FINANCIAL EDITION NIGHT EXTRA NTT0HT EXTRA "OL. I-NO. 272 & . iwi iiiji mgMi iinfiiirtiriTrrin yM., PHILADELPHIA, THXTHSBAY, JULY 20, 1015. Cornianr, ISIS, at thb'Pobuo Lent Couriwrj : 5?BldK 058!tt: "" " " '"" ' ' ' .""'" ' - i " - ' " ' C ' . ... ' - ' " uli iiwiiufiHHi -feSJaBH tiMtifr- WM IJSSIANS HALT UPLE ATTACK 1 1ACKENSEN i gthstajid Upthrust on Warsaw Ketake ?hree villages by Brilliant Offensive. ro?ian Waves Dash in Vain I&Vninst Solid Kock of HUB- Ulan Defense of Polish Capi tal. War Office Asserts Lull En Fight on West. U Rth, of Sokal, Galicia, Muscovite Arms Hold Foe North of Ob- IJectlvo on Narew,-Bug Front Ger iSnna Fail to Break Resistance Despite Reinforcements. msTnnnRAD. Julv 29. liian" nrms withstood three furious Sfiielts by Flola Marshal von Mackeli- Kn's' German troops near Hrublesof, nnu Ivfi' brilliant counter-offensive swept for fmi Irresistibly. Tecapturlng threo vll- figrt from tne enemy. m "' "' ftSce' etatement. today related this Inci-'SfnL-to show that tho G-erman wave was breiikipg fruitlessly on tho Bolld rock ot laslan aeiense. Bri.. .ntnv continued to attack practl- Slly throughout the entirovterrttory from to W'eprz to the Bugf It was on Wednesday nigm wnj. ine uDOm..j v fered the villages of Rakolupy, Maiden ffid Ostrowsky. with a' total' of IBM Ger 5sn prisoners. Continuing tho War Of fice 'Bays: lEperslstent enemy attacks continuo Birth of Stepankowlts'e. We repulsed teres furious attacks designed to break mjvffont Inflicting heavy losses on tho taemy. K&uth o' Sokal (Gallcla) we repulsed Rfteiicmy who crossed the Poturzhltse on IWedntsday morning. In these actions we toslttoumerpus prisoners. The enemy has Kroujht up reinforcements. Fighting of iTwreet Intensity continues on the upper lEfijniarked by heavy artillery firing. lilon the Narew tho enemy It attacking fcjgjfjmh heavy artillery. feFathei vicinity of- the mouth of tho fc-8- JpGTUOn ox uie enemy t.uu nehes. caunter-atiacjung wnn uui- arges wo repuisea mm. he right banK or mo rtarew mo offensive is fruitless," tatemant added that there were tetltil changes elsewhere along tho KsgMgtogSSrei&l elctfmf nts of tho next 48 hours to decide the te 'of Warsaw. .They declare .that the ttio now raging soutn or tne rjarew n.i. la ih. i1iiItv. fAnflfnt "nhlh will ,termlne whether the Russians will' S4V6 to. withdraw their main forces from Polish capital or whether the Qer- t&iift An the north hfink'nf. thft rlvei1. tens' Germans have redoubled their tre 'Hen'lous attacks In this district. It is reported that they have been reinforced j i three rresh corps from the. western font.. Nlcht and dav thev assail tha Russian lines without Cessation, while IjUilr artillery shells the positions in K3hlch the Russian reserves, are held. The efforts of Field Marshal von Hln- ictnourff ro reacn me railway lines nortn RJit of Warsaw have completely failed Ejus far. These lines, rather than War- Lgy jteu, utd ma guai. xneir capture would result in the fall of Warsaw. The fighting- along- the upper Bug R&er, w.he're combined efforts of tho Xustrlan and German forces have heen gade for a week to rout the Russians, sow seems to be developing to the ad vantage of the Czar's troops. They are oathe offensive and have also recaptured voree. or tne important positions wnicn toty lost last Saturday. PRJIANS TAKE 2910 SLAVS ON OLD SUWALKI FRONT Ijujsians oso Positions Along Niemen River. BERUX. July. 29. Tha capture or 10 fisslans and twq machine guna on the iVaiKiKJiua road in nortnern foiana ,innouncea toaay in an owem; rcyuri m the General Staff. ..nurnber of positions on both, sides of auwaiki-oilta. road were tanen rrom unussians -by the Hermans. iU is upon tha Niemen River, aDout nes northeast of suwaiKi. peated attacks by the Russians iund Nasielsk, south of the Narew ;tr, failed with heavy losses for tho fst of Novo Georgievsk the Germans by surprise and captured 12s itus 1 on the south bank of the Vistula, SIANS RETRIEVE SOtJTH ROLAND LINE, LONDON VIEW mteru of Lower Vistula Establish .Ascendency uver invaaere. Tjixrnnw. Jiilv M. the, first time since the great Ger- B Nicholas forces have. estaDlisneo sendency over the Invaders. 1 1 m w ? - -- ..' . ; l etatement today from the War in Ti.lrnt-rnfl Th nOlnt Of 08- Imty Is along the battle front that iwal von Mgskensen hs been oon Mly pmhlng forward southeast of rv as part or tne aus-""'u"' tb, entrap the army defending War U'ltx vkHn n.nai-dll HOW It 1 iitabi retreat of the Russians i.. . - T .Ann tMOV the Grand Duke's army will k a ri... nn.K t.. ithi words, tha BiU enveloping roovemeat U de ns vf m aoiuty 01 o a"u. r en Mjiikentei. F(rozrad statement bijw ,f"u" it i. Unairiered. on the failure or pkrmans 10 tafee Irangorod, alfeady b, according 10 mr nn"w fftwaea Two. Column Bo THEWDATHEB J FORECAST? PkUedelfkia and UiHityVK.- cofsna HMWJH WM with probabl tnunaef i'trn.- .iA,,r anvtharlu U'lNCI. GIFT AUTO FOR SUFFRAGE TAKES ISn IbbbbbbbVEwwS WtfVjwK 5 Rt vMiaSlBlvb. LlllBllV'&A B111183W b,t9lflBHlllSa, fret JbbIHbIIiIIIIR fftl VKe9laZSBkflBHEHfiBBlLlBBlkSBlHBB " gjjfiBBMHflR' 3a fl tsBBBBBBW n., !.! ....i .- -r.f.-i TM! Alio macnino siarica lor vYesi rnuaueipma irom inu neaaquarccrs 01 me n.quui rrancnise oocicty, on.ucn - street near Chestnut. It-was given to the society by Miss Mary A. Burnham. In tho car are (front scat) Miss Caroline Katzenstein, executivo secretary of tho Equal Franchiso Socioty, and Willinm Varnoy, nUniiffntm nnr) BifTn rfl of i BnrsA cnfitN ATa T TH Titn1jjMi nnKvArnvi nf Virt T'ltntieirlirnntn Mti'o T.nnmin seat; -ayiibs varuimu lYuizuumeiu, nViniirTntiv nnrl oitfFrn criof (aannA for Woman's Suffrage, and August Docll, worker for tho lcaguo; (third seat) Miss Ida Katzenstein and Miss Rebecca Ernst, chairman of literature for the Woman's Suffrngo party of Philadelphia. The mem bers of tho other organizations were invited by the Equal Franchise Society to .make tho first trip of the car memorable. ASK WILSON TO NAME BODY TO PROBE ACTS OF SHIP INSPECTORS Chicago Aldermen Petition President to Investigate Eastland Horror ; Five of Six Officials Blamed by Coroner's Jury Arrested. TIIEBE SIX MEN BLAMED FOR EA.STI.A2fD HORROR i Robert Reld, 'united States Steam boat Inipector, St. Joseph, Mich., who certified the- Eastland was capable of carrvtna "70 persons, sdelu, r i. ir Mp.nn. rhif.f engineer of the .Eastland and son-in-law 0 Itt- nip-eitof'Rem. -- '"'-- ''--wrt"S C. C iseilff, untiea omiea ituni'"'"1, 6f Steamship Boilers, Bt, Jdseph, Mich. William M. Hull, vici president iid .eilerai Manager of the St. Joseph ChUaao Transportation Company, owner of the Eastland, W. K. Qreenbaum, general Manager of the Indiana Transportation Com pani, who chartered, the boat for the Western Electrio picnic. Uenrv Pederson, captain of" the Eastland. CtHCAGO. July 23. President Wilson was asked today to appoint a commission to protoa the Eastland disaster and tne history of all connections Federal steam boat inspectors have had with tho deaUi ship" since she first dipped her barM' shaped hull into the waters of the Great Lakes. Tho request was made In a reso lution adopted at a meeting of the Alder manlo Committee on Harbors. . Mittimuses were served on five of the six men named by the- Grand Jury by Deputy Sheriffs early this afternoon. Wil liam H. Hull, .vice prealdent and general manager of the company owning , the EaBtland, was in tho office of his attor ned Charles E. Kremer, when deputies Called to arrest him. Kremer 'Informed the deputies they had no authority on which to arrest Hull. Ah the work went on tho efforts of the authorities to fix the "Pns'bI1"y ' the disaster wore continued. A Federal board, headed by Secretary of Commerce William C. Redfleld. began hearing Wit nesses, the County Grand Jury was con sidering the report of the Coroner, which named six men aa guilty of man slaughter, and the Federal Grand Jury was called Into session this afternoon to take up its Inquiry. .... , Secretary nedfield telegraphed to. Wash ington today, ordering Admiral Tayjor, chief naval construction engineer, to come Continued on I"ao Two,. Column ne NIJOVE miNCEE PRESE DALLE FORZEITALIANE Nessun Awenimento Iropor tante sui Fronte Carsico At tacchi Itespinti nella Camia. Un comunlcato ufflciale publlcato lerl' s2 dal Mlnlstero della Guerra a Roma Slc'e che ,e truppa Uallane ,'mPffnat, u fronte deinsonzQ spesero la, glornata, di (erti consolldare le pojjWont cho avevano prese al nernlco nel glorno pre - Pero' 1 centro del fronte Jtallano fece ouaAche p?ogreaao e strappo' al ntmlco "Slun3Sl-Camlche invece II nemico attacco- e polrionl Uallane aPProflt fando della hehbla e credendo cosf dl sorwndlrle; m g Italian! eranapre- Alii loro Ua gH AlPlal an tta?: wiSno '"lounJ OMWonl austrlache e le "ZRvSS'm nuovo si hda'R. nult'altro dl nuovo Mmmunloa II -Mln-?-vi ASu Guerra. SI hanw Pro' par- lynao comunlcato dl lerl. GU tn"J i MontVSftn Mlchsls perch cola' rano fienmeme tattutl dal growl cwwwl f- riacrcSuW.1 In wti;P0?L,'?n iWt1r numefose anfrattuosiU' che ortre 11 tr' .jraro. D"altra parte con la-con- ;., jr. rsrsLssr a iUUano.i stHi8iari im"? - 1 - 11.I - J, il-- 1.--.1 I--- ..- uaucuuvu tsuvrutui ui uiu omjuui rranciusu ksuciuvi aim itiuiuiii vurnuyf ennMMta TJ1. V. Ti-tnVrti uArnfnnr rtf tVin PiMinovlvnTiIn Afrtti'a T.nnmin "BURNHAM WINNER" WORKS FOR SUFFRAGE New Auto Carries Speakers to Factory Where 800 Employes Are Addressed. The "Burnham AVlnner" made Its first trip today, bearing suffragists from tho headquarters of tho Equal Franchiso So- l.tir nf 43 CHI1. Oth atiant In tha 'nlfint of the Standard Roljer Bearing Company, at 60th and Merlon streets, where at noon about S00 workmen attended' an open-air Buffrago meeting. Tho "winner"' Is a seven-passenger auto mobile, presented to the society by Miss Mary A. Burnham, together with the 'Use of a chauffeur and all necessary repairs until the November election. "When the chauffeur cranked -up the machine today It marked the' beginning of a bUsy cam paign ior jne.-iwr. , ( i .,The wokrneWCti,tBewJnelrJ(; r.. .:.L .- JlX3'TXt!,hLii ...hit thV I listened respectfiillyV-'to ,' Mlts , . Brth Sapovlts,' the former" Kenslilgtori mill worker. "In the Evolution of the Industrial world women have been forced to leave their hom,es and to compete with men in every industrial capacity," she told them. "As a representative of a majority of the wage-earning women I appeal to your sense ot Justice and fair play to help, women become enfranchised 'on Novem ber 2, so that they may hnve the same weapon of defense that men have today, namely, the ballot." Among the members of the party were Miss Caroline Katzenstein, Miss E. Smith and Miss Ida Katzenstein, who distrib uted literature among the employes. VICTIMS' DOUBLE FUNERAL Mrs. George Landsiedel and Child, Drowned at Chicago, Buried. Friends and relatives of Mrs. George Landsiedel, who lost her life, with her e 4niti.hti Knnml on board the steamboat Eastland at Chicago last Sat- urdiy, gatnerea ai mo inimjr .. ..v Episcopal Church this afternoon to attend the double funeral services of the mother .i v,i i,i n.nn-A T.nnrtaledel. the dead woman's husband, arrived here last night with the bodies ana iok mem j home of tohn S. Mansar, his father-in- law, at 3110 E street. After the services the bodies were, ln ..... ir, h. trnisrhtH of Pvthlas' Ceme tery at Fisher lane and Asylum pike. Mr. Lanasipaei was iteau ui . oj.. ment of the Western Electrio Company at Chicago, a position he' held for two years. Though grlef-strlcken, he waa able to describe brokenly the loss of his wife and child when the excursion steamboat capsized. , , .. "We "wore all on the lower deck of tne Eastland." he said, "when there was a sudden lurch and my wife disappeared in . j r .. T fniinri TT1V n, panic-maa crowa. ui.c .. X. I daughter pinned againsi a wan uy heavy chair. I released. her. but she was .rn from my arms. Then the yaterrose oyer the deck and I escaped through a porthole. t ANTIS PURCHASE PUBLICITY "The Couraht," a Negro Publication, Will Be Paid for Space. "Paid publicity" la the latest and most effective device to be adopted by the antls in their tight against the "cause." They lv.h"r'W with the" PWlade.phla anU-suffrage literature printed and dis tributed free to tne neuru yuvu""u" thThelfact was .made known today When a representative of that publication called at the headquarters of the Woman Suf frage party. Chestnut street, to see If h couldn't make a similar contract with the suffrage people. The Incident did not cause any exclt.msnt at the headquarters ftr the reason, that newspaper directories 4lve,the eireulatjon of the Cpurant as 1S0O. ROBg FATHER ; BUYS 'DRUGS Youth Arrested After Evading Police for TSvo "Weeks. Lar'SV aitjr eludUig the PoUe && JrrSf W .t WUlarTwreet SI -left the dty July l with a watch, 2fd H it3U to his father. ad re V&uA ytterday thinking that the t ialr had bwa forgotten. The parjnt. however, aa - ".7 ,,. as the youth was boarding a car to Ken ifngton and Allegheny avenues he wm arlsUd y Acting Detectives Walker and t!Z ot the Front and WwUnoreUnd ..reel. .Urtoa. WhPW Silice 8ttteo. tor Jurther rlr- FIRST TRIP t 1 ti l r..!-i. nn. . WILLIAM T. TBLDEN DIES; SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER, REFORMER, MERCHANT Prominent Clubman, Thrice President of Union League, "Who Fought for TTivpnvnnf ?Jphnnla. Suf fered General Collanse. ' Photo by Evans. WILLIAM T. TILDEN William T. Tllden, three times president of the Union League; member of tho Board of Education and head of an old Philadelphia mercantile house, died at 8 o'clock this morning at the German Hos pital. He had been there since July 21, since which time one or-both of his sons had been almost constantly at his bed Mr. Tllden began to Blnk rapidly at 3 o'clock this morning. DrHenry F. Page and Dr. George-A. Cameron, the physi cians In attendance, notified his two sons that the end could be expected at any moment, ond they hurried to his eld. . Since Mrs. Tllden died some years age, Mr. Tllden seldom went away In the summer. He would take short autoroo- .m ..!.. ... fl.M ahnrji nnrl take Other trips, but generally not more than for a few days at a time. The summer's heat Continued on Vne Three, Column Two BECKER IN WILD RAGE IN DEATH-HOUSE CELL Convicted Man Roused by Newspaper Story of His First Wife's Death. OSSINJNG, N. Y., July 38. - With the shadow of death upon, him, '"Charles Becker, who. la to be sJejotrosuJed tomor row morning for tlje murder of Herman Rosenthal, gave way to a paroxysm ot rage today when he read In the newspa Lr. references to the death of hi first wife which cast a retlectlon VP?" h'. Becker had been at prayer, The Jtev. Father WUllam Cashln, the chaplain at Sing Sing, was In the condemned mans cell in the death house wbe the news papers were brought to his celt 'when Becker's liyes fell upea.the para graph from Albany that the death of ha first wife has been atuaded'by mysterious elrcuwstance.-the peaeeful xtWty went out of his face. With cureee -" P Becker raved and staraped Is Ms crtt The Jrtirt. of the prlert to qh . futile. Snaking off the prleefs soothtog hand. Becker cried: JKi. r "Governor Whitman waa respwwlWe tor .. . ,-. i. ihruhnia of my grave. but he is stilt trying to black! w in t minds of the.peopl." that the condemned man's ftwt wita; died to i. batiitub under suW circus tanoes and that he had aerfeeted to nro vWkTfor the eupport of tat. ckUd by bl wire. MM eavorcesi - tory troumla inawMnw mm v. "-? 'You ureiy ww s gwr - CaUM4- Twe. && Two. i. .AssssskBsaSlilKtsHF ivsssHSBeiBsssW HsflPBPv uLssPVRr ssssB 1 ltfjS sssssssssssl& U. S. DIFFERENCE WITH GERMANY GROWS TENSER Situation Arising From New Issues Regarded as Serious by Ameri cans in Berlin. Ambassador ' Gerard Changes Attitude Toward Officials and Indicates He Has Noth ing Further to Communicate for His Government. ' . Takes Position That Ho Must Stand Rigidly by Declared Policy ,pt Washington, Without Further Sug gestion. of Compromise; No Longer Visits Chancellery. By CARL W ACKERMAN BERUN, July 3. There Is no chance to doubt that the flotation growing out of the new differ ences between tho United States and Ger many Is regarded hero as extremely seri ous. Americans In Berlin who are In touch with the American Embassy know that tho feeling there has become ex tren.ely grave. Ambassador Gerard In his dealings with the Foreign Olttco lias aaopica a aim m tltudo. lndlcatlnu ln'cftect that the Lusl- tanla Incident Is closed as far as nc. speaking for the United States Govern ment. Is concerned; that he expects to have nothing further to communicate to Germahy on tho subject. This attitude on the part of the Ambas sador Is now. Gerard, who was In closest touch with developments both here and at home, made strong efforts In tho direc tion of an agreement between tho two Governments, 1 learned today. He even sent to Washington, following the dis patch of the last German note, several propositions urging a compromise and pointing out the possibilities for an amlcablo understanding. Gerard now, however, has taken the position that Inasmuch as President Wil son declines to commit the United States tn Btipt. rnmnrnmliA hn nfl ATnhnxRnn'or must stand rigidly by the declared policy of the United States, I have heard many expressions or re gret that Gerard was unablo to see the Kaiser In an attempt to clear up the sit uation. He, of course, now considers the time' past for such a conferencovwlth the Emperor, It was known today thai Ambassador Gerard had cabled the State Depart ment requesting hereafter that he bo notified by cable ?5-th departure . of At the present time Gerard raclves notification of such sailings by mall. Because of the Infrcquenoy of mall corn munition with' the United States and past experiences, whero "the malld have been held up by allied -worships, the sugges- Continued on Pae Tito, Column Three HOME MINISTER OF JAPAN RESIGNS DURING SCANDAL Implicated in Alleged Bribery' in Re cent General Election. TOKIO. July 29. Home Minister Oura' resigned today following his Implication In alleged extensive bribery In the recent ireneral election. His arrest la expected to follow. ' Fears for a complete overturning of the Government, which resulted from the ar rest last night of Hayashlda. chief sec retary of the House of Representatives, are Increased. Other high officials are under surveillance. Minister of Justice Ozakl declared' that the guilty men would be prosecuted re gardless oi me posuiuim muz num. RUSSIAN ASSAULTS FAIL IN GALICIA, VIENNA ASSERTS Enemy's Strong Counter r Attacks Called Unsuccessful. VIENNA. July 29. The following official statement has been Issued: . "Between the Vistula and the Bug, near Sokal, In northeastern Gallcla. 65 miles southeast of Cholm, the enemy .made sev eral strong but unsuccessful counter-attacks. ... "West of ivangoroa xne enemy B.iia collapsed before cur fire." $300,000 FOR REPAVING Contracts Awarded to McNichol, Vare - and Union Company. Contracts for more than JJOO.OO) worth. of street improyeinemn n.v t the Department of Tubllo Works today. Among them were these: JUpaving with asphalt. Falrmount ave nue, from Broad to 19th streets, and from th street to Pennsylvania avenue, to the Union Paving and Construction Company; IW.W9. Jtepavlng with wood blook, Passyunk ...V,- ?nm south to 18th street, to Edwin H. Vare: Wj- . lt. .. nepaving with wood block. 1th street, from Market to Walnut streets, to the McNichol Paving and Construction Com- "paving' with wood block, 6th street, from Market to Walnut s reels, to the McNichol Paving and Construction Com pany; H0.1T. ' qiRL ARRESTS JITNEY. DRIVER Accuses Man of Tryinff to Abduct Her in Machine. Friends of MI"BophU MlUer, o) : J8W a 7tk street. Camden, are ooagwtutatlng Jr. ' .j tnr btlnslDE about the aneel of UvlWfton A- Bw"1- a lltasy driver. sSStt ves at id d Mt. Verww trs. The eirl said she boarded Sitfc Jlt- ,r Jd UM Urn to step at VWa street. ir imuiraa uw ,tfr- -? - . .! ntua the itmt at a high rate r "SS wm m o8 f JP from the oar. O lP". .i .. u.niltv of the driver aid totormed Bteetlve Pjlater. He frLd 8lth to an Attantlo Of Sfrage. Brought Wm U SM Ly' WH1 be tmutw " - r ' TheKw"!"?"!?!... , M . 'QWieK NEWS . ', . GERMANS' REPULSE FREtfdf WEST OSOtfCHEZ ' BEBMN,'JUly aOJ-West.'of. Bouollca-Geriniuif -repulsed"- ifc itfsby thA-l?rench, tlie-iWAr Office pnnoiihftcdj A. blg gtta.of, itiV tacfe enemy WaB Bttnk'ln tills TJarnes CaUai In West Planders by the;0r uW-M man flte, which dismoumca tne piece una itnocKea inato tlio wafp LONDON'S FREEDOM GrvTSN-CmDIAir. PREMIER t LONDON, July !20. The tfcerjoihiof; the city wag presented to Sir Eobert Borden,. Premier of Canada tgdAy In recogaltiorl'of hl. service In behalf of the Empire. '-- ','.. - t ' , NEW VOKK,.v,....!i:;iir. u. ki. ,.'...uto,,ni d the freighted Parlma, of the Quebec b'tcamshlp Cpmpanj (it'the. piers of the Fletcher ftsjft Works, In Hobokcn, today.. Fir Chief, Dunn, of the 'Hbboken-Fire Departmefet, niul Ihn nolll-i nra .Invoallvnllnr It In innrtlt Inf'tTnhnlrph thnt thll f.irlma was to bo used .as a Canadian transport. Fire was .discovered in the f prehold by a watchmpn'upon a nearby" steamship. Whllo fighting the blaxe XJeuteh&nt James Sinclair, Of the Hoboken Flro Department," fell through an open hatch and was badly hurt. - 650 NEW ENGLAND MACHINISTS GO ON STRIKE Jgs BOSTON. July 20. Bix hundred and fifty rrtachinlstB of ,tho ecket Bralnard Milling Machine Company, of Hydo. Park; manufacturers of Wr munitions, went on strike today following "the failure ot tho conference' be tween olllclals of the company and a union committee over the question of ,n Increase In wages, ' GIRL BURNED IN CHURCH ENTERTAINMENT DIES TWelve-year-old Mary Roesser.'of 43d and Wallace streets, died today IrrlSt, Joseph's Hospital of burns sustained when a spark Ignited her clothing wheri she was participating last night In an entertainment at St. Ignatius Roman Catholic Church. Tho midlence did not know what was wrong when the child ran from the stage, becauso tho curtain was dropped. RUSSIA ADMITS FAILURE OF ARMENIAN OFFENSIVE PETROfJRAD, July 29. Admission that tho Russians haVo been compelled" to abandon their offensive in northern Armenia is contained In the fpllowlns official report of operations In the transcaucasla theatre of war. Issued by the War bflicc:. "On the Black Sea coast there have been both artillery and. rifle firing. Our advanced guards have been successful In skirmishes with (lie enemy.- Rifle flro Is reported from tho Bcctors of Olty and Akha. In the region of Mush. Armenia, tho '"Turks have massed strong forces. As a result our troops havo ceased their advance toward the west and have concentrated ia previously fortinea positions.- TOLEDO UNIVERSITY INVITES NEARING TO BECOME DEAN Toledo University has Invited Dr, Scott Near".ng, recently dropped, from tho faculty of the Wharton School of the Unlvcralty of Pennsylvania, tc- be come dean of tho College of Arts b,nd' Sciences and fo accept the chair ot social science In tho institution, toledp University Is-a city, college. ,Doctbr Neaxln is away from p-hJWdclptya," p4 wiu no'- re1"''" "t11 attefi August 16, afi& his decision will norbe "announced before that time." i -"A -.,1. -j-.i.." -j----". ?" - ---'. - "LAST CAtL TO ARMS" EXCITES "LITTLE. ITALY" The "last call to arms." Issued by the King of Itoly. has throwri "JUttie Italy" Into feverish activity. . Today men ellglblo for Bcrvlco are mnklnff prepara tions to go back to fight for their country. The manifesto- Issued by Gaetar-o Poccardl. Royal Italian Consul, gives August 31 as the last day on whlon Italians, foreign or American-born or naturalized, may -present themselves to Italy for service, and August 19. -the last day on which' they may leave Phila delphia. Otherwise they are barred from" Italy under pain of prosecution tor, desertion. , , s , PARALYZED MAN DURNS TO DEATH An old man. stricken with paralysis and unable to summon, help, was slowly burned-to death in his room at 1315 Eat Oxford street. hilo relatives sat at breakfast, unaware of thp tragedy. . . i. T1...I.I. r..,.if nnn nf ti rtoat-nlcturesaue characters in Kensington. In his youth ho amassed a small fortune as a stevedore, and for years he spent the better part of every clear' day In Penn Treaty Park. Carroll never retired until very late. He went to bed at 2 o'clock thla mom Ing and it is thought got up later and was stricken with paralysis. As he toll he overturned the oil lamp In his room, setting flre to his clothing. DREAMS OF LOVER'S PERIL"; NURSE AILS FOR FRONT NEW YORK. July 29. A dream that she saw her fiance lying on the ground with a Turk drawing a huge sabre and pressing a hobnail boot . dww i w : W chest caused Miss Elizabeth M. Thomson, a nurse, of IIS West 84th rtjt Awaken In fright yesterday morning and spring out-ot bea. As soon aspoSsiWe SS- stieroom on the White Star liner Arabh, which sailed at noon SlSvXot She said that her fiance. Roger Knox. -who unt he , joJaed th rtrtiish colors, lived at the Hotel Netherland. had written to her that he was about fa tartfor the D-irfanelJes. and her dream was .MjrealWlo ehe onH r. rShelp starting at oce to nurse him. She added -ttaMfrW dream 19 proV4 false she will do Red Cross work at the Dardanelles. - ORDUNA AGAIN IN WAR ZONE; NEW ATTACK FEARED. WASHINGTON. July 29,-The Orduna, with seven Aroerlcanson hoard, 19 nowTrf the war' zone, and as German submarines are alleged to hove Wed tt nk the' CuXder' on her way over, officials here, fear that another stfort te slpk the Cunaroer p" shouid,the Cunorderbe sent to the bottom and y 2$& t of the brtU wat4 be created , " SULTAN DECORATES STANDARlf OIL MEN r-ftNRTANTlNOPLE. July ZiJ.-Fortnumerous humanitarian servJeee." th sulSbSoTdWE, Bemls. vice president of the. Standard pllmn. h7ora0rtnaiHb. second class, and Oscar qunkel, manager, and I ?SJitKS otlhe CeCtantlnople-bmnch. wUh a. Order f Osmanleh, third class. GERMANY PREPARES TO SOAT THIRD WAR LOAN u"r"Vn A L I ..i r h nBrman ReJehstM: early In August i7HSVtM Propyls tor thM mm f.TJSriSttae- i the autumn. The lmm "SSiiSSSX - theinane. MtoUter. in . States ot tne w" y CARNEGIE -VERY SftHM'AWVE, AlTHOPOH REPORTSP DEAD Iron Master in Best of He Despite Rumors to Contrary. . .rinnnn M. July .-An4rew J.... .h- .i..T.oM-lronjt'''Who wM,rpora " Ywk tl44y M dw1 ' ' . - -uJi ollv hirA BBd U greaUy cheered by hie Mr tttn J.,ln IS VK" MsmVVt - vw an attiek of WP w40" " "7 "" about a aoeilj 8 K recuperation. Ur. rS?-W Mlbe4 today by , W Pe 8fWU as tupre wrifhUy th he h epfearwl slnae he -ww- He walks e.t M entovs htonelf. eiwtaUy with AeMM SdeMCT OeTTachtla, trip arod Mouit newrt HUd and W " "T?r7 ylrd.y Mr Cwn d SluZ Tl. wth!' wMW fc tyed meat oruew '- jnprrr'rzTL szth h& srsss; s & --, M sbM-sWf toss AyB wovms max tm tob usmi what met .im0 im ihm wSw ft r.& a4verU44 j U--M nsni .i w ba It K , as V 4.H ql F-fel ts.- . HmUt "... Sj - t -U JtV Oi w mi Wl1 L. .kUil .i.e. 5... Z tt. EJ"l SOil' Vurii" 4rt ' - sitkCK Ft?isic i ' T . f BtuSitaa, v t "Ha-1, -r.7i.''. -'i.'i ok iwf nnign.1 ajwyJ .j m "s-s ftf ifl ' 1 i 4 nl .:--!- feg &' &.-; 3S-a i.1 n :-fr iti3h. pag ;jt"