folTIONAL GUESTS ? j n v-l -m J -r fc- 4 (;y i-Aio-rjir BAR B. C. RANCH fond Mrs. Maxwell Slruthen h Burt Entertain Number Suburbs- MBEIt of Additional guests hitvo hid tno lafgd house party Mron-lr ntertftlned by Mr. lieraco Urodta hd Sfra Maxwell Slruthdr Buft at If. u c Hniien, Jnciison Hole, pWhlch is owned w sir Jiaxwcll tfrs Burt and Mr. llorncb I.. Carn- ke the latest arrivals at the ranch and Mrs Endlcott Peabody, Mlsi f Jeabody, Miss lloso 1'eafcody, Miss tag Peabody, Miss Bolty I'cabody, girth Peabody nnd Mr. Malcolm E. Sy. of Qroton, Mass., Miss l'annlo Mus Angela Nallc, Mr. Sydney Miss Maty Holmes Newltn, of Itbn, Mr. uuwaru iarr, Air. 13. ftliarswood, Mr. James Dovelin and aolph E. Boric. (and Mrs. Kcnnotll Alncgounn, of HVayno avenue, ucrmaniown, ura Nnnntrrntulatcd on tlia birth of a. Shier this morning, to bo named Jlncgowun. s received hero icsterday of fiffomcnt of Miss Eleanor Fabian. ,er Of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wright n, ot uuaiun, lu .ur. ui'uuuru nghnrn, Jr., oi mis city, xno en lent will bo formally announced In ..j .... tiotwl,... r.Frotlilngbnnl's father, who Is also ,tonlan, but camo hero early In tlio ind later innrriwi miss iucy jnuuon j' of this city, who Is a direct dc t or (.ummouuru uuiiiuriUKC. his graduation from Harvard In fr. Krothlngham, Jr., has lived In 5. where ho has been connected with iftV England offices of Georges II. liitn & Co., cotton mcrcnants ot 4fv A brother. Thomas II. Froth fafe. married Miss Elizabeth Hoyt, of KlOTKt uil utuiuu.y ..v, iv umu i Huntingdon W. Frothlngham, Is fjgfvard student, and another brother, nUalnbrldso Frothlngham, Is a student jrewton. rVaud g)if.i T) HitrtltA 7 v VnvU t JjuUned at luncheon ycaterdayln Narra dijttt Pier In honor of Miss IIopo Trux jglBialo and Miss Lisa Norrls, of this uXl Howard Snoncor Graham and her iiihter, Miss Mario, Thayer CJrnham, of ,t;itniit Hill, who havo been Isltlng In ilTEoutb, returned yesterday to Whet iffiB. their villa at Enston'n Point, Now- fi T$i 'a .-.. TKt. A T...,i Tf rt 991 (nUi'Uth strcot, who havo been spending jiir. nun Atua. nuuii .i jjiui.ih w.. w . Bry summer at uunminnins, tncir nt Devon, havo cono to Northeast Strbor for tho bnlanco of the season. i Allea Paul, of this city. Is spending ijjew dayB In Nowport, and yesterday IDk guest at a, surf rage luncheon wmen SYCaarles M. Oclrlchs gave at. her SEP Miss Paul gave an nnlmnted talk iSWhat the Congressional Union Is do- gj&jbe West." Mrs. O. II. P. Belmont iSoave a short talk. uuuiiu uie viicxiii jjinc SmloilE.-Mr. and Mrs. John R. fartottjna their little daughter, of Kent ro42w spending tho summer nt At- lajflwTOlr, whore they aro stopping at ItHptejtChelsea. iiJ'Mrs. James King Clark, of 230 iWSTKInoo. Mo. nur.7Nrnnri n ma nikmiiHra n minrn or EMONT.-Mr and Mrs. Albert I. ns and Mr. Albert I Hasklns. Jr., isemont avenue, havo returned from giiac Iako, whoro they were tho -Ha of Mr. and Mrs. Robert AVhyto iw. of Morris avenue, nt their turn. ajhomc. Mr. and Mrs. Steel recently Jha. dinner dance to eolebrate tho itliav ofthclr son. Mr. finrl II StMil. 3and Mrs, Samuel M, Vauclaln, Mr. WKlrs. Jncqucs Vauclaln and Miss jar Vauclaln loft last week for Hot ijs, Va., whero they havo taken a ige for several months. Sand Mrs. John J. Dohcny, of US wavonuo, havo boen ontcrtalnlng Mr. Mrs. Charles P. Pulliam, of St. Chestnut Hill sQand Mrs. E Itlttenhouso Miller, of let Mt. Airy avenue, havo ns tncir (Mrs. Anna Heap, of Pasadcnu, Cat. and. Mrs, Miller and their guest have returned riom, a motor trip to mow- I, irjSpand Mrs. Stevenson Crothers, of Ifi Mill road, have gono to Cape May remainuer or tno summer. Ellso Hopkins, together with Mr, ilre. Horncn Brock, is traveling: In rnln, Sho will visit tho Panama- Exposition before icturnlng home. and Mrs. J. W. Mathlcu. of Sedg- Farms, are spending a few weeks at rs Lake, Pa. Mrs Henry Price Wright, of . tane, have gone to Seal Harbor, Tor an Indefinite stay. and Mrs Harlan Pago nnd Miss Ulen Page, of Allen's lane, nro the recent arrhala nt Pocono l Mt Pocono, and Mrs A, Hurley Pancoast, of , havo returned from Atlantic Germantown Md Mrs Ira W. Drew and their wldren. of the Wyneva Apartments, eir way to Oregon Aiier a ay there they will continue meir journey to the Panama-paouie ften Ind Mrs Francis V Davis, of vr street, and Mrs. Everett II. f,et 36 West Pomona street, naye cottage at Wlldwood, where tney the rent of tim season wun Itee Mrs. Charles Pomeroy Sher opened their cottage at Aah Jeorge C Krlck, of 109 Wet Chel- nue, has gone camping in "' woods Hosamary MeNally gave a wnU t week at her home, ("' la honor ot her euect. Mlw BUwf J'enrose. of AtlantlO Uliy- fes.nt were MiM 8rab UmW". ibeth WaUh. Ml May utmm. ibra Pletcher, MtM.My FU1. Wine Fclin, MiM Helen uarru. MeNally, MIa Evelyn jroro- B-Uanor Fischer. Miw uen- arrUou, Miss Jer.e Kejes, jmuw -Ugn. MtM Frances ucmuny, rd Walth. Mr Paul Hanson, Fletcher, Mr John Keyes, Mr Rogert, Mr FranK waiw, Bk Hanson. Mr Iaid Bennis l(Ul Keye Mr iranklln llar- Jofcei,h Micbarti Mr JSlwuu j3r C Uulbert Mciklb Mr Juik Mr Fraiuls R PtelcHer, ir trrinU. Mi Ueorge DU ana Mr rUn. Dunning Dript' left last wcik H WVnA JHr4'lMthil ii J i ,.,i.l Pa. tu uUi. r. lu FORM LAnan -"- w v , Burt and Mrs. Horace Brook AW. vt.t ru. I.T 'e Personals. Hannah 8Cl.(',r ft H ot " nnnan lox, at her aurnmer home', .'. WJ" '6lf 1" a few days from Shrfvernn'd ttlt' ,!,t?UBh tha Wt. MU, uluJ ,n Comi- nhU together they ad.?hltt0Wy ..!,B ""L1 Dl "' San atone Park and other points of Interest Along the Reading mh0iiiiUn.t.,ndo." Vftl,cJ' Country Club wr- "f.xl 8ftt,fly until September! AWong thO!0 Who entertained last week and M vnd.M."- W 8- Tho"on. Mr. Bradley, Mr Walter Laltuo and Mr. E p ijnngly. h-u ?ml wrs Char(cfl J. Thompson and tholr daughter, Miss Jtutb, of 4D03 North Atlatltl "'cit1'' "r spcrullnff tl10 sean In West Philadelphia Mies Vliglnln Thomas, of 4230 Spruco Btreot, who has been visiting Miss Clemens, of Chestnut Hill, has Joined her family at their coltago In Nantucket, Mass. Mr. and Mrsv Harry Wachlcr and their daughter, Violet, lenvo this Week from their home, 1019 South Frailer street, for rt Washington, Now York. Later they will flnend nnVirHl Wfnka nt Atirtttfin ru.. aftor which they will go directly to tho Panrtma-Pacinc Imposition. Miss Violet, not jet threo years old, Is ono of tha most experienced Juvcnlla tmolora In tho country. Mr. Donald Grnhnm, ot 4301 Walnut slroot, has Just returned home from tho Mt. Hermnn School, Herman, Maes., where ho attended tho summer session ending July 20. Miss Dorothy Bailey, of 6112 Westmin ster avenue. Is tho guest of her nunt, Mrs. K. M. Dolvans, nt Pennsgrovc, N. J. Miss Bailey will return about tho first of August. Mr. C. Meredith Johnson, of 63d street, Is rpomllng a few woeks nt Atlantic City with Mr. George J Gsell. South Philadelphia Tho Monnrch Camping Club, composed of members of St. Rita's Catholic Club, will lcavo tho city on Saturday. July 31, for a lC-day camping trip to Bcttcrton, Md. Those tnklng tho trip nrcr as fol lows: Mr. Thomnt J Moloney. Mr John A. .Moloney, Mr P. J. Miller, Mr. James Curlcy, 5tr. William Golden, Mr. John Joseph Robinson, Mr. Thomas J. Robin son, Mr. Jack Hcaloy, Mr. Andrew Cal lcn, Mr James Coyle, Mr. Thomas Cur ley, Mr. Andrew Friel, Mr. Alexander DoPruton, Jr., and Mr. Robert J. Halpln. Mr. Henry J. Moloney, of 2300 Chrlstlnn street, will leave on Saturday, July 31, for soveral weeks on his cabin cruiser Comet, for u cruise In Southern waters Tho following will accompany him: Mr. Robert Dutty, Mr. Daniel McLoughlln, Mr. Daniel Kane, Mr. Edward Carney, Mr. William Rynn and Mr. John S. Ro lcttcu Miss Agnes Mohan, of 1627 Rltnor streot, and Miss Isabella II. Drummond have re turned from Wlldwood, whero they havo been since July 2. Mr. Harry Hnlncri and his sister, Miss Jinry iinines, of 1607 Passyunk avenue, nro spending u few weeks with friends In Atlantio City. Mr. and Mrs John F. Schnlnn. nt Md and Reed streets, havo opened their cot-, iukb ui jiiiunuc uiiy, wnere tnoy win spend tho balance of tho season. Mrs. J. A. McCllntock nnd her two sons, of 17th nnd Wolf Btroets. nro In their bungalow at Mount Pocono. Mrs, S. Goldberg, of 1261 South 21st street, Is visiting relatives at Atlantic City, N. J. Miss Allco T. Drain, 1926 South 17th street, is spending n week at Capo May, with friends, nt the Alvarez Cottage. Mr. and Mrs. George Crease, of 213 Mor ris street, accompanied by Mr. George Gregory, will spend the next two weeks at Wlldwood. , Mra. O. V. Splllmnn nnd her son, Master Edward G. Splllmnn. will spend the month of August at Bowers Beach, Del. Mr. nnd Mrs. Bernard Maltman, of 20th, nnd Wolf streets, nro onlovlno- n. trln to fNlngnra Falls, whero they will remain for a period or two weeks. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Boise, of Front nnd Carpenter streets, are spending the summer at their bungalow In National Park. Mr. Webster Murray, Mr. Robert Pol lack, Mr. Andrew Dl J31o, Mr. Edward Harrlgan, Mr. James McFadden and Mr. Joseph Dl Dlo motored to New York over the week-end. A dinner was held at the residence of Mr. Dl Dlo, 1427 63th street, Brooklyn. Mr. James Cunningham and his family, of 2214 South Colorado street, are spend ing this week at their bungalow at Na tional park, N J., where they will en tertain extensively over the week-end. Miss Ester Lacks, of New York, and her nunt. Sirs. Charney. of 312 Christian istreet. have gone for several weeks to Atlantic wuy. North Philadelphia Mlsa Starguerlte Yoder, of 21 Lehigh avenue, has returned from a visit to Atlantic, City. Lieutenant Charles Bryer, with Mrs. Bryer and their daughter, Mlsa Anna Brier, has returned to their home, Hit North 12th street, from a fortnight's visit to Atlantic City. Mr. and Mm. George Sohempp and their daughter, of MIS Columbia avenue, have opaned their eottage at Delanoo. Dr. A- J. Reiner, of Girard avenue, has opened his eottage at Sea Isle City, Mrs Reiner and Ml Julia and Miss Marie Helper left for there last week. Miss ChrUtlne Voltz. of th street and Sueiiuelwnna avenue, l spending seme time with relative In West Cheater. MW. William B. Of ram. of North lTth street. Is spendlmt the umr at Buffalo. H- Y- , Mlsa Kathtrtni MAlum and Mies Mirtha NtW, of a4 Dauph n J1mS, arTsWMWJUie tfyjr vacation In SSrrawit, W W. whare they will re main for several week. vis Emm O Gould h returned t her nome at tHb street and uebaM avenue aft.r spending eevertl weaka wjtn relative In Btraafeurg, V. MI8 uewgec Davu. oX JW NMbl treet. U epending tue auwiawr at WUd wooii. ur Frank K MwGary of 1834 Nerth l.h oucu has one to the Pocono Moun um where b wl ibm& io ,al ueelu. EVENING LEDGER-FHILADKLPIHA, TTTEBDAV. JTJX.Y Who has recently returned from Northeast Philadelphia Dr William H. Gwinnett and family, ot 102 WoBt Lehigh avenue, will motor to At lantic City aftor Labor Day and spend tho rest of tho season there. Miss Mary Dillon, 430 West York street, has returhed from New York, where sho was t (siting relatives. Mr. and Mrs W. Ernest Harper, of 4m North Carllslo street, hove returned from Wllwood, whero they spent tho, month at their cottage. Mr. Harry Derbyshire and family, of 2310 North Howard street; Mr. George Derbyshire and family and Mr. John Derbyshire wilt soon leave for a 4000-mllo trip bv auto through tho north and north eastern Stntcs. Mr. and Mrs Trank Wolf, of 2303 North Front street, will leoo this week for a two weeks' stay In Atlantic City. Miss Mary Butler and her sister. Miss Margaret Butler, aro making arrange ments for a trip to Quebec, Can. They will return to tholr home, S030 Frankford avcrme, tho mlddlo of August. Tho United Republican Club, of the loth Ward, gao a big excursion to Atlantic City Saturday, led by Its president. Coroner William R Knight. Miss Elsie McCarty, 2022 East Elkhart street, entertained n number of her friends Friday evonlng. mi.. .T.tinln Collar. 17CS Frankford nve- nUe, is In Holly Beach, where sho will spend tho rest of tho soason. Sir. Edward Connor and family. 1552 East Montgomery avenue, will be at Pit man Grove for tho next six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John Gillette, of East Montgomery and Frankford avenues, will leave shortly to Bpend tho month of Au gust at Wlldwood. Delaware County r.. Tcnnn v.. .Tnhnson. a nonular matron of Media, Is homo from a short vacation spent at Capo May Miss Slartha Harvoy. of Norwood, is being extensively entertained during a stay at Wilmington. a Miss Mary E. Edwards is staying at Ocean City as the guost of Mr. and Mrs. Wllmer Tuckerman. of Media, Mrs. Charles Taj man, tho wife of the General Army Hospital In Honolulu, whero her husband is stationed, was a former resident of Media, taking an active part In social affairs before her marriage. STIos Mary Messlck nnd Miss Alice mull, of Ridley Park, are now staying at Vrlia wood, N. J. Th nv. and Sirs, Stanley Blllhelmer and family were entertained at dinner on Baturday evening by Mrs. W. H. Matthias at her home. Orchard Villa, In Norwood. The nev. Blllhelmer Is pastor at the Jm inanuel Lutheran Church, of Norwood. Camden and Vicinity- Mr. S. dray Dayton, or axoorestown. and Mr. Martin V. Bergen, formerly of Camden, will Join the military camp at riattsburg. N, Y., early next month. Mr W. B, Bunker, of North 6th street, will 'spend his vacation In Boston and Its suburbs the 1st of August. Dr. and Sirs W. B Jennings,. 'of Klng'a Highway, East Haddontleld, have gone by motor to Portland. Me. Mr, and Mr William Dallar and chil dren, of 3d and Peart streets, are oocu pylng their cottage at ritman until Sep. tember. , Sir. and Mrs. James Downey and fam ily, of Wl Cooper street, aro entertaining friends at their heme, at Chelsea. Vacation Day Precautions Jt' a ureal annoyance to jtl yourttlf far from homo and unabtt to obtain your faveiit nemfoptr. Bfore V9U go auiau HQHfu the Bvcniug llgr to hav iwur pa)r enf to you Bptoify tht edition dtir4. Notlcee fer he Seelfty pe will U ectpted and printed In the Evening tedser, but all sutn notlece mutt fc trrlt(N on side e tbg PPr, taut be slsned In full, with full 4 dreu, end when poBU ttliphone uumber ruuet be fleo, Send ell eeumiuilatleB to "Seetely Kdltor." Bvenfag jedr, CM Chut out tret. Uttleu tbeee r4WBiu aie carried t tbat vw4Atiea cuy be wMtU. Ibe notice will net U MRS. WILLIAM G. COWAN her wedding trip nnd ia receiving at chnntville, N. J. Tioga Mr. and Strs. John Taws nnd their family, of North ISth street, aro spend ing tho summer in Ocean City. Sir. nnd Mrs. M. J. PlUpatrlck. of 3722 North Broad street, with their son and daughters, Sir Raymond PlUpatrlck, Miss Alma Titzpatrlck and Silss Jem ritzpalrlcle, will leave on August 1 to pass the month In Atlantic City. Mr. and Sirs. William H. Henderson, with their children, Louis, Graco nnd Ruth, will spend August In Ocean City. Sirs Catharine Cassldy. of 1212 West Erie avenue, and her daughter, Mrs. Simon Pauxtlx, of Wllkei-Barre. will go to Atlantic City for tho remainder of the season. Sirs. Augustus Bacharach nnd her fam ily, of 2114 West Tioga strcot. are in Glensidc, Pa. Mlsa Sladelelne Dals, of Pike street, will leave shortly to spend, the balance of tho season In Atlantic City. RoxSorough Durlnrf aAubI thn' jGlrls' League of tho WIssnhlckon Baptist Church wilt occupy a cottage at River Shore, N. J. Tho Rev. and Sirs. L. C. Hofer will ac company tha league. Mr and Sirs Joseph Ewlng, of Roxbor ough, nro enjoying a vacation In Atlant c City. Sir. Thomas Buckley, of Atlanta. Ga , Is among tho visitors at tho Falls of Schuylkill. Dr and Sirs. Lewis Reeso, of Rldgo avenue, Falls of Schuylkill, are occupy ing their summer cottage on the eastern shore of Slaryland. They nre accom panied by their son. Sir. David Reese. Sir. and Sirs. Joseph Kerns, of Falls of Schuylkill, nre spending a vacation In Atlantic City. Hotel Arrivals annEN's m ir, Carpenter, Camden. K. J . cnnrifs f, j.inKic, nftlfl. lie arrlsburr. I'a. W. C. Smith, Ocran City, N. J. mVTlMTMTI T J.i Sir. and Mr A, It. Kriiutr, Wllmtpg- ton. Ucl.i C. U Du Doll, Camden, N. J. POONEIV8 J. C. Evsni. rialnneia. N. J. Fred Tearaon. Downlmlown, ln.; A. J. Snyder, Uoyleatcwn. Pa. NKW DINOHAM-A. S Jenliln. Trenton. U, J . Mr and lire. J, Moore, llatboro, N. J,; John M, Ouckland, Atlentown, Pa. HANOVnn-Charlea U Narlor. Pennaarove. N. J.:. Charles II. Weeton, New York) O. Itandall, 'W aahtnston, D. O.I It. It. Yeager, I'lttaburfh, Pa. WINDSOR II. D. rartridfe. New York! Hob! ert b. tinier, unmer, rj a, ii, urown, iiocneaier, n. x,; ur, ana ri Mr, ind Mrs. IS. Q. Fnr- ron. Ingram. i'a. VBNDIO-D. F. Drown, York, Ta.i J. C. Winters, Lebanon, l'n.; Mr, end Mrs. O. II. Zimmerman, Rhamokln, I'a.; John U, Eader, HaKeretown. Md. ADRLPIIIA I. J Johnion, Iloetnn. Mae.( Mrs 'Crrua aordon Clearfield, I'a.i Walter V Edmonda, Byracuee, N, Y,; I, H. lllrm- Ingham, I'ltlaDursh, I'a. BT JAMES Mr. and Mr. J I Lnwrenre, New York) I. W, Tlmberlaka, New York Helen O Ilea, rattraon, N. J i J. I., fleiton. Wilmington, Del. ItlTC-CAItLTON-A. U Bcheek. New York! Mrs. H. C Bhumwar, Ilocheiter, N. Y., H. N Comtantlne. Wnshlnjton. p C.t A. Vourol, Waehlngton, D. C.1 Mre V. Krauch. New York! Mra. M A Roblnaon, Honolulu, lluwnll' Mr, and Mra Walter Langdnn, New York, F, I- Hart. Heet Orange, N. J,j Mra. N II, 8her, York. I'a, WELLBVUE-STRArrFOnD-MIa May Wagner, Oak Lane Va J . M. Suatln Corning N Y.. M F man, ChicagOj 111 i H. J 1 1 aft tell, i entAAii ('a i Mr and. Mra, John Frank lin. WHIUmiport, Paj Mra J T Stone, Clarion. Pa lr, . I. Fulton, Flttaburah, lata. Scranton, l'a.j Spring Orove. Pa.t I'a Ml Jaanette Mrlli Aiwa Milifr ii. nine;, nrnii, v,u.' MUa Claire M, Healey, t'etaluma, Cat WALTON-Mr and Mra. II I. Lawrenc, Nay Yorki H W , Sloan. Pltteton Pai tl. JV. Kenney, t'lttaburgh. Pa. Henry O'lJtughlln, HartfcrJ, Conn. STENTON I- Cleave, Creaaon, I'a , Mr "jaSea W, Jan.y. Cblcaao. Ill P bwifdt, Plltaburgh, I'a ! I T Clarke, I'ltUburgS, Ta. COLONNADB-O. r wagennorei, Aaron, j H. uachman, Ilarrlburr Tj I J H. ?ly. Baltlinere. ld t W. W. Nu. KHl Waehlngton, I), a; Mr, W. IL 5. ChaiUrOI, Pa. What's Doing Tonigjjt PhlUdHjbla Band, City Hall naa 8 V'$!inniiu'Pit Band, Btrawborry Memlwi 8 MueSctMl Jtamd. Fox Ohaae, Hhawa and D i'refmor Ungeleua. B e'cloek, .. .-in - i ......i - .Mil inieea! Suffrage Events Today WOMAN IUPFKAQB PARTTi m SJST'ffiWe WMkMuf at tin Laocaater avoeaa. 8soakM4,W. J. wi agen- knlaht and 54 U Katcl xum eti BViUAL rHANl-MlSB SOCIBTS Noon ,' lco air martin.; ai tea uiw i iBa uitilauy Mil I iaeieatw puiku aiu tfeiitu eupui Ooa l air moallna at 9nmM avenue lU a Uu Cbaotent UtU- Koll-r Iht avt-cua KSB U T, I'hoto by Marccau. her homo, 113 Cono road, Mcr- 1 Lansdowne Dr. nnil Sirs. Mnltliew II. CryeV nnd Sliss nilzabeth Crcr, ot South Lans donnc, will lcao tomorrow for a tour of tho West nnd the Panama Exposition. Str. Charles Johcs, of Allentown, Is tho guost of Sir. Joseph Rucklcy, of 105 East buswart acuuc. Sir. llarokl It. Burt nnd family, of North Lniisdonne avenue, motored to At lantic City, whero they will remain somo time. Sir. and Sirs. Edward Ryan, of La Crosse avenue, will spend August at Ocean City. Str, AVIlIlam D. Chnlmcrs, of Essex ave nue, has returned from a visit to his par ents In Wisconsin. Sir. Henry Holtz nnd family will spend August nt Wlldwood. . i Sir. nnd Sirs. Frnnk C. Burrows, of Stewart avenue, nro enjoying a motor trip to Chesapeake Bay, Silss Anna Vaughan. of Stratford ave nue. Is visiting her brother In Chicago. Sirs. X. Bryne Dougherty, of Falrvlow avenue, is touring through Slalno and Now Hampshire. Dr. and Sirs. J. Lynn Barnard, of Cast Greenwood avenue, remain In Wlldwood until September 30, Sir. Hugh SIcCormack, of Philadelphia, was tho week-end guest of Sir. nnd Sirs. Charles King, of North Lansdowne avenue. j The Mercersburg Academy roil BOYS Slercereburg, Pa. Bend for catalogua to Win. Slann Irrine, rh.ll.. I.I..H., lleadmiutrr, jloxU8. mnivvnia iiTtRfMfCRR rnr.l.KaB will make exreptlonally attractive offer thle wek to any pereon Uealrlng a buelneia education. SOli to 80T Cheetnut etreet. Philadelphia; Phila. School of Design for Women BROAD AND MAHTBIl STa 5J19PBNS BEPTEMDIill SITU. TI1K HOLJfAN SCHOOL. 2501 WALNUT BT. " From Monteeiiorl through Cpllege Prepara tory Olrie and mall hoyt. ClI.VSIIIHltSHt'nU, I'A. P E p, W HAL L SCHOOL FOR aiHLH Located In tha beautiful Cum berland alley, College Preparatory and Special Couraea May each year apent at Atlantio City No Interruption In work, Ilatea IBOO. Kor catalog and vleni, addraee FRANK a MA0.1LL. A M.. Principal. 11LA1RBTOWN. N. J. ULAIK ACADEAtY FOR UOYb 100-aer carupui. UX-, b moa. t.iaca.1 jrm. iwlm. DQOl. t- JOIINC SUA EjUUOWCU, UlllOJl eIUVf. Itl'i A.M D I) , Prln., iiAitKisnuiiaL pa. HARKISBURG ACADEMY Modern bldge , large campua. Small elaaeee. Inultiuual Inelructloni thorough eellege pretM aratlon. Ratea. IOO-tftti Wrlia fur eatalog. 1KSTJC1IKSTKH,P.1. Statu miiuial bcnooL. Bath 8e. I1BO-I3I0 per eur O M rjllUPS. ITIn. Mother? From Far Away Texas and Oklahoma Ask us to Select Schools for Their Daughters During the last few weeks wc have received at the EducatiooaJ Buteiu many , requests from far distant places. Mothers in Texas, Oklahoma, WcsS Vir ginia, Virginia and other States have asked us to help them W sejUi a l0 for their children. Some want a moderate priced school and others mm limit. Q Of whatever character. We find It and can hiJp you. too, U w perplexed and worried about selecting a prorc sihool. H By ""f Ledger Central you will save yourself much tiro, espwjse and wpy " phole or write, giving full details, in order to facilitate the JwwUtfK of your Inquiry, EDUCATIONAL BUgEAV LEDGER CEKTRAL Brod wmJ Chstnut Streets 1MB. PHILADEbMUANS PROMINMHT t Week-end House Parties, Dance Ccntml, Crabbing mi SoiHttf Affaire favorite Pastimts for Society Folk at Shore, .ATLANTIC dtT. July it. TlltS social calendar of the summe girl nt the shore was completely filled thU w6ekertu the pfeauraBf 8f still bigger days to come. All the piers orferftd Spe cial Ajtraotlona, with danelhg m the salient feature, For the member of the Chelsea colony thero was the dance at tho Yacht Club and at tho lloftl Chelsea. The Chelsea dances, by the -dey, are very exclusive this year, admission being by card, issued through the courtesy of the management. Severn! hundred persons witnessed the races at the Atlantic City taeJU Club Saturday afternoon About St wore en tertained at luncheon. During the lull between the races there was dancing. The gnlety concluded with a largo dance nt night Commodoro and Mrs. Samuel If Whan were among thoso who came up front Chelsea for the races, Sirs Wahn was attractively attired In a hand-embroidered pongee coat suit which sho woro with a dark bltio satin somltallored sailor hat. Mrs Frank Jardcn was there In n White broadcloth tnllored Coat suit ami a clojr- fltllng white turbnn adorned with white wings Mrs. Henry Clay Ransley topped her white frock with nn Allco ulttd silk sweater. A small white turban completed her attire. Miss Arta Slay Vnro divided her at tention between the dances nnd the races. She wore a white silk ccatume made with nn outing jacket bordered with Copert' hngen blue silk. The skirt wa edged with n border bf the same. With this costume she chose a small white chnpeau decked with white Slorcury wings. Sirs. Bertram Prosier woro a moillh canary silk Sweater ocr her lingerie frock. Her white hat woo encircled with summer blooms. Thero were a number ot Interesting per sons here over Sunday, nnd many attrad tlve costumes were noticed. Stuyor James II. Frcston, of Baltimore, and Sirs. Frcston, who are annual sum mer visitors, having apartments nt the SInrlborough-Blcnhclm each season, Joined tho midday nromenaders The Sin) or was all In vliltf. Mrs. Preston chose n ery handVome white lingerie gown ulth girdle of pink satin, nnd n black net hat embellished with paradise plumes. Sirs, Levi P. Slorton. of New York who was also among the promenaders, wore a rather plain frock, of Scotch plaid silk with dark blue and green the predomi nating colors. Her small white hemp hat was decked with white breaits. Sirs. Clarence Bush, of Great Neck, L. I., who Is spending tho summer at tha shore, wears nn all-white chnpeau apd a white crepe de chlno frock topped with a golucn silk sweater. Sir. and Sirs. Nathnn Spering and fam ily, of State road, Cynwyd, nre now at their cottage, 11 South Vaiear square, Ventnor. CAPE St AY. July 7.-The most Inter esting event of tho week wao the dancing contest held at the Red SII1I Saturday night. Several hundred persona Were present nnd the evening was the gnyeat of the season. The judges for the contest were Silas Sophlo Worth Miss Valentine Mitchell. Sir, E. Spencer Sillier, 3d, Sir. Andrew Wheeler, Jr., Sir. Daniel L. Hutchinson, 3d. Mr, William Chunn, of Baltimore, and Silss Elolmi Orme, ot Washington, won the contest, though the finals "were hird to choose botween Sir. Knthnnlcl Datls and Silss Doiothy rrck. Sir. Samuel Blspham nnd Stlvj Alva Ser geant The beautiful silver cup presented by Slayer Cassedy. of Cape SJay, was gl on to Sliss Orme. Among others sreu dancing woro Miss Mary Smith, MIbj Edith U Smith, Silss Ethel Shields, Silas Eleanor Hopkins, Miss Virginia Harris, Sir. and Sirs "William Wilbur, Mr. and Sirs. Arthur E, Charrlngton, Sir. and Mrs. Henry Kurt. Sir, nnd Mrs. Harry Edson, Sir. Louis Tllge, Mr. and Mrs. William SALTantnto. pa. KISUlMINnTAH spniNaa SCHOOL ion no. a Indorsed by eery American Unlreralty. In dividual plan of work for each boy. College Preparatory Couraa and a good training for buelnees life. Special courae In agriculture Sclentino phyilcal care. Pura water, good food -'00-aqro farm. A school of tharaoter. S8th year opena Sep 21. Write f or Cat'g No 31. Kltklmlnetaa hprlnga Bchool, Baltitmrg, Pa. CAniJSI.K. FA. CONWAY HALL Flrat-claea Prepara UWVYftl IXfU ,er B(.hocl ,,, ,. proved courace, experienced teachere and com plete equipment Alma to develop strong men. Catalogue I. . . ' ,.. . .....a .....nk.-. ,:...- IV A Jiuiwiunun ueaumaeier ALLTiNTOtVNl'A. Allentown Prep. School rrepsrea boya tor lead ing colleges ctunlveraltlee, Naw bldge ; all eth letlca. Jr Dcpt Frank L. Slginan, A St . I'rln. TJTITZ. PA. LINDEN HALL SEMINARY For dirts. Ea. lTltt. Bkt. Ad 13o 115. Utlti. Pa, STAUNTON, VA. Mary Baldwin Seminary, Staunton. Va.t Lo cated in Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Unaurpaaeed climate , modern appointments. Terms moderate l'uplla may enter any time. Catalogue Mies K. C. Weimar, Principal. UALTIMOHR, Mil. AFFORDBY NORMAL SCHOOL - r- Kindergarten Primary. Bipioma. ni tin SeaVlen begins Sept ST Couree cf Jyeara. Model and Practlea Sehoda Bllk man. rrm.. unman Aparx C. Jlallluwre, M4. 'it iiir itn imuiiw , ffSffiiS HltsJ. Mr. and MN, Oeorr thotaiM, Ur -nnd Mr. Jdihiia Shoemaker Mr. ana sCHfc ' Edward Norrto, Mr. and' Mrs? A ffeiM. Worth Df end Mr Charts N DrST Mr and Sirs Watte FreemaH. Mfst Catfc arlrtt C'naaara, Mls L Read. Mtft HUN Wilson, Mu Xathrrn Itar. lll BepKH Worth. SUs Alva Sergeant. Silts liertth Frick, Mrt Josephine Glehfgef. Uij IU5? i.'.'' Baltimore, Mies Mary McCabe, Miss Alice McCabe, Wl teW lock Richards, MUa Louise Ofey, SHa ', Luny Orey, BIUs Violet Wetn. Mlse.Vsl-1" ' Jhtine Mitchell, Sffg Rlhmbeth Kennedy, Mr nnd Sirs. Harold Moon. Mr. ahS Sir,, B. Spencer Miller W, Mr and Mrs. Oeprie Hardtng, Jr , Mr and Mra. Thomas Btwlt liansfh. Air ahd Mrs. Verrhan Orer Mr and Mrs Coleman Peart Drown. Mr nJ srrs Andrew Whaler, Mr anu Mr. Net. S"..? ..wr't. Mra Home JSum Sm'lh, Sirs Qeor -rgeant. fr An.r Wheeler. Jr , Nath et ia, Mr Will lam C. Ltinn, Mr Ward CastarA, tr. Phlller Le. Mr. eph Stoulton, Mr, rarker MeComas, Sir Neville Jiiiief atr Shackelford Sillier, Str William KJngsley, Jr., Str Harry SttMleha!, Mr Rolahd Sergetnt, Sir Alfred Sergeant, Mr Will iam Pepper, m str. Robert Carrere. Mr. Aplln Sparks, Sir Samuel Cartwftter, Mr. Douglas Warner1. Sir John Dorsey, Mr. Robert Towlle. Sir. Daniel L. ItulelitnaAB. 2d, Mr. Dalnnno Ladd. of PiainlleM; Mr. R6y Coffin, Sir Philip Wleher, Mr Henry Patton, Sir. John Conger Mr. John Dorsey gave another one of hie delightful sailing parties Baturday after- noon. His guests Included SHss Kathrrn Kfflnger, of Louisville, Ky : silss Kathleen Mason, Miss Carpenter, Miss K, BalWch niehards, Sll.s Edith Wilson, MUS Cath arine reward, Sir Neville Miller, Mr. Bhackelford Miller, of Louisville, Mr. T Parker StcComas, Sir. William C. Ltinn, Sir. Apllrl Sparks. Sir. and Sfra E. Spencer Miller. Sd, en tertained at dinner before the Red Mill danco Salunlay night. The- guests In cluded Sir and Sirs George Harding', MUs Eleanor Blspham, Sir. Parker McComit, Sir. William C. Lunn. Stlea Kathryn II. Hare and Str, John da i P. Conger wore tho guests for the week- end of Sir. and Mrs HolUngshead Taylor at their cottage on Beach avenue. Str William Pepper, Sd, was the guest of Str. and Mrs. Horace Eugene Smith at their pretty summer home In Cape May. OCEAN CITY, July J7.-Mr. nnd Mr Theodore Sleffert and family, of Phlladel pliln, have opened their cottage On Cen tral road. Mr, and Sirs, Victor J. Humbrecht nnd family, of Ynrdley, are among the Board walk Strollers. " Dr E. C. Baughan nnd family, ot Phlln- dclphla, nre occupying their pardena - apartments, Str. Robert D. Clow and. family ant ' among tho Wsltors from Camden They are In their cottage Str. and Mrs. William Q Stewart, of Elklns Park, are enjoying the good roads lri this section In their automobile. Sir. Stewart la n Philadelphia broker. Sir. nnd Sire. Blaine Wi Scott, ot Weal Philadelphia, aro here for tho remainder of tho season. . Sir. John C Allen and family, ot Phila delphia, have taken a cottage for the season. Sir. Allen's brother-in-law, Mr. . John E. Wick, of Philadelphia, has overs' a cottager here for a number ot year. Sir. Bernard Ruckdeschel, ot West Phil adelphia, who owns a handsome cottage in tho extreme upper section ot the city, has purchased the Dr. N. Orlscom resi dence at 8th street and Wesley avenue. DAY HEADDr. and Sirs Harry Toul-' mln, Silss Slarlan Priestley Toulmlnv Silss Florence Toulmln, of Haverford, are hrre. they have taken a cottage for the aummer SJIss Slarlan Toutmln has Just returned from the conference at Sliver Bay, N J., nnd nil! remain here till Tues- Jiny. when she will leave tor the Pacini coast wun air, ana Airs, nawson ana Silss stargaret Clawson They will go out by way of Denver and Salt Lake to San Francisco, where they will attend the exposition, and return by way of Pert land, .Seattle nnd ,th Canadian Hookies. f NAZAItRTII, PA. SEND YOUR BOY TO Nazareth Hall Military School Safeet place in America tor bint Kttabliehed in 1785 Rev. 8. J. filu-i, D.D., Principal - .- . i7 M'rNNEtiOOP. TA. "Country Day School for Boyw riaca your boy In thte school end you hare riven him the opnortunlly to arrlva ar roanheO't phyilratly nt and with nl atudles loielllgtatly rnaelered. Open In Sept. at Wynnewood. J'a Iter. Olbeon Iell, A.U., n.I).. llead Uastrr, 8510 yhoe SlreetCbealnut UUI,P. cilErEH, P. , PKNNSXLVANIA MILITAItV COLUBOlt With preparatory tleimrlraent, Neartit ot all eollegea to (lieclplloe. phflcal !ralaia and .duration t rat Int UfWew i vll Knalneerlni, ChemHIrr and Aria. An. draia vol. unae. E. Uyatt. Prea. Boa 6efc Chuter. pa Ktnj.KnmJtVAl , inillVIlN SKMIN'ARV 4 COLLSaR FDR PA- Ar4J. lTlth year Sept. .1916 lTllh year Bepy A81inaTON,p. 0 BT. AJ.8 Vk.JUI4U I I i"11 .t L gg,1 '--, ,.--...-- f mm e-S l4V HHflWHHI