LYORALTY ISSUE F NATIONAL IMPORT, MOORE'S PLATFORM lid of Returning Kepub Beans to Power ana Ke- Itorittg rroiecuve xarnr. flsls for His uail tor Harmony at Dinner. .ccTF.n REPUBLICAN MAYORALTY PLATFOKM KiLtttumM JmP" ," out 5' . Ihlnits li iOggilln)r n pint .h"n "publican iwtiyln l'hlla K warornltr campaign t K..l The Interests of business men wli toi"''1"'1 ,n n"r political kP'H?.1!?' tIio mayornlty eamtialRn in 'i.ii,u lin national slitnlOcnnce gg, B political and rcnnomlo stand- ,ln1 Tlie Mayor should be n man JKn natlonallte riillatUlplila. v.jii. The party should bo untied Jwa. rfpenl of ilemorallslnir nnd ob agShe laws ami the enactment ot mine i ,i .!griielpini one. I v Brinh. rhllailelpbln n the leading m SaffliKw " ,,,0"ld 'ore.t ,n"pattr II S for the sake of Its Influence on Sl,nl Pol'"" " 1DI0' ure than "boom" a piauorm lor ma Sir K Jll XniB -J w-.iiiuifiii AUI :6r. 'A.t was the verdict of men of affairs $,; .r itenresontaUvo J. Hampton Ssore'd speech before tho Kensington Ewro 01 """ t In a- lone """ "aa lno numan :. of Congress unbosomed himself i,C. (.nets of his political faith so Earnestly and exhaustively In a .speech In this cttv as he did last night at tho Bittenhouso Hotel, whero ho was tho ffutst of tho business men of tho North- ' . trnulnilon put Itself on tho political "map. he ald. And' there -was Indeed great ttrnlflcantc, many remarked, In the ln- nilon of a forum oi political nappenmgs in central I'niiaaeiiJiiia y mo leaains men -of a section that has In tho past kept ior thff' most part to Its own wards Its ictltitles In determining tho courso of ferric event. . .. . SMr. Moore iook. Drouu enouisn national round to put Senator Penrose who sat left tOS Diner Biuo vt. mo uiuuumii, lit ui- rtctftccora wun ovcrjuuiis uo sum. aui ik. nlnr Senator carefully avoided any ''indorsement of tho Congressman's may- - irellj" boom, and his face was a study ait fact and restraint wnen mo gucBi oi Jionor "took tne duii Dy tno norns ana litartlly demonstrated that ho was very definitely In the forefront of tho active futon In tho Republican campaign for the executive office. H the manufacturing Interests of Ken- Ongton and tho rest of tho country havo ' tittArlv nruahed bv tho TTnrifir- SWa tariff by this time, It Is only be- isV2. - U nMflfnl hnrHen nenfnat ( leaUSO U , ,,...... .. uOU.u ha raised an unforeseen catastrophe ln'hlch had been the salvation of Presi dent Vll9n's and the Democratic ma jority's prestige Mr. Moore and Mr. Pen rose devoutly agreed. But If Europe's cheap goods are cut off, said the Congressman, Japan a aro not, for the Faclflc Is far from tho war lone. Waving on high a crisp trade pamphlet from Kobe, Japan, Mr. Mooro made his point In clarion tones that rang ; through the banquet room as if in tho t .marble halls of Congress. fJ-!"Forty shipyards," ho cried; "In tho ireiecture in wmen ivooe nesi a district xniy two or throe times this city s pop-, Ration! And hero on' the Clyde of America we havo three shipyards and Indeed a great shipbuilding centra. Bratt shipyards, as' this book shows, Kane Japanese centre! Does that not prove the seriousness ot ,tho situation Jliatjwe are confronting? Can wo rest (Jjfcour laurels with this tremendous tompetltlon preparing to launch Itself thi) throat of our trade, out' thero In warn THE COTTON SITUATION, ?Down South thero Is that cotton. They cannot lfl whv WA nhmilrl wnnt . Selective tariff up hero In the North tgcg, because we cannot Impose a tax on "ports, and the cotton of tho South can .brt"poured Into Jtituin. tn pnmn hanlt In gmshed goods at San Francisco, low priced COOds mndfl hv low-nrlort lnhnr. tn Mveour American workmen on to tha iireets and closo our mills, because tho Jnlr, If you please, was reduced. ".And then, on nn nf ihnt lil RnnHl. ylth Its Democratic President and ma jority in Congress, wants to go a step farther and DUt Its hand Into our Dockets and make us buy ships for them to send their cotton out of tho country, to Japan, or anywhere else where things aro made .celow an American llvlnir nnn nnd Mj us to finish the process of cutting j own tnroais. WHEN -WAR IS OVER. ?When those millions an th hnttleflalds l Eurppe return to tho mills, at smaller ages than over because they will have i<eep from atarvlnir! whan thr, mnserv ( the seas by any Power is over and tho B. h.v nee lur iruue, men jireyi qurselves for the rush of imports under W Underwood tariff that will be a catas rophe for this conntrv. Trnnr(dnesa Mln't a foreign foe? Ves, wo must have yw, out De you also prepared, business men. lOr thla nlhol. iHlMiInn rf m.i. BhAM Eftst'wlU como the moment peace is de tUred. ny. that will beirin even when wSS 1 first talked of, and return a Re- Hn resident and a Republican ma jority tn IVn.MM.. KEThe factional fight in the Mayoralty "whikii ot ism nere was relt all over tno i.. ,F: ln PartV waB 8Pl" ard a tt S" the party in the State was split, fa 'this waa a leading factor In tho iWS ol tho Republican party through- Line Union. Thero Is a. irrnnn nf men ;fwer (n this city now that think city miks. ". Mm it can't fir; In a city as big as 30 Btates, wa mwb tne nrst oiow for the re- I1T Of thfl nnriv Tf- .n v& A - - -"- i-w. h ,a iiw iijig 1U4 Eu.&nn nsrannnl tA1 ll 1 . ifflhemsetves. iiPHHM .; w" .. .. iim nivo my speecn prepared oy Varts. No, I coma to sneak for a. 'er lsUe. for thn nnllnnalltln nt adfiltlbljl. tfn t.a .alat(AR M 41.1a fn s Industry from the threatened Jl- !. mat la awaiting us tha moment war stops. oon t car to make any announce- myself in mniHi n 41,- irDUAHi,u mt come here with a swelled head "t not going away with one. I W prefer to see some ono else come ftrd fcnd say. 'Here, or here, is the w naiionall?8 Phlladilphia." " 90$ the 300 guests were men whQ national flavor to the spirit of the 101. Leaders In twe nrhAp fitafGja Democrat. Mayor Donnelly', of Tren- "w uovernor Miller, of Delaware, lea to the CSonneiimin'B valua to Jfiuntry and hi requirements for any 'ue people tq whicn he might as- MM. Naomi Farlow Seeks Divorce m- Naomi Farlow. of Oaklyn, Camden nas inntliuted proceedings in to 'Am, a ttivnwuA from hmr km. JaiBaA Tarlniv (Uhn ifl In hufiluMd South 3d street.' In thl uitv. TMti- " was taken tadav haore Siwflai W C!fauicarv (-harl.a V f JolilltS KaUo usmea Urt. Bda Crby. WTIV Of lJlllLn .,4 ..u n I'aM.iun ttbf eOJc-i(uhLu.t !a (. ,:11U. STREET IN ERIE PILED HIGH WITH TOHMMHssBffs8sas "7 ", l', 'TjTTiMTiifMr:aaTirffTyi The picture gives q view of WIFE AND CHILDREN NO HANDICAP UNDER COMPENSATION LAW Harry A. Mackey, Board Member, Says Experi ence in Other States Re futes Statement of Con tractors' Attorney. Harry A. Mackey, a member of tho Workmen's Compensation Board, uttered today an emphatic denial of tho state ment made recently by Horace, M, Schell, an attorney, that under tho new work men's compensation act It would bo to tho advantage of all companies to cm ploy only single men. Schell made tho startling statement be fore a, meeting of the Contractors Asso ciation of Philadelphia. He based his assumption on the fact that the law pro vides that a compensation of 25 per cent, of tho salary of a man killed while at work bo paid to his widow by his em ployer and an additional 10 per cent bo paid her for oach child In excess of two until CO per cent is reached. "Thero is no question," said Mr. Mackey, "that the law provides for a irrenfpr romnpnantlon In tho caso whero tho man who was killed was married and had-children. That la the essence of the law. Tho State must look after tho in terests ot women and children and thero 1b no logical reason why an employer should not havo to pay moro when they have been (deprived of their means of livelihood by an accident for which tho employer is responsible. "In theory it is all right to assump that since tho employer Is liable to a greater oxtent or, If ho Insures his liability, tho insurance company Is liable to a greater extent In the case of the death of n mar ried employe that it will be cheaper for( him to employ only single men and that ho will therefore do so. "But that does not necessarily mean that he will differentiate In that way. Poople. must bear in mind that the fact that wo havo such a law on the statute books is Indicative of progress in the gen eral attitude In such matters. "Consideration and responsibility for human life Is growing all the time, and ho must. Indeed, be a small-minded and petty employer who would not bo ready and anxious to Indemnify dependents and who would willingly for the sake of a few dollars' make a discrimination which would provo in the long run socially vi cious and disastrous. "Tho tendency will rather bo, when the law becomes effective, toward greater enre in the prevention of accidents in stead of an endeavor to mane ino com of accidents cheaper. And that Is ex actly why the law was passed. "However, to 16ok nt it from a purely commercial standpoint, tho experience has been in other States where compensa tion laws are now in force and there are some SO of them-that no discrimination In favor of single men has ever been mode. Statistics show that in the States where such laws are effective and with. In many cases, the compensation rate higher, the railroads, to take the best example, have on the average been forced to pay out in compensation but an In crease of 1 per cent, of their entire pay roll over what they had had to pay be fore tho laws were enacted," Mr, Mackey, when asked what he had to say about another statement of Schell to the effect that the State rates of in anrnnna would be higher than those charged by Independent companies, said that the rates for rennsyivamu. iwu ui been fixed, but that in other States they were as a rule lower. SICK WOMAN ENDS LIFK Blind Home Superintendent's Wife Despairs of Getting Well. Mrs Emma B. Hunt, 3510 Lancaster avenue, took breakfast with her fam ly Indav excused herself Tom the table, and went to8 her bedroom. A short time later she was' found in an unconscious 1 Jifn from cas. A rubber tube in her mSu h wm c?nn1cted Vlth Jet. She Sled in patrol tl" io ,he WS?! years old was 3etfffdrV;phaVU 2ln as the cause of her suicide. "Trousers a Specialty . than a catch phrase with us. TeV-Wour pride. Test us or. Flannel Trousers af $6.50 ,- is value nt guaranteed SSS! nannels! , m -get.aaaualnted'. yefmidfthe price of ready-rnad, W, S. JONES, Inc. Custom Tailoring Only 1116 Walnut Street Galvanized Boat Pumps J 'Tift at Made Hy k. V. W U.ln 4tHJUl4 SS N. I a st. -& Mi4s mi EVENING LEDGEB-PHILADKLPHIA, FRIDAY. AUGUST 12th street, looking West, showing searching parties digging for bodies and BENZOL PRODUCTS CO. TO PRODUCE DYES ON LARGE SCALE HERE Marcus Hook Plant Will Undertake Greatest Ef fort Yet Made in America to Supply Textile Indus try of United States. One of tho most ambitious attempts by American manufacturers to meet the shortage in aniline and its by-products, caused by the European war. Is being made by tho Benzol Products Company, near Marcus Hook. Tho company has virtually completed a new plant of six buildings, which will give employment to several hundred workmen and supply the textile Industry with large quantities of the highly desirable dyestuff, The concern, which is slightly more than four years old, began operations In a smnll shop In Frankford. With tho In creased demand for aniline, a tract ot 45 acres near Marcus Hook was pur chased. At the outbreak of tho war and shortly thereafter the demand for aniline beenme so great that It was decided to Increase the slzo of the plant, and the plans wero changed to double the capa city. Later, as the need for the elusive dyestuff became most pressing to the tex tile Industry In this country, the plans were again changed, so that quadruple the size of the proposed original plant Is now In the course ot completion. Part of the plant has begun operation and It is "expected that, the entire organi zation will be available in two weeks. Tho principal products produced will be aniline oils and aniline salts. Benzol, the princi pal by-product, will be available also. The concern announces that It already has contracts for moro than four years which will require the operation of the full capacity of the plant. From the demoral ized state of the American dye Industry it Is predicted that still more contracts will flood tha concern as soon as opera tion actually begins, 200 LIVES IN DANGER AS CHIMNEYS GO OVER Wind Blows Down Two Iron Smokestacks on Illingworth Steel Company Building. Two huge Iron chimneys on the build ing occupied by the John Illlngworth Steel Company, Frankford avenue and Lewis street, were blown over by the wind early today nnd. crashed down upon the roof, endangering the lives of 200 men working In the building at the time. The damage is estimated at $S00. The smokestacks were 60 and 70 feet high. The smaller ono collapsed flrstt as the wind blew against it, and, falling against the other, brought it down with n terrlflo crash. Workmen in the building dropped their tools and rushed to the htreet. No one was Injured. A portion of the plant was put out of commission by the accident, but it was possible to. resume work later. The stacks caused great Injury to machinery In the building. i Mann & Dil&s 1102 CHESTNUT ST. WW "We Have ; We 'do not pay any."P M's," commissions or premiums to our.salcs men to push or sell anything. Our Customers Get the Best ' ' The Choicest of Our Stock What is left (and many lines suffer) are not carried over or pushed by salesmen,' but sold each year WP 2 if rice . SiltShirls 2.50 5.00, 6.00, 7.00 Bathing Suits Price 1.50,, 2.00 Shirts 1.00 Bath 0owns and Robes Less Than & Price 1.00, 1.50 Neckwear f 50c 1 5.0Q Raincoats 7.50 Heavy Silk Shirts .2.75 50c, 75c Bow-Ties 25c 6.00 White Flannel Pants, 3,75 Mmn & Dilks 1fOi CHESTNUT ST. WRECKAGE TOSSED STATE POLICE PATHOL ERIE TO PROTECT CITY FROM WORK OF GHOULS Death List in Flood-Swept District Expected to 'Reach 60 Property Damage in County Mounts to $7,000,000. ERIE, Pa., Aug. 6. Tho machinery of tho State turned today to tho relief and protection of the victims of tho muddy broom, which swept a path through the heart of Erio Tuesday night. Health Board officials from Harrlsburg arrived last night, and at onco planned measures to prevent water pollution and tho pos sibility of disease. Early today a squad of State police from Butler arrived, to stand guard over tho devastated section and to protect all homes and workers In the district from molestation. Thirty-three persons missing woro to day given up as dead by the authorities. These, with tho 21 bodies in tho morgue, and three or four located but not yet ex tricated from tho wreckage that still blocks tho streets, will run the death toll to between 55 and 60. The life-saving crew early today picked up the body of on unidentified man in tho channel. Till a Is the third of tho flood victims that has floated Into tho bay, and .It Is now believed that many more bodies will be found there. The liny now Is tho centra ot the efforts of those who aro searching for more bodies in the water. ' The more calm tho survey of the dis aster the greater tho total of property damage grows. The actual monetary loss Will reach at least $7,000,000. The Jareckl Iron "Works today aban doned Its 1300.000 machinery and stock burled beneath debris. The Lovell Man- "ROCHESTER METHOD" DEVELOPING and FINISHING THE ADVANCED SYSTEM If you spend your money for films and your time to expose them, you should certainly exercise sufficient kodaks are to see .that tneynrc properly finished. HAWORTIFS EASTMAN KODAK CO. 1020 CHESTNUT STREET. EASTMAN FILM Atlantic City Store 1637 Boardwalk ARTIFICIAL LIMBS Orthopaedic Drmces for deformities. Elastic Stocking, Abdominal Bupportera, etc rurcha direct from factory. FLAVELL'S spiuno gakden bt. 3al L or juess 4.00 Bathing Suits . , . , 2.00 6.50 Golf Jackets , 3.00 6.00 Mohair Dusters .,... . .3.00 50c Hosiery 25c UP BY FLOOD clearing tho debris away. ufacturlnff Company likewise gavo up $100,000 In machinery. Many funerals of the victims wero held today, Tho Pennsylvania State constabulary patrolled tho stricken section today with loaded rides. Thieves, attracted by ator los of valuables burled In tho debris, havo boon actlvo slnco Tuesday. Erlo Is Just beginning to realize the full extent of tho calamity. Tho people aro now coming to the front with their money to relievo tho suffering, and more than $12,000 is In the fund started by Mayor Stern Wednesday ovenlng. Common Tire Faults While an Empire RED Tire is standing still "it is not deteriorating.because there is no free sulphur in Empire RED Rubber to sap the tire's bounce and stamina. WPires tre A While an Empire RED is run ning. it is subject to 'slow wear only not friction, because Empire RED Rubber is all new live stock and a mighty poor heat conductor. If Empire REDSdon't satisfy you, we will. Stm thtmat your dmaUr't EMPIRE RUBBER & TIRE CO. Fhll.d.lphU Branch I 322 North Broad Street FtcUrruJ II. Offleti TRENTON. N.J. tUm .1 "Fttrlot" Rtd flitter Iu.rT.ln Let ui start you to the seashore with a good supply or spotless laundry. Here we launder every garment to bring out the finest effect in fit and fabric. We call and deliver on time. Neptune Laundry 1RA1 rnTnMl.!. A. iffflftif&iurMvstttj&itr The Lifter Ice Cream Co. owns three Autocars. One is doing 'the work a heavy truck used to do and doing, it at lower cost Chassis pet-V PHONS LOCUST m 0, 191B. ANOTHER SCHUYLKILL FLOOD THREATENED Heavy Rains Cause Four and Half Foot Rise at Flat Rock Dam River Road Inundated Another costly flood along the Bchuyl kllLKIver wns presaged today, When the heavy rains caused about ft 414-foot rise at Flat Rock dam, making the height of the water nine feet above normal. Two pieces of heavy, masonry between Man ayunk and Uoxborough wero undermined by the rain. The river 'road again is under water today to a. depth of four feet and tho water Is still rising. At Grape street the long flight of stone steps lending Into Roxborough collapsed, their founda tions washed away by the heavy rain. Nearby a 40-foot retalnlhg wait along the Boono estate also caved in. Indications at noon were that mills forced to close because of the rise of tho Schuylkill tno days ago again would be flooded. AH tributaries of tho river are swollen, many of them being over the banks. Workmen nre removing property Delicious Assorted Chocolates at 29c lb. One of the week-end specials and like the others, delightful as well as economical. An assort ment of many good kinds at 29c lb. Chocolate Covered Pine apple Cream Blocks One of those thoroughly satis fying confections made of perfect ingredients. 27c lb. Assorted Fudge a quality so tasty that, a box goes all too quickly. 23c lb. Vanilla Marshmallows. What more summery? You will find these exception ally good marshmallows. 19c lb. Chocolate Covered Cara mels. 27c lb. Humpty Dump ties When you put your teeth into one of these lumps of delight, you will taste a candy combination that has doubtless escaped your notice heretofore. Special at 17c lb. Pcconut, special at 3 pkga. for , 10c. Mrs. Lee's Home-made Cara mels, 40c lb. Good things at the pastry counter Pulled Bread, prepared in our own bakery. Perfectly re-baked, as it aprees with the most deli cate digestion. 'Indeed, as a bread for those who have to bo careful of their diet, it is unap proached. 15c 'i-Ib.; 25c 'i-lb.; COc lb. Berwick Sponge Cake, lemon 11UVU1, 1UC VUCII Cinnamon Bun, 18c lb. Currant Loaf, 10c each Eatellas, 10c each Old-fashioned soft gin go r bread, 10c loaf Pound Cake, 35c lb. Oaten Fruit Cookies, 20c lb. White Mountain Layer Cake, 30c each , Thos. Martindale & Co. J Oth & Market Established In 1809 Bell, Phones Filbert 2870. Filbert SSTt Keystone Ttnce 000, Race D01 THE AUTOCAR PHONE QR CALL AT THE BTOCAR SALES &. SfirWJ5E tSOMPAHYt 230 AND MARKET STREETS, PHILABLPHIA. FACTORY SRAHCH OT THE AUTOCAR COIWANY, AnfUmHZ, IM. (from various points along the tt.r feaoft. threatened by the rising waters The rains also caused a we-!n at Chestnut Hill. In Crefeit street, hw fix set avenue. .Workmen from the Hlghw Bureau have roped off the ditch tnsde T the walerV which Id four feet clesfe $i feet wide and eigjit feet long. i I , . Open till I P. M. ipmorrow! H Wind-up of our one week of Finest Suits! Still some beauties that haven't! found the man they belong! to! It may be you! Neverj can tell till you try! Comej in! $35 and $30 Suits, $9- fi?B iArnlr mi $30, $28, $25 Suits, $ y this week " $20 and $18 Suits, $1J this week x " Alterations charged for. Vacation Specials! Palm Beach Suits, $7.50. $5 Outing Trousers, $3.50 and $3.75. Perry&Co. 'N. B.T." 16th & Chestnut Sts. WHEN you use Eesinol Shaving; Stick there are no tense,smarting. after-effects, no annoying ehavlng rashes to fear. That is because its creamy lather is full of the same soothing, healing, antiseptio bahams that make Resinol Ointment and Rest inol Soap, so effect! vo in the treatment , of skin Directions. All good drtmlats- Bell neslnol Sbsvlns; Stick. For trial lze, tree, writ, to Dept. 0-M, netlnol, Baltimore, ltd. HORLICK'S The Original malteh mm UnlosmyousayHOWJOK'S you may got t Subatltat KSYSTOKe M48V-I ACE im , Tie 1nr reallf seethes pur km Hesinol Staving II L M . - ... - - -- - --.MM--at-.n''i1taHMr HBiA s" " ' " "- V6&1-- t jjggLg aiagr'i i -r,, " a.,-aE -MiMiiiiMissMsllsMilM ssMBsMJIlMiiiliiM lIssssssssMslssslssMsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss