Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 31, 1915, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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    tKJ-Mrttoc. tyi',y
y.000 Austriaci Cohtrat-
itaccaiio le Truppe di
Cadorna sull'Isonzo e
3ono Respinti e Perdono
fe,000 uomini
51 KUMA, 31 LUgllO.
futinlalero della Querra pubblleava leri
4 11 sesuende communlcato Ufllclale:
ul fronto del Tfcntmo si atmo avutl
ijll combattlmentl favorovoli a nol
t vlcinatno dl I'rcgaslno e dl Marco,
Val Lasarlna (vallo doU'Adlgc). Nel
fore nella serata e nclla notto del 27
lo 11 nemlco attacco con la fanterla
n mltragllatrlct lo nostre poslzlonl dl
f jffrenanzeai Ma I'attncqo fu resplnto con
EjSlblll perdlto per gll aUBtrlacl.
1 2S Lugllo II nomico opero' un altro
gpeco contro lo nostro poslzlont dl Costa
a, nella vallo dl B. rellegrlno, ma fu
Blnto pure con perdlto o laaclando
le nostre manl alcunl prfglonlerl.
Sella Vallo del Fella le nostro truppo
Snno occupato It clgliono verso Llbltz.
Sull'altoplano del Carso lerl 11 nem-
.11 ...li. - -
MttCercare ui uutoimu m uuBira avail-
Nonostanto n vioicnto ruoco
(eroko 'e nostro truppo prescro agll alls-
tf altro trlnceo, Nella sera del 2J
Sjgllo 11 nemlco cerco' dl Incendlaro la
fffrjsta del Cappucclo, dove nol slamo
(ortemento trlnceratl. 11 tentatlvo aua-
!.. S.i oildtrnln rlnlln vftrltnfrtvr rial I A.
mayo iu ' .. ....-.... ..
Mltro truppe. Ierl, nonostanto cho non
wflossero combattlmentl, nol tacemmo
TTnrlclonlerl. comprcsl quattro utllclaU.
Tftiredemmo al nemlco una nuantlta' dl
"focill o dl munlzlonl."
rij.1 17 Lucllo slno a derl gll Italian!
avevano uvanzato sul fronto dell'Isonzo
percirca aetto mlglia, montro su altrl 120
mlglla dl fronto avovano avanzato lrt
Media per 10 mlgllar Quando bI conBldera
chej a dlfferenza dl'qucuo cne l tedcschl
hanno trovato nclla Polonla, gll itallanl
h'arino dovuto supcraro ostacoll cho gll'
Egustrlacl rltenevono lnsormontablll (trln
ccramentl modernlsslml dlfesl In modo
Ideate non soltanto da quanio 10 oiaio
MAcztoro austrlaco vl avova fatto, ma
jwanche dalla natura 'stessa del terreno) sl
Hopcrato un'avanzata strateglca dl pri-
jnlsslna importanza.
K In qUestl ultlml tro glornl gll austriaci
nanno ncevuio l seguenu nmorzi; uuo
divisldhl a .Plava, Ua dovo gll Itallanl'
mlijacclano Gorlzla dal nord; una dlvi
klone a Podgora, cho era Btata vlolente
mente attaccata dallo truppe dl, Cador
na! mezza divisions a uooerao, una
iilvlnlnna alia confluenza dell'Idrla con
ll'Isonzo, o una dlvlalone ad est dl Mon-
Gll austriaci attaccarono ell Itallanl
davantl a Qorlzla con 170.000 uomlnl, tra
l,ouall erano 30,000 bavaresl, nella notte
flei Si AAlgltO, 0 1 aiiacco cuua rauivun
dlshstrosl per gll austriaci le cul perdlto
Smmontarono a 12,000 tiomlnl. II glorno
Tyfuento gll itallanl rcsplnsero un altro
.Tiolento attacco sull'altoplano aci i;arso.
Mlltallanl mantengono .tutto lo poslzlonl
(USIoro conqulstato negll ultlml' quinaici
tlornl, ad eccezlono dl alcuno trlnceo
WJnzato davantl a uorizia. cno n
Mrale Cadorna ha creduto bene far
TV rhlnrn rim mil frnntft dell'IfiOnZO dl
Afftallanl lncontrano ora una uccanlta. re
Kyslsfenza, ma cesl conscrvnno tutto lo po-
M?lvrnnl i,nnrlA ..tll'iiifnnlann 1
Carso, nonostanto 1 vlolentl contrattacchl
uei nemlco, e lo hanno fortlflcate o con
solidate In manlera da poter rcslstero ad
ogni tentatlvo nemlco. Uon lo loro posl
zlonl dl Monto Sel Bust ell Italian!
dovranno poter mlnacclare serlamente dl
ftvvnuppamento lo poslzlonl dl dlfesa
austriacho attorno a Gorlzla. Infattl a
questo mlrano le ODerazlonl metodlcha ed
Inslstentl che 11 cenerale Cadorna va fa-
ctndo esegulro alio sue truppe.
Official Forecast
kTor eastern Pennsylvania and New Jer
Key Partly cloudy tonight and Sunday;
Sgt much chango In temperature; light.
ganame winds.
KLocat ahowera occurred during the. laat
ill-hours In a few scattered localities In
the Atlantic States, but they were more
fTMlftrnl in th rsnfvnt inlliii ' Amniintl
miexcess pt one Inch are reported from
JUDId City. S. Dak.. Wlrhlta. Kan.. St.
IliuU, Mo., and Sprlngneld. 111. Tem
peratures are somewhat above normal
fever most of the region east of the MU
ratsslppt Itlver with 8 a. m. readings of
J.degrees or higher in jne Atlantic States
irorn Philadelphia and Atlantic City
iouthward. A cool area embraces tha
Alakotas, Montana and Wyoming.
U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin
Otnervatlona taken at 8 a. m. Eaatern time.
Low ,
last Italn- Valoc-
8 a.m. n't. fall. Wind. Ity. Weather.
UflllB. Tv Ti VI .! RP. J r!!AU(1v
tl4ntlo City... SO 7U .. NV 0 Clear
HhmArck. N. D, 0 4tl .11 NR 4 Clear
llfotton, Mass... IM lit .. NB 4 Cloudy
njtfalo, N. Y.. TO M .Ol SV 8 Cloudy
Meato, 111,.,.. 70 TO .42 N M Cloudy
Ewfeland, O.... Tl 70 ..8 0 naln
luenyer, t.ol W SH .03 N 4 Cloudy
wroit. Mirh . 7i fj .. mv 4 Cloudy
Mllllth. Minn m m .m JK 4 Cloudv.
ailtrnn tAV u u aw A PlMr
HrfUl)urir. Pai'. 78 74 '.'. W 4 P.cioudy
IgfUeraa, I o., 8 78 .. 8V 10 Clear
na, Mont... BO DU ,uo bv d uiear
Hftpn. a D., HI Hi .11 N 4 Cloudy
iKonvlll Fla 78 TU ., N uiear
inaaa city. Mo 74 74 .. oo i-iouay
Ujavllle. 'ky.. 78 70 .41 6 - 8 Clear
ppnu, Tenn. 84 ) ,. a - wieur
' Pru-nnn Ta IUI IUI . W ID P.ClOUdy
W Orleans, La 80 78 .03 NW 4 Clear
: XOIiS TM 1 .. y K,vaf
Waiif, vb . ir bo "I NB 18 Cloudy .
ihoma. Okla, 7S 72 .. B 4 P.ClOUdy
ueiDjiia ... eu in . ci .VIM.
Enli. H n 7il .. K U Clear
Jburirh Pa... 74 70 .. W
jland, Me ... tC t0 . . NB
ana, ore ...at to .mi tf
'. uan.... 7u (u 3iv
ul. Mo. . . bO 78 1.10 W
LUl. Minn. 118 04 . . H
LdLka. TTInh. IE! Id . . NB
"UVancIaoo. . . 63 G! .. ti)V
inn v 71 ill miv
"" ... .- - - "-:, , ,ra.
i hz 7u ,sa rt" v"w
Silngton .... M an .. Nv 8 ciear
IPS O 49 M ,VJ'
Observations at Philadelphia'.
5 A. M,
.'.'.'..'.'. ,..Nlheat, 8 mtoj
Mrttstton Uat li br ""JI
Bidttr , 15
hub tamperature , j"
ltmpraiur ...," --
Alraanat; of the Day
atta t:iiw
btUM tomorrow ':!i' "
tnilii .11 l I I fc.
Tower and Belfry of Now Burlington
House of Worship Damned.
.OwrnN,?T0Nl M- J- Ju'y ai.-Th
was damaged ns (he result of bclnir
hltiby a MLot Wnlng during la" t
h ghts aevcro thunderstorm. The bolt
wii 8.0UAheast crner of the tower,
hurling shattered blocka of marble Into
.. J et ?ftv"al Pedestrians had
passed the spot where the atones atruck
l" pavement but a moment before.
The bolt tore a hole In the floor of the
belfry and rain flooded the magnificent
Vestibule. Chief William Clawgea. of the
Uurllngtpn Fire Department, and a half
dozen frlenda had taken refugo Under an
awning across the atreet from the church
and were allghtly allocked. They made
a hurried Inepcctlon of the Church and
found the Interior had been Uninjured.
Philadelphia Band Will Play Thero
The Philadelphia Dand wll play on City
Hall Plaza tonlght Tho program!
1. Overture "Jelly netibera".,, Suppo
2. (a) Water Scenes "Narclasua" .Nevln
((M Dance "Cocoanut"...,, .Hermann
3. Cornet Solo "Sea Flower Polka'Mlolllnson
lloyd T. llamard. tololat.
4. Excerpts from "la Travlata".!., ..Verdi
R. "Murfcal Bcenes from Swltiprlanj", Lunger
(1. Meloilles from "Chtn-Chln" ,,Caryll
T. Valao dl Concert, 'Toor JonatliAn,"
8. Medley of "Popular Songs of the Day"
4 Clear
4 Cloudy
4 Cloudy
4 P.Cloudy
8 Clear
4 Cloudy
4 Clear
A Cloudy
4 Cloudy
ter . .
Lamps to be Lighted
i and othe vehicles 1 35 p. ra.
The Tides
- 8so p.m.
' W,r WWW..V.V i2J?.,'
nnr louoorrow ,, v.
water w3! P8
3$, TOTS:
,--tJ- yVM
x - ,- -f.fcfig
u s&: .
-. "-.. t . -- flj
Nightfall Will Find Mount
Gretna Deserted Encamp
ment Called Big Success.
MOUNT GtlETNA, To., July 31Wlth
tho first signs of dawn this morning the
state mllltla troopers constituting the
Rth cavalry division of the Natlonol
Quard began their exodus from their
nrst Joint camp of Instruction here and
by evening all of them will have reached
their respective armories. Tho first to go
out were Sheridan Troop, Tyrone, and ti
Troop, Bellefonte, leaving at 4 o'clock
after a night spent In shelter tents, In
preparation- for the early start. P Troop,
New Castle, and It Troop. Coraopolls
followed two hours later, and at 7 o'clock
K Troop, Lock Haven, and A Troop,
Baltimore, Md.. entrained. All four
troops had occupied shelter tents for the
The New Jersey squadron, under Major
.Ibhn Uryant, left cainp In two sections
at 8 and 10 o'clock, respectively, after
dropping their canvas and loading the
equipment. Just beforo noon I Troop,
Sunbury, and M Troop, Lowlsburg, left
for home. The Phlladelntilnna .h..
uled to leave this afternoon, the 1st City
and O Troops at 1 o'clock, and 2d C ty
ana a Troops at 3 o'clock.
Tho Governor's
marched out of eatnu early this morn
Ing on Its return trip overland to lta
The camp proved a most profitable, one
for tho cavalrymen, who nro a Unit In
favoring catritfs df Instruction aeparato
from the? Infantry and artillery branches
In tho future.
'. i i ii-
music in Hie rAitK
Band Plays nt Bofmont Mansion This
Afternoon and Tonight
The FAlrtrtount Park Band wilt play at
Belmont Mansion this afternoon and To
night. Tlie programs
h 9y?.u.rr''iIon .Choufleurl" Offenbach
i ,l,.Iu.r.'I2')?n Fntt No. 1" Moees
j KL lf?in p.alt,f, 8chmldt
4. "The Shamroelt and Thlatle'; uaetona
8. Airs from "The Qlrl of My Dreama,"
0. Muale lo "Henry VllI" Slnl"aen
T. Valea de Concert-"Anie A' Amour,"
a o-.. -t ,v .. Waldleufel
s. "songs ef the Day' ltemlck
PAtlT lt.-BVElNfJ. 8 TO 10 O'CLOCK.
! Overture-"Featvl" tianen
f'.ri,2.wn 'n !" Swanee hirer", Myddleton
fl. Orahd Bceitea from. "Tannhaeuaer".. Warner
4. Bue"rrom Foreign Landa"..Moakonakl
K, tdyll-'The Forgo In the Fornt". .Jllchadli
Fantaale "Americana"
ti) narcn "Tne Tiger's Tall."
(2) Eerenade".When Mallndy Singe."
(.1) "The Watermelon Fete.''
T. Valee de Concert "ltoeea rrom the South."
8. Melodlee from "The Chlmea ot'Normindy,"
"Star-Spangled Banner." Plsn"u"
Fenr of Prominenco of ftaddon
itoighta Ofilcial Kept Accused
Youth's Mouth Sealed.
Itobcrt Fries, son of Krederlck Fries,
a Camden County Freeholder and, Mayor
of Itaddon Heights, N. J., and B. it.
Matlack, also of Haddon Heights, were
arrested by Camden County, N. J., au
thorltlea and were held In fieod ball on
a charge of atrocious assault on Frank
Gray, Of 307 Merchant street, Audubon.
Gray's skull was fractured In a fracas
on tho White Horse pike last Saturday
night. At first It was thought he would
die, but he Is now on tho road to re
"Chuok" Peters, also of Audubon, who
waa with Qray at tho time, said Fries
and Matlack attacked thorn for an al
leged attempt to put Matlack's automo
bile out of commission while all four
were attending a cnrnlval at tho St. noso
of Lima Catholic Church Saturday night.
"Chuck" Peters was first arrested foK
the attack and was held to await the
result of Orny's Injuries. Peters told
Prosecutor Kraft aUch conflicting stories
about tho affair that tho authorities were
strongly Inclined to bellevo he was re-
1 1 - . i i i imlmiiflttm li,flrt
sponsible for it. AfieF a irMmgr Petttfi
nnauy accused fries ana Mntwety ad
mitting he had been afraid to tell the
truth on account of the prdinlnenee or
Fries' father, -
Frlea and Matlaek may Be brought to
trial as early as next Thursday.
.-,. tin j,', niTiSrmar.
Energetic Band Plays This Afternoon'
' ohd Tonight
The Bnergetle Bond will play At Hunt
Ing Park this afternoon and tonlgnt. The
program. t
PAttf I.-AFT?nNOON. 4 TO 8 OTJriOOK.
1. Introduction "America."
2. March "Waehlneton Poet" ...u..Sou
8. Overturn "Caroufell" j..P.ennt
4. An Indian Novelette, "My namapoo."
o. waita -viiiona or the raeV'....noiunaon
It. flrann XfAll t (lliiiHktMM' . tVvn
' T. Idyll "Tho Chimaa" ..Armatronr
0. vocai boio ,
y Mr. Francla Smith.; .
n. Dcscrlpilte ... ... ............ . ...Antiand
"Tha Mechancal .Doll" s- :
10. "Stern's Merry Melodlee" . . . . i . . Williams
rAnr ti.-nvBNio, s to 10 cclock,
1. March "Picadors" Souaa
3. o?erture"The Feeet of the Lanlenw." ,.
'The Feaat of tho Lanterns".
3. "Hallelujah Chorus," from Metelah"
4. n&ta riold-'The Direr" .Loder
.. Sololit: Antonio tyMrona.
5. Walls "On tha Ucautlful Blue Dun- '
ube" , Straunae
lNTKnXflBSIO. ' .
ft Selection "Lady Lnicury" (new).Bchroeaer
7. Morceau "AUta" (Wild Flower).... Loiey
8. vocal Bolo-Hy Francis Omltlij. ,
0. Oema from "Chln-Chln" (requei().,Carylt
"Star-Spangled Banner." ' .
MAf WBft r-.4iJn mtftt
L.V " J?"fT:?' "?"' .. MM
mm i,m with KMvmxi
New Yorttar Vmitti tku Kwrt mm
my. ftt Lurl IHil. yy
ing to work thfe mntair 'Wflltkim Xr
found tho body of man tihdt a ihmtii "
tree In field adjoining Ihtr lietf MeUntv
Chre .Cemetery, at Laurel HiU.
VoWer cllltoheet iti his left hart Hwf
how lie mtt death. litvMtlfration rM
that the suicide was Charts kur, ft
New York, who on Wednesday n
attempted to murder, by otabWnjf fa th .
fibdomen, hl(( aweetheftft, Mary 8tNt
Musser committed sulcida either irhmiil
fttely aftr he ran away from th ecM
the stabbing at th home il hla tW'
heart or early hfejt morning. Th trt,,;f
who is lrt a hospital, la In critical -dltlon.
"Special Privilege" Dr. fclys TiH
"Special Privilege for All" will be
topic of a sermon by the Rev. Dr. Jams
p. Ely at the people's meeting conduete
l.y the Lemon Hill Awoclauon on
North Plana of City Hall tomdrrftw
evening. Musical DIrecf6r Chart ,'
Allen has prepared a good program f
this service, including number by tho
senior chorus, the "Sunbeam Cliotiir
JJ18. S'f'8' eholr and selection by th
Philadelphia brass Quartet Th aolrdgW
will be F. C. aoukler. tenor, and ?.
Nevln Weist, cornctlst.
; 'K;'.?i.-'.',-;r.:J'.v--.-Jli''.,
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Hon. Dons wicuin think &o.
THtna pou ho la QoiNq to pasts'
an oval ripb tomato in his
Direction, wui ttme tjicnifiqo
cent catch it. no.
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But Willie will.
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Not "Get-Rich-Quick Walsingford" but in Kemble's happy vein.
J .
TV 17
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Bring S
Ilk iff gl
2 iviirtn
V- )? J
iV' ' sa .a
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-it- i
' i
vening Ledger Readers
"V Thje Evening Ledger, in the course of its, ten
months' existence, has "put over" some really big things, but
it now records a drowning achievement of its steps upward.
We have induced Kemble, the master portrayer
of human foibles and failings, to bring to you daily genuine heart
throbbing comedy.
Kemble, in thorough sympathy with q,ur pojiay
of iifting newspaper comedy out of the low-brow, slapstick, stage, has
agreed, after constant importunings, to- portray the adventures of the
funniest of his funny characterizations on&
Get-Rich-Quick . Walsingf orcl
What George Harvey has been to the editorial
side of the country's great magazines, Kemble has been to thejurr,
making side. You'll find as: much. difference between the ordinary '
"comics" and "Kemble" comedy as between Weber and Fields and
Willie Collier.
Jj '-v. i
. 1"W ..I'HSirl'
. .-.
'& 1
..'. . " -W s .
.To satisfy you that this
is an epochal achievement in
newspaper - making, we offered
Kemble to the leading newspaper?
in the country. The New York Sun
e-in the top rank seized on it im
mediately. Newspapers kept the
wires hot from Detroit, Buffalo,
New Orleans, St, Paul, Birming
ham, Pittsburgh, All of these qitie
have been signed' up for' "Kemble.
:. :
I ?
'.,: : J-1
i'-.f. ,,4-SM
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' '..P
' . ."iS
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Laugh and grow fat with Kemble
Every day, beginning Monday, in the
'-"?- gji
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&r sf,-M
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milULI jni-iiy -mr
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watsr tumorrow b.i .m.
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