Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 09, 1915, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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Champagne Was Served at
Patriotic Banquet at the
City's Expense, but
Deference to Brumbaugh
Galled for Secrecy.
Philadelphia hotelmen, (taming- that
the expenses of the recent tnunlolpat
Fourth of July celebration exceeded
Councils' 111,000 appropriation by 12500,
viewed with Interest the following bill
lilted as already paid!
"To Hotel Adelphla, dinner and ban
quet, $S7.50."
An Itemized statement 'of the account
shows two Items of H5.E0 and 151 for a
Iqncheon and dinner served the Commit
tee on Arrangements) the chief item of
t(ie bill, lowver, was for the Indo
pendenoa Day luncheon, held on July E,
which cost 12251 Tho luncheon was
etrved to 400 persons at 'SM a plate. The
rausia ana flowers cost
The (S.N luncheon menu wns as follows
Tid Bits. Llbartr mil,
Tdmto. Fourth of July,
Celtrr. ndith. oiivee. Nuts.
Kaaence of Cntxm, TVMIUm Pnn.
Brook Trout, Waahlnston. Cucumbers,
Braised flweelbreade, Jtttttwon.
. Aepsrmrue Tips.
(nigcipiua iifpiier, v.rffiiiia.
GU Austriaci Cacciati dagli
Alpini da' Due Mantagne
FortiOcate in Valle del
Monte e nella VUllatA del
'" Uf,m
"-" ' i'.' . ' ' !" '
Faithful Canine Followed Master Frdifr Atqim to. 'ftmshth
Sought Him Out When Wounded nnd mititd VMW PMWt
Vncovbral Face With Paio m& BHw4k
Staff Ctrrckjtonfartt iSveptn J4ff.
I'HjWWliiii sjywapajSWIIlii'lNa;!'!! i i
nOMA, 9 A goat o.
Eccovl altrl partlcolarl circa 1'ailone
allegata dalle truppe Alpine Itnllne nella
rtlono del Passo d Tonale. iVarMr-
uerla Italian, co ocata ad un altexsa ut
circa 9 mlgla su llvello del mare, ha
pbbllgato gll ausrac ad abbandonarp
iutta la rcgtpno del passo dl Montozso,
che mette In conmnlcationa la Val'e dl
VIslo (da non confondersl con quelle
dell'AyUlo) con Ift Valle del Monte, 11
l'asso dl Monloszo si trova a circa H
mlglla a nord dl Trento ed e' attraver-
salno da un buon sentlero, non da strada I
ip.ta h
1.nn.I.t.. Dit.J n.a-l.l.
. rnlrlotle ten.
, Betsy now Im Fours,
Several Philadelphia hotelmen ex
Pressed the opinion that the price of t5.H0
a., plate for tho above menu wns excessive,
especially when aa many as 00 persons
itere served. Estimates were asked in
several leading; hotels for banquets with
a, similar menu ana tho hotel estimates
ranged from 12.50 to 4 a plate.
One of (hoso to whom tha monu was.
ubmltted at tho Hotel Walton said that
the hotel's price for a similar banquot
would bo IZ60 a plate. "The menu Is
undoubtedly a chofco one," ho said, "but
the Hotel Walton, would eervo it at tho
prco I have Just mentioned. With do
raestlo champagne tho price would bo 15;
w,ntle with Imported champagne It would
cpst t a head."
The menu was submitted to a head
vralter at tho Itltz-Carlton Hotel, who
was unawnro It had been served at tho
Iqtl Adelphla. When asked to gjvo an
estimate fpr a banquet with a similar
meni eorved, ho said It would cost $3.60
n plaje, and that If more than 250 plates
were guaranteed th.e price might be
only $3.
That menu would bo served at h a
plate here." was reply made ut tho Uella-vue-Stratford.
Tho head waiter nt the
di, jBrnfr, mane an. a la carto catlmato
of from 13.60 to $1. In explalpln? that It
might be a trifle moro than H, he snld
tho S(. Jam.cs could not accom.tnodat 40U
persons In their banquet hall. Ho said
tho price m.lght be less than tho pne he
mentioned whon sevoral hundred persons
Wrre served.
"A hotel can afford to make hotter
prices for banquets," ho said, "for the
same reason, perhaps, that department
D(ores can sell goods cheaper than small
dealers. It Is not onlv cheannr tn !
it? a quantity, but banquets always brlnR
o certain amount of prestige to a hotel.''
When asked f ho considered J5.50 ' a
Plate ''rather steep'' for. tho above menu,
he ronlled that was yndoubtably so.
Several hotelmen agreed In saylns that
It wns undoubtedly the duty of Councils'
Fourth of July Committee, to see that an
Impressive and substantial -banquet bo
served the city's guosts; and they were
upanlmous In saying that tho menu which
had been served wasftn Ideal pne. Thoy
showed, surprise when, thoy heard of tho
cost, and they wondered If nt lens! norm
cpuld pot have been saved If bids had
been submitted frp(n th,o various leading
hotels. v
Avanzando dal Passo dl Tonate, le
truppe Alpine Italians' si mpoeeirona
tirlmn del Pnssa dl Montozzo. a uol. con
I up nudaclsslmo nttacco notturno operato
iiiiiiiuuutiaiiionio uopo, seuaa. aver unia
tempo, agll auitraci dl rlmettersl dal la
prima soonfitta, occuparono II Pcco dl
Montozzo, clto' che dlede toro la
padronanza assoluta. slcqra del passo.
Con questo attacco notturno gll Alplnl
si Impadronlrono dl tuta 1'nrtlgllerla o dl
tutto lo munlzlonl cho ell austriaci vl
avovano pdrtaio st. Sublto dopo I can
nonl Italian! furono trasclnatl sutla soin-
mlta' del monte, furono mcssl In poslzlone
0 poco dopo cpmlnclavano a cannoneg
glaro dall'alto, cloa' da circa 2300 pled.), To
poslsloni austrlacha nella reglune clr
costonto e apacjalmente quelle dl Va( del
aofciziA mezzo DisTnurrA
Dalle nottsls oho si hanno circa lasltua-
zlono net settoro dell 'Isphzq si rlleva cho
la cuia' ut uorizia, contro le cui opera
dl fortlllcazlone l'qrtlgllorla Itallana e'
atttvtsalma da alcuno settlmano, a stata
quasi dlstrutta dal prolettlll del cannonl
dl Cadorna.
Tutto fa ritenera che la grande battaglla
che da parecch glornl Infurla per II pos
sesso dl Gorilla si avvlclna rnpldamente
alia aua fase flnalo. I tolcgramml che
glunsono da quel settoro concordano .not
dlro cho la dlfcsadogil austriaci si va
rnccnuo sempra plu debolo o cho 1'anlca
clsslmn nzlone dell 'artlglloria Itallana ha
Impedlto da qualcho glorno cho munlzlonl
o vcttovogllo cntrassero ncl reclnto lella
PAHIS. July 21,
AHEnO hp haa caused every: fcewe.
paper In Patls to rlnr with lha
tale of his brav's deeds greeted hia this
mornlnrf at the American Hospital at
tfeullly-not with speech, for he- ha no
speech-but WIIH barks of welcoming de
light I He Is "Fend tAlr," tho celebrated
spaniel who followed his 'soldier-master,
f gallant zouave, alt the way from Al
giers to Arras, In northern Franco, stay.
ntf wth him lit tha trepoheMsp't many
4tem.Pt to, r"1 WlTV When a, qer
nian shall struck that poor master, bjow?
ng his right leg clean off, covering him
with terrlfele. wpqnds from he.ad to foot
and byrylng Wm ftUve "hfler th.S terrible.
Stilt h WP4 ani scratched. Until f
lengxn no rovntl my icp, inus istim.f in
the air for tih to breathe. When I wpka
niea will 4jeave jfaronu vm
tributor and Use Own Agency
up t waa in terrible, o6ny, the t
ana n DonR V Hl oay erysnea 11
with tr aht of arth. bui Fnd l'Alf
Waa lloklpg the wovn(l Q.n my face, i
worked " And worked Until he
out, and then h ruehed ba.otj $ the Km
lM W
or asslatance. I crawled 'on my chest
arms all prfeken, th t blown a.wajr, tK
hip (iMrfd an4 cqvered wth uti?pun,ta
tie wounda, t was not oasy t orawl,
Th.a, talk of ''extravagance'' on the
part Pf the committee and of "over
charge" on the part of the Hotel Adel
phln was quieted today whon t became
kpown. that champagne ahd, cocktails had
been served at tha Hotel Adephla lunch
eon. One pint of champagne was served
t ftcl plate and eacl guest was given
three cigars.
John H. Balzley, chairman of the com
mittee, expiated tha.t the wine had not
been printed on the menu ami nut c
y.,v.vy iu nuyuuiyr UfymoaUgn, Wh,P
was one of the honor guests, a over nor
Brumbaugh recently banished wlno from
the x,ccutva manelon In Harrlabirg. "
It was readily admitted, that the charge
of $5.50 a plato for the Hotel Adelphla
banquet was undoubtedly reasonable,
since wno had, been served. The esti
mate of bill paid to the Hotel Adelphla
would not vary, to any groat extent, with
the estlmata made by oth.er leading ho
tele, '
I cannon! d'aascdlo Italian! battono 0
rlducono a poco a p'oco In rovlpa i fortl 0
le rldotto cho ancora sono In pldl. Lo
autorlta' clvill p religiose dolla'cltta' sono
fugglte, ed una folia dl dlmostrnntl ha
attaccnto lo resldcnze del rlcchl cd 1 mag
azlnl munlclnall ncr ottenoro'nnne. Non
0' posslblle avore In Oorlzla una sola
libra dl carno. Tutte lo strado die por-
miio ana cilia asaeaiaia sono orn sotto
II fupep del cannon! Italian!, cosfecha' la
guarnlgione nulla puo' ayer'c, non vlverl,
non munlzlonl e non uavl cannonl o
imovo truppq.
Anche Itovereto ha aofferto gravl dannj
In segulto al bombardnraepto. a cul la ha
a8S0Kgctt'ata 1'artlglleria Itallana.
Un dlspncclo glunto al Corrlere della
Sera dl Mllnno da Bucarcst dlco cho la
Rumania contlnua a prcpararsl fobbrlt-
mento per la gucrra. Infattl l govorno
rumeno ha chlamatn nlta nrml tn. ,ln,l
dl plu" cho non avessn fatto durante la
pierra balcanlca del 1912.
Tolcgramml da Londra dlcono, pura cho
la Serbia, cedendo alle Ihsls'tenze dollo
I'otenzo della Quadrupllce Intesa, cloe'
dclla Russia. de.lla Francla, U'nghll
terra o dell'Italla, ha flnalme'nto accettat'o
fdl restltulro alia Bulgaria auolla Darte
della Macedonia ,pho era stata assegnata
alia 'Serbia dal Trattato dl Bucarest?' La
Orccla pero' rllluta ancora dl cledere
Kavala alia Bulgaria, ma la Quadrunllen
spera net rltorno al potere dl Vcnlzelos,
II quale aveva gla' orferto alia Bulgaria
II porto dl Kavala'. per oUonoro la neu
traltta Bulgara nel caso cho la Orccla
(ntervenlsse nel conflltto contro a
debris of earth ftnd shrepn!, the doj(
managed to dig him out, bring assistance
and save his life!
"Yes. he Is a brave dog, Is ny 'Fend
I'AIr,' " satd his rqaster, Btlentwi Jpcque
mln, patting the great brown head affec
tionately, while' tjip dog; whined with de
light, Etlcnre Is. a sergeant In the 1st
Zouaves, ttd Company, and though sadly
crippled and shattered, Is still a fine-looking
man of about 29. At the outbreak of
the war he gave up his business an glass
worker and came oyer to Franco to servo,
his country.
"Flguro to yourself the faithfulness of
my dog," said he In French, ''that he
would follow me thus for hundreds of
miles! When loft Algiers and, tho gang
way of tha boat waa withdrawn 'Fend
I'AIr raised his voice In loud lamentation
Upon tho dock. Than ha save ono great
leap across, and was at my side. My per
plexity was great tho vessel waa already
started thero was no return.
"Arrived In France, ho followed me nil
the way to tho front, desplto many re
movals by tho officers. On the night of
December 12, with eight pther men at
Rochlcncuurt, at tho Marne, near Arras,
I was commanded to occupy on outpost
In, a" ln.rgc earth hoo only nine feet from
the Gorman trenches. This post was 60
yards In advance of tha Frenoh lino, and
wo wero as sentinels.
"Tho ppsltlon, was ono of great dnn.gor
ana me niciu very aaric. isvcrv move
ment of tho Qormans was so close and
yet not to be distinguished. When dawn
capie In, I saw or- rather fct-rtho Oo
"Just as I was falling asleep again my
fiog reiurneq win men o carry, me, 41
Icked the wounds and again lifted h
Voice In lamentation! Nor would he
leave my side, but always kept beside
me. Tha man told m later that ha had
dragged t'nem to. tha spot where I lay!"
Etlenne and his beautiful do? nf hath
decorated with many medals. Tho zouave
fnas tho French military medal, the Croix
0 Guerre, and tho Swiss modal fpr pro
action of animals tho latter Is In dupli
cate on tha dog's neck.
Etlenne's recovery Is aulta i-nmnrWohl.
AMhotjgh the catastrophe happened many
monrps ago ijis wounds, are nqt yet atq
aM'Er Pfniea,
arm are
mass 0
fnd the
"I do not lke the crutches," sad
Etlenqo cheerfully, '' prefer tq hop, on
down tna full length of tho New. York
ward, on his solitary and bullft-rlddjed
left limb, white all the other Patients
laughed nnd applaudedl "I can hpp
quicker that) yo can walk, madempl
sello," said ho gaily, "and, I am as
v-hj 9 i' "y ib lunr
"Yes," declared the American woman
Who Is hs nurse, 'I "have paver pnee
heard a murmur from Etlenne. although
ils dressings have been terrible I Ha (s
a cripple hand and foot but always
cheerful. Hsra Is a testimony which
came with tho military medal from Gen
eral Joffre:
By the f Jwtp!r litori
A further break, so qn of the) New
York theatrlwl weektlea, am, U ' 'hely to
pceur wunip na, rn m ""-
picture Patents Company members, who
now release their dually short reel film
output through the General Flm Pwnj
pany, and will taH a,ww from that
Igency, It Is said, the produot of the mo-
tlon-pioiura tnanuraciurers now i..
With tha feature nim service known M th
V-t-S-B. These ara the Vltagraph.
Lubln, Qtllg- and Esanay.
The manufacturer then remaining with
tho General Film would be Edljon. Bio
graph and Kalem. Klelnp and Edison
have combined their fHry.. ror . 1
trbu.tlon putsWo tha 0enernl Film, while
Kalem and, Bio hay6 rema'" with tha
m'otionrPlotura renw agency, both a
dally release and featurs-makera.
A vagua rumop say the remaining
member of tha O. P, might enter iPjp
feature aim lWbUtlnf agreement that
woum aiso remove ineir imu i"f;
Clma from the O. P., leaving th rental
aganpy pf the Motion Picture TaUnta,
Company almost bare of material to fur
nish x.hlbltora. Of la tha man strength
of the Oeperal Flm haa been th Ba;
sanay-unapim oomeay re m?, "v
Week ct Inviting; Muslfl JPlftfirtfc? h?
THe Mun'.plpst Bnd, Hanntjn teh
man, oonduptor. will plW M ti f0"0
tag place during the current week!
Mprdar, AUgqst P. wmi nos f""
in v
miii. Ausust ft
jmWTSi 11.
and 0Uerwol str.
n.h..Av' Alirutt 12. . Btsrr
end I1!(h streets.
Blaek psk !! Md
rtozbereush, Cotton
Brd.n rty-
ois, Pala"
.' i.i
Government 0vnerahlp of
oradp Mines Declatcr4
'Oure-all" for ProvaiHnp;
SiurSay. fsi 4. Pt.nton Vk. Jh and
OiiSiVh mcht l. aa follows!
I "l ? -I -E. 7" iii i .
4-flme from ' S",n ?",'.?'"
fi . M.Ha uf. ,'ftftl M"
a i.i.v, ri-,,. "i,v.,v,v- n.
JIIT. IVItl'ILI!! "n..
? could be only secured by exhibitors from
ana me rtgqt nand. apd the a. F.. the latter., It Is snld, tacitly
till useless, smaahod nnd a i,i ,v. --.n.iU .ntf nrhltilinr who
f wounds. The rlahi le 1. rnn.. '"T"" ZF.X'"".": '" ?.": ,".t.J tnUn
left I. tightly bandag.3. "ff" S,XV'W1 r.rriovat of theif
e-lrnit selMtfon, "I-ft n!iMne''w . , . . Puccini
?3J d tonerlt''MUrmilr rt .waters". If ell
Stonloy Mnckoy Will Conduct Elafi
orato Program.
"The program 'or a oonoert tonight on
City Hall P(aztv by tho Philadelphia Band,
p. atanley Mapkey, conduptor, w a pi.
1. Overture. '"The Ittrfd Brld''.w.8metana
Msroh. 'rrhe Plsa."..,...,..t..il
l'icoolo solo, J'Bwtss Bh
4, drfind Bcenes from
ienherd'1 . . .Moriscehl
O, La Monsca, lAlolit.
arsa vnnifc
mans, excavating beneath my feet, bur
rowlriK beneath us. The sensation of
earth moving thus was Indeed odd, Just
Itko the work of motes,
"Immediately I sprang out of W holo
to rush bnpk and. warn my Houtenant.
When the Germans ?av that T had dis
covered thejr strategy they evacuated the
trench, and from, a greqt machine. Run In
nv rom- iijpu n. porno, ngni al us. It
strMpk me npd Instantly exploded, blow
ing oft my right leg, covering mo with
wounds In every part of the body, bury
ing mo deep n tho earth and at tha same
Instant killing the other eight men.
"It s'eems thnt my' brayo dog-, Tend
t'Alr.' whom I had not seen for two days.
Witnessed, tho d'naster. Ho rushed, to, the
oijuk witniu a wiu uunca anve and
scratched and dug with gTcat fervor. But
I was many foot below. His pawn wero
torn and bloedlng with tho debris, but
" 'N'a cesse do donner le mellleur oxem
plo de brayqure et d'enorgle. A eto srlevc
mont blesso dans Us Tranches at a etc
amputo d'uno Jamhp.' "
Just aa I was leaving the grounds of
the hospital "Fend 1'Afr came leaping
after mp and caught my dross, pulling
me back. On looking round t'nore waa
Etlcnno beckonlncr. nnd honninij nfi.r ,
with great vigor. ''After tho war Is It
posshlo that I dnd a'ny work In your
great America?" he cried. "I have but
tho one. log and arm to use, but I would
wprk hard!" '" -
''I havo Just been to tha hmun or ii.a
great Sarah Bernhardt; In the" Bonlpyard
Jerplre, I. nnawerod, ''and I lea'rn that
" "ft'" Y ?rnpn spiqiers vn but
one pg, lkp herself, to mak' a tour with
her In thp theatres of ' America, this
comng aujumn. j wlu wrU. h,r' :
make a place for you.''
"Thank you greatly-I too will write to
ir, sam istienno Jacquemln. wavlnjr
.... ....., ,., lanui, "Amenca is a
pountry of much gaiety and I have a
great wish to make, tho tour! Mllle
romcrlments mademoiselle!"
ttrvlrt. Thi
fanturn nimi from tha ODeratlons of tho
O. F, by the four manufacturers, now
connected, with tho V-I4-SE, presaged a
condition that might lead to further de
velopmenta, when the Initial break oc
curred. Blnco then there have been aymp
toms of Internal dissension, within tho
M. B. Company mnkers' ranks, and tha
latest rumor of a final brook seems tq
find considerable credenoo In the picture
Np explanation la forthcoming of whero
the "trust' manufacturers expect to find
regular outlet for their dally releases. It
leaving tho G. F., but film exports ngroa
this will bp an cosy problem for tha dally
release m'akprs to solve.
Tho proaent situation of tho Motion
Pictures Patents' Company nnd the Gen
eral Film Company Is "believed to havo
been largely brought about through tho
activity qf tho Gqyernmpnt proscpu,tlng
tho M. P. Co. as a trust, an notion that
still pends In tha courts'.
Tho Patents Company manufacturers
comprise tha first group of picture mak
ers In this country. Following factional
d 1 (Terences and fights tho Patents Com-,
pany was formed after the Olograph ap
peared to have a decided advantage over
Edison, tho latter having claimed all pat
.ent rights upon a "shutter,1 without
which a motion plcturo could not be pro
jected. Up to that data the manufactur
ers "licensed" by Edison praotlcalty can
trolled tho field. After the Edjaon-Blo-graph
tonglo had reached tho courts and
was later adjusted through a combina
tion that became the Motion picture Pair
ents Company the plcturo trade then
commenced to spread, until the business,
reached Its present enormous proportions.
? wjpMffis? aiffAv''S2?"
UbVlonlth Danct. (d) Oallja Dati(i.
1) I'hoonloUn Dmce. (ll Ftiial.
6. Melodies from "The farad! of Ma
r hornet" Fisnouett
7. Val.e dl Concert, "Am N'Plry,1'..
a March nut Vlambitflux. "JTackelLAnl"
BI4"! for Pnssyunk Pier Opened
Bids for the construction, of the sub
structure of the nsw Passyunk Pier
wero opened by Dl roc tor Meigs, of the
Department of Wharys, Docks and, Fer
ries, today. The new pier, when com,
pleted, wll cost '1,900,00a It is the first
of the 1& now piers which are to be kullt
below MoKepln. street,
ITX.fe '"
Ichael Wollack; mo IIoRman at., and i
ivwniujr, tat jDftnr .
John XV. .Thorp, Norfolk, Va., and Kitnrrn J.
Mcdlnals, Chtlttnham, Pa,
lUrry 'Kcp,r, 14 Ilelgrada t., and Flortnce
Manulrer 2035 N. 2d t. ' ' '
Carniela .CarvaTo, 1W4 a 8th St., and Angtllna
Caraucla, toil a. 8lh t. ' '
Oacac Traoqttnberg, 633 Canton St., and Clara
Bhkolnlk. 818 Canton st. ' ' - '
Louis .pay, 1MH Callowhlll st, and Bcsil
Hamilton. 1BCW Orasn at.
Giovanni Talvacchla. 1T28 S. 19th at., and An
nie" Del Cohte, 1830 8." 10th St.
Bubart AlUn, 1203, Laagu at., and Lucy Itpan.
1203 League at.
Phllln F, Flahar, 22 Palathorn. at., and
'CTtieuiarp Bi
ani Itp-ma
Flnrnne- E. ' nonnhllA. 'Ml-
Mauro Dl Nardo, 12JJ a. lath at
r.iDtu iiuo Tst jsanmins-r (.
a orcas d,
rar i
, Ttmme, 1011 Fa(rmqunt aye,,
A ,WII, IMU tit O.U ...
'oieoh .
Cohen, S33 1'
Inc-nza Dfl
Mario M-Mano,
, '40.10 Sunaom at.
Joieph Abacaialo, 1M1 a 10th at., and YatU
ihan. S2.1 Kntar Mt.
Vlnceiizo ' Desiro, 718
8. Warnoek .. nnrf
tin ia Ttu m - -t..
t , ,,.. b.
Sldn-y" Katz,' New York city, and Helen M.
naie, 'auiq Hupaom at.
Giovanni DernaMo;' 3308 Agate st, and Marie
Da,vld B. Provan. manager of the Hotel
Adelphla, said that 100 persons had been
Present. "All tho records, jiavp been de
atroyed," he said, "and, furthermore, It's
npt the public's business."
When asked about the price, Mr
Provan kald: "Well, the lunchoon might
have been served cheaper elsewhere, but
9t with dignity."
215,102 Attend Public Baths
Attendance at the 25 public bathhouses
. . ..... "" "" ne oatners in-
""J1.1 men' ,w by- 1J'T women,
and JW&5, girls.
Varied Program xo Be Playid by Fair
motint Park Band.
The program for concerts thls'nfternoon
nd tonight at George's, H.M, by Ktt.
mount Park Band, Hlchard. Schmidt con
ductor, Is, as follows:
1. Ovartura. "Der Tambour der Oarda"... Till
8. Snoa rom "ta Uoharoe,'..."rfr...pieelnt
8. 8ui a trom "The CHlqerer,.....,,arlnon
4. Walts, llydcoratatt''.....,...,.... . flunjl
J, Mrtoaija from ''Tha Broken Idol", V. Alatrns
SJ K Vi! &&v!::::;?JB
. Dances from "Tom Jones" ....,, ...qJSSJS
e. "TtanUugKancea pf A,-W,--....::rijJadu
1. Ovartura. ' Pbadra" Ma.ni
2. Qrancf Scenea from "iA. dii- '
j !f;:;r
a) Nocturne, tb) A Court ef Fun
tlon. to) I LoeVn tdt The DaitrS?.
. -Ita. 8P.n hV.U,.,5n"'' .t..
J. (al yarsraia. "SSir.r . ViTru"'
In 'thmM-
wi.. :''" Wr aw;
it, .iXiiK"T, .. .! Lantray
. it.iod.7. TrwjrsR.- ww- ' 'W'VMl
"8Ur,8WnIa4 tUtuvar,"
Por comprendere II yalore dole ppera
zlpn! cho la truppe Aplne Itallana vann
pomplendo Insleme con le battorle dl ar
tlglloria, forse non eolo battorle da mon
tagna, nella regtono del Passo dl Tonale,
btsogna tenor presento cho nuestn' 1m.
portante llnea dl Invasions pl Tlrolo e'
dlfosa dallo opcro moderno e fortissimo
che 'Austria rn orotto nella Vnl vr.
mlglio, sul nanchl dl Mon(e Mozzola ed
a circa. 6 mlglla dalla llnea dl confine,
Attaccare I fortl dl Strlno (ppe' si' ch
amnno le oporo che sbarrano In terrl
torio austrlaco la atrada del Tonale) sly
nlflchcrebbe andare nd a" dar dl cozzo
con,rp ppslzlqni quasi (mprendlblll sa non
a. prezzo dl sacrlflzll gravlsslml, I comi
andante, Itallana ha corcat'o qulndl dl
rendere Inutile lo sbarramento. e loaoi
ando la ntrada rotablle, 'ha, utlllzzata i
sontlerl che mcttono In comunlcazJone le
divorsa yalette latoraR a,' qe.lla prlricN
pole, ed ha portato la Bua artlglloria , e
lo sue trunpe Alnlne su oar (n vil hi
171. In .11. t- J., .. . -.. .,
tisiv, aim icuia ueua quaio na conquls
tato lo poslzlonl dl Punta Montozzo e dl
JIalga Palu. Quest'ultima poslzlone. dd
mlna Valle del Monte attrnverso la quale
ecorre, a poca dlstanza dalle sue sorBontl
II flume Noce, che dopo aver passato
Tplo. famoaa per- a sue nUnlera dl aplfp,
cende a sud ed entra nella bella "ed
ampla Vn dl Sale, che porta lino a Cles.
smi'Adlse. a nord dt Trento.
Valle del 'Monta e' dlrettamantn n --
dl Strlno. II corso del Noco fa. un gomlto
a Felo. dove Volga a sud a (orms i v-u
dl Pelo. Questa valla e attraversata da
una, buona strada carrozzablle che alia
locallta' Fuclne ragglunge la atrada del
Tpnale. Ora lo truppe Italians evldanta
rnyite, cercano dl aggirare le poslzlonl
fortincate dl Strlno, portarsi prima a
Peto a pol, seguon,do II corse, df I Noce e
a strada rotablle, a Fucine, dova volge
reberro dl nuovo ad. pyest, rlsalaqdo la
strfda del Tonale e portandosl ad' at
taccuro 1 fortl dl Strlno alia, spalle
meritra altre colonno cercherebbero dl
Impossessarl delle alture a sud dl Mala-a
PjiIu e dl Mpnte Itedival, per battere la
furtezzo d.1 Strlno dal nord. Questa
forteiiR Enitltii( i..-i. ..":'
che. abarra, la strada alle truppe, Itallana
verso Vel dl Bole e Cles fa" & B.)
Died Intestate and Ex-Judge Bccber
I Appointed Administrator.
William T. Tlldcn, formor president of
tho. Union Loaguo anfi member of the
Board at Education, who "dle'd In the
Gorman Hospital July 2, loft no wll.
ma eaiaie amountea to l20,uw "and
upward," according to thp petition flUd
with tho Register of Wills to'doy." ' Per
sonal property hpUMngrs are stipulated at
lOO.OOo'nnd realty at O.O0Ol' '
The heirs. Herbert M.. Tden and Wil
liam T. Tllden, 2d. sons of tho decident.
renounced their rights as administrator
In favor of ox-Judge plmnor Beeber. to
whom, letters, of" administration wero
granted today by the Register, of 'Wills.
Security in tho Bum of J30O.CXK) was en
tered by Judge Beeber and tha United
States Fidelity and Guaranty Company.
The amount of security Is doublo tho
n.mo.un of hfi estate, aa required by
Keeper's Alortness Rescues Girl From
Animals' Cage.
People who went out to the Zoo In Folr
mount Park yesterday were treated to
a disappointment, a surprise nd shppk.
The first waa a sad blow, the second was
ejmpst a.msng, while the last nearly
proved serious.
The dlsappqlntment came when keepers
held up visitors at the gates and took
away their, supply of peanuts, Many peo
ple had laid In a stock for the distinct
purpose or feeding them to the bears, ele
Pbanta, and monkeys, but tho keepers
blame tho peanuts for the Indication thnt
has 1?eqn ;ong around among the beasts,
so they were tabooed.
The surprise was to see a tlgeress that
has a habit of eating Its own talL This
Is what Juliet, the prize tigress, has been
doing; for a month, and she has now con
sumed afequt ( lnoh,c"a. of her extremity.
., ..iv ira n?r e-.year.oia .
pCP.nlngl of Beading wandered Intethe
deer cage when the animals were being
fed. The child saved Itself bv rmwiinX
into a feed, bpx until Keeper Bruno, risk
ing his Vfe. ra,n ln,to ho cage, picked her.
up and carried her i safety before thi
deer could recover from their aatonlsh-men.t.
Police Runt Rfrer Tiiqvea Vfha Triecj
to Rob, Scows,
The police are searching for three rlvor
pirates, whq wera surprised before doy
Preak today in an attempt to. Btrlp three
sepwp. owned by. the city, of their rope
hawspra. So many of the moorings or
the scows had been cut whcn.tho thieves
were frightened away that tho boats wero
on tho point of drifting out Into the river.
2T,.oro iwr wouiq nayo been a aorlous
menace to traffic. -r n i"u
t TJ"i? ?'-?Vi?." vy dseoyerjl by Captain
Lank, of the Dopp.rment of Wharves,
pocks and Fprrios whoq hp approSched
tho sqowa on the tug Passayunk Upon
Sif -SHrV' thleVoa tpoktq the!?
tZ i. .nd.j'!'8' a. motorboat froni
"vjr u uuuraea wo scows.
Vcgsels Arriving Today
rffif Snutai?.'"'0 A"n,on'- '"'". VMM
tfti- lhMA.PH5('-ie Port Antonio.
A&,,ipus rsfe
The Industrial film has a big future ber
for It: and (t Is not a future pf adver
tising alone. It has Its big valtip In the
flod, a, yalup, that win grow; hut H has
an even greater edtca.tonal -worth, it
cart explain Intrleatq processes; of manu
facture whjph wqud bp qreek to theav
or9B;o Pprfop, even If deserlbe'd 6n" the
printed, page.
Philadelphia cap fee such' a nim this
week at the Curtis Building- arid far' a
shprt time thereafter. On Tuesday and
Friday evenings, at 8tl5 six repla. Inters
pretlng thp wqrk of making the modern
magazine will bo shown in th niiriltH,,'
of the Ru.rtls Bulldlpa; at Walnwt and
6th feeU. Tlplcets. vtfiiph we free, may
? ""mim l .uBcr- uenirai an" at a
Wl. ' i ' sufw saoui ine. pity.
Tliaodora Haala. 3023 Norrls St., and Andrea
j. isieisen, u norns at.
"Fi&tfitii sgSn?a?rtv '
ierbrt llamarly. 885T " N. Broad st, and
Myrtle M, Shoamsker, 1412 Venanso atl
Stanlalaw aoloblowakl.-23.lT Callowhlll at;, and
iKftlanyiia Saczepanlak, W24 Callowhlll 'it.
Dunanthony Dl Frano, 027 Carpenter at. and
, Madeline V. Pepenl 'IH8 Tree, at. " !-'
Bcnlamln r. noyer, Norrlatown, Pa., and Ella
McOaullay, Norriatown, Pa. H H
Gpvernniit nwnmhp nd; opt
pf th Colerado coal mines, M
mended by qftort Plnohot, Is ehrf
(zed as a plausible plan but laoklt
thoreughpeM hy Major Casslns jj,
(otie, a mining engineer ft this city
s acquainted vtth the, pnh!n t
faced In settling: he Colorado co
Major Gillette asserted today thi
Olffprd Plnehnt and nthera who ar t
gestlpg the. different remedies ,$, .
alls' fpr tha Ills of the bo&y politic" ,
untie in gemng me uovernment of
United flutes "really into the hand
the People," there mlfht be an e
tunlty to try me of the remedlt;
asserts the plaoe tp strike Is at the i
the effeotlve weapon being the p
and that the "scabs who should ba
tqoked are those who do not votei
Judges and other officials who sell I
selves to those In pontrol of our dt
State and, general government for
own Bain." ' "f
"Mr. Plnchot," Major Gillette ai
''would have the Opvernmept buy an
cpal and oil and water powers, hut j -Government
buye back from tt," .-:.
fallen, and Ihefr type a the pubtle'
dustrles, the vast price which the. -J
Mpi.iu.itu ttii. vi "iciii vunirot aJl ,
private Industries and labor win v..
tad gff or worse than it is now," I
Mti . Plnchot's recommendUpns r,
made last night nt a meeting attended
30O0 labqr men, and held tinder thai,
ploea of the doral Cmit)eit 0t cnaA
Pf Chrfst In America, pp the city'C
plazai " ' "'
The me.etlpi; was a Jolpt abpr andi
llgious protest against tho life imprlU
tnnf Rrmtnnrn etvfln .Tnhti n " .
fea.dor of the CplqrSdo mlpp workers h
cordlnR to the Iter, Dr. Samuel tfi
Batt?n Wha prpsd,ed, Hi
?fany prominent labor leaders, IncIS
ng Samuel Gompera and Frank lijfr
son, were also present, and h'elpejTi
heap coals of tire pn the Colorado conn
pn( tho Rockefeller Interests. " ,
"If Lawapn la BuUty,""aald Mr, pjncd
''npt Of apfjal murder, but for ffif.
tho strlklnal miners, then Mr. RockerX'
as Jeader and, employer of the nmrdtren,
gunmen, should be In a cell tho isjnti,
f,awaon." "
Mr. Pinchpt then ontjined his plifi
gqvernmont ownership and pperatlon It
the mines, declaring that It wi ifl
only solution to. the labor troubiurt.'
regiptea th&t Lwi
coiorauo. He ored
would be aoqultted by the Cporado cowl"
after they had, YlMMTlly granted lg
another trial. "
Cameras w!fl,m
w.vaMM .. ' . - '-J
l'TA Rattar Kind" 5J
WRATvrir t nTTWtv Tiieca,
ai !;;,iiii.irlr totfw
"1 V4f'i!it" V H 9r
ma an
d Mlnera'
tr. Tuacan.
ana marchandlK, iiorchai
Transportation Company.
eliTOi.'.ffiHHW.irt tn.r.
tlon comtvinv " ' "" "" ' JTanaporta.
KBnn-.nulComny.PW ?, crud,. plu Gulf
&:'$& & "lMlta, mfrcban,
j.8.,phlctllsrbril?rtoa w w wn.
Jtilv in
-- iuuiqua .,,,.. .July 21
- iiuaiva
" v8nle da
..v.9nIHoutb, ..juw
STi--....'. Juiyzi
July ii
lUpldan ',,
Towa Uaru
All ...
Arionan ....,.,,...:;nio
uratMrnn . , ... . . .shield.- . "
ninghorn" : I I " K;.5. !
Aug, J
oViUnJJ annt.' "." "f7.K," i"".r.
Mhn.n " -X'Jtr. !
fSSSSSk ,.'.:;.v--SSraU"'n;;'': I
Aehltbatar ..'..'.V.,''.'?i,?.,iKir Au"-
The lx r?elj begin With a, generW view
thP. P.Ur kj llpe and of Ind,ependpnca
s--. P..u imii ivi(W tne xruoKloads
ng. From there they trace tho course of
L,Wa.,Por to" a. the depart:
mpnts untH 't ?amep put a magazine, Tpe
jlm! also. ahP.w tho wprk of eleptrotyp.
---- '-.- .,i- v- k-m ciuHiuj-ca.
Goyernp A.ccqpta invitation t Ad
dross Maine Republicans.
HAnRISBUIlG,Ta,. Aug, B.-Announce,
ment of Governor Brumbaugh's accep
tance of nn Invitation to ad.drefa the Be
publlcans of Maine on Thurs'dav i inin
at the capital to mean that he will not
f"emj h '(View Of the 2 hrlgadp, 9f
the National Guard at Indiana on that
oay, and H U dpubtfpl If he wW be able
to get te the J?nt artillery camps at
It Is believed that the Governor, who
la spending- his vapaton fishing In Maine,
will returp 19 Harrlspurir before 'time for
hla departure fpr flan Franplscp with the
Pennsylvania party on August ty
?5,00 Pure Silk
Shirts .,,.,,,... $3.50
$8.50. Shirts .,..,,. $1,75
$2.00 & $2.50 Shirts $1.50
$1.50 & $2.Q0 Shirts $1.00
$1,00 Belts ,.,.,... 60c
$1,50, $2,00 $2;50
iyeokt38 ,,, $l,00f
$1 & $1.50 Neckties 5O0
Wq, 75c &$1Bqv Ties 25c
W.bV llamas . , . . . $1.50
$1.50 Pajamas . . , , , $1,00
5Qc nri 75c Athletic Underwear, 35c
$1.QQ Athletic Union Suits, 65c
lgtst, ( $2 & $3 Straw Hats Reduced to $l,Qtjj
rye J Palm Beach Suits, 1-3 Q I
3IJP t-iO TB
1114 Chestnut Street H Squth lth StWtV
- -- 1H021 Market Street , ,. . . . Z
C J. Heppp frSwi H7-H 19 Chcatnut 3trcrt-6th and Thomnn sirii"
T1 OTHil
isvtrmiri I S
F?JrnttllflltJ r t
4hy .....;.a:
U jrou think enough of
youraolf to be esteemed by
others, see to your laundry.
Our oupf finish for coU
lars and our laundry wrork
in general ara equaled by
few and surpassed by noae.
Neptune Laundry
1501 Columbia Ave.
if Per 11
Cara! $12.50 , Tb.?r mre -
r .; Ulamondsi bill.
Carat $25.00 " -nerVmR
Carat $37.50 SsuAESSH
Carat $50.00 Sa.J..7SS
1 Cant975.l rKXfc
3 Carat , . $150 KS JiaiBt
tarai , . $zou
&t '4 ' faU SomM
Jsrs: tSS'Sufsit m -" bm R
We will nqt flttfmpt t( discredit pur competitor' Roods hv
hovin8 them on m floor, itv b,d condilL-nS? LF5 Tub?
hamrn,e(, hwejened, etfon out of regulal.on, etc. A '
oome imtanees nrrnr vuK.. l : ....
to. ducredit it wih buver, o fne;. R,?n " W ou 9
W n..f .11 ....J" : -I-. Y"',-tVirii
T . II f . "vl CWWi
any time nltblta
one jreur lea jo.
SiS ttp-ara-s
mtNM7 ?
iwl Cbam.
trte, write to Ra-
jiuioofe. saa.
AJ jf lJttl rr Uj Jf , jvt &!
fTTf WCgryyejS
SI fSIIAbldA J L-.-at
ff far? mt&texsgs
9 M g it m of unfriendly hand,
if you hve liwpl chaniJ ywr Lwr,. W ,Wr,y
MM a.. $ 50
. gWUmuHe? ,.,,a,,a
Schubqrt , ,.,,,,, ,
Nwbyr, Evans ,,.
t Mafl 1 19 dijifiam Stfftsi'
our feuunei, a WR; Df,,,UNL
&k fH ThopfM $1,
NpmiHy4i llt
gtrauet , , , , 4 , , , ,
Kraka,uer Bros. .....
iUiT t I;m
J W.3S I I l iu I l l
i.naHsaBBH.lHls.1111111111111111111 FMaVifMBMLttlBHHB f MfiFi TffT- jfe i.- Alt' ' .'e!-igf.
H?5P IU,',,,..!.,
Tws-4I Pt M, Wi4s?