y If Mil-day fete for io ruAivivnu w-isrss sr' 19-Summer Plana. v.nWAtiV I3VANS 'DENrtlB. rBS. -f)N and her daughter, MIbs Mar- t 0 V",Vi: kihli UennMon. of ptnnwwn. w """.....-"'. KfOIi P"u. ,.miv. nr nnendlntc iPlnli-rf nt Bnlrnbi'ao, their cottage f 4! u ttana". Mltlbrtdgc, Mo. fttre. ITS H " i.ifc JAtiirlifMra Itt pnttl inftUiirh a number of other gummcr IM ftmonB them Mr. Joseph W. Hon''.nnrl MIm Dorothy May- l?"1' Ir nrrAnslnB AH hll-dny fete to ildon ThUMday, August 19, to ! i Cahcr folk of the .uf rounding hM will bt invited. The day will bo imlKwJ" B,,"v' flair, which will lh- T ,i.nt.iiaor entertainment, n, filiLiih clambake, water sports, and In Snimncin decorations Ilfancltul. fairy lamps and Japan' $&... forming n part of the II- ',. ion. M". Dennlston and her W! " in return to Qermantown VrtOctober, Mrs. Henry BrUce. of !w.".. .. nhn boforo hor mar 9K "it T.eonora Dennlaton. Is I, tfMfe lo spend a portion of tho sum t.ihe !$" of her mother at Balm- ? rmf-; m .ngsgement of International interest 2a'"ii.t. mornlnc Is that of Miss Effns Oratse Fox, daughter of Mrs. Mil. ?. Z. of this city, to Captain tn Arthur Shaw, an officer of the JSng rt&oned at AMershot. ... i ! .ml her mother havo been W" j.a for years. Mrs. Fox was r&kt&uUful Miss Harriet Blddle, daugh-(Mff&'il'V-.- rir. John Bare ay B dd e. H'lH city, and n sister of Dr. Clement s?ntj4Ui retired surgeun v. wo .j , JS, United States Marino Corps, also re ft'ut,. Fox Is considered very beautiful. lfti.lV more than six feet tail ana very KfoiW.bt a brunetto typo. Her father, BilK liti De Orasso Fox, was an oxtreme- MPUlr clubman of this city ana one ?.Vrnrombtcrs of Bar Harbor as a J( the promoters ?fitMonbla resort. ,'- ciouln Shaw, of tho 9th Lancers, Is 1 .uTaji tn ho staff of General Mllner. i!S.nmi Guards and sorved in South oliZ. imm ISM till 1902, Ho received tho pJecoratlon as Companion of the Dlstln 'ISiMo Service Order for good service Bio the capture 01 oicm a luimmus u ' itellt and was awarded tno yuccn a 'ttiitH three clasps, and ICing'B Medal, S'li he served as adjutant of ph Hhodeslan Volunteers. SLIM jeedains is bcucuuicu u. y.uua Sftli irionth. HiW liilie Key, Elllston J. Perot and Mrs. EPltot, Accompanieu uy mo.i iui., ". f Ms'ry ft Lelper, daughter of Commander Awards F. Lelper and Mrs. Lclper, and llllw Frances Mecum, of Salom, will leave itcJsy for San Francisco and San Diego fraWt the Expositions. "fri,. r Mrs. Norton Downs and family. ftThree Tuhs, are occupying their camp l Maine. . Vat. tnA Mrs. TValtor Jeffords, of Glen ERWdle, Pa., have left for Vontnor, N. J., I where tney win spena August una ocp- Ifembtr. B Mr. .Claude, J. Brunner and his wife, of m Wt Point, Pa., are spending vacation In W&iiiinston,iJ. u. " Dr. ana Jfrs. M. H. Glooker, 1S21 Chest nut treet are, spending their vacation at IJarrlfop; Me. ' Mr. James Hirst and hor daughters Ltre .occupying a cottage ai uay iieaa ior eummer, !iw, John Warner and Miss. Lydla F. of 1719 Spruce street, are spend- "th.e summer at Marblehead,, Mass. E. TV. S. Tingle, of Morstein, Pa., '? returned from a week-end visit with -.anil Mrs. Ellis at 'their Cape May ' Robert Coane. of the RIttenhouse, flftd.hls daughter. Miss Elizabeth Coane, Jjpiieijn, Mr. Itobert Coane, Jr., who are SHelorlng through the West, will visit the Exposition, at Ban Francisco and other Ipolntf of Interest before returning to this ' in the autumn. ' Along the Mainline MEr?ION-Mt. and Mrs. Thomas Flshsr, ef Highland avenue, will remain at their jummer home at WIndber, Pa., until No vember. jMr. nd Mrs. Edward, C. Dearden and Itttlrtwo Children, who are in Maine for tin summer, expect to return homo in peptember. AUDUOnE Mrs. Jamen Hueh Moffatt. iMlttArgyle road, with hf mnttinr. Mm. Ronwoy. of the Athens Apartments, left B'puajr ,pr neisea; where they win Upend iteveral weeks. JfM- J?Ph It. Wolnwright will jojn IWand, their home on the New England Stout Wfr. and Mrs. Niuh TT nni,n nf rin CeeX rod, are occupying their sottago l wpe May. w MU 2 Mrs. Harvey Boyer and fam- r.,1 w"" navo taken n cottage at "1S Mere for tha rmnlndK nt thn Mummer. TnS I' ?f th Brrn Maw" Presbyterian Sr. left last week for a month's stay w.iue, Vol. KV.. nA nr. n.i ' r, -n .. SUUpcaster road, havo returned from MMHU'?. Mbm. wh.M th,.i (.am. hn at 1". . "! '"'J' .... - eyerai weeks, ,10, Chandler Barnard, of Morris : U SDendlnsr m.vrnl Aam a At. BSLCtty. 7 ' pfOn Saturday evening last ,:."" ot triage avenue, uer- iriamea a number of Her Phlla- i friends at a, watermelon party. wn was prtttlly decorated with Jap Ullterns. vr.- miB n.A xita aookhamer, Miss Catnarine Moore. wurpny. ansa Fonnya Bender, prence Churnhvlll Ml.. Trlm Mr- Cannlnsr. Mr. 4Iiich Mr, eenuer, Mr. Wilbur Hansfleld. aterling, Mr. Frank Bowers. Mr. Hosklna and Mr. Roy Burns. Germantown A Myrtle Klntr , ,, .,,.j borae, 6528 McCallum street, after - U extensive tnnr thrnnch nlalh'SSh. l?i -a.f ft! 5 vines Mnd nlacfl nf rttrt ?fank w t3nA.ji f . u ' ( nest iurr i'Tft son? tQ C"D Kiarsarge. klMi e'" "Owueied by Major WI4. of Oirard Oojlegi, lad Mn Tk at t i.i .1 in iSJ.tl nue, ara spending some W. Calif enjla. ChaMc. V a.. ..,.. -m . - 1 S3 returned from T .Vo TI'..,r,C. 1 tret. Is niillv u,.u,'.M from ? " "loess at Bradley Beaeh. Mr. Alfred C. Marnl. irf !? r" M. wia i asoury Park, N. J. EVENING LEDGER fisher folk tsx fMLADELPHlANS wiwwooir u?Tin their 'cita i te'ftft1',!! Ooulur street, njong the coast oa,8 week' M remainder oAh. omh W00d 'r lho r Aloiigthe Reading Church 1 ? ?5fia "oraco Lorlmer, of to hear Sf dhUVi0,te' Pa" wl" be 1 Mcen? TiiSU1' rap,d " ' his Hele"nnE wn;.EI"8 D; lltam and MIss town" fa V mm"' 0 Sulgrave, Jenkln Autfu'.f ?;'. V"! lcavo th0 flrt week of they wlLn0 Mohonk' N. Y where ey W1H rnialn for several weeks. ofAM?WFrV ?"' b. 8lVCn on th0 lftwn lncton ln t C,n.rn.ey s "Wence. Wash' nlnl ,e,i1enkln.fow"' Wednesday eve ch,Vv tptomr 1, for the benefit of Md &.oM.a.,5huroh' of Philadelphia, and balem Baptist Church, of Jcnklntown! ,,? enjatnln S. Sanderson, of All """"Vi0 A"? er sons, Sidney il C :. I nuerson, who, for somo ihTr..?. bcc? at Ctmp'Manltou. on Lt JT ?,,an .Bhore of Lak Huron, havo to Cleveland, Ohio, to visit Mr. and -...-. uu.iu .uciinieo aandcrson. M?.!,!!.?n,d Mr8, Lowor nnd daughters, Miss lluth Lower and Miss Mary Lower, v. 1 5incoto'w111 spcnd two weeks at Norrlstovn, Pa. r ,m Ii0ILr' Cohen and dauchter, Miss Tnf. c.Co,hon'..of .Ncw York- "e being entertained at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. i'j ' B.Toza on Lynnwood avenue, Glen sldu. After, a stay of 10 day-B they wilt motor to their cottage at Chelsea, where Mrs. Broza will spend a fortnight with tiiem. West Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. icing have re .une(1 t0 thelr nPwtment at the Tracy, th and Chestnut streets, from a fort night's trip .through the Adirondack re Blon, Including .Lake George, Lake Champlaln and Saranac Lake. 'They will spond the coming week-end as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Moore at their homo at Cornwells. Mrs. Emmanuel Brown McCowen and her daughters, Miss Mary D. McCowen and Miss Gladys McCowen, have returned to their home, 4401 Spnico street from a month's stay in Ocean City, N. J. for. nnd Mrs. William J. Coane, of tho Avondale, 39th and Locust streets, will upend tho week-end In Maryland. Their niece. Miss Mary Grace Brown, who Is In Washington, will go to Westminster, aiu later ior a visit, Mrs. W. H. H. Neville, of 4641 Sanson street, and her daughter, Mrs. Frederick C. Curley, with her small son and daugh ter, are spending a portion of the sum' mer nt Ocean City, N. J. They will re main nt the resort until the middle of the month. Mrs, Harry Nealls and her children, Harry Nealls Jr.. Francis Nealls, Eliza beth Noalts and Marie Nealls, of 341S Walnut street, are spending the summer at Chelsea. .Mr. and Mrs. Drake, of 433 South th street, left yesterday for Lenox, Mass. where they will visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Brandt, of 221 North 34th street, and their daughter. Miss Estelle Brandt, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Drlscoll ln Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dufour, of 31th street and Powelton avenue have Just re turned from Atlantic City, where they nre visiting air, ana Mrs. u. v. Sander son. 'Mr, Joseph S. Becklay, his wife and daughter, of North LIndenwood street, will make a stay at 205 East Spencer avenue, Wlldwood. Mrs. Harry Block, 217 South 53d street. Is visiting her mother. Mrs.' Lovett, at the Preston Apartmentfl, Atlantic Cltr. Mr. Harry Block and his wife and Mr. and Mrs. Lovett will leave next week for n trip to Watklns Glen, Niagara Falls, the Great Lakes and Canada. South Philadelphia Sir. and Sirs. Lawrence SIcEvoy. of 14J9 South 35th street, have left for a three weeks' tour of the West. They will visit tho canal district, the expositions and will remain In Spokane, Wash., for sev eral weeks as the guests of Sirs. Mary Flckenglcr. Mrs. Anna Gormley. of 1S24 South 18th street, entertained ln her cottage ln Wild- wood on Sunday last in nonor or ner son, Sir. James Gormley. Among those pres ent were Sir, Joseph Slurphy, Sir. John and Mr. Joseph Slalton, Sir. C. JIcEnroe, Sir. James Brady, Mr. Patrick Donohue, Sir. A. Rubens. Mr. Anthony Naddo, Mr, j, William. Sir. Barney O'Kane, Sir. John SIcNally. During the evening tha Gormley Pleasure Club was organized, and Mr. John Meade was elected presi dent) Sirs, H. Richards and family, 2218 South Rosewood street, will spend a month at Sea Isle City, N, J. Mr. Joseph Russell Cushing, of 20th and Porter streets, will spend his vacation at Blaple Beach, Pa., as the guest of Sir, Walter Gallagher. Mr and Mrs. Thomas Boyle, of Broad and Wolf streets, are at their countr" residence at Hillcrest, Ambler, Pa., for the summer. , Dr William Blannlng and family, of 1327 Morris street, will spend three weeks at the Vlllanova, cape PW " Mr Henry G. Qraul and family, of 1525 Snyder aVenue, will' divide a. month's vacation between Dwlght'a Farm, Pa.. and Atlantic City. N.J- w. wrhineton Vila and family, of 8311 South th street, have taken .apart. ment nt Wlldwood. N. J-. for the re mainder of the a2i. Misses Anna and Marcella Culen, of M21 c..t. liih street, pave ru "in month"jy " th PluenMgeMountalns. What's Doing Tonight Sx4$i ttS&S, 'UK Hill. 8 O'OSOOS.. &Mfft?Aw-''-. Suffrage BventsMay ir:,: uum . ;MI at MM. wrr igEnna a aaa .tas. ' i i lA, C Jl Jl O ' llir jii;iihimii n, Mr.. and Mrs. Jeffords avo dosed their house, Hunt'ng Hill Fnrm, Glen Riddle, and nre occupying a cot tago in Vontnor, where they will remain until the end of the season. occupyl"B a North Philadelphia Tho first of a series of excursions and entertainments to bo given by tho nurses of tho Woman's Homeopathic Hospital, Twentieth street and Susquehanna avepu'e, tho proceeds of which nre to be used In the purchase of on automobile ambulance, Is to bo held tomorrow evening. The three-decked steamer Queen Anno has been chartered and arrangements for a delightful trip on the Delaware Blvcr have been completed. The boat will leave Arch street wharf promptly at eight fifteen, with muBlc and dancing during tho evening. s Mr. Walter T. nittenhouse, of 3G41 North lith street, has returned from a visit to relatives In West Grove, Pa. Dr. and Mrs. C. Carroll Sticker," of 1323 Diamond street, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Elmer H. Bobst, of-3835 North 16th street, are motoring through tho New England States and CAnada during the month ot August." Mrs. William Albert Wood and hor daughter, Miss Eleanor Harvey Wood, of Mount Airy, will spend the month ' of August at the Aberdeen Ilotef, Longport, N. J, Mr. and Sirs. Roberts Gratz Foil, of Felstead, Chestnut Hill, have left for Winter Harbor, Me., where they havo taken a cottage for the summer months. Dr. Wilfrid B. Fetterman. of 7047 Ger mantown avenue, will leavo on Saturday for Bay Head to spend a fortnight. From there Doctor Fetterman will go to the Adlrondacks for several weeks. Northeast Philadelphia Sllss Mary Croiithamel, 2247 North ReeBo street, has returned from a lengthy visit to friends at Doylestown. Miss Bella Backert, 2232 North Hancock street, will be tho guest ot Mrs. David Strumpf, at her cottage on Connecticut avenue, Atlantic City, during the month. Sir. John Dohmer and Sir. Benjamin Schadd are spending their vacatlrti down the Delaware on a motorboat cruise. Sir. Joseph Bishop, Sir. Charles Bachert nnd his son, Mr. Charles Bachert, Jr., en tertained members of tho, Kensington Fishing Club at the opening of their cot tage at Anglesea last Sunday, Sir. John Brennan, of 4th and York streets, Is spending his vacation around tho Delawaro Water Gap. Bliss Ellzaboth Slorrlson, of Howard and Vork streets, will' leave shortly for several weeks' vacation to tho various coast resorts. Mr. and Sirs. William Gohl, one of the newly married couples of the Kensington section, have taken up their residence at 2997 Aramlngo avenue. They recently re turned from a trip. to Willlamstown, Sir, and Sirs. Timothy DIneen and Sirs. Slay Leslie, of 626 North 12th street, have nna to New York for a week. Later they will travel through the West. 1 i Mrs. LOUIS A. FEBttY Who with ' her little daughter, Mis Paqjine Furry, will close their bouse, 8211 Powelton ave nue, and go to Chelsea for the re mainder ot the season. Mrs. Ferry wilt be remembered as Mi Jb Wilson, of geuUi Piulfideiohia. s, i j-' - m '.;, ZlgHILAPELPHTA. THTTRBBAY, AUGUST MR3. "WALTER M. JEFFORDS Frankford Miss Evelyn M. Newhall, of 4535 Dltt man street, has as her guest Miss Hazel V. Paris, of Somcrvllle, Moss. Miss New hall and Miss Paris wero friends at Wellesley College, from which Miss Paris recently graduated. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Horner, of Foulk rod street, accompanied by their daugh ter. Miss Dorothy Horner, .ore spending their vacation at Atlantic City., Miss Mary Manson, of Lcsher street, Is spending somo time at Hartford, Conn.. a3 the guest of her brother, Mr. John Manson, formerly of Frankford. Mr. and Mrs. David D. Mercer and their granddaughter. Miss Jcanottn Mer. cer, have left on a month's visit to their daughter ln Burlington, Conn. Millbourne Mrs. David Cole, of 27 Millbourne ave nue, will leavo Bhortly for a two weeks' visit In Royersford, Pa. Tho creotlon of the new borough hall la followed with great Interest by tho citi zens of Millbourno. Lansdowne Sir. and Sirs, C. F. Walters, of Owen avenue, will spend this month at Ocean Grove. Sirs. Slary Brown, of Greenwood ave nue. Is the guest of Sirs. William Pich ard at her cottage In Barnogat City. Sir. and Mrs. Howard Shrlver, of Balti more avenue, will spend August and Sep tember at Cape Slay. Sir. and Sirs, Elliott Beach, of High land avenue, enteralned at dinner at the Casino, at Willow Grove, Tuesday eve ning, In honor ot Sllss Slartha Beach, of Shadeland avenue. Roxborough Sirs. Adelaide L. Jefferles, of Merrmhls. Tenn., who has been tho guest of Sirs. Emllle Warren, of 5926 Ridge avenue, has returned to her home. Mr. Domlnlck F. Lanlgan and Mr. Wil liam F. Lanlgan, of 4509 Smlck street, have returned from a visit to their upcle. Sir. Bert Lee, a prominent resident of Chester. Sirs. Jane SI, Hentzel, of 5011 Ridge avenue, Wlssahlckon, is spending several weeks at Audubon, N. J., the guest of Miss Kathryne and Bliss Emma Smith. Hotel Arrivals OnEEN'S Henry Ambrose. New York: uavU Laiar, New York; John Morgan, Nlagam JMIIsi Phillip It. Lo Brie, Boston. CONTINENTAL W. 8. Slorrey, Washington; William C. Mamberger. Cambridge: Mr, and Mrs. George II. Martin. Haileton, Pa.) Oscar A. Flnkle, Heading. DOONEn'S Usorge Smith, Scranton; Joseph Murray, Scranton; H. J. Williams, Ashland, Pa.; P. D. Pavls, York. NEW niNOHAM Samuel Silverman, Lake wood, N, J.; H. J. Kite. Chester, Pa.; A. il. Abrnnv, Canton, O, ; Mr, and Mrs. Charles E. liiUI. Easton. ' HANo Kit W. H. Vanatta, Easton; J. IS. Hatch. Heading: M. Mellet. Shenandoah, i'a.; 8. f. Snyder, Uettysburr, WNDSOlt Oeorge Pent. Stafford, pa.; J. L. smith, wimamsporc, ra.; ii. il. atocKton, Lancaster; n, I. 1), Stubbt, Delta, Pa. VENDIO-Leo McCabe. Nswark. J7. J.; J. n. Hunter, liomtsburg, Pa.; W. K. Page, Kris; Mr, and Mrs, T. E. Urares, Albany, N, Y. ADELPIIIA Mr, and Sin. M. Horahan, Pitts burgh; H. Y. lllchards. UJereland; W. ". Day, Jr., Baltimore. Md.; It. srd Carroll, New York. ItlTZ-CAULTON Mr, and Mrs. L. J. King, New York; waiter minus, new York; Mis. 1C II. Pettlt. Dutfon. Pa.; WlllUra C. Pree man, Cornwall Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Ii, French. New York; Frank II, Thompson. Pittsburgh; Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Burke, New Yorki A. Davis. Daltlmore; Mr, and Mrs. ti .M. nan, new Jor. nELLBVUB-BTRATFORD O, Berrien. New VP I-. ft V DatA.. UlltllW... i o. 8. Forcier, Ht ijiulu D. II. ualnea. Enslsnood. N. J.: Mr, and Mrs. J. a. Lamont, Tltusvllle. Pa,; Mr. and Mrs. W. ii. lloeitwell, Pottsvllle, l'a.i V. B. Urooks Baltimore; V. Q. Smltn, Syracuse; U. S. Miller, New Haven! Mr. and Mrs. Waltsr Nagle Trenton, N. J.l Warren Wright. New York; Chester D. Llbby, Boston: Mrs. II. C. Keeser, Pittsburgh; M. C Whiting, New York, WALTON Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Thompeon. Bridgeport, Conn.: Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Clark. Baltimore: U W. Walton, Chicago; T, P. Duffy, Chatanooga, Tenn, BTENTON William 8. Wlloutts. MorrUtown, N. J.: W. W. Oreely. Newport. Pa.; a A. Buss. McKeesport, Pa. mr nivini!-ll n Wllliamf. Roanoke. Va. : T. Thomas. New York; Mrs. M. Bergen, Cl igo: tt- n. ut.oane, vaiiiuiws. RITTENHOUSE J. F. Hanoook, Chisago; Mrs. U. Bingham, Ilagerstown, Md.; Mrs. B. U, (!atle. Da Moines, la.i Mrs, W. MirshaH, Chicago, Notice for the Society page will be accepted and printed la the Evening Ledger, but all each notice nuibbi written on on ld of the paper, must b signed la full, with full bd drc, ad when polbU telephone number must be fiven. Bead all such cofamuhicatlonj ta "Society Editor," EtIT ledger, (09 Chestnut street. Dale these) requirement ore carried cut tb vil8atla may t possttile. th eUce srlU set It sholk, Mrs. It. E. Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Morrison. The guests wilt be taken up tho Delawaro In Mr. Kano's motorboat "The Test." Phila. School of Design for Women IlHOAl) AN1 MA8TEII STREETS Itrnpens September 27, ID IS. Full courses ln Art and Indmtrlal Art, Practical Dolsrlng In all Its branch. Illustration. Costume Illustration. I". A. II. WIDKNEtl FKt.I.OWHIIir to EunoPE roii hesion Central Educational Institute 6 SCHOOLS Over 2000 Students Last Year. Business. Preparatory, Commerce and Accounts, Music. EnitlnosrlnR and Building Construction. Srnd for Sprcial Catalog; and Illustrated Book lt. Central Y. M. C. A.. 1421 Arch Strsst. Strayer's Business College will make nn excepjlonally attractive offer this weak to any person desiring a business education. 801 to 807 Chestnut street. Phlla, Tlln IIOLMAN SCHOOL, 2204 WALNUT ST. From Montesor! through, Collega Prepara tory. Girls and small boys. WAYNE, TA. ST. LUKE'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS Wayne Pennsylvania FALL. TEIIM OPENS SEPT. 22 CIIAMDEllSBUlta, PA. iiaiSEi PENN HALL SCHOOL H FOR aiRLS s Located In the beautUul Cumberland & Vnlley. Collego Preparatory. Modern B! Language and Special Courses. CsrtlO- Ei cats Privileges. Rooms with private t?i bath. Hotel Gladstone, Atlantic City, g) N, J., occupied by school during May g each year. Work continues without In- m terruptlon. Rates. 500. For catalog p) and views, address FItANK B.MAG ILL, gj A. M.. Principal. )J iEEMaaJHMeiaisjMaaciJciHfiiaicueia OARUSLK, PA. PI1NWAY HALL First-class Prepara LUlXYVrll a-iu-n ory Sch0O wlth ap. proved courses, experienced teachers and com Elete equipment, Alms to develop strong men, CaUlogue. W, A. HUTCHISON, Headmaster. 8WIMMINO "V, CENTRAL NATATOIUUM M. For Men and Boys, Unlimited use to C. members, I month. 13.00: 3 months. A. U.uUl a year, 112, Boys, oni-tbtrd rats. 1431 Prints lessons, a tor 13.00. aiagls Arch st, swims usn, sue; tioys. ix, 5 These Are ,the Weeks When Parents Should Be Deciding the Question of Schools Within a few weeks many of the best boarding schools in the country will open, and between now and opening day parents must decide -what school best meets the peculiar needs of their boys and girls. Don't let it go until the eleventh hour. Begin thinking about the matter today and you will have time enough to go over the different schools thor oughly. Come to Ledger Central and let us help you. Our representatives have yisited all of the best schools in the East and it will be' aa easy matter for us to advise you. LEDGER 5, 1015, CHILDREN'S SEASHORE HOUSE IS SCENE OF GAIETY AT AUGUST TEA- First Reception of the Season uomeuape Alay Golf Tournament Is of 9 Interest to Many. rnttfe Children's Seashore Housa at Art- J-napolls and Atlantic avenues waa the keeno ot a fashionable gathering yester day afternoon' when the first of the series of August teas was given. Mrs. Walter Langdon Eustls and Mrs. John King -Van Rensselaer poured tea, as sisted by Mrs. Edward J. Porteous and Mrs. S, Benton Porter. Those who pre sided nt the lemonade tables are Mrs. Charles P. Fox, Mrs. W. D. Edmunds. They were assisted by members of the younger set. Xirs. William H. Bennett was assisted In receiving by Mrs. Wal ter A, Bailey, Mrs. F. N. Blssel, Mrs, George W. Carpenter, Mrs. E. Payion Carpenter, Mrs. W. D. F. Edmunds, Miss .Margaret Lennlg, Mrs. H. A, Ilansley and Mrs, J, R. Reed, Another largo card party was given last night nt the Roynl Palace Hotel for the benefit of the building fund of tho Church of the Holy Spirit. Two hundred tables wero In piny with a prize for each table. The following Indies received! Mrs. Wlll liamson, Mrs. B. F. Gladden, Mrs. Rose Murray, Mrs. Charles Pfelfer, Mrs. Anna scott, Mrs. James Hand, Mrs. William Kelly, Mrs. Fred Kern, Mrs, M. R. S. McCloskey, Mrs. Anna Brown, Mrs. .lames Harklns, Miss Agnes' Dunn, Miss M, A. Hayes, Miss Anna Percy, Miss Elizabeth Lynch, Miss Fanny Sweeney. CAPE MAY, Aug. 6. Somo ono cleverly summed up the weather conditions and the golf tournament news In a fow words. Here It Is: "Gcncrat Humidity and Colo nel Bogey had a serious clash on Mon day ot tho Capo May Golf Club with re gard to the ladles' tournament. The Gen crnl averred that, considering tho torrid conditions which he had created, tho ladles should stay in tho seclusion of tho cooling breezes on tho porch. Tho Colonel contended, on tho other hand, that It was his day for the amusement of the fair visitors and the general had exceoded his authority In meddling with estab lished conditions. Of courso somo ot the ladles pityingly took the wart of tho old General, but a larger number defied him and started oft on their .regular weekly point-scoring medal-play tournament." Mrs. W. M. Weaver won In Class A. Mrs. II. M. Langdon was victor ln Class B. Others playing wero Miss Mario Starr, Mrs. Frederick S. Harding, Mrs. T. Herman Votterlcln, Sirs. Howard E. Pepper, Sirs. L. A. Davis, ,11188 Florence HOLMDAYSnUltO, PA. Miss Cowles' School HIGHLAND HALL FOR GIRLS, Hollldaysburg, Pa, In tho healthful mountain country of Pennsylvania. Every opportunity t for outdoor life. Preparatory for Bryn Slawr and all other colleges; certificate privilege. Music, Art, Domestic Science. All rooms con nected with bath. Swimming pool, gymnasium and sleeping porch. MISS EMMA MILTON COWLES, A. B. Head of School CIIESTEH. KifSyrVMnia ' 'Military College' ' with Preparatory Department Nearest of ill collceeS Id the discipline, phy- icai iraininir ana eaucauoa ui West Point. Ace limit, 14 years and upward. Total en rollment limited to 1W. Decrees eranted ln Civil En gineering, Chemistry. Arts. For catalogue address C.I. CI1AS. E. HTATT, Pr..IJ.st. Box DCS, Cbutar, Pa. MEncERsnuna, pa. Merccrsburg Academy Aim of the flchool A thorough physical, mental and moral training Tor college en trance or business, Spirit of School A manly tone of self-reliance under Christian masters from the great universities. Per sonal attention given to each boy. Location In the country, on the western slope ot the famous, Cumberland Valley, ona ot the most beautiful and healthful spots of America. Equipment Modern and complete. New Gymnasium. Write for catalogue. Address Box 140. William Mann Irvine. LL. D., Head, master, MercTburr, Pa. HALTIMOnE. MD. AFFORDBY NORMAL SCHOOL Kindergarten Primary Diploma. The lltk Session begins Sept. 2T. Course of 2 years. Model and Practice Schools. Elisabeth Silk, man. Prin., Oilman Apart. C, Baltimore, Md. STAUNTON, VA. Alary Baldwin Seminary, Staonton, Va, Lo cated In Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Unsurpassed climate; modern appointments. Tsrros moderata. Pupils may entsr any time. Catalogue, MUs g. C. Weimar, Principal. AIXENTOtVN, PA. Allentown Preparatory School p; boys (or leading colleges & unlver. Bpl, dep't (or younger boys, nsw ujags. ah avaisucs. xukq standards. Large campus. Jnclu. terms JitW. Catalog. Add. Franls L. Slrman. A. M Prin. Jr Broad and Chestnut Streets CEOTMAL Was Held Yesterday at Seaside "WW? Hancock. Mis. Catherine Deerine aridl .. ir. ai, cnevonson. Some Phlladelphians who will spend' ' i V::i' "I:?, "Brr. ro ' ana Mrs. A. v LW, lw4, 5, A: J- Conway, .... .... u. ,. names, qi uaia, ra, Mrs, W. J. McOarrv. n M tA. avenue. Is giving a series of bridgo pr ties during the summer months, 1 i-.i-.'ioh?,-r.Vflmpbe11- of Philadelphia, is at the Hotel Lafayette for a fattnlght Recent guests at the Lafayette Hotel on the beach front Included a number ot University of Pennsylvania athletes, both past and present. They were Robert B, v.yie, an oia iraeK star, and now coach of track nt Pcnn Charter, also Dbn Llp plncott, dear to the hearts of Phlladel phians, others ln tho party were "Nig"' Ifoons, H. H. Ingersoll and Fred DaVls. from the Varsity gridiron squad, Sir. AMhur Marls makes weekend tr)p to Capo Slay during tho summer months. Sir. nnd Sirs. Warner O. Earnshaw, ot Johnson street, Germantown, have to turned homo from a motor trip to Cape Stay. They wero guests at tho hew Hotel Capo Slay for sovVat days. A number of notable and Interesting people are registered at the Hotel Capn mons mem me Hon, Iiannla Ty lor, former United States Ambassador to pnlnj also Sirs. Jessto Alcorn Swift, nc companled by her daughter. Miss Jewell Swift, and her son. Sir. Janies Alcorn Swift. Sirs. Swift Is the daughter" of the late Governor and United Slates Senator James L. Alcorn, of Mississippi. As usual, Sir. and Mrs. Thomas TVrlg gins, of Germantown. are spending sev-. ernl weeks nt this attractive resort With them arc their children. Sir, Wrlgglns may be seen almost any day on the llnka at the golf club. WILDWOOD. Aug. B.-Mr. and Mrs. G. Dore Cogswell, of the Robeson Apart ments. Camden, motored to Hotel Ottens, where they Joined the Woods party fop the week-end, I .Sir. Ft H. Slulhern and Sir, J, O'Brien, ot Philadelphia, were week-end guests at the home of Sir, and Sirs. H. J. Mulhern, , of 3d avenue. Sirs. Thomas Lamon has been the guest of her son, Sir. John Lamon, for the last 10 days, as also Sirs. Jennie and Sllss Ethel Hacker. Sir. Jack B. Slorgan, of Pittsburgh, Is , tho guest of Sir. and Sirs. Carl V. Shcrrod, of Chicago, who aro staying here. NAZARETH, rA. Nazareth Hall Military School Takes the parent's place for boys from eight to sixteen years. Ono ofthe oldest Boarding Schools for Boys In America, Established In 1783. Sfnd for Catalogue; you will be pcascf?. Rev. S. J. Blum, D.D. Prin., NAZARETH, PA. ii.utnisBUito. i'j Harrisburg Academy A country school founded 1788. Uodsra buildings, targe campus. Advantages ot small citssrs ana inaiviaual instruction. Thorough college preparation. Rates f 400 1600. Supervisee athletics. Separata school (or younger boys. We Invite closest Inves tigation a personal visit If possible. Writs tor our catalogua and plans o( new dtr mltory. Address ARTHUR E. BUOWN, II. A.. Headmaster SALTSIlPnu, TA. UIS1UJ1INETAS HPIIINOB BrilOOL FOR HOYS Indorsed by every American University. In dividual plan of work (or each boy. College Preparatory Course and a good training for business life. Special course In agriculture. .Scientific physical care. Pure water, good (ood, 200-acre farm. A school ot character, 28th year opens Sep. 21. Write for Cat's No.2. KlaUlmlnetaa Springs School, fialtibarg, Pm, WYNNEWOOD. TA. "Country Day School for Boy" If you wish to place your boy In a refined, manly atmosphere where thorough teaching and healthful exercise will be In vrgue this Is, the proper school Opena September Md at Wynnewood, 'a. Address Iter. Gibson Bell. A.B., D,D Head Master. 8510 Navahoo Street. Chestnut Mill. Pa. BETHLEHEM, TA. BISHOPTHORPE MANOR A select school for girls. College preparatory ana nnismna cuuracs. jicciiva siuaje. dress CLAlfDB N. WYANT. Principal, 2M. South Bethlehem. Pa. Ad. Box MORAVIAN SKMINARY A COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, BETHLEHEM, PA. Accredited, lTJtb year Sept. 22. 1019. UT1T2. PA. LINDEN HALL SEMINARY ForOlrie. Ea,lT40. BkL Ad. Bo Jie,Litlti,p. v . jt MS. J FriJL ot tm . fff J wrtfie AA&& i ?m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers