Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 29, 1915, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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$ei Caverns Nascondevano
i Grossi Cannoni Austri
aci sul Monte Sei Busi
Conquistato dalle Truppe
del Generate Cadorna.
nOMA. 23 Lugllo.
E' oplnlone generate qui a. Roma cho la
ate plu' difficile delta bnltaglla del bnsso
Jsoitto o del carso o Btata ormal com
pluta e fellcementn per gll ltnllnnt. 17
rero bensl cho gll Katlanl non sono an
Cora in possesso Indlsttirbato dl tutto le
lture, ma I combattlmentl, quasi tuttl
torpo a corpo, pruceuono ora in una
pianlera o con un metodo che l'altoplano
aovra presto easorc completamente nb
bundonato dngll austrlacl.
i Per 11 momenta gll ltallanl npproflttano
VII tuttl 1 vantaggl guadagnatl flnora o II
iettono in vniorc. ii rnuo cno ognl
nrno cssl Invlnno In Italia lunslio co-
onne dl prlglonlcrl e' molto slgnlflcante.
ie esso non mosira cne in reBiatcnza nus
rlttca crolla dl un tratto, (nostra certa
nente cho gll Itatlanl spazzano metodl
Amento tutto lo poslzlonl avanzatc del
itmlco B questo o' gla un fatto di
tande Importanza, perchc' non bI dev
aimentlcare cho.lo poslzlonl degll nustri
cl sono usBolutamcnto ideall per la dl-
E' stato appunto a causa dl queste con
Won! ldcall dl dlfcsa degll austrlacl, pel
il essl ban potuto nasconderc cannoni dl
fosso callbro In caverne o anfrattl, dl
fil e rlcco l'altoplano del Carso. che I
Bersagllerl non nan potuto tcnero la som-
ta del Monte San Mlchelc da loro con-
liulstattf dopo clnquo sangulnosl attacchl.
Peio' II succcsso che gll Italian! hanno
ottenuto sul Monto Sel Bust, dove, come
'alee II nome, sono set caverne, mostra
'che questo poslzlonl austrlache, per quan
ta benlsslmo preparate e bcnlsslmo dlfeco,
non sono Imprcndlbtll, glaccho' dopo tutto,
ce non si possono tcnero con assoluta ccr-
tetza, esse costltulscono ancho un perl
colo per I dlfcnaorl cho non so no rltlrano
in tempo. Infattl 1 dlfcnsorl dl Sel Bust
furono tuttl fattl prlglonlcrl.
La, battagtla del Carso dura ora da
died glornl ,o non e" lmprobablle cho
essa rlBultl una delle plu dcclslvo per
la reslstcnza dcll'Austrla o per la com
pagna dell'Italla contro la Bua nemlca
II pubbllco Italtano non si nostra nf
fatto Impazlente, che anzl esso o' calmo,
Itraordlnarlamento calmo ed cntuslasta.
II pubbllco dl Iloma, per esemplo, corro
a comprare 1 glronall quando o' pub
bllcato II rapporto del gencralo Cadorna,
bia non da' molta attonztone at dls
paccl ufllclall.
Icri sera 11 Mlnlstcro delta Gucrra pub-
bllcava It segucnto communlcato ufllclale:
Sul fronto dclla Alpl Carnlche, pro-
t,etto dalla nebbla, II nemlco attacco' In
Vano le nostre poslzlonl al Pasao del
Cacclatoro tra 11 Monte Chlndenls ed 11
Monto Vanzn. Lo nostro truppe Alpine
llitaccarono le poslzlonl austrlacho nello
Idnanzo dl Pal Piccolo e lo conqulsta-
'Sull'altoplano del Carso nol abblnmo
leso la gtornata a rlnforzare lo poslzlonl
'mso al nomlco nella glornata prccedente.
iHstro cmitro progredl e prese al.nem-
arecchle trlnceo cho erano state for-
Enente nrennrnto ner la rilfosa. Ivl II 2G
Xugllo nol abblamo fatto 102 prlglonlerl.
"Sul resto del fronto la sltuazlon e'
Immutata "
Un ufllclale unghereso che e' prlglonlero
deglt ltallanl ha detto che II Comando aua
trlaco ' sbalordlto per la preclslono o
I'enlcacla del fuoco dell' artlgllerla Itallana
daa campagna, la cul rapldlta' del tiro fa
rassomlgllare 1 cannoni da 75 nd altret
tante mltragllatrlcl.
II "Gazzettlno" dl Vonczla fa 11 rac
conto dl una vlvaclsslma battnglla cvol
tasl tra un aeroplano austrlaco ,e lo
truppe Itallane dl guarnlglone a Verona.
L'aeroplano nemlco stava dlstruggendo
la tomba dl Qlulletta e Romeo, che tutto
11 mondo conosce per la trngcdla dl
Shakespeare. II vellvolo austrlaco lasclo'
Infattl cadero una bomba lncendlarta
assal vlclno alia famosa tomba. tunto cho
111 terreno clrcbstante no fu tutto mosso.
i'lnccndlo pero' fu sublto spento.
i L aeroplano. cho er. del tlpo pttrlch.
fe che splegava un trlcolore franceso per
ungannare gll iiaitam, laclo cadcre cinque
bombe. Una cadde nolle caserme dl
Campoflore, facendo pero' llovl dannl.
if Scoperto pero' dalle truppe Itallane,
loueate lo attaccarono con un vlolento
jffuoco dl artlgllerla e dl fucllerla, che lo
osirinse aa innaizarsi a grunde altezza,
fclrca iOOO nfetrl. e flnalmento a scorn-
Ipartre. '
Candidate for Mayor Accepta
ble to Factions Will Be
Sought Next Week,
Tho vaudeville comedienne now
making her first film, "A Conti
nental Girl," out in Gormnntown.
The New York Opera Organiza
tion to Take Toll on All Sal
aries Earned by Their Sing
ers in Photoplays.
Dy the Photoplay Editor
Tile problem of the legitimate actor In
fllmdom has been solved by tho last or
ganization that ono would expect to find
troubled by It tho Metropolitan Opera
Company. Tho rrohman Company nnd
Al II. Woods may think It best Blmply to
forbid any of their actors to nppear on
tho screen, but tho opera peoplo have a
better and saner way They merely as
sume that they hno hired tho cxcluslvo
services of their singing actors, and
make all contracts for their appearances
In photoplays.
Tho movo of tho Metropolitan has un
doubtedly developed as a result of the fat
contract which Gcraldlne Tarrar signed
for acting In "Carmen " It begins to
have its clTect In t"no case of Scottl, A
Now York paper thus chronicles tho
affair: t
"It was somo months ago that Slgnor
Scottl announced to a waiting world his
intention to enter the field of motion
pictures, which has Just become tho most
liked summer sport of tho opera singers.
But tho weeks have passed without fur
ther Information from tho popular bari
tone on the subject He was to appear in
tho LoonI one-act opera called In Italian
'L'Oracolo,' and made from Fernald's
play, 'The Cat and the Cherub ' Slgnor
Scottl made a profound Impression by his
acting In tho opera at the Metropolitan
last season
"It appenrs that his hesitation In mak
ing known his plans with greater detail
was duo to the delay of the Metropoli
tan Opora Company In deciding how
much or the amount paid to the singer
was to go into Its treasury, for the di
rectors of the opera company have suf
fered a change of heart They Intend to
share hereafter In tho profits of all ar
'tlstH under contract to tho company who
gc Into movlng-plcturo enterprises They
nre going to tako a certain percentage or
the player's earnings In every case."
Thomas II. Ince. production chief of
tho Now York Motion Picture Corpora
tion, Is at present engaged In supervis
ing tho screening of four new multiple
reel features, a task never before under
taken In screen history. They are "The
Conqueror," starring Witlard Mack;
"Matrimony," with Julia Dean In leading
lole: "The Last Act," featuring Bessie
Barrlscale, and "Redeemed From Bond
age," starring Forrest WInant.
Republican Organization leaders are
preparing for a series of conferences next
week lo determine finally a candidate
who according to their belief, will be ao-
m? a &.to Ml fftctlon of the Organiza
tion The success of their plans Is de
rlared I to depend upon Congressman Wil
liam S. vnre
It Is predicted by politicians that the
Congressman Is not likely to be tho choice
of iho caucus 6f leaders It Is as freely
prophesied that Congressman Vare will
announce himself as a candldato and
precipitate another wide-open break In
Organization ranks Vare adherents aro
enthusiastic over the possibility of Wil
liam 8, Vare's candidacy and assert that
nt present his power In tho Republican
ranks la In tho ascendancy. They believe
that a tight within the party would es
tablish tho supremncy of tho Vnre fac
tion, Among (ho names most prominently
mentioned ns probnblc choice of the partv
leaders for Maor are Judge Norrls S.
Barratt. John T Wlndrlm nnd , Hamp
ton Moore. The return of Penroso to
Philadelphia nt tho closo of this week Is
regarded as a slgnnl for the im lrnuetR
to awnko from their political lethargy
and namo a candidate at nncn. Mnmi.
nation papers must be filed bv candidates
before tho closo of August.
While there Is npparont uncertain In
tho Organization's official circles, tho In
dependents nro awaiting developments
Their affiliations will not bo determined
until their opponents tako somo definite
A contest for tho office of sheriff In tho
Washington party ranks has developed
Clarenco D. Antrim Is circulating nom
mation papers for thnt place Selcci
Councilman Georgo D Cox, of tho 43d
Ward, already hns declared himself a
A mayoinlty cnndldnte from tho Repub
lican party appeared yesterday when
Representative Frederick Becr, 23th dis
trict, 43d Ward, announced his candidacy
Beyer was a lending opponent of local
option nt Harrlsburg Ills candidacy la
not causing tho Republican leaders any
It Is Bald that should Judge Barratt bo
chosen as tho candldato for Major that
City Solicitor Rnn might be a candldato
to succeed Judge Barratt on the Common
Pleas bench
Theatrical Baedeker
ftCEITH'B-Liman Bliaw; the liell Family;
kuicn ui(ga ana itamerlne Wltchle;
P'Clette Dalatmer and H. C Shcppard. In
pf'lhu Oath of tbo Season": Harry Qlrard
ii'4 uuinaiij. in aiio i.u ui u loicm ,
Leona Thurber and Harry Madlaon, In "On
a 8hoDDlne Tour": Cooper and Smith!
.White and Clayton. Kurt Is' Educated
Lwnooetera and Ilearat-Sellg new pictures.
SVIXON'S O HAND Mysterious Orlndamouri
l titv American .uuii;mj ruur, iuit uooiny,
SjMUltr Ora ham and Oordon Donley. Wily
Hriiliaon, In ' Ilrlght Eyes from Broadway";
(.Dorothy Illchmond and company. In "A
FMldntKht MarrlaEe' : Hathaway and Mark.
land run Poto Playa.
tJU'SS KEYS-Flrat hair of weeK "Come
lpvr Here." Junior revue of 1015. the Act
'.Unjque, Delea and Orma; Skelly and Kllroy;
Georce Coleman, and others.
IWOODSIDE PARK-rThe llatanl Troupe of
jjn.uuuans una ana Claire, uuecn ana ungei;
iPare and Newtown, and Jug-flint: NeUon,
Ksnd Plays at Lemon Hill This After
noon and Tonight.
Hie Falrmount Park Band will play
Lemon Hill this afternoon and tonight.
le program
feOlerturn 'Mnrntna. Vflan And Nleht" SUDPa
Suite, The Three Quotations" Souaa
m i no King or trance.
ibi I too was Born la Arcadia.
i-) In Darkest Africa
ijenea from Ule riieoeiungen . aanar
"lodiea from The Sunny South" lropo
Urili Slav" .. TKbalkow.ky
ralsa da Concert, "Wine, Woman and
., airauss
1 Phantom Brigade" .
Ma) Aubada'
lib) ' Fhanton
I A Ira from Th Old Town" I-udera
"Midsummer Night's Dream."
, ) Paraphrase, ' Blue Bella of Seo-
lana Mimir
) Down South" . ... MydVJle;n
fnd Scene from "llleei" .LejiipavaUo
Cornet golo Battle Cry ef &&Llt
SnUI.I Han MlrtAHIl&
jCesinnik. FauuaU. "fkiuuda from
:hlocl' "'ore- "
I'vVeUb Rhapsody" . . . ,. .OeBan
MWodlaa from The BaiwBlaB OUf .8U
Haogld Banow."
Jladelphia Band Will Play There
tnUdlpMa pAJtd will play at
vntiai Uyjl. tm4 fs)t M AU-
oy avnue. tonigbt "! prorani
rtiir. iJtoimtUl'
( htsatowB,
K hen th Davll
i Kmwi soloist
' aluUua
Lewis J. Selznlck, general manager of
tho World Film Corporation, has this to
say about nctors appearing In photoplays
and In dramas on the legitimate stage:
"World Film stars may appear dn tho
stage (or In tho pulpit. If they like) so
long as they carry oyt rhe spirit and
letter of their contracts with my com
pany and satisfy exhibitors and the
public. 1y.io more they are seen and ad
vertised tho better for themselves and
for us. It all moans publicity, and that's
what ne live on In the amusement world.
"Bernhardt nppeared In pictures (he
ears ago. Did sue nurt ner stage ana
vaudeville reputation thereby? No; she's
worth more now In public than she ever
"Some years ago In London tha theat
rical managers tried to stop plays at tho
muslo halls and wouldn't have the actors
In the halls appear at the theatres Now
adays tho halls are making more money
than the theatres, and the big theatrical
stars are glad to act In them.
"I'm for freedom 0f trade and observ
ance of contract. Robert Warwick, a
few weeks ago, while playing In World
rilm features, was also appearing at
night In 'A Celebrated Case' at the Em
pire Theatre. He advertised himself and
our pictures, and so Increased his value
to himself and us."
David Worsley, Inventor of he double
exposure camera and sponsor of the
MlnA films, which last summer began to
appear on the General Film program, la
reported to be going hareafter to release
Ms product under Mutual auspices The
licensed company retains tha brand
name, however The Horsley Interests
are a studio In Bayonne, X. J , and a zoo
with anew ple-shapad stage, permlttlneT
the, turnips of the camera, located on a
pivotal stand In the centre, to different
eats which may be prepared ahead of
time, Mr. Horslay has done a Jot of
valuable wprk In experimental fields of a
similar sort-the double exposure, for In.
Ben Greet at U. of P. Today
These warm days of summer are mani
festly the time for open-air performances
of Shakespeare's Immortal eamadles
There la an Ineffable charm lurking In
the background of green trees, one's
Imagination la not hampered by the four
wall ot a theatre The comedies of
Shakespeare seem to have been written
potoIly for presentation In the open
At the hands of the Ben Breet Woodland
Players; who will ap&Kr at tke XI of P
today and Friday, IHilledaJpM will thus
e two of the beet The engagement la
under the auspice of the Summer ScUool
of the Univrlty. at tae Ilotaiiical Oar
dens 17th and Spruce street "Twelfth
Night will be given this evening and
"Twnlng of the Shrew" Friday evening
Husband Disappears as Wife Is Goae
LAM Srt,K Pa July -Lte ll
eieuum Mr aamuel fctehulu. df 123 Nevin
ue jeioived iueae that her onXx
sou fUll talured In an tt.utojoile
alumni eu the LitlU plk She hen
ed W the eeti- but few1 a,J ".PfS
Proprietor Held in $500 Bail Six
Patrons Arrested.
Numerous complaints that a Rambling
houso was being conducted at tho north
east corner of Juniper nnd need streets
resulted In the radlng of tho place early
this morning by tho police of tho 15th
street and Snyder avenue police station.
Tho proprietor, Charles r. Cine, 32 years
old, of 1243 Dickinson street and six
other men were arrested Mnglstrato
Drlggs today held Cine under JS0O ball
for court and released tho other men
The pollen testified that a poker game
was In progress when they broko Into
the house
Complaints of numerous gas meter rob
beries In West Philadelphia led to tho ar
rest today of Ilnrry Harding, alias Banks,
of 5Sth and Arch streets. He was cap
tured by Special Policeman Martin, of
the Gist and Thompson streets station,
while acting suspiciously at 51st and
Arch streets
Meter kejs, a flashlight and a pair of
pliers wero found on tho prisoner, tho
potlco say, when he was searched
Several witnesses testified against
Hnrdlng when he was nrralgncd before
Magistrate Bojle. and he was also
chnrged with stabbing Haymond Banks,
his brothcr-ln-Iaw, of 49 South Concstojra
street, with nn lco pick, Harding was
held In J1S0O ball for court
An alleged thief, who, tho police say.
makes his HUng stealing and selling
bicycles, has been captured after a long
search Ho Is John Whlto, 10 years old.
of S24 East Westmoreland street A
bicycle which he Is accused of stealing
from an Underwood Tjpewrlter Com
pany messenger boy on July 19 was re
covered from tho person to whom he Is
said to have sold It, and ho himself was
arrested yesterday. He will be arraigned
at the Central Police Station today.
William Donlnsky, a youth who drained
a bottle of carbolic acid In his home at
1C03 Winter street, died todny in the St.
Joseph's Hospital after hovering between
life and death for 21 houri. He left no
note or clue as to why he killed him
The slumbers of prisoners. In the East
ern Penitentiary were rudely disturbed
early today by tho clang of fire engines
responding to an alarm at 20th street and
Falrmount avenue Tho fire was In the
recond story of a grocery store conducted
by B. W. Dodfrey, and the damage was
about $300. The penitentiary Inmates
were disappointed when the lire was
qulcklv extinguished. They expected u
good show.
Tho story of nn automobile Joy ride
from Camden to New York and back to
Trenton, where the car bb wrecked, was
told today In the Camden Criminal Court
before Judge Boyle, at the hearing of
George Q Cronca and Harry Wiley, of
211 North 9th street. Both prisoners said
they Intended to return the car, which
was taken from a garage at S21 Market
street They were sentenced to 18 months
In the State Prison.
A sentence of seven years In the peni
tentiary at Trenton was Imposed on Wil
liam Barnes, Locust nnd Kalghn avenues,
Camden, today by Judge Brown In the
Camden Criminal Court, after Barnes
was convicted of firing five shots at Mary
Hall, his common-law wire, a montn ago.
The woman was not hit
Flxteen-vear-old Lewis Sandora, of 21H
West Indiana avenue, did not like being
discharged from the John and James Doh
son carpet mill at the Falls of Schuyl
kill But what rankled In his soul was
the fact that another boy. his pal in the
carding room, had obtained a Job at a
mill by means of a letter of recommenda
tion, while hi efforts to get work had
proved fruitless. It was several days ago
that the order was given to Foreman Mil
lard F Johnson to cut down the force,
nnd the two boys were set adrift. San
dora went to the mill yesterday with
murder In his heart He thought the fore
man wag responsible for hie troubles, and
seeing him at lunch sprang at him But
hi puny strength and small body were
no match for Johnson and he wa soon
beaten The boy was held In GO ball
for court today on a charge of assault
and battery by Magistrate Qrelle In the
Midvale and Ridge avenues station,
' WUhln aa hour after hie son had been
taken to the St. Agnes Hospital, sert
ou)y burned by a gas xrIo1os. at Point
Breeae. WtlUam Cooper, l&K South Taney
treat, was taken to the sane istatltutlon
with a fractured shoulder and body oon
tualous, the result of being hit by a
Jitney He was on bis way to the hos
pital to see hie son, Joseph A Cooper,
when he ran In front ot a Jitney driven
by Edward Harris. V years old, UU
South tOth street, The son died from
lite burns last nlht and the father was
oleiharged' this raornlnar to carry the sad
i.w home
Heart 4Ueae caused (be death today
on the steamboat Wilmington of Mrs
a f Mr Cravw 4 yu old, Ml ue
;nij avenue. swmjt wm u i
I I Vliij- jr." "
SMAir. a rnopB oRvmm mht.mtom&gmgg
An August Furniture Sale
Whose Keynote Is Real Savings commences monday, august 2d
w O VS & t 5 "ATS TmmED FRSB 0F maroh. I Clearance of $f,$8 to $7,!8 t?
$2 to $6 Values
Majority the higher
priced kind
Lit Bsltgrs
Market Eighth Filbert Seventh
Sale on Main Arcade
Coutll, batiste nnd brocade, high, medium,
low and girdle top SECOND FLOOIt
vmmtmtmiMtM STOni aOSCD AM, DAV ON AATtinnAVa htliuvn ..m.,..
... ,, .wvMwwivuvtWUVJttWWWMMW
LlcaranccofJI.98loS7.1Sl J,
maimed flats
ON SALfi AT 10 A. it.
A close-out of all those smart BUftim
styles made previous to tho laatfew days,
they are tho very latest turban, poke ana
sailor shapes in fine straws trimmed with
flowers, ribbons, fancies. Black and
bndoftheM0nth Sale S?
- w- - mw,m. -esjpjr JUMfjmHg
It Combines With Its Own Rare Bargains. All the Sensational Last
Day Offerings of the Great Mid-Year Clearance. An Occasion of
Extraordinary Savwas Tomorrow!
To Every Purchaser of $1 or Over
uooq in Any Yellow Trading Stamn Bnnlr J t"nt only
No matter how many other "extra" stamps you may 5
uircaay nave.
i Kemnanis or
J 50c to $1
ror waists, sKirts drcssoa
and children's garments,
otc Plain and fancy weaves
In light and dark colors.
rVVUUllUtiifa4MAMMA aa .......
ia nn
50c Half-Silk Crepes!
tie Chine 1 f)A
Doublo width. Newest.
light and tlarK shades.
; All Goods Bought Tomorrow
i Will lie Charged on AUGUST BILL
Women's Neckwear Endt!!onlh
50c to $1.50 Neckwear, 25c
SI to S2 Neckwenr. sn
Above ore salesmen's samples In newest, prettiest styles.
.-. . ..wt-wiu JYiii, 1'Allor TXAJUlt, NUUiil
Tub Silks
In white, also black and the
most popular colorings. Tard
SI Silk Dress i
Poplins .... fOUC
3H Inches wide,
SI Striped q
Tub Silks. OaVC
New pretty patterns and
colorlnsra; 36 inches wide.
Variety of
This End-of-the-Month Sain Will til A,ni, Mtk
of Our Dainty Summer Apparel at Original GosU
6r Less.
aS Dresses IJM
JFormerly S4.50 to $7, now JJ
Jiei-tyiWlj!tl.bat,.ate"trlmrnea with lace and embroidery, stflpett
voiles In Ilcht colors, line linens Irr pink, white arid blue.
Also some smartly tailored lintn coat-suits.
Women's and Misses' S5 id $8 $o f
Summer Dresses.. ,. &
s.t nets, natural and coloiod linens, figured and
lies; prettily fashioned.
Women's and Misses' S3 flouts. fi.7R
Smart shepherd plaids with contrasting collar, or black tfhta
In plaited stylo with belt nnd sash.
Sheer lawns
flowered vo
Women's and Misses' $5.50 to $10 Coats, S3.S0
Black and bluo mohair traveling coats, rubberized sllp-0B
raincoats and smartly colored golflne sports coats, J
Women's and Misses' S3 Bathinc Suits. S1.95
Navy and black mohair. "Callfornla"-knltted tlrjhts Included
Women's $2 Wash Skirts, $1.25
Fine whlto Bedford cord, plquo and gabardine with patch
pockets or separate belts.
V f '
iSf I
I Iwljl'
Sensational End-of-the-Month Clearance
s and Boys' Clothing
S8.50 Genuine Palm Beach Suits, $4.50
AU colors and sizes.
$15 Blue Serge Suits at $11
All-wool; half silk lined. Guaranteed Bun. and rainproof.
$5 Serge Outing Trousers, $2.60
1 All-wool In black and white.
Boys' G5c and 75c Wash Suits, 33c
CNStrlpo calatea, plain bluo nnd old roso chambray, per,
cale. madras and poplin In vestee, Illlly Boy, Tommy
f Tucker and Russian styles wun sailor or military col-
sues. Zb lo J yearn.
Boys' $7.50 Two-Pants Suits at $5
All-wool bluo serge In Norfolk styles.
Pumps & Colonials S'S?!
Include our famous "Stratfords."
"Lenards" and "Custom - Made"
brands values actually sensa
tional. Patent coltskln, dull calfskin nnd
white Sea Island duck. Blzcs IVi
to 7 In lot.
Misses' & Children's $1.75
to $2.50 Pumps, $1.19
Patent coltskln and gun-metal
calf. Sizes 8 to 2.
r I
$2 to $5 Low Shoes
Ulen'a sun-motal and tan calf and
patent coltskln. Values $2 SO to $5
Vomni' whlto canvas pumps and
Blucher oxfords with rubber soles
All. sizes In lot. Values 12 and 2.S0.
Hoys' oxfords In gun-metal nnd :
tan calf.and patent coltskln Sizes
p to 6 values 2 ana 13
Men's $3.50 and$
$4 Silk Shirts..
We Trim AU Hats Free of Charge i gjJJ QJoyeS
Untrimnied Hats
Clearance Reductions
Virtually our entire stock reduced.
75c & $1 Values J
Twelve and Slxteen-button Mousque
talres with doublo flncer tips. In
whlto and black.
Includlngf -black and white. Alt
sites In the lot, but not In every
Mfln's S1 & S1.50 1f
Neglige Shirts.. OUC
Knmn slfcrhtlv mussed. MadraB.
nonKoe, solsette, crepe, etc. All
sizes In the lot
In Cotfon Dress Goods
75c Silk-&-Cotton 1 Q A
Crepe de Chine. . J & G
Embroidered In small floral designs -j:
in pinic. lavender ana Diacic on wmta
or pink and cadet fiu solf-coloreil
grounds; lavender on primrose ac!
Nile with black: 3G Inches wide.
$1.50 and $2
Lcrfhorn Hats J
Natural color, newest shapes.
No Mail or Phone Orders Filled.
First Floor, 7th & Market Sts
Tub Dresses
$1 Felt Hnts, 49c
Whlto with colored bands; nlso whlto
stitched hats with colored facings
50c to $1 Flowers, 25c
"Wreaths, clusters and larKo velvet
$1 Silk Ingrain AQr
Thread Stockings "
Broken lines; some sllehtly Boiled.
Black and various colors.
I $ WW
s Ml
5 M 13
25c Plain Chiffon 7 '
Voile C
Cadet, brown, gray, old rose, gar-'
uoi aim navy; aa incnes wiae.
No Mail or Phone Orders FiUtd
85c to $4.50
Sketch Shows 79c Style. Sixes 6 to lJf. Years.
' 69c Dressing
$1 and $1.25 Ingrain
Thread Silk Q
Stockings., j JJ
Black, white and colors Some
all silk, others cotton soles and
tops. Some have slight Imperfections.
Presets nt 33c nnd 70c on naif nt Oi30 A M.
Flowered voiles, fflnghams, chambrays, crepes, per
cales and white lawns In Empire, long-walstcd or
regulation effects.
$1 Middy Blouses and Shirts
On Sale 10 A. M. : Each J
at Jean cloth Blouses in sizes 8 to 20 years.
Shirts 19. to SI Inches long. SECOND FLOOR
$2 to $5
I Lawp and percale In light and i
, dark colors. High or square 2
. necic. ueii at waist, oaa sues.
35c Black Lisle
Burson Stockings
Knit to nt; seamless.
Slight Imper-
$1.25 Bath Sprays, 48c
White rubber hose; extra
large size.
Women's and Children's
25c to 35c g pVc
Underwear.. "
Vests, pants and union suits.
Rumpled, , .,. .
No Mail or Phone Orders Filled
Plain taffeta effects, nlso all-over Dresden
and plain tops with Dresden ribbon bor
ders. Have heavy gold frames- Shapes
Include India, La Bell, crystat. etc
OoCart Clearance,
$18 to S22.50 Values
$12.75 to $15.75
Pullman style with reed b"Vj&OR
(it aporttng uooas
10c lb. Epsom Salts, 5c
For toilet and bath.
35c Peroxide, 2-lb.
bottle, 22c
5c Wash Cloths, 3 for 10c
" $1.98 Princess Slips, 79c
Slco silk and crene with lnce. ribbon
and medallions. Odd sizes
Children's 19c 1 -j j
Drawer Waists JLaC
Of strong cambric, two rows of but
tons, button back. Sizes 2 to 12 yrs.
Children's 19c Drawers, 12c
Of strong muslin, hemstttohed hem,
fine plaits above. Sizes 2 to. 1$ years.
57.50 Dinner Sets, s5
100 pieces American porcelain villi
pink rose decoration For twelve
No Blnll or Phone Orders 'UM.
SI Bath Brushes. 75c
Pure bristle, adjustable handle
75c Hair Brushes, 49c
Pure bristle, solid back.
25c & 35c Tooth Brushes, 17c
Guaranteed celluloid handles;
extra stiff bristle.
75c Sanitary Aprons, 39c
Extra latige size.
50c Hand-Painted I 9Q
Japanese China at ' &'
Cake plates, celery troys, bonbon
dishes, cupa and saucers, etc.
Boys' Hats 85c SXV 13I
Were 2.49 to $3.40; ' S lOWei.ni,
Our entire stock of high-grade hats
reduced Includes line Mllans In the
newest shapes. ....,.,,,. era
50c to $1.25 ValueaV
Odd lots and Manufacturers'
From medium to best, sizes for cribs.
Blngle and double beds; plain hems
and hemstitched styles
No Mail or Phone Orders.
38 lo 68c
ah ltii.n warw. soft and absorbent.
For roller, hand or tea towels Will
Auto Goods
End-of-the-Month Bargains
$50c, 75c and jnoC-j
? Spark Plugs.... J,
(Famous roekes; V4 and sizes. ',
$25 Oak Buffet, $17.85
'Quartered and polished oak i
i Forty-seven-inch plank top Dou- i
ible closet. i
$3.25 Dining I IO OC
Room Chair.. &
Colonial design s;enulB lesHber slip
seat, panel back.
Arm, chair to match, f38.
! $12 Brass Bed, $9.98
.'Two-inch oontlnuoiis poet. J1 I
i bras bed with ten one la-b JMI 1
I ers la heed and foot
S Dull or bngkt Mvh J
$7.50 Mission Ridkerf $3.98
f. ltb ufbu atred .TiUIth Utberite
T F.'tti n "V"
Amber Auto - fk
Goggles, speoial JLvPC
Unbreakable lenses and tortoise shell
frames. ,
$1,75 to $2.75 Lap Bobesv $1
que lot of William Ayre Co.
Floor Coverings
68c to 75c Heavy Cork Linoleums
Square Q & Oqc
Yard ?' 0v
Two and four yards wide in remnant
lengths. 30c .
Four yards wide as much as 1Z0
yards of a pattern, 39c
Men's S3 Life Guard
White woseted sleeveless jersey,
blue flannel pants and white web
belt with rustless buokle
Dainty Waists
Extraordinary End-of-theMaik-OutcUaring
$3 to $1 $1 QC
Bathing Suits r x 9U
Wool-and-worsted. navy blue and
Some sleeveless.
$25 "Postal" Bicycle
with mud tf i It ItA
guards.. . 4 IU0J
Enameled frames, big handle bars,
leather gripa, three - coll spring
saddle, guaranteed tough tread tires.
roller cnain. iu ana a inc ii
0 1 11. gjyi
$1.25 Voile
Waists. 69c
'Reductions of
'odUa and tids '
'with nrtiti lare i
i and embrfllsrv4
i trimmings
, Hue Vketebed.
, Also a speuL j
' very smart rar
1 fie style.
$2 Taffet
Waist, 91.49
Stylish striped and cfeecked pattfn,
with broad benurtltehed PuriU" cot
Urs and cuM of orgaaMle
roller vnaiH. ju uui t iuuh "i i
Anya make UrRrake . HOUSefUnWSmB
i ipCarpetReniTS
I S 60c to $1.50 Value, Yard, I
IV 29c to 89 ;
i l9 ys.r1 la iMwtmt r4e- J
it S Tim io tMty yid of a pattern.
Upholstery 1 . 25c
Couch Hammocks
Of heavy kitakt duck. SMtal-frameel
gusaee4 eprtngs. turtfd seattreM,
sides have ma seal ne paekeu. Wto4
sbleld a4 two chains.
$14 value, .98
$8 value, gfi.58
n,m mt MM
A hmitd quauM pimt ocui
ueiiuie sai Quae, turnout .-
holders lS-lah toeritl in h
tab mou-B dUbes, bil)ii- - 1
wM iiP dlefce "h d j
Acme Im Crmm llf! .
Hy Wll. we Ws Fto
$IM "w-r 4a,.
4 . C a
tpnt t as
1 J Ik
; i
tt Jei milmmmr, WM
9-OK, mm " RV1
kn- HuiHuJfiHue
...vM 1i.-w.ia irni g I, w g -
laium W1-
" "TV . .r.L . -l
II! f