Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 02, 1915, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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Rabin's Comedienne on Trail of
5 pootgenr lO riuvune jjuugu
k tef of Film Viewers.
' By the Photoplay Editor
..rth!ng from tU& fitoro but the
Jff $ the bras of Mao Hotely about
'SfiCdto' Ule tilt on the fact
J.i fihs never wore the same twice, but
X bu become the day of the trade-
iff Ind all. But "instead of having a
, Sume mado that would advertise Itself
Vcwtume, made for the express pur-
Swe of being funny, sho took a trip from
5S!ntlo City to Philadelphia, -whore a
' arch : the stores yielded a hat as
1 runny as anything1 that might bo cspo-
dklly manufactured and It is a 1015 model,
t that, So, too. Is tho suit. It came
rleht out of stock and has not been nl-
5m, but the boots were quite another
, "jllsV'lIotely realized that to be funny
:. l-nt... htt ViAnla -ivnM ImnOBSlDIn ILL tne
Ikmoment, or, more correctly, sho should
belong to tho 33d degree unless she wore
I! the regalia, so Bho hunted up a shoe
it maker In Atlantic City. Sho told him
I what she wanted, but he refused to be
:.i i.. irA inointnil iinnn tnklno? her
e ..nnminMi(B ntifl nrtmirpri her that the
ftahoes would bo plenty large enough to
B6 COmiOnaDie. one uaiira iimi iui
: ihi wanted Bnoes large cnougn iu ire
imost uncomfortable. It was unbeliev
able. He shook his head. Even the in-
iturta carried no enlightenment to the
''tun oi Bunny naiy, no mon i row
whether sne was arunic or crazy, ana no
did not care, but he would make no
V .t In tViA ntnAtn an A. nrrrnraA n nnlx
LUk.lV U MIO atuuiu Mtt wv.-.F. u. fell
of boots from BHHe Reeves, Two mln-
uies later eno eiroueu m on tno euoe
Imakeivwlth tho "scows" protruding; from
.iicjicttia ncr inificuD uicoa, muftu mem
:liko this' she explained, and when the
poor man came out of his tranpe he did
i&sf Exhibit A will show.
KMM.n.lnif In fn.nliA.. ,k. !Nl.ia..l.
I Company will release a Sidney Drew
I picture every Friday, Inaugurating what
I will hfl known nn n "Sliltiov rrtv rinv
Mr. Drew will direct all tho pictures In
Which he appears, playing opposite hia
A moat amusing and totally unintended
combination appeared Saturday In huge
posters advertising the attractions of the
current week at the Stanley Theatre. One
lde of the sixteen-sheet poster called at
tention to the fact that Mary Pickford
Would be seen In "Hags"; the other half
setting forth the appearance of Pauline
Frederick in "Sold." But after the bill
printer and bill-poster got through with
It, the words reading "Bags" and "Sold"
appeared on the same line and to tho
. casual reader it nnnpnr- no nnoo KnM
iTlle,bI11' for that reason. Is attracting
i njusiucruuie attention
The'movles as a health cure appeal to
May Ward.
Not that she really needs It. Any
3t '- "'"v tun icw you mat tne
1 Dresden doll comedienne" has pinker
cheeks than any rougo box can furnish,
JM a vitality that nothing but a healthy
i body and a healthy mind can account for.
if .A" the Bame, JIIss Ward votes for the
lwoi9piay as a road to Tiealth, as well
jr nciuin ana nappiness. as a vaiide
i Fi Villa headllner. Bho used to nnlnh wnrlr
by 11, get to bed at 12 or 1, and never
Wf up again before noon. All the while
fit was stuffy theatres, dusty dressing
i mum una tne I'uumans. wow sue lives
B IS fin ftlil fnlnnlftl hltlBA I.. in ,... ........
gets up every morning at 6, rides off Into
ijno country and spends the day In the
icpen air filming "A Continental' Girl"
afpr the new Continental Photonlav f!nr.
juration, whlph Induced her to desert
nuaeviue tor the movies.
I l If VOU BhnilM tinnnAn in n1l xrtaa
lyVVard. when she's through her day's work
I "find that's tuat nhnilf Rlinnnr tlmn vnuM
haVe tO rlflHcA hftP ffnil.iAira.e r kntaJn
j-and shake the upper part of her fore
Irf Por anther of (he Joys of acting
Irl? e movies. Miss Ward finds. Is al
jf.ttost unlimited domesticity. In between
Pr v0n "A Cpntlnenta.1 Girl" and
I, inrough the evenings, Bhe can "mess
B round" If. ,h. I.n.t ., - . - .
fjao has 13 of thum
i Bight now Miss Ward is also Colonial,
I A'Y CoIn'al' "I started acting at 13,"
fl" i nad six years with Al
iii.0? when Busy Bertha was a beau
1.1 .it k model Instead of a two-ton
K..J ,Ve Played all sorts of things In
t vaudeville since the critics woke up to
ky existence with 'The Cash Girl.' I've
Bfttfi called ths 'rrart..i Hnll ramilnti
li 4i1.'v done 'nut stuff' f the Tanguay
I". J V- "Ul tnla the first time I've
li Ver been Colonial." r
irr .aon l think shes demure. No
Photoplay Btar can be that, even In our
fc T'ntfl 01rl " MlB Rfd li to climb a
1 SSpf' Paddle an Indian canoe, shoot a
iZ.i. v"CB a minuet ana ride a gal-
'VPJr.K horse Anrl tho nnlv nnA nt tl,..
EMWM that Bhe bad a bowing ac
t til Rlf8 wlth beforehand Is the last
Aatvw in Philadelphia After Expedi
t'ntoMShriners" Conclave jn Seattle.
jnLu Temple "caravan," consist-
; comDwff1 ,,-'rU!.,la?IPf todaX ft'ter
Unnii !!a iv.uw.mue irjp to tne im-
mn V? ,n oeaitie. iie-anea oy
S :Ca! w- Freeland Kendrlck.
n """" -e tng tnrea special cars
IHn - . "v,l:e' mation yesterday. Tne
4t 11 an epoch la excursion travel.
mr,i i. "Qm tne transportation of
SB 11. m.vv u, ,. o.,,5-
fredertck B JBarnltr. awistant dlstriot
iii" T' " l the Pennsylvania,
-----. wa ln cnarge of the trip.
' n imiiMifVPvitHjuiiiB nun
Georce v Vanrirhiii ,..i,..i
r ? poUf? for M rollllon dol.
HOOO and $2000 CertlfipaiH
mt do the mQst good. Ten
Kindred dollars in a cotta can
provide more comfort than a,
Wilion In a palace.. The Arti
n Order for 42 years has
fered life nrotsctlon ta Us
mbert, paid sjck benflte In
HWMs, atprdted the social
-."laiuMHfBi ana fraternity,
n i roat nn in small quarterly
ments s.h any ncubtr.
iruuucrr. Play
ffllr Puppet Ctown
2 Famous rlayeri Itaga
3 Farnoua riayers Jllee und Men
? t?!lky sf"t Orchard
12 Famou. rlayeri Sold
IB Insky Marriage ef Kitty
W Moroneo-nomrorth Nearly a Lady
In m0"" ""J. The Dainty nos
20 Moroaco-Boorlh Jlajeaty of the taw
21 Stllg
2 Lubln
A Tas'Slr
f,.- .ti t-..-
Aug 0 Vitagraph
Chalice at Courage
A Bunch of Keys
House of a Thouaand
Tlllla'a Tomato Bur-
The Man Trail
The Circular Btalr-
cae '
The arc&t ftuby
IB Tafanay
2.1 Sellg
Aug 3D Lubln
8 Vitagraph
i K88Anay
20 Bellg
Sept. 2T Lubln
WOlttD Flt,M
Marrying Money
20 Ehubert
2 Lderer
li Uradv
IB Premo
21 Shubert
10 Armstrong
B llrsriv
The Stolen Voice
The MaBler Hand
The t.lttle Dutch Girl
Tho Itenegade
Tho Cotton King
The Impoater
Tho Ivory Snuft Box
My Partner
11 llrndv
20 Shubert
27 nrady
7 Mcintosh
Value of Field Sports to the
Order The Grand Regent's
Good Showing This Summer.
Integrity Council, tho winner of the
Council trophy offered by the Royal Ar
canum Athletic Committee at Its big
meet at Willow Grove Park, la rejoicing
not only upon having won out by the
greatest number of points, but upon tho'
wide margin between It and the nearest
competitor. It towered head and shoul
ders over Its rivals ns an athletic coun
cil, and has been heard from quite fre
quently of lato ln many affairs that tend
to advertise and elevate the order ln gen
eral. Brother William I. Younger, thi
chief booster of Integrity Council, was
proudly showing tho prize at tho picnic,
consisting of a beautiful bronze plaque.
Tho team was generously congratulated
by Us opponents and friends. Its run of
victories received a sudden Jolt when it
camo to tho baseball game with Its old
rivals, the Philadelphia Councl 1 team,
which administered a defeat by the score
of 6 to 2 ln a flve-lnnlng contest. Phila
delphia Council llkewlso proved Us su
periority ln the one-mllo relay raco of the
closed events, winning second council
honors ln tho day's sports. Tioga Council
was third and Continental Council fourth.
The committee feci Immensely encouraged
at the Interest manifested ln the Held sports
and tellevo It to bo of great bencnt to the
order In the city and vicinity. Tho success ot
the affair la mainly duo1 to the untiring ef
fort of Brother J. Edward Kllburne, ot the
General Committee, who deioted unlimited
amount of energy, time and service. Tho
Royal Arcanum Ts fortunate In possessing nn
enthusiast like Brother Kllburne and the many
other actlvo committee workers.
Grand Regent I n. Gelsenberger is very
much Dleased with the results for the two
months ot his administration. June and July,
as a rule, are poor months for applications.
There has been a favorable showing this J ear.
however. Many councils haio observed Ar
canum Day and held outdoor affairs that keep
tho enthusiasm altvo during the hot months.
Oxford Council, of Brooklyn, haa on its
files an application blank filled out and signed
by the applicant, which will never be used
Without completing the requirements for mem
bership the signer becamo a passenger on the
Ill-fated Lusttanla. Just a Iltte further at
tention on his part would have obligated tho
Royal Arcanum to pay his widow a good sum
of money which sho greatly needs. Does this
teach a lesson?
Philadelphia Council met July 2T In the
Parkway Building with Clyde P. Smith In the
chair. Among the 75 nttendants were two
visitors from Newark Council. The Picnic
Committee mado a formal report, and appro
priate resolutions were passed upon the death
ot their late brother and medical examiner,
Dr J. P. Hoynolda.
Dr. H. J. Brachman, of Pennsylvania Coun
cil, was at the State Dental Convention at
Asbury Park, N. J., and was obliged to fore
go the pleasure of the Willow Grove picnic
One of the distinguished tlsltora at the out
ing was Grand Orator James Norton, of Rend
ing, who has cultivated one of those grand
regent amllea that helped to Illuminate tho
park. Mrs. Norton ond daughter came with
The aupreme officers and representatives
were all on. hand at Willow Groie headquar
ters Mr and Mra. Lathy never miss the
putlngs; Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas have a per
centage ot 1000 for attendance; Mr. and Mra.
Roedell are bride and groom In the supreme
circle and bid fair to win Bome high average.
It goes without saying that no Arcanum social
affair la complete without Mr. and Mra. Eaton
and family
Reception Plnnned for Returning
Evening Ledger Tourists.
East Park Branch Is preparing to wel
come District Organizer KHIgore back
from his trip to the Pan-American Ex
position. Letters nnd postcards received
from him Indicate that he has enjoyed
every moment of the trip. Frater Kill
gore and Mrs, Klllgore. It will be re
membered, went out to the coast with
the Ledger tourists. In addition to win
ning a trip for Mrs. Klllgore, the Ledger
nnnlaof hlt fll?AH H linat fit Ptl thllSlaS tlC
readers to the Evenino Ledger from the
fraternity's membership,
Philadelphia Branch will keep ita place In
the lead and will add a large class of new
candidates to It roll at the August meeting
The recent spurt taken by East Park Branch
had the effect of waking up the members In
No. o that they have hustled In spite of
the hot weather and with telling effect. As
one member recently expressed It, "Branch -t
expects to be crowded from the lead when the
last member la dead "
Oik Park Branch will bold a watermelon
party at Its next meeting on August 12. A.
large quantity ot the aucculent fruit has been
ordered for the occasion, and to round out
the program, the Entertainment Committee
will nave some muaicai latent on siuitu, iuui
mander W, C. Applegare has Issued n call to
til the stay-at-home members to be present
at thla meetjp.
Superintendent M. W. Melxel announces that
complete returns of the membership contest
will probata be ready for publication by
August O he work of checking up the re
turns will consume several days, and while
the contest closed on July HI, all the returns
will not be In until after August 2.
An event of Interest to every Philadelphia
member and hl frlenda IS the annual "All for
Glory" swimming meet at the Central Branch
y. M. C. A on August 10. Members who ex
pect to participate ln tbe event wU meet at
the fraternity building, JIM Arch street,
g n. rn. There will be no charge for adraU.
Ion to the different events.
All arrangements have been made for the
annual picnlo at 'Vfoodside Park on August &
The commUWe In charge baa, prepared a. pro
gram of sporting events, to jwnctude wlin
ball game between the married and single
member. Bo far the committee baa been un
able to aeeura the service of a, competent
umpire. A number of member who were
offered the lob declined with thank, the latent
to turn It down being 'Bill MeGavy. who,
IS ipite if Wi 220 pound. IntUti that'be will
risk apoply and cover second ba fer tbe
married men.
The Work of an Energetic Assembly
in Membership Increase.
Adelph! Ambly had a very good at
tendance eonslderine th weather, but
morejiotlceable than the attendance was
the fart that tnere wre thtM candMtw
ittWftt4 and nvs applications presented.
Iftr nment esaditfens all must ajmit
fulaSSiBK and reception & & w
Ste, when "der old John" urewented
button in a. most diplomatic manner, all
were enter! lined by lirottae Phil's com
mute feOJlM MUr. tot whom all have
a. warn fltB Have a jjenuinely good
talk Btirely out of the ordinary, bis
torti OSIOIS vrry " I
8oj 11 hide iketr Utt wJ I
IpSSet" M t kJw tafci ta
Star i . ., rtatla
Ina Claim and Carlyle SlackwcU
Mary lMckronl '
Margiirlti Clark 8
Blanche Sweet
Pauline Frederick
Fanny, Ward
Elrie Janla
llatM lMwn 0
Of orgs Fawcett
VTvrnn Pnwi-
;r:"u..:r --
fllii1v'tlinAii Atirf Haatva fl. nnn.
ctr' 8
Myrtle Oontales and William Dun-
mm 0
June KPlth and Johnny Slavln S
Grace Darmond and Harry Meatayer (I
Marie Dressier
nobert Edesdn
Stella nozeto and Quy Oliver 8
Octavta Handworth and Beatrlca
Morgan B
Clara: Klmbalt TfoUng
llelne Davlea
nobert Warwick
Is'at Ooodnrln
Vivian Martin
Alice Brady
George Nash
Jose Collins
Ulllan Tucker and Edwin August
Holbrook Dllnn
Durr Mcintosh
Brothers Van Tine and Brooks were accom
plished musicians, and tne exhibition of their
talent was greatly appreciated. Brother Up
sey will be Induced to .secure these artists
agtln. Even Brother Spfkxn.an, of Southwest
ern, a most Interested party In the now ratea.
evadod the question and spoke on getting In
new candidates. It la the belief that the
agitation will be forgotten and that the order
will sustain such a small loss that It will not
be noticeable.
p '
l'ldetlty Assembly I to bo treated to a novel
aummer pleasure in tho form of on old-fashioned
basket picnic nnd outing nt the farm ot
Brother fjiwrencp, that exceedingly popular
member ot Harmony Assembly, long established
at PennlteUL on tho Philadelphia and Western
Railway. The committee ha fixed Saturday,
August 23, as the day, and Intends to make tho
affair one long to be remembered, according to
their plans ns laid out at the July meeting.
To Insure the care or every detail of lhl oc
casion, nine subcommittees hate been appoint
ed, bolng made up of member with experience
In looking to the uelfare and lomenfence ot
their rellow Artisans.
Beside the enjoyment of the novelties of a
well-equipped farm, thero arc to be splendid
prises offered In n. contest ot sport so popu
lar ln the city. ThUB both old and young, who
nover lack tho love of competition making for
clean aprt. health and happiness, will be
pleased. Further Information v. Ill bo given in
theso columns.
The bateball schedule for next Saturday 1 ns
follows: Northwestern ond Lehigh, nt Itoth and
Somerset! Fidelity and St. John's, at 20th and
Somerset! Boosters nnd Underdowh, at labor!
Dorian and Progressive, nt S-lth and Berks;
Harmony nnd Bertram, at 01st and Elmwood!
Pennsylvania and West Philadelphia, aL OMh
and Walnut, H
Southwark Star and Miriam Lodge
Consolidation Other Installations.
The consolidation of Southwark Star
Lodge, 23d and Federal streets, and Mi
riam Lodge toqk place July 21. Deputy
Supremo Commander Lady Ward In
stalled tho following ofllcers: Outside
guard. Lady LavenlerJ inside guard, Sir
S. Mink; marshal. Lady Kapp; vice com
mander, Sir G. Mink; past commander,
Lady Cook; commander, Lady Colney;
trustees, Sir Mink and L.ady Itapp. Ow
ing to tho sad loss of tho lato treasurer,
Lady Powell, tho members were not so
merry as usual. She wns tho life of the
lodge and will not only be missed by her
fellow workers of No. 71, but by the mem
bers of tho order ln general. Thoro
were 15 lodges represented.
Deputy Lady Durr, No. 83, Installed tho
officers of Monatonna Lodge at Hancock Hall,
814 Glrard avenue, July 10, as follows: Out
side guard, Lady Green; Inside guard. Sir
Trosldder; master of ceremonies, Hlr Black:
chaplain, Frances Osthelmer; marshal), Lady
Tresidder; vice commander. Lady Danhardt;
past commander, Sir Campbell; commander.
Lady Tresidder, trustee, Lady Hschner: re
tiring past commander. Lady Rosa. There
were 13 lodges represented.
Deputy Lady Miller, of No. 3, Installed the
officers of Lojalty Lodge at Welcome Hall,
2210 Susquehanna avenue, July It), as follows:
Outside guard. Lady Frey; Inside guard,
Lady Murphy; master of ceremonies, Sir Hag
gerty; chaplain. Sir Sweeney, marslmll, sir
Thomer: vice commander. Sir McLaughlin;
fiast commander. Sir Wragg; scribe. Sir Gil
Isple; commander. Lady titockberger, trustee,
William Wragg, There were 15 lodges rep
resented. Deputy Supreme Commander Lady Helme, of
No. 23, Installed the officers of Independent
Lodge, In Liberty Council Hall, July 13. as
follows: Outside guard, Lady A. Lawrence,
Inside guard, Sir John Brady; master of cere
monlex. Sir Wilson; chaplain. Lady Jennie
Gardiner; marshal), Lady M. Schlckenberg;
past commander. Sir J, riemlng; vice com
mander. Sir T. McAdams, Sr.; commander,
Lady M. Cedars; trustee. Sir J. Fleming. The
anniversary of the lodge falling on this date,
there nae a Joyful time and a very Urge
The Shepherds ot Bethlehem will begin their
20ih annual convention at Atlantic City, on
September 27, with headquarters at the Grand
Atlantic Hotel.
Knights of Malta
The Malta Progressive Committee, at a
meeting In the Land Title Building, took up
matters of Importance ln relation to the parade
in October. Arrangementa have been made
whereby the Malta dlvls'on will be lead by the
Malta Brass Band of Lancaster, Pa one ot
the best concert bands In Lan-aster Count).
Another feature of the division will be It) men
costumed as crusaders and bearing the flagi
representing the eight languages of which the
order Is made up. A circular la being pre
pared for all companions of the Philadelphia
district which will give full detail regarding
the parade. ib
The new commandery Instituted at Both and
Spruce streets 1 on the Job. They have ap
pointed their committee ot five to loin the
general committee, and Is at work. This new
commandery will oon exemplify the Malta
degree for the first time. The general com
mittee I looking forward to something good
ln Franklord ond Oermantown.
George II, Pierce Commandery Is now located
Irt their new hall at 608 West Allegheny ave
nue, six candidate traveled the Malta de
gree, air Knight Commander Hartley Beau
mont cordially Invite all the companion who
have not yet attended to come and sea tne
new hall.
Loyal Orange Institution
The biennial session of the Orand Orange
Lodge of Pennsylvania will be opened In tbe
Parkway Building. Broad and Cherry "rt
on Monday, August O, at U a, m. Official
headquarter will be at the Hotel Windsor,
A very large number or oeiegaiea is ex
pected to be present at this, session as v
eral Important question are to b considered.
An unusually large delegation la expected to
accompany the grand master. John McKea
Bell, from Pittsburgh. All Royal Arch Do.
gree Orangemen are entitled to be present a
The committee In charge of arrangement
have arranged tor a banquet en the evening
nf the 0th. Ticket can be procu red from
any of the following committee Dr Thomas
Carlisle, chairman. Andrew McAdams, Will
iam Noble. Jame Brown and William Boyce.
The State Grand Lodge ot the Ladles' Loyal
Just Imagine baying such
fine timepieces bb theso
at thl ridiculously loir
price Our confidence In
them I Justtned to tne
extent that we will
gladly rrfund the full
purcnaae price mima
$0 days It they can
1.& .iht,inr.i ,1a
n here for l tlaa
vHenty-ilve douar.
XiAAiRiir otij, si
5r" A61"?.!
'Cer.att & chestnut .
SQSrHnrkgt St.
tiKstswra tt ve.M cPin i vgMWMf t.
Orange Association will ! meet In the Park
way Building en the eame date, and at a new
constitution and by-lawa will be presented for
aopiion it is expecica mat umnr ueic,
will be present
Knights of the doldcn Eagle
The officer of Clentvlew Castle, .No 4OT
have been Installed by the team of Ivanhee
Commandery as follows' Paat chief, irank
Orenwy; noble chief, Winter Butler, vice
chief, George fjoderberg; master of records.
John MoKelvey, keeper of exchequer, Arthur
Mercer; clerk of exchequer, Ernest Ludwlg
high prlespt, George Banham, venerable hermit
Howard Cooley, sir herald, Penroae Reagan
entlgn, James ilanham, esquire, John Blssan,
worthy bard, John Blddlei worthy chamber
lain. Curtis Spencer; flrat guardsman. Frank
H ullngsworlh. second guardsman, noland
Oreotiwny After the ceremonlea refrefhments
were aerved and appropriate remark were
made by the newly elected and Installing
Concert Tonight nt Bertram's Garden
Will Bo Entertnlning.
Tho Municipal Band will play .this week,
at 8 o'clock, at tho following places!
Monday Bartram'a) Garden, 64th and Elm
wood avenue.
Tuesday Aramlngo Square, Lehigh avenue
and Aramlngo street.
AVedneaday Pennypaek Creek Park, between
Frankford and Torresdale avenues.
Thursday Plot, 11th and Tioga atrcel,
Friday Plot, Tackawanna and Church
streets. '
BUurday Lawndale, nislng'Sun avenue andl
Tho program for the week la as follows: i
1 Overture "Strndclla" ,,...... .......Flotowl
2. a) Serenade "A Spring Morning", Lncombel
(b) "Shadowlnnd" Gilbert'
a. -naracttrisuc "tnanticieer cacRiea.Airorai
I Selection from "Tho Chime of Nor-
.mendy" ..,, ,.,1'lanquettol
5. Tenor Solo Selected,
.William Downes,
fl. Gems from the Operas..,,.,,., Tobanli
7. Vnlse dl Concort "Morning Journal,"
, Straus
S. Melodies from "Bab; In Toyland ..Herborti
Band Plays at George's Hill This Aft
ernoon nnd Tonight.
Tho Falrmount Park Band will play
at George's Hill this afternoon and to
night. Tho program:
1. Overture, "Massanlello" ...Auber
2. "In My Old Kentucky Homo" Daiuy
IS. (a) "Adieu" , Schubert
(b) "Hungarian Dancos," Nos, 5 and 0,
4. Suite, "La. Verbena."
5. Walti, "Gipsy Love" Lchar
n. Reminiscences of Tschatkoweky. ,,, . . Godfrey
7. (a) "Lion du Ball" Glllot
(b) 'Teddy Bears' Picnic" ,....Bratton
8. "Melodlea from "The Red Widow"... Uobet
1. Overture, "Oberon" .- Weber
2. "Rhapsody Norwegian" -, ...... .Lalo
3. (a) "Shndowland" j.,... .Gilbert
lb) "The Warbler' Serenade" Perry
4. Xylophone Solo, "March of (the Na
tions' ' ..(..... Lenxberg
Soloist, Peter i,ewlo.
5. Reminiscences of the most cetobrated works
of Wagner.
0. Suite TCspanole, "La Kerla".- Lacome
(a) The Bull Fighters, (b) Serenade,
(c) On the Balcony.
7. Waltz, "Wine, Woman and Song". .Strauss
8. Melodies from "Adele" '. Briquet
"Star-spangled Bannrr."
Philadelphia Band Will Play Therd
The Philadelphia Band willtplay on City
Hall plaza tonight. Tho program:
1. Overture "Slclllaii Vcsncra" Verdi
2. (a) Schtrxctto "Fsyche" Pabst
(b) Popular "I Want to Go to Tokio,"
3. Comet Solo "Remembrance of Prague,"
Emll Keneke. Soloist.
4. Grund Scene from "Manon" Massenet
D. Thrco Piece , Mamie
(a) "Menuet Roe,"
b "Vlllanelte."
(c) "March d'Auvergne."
n. Melodlea from "The flirt In tho Train". .rail
7 Vale dl Concert "EsteDlta" Herbert
(, Scotch Melodies "Robert nruce".I3onnlseau
700-year-old Indulgence of Portiunculn
Given in 13 Catholic Churches.
The plenary Indulgence of Portluncula,
a rite 700 eara old, and one which the
Franciscan churches have been em
powered to grant for 300 years, Is being
bestowed today In 13 Roman Catholic
Churches In this city. It started last
night at vespers and will continue until
sunset tonight.'
The churches In Philadelphia which
have thla right are the Churches ot St.
Alphonsus, St. Anthony, St. Boniface, Sf.
Elizabeth, St. Francis of Assist, St. Fran
cis do Sales, St, John the Evangelist, St.
Malachy, Our Lady of the Blessed Sac
rament, Our Lady of Good Counsel. Our
Mother of Sorrows, St, Peter and St. Vin
cent de Paul.
"Inspection Week" at Keith's
An Innovation will be Introduced this
week at B. F. Keith's Theatre, where
"Inspection Week" will be held and
every patron of the theatre Is Invited to
make a personally-conducted toury of the
house. The management Is anxious ho give
the theatregoers an Insight in the way the
house Is operated, behind the scenes as
well as ln front. During "Insrpectlon
Week" patrons will be conducted about
tho theatre by a corps of trained ushers,
who will be glad to give every visitor
full details and show how the theatre
has gained Its reputation.
Tho cooling and heating plants wilt be
shown and explained; the housekeeping
pystem, which keeps the house spot
lessly clean from roof to cellar through
out the entire year, wilt be offered as
something that every woman patron will
be especially interested In, and the
method of operating the massive cur
tains, the scenery and the most complete
stage equipment In the world will be
Inspection tours wlty be made after
each performance during the week.
"Wliy We Have a Sale
We do not pay P M's, commissions or premiums to our salesmen
to push or sell anything
Our patrons got the Choice 'of the Best in the Store
Oncea year we dispose of our stocks (many tnings suffer in conse
fe ' quence) to provide new goods.
Silk Shirts 2.50
4.00 Bathing Suits 2.00
1,50, 2.00 Shirts 1.00
6.00 White Flannel Pants 3.75
1.00, 1,50 Neckwear......... SOc
1.50 Silk Hosiery 75c
2.00 Bathing Pants 1,00
Bath Gowns and Robes Less Than One-Half Price
Golf Coats and Vests Less Than OnjeHalf Price
mmn & dilks
till OBttn'HUT ST,
Popular Bussep Used Exclu
sively in Wedding' of
Jitneys played a prominent part ln the
marriage of Edward Rlddell Conley, of
B1L1 Wayne nvenue, nnd Josephine Hcr
ron, of 3736 Delhi street, of which sur
prised fi lends learned today.
Mr, Conley, "Jitneying" up Broad street
on Saturday morning, decided that tho
wedding would be more appropriate now
than In tho fall, ns planned. Accordingly,
he consulted Miss Herron, who ngreed,
and tho couple "Jitneyed" back to tho
City Hall nnd procured a license.
A best man was needed, bo Edward M.
Moore, a son of Congressman J. Hamp
ton Moore, was called on the telephone,
and he, with hla wife, who acted as ma
tron of honor, "Jitneyed" from West
Philadelphia to St. Paul's Reformed
Episcopal Church, Broad and Venango
streets, where the marriage ceremony
was performed by the Rov.AForrest E.
Dager. 'jggj
Tho wedding party then employed an
other Jitney to take them to the ferry,
vhero the young couplo boarded a train
to Wlldwood to spend their honeymoon.
Mr. Conley is widely known In fraternal
circles and Is head draftsman for George
E. Savage, a church architect.
Theatrical Baedeker
KniTlf'S "The Melstcrslngers." In "At thi
nag Station": Bankoff and Girlie, in mod
ern dances, Raymond and Caverley. Uerman
comedians. Russell nnd Calhoun, In "Types
oi maaeiuiiu uuiiuKticr ana jiarun, spe
cialist: Sue Smith, character finnim. Prnnl,
Mullane, the 'Irish-American Hebrew: Bur-
dolla Patterson, in art poses, and the Hearst
8ellg News pictures and others. .
NIXON'S GRAND OlymDla Desvnll nnd com.
pany, trained dog and hoisca, the i"vj
musical jiaci.arcns, scomsn musicians, Al
Herman, blackface comedian: Eckert nnd
Parker, In "The Two Colters": the Review
Comedy Four, Louie Leo, ladder balancer,
and Fun Foto Film.
CROSS KEYS Klrst half of week "Tovland."
a spectacular novelty; Joe Hortlz. singer
ana youier; uur rriena inu ; ine cru
saders, a musical act; Tom Mahoney, In
monologue; Lang and May, singing and
dancing, and The Masked Athlete and Lady.
WOODSIDU PAKK-The Skating Bear; the
Three Kelton. musical noveltv; Mame Mc
Crea. In new nones: "The Todd Nodds,"
comedy acrobats, and the Three Anderson
Sisters, In eong and dance.
Today's Marriage Licenses
Georgo SewelL Newport, R. I., and Mary
Green, 3713 bears at.
Hiram W. Secor, am Kelm at., and Mary'U.
Abrahams, -ml Lelper st.
Jame J. Blcklng, Gloucester, N. J., and Mary
C. Lynch, MIS S. 12th st.
James W. Cameron, '."I7 N Front St., and
Annie P. Dickson. 2SIT N", Tront st.
John J. Carr, Merchantville. N J., and Eliza-
beth M. Morrlsaey. M Cornwall st.
Iray Chasln. 11$ N, COth st and Elsa Rlchter,
501 Tasker St.
Harry Haien, 1623 S. 3th St., and Eva Lu!z.
1230 S. lfth st.
Salvatore Calderone. .1016 K. Woodstock at..
and Carmtnella Antonacclo, 2120 Indiana ave
Lulgt Alessandront, 1015 Ellsworth at,, and
Olovannlna Itlzio, 0J1 Ellsworth at.
Trank Thoma, Peru, Ind., and Katherlne H.
Gilbert, B228 Webster at.
Alvan McDannel. KIT Oxford t and Mary E.
Miller, BS17 Wlndeor place.
Leonard M. I"ewcomb. Hampton, Va., and
Mary P. Carey, Hampton, Va.
John J. Auchlmleck, Moo Trinity place, and
Elizabeth F. CafTrey. 2311 S. 17th t.
Leonard J, Seleer, 118 N. B2d at., and Marlon
C. Miller. &14T Oeage ave.
Antonlna Paasalacqua 1123 Carpenter st., and
Olusepplna Qrasso. 03 S. Darien st.
Couceslo Burrlnl. 1721 s Chad wick at., und
Olovannlna Dl Iorto. 1171 S. 11th at.
William Davl. 6017 Hagerman st and Annie
M. Dale, 0017 Edmond st.
Frederick V. Heeton, 1115 W. Sliver St., and
Olive PI Shegog. 2829 N. Orianna at.
Andrew Krapf. 1023 N. 10th at,, and Elizabeth
Miller. 1050 Lorraine nt.
William L. Rebert, .1228 D t.. and Edith
Mutchler. Easton. Pa.
Antonio Constantino, 71t Earp at., and Car-
mella MUone, U20 S Oth at, -
4.50 Office Coats . . , , 2.25
15.00 Raincoats 7.50
l.QO Knee Drawers ...,,,.. ..55c
i '"
Disagreement Over Eight-hour
Day Precipitates Walkout of
ILIOK, li. T., Aug. z.-Tho big; rfemln
ton nrma plant here was threatened With
a tie-up by a strike Uhla mornlnsr. The
dimculty la said to bo over the putting
Into eftect of tho cluht-hour schedule.
When the men went to work this morn
Inc they tvero handed slips of paper on
which wcro given the scale of wages The
men say they were "docked" and many
of them refused to go to work. The arms
company, which Is under tho same man
agement ns the Bridgeport plant, Is Just
moving Into He mammoth new buildings,
Borne of which are not yet completed.
Comparty Hopes for Settlement Within
48 Hours.
MESSINA, N, J Aug. 1 The presence
of 176 militiamen today overawed tho
430 striking employes ot the Aluminum
Company of America and quiet has pre
vailed since midnight. No further riot
ing Is feared, Tho nlumlnum company offi
cials were hopeful that a settlement might
bo renched within tho, next 48 hours with
tho men, who quit because they disap
proved of Foreman Qlllard.
Tho river was dragged today for the
body of a man who was knocked uncon
scious with a club Satuprday night and
then thrown Into the river. Another vic
tim of the violence of Saturday night and
Sunday Is In the hospital with a bullet
In his abdomen. Ills recovery Is doubtful.
There is nothing that won't
look better if washed with
The wonderful combination of
naptha with other cleansers
dissolves all dirt and grease
instead of 'leaving them for you
to rub, out on the wash-board.
Makes your clothessnowy white.
Just as wonderful for all householdcleaning,
This Great Sale for
Starts Today and Lasts
All Week
No woman who appreciates ddinty footwear of
the very highest grade workmanship can afford
to miss this opportunity. We are closing out the
balance of our most expensive models. They
represent the most exclusive styles of the season.
Compare the original and reduced
prices beiow
White Buck
1 White Sea Island Devon Pump
No. MSSW In white duck, originally
Good Shoes
1 919-921 Market Street
Market Street Stave elgaed all fay Saturdays
during July and Auffuai.
Branch Stores
P8il . S60446GtrmntowAv!
Bvsry Evening Qomw ftWh & Chmtml g
Capt. Walter L. Wilhelm Leaves
Army Service to Accept Posi
tion at Eddystonc.
Another officer In the United States
Army ha resigned to accept a- 'posior
with n, private corporation engfliet.'
tho manufacture of arrlmunltlbn for"ttr'
Allies. Captain Walter 1 Wilhelm. heaa
of the artillery ammunition department
of the Frankford Arsenal has left tne
service to go to tho Eddysteno Arms
Captain Wilhelm was born ln 18S4, In
Defiance, Ohio, He graduated from West
Point In 1003 and since that time li&a
been connected with the ordnanco depart
ment of tho army. Ho camo to tho
Frankford Arsenal ln 1913.
Ho stated that ho believed he would bo
of more valuo to the United States In
his now position than ha could be In tho
army. Captain Wilhelm explained that
ho would offer his services to tho country
In case of war. Tho date ot acceptance
of his resignation has not been stated,
nor' has his successor been named.
Predicts Democratic Gain in South
The Democratic party throughout, the
South will get new strength among tho
negro voters as a result of the recent an
nulment of the "grandfather clause" by
tho Supremo Court, declared the lit. Ilov,
Alexander Walters, one of the senior1
bishops ot the A, M., E. Zlon Church, and
leader of tho negro Democracy, In an In
terview today. Bishop Walters at the
same time prophesied tho re-election ot
President Wilson ln 1316.
Daytona Pump 1
A dainty little beauty
with White Ivory leather
sole, Spanish covered
heel, white quarter lined,
Belmar last, pearl orna
ment. Widths AA to T.
Sizes 2 to 7Yi Orig
inally priced at $7
Charmingly combining
smartness with beauty
of line. Very small ton
gue, covered slide, Span
ish covered heel, light
welted sole, Ormonde
last. Widths AA to D.
Sizes 2J4 to 7H- Orig
inally priced at ?S
Anpther clever model at
a remarkable price.
Alt sizes and widths.
No. 2Q33W, in snowbuck.
Originally priced at
priced at !i-00-P&.W J 3
Lancaster Av,