Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 09, 1915, Night Extra, Image 11

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    ii rJHiUftm IMili iMHii
mi GaveM' Harry Sncllenburg and Mrs, A, N
v1 niuiahrtiinl Detielnnitin t2Ant n
"" ' " ' "" MMVi
iimvvrir(i' -, . H , . , i inn
H .. - J A alert air. f
f:lu. dn? t!m for lonesome one
M , said Tom MeNamara.
m '?' P Ii h Phllada nhla
,iv ' aiinnpr u a ... . . .
f5t "-. hetd at th Country
iP ;;m on. every golfer that
""ait aliead In the game should
iftwelf a otlomo. Those pres-
i 1)4 H Cftddy mat Known Hume-
JE-'ii tha nans no 'f" "
St?I; only those C,HS t,,lv ha
feff maW lr " holes and
Sht there Is ft bum hot play
Mm. from the same spot till the
Li T wrong, A pneiome Is not
". aMnt thinn in the world, and
8ftS Wt " can be made very
iIbSF u know a fellow who would
IWam WmwUj tee UP HI ball,
if J! missed nHoto, PloHltiK UP IH
WKkfih and approximating tha num?
iWWl, Then he'd breese nta the
and (ell of the Ma ooro hB
,.... ..n, nf tha othei' nl avers
St Sim Into a foursomo at su much a
&?i to say tho 'oncsome bug1
! ". i. ,,itlnn- It mlldlv. He trim!
&JtZ others as he had been fooling
K& snaj naturally, didn't cot away
Sit.- it taught bim his lesson, and
.'I. .,.1,1 niit'anii nractlced hv
I- .AM ha nhlft tn hnnf II
III lhr fallows. lie saTV he had
S'hewtontra.Pk. ,
ftfiffi one has a certain detrreo of ex
Si J th'n? onesom Will do him
IjlJ St set H alda for golf?
ffiLkots caurs.es haye their djsadyan
jS'ivh' hol"a sct monotonous heat
W-'..'... nlonannt becauso thav nro
ISvi 5rp'- 8t' oonvonjently around
sFa5i)wfc of cour,"f onB B'" tlred
sf'tMn INro'a " prlvaoy-ono; cftn"t
I i t Md Pl"e rov'"" "!u " Peace
I'.'l.-T.nri haeause there are always
iTflfl W tUnB on tho plaaxa taHlne
iwt l ! Pther ha,?d. In case of a
m-W ihlnt. there's nwa.y8 a ready
k. Whon there, lq a great lonRlne
tfiHl l lut everything la favorable.
to n w'racle shot Is pulled off the
MH rlint hany to rn in and let
VafiM ' WJt TP Brca,test beauty
.'7.H.. .rnTinfl nhnut a card of TQ and
:h pa knows whether 9 or 18 holeB Is
ImiffmY Sncllenburg apd Wp, A.
Owfeftn1! Of PNlmont. aro twq of
MBBl'it rapidly progressing women
Mbrt In Ml? city. Both are compara
flfihffnsw at tho game and yet they
flSgptly Jurp In eporeq pf 8q or better,
?IJ,ir?' 'ii the capable hands qf Frank
Bfjrtrill. proiosionai ai x-niimoni. ac
StWInV'lq hm they wll ,mqKe a "marH
ra lournimeni. pgy no t icmuu,
i'F" ' -'
ftirertl of the pros reach for tho ball
(I! IMtfQ.OT.?. Thla Blvea a longer arc
(aMtuiinsR o HftY' nn ptq inqr?
sialnta th ihot. The player who would
Me t oilye, 1W yard3 farther down tho
kills pileht Wis. Don't stand ao
itfcte if th.e )li " thousand tP one
1 illces' wickedly.
ifor Ijia j)pt' part, the proa were very
Jeeng of Tennis Meetings Shifts
igew Jersey McLaughlin
nSJWWT. I, J., Aujr, p. -r-Every-
twiWM. In readiness thls morning for
$&&? N" curt 0? th? Seabrfght
m iitmia ana UficKet Jud in tno
SB f.snmuU Invitation tournament.
.pgrtaj! tP bpgln this afternoon,
fji Achtlls Club Cup, one of the high-Mt-valaed
trophies In tennlsdom, with
ES& P?m'ea aa Wright, Larned. Aloxan
jhrr.y.ttl?. Clothier, Nllos. pell and wji-
insravca upon It, is at staKe. Nles
B Sljl turned afe the only two pen
"it??, two legs on the trophy, hut
hhw h not playing and wics is hardly
IfKMea to be a winner In tho field com
KUnj this year, It takes three legs for
W2Wnt. Possession of the Achela Cup,
31F?.efeJHrUy won In succession. R.
TO1 ;WUUama s the present holder and
wwjtpser. The pay and PalrlpBs. for to-
Mf fOlFpw 1
bW Nlw' 'le va, William Ha.
BfJl?tt H. -A, Throckmorton vs. A.
Pnn, Jr.; u B. Dunham vs. F, C.
gHM T- R, ?ell vs. H, Hartai o, u
lnoa.Jr., vs. M. Decamp: M. Mc
M'Jnvs, U E. Mahani D. Mprgan
MBF. W, Vdshelli W. Dawson va, S,
rn. ?. S. Preptlcej A, II, Mann., Jr..
Kn &h n?n. Jr.. against t, it.
jfflinjj H, 8, PronUce, In the doubles,
&iy EVEUS.aOAREP stiff,
Sf CapWn, Hawvw, May Play
m TW8 Seaspn.
TITQ A.. t m
mi. ballnlaver In nhlnmrn Ralnrrlav.
mMf 'condition scared me stiff. That's
t reigned,"
?9.flhnny EJvera tpday, when
M explain tho various reports,
WKtklnir frpm tha Braves.
PlaytB to whom ha refara la a
fiCardlnal Innelderi whqse health
w poqr lor tho last three years.
HM la UHltting hecavse of had
Wired for Mrs. Evera to moat him
nd, In comnanv with her. he honea
Y far tha Ilaoku Mounlalns
mm& mux,
t3fer. Evoru qualified hU realgna
k JJ". resignation will pot be official
j- CQpie py owner uartney,
Under heavy contract to Mr. Caff-
S? 't k refwa. to acqept my
litlon I shall nnlBt? thla aeiton and
3, from the Kami tM'vr,9
B AH.Star Eleven for rhlraun
Rl?ao- Aug. j.-Thls city Ii q ha.ve
iwi-star football team ne,xt aijtmmn,
-i oj mernDerj 01 tne japortamen's
tormerly college ta,r, TKi aoheme
tI4 for thn atintinrl rt an jiIavam atif.
Prly fctronsr fn nAmneti. tulftti iha filer.
tWymltlf teamg In ths paqptry. and
Kji!3"1r vt toe fquaa mui prove ne.
BLlbl at t avi m
B N. V, mM 8flr tt Fall
mi, Ayg. 9.qveTn8r onarie a,
m ki m tie wauifl twt appoiw
9 tkat he bad not reaafeed any d
ij0 rarer rumu vor blue MONDAY
iiMamara Prescribes Tonic for Player Seekina in JiMn
a'aftlinri?,'1 ,! Country Club as
hii. i fl'a or "' Phi adtlphla, open
gaferles'anL 11 taught by th"
fhat rth.ii li . p,ft,'r', nmeves
leSrlnJ J?.ISu,i,Se Dm Phenom.nal
Sa2e. ' h,S fl d not prove t0 be lhe
n?r-0l'i0.L,?( 8VHr,r hole Is only a drive
and a pilch," said Ql Mlcho Is, "and a
mi7 Wm t0.B8t R W ev trip I
wiik'u1" y.J'rassle except to drive
with It more than a few times. The
trouljle with u. all Wm that W couldn't
There was much moaning over the
Placement of ,he holes. A, uiuil. In
L.C. ,urnft,nts. pare seemed to liavo
beon taHen to plnoe the cup In the most
deceptive places on the Whole greens.
Tho result was lhat long putks, losing
their momentum as they approached the
no e, would ourl away or stop short, re
quiring tha,t maddening extra tap to tip
-; iJ?1"0 h0,B was the worst
orrender, mile no player on a Mrange
green expects to roll his ball down a
trough Into the hole, t would seem as If
he were entitled to a little consideration
and that tho hole might be placed'where
he would have half a chance with the
long ones.
Speaking of holes, there was some talk
of getting up a petition to make holes
larger In the future.
Mies M, Naylor, playing with Mrs,
Caleb Fox recently, topped her ball with
her brnssle so heavily going to tho sev
enth at tho Cricket Club, that her ball
bounced backward several feet.
"That must bo Oulmet's boomerang
shot' she remarked. "I'm n?t sure I
like t, though." And she reiterated this
remark, when she topped her ball six
tlmi.fl (rnlnir lln tfi hill T?ln11, at... ,1a.
elded It was her stance and then ended
her troubles with an Iron.
To do this dq not swing on the ball and
ml&fl.. Tee tho ball well up In order to
bo suro at least of "getting a plcco of It."
Ubo as little sand as possible and remem
ber that a high tee affects one's playing
through the green.
The stance ts the most Important thing
In making a good drive. Do not stand too
noar or too far from the ball, ptixnd Just
right. Do not atand pigebn-toed, as this
doea not look nice.
Tho grip Is very Important. Be sure to
hold tho club lust right.
The preliminary wagglo Is the most Im
portant thing. This Is tho goffer's chance
to think over all the other bum drives he
has made, to wonder where this one Is
going and whether he's got another ball
In his bag, to ahft his feet, apd get things
opt of gear In general.
Just as the golfer thinks the ball Is
wooxllng away In a kind of hae, and ho
feels himself 'on the verge of a collapse,
he should suddenly snatoh back his club,
taking It back slowly, but not too slow.
At the top Pf the swing do not wonder f
iic iaco ok (no ciuu i mnita n mo
wrong direction op If you are In range of
the ball. Da not bring the stroke forward
too quokly or too slowly, If the player
sees he Is, going to hit the ball, ha should
yell at1 once "practice shot," thus saving
himself tho trouble of explaining- later to
his pppopent
if he thinks he will hit tho ball, he
should not hit tho ground behind It nor
In front. Hit the ball In the middle with
great power- It s hatter tp get a ''piece
qf it" than to miss. When hltMng he
sure tp knock It oft the tee,
This In short la thosecrct of driving.
i the ban goes 30Q yards it I aaid tfl ho
a, "swell ajrlye "
Allegheny Open-air Bouts Are
Scheduled - Snappy Scraps
About Scraps and Scrappers.
Because of the postponement of the Al
legheny Cub'a hpw until tonlBht. two
performances, puglllstlcally, are sched
uled, At the Broadway Benny Kaufman
and At flash wll meet n the wlndqp.
Ypung Jack. o'Prlen and WllUq Herman
Will clash at thq Kepslngtop open-air
The programs follow:
First bout Terry Ketone!, Soutbwsrk, v.
Second bom I)rby Caipar, Smoky o pw,
v. Frinkle O'Neli, Bmoky Jfoirow. "r
Thlrl boutJack Jfimond, JouthWrk. vf.
Jack 'phllbrp. Boulhwark.
Semlwlndup-Rltt Walters. Atlantlo pity-, vs,
Phil Block. U. 8.' Navr. ' ,.
Wlndup Benny Kaufman. Both,Wtrk, Y.
ai paih, somhwark.
First bout Jiek UoDonald, Ron Hill SooUl,
V teo Colllni, ICnInlon. '
Second bputT-Johnpy Oorman, Knlptoa,
V. Johnny itorgan, Nor(h Pnn.
Third bouf-Clurley Bear, tth Wrdi vs.
roto Feeney, Kemlnston,
Sarnlwl'idup Jimmy Burke, Kfnelpstoa, va,
Jimmy Unrjcer, Kenelngtor,
Wlndup-Young: Jack O'Brien. West PWladtl
ph,l, va. Wllllellerrosp, Bouthwark.
Kid Broad, who showed Impressive
form against Bee-Saw Kelly, will met
Kid rutlllo p tho eeipl to the Tyrone Cps-tel(a-Jacl
FarrMI hatte at the Ppuglas
a. c. tomorrow night- Broad has. been
promised a wind-up If he makes good In
thla cpnteat,
pis Mackey, Cleveland featherweight,
has been winning consistently In the
West. His last Ylctpry was oyer Frankla
Bandera In to rpund at Elmwqpd Palace,
o. Mackey plana to visit Philadelphia
th.4 fall.
Although Kid Williams was offered
SOO0 purse with an additional SSOo for ex
penses for a XO-round bout with Frankle
Burps n New Orleans, Sammy Harris re
fused to sign for the match.
Al Kublak, Michigan Olant, is In New
York, after mtce and money,
Scqtty Manteith declare jBpk Brltt?n
la afraid of Johnny Dundee,
Rumored Wind-ups, at opening, of 0yni
p(a Cluhi
m.li. rfltuli va. Louisiana.
Dutch Brandt V Lew Tndler,
Lair ndler Vf. B'lly Pvat(.
WIIHe Itltohle plans to spend th,rea
wek In camp qn a 40-acre tract qf fort
reserve 'and In California, He win he
r?d- far rlPf aetlon In October,
lam mn ' . n
President Tner fleappainfci Former
Arbiter tQ Hlsi QH Poaitlori.
CHICAGO, Aug, .-.Hnk, O'Dty, v
n xAnirA hui han reannolnted by
John K. Tastr. pri4tnt ef the National
seat at th. start ef tho flrat gama of the
fnnvluirilAata'n dauble header. and
When Umpire qulgley took, tha fleW tp
Qtr)ciaa singiomimaM, -iiyt mii
li HIMM l v .!J- rr - r.- n .
where they eonferred a few minutes.
'Pay then hurried away for hi; jr.
PlrlR rMlt a4 mur4 In thafoujth
EflfiV ? Initial game, and, fflta4
as ftmttM m tttfw. He reyci ft
sent waro t u'way w cohiq iia m,
i tirifiwiii nil i jUni
1 1 D -Jit ..A ft & nHlBatBaTBM II LIbbbbIbB "' V!at-? 1 BMaT " "-H' JrVHl, 3 I
r,n Cn!!S,"amLtili" ,Ch,,ca0 Wta So, aro a b .fnctor ln tho Pi" 8t in the Amoricnn League pennant
raco. Our own Eddie is playlne hit i usual game around second base and whaling, the ball in great style.
Johnny Collina, on tho loft, is the Soxs' ornckerjack right fielder and a run getter,
Former Athletics Player,
Now of Enemy Clan, to
Receive Present Bress
ler or Nabors and Faber
to Pitch.
"Eddie Murphy Day" will be celebrated
at Shllje Park thtr nfterpoon, when the
former Athletics' right fielder wU make
his first appearanco In this city as a mem
ber of tho Chicago White Sox. Murphy
was a popular player here and was con
sidered one of the most Important cogs In
tho Mack machine.
Never a brilliant flolder, Murphy more
than made pp for his deflcency In that de
partment by his great offensive ability,
lie waa a good hitter, one of the hardest
men In the league to pitch, boslde being
a heady and clever base runner. When
the Mack machine was broken up Murphy
teemed to lose Interest ln tho team, and,
nn n result, Manager Mack sold him to the
White Sox two weeks ago. His former
team-mates and the owners of the Ath
letics will hand Eddie a present thla
afternoon on his first appearance at the
Rubq Bressler, or Nabors, tho recruit
from the Georgia-Alabama League, will
bo selected as the pitcher to oppose the
skidding Sox, while Urban Faber Is the
favorite for mound duty for Chicago.
When the White. Box were hero before
thpy rqade. a cle.an sweep of the series
and Played such remarkable hall that they
Were "picked hy all local 'critics as thq
mist, lkely winner of the Arnerlcan
League pennant Since that time,' how.
ever, ' th.e team has gone Into a .batting,
alyrpPi while tho wonderful pltphjrtg staff
has n?t held up (ts epd.
The principal reason for the slump pf
tho White Sox has been the poor hitting
of Fournler, who started off lte. a s'ecpnd
BaKer, fa has fallen off to such an ex-,
tent that It would not be surprising If he
was sent tq the bench Jf ha does not find
his stride In this city,
18,000 SEE 10-20-30-CENT GAME
Federal League Prices at Newark
Meet With Response,
NBWAnK, N. J.. Aug, B.-Baaeball at
bargain prices has made a hit with the
fans. The Ipnovatlpn, tried out at the
Mnnri v,darni crrounds yesterday, at
tracted 13,W persons, and It may be
come a permanent uxiupj in ma rum:tt
Jiatlonal League
Philadelphia at ClncinnaUvlear,
New Yok at PUtsbuj-ghl9Udy,
Brooklyn at ChlMSo-sUar.
92t8n at fit. Loyis-ci&ar,
American kWBue
KXf VFewr'kJy cloudy
frttWat Boatom-aloudy (two games)
0trWf 1 rwasblnston-eleat.
Federa.1 League
Kaiwa OUr M Nwark-Mdy Ctwa
St LOUU at Ballipjoje-aleajs.
OhieaVq t BroofiyiLpartJy ?
feternatioRaJ League
I s5SPiiliy'&ki&sa " 'j jlaffiaaaaBB
. ... i " . ' WZjSBL
Champion Declares Purse Must Be nig
HAnTFOBD, Conn., Aug. 9.-Jess WIN
lard ia willing to meet Frank Moran In
a fight for tho championship, provided
ho receives a largo enough purse. Whon
ho was told that tho Pittsburgh lighter,
who returnod from Europe yesterday,
was after a bout with him. the champion
"I will meet Moran or any one clae who
wants to try to tako the title from me,
but the purse must bo big enough for mo
to cntor tho ring.' It al depends on tho
Moran's Bunch Seem to
Have Recovered Batting
Eye at Expense of Reds.
Alex's Victory First on
CINCINNATI, A"S- 9. Either George
Chalmers or Ersklno Mayor w(ll pitch for
the Phillies against the Reds this after
noon. Chalmers has apparently recovered
entirely fronj the lame arm that bothered
him while the Phils were, at homo.
It Is not Mayer's-turn to pitch, as he
worked tWIce ip the Pittsburgh .series,
but ho wants a chance to redeem himself
for his defeat at the hands of the Pirates
en Saturday, and It Is likely Moran wl
give him a chance In case Chalmers a
not In form- By working Mayer after
Alexander, Manager Moran wl be abe
tp cpnno back With Alex for the first
game with tho Braves In this city and
follow With Mayer on Saturday,
Alexander's victory over the Beds yes
terday was hts first In the West, and It
was particularly pleasing to Manager
Moran, aa the Phillies hit the ball harder
than they have for a month, Gene Dale,
tha Beds' star hurler, waa the victim of
the vicious Phllly assault, and It waa the
hardest the Montreal lad haa been hit
this season.
Manager Moran believes that the Phils
have shaken oft the batting slump for
i;ood apd that the sluggers wl start
hitting their normal gait untl the close
of tie season,
' L-mm
'- 'JWmL jbBBBbH
llr mKmmmm
Union Printers' National
Baseball League Will
Stage Games and Make
Merry at Strawbridge &
Clothier Grounds.
During tho week of August 22-23 Straw
bridge & Clothier's grounds at 6M and
Walnut streets w'1! be the acepe pf the
eighth annual tournament of tho Union
Printers' National Baseball League, com
posed of clubs representing Boston, Now
York, Philadelphia, Washington, Pitts
burgh, Detroit, Cleveland. Cincinnati,
Indianapolis, Chicago, St, Louis and St.
Tho tournament will be held under the
auspices of tho Typo A A-i an pffshqot
of Typographical Union No, 2. and the
winner of this elimination sercs will re
ceive tho beautiful trophy presented to
the league by Garry Herrmann, of Cin
cinnati, himself a printer at one time and
now on honorary member pf Cincinnati
Typographical Union. In addition to the
Herrmann trophy, the Lanstpn Monotype
Gprnpany, which has always held cordial
relations with tho local union, has con
tributed a handsome silver cud to the
winner of this blue ribbon event in prn?
tors' circles.
Since the league's formation. In New
York In 1903, Boston haa, won the- trophy
threo times. New Yprk twice, while Chi
cago and Washington haw each landed
tha championship emblem once, Strapgp
to say, Philadelphia, where good belli
players abound, has paver beep returned
the winner, Wtl the addition of ocaJ
scenery, however, No. 2's team la ex
pected to he N. I
Whtlo baseball will be paramount, there
will he plenty doing socially. One of the
high spot's of the week's entertainment
outlined by the general 'committee Is a
day at Atlantlo City for the visitors.
Sunday, August 22, there will bo a sacred
copcort at the Hotel Walton, official head
quarters, during the tournament, and on
Monday evening a reception and dance In
the ballroom of tho hotel. Tuesday evq.
nng wl be devoted to a smoker for the
men at Labor Lyceum, for which pro
fesslonal talent has been engaged, while
thn ladles will attend a theatre, party a'
Keith's. On Thursday evening the party
will bp treated to an outing at Willow
Grove. Friday eyenlng w'H b6 league
night. When prizes for the different ath
letic events held on the last day of the
tournament will be distributed by tho
In the absence of President Yoqng, who
is attending the I, T, U. convention at
Los Angeles, State Senator Farley will
toss out the first ball that will atart the
printer-athletes on their way tQ baseball
More than 600 visitors are expected,
which Includes 100 from New York and
BO from Boston.
The playing schedule will not be
adopted until the arrival pf the cu,pa
here on Sunday, AuJWt 21 Tred Hosst
ner, of the North American, and O. D,
Edwards, of the Punuo Lapaan, have
been selected aa umpires, Larry WeCps
sn s official megaphone artist,
Richards and Brwndago Favored fpr
Son Francisco Event,
The greatest a)l-around athletlo con
test In the history of American athletics
will start this afternoon when the ath
letcs are palled out for the Panama.
Pacific decathlon at the Exposition Weld
In San Francisco.
It Is the first time in years In which
the all-around event will be Interesting
from a competitive point of view. The
field that will contest In the decathlon
will be an evenly balanced one,
There will be Alma Illchards, tho Olym
pic high-Jump champion, who haa de
veloped strong all-around aspirations of
lata to the detriment of his high Jurnp
ing form! Avery Brundage. the Chicago
A. A- "tar, whe competed fpr Unsle 8am
nt the Stockholm Olympics three yeaTS
agqi P. O'Connor, the local boy, wnoaa
work has shown a great Improvement
of Intel Chester Fee, of the Multnomah
A. a of Portland, Ore,j R tchle, of Blr.
mlngham. Ala., and many lesser lights.
nichard and Brundage are generally
. reaardtd a tn ravonne "";
I En In FruVp" but thi- felloe Fee win
penr watoning,
f m t ii jmii
.Colored Sprinter, Out e! Condition,
Will QWe Up Competition.
PPRINOFlBILD. Ma, Aug, -118'
' ard p. prew. of thl city. tl) track ath
i lel. anpouneed hla tntsfltlen tP retire
v" "" ', , tmA atatamant..
TeiegfaBhlBff from the PaRama-Paeiaa
BWMltton field, where ytrday was
Satan In the l-yard dash. aVnt Qf tlW
?Tio a. A- IU trart and PW mnt,
l'Twal1thr4 "with w Imi ft
deal today tn toe rew. i r"
ilea laMft ftt thft. ft
I hav been In
jwr- ByHl omU
." -fiT1.., L.
'at is iwlsh '
ri! m
$JgJ3F 9
ffll tfi say'Hs-SU
tfiStTam ihwurwta o
ftW tW yr-"
i-4 ' it if,,
saAfci-aaiali i i i aH.i.. . afc.f
A -v J -r .. . '-A
rfjtxxim iur a uuuv MALI rhAYBK,
Johnny Evers, Hitting Poorly, Fielding Fairly anil, Slow m
Baaos, Still the Braves' Greatest Aiset Tmvi$,
Travers or Ouhmt, Which Is Best Putter f '
" i ' iMi.
The Hour Iland
"What lime ts 0r
' ms fo mows
F rm puf the tlolM-Borderen ram;
ft' time to ttrvpoU row lhe groove
Ad htat it bath tnta (A Oamtj
It' Um fo vdfft tn ulth a itart
That' ! a Mflt mtr than Hutf;'
Aad unofosifr l Ae porf
Tp ftv the earn your ene jy.
"Whift ttmt I ttt"
Jt'i ttm to icrap
To ratty up th hottt ef ehetr.
And tn the w of troubU rap
To idpe awn) th useltM ttar.
It' ftmt to mat th Jot catted Fate
With valiant heart and head held httlh,
And toAafoeir may uea
It' time to can the allot.
fWhat tmo U ttt"
It' tfme to tislnt
tfptfrsam, tehere ontv game fleh ?ld,
To turn away IA open p(m
From cotcard drtfr uUh th l(d;
' tfme o,rovel on the Jiouna.
For you'll find, tn th closing creed,
Out there beneath the Ffnol Wound.
J'ou'Jl pafAer all tha rl you need.
.Tlld frln fiMH IU.Ib t.lt s.. ...
""' win fiiQir 4vwitf viily arm iuna
Btart ach ma ion, It might bo ustre(ad
Ihil MM.h. k...a ,L. , .
, .iviiu uui vim uniYtB aeaerve lo
lag." And then, again. It might not, de
pending on how you feel about It.
Judging from the way George Btovsll,
Lee Magee and others have employed
their hoofs In attacking Federal League
arbitrators, It might also be observed
that In this circuit the umpires are more
shinned against than shinning, But this,
also. Is not strictly compulsory, You are
at liberty to employ your own Judgment.
Just a Word to the Dravcs
No club tp bnseball has ever shown
rarer courage or more enduring faith In
the shadow of defeat than George Slat
lings' Braves.
No club haa ever rallied from such
depths two years In succession to launch,
a drive against thp top,
No other club haa gone aa grimly tp
the task of rebuilding' Its shattered for
tunes. And probably no other club, unless it
was tho old Orioles, has ever gone as far
toward rough-rldlpg umpires and oppos
ing players as the line-up now under dis
cussion. The Pravss have gpne beyond ahy fair
limit in thlB ast respect, and the umpires
of President Tener's clrquU should eea
that such tactics are curbed at nnee. Wo
happen tp knowi frpm first hand, a few
chosen oppressions which certain of the
Braves havo flrpd at opposing players In
the way of goat-gpttlng artillery. And
this system of warfare h, no part In
clean baseball,
We give ground to n one In respect
and admraton for the mental, phyalcal
apd psychological meke.upa 0( this re
rnarkablo club, but the, other part of It
doesn't belong.
Maxims of the JDth Hole
He who, Plvoteth rroperly at the Hip
and jtnoweth tho Joy of the Follow
Through shall hold a Placa pf honor In
the tribe.
But It Is better to dwell with a brawl
ing woman In a narrow housa than tp
Joust with one who useth the Pencil above
all other clubs In the making of hla score.
Philndelphirt qjub Plftns 5ig
Aquatic Carnival for August
21 The Events.
The Schuylkill River at Lafayetto Is
thronged with swimmers during the week
ends, who are praptlpng for the coming
champlonshlpa scheduled for August 21
at ths Philadelphia Swimming Club.
Since Jupe tha boys havo beep duokln',
dlvln' and chasln' through the waters In
preparation tpr me -oiiiiipo, p 9t'-
aroj ipo yards for Sackett Cup. t0 yards
for Aaher Cup, JOO-yard race for hoys,
loo-yard novice oyent, 2?0yard handicap,
pne-mlle Middle Atlantic championship
and a fancy diving contest,
The Sackett Cup event will bring out a
coterie of sprinters, for to win one musr
go the coursq In better than HMH. Shy
rock, the former University of Penneyl
vanl man, won the event at a previous
meet and la looked upon th'fl yar as one
pf the fnvprltefl, Ollhert TomUnson. en
pther local craqk, also will start In th
race, and he. Ilka the University star, is
neo regarded aa a likely winner.
Daniels, who set tha world aflra several
years ago with his brilliant aquatle per-
formancea, has won tha event several
times. A number of New Yorkers are.
alsp expeoted to compete, along with ren
rcsentatlves from Atlantic City.
The Asher Cup HO-yard qoptest. Is a lo
cal event, and the best youpgstera of
Fhllly Plsn to via for the hopor.
Distance swimmers who Ilka to paddla
thrflHgh, the briny channel of the 8ehuy,
kin are qn edge for thq one-mile enam
pionshlp svlm. Along with a victory to
the man crossing the nag first goes th
the crown of the Middle Atlantis. Ptates.
Tqmlinson la a contender In tha race, qn
July St ha won a half-mile contest from,
scratch in minutes and f seconds, over
a JJO-yard course at LafayetU,
Two. $30QQ Purses Are Offered Har.
nesa Horsemen.
HARTFORD. Conn,, Aug. t.-Twa
purses of oo each are represented
kmqpg the latereloslng purse, of the
arapd Circuit w i fea b,w "
Charter Oak Park, They aw frM-for-ail'paca
and a lrea-tQr.a.11 trot, Th
trance tea will be 3 per cent.
The local director fejl that the .meeting
here this aesaon will be one of tha best
of the circuit, Tha track. U being nut in
faultless, shape for the Uorsea, and, con
sidering tha Tcord performances thgj .ra
being made the Wt at .this Mriy
date, there Jf every reason to antlelpaft
some exlracrdlnary times when ts how.
"en swing; Taun4 to Charter Oak Park.
"in "
Open fl?l 'r fl"81"6" Mi
coSfcrt . tWn'1, apd dwtew
Sim ami tlja wcll-appo!ntjl JfOTR-
i. Aiitlt ftaar.
til -,.., ..,. ..... . . . ....
abratOt. tsNg etteitva. H,.M-
.r Jl'.LK-laM batlStl fllUI BIIJI fi.
QMaVJl W- fflMfiMtWt JMtru?ra are
to ftfa! w m
ef eMW la tU iH
MW1NM iarMEfl
wtaaaa 4vt.
Trvaj w
Ttad "HWtMi
iT, iBimyfcjc;. Trijuj;
i - ... A. .. . m. , &&- Jt,'-.. Tt, ,...J j..
wi J . -& J:.' iaif?l"' ')
About Evers
Th ral of Cobb, Collins and othM
can be understood, Cobb la batting ,400.
Collins Is batting around .Mo, kUldlrtk
brilliantly and stealing many bases.
irtit the case of Ever is the moit y
markable In bareball. Here la ft ball
player rated of untold value to Ms claw,
yet h is batting under .268, haa tplert
comparatively few bases and partita a,
fielding average pf only normal Worth.
Thla abiding value of Everj, minu any
Unusual physical brilliance, la deal evt
dence of his unsurpassed mentality and
magnetism, For he Is a great ball player
whero with the same physical records
tho average human would be oply a
The ease of Byers recalls, In a manner,
that of a certain secpnd baseman Who
onoe tolled for Comlskey,
'How. good Is, this fellow at aeeondt
a friend onoe asked the Old Itoman.
' can't lilt," replied Commyt "ha
isn't much of an Inflslderj he Ja slow and
haa a weak arm. But Jie Is one of the
greatest ball players I em saw." A
much depends on the shape of the head
as upon the battfpg eye, the salary whip:
or the hoof. .
Tigers vs. Red Sox
Ty Copb, discussing the Tigers' chanea
against the Red Sox a few days ago, ar
ranged the dope In this order:
"We hava been playing the steadiest,
the most consistent ball of any club In tha
raeo alnco April. We haven't had any
spurta nor any slumps. Wa have been
merely moving along Just a shade aboya
.600, We nra still due for a winning
streak, and If a certain pair of pltchora
come to the help of Coveleskle, Dauss and
Dubuo, we'll get that streak and win. If
they don't, Bostpn will win and we wlU
finish second."
If tho tlraves Win again this season,
their triumph wilt be even "more unusual
than the victory of last year, For last
year tho Braves had In pill James a
Pitcher able to win ?7 battles, Ths season
James has wpn only flva games and haa
concluded his work for the campaign, So
here la a deficit of St -victories contributed
by one man that stalHngs and bis man
were forced to make up In pther ways.
Tho wonder Is that with mora than a
third of his main Pitching staff rendered
unfit, the Brave pilot waa able to make
his latest advance.
Thp Greatest
Dear Sir I see where Travera and Out
met have been rated as tha two greatest
putters In the game. I happened to have
played against both and also against
Travis. And I happened to have watched
nil threo In many of thlr leading
matches. And you cap accept the testi
mony as direct that for general copalst
enoy, for deadlines year In and year out,
fpr uncanny eurcness almost without a
break from tho edge pf the green to
within easy striking distance of the cup,
Walter J, Trayls with the putter Is klntr
of them all. As a master of this one club
from every possible distance the game
has never seen hts equal,
Travis is undoubtedly greater thai,
either at tha art of putting his long ap?
proaoh putts dead to the cup. In tho way
of holing out the 10, '13 and 15 footers
there la little choice , .
Germantown Club Wins Over
New yorfcers. Only Attw
Lonpi Hard 3trup;rjrle,
The Halifax Cup remains In PhliadeK
phla, although qermantewn disppsod of
New York only after a close struggle, la
which there aeemed a chance of the Ut
ter drawing cyen and causing another
gamo to be played before a Anal decision,
Aa it waa, darkness and a raw mist en
veloped the grounds, pausing a. draw, and,
as under these circumstances each stde
obtain? half a point, the latter was f
ficlent to enable Ocrmantpwn to be da
dared winner pf the. cup. is the nrst
time In nearly to yeara that any dub
putslde this city haa enured the com
petition, and New York, which selected
Its chosen representatives fram tha whole
of the clubs and leagues in Qotham. was
only beaten In second plaee after a long,
hard contest,
Germantown has played In winning
form throughout and haa headed the
merit table from the beginning, t has a
good class nil-round eleven, probably the
best-balanced In the competition, and de
served to succeed.
The Philadelphia Cup also'gpes to34an
In the Interstate League, a threecor
nered etrugsle among Robin Hood, Ed
ward VII and Centennial is progressing.,
althqugh tho latter seriously Impaired uj
chances by losing to Robin Hood. It
looks aa It the two former clubs wlU fight
U out to the finish.
ytnal 8tfmllpr,
riBredVen'Loat Drawn. PU,
germantown .,..,. s a J sH
Neyyorw . & a a a M
PhlUdelphla ,,,,,, 8 4 4 0
Merlon ............ a 3 a s(
, M LHt P.C.
lacafflSE. ;;::::::.:: I - :US
Hiv.rfotd Collefe 8 4 4 .MX
Mtrion " 8 3 6 .ST.!
pajaware County ,,., ft ft 8 ,0OQ
n n J, i.
Klein Lowers Mark Ee.t hy- Burmsn or
80 Miles,
WORCESTER. Mass., Aug. VIt was
anoouncad today- tttsiift-rTr "Srcr!4 5r"
pmobl reoard far Biiieg en a bajt
mile track was made dwrlng a hem
by Atthur Klein, wbo.nesptlated tho ofc
tanee n fi minutes W comU
The previous world's reeerd "
a week ago b'Hpw Surman, at Bock
Island, whose ti wa X minutes as
seconds, Klein's time la consider! r
piaFablt, (Rftasiuoh aa he mad two
Stops, losing about 90 weonda to make 4,
readjustment in W ear.
MetorcydlaU Breaii Dlrt-Trc Seourd
TOUBBO, O , Aw. 9.-HJJJM 100 toll.i 1 1
Lwya, o.. a5j g5o 4, bu
twfH.swSse A trtf ss?5 lto2Lr
alMTftSfrM tj NStl 'i , fc.KB
lbi isEi (tuajtair af III mihaMH T44aac la
Hbi -s. MSMgawj"; aayBO 1 1
Frank Mr ! fm l4
)BM wma. ',"
it mmm wi
aS iOt Seat eJMtJM
! U perfoiMiai of th c$$Mti