HIS FIRST BIRTHDAY ear 'ffl ' t Next Sunday the Public Ledger pub lishes the year's review of the European wan All important events in the un happy family of nations are chronicled by journalists, statisticians, historians and military experts. Each side of the controversy that dip lomacy failed to settle is presented by capable writers, and the results of bloody titanic struggles are given in detail, with the present status of field move ments and official parleys clearly outlined. Seven of the Magazine Section's eight pages, as well as the entire Intaglio, are devoted to the full history of the war. Special articles, late news, maps, photos ahd interesting comments have been collected from thfe highest sources of in formation: Included in this unequaled presentation of big war features are "The History of the War," by C, W. Thompson; "The Military Side' by war experts of the Allies and the Qer rrians; "What the War Means to the Rest of the World," by Charles Johnston; "Imperialism and Peace," by Edwin Goldbeck; "Elements That Make for Lasting Peace After the War," by George H. Borst, and a comprehensive analy sis of the war's effect on business and international trade. 4 V UGUST 1st g2& iJLJSi LEDG leisure to get your War iNumbe: W; ibi Order from your deakrM itee th u D A Y j PUBLIC ER .