1 ' "mwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtwmmmmikkkkkw jiwium,. wtmmjmnt ?.I.G PQEB-PHILAD13Ll?HIAt WEDNESDAY, AFOTTST 4. 1915. 11 P VANCE. IN PRICES OF STEEL PLATES AND BARS STIMULATED INDUSTRIAL STOCKS Ieel stocks soar IN LIVELY SESSION ilchcm at New High Record. Equipment Issues in Strong rjemand. w YonK, Auk- 4,-UrRenl domaml b'J::-.. r ih Industrials mnrked the m dlm In Wall Street this morn 4 rt.tldphem Steel wnn the sensfttlonat Star the stock opening up 10K points "rW find then Belling at 286 on tho M translations with n further gain to imiklnir tho new high record. There L to bo no limit to the height this Ik can climb, but It l a rich man's Side nt oln qtiotntlons. The prlw JAlWk btlmv !f0 berore ll,a ena or tn0 fi&llfornlft Petroleum was another strong S advancing mora than 3 points, while SfmibUe Iron nd Steel. American Can, ?....., car and Foundry and Crucible eiMl all rod Point ' nioro each. A !"),,. of ihe railroad shares developed ittenstn. "'. ""V.i.: I V .wl J-. "-y absorption of United States Bteel. .. :.IH.mnt nt nil ndvnncn nf a rlnl. Si Atmvw' ..-- -- . "flar ton ,n nc 'erica ot plates, snapes anu nars caused v. further vigorous buying movement to develop In t'. 8. Steel and other equip, ".-t luuea. In the early afternoon Beth lehem Steel rallied again from Its mid j.,. .ttck. tPjtimates of the probable earnings of fh 8teet Corporation for the last half if M5 ran as high ob tSO.OOO.OOO, which jould mean a surplus for tho period liter preferred dividends of moro than 1(1000,000. This led to tho belief that divl lends would be resumed In the autumn. licltawanna steel jumped lour pomia ind American uar anu j.-uuiiuij iiuuny .-.vw,rfch. Steel crossed 70 In tho final liallnga. the highest price In two years, tad shorts found It difficult to cover. Crucible, Steel Jumped to 74 and Utah 'copper was also buoyant. Prices held ttcidr to the close. Bethlehem roso b'JM. w . rWhilS SC0CK3 liavo UUOII UUVtlllVlIltf It.tMW. bond prices have tended down- wifl The averago quotation of 25 rcprc uniitlre railroad bonds is now nt tho liiett level since tho reopening of tho tubings. Tho decline during tho past ninth was over half a point, bringing tho tierig down 77.2C5, As compared with i( average before tho effect of tho war vu felt In tho Investment market. It Is 'tsv off ov;r 7 points. Aa compared with the list prices at which these 25 rcpro- ttnOtlvo ranroaa Donus soiu Dcroro tno Stock Excnange ciosea on juiy m a year jo, toe avcrigo is now on tnree points. New York Stock Sales Last close, lllsh. Low. Close. 33H mi "2)4 fS)i 58H COH 3.1X .17(1 70JI S3 53 69 31 30t 70H 58 6Gt BS'i 105H 10S) OVi COM 02K 14714 UHH M7M sin am son 7H 714 7)4 35!f 3i 35 2H 21 21 Aiisica oold Mines. . 33U Allti-Chaim Mm 3714 AlllvChalm Mfj pref. 7H4 Am Atf Chemical.... fis Am licet Sugar. 57 Am Can ,-.ni aSJJK' ,0) 100 ".m wi .vcuunarj. ... on Am Coal rrodncu ....147 Am Cotton Oil 521 e Am II Ho & Leather... 7tf AmllldoftLprcf.... 35 Am Ice SeetirltlM or aS HUS3 i ,2-' 12) H 1214 Ara J.lnsced pref am 31 31 3I tmwiiin o!1 mi' C5' MJ iStw.l55e.f,v S"" 8 WSi SOU Am Mesl Foundries... 41! 43i( 42 J3! Am Sugar jtefinetles...lou 109J4 lOSlf 1UH). 'JS S."?.r f Pf 113 "' iiw "W ViL "" Iza 1A1 122 122 'mi uuaccu ..... , Am Woolen...... , Anaconda Copper.. Atchison T4SF. llsldwln Loco llaldwln Loco orof ll.iltlmoro & Ohio MI'i Halt & Ohio pref 70'i STORAGE BATTERY HEAVILV BOUGHT 220 227 227 227 25 27 SOU 27 71IJ4 7M 7014 71 ioi 10m isr; 10m u h0)4 70M 1W)4 103 103 Sill" S0V4 o;4 701 S iicuiichcm steel 208 200 278!f iuuukij 11 nap j rans . . so bUH h(J Dutto ft Superior OS 0M( 07H Ca Petroleum.. 15H 10 17 Cal l'elroleum pf 38H 40 88 Canadian Pacific J45U 145V4 144 Cent Leather Co 41)4 43 41f viicsapeaKO oc unio ... 4H 4 42)4 -ninu .opppcr.. Chicago Ot West... .. Chicago at West pf.. cm ilia P.... CM Mil & St Paul.. Chi & Northwest.... Col FucL & Iron.... Consolidated Ua3.... Continental Can Corn Troducts ltef. . Com Prod ltef pf... crucibio Steel. 46H 11)1 30 10W 82)f 4054 12 20)4 17 S2U 4M 1U4 29! 4 101J SUi isO 10) mt 70J4 200 8l)!f Oflf 17)4 38 MIX 42J4 42' 40)4 11!S 20)4 ItiJi 814 .123)4 123)4 123)4 123)4 40)4 41( 40 128J; 12W4 128 78f 80J4 70 . 15 15 16)4 80 S0)4 80)4 'U4 45i 72 NEAV YORK CURB Kn.Zlae mrJ! , .-: : irtiliU'Amtrlean Tobacco old . . iruun-American iouhcco now rljitrli. lloflt Ki;ulr Boat rfd KoMtdd Consolidated mine uaimnta ;mc't Copper 'RftM . i8!h Valley Coal Salea loliilnic ' 'tis Elevator ills Elevator rrcrcrrcd lVr-Hecman terllnr Hum ....J..... SNicco lTolueti '.tt.A fl... R,nA nlted Clfar Btorta preferreil . . altrd I'roflt Bharlni new r'orld Film akon Gold BAiNK CLEARINGS tank elearlncs todav comnarc with corre- Ken4Ug day last two years: K&. A inir. iftu mi. tSElrtoiiia 2T.r,-n.s !2,.-sr.,m(i $2uvi',i)(i IMh... vfi.iTy.wKi xsniT.n"4 2H 2Kd.n-0 X...3io.uai.iun lu.l,CI3,12l 24T.157.UUU '"AJJ1 SB! iiwVwii. Hid. Aakc.l. . &r4 savi "5K .. U'.4 .. 10 . .40'. ..405 "Mi .. a.; :.-ioon .. .r.U .. o.i(5 .. n .. 2 .. R0 ..100 ..107 .. 2 .. as .. 21.4 n w in 4in 41.1 1H 42 :'. 10V4 72,J US (VI 10.1 lit! 2 1 2'K Crucible Steel pf 10,'J 103 102 uiDan-Am Sugar 110M 100)4 100 uistillcrs Securltloa.... 28X 28)4 27)4 I'ome Mines 2Uf line Erlo 1st pf Fed Slln ft Sm. .. Ocncral Electric. General Motors. 21)4 27)4 41)4 251 ( 40), 128)4 SOU 15)4 80)4 73)4 102J4 100)4 27)4 21K 27)4 41)4 28)4 Goodrich U F Co. Great Northern dI Gt N cfs for oro prop. 41)4 uuggcnncim liipl.... Illinois Central Inter Agriculture Int Harv Corp N J. . Int Con Corp Int Con Corp pf .... Inter-Met vot t c... Inter Met pf Inspiration Copper... Kan City Southern... Lack Steel Laclede Gas Lehigh Valley Maxwell Motors. 215, 27)4 27)4 42 J2) 28 28)4 172 174 172)4 174 181M 181U 181 181 62M 52)4 62)4 62)4 118)4 110)( 118)4 110)4 42)4 11)1 42 03 KMi 03 KiM 104J4 103)4 103J4 103)4 OK 10 10 10 104H 100)4 104)4 10(1 21 21)4 21M 2P4 75)4 75)4- 74U 74 H 21J4 20J4 Price Bid Up on Tnlk" of Sub stantial Earnings Large Dealings in Steel. Electric Stornso Battery was again a leader of the Philadelphia market today, making a new top price for tho year on buying by houses usually regarded as be ing close to tho management. Oooil nrca- cnt earnings and anticipation of benefits to coino If the proposed expansion of this country's submarlno fleet nctually takes piaco wcro uie stimulative factors. Tho Street even talked of an Increase In the . dividend, but this was not regarded ns 1 likely to occur In the near futuro, at any ' rale. As the rate Is 4 per cent, on par of , 1100. at S8 the stock yields nearly 7 per ! cent., white, for Instance, Ucthlehem 1 Steel, splllna at five times tho price, pays nothing, ami United Slates Steel, 10 points higher, yields nothing. ' t'nlted States Steel was actively bought I at advancing quotations, while Email 1 gains woro established In Cambria Steel, Baldwin Locomotive. Heading and Gen eral ABphatt. The usual dividend wn declared on the preferred stock of thu latter. The heavy trading In Steel continued through the afternoon. Cambria got ac tlvo also. The Keystone Telephone Issues nlsu developed strength, as did Crnmp3 Shipbuilding and Philadelphia Compnny. Wur order tnlk was tho dominating in. lluottci Irrespective of whether the con cerns mentioned could be adapted to such uses. Tho advance in steol prices, too, was n stimulant to optimism. Bullish tnlk was heard on United f!n Improvement becauso of profits tho com pany Is deriving from sales of certain of Its bl-products at high prices, but the stock was not nctlvo. The trnctlons ruled steady, with Union up half a point. Tlicro is reason to bollovo that penco bus been declared between City Hall and tho management of the company, but the. Jitney problem Is yet to bo solved, and traders are Inclined to leave this group of stocks alone for tho time being. ! HIP" 4 I'll 1 III ' "J&w$K ! Hi tmmm W3 x &M MRPMB3&. J9g 9HBsbV CROP DAMAGE REPORTS SENT WHEAT SKYWARD Heavy Trading in Oats Day's Grain Exports Light. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR MltllAT. rtfelpt, I0S.21R hmh. tM mjtifl nun fairii' ctlv nl with stronger out Urto ndvlirs fcHnn Ho. OtMlattoiit: ISir lou T fniiaiinlltf ln eaport tletntor-No. 2 rnl. tttrv. upot nnd UnUSUaliy ;Auur. I.HW1.1K; No. 2 rcl rUcrnT nw. 1 ji. intri i . no. a Pouinern reti. new. il.nw il.lil. atmincr Nn. 2 red. How, $l.tll.U: No. I a rl. no. l. 1381.11; rpl'cU-l ,. new fl.n4r 1.IO- rrjeetnt 11, new Xt.nZVI.DIi No. 1 North- i ti,, . - .-..11,, I trn IJiiliith old ti.soffi.ni. 4. There was a rally 1 coiin. iitvHnta. unoo hni.li. Thf market ruif.fi firm under small imiipllen nod n tair ilemand. guoliitionn: Car lotn for local trade, THREE BRITISH LOAN CALLS DUE IN AUGUST CHICAGO. Auir. In tho market following the oocnlnu to tiny, and general advances were recorded tt. . !ofo.rtro",? K'i"1 Mn,ln,evl ' "vT,NSaW.,sai,i.l& ,,enm" which (itevnlls. lltisl damage reports, o,T8-ltolt,, lo'.loo I usli Thero were ALBERT E. TURNER Member of tho firm of Harper & Turner, who has just rotumed to the city after n month's vacation. Financial Briefs 1)4 70 . 33)4 1 25 51)f 100 0 34)f 24U 55 102 70 33)4 24 51 101 20)4 70 34 24M 54 102 .143) 143)4 143'f 143M illaMch KiwUfflr, Huci(o!. BATES FOR MONEY Call. ?!S4 . . 1 ayB4 iittiYi ili&a(J Tln-.o. )i a'.4W4 4 mvx 37)f 34 82i 80 15 OH 30 Max Motors 1st pf.... 83)4 Jlxx Motora 2d pr.... 33 Mexican Petroleum. .. . 80 Mex Petroleum pf 7fljf Minn & St Louts 15 Mo Knn & Texas m MSIP4SSM US Miami Copper 20W Mo Kan & Texas pf . . 17)4 Missouri Pacific 2'f Montana Power 4SU National Biscuit 118 Nat CloaW Suit 7:iw 7:1 7:i Nat Cloak & Suit pf . .105)4 100 100 Nat Enamel & S 24)i 2414 24 Nat Lead 05'J 0554 C-Vl Nov Con Copper 144 14't 14)4 N Y Air Ilrako Ill 113 111 NYCemral B0 00)4 S'J)g N Y N II Jt II C3j KM Kl)4 fi 1 u w 09 "8)4 2S)i rionoiK & west... Northern Pacific... North American 70 71 71 Ontario Sll M 3)f 4)4 4M Pacific Mall SOU 30f 344 Pacific Tel & Tel 3 W 29)f 2i))f 30)4 85 33' 4 70)4 SO 15 0)4 tj, FOREIGN EXCHANGE XEWTOrtK, Auff. 4. The foreign exchange tAfis pr epenea witn demand sterling oil oisrun. rrnncs. aiarks. CrtllS .... 4.7'itiy4 B.lHtj Pjmanil. ... 4.7)' S.U3!? 01 ' Llres. 0..1 o.ao I COTTON XZW YORK. Aug. 4.-Ti-adlnjr in cot la'.wss tamo this momlnar. Tho in.. . llfl outset was steariv. win. .ri,A o . HUts'' higher. Tfierowas some selllm? BiEouthcrn accounts; tho buying was itttterija. Weather conditions in the u.were somewhat hotter. Liverpool ,bla were hotti than ua 1 m. "uu uven ox- p th( day wore on tho market became Wonjer. and by 2 n'oln rt-...r pjinj 9 to 11 points above yesterday's Yesterday's PI7 11.113 I). (IT ' W U.1'7 II.ML. iwir . . . itbl! D..M .. U.SU .10.10 11.311 U.Ot 11 A.M. U.Gil U.l'J U.39 lnao A.M. P.7U P.a.-! U.tJt a:JU P.st. U.ifl u.ncs U.Uo Ppnn H It Penna H E Peoples Gas Chi Philadelphia Co.... l'lttsbureh Coal nttsburch Coal pf . Pittsbureh Steel pf . Pitts C O &St L... Pressed Steel Car... Quicksilver Ity Steel Sprint; Hy Steel Sprln'e pf . Hay Con Copper ... Iteadlac Itep Iron & Steel... Itep Iron & Steel pf. . Rumley M ft Co Huntley M & Co pf . . Seaboard Air Line. ... Seaboard Air Line pfd St L&S F. St L&S F2d pfd... Soars. Roe. & Co Sloss-Shef SlICo Sloss-S 8 & I Co pfd. . 85)4 WANCE IN STEEL PRICES rhleifn tnrfav ,. .. . . id leidinr Sr,i " u unnouncea iiy ono i of II )Sal,I"t.of bV Iron 0' an d fclcVsJ ' mal"n 'he quotation t.23 Kfilr.1""" IP.tho Pittsburgh district NJUS m7i(K V,,5 Dirl: tln,e ""1 shapes MKi7t? 'T Ku1d,:.lv!"D. ' equivalent to tSMt an new J. st ." .ua" Pla'ea and ..mTt. ? liQvt UP IT a ton from lh Inw lvu1 H .a japuary. ,-.. HISE IN PIG iron WFghir aus? a ..! ",?. sp-:x' faa- &m ghw. T5mm frorn'ScV o" 88)4 14U 45)4 S34 30 139 , 07 . 62 .. 00) 5t 40K 140 Oi 51 H 03)4 0)4 68 m, wfck- "" for Mc. 0CKS SOFT AT AUCTION iofi:vi.f,.wl,ld ebange wera re. K'i ale of aecurjtlee. St' .iLCi?'ri- J. 5U2. .-c't': .-., iu - bi iiirra iruai nr a ilttlXU- K rlM of Plnt J f Mladelpau Trust aharea. fc&1 l0 Q"!1 November 2 iSrtPSEL..!!.- - -Definite an- '&: "s .ffiiarawtissa: s aft u..ri ." Jpmpany wilt w tb f 3 t t""a th Pa"fl0 0" "f L!!!a'or hU U that the La w I miiTi. 7. l.5! nect on M"M ?j kopfra,V PWl. ' MMl111' Southcra Pacific Southern Ity Southern Ry pfd-. Studebakcr Co-. . . Studebaker Co pfd Tenn Copper Tent Co Tobacco Products pf. Third Avenue Twin City. Rap Tr. Union Das & Paper. . United Dry Goods pf. Union Pacific U S Ind Alcohol U S Ind Alcohol pf . . U B Cast IP & F... United Itys Invest pf. U S Rubber .- U S Rubber 1st pf ... US Steel US Steel pf 1111 112 United Cigar Mfrs .... 41)4 44)4 Utah Copper,. ....... ..00)4 08)4 Va-Caro Chcm. ........ 3UU 36)4 Wabash pf H H WelU Fargo Exprejj... 100 10034 Western Union Tel... Westing K.AM Westlnghouse 1st pf . Wheel iJtLake Erie ... Wheel & U E J Pf Wlllva Overland Wisconsin Central, 30)4 84X 33)4 70)4 8(1 15 0)4 118)5 118)4 11814 201f 20W 0)4 17'i 17)4 1754 2)i 2)4 2)4 4S)4 48)4 4S)4 121)4 12W 121)4 73 100 24 H (V1U UH 112)4 00)4 03H 2S!i 105)f 100 105)4 103 108!f 107)4 107)4 107)4 71 4)4 31)4 20U 107)4 07 116 73 24)5 04 02 69 55)4 3 41)4 DIM 23 119K 44)4 08)4 5M 12)f 14 33 0 5)4 147)4 45)4 00 87).' 14)4 44)4 83M New York Bond Sales 4a. H'Kh Low. Close. II .10Hi . HI ',4 . HHi t.U, .lVl's . I)i . 87 .1111 .100 nuts 11 lui'i tula din H)'i loHj no Sills NIK, 11XIH too lirjuj 11 ah mis HO ... liii- mix uiih .i..inju mat? uuji 4'ill .Sill.. SH.J MlK 1... ,-. ,,.,' 107H 107)4 107H 07 110 73 24)4 04 02 69 55)4 3)4 42)4 91)f 2314 ..14fl)4 140J4 140 43U 44)i 424 08)4 0 12)f 14 ai 0 0 147J4 147 47)4 44 03 83 14)4 4515 M'4 .118 . 74 . 25)4 . 04 91 . 00 52J4 . 3 41 91 23)f . 06)4 5T4 12)4 13'i 33 5)4 5)4 147 43)4 07 116 73 24)4 94 01 08 52 3 41)4 01 23 97)4 5)5 12H 13)4 32)4 0 5)4 01) 87M 14)4 41)4 Kl or M)0.i Amcr Tel clt 4. .'WW) Amer Tel cvt 4',is.. lluiKi Armour Co 4'..... I'iiKio Atchison adj 4s lOoik) do cv 4a lli.Vi iOOU ilo ev 4e 1WXJ luuu) Bait & onto :iHs... 1HHK) do 4 ;nouij do cv 4(s 11(13011 Iteth Slcol rM Ss DOiki llklyn It T 3s 1II1S.. .'lion Cnnadit South 3e .000 Cent It It N J S UL'(i llllXIH t.'hre A; Ohio 41jm Jill 4IHIII Chi ft Rlnl III i. nil if..i viii ti re w joint tn lmf CM M it Ht ! m 3 14STO Clll XI & St ! cv ii IlKHi t'hl M v Ht 1- acn P 140HI Con Qua cv Ca Mir. inoo CumbcrlanJ Tel 3...lir), .VKKl lirl Hul KrulP 4M,s.1lA flow Dlo Secur Ccrp .... M?i ll'UlO l)u I'ont I'own 4!4... Ii.t(i KVli' llrle conv Is Ser A... ml TOfO Krl conv 4s Ser U. . . CHif, 1 WOO 111 Steel deb 4W....87i 100(1 III Central rfd 4s....b7, soon ill cent 4a 1033 W1M 400 Insp cv ret rd pd 0a.IB7(, 1OC0O Interb Jlct 4Vi 73 10IX) Interb It T ref .'.3 0774 10000 Inter Mtr Mar 4V... iw WOO InternI Paper cvt r.. 81 5000 Jap new a ot 4e... 71U 132000 Lacl; feteel 5.1 1030. . . 73H tono l.acletlo lias 1st .In. . .llllVJ 1000 I.k Hh dob 4a 1024... ni'i 1000 l.ch Vol of N V 41'ji. U8U awi Lorlllard B ...100 1000 Loula & Nash 4a UH; 1000 Mo Kan tSi T i'd 4. . Crt'4 .".onoo Mo l'ac 4 as 14WX) N Y C i H ret (Is.. 1014 SOUO do 4"js K7tt 2tl00 .N' Y City 4kl 11J01).... IIS 1MOI do ret 4'a 101T1 1000 X Y O H & V 3a 10Ji .".will N y N II & II Us....lU!i! 130(1 N Y Tel gen 4S4. ... Mil 1WW N Y W C & n 414s. . (ilPi 13iitn Nor West cv ts us l.'l.'di Nor Pa; prior 4a t'O TiMjiiK '.vor Fao aen .is la Ijoo Penna cv :i'4s lomi 3000 Penna 4a tills 1I7!J 2no0ft I'cnna gen ct 44s oTlJ tono I'cnna ct 4!4s 102? sooo Itenftlnsr gen 4s m 30f0 Ilefjuli Cuba 3a n.'1'j li'iimi uock Island rfd 4a... if-'lj VO-x-l. Hock IflJo.t 3a 47 2000 South l'ac cv 4 ROH 2(110 do cv ret f p 3s 10.14 HO 2000 do rfd 4s K4K lf'OCO South Itwy gen Is... 3D 13000 do con Ss UXVj :il!0i Texas Co cv (la UK) 4000 u s Rubber (is 102H WOOD V B Steel 3a 102 (UKil fnlon P.ic 1st 4a lull D2)i .II'OUI do rfd 4a 4.1 4t :)0O Wabash 2d 3a Irflj lilMi 2:1000 Wnb Kqu ct ata 4a.. 13 13 nr.000 Wab.p Ter 1st ct 4i H Vi 1371 IK) W B & M cv 3s w I. .li:i(5 112!i 11000 W E & M CV 3s IV 1. .10314 10314 III 1UH. 1)4 DO luiij W ,P, Mi'fi 101 100 ll'J'j Hi ' :io ll.Vjt lilt), UH) on; 0.-.Vj 11 (iS'd 7'i 80 (J 133U 73 Il7)i 112 81 7Hj 73 )01H OHi 08is 100 BIIJ 3II4 14)5 Kill, 87 1 1 US ion.!. 102)i lOUli 113 8i;s SK 8:.' lOOjt 07 1)7 1? 102)1 i)2j; Kit WW II!) 8 1 311 US14 100 II2. 11 .V, 1111)4 10(1 (till Ill (iS'.fc 87 ,"4 SO'.J 137 73 !)74 03 81 71i 73)1 101 (;. ui.; 100 uu, .'ill's 33 10.11 87!il 118 l"l, KIJ-, 1011 H 0314 S'IVj 8.S DO 1121 1011 1)71 071 102! 0 if' sun Ml 84 fi 3:i UMl 100 10, 112 ti lOoli B Tho total amount of national banlt notes oiitstnndlni; on Auguat 1 was ?S0I.CU!,373, as conipniod with JS17,27.1.ii!.'I on July 1, 1!U., mid JijO.S07.021 on AURUst 1. 1911..! Tlio decrenso In July wna Jll.672,220. Shipments of anthracite to upper Inko ports from Buffalo tills season have been l.MU.OOQ tons, ns compared with 2,215,733 1 inns msi ycur. Oencnil nicrclmndlso exports from New Yolk tor tho week ended July 31 totaled) 0. I, C -tO 1 -. A.....-..... ... fw,-.ct,fi, mi inciciiao ot -,i-ii,5ia over ai yenr nco. J. I". -Uoruan & Co. bavo purclinncdl from tho ChlcnRo nnd Western Indiana, Unllrond uppioxlinatfly J 1.1,000,000 two-i year a per cent, notes, necurcd by deposit of about Jli.ooo.coo reftindlni; morttmso r. per cent, bonds of the Chlcnco and Wcst- cni Indiana, theso bondu bolnir pledRedl tinder tho notes at about 73. Proceeds of tho noteB nro to bo used to retire JIO.000,0001 nines which win mature .September 1, audi partly ior cnpitni improvements to Chl-i coro and western Indiana property. Henry G. Brencrle, vice president of tho Philadelphia Trust Company, will return noxt week from an extended visit to the Pacific conat. Tho receiver for the failed firm of AVoelppor & Co. lias submitted to credit tors a settlement proposition, which pro vides that If they will ourcc. nubilities shall not exceed $27C.M0, and will risk doubtful assets to be worth $73,000. Alex ander L. Crnwfonl will put In JS5.000 now and make deferred payments up to J3S.O00 more, the Rood assets bcliiR accounted worth $38,000. Charles C. Harrison. Jr.. has left for a trip to Jackson's Hole, Wyoming. The Assets Realization Compnny nn nouncco that the extendlnR creditors have approved tho modifications ln tho terms. of tho extension agreements so that all holders of C per cent, notes may present them to tho Guaranty Trust Company, of New York. Were Ignored, as woio the rumors of Increased arrivals circulated by bonre. Dad wontlier assisted the sellers In ob tnlnlnR better than the closing prices of yesterday. General all-round activity a displayed, but sales Indicated ner I votiauets. Hcptcmber wheat, which closed yes terday at LOtiH, fetched Jl.li at the J i')enlnir. It roso Rradunlly beforo noon. I December whoat opciilnR nt $1.07; wna ,n Iolj of 's when' compared with the elo.mia of yealcidny, but It quickly ro coveied, nnd in tho early hours sold at , SI f'S,. , May mode its mornliiR's debut at $1.13(4, aaalnst J1.13' nt tho closing yestcidiiy. I It showed no strength but lluctuntcd llt- ! tie In tho afternoon advances were ex tended. September rlslnif over 2 cents and the other months nearly as much. Corn wns featureless, it opened at a shndo hitfhpr on reports ur cooler weather and Indications arc It will iIko or fall In symputhy with wheat. 8'eptcniber Rained on the openliiR over yesterday's closing; December Rained H and Slny (4. Oats held llrm and advanced steadily In the enrlj hours. It was reported thnt moro than 10.coo.uoo bushels have clinnRod honds recently, most of It for export. Liverpool won HMIccb, with tho market eatler on American cables, lighter Amer ican offers nnd ndverso weaMier reports from the United Kingdom. Spot was aulet and tinchniiRi'd. Kxports fiom the United States recorded today nre said to total 200,000 bushels of wheat, a very small ipiantlty. Lendlnp futures rrnged aa follows: .. .... Ycsfifn .neai upun. liisn. Heptunhpr . Hiiil. l.ui lremlicr .. 1.I7 l.WiVi May l.i:i(t l.HS Corn men ilellvervl W ..VP c.71, ery fe.v old oats offering and tlt market was migeiy nominal. Holders generally want inc. For Vo 2 while, l.ut It Is difficult to get Ml) m to ner nje. rl.Ol'lt Itereipls, ISM tihls nnd 4Sff.8rt1 pounds In sacks. The market ruled firm in nymimili)' Willi wheat, hut demanii wns llahf. (Juntotlona. per Inn lbs.. In wood-iVImrr, rlMr. new. JI.73A3; do., urnlglit. new. 1M Crr,: do., imteut, new. Jr...t0tr3 it; Kanrna Mrnlitht. new, juto aaehs. .l.:it.Viliii do., imtmt. new. Jute sncl. S.,.i:fl.".!(l; spring llrt, rlrtir. old, an.n.lfln.30; do, ntrnltlit. old, fn.SOQn.7.1, do., patent, old. iUhMi".I3; do., ratorlte lirrnds, old. $,.2IKr7.73; cltir mill, choice and fancy patent. I7.2.vff7.r.i tlir min, regular grades-Winter, elrnr, new, $4..s.-,n.tn: do. atnlpht, now, tlt.l.lfrViOi do., intent, new. gA.3nn,7.v lll'K rr.OUIt wns dull nnd unchanged. We luolo I'rnnayltanla nt 1.3nr.13, In oxl, and Western, new, nt $3ffi.30. In sackf, PROVISIONS Tho market waa uulct but steady. Quotations: City beef, in ae'i1. smoked nnd alr-drim, Z3 2ilc. j Western beef. In sets, smoked. :.1U2ile.; CltV l.PPf. km Pbtpi. ntl.1 Ipn.tnr innL'.J nn.l alr-drleii, 27B2.H'. ; Weilern beef, knuckle und irnueir, smoKCU. uiuxso.; beef hams. JIIM.IZ: ams. M. r. rured. do., do. smolced. 14(3130,: other hams, smoked! L. ."""' " .0 uinnu nti friept ember Her ember Slay .... DltR- Hcneml,t-r Dercmbcr May Uird -i'f rtcmlier Clclnber ... Jiniiniry .. ltllm !eitemlir October .... l'nrk Wcftember wcioner O'i-Tii I'.i't 4ii'; 4:1!, 7.02 N.OO n.2n l).03 .ri.47 .1:1.113 13iJ R.02 .S.IJ7 Low. 1 .Dill ' l.l7" 1.13 71", HI, US ?:!! lU'f. 4l!4 7.110 S.(K) Close. m.iin'; !.(). 1.14K 4711 H7'!, I2)i 421, 43Vj 7.112 ts.iu elope. Li"!', 1.07i ).i:ift t7l'4 'CIS lll(. "4 0(4 4'1'i Hid. tAslted. tl.Sil IMI3 i:t.r.o 13.70 Ml7 S.II3 ri.43 n.oo .S.1I7 I3.:i.-, in.32 S.07 8.12 t8.W 0.27 U.20 i:i.:i.- .18.72 . KBIi 11124 IKII 13 H n:ilk J03H . 102)4 10H4 101)4 1012C 30)4 139 07H 51H 00)4 0 53 39)4 130 07)4 51)4 00H 0)4 58 120)4 129)4 129)4 129)4 6914 03 0) 01 04)4 01)4 01)4 04H IB 10, 10 10 35 34t4 34)4 34)4 40 50)i 47)4 49tf 104)5 105H 105M 103)4 t) VU4 (1S4 70S 111)4 112 44M 44)4 'mi 07)4 30 30 U it 99 100)4 uu4 70 Sales iii Philadelphia 70 70)4 111)4 112H Uli lll!i 131 131 131 131 ) )4 2 2)4 2)4 2)5 135 135H 13514 135)4 ou du isutl aOM WoolworthiK.W.) Co- -103)4 104W 104)4 104)4 x New State Bank at Eaat, Falls 13. Mel-aln Walters. T. Frederick Walter, Charles T. Drown. Clarence I. llUckburn and Joseph Doun will make application, to he Uoveroor of Pennsylvania on Monday, No vember 1. 1013. for tba charter of an Intended corporation to be called I ho Bank of Bast Falls, to b located In Bast Palls of Sehuylklll, this elly- The capital stock la to be J0,OOO, divided Into 1090 shares of f30 ech. 3 Alliance Ina ... 17 10 Alia Chatm .IS 20 Am n Huear 303 Ilald Loco 23 Drill J Q .... I Cum Iron 2120 Cam Steel .... 100 Chi n I 20 COl Fuel KO Chea & Ohio... 4S-'K Kleo Stor ..... ItM (ieti Asphalt . . .13 do' prof fia Key Tel 13 do pref 43 Lk Bup Corp. . , 120 I.ehlah Xav .. 23 Leh Val Tr 330 PennsvlvanlA . Son Penna Halt Mfi. KS1 zu inua i.n ;i 400 Phlla Kleo 24 10 Phlla It T .... 7)i (Ml do tr ctfa (I 11 Phlln Trao .... 71 1B0 Preeied 8 C... OS in uep 1 a b. Ves. clf)e. Hlah. Low, 70 .1714 31U 40'i am oa i.m 031,5 0)4 7:t 13' M 17 :i7'A Ml! SO JJ" 32 17 4014 4li l"K 32 O'J I5H 31 SS 24 0 0 70H 34 43V. ...... 4. no Ileadlng 74 7-10 74' OT Ton nelmont 200 Ton Jllnlnr 270 I'nlon Trao . 144 V O I 14113 It 8 Steel Stf. S2U R3l aa 25 sa 70(f 70 17 70H J?3 M "Ji a 11 (K1 ('! 73 15; 3311 HSlrJ 38 2E1U n II 3.1 4314 74'f Mt7 IWti 78 Clnse. 17 .ITti Slg .'17)4 42 32 17 iffi sl5 .12 nu wt to tX sw 24 U n 70t? 781i The Lanstcn Monotype Machine Com. pany has obtained an order for gun parts from an English arms company. Amount involved In this order la about 50O,0C0. Foreign shipments of coal from Phila delphia diirlnc July showed an Increase of moro than 60,000 tons over tho same month of last year. Only 1,012.007 bushels of grain wera exported In July of this year, ns compared with 2,4S9,3H bushels In July, 1014. Kxpnrts of potroleum were 10,643 gallons, as compared with 1G,411,333 cations during the same month of last year. Tlin French Government has concluded a contract, through J. 1. Morgan & Co., to talto tho entire motortruck output of tho Packard, While and Plcrcc-Arrow companies for an Indefinite period. The world consumption of American grown cotton during the season ended July 31 amounted to 14,134,000 bales, against 14,511,000 the previous season. Tho Paige Detroit Motor Company has decided to increase Its capital from $230, 000 to tLOOO.OOO, and a 100 per cont. divi dend will be distributed ln new stock pro rata. There will be a transfer of (230,000 from surplus to capital and tho lemalntr.g 1250,000 will bo kept In tho treasury. PUBLIC UTILITIES July sales of the Uoston Consolidated Gas Company decreased 2 per cent. The Missouri Public Service Commis sion has Issued an order making a re duction of about 17 per cent, ln the rnte for electric lighting and power In that Slate. Tho Fort Scott nnd Nevada Light. AVater and Power Compnny was ordered to cut Its rates from 12h cents to 11 cents n kilowatt hour for the lltst 20 hours, cents for the next 20 and G cents for each additional 20 hours, Tho report for tho six mouths ended Juno 30, 1915, of tho Ontario Power Com pnny, of Niagara Fnlls, nnd tho Ontnrlo Transmission Company, Ltd., shows nn Increase ln the consolidated grosH earn ings of I753.3S4. ngalnst $739,514 for tho snmc period ln 1914. In net earnings there Is shown n decrease from $023,391 for 1914 to 393,2S3 for 1815. 110 V Cramp&Sona. 78 BONDS, Last orev. Sale. Ulan. Low. Cloie. 2200 Am fl & E 34. WlV-i c-"Hi Klti uyi ooii Am u.e o if 07 Cam H arp I'll II Wi'K 87 do May WIT.. IHK, .17 do Feb WIT.. IWWi 2(011 Kqult 111 Gas 3l.10.1Vi 40OO Interstate Ity 4a ST'i 10OO Key Tel lit Sa. H4t fttxvi Leh V en4la. usu wnn da Call Sm. . litlVl 4r(ii Penna. sen 4VM- "7H 41101 do cone 4Ha..l02H liWO Phl Co It 4.. Ml JOOI Heading sen 4i. DSt lis 09H OStS 0.S14 If" SS M nsuf 10iH nit 1U2H nmi 113 I8t I'Ktt 103 1 lIlHi m U3 iixi; sH JUSli 6.S 114 W wsi5 lu.H iua wiVi 24 hh Vallov n o 11 , Bf. AUr. . "7 ad ?LC"'"P'" to the Latuxh Val. r .S0",'.. "? . uKE?ti?oi a iLz?,1"!? . WeaW thoiurh tMv.Ti,"ul .1 to llw Slralft,. kJiiLjrm l vri if cad n : .t ""- vwHti iiui - 11 uno from nmlfH to ?8KMBTAl,MARKirr . ?3&S&J2't lu?f f - . 'H4 elHIt, ITIDENDS DECLARED 1.'?l"l"'iJ. ruiilu auuurlv tXblt'lUIWI' Fire Arms riant Sold MEBIPB.N. Conn.. Auj. 4. Tha plant and eoulpjnant ot tba Merldan tlrearau Company, one of the Urtttat nunufasturlnr liutltutloas ln th elty waa aeld today to tba New Enj Uad WfMllofcou Compnny and will be en larged ami ud to auuiufarture military rUlea for HUI Tba plant had bean owned and omenta)) by Stwre. Roebuck & Co.. of Chicago. The prte U said to b mora than 4U).00tt L. 3tut 1 eBltl;tl( tvhi, u, rieu jjii n in stock HtfUOia COillif4UlV, ut un conmoa an J nj regular 14UMI- Succeasor to Electric Boat Co, Al.UANY. Au. .-'rT Suwaria Boat Cumiiany if Xe York city, auccaacor to tba Brt. trie Beit CsntMny. has Uen locarporaied to maiMifas&ir an.muoUloo a4 submarlaea. Capital consist ot UQ,UO tbarv of a noealnal Donvcr Brokeru Fall DV'NVEI!, Aug. 4. Tho John O. Morgan rrfikraa Compao. wltta branch oSicea at r.Vloradc T aortage end Boulder. fad todajr Til- John a Moraan Broierige Comwin. U ni,'t I !' lu ny tbe ioJro banking ! . i lorlce Local Bid and Asked PARIS BOURSE STEADY fAR18. tt 4 A etea4y tooa pralli on tn Ouura toilay. ANOTOER RISE IN CRUDE OIL yi.ni AY 4 jrf 4 -Ttl 4F. d I,.!. 1.1 10 tfcnu s Piiiao-tto cru4e eal, 10 S3 Today Yesterday Diu. yis-Kw. um, .isveti. Buff & Sua t c ii if do pref ',, fi., BalSwln ..I?M .25K .in Pt-K CjBihrl4 BiMt te ':: to PCff .......... KwaUtw TelaithoM t t do waf a&p.sr Tr: PeeaSHl; raiia. do per et. pf.... 34 an per Phlla R T do t c Readtna TOBopuh Belmont Tonopah Mto -t'okv Trac r a i V S Steel Yok B do cref Wm ir"' PRICE OF SU0AR REDUCED NKW V'iBK Aug. i, 1 Federal HUttr Beiniii cwiipinJ Anttuckle Brother, aad 6 H HoeJI So" & C tMa nrn sg reduced ihe'o list 1 n ' !or " augur from 3 TO H.ii 10 !' . rvM! resned aa aarkanced Spot raw aaii.i.: .s .-i!Jugs4 it tM s-eaut 19 13 3? 40 it i"9. iin ion :::::::: -m tS. tm t1S Tli 71 TI rt iSat if i m HTU . SU1IA 31 MM M III II t J 8i im; i U :::::'g T 7 " J . s& 3t ir ; m &ii ai tn n ?" ' W Tal " TOt, TOA4 tlTV IW ' .. W4 T V T .. uu J :m . -nn Wi TT is SECURITIES AT AUCTION 183 ahra. North Wlldwood Land Aa- aociatlon: par 3U...,. 300 Suburban uaa and l"ufl Company, New York, 3 per cent. Flrat mortgage. Coupone April and October. Duo 11)40. (Coupons rrom April 1. 11)14, attached),. J30O Thn CattlewooU Irrigation Dis trict, u per cent. Coupona June nnd December. Duo lU-'ii. (Cou. Iona from December 1, 1U13. attached) , '.' ah. 1'euiinylvnnla Academy of the Fine Arta :.,,". 4 shrr. Hre Asenelatlon or Phila delphia! par M0 , ,,, 10 ehr. Younicbniylti.li'leld Com pany. I'referred; par IlOO; (a chares common itock bonus) 1 ahr. Cheater County Motor Com pany. Lot ., , 10 ihra. t'oneatosa Telephone and Telegraph Company; par llu. .. 11000 WltkM-llarre Comfiany, .1 per cnt. first and refunding mort. 5 age. Uoupona January and uly. Due 1680 (2000 Choctaw, Oklahoma and tlulf rtnllroad Company, 3 per cent. Ocncral mortgage. Coupons Jan uary anil July. ru foiy 300 Virginia Midland ltullway Cam. pony, u per tent, nun aerie. "If" March and September. Duo 1HWI iovu I1COQ Lake Ileland Elevated Railway Company. 3 per cent. First con solidated . mortgage. Couron March and 'September. Du 184',: 10SIH ItOOO Savannah. Florida and Western Railway Company, 3 per cent. First mortgage. Coupons April and Ottaber. Duo WSi 109 S ahra. Haddoofleld (N. J.) National Bank; par JlOO ug 10 abra llelmont Truit Campanyi par 30 so 13 hr. Corn Bxetuuige NatUnaJ Bank; par IlOO .7. SOO It ihrs. Corn jBxchaag KsUdsal tank. i'ar fltt) Hut) 3 alus Coatlneatal-KaultabU Trust Comniny: par I.V) dq 9 aba. Parmer' Trust Cenpaiuf. t. Aioiiy k v.: par hub 10 . roitaai 30 i 1 X !l3K Ot vWt RAILROAD EARNINGS MISSOURI PACIFIC. WIS Fourth week July gl.m'.onn From July 1 4.71U.C00 CANADIAN PACIFIC. Fourth week Jul 2,47ii,Ooo From July t 7.4I7.0OO I'NION PACIFIC. Year ending Juno :iO Freight rovcniio X3!t,S3.1,fin Passenger rovenuo 1S,N1T,(I47 Total 011eratln.tr revenuo. Hil,H3H,Si.-. Malnlenaneo of way 10,000,023 Maintenance of cnulp. .. is,tm,sts 1 rnnsiiffriuiit'n exrenre. 2.1,1111,1-11 Total operating expenieo .13,21111.(437 Taxea 4.011,474 Operating Ineonie :!0.1"0,10il COI)ItADO AND SOl'THERN. Fourth week July fl77,lflis From July 1 1,02,.1I7 CHICAGO AND ALTON. June groea l,20H,u:i7 Net after taxes :i71,uri Twelve months' Brora... ll.'.'l.l.lf.'l Net after taxes 2.U(t0.SS.1 ILLINOIS CDNTIIAU Juno f.ross Net after taxes Twelve months' groes Net after taxes MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. 4th week July Fmm July 1 Increaee. Decreare f211.nni) 43.1.000 170.7,000 2,3l)t.0IM $.1,470,331 1,NS7,II72 8,137,017 2S.011 413,(11.1 2,4W,(lai a.li.'i.im 4.lT.iai 1, It'l.lUS $1.1.411 I1.T1.IK1.1 40S.IIM l.flMI.U.I 1,277.780 $4,8Sl,.1im 4MI.il. MJ 4(io.nn3 .112,2.12 4,2lll,ll3l M11.002 LOUIS. so.i.ni5 it.a.i! li:.lll,332 1 v.o , ,-, . 1 ., mr-urici', tvt-.'.e. ; weeiern D tendeir smoked, i.'TKiilio.; be pork, fnmlly, !2$2210: liar loose, i:i8l4e. . do, skinned, average. 11'IK i.i"ic. 1 nnms, smoKeu, weftem cured. It'sw ISKjC 1 lo.. tollcJ. boneleim. 2.lf24e.; ulcnlc slioulctori, B. 1. cured, louse, 11 a life.: 1T0.. e.iiunr,,, . -. . . fijc. i UCIIlCIt. in piCKie. C- cordliij to nvcriiKC, loose. 12V4l::c; lirei.k fast Ineon ns to hmnd nnd nveraar. city cured, lTWISe.: lircalifan bacon, weatern cuied. 17f(lc.i lard. Western, refined, tierces, 04fll0c; do., do., da, tut, (iijoioe.; lard, pure elty, kcltlo rendered. In tlerms. tiHWlOC; lard, puro city, kcttlo rendered. In tubs. n4 iSlnc. REFINED SUGARS Trado wna slow and refiners were granting further eonceselona nr 10 points. Wo quolo rcllntrs' llt prlecs. suhjeet to eoncesslona ot 135120 points: Uinndnrd .granulated, n.KVc,; extrn Ono grnnulnted. 3..soe. ; powdered, 3.110c; confectioners' A, 3.70c. ; soft grades, 4.03-14 f,.0.V. DAIRY PRODUCTS IlUTTIlIt. The' market wns aulet at th late fleellne. Offerings were fully equal to it qulrcinctits. quotation!: Westvrn eolld-pnckc.1 cienmery. fancy specfaM, 2Se. ; extra, 2i!e.; extra nrsls, SAtlzAhfO.; Ilrrta. 241)24140.; sec nmls, SXQznc; nearby prints, fnncy, 2t)c. ; Tn.. avrruge rxtins. 271128c; do., fair to itood, 2IO 23e. ; joliblng unlcs of fnncy prints, 3:iff3tv. I!(i(lS. Fine eggs wero kept well cleaned up at top prices, but medium ami poor stock wns hard to move. Quotation: In Ire cae. nearby extras, 24c. per ilox.; firsts, $0 per standard case; nearby current receipts, $,,.3.1 Wft.S.1 per ine: Western extra finals, SO jr case; nrsta. f.",.r..".fjn.83 per case: f.iucy aeltc'.ed cnnflled eges were Jobbing at 2W27r. rllKKNB. The market waa nnlet. with ample offerings at former rates, (juntatlona: New York, full cream, fsney, new, 14(14,e.; ill., do., fa'lr to good. new. laUMWhc; no., part skims cyiSe. POULTRY, I.IVK. Tho marltel was quiet nnd with out ImiKiitHnt clianje. yuotations: Fowls, b to quality, UMilllKjC : rooateri. lltTWe.: limit ing chickens, fnuer, not Leghorns, weighing iu.172 Urn. nplece, 21fT2'.V. ; do., not Lcahorn, weighing 111 , lbs. nplcce. 17'.'(ie,; in., j.og Korns, ivelshlng I'.i'fJ'- lbs. apiece. l'!'r'1 do.. i!r.. weighing HI l' lb. lll'lcce, WIIIA: duikr, I'ekln. old. Mil 1 4c; do,. Indian Runner, old. 12fll"l:.; do., sounif, according to slxi. I.IHfllk'., i.lgeons, old. iwr pair. 21 nil.-.; do., juiir.if, per pair. 20fl21c. ... IlItKNSnt). The fowl market ruled firm, with demnnd readily absorbing tho limited offerings. Broiling chickens wero In nmplo supply, dull and weak. Quotations: Irerh klllcil poultry, fowls. 12 to box. dry-picked, fancy selected. We'. : weighing Mjft'i lbs. iip!e. lSVie.; weighing .'I'ifM lbs. apiece. WjC,; weighing .libs, nnlece. KH,ni74c.: under .' lbs. apiece, 14itll3VM.: Iee-tcke;l Western. 4K. lbs. und oer apiece, l,'4e.; do., smallor ilxes, 131717c.; eld roosters, dry-picked, 12141..: trolling elilrkenr. Jerscj'. fancy, 2i;B2Sc.: other nearby fane:-. 2482UC. : fancy, large yel,ow Illinois, weighing 2'Afil lbs. apiece, ic.. Western, weighing. Uifl2 ,bs" V'-i a. nolghlng lltt lbs.. 1nC20c: spring ducka. lf,'.!i17c. ; tqunlx-. whlto, weighing 11 to I. lhi per iio., t'l.Ptlf.'iO: white, weighing P l 1,." 11,. ..r dm.. iin.30i white, weighing M lbs. per iloz., 2.3.V02.ai: do., 7 lbs. per do.. r ina:- 2(i do., ivrifl1 lhr. per dox.. 1.UC31.U3: da'rk, 11.3001.115: small nnd No. 2, 1. FRESH FRUITS There was a. fnlr demand for choice stock of mort descriptions and values generally wero well sustained. Quotntlona: Apples, now. trpnsp.itent. per hamper, 30c.fl1.2.i: pcnctirs, chimin, belle of Gcoreln. per crnte. ltfjl.3ti; do.. Oeorgla. Ulberta. ner irnte. tlRl.30; pears. Southern 1 Conte, per bbl. SH4; crapes. North Carolina.. Dclawaree. per 8-bnakct car rier 1.30f?2: lemons, per box, IWIKI; manges. Florida, tier box. s.i.Ki.a; grjpeiruii. Florida, per box. iffiv: pineapples, per ctjh -l'orto Rico. S1.SOH2.73: Florida. $1.BC2.73; cherries, sour, per (1-11). basket. a..frW. ; nlums. Oeorgli. per carrier. fiOe.il: black- hcrrUs, Delaware, Maryland and Jersey, per iuart. 3tl7e. ; gooreberrles, per quart, Wfiil'-. : huckleberries, per quart. r,f7e.: enmlouj. Maryland, per standard eiate, $If72; do.. North Carolina, per standard crate, gtnl.rsi; do., North Carolina, per tldt crnte, 23ft13c. ; VEGETABLES Tho gcn.ral market waa dull and barely steady with fairly liberal offerings. Quota tions' White potatoes. Virginia, per bbl. No. t, 75c.tl. No. 2, 40f73(ie,; aweet potato's, North Carolina, per bid.. No. 1, K3jr.'l.r,n; No. 2, $1.73'J: culla, 1111.23; onions. Jersey, par H-liusli. bmket, lK2:ic.; ilo., Knstern Sliore. per hamper. :uM740c; eggplants. Norfolk, per crste. Mttl.23; cucumbers, Marylind. per i-bbl. basket, 4041113c; corn. Jersey, per bas ket. fiOCrac. : tomatoes. Jersey, per basket No. 1 early. lOtTtfa; No. 1 second early. 23 33c; mushroom, per 4 -lb. basket. Mc.iuJl. London Must Mnke Unprece dented Mass of Payments To tilling: $1,250,000,000. By FRANCIS W. HIRST Bdltor of Ths LVnnomlst." Special Cabte ft) Hie Jtvtnfng tedper. LONDON. Aug. . The elty la unsettled after tho Auguat bank holiday. Thoro arc three IS nor cent, war loan call due this month, totaling; tf.rSff.OCi.fXW. Much n mass of payments Is unprece dented In our history. All past and cur rent savings are absorbed in the wur, nnd no capital is really available for any form Of tirrxlllcflv.. mnlnmtlw V.vftiAl... j American Industrials excite omd upecula- tivc interest, nnd the Block Exchange wishes tho American war order list had been available here. Tito Itusslan erneimtlon of Warsaw and lilga Is anticipated. Tho 'Weatmlnster Gazette, our most of llclal organ, describes tho rapid waatago of tho German army and saya the "th war of exhaustion Is In a favorable posi tion." It ndvocntes patience; and endur ance, nnd naerlbcs Germany's amazing cf fort to her inobltlzatlon of female and child labor. 1'eraonally, 1 doubt whether this policy of war of exhaustion or at trition be ncccptablc to cither the masses or classes in Western Europe, as It must Involve tho gradual confiscation of prop- i.y. wun unimaginauie destruction of life. The tltiBslau national debt. It Is stated, will bo nearly doublet! by tho end of tho year, nnd the German increase trill ba much greater. Perhaps political economy will end tho war after all. Confidence In our own security nnii ic strength Is unshaken. LIVE STOCIC. QUOTATIONS iuSy.lcAiH&Bft..r-H"--U!t. . .r.V.K..." ..?X,-".'l! ?'"". iuixed "UlUMB, f't.PVVI rouxn d?.i pfKff. SfT.T RIIKKF. Itnrelntv. t' tiv ' t...i , , U?3owat,VO "nd Wc,"e,'nf ,I''07j iambs. . ..r!Vi2lyjl "C lower. Mixed and , fiLUOtf,,,.,; Eood heavy, il.20rf7.i5: rtt-"7L..'""i'M4- "eh, .-.'Ou5. i.i,iB..i.1: hulk, $il.33f7..1U. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET fo?i!riSi' $!& "iu;.4LT.At lt orentng eoftea Vwl,."1 .?i'?,fr', l'htlr above? yesiertiai' s finals. Dealings wero small, rrlres follow- TOflnys Vetcrdoy'a April Mar .Inn I July lAllxtut ... ' Keptember j October . . November IJocember (Januarj- . I'enrunry Mnrelt ... Hid. one-nlnff . ..n.7g ...H.SI ...CSS . ..n.33 .".'.' it.r.ija.m . ..(t.ro . . .am. ...(its elojt fi.7anit.7i g. 7Siift.ro C.S.Hii(t.ft1 fi..",?ii r.i r.jilfln.nt V--' - CKQO.H i. . CI 4 K 110 C.CSfitX71 .' ,c. ; MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOFAH BTOCK3. Jim llutler Midway Mlzpah Kxtenslon . Montana North Htar , Tonopah llelmont . Tonoi.mli ltxtcneion Tonopan AicrKr ... Tonopah Mining ... Reerue l!ula West End Did. , .K2 , .10 . .21 . .12 . a 311 .of .00 goldfii:ld btockb. ., , 30 .: 01 4H 02 .1(1 .07 .tM .03 i .41. Atlanta ,...f ,. Hlue Dull Ronth Bulldog C. O. D Comb, Fraction niamonddeld II. U. ... Daisy Floreneo Qoltlflflil Cona Soldneld Merger Jumbo Kxtenslon .... Kewanaa .,.. Oro ...... fktndetorm Kendall silver I'lck MISCELLANEOUS. ralry Axteo ul Klmberly 04 Nevada Hill .17 Nevada Wondr 1.10 . 114 l.NI .10 .Oil .03 .oa Asked. ,N4 .11 Kl .11 tYt M BH .ut ,U2 .;i2 .01 .4J .04 .01 .UU .01 .011 .47 1.81 .11 07 .tXI .10 DOMESTIC EXPORTS IN JUNE WAflHINOTON. Aug. 4.-Tho Department o( Commerco and Ilior reports tho principal dnmeellc cxporta tor Juno and tba fiscal year ended Juns M aa follows: June 1013. Increase, Ilrcvidsluffs J'JM.NlV.ITTr, X1ILI l'i mi Cottonseed oil 1,83.1,(R3 l,n23,4'.'S UllllC, HIICVIl, HUMP. VKK- llll.NSII 2 :t7:i,s43 i3.H4i.nm i:i,4n,Ti4 xi,noo,M2 ,'iii.irn 111.1114.131 2.S77.I-SJ 74.7U3 3I,62!I,17T 1 hr. delphla Trust a pa ay; d fftlMUl OfB- 1100 a sbrv. Second and Hisseaiaar Ratlwair 10 ahra. Nnkra UUrUoa cany: par lao 100 akrii. Unltad Ou aad BUsjUte CerporatloB. First prrred; jw 1 sSr. UartM Trttat fSwipaay AtUatta CUV 1 ahi: joha B. Skstaoa sew 9 litre. PhUde4aJo. Bourie mi II mT I IMI I III III I I Sll BgM CITY OF PHILADELPHIA 4s Ou Nov. 1. 1943 A. B. Leach & Co, 115 S. Fourth cjtretl To Abolish War Relief Fund; ' WASHINGTON, Aug, 4.-Comptroller of tl" Treasury Downey today made a ruling which Is a step toward tba abolishment of iha war relief fund. This fund-orlglnally tiOO.OOC wu sat add, last fall to bring home Ameri cans woo beam atrandad In Europe at tba outbreak ot tba war. Downey held that wnoa ths persona to whom the money was ad vanced returned It. It was to go fo th Treas ury's mlacellaiieoui tuna. Four-tlfths of the funu was given out. Only half of that baa ('. paid bask. BAR SILVER LONDON, Aug. 4. -Bar Hiver today 111 aoled at K 7-1S pence por ouace. uachanged Moat and dairy urod, (totton Mineral oils Total Ytuir ciuled Juno .10: HreudstillTs SJ3S,fin?,RTn 40l SX0.31I Cottonseed oil 2l.73il.ni4 7.lxts.mi Cattle, hogs sheep, etc. 1(73,120 ini.73fi Mi-ut and dairy urotl... ino.MN. 14.1 m wt n-a Cotton :i7ii,2ll.4M72:tt.2iu,3U Mineral oils 112,010.701 20.1:11.272 Total l,2Sp,fls.S,087 222.277.001 Decrease. ,-.i,w. CAPITAL CHANGES HAiyilBllUllO. Aug. 4.-To Kaufman Baer Company. Pittsburgh, has riled nolle 0 an Increase of stock from ll.SSi.ooo to ij.ix).- noo. and tno Klngtesalng llulldlng AisoWatiotV Fhlladelphla, of an Increase from 3f).oV) to fl.000.tm Tho Olobo Tire and Hublxr Com. pany. Fhlladelphia, has Med notice of d. crease of stock from S1SO.000 to 110.000. NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS ' n!5 ).'".U.K"' .A"5- 'l.rt'TTl-I(.-Mnrket .. V. .''.i.. ..,--,, iK4CKagi; extra, ;:.v ,e. ItfKher scoring, 2! rrr:e. : Htare da.ri'. 23c. lmltatlrm creamery. 22i224r. nrnc.8. Jfarkot Irregular: rp'efctr, 11 gt!S pnrfciges- extra Br-t. aiffil'ic.. regular pa-kerf; nrst rcatilnr. KMt20e.. regular tn "keI; neorbr white. :Hi?:i!r.; mixed color, ltf22Hc,: nearby browns, 2152tio. IS "custom" consistent? FIRST: Custovi in most lines oJT trada Tex tiles, Wearing: Apparel, Paper, Feed Products, etc. M to dicccu;ac;c the tak ing of notca or accept ances in settlement of opea accounts. SECOND: CuatW in many other linos, howovci Machinery. Vehicles, Imple ments, Fertlliicr. Lumber, etc. Is to obtain notes, acceptances,, aale-s contracts or instalment leases, etc., promptly from customers In sictllement of their open ne ceants. Should there he nny objection to the sale, aaslcn mcrlt or plertco of open eo counts by firms In tho Ptrrt class, ns above, which docs not also npply In exactly tho some vry to notet. accept ances, sales contracts. Instal ment leases, etc., received In settlement of open accounts by firms in tho Second class, as above? Is it Consistent for he Second named firm to sell or assign wltlieut restriction, their customers' notes, aercpt encca, sales contruet. Icaics. etc., without any notice its their creditors, and to object lo the, lint named, firms sell In r or aesfrnlas; .their open arevonls, vnless their creditors axo notified ot such Intention? think this over, Mr. Credit Matt, Custom -will solve tho nulr'rfd; account problem aa li baa solved that of notes, accept ances, etc. Write for mora facta. A. E. DCNCAN, Prealdent. Commercial Credit CoB $i5w,60o,ooa Commercial Hankers J.'011-N'otlflcatlon System Homo Office: a.M.TXUOUB Iteprasented at NEW YORK PHIT.AnEr.rinA. CHICAGO CINCINNATI BOSTO.N RAILROAD STOCKS ADVANCING The eleven dividend-navim? standard R T? .nrL. ,..i..i 1. our folder of last week show an advance of several points over the closing prices of July 24th. The present good fundamental conditions, together with the heavy increase In freight expected in the next few months due to favorable crops and large tonnage In the steel and iron industry, should be further reflected m these securities. Folder with inter esting data upon request. auol II rem yesterday's price. Anaconda Copper Co. We Vlll rutve ready for dlstrlbu tlon In & HW days a circular show-Inn the Present status of tits above Cojm liany and coraplata dataJU of its ab frptlon of the Amlgamatel Copper Company. A oa w will tje mallsd free an rqut HUGHES & Dim llankeis nod Urokers itembexs of PhUadelpbU Hltnk BaUk4;e Members Cblcuso Jtoai4 ot Tr(3 1435 Walnut Street Fladadelphla L' in.1. f-rlvatc Wiicn " MsW HUMS, M SHU.AlU'HlS. ollX'K XQUAMaItf. CMK'.U.. kOABH Ofc" THABB, NEW YOK.K UPS iimMi untorueA aseirW REED A. MORGAN & C0.2,K5gJf piS Exchange, Brown Brother Co. Founrii ani GmsBrHw STRajBijif IMIUVIUHLI'IIIA Commercial Letters of Credit Because of the convenience and the protection afforded tu importers are the best medium for finaaaHag imporatbtt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers