E n ITALIANS BATTER ISONZO DEFENSES TO TAKE GORIZIA Austrian Lines Weaken Under Violent Artil lery Fire and Infan try Attacks. Most Desperate Battle of War Raging- Along 60-Mile Front From Tolmino to Sagrado. Italy's Troops Suffer Great Losses. ROMS, July 52. Half a million Auetro-Hunsarian and Italian troops, masted on a front to mile Jong on the Isonzo ntver, are en gaged In the most desperate battle of the Auatro-Itallan war. Under the pressure of th ttatlan drive, and especially the violent artillery flro of the Invaders, the Austrian lines are weakening, and at several points between Tolmino and Doberdo the Austrlans have evacuated trenches and have been driven from heights of strategic Importance. Gorlzla la the prize for which the Hal lane are fighting, but they are buying thllr successes with heavy loss of life. The Austrian losses likewise have been very' heavy, although the Austrlans had the advantage of strong dofenslvo works, It Is estimated that within the last 10 days the Austrlans have lost 10,009 men In killed, wounded and captured on the Isonzo front. Archduko Eugene, commander-in-chief of the Austrian forces, Is calling vainly for reinforcements, according to advices from the front, but these cannot be fur nished becaueo nil of the available Austro-Hungarlan troops have been sent Into the eastern theatre of war to help the Germane In their drlvo against War naw. The Italians also have the advantage in ammunition and big guns. Under the vigorous pressure of the Invaders the Austrian line Is bending at three points near Tolmino, St. Lucas and St Avre. A bloody encounter took place at Monte San Michele, on the Isonzo south of Sagrado. Under the sizzling rays of a broiling gun, the Italians charged up the elopes of the mountain, facing the mur dering (Ire of the Austrian defenders with the most noteworthy courage. Gaining the Austrian trenches, the Italians at tacked the defenders with the bayonet and hand-to-hand fighting followed. Fin ally the Austrlans were driven out, but immediately launched the most violent counter-attackB, and throughout the night the mountain valleys resounded with the roar of guns and were lighted up by the flash of burning gunpowder. The number of prisoners taken during the last four days by the Italians has been Increased to more than BOOO. That the Austrlans are short of both food and ammunition was declared by thee captives, who expressed the utmost cailsfactlon at their capture. They also declared that German army officers are being placed among the Austrian forces along the Italian front. In the Carntc Alps the artillery duels continue, with both tides using aero planes and range finders. VIENNA REPORTS REPULSE OF FOE ALONG ISONZO VIENNA. July 22.-The War Office to night gave out tho following: "In the Gorilla region the Italians yes terday continued their general attack on the border plateau of .Doberdo and the bridgehead nt Gorizta. vThe battle raged all day. in the evening the enemy suc ceeded in taking Monte San Jllchelc, east of Sdrausslno. This morning Major General Boog reconquered this height with troops which had hitherto been In reserve. "Southeast of Sdrausslna our troops maintain their positions with great stub bornness. A flank attack executed from a height to the east of Sagrado waa re pulsed, the Italians taking to flight after suffering great losses. "Since our troops have also firmly held the southwest edge of the plateau and have repulsed at the bridgehead at Gorl zla all hostile attacks. The Italian effort, which was carried out with enormous sacrifices, was again unproductive of re sult. "On the remainder of the coastal front there Is comparative Quiet. "On the Carlnthlan frontier nothing of importance has occurred. East of Schlu derbach three enemy battalions attacked Monte Piano, but were repulsed, and fled, losing about two-thirds of their effec Uvea." MOTHERS SEEK PENSIONS City Treasurer's Office Besieged by Beneficiaries. More than 100 women, many of them carrying children in their arms, crowdeJ the corridors outside City Treasurer McCoAch's office In City Hall today, seek ing to obtain their share of the money appropriated by Councils for the mothers' pension fund. The distribution, which Is that set aside f the month of June, amounted to 1!55. The women received sums ranging liom W to 20 each, and will receive .i timllar amount from the fund appropri ated by the State. There are 131 women on the City Treas urer's list of beneficlarlta. They repre sent 430 children, all of them less than 14 years old. Arrest Two Murder Suspects Two negroes, suspected of killing Thomas Jones, an aged negro, whose body was found badly mutilated several days ago near Downlngtown, Pa., were arrested late last night by the police of the 12th and Pine streets police station, in a. house near 17th and Rodman streets The suspects are Edwin Berry and his wife According to the police they lived with Jones and disappeared Saturday shortly after the crime was committed. They were turned over to the Chester County authorities. STRIKE AT BETHLEHEM STEEL WORKS IS HINTED AT A. P- of 1. Officials Intimate Fowl bility of Walkout. WASHINGTON, July J -Intimation that the machinists at the great steel works at Bethlehem. Fa , may go on strike for higher pay, today was given at tha office of the American Federation of Labor Here An official, who would net permit the uu of Us name, said: "Th men at Bethlehem are underpaid auri nao orgaltatiu The representa tive sf tb tatemetlenal organlzatlea may b wwrfctaft aniens then " Prank Hanteta, secretary of the fed eration, di that ha bad Mid -Th American Federation of Later do, not care qftbethf Qojrs&ail geld Btaittd til Brtdaeoort strife." Mr V"toa declare that ariy .i m UtirvlwM svi,;,i uuuid one naturally eVa, ware he Ti-.iiari in this count' seetaur oul s i Hi iaa2 lor an nm country ? ' TEUTONIC FORCES WMmti--fr- r-wSni- I Y' WWWtlTO.' eAJIt ' -J7. T rwwwwv . $mwwmm -'.- . ,n -T .. v MMSMWSWEMiy'MEWrt& This photograph, taken on one of great attack on tho Russians defondinp: tho road to Warsaw, shows a regiment of Austrian infantry lined up by tho sido of tho road while a division of German infantry marches past to tho bnttlo lino in front. WARSAW EVACUATION LIKELY, IS ADMISSION OF PETROGRAD PETROGRAD, July It waa officially admitted her today for the first time that the evacuation of Warsaw might be rendered necessary by military exigencies. War Office officials stated, however, that there was still hope that the Polish capital might be saved. Prayers for tho Russian army are being uttered In all the churches in Russia today. The Czarina attended a special service In the Knmlan Cathedral, aceom- Sanled by the Czarevitch and two of her aughters. The military critics admit that the Rus TEUTON SHELLS DESTROYING THE LUBLIN-CHOLM RAILWAY LONDON, July 22. The Lublln-Cholm Railway, which leads to the great Russian basis of sup plies at Kiev and Odessa, is being de molished by shells, while German In fantry Is within eight miles of the trackH. Tralnloads of war material which the Russian army waa trying to save In the Impending fall of Warsaw nro held up by U. S. CONSUL AT WARSAW TAKES OVER SERB AND BELGIAN INTERESTS WASHINGTON, July 22. The State Department was today noti fied by American Consul Do Soto, at Warsaw, through the American Embassy at Petrograd, that Do Soto had taken over the Belgian and Servian consular in terests In the Polish capital. LEADERS OF G. O. P. DISCUSS 1016 PLANS Continued from rage One and their fallacies. Wo concern ourselvcn merely with the discussion of these things and do not consider the question of pos sible candidates or personalities in any way. "Our plan Is not to Interfere In nny way with the work of the established committees in the Republican party, but to supplement It and keep the question of Republican principles before the peo ple at all times rather than for short periods Immediately preceding elections. "The organization was formed In Feb ruary last and took up its work in March. Tho officers were elected for a period of five years In order that they might have a full opportunity to test the theory of the plan and to build It up on a sub stantial basis, which Its permanency de mands. We are now furnishing material to papers throughout the country num bering 13)0 or inoro and reaching approxi mately 7,000,000 persons. "They are mostly county newspapers and receive what we send them exclu sively. No two papers in the same county, with one or two exceptions, receive the same material. For that reason we have turned down many metropolitan papers which have asked for material In order to preserve tho excluslveness for the papers we serve. TO CONTRAST TWO PARTIES. "Our alms are as follows: "For a government of law, not of men. "A criticism of Democratic princi ples. "To offset a growing tendency to ward 'lese majeste.' That Is to say that the higher the office the more Its occupant should be subjected to a crit icism by the people. "The recounting of the accomplish ments of the Republican party. "Concrete demonstration of Demo cratic fallacies. An exposition of the dangers in the tendency toward bureaucracy. The right of a citizen to have re course to statutes rather than dally Inquiries of bureau officials. The encouragement rather than elimination of Incentive to individual effort. A criticism of the Democratic policy In Mexico. "The success of the association is al ready proved. We have received hundreds of letters of commendation and but threa of disapproval. Our success Is built un the truth of our statements and the logic of our arguments. We are governed en tirely by a policy of ascertainment rather than one of investigation " MR. MOORE'S 8PEECU. In explaining ex-Senator Bourne's presence, Congressman Moore said: "It will be most unfortunate If by rea son of the temporary prosperity brought about In certain industries by the war in Europe the country should be lulled into the belief that the Underwood tariff bill was not a blunder and that there is no further need of protection to American Industry. It is as plain as the nose on one's face that as soon as the European war stops there will be an immediate stoppage of the kind of prosperity it has given us for a brief period. Worhlnfmen who were out of employment because of the Wilson tariff and who have obtained temporary employment to make war mu nitions for the armies of worklBgrsen bat tling In Europe will again be out of em ployment, for not only will the manufac ture of war munitions In this country Mee, but incidentally the industrial es tsbllihKtents of Europe will again enter ipto competition for the world's trade, thus recusing the opportunity for em ployment In the American industries to far l"4w normal. "It la Dt a dy t early to put tbs worUngnto aj well aa toe business nn of tfcta country c jvard against the in ltts of fMft g4.e ukSw the prssent tow tartit iiU.Uly altar a truoe U declared abroad.. The- eeuuWy needs to t fduoUd ij la ta taaaertanae at a trictive taruC, Uki that at sa, asd EVENING TiTCnOE-R-PHlUAPELPRfA. TflTJRSDAY. JULY HURRYING FORWARD ON the main roads followed by tho Germans and Austrlans in their recent sian armies in Poland are In a serious position, but assert that Russia's un limited resources will moie than counter balance any temporary reverses suffered now. "Russia's second line of defense Is as strong ns her first," says the Bourse Gazette's expert. "It has taken Ger many n year to menace our first line. It will take longer to reach the second. Before that time attrition will have so weakened the Teutons that they cannot succeed Russia In the meantlmo will be growing stronger." the bombardment of this, one of the two remaining lines from the Polish capital. The number of prisoners taken by the Germanic allies has Increased to moro than SO.000 In tho last three days. Huge stores of war materials and largo num bers of guns have ;been added to the booty. The morale of the Russian army Is broken, Berlin reports. As Belgium and Servla are both at war with Germany, It waa taken to Indicate the consul's belief that Warsaw Is about to be evacuated by the Russians. This stop also was understood to have been token to protect the Interests of Belgian nnd Servian noncombatants In the city In case of Its evacuation. this is the work for which Senator Bourne nnd his colleagues have enlisted." GUESTS AT LUNCHEON. Among those present at the luncheon were: Ex-Senator Bourne, Senator Penrose, Governor Miller, of Delaware; Congress man Moore, Congressman Qeorge S. Graham, Congressman-elect Peter E. Cos. tello, Congressman-elect John R. IC. Scott: Anaon W. l'rescott, secretary, Re publican Publicity Association: ex-Judge DImner Becber, Jamea B. Bonner, W. Atleo Burpee, George J. Brennan, Herman L. Collins, J. Howell Cummlngs, Thomas Devlin, Nathan Folwell, Howard B. French, Joseph R. Grundy, J. 3. W. Hol ton, Alba B. Johnson, Colonel T. E. Murphy, William A. Patton, Jamea Pol lock, William T. Tilden, City Controller John M. Walton, Henry F. Walton, Colo nel John P. Wood. The officers of the Republican Publicity Association are: Piesldcnt, Jonathan Bourne, Jr.; vice president, Jacob H. Galllnger; treasurer, Martin B. Madden: secretary, Anson Wl Prescott. The Executive Committee consists of: Ex-Senator Jonathan Bourne, Jr., Ore gon, chairman; Senator Jacob 11. Gallln ger, New Hampshire; Senator Aale, J. Gronna, North Dakota: Senator John D. Works, California, Senator John W. Weeks, Massachusetts: Representative Martin B. Madden, Illinois; Representa tive George W. Falrchlld, Now York; Representative J. Hampton Moore, Penn sylvania ; ox-Senator James A. Hemen way, Indiana; Dan R. Hanna, Ohio; Benjamin S. Hanchett, Michigan. TWO DIE, THREE FATALLY SHOT IN STRIKE RIOT Continued from l'sge One continued for 10 minutes, and then the strikers retreated. Sheriff Klnkead, of Hudson County, rushed to the scene, but was powerless to do anything. A group of reporters and press photographers were caught in the line of fire and some of them nar rowly escaped injury. The wounded girl Is 13 years old, She was standing two blocks away from the scene of battle when a rifle bullet atruck her In tio shoulder. The dead men were both shot through the heart. RIOTING BEGINS EARLY. The rioting began this morning. Three men were shot, two fatally, In an attack made by EOQ strikers and strike sympa thizers on the wall protecting tho com pany's property. The assault of the mob led to a pitched battle. The assailants were armed with revolvers, but as they mounted the hill on which the wall is located they were met by a volley from the rlfleB of 100 special guards Intrenched behind the stone defense, The mob wavered at the first volley as two men fell, but rallied and. rushed to renew the attack. The Bayonne po lice were soon on the scene, but they were powerless to restore order. The men fatally wounded were John Surgen sky and Tony Bednorskl. An hoyr after the strikers stormed the vail about the plant the battle raged. Members pf the mob crawled from plank to point, taking advantage of every irreg ularity of the ground that offered them protection The bullets from the rlflea of the men guarding the plant swept all approaches. Newspaper reporters were driven to cover by the hall of lead that fell. Strikers applied the torch to a telegraph station a few hundred yards from the company walls just before they attempted to storm the walls. The blaze waa ex tinguished after a abort fight by the al ready overworked lire department. A Greek CathoUo church in the line of fire was hit more than U tunas by bullets from the guards' rifles. A by stander waa struek in the Jaw by a spent bullet. REPORTERS AID WOUNDED Appeals ware sent to the Bayoaa Hospital for ambulaaaea, but they were late la appaartag. it waa ejtptalaed that the drivara had refuaed to take the mater ambulance lata the battle tone. When the awbqhas failed to apt)r tha rajMCtara AysMd a, ftsat-ay carp a4 carried th wenuMWl sow lata a 4ug ROAD TO WARSAW ldldMMsL&kiMkMi POINTS AT ISSUE AND MAIN INCIDENTS IN Oth STRIKE The chief points at isiue and fAe most striking incidents in the great strike among employes of the Standard Oil Company at Its plant In Bayonne, N. J., are as follows: Strikers demand IS per cent In crease In wages Company refuses to treat with em ployes until they return to work. Company says It wilt bring In strikebreakers. Strikers declare coming of strike breakers will mean wholesale blood shed. Federal conciliators asked for and appointed. Three persons killed, three fatally shot and scores of others seriously wounded in battles. Five fires set In plant In 1Z hours and explosives arc threatened. Damage passes 1 100,000 mark. Governor Fielder orders State troops to scene. store. Then they put the three wounded men into a delivery wagon and drove two miles to tho hospital. Halt nn hour later a motor ambulance from the hospital arrived and carried away two guards who had been slightly wounded. George B. Gtfford, manager of the plant, said he had no statement to make this morning other than that the company would "stand pat" and defend Its prop erty. Ho Intimated that tho factory was barricaded from the Inside and prepared to withstand any onslaught. Sheriff Klnkead has appealed to the Federal Government for old in enalng tho strike. He telegraphed to Secretary of Labor Wilson, asking that medlatlora bo sent to the scene. Secretary Wilson Immediately appointed John A. Mofutt, of Now Jersey, and James A. Smyth, of Pennaylvanla, to act as conciliators. Shortly bofore the rioting waa renewed, Chief of Pollco Wilson announced that State troops had been ordered out to meet tha situation. Thla angered the strikers, and they opened their attack with the Intention of destroying the plant before troops could arrive. Chief Wilson's announcement was un confirmed by any of the aids of Sheriff Klnkead, who Is the only official with the power to call for troops FIVE FIRES SET. Five fires were set In the plant last night and early this morning and Ha complete destruction was threatened. Four of the fires gave the firemen hard work during the plght, but were finally controlled before they could reach nny of the Immense tanks The moot danger ous blaze, however, attacked the oper ating plant, a etory-and-a-balt building, shortly before 8 o'clock this morning. This building contains the valves of the pipe pllnea through which al the oil of the plant passes. It la only 100 feet from u grent naphtha tank. The entire Are department of Bayonne waa called to the plant In an effort to keep tho flames from the naphtha. Strikers are bellevd to be hiding within tho plant, and nrmod detectives nre hunt ing for them. Three hundred agency de tectives armed with rlflea arrived at the plant shortly after midnight. They hud orders to let no trespasser eacape. Aa they guard every entrance to tho plant, It Is believed that the men who set the fires must have been Inside tin gates when the detectives arrived, FIRE FIGHTING SPECTACULAR. Tho fight against the flames waa spec tacular. The plant has an elaborate flre flghtlng apparatus, but It was useless, because there were not enough employes to operate It. The Bayonne lire depart ment, therefore, had to carry on the en tire contest The firemen were hindered in every possible way by mobs of strike sympathizers who surrounded the plant. As a result of the fires, the Standard Oil Company officials have ordered that all the 600 tanks In the plant be emptied. This was due to fear that fire might cause an explosion. Work of emptying the tanks, containing 720.000,000 gallons of crude and refined oil, gasoline and naphtha, began at once, the oil being piped to the plants at Brooklyn and Rail way. The damage from the Area at the plant are estimated at 1100,000, The strike leaders declared today that all operations would have to stop, thus throwing 16,000 men out of work. The strikers have flatly rejected the company's demand that they return to work before gaining consideration of their appeal for higher wages. The company officials assert that the plant will be run with strike-breakers and the strikers assert that If this is at tempted wholesale bloodshed will follow. There were open threats of violence against the Sheriff and qther officials this afternoon Strikers were openly threat ening to blow up the plants. They were incensed at the deaths of their comrades and promised quick retaliation. Mingling among the crowds that surged through the narrow streets was Frank Tannenbaum, the New York I. W. W. agitator, urging the strikers not to go back to work unless their demands were granted, and seeking to organize them. . , m German Resources Ample BERLIN, July -An official Investi gation completed today has established the fast that Germany is amply provided both with foodstuffs and upplls for tha manufacture of ammunition to carry on the war for many years. Besides great supplies of copper, enough to manufacture all (he shells Germany will use for a long period, the nation has a reserve of mor than J.O.OeO tans of copper. Churches Hold Big Picnic Several hundred members of the Bap tist, Mtho4tst and Ooagragational ohurohea in Darby. Sharon Hill and Col lingaala ara faetdiag a geawal church PtofOo taday at Braadywiae Springs. During taa attaroMo Silas Mary Stewart Aaaa ef tfe Woajw'i Doaartmaat. of the Uoiw4Wr 9 Maataa. wttt daltw an aUdre on suffrage- BALKAN STATES PLAY WAITING GAME; ONLY 3 MONTHS' SUPPLIES Must Remain Quiescent Un til Psychological Moment Comes, Diplomat De claresLittle Chance of Russian-Rumanian Pact. ' VIENNA, July 22. The prediction that the Balkan Slates will remain odt of the war until It U evident that the conflict Is to end soon was made here by a Balkan diplomat, who in an interview sadi "The Balkan Slates have money, am munition and war materials only for threo months of war. It follows that If tho Balkan States are to participate In this struggle they must wait until the psy chological moment comes, when they can Interveno for their own Intercols with tho least possible risks and tho greatest chances of success. In other words, thoy must wait until what promlsea to bo tho last threo months of the war. Any other eourso would be nothing short of disas trous. That may sound extremely selfish, but no one Is making wor for unselfish reasons. The Balkans have had their lesson." This statement confirms the generally expressed belief In diplomatic circles that tho Balkan States are playing a waiting game and that Teuton diplomacy Is as suming tho ascendancy, backed up as It Is by the strong Influence of Austro German successes over the Russians. It is now believed there Is little probability of Rumania throwing her lot with Rus sia. Every ono talks In n. new tone about Rumania in Budapest and Vienna. Tho Rumanian question Is hardly being considered ns an Austro-Hungarlan ques tion any more. In May Rumania might have been able to obtain some territorial conces sions as her price to remain neutral. That Is past, at least for tho present. ENGLAND MAY MAKE COTTON CONTRABAND AND BUY ALL EXPORTED Prize Court Told Seizure of Cargoes Illegal British Fear Trouble With U. S. Times Suggests Plan to Solve Problem. LONDON, July 22. Sir Robert Flnlay, arguing In the British prlzo court today In tho cases of the American cargoes that had been seized at sea, contended that goods could be con fiscated by the Government only In tha event whero It was proved that It was Intended for the enemy by way of con tinuous passage. However, that did not apply in tho present case, he declared. Tho cotton, question. Is causing deep concern In England, It being feared here that sharp differences will develop be tween Great Britain and the United States. The Times publishes a warning on the subject today, which says, In part: "Along our present lines we nre heading straight for a very sharp difference of opinion with the citizens and Government of the United States. Such a development ought, if possible, be avoided. If It Is allowed to mature It means an inevitable disturbance of American sentiment that cannot bo to our Interests. It means that the United States might be hampered or weakened In dealing with other Issues from other quarters. It means that while tho war lasts an accompaniment of diplo matic friction, and when It Is over an aftermath of resentment and presentation of bills for damages." ' The Times then suggested the following as a way out of the difficulty: "Simply to declare cotton contraband nnd leave It at that will not, I submit, meet the case. On the contrary. It will aggravate the resentment of the South and play directly into the hands of agi tators. "What is needed Is a plan that will (1) prevent cotton from going Into Germany; (2) command the assent of tho American Government on the general question of principle, and (3) satisfy the American planters. "What, therefore, Is here suggested, la that tho Government should: "First Put Itself right with American legal and official opinion by placing cot ton on the contraband list. "Second Purchase from Southern cot ton exchanges the omounf of cotton that would normally have gone to the central empires. "Thla would Involve an outlay of some 1150,000,000. If wo bought up at the earns time and on, the Bame pre-bellum basis, exports of American cotton to Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Switzer land, another J25,000,000 or so would cover the total expense. The cotton so purchased, arid tho South would Inevitably Insist on this stipulation, would have to be stored by the British Government and could not be resold to our own spinners until the close of the war. If It is used simply to take the place of a similar amount that would otherwise have been Imported by British mills tho cotton growers would gain nothing and the whole purpose of the plan would be defeated. Tho diversion ql too much raw material from one country to another must be additional to and not Instead of orders placed In Southern States by our private manu facturers, "It must be an offering from the British Government to American plantera and have nothing to do with tha ourrent flow of normal trade at a price of 10 cents a pound, a price which admits of bare profit to the producer, but considerably less than 12 or 15 cents he was receiving before the war. "Such an arrangement as outlined could without difficulty be negotiated." POTTSVILLE PLANT DOUBLING CAPACITY TO FILL AVArv ORDERS I I I II ! IIHSBS Nitrate Company Has Allie' Contract for ?5,000,000 Explosives, POTTSVILLE. Pa., July it -The Ni trate Produets Company, of this city, has contracted for Jl.W.OM worth of sulphuric acid. The compaay reeently took up sev eral war contracts for the Allies, which will amount to Hmooo worth of gun cotton and other nitrate osploalvea, to delivered to agents of the Allies in New Vork city. The company Is enlarging it plant to doufclo its capacity. v lo Lotes Position, Attempts Suicide A young woman lost her position aa clerk at the Woman's Homeopathla Ho- Jltal and became so despondent that the oak gas in aa attempt at suicide in her room, m North zUt streat, yUUy. She Is now bacit at tha hospital, tali time la a est in one of tha ward she U ex JH0U4 to fcyr w t Balth Kailow 11 r parta want acttftad mi CUM 22, 191Jh ZEPPELIN'S NIECE TELLS OF GERMANY'S AIM Continued from rage One structa a speed boat for T, Coleman du Pont. The Tech Junior, the latest ona built by Apel for du Pont, will race at Atlantic City on Saturday. GERMAN RESENTMENT STRONfJ. Disgusted nt the attitude of the Amer ican press In regard to the great war and at what she characterizes da tho imnoHirai" !titii,! of this country. Mrs. Apel declared emphatically that Germans were beginning to belMve that this country aa an open and declared enemy would bo less harmful to Germany than aa the so-called neutral she has constituted herself. The picture that she painted of what would happen should tho United States Join the Allies was anything but com forting to a pacifist. "You would have all you could do to take care of yourself over here," she said with conviction. "I know for a certainty that thero are 3(0,000 Irishmen alone who have already pledged themselves to Ger many In anticipation of such an event. Ireland, almost to a man, Is with tho Fatherland because we believe that Ire land should be a country by Itself, free from the dominion of England. BITTER FEELING IN BERLIN. "Americans, because of their blind ac ceptance of the news which reaches them, have become very unpopular in Germany. I doubt If President Wilson would bo safe In Berlin, so antagonists Is the feeling there toward him. The last ball that my sister the Frel-Frau von GaUstyn, gave In Berlin she had to notify her American friends, of whom there were a great many, that because of this attitude It would be Impossible for her to Invito them and thus subject them to the Insult that would suerlv bo offered them by her German guests." Despite the 12 years Mrs. Apel has been in this country sho speaks with a broad German accent, and often it is with dif ficulty that aho can find tho right Eng lish word to express her meaning. Her father, the late Count Carl Dagcnfeld, of Wurtcmberg, knew the Kaiser personally when he waa the Crown Prince, and she herself met him on the occasion of ono of his visits to Gelsltngen, in tho vicinity of which her father's seven castles were lo cated. Much of her childhood was spent In the workshop of her uncle, Count Zeppelin, and If In the early period of his struggle for recognition the renowned dirigible in ventor had received the encouragement from tho Government that he is now get ting the Zeppelins would have by thla tlmo played a moro spectacular and moro effective part In the present war, sho de clared. ZEPPELIN'S NEW MARVELS. "By October 1, at the very latest," she said knowingly, '"to will be ready for them. Five months ago he went to Eng land to try out some of his experiments. One of them is a device which he drops from the airship and which enables him to hear what is being said in the vicinity over which ho is hovrrlng. Another is nn instrument which ,when let down regis ters heat degrees. By the means of this my uncle, If lie sights n battleship, will be ablo to locato the smokestack and from that knowledge will be able to drop bombs where they can do tho most damage." According to tho aged aviator's niece. Count Zeppelin has not yet personally conducted any of tho raids on England. " 'When I go,' he says, 'the world will stop to listen.' "The majority of the German airships." Mrs. Apel continued, "have been with drawn from service and nre being remod elod at the 24 factories in Germany. When theso nro ready, then you will see some thing. "Then you will see whethor the German navy Is bottled up. England will see by October 1, according to tho last word I had. The navy will como out, guarded by the Zeppelins, nnd soon after that tho whole world will be crying for peace. "Tho perfection of the submarines, too," Mrs. Apel went on, "has been completed. Thero are 22 of them now in the German submarine navy which could come to tho ftew York harbor and stay there for two months." Askod If any of them had actually been here, Mrs Apel said they had not, but added that each of the 22 had proved that they could go 5000 miles away from their base nnd not have to return before two months. GERMAN SPIES EVERYWHERE. The ease with which German spies operating In this country travel back and forth from here to the fathorland Is, ac cording to her, undreamed of by Amer icans. "Only three weeks ngo," she said, "a certnln man came to see me; he married the daughter of a 'Milwaukee millionaire and has become an American citizen. He Is of a titled, aristocratic family and is working for Germany now. He has been back to Germany three times since the war. It Is easy for German sDlea to en to England, too. The German system is perrect. According to the advices which Mrs. Apel receives from her country, the strain on the women whose sons, husbands nnd fathers are at the front Is sometimes al most more than they can bear. Despite the fact, however, that they believe the war the most awful catastrophe that could have overtaken their prosperous country, they do not for nn Instant think it Is of their nation's making, nor have they the slightest doubt as to who tho winners will be. "Tho wonderful power of qermany la not fully known," she said: "we have money, and the German-Americans are b ndlng moro over and, this year we havu the biggest crop yield wo have ever had. The 3,000,000 prisoners that we have taken have been put to work In the fleldu and 'n the ammunition factories. Our, woodlands have all been cut down and the wood serves to make a substitute cotton for the ammunition and then the ground Is tilled. If the German people themselves were starving yew wouldn't ilnd those prisoners so well fed." SCORN FOR BELGIAN QUEEN, After launching a diatribe of acorn at the Queen of Belgium for what she desig nated as her treachery to her own people and for which, she declared, Crown Prince Rudolph of Bavaria, the Queen's brother, has sworn to kill her, Mrs. Apel said that the real truth about Ger many could not be known until after the war when the full helnousness of the Ally soldiers and their brutality to the German women, particularly that of the Cossacks in East Prussia and Gallcla. Then, she said, tha United States would be brought to a full realization of their injustice in not withholding judgment un til accusations had been substantiated. NEGRO ESCAPES FROM JAIL Wanted in West Cheater, He Guts Way to Freedom With Penknife. WEST CHESTER, Pa.. July J2.-Arthur La Rue, a negro, wanted in the county for an assault on a girl near Kennett Square several months ago, has eatsped from the lockup at Blkton, Md, Officers from Chester County who, ,w,nt after him found he had eseaM bjf cutting a hole through the flooring ahoye, his oell with a pocketknlfe given ate, ty Ws wife wlwaabouta ' " 5P 1 "' pre8ent La Rue has served several terms in S? Trl nd ,a. ' a nSmblr of serious crimes in the county, as well as the ose in Maryland. oTwhleh he wa awaiting trial at Eikton wtn he escaped Uquor License Transferred After muah eonatatraUosi and reaon. TSFSJX'9 Starrs! "ratted, of the License Court, decided tadav to trawrfer the r.tali liquor liita?, of Bernard Gordon, fwn lw wwt j?a. yuak av.nue to SU- South tT iWt luai a waa aa the ereeUoa of a f story hot) huas i -tmr-iiua th Uth street site piiea oa the ANOTHER GREAT RAID UPON GERMAN LW Bombard Kaiser's Camp al Antry Jnerce Fightih! in Vosges Nine Counts er-Atlacks of Teutona Repulsed, Reports Pari! PARIS, July 2H Extraordinary activity Is being showfi! by French aviators. The fourth big aerisl raid to be reported In three day8 ' made by French alrnien against the OerJ man camp at Aulry, northwest of Dinar! vllle, it Is reported In an official cortfmuJ nlque today. Twelve bombs were dropiied North of Munster the French have orV' ganlied the positions which they captured yesterday. At Llnge Kopf, In the Voiges, where tho Germane wero driven front some of their trenches, tho French cap, tured 107 men. Fighting on an extended Bcale has ne' veloped In tho Vosges and Alsaee. Only Tuesday night on engagement occurra 1 on tho heights of Relchs Ackerkopf, weitM of Munster. A French attack was fnllSiS lowed by nine violent counter-attacks byti tne uermans. in spue oi mo fiercenetsl of the enemy's assaults two battalions! of French chasseurs were able to main1 tain their position, nnd they Inflicted se vere losses upon the Teutons, ln addl tion to maintaining an their previous! gains the French captured a trench lWi metres long. The text of the communique follows! "Artillery duels occurred ln Artols anil the Argonpe, also at Les Eparges and! in mo roresi qi iprcmont. Between thej Mouse and the Moscllo rivers, -a "During the night of July 20-21 violent fighting occurred on the heights of Llttlel Relchs Ackerkopf. m "Near Munster ottr troops organized the? positions thoy had conquered and alios near Llnge Kopf. In the course off tnese ngnis we toon mi prisoners, f "WeHt of Munster a French attack wssr followed by nlno violent counter attacks? by the Germans. In splto of their flerce4 re eo two battalions of our chasseurs held)! back the enemy and Inflicted heavyj torses, we capiurea ana retained al trench on n front or 150 metres ln adan tton to maintaining an our other potl-1 tlons. Jj 'Our aviators propped eight bombj oni tne station at AUtry, nortnwest of Blnar-l vllle. Four of these wero DO millimetre! ohoils, tno rest izo millimetre " COMPANIES WIN RATE INCREASE Continued from Vase One eltlon. Referring to this, the commlsalqn says in its opinion today "If they nre operating at a loss under ratea prescribed by us, and It clearly apa pears mni mey are, iney nre entitled to. reasonable relief promptly and wlthoutl awaiting the result of ancthcr general investigation that would consume tvfol or three years, Wo are of opinion thstj the plan proposed will not result In rateai that are unreasonable." HUNDREDS OF EXPRESS WORKFliS TO fiRT .TORS lUrtr .V;j Philadelphia. Officials of i Company;? Elntcd Over Rate Increase. 1 The action of the Interstate Commerce at nAmml.elnti i,l.ll. r.A.l, AvnoAsa Afnm i WIUIMIHHVIl, 1,l..t ) 1(1, If, caiwi .v nanles to Increases freight rates, accord ing to officials of different express com- , nnnlea In thlw rltv. will T-aanlt In nitnilrndl of former employes getting back thelrijj old Jobs. Many of these men lost their j positions during the month of February, , 1914. when the Interstate Commerce Com mission ordered a reduction In rates for the delivery of parcels and baggage. Officials of the American ExpreB? ' Company, the Wells-Fargo and Adams Express Companies frankly admitted that, v the establishment of tne parcel post anq the reduction n rates In 1911 was a severe blow. The new scale of freight rates hasn't yet been arranged. It was intimated by an official of the American Express Company that the new increase would be about 1 cent or a trifle over on every pound of baggage. "We nre pleased to hear that the In terstate Commerce Commission has de cided with the express companies that their earnings are Inadequate," said H. V. Juller, superintendent of the Amer-, lea Express Comnay. "It Is too early to say Just what the i new rates will be, A new schedule Willi be framed shortly, but the public can. 3 rert assured that the Increase in ex-tl press rates will be n moderate one. The;J reduced rates and the, parcel post wai-j a had blow to us, as well as to all tnejj other express companies." Dies of Injury at 101 POTTSVILLE, Ta., July 22.-Mrs, LydU Miller, of Mount Carmel, aged 101 years! and 4 days, died this morning. On Friday! she tripped In her bedroom, falling awn Inflicting an Injury upon her head, since which she had been Blnklng. She was born In Mliford, Pa. On her birthday one year ago she was congratulated by rreai- dent Wilson. jr-zr. irrrnr:. ' City uaiance siu.uuu.uuu The amount naid Into the City Treaaor? during the week ending last night ya J595.952 67, nnd the payments amountww 6!3,1K.71. This, with the balanci nn haaJS from the previous week, not Including tM, sinking fund account, leaves u naiunce hand of $10,065,314.93, deposited In van banks and trust companies. "Mv TCarlv FYneriencei on the Diamond" toldM by John Henry Wagner. Monus tne ureat recit lnterestine- anecdotes Q his kidhood davs in base ball. Exclusively in th Sunday Public Ledger SPORTS MAGAZINE TrnrTTnrr-TTnrrr'iwTrmiX'nTirjit rr