PIER BARRED BY FRENCH AT FAIR m,g Outside of Pavilion mew uu""" xuiiuticmiH fat Kfliscrs colors. vil NrlBf O, fcnl , AR. 7.-tn- eftAt complication In tfuropo cast Lftilawfl over tlio Exposition Rioiimt for intefnls yesterday During Bine several officers of Iho Na ftrtrtAn Alliance wcarlnn; miniature it lh Fatherland walked Into the -J 111.. .L- -l. ... I nsVHIOn nnu, unu inu iciiow in Itient dlttn "walked right out IL the attempt of tlio German M ... ..I. It Itin XTrAnnli ia4,I1I... nlnh tho fact that thoV wern ISniied wllh tn0 Knlscr's colors, that 1 oarty were Dr. C Ji Itexamcr, ;.i if the Natldrtnl German-Amen. iXneei "Walter It. Schulli, Qcr Sl'''..iiirtti reDresenlftllve! H. c. Gof PltlsburshS Joseph Keller, of imt, President John Ilerrman, f7ocl Alliance, and their wives. a, wcre nunimoneu nna mo party g'mnmrllv told by them It could ft? the French pavilion while woar W of Germany. Around the B?evlllon prevailed nn n?V of qulot as fcgardlnfr the matter. The of- fWllltely flomea nny uiiuwicugo 01 ufrencc. CLASSIFIED RATES itr.T AND SUNDAY PTJBLIC LEDGER rjtH TTPB (or IIKa thla) '(..rilon ,,........iofl per una '22 wnlteutlva Insrtlona..l0o per Una fr??.,.V. ..nted. three Inaer- g t. week ....10a perllna MS SIZE TYPE (or like this) W3Ki.i,tii In all ctaaatflcatlona except Help Kffin. Wanted, Lo.t and Found. Per tffifcran and nooms. EShiZtMan 20 perllna li'lnmtlon In a week.... 17c per line lErrtCMcutlve lnaertlon...lBo perllna !5't,j ire baaed on osate measurement, ftlhti ll to lhe lnch- COMBINATION RATE DAILY ONLY i. kAih IhA mnrntn mnA icnln dr wen""1" 4" . V: PU13LIU LKUUdK (MORNING) ? 'EVENING LEDGER i. (EVENING) jj four c-nta per Una not to ratea given BttP AND SITUATIONS WANTED ADVERTISING IN THE PUBLIC LEDGER IS IN SERTED IN THE EVENING mesa, without addi- U0NAl cnAKuc. MlStfe li a drug store near your sfetliat will accept Ledger want fafttofflce rates. tELP WANTED FEMALE Ifrltt Hrto Wanted and Situations Wanted irli! (merlcd (n tie Dally Fubllo Ledger lijrtitatei n the Evenlnjt Ledger th tame fcytuUfkOut additional cliarge.J IdUUWJUIlSE, rrotcstnnt. for threo children; IJaUlt 08 xucnciicvu nuu null) ifimviao. J3I0 wyf tefltld ve.! wrat I'niiaaeipnia. CtEHIOAIi WOnKr-Young lady. In manufac- ing oince; bikio cxpcriciiva nnu salary ao it. Add, L ISM, ld. nr 7th and Oxford. iflOK AND CHAMBERMAID to go to Nor- tlstown, fa.: wane, I'roicsiani. up-biaio Ivom.n preferred. M Ml, Ledger Ottlca. 5te3WAKEIt, first claas, wanted to taka ;iur. or new aepariment ror lauica' lauor; ulttJtnair sklrx making thoroughlyr, excep fcatpeppertunlty for right partyr state refa. ua wiary, i , Ledger central. ftYJItK and assist with enro oft amall isntown. meet employer Room 230. rer, Monday, at II o clock. ID AND NURSE. 20(1 Ulcnn road. or phono Anlmoro 1332. ilUfnOUBN Frank A Seder Company, UtUusd MaYket St"., desire flrst;class sales (siis'for their uloaK and aillt department;' 9M ulariet, perm. par.. to those thor. exp. ;i bli to furnish Ilrst-claSa references. Ap ft fuatrlnttndenfs office. Monday momlng. irIlB?E,rtA?TFENr?sc!AP"EIl91, ceren an increaali.K demand ror flrat- IIL IDr!eneirt ttrn. t tnil nra nnf atlClM with VOUP nrftnt nnalHrin f Wm tra iceklriff a good one, either gni.--i.B-i, or .einporary. aea Aiisa Dean, nir mmrai, tu once ane vrni nein I With VOUr Rll. nnri nut vs.lt In rntlnd rfth k vtvvt n.stltln rr).. annP.. - writ extended to experienced hook IJ?K!?JJI''l.e,lerk"i THIS 18 A FREE IffiAVICB TO IvEDaKR ADVERTIS- riKS?8 wn.te4 .to wait on help. Apply Mjyper. Mount Blnat Hospital. Bin and rtunlty; no HELP WANTED MAI)E sVi5tKKAN' W1"1' "!" ollenlela. m etock Exehanga Dldg. KHfF wth knowledge. ot c0.ts. S r.&1,.i',rtliular' 'o previous exp. StB.na l"ry expected: excellent op IKirr'0,rsSJ' nav'nF Proper qualifications. lt n. ir., nn ana uxrora. ffiHIH5 J ruP Whlta truck for pua IbSSj""".'?' .out of towns cash security Room uuT, iiunaers' Ex- tt, It B. 7t at. (WfCTn, ,ITn,Hjm.ft .l.l., ..I..... 'Jf, work) state experience and ,, xeagvr uenirai. 1 hausAWApir c.K. .,....i.. i.,.- r.wsrencs required, j 657. Led. Cent. IKuiI lnt?l'r "red boilers, capable SaiS?f,&!.welth,,a of .boilers and detalia i KV" J"K5.i 5ve experience ana 25ted. p 600, Lodger Office. TfUJAN for Engiuh nlarlor decora fcSa? .''lYi' ."' hVB o ubmlt uSi ,.'r?L oto, It tl.""!4'-!!1" pn uii uitt,(( HVUU Vox -y, j :ISMAN Wlnil .MII,.. n.lK lafflir gift lietgeVcr WW iuE,.K!!!'nc1 ! ! must bs Jaaimpjoyer ilo; Louden St.. I. oberi txgan. BLATER-Ma mu plant, mJa li..?'' colorii n. to take charge of iusi kho1 ow cara of solu give referent, t. sSSl?.ie"jraJ wnsb hiniM alnlt. H.III... ,.. .r:"? "-"' .""? I snlH .r V, "u pan latns aa. WSR.,,!?-!SS.9.Wn'?'! wort In Eng- transportation both ways Ttt frOm Wfl KM A mnntHu , lv.fi ,""n uo ways; no ae from wages, a months' contrast! Kidr '5 Join union. Apply Imms jJLiPj Ledger Central. j OARAGE MANAGEH ho has . it......-,. . .. -t. Sir"' of a modem iuriii mu .. frf?. must have unaunlnnl,l. ?. dtslred. ..' 'Str0."r and ability, stats lit .Vi.u.i .-; vr.rr-- r .- v o(. Ledger Office. int' industrious whits "josr. industrious whits man, s. i Sir 'y suourbaa properly, rut i P"fTjK gl ratersnos. Ai t i ,iMer ii,4M,n M uj iinin, i. aa nibrla WANTED MALE Vfanttd Ltdjtr rts4 t (ft. Dd MHo ifiA title ' (he sairts --,.nwit unarms. 1 PffiHafVtrtB . ..j. .... -i... ftQori .i wmai tfrfvv wta, MliVaHll sWH Vkm.B, mt cxMsjtiJ, afw- aiV ..t r ntrur oxi .if vfuaa .sssrssAij II..." mwwM vuiBomtry to works rS. vis n risjOHM. lite) SU0J jtv4 to sell 5 lu riireiu. rau4f4. Appr) ni Utuurday, Public etervlce, ' utiiOno, (Ask for L Appl .1 lSyl k;Mj W EVENING HELP WANTED MALE MetamV .r,hl"rp?r'bljr English nT fM houndi r.,.il,Lrf,t "hip to a pack of Inr ??.. '.!S?LJJ? "- Bood horseman, w II- iTTK riCT-,-in'1 RMn reference. lun MANUAt. ffiiMtr, -. 1.1... r..i KJ!,,,;.?;""?Mo AH position i In Frnugh In. rmmi Ldeer Central "imp salary, iirtsiia ,i. j ao General MmferMnMl.M."l.lIt.0 "I16 tnoMn picture rnncniness wo tmeh von ntilek nwtM nt SnfnS"St,hf elfli '"Vail.tlon KiJJvILi ,or." Position pajtng I !l.w,Jfkl complete cnurfc 15, peyal theft ID to i t inente. Keystone Shiol. 'lSnf Arch SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE" aVdV mVS. nr! ?wln-f 7r care of In"! sS,"1' See MIm need, Jloom 230, Pub td. nnme to hlih wagcii good reference. Spruca -PQlTooTcook; -citr or-.ub.ubil rer. BenMln Heed, noomfao. J'ubllo Ledger. r I ., l .I TimiKI: i10 '"naryj country! -ma lam l mid j-aged womam rof. M oao, Id. ort. ,SnrJULPT3'?P.TSrpTa-cT - """m ,'inmi'i Bi, RTEN'OntlAPltRnii nooKKKBPnn8 oA.yii'yf!,"0 '"rnl.hed throuili "he l OMMEHCIAIi nnPAIlTMKNT nt Ife,ielr.5in.,rH! 2ihtn Vou are In need i0.fi.lI;i,'5S.mp,.o,0?l?.",,1,'M,t wrlto nr telephone MIS3 DEAN. Walnut .1000. rS.i- Si?., Pr Blf.n,lon w' bo gUen L-... ..Muia. AIMS in I edser advertleera free eenlco to SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT, exn'rr. dmba ji. seeka en- Fn.ii,viiiD oi inqui. ana nnanclal orai Indus, and nnanclal orxanlia. iione, coms, . periodical statements. Int. rim exams , Clients' hooks kept. M 402. Led, Oil. UOY8-DOY8 Sf.V!!"..n'.r""e,'0i bright DOYB ny energetic, brlgh 11.8 who come iin,tn and uiui.o wno come under our care am rwy available for nince, shop or factory worki NO CHAltaCS. JUVENILE WOIlKEilB' DUI1EAU 1507 AIICII Telephones, Ilaco 33J7, Spruce 0U7. BXVrt,Kil:E,',,'Je,,e!rlcnce, a know ledge f,l55l.wok' rte"irca position! commltslon or "'"' 'h p iioufc pret. j iio4, imager centra 1 . 2?.clS.1:ul KU nn? secretary-Six ears" ex psrlence, unquestionable references, bond If pujroj, JrfdgrOjn, iiy PLErt and cook Man and wife. polnril. m taRc entlro charge of house. No, ;l Parker's njitoxboroujh, csre Mrs. Alice Xtorrls. CATtETEirTuffifAN," exp TrT.uperln: tcndlng largo h,rlck, alone and frame bldgs.i ref. from Lmt employer. C 30. Ledger Office. CHAUPKEUIl or butler, colored, married, good mechanic good reference. 744 N. Uber at. GARDENER, aim alngle, understands care of autos 87. Led. Br., lflth and Dauphin. reierences OKNTLEMAN willing to travel or tako agency in country where Spanish or Dutch Is used, 4 icara" experlenco in Latln-Amcrlca. C .118, Ldger O'flce, rniVATH SECRETARY or hotel ervlco. ate" nographer, typlet, bookkeeper, telegrapher. """" t'" .miu. l. ai. nurciio, i.oncora,Aiass, BALESMAN, experienced, road or city, refer- ences, prlnelwls. J 444 Ledger Central. SHEARER Klrst-claas man on plush." lelvet ami carpet, in jenrs' experience: ablo to keep altcara In condition and handla help, J 013, l.eilgcr Central lOUNG MAN well educated, ambitious, wlll l!Z ,. ?,nrt at small salary, desires position. 040. Ledger Hmncli. 1000 Oreen. JAPANESE wants position na cook or gen eral homework. Apply Japanese. 1812 Cherry. AUTOMOBILES For 8ale KR1T tourlnc car good condition: Just over- nauicd. mal ko offer Jicuraina tiarage, 1720 X Fnnn at. B.PABSi;.VGEn OVEItLAND, "good condition, fully cnulpped. shock absorber and new tires. Cnmbrldgu Oarage. ir,20 cambrldgo at. CADILLAC touring, cheap If bought at once; Sjfinlrl.c "lrt and lights. Kens. 4305 IV. ....w ,UWIIIIII.U, UAU1L.LAI-, late model, slightly used. In per fect condition. Thla car has teen drlico by owner only. Has electric lights and starter. TJila la an opportunity to purchaso a real auto nt the prlco of a cheap new car. U M2, Ledger Offlci FORD touring. 1011, equipped. $500. 3 months' written guarantee. Garage, 034 Diamond OARTERCAU ROADSTER In perfect condl tlon; ault doctor: $2.',0 2Km Oermantowm ave. mUUK, lata model, in good running condition: Call 1220 Belmont ave. Belmont 6315. AUTO LIVERY AND OARAGES NEW 7-FAS3ENOER HUDSON OARS.for hiro trip to Atlantic city and return, 18 hours, fill Call for other trips. M. Kelly, Wo'SIand 073. n. Anns. Woodland 30M W. TO HIRE LIMOUSINE AND TOURING CARB. PHONE TIOOA 3300 W. llOTOHTUiJciC to hire. Interboro Garago, 1813 N. 10th. Diamond 3760. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OLD-ESTABLISHED FIRM In metal manu facturing desire additional capital to extent of $lo,0oO.$ia,00(), security given and protlt hhlo business shown L B22, Ledger Office, WANTED Chauffeur to Invest $500 In 30 pas senger bus lines in Neiv Jersey, salary $73 per month. Room 307, 18 8. 7th at. CLEANING AND DYEING OSTRICH FEATHERB AND FANCIES CLEANED, DYED. MAILHOT, 1910 Chest. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY HEMSTITCHING. 10 cents yard, Al materials A. REICHARD, 111! CHESTNUT ST. PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS DRESSMAKING taught, snort, prac. course. MacDowcll, 307 Denckla BIdg..llth & Market. FOR SALE BII LIARD, sold rented ool, combination, 2d-hand bought, excli'd. Keafer. 320 Glrard ave. CASH REGISTERS, new and second-hand: to tal adders as low as $30, on easy monthly payments; all registers sold by us fully guar anteed. The National Cash Register Co , TM Chestnut at, MACHINERY AND TOOLS FOR SALE Two small freight hoists, Chair Exchange, corner Uth and Vine 112. STORAGE MILLBOURNH STORAGE CO, 22 N. 82d. Belmont 4823. Carpets cleaned. West 421. ROOMS FOR RENT JUST TUB ROOM YOU WANT Can very likely be located In a fsw minutes by exsmlnlng the photographs and descrip tions of rooms with and without board which art on !" 'or your Inspsotlon at Lsdgsr Central. An Interior photograph and an swers to every ausstion you .yyould ask la here so you can dsclds tatsl Irsntly, frss service; teat It. BR6AD. S.. 424-Attractlvo apt., 2 or 8 rooms, private bath: small family; dining room. rflrlvate bath: small family; aining rooiu , tOAD. JJ oAJ-a-noor Tontl steam neat. .iMtfiSltv." private bath; reasonable ipbone. TiiiOAD H. 770 tTho Graham)-Cool, attrae. fur. rma.-' jvijEonvs.. labia, boardi $7 up, Tqsmri. idiifnib'sthi poor -u11; - .UTf in noor front: 2 rooms. n ia 4th floor room. $10. i-.v.a,n""t .V. s.t-flAnp front or 'Si .MOlima. --"" ." iT,i; "hiih Thot. 5at.V5bl,'prlVat.ufamil?rporJ.bbn.. liY. beautiful siirtoundlngsi phons. , LJL1 -i- -X .- 1. T. ..t:-T-.-, eeAm Willi RAnnwwt IIwi- sk-nln.nt DhoD. r?SPn?gMbSa aaara; iw -"" T--r.'.M- ....i f trio we! gU or eommunleatlng gpHlicf rwOluTOTjwr front room; iur nishsd. convenient to bath. , ntahsd. convenlenlX' ifuSitrTfOM - DssUaWs furnlibsd roaoui yVtrbatnT, summsr tatss. Looust ltt J. HuerUMWaluut st Phon Loouw gggiJL. isrfffl i-two attraetlve front rooms, 24 ''Sis B i i ooavsaiisBJH. 1UI. fans fSL'a'JwSfiHSt, Xi Tisil IS 1 genual ati naaau. fi'...5;. TTl. raasaauibl ShoM. .,,nia oh'aPAKTMBNT "out or two. and B&" sSil!ull, furalsasa x.luale ssk. yrl" SIT, Phlln Prua SMI J lUut Veil PfeiU Ijid skisuHw-ranrtsasa KEnaER-PglLAPEpHIA, SATURDAY, -AUGUST ROOMS WANTED fOR I.IOIIT HOI'SKKEFPlNO, three rooms .2 bth, moderate terms half hour of Olh ..i, v.iit-ainu, lor low Protestant, private family mhIAV4 enmn ---r'-y ... - ........., u bio, Lea, un "BOARDING Ancir, 1612-Nawly turn, (running water all . rooma; balhi meala served: phone. LtJHIUII. W., "ifll-liPTieliirrifur mmi;' wlt'H boardi newrnanagemfnt Phone Tioga kl. PTNlf 3t , IbTT-SmalT adult fam!lyharTCrge front room, nultablo for two fiirnlnheVf, with 2oorel, rete exchanged. Belmont 4028 D. ciHuuit, n,i-zn-noor room, aouthun et . ponura; choice tahla board, walnut T2 (SW. 212S N. PAltK AVE. Newly furnlthed aTigTa rooma for gentlemen with boards rate very reaonahle Dell, 02 Diamond. BPUt'CE, 1224 20 (Ilrlnmonile) Fum" rooms: lngla;. en eulte, prlate hnthat table boanl. HPTlUUBLYN, .tOS Bouth"4Ut aC-Sllia S7li a m i ...-!'' ormery pl wnenniu at. VAINlRK4ifii ifd-ffoor rooma, with boardi near Lj touthern eapoaurei reft, exchangta. ISflfT N7TT12 T)fllghtfur vacancleij porch! . lawn; except tablej near U Hating goits W. Suburban Oi.DinnoO.IC7001'1 . IU!,,t JM" boarding, tennis, awlm'g pool. Phone Overbrook 2WXI. Seaahdra OCEAN CITY. N. J.. Hotel Henry-Home com . forta, bountiful tablai (1 upi board and room, . Allantlo City, N. ,T. 27 8. OALIPOItlilA AVR, OIlBLSEA-Unrge: comfortable rooms with excellent board. APARTMENTS 12TIt 8., 200-Tw.i or three rooms, bath and kitchenette; also 2 rooms and bath; can bo rented separately or together, furn. or un turn, i short or long term lease. SPUtNO GARDEN, 1810-lJxceTrent apta. In 8 oiugrcnt noueoai omu iurn.1 Kiiontnsites. Tioga 22D, N., 8004-Two up.to-dsto airtight apart ments of 7 outside rooma. facing 3 streets l located near Tlogai aultabte for doctor's or dentist's office. Honnem. 28d and Somerset, Stow Harbor, N. J. STONE HARIlOR. N J . DOth ASunset Drlve-S-rm apt., also large atore Call Pop, (1347 D. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS , t S. E. 1STH AND TIOOA Desirably locatod modern 0-room housekeeo I rut apartmonts; steam heat, Janitor, con venient to trains and trolleys. 8AMUKL T FOX & CO. B. E. COR. 0TI1 AND CALLOW1I1LT, KID AND PINE ST8.-DE LANOET APtX New, light, 4 to 0 rooms. 1 and 2 baths, . kitchenette: central location. Apply Janitor. DIAMOND. 21123 rma . bath, kitchen, hot water heat: ref.; 2d floor. 123: 4 rm., bath, . kitchen, all cor, rms . 13s. Diamond 1M1 W. POPLAR, 1(122 Attractive housekeeping apta , 2 and a rooms, bath, kltchenettni modern com enlences. Apply 1004 Land Title nidg West Philadelphia THE RUTLAND ATTfl. JUST COMPLETED LOCUST ST., II4TH TO lUTfl ST. fl and 7 room apartments, with all the latest conveniences. 1 17.50 to J4.1 per month. RODERT A. PITTS AGENT Bell phone, Belmont 4433. 5113 Locust st. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY 1040 N. OTH ST. A real bargain to Quick purchaser: tnrco siory, eignt rooms, good oruer, largo rarn. V. If. HOOD, HI? Norrls St. II," BERKS ST. 8 rooms, all conveniences only $2400. W, It. HOOD. 812 Norrls st. UOnTOIl Oil DHNTIRT'S nnnortiinltw for r.al estate Investment, 1000 to JVX10 wilt show on? reiumn, can practice in ouuaing: nign grndo neighborhood; good opening. Address J, 443. Ledger central. A OOOD HOME, 2.127 Emerald at.: S rooms; modern, bith and toilets; underdralnedi largo yard $2100 CLARK. 1221 Locust st. Germ an town MOST BEAUTirUL AND UNIQUE BITUA TION IN OERMANTOWN. Wlssahlckon a.e, aboo Carpenter st. New houoo and garage, over nn acre, adjoining and overlooking Falrmount Park. G. R. Nlch ols. 321 Chestnut st. Phone Lombard 4200. Chestnut Hill NEW SALE AND RENT LIST READY Pelham. ML Airy and Chestnut Hill. PELHAM TRU8T CO.. 6740 Oermanfn ava. Logan IWAS REAL ESTATE BALE. RENT AND EXCIIANOB M. Smith, Broad St.. opp. "Logan Station. suncniUN CHARMING COUNTRY SEAT FOR SALE iromo of the latx Dr Mitchell; situate at iiocaesain. iei . u. ana v. n ji. station nnn stone road and trolley at the door, 13 or "A acres or tana, modem pomiea-stone mansion, Interior finish, all hardwood, ateam heat, elec tric lights, an city convs. , modern Darn ana poultry houses; fruit, shade; large lawn; arrand chance for n ohvstclan. E. R GREEN ft SON. Kennett Square. Pa. Klklns Park, Ta. BEAUTIFUL ENGLISH HOUSE about to be erected at Elklns Park. Special price of $0980 at this time and purchaser can make changes to suit Individual taste Terms to suit. Plans and picture on application RHOADS & PAULftJSk NEW JERSEY Camden, N. J. $10 MONTHLY buys brand-now, 7-room house in Camden, 8 minutes from Philadelphia ferry; bath, heater, porch, large ard, shade, ault garden or chickens, price $1750 Clifton B Drake, 423 Market st . Camden, N. J IlaJdon Heights, N. J. LIPPINCOTT LOT8 AND HOMES HADDON HEIGHTS. N. J. National Park, N. J. BUNGALOWS. $100 cash, $10 monthly. Iota 23 mom nesr ironey. conv. to river national I'ark. Get olf Red Bank ave., seo agent with h.M rir.nl.. V.o, Tam.v fSi fll 1 lOlh PENNSYLVANIA FARMS 80 ACRES, ntone house, barn, tenant house; woods, good streams, sacrifice at $7500 If II McCOLLUM 1311 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Don't Foiget the Number " REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITS ;12 NO. 528 F1DGLEY. 5 ROOMS. 122003 Randolph, fi-room cottage. I3-10JO Mutter. S rooms, bath. It. is 52.1 Norrls, T rooms, B. and R. 20433 Berks, 8 rooms, every convenience. 202084 Fonrth. 8 roooms. every convenience. V. it iltAiu, nit tvurris sirast. OWN YOUH llliilB by monthly payments of from $17 lo $50: houses located N. Phlla. and Gtn . worth from $180"' to$8230. Merchants' Union Trust Co.. 710-71U cnesmut st, Business Properties and S tores BAKERY, old established. 410 Belgrade st.) store and dwelling, aioneai completely ren ovated; good oven and bakehouse; eicellent ,..tiViiriiArMl for sale or rent, attractive terme to right party. II, O. Wunderle, 118-3J Pegg st. (flaji-grth 2dst.2. Vaclorlts, Warehouses, Mfg. Floors . Anf TITttT TiTWfl natnar lutnstcatifaa ail .- 0000 square feet, on railroad, for rent! SO minutes from rnnaaelpMai uell phons S rs.T r "c"6nc IETB PRODUCTS CO, GRASSLAND, ILAWARB CO., PA. rVTe njiwsitli tY 3 floors, S000 sq. ft. saoh; 'light on 3 sides Owner. 713 Spring Qsrden, OFFICES, BUSINESS ROOMS. ETC, DRBXEL. BLDO OPFICES-Annual nniala. Ground a 'r. lluO. $120, single rms.. Ilea. tSX. m j- its- a iffl- fli fss- ! Sultss, 3 Corner sultss 2 to 10 rooms, $300 to $)U73, MLLia p. WILUAMg. 560 Drexel Building, r. sy"i ;;.--- T.v?i '"!i.i" s J xo i roon'Si s1 ia fiuio. Desk ltoom Wanted DS8K ROOM wanted In office building near flmad and Qiestnut sts. J 540, Ledger Cn. MAIN LINE. PA. It. B. Wranewaad. Pa. FOR TUB MAN WHO HAS AN AUTOMOBILE HOUSE NO. 48 MANOR ROAD WYNNWOOD, PA. It is w4s;.wtthall du.1 ury osavtalencssj rvwttte ana avere- round, with nUs rsat is less than per nwatb. WALTtltl .BAfcSKFT SMITH WYWKWBOD. t PA. MORTOAQBa siM: MONBY FOR MCWTOAQM $500 11000 $1200 1500 SJ60O S5Q00 Dl V A FIELD DAY WITH OUR VOLUNTEERS WrMWirSwM www tyuiar,, - i ' ' 9 i I ' iffl W siSofar r" aviyj I. J t . t J SJ m yWSmmA At"1', I I KAf Tar&BllfrAia'. SimThtJ it em .Jam "mwftyKW4w, iW4mmn4& - p - t - Lzwm i f arafr Officer (who has not luhehed)-Now, trn'mU-pnVo!' 0VM U' CUntry- SONGS WITHOUT WORDS i l eAV - I- V Ji 2. C.1UYM WlttlAfni Jones Was So Proud of His $4.50 Suit Righto! "There Is one thins to be said In favor of the mosquito." "What's that?" "It hat a great depth of feeling." AND THE WORST : Hk z vw ' SCRAPPLE i '2 . 1 ' r f--H Punch, air, you've Rot to stand here and keen DUt y0U're 0n n0 " SVA P? He Forgot to Come in When it Rained Piffle Hubby Marriage Is a mistake. Wlfey It's worse, It's a crime. Hubby Why should a chap marry when he can buy a talking parrot for 15?" Wlfey Well, that's only another ex ample of the Inequality of the sexes. Here you men can buy a parrot for K while we women can t get a pig for less than $20. IS YET TO COME p r0 -- --wrm 7, io1B; THE PADDED CELt j ' OTSTflEetSS v j Someday a -SMU.G , , Wm COME. H&NH I ( ; ) UR FAC& AM S '4 'v.Yop'ul Die OFHocKJy TeLUHG. YOUR jNt. reoyus v& K4o, ,..u . Punch. There's no doln' nothlnk with '1m lnc Eg eot aharei In that there war loan!" Embarrassing Title "You've mado a mistake In your . paper." said an Indignant man, enter lnc the editorial sanctum of a dally paper. "I wai one ot th competltora at that athletic match yesterday, and you have called mo 'the well-known lightweight champion.' " "Well, aren't your' Inquired th editor. "No, I'm nothing- of the kind, and It's confoundedly awkward, because I'm a coal merchnntl" National Monthly. THE FIVE WISE VIRGINS THE ENTENTE agtlsri Navvy (STOwb it) irtoMBt lit' ll BwSttahT 0'f tim&lA m IpUl Tkia sun -which stattad ua ttw CiiijiJlUMtUg ctrautt ts tiassed aloag lay f BHT av atwaitta) ( Hc t I. i ijnAp aSKsl" st fsB h tP MMMMml sBBsH SSarssm 'swi ssmss. in a. - ft BST J0K6. TO Time Wasted Mlstrcsa-Jn the time It takce me tt tell you how to do the work, I coild. Ma!d-Ye, ma'am. And In the tlma It takes me to listen to you, co could I. UP-TO-DATE IN LONDON -V -okstcb. IN DANGER TiMI rifslritf fleyr - sie CMulrfJay Ws.Wis), As't UsXMUi' barret f reasLirf u -jlfw aattt '' " I - - nil,,.,,-, -tL - 7? ''"IrtflHTtfa ftMkuMgautJ " 90Hf sjsm 0ijmmmt irw -ki iarlalrit gaaamp swavaasvaaaaaas aid osu x& W. S" w wfsmfmqm U i mm w m wwa. "a. ii, . HANCtl skuwer eatJ taaa "T lntlllWIIS waiM. "I siU4 ta Ji ylfi ' Phlliiii ... - " . 1 MCA coai I w H1VI Fl !te1Wlr. Albrscht's, ' 3r moat -m "wia avu. nil v.. . . :-"i ' i " nn i i'"t