Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 22, 1915, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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Groat Sachems' Association
Work Prtconta Tribe's Lead
ing Activities Haymakers
and Rainmakers.
The fteputy CJrtmtV Sachems Assoela
tloti's business meeting at the rooms of
the Great Council was well Attended) mast
of ths deputies being present, ns welt as
tho new deputies appointed, who wero In
troduced to tho association by Great J
Sachem Samuel II. Walker. In a. stirring
address tho Great Sachem urged tho dep
uties to greater activity, appealing to
every ono to do his share of tho work
for this term, and Just a llttla bit more.
Ho told them of the many visits ho will
mnlio to the different tribes throughout
tho great reservation of Pennsylvania and
tho work ho has laid out for himself for
tho upbuilding of this great all-American
The ned Men's Jubilee t Point Ilrene Park
en Hsturdar next promises In eclltse any nt
he 23 prevloun nnnual outings of the order,
'rbttmons for family picnic accommodations
will bo sfrsneod and (here will be amusements
galore The entries for the 'porting events
covr the following turns
HO-yard aatli latt sachems over M lenra
of me
,VV nrd dashHoys under 10 scars of ngc.
Men l r' son
50-yard dash flirts under 10 senra of age.
MnniVrs' daughters,
. no-yard dosh for fat men oer 200 rounds.
Halt-mile run-Open lo all lied Men.
Mils run Open to all lied Men
CO-ynrd dash for ladlea U. of 1'.
I'jtato race for neJ Men.
'Ctato rnee ror latli's.
Back race Open to Ited Men.
Mils relay rac Open to all trlbce.
Egg tuee for Indies
Paconta Tribe la enjoylne a season of pros
perity, having a wlde-auake corps of officers
who aro always at the meetings anil behind
the main effort to boom the membership. Past
Sachems Comoro nnd Nicholson, rival captain
on the membership committee, will start in
race In earnest next week. Tho attendance
and enthusiasm at the meetings every week
are coincident with tho mounting of the mer
cury. Instead of abating us the warm weather
comes on.
Tho last meeting was agiln honored by the
presence of Great Sachem Walker, who gave
a long and Interesting talk on the "lied Men's
Home " maklnff a deep Impression on the value
of this humane work for the aged members of
the order. Tho Great Sachem's slogan of
"Keeping everlastingly at It brings success,"
Is being heralded throughout the reservation of
Pennsylvania, and slnco his Installation very
encouraging reports have been received, re
sulting from the renewed efforts being put
forth by tho members nt targe
Tast Sachem Melvln .cava a humorous ad
dress, and remarks wero made by Brothers
Ford, Henry, Harris, Arnold and Krlck.
Deputy Great Sachem John M. Camero, of
Paconta, made a strong appeal for new mem
bership. Tha Jublleo committee would like to have
settlement for all tloketa tomorrow evening,
and urge that all outstanding accounts be
made at this meeting.
All athletca of Paconta Tribe are urged to
register tomorrow night for the sporting events
at Point Breeze Ptirk on Saturday. The wholo
day -will bo Chen over to Ited Af.n. find n
rood, lively program has beon arranged for
both afternoon and evening. Members not at
the meeting desiring to secure tickets from
Paconta's committee ahould call at the homes
of P. B. Grccnhalgh, I S. Camero, or P. S.
Lecha rrlbe, of Allentonn, has been making
several char.gea nrd Innovations, nmong which
Is tha organization of a team to work the
degrees. They expect to adopt six now mem
bers at their next council.
t'ppowoe Tribe, of West Chester, hns secured
a numbei of badges to present to members for
ringing In rale faces.
The tribes In tho northeastern ronton of the
cltv hate been displaying considerable activity
and will show a gain In membership. They
are ery careful In admitting new members, all
applicants being required to undergo a strict
examination In order to prove that they aro
qualified to becomo members.
Wawstam Tribe, of Ttoxborough, has taken
on a new league ot life and under tho nctlve
lcailcrahlp of p. a Cunningham will endcaor
to oo considerable work In the coming moons.
Tho TtnlnmalrMra nt fli IT..,,... o,..
adjunct to the Improved Order of tied Men,
held their annual convocation In Doylestown
July 17. The gathering was woll attended. 123
K31. ofr oolng present. At the public ex
f,rcl.5cs.,1!l! Mayor welcomed tho delegates, nnd
., J3- AsherK. Anders epoke on behalf ot tho
lied Men ot the town. The speakers wero
responded to by P. G. S. rtlchard K. Tongue
and p, G. I. Thomas K. Donnalley. The re
ports jf tho officers were read and approiod.
rne report or the great secretary shun a that
ir. "r,t 8l councils with a membership ot
Jfi' cy,l,J"c? that they are In excellent con
dltlbr numerically.
Notwithstanding the heat, tho parade In tho
afternoon was an elegant display. The streets
werr crowded by the citizens, who evidently
enjoyed tha demonstration.
The 22d annual session of the State Haymak
ers' Association of Pennsylvania was held at
Coatesvllla July 17. Delegates representing 103
uBoe!atIons In ths State were present.
Tha committee's report on membership and
finance ehonod a very substantial gain during
the past year, Tho following officers woro
elected and Installed by Faet National Chief
Haymaker Jesse Rhalcross, aralstrd by Past
Rational Chief Haymakers llarmer, Staws.
Eikard and Vice National Chief Haymaker
pay S. L H.. William F. Ithelnhart. of York:
g. V O. II, James It. Plnkerton. Philadelphia !
r a. l' ji ixui t. neegar, rnnadelphla: 8.
C. of B, Mahlon Trumbauer, Philadelphia: 8.
K. of II., II. p. Hunslcktr. I-ebanon: Trustee,
Jerse Shalcrosi, Coatesvllla; Itepresentatlvea to
the National Haymakers of ths United States.
Jesse Shalcrosi. Coatesvllla: Joseph T, Aldrlch,
A. J. Stager, II. C. Wilson and Robert Doak!
of Philadelphia.
York, Pa., was selected as the next place of
Martin's Wonderful Work, Arm
strong's Anniversary and Eastern
District's Big Outing.
War weather has caused no abatement
In tho attendance of John It. Marlln
Council No. 20 nor on tho initiation of
candidates Into tho degrees of tho order.
The members keep in actlvo working har
ness, and with tha good start made tho
term bids fair to be as successful as
tho last one. Various committees report
ed progress. The Entertainment Commit
tee reported that it has decided to post
pone tha country fair and dance from
September 9 to October 7, Pull announce
ments will be made in these columns.
Ladles' night at Martin Council on Fri
day evening last was a success, the social
being well attended by the members and
their ladies. The following prominent
members of the order were present! State
Vice Councillor Samuel a, Scott, State
Secretary Charles II. Hall and State
Treasurer Charles Kaufmann. After thi
musical program refreshments wero
served, and the balance qf the evening
was given over to dancing to the strains
of the popular Martin Orchestra.
The quarterly meeting of ths Past Council
or, aiul Willing Workers Association was
held oa Saturday night and was well attended
bv tba workers of the Eastern District. Many
things wera discussed for an actlvo campaign
In the weaker councils In the district. Tea
following officers wero elected for tho year:
President, Thomas If. Walters: vie presldeat,
John T. Wagaer. treasurer Charles Kauf
mann, secretary. Charles II. Halt.
This association has dona much to Inereasa
Imsri.i In the district and to organlts now
(.ousels, befog Instrumental la tba organizing
of bout IS councils. The Employment Com
mute baa also done good work In tho placing
of members la good poiltloos. Tho Orphans
Hon. onimltt reported that th bom was
in suod coaoltloo, and suggested la order that
the grounds may be baautlaed that the Eastern
1'uirlut make a llbanl joaatlan sod buy a
w.,.: of roae bih Tola suggestteni was
dutrd and a raquaat for donations WBl b
(wit to ta owaoUa of tha district.
The Kastarn Dialnct wtu have, a picnic at
Touttojtanainnn. Vs., oa Saturday ana Bu&day
wi; Tho coauniuas from Toughkihamoa
rohscll. No. W. having charge of this ptcale
ara 8. Q Scott, chairman, Osarge W. Perry,
James C PaUww. George w Rlchardsoa sad
Itwlt Daily Saturday afternoon tears will
be eperu of all kino. A picked baseball nis
fiom tha vlaltera lil b pitted aralaat tha
ulno of TuuaUuteoasnoa Council. Th will
Im b a tits uf r between ths stout and
I i. auuntxi. in i be awaalag titer will be
a social to tl c tio-nt t Mrs. g- O Soott tot
t tadl II - ri , n ml' go to ftMLthaai Coup
til iJo is.'. s - i. era Mil W i, Urn
voi a n.tiag sod . InttlaUOB. tha dV
grc, tairf cezn,uad by tba oaarea tsaus
?t Julia r nnstrviig Council. Ko. ISO
r- l'i jf.tfluvil roUtfJkK4CaO& CvU, U
iv tt.,. iuagokvoamoa Preaby
t IPBsBBsPwisjiMj(HjB j,
rtJrirmiM1sMM--a-g-M-sStt- MUttttttMMttMMiJMiiTWSMMmmM I i6iii nnitm'toiii - & -j--'j j. j J
I'ouhcll by Pail Stale councilor Thomas It
Walters, and will be accepted on behalf of the
vhurch by Thomas Mlnshal). This will be a
pleasant outing for all members of the Eastern
LMMrlrt. All members aro Invited to these
. John B. Armstrong council, No, 130, cele
brated on Monday evening their Jsth anniver
sary with a smoker and vaudeville show. The
committee was complimented on the able man
ner In which tha program In Its entirety was
carried out. The committee Is composed of
Henry It Slnnamon, f.nq , chairman: K. B.
Leatherman Joseph II Jones, rrcd 1 .Hud
eon, Kmest Btelnmejer, Charles HSspel nnd
Theodore i". Jordan brother Slnnamon, on
behalf of tho council, presented to coptaln
I'rej c Hudson a fine traveling bag In ap
preciation of his untiring work In making
Company A, Armstrong Guard, one of tho best
In the Putt.
Armstrong Council Is one of the oldest coun
cils In the city, and In to be congratulated on
her success, having a membership of 408, with
a treasury of $ll,oot, which Is carefully In
vested In first mortgages. Armstrong Guard Is
also to be eomnllmtnted nn their rood allow
ing, haMng a n-emberehlp In the uniform rnnk
ot AS men, which apeaks well for Captain Hud
son's work. The council will celebrate the
2Bth nnnUermry with BOO members. Among
tho VUltors present were State Vtco Councilor
Thomas If Walters, D. 1). 8. (i Henry
Wrllenmann, D. D S, C. Fred C. Weber and
General Grant Council, No. "2, Norrlstown,
had an Interesting meeting on Wednesday
evening. Plana were laid for a large class In
itiation to bo held In the rarlv tiart of October.
This council nlll try to reach tho 300 mark by
the e.id of next term. Among the visitors
present were Past State councilor Thomas II.
Walters1, U. U. 8. C, Henry Wcllenmann nnd
P C. Ernest Z. Stead.
Ion Council Is going to hate a large open
meeting on Monday evening next, July SB All
J u n lorn aro Invited to make this meeting n
success nnd to help Ipno Council In the cam
paign for new members
Fred M. Wagner Council, No, IRfi. has taken
a new lease of life and Is now after n mem
bership of 100 by the end of December.
The members of Sterhcn Glrnrd Council, No.
Ill, are planning another of their class Initia
tions. This council has never had under W)
candidates nt any of their clashes. Tho batanco
of the district nonder how they do It.
Frnnkllnvllle Council, Xo. 7.1, has openod her
guns on the 100 Increase that their councilor
asked for on the night of hla Installation. They
had an Interesting rrcetlng on Monday night,
scleral candidates being proposed.
Good of tho Order Association Plans.
Rounds of tho Frankford Band.
An enthusiastic meeting of tho Good of
tho Order Association wan held last
Thursday evening at Minerva Council,
No. 33C, D. D. 8. C. William Freoman,
of Port Illchmond Council, No. 234, pro
siding. Savcral subjects wero discussed
nnd plans laid for a most active fall nnd
winter campaign by this association,
which lo destined to bo nn important
factor in tho great work of tlfts fra
ternity. In addition to tho varlouB depu
ties and delegates from tho many coun
cils of this county, Stato Council Sec
retary Ford and Stato Vice Councillor
Shcnoman woro present and addressed tho
brethren upon tho elegant condition of
tho organization.
Lost Monday evening, Frankford Dand nnd
tho many brethren who nro so anxious to fol
low lta footBtopa In the good work It is doing,
visited Concord School Council, No. COO, at
tost Germantown avenuo, and tho usual delight
and pleasure followed. No. 000 Is doing good
work nnd was much pleasod nnd gratified
with the visit of so many members ot Us
sliler councils. D. U. 8. C. Albert J. Curry
is a member of No. 000 and always finds
Plea euro in advancing the Interest ot this pur-
titumr i-uuui-u ajtu wis organization generally.
Stnta Council Secretary Ford was present and
with many other active members mado most
Interesting addressee.
State Vice Councilor Shoneman paid nn of
ficial visit to Courtland Saunders Council, No.
8;0. 4115 Lancaster avenuo, last Monday eve
ning and was greatly pleased with tho largo
number of members present on such a warm
night. A band organisation recently formed
through tho efforts of the treasurer, In-other
II. 1). Hochell, Is proving nn important
feature of tho Work In N'n. filia nnrl Ik hMntntr
along Its good work. Tho members of No. 8W
aro bound to mako It ono of the bright stars
of the West Philadelphia District. Stato Vice
Councilor 8heneman was pleased to congrat
ulate tho council upon tho efforts being made
and wished It every success and plodgcd hla
Delegates of tho councils of tho Tostern Dis
trict of Pennsylvania held a ery Important
meeting last evening nt Loyal Council, No.
Tsl. to discuss several subjects concerning tho
great efforts to be continued during tho sum'
mor and winter which will be considerably In
tel cstlng to the order at large Several of tho
councils in tho extreme rural sections wero
represented, showing verv plainly tho great
Interest which Is being token generally by all
councils and members State Vlco Councilor
8henemanJ nnd Statn Cnunrll flnrrntnrv nvirri
exrlalned ths matters and tho members pre
sent showed not only Interest therein, but
Pledged their beat efforts to realize the re
sults which will surely fellow.
The Frankford Dand, with a great number
of brethren will visit Integrity Council, No.
33fl. Eroad and Federal streets, tonight, nnd a
vuiy pleusant time la assured. No. MS Is ono
of tho nctho bodies of true Americanism In
thla county and has a largo corps of active
werkere. D. I) S. C. Francis Alrey, Is a mem
ber of No. 33S and has not only done good
work therein, but throughout tho cntlro
county. D. D. S. C. Charles W. Walton will
be preesnt to return the good will and co
operation which has been extended by Urother
Alrey. Desldes tho deputies of the different
districts. State Vies Councilor Sheneman and
Mat Cuuncll Secretary Ftord will bo present
and be pleased to congratulate No. 33S upon
Its good work and upon its truo fraternal
feelings towards Its slater bodies.
The following baseball gamea will be played
Saturday next, at 3:10: Diligent vs. Houston.
17th and Cambria atreets; Kagls vs. Integrity,
.... WM...X...V Bk.VU.B, .,,tU ,., (Ill,,, Wt
&2d street and Warrington avanuo, nnd Loyni
n. Hamilton, 33d street and Columbia avenuo.
Stato Vlco Councilor Sheneman and Stato
Secretary Ford will visit Fredonla Council,
No. 47, Belmont and Lancaster nvenues, and
Courtland Saunders, No. 8lt), 4115 Lancaster
ayeuue, next Monday ovenlng, to assist and
encourage them In the good work they aro
doing. All visiting brethren will be graciously
The Frankford Band will visit Hamilton
Council, No 811, 0210 Market street, next
Tuesday evening and a large delegation la ex-
Eected from the different councils, IX D, s. C.
:imer H. Sherwood Is ono of the active spirits
of this council and Is In charge of the
Initiatory staff. Urother Sherwood acted as
councilor In tho general class Initiation at Lu
Lu Temple and received the plaudits of tho
000 members snd the largest class of candi
dates ever received In such manner In any
like fraternity The guards of No, 841 do
good work under their captain, Brother C. T.
tioggs. No, 841 has lust nnlahed a most suc
cessful term nnd Its report to the Stato
council wilt doubtless show a general increase.
Brothers Brown and Fowler, its two efficient
secretaries, are always ready and willing to
coctlnue Its success. State Council Secretary
Ford and State Vice Councilor Sheneman with
many deputies and brethren will make Inter
esting remarks. No. 841 In addition to Its
many actlvltlea. Is encouraging the younger
men through 'ts ball club In ths league of the
various councils.
Patriotic Order Sons of America
Camp 810 bad a rather more than Interest
ing meeting July 13. Installation of officers
for ths present term was carried through with
great dignity by Dlatrlct President Thomas
Williams. The reports from the different con.
mlttees showed even a more active Intereat
In ths affairs of ths camp than uaual. If such
a thing could be, Ths Committee on Flag
Presentation mads lta final report, which
showed that almost ths entire expense was
met by voluntary contributions from tha mem
bers. Tho District President Committee, the
Federation Committee, Church Committee, Pub.
Ilolty Committee and Entertainment Commit
tee had Interesting reports to make. Tho re
port of tho financial aecretary showed ths
camp to have a total membership of 1ST In
good standing. Tho amount ot sick benefits paid
out tho lsst six months was IS3i for death of
members' wives, ISO: total Income. fx.7fi.uSi
total expenses. S4B3.06. leaving a balance ot
183.07, not Including 20 shares of Building
and Loan Association.
Brothers Freeman long, William Reed,
Lewis Jackson, Joseph Baetxel and others in.
terested tba members by their timely remarks
on different subjects.
On motion of Brother John Seherer, a vote
of thanks was extended to the Evxmko Lxdoib
for tbe liberal publication ot news of this and
other camps of the order.
The Incoming president. John Watson, de
clared a receaa lo permit the Entertainment
Committee ta furnish refreshments
The BnterUlnment Committee has la view
a, block party soon for ths purpose of furnish
ing tba degree team with new uniforms, nstUo
to be given In due time.
An Invitation is extandAd ta All Duuhua At
tho order to visit tlio eamp la Itolomhurg at.
hi wm.
Were paid in death claims In
the United States and Canada
last year. It's the American
way of providing for the future
of the family. Is your home
protected? Thu Artisans Order
furnishes life Insurance at cost.
ays nick benefits and offers de
ghtful social features, all at
cot and en small quarterly
payments. Ask any member of
ths Ortkr.
i " ' i i i u i ii i n ! ! r i
H e hS3 AS
ggffJtt.j.-!--,M,i ...... si . Jat..fAft,..J.J.A,.Jji ...j.-,.u..-a a..... .A...ar3BBl I
This institution, for the caro nnd education of children, provides recreation nnd religious services durlnp; tho
summer. The now buildings cover an nrca of 10 ncros nnd nro considered ono of tho finest properties
of tho kind in tho country.
Official Visitations and Installations,
Court Prizes nnd Now Junior Court.
Court Northern Liberties was treated t
a pleasant surprlso by tho visit of Grand
Chief Ilnngcr Pilot and Grand Treasurer
Farley, who- very ably installed tho offi
cers for tho ensuing term. Drother Far
loy also obligated tho candidates. Tlin
court on motion tendered both grand of
ficers a rising voto of thanks.
During good and wclfaro Drother Tllot
mado Interesting remarks and endeavored
to encourago tho members to work for
an Increase of membership. Brother Far
Icy spokn at length on tho bright side of
llfo nnd likened tho management of the
order to tho management of our nation.
Brothers John J. Farroll, F. J. Green nnd
Daniel Kellchcr mado promises for tin:
court to pass tho "00 mark In member
ship beforo tho end of tho quarter.
Court Hamilton received with open arms on
last Friday evening a loyal band of brothors
from Court Srhuylklll to witness the instal
lation of the offlcera by tho now deputy,
Brothor Dnld Magec, asslated by Dr. W. Daly
as herald.
If any court could bo Influenced by tho prize
offering movement, Hamilton should bo one,
the following boing the Inducements to work
for new members: G. C. It. Pilot has offered
a gold emblem of the order, Doctor Daly
offers $3, D, O. C. It. Mageo offers a meer
schaum pipe. Dr. A. N. Tomlln offers S, A.
S. Wlckham, clrugglat, offers I2.C0, and the
court otters a bndgo worth I2.SO for IHo now
members. O. T. John P. Donohuo has also
donated six emblems to be given out at the
end of tho year.
Short talks were made by Dr, W. J Daly,
P. C. It.. Court Schuylkill : D. O. C. It Milla,
Court Belvlew; D. J. C. It. Uavld Magec, of
Court Hamilton; Lecturer John Thorp and P.
C. It John Kano, ot Court Schu)lklll. James
J Noon, financial secretary ot Court Hamilton,
In greeting Brother Mageo as deputy, stated
that from personal knowlodgo ot tho character
of the new deputy, tne court naa secured a
man who would net as a firm friend and wlso
counsellor, not afraid to talk faco to face and
without fear or favor for the right. Dr. V. St.
Knter and Treasurer James It. mttrell gavo
words of praise. The meeting adjourned with
a rousing cheer for the success of tho order
anil with best wishes for tho present adminis
tration. Court Pennsylvania had the following officers
Installed by Brother Gilbert Fahy. D. O. C. It.,
of Court American I'.iKlo, assisted by Brother
(Janibie, I). O C. It., of Court I'ontlac. nnd
Brother O'Connor. Deputy of Court nobln
Hood, Chief llunner Walter SlmOn, Sub-Chlof
Hunger William Simon. Recording Secretary
John Dunleay. Senior Woodward, John Dono
van, Junior olladlo Patrick nock. The brother
nominated for senior bcadio n absent nnd
Junior woodward la left open. Remarks were
made by Brothors Fahy, Gamble, O'Connor,
Oilman, Holmes and 1'nst Chief Hanger Hnr
klns. PlanB and tickets wero prepared for tho
moonlight oxcurslon on July 30, 31, August 0,
14 ur,d 21.
Tho representatives from Pennsylvania to the
supreme convention to be held In San Fran
cisco, Augnrt 24, have almost completed the
extensive plans for the trip. Tho Itinerary ia
ono of the best that could ho had and la laid
out to flno advontngo for sight seeing and will
cover a period of 24 days The official badge
l ono of tho beet over worn by any of tho
Pennsylvania delegations. The souvenirs will
be a pleasant aurprlso and wilt bo In great de
mand nt tho convention. Tho delegation will
turn out in beautiful uniforms tro day of the
pardde In Ran Francisco and It Is hoped that
the Pennajlvanla delegation will carry off nrst
prUe. There are CO members booked for the
trio, which is open to all Foresters. Informa
tion can bo had from the secretary of tho dele
gation, J. J. 1'arrell, J'i7 Arch street.
Tho first regular meeting and Insinuation of
tho newly organized Court John Pnul Jonrs,
Jr . No. n, was held at Forester's Hall, lttTJ
North -7th street, July 10 A degree team
from Court Quaker City, Jr . In charge of
Brother L'dwards, Initiated 34 membera Into
the now court.
Grand Chief Itanger Pilot presented tha dis
pensation to tho court and alro appointed Past
Chief Hanger Scharff. of Court John Paul
Jones, Fr., tho deputy to tho new court.
Brother Hcharff and Past Grand Chief Hanger
Ouerln Installed tho following officers: Past
chief ranger, Ed. Clancey; chief ranger, Q. A.
Kelley: sub chief ranger, L, Davis; financial
secretary, B. F. Lancaster; treasurer, II, T.
Beers', recording secretary, W. K. Smith;
senior archer, 11. Heck; Junior archer, J. F.
Kennedy, Jr.; senior boidle. It. Kaolin: Junior
beadle. U. BaAutn: trustees, C. 11. Smith, E.
A. Schubert and II. 51. Hutchinson.
Interesting snd Instructive talka were mads
by Oram! Chief Hanger Pilot, Grand Secretary
Comber, Brother ISdwarda, of Court Quaker
City, Jr.: Brothor Itobb, ot Court Quaker City,
Hr ; Past Grand Chief Hanger Ouerln, Doctor
Slnamon. of Court Quaker City, 8r.; Brother
Lain, of Court John Paul Jones. Sr,, and
Brother Kennedy, of Court Falrmount. After
the business of the court was completed. Court
John Paul Jones, Sr.. treated the visiting mem
bers and the new Juniors to a very pleasing
and cooling social hour which atoned for the
bet and strenuous evening
The next meeting of the court will bo held
on Saturday, August 7.
Philadelphia & Reading
Steel Vestibuled Express Trains
leave Reading Terminal, Philadelphia, Every Hour
on the hour, 7.00 A. M. to 9.00 P. M. Parlor
and Dining Cars. Sleeping Car on Midnight Trains.
One Hour and Fifty Minutes .
to Liberty Street on 7.00 and 8.00 A.' M. Trains.
Fast Service by Other Trains.
Liberty Street
Adjoining West Shore and N. Y., O. and W. R. R.
Ferries. Convenient to Sound Lino Steamers, nnri
Elevated Railroad Stations. About 14 minutes to Grand
Cwtral Station from Fulton Street (A) Subway Station,
23rd Street Station
Adjoining Erie and' Lackavanna Railroad Ferriea and
0?earj Steamship. Terminals. Convenient trolley service to
Grand Central Station via 23rd Street and Fourth Avenuo
surfa? lin also to HsteJ and Shopping Districts. '
" II nu ii hi
Taxieabs at Both
Big Seashore Excursion of the
Order's Active Members.
Work of the Grand Master.
Tho Actlvo Odd Follows' Association
nnd tho lodges of tho city nnd vicinity
will enjoy nn excursion to Wlldwood on
next Saturday, Thoro will bo special
tralna on tho Heading Ilallway leaving
Chestnut' street ferry nt 7:30 n. m. Tho
committeemen, wearing whlto caps, will
bo at tho wharf to handlo tho crowds.
This oxcurslon Is under tho manage
ment of two well-known Actlvo Odd Fol
lows, "Bob" Gorman, chairman, and
Georgo Brunner, secretary, who aro as
sisted by a "bunch of llvo wires" In Odd
Fellowship, among whom aro "Bill" Wag
ner, Alexander Wilson, Thomas White
head, Charllo Myors, Josoph Gill, Thorna.!
Cowden, "Billy" Douglass, Albert Gor
man, Samuel French, Hobort Love. J. A.
Nnegolo, II. C. Bonner and C. II. Mc
Cabo. Tho children from tho Homo for Or
phans of Odd Fellows of Pennsylvania
will bo tho guests of tho association.
They will tako part in an Interesting pro
gram at the band Concert at 4:30 p. m. at
Oak avenuo and Boardwalk.
A lino of Held sports will bo hold on tho
beach at 2 p. m.
Tho city ofTlclals of Wlldwood and tho
manngors of tho oxcurslon havo agreed
on plans for a successful day.
' Tho Ivy Workers'
Association of Ivy Lodge
has planned a big time on tho excursion next
Saturday. The hoadquortors will bo ot Juniper
nnd Pacific avenues. Tho committee In charge
Includes A. II. Wilson chairman; John
Mozer, socretary: Joseph F. Calhoun, W. O.
Johni-on, 8 8. Bowen. Chnrlen Mors, J. H.
Mjrrs, rtcorgc n. Aahworthy, F. H. Kendrlrk,
Frank T. Pitman. George J. Kroupo, William
Uowlttt. a. M. Formosa, I. S. Van Scoy, W.
T. Crcssmnn. Joseph L. Stinger, William F.
Hyaoro, William U. Moyer, Claud Johnson
and William J. Weldner.
Tho I. O. O. F. Junior C. E Society Is hold
Inv its services In tho auditorium of the
Orphanage, Ogontx and Chelten avenues, every
fundny afternoon nt fl o'clock during this
and next month. Interesting programs aro
riven by tho children. Tho public Is cordially
Invited to nttcnu.
One ot the girls of the Orphnnago, Miss
Viola Fnrwoll, who graduated from the rhlla
lelphla High School, has brought to tho
Orphanage higher honor i than nny other
graduate. She was ono of tho first 11 dis
tinguished In the class. At tho graduation
ceremonies held at ths Academy of Music ehs
gavo In a most creditable manner the valedic
tory, speaking for 22 minutes without pause or
mistake, and to crown all, her namo appeared
In the Hat of the scholarahlps awarded by tha
Board of Education for tho Unlveralty of
Silas Far well is a direct product ot tho
parental care of tho Orphans' Home and
motherly training of Sirs. L. A. Enoch, matron,
for over 10 years. She was admitted when
8 years of age, and by time limit (IS years),
she returns to her mother In Wllllamsport,
Pa. Miss Farwell was a charter member of
the I. O. O. F. Junior C. E. Society, and Is
onu nt its rast presidents and has senej as
assistant to Mr George (Instructor) for
th.f last two years. All Odd Follows In tho
Pennsylvania Jurisdiction should be proud of
this record mads by an Odd Fellow's orphan.
The now property for tho care and education
of Odd Fellows' Orphans Is one of the best
am most complete for tho purpose of nny In
the country. The buildings, of granite, occupy
an area ot 10i acrts at Ogontz and Chelten
avnues, nnd cost (100,000.
Tho present officers of the Home aro: Treel
dent. C. B. D Rlchardaon, Remembrance
LoJgn; ce president, J. P. Hale Jenkins,
(,. M., Norrls Lodge; second vice president,
Benjamin F. Calverley, Jr., Roxhorough Lodge;
secretary, Robert Gorman, 1'aclflc I.odge:
treasurer, Thomas Hawkes, Purity Lodge;
matron, Mrs. Letltla A. Enoch,, directors, a.
3. Oliver, Clnclnnatus Lodgo; II. W. Brick,
Parker Norrls Lodge: Charles Barke, Philadelphia-National
Lodge! 12. F, Tretbar. Chosen
Friends' Lodge: Robert Love, Independence
Lodge; Harry Tnrbotton, Pilgrim's Home En
rampment; Robert llealey, National-Palestine
Encampment; W, J, Uaratow, Walker Lodgo;
John A- Naegele, Damascus Lodge; J, F, Hen
dricks, Doylestown Encampment; W. E. Kloa
terman, Crusaders Lodge; Mrs. A. J. Gal
lagher. Myra Lodge, D. It.; Mrs. O. I,. Bocklus,
Mildred; Mrs. Mary N. Joslyn, Theresa; Mrs.
C. M. Lafferty, Letltla Penn; Mrs, L. Mc
Farland, Letltla Penn; Mrs, S, Schleicher,
Anna M. Hoss; Miss E. F. Wear, Ruth Mont
gomery; Mrs, S. L. Martlndale, Hope; Mra.
Lizzie Gelaler. Lady Revere; Mrs. M. J. Ken
all. Letilla Penn: Mlaa F. M, Walker, Theresa,
and Miss M. B, Montgomery, Ruth Montgomery
Tho-grand master, with a few brothers from
Norrlstown, will pay an official visit to Ambler
New York
via the
i .
fndcr. No. lOtr,. nn .tulv 20.
On Saturday next
tho grand master will hold
a special aession
ol tha Grand Lodge, for the purpose of re
ceiving past grands to membership. In the
nan of urace i-ougo, urwigavme, Bcnuyiaiu
Mllle Lodge conferred tho second degreo on
eaten candidates last Thursday evening, with
a very fair attendance for on extremely warm
night Among the visitors present wero tho
old friend nnd brother, Marshall IJ. Williams,
of Taunton Mass., and Brother Fred Ther
linuser, nf Mn'onr. N. Y-
Brother Oscar Croner, organist. Is on his
summer outing In Boston and vicinity and
many members havo received soutenlrs of his
Ilrotlter Charles D. Bird, third member of
the relief, la a very nrdent worker In tho
lodge, netting nn example to thoso who should
bo "on tho Job."
V a. H. C Henner Is still after the hoys
nbout the Odd Folions' outing on Saturday
nxt n' Wlldwood.
Mllle. will lifllM n rnnil mtln,- innlcrhf. Vlil-
tors aiwnvs welcome.
Areturus Lodge, nt 210 Potith COth elreel. con
fried tho first degree nn three candidates last
Friday night. This lodge will take tho chil
dren from tho Ornlmnnge on their annual pic
Ma August 11. For several years past Arctu
rus Lodge has had tho pleasure of glUng these
,ii,i, tnirs a nays outing, wnen iney can
frolic and cat to their henriB' content Ono
nas only to look on nt ono of these outlnrs to
realize, that It Is tlmo nnd money well spent. A
Rood delegation from this lodgo will go on tho
O-ld Icllows' excursion to Wlldwood next Sat
urday. Grand Mnster Jenkins, accompanied by
Grand Secrotary Usher A. Hall, Grand Warden
Robert . Montgomery nnd Grand MarshI
Joeph ir, Ornhnm, went to Dillsbure, York
County, to Institute South Mountain Lodge,
No. 3200. There were 20 charter mombers
nnd representatives from 12 lodges at tho
ovenlng session. Tho arrangements for tho
Institution were mndo by District Deputy
Grand Master Martin L. Olasslc, of York. Tho
Initiatory and degreo work was exemplified by
the degreo team of Harmonla Lodge, of York.
Among thoo who addressed tho new lodge
were Grand Master J. P. Hale Jenkins. Grand
Secretary Psher A. Hall, Grand Marshal Jo.
;epn II, Graham, Past Grands Jacob E.
Weaver and Charles J, Gntwnlt, District
Deputy Grand Master M. L. Glaeslc, Brother
Benson nml tho Rev. Brother Snyder, nf York,
nnd the newly elected vice grand of South
Mountain Lodgo, Joseph Mllilgnn.
There will bo a reunion of Odd Tellows In
viS..iil!r ,.c,tlon"..0' Pennsylvania, Maryland,
nift),'!' V'?,' v'r!nla nnd the District of
C?..um!V,a..',f P'-n-Mnr Park. August fi. A fine
diy will br'ng out manv thousands of Msltors.
Grand Master J. P. Hale Jenkins, of Penn
sylvania; Grand Mnster O. V. Hanger, Vir
gin a; Grand Mnster David L. Ash, West Vir
ginia; Grand Master William II. Hofstctter,
Maryland, nnd Grand Master William J. Rice,
of Washington, D. C, expect to be present.
The committee announced that speakers of
national and International reputation would be
secured for tho occnslon.
I. O. O. P., Manchester Unity
? "overnnco Lodge held n Rood meeting last
Thursday evening. N. G Thomas Clegg pro
sl'lod and commended tho largo attendance.
There were 12 past grands, two P. P. O. mas
ters. the present P. D. G. master of tho Phila
delphia district nnd two mombers of tho Grand
Lodge of the United States, ell members of
1'ersi.verance Lodge.
Past Grand Robert MacLoan, Jr , wan pre
sented with a frnmod emblem on behalf of tho
oago by P. D. a. M. John R. Hots, who
lauded him for his faithful services while go
2r. tlrotjrIi ttio chairs, nnd ho further stated
that If the lodgo would pass tho 800 mark In
mcmberrhlp by tho end of December ho would
io mo mimDers a surprise well worth strlv-
?Pn Brotncr Mel-nan expressed his thanks
for the token given and hla Intention to still
,u,n iur mu uvai iniercais ot tno order, I', I.
G. M. Joseph Armstrong urged all present to
Increase tha membership and stated that he.
too, will give a surprise
. l..?,; Pbprt Dewey announced tho excursion
to Wlldwood noxt Saturday, given by the Oood
of .prder and Propagation .Commltteea of tho
Philadelphia district. On tho arrival at Wild
wood the members will bo met by tho Munici
pal Band nnd parade to tho Boardwalk, nnd
the nddreas of welcome will bo mado on tho
Ocean Pier by tho Mayor, nnd ho will bo re
sponded to by P. a. M. George Smith. A pro
gram has been arranged for other enjoyable
events during tho day
Shield of Honor
Grand .Master Pierson installed tho officers
of Corinthian Lodge, No. 14. He waa aaelated
fcy members of his homo lodge Peerless. No.
2S and reports a good meeting, The grand
roaster has not appointed a deputy for Cor
inthian, but proposes to tako tha lodge under
hla personal care.
Peerless, No. 29, Initiated one candidate on
the ovenlng of July 14 and has others In
A meeting of the Board ot Grand Lodge Of
ficers was held In 8. ot II. Hall on tho eve
nlng of July 15. The amendments to the laws,
adopted at the recent session ot tho supremo
lodge, were prepared for promulgation to the
lodges In the Stato.
Keeping in Touch With Homo
You never quite forget tho home town,
even on the moat enjoyable vacations. Keep
In touch with home affairs by seeing to it
tout juur luturuo newspaper follows you
wherever you go. Notify the Eienlng- Ledger
before you leave to send your paper to you.
Specify the edition desired,
. "42-' IL-l-l- -?E-42STI
V t FT ""A
at Wf'TA
i sfflB 'iE,T,ST "
1 -Tift V a a i ' Boinr.Cl
i rL CD 1 iwwv. m
jersey- imim
22, 101S:
Actlvo Lodge Work on tho General
Plan for Christmas Charity.
Homo Lodge, No. 1, admitted last tveek
nlno new members, tho results of tho
work of Drothcrs John Costello, Samuel
Cohen and Harry Traffer, each hftVlna
thrco cnndldntofl. A Plcnlo Committed
was Appointed to prepare an outing next
Tho Christmas Fund Committee, of
which Brother Edward Jacobl is chair
mnn. tnnile a report of hiucll Interest fo
nil tho members, predicting that tho event
would bo much larger than expected nnd
ho felt suro that a fund largo enough
to provide n merry Christmas for ut
least 1000 poor llttlo ones would bo raised,
All the lodges throughout the Slate havo
approved of the plan nnd will co-oporalo
In selling the stock, which Is very en
couraging to the local committee.
A Membership Committee Is to be appointed
nl tho next moellnir, with. the one thought of
bringing tho membership of Home Lodgo up to
KXiO by the close of this year. There Is every
reason why this lodge should be. tho largest
In the society, ns It Is located In the home
city nnd without doubt Is doing ss much good
for the rank Bnd file. If not more, than. nny
society In the city. Visitors were present from
other lodge Bnd congratulated the ofricers nnd
members upon tho excellent work being done,
They assured tho members nnd orflrcrs that
tt.elr lodges were loyal In support of tho grand
work snd hoped that the time would come
when their membership would grow ns largo
ns that of Home Lodge.
Slavs, Lodge, No, fl, admitted three new
member last week. Urother Ksvalkovlch re
ported tho Visiting of Homo Lodgo nnd tho In
terest being taken by tho members In the good
work that It being accomplished by tho so
ciety. Slnva Lodge was stirred up to get busy
on membership, Tho members wore much in
terested in tho Christmas fnud proposition and
plodged their loyal support to It,
William renn Lodge.
No. 23. held n llvelr
session isrt r'cek and i
ndmlllnil nnn nsw tnem-
Drotlier Abrahams, tho lodgo's faithful
secretary, gavo n long talk upon the good
work tho oruef was doing and of the nmuunt
of good the Chrl'tmns fund would accomplish
If all put their shoulder to tho wheel and did
their part, Tho result was that tvio members
volunteered to dispose of nt least 10O worth
of tho Christmas fund stock. A Membership
Committee 'was appointed with the view ot
Increasing tho membership during the balance
of this year to at least 10O members. After
tbe meeting n social session was held and the
members enjoyed Ico criam nnd cake which
had been provided by tho lady members of
tha lodge.
Bass Fisherman Lands 26-inch Trout
KUL-rSVIL-LE, Pa July 22.-Qrovcr
Strickland, of noar Kulpsvllle, caught a
26-lnch trout whllo fishing for bass In a
stream near his home. Ho was llshlng
with a fly. It was thought thoro wero
no trout In the stream.
Take your choice of the forty-two
most popular and interesting routes to
the California Expositions.
Through trains from Chicago and St. i
Louis daily at convenient hours.
You can see Colorado and the wonderful
Rockies, the Pikes Peak Region, Salt Lake, the
historic Southwest, California, the Pacific Coast,
both Expositions the Golden West.
A delightful journey every travel comfort
Distinctive Service.
Rock Island Lines have issued a small folder
describing in detail the different tours.
Each route is illustrated by a maptelling
at a glance just what sections the tour covers.
If you are planning a trip West, you will need
this folder.
We have also published an authentic list of
hotels and boarding houses in California with
rates in fact we have made it so easy to enjoy a
trip to the Expositions that about all you have to
do after perusing our literature, is to buy a ticket
you'll know just what you wish to see and do.
Low fares for round trip from Philadelphia
with choice of trains, including the
Other fast trains every day from Chicago,
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J?oa j Swb Dining Car Service
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W Ste,i?T,nei,rn?rop,in for foldera and book-
V&$$ Bureau' 1019 Chestnut
H. M. BROWN District P., Age
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rhoowWslBut 3
Faulty Wire Work Delnya InrmJ
gilration of Now Service and'
Results in Debit.
The Pennsylvania rtnllroatl U losing al9
most $1000 daily because of tho continue
delay in putting tho Main Line clecttlfjefl
system In operation. The company has
already expended moro than $1,000,000 $
preparing tho 20 miles of trAck ariij
equipping cars for servlco on the nevyl
bvclfiin. nnrl fhn hrrlW nvnrt,AAi4 .. 1
,,-w , ...vu Apens9l
and fixed charges of carrying tho newa
equipment, together with tho coat of in!
affiHlticr nnttr wlriN. tvltl stvnll 41,a I.... .. 4
-" "" r ,us now
being sustained to moro than $100,000.
Although it was expected that the ele.
trio trains would ho put In operation on
tho Main Lino somo two months ago, a.
trial trip disclosed tho fact that the short
wires supporting tho contact wires wera
lacking In tensile strength, several h..1
dreds of them being broken on the dem
onstrntlon run. Experts pointed out that "
unless theso supporting wiles were re
placed by heavier ones they would h-'.
sourco of continuous troublo and exnensV
to tho railroad. Tho work of Installfn
(l.n mam, nrlr.a 41, n ,I,h 1.- S.
iiu nv .. w.i .iiu ddiviii uegan inv
mediately, but owing to dimeultv in n
curing tho heavier wlro tho work has
been delayed repeatedly. Omclals nf m.'
company now bellevo that the electrified?1!
nuiviuu jiuty uu fu, m vjjviuuun Wltnin n
lew weens.
f n,1fTAmnn in lTnt1r T)ni-titi Tl... t
CHESTER, Pa July 22. Frnternal.ia
societies of Chester will hold a parade '3
Saturday afternoon nnd later go to thoa
Chester Heights campmeetlng ground -. 3
n special train and there mark Patrlotla f'S
uay, J.110 nov. oimiuui mc Williams, 01-11
Trinity Aieinouist upiscopai tjiiurch, and
prominent lodgcmcn will speak. Ths
Trinity choir win provide music, Amongi
orders unit win uo rcprcsmea will be
tho American Mechanics. Indemndn
Americans, Junior Order United Amerl-'
can iuccnnnics, i-ainoiio order Sons of
America ana uaugniers or Liberty.
3 3 . 5?