EVENING I KS CLOSE STRONG; PHILEIIEM IMTS 307 fluctuations, With New Bccords in Industrials 1,-in Demoij P-GEJRrZHlLABlLPHTA- THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1 LEQAgARESWERE TAKEN ,UP IN WALL STREETTODAY 915. t,.i 11 NfiW TfOttK, Aug. 6. , flay of sharp fluctuations . 7 irnMnts on m now xoriv P'?1'?1 Another violent rise ;eW"i- . 4. wi,nli sent It . .fli rp.cnrd. was the S&dturo in tho early dealings filml u,. morning . tv.ni. J". J:'.ii.j Fttatns Steel com- fflllie w .,, Mo.l,.) iiMl lis yuo." "' -- 'irfe was n WHO. scrnmuio or - inn uuioo.1 .. H...- -.....- . ,V. n ,a ai iv "r .; liter uiu m iiii 71V4, but large not show nny rango or price, ino yesterday. Bethlehem f-Wtea to 301 before U o'clock, wt Me Steel moved up abovo 75. t Btee' rose iiuim. i . ..n.inrl a TlOlllt WCfO IlWldO 'i " tllMiAr? i lu- Alnriiiln CiihI pri!Mr Steel sprmss, v.u.u.uU xu 'i'iy. York Airbrake, American linMB ..UriIm T.nnnmntlVp. ATSlf. J(HU.1" ww...- 'wSwRr'.j .innl worn In unusually AnA. Beading advancing across KtiunUal gains were . maa. in ftul an" uanuumii '"-'"- - iras an oxecpuuu w mw n- r.u 01 S.ireilKl". uyciiins Jt "at lift. 8na t"on Inll,n lo " .ima Stcol reacieo. mm Jwjork Stock Sales K-'-mi Allls-Chntfrf Mft'pref, Am Agf Chemical.,., Am Hoot bujar.. ,..,, Am uan. 37H 70H 68 03 68 lLr.hJ ' Clot, dd4 32M 33 32M C8!f 67 D3H 67H 37M 71X 67 93H eg 3IH 09 67 03 68 7M 35H 21 2)!. 8H, W. 4114 1,2 U M4' 145 OOH 60H 7 34W 24 12 2P! Mlf 07 7BH 42, 1001, 109t 109 7 38M 21 12 20j 64H 07 70J 44M IP 227 27 88 lIAr noted In a few other Issues. w&t i anna Steel was another Issue to Si new high record today whllo &?,".. nhd rally In Studobaker. S..Monal Harvester Jumped 3V4 points jfiffi States Cast Iron Plpo pre attijrwt & Tho common advanced S-early afternoon attempts to tako S8,?. ...j i. .him ronetlona thrnilch. mK!kdutrlal list and the bears helped taL .lanir. Many Issuos became quite 'Si for a time, but Steel received sup SfoiUr. declining a point. Western SL. turned eellerfl, Ono reason glvon Sin , U'nrtaw. Meantime rnllroad IS, resuted prcasuro well. There was Ssieel was for English account. tf&Taclflc. Canadian raclflc and other ?Ltii -in. moved ud as the after- SiMed. and this eteadlcd tho ISitrll. checking the decline In that ,rfi irniHiiviii I'cui Kti uvi ... v.. Wings and U. S. Steol also moved Am Car, pre."".""' in?,, ,2Sft 57, 68 Am Coal I'roducU ...U7U (' Am Cotton on .... '.V.! ,4?.. AttlllA.?; -"' u aM Am Jco KccutltlM, 24 Am Linseed ..,.,,, wu Am Linseed pref ..., At" AmLocomotlTe hriS AmLocomotlrepf,.,, m ..... .vv. lUUUUIIOJ,,, 431 AmBuearlteflnorlcj.Mioojj AmTeT .?:::--!!axi2Kiw rss AmTohur." .'.US "..4 122 Amwooicn.;.;:;;;::: 227r Am Woolen prof 84Wto H7 wrmnjwperpf.. OX Hi 7 714 Anaconda Copper 71 7.1; , -ifl A!" I 2 ......10IM 101K 1IH ,n?JJ fticmson i' a a f pt. . osif anu aau Hair Atlantic Coast Lino.. .loo" looli im" iffi Baldwin Loco w Baldwin Loco pref ....100 ioflH 103 iniH Baltimore & Ohio gQU llu l.u JL Malt & Ohio pref. .... 71JW 71 Toll -u Bethlehem T3teel ,& X ' '" Bethlehem Steel pf.... 132 135 it, ?5 Brooklyn IUnTr.n,. Mfxi, JS. "S 1??. . nmt k...i. rsj z?r ?u.. . cai reTroieum-.r;.::;:: ?$ 7 k Cal Petroleum pf 33 38 m Canadian raclflc. 144 147J4 i44 Cent Leather Co 42J 44U doit Cent Leather Co pf ...i03K 10W 1W Chesapeaku & Ohio . . . d';. .iu j,. n n n i ci t ;;;. :r" 7X' Chlno Coppper Chlcatro Ot West... Chlcaco Ut West pf, Chilli &p Chi MIL & St 1'aul . Chi & Northwest 32K 4UM Il 20M 10H 81H 33 1UH 12U 31H 10H wit 33 4&H 11H 20H 15 81 COM 17 38 140H 44 10l 415i 33 40 12X 3Ui KM . 19.1U 1'.'4I IOOI i,m, Col Fuel & Iron 40J 41K 40 411 Consolidated Gas 12aH 128 12S i9s t0)i 04 88M fc05f 101 lOltf 101)( 101H 16 16 16 lCJJ SOW 80H 80J 80H 10iM 103U 102 lOOh 111 108 6M 5 7)4 in 27H 27 VC' '. .. ,!..!... I ,UA Hlflol V.I11. aj with advancing quotations for XLumj rfwi ns well as pig Iron were tho feeAftctora In the early rise of tho in KStrlaU. accompanied, of course, by war (rterUlt A new inquiry ui una uioret' ijjwiounljng to more than $80,000,000 was sjjtoljeln sight. In fact, there seems Ijti no limit to tho amount of materials '.( in laws required Dy ino lilies, ivaiur Wm pools are operating In tho mar- k'ft.ti lake advantage of the unproced- BraK opportunity to boom stocks. In BetMfttm there are said to be at least mm (roups manipulating tnq snares, one Kf.Fhich Is made up of some of the In K'lndaala who formerly formed the old SHtidine pool. Continental Can advanced Kare than T points around midday to a mh high recorl on war-order rumors. Ij the bond trading a feature was tllo avy dealing In "Westlnghouso Electric i, when Issued, some $123,000 changing ,nds at prlceq ranging from 112ft to Jl. Bethlehem Steol Refunding 5s tre also active, about $152,000 selling up W&. pOfcisn niiSERVES larger Statement Also Showed 'Gain Nft in Bullion. ISfiON', Augy 5. An Increase of mora fiWut million pounds In reserves was this week's RtnfpniAnt nt thA Kfft'England. No change was mode jTOydijeount rate. Comparisons fol- Thls week. Lat week. rouna. 1'ounds. :n.Mi.ooo 177,iriB,O0O tl3,3IU,O00 8.1,107,100 Wi.llfl.OOO 45,KI5,tHXI Continental Can Continental Can pf,.. Corn Products Iter... Com Prod Ilcf pf.... Crucible btecl.i Crucible Steol pf Cuban-Am Sugar Den & Rio Grande... Den & Illo Grande pf. Distillers Securities,... Domo Mines 21H Krlo 57 u Krle 1st pf 4i;j Krlo 2d pf 34 General Electric 174 General Motors 181 ucncrai Motors pf ....104 Goodrich B K Co 62M Great Northern pi HOH ui cis ror on prop. 42 uuggenncim isipl..,. Inter Acrlculturo Inter Agriculture pf. . Int Harv Corp Int Harv Corp N J.. Int Con Corp Int Con Corp pf .... Inter-Met vot t c... International Paper.. Intcrnat Paper pf. ... Inspiration Copper... Kan City Southern... Kansas City So pf... Lack bteel.i Laclcdo Gas Lehigh Valley Louis & Nashville ... Maxwell Motors Max Motors 1st pf . . Max Motors 2d pf ... Mexican Petroleum... Mex Petroleum pf,... Minn & St Louis 15 Mo Kan & Texas (1H Mo Kan & Toxas pf . . 17U Miami Copper 20H Missouri Pacific 2)( Montana Power pi.... 102 22 27!f 42M 34 78 103X 111 5 10 27H 22 27H 42K 33!f 5 8 26M 21H 27 4I 33U 174M 172K 172U 101H 18W 101K 100 103 1011 52)f 63 llkK ll8)f 42 42 G3 63)f 11 28 04 pfew York Bond Sales ASS Am" t Oil 4Ma.. (HUM Amer Tel tit .... , tfo.cvt.4M....... woo Armour Cu 44i. . . , . Atchi.on hdl ., . vSS 5 ov :..., ww u Avohio 'an ;: ; poou do 4 ,..,.v,,.,;. 11MJO do cv 41m..,..., . I0A0O do rid 3, ihff, rvl.". "..T 5 m8..iwi ?2SH k,n' 'ae 111 4 ssC iSr. hnt n J b ua iiZ ri;M ul v 4M-i.. nu i?oo cm Ma b, V 'liU'i: 2 'Sifgjlis 2tw dJ X KS2 Z '.7,'V.S??'. M inn.1 . . :T . JU.M 17ll. . 1IHH .. !-- -r-T. 1000 Del 1000 n.t iSV.. i"A'. OCOU Me conv 4a gr A. , WO Ktia lonv 4a Jl. ti livS L." V?" for H... 118 IO0060 iJ.Vi.' .??.". ;. 0j ISSilfi loco Jfif'f. Nih-ii:; 7oSoL,oni,,i: :::::: go "SSIItfrei 20UO M J .'J' 4 1060.... oil iumi m v ri.- jr,"::'w ;....: :i muj "aii mill,. :'."' .. -u.. .. -"wraa1 I 9'iti .kfesw!L ftflLiVHflLiBRWTa.; i si 1 High. txtv,. 1. M. ry VjliKBKiSt .'? " ..loivt Win lyi .M - "ilkT t .. m m Hi Isfln fHfc . S si S mh ,.MP ' ' 'IBUO sa fn '.rw-'J ! . ' 1 luou loon ' - .rflEe, s '?' JiMl . H.1U kali ;,''. WltJS-SvSi' iVHHBu D0 sou 1 ' .!S2. m9H9i 14 i?S"j v itM'P VwmSI Si 12W naUmSEM. lm A. -,".v : , 1 lOuiv ECTtiSlfv ?' S''r !'' 1 mil HkillSI i ' 'V.X - no4. """ ' ' - ' - I 1 INDUSTRIALS ERRATIC LOCAL HALF-HOURLY SALES 16 to iOiSO A. M, I fe;;;i rinses SS 01 aod SS : ; 7iH Swj.o-::i' a &n ;.".":iiU - .ww uiviaiii u loou "''.i 102M uiH- nn 08 08H 11000 N BIt5ysiB VV 1 i Olftl 4U... tAif lOtl ?i?K3..:::::S inacv-a::::::-:! 102i 02ft 40ji 101! 101K i: .ilia .t.. . :! N v ni. r".1r. "!5 5," " "! "i'SC. S!" 5t cvt 4U. wv nur, XTab. . - 1 3... a...., . DofKi 5.:u? "i n' inonn ?:" " !. iicoT. hS 'KVk" .! ?7 sssssKtiftMrfST.: iXv. i. .R .".'.""d 0 ion, ion 110 77 lonvi ion es 30 1V2K simmm i 80000 South Poo cv'i; M "M 0( ?i" 'A"'..?'" 0"- JOSEPH WAYNE, JR. President of the Girnrd National Bank, who thld week Is celebrat ing tho 25th anniversary of his connection with that institution. do,, 02 30. ra 0, ,.,,,... 63 dd, ,,,,.., 61 dO.. ...... M do.,.,,,.,1 os do., ta SO C?mtr1"RtaAl KOU 800 do M7 100 Elec Slornite. 03 200 . do. M 100 Cambria 8tl B2)J 100 Klea Btortgo. S so carobrla Steel BJ ou . ao. ,,,,,.,. m 100 U B Stetl.... 71 .SO dd ,,., 7114 100 Elc Stoma. 02,4 h i'JZ? " ' " "' W, UU,,it,,, D'fc 5oS f Hr. oj ig do ., m" ffl gi,v .. ?,, 100 U 8 Steel.... 71 00 u 8 Steel..,. 71U 400 do,.. , 71 BO Elec Stouie. twi, $$ pnna .... B4 100 do,...,..,, oj ICO Kleo Storage. (V) Jffi J? oj so do., ...., n.i ?, J J io do.,,,,.,., oau 95 .. da..,..,,., 09 IB do...,,,,,. OiK 10 U B meet.... 71H1O0 dS l2 100 Dtee Storage, o& To do 02U iuo .. do,..,,,.,, es loo aiii !him.. nau 40 Eire Storage, m SS 52 9 rj. i "...,. , jw ixire cup gor 1 .10 do ,, I J40 do , 10' ivv utn Apn prd TO JOO Lake Sup Cor I04 100 Ileadlng... 781.1 100 Kleo Storago, 0314 ,. . v. .,.,.. IV1 12,'SO to 1 P. M. 100 Qen Aph pfd 00 JS Mk sup Cor 10' K & C1 10 Krlo 37 10 rnua Trae . 20 Eleo Storage 2B do , 130 11 A R t e pt. 40 eo on Aaptiait. 3 10 . do 93 10 Elec Storage. 03U Wl An . Itlti 800 Uku nop Cor 10H 10 Allla Chalm.. 3GK ,S fir ;. 73, ,BO do, 30S 60 den Aaphalt. as loo U Q I ,,.,.., 831i IlONDS. 1000 Penna gen 4lt. ,,,. 07tt 1 to 1:30 P. M. 10 pj zo no 1000 K. n'''"'. BOOOThTr.1 iVT-V..." 100 nnnh ir ae,"."7 :u' " 70 "WO Union pSc 1' -4,. 102U 1000 Union Pac ft " '!i isom y? v? ri'..:::: ?s Sw'aW?m'''t---'."io "- ' J "t CI 4S. 10000 Wftb OTWOO W C0000 Wab-P T rr a. r " 84000Sve.ti3&M'c'v,B,..:S 00 on 100 70 102U 80 43 00 10JH to 112' 104' Ml, 00 loo 70 IP 80 13 00 'iT 4i 30 1 631f 110 431f K4 14 29H W.i 111M 100 035f . 10 . 27 (CO .100 21H . 74Jf . 20H , OH . 38K . 34 . 241$ . 60X 64 102 103H 102 143f 144H 143 112 110 110 37 S5 34H 80K 70f 15 VI 21 20f 3H 102 21 74 20H OH 38W 34M 25k 67H fiU 20H 74 20H 0 33 33H 24f 60H 64 , 30JJ 85 33 79H cO 34 83K 33H 78W 78 15 OH 18 20M 2H 102 23 06H 110 M 14K 13Jf 29H 04!f 100K 20M 74 20M M 3SK 34 25 67M 64 I03M 144K 110 34 85 34 7fctf 78 15 7 20H CH 3H 102 23 05H 110 4!f 14K Jj!ll0q .. 'a,4!l(l,O0U BjSJlS0l(ts.l47,O,VI, U00 7:ePMl'J F4.221.U.I0 SJUHOt'ttf 4B,874,W)0 ttB,4'UM.lll5,2IU,O0U teff ..... 47.183.000 iwrttarof me... 's 10.80 ou.vou.oou 6 Last year. Pounds. UU.103,000 ll.40U.OOO BU,74U.1 00 11. 011.0 10 U3,3B1,U00 0,000,000 14.00 iT.ta.-.'.oo'j tl NEW YORK CURB nid. fi-ia Tii'awo''old','.',,.'!"ri!!!!! uu BCaninVa' fsJfcsCopper . Wttet, ....... 3R5J , tor .. 4kdieteiua VSWBJ ja ..41R ..410 .. I'l. .. 40 .. 3tfK .. 'it . .1110 .. 5V1 .. 7014 .. 0314 .. a 2 ptei Proaucta tiO lW.CHr Store 100 lfprerred ...107 !? SJ' Sharing new,',,' ffflioU ".'.'.'.'.' 314 Aaked. 5 IB 1(1 42B 42B 4V" Mli 103 V4 VI U& HU i u 100 no " as Nat Iinamol & S 24)f 24k Nat Lead 64U 00 Nat Lead pf 110 110 Nat Ity of M2d pf... 4k 4k Nov Con Copper 14M 14H N Y Mi Brake J..112H 110H 113H 114H NYCentral OOM 00k 89H 89k NYNH&U 03W 03M 03 NYCht&StL 30H 31k 31 N Y 0 W "Mi 28k. 28!f Norfolk & West 100 100k 100 Nor hern Pacific 107H 108 107 Pacific Mall 34k 35 34 Penn B R 107H 108k 108 Philadelphia Co 73 75 74 Pittsburgh. Coal 24k 25k 24 Pittsburgh Steel pf .... 02 Pitts 0 C&StL CO Pressed btcel Car 55k Pullman Co 102 Quicksilver 3 By Stool Spring 41k 1 Sales in Philadelphia I Am,-c1,l,I(:,5t?i 100 Uoth stent " S2P .,SH" .' 100 do pref ....... 705 Bftldw.n Loco... 71) 300 Butte & sup... .7 ,ii'' I'UT&Su. t cpf ill) 278S Cambria Steel... 32 -w irucioie uieei... .. IfKl Cr.n !..., 10141 Elec Storage!!! '. fU iO Erie 110 Qen Asphalt.... i 103 do pref ou BO Ini Co N Am.. TM , Key T c t o pf. w 4,.!2 f""? lSup Corp. 222 Lehigh Nav ... 73 B Lehigh Val 72 IB Leh V Tr pt... 31 20 Lacka Steel.. TI. Penn Jtnllroail.. B4 PANIC CLEARINGS 6Sl,lAall.".tdl3, compared wth corro risojirjifiv last two yearai L'4l,J3-W.i70 'vo.v7it.nn3 S'i.jBO.lPO .. l',"I"i 203,000,603 :7:,213,3S0 iiWES FOR MONEY ' ' Ife.:::::;:;::::::: fflh K7rr?. a IKur an 414 fere Banks' Discount Rates Wm BBSS..-,... Time, tl B3J4 2Wfl3g "J lto 11 to 31 to OltotOlto 10. 30. 00. DOQrnos, 3 4 4 414 8 1 3 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4W 5 .-.. 4 4 414 6 . . 4 4 41? B , 4 4 4(4 a ' 8 4 4 4(4 B f.f. . 4 4 S B lr . 4 4 414 -B . i 4 4H B .. 314 4 414 6 Ry Steel Spring pf .... 01f Kay Con copper sj Reading Reading 2d pr 82 Rep Iron & Steel 44k Rep Iron & Steel pf... 08k Rock Island Co k Rock Island pf k Rumley M & Co...... 5k Rumley M & Co pf... 12k Seaboard Air Line 14 Seaboard Air Line pfd 33 StL&SF. 0 03 09 57 42k 04 23 02 CO 64 100 3 40 02k 22k 63 31 2Sk 100k 107k 34 108k 75 24 02 GO 4k ICO 3 40k 03U !2k 3 Penn Sal, tr 702 Penn steel pf 133 Phil Elec ... 125 P n T ...!!! Ti,'0 tr c SO Phtla True... in lfn,, a a 110 Reading ..!!!!! 74 10 Studehal,., 00 Ton Belmont. 1BO Union Trac. 303 U a I ..... 12442 U S Steel . . US W J i Sea, . B Wtlt Coal . . 00 W Cramp & Son 78J BONDS. 0 0 70U 01 300 13S suy, 70 4U S3 7814 l&y, 115 2114 31 0014 2214 00 10T4 vjy. 72 :n 33X 0 .954 ,1 42 7Bi Rl4 3t? 33V 83V if 78M 300 70 4J B2 7T 1SU S8 33 0 22 0(1 UV4 7.1 72 :il WH g" Sit 0 0 71 42' 74' 81 .T 3: 83 70i 47 m 78 3U 133 80 70 411 ni!4 78 V IMi 2i-j 31 UU SPA (Itl 10U 7?' ill sa-A f'HS s U 71 4-'i 73(5 81 3 B.li.4 RIV4 72 47 01 78K HEAVY TRANSACTIONS IN LOCAL SECURITIES Big Buying Orders in Storage Battery Sent Price to New Level for Year.' iSSJ fiMV,Sn!?' Ji!f.?- w- Clo.e J312 cam stl cp lu. on 8000 llarwood El lis.. 0DW 2000 Lake Sup Ino 4s. SO 2000 Penna gen 4W. D7W 1000 Phlla Co con B. 8o2 20 do acrlp 1010.. 00 20 do 1018 08 1400 Phlla Elec 4a.. 7014 1000 do 6a 101 St" 07M 7 80 100 08 80 101 00)4 St 100 08 70 101 00 74 ?714 'Oli 801 100 08 70 101 ..140k 150k 148k 149k 82 45 08k k k 5k 12k 14k 33k fik 10k 7 fit r. & SF 1st Dfd... 0 St L & SF 2d pfd.... 6k Seats, Roe. & Co.... Sloss-Shef S & I Co. Southern Pacific .... Southern Ry ..., Standard Milling... ., Standard Milling pfd Studebakor Co Studebaker Cp pfd.., Teun Copper Texas Co ..... nTAB k Pacific Tobacco Products pf" 07H 100k 82 42k 07k k H 5 12 14 32k 5k 10k 0 129k 130k 129 and 1If a utnrtr nai fQl hanlr!-' a ma nlT n iam I nl t aivd maximum 4 per cenU PRNMENT BONDS ... 07i4 ... 07 ... OT ... 8T . ..101H ...100(4 .10011 ioo2 ,..ioo 11U51 Aaked Istered PB jlstered . . . 1 TtfBlatmfA h rejutered.' IMLuin---- : DMPoa ... I ntbinr.rt ,ttioa..:. ?HEIGN EXCHANGE f"St-"jnw foreign exchange JK."1 demand aterilng off l-8. W B.8ag 81'",, B.23 fasn Bank Gains Gold ,? 0. Th weekly .tateirunt of BJE. tnnA ...,, . S. T" "'... Third Avenuo Union Pacific. Union Paclllo pf ...... 80k UUInd Alcohol 01 D Bind Alcohol pf ... 04k US Cast IP&F..,. 16 USOIP&Fpf.... 30 United Ryslnrejt .... 18 United Rys Invest pf,. 34k U B Rubber. ,..,.... 40k US Steel ,. 70f U B Steel pf Ua United Cigar Mfrs V'"Wt Utah Copper, ,...,67k Va-Cro Chem.., 38 V-Caro Chem. pf 102 Va Iron Coal & 0 .... 48k Wabash Df k ..147k 148k 147 . 43 ,80k 14k 55k 72 83k 102 39k 138 10k 03 61 45k 47 . 87k 87k , 14k 15k 6llk 55k 72 72 83k 85 101k 102 30k 42 139 140 10 10k 51k 52l Wells Fargo Express... 100k 104 Western Union Te! 70. 71 81 60 04k 16 39 17 34k 48k 70k 11214 112 104k 104k 104H 67Jf O0H Of SO 35k 101 101 filk 49k H U JH1 81 01k 04k, ,20 44 17 34k 40k 72k 82 44k 07k k k 6 12 14 32k 6k 10k Ok 148k 40k 87k 165$ 65k 72 84k 103 41k 140 10k 100k 621f 130k SI fO 04k 18k 30 17 34 48U 72k 112k Local Bid and Asked Bid t o. 12 4014 62U 32 on 13 131i OU Baldwin ,,,, jay. do pref .'...,...104 uurr & sub do oref . Cam Steel . Eleo Storage Qen Asphalt do prof .... Keyifone Tel do t c do Dref Lake Rup Corp 10V4 Leh Nav 724 uo.i.Ki, valley ..,,,, tin Lehigh Valley Tr lBVi do pref 30V4 Pennsylvania 84H Phlla Eleo 23 Phlla Co 87 do S per cent pref..., 84 do 0 oer cent nref an .... i T. i-nua ii, i- do t e . neadlnc Tonopah Belmont 8?; Tonopah Mining BU Union Traction 31 U. O. I , ,. K1J4- U. S. Steel 72H York Hallway 0 do pref ..,,. 28 Wm. Cramp tc Sons,,.. 77 TOdAV VmtA.. Aaked Bid Aaked 80 7ii 7011 103 104" 103" 13 12 13 3D 40 S2 82 621i 0314 BS nsK v 22 3tti 32i5 K 70 osfr 0014 VI 11 ikI: h H 13Vi 11 07 00 07 1014 Oli uy 7314 72fi 73 g 72VJ 71?i 72 1BV4 15 . 13, 81 30V4 31 B414 B3(t 84 24 23 24 89 8714 8814 S3 81 S3 40 a.iu inn 84 oil 74 7411 4 w au BH 614 U 33 32 33!i 81 83 8114 72V4 70H 1054 7 0?4 1 30 2S 80 78 7714 7814 I Tho heaviest trading In Electrlo Stor age Battery which has been aoen In many a day occurred during tho nrat hour this mornln,g on tho Philadelphia Stock Exchange. It was the work of only a few minutes to mark the stock up from 58. Inst nlght'B close, to 65. The opening sale wnR at G0V4- Large offerings appeared at the high figures nnd tho prlco fell back. It was snld that some of tho selling came from Now York, where qulto n considerable block of the st6ck has been held for somo years. During the nist hour alone over 6500 shares changed hands. Westmoreland Coal rose $2. The day's total sales of Storago Bat tery were over 10.000 and tho general local trading was tho largest in a long time Cambria Steel, U. S. Steel and Penn Bylvanla Steel preferred were also strong, the Ilrst two showing a good deal of ac tivity. Later the traders turned to the tractions nnd bid those Issues up a sub stantial fraction. So brisk was the gen eral trading in stocks that bonds were practically neglected. Tho afternoon found little let Up " In .activity. A monentary reaction. In which Baldwin Locomotlvo suffered a decline of over a point, was followed by renewed buying of steel, which sont It to a new high for tho last three years. Lake Superior Jumped a point, but the incomes were off three. Baldwin rallied above last night's close and Storage Battery hardened also. That there may bo' somo big orders on the bookn for the Electric Storage Bat tery Company from foreign sources la hardly to bo doubted in view of tho heavy demands for batteries and other electrlo supplies from war sources. The Allies are, no doubt, steadily Increasing their submarine flotillas, where the electrical generator Is an essential requisite. Tho company, however, merely contents It self with reporting a good increase ,In general business and is said to bo earn ing a little over 7 per cent, on the stock. From sources close to the management, however, it was heard that negotiations are under way for furnishing tho equip ment for a largo number of war launches for the English Government, and that somo announcement may be made before tho end of the week. ? ?ffi y, J! !' I'H 10 cambrTi sVmI iffi inn j oiuro. uo aj JtieC Storage. h2f ,:,.. ";,. "H .41 Penna .,.,.,. B !K S D",'' ',, o Eleo storage .; uw. ....,. uyf iiv no. -" ..w... ... . ... ivu ua, ...... 0 renna run. 11m it a at.i ' ?, J3 do.. 84, 100 do.,..,.,.. 71 2 f.mHl" ?'"' SW 5 E1 Storage, JO U S Steel,,.. 71 B do ".. 01 JO ,,dO'.; lU 100 U 8 Steol,.., 7U4 15 Elec Storage, 01 100 do 7l!i .? , flW' B4 .l0 Cambria Steel B2)J ,4.'S! K P T t.c". .8.. luu Klec Htorage. 0214 100 U 8 Steel.,. 7l 43 Key Tel p?5. 60 ip do.. 7lH 10 U 8 Steel.... 71 1 tCIAn Htnratr. (VI fMvVili oia.l Kit' 10 Reading ..... U BUS Steel.,.. 711J Jl 20 Elce Storage. 02 7i(i m u a t , si 71 100 Pa Steel ptd, 85 04 30 Penna 64 71 04 do......... 04 71 S3 Elec Storage. trJH 71 100 U 8 8teel.... 71U n.114 100 Cambria Btcel B2-J 61 4 Elec Storage, 02'C in MKwy a a , ji iw oo ... tivi 400 Cambria Steel XI GO do U2W ,25 Weo Storage. 83U 25 U S Steel.... 71& 200 U 8 Steel.... 70H 12 Idea Storage in u a aieei... 200 do 100 Elec Htorage 100 U S Steel... 7B do ICO do 10 Elec Storage 7 Penna ...... 10 Ilwy s S .,,, 01 rage, 02H 02U !.,. ?b e Storage, R3 rniin ..,,,., ,. 1 .. do.,.,.,.,. Bit o u u I (13 .fi Elee storage, nS 10 , do ,.,. 03' BO Lake Sup Cor 10' 10 Elec Storage, 031 ju 00....,,.,. 03 .20 do..,.,.... (H 10O U B Steel,,., 70 BONDS. logo I.fk,. sup Cor Ino Be...,. 400 Phlla Electrlo 4 , 8000 Harwood Electric Oa ,.., 1:30 to 2 P.M. 2 Phlla T-Arn .20 Eleo Store g. R3U loo do.;, m 10 do ,, 03U 1 00...,...., tu 100 Cambria Steel 62 03 Qen Aeohatt, 33 .10 uaiowin .... , so too Cambria steel B2V4 100 Lake Sup Cor 10H v qo BETTER WEATHER MAP CAUSED SAG IN GRAINS Stocks of Wheat Said to Be About Exhausted Nevv Crop at n Premium. ,,,,, 10 27 27 ,. 80 0lt nn 8 10:30 to 11 A. M. 200 U B Steel.... 7114 10 do 71 100 Eleo Storage. 02 6 Penna 54 2 Cumbria Steel 52 10 Erlo 2714 30O U 8 Steel.... 71 10 camoria steel ora 211 jiec Htorage. u' 100 Amer Can ... SO 30 Eleo Storage. 02 10 U 8 Steel.... 71 B nen Aiph pfd 0014 00 Tonopah Del. 3 100 U 8 Steol.... 7 lit 10 Elec Storage. C214 SO do U24 20 do 0214 10 Eleo Storage. 02)4 5 P n T t c... ot: 200 Elec Storage. C2I4 B do 10O Cambria Steel 5.1 10 U 8 Steol... 2 Pa Steel iifd. 8Bk 1 Eleo Slorace 23 Eleo Storage. 02U 100 do W do 0214 10 U 8 Steel... 3 Penna B4 100 do 20 u S steel.... 71 11 Penna 64 200 Butte Sup ... 70 on jiec Ktorage. wi 71 70 02V4 20 do. 20 Phlla Eleo .. 100 II B Steel.... 100 Butte Sup ... 40 Eleo Storage. 100 do 70'4 100 do......... 70 100 do... 70 100 Eleo Storage. 0214 SO Leh Val Tr pf 31 BO U S Steel. . . . 70 BO do 70i 10 Elec Storage, '"7 024 11 to 11:30 A. M. 10 Penna ,,,... BO U S Steel... 20O Elec Storage iiki ao... 100 Cambria Steel r Klec Htorage n u h Hteei. BO Elec 8torage 10 U S Steel... 60 do 10 Elec Storage 100 do ISO U S Steel... 10 do .1 I'hlln Else . 20 U S Steel. 100 Eleo Storage. 02 100 U 8 Steel 20 co 140 do 10 Elee Storage. 50 U S Steel..., 100 do 100 do 60 Lako Sup Cor 40 V S Steel.... 10 Elec Storage. 140 do 10 do 60 Lako Sup Cor 84 100 Union Trac... I 70 100 Lake Sup Cor ru 20 U S Bteel.... ' 02 1.U1 i:lr, Rtomvn. I '1 3234 10 do I . 412t 10 do . 7,Hi 111 Ti.nnn ... .. 1 02 10 Allla Chalm.. .' 70 3 Penna Salt .. i 70 100 P It T t c... 02 10 do 02 100 U 8 Steel.. 10 Eleo Storage 30 do. 20 Lacka Steel,, BS1 iu nice utorage 10 U S Stetl,:. 10 do 10 Laka Sup Cor 10 .w u b meei,,. 71 100 do...;,..,, 71 100 do 71 .1 Penna ,,.,,,, 34 iu u n aieei.... 71 4,1 140 .10 100 10 20 100 BO 100 10 20 200 03J4 200 Crucible Steel 78V 03K 25 Elee Storage. 03! 01 100 U B Steel.,.. 7lfl 100 do.,.,,,;,. Till 20 do 71 100 do 72 100 do 71U 100 Lake Sup Cor 10 do , 71 do 71' do 71' do., 711 do... 71 do... 71' do 71' do 71' To 71 do 71 do 711 20 do.. 10 20 do 10 .10 U S Steel.... 72 40 do 72 6 do 72 600 do 72 100 do 72 Cambria Steel R2U 100 Lake Sup Cor 10 300 do...,, ... 10 10 do ..... 10 100 do 72 9S in. rn XT A WlL 200 Lako slip Cor 10 u no. iu 10 Eleo Storage. 03 2 to 2:30 P. M. 8 Penna ,.,.... BU 20 tl R Rt.l 7ia 100 Elec Storage. Oil 100 Lake Sup Cor 10 100 do 10 to do 0 15-10 BO U 8 Steel.... 71 BO do .72 ,100 Amer Can ... 0014 100 Pa Steel pfd. 84jJ 10(1 Lehigh Nav.. 73 2 do ,... 73 100 Cambria Steel B2H 10 Leh Val Tr of 31 65 U S Steel..., 72 10 do 100 Baldwin .... 100 do 100 do 100 do 100 do 100 do 60 Eleo Storage B do 200 da 10O If S flleel 71T4 in do 72 100 P B T t c. 07-10 100 Corn Prod.... 1611 BOO U S Steel.... 72 100 Beth Steel.. ..300 too Cambria Steel B2'4 2 Elec tnorago. 0214 160 do 62 10 r II T t e... ok B8 W Jor A 8 S 47 100 U B Steel. ... 72 100 U S Steel.... 72 100 do 72U 10 do 72 100 do 7214 10 Disc Storage. 01 100 do 7214 IS do 03 2:30 to 3 P, .. 23tl ... 72 M. 70 inv, a 23 tun o 70W 5 7014 I no 02 1 20 70U 6 TOW B 7014 II 8 (12 01 4 BONDS. 2000 Phlla Co conn Ba 312 Cambria Steel scrip 1010 BO Cambria Steel 624j Eleo Storago. lllji do aw do OU do 01? do 02, do 1121 do 02h do 02 do. do. 23 u a 10 do. 40 Baldwin 20 U 8 Bteel... 10 do 10 do i iw i 01J4 Steel..., 70i ' IQ SOU oujj Financial Briefs ... 7B 7S!J 35k 101 60k 104 70k i uniin rA.nu ennauia ins .jfjiaftpai 3(LOGA m4l.B'n ili?i'iln- SBJLrka anrl Ar.lt- no tuft rvui J$nuUi J.TT.000 marks. 4SSril.,lS Uh ,r" ""winpuuBa ai la,JUt raaalHny anw ,ul,linM lautut.toii. " " JRX BUTTER AND EGGS !,,?. Lr:Pi"rT8R-irk kiJiT "" " nitajtgtju; extra. JP- otUif, 3tA; 84U E' ,r..lu. Zl ".. n.A ttr WJ3-"" ... fiHM. . i l&n&li. ' JlVTiSit., ronlir 70k WtaiB.4M UUf J12 IU lllfl wSeii Mwlmd..... M if 24 w Western Maryland pf.. 37 38 88 38 WWys OTMtand.. 135k 138k 133k 138k Wlscomla Central 30k 31 30k JI WoworthV.WJCo..l04k V&i 1W 1( LONDON STOCK MARKET U, S, Steel Stronff'Spot in Hesitating Session. war loans were Jhe moat active, issue was lnc',n'Vtc jo? cumulative, rl.a at New "'-.-ELj-i 4 ' tradinjt MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH STOCKS. Bid. Jim Butler, ,.,.., Midway Mlipoh Extension . Montana .......... North Star ....... Tonopah Belmont , Tonopah Extenalon Tonopah Merger ,, Tonopan mining: ., Beecue Eula ...... West End ., QOLDFIELD STOCKS. Atlanta ..,..,... ,30 iiiuoiiuu u Booth ,,,.,,,,,,.,.. Bulldog ,...,,,...... C. O. P.. .,....,,.,, ,.,.....,. Comb. Fraction , Dlamondfleld B, B... .,,,,,,,,, Daisy ,.,,,,. ,,,,,,,, ,,..,., Florence .,, .,...,,,..,,,,.,. Goldfleld Cons ,,,,,,.,,,..,.., uoianeia uerger .,,. Jumbo Exlentlon .83 .10 .21 .31 .12 .31 Bli .07 ,00 Aaked. .! .12 .23 .33 '.14 3D 214 .3U fik .08 .til Kewanaa Oro ,,,........ Sandstorm Kendall Silver Pick ,45 ,01 ,Ui .07 .03 ,01 .44 114 .21 .1.44 . .10 1 .If. ,00 .31 .IH .IT .01 .01 ,UJ oa l.W ,12 ,oa .07 .10 MISCEWXANEOU8. Fairy At?o ...... ..,,,,.,., Ktmberly .,,,,,,,,.,,... Nevada Hill , ,,.,....,,,, Nevada Wonder ,,,..,,,, :Si , 1.43 .( ,05 .20 1.60 COTTON department w .'","' duii ww W SSr. "K uric off m .u ot ne """" V f rha Canadian Tne u., -.. ,.rong. cause tl0H ratiooa eariUngf. rj,ninv' were gtrons- Ct ana jmh j r toiSllMMt pr.pa- Ktt&SL&l'JBSXR zfittM!sfc U lto- A W fw wW jounced. ltJl H2S MiWol&y tMnod NEW YORK,' Aug. 6.-Cotton opened steady thU morning at an advance of J to 3 point?. This was not as good as had been expected an the cables from Liverpool, which moved up 8 to 10 points, their Influence being offset by eonslder abu Mlllng. The weather In the belt was not favorable, but this was Ignored. One trader sold about 10.000 bales on the call, l.x hmiui. usually acting for Liverpool and the South, offered the far positions. After the, tjall the market held well Throughout most of the day prices ruled a to points above yesterday's close. Teat, eloae. open. wga. mjw. '. ..... 8.10 0.81 .BS jzzim n 7 BST..".'.... M-3I 19-19 0.40 V.M U 0.43 o.aa 10.07 o.Js 9. 78 0.70 9.84 B.BT laos 0.33 0.82 S.41 S.73 10. OH 0.35 DIVIDENDS DECLARED vt Oitliena' O&a Company, of IsdlanapoUa, a jSlSil&wf Owfaay. snartsrly 1H Jili. mylut OcMkt 1 te irtook pf rtord At a special meeting of the New Eng land Telegraph and Telephone stock holders an Increase was authorized In the capital stock from $50,000,000 to $75, 000,)X. Three New York Stock Exchange seats sold for $55,000 each, same as last previous sale. American Writing Paper 6 per cent, ilrst mortgage bonds were quoted this morning at 65056. following tho decision of directors to pay tho July Interest on the bonds. Sales were recently made at a price under 52: In fact, at one time fol lowing the default of interest the best bid was 48, The du Pont Powder Company la now making as much powder in 13 hours as It formerly did in a month. The company is buying land to extend Its plants. Chandlor Brothers bid up Electrlo Stor ago Battery. Net profits of American Coal Products during tho last two months are under stood to have been running at the rate of 45 per cent, on Its common stock. Before the war the common had a normal earn ing capacity of between 11 and 12 per cent. The company controls the Barrett Manufacturing Company, of this city. For the June quarter the Utah Copper Company reports total Income of $4,112.2, against $2,817,104 for the Bamo period ot 1914. The surplus was $1,787,803, against $1,017,394 a year ago. Earnings were com puted on a 16.9Sl-cent basis compared with 13.9W cents last year, It Is reported that tentative negotiations have been opened by representatives of Italy for an American loan, of about JW. 000,000 through a sale of acceptance simi lar to those Issued by Russia, The Chicago Board of-Trade suspended Henry C, Hrfckney for refuting to show his books to the board's Inspection Committee, The total value of exports to the United States from London In July-was $11,018,895, as compared with $11,813,555 In Jurte. The Fuse and Detoriator Company, of New York, a mllllon-dallar concern for the manufacture of war materials, was Incorporated at Dover, Pel. Edward B, Smith, of E. B, Smith & Co., Is cruising up the Atlantlo coast to Can ada. " The Court has confirmed the sale of; the N. Z. Graves Tecopa Securities to the Creditors' Committee and foreclosure pro. ceedlngs against the Tecopa property will probably be instituted. The stock was sold for $13,600, r Morris U Parrlsh, of Parrish & Co., 1 spending August at rxaniuwe. uui, Richard Y. Cook le In the White Moun tains for Ms vacation. ANOTIIER BIG WAR ORDER NBW YORK. Aug. 8.-Tto addltJeaal war oriW w RuU For tho &BaB Gar and sfis. m $f a,a- it la aatd to be practically cloiod. The com pony alMftdy baa as Its books ntraot for isrOOO.oqo, and la coosactloa with tbU ,ordr Kuula tuu granted an ejttsnilou sf 00 days la tha 4t of Baal daUtary BAR SILVER LONDON, Aw B. Tba (Wtca of commwcUl ar Ug 9 4-49 9W HW, MWf xxac. 100 Lnkejlup Cor ,tu r ji 11 1. 11:30 A. M, $ 62 02 , 70H 17-10 10 Eleo 'Storage. 02.. 300 U 8 Steel.... 70 M ! B T 0 foo Eleo Storage. 100 ao...... inn TT m Kteel. inn t n v t c. 0 ' 25 Eleo Storage, nm 20 U S Steel.... 70 30 Cambria Steel B2J4 23 Eleo Storage. 01 J4 10 ao "7t SOND3, 20 Thtla Co scrlo 1010 , 20 Phlla Co agrlp 1018. . 1000 Penna gen 4',4 ;1 to 12 M. is p n t t 10 Baldwin 10 Elee Storage. (11 30 Allla Chalm. . 33 25 Ina Co N A. 2214 40 Elec Storage. 02 60 do 02 60 do 02' 60 do 02 30 Penna..,. 63 15-10 10 U S Steel.... 70 SO do 7i) 26 Eleo Storage, 02 . 100 I hlla Elec 104 It B Steel. 00 Elee Storage. 01 100 Phlla Eleo . . 24 100 Beth St pfd.. 136 30 Union True... 1W 25 U 8 Steel.... 72U BO U a I KIW 20O U S Bteel.... 72 100 Lake Sup Cor 1014 10 Cambria Bteel B3 800 U S Steel.... 72)4 45 Eleo Storage. B3 10 Elec Storage. 02 10 Union Trac... 3314 10 do 83VS 100 Penna .... 54 3-10 1 do 51 100 U S Bteel.... 72M 2 do 72U 20 Lako Bud Cor 1011 200 do 10' 200 do 101 BONDS. 1000 Phlla Electrlo-4s 1000 Phlla Electric 6s 2000 Electric A People'a Trao 4 60 Lehigh Nav. . 73V4 10 Penna.,... 61 1-ltl 100 U 8 Steel.... 7214 10O do 72 in Laka sup cor 10 BO Elec Storage. 02 60 do 02 10 TT O I 8.114 n Eleo storage. (, B do 021 200 Cambria Stoel 62' 20 do 1. 10 Alllm Chalm., 300 U S Steel..., 100 do 10 Phlla Trao ., 100 II S Steel.... 30 Elec Storage, :ni oo 23 Cambria Steel 62 100 do 52' 100 Eleo Storage. 021 100 Baldwin CIIICAQO, Aug. S. - An Improved weathor map caused the market to satf, a trifle today after the opening prices had compared favirabjy with yeaterday'a closings. Traders were confronted bsV moat unusual conditions and In conse quence were nervous. Stocks are about exhausted, tho country movement for this period of tho year being virtually at a minimum with no hedging sales. Cash handlers are short and a record crop is in sight with virtually none at hand. The weather Is the chief factor now watched carefully by traders. Its varia tions win be refleoted In the market. There has been too muoh bearish trading. It Is said, and the bears will IiaVe to pny tho penalty, September wheat opened at $L081. yesterday tho final price wag $1.08, !. bid. It did not get above tho opening' prlco in the early hours, declining steadily. December, which closed yesterday at $1.09(?$L09T4, opened at $1.09Vl and then sold oft a trifle. May openfng at $1.14 showed a decrease of c. when compared with the final saltB of yesterday. The general tone In wheat was far from strong, but a better crop movement or continued bad weather will result In a awlteh. Corn was featureless. It did not exceed Its closing prices of yesterday onco In the early hours. Chlcngo cash handlers, It is reported, are shy 2,000,000 bushels for Au gust shipment. Limited recelpta havo put them on tho anxious bench. Oats was sympathetic and followed the decreases of wheat and corn following ... UVcniH. jib unacnone, is said to be strongor than cither wheat or corn, as tho foreign Inquiry for It Is said to be greater. iin3nJPo0rti?,port"1. numerated only 100,000 bdshels, with premium highest on new crop. The Portuguese Govern ment Is said to have authorized tho Im portation of 7,348,068 bushela of wheat. Charters at Now York totaled ICO.OOO bushels. American cables affected tho Liverpool market, which was dull and listless. Spot was easier. A genoral Improvement Is predicted In the near future. Argentine reports were favorable, but tho undertows of the 'market was not assuring. Estimates of the week total 240,000 bushels of wheat; last week, 176, 000 bushels: last year, 456,000 bushels. Corn this week, 6,930,000 bushels; last week, 3,047,000 bushels, nnd last year. 3,293,000. Leading futures ranged aa followa: Wheat- Open. High. Low. Closef'Soa? SoDtemhep .. l.nRV. i ii3t i a,i. ,,;,' .. 2t; (December .. i.outf i.oofl X.07t2 tilosfi ISM :V 1.14 1.14 1.13 "liiatt XluiS Corn fnflw 1a lvivi "7 ,7 antamha TC ' wo 1 . Vti t.V1 l. V:i7 "H tojii ,0"4 Till XSZ".". S? . Si tww tBi4 lift oat.- " "'' "u; "' "'? TO? September , 42 42J4 41 "41 42 72j pecomber .. 2 42M 4214 t4l' 42?i " Krd- 4B "'' " mW September .. T.82 7.83 7.03 t7.77 T.02 SJ October .... 7,03 7.00 7.03 7.83 t8.02 IllOB fleptember .. 8.02 8.02 8.07 MM n.00 7 Ociobcr .... 8.00 8.00 8.70 18.87 8.U7 B0 September ..13.32 13.3,1 13.10 13.,12 13.3.1 pctober ....13.43 13.50 13.30 13.47 13,62 .. 70 'Bid. f Asked. ..101 .. 71 Incrraee. 1 4.1,010 108.SOO ..100 .. 08 .. 074 12 M. to 12:30 P. M. 100 Cambria Steel B2J 10 V 8 Steel.... W 100 do TO 25 do 71 23 Crucible Steel 77 35 Baldwin TO! 10 studebaker 40 u a steel. 100 do 20 Elec Storage. :: Bli ::7To e. 0214 BONDS. COOO Penna ren 1V4 t. 0715 LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO. Aug. B. HOOa Hecelpta. 28,000: market Blow. Be and 100 lower: mixed, and butchers, 0.307.00: good heavy. Ju.W.i", u.luTnu,.u, heavv. SO.COtiO.75: bulk, 1: llcht. J8.SOU7.20. $7.O37.70i rough vA.'n-n.r.T-nrlnta 4000: market weak beeves, l8.16O10.25i cowa and helfera. 13.104 0.21. Texane. 8.BO7.00: calvea. 7.50iljil.23. 8HEEP. Becelpta. 11,000; market ateady! native and Weetern. $11007: lamba, 8.75SJ 0.2S. RAILROAD EARNINGS MISSOURI. KAN0A8 AND TEXAS. 1015. June cross $2,870,131 Net after taxee .... 337.502 12 months' gross 32,808.760 080,333 Net after taxes 8,851,004 1,103,031 NORFOLK AND WESTERN. $930,081 421,127 1,603,235 381,511 A ST. LOUIS. tS37,S23 $113,378 104,202 1. 017, 028 '815.003 Increase. J ID, Oil!) 10V.35U Juno grots $1,330,285 Net after taxes 1,358,030 tl months' groia ....... 42,087,043 Net after taxea 1.1,270,417 NASHVILLE. CHAT, June cross , Net after taxes 148,631 Twelve months' gross... 10,030,532 Net after taxes 1,010,011 WESTERN MARYLAND. 1U1B. 4th week July Z28J.07B From July 1 821.1183 CANADIAN NORTHERN, 4th week July S3U1.1U0- From July 1 1,200,100 CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO. Fouith week July $1,370,313 $131,471 From July 1' ,.... 3,008,007 341,070 BUFFALO, ROCHESTER AND PJITSBUltyil. 4th week July 1377,732 S7B.121 From July l 1,003,740 trr.uui MISSOURI, KANSAS AND TJSXAS. 4th week July 1873,080 ,.f,ur From July 1 2,620,020 105,781 ST. LOUIS SOUTHWESTERN. 187,31X1 388.200 June grata zsri.ettt 'su.tJI Net ,... 207,040 DV.tSiy Det after charges.;.... 21.0.VI '20.310 12 months' groat 10,027,81)1 2,ltU,OI Net 2,'.'titi,7u7 u'Ji.un Ttl Income 2,000,101 BIB.stci Det after charges 2SO,U0J 018,001 Decrease. PHILADELPHIA MAEKETS gust. ?1.18 1.13; GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT. Receipts. 73.'". Duhi T,hJ market declined lc. but closed ateady wllh . 100.1 demand. Quotations: Car lota, in ex- port .lovator-No. 2 red. new, spot ana au- tl. l.l,,li i,W,.t BM , 1 ',1 HM 3: steamer No. 2 red, new. $1.1101.13: No. 3 red, new, $1.110L13; rejected A, new. .uiu 1.09; rejected B. new. $1.0ltfl.H; No, 1 North, em Duluth. old, $1.331.00. fiinxr n...ini, 000 buah. SUDPllea were email and prices were Ho, higher wh fair demand. Quotatlona! Car lots r 'ocal trade aa to locattorr-No. 2 yellow, OOHtfwlHC-, .tme?Velow7suWrJo.! No. a yellow, lh eDAT8-Receipts, 8882 bush,. Supplies we"; , amili .rid the market ruled firm. ale. of No. 2 'Whlto were reported early In tn.J at 63c., but at the close there was nothing ri.OUIlReT.-pt.. 030 pbls. and, 050,010 lbaf in Jarti There waa little trading and rlcei were nominally unchange. Quotations, per 100 Iba.-, in wood-Winter, clear, new. (1.73(79: Uo., .tralgbt. new, $363.25; do., pateirt, new, JB.8011550; Kaneaa .tralght. new. Jut" iacka.'sJ.SOSB.OOi'do.. patent, new. Jute lacUa. l5.a0S8.80; spring flr.t. clear, old, $9.33 ciBOl do7ltraljhtr old, a.ea75i d;.. pat Snti old. i.07:i5) do., avorfta brand.. oW. $7 1187.W; city mills, cholc. and fancy patent, 7:253T.73i city mill., regular gradea-Wlnter. clearTnew. $1.8503.10; do., traUM. new, $5.13 BB.40: do., patent, now 3,BOa.75. BVB ITLOWR waa dull and unchanged. Wa quot. Pennsylvania at 1.BOJ5.1,0. In wood, and Westare, new. at $585.50. in aacka. PROVISIONS ,. market ruled ateady. with a fair iob- blnir demand. Quotatlonai City beef, la sets. .rooked and alr-drled. 2HeiBe.t Western best, In set., .rooked, 252(lci city beef, knucklrt and tenders, smoked and alr-drled. tiHc.i Weitern beef, knuckle, and tender, smoked. JtTOzScTi beet ham., $31032; pork, family, m SSjSOi hania, 8. P. cured. loose, 13W14c.j do.7 akHuTedT" loo. MHte. do., do., imoked. lltilici other bam., smoked, city cured, at to brand and average . llHtfWMo. j hams, smoked. Western cured, isnwiojtc, ai, bolki, bonelefS, 23021c; plcnio aboaldan. & P. cwad. loose, Xl2c: do., smoked, 12t Uttc.i belllfs, Ja pickle, according to averag., .'lzHWlSc.' reak?a.t taeo. .as &. .n. ivnnuii. city cured, litlac., weaauist UoonT We.tern cured, 17fl8e.; lard, waattru. PBflnaw1. tUrCtffl. VAttlVU.. m-iV4 ""irrr ' a ..- ntiv vaieia UUi va- 1 -'" nearby extrai 21c. per doi.: itundard eao: nearby current 5&Cfo.W per caaa: Weitern extra. 15 p Job blng at In free tints, 10 i receipt.. $5. flrttfc. So Dei Inner .elected candled egga wera ZtKIZTC CHEESE. The market waa dull and weak Io tell with ample offering.. Quotations: New Vork, full cream, new, 14014UC1 do., do., fair to good, new, 13)4Oi30.; do., part aklma, 08130. POULTRY LIVE- Fowl, of desirable slse and quality were firmly held. Chicken, were dull ana weak. Quotation.: Fowls, at to quality, lo-tf lttHo.l rooster. HOUcv; broiling chicken.. fancy, not leghorqa, weighing 1M2. Ibt. apiece. 21(f22c; 'do., not leghorns, weighing 1&114 lb., apiece, 17tf20c; do, leghorns, weighing 11402 lb., aploce. 17018C.1 do. do., weighing 114 lbs. 'apiece, IJOlBo.: duca.. Pekln, old. Wtjllo.; do., Indian Runner, old. lilflJC; po young, vvu,u.... '--- -" 16c.j pigeon., old, per pair, VltftBc; do., young, per pair SOffVlc. DHE88EU-Flne. fre.h.kllled fowl. wer well cleaned up ana nrro. uromns Hutimimw PUBLIC UTILITIES Proceedings were begun by tho Com monwealth Trust Company, of Harris burg, trusteo for tho Cumberland Valley Telephone Company, and Henry II, Tracey, receiver, to show causo why the company should not bo sold to satisfy $1,600,000 mortgage against tho company, It having failed to meet interest obliga tions since 1911. Tho Dauphin County Court will fix a date for tho sale, all the complaints having been admitted. The report for the six months ending June 30, 1916, of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company sIiowb gross earnings of $5,023,600 In 1916, against $1,766,791 In 1911; net earnings decreased by $33,067 from $U69.f32 in 19K to $1,127,8(5 for tho same period in l?lo. The surplus shows a de crease from $111,405 In 1914 to $33,625 this year. The Great Western Power Company for tho year ended June 30, 1915, reports gross, earplngs of $2,770,963, against the 1014 fig ures of $2,689,i48, arid net earnings, after expenses and taxes, of $1,950,582, as com pared with $1,683,821. An increase was shown In the surplus of; $177,607 frqm the 1914 figures of $729,237. The report of the Cape Breton Electrlo Company for the 13 months ended June 80, 1915, shows a decrease In gross earn ings .from 1914 of $35,477 to the 1915 figure of $333,169, Net earnings wero $129,941. against $igo,303 in int. The Northern States Power Company reports for the 12 months ended' June 30 an Increase of $517,683 In gross and $430,377 In net earnings. The balance after pre ferred dividends was $564,872. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW YORK, Aug. 6. The market for cot tea futurea at the atart waa ateady, with first price, showing declines ot about 8 points. Trading up to the afternoon call wa. fairly active. Today'a opening, ... a.,,,,,., I'a.'so""' ...0.1)0 .,)., mnA harftlv eteadV. killed poultry, fowl.. .12 fancy .elected. IDe, 1ftUn , walfhlntr w,fH,ln. A Ina anleca. lb.. BPloce, 14M01B14C,! ic.-pacae Onntatlona! Frean. to box. dry-picked. welthln 4WB5 Iba. apiece, '..,,a7 ... - "... ,,(.- , BW lb.. .J.Me.j oieco. lane, 16H917HC.1 under 3 i i ... ,l ' .. . ..., anl 11UI, t AO. " .i-T- T ia !..,t.-4 Arv.nlrltmA- ,2Up. aovtic., w '"""? -' K.5TKZ: . IV, site.. e.tern. smaller 1 broiling cnlckena, Jery. fancy. l88e.; xither nearby fancy. .218260.1, fancy, largo yellow by fancy, zii ola. weighing Illinois, well Western, welg weighing 101' 24826C;: fancy, 1 ihing lUSl ilbt. 2 lb.. lJ20o.i niece. 21r22c.t do., tus. rendered, la dated, la tub", HKOlOo. REFINED SUGARS Jittl trading ana tn maraas oak. We quow trenncni ..; Kconstloiis f 4 points: Standard Thera waa ruled weak, subject -.d nlllflf Arf S:tS4.790a; pode4. t"." . " '- tK . . avtnt flni rranuLxitea. rM"""?-. gL'E!rr raaoc,: MBfaei tCt&SSSSi gSSiT-lwiEK. DAIRY PRODUCTS ntrrrKBrFln. goods were In faif d tad awl Arm. but b? i: argrades eoautWM dV.i. Quotxtloos' westero ai-P"".'rfi "PAS?.JHSf. 4-y, fancy. Woia.'K"'..,!i-'ieS WrSsSSJFaK EQfJaV-Cbolc atwlt wa. i .1.. iin at firBV W10.S, i boot stack waa i4atlM k.st wall but m.iHiim aaa ad dull. QutaUai. 23c, ( do.. .DrlniT ducks. ia17ct squ-ibi whllo, wal.tsliia-, 11 to 12 lha. oer doi.. Ju.SOHt twj wrute. weigmns w -o 10 lbV,Ar do.:. S.1B9.60: white, weighing 8 iba. rr., $2.B52.5; dO T Ib.-ber dos.. Mi0i3.20' doj 08614 Iba. per dos.. $L60l.e3j FRESH FRUITS Choice stock met with fair aale and values generally ruled ateady under moderate offer ing.. Quotations: Apple., new, trantparent, per hamper. BOctMl.SS: Peach... Qeorgla. 11.11. of (looraU. per crate. $1S1.S0; do., Oeorgla. ElberU. per crate. $lf 1.60; pears. Southern Le Cont. per b"., $3SM; rapw. North Carolina. Dataware, per 8-baakt car rier? $l.6ft!. lemon.. Per box, $3iJra.aS: oiinaei Florida, par box. $3.60s, grapefruit, Florida, per box. JltW. plaeapple, per crate cherries, .our, per 0-lb, basket. 364jH0c.i plum.. Oeorgla. per carrier, 60c, fffls bUckberrtea. Delaware. Masytaud and Jerw. per qufft, BSTc; goosaborrtes, per quart. SAee.; buekla bTrrle. per quart. B7c.: panuleupe. Mart land, per standard crato. JIBS,, do,, North Carolina, per standard crate. Sletl.frO; do.. North Carolina, per vat erate. 25JW3C. ; watcr DKloas. per car. $1SS17B. VEGETABLES Supply and demand were both fair. Flic gBratr ro well auttalned oa choir ttMk. Wlttloaa. White potatoes. VlrgluU. Mr bbl. -r5o7lT76.el: No, 3. 400c.: Waet M tatUa. Nertb CarsUoa. per bbJU-No. 1, tB.W9 " Ni 3. L4ft. calls, fits l: ootowi. J tilTe" H-bvtib. boakst. ISnfZlc. . du., East- Esaona, par aantw. -hk. , wspiamn, talk, i-ar oraw. llayl SB. oucumtwr. Waj-y-!. phjHM. bkakat. l&gark . corn Jaraay, per basket, .; towatoes. Jaraay par basket No. 1 carty, Un9$c . No I ocoiid early. S43c uutblwinu, l-tti, fcaaiM. fJOcSil. i April ,,, May ,,,, June .,. July .,, AllgUll September October November December January February aiarcn uiu. NEW YORK METAL MARKET NEW YORK, Aug. 8. The metal exchange quotea tin eaay, 60-ton lots 34H4I33C. Lead weak 4Wc. bid, offered at Sc. ,,...,,,, Yee'day". clote. aoseaoc a9O7.00 a.TtijaTl' O.T(Ho.8. ti.47fi0.48 a49iJ0.6l anfiaBO 0,4036,60 ....:.... 6.4006.60 0.43itaifl o.40flii.ryi 0.4300.48 &B3S0.S1 ti.6fee.f-1 0.57 0.0100.0? SOUND INVESTMENTS NORFOLK COUNTY WATER COMPANY 8-Yenr 0 Note., Doe Mny, 1018 Hlgh-BTade short term tax refund lnveatment. Secured by all the First (Closed) Mortgage Bonds of the Company, A very large cash equity. Yield Over 6H RtAZfERfrCQ BANKERS 132 South 15th Street Anaconda Copper Co. Wa will have ready for .distribu tion in a few daya a oiroukir showing the present status of the above com pany and complete details of Its ab sorption ot the Amalgamated Copper Company. A copy wilt lie mailed fr oa request. HUQHES & DIER HetoliM and Brofcus Uaokbar H NrtajaSaMa, Ma& MiiMsf U.mbra Wiloajto Bsard at Trd 1435 Wali Strtirt elan Mali -Wlraa to NM XQUX sat ; IHrfSF-W'A.'-ff j a MUtam&M MSB- WiOiVssj jwf JKH sfl r Uaui-i,! m&mmtr 9rt hMh, jtfi , lh$Mi Buvir vrewiu, wW
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers