UHpWlfMWI JjVp'W IMIkA V EVENING LEBOER-HlLABELPHrA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1018. Mffifr. .. 0 MI , nM hi it ii n 1 to. i! j, OF 5" NORTH HEEDED BY PROMINENT SOCIETY FOLK f to and Mrs. Charles D. Barney Will Entertain at Their Sum-' V iner Home, Put-in-Bay, on Lake Eric Various summer PL AND MR CHARLES D, BAR WfZ. f Elldon, 0onU, t'a., latt Sk . ..L',. Lake Erie, where they will T mu i""1 Soptember nt Gibraltar W. Lu wmmcr homo at Fut-ln- R. miring the summer moy win nave r ,JiU Mr. and Mrs. John Mam-, & W?!UB.;1. Thomas 8. KalleV. ;U1"' r,h r Mr. and Mr.. Jo ffhiumirrt. if;- jenki0WBi It tl an" ' ' ' ...It.,. Mr. nml " -.i naroncss yum ..-.., -- Baton "".. nhhnril. 6f Jenkln- fa .Mr and Mrs. Horace Hardin tan. "'" ,nd ttmiiy. "J lifer U'nrncr omclated, and tot4S'xL. . nlven In marriage by her fWdMr Charles A. Urnun. There '?ff fcrMesmalds. Mr. Sanluel Weth ert no bjldesma.u imme(natciy rt" IrVmony the brldo and bride $fm fo?an extended tour In the iVtlt mm Henry Miller Watts and .ihavV closed their country homo .fflllr h't Jamestown, n. I., whero SitSfflttl and September. J in, and Mrs. Charles Bradford I Fraley .fib. L04W. BUM. N-- - aV);or Hill, have "VSnl be the Buesta for &Kb.taWotMr. and Mrs. Jacob 4 In 'UBV,lMi for a visit of a fortnight 1 vTMk for Maine tof a V1sii ;.,' -n. n.nr Klneo. !ur and Mrs Charles . i rV.nr. of Kaolin. l'a. ih ";"" . . ",-"',..,. potter ana one 01 mo i it t ster of Sirs. on" , . ferS&ePn,thew,n n ..41.. r.Matnn. fthey have taken for the summer months. " uin Margaret lornu ...--- - r DeUncey llace. Is visiting nt Salem. In. ?e JT.h,, i belnir extensively enter tained Miss Bannard's encasement was mentiy announced to Ensign Edmund S. UcCawiey. Mr. arid Mrs. Harold Cross, of Cloverly line. Rydal. are guests of Mr. and Mrs John Gilbert, at Eagles' Mere. Pa., for teveral vresks. Mr, and -Mrs. William H. Huhn and Mr William H. Huhn. Jr., 113 South 21st atreet, have Kone to Spring Lake. N. J.. viMrs they have taken the Wells cot tage on the lake for the summer. Sir. and Mrs. Samuel D. lUddle. of Cten Hlddle, Pa have left for, Spring Lake, where they are spending several FMisatthe Essex and Sussex HoUl. Miss Elizabeth P Dallas, daughter of t. ., -yiwm nvavaninn R. Dallas. Of Chestnut Hill, will leave next Monday A ti VnnViiinlrnnvt IP.. WlierC BttC Will !ft the sucst of Miss Mary Bishop Jones r. L. ma - MnMnon t?nlrVinvtn. until , ftfuvi niuutt a vh.r- ......-----. ---- B'Mt:er Miss Jones' wcdaing to .Mr. Jonn fBliOrant Ayllng. of Syracuse, N. Y., on ;.'uuh IS. Mrs. Jones will glvo a house j-II ."party for the members of her daughter's (-.The guests will Include Mies Rachel W. jiff latta, of this city, who, with Miss Dal- n isi, wm oe among mo uriucamumo. Mr. and Mrs. William Payne Thomp- s ica entertained a dinner party last eve ( In honor of their house guest, Mrs. irllCKtr Wlnthron, of New York, who will Npend a fortnight In Newport. Covers KTtre laid for SO. Mrs. Cralc Blddle. Mrs, Ieonard M. flhcraas. Mrs. William K, Vanderbllt, Jr., S,iin. Whitney Warren, Mrs., August Bel kjcontand Mrs, Royal Phelps Carroll are re committee of Newport women who aro .'arranging an exnioition or art worns to t alven at the CaBlno Theatre during thla week. The exhibition opened yester- diy with Madame Cntulle Mendea. of BParls, who Is In Newport for a tlmo. In seiiargo, and will continue until Saturday. Th money secured will be used for the yenent of wounded French soldiers. PMra. J. Cllntoh Foltz and her daugh- iera, miss Dorothy Folti and Miss liar- taretta Foltz. of Bethlehem Dike. Chest- gmit HU1. will leave the latter part of gyiususi to spend a month at Road End, j',tnelr cottage at Small Point, Me. 'Nra. George Willing. Jr.. of East' umiftre lane, uneatnut Hill, is spending til Mnnth nt A..n..t t Ttrtl. ITIII pw-feere her picturesque costumes are at- "vs mucn admiration. ''J'1! ,net Irene Burke and Miss Nell miwnre, of iioorostown, N. J., have left or Niagara Falls. N. Y for an extended lay. Along the Main Line r QVEBnROOK. Mrs. Frederick C. El,'!ck.e and her daughter. Miss ElUabeth SVlii Hangeley haUe House, Raugeley W W ,n the month of Mr. Mencke. They is,WIurn home in Sentember. ..t&nd Nrg, Frank Brown, of Drexel wtKe also gone to Maine. g Ud Mrs. Edwin O. Close, of 6463 U rStlf t "pent ine early summer l-SUT nave gone to xuoosa lOf ASAG nuuuilUftCIUJ ivr UIO II1U1UII Sj'?'1 Mrs- H- B. Chichester, of tolZtM?- ls making a short stay at far t. befor,i R'"K to Newport h'!!"" w Jennings and Mr and IS h l Crcltet avenue, have re- U at their cottage at Mount Gretna. E t ? D Heritage, pf St. Paul's ft ,'vramore entertained at luncheon .turUy Those nresent were Miss bi Meade Miss Viola Bradbury, Miss " upnincott. Mla Beatrice Bteln Mlsa Edith Pyper. iPYN MAWD fli. T !. n Tlrotttl. infitm of jjr. and Mrs. Howard Brown. "' avenue, la spendJris August, at w-vwi vrst. IPJEMONT -Mr. and Mm. W. Barklte ' or pnt Cottage, are spending Au t Beverly Farm. Mass. w r Alliunn hit nuit to K'arra- Pier for the rwnslnder of the Germantown 'i Mr. Oatry 8rn8r, Ot 1M wtt b this week Us l-,oiBtj Qre8f ls vIslUaa cm 'i.ilLl ukri tb.it U tb gMifM M nans. of ' Mil L 1mothe'-. Mrs. Kmll Graeft, or n rulntkl avenue. Mr. John T. Carson, of 4837 Pulaakl ave- Bm1!!d hi, tamny are spending the summer at Ocean City. i',,' ?mnt nnt1 hr nlce. Miss Mil drcd HolahaUer, of Greene street, are Treves" P s"mmer lt thc1'' cottaga In Miss Sarnh Slpes. of 69 Maplewood ave nue, Is entertaining her cousin, Miss Flor Mice E. Momeyer, of Orecnsburg, Tn. Mr. nnd Mrs. John M. Frier, of 6ISJ nno avenue. hnv rtur,,..! tmm . ll"?0.! t0V thro,'l!li the Western States um me i-nnamn exposition. pr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Pettlt, of 613 Lin coln drive, are visiting at Cape Cod, aiars., until tho early part of Septci.iber. Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Pltneld, of Mil wane avenue, accompanied by their daughter. Miss Gcorglnnna Pltneld, will be visitors nt Jamestown, R. I about August 15. Miss Knthcrlne Terry, of 3015 Mldvale avenue. Is visiting Provlncetown, Mass., for nn Indefinite period. Mr. ni!d Mrs. Joeeph K. Stone, of 1531 Pu nskl avenue, arc entertnlnlne as their guests Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Stlne and their daughter. Miss Eleanor Stlne, of Louisville, Ky. Mr. Henry W. Mendo and daughter, Mies Eleanor Mende, of 419 Wcst'Horttcr street, will leave shortly for a trip to tho Catsklll Mountains. Chestnut Hill Mr, and Mrs. William N. Thomas, of EaBt Graver's tone, have none to Old Orchard Beach, Me., to stay until the 1st of ptember. Mr, and Mrs. Edgnr H. Butler and Mies Marian F. Butler, of West Sunset avenue, will spend August nnd September at York Harbor, Me. Along the Reading Mr. and Mrs. Thomns B. Llpplncott, of Washington lane, Meadowbrook, pa., have left for Beach Haven, N. J where they have tnken a cottago for August nnd September, nnd will entertain numer ous house parties over tho week-end Mr. and Mrs. Newton Jackson, accom ponled by their daughters, Miss Irene Jackson nnd Miss Ruth Jackson, of 10th fctreet and Onk Lano avenue. Oak Lane, have left for Lake Placid, In the Adi rondack Mountains, N. v., where they will remain through the month of August. Mr. and Mrs, George R. Roden and Mr. Robert Roden left 'last week for Gardiner, Mass., where they will make their home permanently. Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Kelsor have closed their country place at Lenox road, Jenklntown, nnd aro occupying their Chelsea cottage, where they will enter tain at small, Informal house parties dur ing August. This week-end they will have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Edward James and Mr. and Mrs. Allen M. Croft. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Townsend, of Mountain avenue. Oak Lane, will enter tain at their cottage at Ocean City over this week-end Mlrs Helen Dare, Miss Pauline Fiske. Miss Dorothy Southamp ton, Mies iJorls Williams, Miss Janetto Blako and Miss Evelyn Sldman. Mrs. Townsend was formerly Miss Helen D. Grandly, of Ashbourne. Mr. and Mrs. John J Hood, of ,Sth street and 16th avenue, Oak Lane, nro at Ocean City, as are also Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Frlck and family, of 6105 North 7th street. Oak Lane Park. Mr. and Mrs. William O. Wright, of 11th street and Oak Lano nvenue, aro en tertaining as their guests for a month Mrs. M. W. Splcer and her daughter. Miss Virginia Splcer, of Richmond, Va. Mr. and Mrs. A. Paul do Sanno, of 63th avenue and 11th street. Oak Lane, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Garrl gues, of 11th atreet, have returned from a motor trip to Eagle's Mere. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Jackson nnd their daughters. Mlsa Ruth Jackson and Mini Irene Jackson, of 10th street nnd Oak Lane avenue, are spending a month at Lako Tlacld, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Richmond, of 12th street and 68th avenue, Onk Lane, will leave the middle of August to spend six weeks at Bethlehem, N. H. NEWLYWEDS TRAILED TO BEACH Mr and Mi RMih. Tl.umM Henior, 22jL hortb 89th strt, aft heu wedding Ucl fhuisd lUgfel, escawd ta Qe City. Frwfld wwltd m4 he,'i tbem nc ad ta Am' SKf3Mrs'!jr H&JSval; Bte&SV III 1 JK'f- &sstiKKKSBB mm&CxK f.iw&m jKKKmSi lKk III mMr Tim l mmm immm. m;i :iBKmm 1 m ftp&$Mi SIBHIkMks .Hb v-M 1P JSt f w ' W MISS AGNES M. SPENCER Who is the daughter of Mrs. Graham Spencer, of the Maidstone, is at present visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles A. Potter, Jr., at her home in Chelten Hills. West Philadelphia The marriage of Mlsa Marian Cornelia Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Lindsay Miller, to Mr. Leonard J. Sciger, will take place on Monday evening, Au gust 16, nt 7 o'clock, ut the home of tho bride's parents, D347 Osago avenue. The ceremony will be performed by the Rev. Joseph P. Morris, of the Prince of Tcaca Chapel. ,,, ,. Tho brldo's sister, Miss Frances Elliott Miller, will be her only nttendant. and her brother, Mr. James Llndsaj Miller, Jr., will act as best man, A reception for the immcdlnte families will follow tho ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Z. Beaston, of 3732 Locust street, have returned from a trip to tho Expositions at San Francisco and San Diego. Mrs. Beaston will spend tho late summer at Wlldwood with her young son. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Van, Glider, of 4931 Hazel avenue, who nro spending the Bummer at Ocean City, N. J., are enter taining a house party In honor of Mr. and Mrs Edward B. Secger. Mrs. Seeger, who Is their niece, was formerly Miss Arabella Bethell. Mr. Christian G. Bauer and Mr. O. E. Sandborger. of 62S South 64th street, will spend the week-end at Pine Beach. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Spates, of 221 South 40th street, left Saturday for Cali fornia, going through tho Panama Canal. Mr and Mrs. Peter J. Clark' and fam ily will spend the balance of tho season at Cnelsea. Mrs. John L. Wansor and two daugh ters, of 5713 Ashland avenue, will be at Ocean City until September 15. Mr. Joseph A. Hudson nnd family. 4915 Catharine street, are spending a season at Ocean Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rogers Swope, of 4026 Cedar avenue, left on Saturday for Southwest Harbor, Me., where they will remain until September. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Saueri, 40th and Filbert streets, celebrated their 35th wed ding anniversary at a roof garden party on the Hotel Powelton's roof Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs, Christian Bene dlkt, Mr. and Mis. Gustavus A. Muller. Mr. and Mrs. John Fearnelde, Dr. Fred crick Snuers and Mrs. Sauers, Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Sauers. Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard W. Quinn. Miss Mary Trost. Mrs. Louisa Theif, Mrs. Charles II. Sauers. Mr. Charles Miller, Mr. and Mrs. William Wetter. Mr. and Mrp. John C. Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. McCaffrey and Mr. Frederick Davis. South Philadelphia The H. P. bos of St Rita's Catholic Club spent an cnjosablo day out at Wlssahlckon last week, tho follow ing attending: Mr. George O'Brien, Mr. Al. Sweeney, Mr. Harry Curley. Mi. Albert Tlerney, Mr. Walter Jackson, Mr. Thomas Robinson, Miss Mary Welsh, Miss May Molloy, Miss Kitty Coll, Miss May Thomns, Mlsa Frances Sillers and Miss Martha Sillers. On account of Ill ness, Mr. Lawrence Carlln was unable to attend. Mr. Matthew Jackson and his son, Mr. Howard Jackson, 1033 Federal street, have Just returned from Niagara Falls after having spent an enjoyable trip since early July. Mr. T. R. Livingston, Dr. Edwin Dor man, Mr. James McFetrldgo and Mr. James Diamond returned from Atlantic City this week, whero they havo been several weeks. Miss Emma R Morell, of 1742 South 15th streo:. has Just returned from a two weeks' vacation at Parkerford and Read ing, where she was extensively enter tained. Mr. E. Wall Murphy, of 2432 South 13th street. Is spending the week at his bunga low at National Park, N. J., with his aunt, Mrs. R. Campcn and friends, where they will entertain extensively. Miss Lillian McNulty, 1416 South Broad Btreet, who Just returned from a two weeks' trip to Atlantic City, N. J., left yesterday for a month's trip to Washing ton, D. C, and points In Virginia. North Philadelphia The Slxteeners' Association of tho Sol diers' Orphans' Schools of Pennsylvania will hold Its fifth annual reunion on tho old school grounds at Chester Springs, Chester County, Pa., on Saturday, Au gust 7. The committee In charge Includes Thomas E. Barratt, John F. Glldea, Harry Miller and Harry Llngeman. Mrs. Ro6e Strumpf, of 1315 North Camac street, is spending the summer with friends In Atlantic City. Miss Ada Dill, a graduate nurse of the Woman's Homeopathic Hospital, ls spend ing her vacation at her home In Nor folk. Va. Mr, and Mrs. A. Berkman and their family, of 2610 North 33d street, are at their cottage, 8 Sovereign avenue, Chel sea, for the summer, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hough, of Park and Allegheny avenues, has gone to Sa vannah, Ga., for an Indefinite period. Mrs. C. Carver, of Oklahoma City, Is visiting her mother, Mrs, Golden, of North Park avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Gustavo Shrenck, of 2725 West GIrard Avenue, will spend the month of August at their Atlantic City apart ments. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Chester Bowers and their son, of 2844 North 25th street, have returned from Ocenn City, where they spent a delightful vacation. Millbourne Mr. Robert Richardson, of 22 Mill bourne avenue, has Just returned from a two weeks' automobile trip through New York State. .Airs. Frank S. Meade, of 3S Nyack street, has gqne to Relstertowne, Md., whero she Is visiting her grandfather, Doctor Dickson. Mrs. Meade, will re turn In about two weeks. Tioga Mlts Beatrice Murtha, of West Tioga street, Is with a camping party In the Pocono Mountains. t Mr- and Mrs. Benjamin Foster, of 3310 West Tioga street, left last week for I Ocean City, to remain until autumn. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Dlttman, of 3763 North Hth street, have Joined the colony of cottagers at Ocean City. Mrs. M. C. Hartman, of 2W3 West On tarlo street, who Is spending the summer at her bungalow in Ocean City, will have as her guests during this month Mr. and Mrs. John Hartman and Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Hartman, of Tioga, Mrs. Lillian Harkness, of North 18th street, will spend this month touring the cities of the Great Lakes. Notices far the Society peg wll) b accepted and printed In the Evening Lfdftr, but all sen notice mut l written en sue tide et the paper, muit be signed in full, with full ad dress, and wben potble telephone number miu( tie given. Send ell uch commoBleatten t "Society Editor," Evening Ledger, (4 Chestnut street. TJnltia tljco requirement! are tarried out ea that vetlAcatte mf to pealble. las aettcee villi not be mihlMhadi Lansdowne Miss C. M. Nichols, of Btewart ave nue, will spend this month at Asbury Park. Mr. and Mr. J. Frank Eddy, of West Greerlwood avenue, motored yesterday to Winchester, Va., for several weeks' stay, Miss Josephine Pilling, of Windermere nttmie, was guest of honor nt n tea given by Miss Mary Long, of Coates vlllc, yesterday, Mr, W. C. H. Single nnd family, of Highland avenue, have opened their cot tago at Ocean City. , Mr, and Mrs. Paul Lnchenmeyer, of Stratford avenue, have gone for a several weeks' stay In Onk Bluff, Mass. Mr. rind Mrs. Helster Law, of Owen avenue, returned today from a month's stay Iq Chelsea. Miss Helen Loughnoy, of La Crosso avenue, Is visiting her auht In Baltimore for several weeks. Frankford Mr. and Mrs. William O. Foster, of Tulip Btreet, will molor to Tohlckon Creek today and there Join Mrs. Foster's parents, remaining for two days as the quests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Foster, who arc also nt Tohlckon Creek. Miss Doris Bateman, daughter- of Mr. and Mrs. William Batoman, of Aslum road, Is the guest of Mies Helen McNeil, nt Ocean City. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schlatcr, of 1318 Orthodox street, nccompnuled by their ) dnughtcr. Miss Knthetlne Schlatcr, are upending the summer nt their homo nt Lako Wlnola. Miss Ida May Kennedy, of 2535 North fth street, will have ns her guests the latter part of this week Miss Lillian Reed and Miss Myrtle Reed, of Bnyonne, N J. Miss Kennedy will bo hostess at a muslrnlo Snturdny afternoon from 4 until 8 o'clock. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Lliltz and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dalbler. of Holmesburg, spent several days the past week on n motor trip to Pottsvllle nnd vicinity. Mlsa Edith Holllngsworth. of 220 East Somcrvillo avenue, Mlsa Marlon Ynhn, of Rising Sun avenue nnd Asylum pike, nnd Miss BcbsIo McClurie, of 5402 North Water street, will return this week from Istand Heights, N. J , where they have been spending their vacations. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Gllmoro and daugh ter. Miss Magadaleno Gllmore, Mrs. M. Vnr.dergrlfl and daughter. Miss Emma Vandergrlft, of 4D50 Hawthorno street, wll' return this week from Wlldwood, N. J., where they havo been spending pnrt of the summer. Roxborough Mr. and Mrs. David Townsend, of Ridge nvenue, will occupy their cottage at Ocean City during August. Mrs. Harry Brlce nnd her daughters. Miss Fanny Brlce nnd Miss Gladys Brlce, of 205 Sumac street, Wlssahlckon, havo returned from Maryland, where they Bpent the early summer. Mr. William II. Ambrose, of Manayunk, has returned from Chicago, whero he at tended the Master Plumbers' convention, to which he was u delegate. Mr. and Mrs. R. Manley Petermnn have returned from their wedding Journey nnd are at homo at 561 Leverlngton nvenue. Mrs. Petcrman will be remembered as Miss Pearl Gruver, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charlea H. Gruver, of Roxborough. Miss Margaret M. McMonus, Master James SIcManus, Miss Slarle Deegan, Mrs. P. Wilson and her two children, of Wlssahlckon, are spending a couple of weeks nt Atlantic City, N. J. The Friday Sewing Club, of Roxbor ough, has arranged n series of luncheons to be given on tho lawns of the members during tho summer. The members of the club are Mrs Robert Keely Hoys, Mrs. Frank Kenworthy, Mrs. Fred Stott, Mrs N. Claire Rorabaugh. Mrs. John A. Struse, Mrs. Roy A. Robinson, Mrs. Or lando Petty, Mrs. Albert Hood, Mrs. Charles Weln, Miss Emma Rehfus, Mrs. William Keely nnd Miss Helen Rehfus. The Mannyunk Harmonle Singing So ciety will celebrate the 50th anniversary of Its organization in its hall, 4372 Fleming street, tomorrows An excellent musical program has been arranged. Camden and Vicinity Miss Marion T. Bird, of State street, Camden, who has been hero with her mother for the early summer, will spend the month of August at Camp Wyone gonlc, East Denmark, Me. Miss Ftarcnco Sharp and Miss Elizabeth Sharp, of 726 Cooper street, and their niece, Miss Rachel Sheets, of 425 Penn Btreet, have returned from a trip to Bos ton and vicinity. Mrs. John B. Adams and Miss Carrie Adams, of 212 Cooper street, are spending a month In the Pocono Mountains. Hotel Arrivals anEEN'-0. J. Brady, Shlc'F0:,,T!!.0.n,t, Mrbraw. Clarlmburir. V. Vo.; L. O. Birch. Wilmington; Howard A. Steetman, Pitman Grove, Md. CONTINENTALM Ooldmlth. Bulllmore, MdTl 8i E. S7. neschwood. N. J. William Burns. Columbia. Pa.l Mrs. Eva I. Mulion. Jeannette, fa, DOONEIl'B E. Vt Lovinrton, Lancaster! B. Kellner. New York; Vt" H. Bellery. New York. NEW BINGHAM D. A. Nllund, Cumberland, Md.: J, A. Keller. Canton. O.: Mr. ami Mrs. W. Moiloy. Klngsion. N. Y.i J. Boyle. Chea- wold, Del. HANOVEH-J. F. Summers. Salem, N, J., H. 8. Schaerrer. Rending. Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Wllllame, Heading; B. A. Hunter, JIagerstown, aid. WINDSOR Mr. and Mr. R. F. Bauman, Plttiburgtis A. S. Pepperman, Wllllaraiport, II. " Leila? neadlngi William A. Bamber- ger, Lebanon, Pa, VENDIG R M, Edler. Scranton; B.JI Ly iiJn. CranroriT, l'a.. Walter Price. Plalntleld, N. J.I 8. W. Wilson, Anbury Park, N, J. ADELPHIA Frank J Foley, Pttteburgh: Hj Arthur Mich. New York; . H. Smyth, ben- vers Oeorge P. Williams, Newark. N J. RITZ-CARLTON Mr, and Mrs. L. J. King, New Yorjc; Walter T. Smythe, New York. TiELI-EVUE-STRATFORD J. 8. Raymond, I.ethleher Pa : W. W. Hubbard. Che.ier, town. Md.; O. B. Bright. Detroit: Thomaa Anderson. MontcUIr, N J.; John A. Maaon. Baltimore: M. B. Hammond, HarrUburg; CM. Sheridan. Buffalo, E. J Williams. New York; V. Belts. Cleerneld, Pa.; Mlsa KK. Murray, New York; G. M. Berry. To- ledo; Arthur & Braun, Newark; B Bedford, Trenton. WAI.TON-C. II. Lyons, Orange. N. J.I L. LaBeie. Summit. N. J. I John Andrew. Pittsburgh; J. F. Oangulsb. Pittsburgh. STENTON-Mlss Gabrlells Ross. Newark; J. s TowHsend.. Newark Mr. and .Mrs C. P. Edward. Newark; Mr. and Mrs. J. w. Jones. Reading. COLONNADE Mr and Mr". J L- Wilson, liMMteV; 1C H. Trimble. Baton. Pa ; H. B. iSeve? New York. L. R. Leonard,. Altoena. What's Doing Tonight I'alrmount Park Band, ttelmoat Maaslon; 8 OullBf Of Passyujk Avenue Busloe Man's ma lOUtllvDi 4"1 . kday party oak itewe. in? or Wai of. mltteo ".''? .... v. Vr.tu.1. D Salu Gonvui. 47th and Wlacsor avenue. Suffrage Events Today WJUAL FRANCHIeW BOCIKTY. Seeo-Opaa-alr uteeUag t Aleerte'e Hosiery mSi Pauiboro end Swrthigdeii streets. sleeker. Uiae Ana UeCue. 35 " -Open atr meeting at GeraBou uu. and Diamond atreet Swsker. tu Ana McCue WOIEAN MiFFRAOS PASTY MBtfrajfitfefcJS WHITE FOX FURS APPEAR AGAIISf ON BOARDWALK AS WEATHER CHANGES Cool Winds and Drizzling Rains Fail to Dampen Ardor of Enthusiastic Summer Girl, Who Dares Any Temperature. ATLANTIC CITY, Aug. 4. NO FOX furs were worn on the Great Wooden Way M'-idny. It took torrid, sultry August wca to convince the mimmer girl that 11 Was decidedly mal apropos to wear winter adornment out of season, but yesterday was quite a dif ferent story, nnd furs predominated In the chic costumes. The first of a series of teas will bo given by the board of management of the Children's Seashore House, Annapolis nnd Atlantic avenues, this afternoon from 4 until C o'clock. Music will he furnished through the courtesy of tho Hotel Chelsea Orchestra. Mrs William Bennett will re ceive, assisted by tho members of the Woman's Auxiliary. Miss Ida Varc, daughter of Congress man Vnre, gave a sailing party yesterday afternoon aboard her father's beautifully appointed yacht, Bitter Sweet. Mr. nnd Mrs. Crawford Kamcs, of Phil adelphia, have opon.ed their cottago on California nvcnuet South, for the balance of the season. Miss Dorothy Thomas, who has been spending the summer with her parents nt Delaware Water Gnp, ls now tho guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Perclval Thomas, Pr., at her cottage, 23 Iowa ave nue, South. Mrs. Kathryn Krymer Worcester, of Morris and Atlantic avenues, Chelsea, has none to Ptnmford-ln-the-Catskllls for the remainder of tho summer. Mrs. Mnry Quinn and tho Misses Quinn, of 22 Jnsser Square, Ventnor, entertained n largo house party over the week-end. Mr. Fred Corey, of Philadelphia, was a week-end visitor. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Bender, of Philadelphia, who are occupying their cot tnge, 11 Aberdeen avenue. South, where they nro cntortnlnlng extensively, will re main nt the shoro until late In the autumn. Mr. and Mrs William Henry Smith, of Philadelphia, who are annual visitors at tho Dennis, will leavo in a few days en route to Snn Francisco, where they will remain for n week before sailing on the Wllhelmlna for Honolulu and Japan. Mr. J. O. Watson, of Fairmont, W. Va., who has been spondlng a weok nt the Brighton, has leased a cottage In Chelsea for tho balance of the season. Dr. nnd Mrs. Gilbert II. Alford, of Baltimore, have taken apartments nt the Mailborough-BIcnhelm for the remainder of the summer. They nro accompanied by .Mr. Charles C. Stelff, Mr. Gideon N. Slelff nnd Mr. W. S. Dudley. Miss Dorothy Huey, who ls hero for tho summer, gave a knitting bee on the vcrnnda of the Brighton today. She and her six girl friends were busily engaged knitting modish woolen sweaters. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Daly, of Baltlmoro, who always come here for a pnrt of the summer, arrived early In the week, ac companied by their attractlvo daughters, Miss Adcle Daly and Miss Louisa Daly. Mr. O. Gordon Daly Is also In tho party. Mr. H. H. Pakradoonl, of Overbrook, Pa., Vice Consul Imperial from Persia to the United States, Is among the dis tinguished visitors. Ho Is at the Dennis accompanied by Mrs. Pakradoonl, Miss Pakradoonl and H. H. Pakradoonl, Pa. Mr. W. H. Jarden, who Is spending tho summer with his family at Hadden Hall, Is convalescing from a sprained ankle. OCEAN CITY, Aug. 4. - Mr. Robert Woolston nnd family, of Germantown, have opened their cottage. The Rev. Father Bonnlwell. a brother of Judge Bonnlwell. of Philadelphia, Bases Its clulma tor patronage upon merit alone and has at heart only the best Interest" if Its pupils and lis attention to their Interesta Is steady and Arm throughout the courses and after they have been placed In positions. Telephone! Lombard 120(1-107 POSITIONS POSITIVELY GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED Dau School. Night E. 31, null, A. 31.. Pil.D., President, Alter uctooer 1st i - ' Industrial Chemistry including food analysis and courses fitting graduates for posi tions in steel plants, drug manu factories, paint factories and dyeing establishments. Ask for Catalog T-37. 'Phone Diamond 031, TEMPLE UNIVERSITY 1 Ilroud St., below Ilcrka J. Philadelphia. Central Educational Institute S SOHOOLS-r-Ovsr SOOO Students Last Year. Business. Preparatory. Commerce and Accounts. Music. Engineering and Building Construction. SewTior Special Catalog and Illustrated Book UtT CealraT Y M- C. A- Uti Arch Street. The Phillips Brooks School Hers' scheel, opposite Clerk Perk. Athletls fitSt adJolBjpg blag- tr full-equipped gym- S58 sW"Set: BQEPENTOWN. N. J. DOBDBWTOWN MILITARY INSTtTUTS SO years of sueeese la trau&t twe tor !. KVo and btubva peeve Ike "Wti ef oar mtlefU eeutogue? -nte TOaSpel. Bordetv tow-a-.he-.ww". N. J. ..SSHM!5L fl, F Men &i Bore. L'altniiuJ w A, jeer. la. Bcifi, ew.tkfc S m HfS leeuu fer KuK krsS m. wlsM-Ms. Mc., j3, ISs. spent tho week at the Knights of Co lumbus club house In this pity. -Miss Dorothy James Is here for the re malnder of tho season. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Greer, o German town, are among the visitors. There will be another "Children's Night" at tho Ocean City Yacht Club Friday evening. These dances are gala events for the children of the members nnd their friends, WILDWOOD. Aug. 4. - A delightful wntcrmelon party will be given on 'hei beach on Saturday night by tho ydunge.' set of Wlldwood Crest followed by a. mid' night bathing party. Those present wilt be Miss Kitty Morris, Mlts Allco McDowell, Miss Edna Jones, Miss Helen 8. Jones, Mr. Manfred Krnuskopf. Mr. John Morris, Mr. Wallace Frommer, Mr Norman Ludwlg, Mr. Thomas Grace and Mr. Charles Hoffmnn. The party Will he chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs S. McDowell and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sneller. Mr. Leonard Hlrshberg nnd family, -of Baltimore, Md., aro spending some time here. Mr. Layton Morris, of Philadelphia, will spend the coming week-end as tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McDowell, of Wlldwood Crest. Mr. and Mrs. Ehrenrclch and their daughters. Miss Nelllo and Miss GertrudO Ehrenrclch, of 2316 North Front street, are at thu Hotel Portland. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Lelpzlger, Miss Ruth and Miss Harriet Lelpzlger are spending the summer at the Crest. Judge and Mrs. Stra,Uaberger and Mls( Hollander, of Washington, D, C, and Mr. Strausberger, of New York, are spending several weeks at Wlldwood. Doctor Shapiro, or Washington. D. C ls spending somo time at the Wlldwood Manor. CAPE MAY. Aug. 4.-The first days of August sco the arrival of mbre of the smartly gowned matrons. Indefatigable debutantes and ever-ready dancing men In Capo May. They arc all here and here to stay unUl tho cool weather. Mr. and Mrs. Arthlngton Gtlpln. Jr., of Gcrrr.nntown, arrived Monday for n rest of several weeks. They nro tho guests of Mr. Gilpin's mother, Mrs. Arthlngton Gil pin, at her cottage. Mr. nnd Mrs. Elllcott Ross Carver, who have been occupying their cottage on De catur street since Juno 1. havo forsaken Cape Mny for other points. Mrs. Carver Is at present the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Harold Roberts at their beautiful sum mer home nt Glenburney on Lake George Mr. Carver has gone to Arizona on a business trip and will not return 4 until, September 1. Mrs. F. Boas nnd her small daughter have arrived In Cape May and will bo guests at tho Hotel Chalfonte for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Bancroft Mellor, 3103 West Coulter street, Germantown, are spending tho summer in Capo May. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin D. Page havo opened their cottage, 803 Stockton avenue. Miss Theodora Clark, daughter of Dr. James Clark, of Baltimore, gave a bridge yesterday In honor of her house guest. Doctor Clark occupies ono of tho old cot tages on Stockton Row. which have be come popular with Baltlmoreans this yenr. Mr. and Mrs. E. Spencer Miller. 3d, Mr. nnd Mrs. Joel Cook Huber and Miss Alva, Snrgoant motored to New York on Mon day. They will spend a day or two at the Waldorf-Astoria, and upon their re turn will have ns thotr guest Miss Anna Steele, of New York, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cannon nnd their threo lovely children, of Concord, X. C are spending August at tho Stockton Villa, as la their wont. They will be ex tensively entertained while here. Honorable, Persistent. bcliool. hnter any time. Lafayette nulldlng, Philadelphia. enn jiuiuui iiumunjr. STRAYE1VS BUSINESS COLLEGE lll make exceptionally attractive ofter thla ueek to any persoa desiring a business education 801 to 807 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. SIVAUTHMOHE. PA. Swarthmore Preparatory School HWArtTUMORE. PA5 Catholic Education Do you want reliable and comprehensive information re garding the many convents, academies and colleges of the East? Our Catholic School Expert has personally visited these in stitutions of learning. He has studied them at close ra"nge and is conversant with their plans and methods, of instruction. The environment peculiar to each school has been given careful attention; in fact, every point has been taken up so that the information is at once personal and complete. It is a difficult matter to secure this information from a catalogue and select the desired school or college to meet the peculiar requirements of each boy and girl. f You are invited to discuss your school problems with the Ledger man who knows. Make an appointment with himby ojau or phone at LEDGER CENTRAL at any time convenient to you. Know ing tile kind of training needed, general location preferred and expeus Itaiit, fcy a ouk procM af elimination the ide! school dusired suit ooi develeji and assume st dhnit name atiil location. Tbis service is abso lutely free. Educational Kureju LEDGER CENTMi Broad d Clwsijaut Swt 111
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