!! nN ! GoJ, rttj- rf 3J Ttlj. tit wis ra. Ji 1 I 3 K a Lifiti ltd an 5. foCUh AND PERSONAL AFFAIRS OF INTEREST AT SEASHORE RESORTS t " "' -' ijternoon Teas at Atlantic City, Four Generations of a bration in ATLANTIC CtTV, Aug. 7 IBS MAlUOnlES WALKER gavo a .maII ten Wednesday afternoon nt rhlseiv cottage. 62 Windsor avenue. ?Sonor of "BH """"" """ " "- fi Hlehlnnds. Preaent were Miss jr. Murrnyt " -"' - li rm. Miss Carrie Ilyon, Miss . .... rtM Tniitlttn Hihwlpkftrntli. I...... Mnulfck. Mrs. James Irwin, Kg 11" jonn wamci. 1 Mrs. William II. BUfford, of -rtS Pa . w, "Pend the remainder 7. the summer at meir counno m aelSCB. Vhllnrlelnhln. Vh. nfl Sirs juiui - - ............ ) ".-..! iirir cottnKo on Chelsea rjy oplcu t Mtn. Garrison litckmnn, of Knn- k" unh,i formerly of Phlladel- MV u eocndlng August as tho guest of nd Mrs. ne"v" " "-i eottagc. 115 Oramercy place ,- if.iv. Aub. 7. An attraetlvo of- .wen Wednesday was the card party feed by Miss Ethel Shields at her - llftil COttagO on xicutii uviuuu. tA s"ts wero Miss Mary Hey- (ij iii,. Virginia Araumri 'n -Uou"ell. Miss Valentine Mitchell, Jj5 Elolse Ormo and Miss Lorraine sRUi of" Justico In Washington, has nr $?i nrt will spend tho remainder of !"" - - l.lo mttnen fin First RVe- ,e tumroer - ' .. i.. nAnflnv nt 5IYH Snptipft nt who, with her parents, occupies a !.. Stockton row. haB returned I Z Soe May from a week's camping trip. S lily at tho Now Cape May Hotel J will Icovo In a few days for tho tad will 5T.tJilns. Mr. -VOJin is a boii piaycr i( note, and may bo seen on tho links 'jjnMt any uuy. "Mr arid Mrs. Ilobert Drlght, of Gor- utown avenue, in Mount Airy, aro Spending- several weeks here. H' WILD WOOD. Aug. 7.-Four generations ihrere represented In a party which went itt. Avalon from Witdwood aboard tho & Wednesday. Mrs. C. T. Ulp. of Ivorthumberland, Pa.; her daughter, EMri Carrie nenner, of Sunbury, Pa.; iri,ti!fcughter. Mrs. II. C. Hitter, and ?rMt-granddaUghter. Miss Edith Helen Bitter? of Milton, Pa. Their visit to tho rive-Mile Beach lo tho occasion for a fimlly reunion of unusual Interest due to .'. JL.i .i.. rn- irennrattantt aro reDre- nted by four persons, nono of whom It an imam, uiuki ...o..o . 'rWtr wero Miss Florenco Moore, Mrs. OM. Thomas, Miss Hazol Chllllson and ibert uraunt, au ui ouuuuu, . Fir. a n. Bcrnara LiicDcrman ana fimliy. of Philadelphia, aro among tho Wagers here. Mrs, Ottlngcr and daughter, Miss Hor- tease OtUnger, of QUncey. ia.. are DidlnE tho summer nt tho AVIIdwood lanor. Doctor and Mrs. Krauskopf and family, of Philadelphia, aro summering at Wlld irood Crest for tho season. Mr. Harry J. Pa"l nnd Pnrty ,f Kraustown, Pa., spent a delightful week at the Hilton Ho4,cl. Mrs. Herman Hebe and her daughter, Mls Loutec Hebe, of Philadelphia, aro visiting Charles L. Deck, at the Ottena Cottage. Along the Main Line P.iQVERDIlOOK Miss Emlllo de G. Huff, PeM027 Unland -way, Is spending a few , . tin at Corson's Inlet.' dajB'Wtr and Mrs. Joseph Carter, of Droxcl rcsd, have Deen spenaing bbybiui In Chelsea. jSHMra, James L. Glase, of 6152 Woodblno lyaue, will go to Eagles -nere inie uu Bonlh, to Join her daughter, Miss Helen Fwiter Glaso vho, with Miss Helen BnKenbaugh, Is being chaperoned at tho rwort by Mrs. Howard P. Park. MERION. Dr. and Mrs. Brooke M. 'Acapach, of 119 South 20th street, aro occupying tho house or air. ana airs, om itjr L. Crawford, at Hazelhurat avenue and Berkley road. Merlon, for the sum- iFh.w hn.iA AiimA 1mm n mntnT 1H1I. AllJ t.U.W AVM..U .w... . ... J trip to Boston, I4i -ifti HAVEBf ORD-Mr. and Mrs. Christian fbB'i-A. Hagen, of Buck lane, are spending iMKVArK vl aususl at winicr xiaruui, mvt "MtrK . - i .' . . nri. TT 1 WmV-f1"1' Jonn D- Wontzel is spending tne f Mjiner t Northeast Harbor, Me. BRYN MAWR. Mr. Harry L. VIney, pi ' Old Lancaster road, has returned BMW a, month's trip to California. s-Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Zletrler. of Nar- Ifctth, have taken a house at 14S Penn itreet, which they will occupy after Au- grut U. i Mr. and Mro. S. Wynno Foulko and !ht!r children, of Yarrow road, aro at fcwwie Sulphur Springs, W. Va. W7AYNE. Sir. fihnrloH TMwIn Shull and fBEim"y' W10 have een atay'nB at tne rjBMt,"newooa ror tne monin oi Juiy, navo imH?om t0 Beech Haven to spend the re- Mr, and Mrs. Benjamin Franklin James, of Bloomlngdale avenue, have mo- ?fea to Cape May to spend the month of Mfau Gerinantown The belrothnl nt Mian C DlRrlna Me. Cwrttfa and Mr. Robert E. Peterson, of Gerifiantown waa nnnnltnuftH VOMtftrriAV. .Ml McCauslan is the daughter of Mr, "s Mrs. John C. McCauslan. of the xworton, Germantown. X Alfred C Lacev. of Rublcam ave- spending a few weeks In Huntlng- a. Along the Reading t and Mm IVIlllntn V.. Harlner. of land Rruri. Ttvrtnl Pa. will leave ISth of Aueuat for a motor trip ou?h the White Mountains and the bngjand States, expecting' to do a couple of weeks. fw. William C. Cockran and Miss Jos- o wocicran, or Bent road, wyncoie. penaing several weeks at the reat eo of Mr and Mrs. Alan Reed on I road, Wjncote, during Mr and Mrs. auoence uanaaa. Henry C. Diamond. MIsj Henrietta w?nd. of Itydal, Pa., have left for "mm Mountains, ff, X., wnere mjr ' wend the months of August and Sep- r West Philadelphia l Nina F Lewis and Mis Margaret Sodtne. of Hamilton Court, who are ling some tlma nt Center Lovell, will remain until tie autumn. pirs Howard A. Miner antertalned the n of her bridge club at her home. Ut!uore avenue, vssterday after- Htr oriiaats tnclllllMl 1rM 3&TR9S fM Mrs. Addln A ChrUtUn, Mrs. y Matthew Titus, Um Charlw Kin- Mrs. Edward M Utacjmouae, f, s Brownlne and Mrs WUlUoi j Xra J N,lr.m Hirvav of Wb WlUlUt . et, mi ttrnd ran & sfert visit Card Parties at Cape Main Family Hold Cele Wildwood. Mrs William rlnrlr. t. . l . lnrJ2.?h6l8'1 t! stater; 'MlMMclTta ' Miss Helen Gelger at Ocean City, N J , mi.. 4? wlu-nd home. Miss Gelger and nt .Vf nr0nC0 ?'r.Bftve a larBO bridge nJ , Clceunn ?li Yflch' Club In honor or Miss Zehendcr during her stay. u,r,i?Hd. Mrs- JoeePh O. Williams have closed their apartment at Hamilton Court, 2, fe w AtlantC City for tho lato summer. Mr. Paul B Sllfer. of Hamilton AUnnilo'cuj!0 8Pnd,n8 Sm tlm Qt Mls Elizabeth M. McKenna, of 6tH Locust street, Is spending part of tho summer nt Thornliurst, Pa. Mrs. Howard P. Park, of 4U0 Pino street Is spending AugUBt at EaBlo's Merc. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wagner Pohllg hnvo returned from their wedding trip, and aro nt their home, 6709 Whitby ave nue. Mrs. Pohllg, prior to her marriage In Richmond, Vn., early In July, was Miss Dorothy Dclclna Wood, formerly of Washington. Mrs. Cecil Myers, 16 North Hirst street, Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Margaret Craig, at Scranton, Pa. Mr. O. E. Wise, IS North Hirst street, Is entertaining relatives from Baltimore, Md. Mr. and MrB. Guy Schoencr, D7 North Yerd street, are receiving congratulations on tho birth of a daughter. Miss Mabel Marrett, 6241 Market street, Is visiting relatives In West Chester. Mr. and Mrs. William Christy, 5921 Wal ton avenue, and their little daughter have left for Bctterton, Md., to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Becker, 2121 S,outh Simpson street, and Miss Anna Becker and Mr. Anthony Krantz have Just re turned from a vacation at Runnymcde, N J. Mr. Paul Llndeck, Bratton Apartments, 40th nnd Irving streets, entertained at a recoptlon nnd dance In hlo apartments this week. Among those present wero Miss Eleanor McGowan, Albert Garrett, Miss Jeanno Gelglre, Mr. Leslie Wright and Miss Ida Devlnney. Mr. Samuel Jamison, of tho Overbrook Apartments, Wildwood, N. J , Is the guest of Mr William Morris, of South Tclton street. Mrs. R J. Hunter and little daughter. Dora, 63d and Callowhlll Btrects, left the city for Wildwood, N. J., to bo gone one month. Mr. William Vare Is convalescing at his home, 6232 Market street, after flvo weeks' Illness. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wilbur Short and their family, of 325 North 61st street, left to day to spend tho remainder orthe sum mer at their farm nt Fcrnwood, Del. Mr. 'JI. Kaln, of 312 North 62d street. left today for tho Exposition in San Fran cisco. Cal. Miss Evelyn Slocum, 910 South 47th street, is touring the Adirondack Moun tains. Mr. nnd Mrs. Alfred Slocum are at Ocean City. Mr. and Mrs. David G. Winnfrcd, of 320 North 40th street, nro spending tho sum mer nt Long Beach, L. I Miss Margaret Lynn, of EDth and Cath arine streets, is spending the remaining summer days at WillIamsport,''Pa.'Mlss Helen Lynn Is spending tho wcek at At lantic City. Miss Alvcstcr Chllson, 6141 Cedar ave nue, Is sojourning with friends In Cham bcrsburg, Pa Miss Jcanetto and Miss Clara Courovcrt, of 59th and Race streets, nro guests of (Mrs. Prlcster at her Atlantic City cot tage. Miss Paulino Courovert has re turned from tne scashoio and Is spend ing tho wetk with friends in Swarthmoro. Mrs James Graham, of 4115 Baltimore avenue, nnd her daughter, Miss Jeanne Graham, are visiting In Ashevllle, N. C. South Philadelphia Mr. Bernard McGlnty, of 150 Jackson street: Mr. John O'Malley, of 212 Tasker street; Mr, Max Savatac, of 9th and Tas kcr strcots, and Mr. Georgo F. Christie, 1510 South 8th street, spent last Sunday at Wildwood, N. J. Mrs. Clyde F. Holt, of Santa Anna, Cal , is spending a month with her mother, Mrs. Grace McGovern, 2314 Fltzwater street. On the way over she spent two weeks at the exposition. Mlsa Alys J. Mullen, 2610 South Broad street, has Just returned from a two veeks' trip to Atlantic City, N. J. Mr. Samuel Dever and family, 1923 Christian street, hae opened their cot tage on Beach avenue, Atlantic City N. J, They will return October 1. Mr, and Mrs. James V. Stolfo, of 821 Qreenwich street, have returned from Newfield, N. J., where they were enter tained by Miss May Vope. Miss Jane Garberlna, Mr, William Nlckolas, Miss Theresa Kate Casazza and Mr. Louis Garberlna. MRS JAMES V STOLFO Who will spend some time in ffintK City m th 8fhuMr- aad Mrs. Charle PilPP. EVENING KEpqER-PHIEAPECTHTA-', SATURDAY, 'ATTGHTST MISS MARGARET E. DUNLAP iiiiiiiiiiiiiH lOiirSi v ,mB iiHfHaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH bK rsLr Jk. iiiiiiiw HBHiiiiiiiiiiH IB ' -rflH V m Tmti 1 ilk IH W m "' Mm I II lJH Mm SI I l mH mm f iiHH diiHi "SS ' LiHLiiiHLiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiH liK 3K y iiiiHljiiiiiiiiiiiiHHB Miss Dunlnp is an extremely popular member of tho younger set of this city. Miss Dunlap and her aunt, Miss Julia Berwind, arc the guests of Mr. Edward J. Berwind, at his villa, Tho Elms, in Newport. Mr. Berwind will give an informal dinncr-danco on August 20, in honor of his sister and niece. Tho photograph is by Reily & Way. WEDDING IN VERMONT ATTRACTS SOCIETY FOLK OF THIS CITY Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller Knight to Become Bride of Dr. Charles LeFevcr Today. Other Weddings. AN INTERESTING wedding to Phlla delphlans will take place today at 4 o clock, In Dummcrston. Vt., when Miss Susan von Vleck Knight, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller Knight White, will bocomo tho bride of Dr. Charles Wesley Le Fever, of this city. The bride, who will be given In marrlago by her father, will bo attended by Mrs. William Detler. of New York, as matron of hflnor, and her nephews. Master Arnold Elzey A at crs. Jr., and Master John Knight Waters, of Baltimore, as pages. Little Miss Susan Dctlcr will be flower girl. The best man will bo Mr. A. Elzey Waters, and the ushers will Include Mr. Howard Chandler Church. Mr. Duncan Langdon, Mr. il llam Detler and Doctor McAllister. A re ception will follow at Knlghtsholm, the home of tho bride's parents, after which the brido nnd bridegroom wilt leave on their wedding trip, and on their return will bo at homo after November 15, at 1703 Pino street. WEISSGERBER-CASSEL. An Interesting wedding took place at noon today, when Miss Ruth A. Cas sel, daughter of Mrs. E. W. Peak, of Galveaton. Tex., nnd granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cassel, of 2163 North Camao street, became the bride of Mr George W. C. Welssgerber, of 1823 West Venango street Tho ceremony was performed at the now homo of the bridegroom and bride. 4S18 North Camao street, by tho Rev. Doctor Schafter, of the Chestnut Hill Lutheran Church. A gown of whlto net over whlto sutln and n tulle veil, arranged with sprays or orange blossoms, were worn by the bride. Lilies of the valley and bride's roses were combined In her shower bouquet. Miss Paulino Stlllwagon, the maid of honor, chose a nunlnt frock of buff ?n'd chine and carried a shower ?-, "nt nlnk asters and gladioli. Miss Ruth Stlllwagon was flower girl. Delaware County Mr and Mrs. Gardner nnd family, of -."?... Clifton Heights, are spending August at Wildwood Crest. The Highland Park Flra Company la making plans for a fair to be held Auguat 38 to S8. Camden and Vicinity ... anoi. Htrnnir. of 4th and Cooper .trnets after a stay at Ocean City with her . liter. Mrs. Louis Humphreys, will spend August at Pocono Pines. Mr and Mrs. Herbert E. Reeve, of Moorestown, aro spending the summer in the Adlrondacks. Mr William J- Bradley and family, of c.iT i rnnner streets, are at the Chalfonte. Atlantic City, for the season. Mrs George Barrett, of S15 Cooper .treat', is entertaining friends at her Ocean City cottage Mrs. George Washington Moore and the Tlav and Sirs joniiw .. Woodbur?, are entertaining Mrs Mac cardle and h.r daughters. Miss- Helen and Notices for the Society page accepted and printed !n the Etealag Mdser, but all saeh neUsr- written on one aide t U PPJ, mnit be timed la foil, with H d dreM, and wheo p"lbU CcUpboaa number most bo (!& Stail tfl I H1 ooaujMUJeatioju t "Society -dltor," Bro a cdu. COS Chwtout street, CnlMJ UMW wt carried out to thai TorUkatlon may , iwW. the B8te wUi not 6 publkfcod. Personals MISS It EN n I ETTA 8TUR G1S, daughter of Mrs. Robort Sturgts, of 152 East 3Sth street, New York, who Is spending tho greater part of tho summer with her grandmother, Mrs. H. II. G, Sharptess, at Laburnums, Chel ten Hills, has re turned from a series of visits In Mnlno and Rhode Island. Mlsa Sturgls was also the guest of Miss ConBtance W I ckorsham, nt Brewster, N. J., for several weeks, nnd last Sunday sho was entertained by Mr. and Airs. Frank L. Polk, at their home. In Lawrence, L. I., Mrs. Polk will bo remembered as Miss Lily Potter, daugh ter of Mr. and MrB. James Potter, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Vic tor O. Btrobcl and Miss Springer II. Strobel, of 1537 Pino street, have closed their town house and aro at BIuo Hills, near Castlne, Me., for tho month of August. Tho Rev. Samuel Upjohn, D. D., rector of St. Luko'B Church, with Mrs. Upjohn and Miss Ethel Up john, has gone to Matno for a six weeks' stay. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ten Brocck Runk, for merly of Philadel phia, aro now at Jacksonville, Flo., whero they expect to remain for an Indefi nite time. Mr. and Mrs Ralph Patterson, who have been spending tho pact few weeks In Canada, wilt spend part of August nt B r o t to n Woods, N. H. Judgo Thomas D. Flnletter and Mrs. Flnletter nnd their Bon, Thomas Flnlet ter, Jr., who spent tho early summer at Buck Hill Falls, aro now at KocKianu, Me., whero they will remain during Au gust. Her gown was of white ruffled net over white silk and Bhe also carried pink asters and gladioli. Mr. Louis Welss gerber acted as his brother's best man A breakfast followed the ceremony. The bridegroom nnd bride left on an ex tended Journey and will be at home after October 15. HOFFMAN-TAYLOR. Tho wedding of Mlsa Lillian Taylor, of 5535 Walnut street, and Mr. Russell M. Hoffman, of 77G Bouth 62d Btreot, took placo Thursday afternon at the Evangeli cal Lutheran Church, Park and Susque hanna avenues, tho Rev. F. S. Kuntz, officiating. Miss Tnylor was attended by her sister. Miss Mabel Taylor, as maid of honor, and tho best man was Mr. Frank Knptt. A reception followed at tho homo of tho bride, after which the young couple left for a visit to expositions In California. ROTHSIAN-ABRAMS. Tho marrlago of Miss Hetty Abrams and Mr. Morris Rothman took place on Sunday, August 1. Tho ceremony was performod by Rabbi Grlven at half-past 7, and was followed by a reception at the homo of the bridegroom's mother, 2543 North 33d street. The bride, who was attended by Miss Laura Rothman as maid of honor, wore a gown ot white satin and a veil of tulle held In place by Ulles-of-the-vnlley. She carried a shower bouquet of roses and lllles-of-tlie-valley. On their return from their wedding trip, which will bo spent In Atlantic City, Mr. and Mrs. Rothman will be at home at 2318 North 33d street. Announcement Is made of tho marriage of Miss Patricia Devlnney, of 4533 Wood land avenue, and Mr, William McGlunsle, on Thursday afternoon. A reception fol lowed at the home, of the bride, after which the young couple left for a wed ding trip through the West, Miss Eleanor MacCardle, of Logan, at their cottage in Avon, N. J. Dr. G. W. Moore will spend the week-ends there, Mr. and Mrs Charles Yocum, of 6th and York streets, are occupying Mr. Henry Stockwell's home In Moorestown for August. Lighting "The Birth of a Nation" Although "The Birth of the Nation" at the JJew Nixon In Atlantic City has been "crowding 'em In," the management has at great cost Installed new motors and dy namos to Increase the volume of light. The new apparatus Is the latest Im proved type manufactured In the Fort Wayne Electric Works of the General Eleotrla Company. The factory had been woiking day and night to have the ma chines ready for last Monday night, and the express company held a special car in readiness to transport them. Tha lighting expert of the Epoch Pro ducing Company, Cecil R. Wood, oarae on from New York, and with an expert corps of trained men made the change -of apparatus In the short time of three hours. In three minutes after they had finished the evening performance began. To give an Ideal projection to this wonderful work of education and art to the audiences In Atlantic City, making It fully ob a nr with that of New York, Chicago and Boston, has entailed a cost of over fUOO to the management "The Birth ot a Nation" la now the brightest picture in Atlantic City, and U realize what was necessary to obtain the daxzltng whiteness and vivid detail It Is only needful to state that the sew apparatus develops and uses J6.009 oon die power and ua UtrteUy at the rate ot jit i day. Wttb a symphony oieMtr of 44 and with tb Urge fores of ltrical -Mrts operatois, effect n and others. It caa rdy be w that the cast of running Ibis production equals (Mt of UrK dramatu. fcompsale Girard Farms MJf Anne Harris Is the guest of Mr. William B Hodgman at Pleasanttllle, N. J. Mrs, Hodgmah, who Is tho wife of Lieutenant Hodgman, U. B. N., makes r.f.r. homo ,n Fensacolo, Fla., but with her jittlo son Is spending the summer with her parents Sho will bo remembered as Miss Elizabeth Willis. Mr. nnd Mrs. Felix Greco, of 3602 South zcth street, are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son, Anthony Tobias Greco, born August 3. Mrs. Joseph Johnston and her daugh ter, Miss Mary Johnston, will leave shortly for the two expositions, return ing by way of the Canadian Rockies. Roxborough Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Pyle and fam ily, of 1114 Rochello avenue, Wlssahlckon, nro BpenJIng tho summer In Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Olt and their son Roy, of 52 East Roxborough avenue, nnd Mr. and Mrs. John Fields and their son Howard, of 103 Osborne street, Wls sahlckon, are spending a vacation at tho Homo Hotel, Wildwood, N. J. Mrs. P. W. Btono and chllffren, of Rldgo avenue, aro visiting Mrs William Valen tine, at Buffalo Valley, Dauphin County. Frankford Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Buckley, of Frankford avenue, will entertain at n small muslcalo this evening nt their home. Those to bo present nro Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward France, Mr. nnd Mrs. Georgo Sullivan, Mr. nnd Mrs. Hugh Fllnn, Mr. nnd Mrs. Harold Both, Miss Daisy Duflleld, Miss Helen Burke, Mies Ethel Mansfield, Mr. Walter Brown, Mr. John Gramm. Mr. Philip Hempbell nnd Mr. Arthur Curran. Mr. and Mrs. David It Howley. of Tulip street, aro entertaining for two weeks Miss Helen Betts, of Easton, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kirk, of Penn street, will entertain over tho week-end at their summer place In Wesley avonue. Ocean City. Among tho guests will bo Miss Helen Dutton, Miss Marlon Tyson, Miss Ray JameB, Miss Hilda Cooke, Mr. Albert Woodley, Mr. Samuel Feel In, Mr. Ralph Woodward, Mr. Frank Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Duflleld. Mrs. Kirk wan ono of this car's popular brides, and will bo remembered as Miss Helen Wolfe, of Holmesburg. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Davis, of 4734 Mul berry street, nro spending part of tho summer at Ocean City. Thoy expect to return somo time during tho coming wcek. Mr. Walter L. Schultz, of Chow strcot, Olncy, and his sister aro spending n few weeks with their brother In Detroit, Mich. Chester Dr. D. P. Maddux and family, of 8th and Madison streets, are at their cottage at Ocean City for tho remainder of the summer. Mr. and Mrs. At C. Baker, of the Colonial Apartments, have gone to Ocean City, N. J., for tho month of August. THEATRICAL BAEDEKER FOR THE KEITH'S Gcno Hodgklns. Mile. Des trees nnd company, In "Lo Cafe Futur ist"; Charllo Howard and company. In "A Happy Combination"; "Cranber ries," comedy sketch, with Nell Pratt, Frederlo Kan and Marian Dayr Augusta Glose, In character songs; Hunting nnd Francis, presenting "A Lovo Lozcngcr"; Moran and Wclsfr, boomorang hat throwers; Santly nnd Norton, In a sing ing specialty: Cummin and Seaham, two "ecccntrlques"; Helen Leach Wallln Trio and Hearst Sellg Pictures. NIXON'S QRA.ND La Relno Hnmlle and company, tho electrical wizards; WUInrd nnd Bond" In "Dotcctlvlsm"; Edward Howard and company in "Those wero tho Happy Days"; Roy Cum mlngs and Helen Gladylngs, singing and dancing team; tho Cavnwa Duo; Largay and Snce, songs and dance, nnd Fun Foto films. CROSS KEYS First half of week Tho Flvo Violin Beauties; Ben Grimes, mon ologist: Leon nnd Arnold. In a comedy song skit; Gallagher and Morton, song, patter and dancing; Davo Roth, pianist. Second half of week "Maytlme," a spe cial scenla feature; Busch Brothers, In a comedy skit; Llpson and Howard, singing and talking comedians; Blllle Barlow, monologlst: tho Melano Opera Company, nnd Atkins nnd Rodgers. blackface comedy. VfOODBtVE PARK The Carl Damann, Troupe, European gjmnasts, Richards nnd Montrose, acrobatic dancers and ' songsters; Louise Mao, singing come dienne; Mack, Albright and Mack, In songs and comedy, and Johnny Reyn olds, tho Boy Who Will Not Be Dared. COMINO AUGUST 16 KEITH'S Joseph E. Howard and Mabel McCane. In new songs nnd cnatier; Joe Jackson, pantomlmlst; Farber Girls, MLLE. MARGUERITE DESTREES At Keith's next week. DANCIIsa ...mi nudur ActAtaa. 1IW N Kowopwr private Ussoos r "n-? Tuning 43& 't r lMfl-H-8 7. 1915: MAYER SULZBERGER OLtJB MM,, PLANS HARMONY CLUB ENTBRTAtNS -1 . ., .i i ., .., Club Journal and Junior Society to Be Orga'Ak3. by Mimbfrs of the Mayer Sulzberger Other Affairs of Interest, THE Mayer Sulzberger Club will open the season with the first meeting on September 5. They will establish a, club Journal this year, and the first club- danca of the season will be given In the early fall. The Mayer Sulzberger Club Juniors will hold their first meeting at Gratz Collego tomorrow. The following mumhnf will bo present: Mr. J. Abrnmson, Mr. J, Schwartz, Mr. W Bwaab, Mr. A. Abram Bon, Mr. D. Taylor, Mr. H. Canton, Mr. J. Klein, Mr. 8. Karfilnkto, Miss M. Un terberger, Mlsa N. Ilellekowsky, Miss B, Blattbcrg. Mis F. Olelsncr, Mlsa B. Llp schutz and Miss R. Kahn. Tho Harmony Clut held a watermelon party this week at their clubrooms, 2332 East Williams street. Tho chairman of tho Entertainment Commttteo opened the meeting with an address nnd was fol lowed by tho Threo Harmonies, composed of Mr. Albert Selgel, Mr. Solomon Rosen berg nnd Mr. Jack Marks. Mr. Low Toll and Mr. Herman Fields rendered vocal selections. Mr. S. Carlls gavo sev eral recitations, and Mr. Joseph Lewis, of New York, played selections on tho piano. A cornet solo Wns given by Mr. Morris Friedman, nnd Mr. Louis N. Brenner, tho Harmony's comedian, In troduced his new sketch, entitled "Get Out of Town." Dancing followed, tho muslo for which was furnished by the Burns Orchestra. , Mrs. E. B. Clarke, of Eagleton, N. J., entertained a number of friends at her summer cbttago last Sunday, the majority of them being relatives from all over the country, Including Mr. Frank Shcrlz. of Johnstown, Pa.: Mr. John Joseph Boyle, Of Newport. R. I.; Mr. William Frees, of Dayonne, N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. Bnlsley. of Hammonton, N. J.; Mrs Nnrr, of Hnddon Heights, N: J.; Miss Katherlna G. Shertz. of Wildwood, N. J.; Mrs. Harth, of Norfolk, Va.: Miss K. G. Boyle, Mr. Charles A. Boyle, Mrs. Joseph John son, Mr. James Boyle, Mr. P. MacCros sbn and Mils Eleanor Vv Boyle. The Tau Sigma Delta Club will take Its annual outing today to Delaware Water Gnp, making their headquarters at Camp Honkoy Dorey, on iBland Tark. Tho party will Include. Mr. James E. Thorpe, president: Mr. L. Edwnrd Roe lofs, iccretary; Mr. J. Arrlngton Kline, Mr. J. Walter Kllni. Mr. Fred It. Kern, Mr. Hnrry R. Kluth, Mr. Thomas II. Pyle, Mr. W. Elchert, Mr. Edward It Markley, Mr. Thomas E. Roberts nnd Mr. Robert II. Luckenbach. This makes tho tenlh season for tho camp, A block party wns held last night nnd will continue tonight between West minster avenuo and Vino street on 62d street for tho benefit of St. Donato's Church ot 63th stroet and Westminster avenuo. The street Is illuminated with electric lights and there nro numerous society's entertainers; John and Mae Burke, offering "A Ragtime Soldier"; Fisher and Green, In "Tho Partners"; The Clown Senl; Robert Emmet Keafae, THEATRE CHESTNUT AND TWELFTH STS. " NEXT WEEK A SUMMERTIME FESTIVAL OF COMEDY AND SONG THE SEASON'S mETTIEST NOVELTY, DIRECT CTIOM TAXIIS ' GENE HODGKINS and MLLE. DESTREES Aaeleted by the Futurist Orchcitrn In the Acme of Terpelchorean Art. "US. CAFE FUTUftlBT" A RIOT OF FUN AND CHAIUV.TEK COMEDT CHARLIE HOWARD and CO. With Kernan Crlpps and Margaret Tajlor, "A HAPPY COMBINATION" "CRANBERRIES" A SEASONABLE SIDE DISH FOR VAUDEVILLE EPICDRE3 AUGUSTA GLOSE In CHARACTER BONOS AND IMPERSONATIONS Hunting & Francis Leach Wallln Trio Moran and Hcarst-Scllg 2 Shows Dally Matlneea. 2 P M . 23o and SOc. Nlghta, 8 T. M., 55o to. Si 00 Bean Always a Week In Ail n nee Dell. Filbert BJM. Ktytlone, Race 2HW, WHEN IN IEW YORK CITY, DO NOT FAIL. TO VISIT "" B. F. Keith's Palace Theatre SffiKJia. THE "WOULD'S GHKATEST MUSIC IIAI-L. OPEN AJUI SUMMER THE NEW NIXON c.tv ATLANTIC THEATRE BOAItDWALK SAMUEL F. NIXON - nV'e5?'I'D' Erenlnci at S0 !5c, SOc, 11.00, $1.00, 13.00. Matlneea at SiJO 25e, 50c, 11.00, D. W. GRIFFITH'S STUPENDOUS SPECTACLE 18,000 People Cost $500,000 ORCHESTRA or rottTir FOH BENEFITS FOR BKOAD, FORREST AND OARIUCU THEATRES, rfclladtluhto, the Coming fiaaon. apply to Mmlneaa Oflicp. Hroxl Street Theatre. HEQINMNO MONDAY MAT., AVU. TH. MCiHTI.Y . 7U5 and. i5 CARL DAMANN TROUPE rarar ITIillTnil'P MlPIf PATlknKViL, JOHNNY HCTNOUW "rl-: BFKCIAL ACTHACT10NS FOB KEXX WEEK FREE BABY $150 IN FRIZES. COME AND BRING HA HE. EtKNT OF , THE 8EASONJ SHOW WEDNESDAY NEXT Pm3 ThWMlny FtWy Satudlay FIVE VIOLIN BEAimES JOYOUS MAY TI5IE OtlsUl Tabloid FieUr tfi. a ' IHH f" Mrtal oaway a OTKMK BTAM aviD aau nt fA t OPENS TONftOIT B4m1ji1M Monday HIiIJaxIiOJ Tu4r nHSHHI Wednesday IM a a T booths and stands. Mueia and dftttetRg are Important features itf Smith, I 333 North 2d .street, I the batm fcwdfw, ahd tho dancing Is supervised fey 3r ' Hnger and Mr, Joseph ParrelL Othtrs Interested In making the affair a -cess nre MIsa'Haley, Miss E. Devme, Wm E. Farrell. Miss M. Vnlnri. M!. A f. f rt'', M,J? u' c.ft,n"; " er. Ht McLaughlin. Millbourne Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Yerkea, of Mill bourne, nro visiting Mrs. YerkeV rej lives In North Carolina, Mr. and Mrs. Ewatd Hara, 27 Uurd avenue, have gone to Ocean City, il 'J, to spend tho rest of tho summer. Mr. and Mrs. Harry It BltUe, JS Burd avenue, are being congratulated upon the birth of a son. Mr. W. Frederick Ford, 28 Millbourho avenue, Is touring the eastern part Of tho country In his machine. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hawkins (Uid their daughter, Miss Doris Hawkins, of 35 Sellers avenue, are visiting friends in New York State and will be gone for several weeks. Miss Etta Ralston, ot 21 Millbourne. avenue, will spend the week-end With Mr. and Mrs. Harold Philips nt their cot. tago In tho Adlrondacks. Tioga Miss Elenor Frlshmuth, of West Ontario street, has gona to California for a stpy of several months. Miss Isabel C. Gibson, of 1127 Erie ave nue, Is spending "her vacation with MJts Margaret C. Lorlmer at her home 'in Croyden, Pa. Wilmington Mrs. Elmer E. Mitchell is spending Au gust at Eagle's Merc. Pa. Ex-Judgo and Mrs. J. Frank Ball left yesterday on an extended Western trip, They will visit Cotorado Springs, 8Mt Lake City, the Grand Canyonmnd other points ot Interest o Suffrage Events Today EQUAL FRANCHISE! SOCIETY. 8 p. m. Optn-alr meeting at lladdonrteld. Jd, J. Speaker, Ml Anna McCue. WOMAN SUFFRAGE PAHTY. 8 p. m. Open-air meeting at 40th street Sn4 Lancaater avenue. Speakers, ll!s Brah Fliher, Mlts 31. C Ensord and William Dinner. . . Sunday, 7 p. m. Open-air meetlnir at 7th ttreet and Erie avenue. Sneakers. Mils Stay I Macken and E. Jr. 11. Moore. COMING WEEK "The American Englishman"; Pearl nnd Irene Sans, "Twelve Minutes Out Sf a Fashion Book"; Bolger Brothers, bin Joists, and Hearst-SeUg News Weekly. Wciscr Pictures Santly and Norton Cummin and Seaham HOW rAYINQ wS 4th Big Week Twice Dally, Including Sunday 3000 Horses 8 Months To Produce Direction KI'OCH PRODUCING COKP H. E. A1TKTS. rreat. Thursday Mslit lmleur ConUtt la conjunction with udiitl 1'rBsrw A TUOT OF FVN FRIDAY MOHT AT BUS glKEBOgt SUNDAY AFTKKhOON AND VBNIS BROAD 8TT. AND MOTUOM15Ki; AVU. i VtnX Q. Nluw-NUJUaawt Cfu Myr I NXTWIS j A LIVK WIKJS tL.i Ji. LA REINE HAMIL U) , WorM. qtytw gjyrtaat W. 1 WILLARD a4 BOKJr r HOWARD HOWARD Ik C& rat Mht.eif fcl ih l A In i jmlsy frndm f r4. Mrfi. oflirfi i- - ' ...I jadgEt-"' if ii.l-i. V&-i.- V- it. -J ..iilrAj3aagL..1.faiSriEtfaftj&jSja:5M ,& faa&mii3" e-. imli