10 EVENING LEDGEK-PIIILADKLPfllA. FRIDAY, AUGUS 1015; THE ADAPTABLE WOMAN IS A VERITABLE FEMININE JEWEL T'he Young Bride Needs Philosophy to Survive the Shock When Business Assumes Its Legitimate Place in "Hubby's" Interests. Bv ELLEN ADAIH IHAVfl seen tmny type of women, Initio, and nllhounh others might laugh Anrt ir an fit ihm w.r mil tntthnr "' "llnh her ridiculous, tho nhe was and if an or them were put togeinf . )h Just . m Bne un ,hft Bght V j rGti Mr before ma and' their good points crystal Used Intb ono per fect being, I should call her the adapt table woman. The epitome of all femi nine charms l the facility to fit Olio's self to tho peculiar circumstance which surround us, whether they bo pleasing or not. This Is by no means as easy ns It sounds Take, for Instance, the case of tearful llttlo newljwed who came to see an elderly friend of mlno u short While ago "Jim doesn't love mo any more," sho sobbed "I don't know what I'll do" My friend had known Jim nit her life, and sho knew that a moro devoted hus band never breathed, but she didn't laugh At tho llttlo bride. Bho asked what tho trouble was "Woll," confessed tho tear ful ono, "ho nlwavs used to talk to mo and tako mo nut to theatres and places until last night. Ho Cnmo homo list night nnd never said n word, nnd ho didn't have i tho headache, o 1 1 h o r. Ho read nil ocnlng, and f had to sit nnd watch him. It Man cruel." f It took a good whllo tn mnkn tills- foolish girl Bco that sho was wasting her periecuy goou tears on a sluidovr. nnd NEW SCHOOL ROOMS TO ACCOMMODATE 5000 One New Building nnd Four Additions to Buildings Will Cost $800,000. T R. : t L U. S. AMBULANCE WORKERS IN PARIS ) hi an deenlv asIf It really existed. I am sorcy for tho woman whose life Is spent rolling against circumstance. It reminds me of the men who go fishing without bnlt, or those whose nets have huge boles In the bottom. For tho struggle against our surroundings Is as fruitless ns the labors of the poor fellow In the Aeneld Who was nlwn)a trying to empty the sea with a sieve. j Changes of any kind are more or less trying, because of tho humerous compll cation which they bear In their train. The first lo-pntn nlow of the honeymoon cannot possibly last, even though nil lovers will deny my statement vigorously. Each one Imagines himself tho exception, his romnnco Is going to last n life time But when tho first J ear has rollotl by nnd Jim begins to feel thnt bo should put moro time In his work nnd his llttlo wlfo stnys at homo and Imagines her self n o g I o o t o d, tho trouble nnd heartbreak begins This Is tho time when the wl-a girl teaches herself tho hard lesson of adnptablllt) It means pntlcncc nnd trust and firm conviction, nnd above nil, pcrslstuicc Tho latter, by the wny, Is a quality rarely found In women that Is, vvhon devoted to tho worthy end of improving themselves. If the object hap pened to bo n now lint, the story Is qulto different. I know one man who lost a double salaried poittlon because his wife re fused to adapt herself to the temporarj Inconveniences of moving to nnothir clt Tills Is not exaggeration, If you will only looK around jou, the number of women 4 that poor Jim couldn't bo expected to who nro doing tho snmo Is astonishing. contlnuo his entertaining quality through And all bcc-iuso they hnven't tho courngi life. It was a real tragedy to the little to learn the lesson of adaptability! THE "NEW FIGURE" MAKES ITS BOW ON FALL EVENING GOWNS TT OFTI3N hnppons X that tho late summer evening gowns aro really sultnblo for early fall dances. I know of ono girl who purposely allows the question of her evening frocks to remain unnnsworcd until tho last moment until she decides vvhero sho Is going to pass tho summer. Then, If sho finds her hotel Is par ticularly fashionable, or there Is a great deal of gaiety around the place, she sonds homo or runs up to town for a day or oo, and selects tho lata August fashions shown in tho shops. It Is a very vvIbo plan, for, as I have already said many of our best de signers aro Bhowlng their most striking nu tumn Btjles early In tho summer. Ono of tho plainest and most picturesque models I have scon is shown In todaj'o Illus tration. It Is Just de signed for Into summer wear, for hotol dances nnd muslcalcs. Tho Infltlenco of tho Vic torian period Is plainly shown In tho basquo waist and s o v e r e I y draped lines of tho bodice. Tho top of tho waist Is made of silk net, of a glorious palo Ivory shade, which contrasts most becomingly with tho shell-pink taffetas of which tho dress Is made. This net Is draped over a founda tion of silver-thread embroidery, with short transparent s 1 o o v o s, edged with pink ribbon. Tho pointed bodice outlines the rather new figure a slight ten dency toward the wasp waist being suggested. The skirt la charmingly draped, with a sash of silk net encircling tho waist line. This net Is also used,nt the bottom of tho hem In a de" cldediy unique manner, with a deml-petticoat of Oliver embroidery. in ? JliiiPPlilHH &('4iL?JijBf f, iilMi1sssssssH M2$W il - HM H' 1 11 I H SI I mm mtWmittM New class rooms will bo provided for WOO pupils of the public! schools at the beginning of the hew school year nt a cost exceeding 300,000. Ono new eschool nnd four additions to buildings already erected will bo placed in uso September & or as soon thereafter ns possible. Tho largest project la tho now school at Mth street nnd Klngeesslng avenue, which will be called the Mitchell School, In honor of the late Dr S Weir Mitchell It will contain 33 class rooms The site cost 139,000 and the building fJM.Ht Tho building will be surrounded by a larago plojground and contain Indoor playrooms, a domestlo science laboratory and tho most modern educational con veniences. A 21-classroom addition to the, Long fellow School, at James nnd Pratt streets, Is Intended to servo an ncuto need In tho northenstern part of the city. Tho Soulhwark School, nt nth and Mif flin streets, has been overcrowded for many loars. When Un annex in com pleted It will bo ono of the largest ele mentary schools in tho city. Tho addi tion will accommodate ?G0 boje and girls. Six rooms will bo added to tho Fltlor School, Knox nnd Scjmour Btreets, Oer mantown. Twelvo rooms will bo added 10 xno .viorion school, d street and Elm- woou avenue xno improvement was urged for several years by committees of parents and business men's associations The Southern High School for Olrls, IJroad street and Snjdor nvcntie, prob ably will not bo completed beforo No- ember This Institution will adjoin tho Southern High School for I3os. Tho Hoard if Education owns tho entire lot bounded by IJroad, 13th. Jackson afreet nnrl Hnv. dcr avenue. In tho rear of tho bojs and girls' high schools thcro will bo a play ground extending to 13th street. An of fice building, accommodating tho facili ties or Loin schools, also will bo locatoj within this square. It was originally an nounced that tho girls' school In nil probability would be rendv for occtipnn"y September 8, but progress of the work hii Deen less rapid than was expected, All of the now buildings will bo In tho nature of a memorial to tho Into William T. Tlldcn, member of the Hoard of Edu cation for many years. Ho was chair man of tho Property Committee, whleb was charged with tho important duty of planning nnd supervising tho erection of nil new schools Mr Tllden's lost serv ices, shortly beforo his dtnlh. were tlm signing of tho contrncts awarded that tho school sj stem might enlarge Its facilities to meet Increasing demands In splto lof the improvements, It is feared that nt least 5,00u children will have to nttend "nart time" HenMnim. None of the school officials would offer an estimate becnuse tho enrolment In September i nhvnjs uncertnln Un ofllclal Judgment, however, based upon tho records of lost year, places 16,000 as a minimum ho .. li JBaIIa. . -1, Pin li trlfUlng-I am very happy "pt wm l he wm talking, tho nurse kom itnr tiny Pieces of shrapnel frur- ?1. fit theleg was black with shell. Wto ff'SJh he winced with pain, Louis Shot PA talking cheerfully "It does ion JSSt mu h " he would say, "and ? Ii.ii ruturn to my regiment" be 1t' Mi wStaMpW wrds t saw ltd 2!5,Mm Lewis and Mrs. Mason, whf had evidently done hiucu by way contribution. aBTWnKWOTBti OFF. DELAWARE COIWniAS TOO MANY PEAC1I6 Problem of Distribution a gM cnl One in View of dra Yield. Delaware County Is suffering fn unprecedented peach crop fid BJfJJ-tf yield this j ear that AHCMs f United states Department of Awicuil hrktfn i. -. -,AMft n 1. ...ii 2 tuW A' Vaw btcn Btnt rn orlhy Of greai i" . ... !.-., Q0 nrenar mnrkntn for tb !..... J Loft to right John II. McFndden, Jr., of Philadelphia; L. V. Dcnct, General Inspector Troussnlnt, Dr. Edmund Gros, clilef surgeon Am bulance Corps; Dr. W. du Bouchct, chief surgeon Hospital Corps. AMERICAN AMBULANCE HOSPITAL IN PARIS IS DOING A GREAT WORK Fii)c Philadelphia and Eighteen University of Pennsylvania Wards. Each Accommodates Ten Beds Ellen Adair Witnesses Sad Scenes There on Anniversary of Fall of the Bastile. woriny .--- k )n the hoapiial Th whole of the third floor Is occupied ?! Its wards, splendid operating room, y riv Z" and laboratory. It Is respon- m!', iM beds And has 18 words " the University of Pennsylvania .. -iniinlv done weir," said Doctor Smi? "irtd o hns f'hlladelphla I IVh til more than 30.000 for tho Phlla brought more tnan Ufl de,pfw S in the whole hospital Xeralty. Shout 200 nurses, 100 of whom ""'"ftrih? traJnedTho others aro called aSxffles'nd do splendid work, too. All the work Is voluntary, of course. Many of the nurses aro American nnd mw? hafl Fn "nltercstlng chat with a i(a.i vnimve In ono of tho l'liunuci- fie. had been decorated wUhthaManc medal for oravery-u.u ----- --- very brnTl 'U"r. SS'y-'n. know tho meaning very ornvu " "-;,-:- ,..A ,,.,! of the word fear. ,n ""-"' " prepare mnrkota for the extraordti! so crop, xno yieia in i'ennsylta tv Jersey and the Eastern ShoteM Dclawnro and Maryland. jSl! to be so largo thnt onlv a'Jm portebron enn uB markef.j . Ss o outlets nro found, M gency Balvfi-pmcnt representatives sk Tho Oovei U. Hrnnch, of the dhusP ohargo of O. it nnd rural orM.t!ms city markotlntwlerred with CharlfflS Mr. Branch cfmuw(au of CltyTrK Baldwin, of tho Bu .greeting a co of this city, who Is .lei,k ftwney hTr tlve housowlves' bujlna l''' ' l ivaS Philadelphia. Mr. Brancfi W.Kl .iT;iZ. -:"""'. "iual marM i.. mureiHi pcucn crop, nna ttS mo Lu-ujiuruiion or tins city. 11$ i OUt that CO-ODeratlvo nrrlnra fr i wives would glvo them bettor prlc.iS ...v, . M imu t mo corner firdfctrj By EfLLEN ADAIR Btaff Gorrtspondcnt ISvcntitp Ledger. PAItIS, July H. rang with their shouts. Ono ftttlo ehas- TODAY Is tho great national feto day "Ur sprang upon his bed and Jumped up , t- t..,.. i. .. nf "id down till tho room shook. Never was there such gaiety and cxcltcmentl DR. ZIEGLER TELLS HOW TO SAVE BABIES Health Department "Don'ts" Issued for Protection of In fants in Hot Weather. Philadelphia mothers havo received some timely and valuable advice as to the earn nf li.thlpt In lint wantiiA. ?-im Dr. S. I.cvvIS Zlegler, Director of tho Do- ""V1 tno M'n'sters of France, their heads partment of Publlo Health and Charities, ""'emniy Deni. JLof Trance, July H, anniversary of tho taking of the Bastllo. i'ho Btreets aro thronged with eager holiday makors, but nh so different from those of previ ous years I Thcro Is no dancing In the streets, no merrymaking In tho great squares for tho men, rich nnd poor, nro all In the war. This morning In tho Champs Eljscca, closo to L'Aro do Trlomphc, I v niched nn liilircstlng procession. To celebrate tho occasion fittingly. It was decided to ro movo tho remains of Houget do Lisle, composer of tho Marseillaise, who died about lk36. from their resting places out side Paris, and they were, therefore, car ried In state to tho Pantheon for burial! Gendarmes lined tho streets, crowds sang tho Marseillaise and excitement ran high. A great motorcar dashed past suddenly, and I recognized M. Polncare on his way to meet tho funeral procession. Then while wo vvoro still waiting, moro excite ment was caused by two lmmenso mili tary aeroplanes which circled directly above our heads, making a noisoMIko thunder The crowds craned their necks nnd cheered vociferously. This so encour aged tho flying men thnt they did some wonderful feats for tho delectation of tho mob, banking sharply and turning m tho most marvelous manner. A Bmall boy beside mo shouted as I hovo nover heard a child shout before. "Rogardcz, re- gardcz ccs braves garcons!" ho screamed nt tho top of his voice. The wholo per formance was most spectacular and the cheers of tho crowd were as loud as tho thunder of tho aeroplanes. BODY ON GUN CAnRIAQE. Then tho procession started with the clatter of cavalry regiments. Company after company, all mounted on very restive horses, camo slowly past, their helmets Bhtning In tho sun. On a great huh cuinuBo n-Hien mo oouy or Itougct do Lisle nnd behind it wnlkcd M. Polncaro Tho nolso they mado was deafening. A VEItY SICK SOLDIER In the next Philadelphia ward tho sol diers were all very lit. Tho room was gaily decorated with tho French tricolor and American flags, but tho poor fellows In tho beds lay very quietly. I had a chat ( Jn a bulletin Issued by tho Bureau of Health, Doctor Ziegler shows how Infants may be protected from dangerous summer mniaaies in view of the great infant mortality In the city slnco tho hot weather started, Doctor Zlcgler's advice Is of soeclnl value. Tho bulletin gives explicit Instructions ns to the care of babies In hot weather, and takes the form of a scries of "don't." It follows. ''Don't tall to protect your children from ttie . iT.j ' "' n. inoro were lus dentin of children under 2 years of ago last month from summer complaint Don't tike Infants on shoppInK tours Ttiey ore mors susceptlblo to tho ertocts of hoat than adults i.' 'l0"'1 kjP tho bahy on the top floor of the- house If (he first floor is cooler The tem perature In the shade outdoors Is lower than h temperature Inside tho house. ihJn.thJ,Fp .'-'!? c.hlldren .,n 'ho kitchen, H.nrtte humidity Is greatly raised by the fronta """" n cookln"- wahln! and from children to be unneces- A VICTORIAN EVENING GOWN TTP IN the beautiful blue summer sky U tiny white clouds drifted bick nnd forth. Now to the east they traveled, wafted by a western breeie. Now to the west they Journeyed, blown by a breeze from the east. And all the whllo they traveled, they watched tho earth beneath thorn "I llko to Bee tho woods and tho for ests," said ono little cloud, as they went ovr a broad blue lake "I can hardly wjilt till we have crossed this lake, and have reached the forests beyond " "Oh. don't you like the laker' exclaimed the next little cloud, "I think It Is beautl- The Sudden Shower r 111L ft mlm"o and I'll show you what "I uui ,l"BfMtld whw cloud close b" tor hi h? beach by the Me ot lake ror there I can watch tho phiMr i...' t i rTit.". "" "". cmiaren niav. ""i inert inAv nrni r.i ....,. "- M'w uh fc uiey seem ZT ? 'rom-plng" m'SPUs ot,KCK that babies may die in fn ..!? 4?. hoHri1 from he effects of the heat. 'Don't HllftlV thn ttllP.n - k. ..ir SV.:hP0"? t0ith0 direct rays of the au" t?"S v V lluv. uaet neea more drink ing water In hot -weather than at any other wateV. """ wa,er better ttanlc" rt,!r-f'nlf, ,al !'aln, tho ch"d daily-, jt ro chlld to sleep V temJrature nl laJuce. the a ' J52?' SCJe" th5 baby w"h "ny clothes nil IBS ?ha.pfn, a I00 cotton' slip ar. ai .. J "e Infant needs, and more cinth,. cSlder. prov,,lei1 onl' wh"en tta w?Sh?riet! "Don't forget that babies need Menty ot XiiVin. H.. i . oy "'M' oura' s eep dally $i5? $ flrst mon,h- and not less than IB hours dally up to the end of the "rst vear A clothes basket containing a nujttreis rnadS of Jxic,.el!l0r.J.ncl0M'1 blanket makes Tgood ri.b.ifor "I?" wh0 connot rd a better rae. or6 taory SUE? h0UW not "" l"a cPio "Dont fall to protect the babies from thA Snnoyance of flies and mosquitoes. ThSIV.tJ trnnsmt diseases which often provf fatal especla ly so during the hot spelta " ' "Don't wean the baby during the hot il, except on the advice of a nhyslclan ? -rn i.?r J1VS SJ'". "I K.reguar ntervals. ImproDer When tho funeral nnrtv rih.j ,. ranthcon It transpired that various forms taking many days must bo gone through beforo the body could be accepted there, nnd so tho cortege had, perforce, to go on to the Injnlldcs. A,t.ihoorncr of tno Bos do Boulogne and the Champs Elysees sat a soldier. Ho was seated on n camp-stool, for both his leg had been blown oft In the war. His ' ,,w"l..?car w!th ' ."" bayonet "--"- " emoKing a cigarette ".h. Bicui tnceriuiness. i offered him a franc, but ho shook his head. "No thank you. mademoiselle," ho said In French, "please give it to those unfor tunates who need it inore than II I am Indeed very comfortable and happy, for every one Is so kind! What I have done to deserve Buch kindness I do not know! Here comes my kindest of friends, who cnrrles me everywhere my 'New Legs ' I I turned nround to behold another sol dier, also smiling cheorfully, whose right arm had been blown off In the warl "Eh bien, Pierre," said tho newcomer, "al ways you have company, lucky fellowf Shall I catry you now?" Ze:Lcoils.e",edJ ,and. the one-armed "-" """ unu raiseu him on hlB back. I took n photograph of the pathetic ""' w"ww cneeriui couple, and a large crowd colleoted. nil begging me for copies. It was difllcult to get clear of tho mob. fon a Paris crowd Is very Insistent But the two wounded soldiers admonished them "Clear away." they said. "The lady must go home nnd make the picture and you aro preventing her!" The one-armed "chausseur" or Infantry man, carrying hfs disabled rnmr. his back, escorted mo down the Bols de Boulogne. "No, It does not tire mo to carry Pierre," he said, "and we are al waja happy when together. It la sad that yf r liliBHlBsssssssssssssssssssssssy M" ssssssHsssssHsssssssssssssHlf 'mm 'fMssPssssssssssssssssssf i3ajlP SBSSSSsH C,Be.g.uS , bVa'buTs I g she,, which had , "a suggjsted method oV'TesT almost shattered his left arm, but he, too, rowcra from nnanoJal ru)n , 'fc .i iih fit Vila wounds. I "cahnlnc " 1, ,.,..... j "" no arrangements havo been made i direction, it has been Intlmnt.i H....1 wives In tho Eastern section of the. In which to can and preservo rS. Growers, commission men and MtillSSft .. ....1.1., uuiu uu iiokcu to lend nsr co-operation to tho plan by plaelnir tsi gain prices on tho commodity durla S week. It was pointed out that withfiP cost of peaches materially lessened hoS wives would not feel tho added enS for sugar and glass Jara for prescrvlni Tho early pench period. Is about .3 nnd tho markets from this time onS reeolvo tho staplo variety, which M prises tho bulk of tho poach crop a Branch.vattcr asking tho co-operating this city conferred with tho headini "chain" stores hero to obtain utathiB on tho quantity of peaches each flrmtSi handle. His report will be fonvsrtji io neia agents, nnu tsy this mcasureifl growers and hnrtlrnHnrnt .. ii learn what proportion of tho crop mar mand from cdmmlsslon hnnsoa rinv- v. furnished by farmers' exchanges threat! w- ...u uut icuui-Gruwing Qlaies, m.Tel,Bmo of 'tho life In America" ho res-a -a"?; Antdtdoo7thoi tovdo,0tros fight!" Ho was a plcturcsquo figure In his wide red trousers-"not trousers, but la culotte," he Informed me-and Ills short bluo Jacket nnd bandaged arm. Horo Is my photograph, and ou may keep It, ho said, In a bunt of generosity. On leaving tho hospital I saw tho rtcd Cross men, young American coucgo iei- lows, carrying In tho wounded, who had Just arrived from tho front. It was a very sad eight, but ono roallzcd that at this splendid hospital every posslblo aid to recovery which American surgery has discovered would bo freely given. MUSIC AT CITY HALL Philadelphia Band Will Play Tonight on Plaza. Tho program for n concert tonight on City Hall plaza by tho Philadelphia Band, C. Stanley Mackey, conductor, follows: 1 Overture, "Flngala Cave"... Mendelssohn 2 (a) Serenade. ' Lovo in Idleness". .Macbo'h tb) Populvr, "The Little House Upon the Hill" Puck a Cornet eolo, "Grand Russian Fantasio" Kvy Boyd T. Barnard, soloist. 4 Grand scenes from "La Gloconda" . . , . ., .. Ponchlclll 6 "The Three Quotations' Eousa (a) "The King of franco Marched Up tha ,., , Hill nnd Then Marched Down Again" lb) "I too. Was Horn In Arcadia" , 'ci "In Darkest Africa" O Melodies from "Society Circus". ..ICIeln 7 Valje di concert. "Lovo Sparks". Holzmann 8 Mcdle) of popular tonga Stern FAIRMOUNT PARK CONCERTS Forgiveness HENRI P.RUDHOMME Jolly?' Tho dozen beach And Just nt hi .". 'Z,?" "' . ' "-n looked uP Tn S I' El Y' y-fy-W An4 a thty ro tkty vrUit, oh dear" fui I ive io i,ok t in.eir nuurea m It blu suifa e f ,tllIlk ,,olhii,a uiileu jjeytiatw our own blue ,k u , beau tltul is tht Uke Wll i i ,1a I -.uiwbwl., l,k. li, r Tho thrpn tittle rtiA..j. ,-... loznn. AV h.".r'.V?u" ,UOKCa na saw the the and saw th 7iA ,i. ".eu'V" "T S,Vedr."ta " e'n8 rarn'ondTp'oil'Sui: looked down so BteatUiy that tha im!5 muoli of tho eB,th .J T ...Wf. A0 se don't you 8o down and yVtuVmT' my UV,ee1lld.,aaCl0UdS'aU,hwe''hht hSey .uftf bUc.lnUg .bn??e,0k !" fh-at'SSdd8 U"'U-d &2$?t i1.T.he ,BW'dr r co surprised! Th. ry8rhwaatrdrr?ui'0' LUZ yynTh.Me w,h0,e " thty ran they orlad ni. ? r Aai our ate. HZ SfflJShfiX"' "ow known E3SffiJ " y?r day Ian t spoilt they Itilf tred bek g,uy. .hi,,'' SJ'eSoVh of u, spoil day Vou cJ.'S'S ?:& JST,?'. -: h. show.r w. H over and ail 1 wemh "? I" reir pUy Uut hlfor. ,h tm,back w-Cter Ingram u. SSf"!USl,,.'Ar! un5Sr orSSfhi wf. 'a"?.1t..r?.t.u.r,n.0. th .nahtuw. but rV-,X -- l",u1""' a pampniet on infant ovotjuuu iu jiiiu to feedlne can be procured for th. st,in, i.raCi nr. tnr mnrh nureau ot Health, city Hall " "" frioa;lu',teffi'vde,royf always bavl an tm nwr.n,J-,!!!5"?l but of sudden chanze of weather." "' ,n ca" For Salads QpzZ .A-n?Velv.arransment for tho breakfast table Is shown In it,, in.... ".,.. ""aal !ma!' F0tato or watermelon bailer. The utensil s used n.t in,. ' zz' lne salads prepared wl,h dainty Uwl' btu3 of pink watermelon or cantaloune T rJiT or any other fruit of th iHnJ TP ' encb- warm daya that ,t ,nVe8t Jo cents In one of these useful articled COOKE TO ASK FOR BIDS Director Complete Specifications for ins of Eleven Houses. tnr Kia .J.1"TT. ' ... , .y .mnas QJ 11 riOUSM In Hap WfJ-1? KaMlogton avsnue. The MMMaMful mni,..,.. .,,, . tiLrtass '" th? uw"lss! ties. eXCOOL n.Mm.1 . "' P the rhv torTita 5SE?- W1U th. removat of ". bvu 'diaw Z Z5 t. actor u do ail grading SJHitTu. raaklng this MLtlon of ihf ?. tQ to U-tslNa d.velopeT flJbE'tS. be opad next Prlday. "" US. and thnt mnk.. up for much." Sights such as these are so common on the streets of Paris that they arouse little comment. AT THE AMERICAN HOSPITAL. After the procession I made mv wo,. to the American Ambulance Hospital at Xeullly, where I was received by Dr J William White, head of the Philadelphia Unit; Doctor Hutchinson, Doctor Lee and Doctor Billings No words un n describe the wonderful work which is being carried on In this hospital! There are more than 600 beds, and the very latest surgical devices and triumphs of American skill are fully displayed "I feel sure that you will be particularly interested In tho Philadelphia wards, and so I shall take you there first of all " said Doctor White, "I brought over a unit of 15 altogether, i nurses and 11 men There are five Philadelphia wards, with 10 uvua iii cul-iii Alio umieraitv nr Unn. sjlvanla has 18 wards, with the sama number of beds In each." The first ward we entered was a scene of great festivity. As It was tha nth of July and the great French fete day a special lunch was given, and 10 wildly excited soldiers were propped up round a table la the centre The table was adorned with American and Krenc) flags and variouB comlpal portrait of the' Kaiser hung from the chamlnli.,. i .i,. centre. The funniest one was a rubber v, mm ujr lussiiui tneir nngers at the back of this, the soldiers made the Kais er's features peeultarly grotesque, ndw elongated, now shortened and now with a Ujng pointed nose I They were like little elilldreri in their glee, clapping their hand and shouting ,r When they oaught eight of visitors, they eheej-ed vigorously and Insisted that we Join them immediately "Venez icl vlte JUL. l. r"..!0S!!.: " in -..,,, ,.., ,B f uuare witn & fierce mustache, one eye an ear and part of his S,?U8,!nft puIle(1 Dato' WW" and mystlf quickly to tb taate. Then com m.nM4 the .in8ing BtWvSSZtoZ Sm ch,ma wgtw! had to be held up by numa-whE tie T.ry roof with one youngr fellow of 20. Georges Re naud, a chasseut, who had ben badly .. w... k iiviuvmo, near Arras, on May m'Ha' iheMPa.ln '? a IutI troublesome, mademoiselle," aald ho. smillnB brave! iy, and I shall be glad If you will talk H1 mV .LlttIe! U hcIps mo to "orset . .1 not the wounds but the sciatica which Is difficult to boarl" Bl-""Ica '.'Ho,,ls a very B00d boy, la Georces!" said Sis er La Croix, "and he suffers ter- Saln.PaH,U,1 ," me W,thout a"y ' plaint He Is having- a new treatment. Perhaps you would be Interested to see At tho foot of the bed was a great caB0' a,n t0 thls tl,e fcet ot the patient wero tletl. from below. When Sister La ?Jjrrlh' I -aw that iw sssusuu Ul LilU tJUaZH XVJIO 1 II mvi I n A J SlriM.PJ"Ver1 lCCtrIC IISnt WW .hoS directly on the open wounds. 'This light Is the best aubstitute we' can get for sunlight." said tho nurse, speaking In Trench, "and is a splendid ure tor sciatica as well as a powerful agent In healing wounds. Tho wounds must be directly exposed to the rays." Poor Georges Henaud! Racked with tho shooting pains of sciatica, which "months up to tho waist In water had brought him and with terrible wounds, which weeks of treatment could not heal, yet smiling bravely through It all! "Do not pity me mademoiselle." ha said cheerfully "Lite la just a series of up and down?' and I am happy here!" ' a l ILL, BUT FASTIDIOUS. In a bed on tho other m. . . . a curious performance was belnVenacted A soldier, his cheeks Hushed with rail way holding a hand mirror to his 2S and carefully combing anT brushing an enormous mustache. rn . "'n an sswSLs:? Visit." l or lnO ..'w'sStS- Tay Cro.xCaVn0a0r,,el,OW,, broken in 18 Si -.... ? )eS was but wohave'nowvgot I : in'i' tered' Paris. The other leg U stl? hfcfr , Piece, of shrapnel eVbedde" ta'Cit "it has many other wounds aswei ih,. H? fers without a mTrmur"" ' but 8uN Above the bed was anothe- v,i and there was a constant drin f i"89' water on an oPe wound n"That'terPi,i Murphy's Drin.' .t.i .S. ""' called at-sasrarpjarjs Band Plays at Strawberry Mansion Afternoon and Night. Tho programs for concerts this after noon and tonight at Strawberry Mansion by tho Fntrmount Park Band, Richard Schmidt, conductor, follow: PART I AFTERNOON1, 4 TO 0 O'CLOCK 1-Overture, "Martha" riotnw toj "juoonugnt on tho Old Plantation" a-nemlnlenscenccs of the most popular orks , or vv ebcr. t!wLCMrpS"r '""" 'The Bohemian airl"..Ualfo f-WRlti u e Sparks" . . ... ..... . .ilolimann 6-Sranlsh sit te, "la Ferla"... lieomS Jnt "Ihe Hull Fighters- Lncome tbl "flerrnaiiR" . ic) . P.n 'ne Btlcony" "(,il "JJumoreske" Dvorak (bi "Uonn South" . ........ M.ddiVtTm 8-"SonBs of Our Nation".. ...... '.12 i-jvin- ii-EVBNiMD, 8 TO 10 O'CLOCK 1-pverture. "Irish Comedy" Ansell .-ItemJnl.nce?koOfB,he moat popular ' 3-Cornec solo, ''Tho l'ryamlds" , . Llberati A ' Ti,. WS ,8ant Martorano. ""au 4- Three Celebrated Dances" . Fournler fslaVnd"antaBle"' "A Trlp t0 ConST 6-"Norw eglan cVrnl'v al" H,anl 7-' .Vh''Pernrfowers".V.V.V-.SonnniS5 ,b "Panamerleana" . .......... ii.rhir? S-'AIrs ftt.ni' The Only Olrl'" ' . Hcfbm "Star-spanKled Banner" "qrDerc Suffrage Leaders Get Busy ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.. Aur. C.-RhnrB suffrago leaders, worried over tho marked activity of the antl-suffraglsts, havo sent a call across tho State lino to Pennsyl vania leaders for help In tho emergency. Three big meetings nro to bo held Sun day, on the beach and Boardwalk, with Miss Myra Adams, organizer for Alio gheny County, Pa., and JIIss Agnes Do Cue, ot Norrlstown, among the speakers Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, of Philadelphia" Is to be the star speaker at a great rally on the 16th. Missionaries to Meet in LnnMC. LANCASTEn, Aug. 6. Tha 20th .,... . convention of the Chri.tto'.hMS nry Alliance of the Eastern District wnl SSftA My-Jicart was heavy, for its trust!?!? ADiiseci, its Kindness answered 5JJ UU IliUllbl So turning gloomily from my fellow-r una ouiiiiucr ouuuatn any 1 BtrtBjf UlltUJtg Tho green mounds of tho village place. Where, pondering how all hurnaf ana naio Find ono sad level, and how, joojl inio Wronged nnd wrongdoer, each mcekencd face. And cold hands folded over i" heart. T. ,kn AAn 4t.K1.n1 -- 3i cam tliu b.t-vi. vii&caiiuiu Ul uur CUC grave, 'VV'lther nil footsteps tend, whence 2s depart. Awed for myself, and pitying my racijj Our common sorrow, llko a mittb wavo, jr Swept all my pride away, and, trei, ling, I forgave! 3 John Oreenleaf WhlUJ fWStP KSa, -cr 'OMi'fi WZte s" T.nnicf Sea tho rat as he really If A uiscase-carrying rat is mow dangerous than a tieerl He ll B dtltrorsrof sisscrtv anrf nni.t coourloa tbst ruwi hlivi.Mn, ttol atereiydiance. Protect nunelf I mr cam will VIU roar riu snJ nlrm., .... 5t l"' ' . . '' to me. iUrmltu to nuraani-iure death to rodents. BHi, w.u.wn, roor. imoi Onr UD Wilbanf rftoamiuulfUn At JeeJ. Hirdwtrt. rinir sea Ccnsrtl lum I R? !.'" cnv"' Dtitrty Rsti." lit, - -w w. win. pui, 13.W. Botanical M. Co. PMlad.lphl.. Ps. f- i s ,M I -HsBBaCB..SBBaHBiasBBslBBanaia" BfaiB JUT9 mi befafB i& oat of fkan U IIIBsaafttf tb tut 7if3H sssssssssnrn"ttsl SKtrftPlUlBlaJlSiJssBsssi fHjssssGI IiSMSsssssssI Submarines Indispensable for Defense mamken'thekUn?tS sSte adCqUatC fleeta would invasion is concern .?n.e,ny-P"f. so far as nations conccrncd. and inducepeace with all in'cfvfc in special articled SrfttS fdme,ssfr defense HBhe'd in Sunday'sSc fedger"8618 a"d Pub" Hays HaZond, Jr Hew S0" n are just a few of the notawL' Y Wodthese portant suhlect of 5?,e55ntnbut? on the im- present fact8 convinc in, "'"T"S.?:.A1 . men They give the eit Mm. me American GovemmsJ ;-.,"Bine acuity Don't miss trie big nt to protcc its citizens. National Defense Numb er OF THE PUBLIC sgilgjLEDGER Sunday, August 8th 0t" V"" lleiler TODAY 3)UB WP mmm r-J s HSylianiaMHF W&mEmm