II ufliiw JMil.iiliTiMftutaii. irrittrifif ritMrtirtrWInritWI iwwttWfcwtr -wSSS- fLANS FOR GREAT MOTOR SPEEDWAY ATHLETICS MEET CLEVELAND OTHER SPORTS ffiVlSmHG- EEDm-PHlLAPMPHXA-, MONDAY, AUGUTST 2, 1016; fer 02 fiPMDWAy Lit & WM Wo Sdaefuflf Cdpacttfy Mgy ,1 for City All Bio wmestQTraeit to Thou at Bmkl&nd t. afli Bail at mf - fe the Philadelphia, motor- js ttawdy. SSiJ? ih 68urt of cBnHfUcllen at XUr, nucha County, pa., la earn' SiSfti. to" 8w mmHm any " ' JMIIUM "', MMDBUllAn that exists. smiiim to th great motor iraek , i,' Ti litis main feature or tits pmn nna 'An"'' S...A ureal face meets Afe At- mttA m Vrtwd ef ra.W per fn, and !S ...i Woun flifdOUi&ftd Iffttk lit Brig- "'"l,! Mill be a swimming tatm, a mi. ?, ,"mmji itsbUa And S B rt'i f hers rad track Ana f Vm wn ,tt,,w 6apAeU' f J",f7fflfitt inta th ,ibawy elans KSUa Biv been agitating the build- WitttM stadium, which would eh- Sunhi "With idW cities tor Olympic iS IHeAfmy arm Navy name and SffiT are M M tMr lima In Iff &iy "" nil. ft" such needs, Jh!'.?!iiMu MMHi u th much a. bum mm i " wortlflg pfbpesltten, ana with fffl id yiw IHs speedway Id bolnu con ffiffii meet tho rinuifemenls from titty "ft tni participants and comfdtt M tthithtmio ihs iwutstow, ana, MdM 6t1 t0 . '" VtJiMfi Mid 6ner an GppoHiMUy to w ol Mnti 6f thpjr m&ehlnea iVdi rtlfhm( eondlllonft that will afford Iffdtding nign-grnuB p.v. 'j""' ';" II bill! of ttMpMlloA. ft Phitaae1tn!ft trftOM itana companion SECTIONAL TENNIS CLASHES AT CHICAGO Ohlirch, Williams, Griffin, Whshbtifn. Mttthey and AttA- &k : .. h..' iIj i. !-.. strong iJixpeciea io rtuji l ' CrilftAOb, Aug. Sropheta are some what doubtful concerning mo eitn. Utanls tournament, which resumes today 8a the Onwentsia ciud couriB ai iukh '.fAM., h.PBiiBa definite lnformatloh about V th probable attendance of out-of-town K'piayers was lacnius. " J , .. Northweatern lournamoni ai x.no .nur .Mnntru rAi.iAd iiveral stars, and today f the hew Northwest champion, George M. Church, of Tenafiy, K. J.! Joe Armstrong, r,ot fet. Paul, runner-Up, ahd Dean Mathoy, UDurcn a parinor ii uuuu.ch, a-wt ,to arrive at Lake Forest. Litest new concerning the California ifltrlis encoufaged officials of the West em Tennis Association to hope that W, M. Johnston, of San Francisco, would be on hand td play h' first-round match with Heath Byford, Illinois State champion. As Johnston U considered to have per haps A better chance than any ono lse of winning the championship, the draw which made him oppose Byford, ,a local favorite, Is particularly unfortunate from A Ghlcasn viewpoint. Critics believe By ford will give the Westerner a hard bat tle, hut generally concede the match to Johnston, Clirencs G-rllnn. wh6 won the Western title in 1913. and was defeated by Alex. Eiunlr, of Chicago, In the challenge round, Itit year, Is expected as soort ns he cAn get way from LongvvOod. MaUrlCa Mc t6rtlln may pot r?ach Lake Forest un til Wednesday, and If his comlflir Is as sured, It Is said his preliminary matches Trill be kept open for him. - Kattrn players Reside Church and iMlhi-v expected are n. N. vy""&rns. 2d, the national champion! his double part ner. W M Washburn, who won the EaBtt f trn doubles title at Longworth and will : piay in me national elimination aouDies t JitJt wek. I .. Interesting matches lrt the singles to- ra City player, from wnom mucn is ex te.Cted. and W E. Swift, of Chicago. m RING BEARCAT COMES OUT OF WEST JPred Pultoh Said to Have Floored Jess Willard m If ThVPo Rniinrifi. o sooner had the raucous shouts that Sreted the advent of Tom Cowler dwln.- led Into a disappointed silence man n6ther "contender" had been dug out of the farm lands of tha West and "wished" Bjon the ever-recepttve public. The latet reputed to be a full-grown, not-to-be- 4hled bearcat, with' a 60-horsepower JMtX" lurking In both gloves. Briefly, tne Worts declare, he la the champion par ilChlned. And then the evidence Is of- -H It not exactly a newcomer. He has (TJfln boxing for a couple Of year, but I pmr has had a good preaa agent before F Jils name Is Fred Fulton, and Minnesota SfHllow is supposed tq bo an "up-and-up b.fflaienr, with ail tho risnta in tne u Wutld to rnntmeradnrt. Here la What he Tls upDOed to have accomplished, ac- f wrtlng to the report: f "When Jess Willard was traveling wun the, not Ranch" show he made a trip wrsmrt Minnesota While at Rochester, "fi'WH the champion wanted some one to J with, and a three-round exhibition JaUrrinied with Fulton That Is where ! lo ftk notice. The big fel !?,f 'fetd and Fred floored Jess with a If tiafsiiK. hnnntt. it's stramre that tJis folkoi hochester. Stlnrv, have been so close-ratTOta about It, but that Is the 't of fiit has been sent forth from itiiwaukere? Fulton Js M years of age, nds 8 feet u inches, weighs 30? pounds In condition and haB a reach of SOI tacbes-lonfsr than that of Willard. fc Hi. lUl a-HLiilimiig ,-O.DFIELD BimAiiS AOTO MAHK lakea First Mile in 46 H Seconds Old Rscord 40 8-8. W-EVELArm a, XUft. i-Banay OW' MM shattered four wr'a auto reorJ tn ettray. setting myt maras tor M. tw, four a4 fv lllu A brkea nk shaft uaused' OUfttW W slow up engine kttajr ging Ova silea, as M lid not Ioncar control his lhaehUia. Wdfleld made th flrtt mile ar bis r - np tn isy satonrts. tna termor aaarK ?-s He oweraa imm uhm in 5 and tour wilUa la 3.13 1-5. Ut- : i former flfr ! Sat His tfS to u nat n m ' Biltton-Dundee Baat Pm V TTOBK Aug I -", iite eait At that lila ja.&k Aw bout, wtauh wM to XiV "MffiKffWBS ponea i tan 0M j. t maetifemim mm Hfm i iv nwra TO BE HOME OF ALL SPORTS uompare Favorably With and Indianapolis, - juh. with tha Mining Uaoka at Bfodkland. Ehglahd. and lndlanandlU, Th4 Brok land track Is llttee And A quarter miles In circuit, paved With tonereto and pear abated In contour It was built prlmar WJP AftorO Bnftllilt hiAnufactiifef thfl jm ftdvanlaft 6f iui for (speed Ahd 6ndUHA IhAt Were onjayert by Con tlnMltAl hianufAdltirera Who eobld hold roaa rates ovef linbortant highways not CefMiHed ia bflgiiina her America. The Indianapolis speedway has had a Bradtiai aveiopment From a dirt track pf two Ahd & half rrtlleg In clrcail-lh-leaded pfimsflly tar local - Automobile jvehtsit has inlpraved uftlll today the track In brlek p&ved, protected by hanks And the yearly events Arc bl hatlon-Wlde irtpdrtshc, aitrActln? larger attendant" than hny other Bpertlns event lrt Amer ica. PrOnilntf by the exlsteiies of the older tfneks. the net ttACK will eorrtblna the beat feature of All aHd ellrrtlnalo the troublesome ones, tt will be two miles IH clrtull, but (he curve wilt Be As easy as lhoe whleh make tha Drookland track faster than Indianapolis, while nf fOrdlhg the spectator the Interest of Breatei' frequency in Patiing eat. The BftVlHg At Philadelphia vlll be of wood laid on concrete, this providing the I(UA1 running surface on a foundation that will preveht th setlllhe And buck ling that o terlousiy affect the Indian apolls track. Concrete eurba. hub high, thf. full circuit of the track, will reassure the driver of danger of decapitation In funning Into wooden fences, and, Anally, the ubway provided at various points on the circuit will remove at all times the fear of both drivers and spectators that of unconscious trcj&passfnr; on the track. SARATOGA TRACK OPENS FOR MEET Twenty-four Dfiya of Racing at Sjpa Many Noted Horses Entered. NEW YORK, AUg. 2.-The meeting of the Saratoga Racing Association, which I scheduled to open today, and which will cOnUnUe for 24, days, wlil In many re spects be the most notable of tho year. Racing at the Springs has always been characterized by the presence of a large number of patrons who by their pres ence gave encouragement to a sport which has held sway over the populace to A greater degree and for a longer period than any other outdoor pastime. Many of this lelsuro-lovlng class which had found the charms of Newport. Nar ragansett, and the other resorts mora at tractive during the last few years have once more turned to racing, and the town, with almost all Its available ac commodations taken, promises to be gayer than since the days When the late William C. Whitney controlled the des tinies of the sport at this point. President Richard T. Wilson, Vice President Harry Payne Whitney, Secretary-Treasurer Andrew Miller, SchuylT li. Parsons, Thomas Hitchcock, Francis R. Hitchcock and others prominent In the managoment of- directorate of the Saratoga Association have been on hand for several days, and they are a unit in tho belief that the meeting which opens today will be a noteworthy success. Others prominent In rnclnff are scheduled to arrive today, among the most notable being August Belmont, C. K. a. Billings, J. E. Wldener, John Sanford and Fred erick Johnson, all .Of whose colors wilt bo seen during the meeting. There are more and better horses at the track than have been seen on any course within the confines of the Empire State In years, and It Is n happy omen that the fleetest horses of East and West should meet On common ground dedicated to the cause pf "the Improvement of the breed of horses." that hclng a portion of the title of the Saratoga Association. Nich,oUs and Fraser to Play for $1000 NEW, YORK, AUg. S.-Qilbert Nlcholls. tho pietroolltan open champion, was defeated yeiterday by -James Fraeer at the Qreat Neck Clf.lt Club aeer at me ureal .-ecK i. ,Fraeeat ad tha ad- uiud cy one noie. a e of plSylng ?n hla y one iol vanta nis noma links and it :at Nlcholla' flnt time ovpf thA r, tne rraaer naa a ts and Nlchdlls a T The two troe arranted yeettrday to play 10 exhibition aam on week enda at tha Oram for $1000 a aid, both beln backed by enthuil- amp, oh wis enuH ai , aat. MEET AT BROADWAY TONIGHT Gaay Sf i Hp .asBa8Bs Hb''' '" GRAND CIBCyiT AT KALAMAZOO Pap4r Mills Stake, tf f 10,000 thfPrln cjpal Event. KALAMAZOO. Mien., Aug J.-AH of th great trottera and J4cer whlalb alaalnd at the Rlue nj&hoa maatlng- in Detroit latt weak art expected to tk part tn the annual Grand Clrwit haraa racea which beauj her today and cloaa un Friday. The aia of the entry Uata brtka all & weorda. T fNrMMl of the nva aa' for m t&il. fm lUtoWiaoiri annual caW )4ll W4w dy Tttrty aiUmaw a tt-ojr-U mm m m mm w" "w1 ttttlM WJWUfc iss I mi tt ptm warn WHERE SPORTS q .- . - t yri ii --i, in n nil'i'i . ' -V rf-- -. - --...- ... . I -. ! i... ..i II j&n j& ft ystiktn two MiLt'AutonooiLi.txcN AVttTift-OSSv up wy ( ' tfASJitrta PAet r6fc.'J6eo AOtoMtftlL)) ff I vl 5CT AviATJort . YlJCuia3Tyot. wfUneH ,.AwWH8 ff ' " J I ami Hn..ai i 7T wt-m,.. m,i .- m in n - i -,- - - - t-mm The Philadelphta motor speedways now buildtng: In Bucks County, Is deslftricd Alftng tho most pretentious lines nnd win provide for sporta in ovory line, Tho autorhobilo track, it is unid, will equal those lit Indinnnpolis nnd Brooklflwn. Plnltft Mb laid nlsd for a seating cnpnclty of (10,000. BRAVES PILING UP VICTORIES BY SMALLEST OF MARGINS By GRAtfTLANb ftlCE Trouble BpCrtllB Mu nmo is 2'roubic f'm a buty Mafce; am fae leit o tfoUrtiflc and of Ola; I bind tho ro-tuarrf to o oliter jafce drlua the erouen rem the eroumliitf paa; IVeafcKni? I eruth befotn they co to jama; But as tho red star putdei tterdts tho night I train tho jfcilionrt Or ci 6ear flame driue the bfava Ma a harder fight. "What part does luck play In golf?" queries H. H. L. It all depends. If you nr6 winning It play practically no part At All. If you are losing It 1 8? per cent, of the game. W. E. S. We wera wrong. Af that mo ment the BraVea had Only 12 out of IS. Very AVell Dear Sir Yale has lost Yates and Har4 vard has lost Oilman. Princeton hasn't lost any one. and under Speedy Rush will have the best trained eleven In many yeare. The Tiger Is duo this time, and nothing can stop him. Walt nnd see. NASSAU. Easily I'd rather stand pat on n four-card fiuth And bet tt against four "eights" I'd rather lead a charge on a German trench Where the lorty-two eenttmetre tcatts; I'd a good deal rather be drafted by the Browns, Or be an Umpire tn Ifte fold I'd rotAer bo monocer of the Reds Than to plek Up o summer cold. "Oulmet has hard Job defending his title against Travers this BeaBon." And about all Norrls Williams has on hand to de fend his Is a victory over McLoughlln. Travers and McLOughlin were on top In 1013 and both fell last summer. As very excellent na both Oulmet and Williams ure, It would be no great shock to the two deposed stare of I0H to resume where they left off a year ago. Their case. Is much alike for while both lost the ama teur crown, each turned a still greater trltfk Travers by winning tho open and McLoughlln by beating Wilding and Brooks. Which recalls a card from Westerner. who writes that he Is willing to wager that the West will regain Its old place this sCaaon by landing McLoughlln and Evans at the top. The bet he offers to make Is that one of the two Westerners will win. Any takers? NoT Very Well. By, One Run Ability to keep winning by one run has always been regarded as a test of strenKth-of tightness In the pinches and of unflagging spirit. If this test la correctly put, tho Braves nBOA'rHS- wwrj?- Clevemess s Reynolds chief forte for victory, while White ieMtvU on tt punohnik,- ability, ivnl ewJitttwWBts of th Hflifc. waighta t Aewuag grt I tar Mfe in the mt.uk. i m- o JkHH WILL HOLD SWAY ALL YEAR ROUND iiiinirni mm i.wniiii r'ru i n T t'lfrinirrn " r i 1 i Ham ...,VM.i..tW. il lmmX mi , i i , r l i f have proved their dOUbt. A brief slant at ability beyond all their recent uplift margins they shows by what narrow ImVo slipped throuah. On July 15 they beat, Cincinnati 3-2. On July If they beat Cincinnati n. double-header, and each victory wont nt 3-2. After winning threo gamea by ono run from tho Itcda they beat tho Cubs four straight by ono-run margins 4-3, 2-1, 1-0, 1-0. After this they beat Brooklyn i-3 and two days later beat the Reds again, 7- All told, tho Braves haV6 won 11 Out of their last 16 games by n one-run margin And in this time their own only One-run defeat was a 2-1 beating by tho Reds. Tho Stnllings Craft From an Inside source we have re ceived ndvlres ns to how Stnllings worked with his men In tho days of thflr sec ond-divlalon woe Not all tho recovery made wns the result of Improved physical skill. There mUBt have been also an awakening of machine spirit. And Stall lngs brought on this nwnkenlng by telllna hlB men that It waa up to them to prove they wero not a fluke machine. "Every one," he would say from the bepch and tn the clubhouse, "has put you fellows down for a Joke club a fluke set of champions. They all say you had a lucky streak and don't belong above fifth place on form. It's up to you to get out nnd win and prove that you are A regular club. If you don't win this censon you'll never get any credit for what you did last year." After a long line of this chatter Stnll ings soon had his club tearing out again at top speed, hustling to the ultimate limit. And there will be very little let up ,ln this hustling to the end of tho race. Sayings of tho Great "Only tho gamo flsh swims upstream." Qcorge Stalllngs. "It's better to bo on the topside looking down than on the downside looking up." Connlo Mack. Anyway, grooming his pitchers for tho next October world series Isn't going to out very heavily Into Connie Mack'B aft ernoon through August and September. "I'll give Jess Willard $1000 for every round ho stays with Sam Lnngford after itho stxth round." Woodman. The Bug season Is on in all Its pristine fury. BIDDLE AND NUES IN TENNIS CLASH Play Today for Longwood Sin gles Title Norris Williams Meets Griffen. BOSTON. Mass., Aug. 2. Now that tho Eastern doubles championship tourn ament at the Longwood Cricket Club has been concluded, play will continue today In the Longwood singles. N. W. Nlles, of Boston, and Craig Bld dle, of Philadelphia, reached the semi final round In the upper half of the draw and meet today. In the lower half R. Norrls Williams, 2d, of Philadelphia, who, with Watson SI. Washburn, of New York, won the Eastern doubles, plays C. J, Griffin, thor coast crack, and Washburn playB Wal lace F. Johnson, of Philadelphia. CARMAN AND WILEY MATCHED FOR SPECIAL 20-MILE RACE Champion and Former Champion Meet at Drome Thursday, Manager Jack Roden, of the Point Breeze Motordrome, has arranged one of the best programs Of the season for tha biweekly races Thursday night, with two motor-paced eventa featuring the attrac tion. A epelnl 20-mlla event will be de cided between Clarence Carman, cham pion, and George Wiley, former title holder. Last week Wiley, who seemed to have trouble the early part of the season tq get Into shape, surprised a bis orawd by defeating a fait nejd in a S9-ml!e race. His time for the distance waa even bet ter than that of Carman's, whleh. Inci dentally, atands as a new record. Three leading bikers also wilt partici pate In a S0-mlle grind Thay are Co lumbattl. Bedell and Lawrene. Bach has ben riding In fine form. TODAY'S SCHEDULE National League Philadelphia at Chleago-Clter-Boattm at Pittsburgh - Clear two ga tries), Brooklyn at CtucinitaU-Cioudy. American League CtavftUM at Phlladelphla-NQJudy, Chicago at N TfwJMSousf. rtrit at Hawop-Ctoady. St. Ltt at Wahlgt-CIr. Federal League Brooklyn at FUUfeurgh-Olear, Kewark at Chlcajso Clwr. Bait I mo at Kauaaa Ctly-JliAr. BuUalo t St. Louis-Clear. International Leagjtia ProvMenc at Rochester (J aaaa). Clar Riehmond at Buffalo Clear, Han-Uburi at Toronto (ft ftttmfl) Wy aa44y. -1tMl4Lt.l.1,i 7 tslAv K&XrfF ERK MAYER TO HURL FOR PHILS AGAINST CUBS IN SECOND FRAY Cheney or Lavender Bres nahan's Choice for Mound Hard Luck Loss Charged Up. to Alex De spite Great Pitching. CHI6AGO, Aug. 2. Ersklne Mayor la duo to faco tho Cuba this afternoon, and if the stdo arm artist Is ns good nB ho has been in his last three games, the locaUl sluggers ore likely to havo another day when tho batting averages shrink. Yesterday Alexander pitcher n wonder ful gamo, only to havo victory booted away when George Whltted permitted Zimmerman's single to roll through his legs to tho clubhouse. Heinle had no trouble making the circuit of tho bases, and this 10th Inning mlscuc gave the Cubs a lucky victory. The only other tally off Alexander was Williams' home run drive Into tho right field bleachers. Alexander had Williams at his mercy barring this ono drive, and lti may havo been more luck than good Judgment that he con nected with the ball for his homo run. It was a tough game for the Phillies to lose, but Moron's team does not ap pear to take defeats to heart to such an extent that they nllow It to Interfere with their next game. Manager Bresnahan has not decided on his pitcher for today, but chances favor Larry Cheney, who was batted out of the box by the Giants on Saturday, or Jimmy Lavander Cheney is goncrally effective against the Phillies and la there fore tho favorite for mound duty today. In his lost start against the Phtlllea Cherey broke tho winning streak 0 AN exander In Philadelphia,' and "Bt'esnahan hopes to seo htm repeat today. How to fini your sensible S li IHI rTTS? nil R l-i'KEIU'' 1 1 ifS5--rCTC fcws. ,,,-t-c WTfWO iBZiv clGAi&iiZA I NjL-rffiv lUrrSgaffift WHAT MA? HAPPEN tN DASE'lULL TOb AY NATIONAL tiMOOK VM. imu ret. win, im. split. At 40 MO .Ml Mi .: Phillies nrnokljm ritUbnrgh . 47 45 .Jit .ft MOO ChilAtft .i.. .4(1 4s Mi .ail .sad IV .on ." . ., All ,ao Ifir-i-.JS M :, iiflnnoii . 40 6? .43.1 .ill eo l" AMiiio,.n .r;.nun Atrh. ft. re. Win. Ioe. Split, RnilAtt . A M AS ait CIHW Ilflfli CMfSkft . . M sx s? n 44 47 so ? ,nti .481 .400 Ata .RtT ..i. (lit ,000 .... IlMtlill . . . VrtniiiKton ill M0 .... l 'h :::: 894 .31)3 . ,. ne Mr Vflf M f!(. Ijllll CleteUhd Athletic !M SI OI .314 .B9I .8(0 ., S3 1 .81' tin i-r.iii:rtAL i.kaoOh Wen. mt. IVt. .Tim )itf Split. ftanraa til , 6 .BA ' cmrntn iN n lUblltgh Nertdfk 41 .31 . .1)41 .Jl.11 .011 at. Leula , , , tirooitlyii i , JtiiTnlo , , , taflimfife . tU'ln two. 40 .0(0 .1)31 fli .449 ,m .414 80 .110 .410 .130 .Ml. .301 ,. ii .am .hm . .. 4f.ne tnn. Not lehrduled, SHEEHAN OR BRESSLER TO PITCH FOR MACKS IN CLEVELAND BATHE Indians' MoundBman Prob ably Will Be Mitchell or Jones Athletics' Young sters to Be Seen in Line up This Week. Manager1 Mack will Bend Tom Sheehan or RUbo Breesttr to tha pitching hill fof tho third game agamat Cleveland this aftornooh. It la likely one or two of Mack'n other rocrutla Will get a chance to perform this week, u several ot them havo shown unusual ability In the morn Ing Workouts. This Hat Includes Nalorfl, Fllllnglm, DanHatOn, Tepper, Cono and Heeelebachor. All theso except Bankston aro pitchers. Chances favor Wlllto Mitchell pitching" for Cleveland today, although the Star southpaw has not been In good trim ot late. In ease Mitchell does not look feood to Manager Fohl, either Sam Jones or Wnlker, recruits, will get a ohance. Fohl made a great reputation In the minor lcanue ah a dovelopor of pitchers, and ho haB apparently accomplished qulto n lot with the Indians- start. Morion, Wnlker, Harstadt nnd Jortcs are all youngsters who havo shown great Im provement lately, ahd If the owners give him enough time, Fohl Is likely to do velop a powerful pitching staff In Cleve land. With good mound work a manager gen erally has but little trouble constructing A winning team, and the new Cleveland leader Is working on tho right lines. Tho work of Harstadt on Saturday was a dia tlhct surprise, an the' youngster had been started In but one game previous to that against tho Mnckmen. SOX MAY BUY JOE JACKSON Eddio Murphy Expected to Figure in Cleveland Deal. CHICAGO, Aug. 2. There was a confer ence between the White Sox and the Cloveland officials here yesterday which promises to result In the purchase by the Sox of Joe Jackson, the slugging Cleve land outfielder. It is understood that the consideration will bo $20,000 In money and the transfer Of several players. lEddle Jlurphy. recently purchased by tho Sox from Philadelphia, Is said to bo one, of tho players to figure In the deal. Tho cigarette that you'll stick to when you find it must "make good" to you in three different ways. It must delight your tasto. It muot be cool and friendly to your throat and tongue. It must leave you feeling as fit as a fiddle at the end of a hard-smoking day. On the last two points we match Fatlma against any cigarette in the world ir cant most you LOCAL H&APSHOOTEHS MAY ENLARGE LEA60B; NOTES FR0MTOMRAPS Philadelphia Organization. Considers West Chenta Club's Application; Mew comb's Card at Mapii-wood. The Philadelphia. TrftpshOdter' ttagtlfc In Its raortthiy meeiinif tonight at tho Windeorilotfll will coiialder th apfliu cation ol th6 Weal Chester Qun uiub, which ta trylnff to land a plae in tho orffaiilrAtldn Beside Tthla (jueatlon, tho election of orricefs and tho aeUeUon Of the various committees for the romme fall ftrtd Winter carnDalgn will b6 held. Tno teaguo circuit at present ceMpHMa elffht clubs, vig,i fl. A. Whits, Meadow Springs. Hlghlahd, Glen Willow, Camttan, du ronli Claarvlew ana LanSdaie. to taKo In another slub making It a. nine-club circuit, at this tlrrie may rauao: soma rebellidn, Inasmuch Ai It nrirJafSrUiy win mean that three club will ruvwi to fire bvsr one olub'a grounds Oft a elhle day. It Is probable that another- gunning body win apply fop membership, thus brlhgln about hartnony In the ranks ftttd having tho biggest trftpahootlritf league in the State. The FO organisation and tha Beideman Club, bf Cramer Hill, aro considered. a Charlie 31. Newcomb, holder Of tho Pennsylvania Btato emblcm&tio clfty tar get Champlonahlp. competed In A rests' tefed toitrnament at Maplewood, N H-, lost week and made A creditable shorting with his "Dingle" ffun. Mo cracked M out of a poasibto coo, being runner-up to the "national enampiory W66ifoik: Hen derson, wno had tha honored total of m out ot 00. in lha last day's ovenu ifenddrBon ilod for fourth place lh the Maplewooa Han dicap, breaking tS from tha 22-yara mark, whtio Neweomb bagged u from th oarno rlso. WIlllAm Govern, the winner of CIAs A In the trapshootora' rftco which recently terminated, is cOntemplAtlng a trip to a registered shoot outside thd city this month. Severn will Combine tho trip with n Vacation. Thomas Martlndale, noted hunter, has returned from 4 trip to Alaska. Ho baa many stories to tell Of hla experiencca. He shot two bears and a wolverine, Ono of the grizzlies wna picked off of a crater of an extinct volcano by a cartridge from hla rifle. Mr. Martlndale'e catrip was situated several miles from Mount Redoubt, ah active volcano, almost 11.000 feet high. Most of hlB hunting1 was done In tho mountains. The first game brought down Whs a bear. Mr. Martlndale said hla hands became so cold At times that it was difficult to pull the trigger of hla gun. During his trip ho waa joined by Leslie Slmson. n, South African hunter. a Tha b)Ue ribbon evcht Of the year in trapshootlng Is listed August IS to 20, In elusive, at Chicago tha Grand American Handicap, This banner fchoot Is the most widely known In existence. Three thou sand seven Tiundred and fifty dollars lh money has been added to thla year's prizes, and, to say (the least, the winners, will be amply rewarded. The event Is open to amateurs only, and each mnji wilt firo away at 100 .tar gets. The handicaps will be 16 to IS yards. The winner is guaranteed ,509 at the minimum figure, while tha runner-up .wilt recalve 400. Flva moneys will Also bV pai(t:r. cigarette ba beatexu You can prove that by these two tests. But when it comes to f asfo, that's up to you. There's no telling, until you try them, whether Fatimaa will just suit your taste or riot. They aro the biggest selling cigarette, costing over 5c, in the world. If so many thou sands of men prefer Fatimaa taste, it's pretty sure that you will, too. Why don't you try them ? If you do happen to like their famously good taste, remem ber that Fatimas ate tha SENSIBLE cigarette can buy. Buy your trial package of Fatimaa today. jifftJiiUZiUaoCU i i li ;il IfmDvU- '; - u ...... (, tntvHv.. - ..m i