Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 02, 1915, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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    HP? sW8!F&
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JftWi1' A
m uuAPrmiE
" -t-
Produce Merchants,
tlnable to Sell Over-
I Supply, Give Some of
i ; It Away
id il I!! ilMIII
Tomatoss Dumped Into tU6
Delawnfe Rlvei Aro a Total
Lofess to the FArtner Mid ISlkU
dlamfln Qt oword FftCd Ruin.
jcdwBsr pntoBB
- iff MAMifsr QLVf
isifj I emitUthij
tdmtutti iJ entt bdiktl
Cabbage ..! UHI ASrta
tittuct 4 ciAts head
.mrftiiiT'lrn '
Produce merchant In thl eity nr plv
lngf Awny, dumplnfl IH the river fli. lalllrtir
below cost, lafge ftUanlllle of vegetAblel,
mostly tomntbes, which they ara unnbte
to sell because ef a tremendous oversup
ply ot certain agricultural product.
Tomatoes, potatoes and cabbages lira
being allowed to rot on the farms of
Pennsylvania and New Jersey because the
inrmorB refuse to sell them at the price
they Am bringing.
Produce dealers hers say that thew eon
dltloni are unprecedented. Buln I at
a standstill for many of them: with
other profits havo been reduced to a
Whllo householder are finding the tout
ot living reduced through the cheapness
or certBln frulta and vegetables, hundreds
ot farmers arc- threatened with ruin be
cause they are unable profitably to dis
pose, of tho products they raise. Farmers
and produce merchants soy that not In
man years has buslnesa bean so bad for
them. . . . .
The farmers ore victims of good
weather. Climatic conditions favorable
to farming have caused large crops this
year, and as a. result tho market is ovor
supplied with nlmol every kind of fruit
ahd vegetable.
the greatest trouble Is being experienced
in iittlng rid of tomatoes. Largo Quanti
ties are being given away.
Saturday, when the Dock street com
mission merchants ended their Week's
business, they emptied great quantities of
tomatosa into the Delaware River. They
were a total loss to tho fanner and tho
middleman. ,
The consumers alone are ndt suffering
from the unusual conditions. The farmers
are, of course, tho heaviest losers. Tho
lohhers nre nnrtlne their business almost
jitfe tnd!!tlll Bind tha hUcktra and re
tail dealers are mailing ji mnr vivu
than In. other years,
"YOU see those tomatoes?" said 8. H.
Jlewctt. Of Hewtt it Thompson, com
mission merchants at 232 Dock street,
pointing to a pile of five-eighth bushel
baskets. "I'd take 5 cents a baskot for
them and bo glad to set rid of them. If
I can't sell them I'll have to give them
away." . .
Most Of this fruit ahd vegetable deal
ers say that tho demand for the foods
they handle Is as good at aver. Mr. Hew
ett, however, la ot the opinion that there
is llttlo demand this, year. Ho blames
this on industrial depression, and says
the responsibility rests on the Democratic
"The people don't seem to have any
money," he said. "The same conditions
W tho produce market existed before
wrisn the Democrats were in. You can
buy tomatoes of the ordinary kind from
five cents a basket down to nothing.
Bomo of tho ftnor grade of stuff brings
as high as IS or la cents. The tomato
pre lower- now than I hftve ever known
them tq bo before."
The vat la a contributing factor to the
law prices in the opinion of some, he
cauaa It has cut down what export bus
iness was carried on In other years,
It is with tomatoes, potatoes and cab
bagea that the farmers are hiving their
greatest trouble. Other vegetable are
low In price, but not Inordinately so.
rndtrnLttS 6t THit FAnMtett.
In the opinion of David it. Bimon, of
the Readme Terminal Market, the present
conditions are adding a burdtn to the
troubles of th farmer that he hardly will
be &bte to bear.
"Fruit and vegetable have been
cheaper- the last U month than I have
ever known tham to be," h said. "The
firmer Is Me sufferer. Ha cahndt afford
to market his produce at the present
firicer. H la up against It, because ot
the present cost of operations, Ha must
have an automobile, a telephone and
tnany other modern appliances if h
wants to do business, and he ihas to pay
twiee as much for labor as ha did a fw
years ago. They hava been fighting tha
farmer tod hard.
"Potatoes have been A cheap in the
past, but they never Stayed hei. Now
the farmers are selling for ss or S4 cents
a feushel. L4t year they were getting
twice as .-much.
"The farmer ean scarcely get more
than J cent a basket for hU tomatoes,
and it cost him that much to have
them picked. A a, result many growers
ars leaving them in tha fisids to rot.
The supply ib twice u great as trie de
mond." Tha cut-price Stores are taking ddvan
uef conditions, Mr. Blmon said, to
Mt yautoea and tomatoes almost at cost
w crdtf to attract auatomer to their
i,mm. tic sAld that tht t&as to tha tarm
W from potutoski tomatoes and cabbage
wm!4 be greater than they could maka
wp by whatever pfodU thay realUa from
ethtr produce.
"If I bud a farm now I'd close It Up."
said Amur Mietiittftttl, also ot tht
Itg&dins terminal Market. .
KWev praduetat ara bunging as mueli
tHti yar as ever, but tha (ow Brloa ur
artsating tna butlnaM of AU in the
rtntr kina of aeticiilturai toddituftsi he-
oftUBe their customers, hearlna: of the
low price of ve;tabte, feet that they
u...i t "rfhseT in ouaitty
tney iiMirs ai reaueec, pncea
jmn caaanta art iuit ae-m'lo'M in. ami
it us pecud that thifi Will be a U
tutly and low prise.
in, in i firmm W" in
tortTtnV ! JM.tTY UI.to
ry :; fwww a t9 w o
Itlyw Is the Sn6 4 fui
w&aoW afaaal&wr a''fi-
TM I4 Mwa w Mofat
1H Ba(k r.-nklU Htm Ml
at k aai uimiw
0 MH M lit HIM
nA IS MiChaal Jaiaatlt.
nu- Hr i at (! Penrt-
Ital tti a uut ' in
.. a,tttfS tls&t mA iM-
u irtMitr a ats assAiiant
mrStd. .tr wumzL
S3 . -j-.-ii 4rti i frrttfM
hi retrain
i kdMMiamW
k vHmKp
i Self
tt j 4-'i t.-.-y q.tr
i,r.-y.,.,j.i-...,.. ..,-..,. ... ...
iii,iih i iit asm fa. i mfi r nTni iiyn,i iiim
KABOlt'8 PEAfiE COlflMTlt
i m i
Rcaolutfons Call tdt tTnlted Stated to
Act n4 Mediator,
WASHINGTON, AUg J.-lteetutn
adopted by the conference of llbor'a na
tional pa enuntil" just hMd Htta are
to be presented to President .Wilson a
soon as h relurrl rfert Cdrnlih. Theaa
resolution urge th Unltad Otftle to
matt every effort to remain out of tha
European connict and reduesl President
WliMn IA et Wheriver possible In aiding
K mtoffttlort Of peace.
Although th demand for ah embargo
on arm w dfOpped arid dhag that
tH Federal fefV ylni MM hefn fa
variftg th Allien wofe el mtnated, the
fe6lUtl8n lv almost unlimited power
lo th atandlft; (ofrtmlttsa hamfd by the
Wfiffeae ta addresa lh Pwaldeftl ana
CetigreM from tlida to llth,
Machinery in Munitions
Factories at Seaport Al
ready Removed General
Cadorna's Army Breaks
Second Line of Defense.
HOME, Aug. 3.
Heavy fighting In the Austro-Itallon
theatre of war has shifted from tho
l6ntd front to Tyrol and trentlno. The
War Offloa report severe hostilities In
the Alps with both Infantry and artillery
engaged on a big scale.
Alone tha Isonzo front the Austrian
lines have been weakened to such an ex
tent by 10 daya constant battering by the
Italians that there Is leas reslstanca than
at any other time since, hostilities broke
It Is reported on excellent authority
that thd Austrian ara making extensive
plans for the evacuation of Trieste In
order to prevent the capture of the army
concentrated in that part of the Itria
peninsula. The Austrian aro said to be
removing the machinery from the arms
faotorle at Trleeto and are also remov
ing supplies from tho military depot to
prevent the)r Oopturo by the Italians.
Tho tenacity of the defense of Gorlzta
hae proved a aurprlsa to military experts
who expected th fall of the Austrian
city long before this. The delay In the
capture of the stronghold Is explained by
the fact that Lieutenant General Cadorna
Is not disposed to saerinco his men rsck
lessly by hurling them against tho strong
defenses of the Austrian. He Is content
to adopt trench fighting such aa la In
progres in Franc and Belgium. Tho
result from such a method of warfare
would be slower, but the losses In human
life would be smaller.
On Carso plateau, In the Garltla region,
the Italian are In possession ot all the
first-line defenses of the Austrlans. A
dispatch from Udine states that the Aus
trlans In Gorilla crownland have retired
to tho valleys, which formB the second
line Of. defense on the Gorilla ctty
Montfalcon section. Tha Italian advanco
In that region amounts to J22 miles. On
the Carso plateau the Austrian lints have
bean strengthened with two army corps.
Trie recant losae on the leonzo front
hava bean enormous.
Continued from rage One
which he declared that Russia, as a
consequence of good crops, la prepared
to continue the war for soveral Veir.
"Germany must be beateh at all Costs,
else all Burops will tall under the Teu
tonic yoke," declared Pollvanoff. "With
out losing nn Instant ot time we must
employ ail tha faculties ot tha country
for the development of th national da
fan." Four German aeroplanes flew over War
saw Bunday morning. One was brought
down by Russian artillery and the others
fled, tha War Office tat.
Th !lusin batteries at N0V6 Georgl
vsk dismounted two carman guns from
their carriages Saturday and the rtported
efforts 6f the snamy to remove them havo
thua far failed,
(tho foregoing dispatch Indicate that
the trOOpa left In Warsaw to protect the
retreating Russian army's rear were still
holding out 21 hour ago.)
Abandonment by the Russian Of tho
tubltn-Cholm Railway and the occupa
tlcn ot Cholm by German troops were
admitted at tha War Office today. It
was stated that tna railroad had .teryeu
Its purpose, and that efforts to hold back
tht German along tha Lublin-Cholm
front would rtault only In less of lifu,
Considered by th Grand Duke Nicholas
to b unnecessary under th "present cir
cumstances." The claims or tha Russians that the
Vistula army haa been extricated from
tha fiinttlnc drtvea ot the Austro-Osrman
armies wsra reiterated today. All tha
Petrograd newspapers promlnadtty dis
played this announcement by Minister ot
War, Pollvanoff In tha Duma yesterday
"Wa wilt perhaps yield to tha enemy
a portion of th Warsaw region In order
to Insure our final victory, falling back
to our positions where th Russian army
can prep? far A resumption of tha of
isnilva.". . ,
t . . ii 1 1 -i - '
Bearth Mode, fof Traesi of Younsr
Mmi and Girl.
eOrtANfON, Pa., Aug. t-Barl Thomas
and Mk Florence Ross, living In tha
fashionable Green Rldga section hr(,
went eahoalng on th SUsquthanns, ltivsr
at Fails, a, summer resoH IJ rdllea north
at pittston, last avening. Shortly 4ft
erward a hwVy storm brik. Thomas
anJ th. irl aitd th Mhos have Hat fieeft
seen nine, ft is fearsd that th Cane
oapsirid and that tha coupU wsra
fttarthtng partite art ocmblng th river
for turns traea ef tha pair. Word has
bet otifMMfced to points down tha river
to ee on fpe iobkoui ir in cano.
MUhUr St WarHW
2 rA rfraat
tmxhty. It will
f apTtflAla th raal Valut
lit, Kuiilan ntnmtal.inr.hlhf Nat
fotttlbJ &, Iwi to profit hy thi IMtoUM ifHt tft MWtry
whunin he mMMWMStt, diltroyiitt in hi tiirtal imny Ihousmdt r th
CfMMtty fHmdimg eA Nana whH ho miil retamM tht onoHshm agrafes ift
txhmuotoj Auwbvfletmm.
Thir ff mmt is aJafitiJ attteoHsHy to th otHdttioM
of tk taiJtnSfy
Thm 0tt ot tho ABiof SfotU iff $m ! Urn mm misUm tmh
f1i$abty s aMw--.m.j' 'i.. , j, lL.iln..i;jrnp,y,.njHW,IULII M '' '" ' IL ' In ' H 'iW.
,..,...,, i ni in mi
' ' ''- - "-' - -
-r-rm-n 1 1.T,i1 rrij lTmriTTTT7llKT UMA I 1" I 1 fV
umKAiNUtt iv 'r.uDiuujovi xw'jtxxj vxx ,,
Tho algn oxprossly forbids motorola to enter on tho stretch of road behind it. Those familiar with tho
Jrivo soy that tho flve-mllo rond Is ono of the most beautiful parts of the park.
Raid in Sea of Marmora Kills
200 Soldiers Near Haidar
LONDON, Aug. 2.
The British submarine operating In the
San of Marmora hellod a Turkish troop
train near Haidar Pasha on Friday, de
stroying seven cars and killing mora than
MO soldiers, according to advices receive
hero today.
A news agency dispatch from Milan
av that 00.000 wounded Turks have ar
rived at 'Constantinople and the mosques
havo been transformed Into hospitals.
Details of a Turkish aviators ram on
tho Allies' bass at Tenedos nro given In
the following official statement Usued at
"One of our aviators dropped lour
bombs on Tenodos with good ertect, one
striking the aeroplane. The aviator was
pursued byienemles' airmen, who nrea
on him with machine guns."
Greek ships along th Asia Minor coast,
on "which were a number of Invalid Greek
civilians returning to their native coun
try, have been seized by the Turks, ac
cording to advices from Constantinople
today. The Turke put tha elek Greek
ashoro and substituted their own
wounded, forcing Greek doctors t at
tend them.
Steamship Georgian Sends Wireless
t- r-r-r-Calls' f or -AflsiBtance.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 2.-Th Amer
ican Hawalan liner Georgian went
ahor on DUxbury Heef today, and calls
tor assistance wero flashed hero by wlre
Kbs. . ,,
Duxbury Reef was th acene of the de
struction of tho steamship Hanalle about
six months ago when a score of persons
were drowned.
PORTLAND, Me.. Aug. .-Th Steam
hits Vrifdn. owned bv the Union Sulphur
Company, of New York, went ashore to-
flay in a aense log un oesuui uigui ni
tha mouth uf Kennebeo River, about 28
miles from here, Tho Vessel struck bow
on and It I expected her double bottom
Waa punctured.
CHICAGO, Aug. i. The steamship
Manltou, ot the Northern Michigan
Transportation Company, one ot tha
fastest liners on the Great Lakes, ran
aground today near WllsOn Deioh on tho
north side. The boat was Inbound from
Macklnao Island, Petoakey, Harbor
Springs and othr Michigan ports, and
among the passengers were IS wealthy
Chlcagoans, returning from tho Wedding
Saturday of Mlta Catherine Barker, tha
tso,0oi,ooo htlreaa, and Howard spauidlhg,
Jr., at Harbor Springs. .
Tha tug Indiana was, rushed to tha
grounded vessel and backed the Manltou
oft th sand bar. Bh reached here one
hour behind ichedul time.
CheBter Man Springs Surprise on
Friends by Sudden Reapp6Atrahce.
John S. oulrirt. forrtir cashltr of th
,iacal office of tho Mutual Lit insuranc
Cflmpany ot Nw York, who dlappard
from his home In ChtsUr exactly a month
ago today, surprised hi relative and
friends by returning to hi home last
night. Wo sxftlanatlen of his abSnca was
made at his residence, 4 west Stn street.
ChelUf. whefe ha lives with his two
When Qulnn atapp8afed Oft July i his
relatives (tared ha had mat with foul
play. Hospitals were &rchd without
avail and, although the police wtra asked
to assist In th ssareh. ho trac ot him
waa found, furthsr Investigation re
vealed the fact that he had withdrawn
his balances from several banks, and offi
cial ot tha insurance company, with
which ha had bien connected for mare
than M year, said his accounts were
straight. It was thought h had fiona
to south America,
Court Interpreter a father
caurt interpreter Thomas a. bti vc
Chio and Mrs, Del Veeahio, fit cm wal
nut street, are receiving congratulations
upon the birth 61 thilr first aniid. .
daughter. Rita, Casals, on Saturday. Mr,
tnl Vteahlo was Mis Mayme eanoeimo.
lot caroington, Delaware county.
la tbe rtt$ 0Mt.
of tht Russian my tlots not
Hot b fang tWera Ui momentary
if th win and httoie JteUfon of
fd allow himself to ba shut U0 M
i iii '''
-.' T
Five Miles of Beautiful
Drive Closed to Automo
biles in Order to Give
Carriages and Horseback
Riders a Safe Path.
The Falrmount Park Cotitmlseloii
coKfetief that for a distance of five
miles 1fIdn(okon .Drive It too narrow
for oufomoblldi. Snowier eoue for
rronlMflnj oufomoBillats to u the
road ta that persons on horseback and
In carHoses would 6o In peril from
pairing machines.
Autom)bU3ts dtilaro that the road
Is tola's enough for automobiles uiilft
out endangering occupnnts or. the Uvea
of persona On horseback or in eor
riages. Official figures gathered by park
guards show that only SSO carriages
traveled on the "Forbidden Road" in
about four hours.
About ZOO blevcles used the "Forbid
den Road" in five hours.
Twentvfive hundred and (too auto
mobiles pasted the "Forbidden Road"
during tha same time, ilani of the
autos contained mothers and children
who 'wonted to motor up tho "Forbid
den Road," but tours stopped ' by
Automoblllsta of thl city are urging
tho Falrmount Park Commliston to lift
tho ban which forbids automobiles to
travel along five mllea of roadway on
WlssahlCkon drive. For more than a de
cade' thla road ha been known as the
"Forbidden Road." Only carriages, bi
cycles and horseback riders are permitted
to use It,
Th contention Of the FairmoUnt Park
Commission, ot which Ell Kirk Price Is
Chairman of the Committee on Superin
tendence, Is that the road In soma sec
tion Is too narrow. Another exous for
prohibiting automoblllsta and their fam
ilies to ride on the "Forbidden Road" la
that there nre tod many sharp turns.
The "Forbidden Road" la passed by
more than 2000 automoblllsta every Sun
day. Most ot them want to motor up
the road, but they are Invariably stopped
by the park guards. The guard till the
automoblllsta that they must ksep the
restricted road dear for persona driving
In carriages and horseback riders. But
the "Forbidden Road" Is practically de
serted every day of the week. Not more
than ISO vahloiee appear on th "Forbid
den Road" on Sunday afternoon. Usually
tha number la a great deal less.
On tha other hand, automobillets, who
claim they knCw tha rood as well as tha
streett on which they live, argue that it
t a safe one. They atso point out that
tha best vlsws of th nark to be seen
While riding can ba obtained from the re
stricted ground.
The J'Fdrbldden Road" begin it WlSia
hlckorr Drive and Lincoln Drive, where
the former takes a turn to the left, and
ends near the grounds ot St, Joseph's
Convent. This Institution Is In Chestnut
Many who wish to ride up the ''For
bidden Road1' are anxious to as Indian
ttock. H Is there, according to former
Governor PennypaCksr. that tha Indian
braVse hUl their laat OOnclaVa before
leaving wissanicKon.
Should an autcmdbiust dare to turn up
the raid a guard halts mm. violators
of th ancient ruling et tha Falrmount
park Commission ara summoned to the
guardhouse and flhed T.W. It the arrest
is made on a warrant the fine la ls.10.
Rut thera-nren't many arrests.
since automoblllsts have begun to ap
peal to the Park Commission to throw
open the road to motor vehicles, a watch
has been maintained on tho number of
conveyances passing; tne restricted road
on Sunday afternoons. Tha .exact num
ber ot automobiles passing the ''Forbid
den Road" in tour hour one Sunday was
isot Tha "Forbtaaen Read" was used by
only ISO carrlagw and JM bicycle. Vej.
eran guards said that on soma daya not
More than 1Q carriages usa tho road tor.
bidden to auto.
w. ft. Harper, torwer viee president of
the Automobile Club ot Otrrnantown,
"t firmly believe that the read is safe
fur automaton. Of eeurte. fn same sta
tion of the Park the read be6Ma nar
row, and ttitn there ars also many short
outs. Sul I honestly believe that Aula-
mefailts eperat an th 'ForbMaea
head" with safety an4 without endaa
taring the Uvea Of frson in ether v
hleUs or on horcabaek. It might G a
ko1 idea, u have tha speed limit hng4
why nivalin on Mitt road.
"It auttt&sWUU will dterat thai
spead limit whl on thl Utaon f tb
r4. U3 w that werythioa; wjjl U
sat. Taw -Forw44 Roif M mliut4
by aiitewwblUsta asd other lajvera ef
Mljry oa ana at th raeat NMgnlneaM
la ?lrnwj Fork, from this rd an
OB&rtiwlty la Kar(l4 to vlsw mllea of
ftmt tttAurf. 4 ,sm
momi ft-
Park OommlMloii
decision aa4 MfoiK iU
use tiNr rota.
TH vtw 01 the Pirfagit$t Jjlt Com
inUtM celVt be oMlttf today W
.u idon or iae futmNs too t ef ta
- frirN A TTTTAAT Tl r V ill
JI l."S."M n I IfjXVVyX J"
Commerce Head ARSwers
Critics by Prophesying Revi
sion of Inspection Laws.
CHICAGO, Aug. 2.-Wllllam C. Redfleld,
Secretary of Commerce, today gave don
nlto promise of real action In hla probe
Into tho steamer Eastland disaster.
"Congress," ho said, "will bo asked to
change tho lawa governing steamship In
spection, A country-wide Investigation of
tho Inspection Department will 'be started
as early In tho fall oa possible. Navy
Department officials are now In Chicago,
ready to inspect all steamers engaged in
local traffic.
"I will call a Committee of Ship In
spectors from alt ovor tho country to re
view conditions of Inspection on the Oreat
Union labor officials of Chicago today
appealed to President Wilson to supplant
the Redfleld Investigation of the Eastland
with one now directed by tho head of the
Department of Commerce. Several other
similar appeals have been sent
Despite the ISsuanco of! a sweeping order
by Federal Judge Xandls; prohibiting
other to question the Eastland horror
witnesses called before the Federal Grano
Jury, tha Redfleld comVnltteo also met
t,oday tu continue Its probe: Tho break
between tho Department of Commcrco
and the Department of Justice over the
Eastland, which carta to tho surface late
yestorday when Investigators from the
Commerce Department wore refused per
mission to go aboard the Eastland by
guards from tho Department of Justice,
was the first business scheduled for the
Redneld committee today. It wao as
serted that Redfleld might carry his enso
against the Justice Department direct to
tho President nnd demand a free hand.
Continued from Pace Ono
Dermody was tho celebrant.
He la aa-
alstant pastor of the cnurcn.
No eulogy waa delivered. The servlco
waa very simple and lasted only about
30 minutes.
All during the services, however, the
crowd outside continued Its battles with
the police, and the shrieking of the women
mingled w(th the curses of the men. All
during the service th fighting continued.
More than 6. score of women, who were
unable to get out of the jam, fainted.
When the cemetery was reached a care
taker stepped Into the gateway and hail
ed the vehicle carrying tha floral pieces.
"I'd rather not have that come In here,"
he aald, Indicating a piece bearing the
words "Sacrificed for Politics."
One of the undertaker quickly tore
from the design th blue nowers mark
ing the letters and the procession passed
on Into th graveyard, where MOO per
sona had gathered for the brief aervlces.
The picture ot hi wife which Becker
wore pinned to hi breast when he waa
electrocuted was burled with him,
The patlbearera included two police of.
flClais. They wars Lieutenant Patrick
Shea, Captain John nurko, William Fer
rlck. a former private secretary to
Becker: James Brady, William Ennla and
J. B. Bheppard. The laat three were wit
nesses for Becker In his two murder
The Becker comn was covered with
flowers. Beside, it a largo number of
floral pieces were arranged.
On the Becker coffin & new plate made
Its appearance. It read Simply:
"Chartea flecker.
Died July SO, 1015."
Olreetiy underneath the hew piata was
one in which was carved the crucifixion
ot the Christ
The new plate WS4 put on the coffin
just a short time before the funeral
cortege left tha Bckr home. It ro.
piacd the plate that read;
"Ohatlea Becker, murdered July 16, WW,
by Governor Whitman,"
Mr. Bicker, heavily -veiled, and flp.
pareptly verging on nervous collapse, en
terd the cliurah on the arm of her
brdther, Jdhrt Lynch. Following Mrs,
Becker and her brother were Jackson
B6okr, brother ot tha dead man, and
his wife. Then cam tha othr relatives.
tfliA a1iiii.ti tiAlris ttV.m,. tAn nnJ ..t,. h.U
M.u.v.a w.w mm wv, H(U t.U 1H11I-
utea after it was opened this morning it
was filled, the ehurcn ofaetai found it
necessary just beter tha arrival of the
runei-al Dartv to order soma ot tha crowd
from the seats which had bean reserved
for the mourners.
A6RtFj08t ?$fc pfcLraaa."
"fcei.fled, tar Htlto-a ttiHii).
UvlUlaa Mil RsvaJl la tha atuf-.a
mail,, 7
ni) sim . tai ojw a urava man."
"Bvarytfeiag Witt Wm out all rigtot A
the V
One of the most beautiful floral pftee
cam from Mr and Mrs. Ataxaaattr.'wili'
tarns, wm ware among (he WAOrtur.
WlUtatn formerly waa eoUe jMuaataat
sM wJ mvi. k "Tha a of fH) Tm
dVfioin." It w un4r WtUa tttat
Bckr t hi ?ft wi.ee. trajttnf.
Tai were only aiffct earrtag i tu
Unrl tarty te et twta were taajttM
I wire Bswtrs
lmrant la Woudutwa C.uiry.
otrfivAniNttH AfMlN TAKfi.
Crow and Pflflsengert of Destroyed
Bhipa Drought Asrioic.
LONDON, Aug. 2.
Tho British steamship JjJSmant
sunk, according to n nngn cem.nt
made today by the AdmirAiiy.
cTew and two panger ,'r 4VM'
but further details were withhetd.
Th Stair liner Clintortla of wo troi
aubmarlnc. according to K"K,MrJ.
ceivcd here today, f '"f i'av been
gers and crew Mt ttWttAtohtM
saved and aro being brought tj hora.
Tho crew of S9 of the Norwegian
..Lmer TrondhJemord. torpedoed by
a German aubmarln on Frway, w
landed at Copenhagen today.
Red Cross Agent's Plea for
Food Makes United
States Co-operate With
''First Chief to Relieve
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1-Urgent re
quests that the Slate Department alle
viate food condltlona In Mexico City wero
received today from Charles O'Connor,
special Red Cross representative In the
Mexican capital. Death apd collapse
from starvation are frequent and the poor
are eating leaves, grass, horses and
mules, hn said. There Is no food to no
had at any price and the aupply of corn
has been oxhatisted.
A report from Vera Crua saya Car
ranza has started food trAlna from Vra
Crua to Mexico City, but how long it will
take them to get through It not known,
Btato Department advices frOrrt Vera
Crua ald Carransa expecta to move his
Government to Mexico City this month.
General Obregon's occupation of ZAca
tecas was confirmed.
Severe fighting was reported east of
Guadeloupe Friday.
General Gonzales, it waa said, would
Immediately establish himself In Mexico
City without lingering oh tho outskirts.
Btato Department advleea today from
tho Mexican capital via Vera Crua, under
date of Saturday, aald Mexco City was
occupied by General Gonzales on Friday
night under urgent ordera from Car
ranza. This followed a severe Hght In
tba afternoon between Gonzales' army
nnd the VUllstas and Zapatistas Just
east of Villa Guadaloupe.
Consul Genernl Sllliman at Vera Cruz
reported a military demonstration was
held there for two hours, beginning at
o'clock Saturday morning, when tho news
arrived that Mexico City was Totakon.
The director of telegraphs In the Car
ranza Government assured Sllliman Sat
urday that telegraphic communication
with Mexico City would be eatabllshed fey
Sunday, at the latest, and that wires
had been set up between Vera Crux and
Tula via Pnchuca, Sllliman added that
the occupation of Zacatecas by Obregon's
nrmy was confirmed and that General
Gonziles was ordered to go directly Into
Mexico tClty and not tarry on the out
skirts, as ho did befbNK
Continued from Tage One
great length tho British Foreign Office
reviews tho trade records complied by the
Department of, Commerce here in Wash
ington. From them It Is pointed out that
the bulk ot tho exports that have been
seht to P6land, Denmirk, Sweden and
Norway havo In reality been Intended to
reach German sources.
And the British bicokftde directed
against Germany Is defended as a, proper
act ot war and one that Is entirely jus
tified by the precedents established by thd
United states Government Itself during
the Civil War. In addition,' she questions
the propriety of our caveat Intended to
protect our rights In prize court pro
Secretary of Stat 6 Lansing stated to
day that the text of these notes wilt he
made publlo next Wednesday morning,
Ha said that this time had been fixed by
the British Government itself. In this
connection the Secretary stated that he
could not answer any questions about tha
notes they are three In number because
the British Government had' asked that
the State Department withhold comment
on them until Wednesday.
Although the Secretary would not say
bo, there Is no doubt that official circles
are greatly disappointed over the un
compromising attitude adopted b,y the
British Government. It has been hoped
that concessions would be made, but It
now seems certain that the British Gov
ernment will fight against any letting
down of the bara to American trade that
would benefit her enimloa In the slightest
Copies of the three notes are to be
sent to President Wilson at Cornish With
out delay.
Because Ot the position England has
assumed It is now .certain that another
definite and strong protest will be sent
forward without delay reaffirming the
Position ot the United state that tha
British Order in Council I In defiance of
International law and a violation of Eng
land'., obligations ta the United States.
un uuiy n tne unueu mates sent n,
note ot protest against the Natchez sell
ure, arguing tha London government
could not hold, up shipment ffpm airman-controlled
territory Bileium now
belnk under German rule neithercould
Oreat Britain atop good paid or by
Americans nerore narcn i.
Germany will not Accede to the request
of the United states by keeping the Krye
aase out ot a pure court. This, it was
learned on nigh authority this afternoon.
Is in substance what the Jatcst communi
cation to tha United State from oar
many saya. The note which waa eenf
in sections, waa all 1 the State Depart
ment' hands this afternoon.
aenrtsny riamrmher position that she
Is compelled to submit the case to a. prise
court, (t was leaied. Tna claim Of the
United Bute uTat undsr an old treaty
with Prussia tne ease should be settled
without oourtproeeedints la aimed.
State Department offielala do not re
gard tha not as eausirig anything ap
proaching A cmieai situation, it waa b
i be-
nlted state would make fur-
entatlon In an effort to keep
om a prize court.
tha ca
and uttemetal accounts dinned
the number ot AtniHcaa In
the d!4ter to the Lyland
errtla. dtttroyed by a Qermaaj suh-
Owtrary to bubliad rsearta. the It-
pril Gvrmnt has not yet daddsd
whether or Sot the Amri4 nj yhaii
be ariswared, aald ssmlorflsial statement
bwuad today.
"Tne Government is awaiting the ttxt
ot tha coming Amwiaan net to Bngiajad "
?m Bet, lh Dmmm
YOHK. fa.. Atut l-HSefNtoM ay w
Mat, jfMpry Btrteaiw, a Mlaatat. h&i4
iawalf in a iff wMra h wa fa-
ployM 4riy tlay. by UtaBle tike Mp
tDioujib an eptmw bt th ceauag tan
1 luoilsa; from a at9piiiii'.
O (floral
liner J
Battle at Soucliez With
Petards and Hand Qren
adeVKafsar's Big Guns
Bombard Pont-a-Mous-son,
sUiaaaai I
Teutons At&dc Positions at
Hautbois, on1Meu.se Heights,
Three Times') iBut Are Re
pulsed With H&vy Losses,
Reports Paris.
PARIS, AUg. 2.
-Infantry flghtng'ha been resumed nt
many point alonB the battle front, the
War Office announced todny. The of
ficial communique reports the repulse of
German attack In tho ArrAa region, in
the Argonne nnd, one tho Meuse Heights'.
Pont-a-Mousson nnd the villages of
Maldleres and Mnnoncourt-sur-Sllle
have been bombarded with incendiary
Tho text of the communique' follows:
"The night of August 1 and the night
of August 1-2 were marked by various In
fantry engagements.
"In Artots; after having repulsed num
erous German attacks with grenades, we
captured part 6C a trenCh in the cross
rond from Ablaln to Angrea. to the nortn
. .u hm.iam1 Kivhwav from Bethuen
to Arras. Around Souchez tho conflict
was waged with petards and grenndea
without any change In tho front on
either side.
"In Champagne, on the Perthe-Beause-Jour
front, the conflict was waged witn
mines In which we gained the advantage.
"In the Argonne, in the region of Marie
Theresa and of St Hubert, after ft lively
combat with bombs and petards, the
Germans attempted numerous attacks
which wero repulsed. .1(-u.
"On the heights of the Mouse between
Les Epargea and the Cnlonne trench,
the enemy three times attacked our po
sitions in the HautbOIs. Our artillery fire
and our rifle fire stopped these attacks.
Continued from Pago One ,
mlrat Caperton Is expected to hegln the
work of pacifying the Island.
Officials declared today that there waa
no doubt that the stay of the American
forces in Haiti would be protracted. It
'is understood, that the President has de
cided that in order to avoid foreign Com
plications the American i armed forces
shall not be withdrawn until a stable
government hAs been established, even
though It Is necessary to retain tho Amer
icans thore for an Indefinite period. If
necessary, the entire Haitian civilian pop
ulace will be forcibly disarmed, and then
the factional leaders will bo ordered to
select a provisional government which all
Would support.
The Wesleyan mission at Port-au-Prince
waa' mobbed Saturday night by Haitian
seeking a murderer who took refuga
there, It was reported to the State Depart
ment today. Tho dispatch did not state
whether the mob got the man or whethor
there wre any casualties.
Situation In Republic Improving na
Order la Restored.
CAPE HAITIEN, Haiti, Aug. 2.-Peace
negotiation between tho northern and
s6uthefn Haiti factions are expected to
open on the American gunboat Caattne.
In the harbor ot Capo Haitian, within 24
A peace eommlfslon Is one Its way hero
from Port-au-Prlnee. The United State
gunboat Nashville, which arrived lat
night, lies at anchor owaltirtg develop
ments. No more sailors will be landed
ut present.
Continued from Page,One
plaining ot the heat for several days and
yesterday acted as though hla mind had
been affected,
The 13 deaths reported, this mOrrllng
twtll the IM of fatalities fqr the two
daya to date to 20. Those who auc-
cumoea were: y
JOHN McEUlOT, CI year old, 9 ' Spruce
V-ll"Nfe IcDEnitOTTXO years old. ot 3212
JAKB'WltlSBfr JVw 6U. Ot 812 Tansy
Til&tAa HANpr months Old. ot SK0
JOSEPH OAMBJu, a monini oia, ot i.oj o-juia
uillAlSpn MSOM, tt months old, ot IMS LOm-
"ra (irtsu .,.. . ,.,... ,. MiitJ
juuTnJandeKson, 8 month old.
MOVVaSd K. BiCKEfU S Ttars old.
Nortn nm "",
IS 6n.l-
ti, 89 years old. 1229
BABR. 4S yasrs vid, 333
a month eld, a Bhofiu
tio't.T!!. 404T.Kerlh 18th atratu
J5DWARD BROWN. ntro, 1324 Katr Street.
Many person yesterday, on learning
that whan the therrpomettr stood at Its
highest at M degrees, at 2 o'clock, tho
humidity read at 50 per cent, Instead bt
W per cent., as It had earlier In the day,
It meant it was les moist and sultry,
and therefore should have been less un.
comfortable. Such la not th case In the
matter of humidity.
Tha humidity percentage la & compar
atlve figure. Atmosphere can 6hly hold &
certain amount of, moUtur. When the
figure rad w per cent, it mean mat
the air i holding ft per Cent, ot tna
moisture it I capable of holding. But
whn It 1 very hot the air can hold tnor
tnolstura. -Therefore, when tha tmp?
aturs rises the percentage ot humidity
drops, although, actually tha air may con
tain the came amount of moisture.
nti-. rr-, ', ',,,' rrrr- . ... .tieyag
Fish are SfUhtimg fine in
JuSt btsk ef BEACH HAVB
'rk ana
nd us
mnri ASlShter
iyi niBBra on iaihu
aa t ANQLaaiA, ut
at th dais hi aiaWmta
t(tmber IS, 1allve
x an5i.& aad WU-DWOOI
., i . ,
Sptcial TraMit IMit' Marks SMVharf
Yf BAO llrtvan
tiU.t. !
1'lr .VVC1I.K8KA
- 8A!
tmMtdU tUMt AfH
NnrCn lain sireci
M BKffcHvr.
A rOatt'fiTfr
-. . p' 1 r t I,
ittMant. s-