Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 22, 1915, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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    Wt 'tfWiWSLJHI
510,000,000 A YEAR
Chamber of . Commerce, in
Open Letter, Points Out
Annual Loss to Philadel
That's What "Billy" Sunday Handed
This City, Neil Bonner Says.
"'Billy' Sunday handed Philadelphia ft
lemon," Nell Bonner, president of tho
Pennsylvania Federation of Liquor Deal
ers, told more than I0O members of the
Still Another Will Increase Capital
Stock to $1,000,000.
WILMINGTON, Del., July . - Five
hundred people will be employed within
a short time at the plant of the Artillery
Fuso Company, which has leased the old
rtlant of the Standard Arms Company.
Female Employes of Hotels, Charita
ble and Other Institutions Concerned.
MARniSBURG, July .-Dates for two
Dr. Schaeflfer Makes Ruling on On
tlon of Military Training.
Tho question of whether military dt
now being freely discussed by educal
and military men as part of the pn
schools' currucula, should be Incat
rated by tha city or State school bdti
has been settled by Nathan C. Bchn.f
Logan Residents Will Carry Fight
Into License Court.
Residents of Logan are up In arms
against tho contemplated Intrusion Into
that neighborhood of another ealoon at
York road and Llndley avenue. More
than 200 residents attended a protest
meeting of the Logan Improvement
League at 4933 North Broad Btreet, last
night, and voted as a body for -a resolu
hearings on tho proposition to divide Into
two periods tho day of rest for female
employes of hotel and charitable, educa
Wisconsin Liquor Dealers' Association In
annual convention In Milwaukee, yester
day. This rematk was greeted -with loud
Tho concern Is manufacturing fuses for
shrapnel shells. William II. Fenn heads
the new company, and a number of tho
dtt Pont -are Interested In It as Indi
vidual, though It Is not a branch of tha
powder company.
In order that It may be In n position to
tional and religious Institutions, which
will be held by tho Industrial Board of
the Department of Commerce and In
dustry, have been set The first will be
held In the rooms of the Pittsburgh
Chamber of Commerce, August 4, and tho
second at tho Colonnade Hotel, Philadel
phia, one week later.
These hearings wilt bo held at tha re
State Superintendent of Public In,(f
tlon, who has ruled that the step ra
bo taken by tha city board.
In a letter relative to the InsUllat
of military drills at tha Central In
School here, the superintendent ssy,
matter Is entirely up to tha school V,.
of Philadelphia and beyond the jur,,ei
tlon of tha State Board of Education
"The people of Philadelphia would greet
tho evangelist with a shower bath from
a garden hose were he to return to that
city tiow," Mr. Bonner told the saloonlsts.
"He was there 11 weeks carrying on
Vila rnmnalsn of enticing residents to fol
tion against the Introduction of additional
phia and Urges Immedi
ate Action by Councils.
Citizens Should Get in Touch
With Their Councilmen and
Impress Upon Them the
Need of Definite Action in
saloons to the one already In the local
ity. July 30 members of tho league will at
Iiandio a contract ror several hundred
thousand flfles for one of tho European
nations now at war, the Bterglanopolus
Arms Company, of this city, has secured
permission to Increase Its capital stock
from fKO.OOO to 1.000.000. Tho company
tend In a body the session of the License
Court to protest further before Judges
Staake and Patterson, The transfer to
the new location has been asked bx
Thomns F, Watson, who has a satoon on
Germantown avenue next to a T, M, C,
A, building. The owner of the latter
hns recently obtained possession of the
property occupied by the saloon and ro-
low him on his 'sawdust trail,' and when
he left took with him a certified check
for tSl.000 and Informed tho committee
that brought him there to be sure and
send (2000 additional which ha had coming.
"He cannot go back to any city whero
ho carried on his 'soul-saVIng work.' "
quest of the Legislative Committee of the
Hotel Keepers' .Association of Pennsyl
vania and an effort will be made to arrlvft
at some solution of the problem, which Is
of considerable Importance to the hotel
men In every part of tho State.
will erect a new plant within a short
time, but the cite has not been selected.
Most of those Interested In Iho company
would rather locate In Wilmington, but
other towns have offered a number of
concessions to secure llin new factory.
Vacation Day Precautions
It's a great annoyance to find Ttm,. ,
from home and ononis to obtain jZ?L' '
Its newspaper, nefnre you go I? LV
the Evening ledger to hare you?B.'S.?,,,l
to you. Specify tha edition desire""
questod the proprietor to move.
": 1
WmF Ifwp
I W s, V, M
An open letter to the citizens of Phila
delphia, urging united action to Induce
Councils to act promptly upon the project
of building a convention hall, hns Just
been Issued by the Philadelphia Chamber
of Commerce. Tho letter charges that the
business men of this city are losing annu
ally about l0,00O,O as the direct result
of Councils' neglect In the convention hall
The succets of the movement to get the
Republican National Convention hero In
WIS also deponds upon action by Councils,
Immediately after they convene In Sep
tember, the letter also shows. The letter
marks the beginning of a systematic
campaign to crystallize public sentiment
upon the matter between now and Sep
tember. The letter follows, In part:
"The Philadelphia Chamber of Com
merce calls upon the citizens of Philadel
phia to give their active support to the
effort that It Is now putting forth to In
duce Councils to act promptly upon the
project of building a convention hall.
Philadelphia, for many years, has felt the
need of such a building, but at this time
It Is particularly Important that definite
steps should be taken In this direction
"The Allied Advertising Clubs of the
World, which bring together nearly M.000
persons, are coming here next year. This
city stands an excellent chance of getting
the republican National Convention for
19 IS. An Invitation has been extended by
this organization to the Republican Na
tional Campaign Committee to come to
Philadelphia, and the Information received
at the office of the secretary seems favor
able to tho convention being held here
next year. Tho most serious obstacle Is
the lack of a suitable building to accom
modate tho convention.
"These two conventions will bring hun
dreds of thousands of dollars to tho mer
chants, hotels and other business Interests
of Philadelphia.
"Philadelphia needs a building near tho
business centre of tho city, adjacent to
thef tracks of the railroads having their
terminals In Philadelphia; a building that
Is accessible from all parts of tho city
and which Is designed to accommodate
conventions attended by 101), 1000 or 10,000
"This subject hao been debated for a
number of years and public sentiment Is
unanimously In favor of the erection of
such a building.
"The Chamber of Commerce therefore
takes this occasion to urge each of Ita
members, and every citizen of Philadel
phia, Immediately to get In touch with
their respective representatives In Coun
cils, by personal Interview or by letter,
and to urge that at tho first meeting of
Councils In September definite action
shall be taken toward selecting a site
and getting under way the erection of a
convention hall.
"No efforts should be spared during the
ummer to Impress upon Councils that
the people of Philadelphia thoroughly ap
preciate the city's great need In this re
spect, and that members at rnnnMto n,m
bo held to strict accotintnhllltv i,n.,i,i
they neglect to act promptly In this
Dr. Snmuel W. Hodge, of Knox
vllle, Tcnn.. was ono of tho orig
inal American Red Cross con
tingent to go to Servin. He was
tho roommate of Dr. James J.
Donnelly, who died from typhus
in Servia. and was himself strick
en with the disease nnd wns ill
for 26 days, part of the time be
ing cared for on the yacht Erin,
by Sir Thomas Lipton.
"For Hire" Signs Also Used on
Wagons to Foil Vigilant
Would-be Robbers.
Broad daylight hold-ups of automobiles
and wagons used by banks In New Tork,
Chicago and Denver for the transporta
tion of gold nnd other currency has
prompted a number of banking Institu
tions In this city to tack unique signs
on their vehicles. The signs, which nra
placed at tho front part of the vehicle,
near the driver's seat, carry the Inscrip
tion "For Hire."
Several of the signs bearing the words
"For Hire'" were seen today In the Cen
tral part of the city.
A light delivery wagon stopped today
In front of the Glrard Trust Company,
at Broad and Chestnut etreets. In the
wagon were many unall and large bags.
They were sent to the Glrard Trust Com
pany to be deposited there by another
bank. Near tho driver's seat was one of
me ".tor wire signs.
Detectives who are In the employ of sev
eral large trust companies In this city,
and who usually guard the wagons, said
today that recent hold-ups of vehicles
carrying bank funds In other cities hari
Laused many banking Institutions in this
city to double the guard about the
A veteran detective In the employ of
a prominent trust company said today
that the bank which employs him now
has four detectives and two messengers
who guard the wagons which carry funds
to and from the Institution. Many wagons
and automobiles carrvlne hnnk fnnda
Child Burned .by Fireworks
MAnySVILLE, Pa., j July 22. Charles
Warner, fi years old, of Mechanlcsburg,
was, probably fatally burned In a belated
Fourth of July celebration yesterday.
Young Warner found some left-over fire
works and set them off, and his clothing
caught Are In the explosion.
within the last year have been held up
In the busiest sections of New Tork. Tn
many Instances the robbers escaped.
The use of the "For Hire" Igns, ac
cording to a veteran detective In the em
ploy of a prominent tnut company, waa
decided upon recently by several of the
large bank3 of Philadelphia. He also
added that unusual precautions were
being taken In guarding a wagon carry
ing money after It stops In front of a
tank. Often four private detectives and
several bank messengers surround tho
vehicle while clerks are unloading bags
from th wagons.
' Official Forecast
For eastern Pennsylvania and New
Jersey-Fair weather and moderate tem
perature tonight and Friday; moderate
northeast and north winds.
Showers again occurred In nearly all
Atlantic coast districts during the last
S hours, but the skies have cti.a thi.
morning from Virginia northward. In
fact, generally fair weather prevails In
all parts of the country except the South
Atlantic coast districts, under the In
fluence of relative high pressure that Is
central this morning over the plains
States. Temperatures are below normal
generally from the Rocky Mountains
eastward, but tho deficiencies as a rule
are slight.
U. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin
Obs.rvattona takn at S a. m.. Eaatern tlma.
Ablltne. Tex . .. na flf)
AtUntlo City.. . TO 08
jllsmarck, N.D.. M M
iiojion. jia.... hii IB
jjurcaip, N.v..
Chlcazo, III. .
Clavaland. O. .
Dtnver, Col...
Dm Motnta, la
Datrolt, Mich.
Dulutb, Minn.
Oalvastnn. T-y
Harrlaburr. Pa.. 11 R8
iiaiiaraa, n. c. 71 tj
laltna, Mont .,M M
Huron, S. D.
Cantaa Ctt
Jacksonville, Fl art An
jvanaaa ,v J
Louisville. Ky
Mo. HO na
Bicmpnu, Tnn . e nt
Nw Orloana. I T4 74
rfwr xnrK. jv.v. B:
!M M
North Platte
Oklahoma, Okla
Philadelphia .
Phoenix. ArU .
PtlUburgh. Pa
Portland. Ma .
Portland. Or.
Quafcac, Can.
Ht. Louis, Mo
St Paul. Minn.
Bait Lake. Utah. T TO
lat TtAln. T'!...
8a'miinnRn,a"- VHai- "V-Weathtr,
" . i.iouay
E H Cloudy
; . iiear
"I M .. N
IH 5fl . w
IW SB . . SW
HI M . . N
O M .. NE
TO B2 .. W
74 74 1.30 NE
,74 NPJ
.. BW
.. B
.. NK
.. N
.. N
38 B
.. NE
M nn
Ban Franttaeo
rcranion, fa
Tampa Fla .
o 14 . . V'
o k4 .04 snr
JO 7 .01 BE
96 60 .. NK
04 M
.14 .11
M Hi
4 Clear
H Clear
4 PjCloudy
4 Clear
4 Clear
J KCloudy
1" Clear
4 Clear
1 Italn
U Clear
4 Clear
4 Cleor
4 Clear
l Clear
N ciHir
4 CI nu, y
4 Clwir
O Clear
4 P Cloudy
Political Interference May Force Pres
ident's Action.
WASHINGTON, July 22.-President WIN
son is watching closely the development
In the Inquiry Into the cribbing Investi
gation at Annapolis and the political com
plications that have arisen In rnnnn.Mnn
with the Inquiry approaching a scandal
and destroying the morale at that In.
stltutlon. '
The situation has become so embar
rassing us a result of political pressure
exerted by Congressmen appearing as
counsel for the accused students that
President Wilson, It was announced lust
night, would Interfere If the conclusions
of tho Board of Inquiry Hre shown to
be Influenced In any way by politicians.
Annual Street Carnival in Northeast
Opens Tonight.
A carnival, planned to eclipse any pre
vious street fair held by the Beacon
Presbyterian Church, Cedar and Cum
berland streets, will open tonight on
Cumberland between Memphis and Gaul
streets and continue tomorrow and Sat
urday evenings.
Homes In the neighborhood have been
gaily decorated and banners, pennants
and electric llghta adorn the street. All
kinds of amusements have been provided,
Including the famous "Kelly slide," the
game of "Bobby and His Little Kittens"
and numerous others that are unique and
Added to the other amusements will be
the special attraction of brass band
music, Olrls will preside at numerous
sales booths that have been erected for
the sale of candy, cakes and household
articles as well as refreshments.
Observations at Philadelphia
8 A. M.
Barometer 30.M
VJitimiini tawperature
TilaeTmum temperature
(, 4 mile
MitM'uVt hour;-: ; : : : . r.v.vr. ..?U.1S
Almanac of the Day
Bub saia
Sun rue taweriew..
Maon at Umotmw
p. .
a. .
a. n.
kamps to Be Lighted
.An tea and other vehicles 7U0p. in.
The Tides
Iw water
HUB water
Lw aWr tomorrow
Jfl r 4 p. m.
Pf . 10 20 9. m.
l aala. im,io. 5 18 a m.
Hlafe walax
Law mtar I
Mia wUr teusftriow . .
Mtsta .atrr
1 4 aier
1 Ot 4, JB.
i Mip. m
Six Delaware County Boroughs to
Build One Great System,
Plans are being made for a compre
hensive sewer system for six Delaware
County boroughs-Lansdowne. East Lans
down, Veadon, Clifton Heights, Aldan
and Colllngdale. An expenditure of sev
era hundred thPUtand dollars will b en
tailed. The plan, if carried through, will
b one of the greatest Improvements In
retMnt years In this station.
LansdowiM) Is th culy borough of the
six whfah has a, sewer system, and this Is
Inadequate. The cost of InstalHng te
system. It Is believed, will be nwro than
rupald by the increased value of real -tate
In the vloJnlty and the lnre b
residenU. A. P. Danon. a civil ensjntar,
Is worktop t)n the plans.
Gerhard to Stay in Germany
WABHIKQTON, July 22 Dr. AnteW
Mayw-Crsrtord. who went to BwHn as
U IWfoual aovoy of U German A.
Itfflflnr M bXor the but Otmu
WriM wrftu waa writtaa. will remain
lb Kmop. OrM rtuitii has walvad tha I
Get all the smoke-pleasure you pay for.
Find the right cigarette a SENSIBLE
one that Jits your own likes and dislikes.
Tastes differ in fashions, foods and pretty girls.
Also in cigarettes.
A cigarette that started out to please every man's
taste would end up by pleasing none.
Most of us like our cigarette smoke deliriously cool
and refreshing. The Mexican likes his hot and dry, with
a nice little peppery sting in it.
Some men like a cigarette -wholesomely, fragrantly
mild. Others of us hunt for a cigarette almost as heavy
as a black cigar.
Most of us want an "easy" cigarette a SENSIBLE
one, so that no matter how steadily or how many we
smoke, we'll feel as fit as a fiddle. Other men, though,
don't care about that. They smoke only a few so they
want a kick like a mule's in each puJE
All of us want our smoke "full-bodied" Vtmml satisfy
that smoke-hunger. But the cigarette that just fills the
bill for you may not do at all for your next-door neighbor.
Somewhere among all the brands on the market is the
one just-right cigarette for YOU I
Maybe it's the very one you have now in your
pocket but are you SURE? Maybe it's some entirely
"different" cigarette it may or may not be Fatima.
But "find it!" Until you do, youre cheating your
self out of a whole lot of smoke-pleasure. Also you're
wasting some money.
How to Find "yours'
To avoid blindly trying too many different cigarettes,
nsk yourself, first of all, this question:
"Just what do I like in a cigarette ? "
rf you smoke only a few every day, you may prefer
a cigarette which is rather rich or heavy and "oily." Or
you may like one which has a rather strong "oriental"
taste with a pungency almost like perfume. Or you mav
want a cigarette with that noticeably "sweetish" Egyptian
hut this will help you find it
flavor. But if you smoke quite often if you would lute
to smoke whenever you feel like it and without any effect
on the tongue or throat or any fear of a heavy or "heady"
feeling afterwards then you should choose some cigarette
such as Fatima, a cigarette composed of all-pure tobaccos
of considerable aroma, mellowed by being aged and care
fully blended to produce a fragrant and wholesomely mild,
yet "full-bodied," smoke. And the smoke must be notice
ably COOL. For otherwise your tongue or your throat
will soon signal you to stop smoking so often.
If you will ask any Fatima smoker, he will tell you
that Fatimas never make him "feel mean" no matter
how many he smokes.
That is why Fatimas are considered the most sensible
cigarette by such a large majority of smokers. And
thatt is probably the main reason why hardly any
Fatima smokers ever switch They like a sensible cigarette
and one with a good, pure taste to it.
But the Taste is up to Yon
All cigarettes are pure, but when it comes to the taste,
nobody can help you choose. You simply have to decide
for yourself.
Of course, Fatima's taste may not appeal to you.
But most men who try Fatimas like the taste so well that
they seek no further otherwise Fatimas could never have
won and held their enormous and growing leadership
amounting to over one and a half BILLION cigarettes a
The one purpose of this advertisement is to ask you.
in a Jwr nnd square way to give Fatimas (0 for 15c)
a good tnal. If they don't happen to suit yow taste,
you II qmt smoking them of course. But if you like
Fatimas as well as MOST men do, you'll be mighty glad
you read this advertisement and ACTED ON IT1
n,ei,Tare twL ,simple tests which y can easily make i
and which may help you find your sensible cigarette.
It may or mav not be. "Pntimn tj., u. ,
artrl finrl W-c l "" " w w yourseu
W$ aj
- rrr7atawwf"?,reo .,
Largest cigarette manufacturer In theU. 8.
u riiown by Internal Eerenuo reports.
, toclode
QvvrttM. 130, Ztnttt a tfyen Shfcaew Cb.
1 - mild torrtioo. K ... throat ad V?i ,0U l"ii too B '
iv - ,vt nruvv-T a.u r c i vi- . tuma&w
UoaS.. , ,ftheproportloni ,J,
PST"1 hAJL"2&A' "
4 -
U a m. I 5"'oo in jctr arharr f COS
w aw" -rf tuau, a,
'' ftovPatW AfcnujW'&AMrtfc.
J, m. I wci maturate m tuuu to Amsrtes.
"" ' vfm