W( SHORTAGE SPEED WAR'S END Walnut, Best ior nine Grows ocarce ana gyiyia CElXKn-PHirAPlSlGPHIX WEDNESDAY, AP&TTBT '4, 19;i&: 9 Mounts. i1 . . ...... rmnt which to make it ,omY- "-"V , -.,.. of 'SSnaMon of the Eurdpenh .' lorfll flrcarma mamifnc- Fi Mhermen Ulnck wnimit. trio W " -.1". -J mn v. fltninB re """ ... a!-. hU. ,f Marlr WTa"i.. nri lumber that fed for I "??".' JAM Iu' iin ii tenn TIimo It mhVwatofmurtel.wMl 8?B P ,J h future SeWi said to bo a cood aubstl ClfW walnut, but soma countries KS!M . . .... hlrxhwnnil In nun l? "L ",: ln- If mav b.A . nnthlnu. according to the SroOJM" I tffuA several European nations MK8& 14 haVe aeni orders to nun ;wo than 160,000 walnut rino fthis lumber wilt havo to be iejih the wood, at Ha present ("' .... AAUtnfhlSil .rttra Smout Moreover, the rnnnufnc- it . A...t.lKlt--.i4 ?-.- liatHfT wifcty are prumuueu m. uomic, ilM . ...1. .. f .. . .1 t M ..Nlllhl. HSU to be a rush order, and It E ,.., mnv bo forced to jjjaisn ""- W- ... -. u. KN ......an, A PA DIUIHI 1U1 HMD lilCILL S&ws lumber doalera say that Wlyj black walnut has been gS tor some time. Others say the Kwr of rifles manufactured for IWSnU Thas exhausted tho supply. teM? reon, according to local ltan-ier. l that German ngenta SSLrftt ill the available walnut dur- v?Srff f th0 war and sm'.'L. -..wlnnrl for the mnk- ?Si II t the Fatl.eno.na iur mjniw Fi iim for the reservists, n ima iK'itwllt elve Germany a great nd rCrthe Allies, In so far aa S w nlM8 th0 wftr comoa SSs.kmni ending. VUSif"'" CLASSIFIED RATES -i.t- AND SUNDAY ' K. .. i t T - T u n T, F. B $?&" TTPE (or like this) i-JitHio- 150 per line IS SMrttoni n a week. . .-.12Ho per In. iSS MMMUtlve lniertlons..l0o per line te,..ntl. three Inser- . UffitoiiMrt I0 ir,,M jS!ZE TYPE (or like this) 'sSife!! In ill claulflcatlons except Help WW Wanfta. Loit and Found. Per- &r?'' a noom': ... .2oc Mr im. iffliiirtloni In a week. . .tlTAc per line E.wKv. ln.rtlon...lCo per line r!i . hd on acata meaaurement. tttitlllMlW the Inch. lOMBINATION RATE nin.Y ONLY Srtloni III toth the morning and evnlnff et itm u?: PUBLIC LEDGER (MORNING) EVENING LEDGER (EVENING) 15 tour cenli Mr lino net to ratea given linva. HELP' AND SITUATIONS WANTED ADVERTISING IN IHE PUBLIC LEDGER IS IN SERTED IM THE EVENING LEDGER WITHOUT ADDI- mM CHARGE. Kurt is a drug store near your .BfflSpt will accept Ledger want HjuMice rates. IHHJ? WANTED FEMALE fUSttlt) Wanted and Situations Wanted tfrtrtWM hstrtrd In IA Dailu Public Ltigtr kjifftM '" "" Evening Ledger the earns lt t-Mint aJdlllonat charge.) r5fjIRS Ball fringe f.r.lthtn wanted, to a or name, none out experienced need fir. F. W Maurer & Sona Co . WaviK tinnd Drlltol at.. J 500 North, half anuare w mrmamown eve, TOr6MAN-Ui)at be thoroughly experl M m tllk undcraklria. Samuel N. Maglll. t. jotp ana uauownui ata. KQSIJRTtnuufer toppers wanted on full fnAh. ganu, aUo loopera on lace work. Thomas WH Kwltrf Co . Jaapcr and York. HtlSEKEEPIt-Renned woman for epart- t"i5 1l0,t biy" public experience. - wviH wimi. IfttDWORX, ienira.1- Experienced colored gBMt ba flfA eiaaa.rMiii7nn Columbia. g.0aRAPHCRS 8TENOOHAVHEftsTr !?? " n iMrtailnr demand for flrit "'."rUnced glrli If yqu are not Iiui5j with your preaent poaltlon, or kW are aetklnc a good one, either lS.MSl "r '"oporary, eee Mlaa Dean. ,W Ctntril. aj once ahe will help ;iWLr?',.L.a. ana put yu ,n ouch ff ffek S I.a A FUEBl BEnVlOH LUOOEH ADVEHT1SERS ?TW flSrSi! ?J WCT7 ior permanent poaltlon. Aft !J?..welI"elu.ca",1 tactful and re ESHC? reijulrlnr cloao attention S H eit city credentlala rathap than Ml linarlana. . ;". ..w7" ! c" tot permanent position r ' "- i-ivucuiiaia ramor uurrianna u-iii i.A u . tgmonthrv c nwt Ledger Ofnce 4 VrfV -mVViTAWT. for houaa ! M4 nya with rhlMrn n nt.n.Ma aWftW!?W'. Apply If I'M row" .. . !- - EfrTMSft . .iliiL ): i'Pi-X- .DUr gilEPHONE J S45. LJ3D. CENT. 4..n .a '. kui. "M ,IM permanent pealtlon. vacancies tbla week In m:!ey vr'nla end PlttaburBh. imtiM.TIC iu,..""nJ.."1. "'5? ib fween ji snd lt railroad fare r!" .. iiakiun. I Tour hi..i...,r. . i t. ..". income; a large g la' tedter Central. OEKL WANTEDMALE 2i!i!rrMan l? take hargo of atTr ii now care oi soiii- r7F:..;u'"- rexwenca. ntM rw ...k...k. i.-...! i nlLr.r' T"?"J-'y' I'f"i tTT- S sivp reierenoe. aq w. granch. 2d and Cambria. WMte Proteatanta, for plice aod cooking good reference i irainmn qince, iw Liaan Jpijr wedneaday. between 10 ATlVt A lara and aueeeaaful wrapany 0f this State, torn Li'i?..00''01" health and a- &" Zi",r ' " rnueu baww if JSrtU r cclde'" ooraoanlaa I Wnlty A orevleua kaowladce K,fi? "J?"" . he ai. atinV..' hwwucim a aaautaa ! man iTi.." pwaia ojiinK hmt - . vuitu up a Buatiur nr;f iiipf iq H 1Iit ii. .,! .-.,..Lu, -nlral " "W1n-M, ..laia.. ifc" .r rUHi nrtn..li. .aa,i Ma. h,V" -'"'"" f" "- li i J i"n c,n naK ws "- active, shout IT un at ofni.a ata.ta wmvaji x- plcture ii jI adger Cagtr; Gtnernl KLf' operate moving plct it, .tlS-, Z?11 lek m.thoda at ren Sri"?' nUHtlon uf ilira a aai.." ""oa.WJrtH 111 lu m ajs" a h,nyey ' WI0H3 WANTED FEMALE SM ,... . 4ti, i i " aniiea i" Ba P,Jl W 821 '-J " "" y i-ierk ij-pJat St ta i I 1 urt l.a U i v'lCrsil V ' .11 I, ,l . P TjAONaVANTED-FEMALE int&f1 vTMea,8"(fJia?n, "i Myj-iSjSaK? ''S,.,xV.M."1?f."y". !lty or --sgLj?i noom 3o. j'u . .poaltlon or suburb", ret Piinlli. taa C99?.. experienced Oerrn.n rr... .7J.:vT: Nnplarl.. . .""." ",iia ..., 3;ijOTr mix uaraen places 16- COOK and rhim.u.M ....... lhni-. fc..ii71" ? tqrea, pi: vil"v lemenrai mis ak C9.'5i Pnn?'hla Dutrh girl, firal eU... mj wi inoumnin Atiniv 011 a.... ' bE??.8A,A.KEri-t idle.' and children'. n N. lift ii "": "Luij- Pet lay. 2S02 1 t nil mand Him, "iV""""!. ntt Class, will ..w. hor. vi iiiunrrv si w.. J. .. . . njonipjafjdsfl D. " mn'n " AURU,t ince Vha.aW, &?. M" - - . ... biiuj ti d yea. ttfMISh........ . ' ' ' I . . I , , -. ' KSSSi housework, no laundry, country rre- tvrtrfc a. .viu. ' lu i.wiin nouee work, or chl dnur Apply bis W, Norm. inf, hiA,.D,or ehlldnurse: 6rman Protein Unjjbcst reference. M B2S. I.g.iter Office. i - - .- -- -" iiuim ituinui liini. wifS'J-JIIlJ! Ko"P.,.lal trajnlng" wlth Invalid or ch dnura. rar i J..i IV ."'"i'.'.M'J..."""'". .l'neB pos n .in f cnuunuraa. rar M axi.Ld.ufC, : " -"niiuiHTi. rat ai im.iiga.uni ajforiJJf2: ePW.of hndl!n detAllt. J e.i. 1 Aeail Era fa- fanrna 1 STENoanAPHEne', DookKEErEnn fj?'1 'J5RKs"ta furnished through the COMMBItCIAb DEPARTMENT at ledger Central. When you are In need of a competent office aaslitont write or telephono "MISS DEAN." Walnut 3000, and prompt attention will be given your request rhl; la a free service to Ledger advertisers. DOAltDtNQ BAl.TtMORB AVE ,448 tatge, eeet bar-win. roem op Tark, ete. besrd Bating Jl6 J. gee pnoio at ijeoger uentrai. BROAD, B., ItO (The Oraharn) Cool and at trallte turnlahed reemai all rnodrn eenven lenttsexttl. table beard i hotel etrv.8 T up LEIflQM. W., 18t3-15-Baullful roomr, with ViAnrrl! niv m.hiimimi UkAn. 11a. Caoi bfhuce, ima-BO-Zd floor room, louthun ex poiure. choice table board Walnut T2i8 w. sntlJCE, 122i-2S (DrHmonde)-Furn. rocirsl .single, en suite; private batl).j table boar.. 214S N. PARK AVfi -Newly furnKhed sMgle rooms for gentlemen with board; rates rery .reaionable --Bell. 02-tS Diamond. PP.UCEt.YN. 36s Boulh .lit et-Mlss B. M, iiAniiiti, tormetly or cneitnut st. WALNUT, 45.11-iM-noor rooms, with board! near L. euuthem expoiure, refa. exchanged. Suburban TWO GENTLEMEN can have large, tool, 2d floor rooms, with bonrd. In refined pmate family near cltyt several ncrea, old shade, flneat lurroundlngs. treah eggs, milk and ve.etaMea!garage.r,80 Lcdger0ince. OAK LANE AVE.. T0.1-tirge, attraet roomr. In. or com t large porch; lawn, Oak Lane 138 W. OVEnnROOK-lXXtt Drexel roadt boarding, tennli, awlm'g pool, rbone Ovetbrook iKKXI. Seashore OCEAN CITY. N. J. Hotel Henry-Home com. forts, bountiful table; 0 up; bvard and room. APARTMENTS WALNUT. 1411-Very attractive apts. 2 rm , bath, also single room and bath, (urn or un furn s excellent location; lit-clasa service. 1'nnne Hpruce S3, or apply to janitor, 8TEN0QRAPHLl would like poaltlon where neatness and accuracy would be appreciated; "u"p" pumrn reierence. li uua, Led on, STHNonnAPimn ...... ,t.......i.. r:; -. ..k..., eac.., ttiuiuuBilljr rj.(CII cneed In law and real eetate; clever comey ancer; will eubitltute. J 132, Ledger Central SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AUDITING Vacation time may be a good time to have your books audited; advertlier Is thoroughly competent to render beet serv ice C 138. Ledger OnV. BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly exp , will audit ac counts, open, cloae and write un books, day or owning; mod, terms. B 401.J,edger Omce. BOOKKEEPER Young man. 31; mer0 years' exp,; beat ret. J 341. Ledger Central. BOYS B0Y8 Many energetic, brlgnt BOYS and GIRLS who come undr our care are now aallable for omce, hop or fac tory work. NO CHARGES. JUVENILE WORKCRS1 BUREAU 1607 ARCH Telephones, Race 8337, Spruce 0147. CHAUFrEUR Young-manwantspoltlon to drive Ford; private famllv; flrst-claaa refer ence; willing to make hlmcelf uaeful C 234, Ledger Omce CHAUFFEUR. 0 yeara" exp, desires position driving private or demonatratlng Ford or wnevroiet care it aT, Ledger central CHAUFFEUR wanta altuitlon In private fam ily, or touring; thorough knowledge of re- pairing. reference c 201, Ledger omce. CLERICAL POSITION Young man, 17, with Oliard College training J 285, Ledger Cen. GARDENER, charge gentleman's place; rella ble, all-round man; care grsmhoute, Block. u zau, meager umce HOUSEMAN Nippon Jin as good plain cook, would like position, small family; has beat .iiy rcterciii-g. i , .iuj vine at. PRIVATE SECRETARY or hotel service, ste nographer, typist, bookkeeper, telegrapher, wants pos Add. E. M. Stirette. Concord, Mate SALESMAN wishes position, selling new on socond-hnnd aulos, 12 years' best reference. J 342. Ledger Central. SALESMAN Seven years' experience, joung and a hustler; will start low, J S47, Ledger Central. SALESMAN ( am). thor. familiar with city and up-Stata trade, unqueat. refs C 301 Led Off. SECRETARY-STENQGRAPHER-Young man, high school, business college education, ;xp niiiimiuug .u oil, euijer vciurm STENOORA-PHER office assistant, -4 years' -xp ; rapid, accurate. H 810. Ledger Central. STENOGRAPHER-CLERK, 10. with 3 leara' exp ; railroad, bank. J 257. Ledger Central STENOGRAPHER Young man, evening work only, rapid and accurate. H 014, Led Cent. YOUNG MAN. high school' grad., 4 its.' bank Ing exp.. desires change to com'l house, with opp. of advancem't. excel ref. J 310,Led,Cent, YOUNO MAN, steady and reliable, wants out side position, experienced at collecting and investigating, u z-'a. Leaser uince. YOUNG MAN. 22 Glrard College graduate, four years' clerical experience, dealrea poal tlon Inside or outside J S P.. 2029 N 8th at. I HAVE HAD 2 years' experelnce In detail end of the advertising buslnets and would like to hear from sn agency I. (101. Ledger Off AUTOMOBILES For Bale ONB LATH MODEL BUICIC In good running condition; make a good paisenger or Jitney .n lOOl n.lmnnl nvtt Tt.lmnn, Itft UUB I.WII A.." . ...-. ... wm FORD TOURING for sale; Just overhauled; new top, new tires. 208 Flanders Bldg. CARS PAINTED. J 10 up. Royal Chemical Company, 8310 Vine at. AUTO LIVERY AND OARAGES TO HIRE Touring car. by the hour or day; a p ec lai raiea ior iriy. rupiAi aaq. NEW 0-CVL. AUTO to hire; would Ilk. to havo lone trip. OTTO. Tioga 8172. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED CHAUFFEUR TO. INVEST 500 In 0 pasenger bus lines In New Jer.sy. sal try 175 Per month. Room 307. 18 B. 7th at. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY HEMSTITCHING. 10 cents yard, Al materials A REICHA1ID. 11U CHESTNUT ST. PICTORIAL I REVIEW-PATTERNS DRESSMAKING taught, short, prac. MaoDonell. 307 Denckla Bldg..Ulh & rnurte. Market. FOR SALE CASH REGISTERS, new and second-bsnd; to. til adSri as low as MO. on easy monthly Daymenta; all registers sold by us fully guar aSieed! .The National Cash Register Co.. 7HO Chestnut st. mi LIARD nool. combination, lid-hand bought. told: renteJ. exch'd. Ke.fsr, I28 Glrard ave. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS nr vR!t.l'IANO. little used, high grade, se- PfcoWB not... muale rolls. mOnyc.bl. prtv. fam.. must leave. Add. W. Wl N Ttn. STORAGE MILLBOURyB BTORAGE CO- 22 IN . BelmonteBaa. Carpets cleaned West 42 an. n. ROOMS POR RENT JUST THE ROOM YOU WANT Can tloes ar. Cen mvtm frmxwI- olwam bath 8inl Mau t ""--:-- -t- bjssrrnsssa "U .rv auasttod jou would, asa 2? vaS deals 'intelUgtatly. Ire. sV.dtibt h N MIS AitractlvJy vtiy (uiw.--. ma. pftoae. wD?giK-js gxxmv-L SifTW- 4t - Nicely. lua sr -. wt .aw-Aivr" beevutUul urrouaai rj" ...m i.i wm ..n furw froBt r UI.Iaii rouBis. u; rfBOcf; gle or lie or gWftfttt'Ti ennunualcattPg rssr- rusot J5PRUC Ki luhaue Wll .1" Hn WTH frinl vhoLu a 13TH N BittSAt. J5TM S i vrVT 'lb WITH N tuils U !"? '."7.7a wt""- -- TiTBWt W. iuitfuW ?" water. teMcltMoiSKzz. io-Atteslrabie furnmiea "ffift- it. mmlanll "" "rw-r iauer U20 WJS ! j- ..J!rrk..,iAA.kiig. oaw c .r Cotra ate U11I -w-"r t- . . imv syww-"" -i, i maau MMB sh JfffsmsSS''SRt VBTw .a.r 'ZZ---rz.ca- uafus- t,OUv .?- 7jiJ3!r5Zh. iSne T.L .-: ."V.-TTrtw- froat roo. 31 two "', .:rnj Dboo T-ffiSreSK1!!!: :,;r T'55 MtW-r -S e.-r-iS.pToi 8 Newl, ru"4- e-Stril r.M fttot room fttr " BPR1NG GARDEN. 1910-Excellent ipts. In 8 . different homes, some turn,; kitchenettes West Philadelphia BALTIMORE AVE., 6211-Attractlve 3 rooms, porch nd hsthroom. unfurn ; light and heat Included. $17 a month. Photo, at Led. Cent, Tioga 22D, N.. SOOI-Two up-to-date alrllght apart menta of 7 outside rooms, facing .1 streets, located ncsr Tioga suitable for doctor's or dentist's office. Bonnem. 22d and Somerset. FURNISHED APARTMENTS LOCUST, 1318 Elcgsnt apartments. 2 rooms, private bath, also single rooms. Wxl 7003 W. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS POPLAR, 1322 Attractive housekeeping apts., 2 and 3 rooms, bath, kitchenette, modern conveniences. Apply 1004 Land Title Bldg, 2JD AND PINE 8TS.-DE LANCET APT3. New, light, 4 to 6 rooms, 1 and 2 baths. kitchenette; central location. Apply Janitor. DrAMOND. 21123 rms . bath, kitchen, sot water heat; ref.; 2d Door. (25, 4 rms, bsth, kitchen, all cor rms . $33 Diamond 1313 W, West Philadelphia THE RUTLAND APTB JU8T COMPLETED LOCUST ST , 34TH TO 55TH ST. 0 and 7 room apartments, with all the latest conveniences, fJi.W) to Hi per monm. ROBERT A, PITTS, AGENT Bell phone, Belmont 44J3. 5443 Locust at REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY 8 GUARANTEED. We have a special proposition which we would like to present, having a real estate Investment' basis, on which wo will g"nraniee principal ana interest J ,iB, Lodger centra i MODERN HOMES OVERLOOKING N. E. BOULEVARD $3050 JOSEPH A BLAIR, BLDR.. 4323 N. STH. 104(1 N. 0TH ST. A real bargain to quick purchaser three story, eight rooms, good order: largo yara W. H. HOOD. B12 Norrle at. 435 BERKS ST. 8 roomi. all convonlencea only $2400. W H. HOOD. 512 Norrta at. REALTY and Inaurance brokera. Albrecht, 373 ........ i'm.4 m.i w r.i.m ... UIBICI Ullt . .. ... M.t.., .v. Perm nntown MOST BEAUTIFUL AND UNIQUE SITUA TION IN OERMANTOWN. wiannhttknn ave above Carnenter at. New house and garage, over an acre, adjoining and overlooking l airmouni rant, u it. r.icn ols, 821 Chestnut st. Phone Lombard 4200 Chestnut Hill NEW SALE AND RENT LIST READY Pelham, Mt Airy and Chestnut Hill PELHAM TRUST CO , 8740 Oermant'n ave, Logan LOOAN REAL ESTATE SALE RENT AND EXCHANOE M. M. Smith, Broad it . opp. Logan Station, MAIN LINE. PA. It. It. Haverford BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE of the late Thomaa P. unter- sltustd at the corner of Montgomery ave. and Booth lane, containing about 14 acres. OIRARD TRUST CO. NEW JERSEY Camden, N. J. Jia MONTHLY BUYS brand new 7-room houie ,.a niw. a.. a.-, nhllA f.prv hath. heaterV'porch. Urge yard. hada .un g.rd.n .. rniri.n.. u.iv vaiw hua aw.. or cnicxena, jinco tnw wa... ,yi, DRAKE. 123 Market at.. Camden. N. J. Colllngawood, N. J, T.ROOM HOUSE all convenience! ; price 12500; elsh $300; balance as rent: 5c. csrfsre to Phlla.' close to schools and churches. Partlcu tars. da. Llpplncott A Borf.Colllngswood.N.J National Park, N. J. BUNOALOW'S, J100 caah. $10 monthly! lota 25 tISO near trolley; conv. to river: National Pari Get off Red Bank ave.. see agent wth k.. Greater New Jersey Co . 33 8. 18th. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS WeaWtfoS'..'. .".'ream? .'!. toronv'Jpl.n..ndroil.y. ,11.000. lilt Walnut at., Philadelphia. Don't rorget inn Aiuiimgi Z. apres Poultry plant and fruit farm: MMeVla vision; mile Phlla.; $278 per ...Including everything. A. D. IIEA LD. 'West Chiller. Pa. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTEDNear I porch-front, 8 or 0-room liwser hot-water heat, good order, for 3 "?!?... Zi.r.i. rant. DoweMlon September, L 6V Ledger OI.tV REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY $"12-Na W'IMLBT. ,8 nOOMS :li.75uiivaii,. T rooms, B. and It. every (wnrenifnt;. JlsIeM Vorrls. T rooms. !.aZm84 Fourth. 8 roooms. evsry convenience, f v v II HOOIJ, Pi norri. ihwi. fvyyiTES. PC8INES8 IIOO1S. ETC. voi, BLDO DFFI01T6 Aiidual H.BtalsC p5B5iftoor $100. $120 singl. rms.,$J60,$rf:i, Sff.Tms. $1M, 1M. $178. $2An.25 $S). iu !2' I fS!" $oo $Ja ioo. Jtso.Jsoo Imo. uiV iuUsJ 2 tb 10 rooms. $800 to $1673. ffiyrf. n 1LLIAM8 580 far.x.1 Bwlldlng. CEHMANTOWI TrnACTIVB 8 story lide-y.rd houas, over. ATR.Mannelm Cricket dub, 11 rooms and Bfo. a7 A!fi,' .S.1"ion WS. f'tfs.'eTpSraia.lM. Key iti wf HaSb.rry ? JV..trtiArn. at.. uwM-iiirin. MAIN LINK. PA. K. B. Wynne wood. Pa. FOB THE MAM WJICTHAS AN AUTOMOBILE HOUSB a MANOR ROAP WYNNaWOOD, PA. wm&'msEftm top WSMWSTJK,W M0raAaa ' uon$x rem oituaie soo $ i mo $1200 ft SOO IHIU ssooo f, M. sa. m Aiuu sir. u . ... . : . "i f ' i' ' ' " i i.i . , ,. i 1 , i. . .... , , 1 .,'V,, ' 1'a1a'i. Jl rKjw Jr jltfr tmtlStt(fa,Ttori IffiVI 111 I AJCTsa. VtsssiBSSsit tkasaBBBBBBBBBS.MliiiBBBBBsvVjklt' Z3MiwfwSHP V Why are you so angry at Georgo nowadays? - " ' . "" ""v. - V Well, he said ha'd die If I didn't marry him. I V ? S" ' That's nothing; unusual. ' "r -.., Well, but he didn't. t Wc Love Thla iIan DID IT EVER HAPPEN TO YOU? USTCH BDWE TWsiL i 1 cUfvA .' I .ITEDDY. H0WI ' Ottiwou. wmi tiui-TCU lrj, . a, , dALL YDO FOR lrf4n WAjl Mt STM.L WEt!.? , . jSr y pMtVKHVCTf 1 rfwk $em -b&PzfzJii ffifrt&&?&js !mk aitwf vjppds mm ix, t.Ata .... . , wl'l mm&zxgK "sii.rri MMbMM 1 ' ' i I i.i i i . i. iJ b. i"i ii i is..Aliew eMl.. 15 r saiaismifti m-jiiim 3C " t ' SCRAPPLE -d n iWw fj THE Wrtoi ' vVANTS "ibUTO USTEN while! he CHtS UP AVNE. Ills Definition Teacher Can any of you explain the meaning of the word "bachelor"? Robert A bachelor la a very happy man. , Teacher Why1, Robert, where did you learn that? Robert My father told me. v Hardly Worth Mentioning Aeronaut I expect to take a few books with me, ns the trip la likely to be a lone one Reporter They'll be useful for bal last, too, I presume. Aeronaut Not In the least. I shall take nothlntr but light .fiction. Ex-change. u W ""M " ...,(M;ta0fl rwvnv- j Kh.. A. il 4.a r runch. Choleric General (whose staff has been keeping a safo dlstanee)-Now then, gentlemen, what are you following me about for Ilka a dashed string of aau sages f -AND THE WORST IS YET TO COME i I SD im ffnrnnfnnrn- V "V k I v!,., "!."- ' '.!. Wtl 3 ( . . aA - . . -tv m .W4r --. -ffia. :- f A rijdrjy- & Hi MMy-U The Tatler. Lady (from town, staying at country Inn) to domestic How plainly you can hear the cuckoo down here. That's the bird that doesn't bother to lay Its own eggs, isn't It? THERE'S A GREAT DIFFERENCE BETWEEN OHMERCyMCl fa to sentry1, did T STtPOHYclR Foot ? oh t Tits MDUH pardonI Say OLt)HCKS!llrtto4H MftWAKTiTME WHDLE, catjTIa Hitraer; mfiiAOiworr, x Hope. He HAS -lt.0RHS THlNp; III, 1 1 I I ' ' ' 1 ' II S tjl Pi T W-5 M FfHlLTl t FNvv!V' A m LAfeMlwHvlWDJl?f itliliirTri tWtI ?T1 VCUlAUOWMljjgajT W Ob tj Jj . u'"fllitC II ill..! V .H ' J- i in" ai.ui . 111. '1 m .ML.' All ' 1 1 . L al.lMrVAJhniD I 1 I - ' VtliMnJ'WtWimrl I ' ' -'I to ouftHTToRlOEIMr i ISaiSTI f&mL AFReiaHTCAR.; ak ca r. vvSjA i4 tJET A5n&.oui.aii A.as j j f J r3MHLD CROSS WS0M ST. Tfe HaTM r" aeifm s 'wnrcur-inewiNiH.'jKm H ri!iKlAiSx"w' w gag sea t. ' " ssalilsMlMfe'' asar"vil "3 '' Si ',' fmirnir t twak tMt, meat U nU4t Proprietor - PrUp so, saiuD, Vut that mtit cama frm a j,rts tsvenb and u m, hav been paitiul oa SHM-h Ilimoi buea. 1 st, ibai our Sa51ux)U am tiettlstg practical at Mat" "stew joi? LJ On tolly(t a i4d brteVfe na sau!!! jivij trftiuti i iis !.'.. i.jiii ' -J&tis.a vity JvaiOAi, m ',.l''JU SSTi - fc4 VI 4. - ..AitajaKiu.jl4Afliii.,irfji i4TH S .. .. hi i -n i 'iflfiTaiiitiffl.--""i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers