FINANCIAL EDITION NIGHT EXTRA NIGHT EXTRA J jwmJkii--iiu fisgHs5i iLLiriJiupir rOU I-NO. 281 EEBMAWS umN I1G OFFENSIVE I WEST FRONT I is Announces Foe Is attacking Along jn- .. Thrift T?r nm . --- - - "osges to bea. rifle Bombardments and Kriolent Infantry Attacks WLtaAa UDon British, French Hid Belgian Positions Sou- Ifhez Asnin Storm Ceritrc. parib, Aug. t. eL..,.i nffenslve all alone the lino fit. western battlo front haa been Ewmenccd by the Germans, It Is an- Kuiced In ttn omciai cmnrawunm woucu BHhe Femcta War Office today. Bouchefl In Artols, whero the fJeb positions wero bombarded with fei. vtntenoe. Attempts Of tho Ger- li in leave their trenches to deliver Rfiiifantry attack With the bayonet wero JJpbiied, the War unico says. Lt-i"1 ' . iii nnA Inntitrv nHnnVn SHirOnEt Brunei -.---- -..- Kr..nln launched by tho Germans ttln ino iioibui, .. ...... ..- ... Itotiuons. Sfr.t I .ffAnalvn In Ihn Wt hnR RireloDcd from two local movements, dl irfd against tho Belgian positions on ItSe Yar and tho French positions west ISlYetdun In tho Argonno forest. tt TBItRIFip BHBLbinu, .... .iiIam. Am In TiMni- dtlAr.t-d &(m Alllno1 trvnnhnn nil Jllnnrr thb IllaJ, Redoubts, blockhouses, cities, ob- "." . . l ft-.. ...Inn Ihrit .nlfrl.. irlvn bWCW y -u.1l Hu Vin nfirmnn rjttlter is peine p"v.. -J - as. r.....ii. ..,. holnar dnllvered bv the Toll. RSl forces all the way from tho North ft to lower Alsace. BFUefore the regular dally communlquo ri.. 1.....4 h Vrnn-h War Office cava R... . .huninnt Hnnvlntr claims of victory Ihnada by the German General Staff. Ac- k...jim a inii flLFLiamcnL nil ucrmuu ui KCUIUlHft, fcv - , t.!.... i. if,. Arimnnn nn to AUEUSt 7 gwere repulsed, with heavy losses except Paf one point wnoro a portion oi a ircnai ' was lost. The statement declares that the num ber o prisoners claimed by tho Germans u... ifw.bV ihn nitthfintlf. number. j?enlal Is alsb mado of German claims In tthe fVosgta; ana it is statea inai no irrtheh -aeroplane was. snot aown. ukto muif ucrinaiio u ombi u ... ........ Ifif text of the omciai . communiquu WS" " " y, I 1U.IJ lh... wna nctlvltv rTllHni? ja Al .via mww Mu.... ...... Sntehr In tho sector to tho north of a.', A German attacic to yie nonn oi rCnihAw Htntlm .wnfl rcnulscdj ' In Sector of NeuvlllO St. Vnast,.to. tho !Ra Iha T.IIIa hlprhnrnv. flin riprmnnd. PtnTS.. U..l aynlnilAil o mlnA. Immnill. Kfitiribombarded our positions .and at Sa;tt to sortie from their trenches. Continued on rage Two. .Column Xlve BUSINESS MEN'S LIST & CUT BY REFUSALS TO RUN FOR MAYOR jyr of the Fourteen Eec- fommended as Strong Can- didates Declare They Are BJWt in the Race Norris lEmphatic in Withdrawal NAMED FOn MAYORALTY BY BUSINESS MEN MTffrf 8. STUAHT WILLIAM FOTTER DISlVKfl UKRIlKIt JOHN T. WINDRIM KUDJIAN IVAMAJIAKEB LOUIS J. KOMI WraiDON TOTTER TIIEODORK UJIVI6 GEOKOK W, Niuutia .uoweix, cvaiuiNoa DUSVI X. BOB. "f JIAULK3 8 CAUWBIVL ISOliriT! wirATiTnir wiwii WOHN FREDERICK KH18 vr "of the 11 men recommended to the mm parties by a committee of busl- ! men as worthy of first consideration pjminatlons for Mayor declared them- oui oi tne race today, ana thus Swed the list to Include not more than apes. Of these 10 at least one, George $tton Pennr. fn nrivErfiA in rnnnMnr athe question pf running for the of- rM so expressed himself recently In ment to the Evewno Lxdqdr. most emphatic of those who ex- i inenweivea today was George w. who recently realuned as Director arves. TlnUa ini1 VMrlM SjMer no circumstances would I ac- mbcb a nomination from any party, Mutton or Individuals." he said. 'It KorrU, who Is a Democrat, resigned Hj me Mayor" cabinet to give his rlt attention to helnlnc- solve houalnsr Sother social problems, ,BfDHIM NOT COMPWMBNTBD. Bwi T. Wlndrlm. the architect. Is the wnose name appeared both on Mines "Harmony list" and on the s men's list. He has been men. many times as a urobable harmony datB HPmntnl.1. ... Kn.U A.IM. n9 kjttpubliian party. He dlarl to-, s-n ne am not take his candidacy v. ana thftt he bejleved there, was wo In the world of hi beins a Hte. S the first place the term of pfflee la aued oa Pt;e Thre, CoJamn Three I THE WEATHER FORECAST iF1 Philadelphia and vittmttf oht. COMMnOLtER DOWNEY NAMED JUDGE OF G0U11T OF CLaIMS Appointed to lost Declined by A. Mitchell Palmer. WASHINGTON, Aug. 7. - George B. wn?y. Comptroller of the TreMUryi wns today appointed to the Court of S" "1.C,I "c waa nnmcd P1"8 of A. Mitchell Palmer, who resigned. i!; DoW"cy U n native of Indiana, a lnwyer who gained distinction In Illslng IS'.. .. b'rthPla:e. and In Aurora, to Which city he removed In 1884 and Where ho was elected Mayor and later Judge of the Seventh Judicial Circuit of Indiana. He resigned the latter post In 1913 to accept the appointment of Comptroller of tho Treasury by President Wilson. Ills ofeal practice was varied In 1S82-M, uUr Ing which perlcd he was editor of the Franklin Democrat, of Brookvltle, Ind. Mr. Downey Is 65 years old. MARINES RUSHED TO QUELL REVOLT IN HAITIAN TOWN New Outbreak at St. Marc, 50 Miles From Port au Prince, Now Raging. Soldiers of Guillame Govern ment Attack and Pillage City Residents Show De fiance, Drive Off Rebels, Who Return, Reinforced. What Christopher Columbus Wrote of Blood-stained Haiti "There Is not In the world a bettyr na tion. Tlte people litre their, neighbors ns themselves nnd their illeonre uTerer nreet noil gentle, and accompanied with a smile. Though It Is true they nra naked, yet tlirlr manners' are most praiseworthy." Vrom Columbns' report of his visit to Haiti. POHT AU PRINCE, Haiti, Aug. 9. American marines have been sent to St. Marc, 60 miles northwest of Fort au Prince, to quell a conflict there between tho Inhabitants and soldiers of the Qull- Ir imo Government.. There was severe flghtinff at St Marc Sunday, when the soldiers attempted to plllngo the town. They were' driven back, but received reinforcements and returned to the. attack. The American forces have- been .ordered to disarm' the contending 'parties'. The gunboat yNord, AJexlsHllw.h,Ich .has been used as 'a, presidential yacht, came into port Sunday and was seized by the American forces. B0B0, HAiyiA'N.BEBEL, ORDERS DISARMAMENT Revolutionist Leader Also Announces Candidacy. . "WASHINGTON, Aup.- 9.-Dr. Ilasalvo Bobo, former Haitian revolutionist, has given up h(s rebellion, ordered his gen erals to disarm and announced himself as candidate for President, Charso Davis, at Port au Prince, reported to' the State Department today. The election of a new president of Haiti, however, will not take place until tho factional leaders have had .oppor tunity to decide on a compromise candi date, near .Admiral Caperton has cabled Secretary Lansing that there Is a strong possibility that they can agree. rnnn...i.iin 1. Ia nHmlnlRtrnttntr TTa1tln.n 'affairs, while making It very plain to the people mere inai mo unucu ounce Is acting as "next friend" and haa no program of territorial extension. Caperton , Is gathering up the leaders of the various revolutionary bands and placing them on American warships. it,t.n. ,iti .h Ann with them haa not yot been fully decided, but It Is expected the local government, when formed, will be Intrusted wh their punishment. Only minor disturbances are now taking place, and Caperton expresses the opinion In his dispatches that by far the worst of the trouble Is over. Paymaster Charles Mor rl, of the' cruiser Washington, la ad ministering the affairs of the customs officers at Cape Haltlen. but Hear Ad-rolral- Caperton has not yet confirmed the press reports that he Is also admin istering the Port au Prince customs serv ice. TREASURY DEPARTMENT ATTACK8 RIGOS-BANK Accuses Officials of Sending "Grossly Libelous" Statements to Secretary MeAdoo. WASHINGTON, Aug, 9. Interest In the famous Wggs Hank case was revived here today. It became known that the Treasury Department was sending to bankers throughout the country, under Government frank, a document attacking the bank's case. . The Itlggs Dank sought a permanent injunction against Secretary of the Treasury MeAdoo. Comptroller of the Currency Williams and United States Treasurer Burke. The bank officers al leged tho Government officials Illegally L ". , .v.. i,.ni, Tn Ihn statement now being sent to bankers affidavits by 'Me Adoo and Williams attack the Injutfctfon? suit "as brought to enaDje ino m direct grossly libelous statements to Ue, Adoo under the cloak of legal procedure." FORMER PIULADEL.PHIAN ARRESTED BY CARRANZA H. W. Francis Reported to Havo De fied "First Chief." H W Francis, former Philadelphia newspaperman, has been arrested by the Carranilstas. In Vera Crux, for fa lure to color his news dispatches to suit Car rara, ascordlng to unofficial rtvlwi eelved by the State Department In Wash fniton today. V rancU is In Mexico as a newspaper correspondent. Saoretary Inslng haa wired Consul Sllan. at Vera Crux, for a report on the Francis case. Francis was, for six months, em ber of the wportorlal SUIT of the IJvw ,KO loa8R. Later he became aseati4 with the news bureau of the JHwHJ LHDaxw. Before owning to this ey b was wsptoyed by the Newaifc SvMOaf aM the wW CM. MAY RULE NEW f Wj iKSilt HsLHBHssH 1 i fit PimmmmL life:, ...... im.., dsLnm I WMiM: . .' ' ' -aliBK. . , JsslWissjasHBsV Wk ' j). i - x BJw 'fmmfKKffiiJ Prlnco Joachim, sixth son of tho rqports from TURK BATTLESHIP SUNK BY TORPEDO IN MARMORA SEA British Submarine Sends the Keyr-Ed-Barbarossa Down. Many of Crew Saved. Allies' Raider Slips Past Forts of Dardanelles Destroyed Sjiip Was Purchased by Tur key From Germany in 1910. ..-.. -CONSTANTINOPLE,- ATig.-'9. The Turkish battleship Keyr-Ed-Bar'ba-rossa has been sunk by a submarine. It was officially announced today. The Keyr-Ed-Barbnrossa was former ly' the German ship Kurfurst Frledrlch Wilhelm. The warship was built In Stettin, Ger many, being completed In 18D1.. She was bought by the Turkish Government In 1910 at the tame time that the Torgut nels also was purchased from Germany. The warship was sunk In the Sea of Marmora by a British submarine, which had penetrated tho Dardanellas. A majority of the crew of 679 were rea cued. The Keyr-Ed-Barbarossa was a vessel of 9900 tons. Her armament consisted of four 11-lnch guns In turrets fore and aftj two 11-lnch guns In turrets amid ships: eight U-lnch guns: eight 3-Inch guns; twelve ono-pounders and two 18 Inch torpedo tubes. She carried a crew of 679 men. Fire Causes $25,000 Loss in Ohio Town COLUMBUS, O., Aug. 9.-Flre of un known origin starting In an outhouse early today did 125,000. damage to the busi ness district of Harrlsburg, a town of BOO population 14 miles southwest of here. The village !s now threatened with a water famine, due to the valiant work of the bucket brigade. COURTS WILL SETTLE CONSTITUTIONALITY 0FJJTNEY ORDINANCE Drivers, Still in Doubt as to Director Porter's Action, Are Determined to Fight Hostile Legislation to End. A Heal battle is promiseu i -constitutionality of the city's aiHI-JltrtW ordinance, In the eventual Plrector ,of Public Safety Porter deeldes to enforce S of provisions, with the excep Ion of that applying to fare xones. Since Judge Sulzberger vacated-all of his n. junction but that -prohibiting the city from enforcing the fare xone provisions, Smen have, almost generally, become Kneed that the Director of Publlo Safety will enforce the ordinance so far as be la Table. Therefore, they have been twin to devise a mean, of existing, and preventing themselves from going Into bpKVC Porter met a committee repre. r!!l A.. tti,,i .iiinev Men's Assocla- on in hi. office at noon today. He re- fused to say wiai - "- :j lake In regards to the enforcement of the Jitney finance until the conference was over. Ho wouia issue a iii. later In the aiternoon. . . , Tho'jltneymen believe that there . b i go pg to be little trouble, eventually. In haying tha destruetlve ordinance changed so that jitney" may run. And for this reason ieveral of thera propose to continue to operate their oar. while fighting for their "rights" and testing the tonstjtu tonality of the ordinance. Director Por. ler will announce a decision ttaW l" ring a conferwwe with Oeorge 8 Win ner, president of the Amalgamated JU neymen's Organisation. Mr Winner was Informed by tW BW Saturday that he would be n4 fY QMbtu4d m JPmge Staee. W W PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, ATOUST 0, 1015. POLISH KINGDOM Kniscr, who is to havo Polish crown, Switzerland say. BORDER PATROL ROUTS MEXICANS IN RANCH FIGHT Three U. S. Soldiers and 20 Bandits Wounded in Battle on Texas Estate. . Four Troops of Infantry, in Ad- , ditipn to Cavalry, Rushed to Territory Threatened b.y Ra id, era 'Reinforcements Will. Join Huntfprlntfaders. BnoWSVIELE,' Tex.; Aug.:-Three United. States soldiers and 20 Mexican? are. reported to have been wounded In a battle today at the Norlas ranch.- where last night five Mexicans wero killed, two .woilnded and two Americans. Injured. The raiders were routed. Jesus Garcia, a well-known Browns ville Mexican, who gave 'Information .to the authorities concerning tho raiders movements, died today from wounds re ceived In last night's battle. The situation Is tense, and four. Laredo companies of Infantry will Join the hunt this afternoon. The 2d battalion of the United States 9th Infantry, comprising companies E, F, G and H, Captain Kinney command ing, was rushed to Raymondsvllle, Cam eron County, today, to protect the Ameri can ranches' In that vicinity from the 200 Mexican bandits who have been raiding the country and offering battle to any one opposing them. The battalion took rations for. 10 days. Reinforcements, consisting of 35 United States soldiers and 12 civilians, were rushed from here early today to the Norlas ranch, 10 miles north of Lyford, In Cam eron County, where five American ranch men wero reported wounded, two of them seriously, and six Mexican outlaws were said to havo been' killed in a battle last night, between United States troops. Texas Rangers and Mexican men, on one side, and Mexican bandits' on the .other. Additional reinforcements, consisting of Troop B, 3d .United States Cavalry, are en route from Brownsville for the Norlis Conilued on Faze Two, Column Seven SERIOUS DOMESTIC PROBLEMS MUST BE SOLVED BY WILSON Alleged Incompetehey of Inspection Service, Tariff Troubles, Mexico and English. Blockade Face President. , . WASHINGTON, Aug. 9. Domestlc.rath- er than Internatlonal'probiems.'wUbforca President Wilson' to curtajl his.' vacation and reuro tOfWashlnton In the near fu ture. Some of the matters thathe must settle are-dangerously, close' to the point where they. easily can, result In serious .scandal. The President it is understood, realizes this and he Intends forcing radi cal action on some of them. Overshadowing everything else is the newly discovered Incompetence of the Federal steamship Inspection service. Sec retary of Commerce Itedfleld has come from Chloago, where his Investigation of the Bastland tragedy has been halted be cause of the demand of tbe 'Amerloan Federation of Labor that there be no whitewash. He will confer with the President Immediately after the latter comes here, and It the return should be delayed, wlU go to Cornish. Itedfleld places the blame for the utter failure of tbe inspection service on conditions In herited by him from previous administra tions and on. restrictions' due to the civil service. Subordinates in tbe Commerce Depart ment resent RedSeld's atjlM. 8o does the Civil Service Cemwtrt. THw de clare that If these sms extot. Redneld. a head ef the departed should baw knows it and taksa Me t remedy thwa K Is Mxel tt the Prwldem. reafeX that our! labor has cow- Bo-jtlnml a 9m 3Nr, " Ove Commit!, TEUTONS SPLIT CZAR'S ARMY IN SOUTH POLAND Wedge Drives Gap in SlavForce on Viprz. Germans Near Kovno. AustroGermans Occupy Prliga, Warsaw, Suburb Galr witz's Column Only 10 Miles From Warsaw - PctrojjrarS Railway in Nbrtn. VIENNA, Aug. 9. Austro.German troops have pierced the Russian front on the Vleprs River north of Lublin, nnd the Slav troops, -divided and retreating, are threatened with dis aster by the great gap In the line. News of the splitting of tho Russian forces arrived here In a brief offlolal dis patch from Austrian headquarters today. It "stated that .the Teutonic troops were pressing' forward In tho gap that had been 'opened, while on both flanks the pursuing fOrces were Inflicting heavy lotses On tho Russians. Tho following communication was Is sued lost night: "Tho army .of the Archduke Joseph Ferdinand, In the district between the Vistula and the Wleprt, yesterday prose cuted Its attack. Our attacking force re pulsed the enemy from several lines west of the Wleprx and occupied In the after noon Lubartow and advanced northward to tho head of the river. Tho repulsed enemy fled In disorder across the WlepVx. "South nnd southwest of Mlcchow our troops gained a full success. In order to party our attack, the enemy counter attacked. Hand-to-hand fighting devel oped, and tho enemy, caught .on the frpnt and flunk, was driven across the Wleosx. Tho number of prisoners taken at Ljuar tow and Mlechow up .to yesterday eve, nlng aggregated 23 officers nnd WOO men and booty consisting of two cannon',. 11 machine guns and two munition cars. "Threatened by our troops, who are vic toriously advancing from tho sodth to ward the lower' Wleprx, tho Russian corps which remained In the Vistula district northwest of Ivan gorod, began tb retreat northwestward early this morning, pur sued by the Austro-Hungarlan forces, "Between the Wleprx iind tho Bug fight ing Is proceeding. "In East Gallcla the situation Is. un changed." GERMANS OCCUPY PRAOA; NEAR PETR0GRAT) RAILROAD Lrtnlh1atWirh3OO",O0aiMetoAtwy4 V..T.. , .. --.- . Slav Avcnuoi of' Escape. BERLIN, Aug. 9. .German troops have crossed tho Vis tula -and occupied Praga, eastern suburb of Warsaw, the Russians falling baok to escape capture by the German "armies now closing In upon the angle of the Bug and Vistula Rivers. Beforo occupying Praga German artll- Contlnued on Tate Two, Column' Three MP0RTANW ALTURE PRESE DAGLI ALPINI Le Forze Italiane Aggirano i Forti Che Sbarrano la Strada del Toriale. II comunlcato ufflclale pubbllcato lerl sera dal Mlnlstero della Ouerra itallano dice che le truppe Alpine p l'artlgtleria Itallana si sono Impadronlte con fellcl assaltl notturnl dl Importantl poslrlonl austrlache nella reglone del Passo dt Tonale. Da nueste nuove postzlonl, nelle quail gll Itallanl hanno preso al nemico cannonl e munlxlonl. essl possono mlnac dare alle spalle le ppere fortlflcate dl Strlno. che sbarrano la strada del Tonale e la betla Val dl Sole. Dlspacct da Ropia dlcono che contlnua -Orion dello forze Italiane. nel settore de'l'Isonzo e ipeclalmente contro la fortezia dl Gorilla. Questa ,?ltta' e' stata gravisslmamente dannegglata dal cannonl itallanl e la sua popolazlone e' rldotta al un quarto dl quello che era all'lnlzlo della guerra. I fortezza e' pero' tutta clr condata dagll Itallanl. la cut artlglleria domlna ora, dopo 1'occupazlone dl Monte San Mlchele. tutte le vledl'accesso alia cltta', coslcche" la guarnlglone non puo avere rlnforzl ne' munlxlonl ne' vlveri. It glornale socialists dl Trieste, cople del quale sono giunte a Torino, stamps, che 123 deputatl al Parlamento austrlaco, del quail da' I noml. sono stall mess) In prlglone dalle autorlta' austrlache che temono la tora slealta' alia causa degll Absburgo. St tratta dl 23 deputatl boeml, 18 croatl. 20 Itallanl, SO rumenl. 8 dalmatl, 23 serbl e 4 ebrel, Questl deputatl sono statl deportati a lontane reglonl ed Ivl messl In prJslne. (Leggere In a paglna la ultima e p(u dettagllate notlzle sulla guerra, In Ital lano). The Ken8tnBton,,n Sa78S Bam CUne, the r7-p0un(.iprrr pro moter, couost o 7-ottrte mlnsouot Orov ten last Saturday. LOST AND POtIND yiHKV did rav Umbt WlUT BID TOu'riHDT iji loit arUclts drtlit4 In th e t lltr Central, war tt Sndsr n Uwte tt; owner at any time If rou have feund ? rtlU tJ? hi. tot bn dtrtlfe4 as loat tS u3r will aS reeort ou StherlstiUul owner. wl will be ptais ts "well with yu, Tbu, Itt. Suot-ir InU. at Iltr Central I ire. ICT-Wmll1 l.lK.'fl iat. With &B&r iBliUU. 0"Jl""Tn."iU:k Brod aa4 M(r od "C. D. U." t Ueere vri y 1Z1U oa loruce, ; ittturn te- tlout rr la ..(., mvito. nTrrHTPIN BKXL UAO lot, 4J and t. yTW-fayela - Ph" Tfly f"8 M'jssa iSEFfhttrasi Ci itV Bwrd. l Mwevwa w. pUT. Uai, TlMr. J Na X ear. fro wUbhocs sla. v!lt 0. juon h. artovBrj. . . ., . 1015, it 7B pestie Lcnoi Coimxr, QUICK 'SLAVS RETAKE PETROOBADAtig, 0,--Traofficial reports reacheoUlier'e thlsj eriioon thatHfie,itUflBian8 havedriven Uie.OenaanatacJt'liwttseiOetMl' land and have r'cenptflred 'Mfym. tft "tnhltfl nubile'' VIL-A'S FORCES. WASHINGTON, Aug. 6. fevd a ''severe defeat and are adviftes reaching the state Deporttrient today. The .occupation, ofi Duraiigo by Cdrransistas Is declared to be Imminent.' ' ' '.rniNCE JOAcmftf to . LUGANO. Switrerland, Aug. 9. In tho nusstan.provinco of Kovno, tho-GerVa mans nro-distributing '.parnphlets announcing. that anew lndependent'kinpHfomfi will bo formed out of captured Ilusslan territory with -Warsaw the prpb'ablba capitul. Princo Jodchlm. sixth son of tho Kaiser, is to rule th new klngdonvi tho pamphlet says. ' '. ' DAVHTABmiNETHY. HEADS AUGUST OIIAND JURY . The Grand Jury for the 'August term in today -beforo - Judge ," 8hoemaker, eircci, Tyaa nameu na lorpmnn. BAVARIANS TO FIGHT TILL MUNICH, Aug, 9. Speaking- from oration of the fall of Warsaw today, King Ludwlg concluded'oa follows: "The cntlro nation irtust continue to hold out until tho happy end." KESER WILL DE Complete Arrangements for the victim, whose -body arrived In this uiiuuuHu it is Bum inu luncrui win undertaking establishment of ICIrk & formerly cashier of tho Philadelphia when a' submarine 'stink 'the Lusltanla. ftfn Ml.flt nf Vnimf nnA hMllffht tn MaM, .m wm v .a. mi.u,,v vw .wn yesterday. GERMAN LOSSES LONbON, Aug. 9. German losses Berno cbrrcspdndent of tho Morning Tost. Tho latest casualty lists glvo ths:S total of Prussian losses at' 1,641,569, and of losses for the-Bavarian, Saxon aD&M "Wurtemberg troops, G37.114. , t , . , , , 13,056 BRITISH OFFICERS LOST IN WAR LONDON.-Autr., 9. O'fflcera' cnaualtv, lists show -that tho. British' nrmv Ttad lost'13,65'6 .omcens- Up; to. July 30, of whom 4176 are recorded dead, 8305 Wounded.1;! and 1175 rnlsslriR. During; tho lat 10 in tbe Dardanelles have ngaln been the lhg'.jj WUed and J5,-woundcdJ( the Ktng'Si: Own. &pttlshJ.BoSgler.ers..ff JjiHed.-l.?! 13 Icillediana' 13 wounded: ' . . r . . t , - . . tho. Cnmerotimny, 2 killed unu. 6 wounded,, and Itoyal Scots. 9 killed ana 7 v.. ',''''.' ' ' . J lvounucu.. rIiSSIAN MINISTER'S LONDON, Aug. 9. An attempt to' sian Minister of Foreign Affairs, is related by Router's correspondent at Pet-i rograd. M.Kcratofl's aBaIlnnl, a formor' official of the department, rushed Into,; the Assistant "Minister's room, brandishing tin axe. When., this weapon Tvas 3 wrested from him' he drew n revolver, fore he was able' to fire. AUSTRIAN AIR ATTACK 1VRECKS BELGRADE STATION .. BERLIN, Aug. 9. The Overseas News Agency rhnUes this announcement' "The central raHway.' station at Belgrade -was re'duced o ashes by the latest. attack of Austrian aviators. Shipyards PRISONERS TO BE EXCHANGED ACROSS THE BALTIC LONDON, Aug. 9. Arrangements Thursday, the exchange of Incapacitated A steamer has; been chartered to carry of'Austrlatf and Russian prisoners will CZAR CONCEDES RIGHT PETROQRAD, Aug. Or Russia is for beginning the war over again and clusion. The Oovernment has conceded the Duma, nnd hss sllowed leaders of Industry to tsko part In the reorganiza tion which Is required to1 produce what the army needs. Now the Ministers are urged to go a step further to fan the patriotic spirit of the workmen by re leasing, thera from certain restrictions which hitherto have been In force and bjf associating them with the great national task of regeneration. HYPNOTISM EMPLOYED TO CURE GERMAN SOLDIERS HAGUE, Aug, 9j Hypnotism and suggestion are being used to cure Ger man soldiers of paralysis, convulsions, loss of speech and loss of hearing. "Pro- -fessor 'Nonne. of, Hamburg, has worked. miracles." .says the Deutsche Me4l glnlscho Wochenschrift, "curing with "a- nre eiven us os boneless. Professor Nonne is especially proud of one case. A soldier had been blind for months and also lost the use of his llmbs! Professor Nonne cured him in three treatments. He restored his alght and the use of his limbs. The man, who had been resumed his trade." KAISER GIVES THANKS FOR CAPTURE OF WARSAW LONDON. Aug. 9. Replying to congratulations from the King of Wurttero- bere on the fall of Warsaw, Emperor here, telegraphed the following: "Many We can see in the fall or Warsaw a the Almighty by His grace has led us troops will continue to fight to an nonoraDio peace," BRITISH TRICK SEEN IN BERLIN. Aug. 9. Tho Overseas Th Lokal Anzelger prints a letter, that while,. the Dutch steamship Rotterdam wail the British J&U . .. . ! '!. 11 t hIiiuhi1 nunnelnna eA'ynalj- iln i h 1 1 1 1 1 Hf jnlralty In June, one w cujujid between Dover and Calais. TliU -was would be1 mistaken 'or a Brltisn troopsnip ana terpaea ey-a uersMJt marie,w GERMAN CROPS DAHA8BD BY BitQtfflHT LONDON. Aug. 9. The Daily Mall quote n UBvaw4 Hwtrl tUmm. wb . has Just arrived from 0way. as sayinr that 0aa-yV Jwjw w , - harvest is doomea to uuppoiRii in c-tiB f ra n , w May. and June, NotwUbstapdlnjf the fact' that 'ft WN iBf wufwwiwt-. was plantsa,to grain ne fjpj win bo potatoes are unusually awMant. LINER CHAFED TO NBW vaw YORK, Aug, . Harty-tW. taa4 dtar4 yesterday whw Um vmm ! -w fro ew umh sac naa tt a were- w s had Umi r-o-lv4 W fK BMWw. mm ttlot to th possi-illty U rviaty o, Oemwn w 5l nwnxs-, be f th Maine oMt and ts4 - tvMuum hm m&mOy m0t- W - j Hb,,. Ths aWqapsr an- Ma offlcr cMa rrts i sm,iut&kmtL ttt lh vessel's cours hud not WjiML SStSEG PBIOJ2 O2SrtD.0Kl NEWS :i ,vr MITAtJ IS, REPORT 7 The Wnf Ottlih&dna ftiformBttfflBfeS $ ROUTED AT DURANGO. ' Villa's forces In Duxango haye satv retiring toward ?torron,' accoroUri'gMrl get POLtsn-cnnwMt of Quarter Bes'sidns Co'tfrt Vas -.awbrc nnd Davia'- Aberhathyi 'ot ' itU EmeraW" - g "HAPPY END,1? KING DECLARES the balcony of his palace during- a cele-l-f BURIED TOMORROW funeral of Horry J. Kcscr, n LUBltanla; city today, have' not boon rtode,"? uo ncia tomorrow a no ooay is at Hue Nice, dormantown. Mr. Kcscr, who waiVs 'National Bank, perished with his -wife Mr. lessor's bodv u wiuihcrt unnnvJ V1.1. nn ,nn .AnnnA CI,' 13a.. I nwl. .! v.. v,. iuu'g.Huii &,v laui, ,,4,). PLACED AT 2,178,683 to date total 2.178.683. according to tlia H days of that period regiments operating greatest sufferers, the Australians lmv -r . -- . .... tt . A LIFE ATTEMPTED assassinate M. foratoff, Assistant' Rus but was overpowered "by attendants be'ca and UarrncHs also ivero urea.' havo been completed for beginning.;! Russian' and German-prisoners, of war,. the menacrosa the Baltic. The exchange begin next month. OF FREE SPEECH TO DUMA every day putting herself in better shape carrying It this time to a successful con the right of free speech to members of,, ; surprisinjr suddenness many men whosv. declared unfit for any work, now has ; William, according to a dispatch recivV hearty thanks for your congratu!ftj(rpj sigmncanv step, en mo roan upon HHMn hitherto. Relying on Him our ?iWi NIGHT CHANNEL TRIPS rm News Agency sends out the following dated HahQken. Belgium, July K sayflV "'" , v..j ... done, apparenflyi the hos tbt wwwwiiMy jw mwm. w - -, - YORK, PAJWHPS T mmmmmm os ts B4 Star " d-a tht she. bat bean pwt ; p-i- jmh, - wyw., f 'Xtut & MS I 1 3g-?V?i-