itfP WANTED FEMALE "S,i limlH and Situations Wanted ..Ji in iftr icnlno Kedaer the mmi () additional cnaroe.j kr. and downstairs walk While Trot- ilrl Willing o K o Reading, Pa M Vr'' i AMD JiorsEmoHK German im. sneaks English for place In mib'f. fed w 2 and P tn . 8 J2ih at HATTEnS WAHTBU stailer flnlehers blockers, trimmers, L. and packers, guarantee steady work Chrlsimas. n 'd01' trouble. Woodbine fctW"' "w" ' - Jl0UK Olrl cxp. for gen. housework, ave rnviemw 1 who WIIWJU IUI i cducaleu. wanted, must be willing to fAOU BUBHIWSa ". TT lliuilWI ig aiAri iftf. U UVU jwjsci viim. (or ehamberwerk and waiting, at lift. f 1jnieraiiy 4,uijin jw mm qy,ucr, )RB. EXPERIENCED, ON ALL or BLANKET BATHROBES. bmWald nnoa. 247 s. 3D, th pi.ii. ItAFHrVR,. experienced only) operates J.FIeher tilling marnine, temporary. 'l'". KII- V.n nalnn ..... kll..t..l inrng"1"' ir"-'"B."" cuu .xiiativuj. PpJMIS, Utiillitt v, , .,; .inrcu, ilea EMS, dlnlns room, White Haven; neat Lit -gel ruoni nnu ounrui wo pay car' -- . fi: inn iw, MCOn Ledger Office M wanted nt once, one accustomed to ?.hii!v. nopscselhg good education, tn Si.for managerial poaltlon with a large Station, need not hnvo business expcrl- i jr n'.iseseea wun ocsi reicrences; will ra &i for dutlea, salary 4U8 weekly, c 2, r yirn-r , M. ambitious, Business ability, cer- itnt position, worth f,0 weekly to quail. iMtton, whole or part time sua tela nJ7 II 742, Ledger Central. ZlZELT WANTED MALE ffFEUIt - Thoroughly experienced man tltpurt'f. p.w ,")fvi io'im nu "ar ui , II 740. ledSer Central. FtTj!?A,TOn.'S' wnntll'lt! nrnt man if rlty end irood hflbttn; seo details under l(H uppwiumura hi iwuuy .uraser, rhrtM .y J:. J(!t- 'c H -. ' KbK. ucensca, lor lou-Kitowatt plant flT jeraeyt mnu urc, rcicrcncQ ana gul Tranica jj aji4t iuiter mucc. RAu VTii-iTX oy. io to 18 years. iit4r. ttwecn ? una u a. m., ica3 vinr. .ceident and death beneflta. costa ai Ktli'lfl Sl PaV- Can mornlnga, 213 Hate ;331ku CSCtiKBS Wanted, flrat-clasj iloor mold iiiLVAroly J- Barker, Inc., nth and Cayuga, 'smfE WORK Boy, neat, about 10 yeara ot UtT Mill, Ledger OHlce. TvTsr wanted for movine-Dictura olace: riittiularr and eiperlonce. 1, fiu, Ledger iiiei OITI'BR Wanted, man familiar . with work. eltei trlnt and capable of handling large !,,;. to.. 2IS Master at iTItSSIAN. live, tn sell nign-gratie nuiomoblia Itriarbment: want hustler who can get at car menu attractive propo.-mion o ugnt man, M SUeen 11 and 12. 217 N. lEth at. Ask M Mr. Krlsnncr. Storeroom keeper wanted at uddy tsfofle; C0mpeirn, RCtlvo man, inuBl nivo rsni clerical experience. Pennsylvania Iron Wat. Co.. Eddystone, Pa. WANTED EXPERIENCED MACHINH SHOP tOtlEMAN TO TAKE CIIAIIOB OP .HOP EMPLOYING 200 MEN'. APPLI CATIONS WILL BE CONSIDKRED 0NLT FROM SOBER AND experi. ENnEIl MEN WHO HAVE DEMON. OTIUTEP, THEIR AUIMTx. SATIS FACTOR'S' TEUMB WILL BE Alt BAKqED FOR THE RIGHT MAN. AP PLY, I CIIVINO AOE, EXPERIENCE !ER OFFICE. WANTED XXPERIENCED MECHANICAL DRAUGHTSMEN AND DESIGN ERS. GOOD AND PERMANENT ntPLOYMENT FOR SIX OR EIGHT COMPETENT AND UELI ABLE MEN. APPLY. GIVING AOE, EDUCATION. EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES. TO C 23. LED0ER OFFICE. WANTED Iyer-man to take chares of Monitor BMDOl on brass work; must be com Irfint; no others need apply. Ad 8,fatll.L 517, Ledger Office. WANTED AvanM.M.l.n. .Ut - Xl Jl. JiVilT ilOrll( "nil f hMllIlP nbn,.a..H . I W liberal commlnlon basis! corset sales :Cnitf!mA.Jt!frJ' fivlnf rrfcrinces and &r lines carried. L 610. Lednr SSSX1"0, heavy 'work wanted', SLtl lr. w.8e,, .A"P"' Bamuel Shlaler trtman In charge. 3300 South Broad at, S.10? F OPPORTUNITY Is always SrjSte J0!" 5!-52?w"n iv j-. -...,. ...wo ,u ren or gooa posl- R Call or wrlto for tree booklet. P" OPPORTUNITY JWls you how to secure a better openlne. General RSi3Sla-SaISl JS? 5?.mi-m.ov'nB.p" VOU OUlrtc m-flinrla a' Krttlng, ths autre and nt elect Vftn tny m rtiscltlnH m-. i .... -ibslucbi installation .,..r.; 7--r".. ""."""-- v. of ma per week; complete course Sis. pay- lalft ftl thrun navminta t 1-1. " , Keystone School, rii?. T 3R.-VE an aui-6mobilb Area v it m cusrt lou. r ffonDu8ED3-fSAnVc1o.r,n,sbYou- J5M Bprlngr Garden at, ppen venlngs. UTUATJONS WANTED--PESrAIiE MHBERMAID. exD.. Prot. PL? r F 'ri "' It 74U. Led. Cent. rwuwu UIIIL, neat. exp wants general IJ'T cooking. Phone Preston 4251. RRI'?PN Lone young woman as compan- PC."""' light duties: good home preferred RQK snd chambermaid and walrr-H. Twn gaj! poaltlona together. 1003 Waverly st. 'Brr0!'' yanta cookOig, with privato fum Lggtrtst references. Call 1024 S. Mole. jo. r. waitress Qlrl wants place. orth aL. PhlUdelphla. colored, BUU lwn. r wishes general housework or Phone uicki-uon 2U04 w. RPSKJSEPEn, experienced and reliable: ex. yt cook, reference. 2501 Myrtlewood at. raBHOTTlEll-yPosltion 'in ' IB, matron or teacher In SeDt. as house w, matron or teacher In Episcopal tnstli j- miss it. Wilson. 711 need St.. rnila. ORK let-man afrl wlkhea IVIsltlnn housework. 2810 Hop st. NURSHL Enellsh.'sio'd: Protestant. - Master aL. or nhona Belmont 470J. i'jftiaT, experlincsd, desires poaltlon. 1, Ledger Central. - Hofined. capabls woman. Proles 'Sslraa Doaltlon aa mstron In lnitltutlon: Critarence Phone Otn. S828 W. AtlLUNBRY buvap op hast t fir and buyar or beat trimmer; city or tmt best rsferencea. n itt, -vuasi- (-flXtniNinV nraetleal. daslros i naapnai iraiomg, Dos. rcisrineea, . Ledser Office. iPllER would Ilk position where accuracy wouia aprrwiaie", ary, refarenoaa, B 80t. Ied. Ott. CM Expvrienrsd, oapsbls, d work. lumar ii .ii, w, tui, HEIt. 17, rapid, accurate; ISAII, l, solicits.! mt.1. t st-: Ledger Cent. IPIIEI1. knowladsa Loakkesolnx: talary Fhon Bpruc e W. i-ilfcH. just graautna, rapi-ii try mii 7it uagirvwun. ttnersl office aiuMstant Voung tTCW BCl afitaiL Ldr Canfral. dmi 24-story fronfromn. well furnlibsd: gtn" ' . AA ss-' ,m!itjl SCv-fAiTV ttC V-Yj fiCvvS7 SCffflSa llh. .af'sT.fcSk. WM WNrpubllc 4llrl wishes poslllon. 195 ffS.Ygin ta. xlwla VILLAS 'fiVL MSBLI filS?A JilSaOWsSf&JtLiS M MHgJL, PMIadslphla. , ,1 jj--JfliCtlf gToomf orlsble rooms. ,9AHr1uigNTl HOTELS fj hi 'yaaaaaaafn - iMcOrl nMll4ft Wnf WESQtMBSKi faaal KIZ" ll:fV.ri .e"kii"c S ' furnish urtuSBba' onventsnt to ears. TrBlffiWW l J&i. IsB&A"'? -v ,T! -' ffllM W'llKxS fffJfiaiW mBBWMi -;W k . vit, if e ii toit'ir w Hft phone Dlamead MI7 A VW i V&ON ALL LoHatjONS v"5jT rbnHHT VX &iMT& fCiaST ttSlJjf liu? VVf W?0 VH?WBhMF B JBtWtlKI WM MfiaywlWc,ll 70. Ledgsf Central. rnT1i!HTnfuTT.cnclM, Bejti,lwn. N1f "w.n. llARIjffiOT Waf A. VbWlBL L.sL- jT J-Sv JV2L Il6LMurA'ftp lAilrK WW JmKBblWm -3M PUN uUon m .Wlaaursei pUB lybufnear "rtog &W. "' OUAWANEB "tWTlLDa, SHtWJ Wl mmWT(rr? A VSlLJffiMr' 11211114 iSMMPf Jg Vl B BiNfoSprr tefJ?iffl! ES aifr1 Mm: por RSNT-gtfBNisHBD tf. till. (& te Bff . V jg WmWfmmMtK I jWBraf .:JB H4'k and write U. book, day a ' ' ii4a &bkh- Wllfl Ocean City. N. J. J1 r ,ioSK IB J iJsJ rP1 '. " SjSll Wi i TUT 7V aaaaaaaaaHH JBa9 cSH Mfewijff"atft wawBivNCHi.sfg. iiSe3 v j&2& & 1B M MMmftmMgw1 TVI TH l) I ) W aH '4SI BBw writf o' c HVfe3? sPfcftrHrrr sstf' """ KOBTOAQIW 11 GEr2ffl aiflFk, M " lum fliiunwi n V isw ahcW ptWlrrrwii-'V'M 4rtt fwn'ujj U Vji J55O0 ?1000 ?1300 wmm!HMinnmmm Tlrriiiiiiirii..iaia'WwWWaj 1k6vaiwi et tbfiwt w t o fcM m ifexiM, ru aair. .Vu -it S& 'acS,g 'aJTW1 ft $1500 St60Q S5000 r1- ' M Okuv -rr- . . zvffijri niRftrv' laOS - Boarding wan, W H HOOD, B12 NQI1R1S 8T. rf A aj Rrgk " -H fesSS? S S n i-agj- 4W''.,J RaHbu. Pru.estant.-igl. do., jrfw HBrUSondiT-Ui-n . M0NKY TO LOAN "H cfrtahOy takw all tb Jgft .iJgwgS JSWMgaW k!? e3 1 PaHdtk! n.uld lite Jifeu. -H . to auHe prtvat. batta. csfclaJfcor . lira out of a taitaw bu to gU lift 'S'lJffflaltireLs 3 fSHpa4. SseaV"".1- toe aieaisu ( sHft'' V-' I r .fiSMna- '--., .al-- tLj-.toaikttiiaaanBflM i.iIi:'.SaL- noiiiiitn uiirv znananttB: raisr. . .h , ' " . ' ' . 1 . -icir ?,D.n Aiuniia .! .. w. i I ii I At " " pi I ' i tz-i t jr axi j la AMr .ai ..!!l?AtI0Na WANTEDMAtE J?Hw!lodd',,Lore&.'''r tA ,rtm ati. r SfS557iS CHAUFTRun, colore.1 rollabv bl driven, test , Ledger oVfle in, CLFRR 21, tvllK I ..... -w.-. , utl Hfiinr -. ","' ppi"l J?J?r '' CLSRK, 2a. marrim. Ift .... .T."nr.. M ! n n,i j .-t j O!!clorss av: B Vearv mJ.i? ?r otnce man,2SrwIlh Ji?J?il!n:unH'i ' . Flt",'B'"t are. experience; best reference, c 20, Ledger on rtJ....MBCANIOAL ENOINEER ....,i- i' P0"1" Amerioan colleg, 5?t'R5l f J00"! V"x1 "tttut.,, 18 uinuunia oi Booth Amrrimn e. also yesra" with a. Central. "pD" ,,," II 661, Ledger O f CF .MAN and correspondent tonri nn manufacturing concein. H mS. tir cent" REPRESENTATIVE AT READING ' Ar2mW..!r. Kenl'mn. "bout to retlra S "ctj nfflce work, too ener Fiil'S.'.0 be "'"'out aome work, be J,. .,,8.M.!1 b" o' tvlcs to persons if?-ri,0,,atlSn J.w1"' J"1' ulnes I.J.aJ Sns ,n Bl5li. Pa,, or vicinity, needlmt personal attention. Such work at collection of nccountt rents, or any bnslncss which would allow a reasonable commleslon compenit 5,.m. 1.ntfr,',?J tiarllea can.get my 5A is..aJia t"'ldrc"5. hr Inquiring of Mr. Hunt, Ledger Central, BA.I.E5MAN,,,,8h?ra' specialty man; 12 if -,M."tncei bc,t ' reforencra, married. THT!"!t POS-TION doalrcd by college gradl ???L",'f!,ZnaS. wlenc and. mathematics "n"t, i". denser ,cnirai. -1..V"": on. PORTER -Any position where no heavy lifting Is rcq.s high ref, for honesty, lnduafest & sobriety, can furn se curllyi speak Enc., Germ., liohemlan & Hun. farlan. John Hohl, U N. Watts st. YOUNO MAN, cashier of country bank for 8 yrarx, wishes connection with a financial In stitution or Insurance company where rblllty nna hard verk ara appreciated and where tMro la a futuro for the man who makes good; references from present emnloycrs and others; will arrange Interview. II 6M, Led gcr Central. YOUNG MAN, 21. Italian understands home work, with automobiles, etc. K, Pagans, 2413 Spruce at. YOUNG MAN. 1U, high school educntlon, de sires position; manufacturing concern pre ferred. H T4S. Ledger Central. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS. HARVEY, lBtt Rtttcnhouso so. Rellabls helf for all capacities; open all summer. AUTOMOBILES For Sale HUP.MOHILE 8-pasengcr touring, H2; pcrlect condition; all new tires; make offer. 1311 N. 34th st Belmont H2gl W. BTUDEUAKEK Roidster. E M. r lato 1012; first-class condition, guar., $350, dcmonstrited anywhere. 2300 Green st.; Poplar 0302 W. FOR SALE (10-II. P. Knox raccabout; ery fast; a raro bargain: can be seen at S3 Armat St., Germantown. Phone Gtn. 2137. 1012 KNOX touring car; also limousine body. T. II. Halton, Allegheny avo. and C st. AUTO LIVERY AND GARAGES NEW 7-passengor cars for hire, 12 per hour; trip to Atlantic City and return (15. Call us for other rates. M. KELLY. Wood land J73. TO HIRE Flno limousines and touring cars. Can Harrison uaragc jaa. aua or j.hsi mo. TO HIRE Limousine and touring cars. Phone Tioga 8306 W. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED Lot for factory or 2-story factory, with conveniences, also 30x00 feet, more or less; for light manufacturing- purposes. Ad dress Frank W. Camen, 420 Poplar St.. or phone t'arK ii, JTANUFACTURERS, with established office here, want State manager ror fa,, also J.; mtiat hava tSOO to tlCOO to carry stock guaranteed to sell. H 840. Ledger Central. " DRlIS3MAKINa AND MILLINERY Spaco for rent to dressmaker and milliner In a Walnut at. shop, Apply 1702 Walnut street. . X3CO0 REQUIRED ns additional working capi tal tn specialty manufacturing and printing business. L B21, Ledger Office. nl.D.ESTAJlLlSHED manufacturing business for sale; est. 4-7 years, l uu, Ledger Central. CARPET CLEANING WEST PIIILA. Monarch Storage Co. Auto and pack ing 'and shipping. 3S70 Lancaster ave. CLEANING AND DYEING OSTRICH FEATHERS AND FANCIES CLEANED, DYED, MAILIIOT, 1B10 Chestnut DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY HEMSTITCHING done while you wait. A. Relchard. 1113 Chestnut. Pictorial Reilsw pat. DRESSMAKING taught, short, prac, course. McDowell, 307 Denckla Bldg., Ilth & Market. POR SALE BILLIARD, (ool, combination, 2d-hand bought, sold, rented, exch'd Keafer. 820 Ulrard ae. STORAGE WEST Monarch Htorage Co Auto and pack PHI LA. Ing and shipping, .IS TO Lancaster ave. WANTED CIRCUS TENT, good condition; 60x100 ft. M. J. Walsh, rls Thsatre, Kensington & Allegheny. ROOMS POR RENT JUST THE ROOJI YOU WANT Can very likely be located In a few minutes by examining- the photozranha and descrip tions of rooms with and nltuout board which are on file for your Inspection at Ledger Central. An interior photograph and an. awera to every question you would aak Is here, so you can decide Intelligently; Ire service; ioa. u ARCH, 1812 Newly furn., running water all rooms; bath; meals served: phone. BROAD. S., 425 Attractive apt., 2 or 3 rooms, private bath; small family; dining room. BHOTd. N., 833 Second-floor front; ete.ra lieai, eicc. I private nam, ruaauimma, yuoii.. CARLISLE, N., JBIO-Attractively lurn. front room rennaa pri.aio ihhdi, ynunii ClIEBTNUT 8444 Two attractively turn. rms., communicaunif ; an iv i pnna. mi. DIAMOND 8T.. 200T-Large, attractlva. slttlag room, bay window, braaa oea: alio za-stoiy front, bay window; running water; pnoaa. BPItUCB ST.. 031-Nlce, larg, , coo) room sum, rates; reasonaoie; yu. ajui. i-pt . SCItUCB. lltT-Twii wil-furn. front rms., sin gle or coaimunissunx, vtamui inv v SPRUCE, SOet Deilral'l CuniUhsd r prlvatbatna, summer rates. LMUst 1 WALNUT, OH.--Aliracinair sarsi. pa and tilttlng room, refined priv. hoa fOODLAND ' AV 4?x4-Two fun room) second tWor. light housake UTn, S-. 4I0-aingT or double roams, with at I I'll V MIsSSi I JHrT) 1Wiwi ftM without bath; housekeeping, prefer men r wittpti TlASBBTT SMITH Vv JrS I V Ox - JiH h.,ln. women Fton. W.t uy T. WAVvxNnSwOOd7i,T" ' CatJI T" - ISTH. S-, 314-Two attraetlvs front roeftis; M ajLV m. I ,l7&z8l1 rM near; alngle or oommunleatlng; phone. i " """ ' ' ' ' LiiH 1 ' m j v "flaB iTTil. j.. 'uti-Wsll-furn. baohelyr apt! prlr. 6EA8I10UK , Wk eff Tt Je , ffpl JJ c.5 jSJ 5m. t ' WU i.Vh nihil -aaalielax. Pooler 4275 W. '.. . ..- - " - A lIllV Jr I I ltr)P Iflf 4 f WjimifJ IjKbB It'l "SBm EVENiyq LEBaER-PHTLABELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, JXTLY BOABDINQ WnAJl'r'VT'J!;VJ-Monr ""?. with board: near L;jiontherneroiire. ff.jxirid jMLo!sLmtfm.' """"."" uit iynNJ8"BD front roam far with elevated Phone Relmont 10S7 D. SnttTKT.TN ,)01 s Jut st ill.. R nt Hnley. formerly of Ch4tnut if. ' B' Mi Suburban OVERnROOK-COOT tJrsxel yBRiinooio-col brsxel roadi boarding, tennis, swlm'g pool. P&me Ovetbrook 2m.' ovRHTirionK . pniviTO citn.- . ADULTS HAVE LARORROOM HtlPPninn TAnijF.. FOR GENTLEMAN" BELMONT COUNTRY BOAIIDERS WANTED !i7!SSS S-nfl B"t';'ntir eh the Blrmlng. !?.!?. ?'?ik .F,rm- u '" adsntagM of a to 6 ststloni; auto service. O L. JONRS. APARTMENTS BSjyiJ?-.aKAnDEN W'O-Excellent spts. In s .different houses; some fan),; kllcb'nettei. WEST riIII.ADKf.rniA l,Ail;?hM.,i!lBK.Ayn rMiAt'raMlve 3 rooms.' porch and hsthrnom. unturnlihed; light and heal Included; 1T a month. FURNISHED APARTMENTS t.SHST,!.l?i8-Peltnt.f,rtB,B't. a "". . private bsth. also single rooms. Wsl TP0S to. West Philadelphia SUBLET fum private hall. apt , 3 lttrffe. MAl MAma l.alt.. Woodland 203 W, HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS Sin" ANb .pine sr3.-DE lanceV APfST .... . " u ruuino, i ana ostns. .,....v.., fc,,.,.. ,v,.w,.. vViy j.nunr. POPLAR, 1B22 Attractive housekeeping spts , 2 and 3 rooms, bath, kitchenette; modern conveniences. Atrol ftni EmMr. nuitin. Si!iv.Ho;5tp,.2n2.-3!m."' bVn- Wtchen, Km- wafer, mr a in. t-. a .. '..-..- kitchen, all cor, rms.. m. Diamond 1SI3 W. West riillndelphla THE RUTLAND APTS. JUST COMPLETED . LOCUST ST.. WTH TO IBTH UT. " and 7 room apartments, with all the latest vui.icHicuccn, ia id sta per nvontn. n.n PonE;nT A- P.1!?8. Anrorr Bell phone nelmont 4133. 8143 locust it. BLENHEIM 4041 CHESTNUT ST. 42.B0, beaullful 7-room apmts., nicely dec- DAKIN A KILPATHICK, 18 So. 52d st. REAL ESTATE POR SALE CITY MODERN HOMES OVERLOOKING N. E. BOULEVARD X.1050 JOSEPH A. BLAIR, BLDR.. 4M3 N. 8TH COI-LKCTED - ALIlREClirS. 373 ""n nuiimng. a-i4 . i.enign aie. WEST PHILADELPHIA D ."n.viV'iV0,.3?- ?.".tr' " room"i asiessed T-vvv, nil. pun jut .ivu. C. W OABELL, Jr.. 611 Walnut. OEHMANTOWN MOST BEAUTIFUL AND UNIQUE SITUA Wlssihlckon avc. above Carpenter st. New house and garage over an aero, adjoining and overlooking rnlrmount Park. O. R. Nlch. nl. HOI rt.. ...... . It, v . .. . n.. -.p. . itriuniL m. i-iiniio ijomoarn -.u. Chestnut Hill NEW SALE AND RENT LIST READY. Pelham. Mt Airy and Chestnut Hill. PELIIAM TRUST CO , 0740 Oermantoan ave, Tigan LOGAN HEAL ESTATE SALE, RENT AND EXCHANGE M. M. Smith. Broad st . opp. Logan Station. SUBURBAN ripersvllle. Pa. BUCKS COUNTY hotel and farm of 48 acres, 2 wood; ltl rooms, barn, sheds; along Dels, ware River; State auto road. REED NASH, Plperavllle. Bucks County. Pa. Haverford BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE of the lata Thomas P. Hunter, situated at the comer of Montgomery ave. and Booth lane, containing about SV. acres. QIRARD TRUST CO. Camden, N. J. 310 PER MONTH BUYS NEW 7-ROOM houFa In Camden; neier been occupied; ti minutes from Philadelphia ferry: hath, heater, torch front, large yard with shade, suitable for garden or clmkens, free deed, price $1730. Terms to suit. CLIFTON U. DRAKE, 423 MARKET ST.. CAMDEN N J. PENNSYLVANIA FAH.M8 SEVERAL extremely desirable farms in rl cua locations. Let us know your require ments and price and we will furnish Informa Un' H B. McCOLLUM. 1314 Walnut St., Philadelphia. "Don't Torget the Number." REAL ESTATESALE OR RENT OWN YOUR HOME by monthly payments at from $17 to $30; houses located N. Pblla. and Gtn.. worth from 31800 to $8250. Merchants Union Trust- Co., 715-710 Chheatnut st. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Lot for factory or 2-story fsctory. with conveniences, for light manufacturing purposes, alia 30x110 feet, more or less. Ad dress Frank W. Camen. or phone Park tr-3. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT OFFICES, HUHINESS KOUM8. ETC. BLDG. OFFICERS, unnuul rentals. i-n-n.i. aultea. ELLIS D. WILLIAMS. 1110 Drexel Building. 5RE.HALF of office for rent, with telephone "vice. 1310 Commonwealth Building. Deak Room "mi ARCH ST. Small otflte; also desk room; i?ll conntenceaisecond floor. 6l08KROOMt free use of phone, PoTryBldg.; "IVriVa alwara open. L 732. Ledger Central. MAIN LINE. PA. Wynnewoed. fOR THE MAN WH0 "AS AN AUTOMOBILE HOUSE NO, 40 MANOR ROAD WYNNEWOOD, PENNA. f ... J a.IU sail nfaatatairV fUin V t Ft I AFliT) " I I 11.. a I it AX- M . f laaaaaaaaaaatV 0t, atk alRf laSaait I bS3 "M tSSy oonlliu7 roonV. Kthroomrand T store- CSSSIJ fTlJ? ! JVfOJV J M P Sn'm.hai liberal lot of ground, with nice fHS JmiMKiSZ 5V JL I S fk ' 9 !"?' :r..H. and flowers, ana tne rent is less mn 350v I I . mai isnm. -y v n. irAa'-' "ZT" VGA I W w I H ' t.,nV,?1' iT5-rom city bouse. sfeSfTW I r- - sjy, . Iv . L'. vj j eying Automabll Stofsgs. ft per Month, Hil VVl V l I I1 B , . . .4fl h. Kind Lady-Goodness me, a nice, Ut boy like you shouldn't be crying-. The Kid-That ain't fat, mUsM, lt Apple. 1 ITS ALL RIGHT IF YOU A Thumb Print Fantnsic "You eecm very much Interested In those thumb-print record." comment ed tho man nt police headquarter. "Yis." answered the visitor. "I can't help feellntr tho greatest curios Ity about how one of those thine would sound If you put It on a phonograph and played IL" Wash ington Star. According to Schedule Onicer How Ions are you golnc to L Hi il vou oec, I'm town con stable, and I cot to net back In time to arrest SI Hawkins for clttln' loaded next Saturday night! "What are you so furious about, wife?" "Mr. Smith Just called me an old cat." "Why, you're not oldl" Farm Life. London Opinion. Jealous One (at party) Mllly, tell that boy to take his arm away from your waist at once!" Tell him yourself; he's a perfect stranger to me. AND THE WORST aa,? . """'"M',M,,a'"''-aaa'aaara-ask . .. . I 1 OH.YCS EVERYONE. SMS MV r-j-T MOTHER 1 STJiT rUoTO (Tn VtKUm I.TrlE NEATEST H V BEAT UPTHW FRE6H RUFrw! Niso best "Behaved bo thm- Joe, mcm&i AgAtri t -y-"" iN TVttv NEtCrlcmHoob! MiaJ T lJVii.UEf ffa Ww SCRAPPLE "H you a vacancy In your of fleer "tea. Ihit lie leave tomorrow." First and Last Sunday Schbot Teacher Johnny, who -tvere your flrjt parent? New pupil Same aa now Mr. and Mr. John Hmry Joneil tuek. 1 T CAN GET AWAY WITH IT J Punch. Artful device resorted to by a Ger man sniper who thought he was ob served, "How did th accident happenT "He got run oyer when ht stopped to read a 'safety tint' sign." Houston Post. IS YET TO COME fllS Willi Attt OTF-5PRM& 3rthKrfi(WToo rtOYJDYOOfO - rtOWTEaWGE0TlEM(Srt . WuWeasTT t POR j AD5W rOQ.R W5S VWtilcH.M&?l' J --J-ffR-. FOR VJrtCM d0RGLe t (& " WlTHWCr W i i .. . i .i. . i 3Jsclt wmgtB. iy iimiMai .H mmm , e m II 1 j VjTnM t.c.ta.u. J t 4ryjnS 28. 1016; THIS PADDED CELL I - R&de4.TLY Bought: vn 1 ? I tf I sftn.aaaaaaaaaHniH.aaaaaaaaaaal Will I J-. sBt w-aaBBBaL 1 "IS DID IT EVER HAPPEN TO YOUT She Mode Him Happy "Shan't we go now. Emma? I feel cold here, and I've got a cough?" "You alt still, Henry, and keep your mouth shut- I've got to finish this book on 'The Secret of Making On' Husband Happy,' " Meggendorfer Blatter. THERE'S NOTHING TO IT M& ! IK W.,, q -saRni 4 Taking Her Seriously "I've pegun to think that fellow Is really seriously In love with me," "What makes you think nor" "He'a taken we to th theater throe times now. and not once Jias ho over tried to kiss me good night." Detroit Fre lre. ( 39 HKAOf! BBIIIIM J P ? J- sSk (1 TL- rfl 1 TT Vnl1r -"J -B