SIIINGTON GIRL'S ANNOUNCED IN titer of Ex-CoHgressman to Lieutenant Delano, United States Navy. Personals of Interest. S'UD haa been received In this city ST llio betrothal of Miss Marcla Sk, t"e tmugllier 0I ex-congress' inntor MurnocK nnu Airs. aiuraocK, ifruununt Harvey Dotano, V. S. N. Sslufdock Is a frequent visitor In this mre she lias "Ry irionas. ano i,it debut In Washington two years fed has since that time been a prom vjnerhber of tho social set of that rhe wedding win b0 aoiemnuea on Way, August 28, at Wichita, Kan., lirly in September tno uncic anu XM Will BR1I IU1 HIIU..6II.11, R tho bridegroom will Join tho Aftl- list?.- . t..ta.4 A 1 . I n I Wlnlar. Squadron, unu ....... ....,- &S . . . mi th nflrnnnat fttnff H1, ana biiiyv --. hat commander. danco held Inst night at tho Dela fllver Club, Torresdale. proved very ihil A largo numucr ot ciud mem- entertainoo. m '"'; famo later, Joined In tho dancing, invitation wrb extends J by tho i a( governors of the club to the . .4 m ..1nf rlf lit- am wfS Ol tile lorrqsutt.o jul mu iu Son those who attended were Mr. iff.." a Mrrp nlrirlle. Mrs. Waller ffia.! 'nr. and Mrs. Warren Walker, Band Mra. Joseph I,. Phillips, Mr. and TT Arthur JtlOWC, iir. uhu jhib. iiuncu SPincottBt, Mr. and Mrs. Edward O ffiSer, Mr. and .Mrs. Edward Ralnsford, 'AfiTand Sirs, unanes iiwiumiii .n. mm lifif". r. -..i. r. trill Ml lirHI TnoniBB u. v-uaiv, ....... ...., ........ KiSlW Walton, Mlsa LIlo T. Fisher, .Miss ..-.... ..ti, Pnttoraon. Miss Jean Chris- Sti,iiutt MIbs Mao Patterson, Miss KElto Howell. Miss Mario Louise Dilkcs, Im ami Mrs. Isaac Francis, Mr. and MB William Wiltshire, Mr. G. Dilkcs, !! .' . n. ,. m. tut, i- r vr luenara oiui u,n, ..... roUerall, Mr- Goorgo K, Dower, Jr., Mr. Browning Clement, Mr. Roger Montgom- Mr. A. A. miiyumi, x. u.iw .-... ... ,- r ca,. ,r. w. YorKQ cncvuiiouii, .ui. .... oiu- Raion Easby, Mr. Spencer Downing, Mr. leSSitr Howell, Mr. Henry I'ancost and HKThomas Kilby Bmitn. jtr, and Mrs. John West Goodwin, of fwO'Baynton street, nnnounco the cn fnrement of thotr daughter, Miss Mary iDuTcy Goodwin, to Mr. Samuel Prltchctt, FJrof Now York city. Mr. and Mrs. it. uruco jttamsay, ui R Baltimore, aro hclng congratuiatcu on ,, birth of a son, R. Bruco Ham- Mr, Jr. r. Rlcharu Stoveni and her daugh m(h Elsla Stevens, who are tho mt nf Mrs. John R. Droxcl, In Now- hioH. for several days, havo taken apart- BVjIltS at ino luciiuilliittci-miiiv ' "" tonth of AugUBt. un Auguai i airs. eiirens and her daughter will bo hosts UW. dinner party at tho Hill Top Inn. nt IfhlcH covers win do iam ior w. 5li Helen Dando, daughter of Mr. and Bri..Thomas S. Dando, of wynnewooa, ISt present tho guest of Miss Martha ffiotUns, of Wawa, at licr summer nomo U;hlgan. t,;Along the Main Line OVP.ItBtlOOK. Mrs. Aaron F. Perkins, ill Ik flnlf Club. Is nt Dresent the guest othtrnKjther, Mrs. Ellen Bally, at Glou- Ur. andMra. John Horbert Reading. Jr&ol fetches lane, are staying two fHiUiln Eagles Merc. AJUJJtORK.'-Mr. and Mrs. Lawrenco D. ii. of MM Creek road. ,wlll leave July iff Southampton, whero they will visit ;and Jlrs. Edward Hino jonnson at. summer home. T. II. Huddlcston and family, of tlKent road, left Thursday for Bay eid, N. J., whoro they expect to ro Wi until September 1. BRYN MAWR Miss Alva Sheafer, ot Sit Philadelphia, Is visiting Miss Chrls- Zlebarth, of Lancaster avenue. Uustavus GriBcom, ot Gulf road. today for a week's stay at Wlld- fj C. Ferree, of Gulf road. Is spending al weeks In Brooklyn, whero no is Iruelit of Mrs Rand. Chestnut Hill r. and Mrs. Wilson Potter, of Mont- tmery avenue, aro visiting Irlenas in Iceland, O. Era. William Forsythe. of 112 Moreland fflmie. finds Portland, Me., an attractlvo jgmer resort. ami Mrs. Harrv Bromley, of 7000 lahlcknn nvenue. with their children S taken a cottage at Chelsea for tho gmer. Germantown i. Ttnhflrt r. pltfleld. of 6211 Wayne MUe, accompanied by her daughter. Georglanna ritncia, wm icu it 15 for Jamcatown. R. J., wnero ' Kilt spend tho remainder or ino ner Doctor l'ltneld win icavo au- ijfl for tho same resort. i and Mrs. John M. Frier, or owa lie avenue, have returpea irom mo .-t'acino imposition. ?nnrt Mr TMumrd T. Newklrk, of hll-Ellena street, have returned from IWon-the-Hudson, wnero mey wiu friends. Mrs, Newklrk has as Kweit her mother, airs, wnnnen hman, of Brown's Mllia-in-ine-i-m", Admiral and Mrs. Doyle nro Sing the summer at tho Chancellor, ftat School House lane. nn.i xtra rrhornn T. Crane, oc Slit B street.' are guests at the Hotel Sold. Now London, Conn. .and Mrs. Harry LippJncott Cassard, i reiham Road, win spena mi ""?- mo guests or iru. . -Mrs Catherine Cooper. t ner (n Aabury Park, N. J. W M Cardeza. whosa beau- n at tho rnmir nt Washington and Morton street Is one of the places In Germantown, win jeavo ' dava in hw mntor for Chicago and ithere will so to the Panama-Paclflo Wtion In her private car. i and Mrs William Moffly. of Allen ara at nreaent the EUftStS Of Mr. .Mrs Conrad B Grove at their cot- ln isagernere. Pike county, ra Moffly has returned ana is u Mum Mary D Goodwin, or ow street Along the Reading n Un teaae T. SIMS', W P1! wen roaa. Try r family. Uava Br the summer Htlen Houston 1M0 Puru avenut, rrtvwl in Buston and will be the w ulaiivt tliete for a wee. wn ill !. tor New Y r uv ' there until the early Pr ' Bafe J!tmbU Frry, o W4 Gap M ENGAGEMENT THIS CITY TODAY Victor Murdoch Is Engaged aunt, Mr. nnd Mrs Mannlhg, of Old York road, Jenklntown. Mr. and Mrs John Andreas will be at home after September 1 at Wllkes-Barre, ra. Mrs. Andreas was Miss Ruth Rid. dell before her marriage June 30, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rlddcll, of Cresthlont. At a recent election of officers of tho LadleB' Auxiliary of the Independent i ire company, or .MOKiniey, tho follow ing ladies wero selected! President, Mrs It. Hasan! vlco president, Mies Rose Costelloj recording secretary, Miss Mary 13. Uehan! financial secretary, Miss Cath erlno M. Whalcn: treasurer, Miss Mar garet Iljrnos Mr. and Mrs Charles Betts, of Lawnton avenue, Oak Lane, havo left for Ocean City, nhero they will remain durlmr the summer. Their niece, Mrs Karl M. Becker, who was one of last month's popular brides, will remain with her nunt and uncle until September, when she and Mr. Becker will occupy their new home, at Glenelde Miss Charlotte Belts and Mies Allco Betts will accompany their parenlB The next match of tho Glensldo Ten nis dub will bo with the Cedar Park Tennis Club today on the homo courts. Mr and Mrs. Charles Klang aro oc cupying their new homo at 11th street and Chelten avenue. Oak Lane. West Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. J. Willis Rommel, 6113 Regent street, havo gono to the Exposi tion. They will remain on tho coast In definitely. Mrs Edward B. Dowhurst. of the Monterey Apartments, 43d street nnd Chester avenue, Is at Chelsea Doctor Dowhurst Is building a new homo nt El kins Park, which they will occupy In the early fall. Mr. Edwin F. Irwin Is visiting Mr. Her bert G. Moore at his summer home, Ocean Grove, N. J. Mrs. Harold Simon, 411 North Robinson street. Is tho guest of Mr. nnd Mrs Eu gene Frazer, at Lorwood Grove, Del. Mr. Simon will spend the week-end nt Lor wood Grove. Mrs. Frank W. Boier. 27 Edgowood street, Is spending tho week-end In Har rlsburg with her sister, Mrs. H. E. Funk. Mr. nnd Mrs. Richard Dolton and their son, Mr. Richard Dolton, 6747 Pino street, motored to Ocean City, N. J., whero they will spend tho wock-end. South Philadelphia Mr. Harry W. Katman, of 1510 South 9th etrett, will open his summer home In ChclJea this Sunday. On that eve ning ho 'will entertain a largo group of his friends. Mr. William J. Ban- and his family, ot 1433 South Broad street, aro occupy Inc for the summer their cottage at 9th and ABbury avenues, Ocean City, N. J. Mr. William Doyle, Miss Jano Doyle and Mr. Albert Abelo will spend tho week-end nt Wlldwood. Mr. Daniel Mohan. 1527 Rltner street. has returned from a Bhort stay with his daughters. Miss Margaret and Miss Mario Mohan, who are In Long Island, visiting relatives for tho summer. Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Silver, of 407 South 5lh street, aro spending their sum mer vacation in Atlantic City. Mist Allco Furnlval, of Newark, who Is tho guest of Miss Mary Crook, 1213 South 23d Btreet, for a month, will pass tho week-end In Ocean City. Mrs. John H. Palmer, 1412 Pino streot, Is the guest ot Miss Mary B. Wharton, at Green Treo Cottage, Duffryn Mawr, Pa. Miss S. Streldler, 1015 McKean street, will spend the next two weeks at Atlantic City. North Philadelphia Mrs. Harry Popplewell and Miss Eliza beth Virginia Popplewell, of New York, aro tho guests of Mr. and Mra. William Grlnlshaw, of 3017 North Bailey street. After spending a short time they will go to Detroit, Mich. Mrs, Theresa Wucst, of 1101 Ridge nve nue, is at present the guest of her cousin, Mrs. J. Garrett, of Colmar, Pa. Mlas Elizabeth Hann, of Lehigh avenue, Is spending some tlmo In Wlldwood, whero she is tho guest of Dr. nnd Mrs. F. T. Brldgland at their summer home. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Brooks and their daughter. Miss Mildred Brooke, of 2133 North 19th street, are spending the sum mer In 'Ocean City. Mr. Harry A. Hees and family, of ISM North 16th street, are passing the sum mer In Chelsea. Mrs. Herbert Ellas, of 2330 North 21st street. Is spending four weeks at Old Point Comfort and Virginia Beach, Va. MIbs Hattle Blum, of 1315 North Broad street, who has been vleltlng Mrs. Edgar Bamberger tt Avon, N. J., for several weeks, will go to Mcadvllle, Pa., for the rest of the summer. Mr, Alexander Meltzer. of 1636 North Franklin street, left last -week for a month's visit to the Panama and San Diego Expositions, and upon his return will go to Atlantlo City, to remain until autumn. Roxborough Mrs. Jamea E Eckersley, of 115 Rochelle avenue, Wlssahlokon. who has opened hes house In Manatquan. N. J., la at present the guest of her sl'ter. Mr;. A. Van Buren Powell, of Bayside, Long Island, N, Y. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Flanagan, and family, of 361 Lyceum avenue, have taken a cottage at Longport for the remainder of the season. Next week they will have as their guests Mrs Franklin Z, Clark and Mrs, Charlea Hlllesley, also of Box borough. Mr. and Mrs. W. S Ealar, of 133 Rochelle avenue, are spending the sum mer In the Poeono Pines. xrr and Mrs. Cherlas Konzalman, of lwm avenu,. and their UmHr, h. Jolped the colony of cottagers a( Long port. ' otle f the, 8&W f " w Uditr. but all gtij be Zt. sod when po.lbl ttUpheu number mut be glTW. Send all ! oeuunuoIaatloM "mM,t Bdlter." Bftnloa Idl". ni)Blrt tL reilesU sr sswiwl moI w lht MlflMw "y EVBNIKG LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA. SATURDAY, JTTLY 24, . , .,, i ., , ,,.., ... JU&I ahhflS 9Ik dhVIBlB jfl$ v Thoto by A. FK'terlck Bradley. MISS MARY EVELYN CHEW Daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. David S. D. Chow, nnd n debutnnto of tho past Bcason. MIsb Chew will lenvo next month with tho Phi Kappa Sigmn Frnternlty for tho Pnnnmn-Paclfic Exposition. SUMMER ATLANTIC OITY, July 21, -Visiting daughters of the Amorlcan Revolution wero keenly Interested In tho largo auc tion bridge party which was held yester day afternoon at tho Hotel Gladstono by tho Lafayctto Chapter, D. A. R., to raise funds to support a scholarship at the Berry School at Mt. Berry, Go., which wao founded 10 years ago for tho educa tion of tho poor mountain whites The players Included Mrs. Frank Jarden, Mrs. M. V B. Scull, Jlrs. A. G. Stewnrt, Miss Anna Sanvay, Mra A. E. Bates, Miss Lulu H. Marvel, Mrs. Lels, Mts. William Hodgman, Mrs. Wil liam Reeve, Mrs. Robert Willis, Mrs. Lamb, Mrs. Lucius Wright, Mrs Law-, rence, Mrs. Jesse W. Starr, 3d, Jlrs 11 Bruco Burns, Mrs. .Marks uacnaracn, Mrs Arthur Knauer, Mrs William Har rison Van Dyne, Mrs. Frank C S'air balrn, Mrs. John C. Gossler, MrB. Wll llnm Riddle, Mrs. John Tomklns, Mrs, Henry Bolte, Mrs. Jesse B. Thompson, Mrs Jacob C. Myers, Mrs. Klmber Mc Wllllams, Mrs. Snider Do La Rue, MrB. William Hill. Mrs. Harry Bhetzllne, Mrs A. D. Cusladen, Mrs. Wlllam Pollard, Mrs. Julian Ireland, Miss Kathryn Col lins, Mrs. Zcph Conovor, Mrs. Thomas Williams, Mrs. Harry II. Hallman, Mrs. Theodore Drake, Mrs. Gcorgo Bailey, Mrs. John II Moore, Mrs. W. Chandler Stewart, Mrs Arthur Wright, Mrs. Al fred II. Johnson, Mrs. Lincoln Myers, Mrs. W. Scott Johnson. Mrs. Walter T Reed, Miss Sarah Doughty, Mrs. Henry Leeds, Jlrs. E. Gray Pendleton, Mrs. John A. Brown, Mrs. Gclger. Mrs. Daniels, Mrs Walter T. Naglc, Mrs. Robert Ingersoll, Mrs. Edwin Frank. Mrs. David C. Fltz slmmons, Mrs William B Loudcnslager, Mrs. Harvey R. Eaton, Mrs. William Mc Tnrland. Mrs MacLaren, Mrs. Charles Martin Nlles, Mrs. Walter Reynolds, Mrs MnnHr-n D. Youngman. Mrs. H. Starr Glddlngs, Mrs Y. T. Addis, Mrs. John Ellis. Mrs. C. William Ralth. Mrs. Byron G. Kauftman, Mrs. S. Hudson Vaughn, Mrs. Alfred Elv, Mrs Samuel P. Leeds, Mrs Albert H. Darnell and Mrs. Weaver. Mrs. Georgo T. Llpplncott gave an auc tion bridge of 10 tables at her cottago op States avenue. The prizes were dainty work baskets, one being awarded each table. Those who enjoyed Mrs. Llppln cott's hospitality were: Mrs. Frederick Robblns, Mrs. Robert Ingersoll, Mrs. Darbyshlrc, Miss Emily Scull, Mrs. John N. Wllkins, Jr., Mrs. Harry Parsons, Mrs. William H. Bartlett, Mrs. H. Starr Gld dlngs, Mrs. Frank Jarden, Mrs. E. O. Pendleton, Mrs. J. C Matthleu, Mrs. Jamea Ferguson, Mrs. William Riddle, Mrs. C. N. Nlles, Mrs. Edward Porteous, Mrs. Cecil Sayre, Mrs. J. B. Thompson, Mrs. J. Haines Llpplncott. Mra. Mack Latz, Mrs. McLeod Thomson, Mrs. W. C. Wescott. Mrs. Mack Latz has issued cards for a solreo on Sunday at tho Hotel Alamac. Mrs William Loudenslager will enter tain at bridge on Wednesday at her cot tage, Stenton Placo and Pacific avenue. Mrs. Maurice D. Youngman will enter tain at luncheon and bridge on Thursday at the Marlborough-Blcnhclm Mr. and Mrs. Isaac F. Roton, of Phila delphia, have taken apnrtments at the 'Marlborough-Blenhelm for tho remainder of the summer. Miss Ollvo Reeder and her sister, Mrs. Thomaa Hughes, of Baltimore, who have been at the Brighton for a fortnight, left this week for Bar Harbor, whero they will remain until the latter part of Au gust, returning here for September. Mrs. Bolton Earnshaw Is visiting Mr, and Mrs. Harrison Cook at tho Seaside House. Mrs. B. I. Ward, who has been here all summer, left this week for her lodge, Deechwood, at Lake Placid, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bromley, of Phila delphia, have leased the Swoer cottage on Aberdeen Place for the season. Mrs. J. Abbott Wiggins has Just re turned to her Chelsea cottago after spending a week at Cape Cod. MRS. DAVID D BERRY Mrs Berry is now receiving in her new home, 8020 Washington avenue, and sM be remembered l9 UiM Edith Ridgway Appl before few marriage lt month, RESORTS Miss France; Travor, who spent tho early summer here, has gono to New port for the remainder of the season Mrs. E. G. Newbold, of Philadelphia, entertained at luncheon at the Hotel Chelsea on Thursday. Covors were laid for 10. Dr. J. D. Spackman, of Philadelphia, arrived at tha Marlborough-Blenhelm Thursday, whero ho will remain for aov crat weeks. A number of Phlladelphlans came down Thursday night to attend tho wedding of .miss ltutn Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charlta Miller, 1851 North 17th street. Philadelphia, to Morris Kohn, Jr., ot Fern Rock, Tho ceremony was per formed by tho Rev. Henry Bcrkowltz In tno uouroom of tho Hotel Ostend. Mrs. Morllmer Levy, of Philadelphia, was matron of honor and Mr. Harry GlnBborg was best man. There wero four flower girls. Miss Kathryn Miller, Miss Florcnco Mlllor, Miss Florenco Ginsberg and Miss Gladys ainsberg. A reception and danco followed the ceremony. Mrs. Wallace Stcbblns, who Is spend ing tho summer at the Dennis, Is enter taining her daughter, Mrs. Dorsey Ellis, of Baltimore. Miss Laura Wlnpcnny has Joined Mrs. B. A, Roberts, who has apartments here for tho season. Mr. and Mrs. Van Dlttenhoter, Jr., who aro spending tho summer at Spring Lake, motored over to this resort with a party of friends, Including Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van Clcof and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hneber. CAPE, MAY, July 24.-Enthuslasm and excitement prevail over Capo May at tho prospect of tho dancing contest to bo held at tho Matlno casino tonight. Mr, Wil liam II. CaBsedy, Mayor of Cape May, has donated beautiful sliver cups to the winners. Somo of tho best dancers of Philadelphia and Baltimore's youngoi society are here for the summer, and the contest will doubtless be ono of the mojt Interesting cyer held here. Mrs. Ifcnry B. Patton entertained mem bers of tho younger set at a delightful dance at the Red Mill Wednesday night, followed by a rarebit party at hor sum mer homo on Atlantic terrace. Tha guests Included Miss Alva Sergeant, Miss Doro thy Frlck, Miss Sophlo Worth, Mr nnd Sirs. E Spencer Miller, 3d, Miss Potter, Mr. Nathaniel Davis, Mr. Alpen Sparks, Mr. Parker McComas and Mr. William Chunn. Air. Charles Strater and Mr. Leonard Strater. of Louisville. Ky., havo mo tored hero and are guests at the Capo May Hotel. Tho over-popular "movies" aro oven more so In Cape May during the week, when those less fortunate than the com ing debutantes, who have a string of beaux always by them, must give up dancing and go next door to tho open air pictures at tho Red Mill. Miss Mary Wilcox, of Buffalo, who for the past week has beeen a guest of Mlsa Valentino Mitchell, has returned to her home. Mrs. Charles Felck, of Baltimore, now a guest at the Baltimore Inn, will chap erone Miss Rebecca White and Miss Louise Dawson upon their arrival In Capo May during August Mrs. James Bateman and Mrs. C. N. Davis will entertain the ladles of the Thursday Bridge Club at Mrs. Davis' home on Beach avenue. Miss Alva Sergeant will have as her guests over the week-end Mr. Phlller Lee, Mr. Joseph Molten and Miss Josephine Glonlger. Mr. nnd Jlrs. B. Homer LeBoutllller have arrived In Cape May, where they will remain for several weeks at the Windsor Hotel. Among the new arrivals at Hotel Cape May are Mr. Frederick L. Koons, of Wynnewood: Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Vetter leln, Mr. A. Reyson Knapp, Jr., of Balti more: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hilton, St. David's; Mrs. Alfred Potter, Miss Mary Potter, Mrs. E. B. Austin, Mrs. S. T. Wagner, Mrs, Rodney Trldell, of Al lentown, Mr. Oswald Boyle, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Craig, Jr. BAY HEAD. July 24. A charity dance was held at The Bluffs, Bay Head, last evening at 8 o'clock for the benefit of the Baldwin Day Nursery, of Philadelphia, and the Trenton Pure Milk Depot Exhibi tion. Competitive dancing was one of the attractions of the evening Many of the younger set entered their names. The committee In charge Included Mrs. Arthur L. Church, Mrs. W Meredith Dickinson. Mrs. Harry Mattlson, Mrs. Henry R. Sutphen. A lawn fete will be held today at "Sea wood," the residence of Mr, Samuel Hell per, at Spring Lake, for the benefit of the Ann May Memorial Hospital, Many of tho summer cottagers are In terested and are working hard to rpake tho affair a success. Tea dances are held every afternoon at the Carrollton Ball Room. Point Pleas ant, N. J., from 4 o'clock until i o'clock. In charge of Miss Marlon Robinson and Mrs. Walter Hltohcock. Professional In structor, Mr. Warren Hastings, Chester and Vicinity Miss Kathryn E Jones, of Sast Wth street U the gueat of Barjw and Baroneaa R. I Von WattMPWg. of North PbUadaJphlaj Mr. Jobs dellaven White, CawlUf. of m wart Hb street, have, ggielo Wild wood. k!jT where tfew wTft ejwul a short time. , ii r Vnmtion Day Precautions ;t' a grtat mtatun te 4 imnnU far fromKom OHrf uwV l Uur favoritt nwfatr. B4or W oteov oty !"" JU! tUttrvl. Northeast Philadelphia Mr. and Mr Thomas Rainey, Mi North 4th street.' am paying a month's Visit to relatives In Delanco. N. 3. Mist Ella West. Miss Florence File and Miss Agnes Cooper, of Kensington, are the guesta of Mre. Georgo Myers, of Yardley, Pa., for several wteks. At a recent meeting of the White Rose SocIAl al the homo of Mr. Joseph Grace, !ll Bast LeHerly atteet, plans were made for an elaborate I-abor Day plcnla Mr. Harry and Mr. Isadora Grossman, of Front and Dauphin streets, have re turned home from a three weeks' motor trip through the Eastern States. Miss Hannah Flte. 3747 North Franklin street, has returned from Canton, Pa., where sh owas attending ha a delegate Iho Y W. C. A, convenUon. Mr, and Mrs, Raymond James Clark enteitalned a number ot their friends last evening nt 2807 Bailey street. Their guests wero Mr. nnd Mrs. Francis Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Lutewlne, Mr and Mrs. Howard Morrison and Howard Morrison, Jr., Mr, and Mrs. John J, Kane, Miss Bertha Helverson and Mr. and Mrs. John Schug. Mr nnd Mrs Rufus Hatter, of North Bambrey street, have returned to town nflcr a two weeks' visit to relatives In Donaldson, Pa While ttp-Stato they par ticipated In reveral motoring parties through the mountains. Frankford Mrs Ralph Hurst, of Lelpcr street, was hostess at luncheon and 600 yesterday afternoon to tho members of her sew ing circle. Those present wore Mrs. Harry Gilbert, Mrs Walter Manning, Mrs Horace Gllhert, Mrs. Frank Hurst, Mrs David Maglll, Mrs William Baldcr ston. Mrs John Kelly, Mrs. Albort Kirk, Mrs. Francis Martin and Mrs. John Bast ford . Mrs William Carroll, 2CO0 Rhawn street, returned vestorday from Wil mington, Del , whero she has been spend ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Munn, of Delaware avenue. Mrs. Munn will be remembered as Mlsa Agnes urowiey, or iioimesDurg. Five hundred members of the Frankford Grocers' Association will make their an nual seashore trip to Atlantlo City Juty a. Mr. and Mrs Frank Walker, of Harri son street, aro receiving congratulations on tho birth of n daughter, Mary Eliza beth. Mrs. Walker will be remembered as Miss Helen Ware, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Archibald Ware, ot lloltncsburg MIsb Margaret Hcaton and Miss Helen King Hcaton will leave Tuesday for an extended Western trip. They will return about September 1, accompanied by Miss Mary Sommers, of Denver, Col , who will remain as their guest until November. Mrs W Wlmcr nnd son havo returned to their homo nt Lancaster, Pa , after a month's vacation with Mrs. Wlmor's par ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. J, A. Clarke, of 415 Borbeck street, Tox Chase. THEATRICAL BAEDEKER FOR THE COMING WEEK KEITH'S Lillian Shaw, vocal dialect comedienne; tho Bell Tamlly, In a musi cal offering; Ralph Rlggs and Katherlne Wltchle, In danco divertissements; Cadetto Dalslmer and H. C. Sheppard, In "Tho Catch of the Season"; Harry Glrard and company, In "Tho Luck of a Totem": Lcona Thurber and Harry Madison, presenting "On a Shopping Tour"; Cooper and Smith, "The Bell boy nnd tho Porter"; Whlto nnd Clay ton, In a "Study of Eccentricities"; Kurtls" Educated Roosters and Hcarst Sellg motion pictures. NIXON'S OH A ND Mysterious Brlnda mour, the escape artist; the American Comedy Four, quartet of comedians; Ray Dooley, Miller Graham and Gordon Dooley: Billy Gibson, In "Bright Eyes from Broadwny"; Dorothy Richmond and company In "A Midnight Mar riage"; Hathaway and Mack, singers nnd dancers, and Fun Toto Plas. GROSS KEYS First half of week "Come Over Here," Junior revue of 191B; the Act unique, acrobats; Delea ana Orma. comedienne and singer; Skelly and KUroy, famous eccentrics; George Coleman, comedian, and others. Second half of week "Come Over Hero"; tho Pelll Trio, acrobats! George Douglass and his Girls; the Three Musical Girls, Instrumentallsta ; the Minstrel Trio, and other features. WOODSIDE PARK. Tha Malanl Troupe of musicians and singers; Bud and Claire, novelty comedians; Busch and Engel, gymnasts: Page and Newton, singers, and Juggling Nelson. On Thurs day evening there will be a photoplay star Impersonation contest, open to all amateurs over the age of 16 years. Cash prizes will bo oftered for the best 1m nersonatlons. COMING August t KEITH'S "The Meistersingers," In "At the Flag Station" ; Bankoff and. Girlie, In modern dances ; Raymond and Caver ley, German comedians; Russell and Calhoun, In "Types of Stageland"; Gal lagher and Martin, specialists; Sue Smith, character songs ; Frank Mullane, the Irish-American Hebrew; Burdella Patterson, and others WHEN LKSSING WAS A CRITIC. Not a single role in this tragedy Is what It should be-all fall short This, notwithstanding It pleased. Why? Obviously because of the situation of tho characters, which ot Itself Is touching. A great man led to the scaffold will always inspire interest The representation of hla fate Is al ways Impressive, even without any accession from poetry' about as Im pressive as reality would be. Leasing. "Birth of a Nation" at Atlantic City D W. Orlfflth'a big and Impressive film. "The Birth of a Nation," continues on Its way at the New Nixon Theatre In Atlantic City It is probably the moBt MRS. WALTBg C. PALSIHW At KltW? Rxt wwJs. i IIM iiiiw Hill fcX """Eig5s3JjPJ53P5 1615; WEDDING ON THE MAIN LtNlB ATTRACTS SOCIETY; OTIIM NUPTIALS Miss Edith Forsyth Becomes Bride of Mf, William Cterfe Alexander al NdonGoldbergGoldhaber Wedding. Entertainments. A QUIET but pretty home wedding took place nt 12 o'clock today at tha home of Mr and Mrs, Charles C. Forsyth, of Montgomery avenue, Bryn MaWr, when their daughter, Miss Edith Forsyth, be came tha bride of Mr. William Clark Alexander, Jr., of Overbrook. The cere mony waa performed by the Rev. William C Alexander, fdrmerly of Washington, father of tho bridegroom. The bride,, who was glvon In marriage by her father, wore a. lovely gown ot white lace and a tulle veil, held with orange blossoms; she carried a shower bouquet of lltlca ot the valtey. Owing to Illness In tho bride's family tho wedding waa very small, only the members of the two families being present. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Alex ander left for an extended wedding trip, and upon their return wIU live In Haver ford, whero they havo taken an apart ment. They Will bo at home after Sep tember 1. aOLDBCRG-GOLDHABER An Interesting wedding will take place tomorrow at noon when Mlas Sophia Goldhaber, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Goldhaber, of 3230 Arlington street, will be given In marriage by her father to Dr. Samuel Goldberg, son of Mr, and Mrs. Solomon Goldberg, of 4115 Germantown avenue. The Ceremdny will be performed at the home ot the bride's Delaware County Mrs. Sarah Pancoaar, of Medls, Is being entertained by Mr. and Mra. William Rupert Ottey at their home In Port Jarvls, N. Y. Miss Helen Purdue, of Norwood, Is leaving shortly . for Gault, Can., where sho will be extensively entertained. Mra Henry S. Koller nnd daughter, Miss Mllllcent Keller, ot Olenolden, ark staying nt Ocean City for a short vaca tion. Mr. Frank Deputy, of Ghmolden, en tertained this week at his summer home In Ocean Gate Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Thompson. Mrs. W. H. Matthias, of Norwood, has as her guest this week Mtss Regtna Gunnlgan, of Logan. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Frank Porter havo returned to their home nfter a pro tracted vacation at Pulaski, Va. Mr. and Stra. J, Morton Wallace, ot Chester, announce the marriage of their daughter, Mlsa Anna Wallaco, to Mr. Ralph Martin, of Prospect Park, on Saturday, July 17. A reception was ten dered tho couple last evening at tho home of the bride's parents. unusual photoplay now showing In the United States by reason of the great battlo sceno of the Civil War which It discloses and the dramatic 'Btruggle ot THEATRE-CHESTNUT NEXT WEEK BIG MID-SUMMER JUBILEE! AMERICA'S MOST DISTINCTIVE SINOINO COMEDIENNE LILLIAN SHAW AN INIMITABLE AnTlBTB WtTIt NEW DIALECT AND CITAnACTBn BONO.' NATIVIf MUSIC. BONOS AND DANCES FIIOM FICTUnESqUE MEXICO FAMOUS BELL FAMIL'Y NINE BROTIIEItB AND 8I8TEIIB IN AN ARTISTIC OFPEIUNO RALPH RIGGS & KATHERINE WITCHIE MArtVEI.OUB EXPONENTS OF TErtPBICHOHE IN "DANCE DIVEnTIHSF.MES-r.i CADETTE DALSIMER & H. C. SHEPPARD of Tha Philadelphia Flaya and Players. In "THE CATCIt QF THE SEASON" HARRY GIRARD and IN A BTP.IKINO MUSICAL PLAT, "THE LUCK OF A TOTEM" THURBER & MADISON, WHITE & CLAYTON "EArtt.f-HriMri NEW 2 fihowa Dally Matlnea. 2 P. K. 25o and BOo NlfhU. 8PM, 28o to sl.00 H.t Alwava a Waak In Advanct Tlfll Fllhrt 88111, Kylnna Ilaw 21BQ WHEN IN NEW YORK CITY. DO NOT FAIL TO VISIT B. F. Keith's Palace Theatre $g8S88&A33PSr THE TVOnLP'B OMSATEBT 4M1!BiC HAM OPEN ALL BUMSIEn THE NEW ATLANTIC CITY NIXON noAitinvALic Manailnr Director THBATBK SAMUEL F. NIXON - . . ... ... un. ii aa ai an dT GRIFFITH'S STUPENDOUS SPECTACLE 18,000 People Cost $500,000 nonoN Eyoc.0o5to"cro it. z. aitken. ,,.. .,,.,,. -a vnnEiinsT 1'AIIK FREE! FREE! FREE! HH.B-CLA88 VAUDEVILLE 5 Recognised and Standard Acts, DAILY MATINEE 3:30 P. M, ALL SKATS tBB . AUUNIOPERATROUPb 'u;ceuVl1uTge0.,, sttA THURSDAY NGHT NEXT Photoplay Star Content F1REW0RKS8.45P.M.EYEHYF Free Sunday Concerts uAtutET irr ABOVS Stanley mvua: arntWMT 9mtiiu WM f parent by RabW SherebdW, of !! 3t- Ish Hospital. The bride will Wtfcf ft go of white chiffon taffeta tiimm tflth ht embroidered with silver. Her vn, o tulle, will ba arranged" with ipraju f orange blossoms Bride's roses ahd i,ti of the valley wilt be combined tii tifr shower bouquet. The service will h fol lowed by a wedding- breakfast Tmtrior and Mra Goldberg will leave for aa k tended automoblla trip through Pennsyl vania, and New York They will b at home after October I, at 4118 dermanten avenue. Mra. George Fleming. Of 4JM ManaynhK avenue, was hostess at ihe July meeting of the Thursday Night Club of tha First Presbyterian Church. Manayunk Hef guests Included Mtis Besets Lyster. Mr. Arthur Greer, Mrs. Frank Eckenrolh, Mrs. John Miller, Miss Ell Moore Mlsa Florence Hendren, Mlsa Emma Handrtm, Miss Minnie D. Scott. Mies Margaret Hunter, Mrs Joseph Rlppa MM A Ma Hugh, Mrs. Rumsey, Mrs. Ward Smith, Mrs. Robert Black, Mra Thomaa Stan ley, Mra. Samuel Warren, Mrs Wilbur H Hilton, Mrs. Frank Wager, Mra M gonlgal, Mra. Robert Miller, Mrs William J Hamilton, Mrs. Samuel Taylor, Mrs. Maurice Peterman, Mra Robert C Oreer Mrs. C 0. Wilson. Mrs Charlea Cara naugh, Mrs. Andrew Remmer, Miss Clara McMaster, Miss Margaret Brown, MM McMutlln, Mrs. McClehnpn, Mrs. Louis Melater. Mrs.. A Whiteside, Mrt Maiy Glascow, Mis Ruby Hull and Miss Rcha Wager. Oh July 31 the club will take lis annual excursion lb Wlldwood. Lansdowne Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Bingham, of Ui North Highland aVcbue, are In Ocaan City for soveral months, Mr. William Powers, of Roohester, Nv Y., Is visiting Mr. Joseph Buckley, of 105 Stewart avenue, Professor W. a H. Slaglo and family, of North Highland avenue, have opened their cottago In Ocean City. Mrs. Edward Collins, of North Owen avenue, Is visiting friends In Boston dur ing her husband's stay there. Later sM w(ll go to New York, where sh will re main for a short time. What's Doing Tonight Fatrmoutu Fark Hand. Belmont Mansion, 8 o'clock. Fr. PhtUdrtphla Sand, City 1UU Flats, 8 o'clock. Fret. Municipal Band, Belfleld Flaysround, SUt and Ndro (treats, S o'clock. Free. Suffrage Events Today WOMAN SUFFRAGE PARXT 3 p. m. MU Hatetl nutiot apeak at a tuac. ball gama at ttoxborougb avenue and lid or street, noxborougn. 8 p. rn Meeting at Ttlton Flra Compaq speaker. din. J. l.uuag ueuxvru. 8 30 p. m. Open-air meeting at Main attti levering avenues; apraxers. iiai speakers. Ulaa Ehtelle tu ael and Mlaa Sarah Flaher, of tho Ku Klux Klan with the Sout ern negro, which makes the second par of tho Mm. Philadelphia will not c tho Birth of a Nation" until October AND TWELFTH STS. COMPANY OP SEVEN COOPER & SMITH KURTIS' ROOSTERS MOTION" HfrHHtTTT NOW vulthxo S2dBigWeek Twice Dolly, Including Sundara ai.oA. Matlnefa nt llSOIOe, 50c, SI.00 3000 Horses 8 Months To Produce Monday Tiiruiar v tdnfadar 19 -.Md.,ln nalaur of Kntrtatar "REVUE OF 1,915 SSHJX 30 PEOPLE Unexcelled Array of Stars wfujfo'rTOsii: mo acts Short Comedy and News rUtur jpne.3ff.i0c.iBcaqg. nixon'I GRAND IJROAD MOKTUOMBWIf ' toiling in 5f S u. K fK OfuaWAi MVrrOJ IND AMO V JL RAY DOOLEY ftCOMPANT AMERICAN COMEDY FOUR n n 9mm an tsullw wim Mr uaii " V 1Z a psr m. l. 't L- - l pjSggjg: