoralising the rest of the
team This lanky Georgian was badly
rattjeji In hbj llrBt major league start, but
showed enough to warrant another trial
jn. tho near future. .
Manager Mack says that Bankston1 and
pavies will again be foupd In the out
flfcld today, provided Benz or aripther
right-handed twiner lq sent to the niound
for the 8ox. These youngsters both! Save
runs to the Sox by making mfsplays, but
Mack believes that the, 'will look better
after they have been In tho game for a
neWYork auto poloists
Novel Game Played at Point Breezo
In one 'of the roughest games of auto
polo witnessed for fears, the New lork
four defeated Philadelphia iast night In
.u- r...vl.nm, nt Wllnt TlrPPZB llV 3
goals to 1, The New Yorkers' tallied two!
of their counts In the opening penoa.
while the Phlladelpblans also scored
theirs, but the NW York quartet came
strong In the final session and put the
game on Ice by scoring their third goal
Bolh teams Were ovenly matched, and it
was nip apd tuck all the way, the shoot
ing of thev winner being more accurate
than tbe losers, though the locals had
heaps of cbanc.es to pull level, hut thtr
team work was lacking at tho psycho
logical moment.
The teams lined up as follows! New
York, Hal FltMlmmoas, .'. Maars. Frank
Goiy nnd Thomas Watsormi Philadelphia.
Fred Williams, Lou Margee, Jjunes
O'Brien and Frank Williams The fpl
lowing were the scorers: New YOrk
PiUalmmons, 3; Wears, 1. Philadelphia-Frank
Williams. Referee-Jama
McNally. Umpire Jack Bodan. Timer of
game Four periods, 10 mlnutea. each.
Metropolitan Magnates l?ollovf in
Wako of Other Clubs, ' '
NBW vaRK. Aug. -Mall-Blon
prtees to Brookfed Wrt will beVe
dusad Ueaiiinlng totnoms. Bleajeber
caio PMrato alMR Mm (9-tent Base
ball. ,
Y8p.kes WiU Drop QkJ CtAfr-r-N8f..
Pitcher Sign!.
Ngw Y8K. - IftBW
have Mkd tw Idxtra o 84 Sweener.
the vateraa cSter. tr the Aaaertcan
lai clubs waive, Jweeney Br o
m lBterntlBJ'tr '"
The XHde AW W'd f9lhel Iiew
lt1 X'rZJF! the Tesas iaama.
u. rL JrOe laat B W
Boxing Is Only Sport tyherd Precision h Lqeltliio Knockout
!5h&ntdB$ Timed by Watch and Not by
Temperament of Of jtekh t
Time and again bojers nnd msnerti
hnvn found fault with the telling of the
"fft1 10" by fight referee. Sonw of Ui
kleks slj-enuous howls, as It ere-afe
le(tlnif., loo.
''Wh.v, hrtd the rpferee's arm not besoms
parnlyxrd he Biifcly would haVts counted
out my bpifiment." hn been the cry of
boxers. Managers' have declared. "Wo
hnd him but hs dad ns a dor nail, but
the referee gave him a slow eount, and ns
A result we were cheated out of a certain
knockout viStdtju." Statement to this
erfect are numerous during the course el
a boxing season.
Why can't this faUlt-the doubtful "Id'
count be overtomo ftoforo the lfl-J
boxing canitinlgu In thl city gels undbr
wnv promoteis bete juiVc nn opportunity
Of inserttng n rule to boxing regulations
whloii should abolish the cries of ''slow
counlH " And as thore Is lltllo doubt of
Its success, promoters throughout the
country pi'slmbly would adopt the lda.
An exact count can be given only with
the aid of a stop-watch. .Why trot have
the tlmohecper shout out the 1 to 10
count When n boxer s dropped to the
mat, kPAping in unison with th ticking
Of the seconds? Or else n suggVilon 11
hmdn for the third map In tho ring to
have a slop-watch In his hand and start
tho sCcontl-pleco going ns soon as a
fighter goes to tho boards,
Two Incidents of alleged "slow counts,"
In bouts which still nre fresh In the Inlndfl
of locnl fight fans occurred1 In encounters
between Louisiana nnd lld Williams and
fiollor Charley Ornndo nnd Johnny How
ard, i
Jack Unnlon kicked like a steer the
morning after Louisiana astounded the
fcntlro pugilistic world by 'dropping Kid
tviliiams, the bantam champion, He In-
Cornell Star Has Best Chance
for Victory in Panama-Pacific
SAN FnANdlflCf), Alfc. 10. - Slxteejn
nthtotcs stiiig.led for four, and h half
hours In the,flrAt five events Of the deca
thlon, whlc(i Is being dcoided nt tho ratl
nmafPiclfic .position stndlunii while
Scorers wero endeavoring to keep up with
tio Intricate syst'om of point nwardlng.
The Ave jvonts- contested were tho 100
motre daslw;hlgh Jump, brfl.ad Jump, put
ting IC-pound shot and JOO-nielrq flat rare.
Accordrng';to unofficial flRores.'tho fol
lowing "la the standing of the ijrst eight
monr i
A. N. RIchardB. Illinois A. C. 4005.21;
C, A. Brundnge. Chicago A, A., K.?3j
John Jacobs", Oklahoma University.
8541.3a: If! Gbelltsi, Chicago A. A , 3125,40;
A. Hy HutchhiEon, Illinois A, ft., 3317.W;
Fred Tomp'op, Lps Angctos A. C,
32(31 p. 'F, Ahuarn, Illinois A. C
8533.45; Chester Fee, MuUpnomSh A. C
rcrtlnnd, 1331.30.'
'With the exception of Freb Stormet, of
the) Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce!
and IS K. Noprek, of, the lUlnols Ath
letic Association, whq dropped out after
competing In throo ovents, the roibain
der of the competitors are following
closely on the heels of the leaders.
Ndno of the decathlbn Olympic records
.was approached. ' r
Tho University of Chicago had no
trouble winning tho open mile champion
ship relay pf the Amateur Athletic Union
Svlth a '.earn .cdmposed of Lerdy Camn
hell. John Breathed. B. Desmond and II.
A. fitneeman. The Boston A. A., thel
rinpimintl Chamber of Cdmmorce and
I Los Anselcs A, C. teams finished In thcJ
oruer nameu.
The 40tt-metro flat relay race went to
the' team of the Chicago A. A., which do
feated the only other entrant; the Lo
Angeles A.' A., In 41 3-6 seconds,, a new
world's record.
Owing to a brisk wind that was blow
ing down the straightaway, the record
will not be allowed,' Tho winning team
-a8 made, up of Hnrod Smith, J. Loomls,
A, Booth and Andrew Ward.
Now York Newsboy to Pedal to San
'Franqisco Beginning Today.
NEW YORK, Aug, 10,-Harry Harris
Maigqlls has been the newsboy champion
bicycle rider for some time for Somo
yearp, It) fact. He has competed ip many
events and won quite a few of them, and
In spite of chsncea to become a profes
plonal he has remained In the amateur
j-anks. And now he Is about to start
pn his biggest undertaking,. He la going
b ride a bicycle from this cUy to San
Francisco, following a soqlherp route,
and hopes to lower the record for trans
continental bicycle riding.
He started today from the City Hall
pud will proceed to Washington by way
of Bhilsdelphla and Baltimore, thenee
licroSs tbe Potoinaq Into Virginia and,
Tennessee. Harry was born In Knoxvllle,
Tenn., and a reception haa been arranged
far him there.
Princeton Tenriia Star Defeated Wal.
ter Hayoe ifa Semifinal Round.
CHICAGO, Auf. 10.-Walter T. Hayes
and Ralph Burdlck won the western
championship taenia douklea at Lake For
est and will represent the West In the
national elimination taupiaistnt, which
starts on the courts of the Qnwentsla Club
today. They defeated Al6Wd J'"'l'
arid Heath Byford, 4- !, W. S-T.
IB the singles O- ,ChtchA .f lnc,s"
ton UnlverUy. and 'Heath Wrt wo"
in' the semifinal muni. Cbjjigh dsfiitd
Hayes. -l. -a. 8-ialnly because the
Ctlcago player eould, nt handte the East
erner's eroaaHjrt shots. Byford won
from C, O-HuTof Chicago, li-4, 6-4, 8-L
Bloody Shades Herman
m '& bLSZM&t&J&
......i. vikak wb&tlCutlajr iar Youni
W. HaAaSa, A toockaota aula by oi-
toia al BBWM awturea a warn is
YiwnsRPArs nmvhTs
- American League
NatlonaJI LesgjH!
Federal League
slnunted that Referee O'brlfh gave lh
title-holder one of the Sloweat cflutiin lp
flrtg htstoryi that Wjjlhtms was dawn
for at least 16, And that rinjrMa. specta
tor wllh atOpWAthB impperud him in
hn declaration.
Nositeli conlnihtlfln would hive oeeumd
hifd Tlmekeflef Hrtsaeli Edwards stnnil up
With watch In hand ahd teliad off IH
enunt, keeping In time with the moving
eeWMrt hand. Had Referee O'Rrlep prar
tliNKI arlthmetlf aer the fslltm champion
While hnudling a tlmephrc there Tro.ild
nave been no dopbt ot an xat count.
AnjJ Jark Hanlou would hae saved much
Wind, paper ond elbow areas.
A letter at hand from SJlke Clnro, man
ager of Johnny Ifow'arrf, atates Ihstt
Salliir Orohde got alow counts both limes
the Now Jersey middleweight sent the
cooBt man to the mdt "He writes that he
really believes flfanue should bavo been
taunted out on each occasion ho was on
tha Iloor.
An Instance Is recalled of A bout bo
tween Mickey Ganrton. the hardest-hllr
VH !'l'"v!8ht Who' ever showed In
Ililtndeliihlrt, ftnd flflbbv Wllgop, of
rtica, N, v., when a strenuous howl of
glow count" war liftnfd. Along auont
lllo fouilh round WllaOn urptisect the
fans by dropping Oanfion with a right
hand punfh on the Jrtw.
Th6 Mick dropped ,Hflt On his back, but
regained his feet When Referee Bobby
Calhoun counted "hne." A rry wn
stalled throughout tho arerta. that ash
nan had Wen oh tho floor rot at least 13
Now is t,o um l0 strike-while the
Iron is hot, Fans,, boxers, managers dnd
every one Connected with tho gttme
wpuld he satltned with a count timed
hv a stop-watch.
Promoters, get together and have Phila
delphia, known as Sleepytown to wioe
ncroa over hi little old New York, go
down Into hlstqry ha Uie Ilrst cjty to put
lllo klbosi or 'slowlcount" alibis.
I . ' " -
Gritnd Ilatidicap Entry List for
.Event at,. Chicago, August W
to 20, Has Reached 7G5,
Secretary Shanor ,rtf tho Interstate
Trnpsholtlng Association, With offlefcs In
Pittsburgh, Pa hf "communication re
ceived hero, announces that all previous
records for optrics lh tho a"nnUal running
ef tho Grnnd American Handicap, at Chi
cago, August IS tj i(lt Imjlusivt, have
been broken, At this writing 7"5 amatcu,rs
ropt, nil section of y nlcrlca 'have regit).
tered for tl)o shoot.
Entries postmarked 'August 7 will be re
ceived nnd poalcd, and wth penalty totals
are expected to -bring the figure's for the
great 'tournament up to S50. Penalty en
tries will bo, received up to August it at
Ihcr grounds nt Chicago Por this Jato
prfvllcgo JS will be charged
Philadelphia will" have a number of trap
shooters In (lie contests, wlillo the Sttiio
entry will bo ycry large.
Seabright's Secqnd Day Tennis
Elay toBring Tpgethcir Two
StaV Cojntentlers't
HDABUiailT, N. J., Aug. 10. The star
cOiripcting In the. second day's play of the
Sea6rlg'h,t lifwn tepnls and rrloket clubs,
annua) Invitation tournament hers were
Joud In 'their pvalses of turf conditions
when they showed up for practice this
"Never before." said R. Morris Wil
liam, 2d. of Philadelphia, present holder
or tho Acbells Cup. "have I seen counts
lu finer condition, dpd when you .icon
pldor the recent frequent heavy ralnB,
tle grounds committee must have put In
many hours of -labor.""
' The feature matches of today's play
will bring together Maurice KMLough
lln, of California, balled aa the most pre
flcleilt wlelder of the tennis racquet in
the world, and 6, Howard Vwhell, tbe
Long Island champion, nnd recent wln
per of the Rooknway Huut Club toujfca
ment; Ward Dawson, also a Callfornlan,
and B. S. Preptlco, whq has been the
Seabrlglu Club champion for 10 yeafe,
Harold A, Thraekmorton. Of Sewaren, N.
j., the 19-yearoId player who jeccntly
gave iCarl Repr the run of his life in the
Middle States. Championships, and "Fred-
crick C. Jnman, one-time holder of the
"rfarf Vnrk Slate ' title: Nathaniel W.
Nij'es, of tha LpngwoOd Cricket Club,
111 jtUtvull, uiu ,,- .v,.,.. .--..., -e
the West Sldfl TwnH Club.
In the doubles MeLodghlln and Daw
sen will moat Throckmprton and U, B.
Dunham, of BatMtray, K. J.
Although the QuaW contingent was
pretlv well eliminated ta yeaterda 's play,
tho gallery, which is composed of many
Philadelphia tennis enthusiasts and soci
ety TQlWl. Is eagerly watching for the,
fiBBhi, wlieri R. N- Williams will get into
Sporting Life to Cover All Sports
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