Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 23, 1915, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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    y fall f l' ' ' "' "" """
.. T i-J A ..,..
tl jLteaiaiuiizu. jfxubtriaca
Vnnn I H'nrr.i Nornim
)iroccano Sotto i Colpi
rtaliani Guerra Tra
Italia e Turchia. ,
ROMA, 23 Luglio.
'jcl fortl che coronnno to alturo dl
rn o dl Monte Sabotlno sono an-
tltiltl nd un vlolcnto bombaruamcnto
He delta jrrosso ftrtlgllcrlo ltnllane,
tono stato plnzzate In poalztnnl
Snafltl La fatitcrla Itnliana ha gla'
ulslato alcuno dclle trlnceo austrlache
anclil del Podgora.
ftltoplano del Carao duo lines dl
auftrlache sono state preio uallo
itallane che hnnno fatto centtnala
lnnlefl ed lmnno preso al nemlco
una quantlta' dl mltrngllatrlcl.
nostante 11 vlolento fuoco dell'nrtl
a austrlaca le truppe itnuano del
1 lavorano alia costruzlone dl nuovl
f aul flume Isonzo, faccnuovl passare
ifnnne cho vanno a rlncalzo dello forzn
Bje gla' Impegnatc hella manovra dl
tppamento cionn lortczza til uorizia.
Vlcianze ui riuru si sono uvuu
jr? gangutnoaisslml combattlmentl.
Into git llnllanl quanto gll austrtacl
fitonlrano non pooho dlfflcolta' nclla
iMJone del (erltl dal campo dl liattaglla
riiiojo. ed In moltl puntt e' stato ed o'
fposilbllo procedcro al seppclllmento del
ft olecolo rcparto dl Harsaglierl ha
Bmriuto una crolca ed lmportantlsslma
5sprea cho merlta dl csser rcsa notd.
rtji-qurato piccolo reparto, sfldando II
JaicliJlalUslmo fuoco nemlco aUravenso'
Mjofiia su pontonl del Gcnlo durante la
iMte & si stablU suite poslzlonl austrla
cl 'wl flanchl occldcntall dl Monto Santo,
wL ultimo notlzle- dlcono che 1 Bersag
Iffrl mantengono ancora lo loro poslzlonl,
fel kto. ma e' cvldento cho non potran-
t5 d'slstern a lungo o cho dovranno rltl
rfrel o cssero annlcntatl. Intanto pero'
tlsl rendono un grandlsslmp scrvlzlo nlle
litre tfuppo cho attaccano Oortzla, non
filtanto ncrcho rendono per II momenta
Droposslbllo 1'lnvlo dl rlnforzl e dl muni-
'rldanze dl Ptavn, ma ancho pcrche' ognl
fer che cssl rcslstono rendo plu' facile
rtltacco degll Itallanl contro la lortezza
'Ji flnvln An nnrrl
KfBcrsagllerl passarono 11 flume su pon
ftonl del Genlo. Essl furono scopcrtl
fiitli austrlacl ooltanto quando erano glu'
Telia rlva sinistra Alllra 1 rifle ttorl nn-
(rUcl ui Aiontc santo n uiuminaroni. ?'i
fuoco del cnnnonl o dclla fuclK'la
tonlca plovvc su dl loro. I Bcrsagi:-rl
Sfo' non si dledero per vlntl, ma a
tjecarono vlolentcmento alia baionctth lo
iffncee nemlghc coperto dl ccmerio
irmlto o dl corazzo dl acclalo e no c-ic-
ffBMono gll austrlacl occupandone lo
fijn'altra Impresa simile ta fatta d-Uc
iruppe iianuno opcranti contro la iortcjza
dl.To'mlno. Anche 11' gll itallanl nttrn-
Y-r-arono II flumo dt sorprcsa ed atac-
carono e conqulstanono 1c trlncee nem.che
dt tronte alia Sella dl Sotto.
fNotme glunte oggl dlcono cho II cener-
ide Cadoma dlrlge un attacco vlolctls
slmo contro' a testa dl pontc dl Goiizlj.
LantiazzA nnstrlnrn ,11 Hnrlrln o'
mil complctamcnte clrcondata dUle
itannne o la sua Bltuazlono va
lendo ognt glorno nlu' e nlu crlilea.
rando movlmonto avvlluppante Telle
aei generalo Cadorna spazza Jgnl
enza che lncantrn. con itnn nlnnin
ha nualcho cosa dl fntnlr. dl Vr..
glllc. Dappertutto dove 11 nemt'o e'
ttto Incontrato esso e' stato Jnvarinbll-
gue ricacclato Indletro, cacclato r.alle
pero ai diresa, ed ha dovuto o dove
(gare verso l suol fortl permanent!.
:no len 10 iruppe itallane hanno con-
mto nuovo terreno netla loro man-
'avviluppanto delta fortezza dl Gor
cacctnndpne II nemlco con nssaltt
balonelta cvlncendo la bub npcnnlta
Unza II nemlco romnrnrtn n nnl
iffle H valor dello poslzlonl dl dlfesa
go I isonzo, sa Che sono niiestn In
Big vatlde dlfesa dl Trieste, o reR!stn In
3a manlera che e' vprnrnpn'm miM nn
fealtl dello forzo Itallane.
flfetanto, mentre procedo metozlamento o
jjatramente la manovra avvituppante at-
U" uunzia, nncne la rortezza dl Tol
Sft Pu a nord o pure sulflsonzo, e'
SSPdata dalle truppe dl Cadorna. Tol-
riO DOn 6 Rlenn Imnnrtnntn HI nntl
rateglcamento parlando, percho' ancho
s u importontc nodo stradale cho oc-
TQ COnnUlfltarA. T.n (runnA ItnllnMA
railA fllln In.. ., i . '
f3.iT "u u(,aiiisuzione superiure
IHTBlIa abtllta' con oul fl irnprnlA fn.
Kaui? w a manovrare, hanno potuto nel
K? medeslmo tentaro la rlduzlone dello
rii..-- i - - " -----
e 0i uorizia e d! Tolmlno.
f lotta che si combatte attorno a
pIa e' sangulnoslsslma, dl un accanl-
gw straordlnarlo. Naturalmcnte, sla
lie formldablll opero dl dlfesa degll
Ktrlanl ., . .
g,..-t, c oirt jjr m tenacia con cui gll
fpu dlfendono qucsta porta impor
Ktu. '.ma. d?1 loro Paese, I'avanzata degll
" fc,,kut q uevc aetsuire, per
w rlguarda I'azlone della fanterla,
ttlazlone decisive, l'opera dello artl-
IV Ala 1 cannon! Ilnllnnl HI ismnsn
'f suggono senza posa o a poco a
Vessels Arrivincr Todav
25Vfil"..i?LL l. nna- ? D- p'".
i, -..., yytUuMiir.
onnam IBr.). Uanell e. via Cape
Amoii :o, Bablna. crude oil. Sun Company
LOulfatream, ro,t Arthur, crude oil, Oulf
h L ri hirdi iVr ' New York bal1"'.
??. New York, niercliandlie. Clyde
nip company
narvik iswh i j,viv irAn A. t
iWRtrd ft 66. "
llwlS5ft,d, N""t- lron or, u
I SAr"n (Nor.). Sama. fruit. Atlantlo
i v-ompany
i aA "ntM. Portland, Conn., bal
- U Cumralne 4 Co.
Annie n. Mitchell, Somea Bound, Me..
" v.M.M.iitf vi. .y.
Steamships to Arrive
Bomay CalculU June 14
June 13
.June ID
..July il
..July 3
..July 4
..July 0
...July 6
July U
Juiy II
July 13
. July 1H
. July i
Sua ' . '
.Narvik ....
. Liverpool X.
London ( . .
Uumbru '.
Airoa aiaroa.
Hllo . ". , .
..Perl TttlUot .
. lfuchetr .
TM-10 ....... JVlYll
..SaoU. Cruz
tea Uc
Port Aatooto
juir n
July IT
July U
July 18
Jul 20
July n
.44, iii ,iii!ii i i i JiLl
lata ttath th asm. klsfa tanilard of
e con coriiCn ttttt deermlnalone
dMrt,&,uii'towii si8ani fain
Si a'SvU gas
aUatrlaSl ShwJL ' nonoslnn' che gll
Ann. -,T. """" ,u' q" no o iincora
ImmlnBr.ra 'f Mle la Tu.chta c'
Immlncnte. Le relazlonl dlplomatlche
J.i.1 paff' ?ono oUremodo tese o
pcgglorano dl glorno In glorno. o la
stampa Itnliana eecorta II governo a r-rrn-h.m!
.m SUro ,n,5eRUIo Per la protezlone
degll Intereasl a della dlgnlta' dell'Italln.
Notlzlo dall'Asta Mlnoro dlcono che con
tlnua la persecuzlono del crlstlanl c lo
Sl?rU.a. turch0 e'enBono ' consoll
J1.aI,'Jn1l npedpndo loro dl partlre, men
tro dal Cairo glungo notlzla cho una trcn
Una dl uniclall tcdcschl o turchl sono
sbnrcatl In Clrenalca, portando scco arml
o munlzlonl.
11 conslgllo del Mlnlstrl tcnutosl lerl ha
dato plcnl potcri nt mlnlBtro degll Estcrl,
Turchln, slcche" II barona Sonnlno ha ora
nello sue manl In qulstlono della pace o
deiln guerra con l'lmpero ottomnno
ai creuo gcnernimento cho l'ltnlla o la
Turchia sono ora vicing alia rotturn dclto
relazlonl dlplomatlcho non solo, ma alta
guerra. II governo ottomano non ha
tcnuto conto dclle proteste dell'nmboscla
foro ltnllano, mnrcheso Garronl, contro 1
uiiruiiamemi ai suaum ltnllanl, contro
labuso della bandlera Itnliana, contro II
sequcstro del plroscafo ltallnno "Mon
dello," che fu dal turchl rcqulslto d
usato, mentre svcntolava II trtcolore, per
11 tmsporto ill truppo turche nel Darda
nelll, o contro 1'lmpedlta partenza dl SOO
rlservlstl Itallanl da Sinlrnc.
In questl clrcoll dlplomnttct si dice che
la guerra fra Ita'la e Turchia puo' scop
plare da un glorno airaltro.
Unofficial Plan Suggested in England
Liable to Hurt Prices.
WASHINGTON, July 23. Informal pro
posals that British Interests form a gi
gantic 'cotton "pool" to buy America's
cotton supply are not altogether satis
factory to American cotton growers, It
was learned today.
Southern Senators and Representatives
declared tho price and not tho purchaser
Is the vital point.
Fears were expressed that an English
pool would not pay enough, even If It
bought the bulk of tho American product.
State Department ofllclals'sald such nn
arrangement would havo to be directly
botween the private Interests Involved.
Tho Department was willing, however,
to assist In any negotiations.
Tho British proposal Is that the Gov
ernment set asldo 1"5,000,000 to buy Amer
ican cotton which. In pcaco times would
ordinarily havo gone to England's en
emies nnd neutrals, after which tho Brit
ish would put cotton on her contraband
list. It was not ofllclal, however.
Pennsylvanian Reported to Have Been
Selected for Post.
WASHINGTON, July 23. Reports were
current In Washington today that ox
Representatlvo A. Mitchell Palmer, of
Pennsylvania, had been selected for tho
post of Counselor of the State Depart
ment, formerly held by Itobert Lansing,
now Secretnry of State. They havo not
ct been confirmed.
Mr. P,ilmer, It Is said, has definitely de
cided not to accept a Judgeship in the
Court of Claims.
Heppe No. 4 Outfit
Victrola IV $15. hr
Records 4.50 S.S
To,aI s19-50 doy the way of your purchase have now been removed by
Heppe No. 8 Outfit
rISs vin $45" $4 Plan whereby all rent applies to purchase with no extra charge for the privilege.
, , $Zn outfits and terms of our rental-payment plan are listed herewith:
Total $45. DOWN
Heppe No. 10 Outfit
x.;::::::::::l $5
Tatal J&5- OOHW
Heppe No. 14 Outfit
Toul $ DOWN
0 EBPflBB-pniLARBLPniA. FRinAY. JHLT 23.
Two Men, Fnlling to Interest,
Woman in Spurious Coin De
vice, Attack and Rob Hen
The pollen are scouring the city today
for two alleged counterfeiters who robbed
a widow of $20 which she had drawn
from her savings to purchaso a home for
her son, who had Just married. The men,
Who boarded at the widow's house, left
In their rooms nn alleged counterfeiting
mnchlnc which they told her would make
her rich If she would Invest money In it
Mrs. Margaret Rlchter, M years old, 933
North 4th street, the widow, refused to
bo tempted, nnd then, fnlling to Eet
her savings that way, lost patience nnd
ehe?n"rnaL. J1"? .' W'n
ter regained consciousness her 'money
was gone
the assailants, who were Imown to Mrs.
Rlchter as George Cotter and AVanlort
A rusty bed spring which Isadoro Bern
stein was playing with pierced his rlgnt
ce. and as a result tho 6-year-old child
Is expected to lose his sight. Isadore,
in tho Women's Homeopathlo Hospital.
Warren W. Pearco, 41 years old, Wy
oming avenuo and D street, will bo given
a hearing before tho Grand Jury today
accused of Btcallng J825 worth of Jewelry
from his employer, Meyer Simon, 47 North
ith street. Pearco, who has an Invalid
wlfo nnd flvo children, was caught In
New York by Detectives Wlstcr nnd Cur
rnn. Part of tho Jewelry was recovered.
Pearco pleaded mercy, on tho ground that
ho suddenly went Insano for wealth
Band Will Piny nt Strawberry Man
sion Tonight.
The Fatrmount Park Band will play at
Strawberry Mansion tonight. Tho Dro
gram: v
! 0i?nnvf,t?.tarch ,rom "Tht Damnation of
2 OtoTture, sYlinori" """""""' 'itaniM
4. Cornet eolo. "La Sonn-imbiiia'
Mnlnlkt. Mil ntn laaii.....'"
3. Eulto de ballet. CoptM-tla". .
(a) Intrnilurtlnn nt "v.i. ., ,H nl.'.trrl';
b) ".Marcho de auwricra." ruul'"-
(c) "Dunce Ilonrolso,
1. McloJIra from "Faust"
7. "Jollv rellowa' Walti"
. Gounod
... .Dlnrnlc
o (ai -Trie JII11
Ibl "aiflvnnln Tin -ip v i
O. fi,tnr,T.t ,pak. 'a..m
"Star-Sp.insled"ijanncf.'" '
Philadelphia Band Will Play There
Tho Philadelphia Band will play at g
o'clock tonight at City Hall Plaza. Tho
1. Overture, "Marnnlt1!o" Auber
1. "Tho Unll au Btreunnce" Meyerbeer
3. Piccolo solo, "Chickadee, roIka"..La Monaca
. -. .. Q'. Monaca, ololt.
4. Terzett et chorus from '-Der Frelschuti,"
.1 Tonbllder from "Die Walkuro" ..."vignw
0 Jlelodlfs from "Under Many rian"..KTloln
7. Value dl concert, "Chantllly"
c. inpnonic poem, 'jviazeppa
Theatrical Baedeker
KEITH'S - "HallBt., DIvertlMement." with
Swan Wood: Hello Blanche; IJowcri, Walter
anH. 'Crocker: Denman Thompaon'a Old
Homestead Double Quartet; Mao Meltllle. of
Melvlllo and Hllna; Walter V. Milton and
comiviny, presenting "Don't Walk In Your
bleep"; llalzer SUtirs; -dlen Ellison, llradley
urd .S orris, "In I.oveland." and Hearst-Sells
NIXON'S GHAND O'Drlen, Havel and com
pany. In "Monday"; Sam nice, Lulu life-ion
and Harry Ljona, Couniesa Qrazla Nardlnl:
I'ntrlcoU nnd Myera: Emily Krancls Hoouer
and E Istvorth Cook In 'OIva Un a rh.n.r.
Hose Schmeltan and Drother and laushlnc
CItOSS KEYS-Second half of week! The
Trins-Atlantlc Sextette; rrank Wray. In
"The llattlc of 'W . Freddie Oshorne'a et.
In "In Dogvlllo": rtooney and nusaell: Val
Tralnore and Heleno and Frank Ward
WOOD31DB PAHK Tho Yoshlmo Troupe, five
jHpaneso acrobnta; the Jenell Sisters; the
Itoldsnortha; Flood and Erna and Cliff
Keeping in Touch With Home
You never quite forget the home lonn,
even on (be most enjojalile Tacullons, Keen
In touch with home affairs by arelnic to It
that your favorite newspaper fnlluns you
HhrreTfr you go. Kotlfy the Kvenlnr Ledger
before you leain to send your poner to you.
Specify the edition desired.
or a
va m
Music of all kinds is possible on a Victrola. It can be used for various forms of
entertainment. It lends enchantment on any occasion.
To secure a Victrola is a very simple matter. There are styles ranging in price
from $15 up. Records cost as little as 60c. And whatever obstacles may have been in
Victor nrices
THE CASH PRICES, and settle either in cash
Tklo-n iirViavalvtr nil vcmf onlioo 4v riivnhQeo Wlfll
lILSIiflf RH Vfctrpln IV 'FlVllfflf
1 1 III 5 fj mnimimiMimitj mmmm IjW, mn
J S iflfftBgHnBanmVlctroIa VI "
Victrola X
In pianos, remember
A Philndelphinn playing lends
vith tho Biograph.
Four Stars in International EO-milo
Bike Event.
Tho hlg 60-mllo International motor
paco race, postponed Inst night because
ot rain, will ho decided tonight nt Tolnt
Brcozo Park. The principals in the grind
will bo Clarcnco Carman. Vincent Ma
donna, Llnnrt and M. Bedell, four leading
riders of the world.
Never beforo In tho history of tho bl
cyclo racing gamo has tho public been no
enthused over n raco In which will bo
brought together four of tho greatest fol
lowers ot motor pace. In speaking of his
chances last evening, Carman Btntcd that
ho realized that, In meeting Llnart, the
Belgian champion; Madonna, the Italian,
nnd Bedell, ho will havo to ride tho raco
of his career, nnd further, that If ho li
benten by cither one of theso men, they
will havo to cstnbllsh a new world's rec
ord for tho EO miles.
In order to oncourngo tho foreigners,
Mnnngors Stctser nnd Rodcn hao of
fered an additional pureo of J1C0 to the
mnn who defeats tho American tonight.
Tho foreign riders arc determined, with
this additional sum added, to make the
Yankco champion extend himself to his
full limit
In conjunction with tho big race, thcro
will bo four motorcyclo events at three,
llvo and a raco of unknown distance
between Henri St. Yves, Vnndcrbcrry,
Armstrong and Vcdltz.
Not Permitted to Recoup Losses by
Receipts From Salvaged Cargoes.
"WASHINGTON, July a Tho United
States Bureau of War Itlsk Insurance
cannot recoup Its losses by taking posses
sion of receipts from salvaged cargoes,
Comptroller of tho Treasury Downey to
day decided.
The bureau applied to tho Comptroller
for nuthorlty to recover part of Its loss
of f 191,000 paid as insurance on tho
American steamship Evelyn, sunk by a
mine In the North Sea last winter. Fifty
tnousand dollars worth or cotton has
been recovered from tho vessel, tho bu
reau reports. This money must bo cov
ered intn the miscellaneous receipts of
the treasury, tho Comptroller ruled.
Tho legal reaaon for this decision, 'ho
sas, Is that to permit tho bureau to
tako the money would bo tantamount to
Increasing tho 55,000,000 appropriation
mado by Congress for its support This,
Downey ruled, would bo unlawful,
Dutch Ship Believed to Be Lost
AMSTEItDAM. July 21. The Dutch
steamship Albergen, 1777 tons, hailing
from this port, has been given up as lost.
She has not been heard of since April 2,
when sho was on her way from Newport
to Trinidad.
is a necessar
Heppe Victor Service
are alike all over the United States, but at Hepre's
ffllffifiniBKnnlctroIn VI " ffllfi ffll " 1 Victrola I gnaMJBPf
'TrmiUMHailaTOTmiiiai Vi,,H.la tiv bhik fil 1 lfrala A.I HMnaaaaai!lTallHSBBHlBe'
gggggifflfaPllljiiiiiiJiiijip ;g iijippnwHMgBga"
, Write for large illustrated catalogues.
we ha,ve the Heppe ptttnttd three-eoundtng board wrwKMia and th
Theee instrument also sold on the rental-payment plan.
Leading Directors and Players
of Filmdom United fn tho
$5,000,000 Triangle Film Cor
poration. By the Photoplay Editor
The. plans of D. W. Orimth, Thomas it.
Inre, Mack Bennett nnd Harry K. Alttcen
for a mnmmolh photoplay organization
to put tho best of CRSts In to tho best of
nim and to exhibit In thrcntrea of the
two-dollar standard hne culminated In
the organization of tho Triangle Film Cor
porntlon, with J5.0OO.OOO capital. Yester
day David V. OrlftUh, Thomas it. Inc
nnd Mack Bennett, best known of the mov
ing plcturo directors, went from Los An
geles to La Junta and there met Harry
K Altken, Adam and Charles Kcssct and
Charles Baumann. who had gono from
New York. Mr. Altken, formerly presi
dent Of th Mutual Film Company, was
chosen ns head of tho new company. The
other officers nro Adam Kcssel. secre
tary, Chnrles Kcssel, auditor, nnd Messrs.
Baumann, Urlltlth, Ince nnd Sennett, vice
8omo of the players already under con
tract to this company are nilllo Burke,
Mary Boland, Julia Dean, Bessie Bnrris
cale, Louise Dresser, Jane Grey, De Wolf
Hopper, Itnymond Hitchcock, II. B. "War
ner, Bnm Benard, Eddlo Foy, Weber and
Fields, Dustln Farnum, Douglass Fair
banks. Frank Kccnnn, Hale Hnmllton,
Bruco McBnc, Wllllard Mack, W. S. Hart,
Forrest "Wlnantt Henry "Woodruff, Orrln
Johnson, Mnurlce Farkoa, Houso Peters,
"William Desmond nnd Bert Clarke.
Tho first motlon-plcturo projecting ma
chine designed by Nicholas Power, nnd
which saw long and actual service In
several of New York's theatres, arrived
at tho Pnnnma-Paciric International Ex
position July 3, and wns set up In tho
Powers booth In tho Liberal Arts Build
ing'. Grant Itnymond Nye, of Philadelphia,
Is fast gaining a plnco among the leading
"movie" actors of the country. Ho Is a
member of tho Biograph Compnny, now
In New York.
Mr. Nyo enmo from tho legitimate, hav
ing done vaudeville, comedy nnd stock.
Ho Is considered nn all-around "movie"
nctor, but lo making especially good as a
Mr. Nyo grow up In Philadelphia, Ho
graduated from the old Central Manual
Training High School, and has many
friends here. In his school days he took
part In all tho athletic battles of his
school, particularly In football, basketball
and trnck work, In which departments ho
was particularly strong. Philadelphia Is
me nome or Mis parents.
Among the recent films on which he
wns prominent are "Lorna Doone,"
"Wlvs of Men," "Captain Frlcalssc,"
"Black Sheep," "Tho Daughter of the
Enrth" nnd "Felix Holt."
Mnry Piekford rituras to tho screen nt
tho Stnncy Theatre tho week of August
2 In nn nppcallng plcturlzntlon of Edith
Bernard Delano's latcBt novel, "Rags," a
title and character that fit tho star ns
1 as no othpr play In which sho has ever
been presented.
Division Engineer Will Retire to Pri
, vato Practice.
HARRISBUno. Pa., July .-Theodore
E. Scelye. division engineer of the State
"Water Supply Commission, resigned to
day, and will enter private practice In
partnership with Fraley Gannett, con
sulting engineer, formerly chief engineer
of the commission, whose resignation was
announced last week. ,
Mr, Soclye has been In chargo of the
design and construction of dams, with
supervision over existing structures of
the kind In Pennsylvania. Tho State
water Supply Commission was given su
pervision over dams In 1913 as a result
of tho failure of tho Austin dam, which
caused a loss of S7 lives and the destruc
tion of Austin, nnd Mr. Seelye has su
perintended the construction of 150 dams
and hag Inspected many others since. Be
fore entering the State service he was
employed by United States army engi
neers on tho great Jetties at the mouth
of tho Mississippi and the construction of
fortifications at Fort Philip, on the Mississippi.
or charge account or our rental payment
Tin Ovfrn VhnVfTP f7.V T.TlA TsVlVllfilTfi. OUT
11174119 Chestnut Street
6th and Thompson Streets
Secret Probe Being Con
ducted in Search for Al
leged Agents of Kaiser.
Federal Officials Admit
Secret Investigations of the activities of
many men nnd womirt who nro sus
pected of being spies fof Germany, it be
came known today, Is being conducted In
this city by Government agents, this
investigation Is under the supervision of
tho Bureau of Investigation of tho De
partment of Justice. For weeks several
persons have been under surveillance.
Tho Investigation until a short while
ago was conducted exclusively by men
from "Washington. Recently the assist
ance of the local branch of the Depart
ment Of JUStlce WAX nukerl nr Tl.la ..-.
dono In tho case of n Philadelphia about
whom it communication wns sent to
nshington. The complaint wns for
warded by a neighbor of the suspected
mn' Th Investigation wns dropped
Sj .i ' Government agents felt satis
fied that the charges were untrue.
In checking up tho careers of soverat
suspected persons tho Government agents
learned that many firms engaged In the
manufacture of ammunition for tho Allies
havo stopped employing men for Impor
tant positions who aro Germans by birth.
Among the firms which nro not em
ploying Germnns for Important positions
are the Du Pont Powder Company nnd the
Remington Arms and Ammunition Com
pany, similar measures, It Is sa!d,vhave
been adopted by tho Baldwin Locomotive
works, which Blnco tho European war
began has received contracts valued at
J07.00O.000 from tho Allies.
Most of tho Investigations wcro Insti
tuted nftor confidential communications
wcro received In Washington from resi
dents In Philadelphia and vicinity. There
woro also complaints sent from other
Pennsylvania cities nnd towns.
Suspected persons havo been personally
visited by the Government Investigators
after they had been shadowed for weeks,
Tho shadowing took plnco on tho street
nnd at places of entertainment Fre
quently the Government ngents trailed
women nnd men to social nlTalrs.
During tho visits to tho homes or stores
of suspected persons, tho Government In
vestigators posed as prospective pur-
The old way of washing
takes about 2000 rubs on the
wash-board for the average
wash, ;; '
way saves at least 1 800 rubs.
Think what this saving of
time and strength means to you.
Just as wonderful for all household cleaning.
you can Buy AT
Victrola XI
world-famout PJaml,
chftr 6 tt, Uth1n .limn d
othr thtnfg-
dfflclut atUeStH tf iftf If el ehlji
Of Hi Depfmmmt ap Jimm f ini
cent tftdit fcfcwrt tW WiM!i1s.mwi
twltfg ondWHtf lfwlr, aM Irvu
fcdmltid by an agent tachfdl tp h
department that afcch tn frirMtfaiMSon
Is now m progrws 1
Certain Government, offloftik) mm t
that they doubted that Oermany tid -000
arman splM J)lntd In different
P4rls of this ftdUnUry. whlrh i'ttlwi o
Vvtts made In n ntaUmnt by Mr A3lrw
B,Anl who Is the Countew Anna X t
MtlA Dftgenfcld. Mrs. Apel is Oi nlw
of CoUnt Ferdinand Keprielln, the dramnii
airship Inventor.
"There Is no doubt that Germany ,aa
nn Invisible spy srntetn hi U-.to coftntry "
said a Government official ,
ILdoa,l,t vry much " '" "w'tr
50,000 spies' employed by Germnny in W
country. Other nations besides einr
have M here, who Usually are enKsrf
In various occupations."
Blnce the ncandal In connctlne with o
the Issuing of forjed naturalisation pa
pers came to light, a quiet tniesllftstisw
has been going oh In different parts of
the country, especially In cities wnfcr
nftvy yards nre located.
"Whlto checking up on the movement
of alleged "planted spies" In PhlhuW
phla, the Government Investigators Hv
looked up the past history of many mnn
who nro enlisted In the tmited stats'
Navy, nnd who are detailed at certain
A Government employe In this city, who
Is somewhat acqualnled with the inves
tigation relating to disclosures mado bt
tho Government Investigator In connec
tion with tracing alleged spies, nald to
day that many ot the complaint ent to
Washington turned out to be falsehoods.
On the other hnnd, It was learned tistf
other Investigations have not as yet pew
Public Service Commission Refuiw
Plea of Blalrsvlllo Company.
HARRISBURO, July 2J.-U Is the osln
Ion of the Public Service Commlsslea
that the public serrico law of this HUte,
does not require the general Interchange
of telephone tramc By an opinion hand
ed, down by Commissioner Moneghan,
the plea, of the Blalravllle Telephone
Conjpahy for an order compelling' the
Wlndber Telephone Company to receive
from It messages originating on tho line
of the Johnstown Telephone Company
was refused.
The commission holds that tnasmuen
ns tho Wlndber Company connects with
the Bell Telephone Company and tho
serves the vicinity ot Blalrsvlllo In thrt
way tho service must be considered satis
factory In the absence of testimony that
the service being rendered is Inadequate,
Heppe No. 6 Outfit
Victrola VI .,$25.
Records 4.50
Total .-,$29.50
Heppe No, 9 Outfit
Victrola IX $50.
Records ,., la
Total $60.
Heppe No.lTUu!fif
VicCmlaXI $106.
Recqras 10.
Total .
PAY 98 m
Heppejo. 16 Outfit
VietroJ XVI ,fm
JfacorU . . .ftt ift.
tui .. . &m
'" l t bv. ba.n i. wiom.iJ
w h if ri us
f.sulu., I tu4