sals EVENING LEDGER-PHILABELPniA, FRIDAY. JULY 23, 1915. CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY AND SUNDAY PUBLIC LEDGER tTPH (or like Ull WfcKSl'auv n a wtf ::::?i. & lis: g ranlSmlw Insertions. ...KM per lint -im wantea, inre inr Jejin wetic. 10a per tint S SIZE TYPE (or like this) 1 ... j i. .11 classification exceist Ileln Munitions Wanted, Ii nd Found, Par iwjJTwiri one oft ((..,.( HJHtBii ! Kmeecullve Insertions.. . .lto par lint ILff,"ra based on agate measuremeat. iPi'ViinA to the Inch. Ji" ' NOTICEC tlthsr paper IsfjoWtlOas tilll.M fMBINATION RATE DAILY ONLY k. ... In both the morning and STenlnj Sirt " 5" PUBLIU LtUUKK (UOnNlNO) EVENING LBpGER lEVENlNO) fear cents per Una net to rates glvsa nt SSLp AND SITUATIONS 1N1BU ' ", v ,.nrrn tc? tVt fa PUBLIC LEDGER IS IN. IoWd IN THE EVENING n - itftnitinnT iriRR WITHOUT ADD I PFIGISK W i " - - ;0NAL CHARGE htre Is a drug store near your ! . . til ......ant T Afrlm lifnt r tnai win uvstHk x" r,t office rates. InELP WANTED FEMAIiE ftt JUIp Wantti nnd Sllimlfona IVanlcd BSjalerf In In JJyenKit LtAatr the tarn) iffiSiotit oiMlllonol rl.aroc .i.j-rt inrrfpfi in inn jjaiiif i-noiia leaner wvrKPEIl ArL ri r.rtJiirtt'itiit w itSneed. mut be well educated. Addreaa. tUUnf CXPCHWIIVU "MM .. uv-mc... 'T !... nM aalBW riAal.n II 1U8, IftUtr Uiur. mlrTEWOnK (general) A capable white ESin wantett "n the country or a family tr.-iiL. u.Ta. unr Jin iininnrn I'll. rtUM. -- 1 ilUTOn -Bxporiencod dictaphone operator! uttnt preferredl. atoto ago. and lalary rmwted. H ?ifLJt"i?r??nlrai: ILG9WOMBN Manufacturer wants reliable ItUlUn Ot aOIHiy IU iiirb uarnvj III tiuaiva tiiTltory in riuiaaeipnia, viaw .jersey una r'Blynanla for houao and outing dresaea, Hlllni direct to homeas a, aplendld oppor lanlty. Iniulre Mlsa Dcnn, Ledger Central. iTflsraaRArllEJl A nign-graue sicnogrnpner iiwssles department and general ofllcu work I't'T-j ihnao Ntnnrtnrl urnvlntlslv with nn iBiMnodllo concern . profcrted; .exceptional towrtunlty for a bright, intelligent ana mb worker with one of the largest auto fflf concerns In the city. L an, Ledger Ccnusi. rrEVOanAPlinil AND HOOKKEBPDII, oxp.; IP:, " i- h.A. hmieai elillo DilltrU St. uw "". "'i' vrT-iii t: i, rTATrni tfieai iciwcuvw .. .. 0. 7.1rrl'n fnr lflt of AUSUSt. In Chestnut Hill. Pnf.'.j n .aa.nn. ulrla nntk fnr enftUlnir W K""?ao 7D0,Vw' '.fii' .'h for chamber. IU...,....- - ..l.f wllh twn en. only Elr.a with' tho" hlghe.t refer- Knees ae to chanictcr and ability ncca nppiy. llMll. l.euKir -nii-v. . HCREASE your huaband'e Income; largo firm iff iffer an exctptlonal opportunity; no can Issuing. L KW, Ledger Central. ffunpEi iKRVtrK to Iiookkccpers. Clerka, iBisnographcra 'and all other young iioraen ISeklrS commercial pc.ltlo,... Conault ' Mis. ?: . $Sr..Ztr' mir "iltuitlon wanted liV do nottind exactly tho opening you -want. HEIiP WANTED MAItE kar wanted, between 17 and 20; general offlco EworK; quick aim uuitn - -.-. - . trailer vihv-. , SsiintivaM AN -Wanted, a good all-round architectural draughtsman; one who haa had at least IS yeara' experience In architectural drsuilitlnt. to take charge of office In Texaa, nmet be especially strong at acsignii's, w A t ni-nln n.t .mn Itnnw ItnllTO Of BUM . 1,1 ,,,).. ,n W,,. m...w .... - , . ioeflS-iilon writing, must bo strictly sorter. , lursUIi. -fsclmen of 1 encJs. tt salary. ueBifiiitti.i BUM -AdclreiB A Z'Zi, LedKor B..--l it nlin PJlt'ftP- --2i-: JXVVGATJSD younx man wanted for m-,n5ri Em,, . niiu iiriiiiiciiiir tt ,,.,-,,,, -. "rtiy to start; references. It 41U, Ledger FUBNITUBE 8ALEHMEN sltlons for hlEh-grada salesmen of ex- terlcnce. Apply or address BUBBAU Of EMPLOYMENT STBAWDniDQE & CI-OTIIIEn UCIIIMIBTS. bench, floor and lathe men, ca- iliiMt. wanted for England; sit months" en :Ument. E 4.10, Ledger Central. KiflllNlSTa AND KLOOB HANDS on reru- M tools. Apply, 7 A" , in., American -.n-fjring Co.. Aramlngo and Cumberland. 55TAND vrfira. w"hlie,wanted for janitor Hit rook In private school; must be talthful led able to oversea others: 140 and new write irmneuiaioiy, biviuk Immediately, alvlng last rocs employed, ago and all particulars, .' Ledger Ottlce. flCri nrvV lirlhl. nhnill 14 vrari old. tinted by brokeruge house business expert- is unnecessary, state reivrcn-cs; ir iderata to atart. hut cood opportunity for Wincement. II 131, Ledger Central. EriH' HELJ'Elia". U: nhvslcal examination liecesaary. Apply to Mr, Anderson, Harrison iWl. Cd 3501) Cray's Ferry road. IVETEI1B WANTED. Steward ft Btevens, 'mo nortn utn at. HAI.I-8 MANAQEB KKhanlca veiling exper., to handle salea of in.tiub. agency; com. basis; give age and nt connections, u uoi, -.euger wenirt. DESMAN wanted to sell ess appliances: (trance required. Apply Publlo Bervlce das Ce., 418 Federal St., Camden, N. J., between -.30 a. m. . HAT.KHMKM . w m.ii.t.iHhl. fatal- nnlv swJt jn.ii, tur 4 iiii-ii'Mi ,,i w. ... Ittmen who have large, established trade li?4 capaoie or doing large business neeo i bii- commiaaion only, it .o. t-user wm-c. VIERS, experienced, Industrious, sober Box Factory, fith Apply uougiaa l Willow ats. SSrrED Men ef excellent character recently v-srgeq or retired irom tne iiarme worpa i Army xceptlonal inducements ana per- y to nign-gruao men wno cun iiui-iuy. a Immediately, giving full particulars, Ledger Ofllce. SDOOB OF OPPORTUNITY la alwaya i at wdger Central, where Mr. itunt win r oner you tne co-operation given tcu dvertlseia In search of good positions. Call or write for free booklet BltTU N1TY Jt. tells you how to secure ' opening. General TW mm - BMlIIr. TEAt'U YOU TO DBIVE ANY AUTO. . o win start you. 3 more will rlnlsli ynu. A vui.r, roiinstc iio. F-"a Notary Publlo-Oeorte E. Battler i -mi your license. SfiW, ABU OF IMITATOB3. i u nrsi-we will explain. Winn itugiii r in fl If?!.'0 I"' Spring Qarden st, 162J Open evenlaga and Sunday. - dally to operate moving picture mi, u uein you quic mnn utck methods of tne electrical installation of a e and nt you for a position paying J13 Ti ier weea: complete course eio, -y three payments. Keystone pciwut, JUATIQNS WANTED FEMALE JANT ti dtntiat s or doctor's office, iaxe tit h,w.k-nlnr and tvluwrltlBK. Ljrtu.-ied ii lid Lefoer Cenlntl OR UOHT HOU8EWOHK, girl r.trences. 1300 N. Watts. UNt HHK Lgpable of taking 'ctwrge ef 313. u l &KURSE- Youig Swedish Prot., eFi mi , suburb of shore. ? 4J0. Lad. Q-. UNVRae Kxp Sootc. Fret.; Infant or P 4M, Ledger Place. fthdren MWrUiKed. to awuit a bookkeeper .Hi. bilU two dare a Mk, 58, Bt-ii. h. 500 W. Ihlh ' la llamllio '" HtirivOIK-('ul-i:.i girl wiahu -. a-M rri-e OI4 -IUter i -KBPI-R Idy mingliii likir hi tlttu hum- in ttbllll. 1,111 '-'' -I ledger Br Huo lt. Vroon Kkfc.r:pER deaii-t I ottlllou l-u rtt V 413 I n-ltr i Jls S'(RSE"t-W tkii mtlre chajge , t. .f 1 .!'i 1 dier om.e " Cofuiai .jmiit iuo titlre vout SITUATIONS WANTED-PBMALE ,w.,..flr''! n'a"td "" IWIalom lYantrd !i.. 'ifif"1. '".J"? R''""0 ierfffer (h same ..y utium miniiiowni cnortfe. I MA:iSiPlaT . "'". festHon. &w" N. tuT l ---- . n. .1.11, pcaip treatment .... . . . -MILLINERY . 5FV n" P0''- beat trimmer, city or out ot town Central. beet rsleteticee, h HI,' Ledger BTEr?nAIr,Hn- competent, accurate, expe ls!!;!. d"ir" K?lMn where nentnese and application to work will be apprce ated. II JwrjCenbraJ. HlENOfiRAPllER would like posit lonvher neatness and accuracy would be appreciated: moderate salaryi reference. B 3Qt, Led, orr. BTHNqaBAUltER AND BOOKKBEPBR, 3 years' exp.; thoroughly capable and reliables rapid typist. II 14?. LedgerCentral. SmvoaRAPltEtt, slight experience! do neat worki willing li H1, Ledger Central. STENOOtiAPlIBR, ery rapid typlali IT to . atari. It 8W, Ledger Central. BTENOaRAPHER. MD.i quick . at figures! I, Ledger Central. . Knowledge of bkpg, tl 0 BTKNOailAPHMn, . Pelrce graduate) alight cii.t wen equcateat capable, ii uau, STBNnnitAVMtan. ranld typlitl no clock yatchert fit'. Arfd . ft an, i.eager i-emrai. STr.NqoilAPIIKIt. aaalalant bookkeeperi not Miraw or reaponaioiuiy. li am. m. cent. BTHNOanAPHHIl. high achool graduate, neat, accuratejwllllnp worker. O IMS, Led. Ort. RTF.NOailAninit. ,1 yenrs' axp.s cupable. no ul"Slr'J'l,J'l!!'J' l,l.edgerccntral. WAlTnKHH or chambermaid, first claet, Ntanti .poaltlon fmme'lyl beat ret. 1' 431, Led, on. WIDOW, aged M yen re, deelrea poaltlon ne managing houeekeoper for widower or gentle' where other aerranta are kepti nlgheat raferenrea, II 4.1, Ledger central. CAPAllLl atcnographera, bookkeepera, clerka, commercial help of any kind ran be secured through the commercial Department at ledger Central. Write your needa to "Miss Dean." or telephone her at Walnut IIUOO, and prompt servlco will be rendered. You will undoubtedly require a substitute ledger Central la a good blaca to And one. Thla la a tree service to i.eager nuv Ledger ndvcrtlsera. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE llOOICKEBPEtt Married; long buslnesa experience! familiar office d- wnn tails, with payrolls and cost accounting. . 11 M, ledger Central. noOKKBBPBtt, 20, assistant or clerk, high achool graduate, deolrea chance to learn some buslnesa! real estate, builder's, architect's ornce preferred, tl 1)40, Ledger central. 130OKKI3UPEH, thoroughly exp., will audit accounts, open, close and write up booka, day or oicnlngi mod. lerrha. II 407, Ledger Otftce. 'L. CirAUKFGUn white. Protestant not smoke or drink, nould like reference. Hell phone Delmont atngle, lntltlon: dooa not smoke or drink, nould like position; best UJUJ 1302 Y. CHAUrrcun, Pranch, apeaka English; care fnt ilrlvr. mefhanlr! nrefers Kood home t fill driver, mechanic: prefera gooilhome to h .... .... . ,......-., r-.- ..-,.., -.-.,,... mgn wages; gooq reierence. u ms CIVIL ENatNEEtl, It yeare general experi ence, wanta position, or can Invest money on good proposition. II 233, Lodger Ottlce. CLEBIC. COnilESPONDnNT, 2T, married, with 7 years experience, alao mecnamcu training, shop and draughting; a future more tho object than salary to start. II 55, Led ger Central. CLEItK, experienced, with soma knowledge ot bkpg., wishes n position. II TO, I-ed, Cent. COLLECTOn I would llko to secure a pos. ns collector; I am 22 yrs. of ngc, very ambitious and not nfrald to work hard. M 221.I-ed.Ort. DENTIST, recent grnduafe U. of I'". rcglatered In Pennsylvania, wishes position, Phono Ger mantown 18-7 W. C8 WeatSharpnack rt. DllAUailTaMAN, mechanical; (traduote tech nical college: ollCBo: shop and drawing room exp-ri- ence, II 145, Lodger central. DKAUailTSMAN Four years In archltcct'a office; exp. residence, school and concrete work,; strictly temp., refs. U 40, Id. Oft. ENaiNEEIl, electrical; college graduate; II years' practical oxporlence; commercial or business end preferred, a 057, Ledger Cen tral HANDY MAN. 23 yeara' reference large fae tory. dcslrea poaltlon In factory, real estate or L., 3112 Braddock pt. IIOUBBMAN Young colored man wlshea paal tlon. 40 North 371h st. MAN, versatile, tactful. In his prime; years ot bu-lnesa and executive experience! excep tional correspondent, writer and address, hna developed and handled hundreds of men: highest reierencea; open for engagement, a 140,LedgeTCentral, , MAN, with (air education, good appearance, honest, sober, desires position aa collector, tvntchmnn. overseer, etc. O 743. Led. -.em. MAN, middle-aged, single, sober and honeat. TlVeat reference, desires position aa watchman. B 333. Ledger Otnce. MECHANICAL ENaiNEEB Graduate of South American .college, also evening school. Drexel yeara1 -(i nplnti Htlr nnaltlnn With -incern doing export trade. II 40, Ledger Central. MECHANICAL ENOINEBB Familiar with ateel and Iron mills, draught ing, testing. Installation of power plants ae qualntsn -with architects engineers, builders and contractors. O 033. Ledger Central. POSITION wanted with club, aecret aervlce. Invalid atfendant. by Inte IHiant e o ored man; 8 years' refererce: haa traveled In Lurope and Africa. 11 IM, Ledger centra i . HALIJsMaN" OB m-MONSTBAl'OB-Young roanrMPerlenced. big area ability, rel abll ty. endurance, action; road or city. , II -w. uidger central. SALESMAN. 0 yeara' exp.. city nnd traveling; can shoVr successful record; good appearance; energetic. H 20. Ledger Central. SALESMAN, 0 yeara' exp., deslrea permanent connection II 58. Ledger Central. HHIPPINO CLEBK, T yrs,' textile exp.. 3 yrs. furniture bu.lness: capable of taking charge department 1IJ1 Lfdg" Central. STENOaiTAPllEB AND BOOKKEEPEB Ex perienced capablo young man deslrea posi tion; willing worker; moderato- salary. 11 jat, t-oqger i-cmr-i. BTENOaBAPHEB. with a year's exp.. edge of bookkeeping. II 153, Ledger I knowl edge of bookkeeping, it IQ-, -.eager wenirai. BTENOOBAPHEB. experienced, rapid, accu. rate; 10 lo tar.ll. " Lw)gl; Central. ETERINABIAN. graduate, wants no;., coun- t ry. city or laporaiory-wutu ., u,Ut tt-u. w.... WATCHMAN, night, or a position of trust de aired by marrieu man, i, wrtiti . -- vi.-,- acter and refs. II Bd. Ledger Central. YOUNO Hungarian couple, speaking English, wish positional man chauffeur and useful around place; wile, cook and general house work! country preferred, B 403. Ledger Oft. vniiNn fAN Knowledge of bookkeeping. ....i..-- nmi Accurate at flgurea good business exnerlence. II 40, Ledger Centgl, YOUNO MAN, ago 25 yeara, deatrea poaltlon ns clerk or shipper: 3 yeara' experience; reference. Q 537, Ledger Central. YOUNO MAN, with practical banking exp., de sires executive position. 0 84T, Ledger Can, AUTOMOBILES nirATiFFEUBB CHAUFFEURS CS. course In operaUns and repairing. TlH N. lain st. t--i "., For Bale inl . BTUTtS roadster. .12001 thoroughly over- 'hauled: new magneto, carburetor, .elf.starter. ,, Rt.rlinir lire: ran be seen at 200T. Kti'itV"'" ibatwlen Tioga and Ontario). FcnTiiAV&ttil f. Knox Raceabout; very tilt- rare bargain. Can be seen at 83 -" .t.. Q ermantown. N. v, -. -. nin.At.ft ir-ii IV. ft4tP H. j.nwse " v; nxsssr car. alio Hmouiln body. AUTO LIVERY AND PARAGES rner'-wlU0 or one iin: Dickinson aaw - -iljIBfLLMOUaiNB AND TOTJBINO TO ""Phop Tioga 3306 W. Sr. iiiH-i-Fliie limousine and touring cars. TWi"lIlTlSn airigeFUd. 868 or East -60. CL-ANWrQAN DYEJNO wmm -B?5...A0.-.'4J1'"S ':"'"" BBiiTi ' i BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES zt?nrimi Ufti-K tUlW : uair?' K - mm9.jP-J IIIKO wait. A. Bivtew PL 11 U Vli1-iw-i itorse, SMa.kS- i?Teia Sii inkftifi-ktt uij cxu-fe-tlflaerr bualuai S.i-- ir,- r-ii000"! ..,. AUTO REPAIRINQ t " '. . t vNAllT-. expert on American and far 1' I1- 'Sa; Ally eSulPPad machine shop. ?5k uataat-i- Ov.rknd car a iPlalty. tS?J- f?s -I8 Wh ' Tt Mf- POR SALE u. but MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 1 A M TMDDT WALKBtt It P. KL niiya all rrorda, exrhangea alt, Sc 811 yjfilor double-facwt. c , A for 1. WW Itldga are , aboro Oo'umbla. BTOUAQK X53T. Monarch 8lorR Co. Auto and pack I'lllLA. Iflt and ahlptlng, STO Lancaster ave. IIOOMS FOR RENT Jt'ST TUB tlOOM OU WANT fan very likely be located In a few mlnulea by examining thn photogranha and deecrlp tlnna of rooma with and without beardwhlcli aro on llle for your Inspection m ledger Central. An Interior photrgraph and an fwera to erery question yon would ask la here, aa ynu can decide Intelligently, free aert ce; teat It. AnrJir, 1S (BU Paul ltouse)-SMcely (urn. .rooma: hot vnitcri ratea weekly, tl and up. Anni. 1012 Newly fum, running water alt rouma, imthj mtala aeryed) phone CA1U.IHLH, N., 1019-Atlractlvely (urn, (ront jTrom. renneq private heme, phone. CHBRTNUT, 3444-Two atlractfvely (urn. rooma; communicating! all com a. i phone. DAUI'IUK AND 52D, M..M0O (cor. houtel iArge. airy front tm.( ptlr. fani. Dla. tW!7 D. anttMANTOWN, Wayne aye.. M18-Dellht. mi, cro room! reasoraniei pnnpa um. ;uii. QltnBN. 1C2(I Twn nnd.Avte fnrnUhed roomai run, wattrt housekeeping! phone. BPllUCD BT 031-Nlce, large, trwtt rooma! . um. rmeat reaaonnoie; alnut T2BI W, BI'tUU'E, 1021-tJirge airy apartment, 2 or 3 rooma with bath; aleo single rooma, OI'Mtt'E. 1117-Twj well-lurn. front rrni., aln" . gio or communicating. Walnut TITO W. HPHUCE, :022-DealraMe furnished private batha; summer ratea. Ixicust roomai luui J, WALNUT, .1123 - Cheerlul, furnished rooms! porch house. Telephone Preston 2iU W. WALNUT, BOOS Newly furnished room, prl- vate ramuy; convenient to three car lines, lM'H, , 3H-Two attractive (ront rooms! 2d floor, single or communicating! phone, 17T11. N, UM Well-turn, bachelor apt.i prlv. porch, other acnnclea. Poplar 4i7f V 1HTII, N 2.10-Becond and third I ront suites; also alngle rwims; summer rates. r JOTII. N., .1U.18 (corner lnth and Erle)-l)rlghl, cool 2d-atory front room: woll turn.: gentle msni 3 mine. frnmTlogn fita.t Tloga32-ll D. IITII, N , niB-Large, comtorlable rooms. lurnianea or uniurnisnea, Phone Diamond 111)77 A. convenient to cara. 40TII, N IIS Delightful vacancies! porch. lawn; excep. taoiei near -; paring ua w. CiTII. H.. 131 Exceptionally line turn. 2d story roomi prlv. fain., all conv. I near L ph. CUMKOHTAIILY furnl'shecT rooms, suitable for Kentlemen; 10 minutes to City Hall; private' inmnr. liarmg uu I,, i'noto at l.eag. i.cni. NICF.LY turn, front room, for 2, with board; conv. to iwth and Market. Pelmont lrt)7 D. TWO furnished rooms for rent, HO Ih and Mar- ket, nuar It. Phono Uelmont 2l)7 Y. ."2d and Banrom. Furnished rooma; men only: meals; WERTUltANfll shower bathe; near L: all the Y. M. O. A. lomforta of home. Phone Bel mont 4CS1. Key, West 3M. BOARDING BAl.TlMOBI- 423.1 Larae. cool, bay window rm. oon. k'arK.; excel, ooara. iiaring (( llllOAt), 8 770 (The Oraham)-Cool and at tractive furnished rooms: hII modern conven iencea; excel, tahlo board; hotel acrv. : tf up. I.I.IIIiill. W., 1313-tS Beautiful rooms, with ho inl; new management. Ph. Tioga S221. -TeTIIOH, 1712 Desirable slnRlfnnd doiiblo rooms, excellent table; porch. Diamond 4510. "ntvn ht nntlKmnll nrtutt fainllv hna large front room, sultablo for two, furnished, with bonrd; rofs. exchangod Belmont 4H2S 1'. SPBUCE, 102S-30 2d-floor room, southern ex posura; cholco table board. Walnut 72.13 v. SPHBCU, 1224-2(1 iBrlsmondpl Furn, rooms; single, en suite; prlato baths: tablo board TASKKU 2.114 Film. Jd.floor rooma; board op tloiMl: private fumlb. nicklnson :gil W. WALNUT, 4331 2d-floor rooms, with board; near it; soutnern exposure rria. eiiniis-it. WALNUT. oti0d-Itrao rooma. atngle or com.; rcf. homo; excellent tnble: HI eafhi phone. HI'llUCULYN 301 B. 41et St., jliss B. M. Ilanley. formerly of Chestnut st. 40T1I. N , 32 Delightful slimmer vacancies! nrh. Uwn! cxcentlnnable table: near I. STST. P., 104 Vacnnclea Mr couple, turn, or untuni'.': board optional; reasonable: phone. Suburban aEBMANTOWN, 233 IV. Blttenhouae st. (be tween Wayne and (Ireene)-Destrable rooms, single or comm. . pood table; utn. 1.173 ... OVEnlUlOOK-PniVATB FAMILY OF 3 ADULTS HAS LAB-IB BOOSI, BUPEBIOB PA11L.W KUlt UM. .,-tu ., OVKilBBOOK OOai prex.rroad', boarding, tennla, awlm'g pool. Phone Preston (1333 W, Seashore . OCEAN CITY! N. jirHolefitonry irome cofn forta, bountiful table d up; board and room. BOARD WANTED MAN A'ND WIFB want board during Auguat near city, whore garage prlvllegea can be op talned, B.. 1317 Spruce COUNTRY BOARD WANTED TWO BOOMS and board for Auguat or. farm In radius of 10 mllca of Overbrook, II 241, Ilger Central, APARTMENTS BALTIMORE AVE,, ,1211-Attractive .1 rooms, rorch and bathroom, unfurnished! light and heat Inludedjl7 rnonth. BPBINa OABDKN. 1010-Excellent apts. In 3 different houaea; some furn.; kltcheneltes. EURNISHED APARTMENTS BOCU3T, 1318-Elegant aparlmenta, 2 rmrna, private bath: also single rms. Wal. 7C05 W. WEBT MULAnKLl'lIIA SlifiLiST (urn, nnt ,3 Urge, cooj'rooms, bath! nrlvat. hall. Woodland 4203 W. HOUSEKEEPINO APARTMENTS tlTAND PINE ST8.-DE LANCEY APTS. New. light. 4 to 1 rooms, 1 and 2 baths, kllchenett- rcntral location. Apply janitor. nIAMONI). 21123 rooms, balh, kitchen, hot water heat? ref.; 2d floor. 23, 4 rms.. bath, "firrorrmsj 135. 'pismond 1813 W. tthpf-All. 1522 Attractive nousaaeeping udi.. F2Pand 3 rooms, bath, kitchenette! modern ronenlences.tnj-ly BL J-g.nlI "'", ?nrTi5prinOOM. private bath. $4. room, kitchenette, bath. 1.1. Apply mil . 10th. Vest Philadelphia WALNUT, 4U50 (cornerl-Monern npi,. " r""' and bath: janitor service. Preston 4101 P. HOUSEKEEPAPTJWrNTED wiKTnn-ln centre of city, two or three Wroo1m T unfurnished: bath and kitchenette! eecTrto light, ampie heat and hot water; .if (trances, permanency desired, it 132. Led ger Central. REAL ESTATE POR SALE CITY t,UA M 6TII V A r-ttl -IS-H HMivt; lttp2rchasei threap atory, fight rooms; good order! 'VJ"irfi'oOD. 513 Norrl. st. Logan T.OflAN IUSAL ESTATE BALE?BJ!TD ExCIIANaB,, M. Hrniih. E?oad st. opp. Itogan Slatlon. NEW JEBHKY nTThjnALOWS. 1100 cash. 110 monthly! lots 35 B1B0; lialr trolley i conv. to ryer National purk, Oreater New Jersey Co., 33 S. 10th, TM-AL ESTATE SALE OR RENT HSE 'wor h fU, I.500 to tmo. Merchant. tern IIs00 1 ,M- M,fC'' Ce., 715-7IO Chhestnut st. Union Truat REAL ESTATE TO EXOHANOB ALL KINDS. ALBBECIirS u 2114 IV. Lehigh ave. I3 Prexal Bh ma. REAL ESTATEPORRENT "oTr-lCKa. BUaiNKSS ItpQII- BTO, BOR RSNT-PURNISHED tone Harbor, N, J, a'' mr ! -tTnnirTsorTrnrw t HfWSSBgsmss c-a-gs: MORTQAQES U.ONSY FOB lH-PTaAQJ-J $500 y.1000 21200 SJ 500 $1600 85000 nL BLDQ. OFFICI-S. Arjiual Beauu. i"srffisi ' . 1. i-irrr----irrn,M' " CITV J5TSV5!klllll L Wfj V London Mall. "Gladys Frogley was married this morning." "Who's the happy man?" "Her fR-her!" 1 ' ' -"- - ""- ' .- , , r tntiii - f, i --. J.,. , ' ' ' m ' " .in ' . i.nii imMt . - a) i m i.i j . . - , THE SPREAD OF MILITARISM THE PADDED CELL " ' I in I I , n I ai "Column, of Route" -M'V- "S C MCyi A Railroad Wreck Plcaso Don't Tumble 1 -jfftN L rT' S -' ... i1 j-8's-"-Vk - "I have cn many ilgns, quaint and J j Il f n " J '!EtWZUZZ.. otherwise, In tho mining tilstrlcta ot V WA J J. Js f " ) ,i7T.. 'li JI(li y.r-- the West," says a Chicago engineer. VjSl ' Z" XgaMijBjsjBjb "TWvtaaKxVsy 1 1" -gag DUl ,l "mainea tor a mining; super- jam. Ttfrlfl , ,1 " r-'i-ium' 5P- ' !WXl vU fL Intendcnt In Idaho to reach the dl- rv? .'LT'f ' ' "5& .T5? SVIS A Wter max of sign politeness. tv . . . I "MlIK t the entrance to tho mine over J?T YOU JUST LOV I S-3W&ftmjm IS wh':h he Is tho nuldlnar spirit this man I THOS& B&CCH ATHEUE-TeS ? ' eZS&fffihffiii&iW !. has caused tho following to be posted: t$$(mW; & shaft' "-Ejtchange. M S JXL- SErWfUMgf? 'ti0kw$W'$ $. DID IT EVER IIAPPEN T0 Y0U7 mmsMMW- UmJpWk -ssmSmM Jm I, li Told On Himself & iaW nJlll'U KS9 . ' W Jh ' ' Weary WlU!e-D.y. 8ot a dorg W iW'K V . ' " "' - , over dere wot eafs dirt! Did ya. Kfl -Jt!at a CM-ertJJVau,. .- tS) aTrMrttC) ever hear tell ot a dorff eatlnc dlrtT aSJeL ' VU9f iTT-'" V tWBt- Tomato Can Joe Why? Did he try ' .. , i I to bite youse? 1 , . if - ' ' ' " "Ss"-. . ,-z..- The Patriot's Sacrifice Ml A mjAfz P - . J ' V ' L y (sr-.&Au I T-5C?3:jJ.I2!t'I3aS' 3ilKr-" - , MMm wBmmMBBmk ' J c, MWmlMm&?i mm. i v 'vjrw "" s: i-,1 .- m Ctf fv . -of course I mean the English sharks. wSB9a j -AND THE WORST IS YET TO COME Cier-"v-JfcU oai SORAlrJtLlt. rrTir " HiitfT stJ02A ,. Little Boy How angry the sharks of course I mean the English sharks. Her Dad No, sir; I won't have any daughter tied for Ufo tr. a stupid fool. Her Suitor Thon hadn't you better let wo take her off your hands? Bos ton Transcript. runch. must bo with these German eubmarlnea Easily Answered A Chicago woman has been noted since girlhood for her ready wit. The other day a young amateur hu morist exclaimed In her presence: "What could be more dreadful for a woman than, after mending her hus band's coat, to find In one of the pockets a love letter from another woman?" "Fortunately," she said, "that could never happen. The woman would find tho letter first, and then she would not mend the coaL" Exchange. "He'a a, self-made man, Is he not?" "Yea, except for tho alterations made by his wife and her mother." St. James Qaxette, WITH THE Tta Kataw ' d-t-warrant Double Trouble "MeaB (HHt. tt tl too -ouefct Ain't dot I lbt for dew VWHf eT K im 4msrr MUM w. USM (-' H-M i-uw Hr-ftf turm i a Hi IW ill eJaAaaitaal punch, BarberAnything- else, sir? Customer (who has been shaved) I'll get you to trim my hair a little leash Kalserlsh. -The Passing Show. Deaf old gentleman lunconsclou o his remarkable escape): "Dear mel I feel sextain, that maid's lett the dopr open, behind her again." ENEMY ,flvtoi U4Jftiutt- of o-rt-la asiub ca.taw.wt ShAWK It KrtHkr-4oli y-r i tttiarratanei iwcJtur tui- U- - m oat 4 mm el. nBaST v W. i -v. . i,....,. , 15 Shrss'lir m i.?3rt-ar aiUl t ti, jy i blUtv" v -litrly v.i,.0 ju, ,aca- uw.s. il. cfw g&SS S4a--i MT: