Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 28, 1915, Night Extra, Page 9, Image 9

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iUs yneryP in Early
4 rlS3 NATALIE S. UAHNES, of ''njlt
bJVJL over." ttryn Mawr, left yesterday for
J week fl tiny m minntic uny. ine wea
ilnir of Allfts Barnes and Lleutennnt
Bllery Farmer, who nt present Is nt
Panama, win ue an oveni oi me cany
putumn ,
Mr and Mrs Oconto Brooka wilt Blvo
f. dan-i at their Newport villa, Ochro
point, Tuesday evening, August 17.
it- John It. Drcxel will elve a dinner
lionlfftlt nt her homo In Newport. After
lino dinner thero will bo n dance, which
1111 be attended by 100 guests.
Th officers of the Clnmbnko Club,
jjtawriort, have announced Saturday, July
itl, as Ihe date of the next clambake.
1 Mr ntid Mrs, M. McCloud, of 171R Spruce
Street, who arc spending the Bummer ht
ne i.,vw., ""- .."."-" " ......
entertainca Aionuay evening at
dinner in Honor oi jumirni nnu Airs,
frank F Fletcher. Covers wcro laid for
ltt. and Mrs. Henry Clews, of New
fork, have Issued Invitations for a dinner
Kt "Tho hocks, ineir Newport vma, to
p given Sunday ovenlnB, August 1, at
iwhlcli a largo number of the Philadelphia
Kblony will bo present.'
"W nnd Mrs. Joseph Wood. Jr., havo
Returned homo from tho Pacific coast,
h,y,m tbev visited the San Francisco ex-
MsTtlori and many other points of Interest
Ijlrs. Wood wnn ono of tho spring brides,
arid wit' bo remempersd as Miss Nancy C.
IBmlth, or tins .city.
8 'Mr. Walter ciarito, or uncstnut win,
ph.. will leave snoniy to :oin me camp
fit Plattsburg, Pa., where ho will romaln
ifor a month's training.
fojir. James D. Wlnchell, of 17th and San-
.gom streets, ana mr. nesion . noyu, ui
Illl. North nth Btrcot, navo gone on a
flour through Malno.
Mr. Theodoro S. Loach, of 1217 Walnut
Utreat, has gono to California.
tr Mrs. Geneva Suplco, of 714 Union street,
iannouncos tho engagement of her dautrh-
ler. Blip Ada uonova aupiee, to air.
i?Kllls D. Qllbort, of 5401 Webster street.
Mr. nnl Mrs. P. S. Francis, of 849
North 24th street, announco tho engage-'
iment of their daugnier, miss .-uomo w.
iFrands, to Mr. Clarence B. Dllts, of
fFIemlrgton, N. J.
Along the Main Line
HAVEKFORD. Mr. Isaac Sharplcss,
-president of Haverfprd Collogo. nnd Mr.
'Henry J. Cndbury, of Walnut Lane, aro
lattendlng tho Friends' Peace Confcrcnco
fat Winona Lnko, Ind.
Mr. and Sirs. H. F. Obertcuffcr and
fthelr daughter, Mlsa Dorothea Oberteuf-
Bfer, of Cheswoldf havo returned rrom
gAtlantlc City.
PI,DRyN MAWR. Mrs. Wilson Barnard
jUtUl entertain at cards this afternoon at
Iher homo on Morris avenue.
sfifr. and Mrs. N. Scammon Jones, of the
pfontgomery Inn., loft last week for Sea-
Ujilght. whero thoy aro visiting mentis.
Wirs. iienry itoianu ana ncr son, air.
Join Roland, aro spending tho summer
litUW College inn.
Mr. and sirs. Thomas Frederick
hurtman, of 101 Hansberry Btreet, Ger-
Tnanttiwn. have nnnouilced the betrothal
of their daughter, Reeda Mary Whart
man, to Mr. Charles Irving Engard, of
710G Gcrmantown avenue.
Miss Whartman Is at present stay
ing at Ocean City. Mr. Engard was a
'former football and basketball star at
Stho Northeast Manual Training School.
no date nas oeen sot lor tno wedding.
jWhlch It Is expected will take place In
the fall.
f&i Sir. nnd Mrs. Sidney Prlchard, of West
.Washington lane, are at Island Helchts
IBfor some time.
Miss Margaret McEneny, of tho Mel
rose, has returned from a visit to rela
tives In Washington.
Mr. John P. Connelly, of 110 PaBtorlus
street, and her daughter, Miss Marlon
Connelly, aro spending a few weeks In
Atlantic City.
Mrs. John F. Penrose, of 77 Pastorlus
rstreet, nnd her family havo left for Ocean
fClty, to spend the remalndor of trje Bum
ror. Mlsa Alison Qllbort Cody, of 351 East
IChelten avenue, Is spending some time
Eln Ventnor as the guest of her sister.
IMrs. W. M. Glnn.
Li Lieutenant nnd Mrs. Walter Wood
fHess, Jr., whos wedding took place re
ntly, are In Atlantic City. Mrs. Hess
WIU be remembered ns Miss Ada Eliza
fbeth Small.
Miss Clara Wells, of Wayne avenue.
has returned from a stay In Atlantic
iMiss Lydla Williams, of Hansberry
street, who is spending the Bummer at
lAtlantlc City, entertained at luncheon
Ito honor of Miss Mary nynn.
rWr Marshall T. Farra, BS23 Greene
Street, has returned from a short stay
rtn Atlantlo City.
tMr. Raymond Lambert, of 603 East
valnut lane, has returned from a camp-
tear trip In the Adlrondacks.
IMr and Mrs. Josenh Alias and their
family, of 337 Dorian avenue, German-
own, have cone to Vineyard Haven tor
i rest of the summer,
Alone the Reading
KMr Josenh A. Long nnd family are
jpendlrg tha summer in their bungalow
it Willow Grove, Pa.
S'JIr and Mrs. Charles IC. Scull are
Handing July at their Glenwood avenue
ptiage, Wlldwood, N. J. sir, aiornit
Ml divides thu week-ends between vno
pod and Atlantic City. Mr. Kennetn
lull Is at nnrnn MlnKo. Lancaster. Pa.,
Crf July
Mrs Josenh Bosler. of The Ivy. York
Sd OgonU, has been entertaining her
sn.jn-law and daughter, Sir. ana sirs.
Falter Comly.and their two children, of
rt Chester, N Y , for several days.
hUr and Mrs J Harris Norvlak, of
rosd. Ashbourne, accompanied by
r two children, Mlsa Kulti HorvisK
Harold Norvlsk, will leave tpmor
tot Ry Beaoh. N. H, where they
be the auiflts of Mrs. Norvlsk's els.
Mm Alfred B Bentley, at the Qoean
w House Mrs Bentley was formerly
Lillian M Harrison, of Oak Lane.
it and Mrs James Tyre, aae-
bv their daughter. Ms Marion
. of mi North Hb street. Oak Laae,
leave 8turd4y for 0an eiiy, waere
p" wiy spend wt of the summer.
Ann Suudel rf MoKlnley. has as
uct Mi.3 Hln FUK. oUOier u
Iorli-.k of MUidletown. conn.
1) ,, i mum run are w
il k wa ue university
for Next
... , iWtyCa
klntown, have closed their country place
cupylng0"; Tr,rV0Rdl re o"
thoy will entert'.1,".'! Cottnc' whero
'""so parties dutU ' Bma" lnrrmal
- ft T2JtcMr flnd Mr-
BehMl A?y A- Su,herland, of tho Ogontz
frlonds' In CnnaCftmr8 ." wllh
Austin iJr ad.t ,lM lnez Jackson
left fo; hJri 0f thc onX Bch00'. ha"
she wmhrJi1mo ln..th8 Carollnas, where
sno win remain until September.
P?nmnarmVMF'- J Fedcr!ck Herbert, of
MmEinf.JT .V1? Ashbourne roads, ac
Clnm AW1"111' 8UeSlB' Dl"- n"J W
uenjnmln II Grove, of UufTalo, have left
on nn extended motor trip through the
Berkshire Hills and Now England" Dr
?wo .Lnif rBderc, Hcrbert' j"Sd their
loHnf fn lX ho nt tne bt resl
,ra .urlnf, he absence of their par
cnts. Mrs. Herbert. Jr, will be remem
bered as Miss Helen Spangler.
West Philadelphia
The Rev. and Mrs. A. Waldo Steven
son and their fnmlly, of 4335 Lnrchwood
n i .cl',J""0 B"cntlnB tho summer nt North
new, aiass , whero thoy are attending tho
conferences held nt Northflcld Seminary.
Mr. and Mrs .Tnmnu TI niiiinnn ...
nnHtltnM .1 ."-.. ... .lle.UI mU
i'siiuiiiK mo weeit at uucKwood
ii2f Afrcd J- rcrrls nnd hls family, of
3iw Baring street, are now Bcttled In their
bungalow nt Seaside Park. i
South Philadelphia
Mr. LpwIs Schandorl, of 1123 Wolf
strct, Is spending tho summer nt Clem
cnton, N. J., nnd about October will
go to New Mexico.
Mr. Edwin Cope and family, 933 Jack
son street, havo opened their cottngo
at Sea Isle City, N. J., for tho season.
Mr. and Mrs Martin, of 2321 South 18th
street, have apartments at tho Biscay,
Atlantlo City, for tho second week of
Mrs. B. McGowen, 2323 South 12th street,
hna taken apartments nt Wlldwood, N.
J., for tho balanco of tho season.
Miss Elizabeth Coll, 1334 Mooro street,
Is recuperating nt Brown's Mllls-ln-the-Plnos,
N. J,, from Injuries received In
an accident somo time ago.
Mr. and Mrs Michael Mosser, of 231S
South 12th street, havo opened their
bungalow for the season at Sea Side
Park, N. J.
Mr. John Mlllen, of Reading, Pa., has
been spending a few dnys at the home of
his parents, 1132 Passvunk avenue. ,
. North Philadelphia
Miss Mary Nugent nnd her niece. Miss
Helen Nugent, of 2601 North 6th street,
together with Miss Mary Kelly are sDend.
Ins their vacation at the Water Gap
uouse, ueiawaro water uap. Fa.
Mr. Oscar Schleoter, registrar of tho
uoutn (Jarouna Sledlcal College, of
Charleston, S. C, Is tho guest of his uncle
nnd aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Buse-
man, or zszs aermantown avonue. Miss
Bortha M. Busuman, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Buseman, will pass tho remainder
or tno summer ct Ocean Heights.
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Heath, of York,
street near Broad, are touring through
New Jersey and New York. They will
Bpond some time at Lake Hopatcong and
Mrs. -Margaret Herbert, of Euclid ave
nue, is at Waring, Tex, where she Is
spending several months.
Mr. nnd Mrs John Young, of Park
avenue nnd Dorks street, have gone to
Atlantic City for an extended stay. '
Tho Rev. Russell H. Conwell, of North
Broad street. Is touring through the West,
lecturing at tho various Chautauquas.
Miss Margaret M. Spencer and Miss
Jessie E. Spencer, of Harrlsburg, Pa., aro
visiting their grandparents, tho Rev. Dr.
and Mrs. David Spencer, of Lehigh ave
nue nnd 12th street.
Tho annual excursion of the North
Branch Young Men's Christian Associa
tion will take place on Saturday, July 31.
Wlldwood will be the resort visited this
Mr. T. Frank Rosslter, of 2121 West
Erie avenue, left Monday, in company
with Dr. F. L. Kelly, a graduate of tho
Dental School of the University of Penn
sylvania, in the class of 1915, for an ex
tended visit to the home of the tatter's
father, A. C Kelly, Mayor of Prince
ton. Mrs. Etta H. Wright.' of 1718 West On
tario street, is spending some time In
the Pocono Mountains as the guest of
her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Werner
Itschner. In August Mrs. Wright will
visit Mrs. Russell AVIlson, of North Park
avenue, at her summer home In Chelsea.
Miss Ethel Scenyard, of 331S North 13th
street, Is taking the summer course at
the Columbia University.
Mr. and Mrs. David Charles Murtha,
of West Tioga street, have returned from
Atlantlo City and, with their daughter.
Miss Eleanor Murtha, will go to Narra.
gansett Pier for the remainder of the
Mr. and Mrs, Guy Boyer. of 3123 North
18th street, and Mr. and Mrs. W. John
son, of Oak Lane, are taxing an auiomo
blle trip to Werneravllle. After a week's
stay at that resort they will go to As
bury Park.
Mr. and Mrs, John Holmes, of 1521 West
Erie nvenue, have gone to Ocean City
for the remainder of the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. John Moore, their family
j it.. Mnnra'a mother. Mrs. W. Smith,
of 3331 North Bouvler street, are passing
the summer In Telford, Pa,
Dr. Frank C. Hammond, of 33IS North
Broad street, is touring through the We
to California and will visit both exposU
tlons. i
Mrs. Franklin Kribbs and her eWr.
Miss Jean Kribbs. of Tioga treet( west
of Broad, are at Clemwiton. N. J., where
they will remain through the summer.
Notie for the Society psie '
accepted and printed in the ETenlng
Ledger, but all sort, notices must be
written on one side of the paper,
must be signed la fall, with fall wl
dre, and wben poe.lble telephone
number must be given.
Send ell eneh comnnuileatloM te
6e4etr l" 1b- ledger,
608 CUettnut street.
PoU theee requirement axe
can-led out so that rlfl-Un mT
V, poMtbU. the IU 9, Bi
Mlsa Dolan, who is tho daughter
women's golf tournnment now in
Mr. and Mrs James Sinclair, of Dudlcld
street, are planning a six weeks' trip,
which will Include Washington, D. C;
Clifton Forgo, Va.; Hot Springs, Va., and
Wlldwood, N. J.
Sir. and Mrs E. S. Wllllnmson and
daughter, Miss Roso E. WUUomBon, have
Just returned to their home, nftor spend
ing their vacation motoring through tho
New England States.
Mrs. Roblna Allen, of Fillmore street,
Northwood, Is visiting her uncle, Mr. S
Mellon, of WHIIamstown, Dauphin County.
Dr. J. H. Droxlcr and family left last
week for a cruise on the Chesapeake Bay
In his yacht, Clare III. Thoy will visit
Annnpolls, Baltimore nnd Cambridge, Md ,
returning about August 8.
Miss Eleanor Colwell, of 4819 Hawthorne
street. Is spending two weeks nt Spring
Lake, N, J., with her sister, Mrs. Harold
Roberts, formerly of Frankford
Mr, and ,Mrs. Frank Ball, of nidge
avenue, aro passing the summer at Pit
man, N. J.
Mr. Harry Wcsterman, of Hermitage
street, is spending somo time In Atlantlo
jlrs. William J. Robinson, of East
Hermitage street, has returned from sev
eral weeds' visit to Ocean Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schodeld have
gone to iBland Heights for tho remain
der of the season.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ferdinand L. La Motto
nnd their children have gono to Chelsea.
N. J., whoro they have taken a cottage
for tho remainder of the summer.
Colonel and Sirs. Edmund O. Buckner
are staying at the Hotel Trnymore, At
lantic City, N. J.
, i
Hotel Arrivals
mirrtrvl n TV Brown. Newark. N. J.I
Charles Wnlen. Johnstown. Ps.i O. P. Mey
ers. Swedeiboro, N J., Mr. and Mrs. U.
Hill. I'.lliabeth. N. J.
Cf'NTINENTAL-Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lu Mc
Sulli. Newark, N. J.i John A. Stringer,
Woehlnton. V. C, Mr. and Mrs. J, 11. Con.
way. Newark. N. J
DOONEIVS W. II. Ott. Brldgeton. N. J.,
Robert Uxo. St. Louis. Mo., George w.
Keeler, New York.
NHW DINOHAM F. Schmidt. Newark, N. J i
Andrew Wilson, Sprlngfleld, N J., It. C,
llrown. New York, E. t. Morris, Scran
ton, I'a.
IIANOVETt 1 D. Stephens, Eaiton. Pa.: O.
J. Mlshel. Newark, N. J.; A. 8 Jenklne,
Trenton, N. J : W. O, Moore, Heading, Pa.
WINDSOn James Maloney, Scranton, P.: J.
If. Hoffman, Doylestown, ra.. J. K. Binder,
Pottitown, Ps,, James J. Collins, Trenton,
N. J.
VBNDICJ Mr. and Mrs. If, C. Anderson, Wil
mington, Del.: If W. Sharer, Atlantic City.
N. J.: Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Porter. Easton,
Pa,, B. O. Harnett, Erie, Pa.
AOEXPHIA John II. Itothermel. Reading.
Pa . John D. Harris. Oak Lane Pa.: Harry
7i Vll. Dnnhllr. Pft W. It. QuflV.
Krle. pa.
TtITZ-CAn.LTON-11-rry N. Atwood, Reading.
PaVl J. T. Sayre. New York: A. II, Scharff.
Chicago. 111.
BELLEVUE-BTRATrOnD Dayld McCandless.
Pittsburgh. Pa., E. D. Sabine, Norfolk. Va.;
I. A. Murphy. Newark, N J t J. N. Rush,
Washington, D. CI N. r. ;. inaun
arjolls. fnd.i Ev J. kauffman. Heading. Pa i ;
spoils, fnd.i Ev J. kaufTman. Heading. Pa i :
Sir and Sirs. II. Schserter Ocean City, M
J.. 11. A. Andrews. Pittsburgh, Pa.; Mr and
Mrs II. H. Houston. Chester, Pa. : Mr and
Mrs Q. W Shelllng'ord. Clearfield. Pa.i
Mrs Q. W Shelllng'ord. Clearfield.
Mrs. R O Hayea, llelleronte, i'a,
WALTON-Slr and Mrs II. W. Olcott. New
York! II. B. Chambera E.perance. N Y ,
aeorge Buthern, Kait Paleatlne, N. J.( M. 11,
Nn.el, Trenton. N J.
BTSNTON-Mr and Mr. A. V, Wise, Baltl-":.-
. Ttnrv John. Bait more. Md .
Ouit-v Jokn, Haltlmore Md.j Mr. and Mrs.
K II. Smith, Reading, Pa,
COLONNADE Mr-. Charlea MeUe Pittsburgh,
Pa S.K. Walts. New York; Mr. and Mrs.
T W. Spencer, Detroit, Mich ( B. O Brady,
Harrlsburg, Pa.
rtlTTITNHOCBB Mr. and Mrs. George T
Meer Pittsburgh. Pa; Mrs. P. Jleyara.
Washington. DC. I Robert 8 Carrall. A.he-
vllle, N. O
Vacation Day Precautions
It's o great annoyanca to find yourself
far from heme and un-ole to obtain your
favorite neicapaper Before you go away
notify fne Evening Ledger to have vour
paper tent to you, Specify the edition
Family Excursion Steamer to
1Q0 BHles 50 Cents
Stopping at Chester and PcntMgTete
Only Boat te Augutln Beach
tndlng in front e grove, safe aaJt-wstsf
tat-lB. 500 sanitary batbrooma. Full or
chestra on neat a-d ifMk.daBetnc all day.
MtesUa weter plenty tabUs. b.nchM and
hade All kinds of amvuMUuaU at bsaefa.
JSS. Bn4 Trip. Me. Children, a to . Me.
Leave Axa tjtiaet WUarl SiSO Belly,
fianday. A, M
i&MX It, UlU. -1ST, AtUl W
of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Dolan, of Rosemont, is playing in tho
progress nt 'Newport, whero her parents havo a houso for tho season.
Mr. Ocorgo K. Hooper, of Windermere
nvenue. Is visiting friends for a weok
In Baltimore.
Dr. and Mrs. Nathan P. Stnuffer, of
Violet lani, will Join tho Lansdowne col
ony at Octan City for a month.
Miss Mario de Vaux, of Windermere
nvenue, Is spending tho week visiting
friends In Harrlsburg.
Miss Evelyn Roby, of East Greenwood
avenue, Is visiting for a short Btay.
Delaware County
Miss Alice McDovltt Is being entertained
at Media by Miss Christine Lcmtno. Miss
Lcmmo nnd Miss McDovltt are classmates
at Drown University.
Dr. nnd Mrs. Harry L. Smedley, of
Media, aro In Atlantic City, where they
nre stopping at tho ChcItonham-Rovere.
Mre. R. W. Norman Is chaperoning a
party of girls from Mooro who nro staying
at Klngwood, N, J., this week. Members
of the party Includo Miss Louise McKen
zle. Miss Lydla Wilde, Miss Marguerlto
ZtlcCluro, Miss Catherine Connor, Miss
Mary Qulgley, Miss Edna Norman and
Miss Helen Hnowden.
Sirs. John Fomoroy entertained Mr. and
Mrs. William Senger, of Ridley Park, at
her summer residence in Ventnor over the
week-end. i
Miss Anna SI. Rowland, of Media, Is
visiting relatives for a week In Wilming
ton. What's Doing Tonight
Municipal Band, Westmoreland Square, Bth
street and Allegheny avenue, 8 o'clock. Free.
Philadelphia Band, City Hall Plaza. 8
o'clock. Free. ,
Falrmount Park Band, Belmont Mansion, 8
o'clock. Free.
Suffrage Events Today
10 a. m Board meetln. or the Equal Fran
chise 'Association, at C3 South 0th street.
Mrs Hired Lewis will preilde.
Noon Open-air meeting on the poatoftlce
Plata. Speaker, Miss Anna McCue.
Noon Open-air meeting at the Thompson
Iron Works, 1823 Callowhlll street. Speaker,
Miss Bertha Sapovlts.
8.30 p. m. Open-air meeting at Frankford
avonue and Cambria streets. Speaker, Miss
Bertha Sapovlts,
b.30 p. m. Open-sir meeting at Gcrmantown
avenue and Diamond street. Speaker, Mill
Anna McCue.
Capacities 200 to 250. Near Beach.
Boardwalk and Amusements. Pleasant
social lite. Coaches meet all trains. Book
lets. For details address tha following
hotels at Wlldwood. N, J.I
SHELDON I). 3. Woods
ADEU'lII-WlTrK.. II. Wllto
DOHSKY.,...., J. K. Wbltesall
KliOKTON INN......J. A. Harris
1IADDON HALL N. A. Randolph
Hotel Da. ton SB? &$!, -FSSSS
rooms, running water I early season rate.
Coach, music A bklt. V. W. A. McMurray.
Hotel Reading &BZltXSSl:
Near depots beach & amuae C Wambach.
rr)trrrnfl Wlldwood Ave., near beach.
leaarcron no,,.!, mrs. a. j nevils.
RAI TIMOR F B1L !3 B- Magnolta ava.
UAL. I imVJH,C Nar Beach -; immimiali
Hotel Havilla Bau'l?i$3!3fcl&P-
PRPMDNT ScheUlnger ave. near Beach
PlCflH-;rl 1 Terms rea'bls. M. J. BUharts.
nRPPNI PIOH 221 B- P'ne ve. Balh'g
Open fr season. MAnOARBT MACE, M. P.
Tho nTTPN? Beach tront location. Spa-.
inCUl ICI'J,,! nUt ntll July 17th.
rrt?l -VOL' Iliach treat. UOt and cold
UIKC 1 -.w--rv runnin, water. Mlf-Ota
IMQTIPP Near beach and amusements!
JUOM-.C boo.Lt w a. JP8TIOB.
'TTfi rf i, ' i i I i
to-rlst ttr
r attan to com. bua. nuter and
parties, Itfg mt-l.JWs, eudeytOMls
We. Cefeat
Hlataur C
OLKNWOOD UAI.lv On the tvUgmea Creek,
Large dance pavilion Bklt (BJa j-etanthaler
tW Chesapeake SPSSffiSS-2
Auto uL Xrauu net by v J "- Ovaas.
Photo by Hell & VTy.
Camden and Vicinity
Mrs. Laura Poole, her son, William
Poole, and her sister. Miss Ida Frlcko,
formerly of 3d and Penn streets, aro trav
eling In the West, and expect to return
to their summer home at Pitman next
Mrs. John II. Dialogue and daughters,
of W3 Cooper street, will leave this week
for Boston, Mass.; Portland, Mo.; Bur
lington, Vt., nnd adjacent points of In
terest. Mies Mnty Matlock, of East Broad
Btrcot, Woodbury, Is spending tho sum
mer In Norway nnd Sweden.
Chester and Vicinity
The family of J, Irving Taylor, of 612
West 9th street, haye gone to Ocenn City,
N. J where they will spend the summer.
Dr. J. W. Fltzslmmons, Dr. J. H. 'CTlst
nnd Dr. Fred M. Smith havo returned to
their homes, after a visit to Asbury Park,
N. J.
ON OTSEGO LAKE, Cooperstown. X. T.
RV& hours by rail from New York City,
The Mind of England at War
The brilliant American, who has just announced his intention of acquiring
British citizenship, writes a characteristic essay on the present trend of
English thought. The nature of this contribution may surprise, some
readers, yet it cannot fail to delight lovers of his masterly diction. lylucn of
it is quaint, some pi it puzzling, but throughout it is ornamental with the
literary arabesques that have made James world-famous.
England as Her Own People See Her
Linked with Henry James's contribution is the luminous article jyhlch
inspired it-a leader written by A. Clutton-Brock, of the London Times.
In the faultless style for which he is noted among British journalist the
author points out that the Englishman is a chronic, stubborn grumbler, pot
because he is a pessimist, but because he must have a safety-valve for,Jjis
great ambition.
Both Articles Appqar in the Big War Numbm?
Sunday's August Jst)
Order From Your Dealer Today
m Ju , Wpllh ,i irrrir-i-y
28, T8T8:
Velvet Cats, an$ Barnyard Replicas in HatAt Startle Boardpalk
Pedc6trians-Bridg6 Parties and Afternoon Tea
Danced Favorite Diversions.
. Atlantic; cits', July is.
TIID Boardwalk Olrl la showing a
penehaht for the weirdest kind of
hcAdgear. Promenfcdew were startled
this morning to see a very attractive
Blrl wearing a black velvet chapeau, tho
front of which resembled a black cat
There Were yellow beads for eyca arid
straw for whiskers. A stiffly curled
velvet "tall" was placed at the back
Many of the newest ohapeaux are novel
replicas of barnyard fowls.
Atlantlo City was never to gay as it
Is thjs summer. Thero are bridge par
tie morning, afternoon and night. Many
of the nftcmoon parties aro followed by
'The Danennts" from 5 until 7 Dancing,
which was tho diversion "par excellence"
Inst season. Is still enjoyed by the
younger set, nnd the older ones who
are keen nbout eliminating some of their
avoirdupois. There Is a morning dancing
class nt the Brighton Casino composed
of 10 members who weigh In the aggre
gate "COO pounds.
The Afternoon tea dances at the Brighton
nre the mccca of seashore fashionables.
Tho spacious "deck," with Its covered
awning and Its dainty tea tables Is most
Inviting and manv of tho hostesses at
brldgo at tho nearby hotels bring their
guests over for theso matinee dances.
Miss Cnllle Hoko Smith, daughter of Sen
ator and Mrs, Hoke Smith, seldom misses
a dance Mr. and Mrs. Cdwln O Close,
of Overbrook, entcrtnlned nt the Casino
Mrs. Walter Allen, Mr. nnd Mrs. Oeorgo
Schlsler and Mr. and Mrs. John Young.
Miss Shownll, of Philadelphia, who Is
spending the nummer nt Ocean City,
brought over a party of friends yesterday.
Mr and Mrs, C. It, Atchlnson, of Atlanta,
On., entertained nt tea at tho Brighton In
honor of their daughter, Miss Mary Atch
lnson, who Is ono of the best dancers at
the resort, Mrs. J. Abbott Wiggins en
tertained a party Friday afternoon.
This week promises to bo a very busy
ono for the cottage colony Today tho
Chelsea set will gather at Kenton Hall,
Belmont avenuo nnd tho Beach, to attend
tho annual sale for tha bcnoflt of All
Saints' Church, For the last Boveral
weeks the cotfoBcrs have been holding
sewing pnrtlca on their spacious Veran
das, making fancy articles for this fete.
Tho rector of tho church, tho Rev. John
W. Williams, hopes to hao the MOW
mortgage reduced at least one-third as
tho result of this salo.
In addition to tho usual Tuesday morn
ing and Thursday afternoon bridge
parties, which have been held nt tho
Chelsea Yacht Club all summer, a largo
card party Was held yesterday afternoon
for the benollt of the North American
CAPE MAY, July 28. A more glorious
night could not havo been chosen than
Sunday for a sailing pnrty which Mr.
and Mrs. E. Spencer Miller, 3d, chap
eroned. Some members of the party
Tim mutt dcll-Iitful rmurt (in the New
Jersey Coast. Every form of spurt nnd
entertainment, lor booklet and full In
formation write
LEO JlcCItAVT.N, Borough Clerk
btone Jiurbor, N. J.
Reasonable rates Mrs. Calvin Satlerfl'eld
ninvorinrf Near station & Beach Course
uicmvuuu dinners, ooc. i j. nooens.
.m.Ti-f . Ttc'i'iL.e7h. HriUar:'w.wietw
r .. ..
in iit.i u.in.,1
P'on'nsr'. i Valentine Mitchell, Ww J
mS ft. r'rJD' ,lM Blh.el Ma -Brooke
Edwards. Mr. t'arker MctW
Chunn, Mr. Nathaniel5 Davis tM Mr
Aplln Sparks.
of Baltimore, will be among the new
arrivals In Capo May this week
Jli M!rar?t 8rallH wl" nve e htr
guest for a few days Mlsa Margai-t
Thayer nt their pretty cottage on 8trK
ton avenue.
fnn.Fj??e." Co"ns- well knowa is
football history, was among those spr
ing tho week-end Jn Cape May
M62108,rhe "w JwlvaJg at Hotel rpa
May are Mr nnd Mr Q Dunbar Sheweu
?ti.. t7niant2rni ,M,M M McDowell,
Park! Mr. V Barton Johnson. Mrs Ir
w Stephens, Miss B. J51asen, jilss J-n-n
D, Walton, Mr and Mrs 0. it
,Mr,n-P-,?AUln' Mt- L Eldredge,
U a N.f Mr. and Mrs. C. R. ChandM
Mrs. t W. Brook., mi., wfei-.?.."
Mr. and Mrs. M. Leo Wood. Mr. aisii
M? .f 6 D?,afk' Mr' oS LM
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brooke, BlrdsboTO.
Mr. Brooke, Blrdsboro; Mr. Henry N
Piatt, Mr. Schofleld Andrews. Mr. na"
Mrg' .d- do Young. Mr. and Mra, Benja
min Olbbs, of Ardmore.
Mrs. Wlnfleld Scott Arter and nr
daughter. Mrs. Coleman Peace Brdn, f
Devon, havo arrived Jn Cape May for
several weeks.
Mrs. Benjamin M. Dale Is nmonr the
prominent Philadelphia at the Coluns.
bin Hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H Lycett, Jr., elf
Ardmore, -will spend tha month of August
In Capo May".
seamen RESORTS
Occupying an entire block of oe-an front Mi
the popular Ciielsea aectlon: canacltr 600.
unusuallr large, cool rooms with unob.tructiy
wZrinl.hn SSn '"","' "tt ana fresh
lT5lfr!n "J1 tethi; running water In rooms
ono rt. ot porches surround the hotett tbs
new dining room overlooks the Sea; nnJ
plsln; and white servlc. orchestra, of solo
ists, dancing twice dally t social diversions!
realdent physician, magnificent hew Palm
Lounge, Special glT.SO up weekly booklet,
mailed; auto roeete trains i manaremsat by
owners. jojim n. rtnnt.Hi.Ji
" " WWM,. ,
xjuwdt mtxraoor axsonr cotke. -
A Bold Original Creation
wiui lh ie.i color otAUiiUeCltr
n-it-n.-i wirrtTrt ti
F lift' ill'' Vf PMAMINt. C.U
St. James Flees and Beach t between Tenn.
fi N47.3ror' V-JL- Ftr-tlaa table, 2
dly.; tlOupwkly D.C.Pi-NNYPACKElC-rgr.
Leading High-Class Moderate-Hate Hotel,
. .. , Ca'3?? Elevator private
baths, etc. I excellent tablq. July rates, 110
up wkly. j $2 up dally BHIt J P, COPE.
The Ideal modem hotel of the Ideal resort:
capacity 400: sea water baths, phones, etc;
new cute and grill; garage; orchestra,, dune
Ing. Booklet.
, tV. MERCER JlAirtD.
BUSCH'S HOTEL jjf-a-y ,5355?
Chotfnnip Otb ft Ocean ave. Ocean view
tlltliumc jjjj ,.w, M.i.irACKyAOST.
t 1
j- ig
. .. &Bfes
ir eM
Ktlt,r of Ju
-- ",