EVEtfltfa TTianTTAnPtTirrr, r T T TrkTtT TTT " "xnrrillA, THUtfBJJAY, JULY 29, 1015. ft t gMjINgjANDJERVE OF BANK OF GNGLAnFeXPANDED PUKING LAST WEEK ffiy Advances Were Wiped io)1 . . . . ti i itfl m . t Lite in .uay vviien lrau- Rnided crucible. vonK. July 2). There was in tho demahd for wnr special ly . .hI() Itmlra nf Ia,1Im. 11,1.. Sir. nd- ttt tlmea, there was a WVamble to secure Stocks. Other "of the list showed a lagging ten t d noma of the railroads, no- fi ""." ..;..i .i. ,. -.... "... c I'm I. wuiu m hk. m. r'niii nrtu'enced by fears that the regular Hunl diviuonu oi in per cent. not lie ueciarcu ity ino directors e'tneewiH JJr ,' , ,, '""n i inlliroliy nuvuieu mo luuiuau uni, 'illy Northern Pacific, ns the two ,,COVer .very nuuiiy uic buhio ter- In some -01 me ' ivesicrn BiatCB. ly In me war group centreu rtruelbte Stcelj which bounded tin S hloh mark. Just 13U points abovo 09B yesterday, and this advance was ,,n the t,rai two nours. uiner is 6 make high record.! were ltothlo 'te'el, advaliclne G points, after whicli ppou nacK a jiuuiiB io 2 points rihn final yesterday. Tressed Steel to reached a new top, tin 34 points, Continental tan. ino uuk on Utter 1SSUK WllU IIIUL LIIVIU 1VUUHI UU ftle uoveiopmeiiiH iil uh: iiii'uuiik ut uipany'fl directors In a few week, was saiu mat uiq siucit inuy uu on 6 per cent, dividend basis nt 'iroc. On tho present movement States oteei common movca up . ., i.ii. I,. AmnHpnti TjipnmnMVii rdfe.o a e.-tln of 7V4 points. Tho wide fijffii seonied to bo tho icsult of talk fill"" -. a . - ii -r.ssiT7. .ia-m iiif v n n nn r i run n n 'itim" "'' si a emu ui . ''' on was one of tho ffifffr'" .! 5! 5 a n.fi,.i ... i i ' ; Am r.. leu t0P9. Am Can (8V4 151 7W 71H r'f 171i 3) I7H 51 65H 7I!( 81 Si 60 73 OH New York Bond Sales 11JSS iL 8u. ,... !'B& .a: !KA?Mi..Sfrs::::iKa IVKi -Armour Co 4uS SitJ Am i-J? ""'.' W u loi,M 10 108 itViTrmnrnlnC seESion WO! BwgactlVe Blnce tho reopening of the jjjjjuJnge, 660,000 shares of stock chang- gtEPaul dropped threo points In tho iOTi-n hntirs. A great deal of comment iffibitn expressed over the dividend on Zzii.tnrU in the last few days. In tho jgffrttcal year about i'A .per cent, was jSned. It was said today thnt many of .Western cnreciorB mvur tunuiB u, rtlvldend. while directors from tho jFiwmii,i vote with tho majority. Sell- iffljj: the stock Indicated a reduction of (Inpayment. lift broadness of the market reminded fiftSt the boom days In tho latter part jtlltay In the afternoon session. In mnny SJes, tlio advanCo became so rapid that iSmts tumbltd over each other in rush gHt6 cover. Some of tho motor shares ftfVtakcn In hand and pushed to higher fiels, but General Motors wns not in tho pwp; that stock lagging behind. ,5t. riuljrecovcred most of Its loss before the ilternoon was very old. Tho coppers also thowea renewed strength, as did Uethle lfStcel, which came back from tho low to a now nign, jumping ai one three points between sales, up li renewed strength In Bethlehem was ip'anled by tho reports thnt $100,000,- irth of additional wnr orders had Med to the JlW.000,000 on which the mpany Is now working. Predictions ado that tho oarnlngs on tlio com eck for tho year would bo about Share. in tho day there was a raid in i( Steel, which dropped from th h of S3 to 66, down 17 points, very few minutes, carrying the 10 war specialties and quito a tho standard Issues 'with it. em fell. IS points; Baldwin, .; halmovs. 5i: and many other s declined 1. 2 and 3 nolnts. A few ftosi boforo the close stocks recov Cruclble coming back W,. Dethle- li u, ftliu NVYUiui uiiicio ivtiuiiicu luaatsi. MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAII STOCKS. Bid. Asked. albutler SO .82 idnny 10 ,i ilituh Bxtfnslon :: .v:i iintana ,33 .37 iirthtrn Star , .-. U .14 fcopoh Urlmont 3S 3 teopah Extension 2H -'15 feili MorSer 3.', .37 !(nopah Mining S'j dH :ue feuta uo .IK! OOLDFIELD STOCKS. log .- ined irac bndfleld U D Ji tnts Ifield Consolidated mtitvi Merger Cr.biT Extension alsa .' en Pick , MISCELLANEOUS, itec r. . Deny ivfl-f-trill jjfgaa WonaVr.. l" .. tiji Am CnM 1.'" "".' m 0'i Am iv '.T. '"" "7 118 47U 03 7H S6M I-4H "H 20 4 01 7Ji 30M 12U 31 00 6U 7U! 41H 100 114 Yi2 225 22)i 81 It 07 .2)5 :o 275 0!i 10M Hll 12H 8i 125 ASRKon'patf. Am l,it, & , Am loo Securities;. . m l.lncnl. Am Liftsecd pref;;-; Am Ucniiiotiv,,.... Am Malt .;.....' Am Kmnli . iM" "" Am Kmelt A Ilef'nf" If r Am Smr.tr a .,. Pi 'IS Am 1.1" ,..".'. W " 6U Am SuMr Hednerles. Am Sucar Itcf pf...., Am Tel & Tel.. Am Tobacco Am WimIa. Am Woolen' pref.'!!.'. Am Wilting rpor pf Anaconda l,oppui; Atchison T ft d y,,, Allantlo Coast Una.. Itatriw 11 r, llaldwln Loco' pref."; 105' iiauuiure unlo. Bait & Ohio prof. Ueth1r.fitm ui.1 Ilclhlehcm Steel' pf" hsii 135 .Tl,r,i,DTri,M i eOX . ouporwr OOJi t-al relrolcum 10 Cal Petroleum pf 30 Canadian 1'aclflc 145 Cent Leather Co 41U Central Leather Co pf 104 Chesapeake & Ohio... 40Jf Chlno t-oppcr 5 Chicago Ot West..... nu Chicago at West pr. ifa v.m nits ! Chic 1I1II & st Paul. O 11 & St P pref.. . . Chi & Northwest Chi St I'M liO Col fuel & Iran.... Col & Midland Comstock Tunnot... Consolidated Gas.... Continental Can , Continental Can pf.., Corn Products Kef.., Corn Prod Itef pf... Cruclblo Steel Cruclblo Stool pf Cuban-Am Sugar...., Del & Hudson Uen & Itio U pf.... Detroit United Hy.. Distillers MCiinbib. Dome Minos Erie , Krio 1st pf Krio 2d pf Fed Mln & Sm Fed Mln & Sm pf.. Gen Chemical........ General Electric General Motors , General Motors pf.. Goodrich 11 K Co... Great Northern pf.. GtNcfs for oro prop. Guggenheim Eipln.. Homcstako Mining.. Illinois Central Inter Agriculture, pf. lnt Con -orp lnt Con Corp pf.... Inter-Met vot t c. .. International Paper., lnternat Paper pf... Inspiration Copper.. Kan City Southern,. Kresge S S Co Lack Steel Lake Erio & West. . Lehigh Valley Louis & Naslivlllo . . Mackay Cos pf Maxwell Motors Max Motors 1st pf.. Max Motors 2d pf. . 145)1 141. Ill 118 401 4 01 01 7K 7M S5 35 26 2fi 10H 12U 20 M 62 65M M Ml 7 7 KI7M in7 10711 80 80 &0 iM 4Mf 44U 10J 1LSU 118 113 113). 113U 122 ll'Uf 122 223 223 22i 2o 21 25 Xi 8 IX 81U 0 0 0 70 07 H OS UllH lll.li 101U 1'U 100 100 09U 100 83H r4H hOH 8.i 10-lVi 104 S2' 82H 6X 10 1H 72 201 131 b4 Mi 30 72 2C0 13J C8 lllJi 30 145V4 142H 14414 ;i' 41H 42!t 101 40. 44H Ui IM IB) 10 124J1 125 12.1 131 40 i 40' 2 IH Vi't 0 0 12oH 1.5i 75 75 101 101 14)i 60 00 104 40K 10J( 12 2UM 12V' r3v 125 K'3J 123H 12t 130 131 131 40 43 'j . 21 20U 0 10 127M 127 70 ,m 100M 101 14VJ 16)f 70H iQH CCSf 8. 104!f 105U 104 101 40K 40H HSi 10V4 lli Soh lis 140 8 00 . 23 26H 40)4 32 275 41 181 15H son liSli 105 ' HSJi 116U llfih' li'l 140 140 m 58W 21K a:,H 40 h2 :8 4iu 7W mi 2M1 I3U 'M'lt 41H 32 18)1 i'.tii 190 VA 58)a :3)f 25M 4i. 28' 40M 28.li 10 1 1J5 170)4 7Ai mt lb2H 162U 180 180 105 10414 114 VMM 5W 6iH 5jH 51U 11) 118 117K 118 nvi 43U :;o 4iH OUi I2H 01 H 11. U 118 118 nfl 10'jj new 28 2 J L'tllf 73M 21b- 10)4 20)4 21 72.'4 UK 36H 3Ji .4 :-8)i 3UU 4 :o si 28 May Dept Stores 35M RNEW YORK CURB Ino ,-. I iwycopper ... ...,... lA.uvritA 1 luuucui uiu .., . American ToDucco new ill Coniolldated ., PlCananea .,.., ,. WPPr , . mVallcy Coal &iles Ijator liegeman ..,.,,.., uuni rroducts ...... DlEar HtnrB :tf I rant fiharlnj nnnr Htm ?pou ::::;:::;;.;:.:.. ffiMON HOLDINGS EXPAND pf England Weekly Statement Shaws Increase, 30N. July 23, The weekly state- tho Bank of England shows an a of .4S0.000 in bullion holdings, expanded xi.iai.vw. voia" jtt Thla week. . . 83,631,000 . J77,a3,0o6 VO.OIU.W ecurlllMV. Ba,16T.( entiea je.lg.ooq , i . . . , fta.lHttMaAr l of (, to uab. 10.60 B 6 S3,T74,000 100.2011,000 l8a,uO,O0d 63,157,065 101,307,000 .WlB 1SWV7J 3B W.4 Sty Treasurer's Statement Wy Miiimmt of tha CHy Traar follnuilnv ihnwlnr: lacca on band lU.W.Ji . ilvd Irom July . " -"T M1.W.W out in war- out In con- 1.IX. tw.m b band July 38 10.M, BANK CLEARINGS lna today ooaniarad with corra- FtUr! h i- .. . . tiwgr uh two vaara. lam 1U 1X6.462 311 S.2&7l.i?0 &J,M,30l 4.6r.l'u 4S.324.( 4e$.6ii lull Sitl.iMS't 2a,i5.o XYf.SSS.Srtt ! HATES FOR MONEY Tlm. u III 1 Wi B S4.U4 tu tx Ofantlua Ptul- KM'HANGE .1 I ,. ior. uu aaeDaugi -. ;. u r.,li., Mexican Petroleum Mo Kan & Texas..., Miami Copper Missouri Pacific Montana Power pf. . iut cloak & bull... Ial Knaraui & - Nat Lead Nat Lead pf Nevada Con Corp.... New York Air Urate. Now York Central... N Y N II & H N Y O & West Northern Pacific 1'acKlc Mall Pcnn R It Philadelphia Co Pittsburgh Coal Pltuburgh Coal pf... Pittsburgh Steel pf,.. Piessed teo. oar.,.. Pressed Steel Car pf. Pullman Co quicksilver Quicksilver pf. Ity steel bpg, Hay Con Copper Heading Itep Iron & btee., .. Rjp Iron & bteol pf, Itumely M Co bt L & S F 2d pf... ecaboard Air Line.,, fceaboard Air L pf..t tears Itoa & Co S.O&s-Shef h & I Oar Sloss S &I Pf ttulhern Pacliw Ccutbem Ity Southern Hy pf btudabaker Co 'IVnn Copper . Texas & Pacific Texas Co.. 'Ibird Atenua Underwood Type..,., Union Hag & Paper, 10 73 10?4 0)4 37 30 :3J 137 i)U 0 142 110 05)4 31 81 H 18 35 1 Hi Mi 2CJ4 Vt 102H 102H 102)4 75i 73 r4Vi 17 25)4 25)4 14 )4 u4 1C0 100 109 109 Hi 14)1 lU'i 14)4 10:i 104 101)4 102 t8 JS)i t7- tSH (ilil 62)4 OJU C05f S7H Wi 27)J J.'iii 100)4 107)4 lt'5if 105'f 34 S4H 3'.U 30X 107H 10S 107( 108 130J4 137 50 62Jf 7 ti 142 J43 11H4 112 05)f 05)X 83)1 21) 35 77)4 6C 27) 214 765f fi)4 27 t 102 ;i 20)1 Kt l'2)l US jti)4 23 ;0t v;,)4 :o 1"M S8M 3 a -.3)4 137 o23i U 142 112 05)i 3W t3)f 28H 35 75 511 27)4 ti: lUduii Airniinn im. i imm illKZZ.H en. f. ...... .if mWT&flFZyt iJJJ liwy. A 7ili Wcn': 87i Jiujl Brookn Itp Tr H... loa VXS Jst!"1 VWl'" 7 im' f!!22 . s .......liw euro t;nt ft Alton 31H..., 434 .'""" 'U. Q Joint 4s... U(i Bit tiljt loS W4 i..j loo( HI 11 ft y dint 4a... u M ft St l Kri 4H.loi do cv rcta (Is. ....... lolVi hi M A 1' 8 4.!... Mv hi R I I' rfd 4i,. n 101)4 asvt wii iT imv 112 ion 1H tin I'UH lou; W4 01 loo; S'fc 10.V Ull'a 1W, 71', 1W : U.M, 41 1WVJ lew, 10000 c 11000 do 100(1 Chi :nou chi itui a.iuaj no ra i Clile llwy ;m jiw toi innuitrlnl rH 7a iH Smb,J 're' 5.. CO?4 Blfli WIS ."-' ''. " IV VT 111! UB.I.,1. I.ft R7 ill m 87 til .1 13 (ill (ij 1 8(K 1WS 43 Oil U3 Wirt iw )1 ISOVi 120't ISHU ,., m. 121! lV Vis-. 7li 7IU 7(W ref B PCS irjtf (,j(J r4W..... MTl wg b:( ........... (BU Mj. N 3a ltrto... 74fc 74J 74-i J-JSLi tiV"" uniiru I'.".... im "SI! JJIa ccur Corp S. .,, (15 5w . Rji I'tn t rowif 4!4. . .V 1 1000 Indiana steel 6s 1001 aiH insp cv 11a 1D1H 1201 -..v. ., un UH IV1 . . , . l'3 .hwv., inicui Met 4VS ..-n imcru it t rer C000 inter Mer' Jlar WlOtl .In rM I.IWI !jirln Rte1 n 101 lh VntUv rniiii ill.., ns1 ll'OO Minn & at I. 4a...... 02ii 4000 Mo Kan A T 1st 41.. 7SS 400O do cv Ba 1. 2000 N Y C L, 8 3H.... 10iW N Y C A It ;i(ia.... 2000 N Y C ft Hud 4Ua. 0000(1 N Y Cent rets (la Ui3H 1000 N Y C ft St L ret 4s 8n 4001 N Y City ret 4Hs....l01Vi 8(00 do 44s 1110.1 loiW noon An Jll. 1v 'S7 imk'. 1000 do 4Ha Nov 37...101?, Wilt lot, w tl II A IM ill 1UI li'OOO N Y ltwy ndj Sa 3014 NU 60' 2(XO N Y W C ft Jl 4l.. 73 73 73 1000 Norr ft West con 4i.. 8S as M 230U0 Nor l'ac prior 4s..,. 11054 BOW IK) '- 'K 02 100(4 1W 01 am 82l 7814 si us Si; 61 .'14 MU 7H 87 103 Vi 8ll 8! lOlif 101 lOIJi 1011 UN 7.-.1, 01 ill's Kill 78 87 103H . MMMMMMMMMMMHMMM Local Half-hourly Sales en sa... t 1, ret 4a. SfiOO Nor Poo 1000 Ore Shdrt iui) oro ft cal Da 1000 Paclnc Tl Ba 8000 I'enna cv SVia loo nay R0 'Sit 1000 Penna gen 4Us. 07 '.ta lor N J 6.1., 811U It 1B0O Penn cona 4!'. 10(10 Puhlln Rnrv irwiiu Heading gen 4e U2J4 l.uftl Hep ir a H DH 1U1U.. 112'i pitifc 021,4 ,2000 IlloOr ft V clt 4a.... no4 uo tMK 1(1000 MblM ft So gen B,. 07 0? U7 1000 Ht I. I M ft 8 OI f 4l., 37 67 07 (1000 Kt Pnul M ft Jt 4Us..lOC)4 100)4 KXI'.i 1000 Henboard A U adj 8s.. 02 (12 (12 201KI Huth l'ac col 4s (izy, o-.iit pjii inoo Houth Pao cv 4s nU soij sol? IIIOOO do cv ret f P 5s 1034. fSlJ 1174 IiStJ ISOOO South llwy gen 4..... dug r,8i B" 17H0O South Rwy con Ba.... Kl nn 11(1 20KI Teaas ft I'no 1st 6s... 024 ivjat lat IICOO Texaa Co cv (is 100 100 100 SUOO Third Ave ref 4a 70 "11 711 1000 Third AVo ndj Ba 711 7H 7(1 4IWO U 8 Steel 3 .....10214 102'4 102U r.u union rao lat 4a.',... 03(4 1)3 Kl(4 IIKXI Union Pac cv 4s.. mh.i i'n nwya 4s 7000 Vn Ca Drown Uros... 2KK10 Wob-P Tor 1st ct 4s. 4CO0 Wnb-P T Col t cfs. . . miOO West Electric Ca 3Wln(l West E ft M cv Ba.. 1007f(iO do ret w 1 4coo do cV rets 10OO do notea Ba 81) 41 6' lis .) 40(4 30 . 8 89 41 101 'J looij lnoiJ 10.1 10.31. toss 1 1911 111V 111tt .ioi; ioti ioi 100 100 ;4 iooi Financial Briefs 77 Ml 80 f3 'OK :5 05 b7 40 09J4 10J mm mi 3 :i 4 4 5)4. 37)4 L'ii ta 7 :5)4 04)4 80 50 ICO 101 U 1 35)4 2)4 77 2fi oijr hO 51 100' 101 3 4' 35)4 Wi 146)4 U7H 1-10-f 146K 204 04U 3 5)4 13 32)f 147 41)4 00 t0)4 13)4 45 MM 37rt OH 132 51 75(f m 40)4 1)7)4 6)i 13 J2H 40 15)4 J 5i( 13 32W 4l)j UO 3)4 5ii 13 32)4 148H 147J4- USX 44)4 8))( e7M 14 45 M4 i74 HI 4: 85)4 bill. 13M 45 bl)4 374" 10 133W 131)4 13314" fl 60)4: ..014 4:)4 85)4 S7 13)4 45 t3 37K 10 70 0)4 75 it Union Pacllic U8)4 129H 128 U S lnd' Alcohol,., U S Had & Her U S Healty & Imp., United Jiyj Iiitmi... U b Hubber, U b Hubber 1st pf, U b btuel. . US tteel pf.. ....... Utah Copper Va-Caro Ciiem Va Iron Coal & 0... Western Maryland.., Uwurn union 1V Weatuig U & M,..., WesllBghouw lst-pf., Wheeling & L K Sviuyt-ovicriaad .,,,, wniys-ovwril pf...-. Wucumia Cuutrai.... Woolw1!! F W ft... Centa par ahara, 60)f 67 2)4 2 35)4 35j 8)4 lh 47 45 ' 10i)4 l'J."f 10S C6h m mi S)4 2)4 35 in 45)4 75 B)l 128)4 57 3514 )8V4 47 102JX 87 II2U IlJ'j J13 UJJ4 i5V$ if'-,' i,6)f C6)4 31i :4i .2 33)4 45)4 i'M 48U 40 24 2I)f 2U 21U 1 OK 8iJ tOJJJ 60) 1144 Hi imt U0)i ISO 130 130 130 a a a a 137h 137)4 130)4 131)1 1021 108M lOHi 103K a 3J 3) 30 105 10-1X 1U1 101)4 NOTES OF Till? RAIL The Penwylvnl Ilallroad qpwtd 69,W pgsaenser trains In June and 60,7 jter cwit. of them arrived at thlr dMtlHjitlon '041 Urns." , l The State RaUnmd eoraml4H.n ha gialA authority to the Union Teiwlnal oT aSdltloMl ll.W9.W0 Wiula, maklBK a tortfol H.M.W that it luw UtWKl upon l'TlSZCi onurrsM in Xh conWruotioa ajplta Mrwi walaw railroad alaUon and tar- menui U1 b a nWrbMd of i,m,m r Electric Roat Reorganization xaw YORK. July W-Iha) rtotfimUMUm i!k wBUk i!l aaia-nyia un bail X lira u ol ,w-k for .""t. h' ?' ti afiw . lU ' i-."J -' W W. iU lk u gjt Jit ojr AXOXMISn MILLION'-SHAnE DAY. For the year ended May 31 the Virginia Carolina Chemical Company showed n surplus available for common dividends of 12,111,209, nn incrense of $1,163,832 ovor tho provious year. The Federal Sugnr licflnlns Company yesterdny nftcrnoon cut its price on con tract refined to a basis of.G.Soc, 00 dcRreo ccntrlfiifrnl. Other rellncrs continued tak Int; business at 6c, with the list price 6.10c. Haw sugars unchanged at 4.S6c. Horaco Wilkinson refused to mako any comment on the report that he is to re sign ns a director of the Crucible Steel Company, except to declare "That Is tho first I have heard of it." . - - Charles D. Barney left today for Lake Kric and Put-In-Bay, where ho will spend tho next two months. J. Horace Hording will join him for a part of that time. Thomas J. Dolan has returned from a trip through the Northwest. Tho Slick Oil Company, of Oklahoma, has declared n cash dividend of 100 per cent, on Its $100,000 capital stock, payable July 51 to stock of record July 20. Ttnmor had It thnt the Bethlehem Steel Company contemplated retiring some of Its outstanding bonds, using Its recent largo accumulation of profits in the process. Stephens & Co. ana Joseph Strnub sold Ilapld Transit. 0. S. Carrlgan & Co. were buyers. Bloren & Co. bid up Lake Superior. Tho net earnings of tho Federal Min ing nnd Smelting Company for bIx months' period" ended June 30, 1315, amounted to $242,134. Tho operating profit In the full year 13H was J1S0.O03, and In 1913, $119,932. The new stock of Electric Boat when Issued sold on the curb nt 33. Now quoted S3S25. "V. II. Chllds. president of American Coal Products Company, In a statement addressed to etockholders, says the earn ings of the first six months of 1915 wero $952,479, an Increaie of $107,101 over 1914. Brazilian Traction. Light and Power Company, Limited, directors have decided upon a 2 per cent, reduction In the com pany's dividend. This action Is taken In view of the unsettled conditions sur rounding exchange In Brazil. A dividend of 4 to 1 per cent had been announced, payable September 1. 1015. Tho sale of the Cincinnati. Indianapolis and Western will lane piaco uepiemoer J. D P. Thompson has been electe4 a di rector of the Inland Steel Company to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Joseph P. Block. B, C. Jones has been chosen to succeed F. W. Olln. RAILROAD EARNINGS HItlK. ion. nn. fro.. ;;.;;:::::: 'ftai'Uo SlY month'.' grow .I.KS Nt , 0,331,000 ANN AHDOR. Third week July f.joo Prnm July 1 ...., J.l,31- CIUCAOO OP.KAT WKSTBP.N. . Third weak July fgMK J Prom July 1 oos.sii .,iw NEW YOHK, 8USQUHHANNA . WESTKKN. jUBi,gng?y!!k":p""S.B5,fa,ur,Ui6o SlV months sroaa -EWS Nat aftw taae US0.UM CANAPIAN PACIFIC. i.uo au $7,112,0.11 I-at .TtTT.VT. .T.TTT... 33.W,9 no.SSliJOS WK8TBHN MAP.YI-AND. La ::::::::::: lltffl fiiffl v..:::v.:: Im xMX COLORADO AND aoUTIIalRN, JUMgwa V "'SB'Sr? .fi THEODORE VOORHEES President of tho Philadelphia nnd Rending Railway Company, who has gono to York Harbor, Me., for an extended vacation. SLUMP IN U.S. STEEL HIT LOCAL STOCKS Sharp Break in Baldwin Loco motive,,but'Market Rallied at the Close. In it broad and nctlvo session the local mnrkot lluctuatcd feverishly today, with gillns nnd losses about equally distrib uted throughout the list until tho final hour when prices fell back nil around when Sleel broke sharply. Heavy buy ing developed In Lako Superior nt tho outset, which sent that issue up a point or more, but tho ndvnnco was not en tirely maintained, tho quotation react ing In the nftcrnoon. The customary wnr order talk accompanied tho advance Crump Shipbuilding, Pennsylvania Steel preferred and Cambria Steel nil moved up, ns did United States Steel. The state ment was made today by tho purchaulng ngent of an Important Eastern railway system thnt nfter a prolonged period ot Inactivity his department was now doing a largely Increnscd business and that this wns nlso truo of other lending railroads. Tho sudden awakening Is attributed part ly to tho restricted buying of tho last year and partly to Indications of n heavy traffic movement thla fall, based on war orders nnd crop prospects. Baldwin Locomtlve dropped on tho re port thnt the company hnd expended such big sums In experiments work on nm munltion that there would be a b.g reduc tion In this year's possible profits. It was even hinted that thero might bo Important changes in the management due to the dissatisfaction ot financial Interests close to the company. It wns also rumored that the Du Pont holdings ot w Baldwin .stock -had. been liquidated on 'the' roeetififlvancfc',i'-"a ' A selling movement of some propor tions developed in Ilapld 'Transit, sending that stock below 8. - Union Trnctlon also lost n fraction. -uTIic controversy with' the. city is, of course, the disturbing factor here, as well as lower earnings. In tho late trading the wholo lcnl list reacted In sympathy with tho decline in Wall street, led by U. S. Steel. Stocks rallied In a feverish manner In the cng dealings, but tlio flnnl trading was very much unsettled. No one ap peared to have any explanation for tho sudden wenkness, except thnt It was duo to a bear rnld. There Is no doubt that some traders had become overextended In their commitments, and a number of stop loss orders wero caught on tho decline. Support, however, was forthcoming before tho reaction became dungcrous. Tho closo was unsettled. Sales in Philadelphia Yes. clone. High. Uiw. Close. Incrtaae. 112I.OS1 W.BH3 1.I70..VB mo) l.S! 1U.UHI ?i,iav f:'.5i2.:iS7 .SE7.SIU 40.uii.Ttt vr lZ.nMMba' " gOUTHKBN PACIFIC. Iiuw grass tf . rwalv aauattW sat Uaaaa. fT::::1!!! a Ut S:& NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NBW . YOKK juiy w--'IJ" bp "Wi- :r?'z;TSeJT7-2iT:i t-a. .. W"'ll.?rt2iuJn"' ! MOT- MM'SS.1.1S" "i aa aqp !" OS -Markat lrr.gular, rtcalpia. ll.04 atr or.uk vTljt. . iuw. nMrbr lw Hfflr. UJ LaekH orauv lk'4t)39e. . ruulaxM.clr.ad odftrby IDIW WV.V. hltM, browns is3c MfeTAI. MARKET . 0OV. so;. . S3H ', 33 ;u,4" , 71 U , IVA :.-J K1H lIKi'-j Bi'Vi TO 8 5 81 1UIH no 7UU ty 40' U-71 u- b' 70 .. -'I 'a L'llVi 3.1 UJ lVfi IM 11 30 '.'7 (UK 1 SSH 1'3:, b!i 70i M J? 85lt K'a. a-M us 48V, (JUl, :h (31 10 74 20H a7 IK!! S3', til 8 SI as ;i: 5 Sl"4 104H, UU ll 7U 41tt saw & oj !Jta 30 (I2)f 111) Alll.i-rhalm . Am J.oco UO Ilald Loco KHi 17 do pref 103ft i.v) inurr s, sua t o vt .in iai'O Cambria Steel. . SIT. 110 crucible uul. 300 Col I & I 1000 Ches & Ohio. 100 Cent Leather.. 37 IClec Storago... 10 Krio 1'0 Uen Asphalt... 110 no pref SMI0 Lake Sup Corp, 14 Lehigh Nav .. to Lehigh Valley. 100 Leh Val Tr... (JO do pref mi M(nl CouDer . JOU N Y N 11 i II.. .... H03 I'enn Railroad.. B3" 50(1 l'rcaaed 8 C Id I'enn Bait Mfg. S3 asl i'enn Hteel prel Rl l"Ja l'hlla Co 33 icji l'hlla lilcctrlo .. ;a: 700 1' II T tr ctfa.. 1 l'hlla True ... JO I'gh Coal S23 rteadlng fcO So l'actfla 40 Ton Iielmont.. 433 Ton Mining ... 10 union I'aciuo .... ., 220 Union Traction, 8314 UU U (I I M 10075 U B Stoel (10), IIVJ1 tttaahore 43 025 W Cramp & Sona 08 BONDS. Lat P(v. sale. High. Low. Cloa4 l.. ii'iu iinu imu 141 do Mav 1317.. UU Id da Kh 1U1J ... 08' 2000 llarwuxl Kl (la.. W xnuo Like Sun inc 4. 30 4000 Lh Nv cona 4Vi 07K MXKI I, Val gn 4148. . W(4 8M0O N l'aa 3-30a rag. . . icon Penna cona 4V4-102'4 looi no gen a..... uc .-icon l'hlla Co cna Sa. Mi 1000 jteadlng gen 4a., Oi ,3. 611 ri oa(J iSK & l!. t3 13 38 4 4 731k 78(4 bfi 87 8"!, 8'",, ssh "Is 18 82 83 Vi (WV4 SZ 88 i Kg SSg ffll Vi wv. uett udu .111 ,10 30 MVi -8ti a&U SSA !S T HSU 102U lOCti w vim lrilt Ultt S SOU ROff MR g ui'fi osS S Local Bid and Ashed liuKalo 9 Sua t do vnt ..,.., llaldwln do jff ...... Mac Bumse". .''. UA AP Xyi Today Yeatarday . WW. Aakad. UI4. Askad, 37 -M)i 36 IWtt 34 S! .,102 81 108H 00 war at to i-fe.. ;;;;::: 1 m do praf m, tMJ, Sup Votfl.. . vauay VmIUy Tr. da oral ". JEiatr Co 3 nar cast. pf.. to 6 par cant, yf . . Pkll. R. T do t c Rawllog ToBupah rl Balruunt. 10 74 TI i5 &i , 3S 34 411 (17 ihK 1 m 1 r 71 TUT T4U nS 4 sm! , SS m 3a4 .HM -1S-H 41 ti n 8 S H 8 8 8k 7 li, T 74l J",. Mt J"ii 5 51, Mi S2 M .12'; M'. 8,1 M1. U7(Z tH)', U.ij 7 Mj 7 30 88 30 (MU "' 3 Tooopah Mtu union iTac . I'Gl ... U E?atai York Rwy .. do pjaf W Cramp t ST. PAUL CUTS DIVIDEND new York, juiy m?ta uctor or the St Paul Kailro4 declared dlvidand ul 2 per seot un u.t camnum ux-a, . 1a ductliin Aj 'ie hJ'.f (li I fc'vT Wilt Iruui 20 100 10 .m iOO flu 00 M S3 3 r4 . .. mat 10 to 10:30 A. M. ?!S X 2l?n!l, '.. 9S S? Oil fuel .... '."' , oieei era. MB mi r'ninn ivi. v a 8ti. ..5 jo do... ;....: SJH 10 do i 5! IPO Luke Pup Cor SS:::::::::!Btt,fflraui-!iVj . J gJrr .S tnl,ri Mln. I "0 OTU 100 f 8 Steal.... IT J" ilJi ,10 Union Paclflo.li: an rl?u m 1 a ,..i v irtii r.AHk..- d.... , r a.: Hm - ' . rJ kS '--"'"rl ""' 2 tramp t r r5S i.fri'-j" K . ." Cambria 8ieet ' """P Cor 10H lro Iika gup Cor I?" .. 00 iOta IS Unlrm Thla... VgVT'::7k.o8Jr.,.4 jj CMmbrta Steel 5B wM do....:;..; 17 ,S! l,,"ri yoa.i 9 1W I'enna W ino VambrM Steel 1B14 4 do. ki SJ Ijike Sup Cor 10S rj lhigh tVa. . 71 ,' "o 5' 10 Allls Chalm.. 2? iffi r-"Ln,,a.--'-- 8. ,n lMlilwin tfd..ltl3l .'2. !,0'i. "iVd'lOO . 00......... 1 i , nwr irac. .. . 100 Baldwin ..... w no r H steel.... mr '.'Oil Ijke Bup Cor W 21 do iry 10 iln Ill Ml Poiith I'ae . . sit I'm t' H Rleel.... tff iMi i.ni i.ur.1 4il IJIK 111 IOO (10 PHILADELPHIA MARKETS H Rteei.... rrr ol Fuel .... 41W ake sup cor 1 rto 102 do I0 -i 110 ........ liit imt Cambria Steel 3214 .VI do.. v.t 1 mm Hup cor ina. no do 100 I'enna 61 20 Mill Co 1IOSD3. 1000 I'enna eons I Ha 100 . do......... IpM !5 t' 0 j R.S ,40 Leh Valley .. 71? ra ie H"P tor 115 ICO U B Bteel..,. nifU 2 Dnhlwln pfd..l"r,(T jo Leh Valley.-.. 7tS in llaldwln ..... HI un l it t t c... sit 100 l? B meel.... 0)(2 1.1 Lake Bup Cor inf, in i.i nnli 1'1 100 lJIke Sup Cor I0M 102H 10:30 to 11 A. M. 5SS V ? SJ'" TO .f"0 l'"n ! .52 5r-1.' " C01" 101 10 " 9 Steei.... 07 100 11 T t c. 8 1-10 Kio Cambria Steel 81', .10 I'enna 31 30 do. ........ Rlli. 4.1 Tonopah Mln. 3! Kfcl do ,...niti 30 llaldwln W, 100 do siC 30 .to....,,,.. 82 2.1 do Sl 100 tr B fitel.... W'4 100 do......,., 31. 100 Tonopnh Mln. 8J, ,30 Crudbte Steel 70 10 Lnke Si'p Cur 1o(i Ion camhria 8teel 31)1 2(1 rennn 31 200 Col Kuel .... 42Vi ion Iikn Bup Cor 10 100 U S 8tecl..A 07 30 llaldwln 82 0 Cambria Steel 32 .Hi iT "J, " fl',li 100 U 8 Steel.... (17 100 Cambria Steel 32 200 do., 07 110 I'enna ... 34 SCO do ..,.07 10 Leh Vol Tr pf 2Ti 30 Penna S.1K .1 llaldwln pM..103 100 1' a T t e. 81-10 20 IT 8 BtiI ntvu inn if r mi n?ic. 100 do (17 200 do lit! 100 do (17 100 do IMU, iu no.... (j( viii ao 10 Leh Val Tr pf 30 800 do 10 do 30 IOO do ,,. iii OTti 072 Olfi BONDS. 13000 Lehtsh Valley gen 414s 3CO0 Ijike Sup Cor Inc Bs mi Cambria Bteel fcrlp May 1017. .10 Cambria Steel scrip May 11117. 1.10CO North I'enn.i .'Sua reg 2(HH) North I'enna .til's reg 1000 npndlng gen 4n 1000 l'hlla Co cona Ba 11 to 11:30 A.M. 30 ti8 , H) SO H2J1 100 U S Steel.... PO do 30 do 80 l'hlla Co ... SOU U B Steel IS do 100 l'hlla Co .... 23 do so u S Steel.:.. 4UI. do 100 do MX1 do .10 Amer l.oco . . COO U H Steel 2ixi I jili e Sup Cor 30 Cambria Steel 10 do I'O V S Bteel 20 1' n T t e... 07 100 I' 11 I t c. 8 HI'S till Uo N (17?,, loo Lake Bup Cor 10 2Si(i inp I'a simI prd. mid l!7,' 20 J It T t c... S II7! 100 Baldwin 82U 33 luo t; s steel 7 .'in . 100 l'hlla KIM .. 2 ltd 0714 8 LchlBh Nov.. 74(i I17U 100 I'a Bteel ptd. 8.1 07)., 30(1 l'rcsjcd Bt C 82?d U7! 3.1 Pa Steel rfd. 8.1 33 10 Baldwin 82i 11714 fl Penna 84 10J4 10H Lako Sup Cor 10'4 3l 2 l'hlla rrae .. 70i, SI', 3.1 Cambria 8tetl B15J 07 2( Lnko Sup Cor 10 a 1CCO0 100 U 3 Steel,. 110NDS, 'ennn gen 4148 ..... 07 0T14 11:30 A. M. to 12 M. 100 u B Steel.... 07 40 U S Bteel.... 07 100 do (7 2.1 Tononati Mln. 8U IB W Crnmp t c IW14 100 Heading... 73 3-10 80 P It T t c... 8 20 I'enna. 84 200 Pressed St C W 2(K1 Lake Sup Cor 10 211 w Cramp t. c iiMl 8.1 Tionopah Jlln. RM, 13 l'hlla Klec V. SIK 110 Heading 7:ijJ 20 W Cramp t c cs( 1.1 Union Trac... :i2(i in do iw'.i 4 I'a Bteel prd. 85 33 do VU 2 Baldwin pfd,.10lti BONDS. ' 21 Cambria Steol scrip Feb 1017 '.Wfc z Cambria Bteel scrip .May 1017...., i'8)-j 2000 l'hlla Co cona 3a But 11 Cambria Bteel scrip 10111 lri 0 Cambria Steel ecrlp Keb 1017 118(4 V Cambria Steol scrip May 1U17 HSV, 12 M. to 12:30 P. M. 10 iJko Sup Cor 10 103 Tonopah Mln. :iii 11 b uieei.,.. in iu u aieei..., 23 Penna Salt . . 8S14 20 l'hlla Klec . 20 U B Steel.... 07', 10 U B Bteel... 100 do 07"i 100 do 130 Cambria Steel 3l'. 3 Oen Asphalt 2 Penna 51 BONDS. 10000 Lehigh Valley Ken 4)4s , lb(in Harwood Klectric Oa , 02 Cambria Steel, acrlp 1010 , 12:30 to 1 P. M. 34 nn' (17! 4 33 ost; uoy, tiuiJ 10 I'enna . 1 w Jer : a a 114 07 SI (17U 5 U S 8tecl. 11 I'enna Bait 2 U O I M!4 2.1 I'enna .... '. Tnnnnnh Mln. Bi'. H ilo l.tll H A S t c Dfd 30 80 U S Steel. 100 N Y N II & U II2H 100 Lake Sup Cor 10 ou i.axe cup ior 10 BONDS. St Cambria Bteel scrip 1010 31 Cambria Bteel acrlp Keb 1017., 31 Cambria Steel scrip May 11)17. 1 to 1:30 P. M. 10 V 8 Bteel.... 07ty 100 Lako Sup Cor 10 100 Che & Ohio. 40 23 U B Steel,... (17 4.1 Lake- Sup Cor 10 10 do 07(1 HO' do iv iu union jtoc. ., ;iz 8(1 Cent Lcnth .. 41)4 loo Miami Copper 27 r.n do. an rambrliL Steel 10 U S Steel.... 07 4111, 25 U K Hteel. Sljj IOO P HI t C, 1:30 to 2 P. M. ; Sl 71 in RUs Btoraae. 824 10 do. " r:' . 1. . .,.- ... -.... .. ..... 0 Cambria ieero- . -a uo. ........ 014 30 U B Steel..., 07K 40 Ton B.l ., 8 11-H1 30 do UU 10 I'enna 34 1-10 10 do 7 100 U 8 Stee).... 074 10 do 74 10 lJlke Sup Cor 10)1 60 do 07J 100 Phlla Bleo .. 2.l 100 do 075. 13 Gen Asphalt, ai 10 Cambria Steel 82 2 Penna 34 1.10 80 l'hlla Else .. SIK 100 U B Steel..., 07; 100 U B Steel..,. 7, 10 I'enna Salt .. R3vJ 10 do BTO 10 Elec Storage. 62! 300 do HIS 100 l'hlla Klec .. 2JH 100 do, 074 BONDS. 1000 Penna ,gen 4Ha j,.. . ,,1. IIKNI IBUnil Kr " ...........1 23000 Ihlgh valley gen 4V4a ..,, 2 to 2:30 P. M. 200 U 8 Steel.... A7H ' " do., in Leh Val Tr pf 30 83 do., 200 Cambria Bteel 82 llio do. Ilkl AIM. Chalm.. .12 IOO do. 30 W Cramp t c lauvi 100 do... 23 do. ........ iHMS i11 no 1 100 Camb'rii"8't'ei K ou u h ssieei .... i 07)4 Sag 200 do $7t 20 do Jljl 20 Beading ...., J3tS 80 Cambria. Steel 32 .2.1 U 8 Steel.... OIH 30 South Paolflc. 87 30 U 8 ftfl. . . . B 80 do:. as loot! S Steal.... V, s Penna 84 80 Baldwin . . 100 V 8 StMl. irla Bteel 82)4 02(1 Steel.... 07i , Trac . . 704i (V3 04 111) a m ...a 100 Cambria Bteel 82)4 inn Hrt ftlJ 100 U S A Phlla 8 do 70) .10 1-aka Bup cor in1 fjl Cmhri Sleel 311 WHS Steel.... IT7 87 100 do 67) (is so u a 1 ki i IOO Cambria Bteel (TT!d M W Cramp t e 64 SOO l'hlla BIM . . 8-U, 10 IT S Bteel 07S 100 Baldwin 81 2:30 to 3 P. M. 100 U 8 Steal,..., Si 10 Wat Storage. SJij 30 CambrU Btl 82.. ?S .do., 5? 10 U 8 Sutl.... f 1 bo iiaiawin rSK 1 nS 1 Baldwfn" 1 do.... 1iAJaSi! n aa u a ieei.. Pntaai pfd. aj 1M. . ....... . AWD pro tw a ail-Id win .... 81 P R T t e. .. 7 9 Fauna... ., f 1-1 iynsurrff e;;;;;;; Ub Val Tr ft 30 WjCriuiw t c .. m 04 Si Krili soy " Ida itald 160 30 v s atMl.. 60 do 10 do KM da too do....... Wi At 106 Phlla Wa . . 200 Ijika sup Cor 10 20 Baldwin ! Ml do 11 100 4V StMl u, Aa -x ta Aun Cae 1 10 Kle ftraf- 6!' 10 d g ,nn iIa 071 "y .zr hi 8&m"Sl! 44 BONPU. 40110 Lafclglt Wv cams -Ha 4V4 PIVIDENDS DECLARED Preaaed Steal Car CaaapaDy. regular qufr teriy l3 P" ! 9 Praferrad atock. payaWa AuiuM 4 '""T1 Auguat 4. ililcaaxi KaUwaja. uauai aemlauuual 4par u T '" 1 -artlBcai... lyat!. 8. Tenil-fr 1 aa Acgiiat 1 to rt'iord Alwual U. iltaranlc Trust and Safe Depo.lt CumiMUiy . iur aaaalauiual 1 per aui . payDK Auguai InatwiTDt'l . ieujr uusitarly IV par camt rf.Srrd. i-bla lugut 3 3 stack "Sujial itaJ ioupay ngiu Wl " . . 4,ln if aatt (IX .w. trmt l. .'.'" P.r,'7.i4 L-ih.. Saotumtaaa IS M "", Twi .. SHZbCJ jw ,IU1U. --'"-- . 1iCl----. .- , ruLkc h ,i4jr a"l " OOKtu.a. IJ,. J, SVPfQ AM4i , IA J a Us.-. ,. Ji'. '-jt GRAIN AND FLOUR J.v,.tEATC:nMlt MM btth- Specula tion in lira West was bearish and prteea here symr-athetleally declined le. There n fair export demand, but little Inquiry from millers. Quotations: c?ar leu. In J port tle liorN. 2 red, new, .pot ahd July, L1M J.IB. No. 2 rerl Weitern, new, (L14l.18i No. 2 Southern red. new, l.lltl.l!l; steamer No. 2 .red, nw. Jl.ftmi.U; No. mJ. new, fLWrfl.ll; rejected A. new. tl.WWIrl.07: re jected U, hew, .We.ljll.0I; No. t Northern bululh, Old, $1 Mttl.M. , CORN. rtecejpts, OO09 bush, the mar ket was qulel, mil otterlnM were light And prices ruled steady. Qunlatl6n: Car lota lor local trade, aa lo location No. t yellow. K) jjlj.iiteanier yellow, Mi,iOc.i No. :i yellow, OATH. Itertlpta, 12,083 bush. Trade waa quiet, but orrertnga wero light and prties were will maintained, quotations: No. i while, ill flftllic.: ruandard white, (JIHdlc.. NO. 3 white, 02HV0HC. lt ri.OIJH. Receipts, 1003 bbls. and 802,083 lbs.. In sacks. Buyers and relief were apart on prices and the market waa nominally un changed, Quotation., per 100 lbs., In wood IVlnter clear, new, 4.834O.10i do,, straight, new, S.1.134J3.40: do., patent, new. .303.iJ Kansnn straight, new. Juta saeka, i3.40fft,W; do., iNilent, how Jute tacka. s3,fl1sr6.M)i spring, first clear, old, fi0fIO.,S: d., sirnlght, old, to. 7.180.00; do., patent, old, u.lo 7,13i do., taiorlto brands, old. 7.23T,73! city mills, choice and lancy patent, 7.23t 7.75; city mills, regular giftdea-Winter, clear, new, 14.8333.10; do., straight, new, IB.15H 3.40: do., patent, new, f.1,jOti6.76, ItYi: l'LOUH was dull and unchanged. W. quote t'cnnsyivniua at aiuwA.id, 111 woou, and Western, new, at 3S3,23, In aacks, PROVISIONS Thn market ruled steady with a fatr jabbing demand, quotations: City beef. In sets, smoked nnd alr-drled, i'lff-'Cc, ; Western beef, In nets, smoked 2.1U20C. ; city beef, knuckles and ten ders, smoked and alrdrled, 27Q28C.I Western t'eor, knuckles nnd tenders, tmukeil, 27S2V ; beef hams, fll032 pork, lamlly, i.2.1tj22,73; Pnma, a. V. cured, loosn, l.lHffllc; do., skinned, loose, 13U4LTlie.; do., do., smoked, 14itH14c,i other hams smoked, city cured, aa to biand and average, 1I'4M1.V; hams, smoked, Weatern cured, 14'481SV4C.; do., boiled, boneless, 2302IC.; picnic shoulders, 8. 1'. cured, 4ooie. Il,(ll2c; do., smoked, JiVilf 1214c.) bellies, in pickle, aceurdlng to nveraga. loose, 12H013C,: breakfast baron, a. to brand nnd average, city cured, 17018a,; bro.ikt.ut bacon, Western cured, 17018c.; lard. Western,' refined, tierces, lOOlOttc . do., do,, do,, tubs, lloi,c.i l.ird, puro city, kettle rendered. In Hereon, IO8IOI4C i lard, puro city, ketila ren dered, In tuts, 10210UC. REPINED SUGARS Trndo waa slow nnd further sharp conces sions were being allowed, CJvanulated waa available ns low as 3.70c. We quote reflnera' lift pi Ices, subject to concessions ot .10010 points: Standard granulated, 0,18c.; extra nno granulnlcd, 0,10c.i powdered 0.20c.: confec tioners' A, 0c; soft grades, S.:.1ff5.83c. DAIRY PRODUCTS llUTTKIt. Fancy grades "were well clenned up at ateady prices, but medium ami low gradea Here dull. Quotations: Weatern. solid-packed creamery, fancy speclnla, 20c; extra, 27c; extra firsts, 2(K(20,.4c; flrats, 23W 23',4c.t. seconds, 23ff24c.; nearby prints, fancy, 80c.: rlo., average extras, 28tfaic; do., fair to good, 23'ii20c.; Jobbing sales of fancy prints, 49137c. v I'GUH. Choice stock was scarce and firm. Supplies were mostly ot heat-dam. Ked stocks, which were dull and Irregular In value, quo tations: In free cases, nearby extras, 24e. per doxen; lints. fl per standard casei nearby current, receipts, 13.70 per, rase; Weatfrn extra firsts, f(l per case; firsts. 15.70110.83 per case: fancy aelrcted candled eggs were Jobbing at 20fi27c. per doxen. ClIlSKSi:. Tho market waa dull and weak, with fairly liberal offerings. Quota tions; New York, full cream, laucy, new, ll'A Idl'.ic; do., do., fair to good, nqw, l3l31iHC; uo., piin saima, t(oiuc. SHARP FALL IN fflfflKft CORNAIO DilPRESSte .rt".-& pouItry LtVK. Vnwlv were well cleaned up and firm. Broiling chicken, of desirable sue and quality ruled steady nt recently revised price.. Quotations: Fowls, as to quality, lOIJ'Olic., ex ceptional lota higher; roosters, 11012c.; broil ing chickens, fancy, not leghorns, weighing 11402 Iba. apiece, 21tt22c; do., leghorns,, weighing 114W2 lbs. aploce, lTOlHc: do., do., weighing llrl'.i lbs. np.ece, lJSlOc.i. ducka, 1'ekln, old 13U14c.; do., Indian Runner, old, U'StL'lc. ; do., young, nccordlng to slxe, 13f 10c,; pigeons. Aid. per pair, 21021c.; do., 5'uurnr, per pair, 20il2lc. IlItU.M.sr.l). Fine dcslrable-elxedVoclc sold ralrly and waa well cleaned up at iimi price. Following ara try, -lowia. 10c. waa well cleaned up at lirm prlcos. r tho quotations: Freeli-kllled poul- Vm 10 oox. 1 weighing 4Vj lbs. dry-picked, fancy, m- Hiff.1 ids, apiece, Jw .'"1 '.' jecieii, luc.s wcixning 4vj.i ip, wiyv, inisv.. apiece, JBtic, ; waigning J Iba. apiece, 1U',4V1 T4c. ; unaer is 10s. apiece, 1114iOt3)4c.: Ico-packod Western. 414 lbs. and over aploce, 1714c; do., smaller slics, 13817c: old roosters, dry.plckod, 12VJC: broiling chick ens, Jcrwy, fancy, 30e2c, ; other nearby fancy, SJO-toe.; Western, weighing lWi lbs., 2IC"ft)c.; do., weighing 1011k lbs., 2162:1c.; spring ducks. 10)46lic: aquabs. per. dox white, weighing 11 to 12 Iba. per dot.. tV).P0 4.00: white, weighing V to 10 lbs. per d., $.1.'l.60: white, weighing 8 lbs. per dox., 12.83 R2.0.1; do., 7 lbs. per Unx.. t2.10Sfl.2O; do., U 4J014 lbs. per doz., Jl.tln!lL03; (lark, l.804J 1.03; small and No. 2. $1. I'RESn FRUITS Choice stock sold fairly and values generally ruled steady under moderate onerous, quo tations; Apples, new, tran.parent, per hamper, 80ctl.23; peaches, (lor-rgla. Belle of Georgia, per crate, JIM. 40; du.. OeorgU, Elberta, per crate, Jlol.40: pears, Bouthrrn Lo Conte, per lib'., .out; grapes. .oriu iarouna, uinniui;,, per 8-baaket carrier, tl.50tr2: lemons, per box. S21C2.80,' oranges, Florida, per box, 2.M( 4; grapefruit, Florida, per box, 102; plneap pfer, per crate, Porto Uleo, 1.H82.75; do., Florida, II. 80ff2.73; cherries, sour, per (Mb. basket, 35'iHOc. ; plum.. Georgia, per carrier, COc.BJl; currants, red, per quart. :03C, ; blackberries. Delaware, Maryland and Jetaey, per quart. Sf?7c; gooseberries, per quart, 39 Co.; huckiiberrlea, per quart, 7S8c. ; raspber ries, red, per pint, 24T4c; cantaloupes, aeorgla, per standard crate. 60c.tjtl.23; do., Mary land, per standard crate, !1.231. 75; do.. North Carolina, per atandard crate, 73c.fftl.23; do.. North Carolina, per rtat crate, 23033c. ( Water melons, per car, tlSSOlTS. VEGETABLES Supplies were liberal and soma kinds were a ftha.te easier, demand being only moderate. Quotation.: White potato.., Virginia, per bid. -No, 1, 73c.ett.10; No. 2, 40i5i)e.; awcet po tatoes. North Carolina, per bbl No. 1, ItUS; No. 2, (262.30; onions, Bermuds, per crate, SOtfOOc; do., Jersey, per S-buih." basket. 20if 23c; do,, Kastarn Shore, per hamper, MSIOc. ; egtplant. Norfolk, per erata, 11.80-12; cucum bers, Maryland, per H-bbl. basket, rU7Sc. ; corn, Jersey, per basket, 80ff03c.; tomatoes, Jersey, per basket No. 1 13arly. 13ff23c; No, 2, lOc.j No. 1 Second Karly, 0J3c; mush rooms, per 4-lb, b.sket. 3Dc.tfl, LONDON STOCK SIARKET Early Irrrjguiarity Followed by Goberal Selling Movement Heavy Exportations. CHICAqO, July J9.-WheAt waa nervou'" nt the opening; today, and this ivftfs re ' tleoted in both corn and 08Jb, pBrtlcUldfli tho former. Corn offered freely on th brealt wllh n poor demand suiilcnt. BlatiVj rust dantneo reports wera repudiated from some districts nnd bette-r wtatharf' haA been pretll.ctf-d, aiding bcara in their i fight to atop any immediate) rg. lleeelpt In th Southwest wero riorfea Improvlhit, but local Cn.ih housea vnrvoriml , that nothing bought overtllKht from thf ' country would arrive, as rain prevailed in me west nnd Illinois. July wheat cr,ualed yesterday eloaihjft price whan It opened at (UU. It waa tnt"' sternly but did not advance any over that . price before noon. September opening: at Jl.Ust, gained. tt ovor the closing price ot yMtcrday, but did not hold 'It long-, Uuying waa Bcaiierea. December was weakftM, opening at Jl.OUH. against HlOU yesterday aitctnoon n cominuca to tag in lie early hours,' In the afternoon prices declined till around.'-July dropped 2i cents nnd De cember nearly n much, oata and corn followed the example act by wheat A bearish feeling pervaded the Liver, poot markets with (pot unsteady nud car goes uneasy. Argentlno reported good Conditions, al though the market displayed no unusual strength. Estimated shipment last week totaled 110,000 bushels of WHeal against &C0,0Wl Inst week and 312,000 Inst year In the. name period; 3,400,000 bushels ot corn were exported against B,lt5,0i last week and 3.231,000 last year. American export sales reported ttrtaTed 400,000 bushels. Chicnjio. casTi handlers closed an order for loo.OCo bushels lor seaboard delivery. Leading futures ranged aa follows: . . Teifd's Wheat Open. High. Low. Close, close," July ..I..,., 1.14 1.14 l.UH 1.10ft 1.14 September .. I.OS't I.OMU l.ua l.03t l.trrti December .. l,O04 l.Ook l.Otfrj, l.wj1l.lOV vi,, iu,n vu,nj l,r i rti JltlV iSctiteniber . December . Oatw- July September , Dacmler . Ijrd July feiitember . Oclotxr .1. nibs July Hentembcr , Ottober . . . I'ork July September , October ois 80 38 40 mi TO 'TB 74f, , 73fi 74 oif. ms ( 1S451 371)! 130S 0I4 M 3SH 34 37H SOU 7.73 T.S3 0.2.1 0.23 ,1.1.10 ,11.20 jus MO 8.17 T.75 T.83 0.43 0.12 7.0.t S.nT tS.13 0.32 10.47 JO. 4 3 Bid. rA.ked. 1.1.03 13.S0 1X10 13.113 T.IJI 0,17 tr.tt n0 13.03 ViJM 13.33 U3.50 13.43 LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO. July 20.-HOOS.-neceipls. 21.000 head. Market slow; 3C10C lower. Mixed and butcher. ?H.:I0T..V); aood heavy, fn.ir.t!3; lough heiivy, tu.10au.jas. llsht, iT.VSOT.Crtt pigs. M.304U..-.0 bulk. ta.33S6.t-0. CA'rrLK.-Uecelpts,' 4000 head. .Market cte.tdy, BaeveH. u201?10.2.1s cowa and helfeta. i;i.; iexans, 4U.uoi,w; caive.. ei.v MAUV SlIEUr. Itecelpts, 12,000 strong. Native and 'Western, (0.23U0.S0. head. Market J60.SO; jambs. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET vi?ip vntivr .inti: oftrin ti, fnff. f!t. chunge In the early ae.slon today futures -were somewhat Irregular. rricea ioiiow; Trading was active: April May June July .,.'..., September ., October November , December ., January February , March Hid. Sales. 4000 bags. Todays opening. 0.3230.84 U.50 0.(13 CIO Yesterday's , clone, n.su8u.ai aoctttai U.7U(kiJ lYsflUtlilT II3M0..,9 II 11)1)11.111 ciiTinaiii H.7UU7It 0.7sgu7a Old War Loan Met Support Changes in Americans Fractional. LONDON, July . While tradlr)K on the Stock Exchange waa quiet today, the markets displayed firmness. Dealings were made In tho new war loan at 89Vi; later the prlco reacted to H. The Initial quotation waB higher than recently fore cast, llusines In' the issue was smal ler than had been expected. The old war loan received support, being quoted .at W T-H. Changes In Americans were fractional and mixed acoordlngly as they wre af fected by the advices from your side. There was a slump In Canadian Car and Foundry- Canadian I'aelflca were firm. Hudson Bay Company Issues wera dull pa tho report. Home rails ware Irregular and Argentina rails were dull. Foreign ur ware, naalectedand mine and oils ware alow, -Fresh Buoyanpy was shown In Mareonlas. About 40.000 ws dis bursed In bank dividends. Lendan N. V. AtcH4a r .1W W- .:... .-- ,lkl. HILL - vamnwrs fJUDMAUBB Cbarwpaak Cblcajjo MilKf. do 1st praf.. r?Wi-;::r:::::: N J LSO taAiksaluBBlia. . . .T Buuthsrn Wet do trnten Pacltc . , M MIm.1 IrPWaa. K-it4. a t Itm rl4 i lB,eto.'.'."".'.'.l6u ma z, lake tt OUp 4lii xA -J , Oreat Waatarn U, US ' 274. Km - 4 41Vs Wt - C 103 IMS -iff IU liaS - Z it A:; .. .. .11a US44 m tuti -'u Rank of FrantVs Gold Reserve PABia. July .Tb. gold rMrta in tha Bonk of l-W proaant la MM.00.00, It waa aiinouamd laday Durlujr th 14 '.ak 7& W & I13.000.0& wwta vd Uav arnmeot nta. uaJag In aold. la Mlal ta fUix of goM Into the Hank ul Frauce Juricg itle lost inpnil, wa jrly H.08ftOS. " Tool Company Increases Wagi l'UAINrHM-D. N. J, Jul W. Tkt ifel Macalna Tool Company has uidatad a unite. PUBLIC UTILITIES The Cltiea Serylco Company leports for Juno Income of J:'t0,437, and. net Income of ;..V. 1239,604, of which the preferred stock dlv,i- , v'p derid required $130,SJ3. Kor tho twelve " 4 months ended June 30, 1315, the gross eifrnlngs show a decrease from JJ,393,lSt of 1HH to e3.977.733 of 1915; the net earnings , for the twelvd months shdwed an Increase from 53,:08:02 of 1914 to 3,Sa,KS Of 1913. , '.' The report of the Bay State Street Rail way Company for - June ahowa grass. earnings of ,2,3I2,03G agalnat J2.49?,7S for , June of last year. Net earnings decreas ed from iQ62.tT for, June, 19H. to 0,S for Juno, Ul?. The twelve months ahowa gross earnings decreased from $3,01,213 of 1514 to J9.5S7.132 of 1015, while net earning ,1 wera 12,819,014, asainst $J,S31S0 of the pre-, vlous year. . t The June report "of the Associated Qui ' and Electric Company of New York, Ken- . " tucliy and Ohio shows cross earnings 0 50.&39 for June, 1315, ncalnst 150,3 for. June, 1311. Nat earnings for the month wera .21,000, ajralnst' J19.S31. The report , for tho twelve months ended June, 1315. , showed erosa earnlnK of tK9,55T. atnst K0,047f6r the year beforo. The net earn Insn had decreased UU93. from J27S.BJ0 of 13H to J259.J15 of 1D15. ' t Tho Public Service Commission has de nied the application of tha New York Hallways Company. Interveiior. tor f- , modification of the commission's order ,.. lectins the' company to set aside, eoh .,-. : nmnth for depreciation an amount equah ' - 'to 10 per cent, of its giosa operating raVi cnue. rnis action is luucu miuwn m dlce to the right of the company to r new lis application after th appellate division has decided the certiorari pro ceeding brought to review orders made- i by th commission In tb Metropolitan - rcorsanlrtlon cases. The Itepubllo Hallway and Light Com pany reports for June a ?,? of 1157 and a net decrease ot I4SS. Wat am after dividends waa IWfS. a dem ' of 64T. Por elx months tbe balance sa ,, a decrease of 1.7. COTTON , NBW YORK. July . Cotton openarj firmer this morning at an advance Of - . to 9 points on good cables from Wv ' pool. There was .considerable relit&Cr for a time, and price eased, losing about half the Improvement Throughout moat of the afternoon selling continued wtH decline running from 3 to o jwtata In4 Mw i o fcjwrr fT SSXk ;..::: i M 11-30 is-au a.m. ana. 81 M sr. t aa. 10.O 18 !) fa ... .,fi. BAH SILYBR una WBU Jul, ML-Vni sstn Of cm3 bar har V5 aai4 eatW, irttt teas oemra im n In, ra.M ai w Bar uoo orkia aSactli sat. In iba e Augoai I at lu Watofc PWa QtxufttlM M-.VV VtMUf, JMy l - Pono! ent h aa4l BM F jus ia-m .,uimffim iha Watutall It! nirmi mShBm, f astgut. asi xmm0" v x Car Lighting & Power 1 Standard Motors Coiwl J aacU W 6.va ry ffr d4rtb5"w irnptrUi bssanaaMaa e " Ji v9 yrm b tfili (fee ou re TLltjlt HUGHES m IfH4ttA?il .BSrt te4t,t"- . i.'aii Bm& Vi my nuev. imi ? s-yg AI ,. Mrka. LU. WijV UmMiari. Ui v a, I, u. r I0i4. 4aa, W liyi .,.m a.d , 0h iL , m jiS3:3SiB J-