Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 02, 1915, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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it "
i.V ii i ii 1 i Ii In iinliliiil I II l!lIWIiiirW,iil i i l..."
Mrs, Gvfltavus Setdel 'Gave a Larffe Bfidge Patty on Hor Yttikt
Last Week Sailing Parties and Dances Add
hcir Quota to Week's Gaieties.
fmueBall to Be Given at Jamestown Yacht Club for Benefit of
wavy iieiicj oocwiyucirotnai Announced.
PtUATE'S MA6QUE" la tlttj plctur-
z . . n l. bIudii In ,nfk nnhll n
ant tvhicn wm ? o.. - ......
; Jamcttmvn Yacht Club en wednen-
. ..-..la.- tlta nitanlAAB e fit
' n connected with tho Navy Rcllat
tletr Tfie men wi.f Ptm .. mm
u.ultA llHnn. ttiati VtQf1a
r . . iMIa4I 1-itiHrtfiHnna rt parrw
Rirathtd " """"" " - '
ft,, lhe teted bf Pontes, while tho women
4 ii appear " 'anc coatumeg of nit
mil "II .. Vnti ftllh will K
l.u.l.if n et.t llnlfllU rtnnn.
reserved iof a"u," "" " --"-tmt
f.ni illuminations- will aid In
carrying out i"? """ "
Colonl snA. Mollln II. Wilbur, ot
nln stoitt'Wou". St. David's, have gone
ioUttiifo" for ft stay ot several
iWnccmertt has been received In this
JiHt the betrothal ot Mies Helen N.
i JSJon, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
H)wn steieneon. of rittaneld, MaeB., to
Br, Wlnfred N. Sttlwell. of Wayno.
Mr and Mrg. Hoxlo Harrison femlth, of
Bill's Mill Rttd Chestnut Hill, are nt
' Bar Hf, N. J-. where thoy will remain
lit a fortnight.
Along the Main Line
nahbKKTH.-MIbb Barbara Shane, of
North Nirberth avenue, will spend this
tenth In tho Catsklll Mountains.
Mn George M. Henry, of Chestnut ave
sue, U vl'tlng In Virginia.
1,nHTN MAWR.-HIss Lillian Cj Prlckltt,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank D.
Prlckltt, of Lancaster avenue. Is vlslt
ln In Norfolk, Va.. where she expects
to remain until Soptcmbor 1.
. - -. a hmhm tutin tinvA
'. Mr. and Mrs. josepn mou.., .... --
' leen apendlnB several months. here, will
Jo to Maine for the rest of tho summer.
-... 4 .ji - n ninvtnn
Jffi55M. iv'n.' congratulations oS
the birth of a daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Tlicoaoro w. "'" "
their daughter, Miss Elisabeth R. ; "cath,
Jr spending August at -iork Harbor.
' Mr and Mrs. William Duffleld, of 6340
Oermantown avenue, will spend several
weeks at WWtamsport, Pa.
Mrs. Clara Vogt, of US West -Luray
. street. Is spending August and Septenv
i her at Atlantic City, N. J.
I i
' Mrs. Preston K. Erdman, of 6922 Greene
street with her daughter, Miss Sarah
Erflman, Is spending several weeks in tho
Pocono Mountains.
Mr. and Mrs. Caleb J. Milne, 3d, of 3117
West Ponn street, will spend tho week
end in Atlantic City.
Miss Beulah Supplee. of 162 East Wash
Initton lane, is tho guest of her brother
and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Davis E.
Bupplee, of New York city.
Mrs, George H. Paine, Miss Madeline
Worrell Pftlno and Miss Gladys Paine, ot
ttl School lane, havo gone to Eaglesmere
for the remainder of the summer.
Mrs. James B. Franks, of the Pelham
Court, has gono to Eaglcamero for sov
tril weeks.
Sit. and Mrs. George H. Wilson, of tho
Wljsihlckon, Indian Queen lane, will
leavs today for Atlantic City for a short
lit. and Mrs. William R. Tucker, of the
Oreyitono, West Schoolhouse lane, will
leave August S for Jamestown, R. I., to
r stay until September.
Pr, and Mrs. Raymond Leopold, of 333
Weil Chelten avenue, left today for Co
pake Lake, in the Berkshlres.
i( vv r IIU... Tl.nn QAV
jkir, anci aire, jiiuvib uunuu. vi uvi
Lincoln Drive, will have as their guests
for several days Mr. and Mrs. William
Stevenson. Jr.. ot Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs.
Barton was Miss Eleanor Moyn before
her marriage In June
Mr. and Mrs. William Y. King, of 235
Bchoolhouae lane, havo returned from a
trip to Niagara and also from a month's
itay at their summer home In Montreal.
, .mas .luuilii ueuimms, ut iwu uibehb
ureec, nas reiurnea to ner name irum
Buck Hill Falls, Pa., where she was ths
J.' Hit its of Miss Josephine Reeves and also
Hot Mts Margaret Burton and Miss
ctcunor wunaer.
Along the Reading
Mist Marlon Sharpless, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Townsend Sharpless, of
Washington lane, Chelten Hills, returned
to her homo last week from Bay Head,
where ehe was the guest of Mr, and Mrs.
J Ross PUUng for several days and was
also entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Rich
ard E Bishop at their cottage on East
The Rev and Mrs. Edward J. Humes
ten of 6S01 North 11th street. Oak Lane,
will spend the month ot August at
Ehtneateea, N. Y.
M, am.1 r ro ,. nk..l.nl.tnn nnri
auu ura. raun 4iiieuytGbii ..
on. f C030 North Hth street. Logan, and
, Mr. and Mrs John F. StcClonlgH, of HOI
"Ut Kvenue, Oak Lane, have returned
from an extended motor trip through the
Mr, and Mrs Henry V. B Clapp, of 12U
"!tSYiue. Oak Lane, will SDend the
' MWer of the summer In the Poconos.
and Mrs. George W. Smith, of 6SW
ffi Jh street, Oak Lane, returned to
""f H lst week, having spent ft
iaull! T'rui3enW "s'""1. Narragan-
.Mr Wgijam Edward Jaynes announces
pCMjnnt ot his daughter. Mlsa
iurat jaynes, of 18J1 Thompson
treet i0 jir, Kdward Procker Avery, of
Delaware City, No definite date has been
jet for the wedding. Miss Jaynes has
. iBSt return fiM nll n nalflworji
. f "" wh,r hji was pne of the guesja at
Jned by Mr and Mrs. Benjamin Stsen
wger Mj Maude Harrliu. at 4119 North
oad street Logan, wtU spend part qt
"jnuns month tn AUantio my.
West Philadelnhia
Jlr and Mrs Frank R4ard, of S8
uaraen stret. flftvf leti ror a
1 iMoujn uanaoa. Newport, iungsion.
w sua iae ueorge-
ir and Mrs W R, Moore. Mis L. R.
"'re, or tin Balttwor avenue, and Jir.
if Moora and fumlK Uft today far
lldwood Crest, where tbey UI remain
'"J mttktoti at tb (Ircro uablcs
in infurmal dar.on was held ll
riins4j vening at tb bom of M
Sd Urn Saicu.l McKnlaht. M Noilh o8d
Meiieshmtma were jnn'ed ,n ihn
mtaa Hu vktt.B f(ltlclly deeorned
Ha J.4,aiisi. iantti&s the
-! .list h, mu2uj Cfciuiiue. Mi Ktt
neth McKnlght, Miss Margaret Gcarhart,
rt.inB,rrr,r ?' Tcglr' Mlss Charltitto U
Noble, rr. Joaeph B. Hcarn. Miss Helen
Parker, Mr Gilbert C. Trimble, Mr. WIN
nam it. Bhowacre and Miss Elizabeth
Mrs. Joseph Baker, 6120 Chancellor
street, has gone lo" spend a month In the
mountains of Sullivan County, N. Y.
Mr- and Mrs. Charles McCusker, 719
Iortn 43d street, are receiving congratu
lations upon the birth of a daughter.
Mr. apd Mrs. William Shanahan, of 45
North Concstoga street, entertained nt
dinner last Sunday evening. Among those
present wero Miss Burell Lodge, MIbs
Geno Garrlck, Miss Louisa Smith and
Miss Knthcrlno Cojle.
M .., - .... . . .. . - .-.
.. uiiu .urn, .tiicnaci uaunnan, oi in
North Itrblnson street, will spend the
week-end nitli Miss Anna Floyd, ot 31
Thoinns avenue, Bryn Mawr, Pa.
Ur. A. .1. SSIcgler, Mr. Harry Miller, Mr.
Hurry Kulp, Mr. Walter Fretz, Captain I.
C. Roderick, of tho Keystone Yacht Club,
left today In tho Nomad for a tw3 weeks'
trip on tho Chesapeake, stopping en route
at Salisbury, Md,
. Mr. Albert M. Cornell and Mr. Clifford
H. Furness, of 8231 Sansom street, will
go this week to visit friends In Will
lamsport, Pn.
Mrs. Edward Jay, of the Alcaaar, 45th
and Walnut streets, Is spending the sea
son with cottage friends at Capo May
Mrs. H. K. Bonsall and her daughter,
4110 Locust street, have gone on a trip
along tho Massachusetts coast.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Chamberlln, 6103
Chestnut street, havo gone to Wlldwood
for tho season.
Mr. Robert Bowen, of 423 North Rob
inson street, Is camping at Brandywlne
Springs, Del. Mr. Bowen expects to re
turn early In August.
Mrs. Helena Jerskle, of a North Edge
wood street, Is entertaining her two sis
ters, Mrs. Agnes Kelly and Miss Louisa
Bacrcnback, of Indlnnapolls, Ind. Another
member of tho family reunion 1b Mrs.
Tersklo'u daughter, Mrs. Helen Stewart,
of Wilmington. Del;
Mrs. S. C. Bencker and her daughter,
Miss llnjmo Bencker, of 1S0T North 53th
street, lmo gone to Niagara Falls, Great
Lakes and Detroit, whero they will bo
tho guests of Mrs. J. G. Heller, who will
be remembered as Miss Cecelia Bencker,
of this city.
Miss Wllhelmlna Bell, of 1B03 North
65th street: Miss Anna Hohman and Miss
Kathryn Hohman, of 3ST3 Aspen street,
left last week for Atlantic City, where
they will remain until the middle of
August. Miss Margaret Boll, who has
been in Atlantic City for tho early sum
mer, will return next Sunday.
South Philadelphia
Mr. Maurice M. Cohen has returned
from his short stay at Richmond Hill,
L. I., accompanied by his cousin Miss
Mary Cohen. Miss Cohen will remain
here for a Xew weeks.
Mr. Patrick Magulre and family, of T32i
Christian street, havo opened their cot
tngo at Ventnor, Atlantic City, for tha
balanco ot the season.
Miss Eleanor Crowley, of 1320 Porter
street, and Miss Frnnccs Crowley, of 016
Mifflin street, are spending the month
of August at tho Crowley summer place
at AVlldwood.
North Philadelphia
Mies Olga Sticker1 and Miss Carroll
Sticker, of 1628 Diamond Btreet, are visit
ing in the vicinity ot Eagle's Mere foi
the balance of the summer.
Mrs. BlmpBon Hoffman and son Joseph,
of 3721 North 18th street, left Saturday for
a tour of tho Panama-Pacific fair, whero
they will be the guesta of Mrs. Hoff
man's brother and sister, Mr, and Mrs.
Chapman De Wolfe.
Mr. Harry J. Benner and family, of
3163 North 23th street, are taking a two
weeks' trip touring through Pennsyl
vania. Mr. John H. Catslft and Mr. Maurice
J. Felnateln will leave today tor Atlantic
City, whero they will remain for several
Mr. Harry E. Welnrpch, of 2315 Fair
mount avenue, Is spending his vacation
at Atlantio City, where he w(U remain
several weeks.
Miss Mary Felnour and her sister, Miss
Lite Felnour, of 1903 Green Btreet. will
spend the remainder of the season In the
Pocono Mountains. Their nephew, Mr.
Herbert Evans, who has been touring
through the West to visit the exposi
tions, will return homo on Wednesday,
Mrs. Alexander Rennlck, of 2251 North
21st street, has gone to California to visit
the expositions, stopping at points of In
terest on her way to the Pactflo coast.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Rlttenhouso will
spend August at their summer home In
Ocean City.
Miss Hannah Firth Eyans, of West On
tario street, has returned from the Wes
loy Inn, Wayne, and will leave on Mon
day to spend tho remainder of the season
at Asbury Park.
Mr. Clarence Thornton, of North Broad
street, has gone to Ocean Grove for the
remainder of the season.
Mr. and Mra. Frank Barras, of 3S3S
West Tioga street, Mve joined the col
ony of cottagers at Oqean City.
Mien Catharine Hek, of 3561 North War
nosk street, will leave shortly for a fort
night's stay In Atlantio City.
Miss Cora Rudolph, Miss Elsie Bteotps
ler. Mlsa TllUe Bteotpsler find Miss Emily
Stauffer. of Tioga, will spend this week
end in HlUabethtown, Pa. ,
Miss Bertha Schneider. Miss Esther and
Miss Helen Schneider, ot 8553 North llth
street, will Join a party of frlsnds at
Kwnedyvllle, Md., for a two weeks' vaca
tion. Mr. and Mrs. Harry N Stlllman. ot Mia
West Erie avenue, will return tomorrow
from th t. Clare Hotel. Atlantic City,
where tney have tn staying lne May.
Notices for the Society page will be
Mpte4 and printed In the KyubIbi
cdger, bat all tt,h notte ut I
written Q one sW ot the vPr.
Boat be aimed In full, with fall d.
dr, ad wbtif polM tJDboBe
uutaVw uaat be clreo,
6ad alt aveb totummtoatUaa to
SMt4y KdlUT," ttveBhue Ledger,
VH Cbeetaat atrei.
CkKm 1m reulremwt ate
urrua (MM M tt TlflfoiUu may
M patfiU. the wttc wMt Bt be
HllPs' mJKMlliH JT fSsSmmmKL , -
Mrs. McFadden, who is a popular matron of tho younger sot, is at
J. Kcarsley Mitchell, at their cottage at Isloboro, Mo. Mrs. McFadden
Mrs. B. Frank Clyde.
Mrs, Thomas M. Fltzgernld, of West
Baltimore avenue, is nt tho Hotel Brigh
ton, Atlantic City, for a thrco weekB
stay. Mrs. Fitzgerald and Miss Edith
Boyd will take a trip to Buffalo August
15, and from t'nero they will take a lake
trip to Duluth, Minn.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Love, of East
Greenwood avenue, havo taken a cottage
for the remainder of tho summer at
Ocean City. During their absence their
home on East Greenwood avenue will be
occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Lowe,
of Philadelphia.
Miss Elizabeth Fackler, of Owen and
Stewart avenues, left laat week for a
thrco weeks' Btay at Asbury Park.
Mr. Joseph Kelly, of North Lansdowne
avenue, hns gone to Europe on business.
Jir. and Mrs. Frank Voclker, of North
Lansdowne avenue, are to bo nt Atlantic
City for Boveral weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Page StaUcll and
their four children are spending three
weeks at Ocean City.
Jir. and Mrs. Howard Read, of 322 North
Lansdowne avenue, are enjoying a two
weoks' motor trip through Pennsylvania.
Miss Betty Stewart, of Stratford ave
nue, spent tho week-end with Miss
Beatrice Kelly at Spring Lake.
Mrs. F. G. Cooper and son, of South
Lansdowne avenue, are tho guests of
Mrs. Walter L. Phillips at her cottago
In Cape May.
Dr. Albert L. Stone, of North High
land avenue, will spend August In Pleas
antllle. N. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Jones, of 428
Fountain street, are receiving congratu
lations upon tho birth of a son, Robert
Enderlln Jones. July 21.
Miss Helen Palmer, a pupil nurao at
the Germantown Hospital, has returned
from a two weeks' vacation spent at the
homo of her parents in Latrobe, Pa.
Mr. Edwin J. O'Donnell. Mr. William
F. Lanlgan and Mr. D. T. Lanlgan. of
03 Smlck street, are the guests of Mr.
Bert Lee, of Chester, Pa.
Miss Carrie Hammerle. of Manayunk,
is spending a few weeks at Wlldwood.
Mrs. Sarah Goodfellow, with her son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E.
Hunter Lord, of Lyceum avenue, has
gone to Asbury Park, to remain through
the heated term.
Miss Maude Kelly, of 4381 Manayunk
avenue, is spending the aummer In tho
Pocono Mountains,
Mr, and Mra. Cadwallader Lackey and
their family, of Manayunk avenue, will
occupy their cottage at Wlldwood during
August, '
Delaware County
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Palmer, of Be
cane, are entertaining Mr. and Mrs.
French, of Colorado.
Mr. M. E. Hawkett and hla son, and
Mr. Louis Hayne, of Morton, are on a,
motor trip through the New England
Mr. and Mra. John Sautter, of Wood
side avenue, are receiving congratulations
upon the birth of a son.
Tho Neighborhood Club, of Secane
Highlands, will hold a pltnlo supper on
August 12 In Ormles orchard. Mr. Will
lam Sharpies la president of the associa
tion. Mr William Johnson vice president,
Mr. Charles Shaffer secretary and Mra.
William Sharpless treasurer-
Mr. and Mrs. J. Osborne Hopwood, of
Rugby place. Secane, will motor tomor
row to Pottatown. where they will be the
guests of Mr. end Mrs. Comly Shoemaker.
Mrs E- F Greathead, of Norwood, now
of the North Wlldwood cottage colony,
1 enthualastle over motorboata and au
tomobile. Her launch la a familiar sight
on the sound back of Anglesea.
family Excursion Steamer to
100 Miles 50 Cents
; "t Cheelw and penaroTe
OMy Hat to Awl6 !
b.iiTS BOB walury bathroom. Full of
chMui l9t a4 baaoh 4aonf all 4w
ha!"T , ka amiweaoeata Utei
m Ccjb && A- at i
Mr. and Mrs. J. Harris Toll, of Lolper
street, and their guests, Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred T. Maxwell, of Buffalo, left last
week on nn extended motor trip through
the Berkshire Hills and New England.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Harris Toll, Jr., and
their two children, Herbert Toll nnd Wal
ter Toll, will be at tho Toll residence
during tho absence of the former's par
ents. Mrs. Toll. Jr.. will be remombered
as Miss Martha M. Cully, of Holmcsburg.
Mr and Mrs. Harry S. Ashton, of
Rhawn nnd Crispin streets, left last week
for their cottage, Idlowood Croat, at Wild
wood. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ashton wero ac
companied by their two daughters, Miss
Frances Aahton nnd Miss Gertrude Ash
ton. Mr. and Mrs George Tongue, of Fox
Chase, accompanied by their chlldron,
Miss Sara Tonguo and Henry Tongue,
havo arrived at Montros'e, where they will
Bpend tho remainder of tho summer.
Miss Mario Nixon and Wilbur Nixon,
daughter and son of Mr. and Mra. George
Nixon, of Rhawn street, Holmesburg, aro
spending part of tho summer at Brook
lyn, N, Y as the guests of friends.
Miss Ella Patterson, of Holmesburg,
accompanied by Miss Bessie Rawson,
Miss Lydla Parker, Miss Edith Wltzel,
Miss Nathalie Rowland and Miss Corlnna
Perkins, la spending two weeks at Vlnc
mont, Pa. Miss Patterson will go to At
lantic City when she returns from Vine
mont. The euchres at tho Bchool hall of St.
Dominic's Church have been discontinued
until August 18. when Mr. and Mra.
Joseph Fullerton, of Torrcsdale. will act
aa host and hostess.
Mrs. Mary Gallagher, of 2603 Rhawn
street, has roturned from Easton. where
she was tho guest of her daughter, Mrs.
CarloB de Marmol.
Hotel Arrivals
GREEN'S J. F. Dlel, Allentown, Pa J Thomaa
Bauer, New York: W. II. Temple, New York;
D. K. Hoover, Altoona, Di
CONTINENTAL-H. Sampltr Sea. IbIo City.
N. J.;, J. A. Itlce. Washington! Mr. and Mrs.
F. J. Larkln. Trenton; Mr. and Mrs. II. A.
Fox, I'lltaburgb. ,
DOONER'8 John Mulligan New York: L. W.
Owen, Weat Chester; II. 8 noberte, New
NEW BINOHAM-J. M. McCaulcy. Chlwaoj
Cheeter A. Oauie, New York; William Cut-
ler. Franklin, Maa,; E. P. Johnson, New
HANOVER W. V. Mannatta, Eaaton; P. N.
Joaeph. New York; Mlaa Helen E. Jacoba,
Mlllbrook, Ta.; F. F. Harding, Reading-, l'a.
WINDSOR W. W. Stewart. Pennaarove. N.
J., Mr, and Mra. L- W. Lee. Ilarrlaburg;
Androw Ford, frovldence; C, Simmons,
Vhoenlxvltle, Pu.
VENDIO L. R Wagner, noston; W. V.
Meier. East Oranae, N. J.; Lewis II. Carrls,
Trenton; Alfred M Field. Cynwjrd, Pa.
ADELPIHA-W. 8. Stone. Scranton, Pa t n.
II. Ross Pittsburgh; Charles Hess. Jlethla
hem, Pa'.; Oeorgo S. Poroeroy, Jr , Reading
RtTZ-CARLTON-Albert E. Heine, New York;
Mr. and Mra. O, Sherman. New York; n. O
Stewart, Chicago, Mra. A. H. Agnew. Pater
son, N. J,; Mr and Mra, W. Horton, New
iam 1 Bailey, Connellsvllle, Pa . Hruce Hod
ford, Trenton! W. E. Krlne. Milwaukee. C.
8 Brown. Pittsburgh, Mlsa 1.11a Warwick.
Cleveland; Miss Ida M. Derger. Cleveland!
Mr. and Mra. C, IV. Armatrong Lock Haven,
Pa.. R. M Orltnih, Pittsburgh, Edgar J.
Welly. Chicago; Mra A. C. Oraton Worces
ter, Mais.; Mra. Uava L, Rlets, Clearfield,
WALTON-Mra. B. J. Mounta. Smith Mills.
Pa.t Mra. N. C. Jobneon. Bmlth Mills. Pa.l
H. J. Harbtnson, HlJIey park. Pa.. Richard
Waterman, New York
BTENTON Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sense, New
ark. Mr and Mra. Q. R Dormant. Pllta
burgh; J 8. Kruger. New York, Mr, aad
Mrs. C. N. Horde New York.
COLONNADB-W. C- Moore, St Lnyl. AJ.
Pennock. Sumter, 8. C B. A. Hall. Qlen
Falls, N. Y., A. Hodgson, New York.
RITTBNHOUSE-Mr and Mra OP. Hood.
Pittsburgh; Mr. and Mra. J. P. Elklns,
Juliana, Pa,, Mr. and Mra D B Taylor,
Juliana, Pa.; It. II Carter. Beaford, Del.
Oecupjlnc an entire block or ocean treat and
connected with the famous Boardwalk; la
the popular Chelsea, section, capacity BOO:
unusually Urge, opal roams with unobstruoted
view ot the oceaar'from all, t and fresh
watir In all hatha, running watsr la rooaoai
ISOO ft ot porches surround the hotel, ths
new dlninc room overlooks tha see.) asset
cuhiine and white sen Its, orchestra of solo
tsis, (Unclog twice dally -octal dlverelaaa;
Lounge. gpeeUI J17 30 up weekly, booklet
Km tied: auto meets t reins njMgecawt 111
Laadlag Hlh Oaaa Moderate-Hate Hotel
Al RPMARI P Ylrglals. ar Beach.
nt-Luiin.i.k-u f SM sieve,tor bv
Steve,tor private
exiellenL iWg. Sununer rite
at uble. Summer rate
II up dau vsa t r uuras-
i &3r4fiftKilS
fS5 ixsaui jatnoor aatoar una T
pJ A Bold Original Creation UJ
(BiJ vtthttUIC-Iuttlua.UeCK B-J
BjMSa fofoj.y, Hm.rt Tt.wiSH BSMBa
present the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
i3 tho daughter of tho attractive
Miss Etta Ralston, 'of 21 Millbourne
avenue, wns entortalned nt dinner Sat
urday night at the Adelphia by Mrs.
William Grist, of Highland avenue, Over
brook. Miss Ralston wns also the re
cipient of a linen shower recently. In
which about 21 of her young friends
Mr. E. B. Richardson, of 22 Millbourne
aenue, has Just returned from an Im
portant business trip to Baltimore and
Washington, Mr. Richardson was gone
for nbout a week.
Camden and Vicinity
Dr. and Mrs. J. If. Lycll and Miss
Helen Lyell are spending several weeks
at Atlantic City.
Mr. Harry C. Dole, of 4th and Elm
streets, Is spending two months with
relatives In Vermont.
Mrs. B. F. Boyer and her grand
daughter, Miss Helen Mecray: Mrs. Car
rie Hackett and Mrs. Elmlra Woodward
will take a trip to points In Maine and
The engagement of Miss Mary Wilson,
of 3d and Linden streets, to Mr. Donald
S. Humphreys, ot 4th and Coopor streets,
hos been announced.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thompson and small
son. of North 6th Btreet, are, aa usual,
at the Haddon Heights Inn for the season.
Mr. nnd Mrs. L. W. Plant, of North 6th
Etreet, aro upending some time at the
Mr. and Mrs William N. Bannard, who
are nt Belgrade Lakes, Me , will return
about August K.
Dr. and Mrs. Irvine M. Fllnn and their I
sons. Lewis Fllnn and Irvine Fllnn, have
icturned from the Panama-Pacific and
tJan Diego expositions.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Thompson and
thei- family left yesterday for Northeast
Harbor, Me., where they will Btay until
early In the fall. Later they will be
joined by Miss Katherlne Wilson,
Miss Louise Lea Is at Bar Harbor, Me.,
visiting Mrs. Sheffield Phelps, and will
remain thero during August.
General James H. Wilson was In New
York this week visiting friends.
Capacities 200 to 290. Near Beach.
Boardwalk: and Amussmanla. Pleasant
social lite. Coaches meet all trains. Boole.
lata. For detalla addreea the following
hotels at Wlldwood. N. J.t
ADELfm-VUTTB., J(. Wltte
DOnSEV....,., J. K. Wbltesell
II ADDON HALL N. A. Handolph
Unrol RpnrHno- 183 B. Oalc Ave. Large.
t.vtf. .-..-...., ,( rooms. Superior tahle.
Near depots, beach amuss.
A amuss. u
TI-ia AiH Olenwood t Pacllto avee. Itatt
1 lie VYdUC gup. Mf, WM. UPPgnMAN,
n Al TIMORP Dklt. 222 B. Magnolia ave.
UAL. I IfflvJKC Ntar Vwtl j, amuaemente.
nRPPNI PlfiH a B Pln " nalh'
UKEcm-ElUn- rombouse.Mrs.Mjr Jonas.
Open for aeaaon. MAHQABET MACE, M, O
Tth front. Mat and cold running crater.
rivato oaia au p. niiawow ni.in.
ncrshlp management,
y. i. 7LOTD,
II 1CTIPP Near beach and amusements;
J UO I H-L. booklet. W. A. JUSTICE.
Ideal modern hotel, capacity 400, aea water
bathe, etc cafe and grill garage Booklet
i-halfnntf" ' Ocean ave. Ocean view
TV. rt.Aean.Uo OSAUU CUeltle.
t 6 ..s.. uk juuanr bolln
aabluf Amo cacUea y-e-lur sou
vuumetvuxst r.
ULENWOOIX MALt -m lava Perkluowa ftaek.
Laia4i&.wil-a. bit. Oaaa igtwsait
tertaining extensively this summer,
gave n luncheon-bridge Friday on board
her yachl Llltlan 8. during a cruise to
Beach Haven. Her guests Included Mrs.
Albert Bait. Mrs. Charlea Berger, Mrs.
Frank Schans, Mrs. Harry Parsons, Mra
Mack Lata, Mrs. Minnie Joerger, Mrs.
Florenco Oarnett, Mies Jane Parker, Mlsa
Jessie Evans Sehani, Mrs. Leon Rubens,
Mrs Frederick Rollman and Mrs, Franz
Mrs David C. Reed, ot 3 Stenton place,
South Chelsea, has gone to the Delawnro
Wnter Gap for a fortnight, accompanied
by her two sons.
Mrs. E. Roy Rlshcl. of Philadelphia,
will spend the month of August with Mi.
nnd Mrs. Charles Edwnrd Rupp, who,
Blnce their marriage In June, have been
residing nt the Juanlta Apartments,
Chelsea, Airs. Rupp wilt entertain at
luncheon on Monday In honor of Mrsj
Soverat Philadelphia girl wero noticed
among the attractively gowned promo
nadern of the Chelsea Walk today.
Miss Lenore E. Kno chose a chto
white taffeta frock and n large whlto
satin hat.
Mtas Ellen Bell Smith wore a whlto
satin sailor lint nnd a whlto Georgette
crepe frock garnitured with tiny ruffles.
Miss Rosallo Hoban, who spent tho
week-end at the Chelsea Hotel, uoio a
pale pink taffeta hat with her modish
frock of pink and whlto striped taffeta
Miss Edith Wilkinson, who Is one of the
most admired girls of the younger set,
woro a dainty white net frock with a
broad sash of blue satin. Her hat wns ot
bluo chiffon.
Miss Irene McCloakoy, who Is spondlng
the summer at tho Dennis, was on the
Chelsea strand with a party of frlonds.
Miss McCloskey chose a white embroid
ered robe nnd n largo leghorn hat faced
with ptnk chiffon.
Tho Grace Agullar Home was benefited
as tho result of the carnival and dancing
contest given at the Garden Pier Thurs
day evening. Tho committee In charge
included Mrs. Joseph N. Snellcnburg, Mrs.
Miriam K. Amoie, Mrs. Clarence Mll
helser, Mrs. Jules E. Mastbaum, Mrs.
Joseph Greonwnld and Mrs. Simon Well.
Allen Dickey motored down from Phila
delphia for tho week-end to visit his
parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. Dickey, who
are at the Hotel Brighton.
Jir. II. Yalo Dolan, Mr. S. Megargeo
Wright nnd Mr. H. G. Rosengarten for
sook tho charms of tho Great Wooden
Way nnd spent the'dny on the golf links.
Miss Phyllis Walsh, Miss Mary Kccnan
nnd Miss Margaret Keenan wero among
the enthusiastic canociaie u,i mo inn
nor strand this morning. All thrco girls
wore black satin surf robes ndorncd with
smocking, wjilch Is the most modish gar
niture for nqueous habiliments this sea
son. CAPE MAY, Aug. 2. Warm weather
has brought many unexpected arrivals to
Capo May and the bench has become
j. i ...l.l. hntliAr. nnylntm tn tnkp All.
croui:u ..., u.,v. -....- --
vantage of the refreshing ocean baths.
Among those seen on the strnnd aro: Mrs.
Spencer Miller. 3d, Mrs. Hutchinson Scott.
A Superb Exposition Train jl I
Going or returning on your Expo
sition Trip arrange to travel via St.
Louis the natural Gateway of the
The moat picturesque route between the
Mississippi River nnd the Rockies the
scenic line of the world across the Rockies
the famous Feather River Canon route
through the Sierras are included in the
trip on
rScenicfim tied
ggjy emiieiisHis mmnmummmninjmrar
All-steel handsomely equipped
fast daily service between St. Louis.
Kansas City and Son Francisco.
via tho
Missouri Ksgihc-
Be?jyee &Hio Grande
"Western Sgifig-
One change between the Atlantic and the
Pacific, The only through train from St. Louis
to the Pacific Coast. Fore includes trip to
San Diego.
For information and booklet call or ailo
! r
j nT n
Jr., Miss Sdphy Worth, Mta Harry Lip
plncott Caseatt, Mls Alva Sergeant. Mr.
Harry MdMlchael, Mr nnd Mm B $-
mour Merrick, Mrs Charles Hurst. Mrs.
H. Eugene Smith and Ttcr two daughters,
Mlsa Edith and Miss Mary Smith.
Great excitement Is being caused over
tho popular-lfldy contest whfch ths Cape
May Herald has opined Miss Dorothy
Frick, ono ot Baltimore's most attractive
girls. Is tn the lead and It may be hoped
will bo the lucky one to kin the bwu
tlfnl silver eup
Mrs Trnnels Pegram nnd her grand
daughter, Miss Margaret Steele, of Net?
York, havo left Capo May for several
weeka and gone to the Pocono Mountains
Dancing Is not put aside, despite the
warm ovenlngs the Bed Mill still has Its
evenings of galoty for tho younger set.
Miss BatlOch Illchards, Jilts Virginia
Harris, Miss Ktlznboth Kennedy Mlss
Edith Wilson, Miss Catharine Caksard,
Miss Alice McCabc. Mr Samuel Bisphnm.
Mr. Ddnnrd Cassard, Mr. Samuel Car
penter, air. Nathaniel Davis, Mr Aplln
Bparks, Mr. William Klngslcy, Jr, Sir.
James Davis were among those seen on
tho floor taking ndVnntngo of Mr. John
son's excellent music
Sir. and Mrs, G, W. Cook motored back
to Philadelphia today, taking With them
their fwo very attractive daughters. Miss
Nancy Cook nnd Miss Emily Cook, Miss
Nancy Cook will bo ono of the debutantes
of the coming season.
Miss . Bnlloch IttcVmrds was seen
strolling nbout tho beach looking very
stunning In a short whlto linen sport
skirt, a sleeveless cerlso sweater" and a
white sailor hat very high crowned and
with quite a umnll brim. The costume
wns quite complete with high black-and-white
shoes of buckskin.
Mr. and Sirs. Ellis Shoemaker nnd their
attractive daughter, Miss Pattle Shoe-'
maker, of Germantown. have made a de
lightful addition to Cape May society,
where they have arrived at the Hotej
Mr. nnd Mrs, E. S. Pago are nt Stock
ton Villa for several weeks.
Sir, and Mrs. Francis Duckctt have as
their gueata Sir. and Sirs, Cyrus Dixon,'
of Germantown, for sevoral weeks at
their pretty cottago on Queen street.
Mr. Hugh Sillier has joined the colony
at Capo Slay for several days.
Sirs. Norman Jones, of Germantown.
motored down with a party of friends,
and Is spondlng a few days In Capo May.
4 ,
What's Doing Tonight
Municipal Hand. Bartram's Garden, Mth
street nnd Elmwood nnuo; 9 o'clock. Free.
ralrmount Park Hand. Ccorge'a Hill. 8
o'clock. I rec.
Philadelphia Hand, City Hall Fla; 8
o'clock. 1 rc l
Lecture. ' Limits ot Mu.-lcnl Expression."
rjr llunh A. ClarKe. Houston 1UU. o'clo;!.
Suffrage Events Today
Noon Opcn-alr meeting at ltromley'a Lata?
Curtain Mill, 4th street nnd Lehigh avenue.
Hpeskcr, Mlsa Anna McCue
R 10 p. m Cpcn-nlr meetinc at Qcrrnintnwn
nnd Luhlgh arnuea Speaker. Mlts Anna Mc
8X0 p. m. Open-air meeting at Tih street
and Snider avenue. Sneakera, Or E. M.
Hlestand-Moore and M C. Engard,
h 10 p in. Opcn-alr meeting ot 7th street
ard 1 rlo ncnue Spongers. Mlaa Sarajj
K!hcr, Mine Jane Myer and Mra Bresotte
E. HOYT, G. E. P. A.
1246 Broadway
New York, N. Y.