Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 02, 1915, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 12
hi it M s M if ( kr tie ; P Rl I - W i f m MKfrimn.ll HMH J ! THE RETURN OF TARZAN By edgar rice Burroughs Oepyrttht 1918, by A. & McClur A Co. SYNOPSIS- Jean Tarzan, Mr li haa given up Jn Farter, return to Europe. On hi war and la Paris he befriend the Count and coun ter de Coude, ana ao earn the enmity of two tlutilan eplee. Roaorf and raulvlteh. the termer being brother ef the Countess Tartan Join tho Foreign orflce of tha French Government and la aent to Africa to watch a certain Lieutenant Gernols. Doting fcn attempt upon hi life Taraan eYe an Arab girt, restcrea her to her father and travel with the utter Into tha deeert, following Qetnols The latter la f ra qumly met by auspicious person, and Trhn haa reason for believing that those Who ek HI life are friend of pernoU. In the desert Tatian la left behind. fight and kill ah enormous Hon, and 1 then (hot from ambush lie la captured and taken into an Arab village. nnlcoE, disguised a an Arab, cornea to taunt mm. and threaten death on the morrow IJut thai night tho girl -wham Tartan haa saved, whom ho knows aa tha Ouled-Nall of Bldl Alss. eeta him, free Together they leave tha village and In the deeert plerea .meet Hon Tartan Ellle the Hon and, nfter they recover their omes the two set off for tho girl' father ome Turzan, after restoring the girt, go tacit to tho town where Rokoff and Oer nal are staying lie discovers proofa of their perfidy, frighten Rokoff almost out of hi wlte, reacuea certain valuable papor and depart. Gcrnol commlta suicide, Tar ian under the assumed name ot Caldwell, takes hlp for Cape Town On board two men act strangely Taraan meet Haiel Strong bctt friend of Jane Porter The aceno hlf(e back to the tlma when Tarian bade Jane flood-by In America. After Taraan had bade good-by to Jane, CUvtorr discovered that Tartan waa the rml Lord Oreystoke nut he did not tell Jane and their marriage was arranged, but postponed by Jan, -fhey all go to London postponed by Jan, -fhey all go to London md thence for a trip around the world On board th atefimtf with Tarsan whn ana menre ic pi.see through Gibraltar at Hie same time a the yacht nokoff disguised a o M Thurlan Ho eteala Important document from Tarian and throw him overboard. Haiel Strong start a search for him. After Tnrznn haa bade Jane good-by, Clayton discovered the telegram from D'Arnot, assuring Tnrznn thnt he, nnd not Clayton wa Lord dreytoke Clayton persuaded hlmelf that ho ought not to tell Jane about this Then Jane put ore the marriage until they had reached Eng land A friend suggest a yachting tour around Africa and thla la accepted By chance the yacht with Jane on hoard and the ship bearing Tarzan and Hazel Strong pass Gibraltar at the samo time. Hazel and Tnrzan are much together. She tell him that Jane l In love with an ape-man, but she does not know that Tarzan la tho man Rokoff appear on, board and after stealing certain paper from Tarzan throwa him overboard. After day Mis Strong eend ft teward to bring Tarzan, . , The los of Tarzan la discovered, nokoff sVmpathlzea with Mlea Strong, and be-ce-ne quite attached to tho Idea of marry ing her for her money In Cape Town Miss Btrong meet Jane Porter Sho ehowB Jane the picture of the man who waa thrown overboard, and Jane faints a she recpg, nizea Tarzan Tho party goa ore on tne yjcht again, but Ill-luck attends them and Anally the yacht Is wreckod Chapter xiii (Continued). IV STANTtiT tho men rushed upon rfeck, followed cloaclv-by the women. Though thp night wns cloudy, there was little wind or sea, nor waa it so dark but that Just oft the port bow a black maim could be discerned floating low In tho water. "A derelict," was the terse explanation of the oftlcer of the watch Presently the engineer hurried on deck In search of the captain. "That patch we put on tho cylinder head's blown out, air," he reportod, "and she's makln' water fast forward on tho port bow" An Ipstant later a seaman rushed up from below "My Gawd!" ho cried "Her whole blecdln' bottom's ripped out. Sho can't float 20 mlnute3." "Shut up!" roared TeAnlngton. "iJidlcB. go below and get some of your things together. It may not bo so bad a.3 that, but wo may have to take to tho bots It will be safer to ba prepared. Go at once, ploase And, Captain Jer rold send somo competent man belpw, please, to ascertain the exact extent of the damage. In the meantime;., ,mlsht suggest that you have the boaT-jirDvse loned " ,. The calm, low voice of the owner did much to reassure the entire party, and a moment later nil were occupied with the duties he had suggested. By the time the ladles had returned to the deck the rapid provisioning of the boats had been about completed, and a moment ! later the omcer who haa gone fcelow had returned to report But his opinion was scarcely needed to assure tho hud dled group ot men and women that the end of the Lady Alice was at hand. "Well, sir?" said the captain, ns his Officer hesitated "I dislike to frighten the ladles, air," he Bald, "but she can't .float a dozen minutes, In my opinion. There's a hole In her you could drive a bally cow through, sir" For Ave minutes the Lady AUco had been settling rapidly by the bow. Al ready her stern loomed high In the air, and foothold on the deck waa of the most precarious nature, Sho carried four boats, and these were all filled and low ered away In safety. As they pulled rapidly from the stricken little vessel Jane Porter turned to have one last look at her Just then therp came a loud crash and an ominous rumblinn- and pounding" from the- heart of the ship her machinery had broken loose, and was Bashing Its way" toward the bow, tearing out partitions and bulkheads as It went the stern rose rapidly high above thorn; for a moment she seemed to pause there a vertical shaft protruding from the bosom of the ocean, and then swiftly she dova headforemost beneath the waves In one of tha boats the brave Lord TemrUneton wiped a tear from his eyj he had not Been a fortune In money go down forever Into the sea, but a dear, beautiful friend whom he hod loved At last the long night broke, and a tropical sun smote down upon tha roll ing water Jans Porter had dropped Into a, fitful slumber the fierce light of the un upon her upturned face awoke her" She looked about her In the boat" with her were three sailors, Clayton and Monsieur Thuran-Then ilia looked foe wn umer oasts, oi. as tar as the eye JS. eJrf W8r. f nolhlnS to break the fearful monstorty of that waste of ' GBT - RICH - QUICK - J ' " A TRANSACTION IN HIGH FINANCE M S NERRYui.oNE7 -, (Wa ma baby boy DAR H&AM MA 6lROS TSrN r. : :ll aAN WHUFPO WHAP. J HAS OAT UL BoW'KNcrf EVE MAB,C WJLe . 1 (wn. ?? I (Wll SOLA.R PL-EX WOU ON j OSif JS4 TW PLUNKc, IS DC I PULSAT.M ,, ro"?. (t ZUUU AT ft' ..Wf f 5E mWINE TER BEJ WiiSXa piccer. op a.s HUUSA',,S SOL.AR tfwiS v pfcbi CENSE. sflAKE HIM UP SB' AUTHOR OP "TARZAN OF THE waters they were) alone in ft small boat upon tho broad Atlantic. CHAPTER. XIV. BACK lb THE piustrrrvB. AS TAItZAN struck tho water, his first JlX Impulse was to swim clear of tho ship nnd possible danger from her pro pellers Ho knew whom to thank for his present predicament, nnd .as ho lay In the sea, Just supporting himself by n gentlo movement of his hands, his chief emotion was ono of chagrin that ho had been so easily bested by llokolt. Ho lay thus for some time, watching tho receding and rapldly-dlmlnlshlng lights of tho steamer, without it over once occurring to him to call for help. Ho nover had called for help in his life, and so It Is not strange that ho did not think of it now. Always had ho de pended upon his own prowess and re sourcefulness, nor had there ever been, since tho days ot Kala, any to answer nn appeal for succor. When It did oc cur to him it wns too late There was, thought Tarzan, a possible ono chance in a hundred thousand that ho might be picked up, and an even smaller chance that he would reach land, bo ho determined thnt to combine what slight chances there were, ho would ewlm slowly In the direction of tho coast the ship might have been closer in than ho had known. Ills strokes wero long and easy It would be many houts before those giant muscles would commence to feel fatigue. As ho Bwatn, guided toward tho east by the stars, he noticed that ho felt the Weight of his shoes, and so he removed them. Ills trousers went next, and h would have removed his coat at tho samo time but for tho precious papers in its pocket. To reassuro himself that ho still had them, he slipped his hand in to feel, but, to his constornatlon, thoy wero gone. Now he know that something more than revenge had prompted Rokoff to pitch him overboard tho Russian had managed to obtain possession of tho papors Tarzan had wrestled from him at Bou Snada. The ape-man eworo softly, nnd lot his coat and shirt sink into tho Atlantic. Beforo mnny hours ho had divested him self ot his remaining garments, and was swimming easily and unencumbered to ward tho east. Tho first faint ovldonco of dawn waa paling tho stars ahead of him, when tho dim outlines of a low-lying black mass loomed up directly In (his track. A few strong strokes brought him to Its side It was tho bottom of a wave-washed derelict. Tarzan clambered upon It ho would rest there until dnyllght at least. Ho had no lntontlon tr remain there in active a prey to hunger and thirst. If ho must die ho preferred dying in action making somo semblance of an attempt to save himself. ' Thp sea was quiet, so that tho wreck had only a gently undulating motion that was soothing to the swimmer who had had no sleep for 20 hours. Tarzan of the Apes curled up upon the slimy timbers and was soon asleep. The heat of tho sun nwoko-hlm early in tha forenoon. His first conscious sen sation wns of thirst, which grew almost to tho proportions of suffering with full returning consciousness; but a moment later it wns forgotten In tho Joy of two almost simultaneous discoveries The first was a mass of wreckage floating beside the derelict in the midst of which, bottom up, rose nnd fell nn overturned lifeboat; the other was the faint, dim lino of a far-distant shore showing on the horizon in the east. Tarzan dove Into the water and swam around tho wreck to the lifeboat. The cool ocean refreshed him almost as much as would a draft of water, so that It was with renewed vigor that he brought the smaller boat alongside the derelict. nnd. nfter mnny herculean efforts, suc ceeded In dragging It onto the slimy ship's bottom. There he righted and ex amined it the boat was quite sound, and a moment later floated upright alongside the wreck. Then Tarzan selected several pieces of wreckago that might answer him as paddles, and presently was mak ing good headway toward the far-off shore. It was late In tho afternoon by the time he carte close enough to distinguish objects on land, or to make out the con tour of the shore line, Before him lay what appeared to be the entrance to a little, land-locked harbor. The wooded point to the north waa strangely fa miliar Could it be possible that fate had thrown him up at the very threshold of his own beloved Jungle! But as the bow of his boat entered the mouth of the harbor tho last shred of doubt was cleared away, for there before him upon the farther shore, under the shadows of his primeval forest, stood his own cabin built before his. birth by the hand of ms tong-aeaa tamer, jonn Ulnyton, L.ord Greystroke With long sweeps of his giant muscles Tarzan sent the little craft speeding to ward the beach. Its prow had scarcely touched when the ape-man leaped to shore his heart beat fast in Joy and ex ultation as each long-familiar object came beneath his roving eyes the cabin, the beach, the little brook, the dense Jungle, the black. Impenetrable forest. The myriad birds In their brilliant plumage the gorgeous tropical blooms upon tho festooned creepers falling In great loops from the giant trees. Tarzan of the Apes had cqme Into his own again, nnd that nil the world might know it ho threw back his young head and gave voice to the fierce, wild chal lenge of his tribe. For a moment silence rejgned, upon the Jungle, and then, low nnd weird, came an answering challenge It was tho deep roar of Numn, the Hon; nnd from a great distance, faintly, the fearsome answering bellow of a bull ape. Tarzan went to the brook first, and slaked his thirst. Then he approached his cabin The door was still closed and latched as he and D'Arnot had left It. He raised the latch and entered Nothing ha4 been disturbed; there were the table. the bed nnd the little crib built by his father - tha shelves and cupboards Just WALSINGFORD EVENING LEDGER-PHILADEIPHIA, MONDAY, AUGUST APES" as they had stood for over 23 years Just as ha had left Hum nearly tVo years before. His1 syea satisfied, Tarzan's stomach bgan to call aloud for attention tho pangs of hunger suggested a search for food. There was nothing in tho cabin, nor hhd ho nhy weapons! but upon a wall hung one ot his old grass ropes. It had been many times broken and spliced, so that he had discarded It for n better ono long before Tar2an wished that he had a knlfo. Well, unless he was mis taken, ha should have that nnd a. epear and bows and arrows before another sun had set the ropo would take caro of that, and In the meantime It must bo maao to procuro food for him Ho colled It carefully, and, throwing It about his shoulder, went out, closing tho door bo ning him Close to the cabin tho Jungle com menced, and into It Tarzan of tho Apes plunged, wary and noiseless onoo mora a savage beast hunting Its food. For a time ho kept to the ground, but, finally, discovering no spoor Indicative of near by meat, ho took to tho tres. With tho first dizzy swing from tree to treei oil tho old Joy of living swept over him. Vain regrets and dull heartache wero 'forgot ten. Now was he living. Now, Indeed, was tho true happiness of perfect free dom his. Who would go back to tho stifling, wicked cities of civilized man when tho mlchty reaches of tho great Jungle, offered poaco and Uberty7 Not ho. While It was yet Sight Tarzan camo to a drinking place by tho sldo of a Jungle, river. Thoro wns a ford there, and for countless ages tho beasts of tho forest had como down to drink at this spot. Hero of a night might always bo found either Sabor or Numa, crouching in tho dense fouogo of tho surrounding Jungle, awattng an antelopo or a water buck for their meal. Iloro came Hortn, tho boar, to water, and hero camo Tarzan of tho Apes to mako n kill, for ho was very empty. On a low branch ho squatted abovo tho trail. For an hour ho waited. It was growing dark, A llttlo to ono sldo of tho ford In tho densest thicket ho heard tho faint sound of padded feet, nnd the brushing of a huge body' ngalnst tall grasses and tangled creepers. No no other than Tarzan might have heard it, but the ape-man heard and translated It was Numa, tho Hon, on tho samo crrnnd as himself. Tarzan smiled Presently ho heard nn nntmal approach ing warily nlong the trail toward tho drinking place. A moment more nnd it came In view It was Horta, tho boar. Here was delicious meat and Tarzan's mouth watered Tho grasses whero Numn lay wero very still now ominous ly still. Horta passed beneath Tarzan a few moro stops and he would be within he radius or Numa's spring. Tarzan could imnglno how old Numa's eyes wero shining how he was nlrcady sucking In his brath for the awful roar which would freeze his prey for tho brief Instant be tween tho moment of the spring nnd tl sinking of terrible fangs Into splintering bones. But as Numa gathered himself, a slender rope flow through tho nlr from tho low branches of a nearby tree A nooso nettled about Horta's nock. Thero wns a frightened grunt, a squeal, and then Numa saw his quarry dragged back ward up the trail, and, as ho sprang, Hortn, thp boar, soared upward beyond his clutches Into tho treo above, and a mocking face looked down and laughed Into his own Then Indeed did Numa roar. Angry, threatening, hungry, ho ptced back and forth beneath the taunting" npe-man. Now he stopped, and, rising on his hind legs ngalnst the stem of tho tree that held his enemy, sharpened his hugo claws upon the bark, tearing out great pieces that laid bare tho whlto wood beneath. And In tho meantime Tarzan had drag ged tho struggling Hlorta to tho limb be side him, Sinewy fingers completed tho work tho choking nooso had commenced Tho npe-man had no knife, but nature had equlppcrj him with tho means of tearing his food from the quivering flank of his prcv, and gleaming teeth sank Into tho succulent flesh while the raging Hon looked on from bolow as another enjoyed the dinner that ho had thought already his. It was dark by tho time Tarzan had gorged himself Ah, but It had been de licious! Never had he quite accustomed himself to the ruined flesh that civilized men had served him, and In tho bottom of his savage heart thero had constantly been tho craving for the warm meat of the fresh kill, and tho rich, red blood. He wiped his bloody hands upon a bunch of leaves, slung the remains of his kill across his shoulder, and swung off through the mlddjo terrace of the forest toward his cabin, "and nt the same Instant Jane Porter and William Cecil Clayton nroso from a sumptuous dinner upon tho Lady Alice, thousands of miles to the east, In the Indian Ocean. Beneath Tarzan walked Numa, the lion, nnd when the ape-man deigned to glance downward he caught occasional glimpses of tho baleful green eyes follow ing through the darkness Numa did not roar now Instead, he moved stealthily, like the shadow of a great cat; but yet he took no step that did not reach the sensitive ears of the ape-man. Tarzan wondered if he would stalk him to his cabin door He hoped not, for that vpuld mean a night's sleep curled in the crotch of a tree, and he much preferred the bed of grasses within his own abode But he knew Just the tree nnd the most comfortable crotch. It necessity demanded that he sleep out. A hundred times In the past some great Jungle cat had followed htm home, and compelled him to seek shelter In this samo tree, until another mood or the rising sun had sent his enemy away. But presently Numa gave up the chase and, with a series of blood-curdling moans and roars turned angrily back Jn search of another and an easier dinner So Tar zan camo to his cabin unattended, and a few moments later was curled up in the mildewed remnants of what had oncn boot) a bed of grasses Thus easily did Monseur Jean C. Tarzan slough the thin ) -; y . .....,, vi ma un Drexel Hide.. Pbliarteipw-jjgj; w """ - Bv TrRMnT.m . . ' . . ' '. : . M skin of hi artificial civilization, and sink happy and contented into tha deep sleep of the wild beast that has fed to reple tion Tet ft woman's "yes" would have bound him to, that other Ufa forever, and made tho thought of this savage existence) repulsive Tarzan slept lato Into tho following forenoon, for he had been very tired from tho labors and exertion ot the long night nnd day upon the ocean, and the Jungle Jaunt that had brought Into piny muscles that ho hid scarce used for nearly two years When he awoke ho ran to tha brook first to drink Then ho took n plunge Into tho sea, swimming about for n quarter of ftn hour Afterward he re turned to his cabin, and breakfasted oft the flesh of Horta. This done, he burled tho balance of the carcass In tha soft earth outside tho cabin for his evening meal, Onco more he took his ropo and van- isnoa into tne jungle. This time he hunted nobler quarry man; although had you asked him his own opinion he could have named a dozen other denizens of the Jungle which he considered far tho su periors in nobility of tho men he hunted. Today Tarzan was In quest of weapons. He wondered if the women and children had remained in Mbonga'A village after the punitive expedition from the French cruiser had massacred all the warriors in revenge for D'Arnot's supposed death. Ho hoped that he should find wnrrlors there, for he knew not how long a quest ho should havo to mako were the village deserted. , Tho ape-man traveled swiftly through tho forest, and about noon camo to tho site of tho village, but to his disappoint ment found that tho Jungle, had overgrown the plantain fields and that tho thatched huts had fallen In decay. There wns no sign of man. Ho clambered about among ine ruins ior nair nn nour, hoping that ho might discover somo forgotten weapon, but his search was without fruit, and so ho took up his quest bnco more, following uy mu niiraiu, wnicn uowca from a southeasterly direction. Ho knew that near fresh water he would bo most like ly to find another settlement. As ho traveled ho hunted ns he had nuniea wun ins npo people In tho past, aa Kala had taught him to hunt, turning over rotted logs to find somo toothsome vermin, running high Into tho trees to rob a bird's nest, or pouncing upon a tiny rodent with tho quickness of a cat. Thero woro other thlngn thnt ho ato, too, but tho less detailed tho account of nn ape's diet tho bettor artd Tarzan was again tho apo, tho samo flerco, brutal anthro poid that Kala had taught him to be, and that ho had been for tho first 20 years of his llfo. Occasionally ho smiled as ho recalled somo friend who might oven at tho mo ment be sitting placid and lmmaculato within the precincts of his select Parisian club Just as Tarzan had Bat but a few months beforo; nnd then ho would otnn. as though turned suddonly to stono as the gentlo breeze carried to his trained nostrils tho scent of somo new proy or a foimldablo enemy. That night ho slept far Inland from his cabin, securely wedged into tho crotch of a giant tree, swaying n hun- urou icoi bdovo me ground. Ho had eaten heartily again this tlmo from the flesh of Bara, tho deer, who had fallen proy to his quick nooso. Early tho next morning he resumed his Journey, always following the course of the stream. For three days ho continued his quest, until he had como to a part of the Jungle In which ho never before had been. Occasionally upon the higher ground the forest was much thinner, and in the far distance through tho trees he could seo ranges of mighty mountains, with wldo plains In tho foreground. Here, In the open spaces, were new game countless antelope and vast herds of rebra, Tarzan was entranced he would make a long visit to this new world. (CONTINUED TOMORROW.) Police Court Chronicles Argument about the war was Indulged In by John OmllJamlkls and Tony Wal Inezoklkoff. rThe former favored the Rus sians and tho latter tho Turks. "Words soon became useless and Anally Wallne zoklkoff said he would have revenge upon OmlJimlkls. Then the debaters sepa rated, and a few minutes later OmllJa mlkls passed the house of Wallnezoklkoff In a new suit Just to show his deflanco It was a whlto suit and he wore a white hat and shoes to boot. When Wallnezoklkoff came to the win dow of his home at 245 Cameron street, OmllJamlkls looked, up and sneered, A small whlto object sailed through the air. It struck OmllJamlkls on the suit. Then tho missile broke and a powder sprayed over him from head to foot. It was roach powder and yellow. OmllJamlkls gasped for the poltco. Ever ett, the cop, heard the gasp and came. Magistrate Belcher listened to tho de tails amid fountains of perspiration, The combatants were not half way through tho recital of the war argument when the Judge saw that further neutrality was useless He banged hla gavel on the desk and nnea wallnezoklkoff $5 and costs. OmllJamlkls and Wallneztklkoft were In peaceful frame of mind when they reach ed the street because each had suffered. "Have a clear," said OmllJamlkls "No, you havo a cigar," said Wallnezl klkoff. And so to show that peace once more had reigned, they smoked "on each other," A cop supplied tho matches. Suicide Pact Suspected A theory that he may have entered Into a suicide pact with a woman, Is the latest development In the mystery surrounding tho drowning of Policeman Anthony Kolb, of tho 2d and Christian streets po lice station, last week. According to tho police, a llght-halred woman waa seen with Kolb shortly before the drqwnlng. With this clue to work upon, patrolmen uuncmiu io tna ta ana unnstian streets pirn' station ara drafrgln the Delaware Rive? delphla Lodge No 672 I O o ,,a" ot?,te3oqy?vharves' ,n an el':KyT - '" -- - " iiBtaiifDa Hnn rrinn il - . ""--- :-".. i aemB SHE RECOGNIZED SNAKE Aclresa nt Zoo Demanded Old Go worker, "Gladys," in Vnln. Several hundred persons were afforded a mild sensation at the Zoo yesterday by tho enectaclo of a well-dressed, woman beating frantically against the case con' talnlng tho boa constrictors and crying "Oh, Baore-r-rl My Gladys " Wliqn keepers finally persuaded her to leave the building nnd took her to the Superintendent's offloo. it developed that sho was Daisy Do Mare, of the "Trotters of Tomorrow" company, which recently dlsbahded In San Francisco, nnd that the reptile had been a feature of her act "I was playing In Globe, Arizona," she said, "when a Mexican stole my snake Gladys, Since then I have not seen It It was chance that led me to come hero on my way to New York" Bhe de manded the return of the reptile In mr)Bt strenuous terms, according to Superln tendent Carson, but ho refused to glva It up. Mr. Carson ald the boa constrictor had been presented to tho Zoo by a traveling salesman who had a fondness for such creatures. 3 OBITUARIES JOHN K. SHRYOCK Paper Manufacturer, Lutheran Pub lisher, and Prominent Mnson, Died nt Home. Death has claimed ono of tho oldest paper manufacturers In this city nnd ono of tho leading ofTlclals of tho Lutl eran Church In tho country. In the per son of John K, Bhryock. The aged man ufacturer and churchman died yesterday at his homo, 1414 North Bouvler street, at the ago of 89 years. Ho was for many years superintendent of tho Lutheran Publication Socloty, during which time ho edited nnd published many volumes, including the famous "Fatherland1 Se ries," which ho translated from tho Ger man for ohlldron. Mr. Shryoclc wao a native of Chambers burg, Pa., whoro his father was one of tho ploneor paper manufacturers. Ho was educated In the public schools ot thnt city and tho Chambersburg Acad emy. Early In llfo ho entered tho busi ness of hla father. For moro than 30 years, in partnership with his brother, Samuet S. Shryock, ho conducted the Papyrus Mills, Middle Spring, Pa. In 18)3 these mills wore destroyed by fire, and nlnCO that tlma .Mr. Shrvnelr tinrt been engaged lri tho paper board busi ness In this city. Although blind during tho last 14 years, he had kept In close touch with his business. Mr. Shryock was a llfo member of Washington Lodge of Masons, In Chambersburg, and one of tho oldest members of the order In Penn sylvania. Surviving nro two daughters, Mrs. James N. Dyson, of this city, nnd Mrs. Thomas H. Wilson, of Haddonfleld, N. J. Burial will bo In Chambersburg, Wednes day. MRS. MARY E. WILLIAMSON Mother of Mrs. J. Whltaker Thompson Stricken While Visiting Daughter. Mrs Mary E. Williamson, stricken with apoplexy, following n visit to tho homo of her daughter, Mrs. Thompson, the wife of Judge J. Whltaker Thompson, of tho United States District Court, ot Mont Clare, Pa., died In her homo In Potts town yesterday. This is the second be reavement to strike Judge Thompson's homo In two days. The Judge's sister, Mrs. Grace Thompson Hunter, died at his home on Saturday. Mrs Williamson was the widow of Wil liam L Williamson, a Pottstown banker and a cousin of ex-Governor Pennypacker, Sho will be burled at Pnttntnwn wh...: day. Mrs Huntor wns tho wife of Charles Field Hunter She will be burled from the Judge's home tomorrow.. James S. Wilson James S Wllaon, 63 years old, a manu facturer of tapes and bindings, died Sat urday night at his home, 3504 North 23d otrcei, aiier aDour. two weeks' Illness fol lowing a stroke of paralysis. He was a native of this city and had been In the manufacturing buBlneas since his early manhood, when he entered business with his grandfather. He was associated un til his death with tho Arm of James Wil son & Sons, 1133 North 4th street. For many years Mr. Wilson was an active member of tho Cohockslnk Pres byterian Church. He Is survived by a widow nnd one son and ono daughter. Jav Whitney Wilson nnd Mr. n t t , Ian. Funeral services will be conducted at 11 o'clock Wednesday morning by the Rev. Dr. It. E. Johnson, pastor of the Seventh Street Methodist Episcopal Church. Burial will bo private in West Laurel Hill Cemetery. Employes of the firm of James Wilson &. Sons may view the body at the home tomorrow evening. Robert Drlggs nobert Brlggs. 63 years old, president of tho Robert Briggs Real Estate Com pany, died yesterday at his homo at 1700 South 13th etreet, from uremia. Mr. Brlggs was a son of William Brlggs. for years a well-known Philadelphia con tractor, and a nephew of Magistrate Brlggs He was a golf enthusiast and a member of the Bucks County Country C(ub. Active In fraternal organizations' he was promlnnt as a member of Phllo Lodge. F & A. M ; Oriental Chapel. Kadosh Commandery and Lu Lu Temple, Ho is survived by a widow, ' Nathan Richard Nathan Itlckard, for years proprietor of a Butcher business In the 40th Street Mvar?tV.d1'1 ye8'eJay at his residence at 401 North Wilton etreet. He was S3 , ..-.. -v-c ..,. i,, t-. jrunerai 21916. will be In the Fernwood Cemetery. John E. Walloran WILMINGTON, Del . Aug. " Halloran, proprietor of the otel " aJs num. nt 5th and Orange streets, rer " yTtB, d ed laat night. He leaves a widow and one child He was born InYotMyn In this State nnd was 43 years old. MAItniED -On July a'. IBIS, at ffiXb.AOHBI88l(" & Lllll. Hfgley) West Laurel um n "" convenience of iftmuy .. , , AnM8THONO.-At Ocean CUy.Md. on jmy W?S. ffiffl.-tj attend tno runerai cr.n.-T, - ---.;..- Mrs p m, at tha residence of his sister, Mrs S...V... r bw. B02S Ellsworth at. In- nAcT July si, MAnoAniw AUMSTnONO. wife of Horace. K, """ nStlVes .and friend, also members ot Bethel niaiiicj -r ws-w - Prebterlan Church, are Iwm ","V fun. I Mlcea at tho residence of her daughter 2110 N Uber t., on -luesuay, v 2pm Interment private aAr- nEltOSTnESSnn. On August 1, 1015, SAM UEU husband of Sarah ?. Dewtrjr, In his 7Sth year Relative and friends are In vited to attend the funeral service on wXXy aft. rnoon. at a o'clock precisely. at hi lata rcsiaonco, wu -- nniOOS-On August 1, 101B. nODEnT. husband of nena B. Brl'gg Belalhes and friend are Invited to attend the funeral service, on Tuesday, August S, at 2 o clock precisely, at hi lato residence. No. 1700 South 13th et. Interment private. nimT. At Wlldwood. N. J , on August J, "FRANK beloved husband ot Florence Shew rick Burt, of J13 Redman st , Itnddonfleld. N. J. Duo notice of tho funeral will bo CAlYnX. On August 1, 11".JAME8. son ot Ellen and the lato panlol Cahltl (i eo Faliey), aged 7 years and.8 months Rela tive and frienda ara Invited to attend fu neral, on Wednesday, at 0 10 a m 'rom hla uncle's residence, Edward Cahlll, 0031 Frnnk- lln st. Mass at the Church of the Vlslta- 'tlon, at 8 a. m. Intermont Holy Sepulchro Cemeterv . .. . . . ,., OAMr-ION. On Seventh Month SlBt, 1015, ANNA MARIA WILLITS, wife of Harrison Campion and daughter of the lato John II. and Edith W. WIUHo. Funeral on Third-day, Eighth Month 3d, nt 11 n. m , from her late residence, 1405 North 18th st. Interment private. .. .. CHAM,JtNOER. Qn August 1. 1018, MART P.. wife of Edward Challenger. RelatUes and frienda are Invited to attend funeral services. In tho New castle M. 5 unurcn, Wednesday morning August 4, at 10 o clock. r-trAtiiT-lta ctn .Tnlv St. mlK. ANNIE.wlfo of John O. Chamber (nee Ileller), aged 42 jear Relatives and friend are invited to nttend funeral, on Wednesday morning, at 8 '30 o'clock, from her late residence, 1232 South 23d st. High Mas at St. Aloyslui" Church, at 10 a. m. CROCK. On August 1, IMS SUSANNA II. widow of John C. Crock and daughter of tho lato William and Elizabeth SowerS Rela tives and friends, also Fnlrvlew Council, No. 80, D. of L : Lincoln Lodge, No 01, Shep herds of Bathlehem, and members of tho Bel mont Baptist Church, are Invited to attend funeral services, on Wednesday, at 2 p m , at her late residence, 4325 Lancaster ae Interment at Westminster Cemetery. Remains may bo viewed Tuesday evening, after 7)10 o'clock. CUNNINGHAM. On July 31, 1018, MARY, daughter of tho late William and Mary Cun ningham, formerly of 1030 Church St., Frank ford. Relatives and frienda are invited to at tend funeral, on Tuesday, nt 8 30 a. m . from tl o residence of William W. Hutchinson, 4RS1 Tackawnnna St.. Frankfort. Roqulem High Maes nt St. Joachim s Church at 10 a. m. DAVIS. On July 30. 1915, LEWI8 DAvlS. Relative ana irienas are invited to nttend the funeral services, on Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock precisely, at his late residence, 1440 North 17th st. Interment private, at Woodlands Cemetery. DELANY. On July 31. 1918. ELIZA II. widow of Llnford Delany. Relathea and friends ot tho family are invited to attend the funeral services, Wednesday morning, nt 10.30 o clock precisely, at her late residence, 808 Summit ave , Jenklntown. Interment at convenience of the family. DVlIIt. At 2232 Bonafton terrace, on July 31, 1015, RAY L. 'nifo of David T. Dyer, aged 35 years Relative and friends are ln J vlted to attend the funeral services, Wednes day, at 2 p. m, at the Woodland Ave. Bap tist Church. 64th and Woodland ave Inter ment prhate at Mt Morlah Cemetery. Frienda may iew remain Tuesday evening from 0 to 10 o'clock. EISELE, On August 1, 1915. MAGDALENE, widow of Sebastian Elscla (nee Stock), in her 7Sth year. Relatives nnd frienda olto Women of Holy Family, Altar and Rosary Societies of St. Bonlfaclus' Church and mem bers of Third Order of St Francis, m in. vlted to attend funeral. Wednesday, at 7.30 a. m . from her late residence, 2102 N. 2d st. Requiem Mass nt St. Bonlfaclus" Church at 0 a. m Interment Most Holy Redeemer Cemetery. GREEN. On August 1, 1015. JOHN 8. OREEN. aged 32 year. Due notice of the effi,X.U.h 8,.v'n' 'rom h,s Iat0 residence" 63S North 45th st, ' HANRATTY On August 1, 1018, TERESA E . daughter of the late Felix and Sarah Hanratty, of County Armagh, Ireland Due notice of the funeral will be given, from the 25S3 M.dith at. "' MKU"1 anratty. 2533 Meredith St. HARTHANFT. At "The Wood." on July 30 1016, ANNIE daughter of the lato Gei John F. and Sallie D Hartranft. Tho rela tive and friends nro Invited to nttend the SW'..',',' her la,B residence. 'The Woods," Wf st Main tt , Norrlstown. Pa .on Tuesday. Afigust 3, at 4 p. m. Interment HAVEItSTICK August 1. 1015. CHARLES AA,l"VbS,nd ,of E"? HavemtckT Die no? HICICEYT-On July 31, 1015 TIMOTHY h. or his son-in-law, John K. Starr. laftvfiJ ffciRgaSr T, daughter of Peter O and Margaret T """owl (ne Behableln), aTed ; 10 yeari. ?un!il" aS? ,rJend "8 lnv"d to attend funeral, on Tuesday, at T 30 a m . from her parent1 residence. 1548 North '7th .t n. qulem Mas, at St Ludwll'. Church a? i UUNTEn,erDKnt alr ros CemeterV' 5 tt Mont Cffira&j on Tuesday. August a. at 4 d m IrTt.r'nJll,. privau. Train leave AiX gtJtSSm JACOIIS On August 1, 1015. MINNIE wif. ?' Lesser Jacob, aged 40 vaaV. n5'..T.'! a nhi TnS l! Daughters of Beth Israel ...f.?'. No I, Fraternal Brotherho! funeral service, pn her late reVldeSci.' 8MB Euclid av." Ki.V ment at Mt Cam.! rimJ;..iw av Iner Tuesday aft.V,i,,Jri.,li? '.""' rvice. en One mlnuta from Camenter Station, Tt ?i LAUUD3I. On August 1 ibis rnro.. , neating plant, hardwood, floor ,L""JH u DEATHS fAm(lv AISA tMvfslntt 41 A t- .. Shamrock, No IB F of A lt(, u fS! Knd Damocratlo Club tod He iu Vft M , Bartsndsra union Nn m , to attend funeral Thursdav tnarnin? Church at 10 a m Interment n,V , lAMI.F.It. Or) July SI 10IS FbWjsn husband of Mary ft IjjtvIm n ffi nelatlvea and friends also mpbV, it! tend funeral, en Tuesday rnornf,, .!' o'elotk, from hi IMo resldem i t", 3 tnhmiArt RtfMt OermftfltnwM ti.w? I c. Vfnc.nf Am tatll n rhitrh .B1 1 Interment private at New tathort,., ,M "-' ' --- ..- .- ---,- " '' t LENNOX-On August 1 191R Al'an C , on of the lato Augustus and fui, no (nee Mallon) Rdiailven and rrJSI invited to attend funtral on t.,.? Ing, at 8 10 o'clock, from hla late rmH 2848 Stoughten st 8olemn nennn.-"? Mas at the Church of the Msitat on! if a m Interment at nmy seuulr hri! tery. , "I I.EHINr On JUiy 81,1015, MARIAN if,..J LEWIN Relatives and friends are im(J attend the funeral service, on Tum!1 gust 8, at a oxiock, irom loll Bom-5 Interment at Woodland Cemeter. """I MAYER. On August 1, 10IF WliLlAlKa ot Christine Matt nnd the late Joi r, ffia aged 21 -'ears Relatives ant friends! iSM virpri in nupnn iiinnnti nn iv.,...,", 1Mn tn . fmm thft ,MM.n. I. . .,QJ. Mrs Llttell, 3311 Fronkford ave iJ,").1 A,lhtvrtra1 I7pmtrv TY-m-i meri viewed nn Tuceday evening war McANESL'IE. On July 31, nETH II . wife of Arthur miSi.. UzJd in,, u..., 4f yeare rteianves ana iriend smv'!! Wnnhlngton Temple, No 22 k $ WW . -. i '-...., . . -. v.i,i-ni ., UfiuKnierB oi Dt ueorge, ladles' CJrthi i the Rectory rund ASBocintlnn of fit ffij Church, are Invited to attend funSS?1 Tuesday, nt 9 30 a m., from her i.ff1'. dence, dl07vCedar avenue Service! '.." oeorges i.piscopai unurcn at 10 an a ., Interment Fernwood Cemeteri " 80 0e' McCI.AHNON. On .August 1, loin BJS RICK McCLARNON, husbanci of Eft,f3 son of the lata Jamea and Sarah MecfilSi Relatives ana rnend of the family ,V yiectfully Invited to attend imtni Thursday morning, at 8 dO ocloek.frni late residence. 2J44 North AA ..' "2 High Mass nt St Edward's Church .f, o'clock. Interment at Holy Sepulchre Ctd tery. McOEE-July 81, 1918. HANNAH, dB,i ter of Rodger and Hannah McQce 'nffiPftJi nnd friends, nlso B V M Sodality anfl : il Society of (he Visitation Church, a? tntSH jQieiy oi inn v isjiaiion tjnurcn, are ini.7;i , attend funeral. Wednesday m"nlaSi 80 o clock, from-her parents' reslSS'-H 'aseher atreet. Solemn M.l .lffi?'BHl R Mai at the Church of Our Lady of the viittSsi at io ociock interment st Mark's CaSii tprv. Rrletol. Pa vt8-9 McOINNIS. On July 81, 1918, MARY JSS of the late Joseph McOmnls. Relati,.,.!i ' la J friend are Invited to attend funeral, as rnSSa iatere.ldence7TB2T North id aTreet'TofcS Requiem Maes at Si. Michael' Church; K?i a. m. precisely. Interment Holy Crosr'CeafcJ McIUNNEY. Suddenly, on August 1 isffl WILLIAM, husband of the late Elle'a iftl Kinney. Relative and frienda are InvuVSl attend the funeral, on Wednesday. Auroi at 2 o'clock precisely, from hi late reSM No. 024 South 21st at. Interment at iS? Morlah Cemetery. ' "" Mclaughlin, on July si. ibid, mjnf! E,, apn of the lato Hugh nnd Ann McliuJiV lln. Relatives and friends, also St- PiM B V, M. Sodality, are Invited to Juuf funeral Tuesday morning, nt 8 30 oVtaTI from the reeldenco of his brother Jolefcki McLaughlin, 1523 Mifflin et Solemn ntl nulom Slum, nt fit. Tni,l' f,,,l.t. Drie?in H Interment at Cathedral CemAferv MILLER. On August 1, 1015. WILUAw'tt r, aged. 30 years, Heffi .... .. .. i . .? . j i cl, n.Fia.1 Vsh n...yt rive ana irienas, also Liberty Council ii 85, Jr. O. U. A. M.s Pleasrtntvlfle B. 1 n Tl Bottlera' Union. Local ma. aV. '..SlJSi Invited to attend funeral services, on W.U !?$?, ? J o clock-, at hi late restdSI 8014 North Lawrence at. Interment pffll TtomalnA mnv hn vlnwa An "..- Jl V?'-! after 7 o clock. O'KANE. On July 29.1015. Enwinri r,,( IEL O'KANE. beloved husband ot lUuJS? O Kane (neo Crowne). son of tha iat n.M.,1 and Nora O'Knne A member- of the KniiBIK Mted to attend the funeral, on Tuesday mis-! ing, at 8 3f o'clock, from hla late reilS 428 South 45th t. Solemn Requiem lis-j ui St. Francis de Sales' Church, at 10 oclccld interment at ew uamedrai Cemetery j nnnr ai?t.t rn A.. ....... -. .n .,.. ? a..v..iK'.L'A. wii u(,uav. .., .11,1., AllVbUi: H , , daughter of Elizabeth E and the luiji Emll Retchardt (nee Stain, ao-i ri ....! Relatives and friends are Invited to atttU.i funeral service on Wednesday at 3 n. uAi at the residence of her xrandnnnt in',l E rumberland t Interment private eSB Oreen Mount Cemeterv IlICKARI.--On August 1. ffUSt 1. lftlB- Mi-PMlwiH . Jstn H, husband, .of Margaret Rlcknrd (nSffl Rumel), In his 83d tear Fita,lt..- .., friends, also West Philadelphia Lodse. ,(& 872. I. O. O.F.. Temple ETcamprrfent: N?i P and butchers of the 24th Ward Markeli nro Invited to attend funeral tenlces WiM nesday, at 2 p m , at his lata residence 40fl North Wilton at. Interment Femxood Cemef tery. Remain may ba viewed on Tuesdir, nAnlnn iisi. ii ij i .; uninn t.nnra Kin i tt - 0 15UIUB I -a ROSS On July 31, 1015, MARTHA K.. wlff'i ot Aivin -. jioae, in ner -ja jear ne-a tle and friends, alio Southampton Council jno wiu, -i i a, are rowiea io au funeral, witnout runner notice, on Tuesr Auzust J. at 2..J0 d m . from the Somei M. E. Church Interment at MIllam Pesf cemetery 'iTains ior somenon leave T ton 12 4 1 nnd Reading Terminal at 1 p. m ' SCIIAFER On July 31, 1015 CAROLIrf wldon or. utto scnaier Relatives friends are Invited to nttend funeral Ices on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock? at her late tesldence. U'13 North Hutehlwra t. Interment at Mt. Peace Cemetery BeJ mains may De Mewed on luesaay evemni from S to 10 o'clock. SHIELDS. On July 31. 1015. MAROARST, widow ot JameB Shields Relatives id. frlfnrift. ara InttLml tn nttend funeral. OS Tuesday, at S 30 . m from her late reetilB deuce. 2240 Pembcrton st 22d and ElMB bridge at ) Solemn High Mass ot ReqvltsYlIf ai hi i nariea unurcn SHRIOCK. On August 1. 1918. JOHXi KNIGHT SHRYOCK, In hla 00th year BtliJS tles and friends are Invited to attend tlttTiam funeral services, at hla late residence lHYSi,qj North Bouyler t, on Tuesday evening, tljfB': o'clock interment at Chambersburg Wednesday noon SPEIR8. On Audust 1. 1018. JANET Mil LER. wife of John Scelrs. In her 771b ywi Duo notice of the funeral will be given frta her late residence, 201S North Falrhlll SU33 WILSON On Juty 81, 1015, JAMES S. M ot the lato James and Rachel R Wll aged 03 years. Relatives and friends. employee Jamea Wilson A Bon and all a ganizauona or wnicn he was a memoer. ir Invited to attend the funeral services, ft Wednesday morning, precisely at 11 odltij at his late residence, 3501 North 234 tt In' xerment private, west Laurel Mill ceroewij. Remain may be viewed Tuesday evening t REAL- ESTATE SALE OR BENT, nERMANTOWN PELHAM. GLRMANTOWftii $ minute to trolley Contain 1 room JH fl bath laundry cement cellar vapor C,WM