W X P T T r( V -r-i i t - . -. 4. - . . plAVY S Kis SUPPED J IfW STRONG hi Sr Off 1 !., 1 . . VJ -!. I 1J ' 3. IJ'IV 4k .T T T" - ft BACK START kic Steel's Antics Upset fe-Mflrket, Made New High Ltd, Then Broke. HEW VOItK.' Aug, 7. .. nl roil or throughout the Le heavy Bellini developed on the '? '1j ifnlted. States Steel Was i.JeubJect of attack nnd dragged iWV, list down with It when It ? J;J Above 73 to below W. Beth. filed also brolto sharply ahd tho : j..iirt -were unsettled. The l,;iutlon in CrucbIo Steel were S6f in unse"" ............. E-.i.. n Interest centred In tho lciaHles In the Initial dealings In iwrA. hi morning, and nevcra! K.eords were established In tho RK minutes, Crucible Steel was ! I, star performer. It sold last 8 an t is curb hfter tho regular ?.ttl closed aa hltfH as 42. so no fcL-.. trnn cxnressed when it morning at W. compared with mclAl closing quotation, Thore .riimMn for the stock, sev- ..,1 shares changing hands as nation Jumped to D2?i. It then army Py poiuu - w" w7x. .core it partial recovery at tho l.h.m Bteei Biuriuu yt uiw uw . :-i!i.,i two Dolnts or more, whllo StJiiiTiistrlal Alcohol Jumped 3W and , v;.Ti ror nbout z. American can. I ",,,. copper and Amorlcan Smelting So higher, but U. S. Steel showed Ulllo cnunRu juuuiib iii nnu union rncinc '. - :1ZZL: -UATJ-'V jviii'lllA, .ISATUKDAY, AUGTTST 7,. 1013, EXPANSION IN COUNTRrs TRADE INDICATED BY INCREASED BAN -- f ",) M jnctw L'.M(lvely W1". ..,1l.ir .trW 'or n tlmo' but Bll80tiucnt,y l;-. , irfran Can hrouclit out .i,onli( tho report that an- '' . 5 -U..t rt ftflft ftrtl UfniiM Mr. V. . .tn...i In n. few days. Wes- ni 'J, l.i: P'BKl Viae In American Can Brought ou tifRt taking, despite tho report that an t9rtMroi u .- -; JlSi Electric was In demand and 5tW. " .. n nnl. n n turn' hlirli Sa American Uect Sugnr weakened. . ... rfnv'n railroad earnings MYtM Western reported aubstantlal . .- thA nays ruuiuuu v.i,ii.iaa W" . -tr...m ronnrtfld l rtfow""' " ... nna net for June. Wl l"..1 .,,- ihnrn wns n decrease WiE". Vini rnvuniie. but re- V-'..!. ; ted In n net gain of Xpciiave - rtd ;ic . .....mM) In lhi .' ..,.nr imuiu.v.i"-"" -- iflp icwi.. -Aln.lvft Inn steel m I' ; t.i .Inks into relative Insignificance ?lJSrea with the. startling de- lentil in Dig iron'.and scrap in tliu mSHiinta of the' week. The prico hBH ? K 'i?"A; thl. is only tho bo- (r: ,, .hnt mnv Drove the most SilioMl rise since 1809, when all prcce 5i wire broken. Consumers of foun- nll were ".. -,.. Innlllr ncr for Iron are ui.vuj' .j -- a ---SSwf of . The basis for tW ui ., . . --l-n tnvn VAfl In ffiWw war material Is tho growing ffif-that tho European contest will bo Wttcted to much greater length than 1 reneral occn oenovcu u. ..u.v "...v. . rtt. .n nr Wnranw lin nrouerht ',ne i"".u"' :; hM.n;; ;,: i. eoma 10 u.uo ""-" ""--rr- ay was aircaay ueKimuus iu t. The tremendous jump in me aanu. IjrtoKa of the country rcporieu lor mo ek Just passed is concrcto evidence. ny was neeaeu, uii uenerui uumucan ilcklng up. To be sure, tho exceptlon- hieh nprcentace of Increase in New It doubtless reflects tho stock market m, but tnlS 18 noi OO inuuil mo tuao niher sections. Tho enormous Influx war tirders Is probably the chief fac- and 'ft tho stimulating inuuenco in uteel-Bade. But railroads are begln- ig to buy equipment again and other mMntinrlltrA nrn dlmvK' ntnerlrlniT the prolonged depression; KEMOR.K BANK STATEMENT km - .,., aen-ei acn rourieen luiuiona. JjV- Loans Expanded. NEW YOniC, Aug. 7 A decrease of ire than fourteen millions In reserves miTffpgfted by the Clearing nouso uanxs ,wek ended today. Loans expanded .im on tho averugo. JotJl'loans were 12,693,231,000, with de- illaof $J,K2,CS5,G00, and tlmo deposits of ;i,0M. The aggregate reserve was ,009, Details follow: tftHsc Houae members, average htt iWi-iii, .... niareKdepnltft NfiTM . mriD( House members, actual; ail .. seem mi'dtMilts r. wrtM -;rae. Increase. 121,0711,000 10.Kia.000 4,2K2-,0OO B.-47,8SO 4,000 .1.7W .12,pSS 2,032.000 1,(113.1 000 UMP IN BANK CLEARINGS sivy Increase in Business Reported fc' for the Week. -Tm, Increase of UA per cent, was shown iSi we8k's bank clearings, with New -aJ9wdlng with a 69.1 per cent. gain. Kwtpnia's ousiness roao over 10 per Btj TO total was 0,461,644.731. against $3.- p,w last weeK. and f3,B71,098,4s7 tor rrespondlng week last year; , , .. , inl ii4. r. c. fork ...llS07,2SO.lH2Sl,0ft5!ll.15,B00 00,1 .i,iu,...i uii.iMiiivn -t u.u lll.OIM.UUa -t-lll.4 47,(HI,410 a.1.7 ilphli. . i:W,21l,22S are nn i .tin 5o 5W,'.'IRo!410 1PWH. 15,701,702 .t. t,. nui mwwin 210,H,H72 2..1 SS,70S,000 f. i7,omst -i2.a djjj.. -12,428,047,008 St.681,707.O3l 44.4 ljlJt. ... 609,782,416 618,240,811 0.7 5 .n m in? ave .$2,038,430,324 $2,103,013,842 -33.0 623,214,407 373,082,613 30.1 .$3,431,014,731 $2,371,000,487 -31.0 Heuve bank statement jttlon or the Federal lUewve llank w. vuuneB AUguet u, ivio, was as IlESOniCBS. Aucuet 0. July 30, tllil rr Ui uit. $11,603,783.00 $12,415,000.00 :M ;. 1,401,000.00 J.402.000.00 lelion fund S7.0O0.O0 3 7.000. 00 notea, 2,034,628,00 3.301,130.20 Mtv .. $16.038.413.00 $17.233. 739.20 &! Darwtr Mnct. . ! d I - 3ed and wurnls. $en7.qn.oo l"474,0u7.44 $.W1,1W1.I4 i.4i7,oaxSs $2,m,08I.Sl $2,O08.S,70 $340,130,26 1,000,161.07 $310,158.9(1 l,8tl.ll.00 Teltmanfa 1 mo vna t 1 ethtr ftd- ' "'"" 1 cfnu tt Ril SiA K Und 111 Cuwinrt HSvuri'M. 3t8',;il'.S $$,183,U1.U $1,1M.000.08 trour jrj.iioi.atr.is tas.ius.60i. 76 . l-lVUILITliS, In . S.i 3ti tun Ha tx aim nun rwi 'Cllllll ' ' Wjuti. nSISS " $.l.8S7.li $33,108,694.71 Wlee. UsTUOKANOim. clixuia aoiea 1- r...' f3.6W.0fi0.OU -nuin(C. 2.016,010.00 taw- s.otso.oiju.uo Declme In ZIrb Qm m . Aw 7 -Tfcu. u, a M.n-k. V4T faluAlujc MndliAr. PrlpK nsra ;in in U . , to, vuiiu $2,u3o,ooaoo 2.810 MS 00 3.WV.0W.0Q D New roi-ft SocA: Safes 05 32U 08)4 65H 100 175 69)4 100H 100 0W( 01H 143H 143 0 -19J 7!i 7)1 05 1)5 32)i 32K 32)5 B2) C8) 0S)i C4)f fifl il)0 1U0 174U 1MJ4 63!t 60 Adam. u. U1 ''. " !. Clo.s, mnAjav93 t Iff I Alaska Hold Mlnej., 33 Alh-Chalnt Mfj..... a? Am tleet (iugat an Am Jlraka S &V tc.ioow Am UtAke SAP pf tc iro Am Can sou AmCanprcf... ,iJ Am Car & Foundry... .02 Am Coal Troducti ....144 Am Cotton Oil .,, en am joe Leather... 7J Am Hldoft Iipf .,., 34) Am Linseed ,.. is Am Unseed prof ...... 31 Am LocomotlTa ,..-..,, M Am Loeomotlro p. , ... 071 Am Smelt & 1W eik Am Steel FonmlflA. ... 11 Am Sugar lleflnrrli...iiii Am jvook-a...... 2Sj 2g 20 20 am woolen pref ...... Bs &n Rn Kn C03 C0) t8) OSK .102 iou 10m 101H ' 70)f 79M 78f 76H 100 100 100 109 8pjf i mt mi VI 71JV 70), 7W '300M 302 290 2C0 iuy 31)i 12)( 31 C4 08 8ll 43 34)( 12)4 31 52) 03 80W 42) i 110K 1C0 kk;)s (il)i 143 60 ;i 3I)( I2jf 31 02 i OS E0X 4'J)i 100 Anaconda Copper.... Atchison T &a F... Daldwla Loco....,,. Haldwtn Ikco pref.. Ualtlmore & Ohio... Halt ft Ohio nrr llethlehcm Steel ucmiciicm dim nf....tis nc ,i Uu to & bupetlot 18 07if 0US C frroleum... i7 ,fl,j ,fi Callctrolcumpf 38h 31 37 Canadian rac-Luc 148 M0)i 148 Cent Leather Co dit .1.111 , Cent Leather Co pf...lllM 104)4 104)4 10H4 Chlno Copppcr 46)t S55f 07 15 37 148)4 434 12 . 30M . 17H 82)4 120 42 mi mi 30)4 18 83)f Chlcaeo Ut West Chicago qt West pf. emu i etv Chl Mil & St Paul.. Chi Mil & St P pf.. Chl & Northwest.... Col Fuel & Iron.... Consolidated Uas.... Continental Can Corn Products Hot.. Cruclblo Steel Crucible Stool pf. ... Cuban-Am Sugar.... Distillers Securltloa.. Dome Mines Brio Erlo 2d pt 33)1 General Electric 173 General Motors 10.1K 207 Goodrich U V Co...:.. Mil 62)4 12 44!f 11J4 oO 15)( 82)4 42 45)4 11! 30 10H 82)4 120U 120)f 120!f 123J4 124 124 124 41J4 424 41 41 128 128 123 80 S8H 8SH 15 14)4 14)4 021 85)4 874 105JX 104)4 104M 110 110 UO .128 . 00 . 15 88W 105 110 28 22 27Ji 28J4 22) ( 27J4 a) 173 28) o 27f 22 20)4 27 33 33 171K 171)4 107J4 201 01M 51H ureat wormorn pi 110 110)1110 110 ui k crs for ore prop. 41J 42)i 41 41)4 Guggenheim Kxpl 03H 04)1 Ktti 04 Illinois Central 104)1 103)1 103)4 103) Inter Agriculture 14 14 14 14 Int Harv Corp 04 70 70 70 Int Harv Corp N J....109 107)4 107M 107H ini v.on v;orp vuj Int Con Corp pf 73 Inter-Met vot t c 20)4 international I'apor.... 0)4 Intcrnat Paper pf 38)1 Inspiration Copper 33) 1 Kan City Southern 21)1 Kayser Julius & Co.... 80 Krcsco S S Co 137 Lack Stcol 55)4 Lehigh Valley 140 Mackay Cos pf CG! Maxwell Motors 35!1 Max Motors 2d pf .... 33 Mexican Petroleum.... 70)1 M St P &SSM.....U7 Mo Kan & Texas 7)4 Mo Kan & Texas pf .. 20)4 Miami Copper 20H Missouri Paclflc 3 Nat Enamel &S 23H Nat Lead 05)4 Nat Ity of M 2d pf... 4)1 20)1 73 20M 0)1 37)4 33)4 24M 78 145 50 20M 73 2014 01 37 32)1 24)1 78 145 55 140)1 145 0051 00J1 3551 35H 33)1 33)1 70 78 20)1 73 20W 0)1 37 33 24H 78 145 65K 145 00)1 35)4 33)1 78 117J1 117)4 117J4 Nev Con Coppor. 14)1 N Y Air Brake.. N Y N II & H.. N Y Central.... NY O &V Northern l'aclllc. North American. Pacific Mall Penn n R 108)4 8 18)4 20)4 2M 23 C6!4 4)1 UH Philadelphia Co . Pittsburgh Coal. Pittsburgh Coal pt , Pressed Steol Car... Quicksilver Quicksilver pf. . KyMeol bprlng 39)4 2254 Hay Con Copper . Heading Hep Iron & Stcol Hep Iron & Steel pf. . Humley M & Co Rumley M & Co pf.. Seaboard Air Line.... Seaboard Air Una pfJ StL&SF St L &SF2d pfd... St L Southwest bears, Iloo. & Co Sloss-Shef S & I Co... Southern Pacific Southern Ry Southern Ry pfd btu'debaker Co Tenn Copper Texas Co Texas & Pacific Third Avenue Union Dag & Paper.., Union Pacific , U bind Alcohol U SInd Alcohol pf... U S Cast I P &F..., US Red AIM 2)1 US Steel 72)4 U S Steel pf United Cigar Mfrs 8J4 10H 20J4 3 24)1 05H 5 15 115)4 110)1 114 . 02H 03 03 . 00 9054 8051 28)1 27J4 27H .10751 108H 107)1 108)1 . 72 72J4 72 7254 3254 33 100 78 24)1 03 69K 4)1 551 4054 22)4 78 24 03)1 58 3 3J4 854 10 .0)1 254 24 06)4 431 15 114 0,1 00 2754 33 33 10831 109 78 24 03 C731. 3 4 30J1 2254 78 24)1 03 67 3)1 631 30J4 2254 15014 151)i 14054 150)4 4354 U8 654 12)4 14)4 3454 554 0)4 14 140 4531 f 8)4 15)1 44) Nib 42 140 1031 5154 034 4434 08 0 13 14)1 26)1 651 OH 14 150 4051 88J4 1531 4054 b5 4334 43 08 654 1254 14)1 3431 534 6)4 14 140 45 88 15)1 4054 b3)l 4251 14151 13934 140 1051 10)1 10J1 51 51 G31 054 4451 08 554 13 1431 35 63i 0)4 14 140)1 45 8854 16)1 4054 8451 4251 13134 13134 13J 05)4 05 18 09 05)1 0534 9554 1851 1754 3 3 7354 7131 ...11254 11234 11234 11214 4434 45)4 45)4 4354 61 054 130)4 07J4 05)4 18 3 725 United Cigar Mfrs pf.. 10434 104)1 10134 104)4 Utah Coppor 06) j 00! 60)100)1 Va-Caro Chem 34)1 3551 35 3534 Va Iron Coal & O .... 61 0 60 60 Wabash pf 51 31 U )1 Western Union Tel 70)4 7054 7054 70)1 Westing E.&M 112)1 11331 11251 11231 Wcstlnghousa 1st pf...l31 133 133 133 Willys Overland 14131 14931 141 140V4 Willys Overland pf 103)1101 101 101 Wisconsin Central 32 32)4 32)4 3254 WoolworthlF.WjCo..lO0)l 100 105 100 Total galea, 381,300 shares, compared with omi ivki Khai-ea last Haturdav: this week. 3,303,300 ahareai Iat weok, 8,804,000 ahares. .81 Aaked. .mi MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAII STOCKS. Did. Jim Duller Midway Mlipdh Extcmlon Montana KTn-,t UtRP ...... Tonnpah llelmont 3i Tonopah Kxlenelon '.Jj Tonowih Merger .,,..,..., M Tonorwh Mining Jtencue Bulft ... West ana ., ...... Oil .10 ,-'0 .VI ,30 ,:u .12 ,11 3t .01 M .: Mi 0M, .0(1 ,07 ,m M QObOFIBIiU STOCKS. Atlanta 4, lllua Hull ..,.,............... " Booth ,..,........ ? llUllUosj J" C. O. 1)..... k. ....... JC Comb. Fraction ...,........(. W DlamondRelJ U. B.. g ialy ,,,...... 1" Florenea ...n ) Ooldfleld Coii ah Gol3fleIl Merger ................ - Jumbo BxtenIon .......' ,,S,,1 Kswanas -gg awlt'ormKndH MISOHLIiANHQUS. At !l r ............,., T K9.,la 11111 .... ;.ada Voider , COTTON NBW YORK, Autr. 7.-InflUl by ?' vanM In UWPooJ a ad cOnUrtuad 4ry wwthU in the bait. ootUn tlrm Jbli muming at an advanoe of 9 to V) Mhits TradW WH iM- A supply vMtiraftYi W" """ "TIw VT "", r T m,w. B$ ::::::::: :a i. .at ,01 .10 ,01 :!U vO-l I .07 .00 .04 .IM til Janaary Uctobor . Dwtmbet' Uaivb 8put ' . i- rtrrt IIIBB.. LAN. K SET Vili TTsa .Btt WT " i- .- CB m m lSi 9. Ml ll-ol .4 .w COTTON STATISTICS tw. .. W js? HL2Sfc. .:. T": 8.U7.S4I .. l.M lw New York Bond Sales $1000 Amer Tel clt 4 sA WOO Amer Tel eft 4 101 ,HiO Atchleon adj 4sT...'.S2 11WI0 Atelil.011 evil 1033... WU n25.' AtchlMn ev 6s 1017. ..lOlfi SSorjo Ilslt Ohio 4a....... s" IWjuo Halt a Ohio cv 4H... 8714 8UOO 1MII ft I) Bn 3VJ'. 87(1 . ,?0 ith Hteel 1st ,"S Ilft 100(1 JJrnotm Iln Tr f,, iojl? 2 JJht Alton a 48 louo V M & St 1" ep fie.., 10 1IKXI C M 81 ! tv IM, 0l3i 2 - M Ht l iten 44s 08 tMi Con Una cv Us........l1(l lfiiKK) pel fc 11 rfd 4a U331 4ism) Uen ft It o 4i..,,..., 71 1000 l)la Hur Corp 6s... 04l4 .Wllm El deb is 102Ti .'.!Si !?.wa -Vntrsl ref 4s... 30 .HS -'I Cent 4a in.i 81 aiiU! lnP cv..rc' :,1 Pd 0s. 133, 300U Intarb Mel 4H..i.,,. 7l4i IVifi0, 'nterl- Mer MAr 44.. 03 ' (JKS OP?"" Q.S new 44s 7H4 IM"?, J-neka Sll Its inA.. 01 JWO Mrlllard Bs , 00 nio Manhattan 4s mi JIW Mont lowfr Ba." m t; i ft". "r.BKe evt G nsu t8'4 g V C t II ret 0....lni(J iojI NY City la WW.... HJ ui dn 414, Nov n7....1lilft lui N VI,' 11 k 11 0 110 110 1310HO N JflHXJ 1000 1000 11NX1 M V D... 11, . ...,, JB! Nor l"c prior 4s.. "... uo( M,w.; " .?" ci. ;" H'0 Pllhll 200U Hendlnir llXWH llpn lr ; III llnnl. ,.l..l . 1 ..na. J5 Senlmnrd A I. adj 0e.. 1114 SOiHl do rM 4a n7 5SfS gV.l1..r".e. ." i-Ui- ?9M 1000 Houlh Pno rf.l 4a 83 n ct 4Ua H7H ti7't Oit; ,4is HI2l lw I itmif loot? lie fierv N j .....Mtf Mil wff "n. Bn 4 iu irijj pjft . lr & s.sn :i mu m 3000 Houth llwy gen 4 in, ipxas uo cv on UIU . .jini 1000 Thrd Av nw 4s 7831 xixmi v s atcei nx 102a 10(10 Union I'ao rrd 4 80 BOtK) Un Ilwya S P 4s 43 1000 Wnbaeh tat 5s lom r.000 Went Md lit 4a (It?? 170000 W E A M cv Hi. w l,.HStfc 0000 Weat 13 M B 103U Total sales. 1,303,000. compare, with 1,50,1,. IIR'4 10(1 no luj. (C2, 111 4 117 8014 w 83 0014 100 78M 102U 811 43 10H4 OKJ 112 105 Cloe, BS I 101 I .uok i I 101 1 KAi 1 loaiu 1 100S ! 10SJJ iS i IH'i IIS no 30 iSl l 71)4 l4 , 7!4 m. I .4 I ft I I 8U llh 10M l4 1(1114 110 l3,4 mil ltiaji 9 HHKSwfitfHsipivrPHH IHtfm iV HflBiJ hjhik;; 'sa.iR" ii,wS3 W . T S I K CLEARINGS ill 14 07 80(4 Oil 83 U01-. 1(10 787, 102 i 8 43 10114 1111 1 lOBlJ Financial Briefs liitorcsts nssoclntcd with Edward B. Smith hhvc, after a period of negotiation, purcltnsed tho holdings of Now Vorkers In tho Philadelphia and 'Western. "Bsslc conditions conilnuo to Improve," says Brndstrect's, "and feeling ns to tho future Is more optimistic, but withal, conservatism, born of uncertainty ns to results likely to follow n wet harvest, with somo tonlnpr down of earlier ex uberant crop ostlmntes, Is unite marked In grnln-rnlslns sections. So, on tho onn hand, country buyers are Inclined to bo cautious, while on tho other, those hntl liiB from motal manufacturing centres ore more eet upon going ahead. How ever, good crops are still In prospect, talk Of prosperity to come Is rlfo throughout the West, visiting buyers have been suf ficiently numerous at tho larger markets to mnke for a heavy house trade, 'mar hot week' at the metropolis of tho West witnessed the presence of more buyers than ever before at this season, and. metal manufacturing lines aro more active." For the month of July 26 railroads re port a decrease In .gross earnings of $4, 232,410. . Rumor has It that the American Can Company will announce the closing of a $40,000,000 shell contract In the next 10 days. The unfilled tonnago of tho United States Steel Corporation will be made public on Tuesday next. An Increase of 100,000 to 200,000 tons Is generally ex pected. The Amorlcan Woolen Company Is get ting numerous contracts from abroad for woolen goods for army use. Tho city of Cambridge, Mass., will ro celvo bids up until 12 noon, August 10, for the purchase at discount of a IIJO.OCO temporary loau. The city of Newport, It. I., will receive bids up until 5 p. m., August 12, for tho purchase of $12,000 434 per cent, coupon Ilro department bonds nnd $32,000 4 per cent, coupon Broadway Improvement bonds. Wheat exports from tho United States nnd Canada this week totaled 3,132,650 bushels, compared with 2,860,040 last wee and 6.094,313 a year ngo, says Bradstreofs. Exports for tho Ave weeks ending August B' were 16.810,618 bushels, compared with 31,995,326 last year. Frederick Pelrce, of N. W. Hnlsey & Co., has returned from a elx-week trip to tho Pacific Const. Ttnlph Peters, president of the I-ons Island Railroad, has left on a vacation trip to tho Pacific Coast. Ho will return about September 1. Tho total production of pig Iron In Can ada In 1914, as reported by the American Iron nnd Steel Association, was 706,972 tons, ns compared with 1,015,118 tons In 1913. According to It. a. Dun & Co.. failures In the United States this week were 316, against 375 last week, 411 In the preceding week nnd 358 In the corresponding week of 1914. Failures In Canada numbered 43, against 50 lust week, 49 In the preceding week and 87 In like week of last year. Foreign orders aggregating more than $SO.OO0.00O have been placed with the t,,...v,.,.v, ' Vnralirn Trade Commission, with the renuest that they be distributed among Pittsburgh firms. The largest order Is for 6835 railroad" cars nnd pas senger coaches, to cost between $10,000 and $15,000 each. Jay Cooke, of C D. narney & Co., leaves next week for the racldo coast. George H. Frailer, of Brown Brothers & Co.. leaves next week for a hunting trip In Wyoming. John B, Evans. Assistant City Treasur er, is expected back from his vacation Monday, . Besides the seven trust companies In the Clearing- House Association, to date other trust companies have signified their Intention of joining the system proposed by the Philadelphia Clearing House for the colUctlon of cheeks of non-members. Bale C Ion? term municipal bonds n Julv aggregated $27,6S,881 nn Increase of $"82t.L over July. MM. Fur the first seven months this year the municipal bond soles totaled $343,106.83, a deerease of $4l,SW.67 from the corresponding pe rod of 1914. NOTES OF THE RAIti The Pennsylvania Railroad has InaugU mud a practice of sending through ear of w-rehandl freight by Its Star-Union UMtolly from New York ,ar.West: ero wants, regardless of the quantity of fSafct flfferedV shipment. nrMBlot "mM oonslgtirawita " merchandise from New York to tar Western polnta have S2E trlnsfWr At various Auction points en routbrby causing delay. The Pennsylvania, announces that It will order the coiwtruion of 91 lf?w , at iW Altwna shops, to wuUte 1M MpiAcerosat program. Of these. W "& )wfrlght leoomotlYW nod "sfctfter-" tfUT IN PBICS.OP LBAD at 14 Irwu W sin. T. do WITT CUYLER Prominent bnnker and railroad director, who litis just returned from a trip to tho Pacific coast. STEEL SHARES STRONG IN PHILADELPHIA Warwick Iron and Cambria Heavily Bought Storage Battery at New Top. Bofore business began on the local ex change this morning a prominent down town house received heavy orders from several New York brokerage olllccs to buy Cambria Steel at tho market. Tho result was a sharp upspurt In the stock nt tho outset. Thore was also large New A'ork buying of Ulcctrlc Storage Battery, which was reported ob coming from In terests connected with the new submnrluo ibulldlng company which Is tho outgrowth of tho Electric Boat Company. Tlo stock made a now high record for tho year, crossing 63. Tho sudden Interest In local Issues taken by Wnll street Is doubtless largely duo to the widely printed accounts of Immense, war orders coming to tho Philadelphia district. This has naturally turned tho traders' attention over thero to tho pos sibilities of various Issues here. As n matter of fnct Storage Battery used to bo largely hold by Now Yorkers. Philadelphia nnd Western changed hands at 13 this morning, and 31 was bid for tho preferred. The bonds were nuoted nt 0234 bid. The Lehigh Valley Transit Issuos nlso developed strength on tho exchange and tho unscttlcment of the Now York list was not felt In this market to any material extent, although moder ate reactions occurred from the day's top prices at tho close. Tho general homo list wns distinctly strong. AVarwIck Iron and Steel was a prominent feature, the advance helm- .based upon tho betterment In tho steel trade and possllilo war orders. United Qns Improvement extended yesterday's gain a fraction further and Lohlgh Valley also hardened. Bapld Transit moved up to 10, whereas Philadelphia Company weakened. The other coalers remained dormant. The anthracite trade Is reported to have shown somo Improvement with tho turn of the month compared with tho extreme de pression earlier In the year. It Is expected that the mined will be worked half-time through August. Tho mine workers' union Is Just now very acttvo and button strikes aro again occurring In direct vio lation of tho 1912 agreement. There Is Btlll a considerable quantity of coal being offered nt concessions and purchases at April prices or better are reported. LONDON MARKET IRREGULAR Further Gold Exports Expected. to America LONDON, Aug. 7. Irregularity marked the trading on the Stock Exchange today. Tho markets had tho week-end npnear- nnce, and the attendance was small, The .tone of tho gilt-edged section was hard. War loans were the most brisk, and showed tlrmness. This was In tho face of tho request by the treasury to tho public, to use the notes more freely In stead o tho gold. This, in view of the action of tho treasury, Is Interpreted as forecasting further exports of tho pre cious metal to the United States. Home rails wero weak, Tho success of tho 11,500,000 4V4 per cent, 10-year prefer ence Issue of tho London and Northwest ern Railway limited was' doubted. Tho price was W nnd tho stock will bo pay able at par. Americans were a trifle depressed. Canadian Pacific hold steady on hopes that the dividend would be maintained nt the meeting In Montreal next weok. Grand Trunks were quiet; there Ib some uncertainty as to the full distribution of the half year guaranteed 4s. Russians lacked steadiness. Tho evacuation of Warsaw caused a fresh advance In ex change. Argentine rails were flat. The Bank of England reports the amount of currency notes outstanding at 48.729,640, against 45.3$C,920 last week. The amount of gold held for redemption of such notes remains at 28,500,000. London N. V. cloae, enulv. Atchison lon$ lim -,H lla t Ohio 83H 7041 -1 fcan l'aclllc 1J4 140V -m Chea & Ohio ti -J Chl (It Weit -' njj -p SivVifo'.:::::::::::::: ek ijri. uv-prji::::::::::::::::. J 1 W.cN..h"::::::::N:::l?r !o " Mo K & T -- 8W )i T N V Central , -If',, . .! Norf Wt " 1!"V4 ) &Ur.nVv,.V.".:::::::::gigv M.nrVf,""::::::::i3i U B 8tfl 7W ' " !r.creas. Decreaw. NEW YORK CURB Did, AaVad. American Zinc & m QO IW lejf r , Jin Electric Boat S J2S do preferred ? "?,. aoM.C0M 40 .' Oti Caiianaa. 4i Kene't Ceppw ,.,..,...,.... am, sew IplwlDg ,, fj BieVBWf "'' otfiT AX nralWTKl " -5i P" t .1 .a nrnferrau ........ti Tlaltod Pwt pnariBK ..... worM mm Yinwa GW ' GOVERNMENT I1QN08 f H3W rglt4rl ? 2? Sti5i!;:;:r:"::::::::" faMsa w U retlitwaa -.u nuui ta aAtlDtaXi ............1 . oifilA rtf4Ufta-T, . , 1 TT a ifiAJk kairialatAft . . . - Ii of vm couwm .....XWi - w,m,m Railread Earnings Expanding lax Just SO, US out of la couBtiy 1T ktfgMtt rUro44 m4 $MT.7r.U9 au iw MM. $;,$ the iri4UMI M. " Cemmtna Comualato fiaures ke4 today. COTS&. JJnlWd CI ar Sates in Philadelphia ... ., .. tea. Close. Illah. Loir. cio;e, . """."vnniin ..... ,w,i ,K3l .'AX ftnaTOTlO .Mln.. .. SS17 Canibrl iuM'.'. satT 33U ,13 33 8 8 -l,fn i------. - icti nipf HtnriDH 12S2 11? .SuP lrp ,,?i !! h .Valley.. 210 Lehigh V Tr... tv o nrer ZT2 I'rnn 11 n sS5?hlTr..: 4?2 $?. r etfs . 10 Phlla Trac ... JJJ Rp raeiflc . . M Tonopah Mln iv union rrac ?-W lt.B steel 3SW War lr A St.. Tfttn! BdlA 8374 shares last Satur 11,071 shares. liareji lat week, lt,ni4 shares. 5 3 j 5 fetk ftiVi "n mil i lit 10fi lou 10 lou ?& s tsiu . hi ,iz ,1114 in l 3l4 MS M'i 8V 8'4 81(J fad irj a r I 71 71 71 71 nil mu m 4 to 10I4 I'llh 19,I1H r.3-10 8i .... 3li 3U :;:::d S nULADELPUtA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR IVltKAT.neeelpti, (18,193 bunh. Tha nwiiet ruin! steady at the late decline, with demand fairly aitlve. guolatlana'. car lota In rrwrt el1rlnr -". 1 rA nnV tnnt nH Annut il IJttl Irt. Mm 4 .l V.m ko. i.- i-'-. .T-. .,.,., .v. Itll .limElil, H.T., 1.12ft eflniMtrM i inia fffen, BONDS. Irvmo Am n fi1 rfev.Ml- ll. lw- Clow 1000 Hnrwood El Os, ,, onfi 525 j;,nn con 4Ua.l024 lnj ,r i emia rn imh. I,),, 1000 r-hlln Eleo 4s.. 70 2000 Un llwy Inv lis, mi 71ll oov 103U 09? '4 103H lost, i 4 4 H 00(4 00(4 103' 0! 102 , Total aales. $18,000, compared with $24,877 l. ?turdon this ceh. $10l,409i last week, $200,0, ,4. Local Bid and Asltu. J luirr & sua t 0 do pref ....... Unldwln do pref Cam Steel Klctrle HloraKo Ocnerat Asphalt .do pref Keystone Tel .. do t c do pref Lake Sup Corp . Lehluh Nav ... Lehlah Valley . Leh Val Tr ... do pref I'ennsylianla ... rhllo. Kleetrle. . Phlln Co do 3 ner cent. do 0 per cent, pf.., rnna 11 Pf. T tlo t o Heading Tonopah IMmont Tonopah Mining . t'nlim Traction ... U Od Imp V S steel Yolk llwy do prer Wm Cramp t c. . . .Today, Yesterday. Did. Aakwl, 111,1, Asked. . 12 13 12U 13 . 40H 41 40U 41 . tH 7Si 711'i 80 Il ., 103 ,. . r.4 Mil M4 tw;i , 07 0715 tan 00 . 32 33 33 113 VI . uu 70. os; 00K . 14 14 4 14 14 . 14 14U 14 14 J . 10 io Iotf 10 ' '?! '8 ' . 72 4 72 72)i 78 . l(l in 15 1RH . 8l 2 304. 81, . MC B4,( nil! At I . 23 S4 , 23ji Jl . 30 .11114 3tl! 40 . 34 33 34 33 . :m 40 ;iinj 40 . i 10 tl ll'i . tl 10 ?., Ml . 73(, -i: 7.M5 ion . 3'4 4 3U 4 " 1 3i BK Gii . 34 34 J 34'J 34lJ . 8314 H3i 8341 KT,(.i . 72J 72i5 73 4 73 . Oil 7 Oil 7 . 28 30 28 30 . 77 78 78 781 lt.UII.IU; No. 3 'rWhem td. iiew. $t.l3 1.14: steamer No. 2 red. new. ii.10tfl.li: No. 3 ri, new. $1.101.11: rejected A, new. 1.OH0 . rejnted II. new. $11.02; No. 1 NoHhern DlUuih, old, l.RIl.fco. CdltN. HerelpU 3000 bush. Bapptlei wer small and the market ruled firm, but trade was qu.et. Quotations. Car Iota tor lo cal tmde. aa to locution No. 2 yellow, O0U pifec.i.attfinier yellow, 80'4M4c.; No. 3 ycl- (iATKi tlerelpts, 0000 bush. The market rulel etranlr. under aearcltr. There were no onvrlntit or No. 2 white below irio. M.Ot'It.-1tecelpta, ion bbla. and 987,820 llw. In (ticks.. 1 here was little tiadlnr ann the vV , "" iriy nominal, quotations, per lliit lbs.. In wood -Winter, clear, new, $1.73 BS- ita, stralaht. new, $303 23, do., patent, new. f. 3083.110; Knntas. clear, kte sacks. 3 11, new, juio eacKS, e,,,.iii ..,!.. h.'.; '""' ri' "i:"i-v.-- .. I'lina tirnis. cieer, 01a, ii,:imi,i.w; ao naw. $.8O.1.0; Kai W3.I8; do." stralitVit, 5.001 do., patent, ne pnna nrsii. cimii stralaht.old. $0.Mfll(,TR; do, talent, old, $rt,laj ;.!(' do., rorllo hrande, old, $7.2.H7.73; cltv mill, choice nnd fancy patent, T.a.Mf 1. 101 ciiy. !M Mtv mule, resular ai nuw. ll.8IVB3.10i 1., stralrht, new, mills, reaular arartes Winter, clear, to,i 3.411: da., patent, new. in, ntMlS.73. .... 1..1 ....;;' " .'"..'"; . .. iitfi ri.iiiu was dull ana nominal. 3ff we quote Pennsylvania at 4.0093.10. in wood, and Western, new, at I5-33.SO, In sacks. PROVISIONS The market waa quiet, but steady. Quota tlnrs. city beof. In sets, smoked and air dried, Sftft20c, j Western beef, seta, smoked, 23O20e,; city beef, knuckles nnd tenders, emoked niul alr-dHed, 2728c; Western beef, knuckles and tenders smoked, 27628C.I beet ham, $.I1V32, pork, family. IWoa.tO; hams, fl, V cured, loose, 1311 B 14c. ; do,, skinned, oose, 13ifl3tc.! do., do., smoked, 1401BC.: other hams, emokM, city curcl ns to brand and ncrago I4'4til.Vc.i hams, smoked, West ern cured, H'itrl.Vic, ; do., bolleil, boneless, S124c.i picnic sliouldera, S. 1. cured, loose, iii),wizc.i do., sino In pickle. ncurdln 13c.; brraktait bac, city cureii. lfiflise. curcii, liniec.t laru n'teiJHe.: bellies. .craae, loose, lViw , brand and average, .runt bacon, Western ..atem, renncd, tierces, Iiv,ttlic. I .do., do., do., tubs, IWIilOc.; lard. city, Kettle rendenu, in tierces, ujioioe.i pure lanl. pure I'JlUlW, Local Half-hourly Sales 10 to 10:30 A. M. B43 War lr & St. 10 20 Klcc Htorauo. 0(1 200 do OOt 30 do IIHV 100 do 17 CO Cambria Steel 01 n do M 30 Elee Btoraao. 07 10 do 07 100 do 117 43 do ui uo ui do, 07 do 07 do 07 Uo 07 do 7 l.l 100 200 200 1U0 100 1011 111 T.eh Valler . . SOU Cambria steel IB do IOO Eloc Storage. 100 do ao do do do. f do do do 30 liai 10O do 10 Ulec Storage. im) do 100 do 100 do 10 S3 100 10 Cambria Steel 34H 8 do 31, 100 P It T t c... Ii's 40 i:iec Storage. (Mil 33 U S Steel.... 73 10 Eleo Storage, mili 10O do tl 3 do W 10 do (W)'j ou unniDria eieci .ni , 100 do 5lW 1(X) do OHi 10 do 31 ion War lr & St. 10- 100 I' II T t c 0 13-1(1 lou l'enna 31 10 It S Steel 73 3 Glee Storage. K'l'.i m 1. l'nna uiec . . 24 WH 100 l.eh Vnl Tr. . 13K (17 23 Klec Storage, itdii 07 10 Cambria Steel 34 07 33 U U I ., 83: 07 .1 l'enna Ji At 07 10 Klco stiirago. oo' i. (K) do. 07 20O do. 117 30 do. 117 110 do.. S.'.Vi 10 do. . 8.V M t! (I I 117 30 Phlla Co 07 20 P.lec Storage in zx no 07 100 rialilwln (in Cambria Bteel SIVi KHI War lr & St. no do .Ml do 73 do 3 Eleo Storage 100 IJ S Steel... 1(H) Klec Storage to do 200 U S Steel... . .s , 07 117 07 H.1U . 07 ti, 7K 10K 3IK. 10 V H Steel 7.1 3I'4 100 Cambria Steel BIJi BUI 23 do 31(1 17 13 I.nkn Sun Cor 11)11 13 I.nkc Sud Cor ln'i 73 100 War lr & St. loji V (1(114 100 do 1 in i j.en vai -it pi i" vi ;ift 7.1 07 100 Klec Storaee 30 Cnmbrla Btecl J4U 200 do. . ....... 7; 1iK) War lr & St. lo'.i 13 fjch Val Tr pf 311 100 do mil riieo moragu. n,.i 70 U S Steel.... 73 30 Cambria Steel 31)5 to do......... 73 10 P n T t c... 10 100 Cambria Steel M'-i nONDS. 1000 Pcnna gen 4Wa 100O l'enna gen 4hB 4U0O Amer uas & Electric Ba . 10:30 to 11 A. M. 07W 1 Mt ) aJk Tlaa If af Mb JH Mt" ML m m- vi. f I $Hf 10 j 100 Eleo Storago 70 do 100 Allls Chain). BO do 20 War lr St 9m Phlln Co 23 Cnmbrla Bteel BISi 10 Ililla Eleo ..21 1(10 Elec Blorage. 117 13 l'enna .... 84 7-10 23 I'hlla Co ;n V 4 Bleo Storage. ( B0 do ID do 100 do 100 do 50 100 lmi y.t Pamhrla Sleel 100 Klec Storago. 07 Rft Ho 1171 20O do (171) is r-hlla Co .... 3(i 100 Elee Htorage. "i"; 100 do 07! 100 War lr & St. 11 loo l'nna no .... k 07 400 War lr & St. 11 0(1 2() Klec Storage. 0711 33U 20 do 07 33 bO War lr & St. 11 11 100 Elec Storage. 7?1 3KH 100 War lr A Bt. 11 UU1 III Dm Utnnann IITIU. 10 do ! 7T in i; meet. ... i.t 117 Vt mil 117(4 I17 do ll do 07)5 do I7ll Kllf. fi. 8 13 Klec Storuge. Il'i 30 War lr St. luK 20 Cambria Steel 3U 10 do 31(5 3D Klec Storage. HJ 30 Eleo Storage. 07 10 do U7U 101) do 07 2(i War lr & Bt. 11 SO 11 4 8 t o pfd (1)14 un e.. an.An. HtuT ou ctw nwiaiv, ..,71 10 do 075 00 Union Trac. . . 31(4 100 Eleo Storage. Il7t 5 do 07,1 BO t.ake Bup Cor 10(J 10 Klec Storage. 08 BOO War lr & St. 11 10 Klec storage, oh 230 laVe Bup Cor 10Ji 4 ramtirla Steel 3111 1() War lr & St. 11 100 War lr & St.. 11 , 100 do It 10 l'enna Salt... Wi 100. do......... 11 20 Union Trac... 3414 10 Ilaldwin pra..i(n IIONDB, 1000 E.iult & Illinois Claa i BHec B....1W15 1000 Amer Uas & Kiecinc oe 88 11 to 11:30 A. M. 3.1 Elee Storage. 07 4 do j 200 do "8 100 do 8 100 do M 13 do 08 100 do 08 so do 08 :i3 do os .... OS .... (IX .... OS .... its St. 11 IOO War lr & Bt. 11 toil An 11 100 V S Bteel.... 7.1 10 do J2H 100 do H 10 Elec Storage, OS 3 do ''8 20 do 08 15 do g 50 Uo 8 . 33 Cambria Bteel 34i 200 do r'l 23 do.., 23 do.., 1 da.., IOO do... 100 War lr 10 Lake Sup Cor to1 100 do. ........ 10i IOO do 10i 20 War lr & St. 11 10 Ilaldwin 78 BO Cambria Bteel 81 20 da 64' 100 Kleo Bloraae. 08 30 do 08 3 Ih Val Tr pf 32 10 Cambria Steel 34 100 Eleo storage. 08 10 dn (ft 43 do (1711 SO do lou war inn do 04 10O UK wup 20(1 Tonopah Mln. B!i 200 1'RTU, , I(H :.. ti74 lr & Bt. 101J Hup Cor lWi Ttt, Il'i 0 13-fll n do 24 iuo ao u ja.in 10) Ih Val Tr.. 10 i6a Cambria Bteel i!U 10 do.. ,.. 3(4 200 P It T ... 0 lS-lJ up vor I'i eel.... 72 4 Til ,.. .a r 3 I'hlla Blec 21 24 70 100 60' Eleo Storage, iw jo i.aa hup vor ij 10 OO, ., ...... u14 iw u pivci. . . . .. m 10 do..., eli 10 ao. iX if u a.i . . T"4I 10 do. do,,...... -T iw ,var &r w oi. iua M 00 do.... '-ti iuu ar ir at or. iu 10 CamtrU Bteel MK 10" heading ..... 78 m do , 31 U 200 Tonopah llln. 34 10 Blec Storage. tS B7 Peana 317-1 loo do......... 6S 10 Cambria SI eel 814 flCf ... . . kln Caa, r,,, .M L.IHWI. aim. "..I 30 II S Steel T2U 10 rtaldwln T 100 l'enna aijj 100 Blsc Storage. tiSVt goo Eton Storage. 07t! 10 do., 08U BON (HI. eou 100 Bl, wi lOOO llarwood Blaetrle 0 11:30 A. 01. to aa fli. te Storage. 07W 10 do 72 S) P B T I o 13-18 13 ) 4. 78g vh"y.mm"K.:jZii io.'..'..'. .. 7 .nan Mln SO War lr & 8t 10 aic Sierage. 1 ft:::::::: sir mi maaaaaam . . . ' M ". ; i u a oa. m-: D 8 StMl... SkNUb PacISi V 8 Htaol SM St&i. i to.. Lake Sup Car LS Sep Cor PaTttll v a t.::::: Ve 18 vm ft uj6 ::T:;I nf w X ItaV S Btaal. atoraaa . I.eh Val Tr Bt i EUc Htorage do . . StKl . . A Aa. raw city, kettle rendered. In tubs, REFINED SUGARS There tna little trading and tho market waa unchanged. We quote retlners' list prices, subject to concessions of r, polnla! ;tardanl granulated. 8.70T3..3c.; eatra flne granulated, n,il.M13.TD.: powdered, B.78flS.80c.i conrectlonera' A, 8.BBe3.(loc. i solt grades, 4.SOf 3. (30. DAIRY PRODUCTS IIUTTr.lt. Offerings of fancr stock -were light and tho market ruled weak, but wholesale trade, aa usual on Saturday, was nulet. Quota tions; Westorn ertlld-packed creamery, fancy specials, 28c; extra, 20c.; extra drats, 2BO 2.Mlc llrats. 2ltt24W' to R safes nf fancy prints, 33830c, by prints, fancy, 2nc, : do., average extraa ipsc.; uo. rair to seconds, 221123c. s near- ood. 24823c.: jobbing IMl(lS.Ml.'ine. new lalH rsa vrmr waII cleaned up at full figures, but much of tha supply was or unattractlvo slock, which wns (lull and weak. Quotations: in tree cases, nearby extras, 24c. per dot.: llrsta. $0 per standard rase; nearby current receipts, $3.B3 per case; exceptional lota higher; Westrrn. extra limit, (il.lln ir cam; flrats, $3.3303.83 per caso; rancy sclocted candled egga wero jobbing nt 20J127C. CHHKHE. The market ruled steady under moderate offerings, but trade was quiet. Quo tatlons: New York full cream, new. 14 14Vic. ; do. do., fair to good, new, 13!itfl3ic ; do., part aklnis, 0018c POULTRY LIVE. Trade was quiet and the market was without Important cliHnge. Follow ing are the quotations: Fowls, aa to quality, ItllllU'ic; roosters. 11il2c; brnlllnc chickens, fancy, not leghorns, weighing Klft'J lb, apiece, 2122c.: do., not' leghorns, weigh ing ltiHl lbs. apiece. 17420c.; do., leghorns, weighing 11MT2 lbs. apiece. lTffflXc: do., do., welching 10 l'l lbs. apiece, lSrIOc.t ducks, I'elttn, old, 13irl4c; do., Indian ltunncr, old. 12(rl3c. ; do., young, according to else, ISff lOo.; pigeon, old, per pair. 21023c,: .do., yoiiPK. per pair. 2ufl21c. DKEHSKI) Trade was qult. but values were well sustained on rancy deslrable-slid stock, offerings of which wero light. Quota tions: Krcah-klllod poultry, fowls. 12 to boa, dry-picked, fancy selocted. We.; weighing 411 S lbs. apiece, ls'lc. : weighing ;Hl4 lbs. apiece. 1H',4C; weighing ,'l lbs. apiece, 1G14W UWc.: under 3 lbs. apiece, 14H15Wo): Ice packed Western. HJ lbs. and over apiece. 174.c: do., smaller sses. 1317c. : old roostem, dry-picked. 12!ic. ; broiling chickens, Jermy, fancy, 202Sc; other nearby (nncy, 2ltr2ile.; fancy, largo yellow Illinois weighing 24(jp:i lbs. apiece. 23c.i Western, weighing; l(i2 lb., 2UU21C.: do., weghlng lieiU lb., 16fllc.: spring diioks, lOiflic. ; squnbs, white, weighing 11012 lbs. per dos., $3.i01f4.00; white, weigh ing UfflO lbs. per Uoi., .'IH3.BO; white, weigh ing 8 lbs. per dos., $2,331(2.1X1; do. 7 lbs. per doz.. $2,107(2.20; do., UtfU(i lbs. per dox ILUO 01.03; dark, f l.MMf l.M; small and No. 2, $1, FRESH FRUITS There wns little trading, but values were well sustained on choice stock of most de scriptions. Quotations: Apples, new, trans parent, per bumper. E0c.Cf$L23; peaches, (Icorgln, llello of Ueorgln, per crate, Siei.BO; do,, tleorKlu. Klberta, per crate. $1U1.30; pears. Southern Lo Conte. per bbl., $31J1; grapes, North Carolina, Delaware, per 8-lb. basket carrier. $l.Boe2: lemons, per bo. $3 03.23; oranges. Florida, per box $3.3093; Brapefrtllt, Florida, per box, $102; pineapples, per crate rorto Itlco, $l.BOV2.73; do.. Florida, 11.302.73; plums, Georgia, per carrier, (k 1; blackberries, Delaware, Maryland and Jersey per qt., S3 7c; gooseberries, per qr., 3t(0c.; huckleberrlos, per qt.. 0&8C,; canta loupes. 3Inrylnnd. per standard crate, $1(11.30: do.. North Carolina, per standard crate, I1K 1.2i; do.. North Carolina, per flat crate, 40 CBOc. , wutcrmelons. per car, $IE0322S. VEGETABLES Supplies were liberal and the general market was quiet and barely steady. Quotations: na. per ooi.--ro, x, -&c. Vhlta notutoes. Virginia. t, ..... v'n .. mflrjk ..kit. ..n,... i.... per l.askct No. 1, 201f25c: No. 2. 10c,: aweet potatno, North Carolina, per bbl. No. 1, $3Q) 3.S0; No. 2. $ 1.73-8 -; culls, $101,23; sweet po tatoes. Jersey, per basket No. 1. $1(11,23; No. 2, BO73c; onions, Jersey, per H-buah. basket, 18ft2:k..; do.. Eastern Shore, per hamper, Br inc.; corn, Jersey, per baaket, 231133c.; to matoes, Jersey, per basket No, 1 early, IOO 13c; No. 1 second early. 23j5uc,; mushrooms, per 4-lb. baaket, 50c,$l. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YOHK. Aug. T.-BUTTEn. Market steady: receipts, u23 packages; extra, 23HW 28c,: lilgher scoring. 2i(i27e.; Stat dairy, 2V.; Imitation creamery, 22tf22ftc. I'dOS. Market steadier; receipts. 11,732 caiea; extra firsts, 21U22(ic., regular packed; regular lirst. ia(j20c. regular packed; nearby whites. .111 '12c; mixed color, 18g24c; nearby bronuts 23(t2Sc, LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO, Aug, 7, IIOOS Itecelpta. 0000. Market dull. Mixed and butchers, ta.l07.33: goad heavy, $3.U3fi0.80; rough heavy. $3.D3t 0.10; light. JU.hO7.W); pigs, $aB0tt7.B0; bulk, 10.20ft (1. 83. CATTLE Receipts. 300. Market unchanged. Deeves. (tl.23ttia23; cows and heifers. $3.10 0.23- Texans. $0.3O7.1i calves. $7.60010.23, SHEEP Itecelpts. 0000. Market strong. Native atid Western. $3.S0a.83i lambs. $7.30 CI0.80. BANK CLEARINGS Hank clearings today compare with cerre anondlna day last two years; 1JH3 Ji 1011. 101.1. Philadelphia $21,301,122 $20.1BO.7B0 $2t,8UO,330 RATES FOR MONEY Cull. Philadelphia , 3U04 New York ,,-. IVMIIn Hostou Chicago 3i4 Time. km Reserve Banks' Discount Hates J ....... -f I'lUladelphli :nei.jWK -iwaiw (Cleveland . Itlehjnaod ........ Atlanta . Chisago ......... . St Lou l , 3 MtDneapulla .... . Kajwes City .. Dafim ... . Wn Fransisao ... 3 TABTieunurai Him ,T3ava , 1 to 11 to 31 to 81 to 161 (0 u " mi o moa, 4 4 4 4 4 lira 4 1 Hoc -lit a 4i 3. 4 4 a (I a 4 4 j S 4 4(l S 4 SB per oalk Mek ua snlaAaimi rate tar bankers' aMenfaBeaa uaia- IraBni 2 P cent, ana maitaynu 4 per ct. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NBW YORK, Aug. 7,-Tty (oratta uctoatf SJjmoj "".:::: 4:7a" .? iu . UMAL ADVEBT13BMENTS jefosa ESTATE Or JOHN B. JtAMAOK, iJi deceased I etters Caatamtatary on Um abOT eatat uvBg baeo granted to &a UBdarslOMd, a4l 9rfnu Indsbtad te tha. Mid i. lotK f. MsdABfili-. BrUjOafSvr, JAMBS P. LAFFHRTT. lS3 Cbs4uut at. wm DiKCTORy OF ACCOCNTANTfll .. ,.,.. A u plu j un 1 mi f, SE aajJaa BqajssaijlaTaaT aMM&ftta& WJawt WHEAT CLOSED FIRM AFTER EARLY SETBACK Good Weather Has Caused Black Rust to Almost Dlsap. pear Largo Salts Reported. CmCAfcHI. Auir. 7. Prices at th4 Optlf ins; totlay compnrnt favorably with yi terdaVs closings. Tho ttsdrrtorl wwi wtsk nnd a decline, set In noon ttw tft oarly Bftles wtre itiadvi. Vfhlla rise ite? bo expected iloori, forced liy profit-Inker, Iho s-enirnt sentlmeht la bearish itid I la predicted that lower prices ra due to follow n week of guod Weather. Ovsffiljito salos of country wero reported numer ous nnd heavy movement Is looked for soon. Black rust fears have alrhost dla. appeared, as have shorts and speculators. Trading; In wheat following tho open In? was brisk; the offers, however, ex ceeded tho demahd, ana prices changed but little. Bcptember opening at I1.W14 trained 1 cent oyer the price paid at the. last sale yesterday, whlla It did not rise, over that price before noon, Us fluctua tlons wero light December, which closed yesterday at $i.0Mt. opened today at $1.074, with a nervous undertone apparent May opened with an advance of ic, the first sales fetching; 1.14. It Imitated September and Deeembor. holding" fairly atrady, but ready to shrink In on Jn stanL In tho final denllnss all the months showed strength. December closlnr; over a ccni noove yesterday. Corn wss featureless. The opcnlne prices wore about oven with yesterday's closing,, but competition wns rrflislnn and It chatked only slightly In tho early hours, Oats was active, with prices unchangod. The undcrtono appeared bettor than; cither wheat or corn. Export sales reported totaled CSS.C&O bushels, chiefly for shipment via gulf. It Is said thAt 10,000,000 bushels have beert contracted for August and September shipments, which Is much lower thn orders In view -at the same "period last year, The spring crop Is estimated at 313,000.000 bushels. About 3.000,000 bushels, of Argentine corn Is to be Imported via New York. It IS said the corn, tha first shipment of which arrived last week, Is In excellent condition. Scarcity of ocean carriers Is the only drawback now con fronting Importers. Weak American cables wero offget In (he Liverpool market by lighter arrivals. Spot Is Irregular, Cargoes aro strong. Leading futures ranged as follows: Ycst'd'g Wheat open. man. low. close, ciesa September .. 1.0744 1.074. 1.0(1 1.(17(4 I.Otlj December . . i.irnj i.u.154 1.11 ti.u.i i.iw May 1.12(5 1,12ft 1.12U 1.12 U-IZ vom tnw aeuvrry; September .. 74K 7.W December ,. 03K 04 May CO my Outs September December May I-nrd Beptember October . January . nibs September October l'ork Reptcmber Uetohor 1)11. tAsked, s& .aa isa 03 ICOiJ 63ft .. 80H 40 .30(4 M0U -IftiH .. 40H 40tt 40 UOil 40 .. 43 5 42 431. 743 .. 7.77 8.17 T.77 8.12 'T.7.1 .. 7.00 S.20 7.H7 8.20 7 S3 .. K50 : 63U .. S.W) 0.10 8.1)0 0.10 8.K .. 8.0? 0.10 8.00 70.10 8.87 ..13.00 13.73 13.37 13.72 1X37 ..13.00 13.03 13.00 tL'1.87 '13.82 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YOIIK. Altg. 7. Trading waa oulet 6n the Coffee Exchange today and prleea were slightly below tho nnals yesterday. Later ta tho day .the market rallied, l-lnal figures rhowed advancea of aa much as a point. 1'rlces follow: xoaay a i-oaays xriieroay a April .... -May June , July . ... August . , , September CTtoker . . i Kovember December January . . February . nrcn close. elfn. 0.71 fl 11.72 H7(lf(ll.77 (IhUKkVJ ntienlnx. iLluiintllt ll.7r.iri it. 70 0.831 0.S3 0.77(L82 .... nNM(l.K7 awira.vi 0.31 Kj HAS iL.-.mn.vi rt r..r r.T. a.its6.Bt o.'oirjo.Gi o.'33o.3. 0.B3 .... n.3iiiij:l Ainnanl 0.73fj0.75 0.0WIU.UT 0.43410.50 a02SO.O3 (i.4))UU,bU .... Hid. Totals sales 10,230 bags: RAILROAD EARNINGS MINNEAPOLIS. Decreaaa. $140.1113 81,M)8 (MIO.CM 200,727 $11,447 10.80 043.103 ,12V.033 i3S(l.(lh M43.S7 BT. PAUL AND BALT BTE. MAIHE. . I 1018. June gross 'SK'.;!? Net after tnxea.1. Sl'SM Twolva months' now.,, IJ.flLJSJ .Sit utter taxes 3.022.822 CUfCAOO DIVISION. June gross KJ'm Net Otter taxes 2!?'HS Twelve months' gross... 0.043,0 Kct after faxes ,. 2.823.0.(1 NOUrOLJt AND W1SBTEHN. Decrease. June opor. revenue...... l"".; 12 months' oper. rev ?.0?.L0I3 Net w.iu.wi CHEAT NORTHEllN. 1013. June gross f.S'SS Net after taxea J'tJ'SIS 12 montha' groax SI'152'?i Net atter taxea o.uj,iu CHE3APEAKE ANn OHIO. Junu gross 3.(a(j.ioi 'iiod.oht Net alter taxes i.uiu.out 12 montha' gross 30,484.038 Net alter aie i""'." MOBILE AND OHIO. Fourth week July .!?? from July 1 8S8.3II LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE. Fourth week July ..... $1,123,370 fia,3ia 3S(l.(lhl 7J LUin.ti 1JU..JJ Decrease. $87S.4ft! 213.(Mia 0.6A0.131 1,412,400 188. SOU I1. 001.173 S34.SS3 $70, tin 210.233 From July 1. increaaa. 4.432,930 330,034 FOREIGN TRADE CHANCES Th oUottH0 flat of opperluailfes or Amer ican maimaetrer In Ids forflim Irade l (vi u fas Uurtou of Portion and Oomeitls Camtntrce, Dtrarihitnt at Commerce, and ad ditional Inoraiatlon tnau Ie ha4 by corre ipondence, giving tht filf tii6r: No. 17727. Kr extinguishers An. American consular ofiuer in England reports that thee la a demand la hla district for lira extia Kidshera fop household use. No. 17781, mlnsral wbx-.AU American coo aular ofScer In Itussls stales that a Arm in his district desires to receive the name and. addresses of American Orros which are In a IiotUlon to uuy cruuo vicacciis anq iiv uj produois. 1 They make Boats from Tim- ,1 ber then the Doata brine mora Timber to maka mufp' u ,' Boats to bring mora Timber. B ; Lumjxr' wtfrk isvrIona ! Edward F.HensoniS Co. f j Poplar St. Wharrta, fkU, B ,. i i . ii i ,n . ji .il-l-lL. uii-uj.. ' jeae MEARS Sc BROWN OITI ANI SUUU8BAM K8AL 1S4TS pjprll HanaraA-at Cjitrt4 202 $tfk y$&&m . in i t m.L ' ' ' '' "'" fua aTAaf xm -sum 69$wm leMtw iw, l 5ii SLXItiaV Mh. mvt ktads teaiMU mmm WXxEBM BSw wI. 'WHaR w, inaiiantiaii in Mkf Tpsh w T fc vmm iM i nt on' vy jJl ,j W DUTlAflS MiL 5.3s- H-TMr '" I4I UlK3iiii au -wotluuii orldak. t . . :Wpf 4 - 1 " WfiSii m m. asv. t