i' vSTRAt TUESDAY July 27, 1915 f9Bfcy ufimi macraer IP ml '' f -V V . fWS&. ffil M. !,!, - - ' I -- w m Hii ife. II- it? Cf-?hv 1 11 B' lJ IsM Mr tfi PERSONS, SCENES AND EVENTS THAT FIGURE IN THE NEWS OF THE .DAY FROM DIVERS SOURCES! , .., ' ' ' ' , "71 ' - 1 CLASS OF POLICE LIEUTENANTS LISTENS TO TEACHER-JUDGE Judge Raymond C. MacNcillo, of the Juvenile Court, is shown hero delivering a talk on the proper attitude of the police toward the child offender. It is the- Jtidgo's belief that too much care cannot be exercised in tho handling of youthful defendants! Photo by Cllnedlnit. MISS MARCIA MURDOCK ENGAGED She is, tho lovely, Titian-haired daughter of ex-Representative Victor Murdock, the Kansas editor. Her fiance Is Lieutenant Harvey Delano, U. S. N., at present attached to tho U. S. S.- Vermont. ' i n ! b mJ i .. . - r - .. r ... t t . m ... r. ... . f m !,, .him mmiirnii r J"-"fc -- I Mis3 Gratia S. . SUFFRAGE SPEAKERS PROVE THEIR PRACTICAL ABILITIES IN PREPARATION FOR PROPAGANDA TOUR Erickson and Miss Graco Hillis-are two young Philadelphia suffragist agitators, who are making a. determined effort in behalf of votes for women. Showing true suffragist ability, Miss Erlckson is quite able to paint tho wagon in tho suffrage -, ,' 4'. ' .' . color yellow while Miss Hillis. tquches up "Tommy," tho horse that assists materially in their campaign. s f . JII.IH mi'' i.. i ... ) ' - !! i II i iiimi 'i I " I I ii' '"" '" i ' '' '" ' ' l""' '"" I ' " I n. ' ' " .'. ' '..,' " ' i ' I i i i ii ..... i I, "J "- " ' ' ' i in ..i 3 in tutj 8u.tattn S'ivi . i nu. w i'MHbivatm GERMANS ANiJ ALLIES BOTH PREPARED TO GUARD AGAINST ASPHYXIATING GASES IN TRENCH WARFARE Tfc.- Ftu h ' . tiu left) re eea about to throw hand grenades Tbeir fc ws fa ily nisakea inst the poiwiwu gwe. Hvy IwlBMts yuwd M3Ut injurs tivm b uMtJn sJwOk overbad. od to coultt iii , ifi, ihy r tmgrt-jwaof wtfatcoafc. The GnMw ta ti wfe vutw N 1 U rlctl fumes Uut uiy hk out C tkur own pij. aad&mb. fag th Rd CrSflKDSw; costume wutu bv thi creiuJitis. ii arhivifi'jmbdto ihagus. jtfJi