Eimu ww.. , stfter of Ilenry Wadsworth Long sr 4viw f iidttTi Longfellow uana, aaugnter Mr Oobort H. Hutchinson, .i. MtA at hor summer homo, ni r.iV Mass . yesterday. Sho had K7 Cambridge over since her mar- PflA Hirnaru c. ..., .., .u.u. "who was Miss Delia F. Dana, Mrs. hs survived by a daughter, Tour ind two sisters, Miss Alice Long- i ,nfl sirs jamea x. iiiurjie, wno tj Annie "'" .,0. ;..,.. " IK MF.MOMAM B.f IFF. lnlovlnif. remembrance of JO P.iiiNB RAD LIr r who died July -it. Rv' In 'ov'nfF- remembrance of hrAttntt M REILLY. who departed thin SSiff 88. 1009- devoted wit and loving ttr, reyg-g" ""' : " - JBeatjja WrnV-At Mount Holly, N. J., on July BBilll ANNA H1LYARU DEACON, IfflSSTtVr of the tote James W Deacon. 8erv uM.wr . ;L-;.;"9riV. t-i 5tt private aft w At Asoury i'ri. ii. u,i on juiy .tu, St MAROAHET J., beloved v. I to of John ffi attend the funeral on Friday morn ,, i o'clock, from her late residence. I BOUtn unmu iv. ouicinti truir,ii mass t Rita's Church at .0130 o'clock. iis.On July 20. 1015, at Attantln -N. J KITTIE, wile or Jacob Harris, PKf42 years. Relatives ,and friends are MEn m attsnd the funeral services, nn KSaJ morning, at 10:30 o'clock precisely, IHBsti parlore of Morrle Rosenberg's Son, ItZi North Broad et. Interment strictly Hsiii at Anatn jesnurun t;emeiery iniEStEV. Buddenly, on July 10, rtlS. iiiilA U-i " of .Ell'a and late Jamea ,nilT. in nis iuin year, ueiauves ana JJJJi ir Invited to attend tho funeral lijkir's residence. BOSS Koyscr at., 0rman EJi interment private. Ivy Hill Cemetory. vriiti nn lrrioftv aiiernoon. at Ciridr. at her lata residence, 442: S.innom BBt. Jnnent at West Laurel ltlll Cemetery. KtntAB. At Pottsvllle. Pa., on July 20. ij Br. MATIIEW RIoVICKAR, aged Bfl niri. Relatives and friends, also Mont Burr Lodge. No. 10, P. and A. M and taamiila Chapter, N9. 01, R, A. M.( are in till to attend the funeral aervlcea, on Frl lit afternoon, at a o'clock, at the residence it til ion, Mathew sroVlckar, Jr., 218 South jjtl it. Interment private. CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY AND SUNDAY EpUBLIC LEDGER S STTLE TYPE (or like thla). t Iniertlon loo per tins .mit Insertions In a week.. . .I'.'Ho per Una mea comecutlvo Insertions.. ..loo cerllna futlons wanted, three lncr eni In a week 10d por litis IQ d17R TYPE fnr like this Tlctnltted In all classifications except Help t( Situations Wanted, Lost and Found. Per oli, Boarding and Koona. mt inseruun u i, ,u Pjree Iniertions In a week 17Woper llm lirin coniccuttve Insertions. ...100 per lint lini..,., ar hnand nn nsata tntasuramant. Hittts lines to tho Inch. Him NOTICES either paper laTtnit. ana time ..........1.......... SOo L(kne insertions ., 11.01) ; COMBINATION .RATE DAILY ONLY ntsurUon In both the morntnc and aventnt HMriet same day) 'It. rUDLllj LCUUCIV (MORNINO) EVENING LEDGER (EVENINQ) BAJd tour cents per line net to rates rlvea Ilteit. HELP AND SITUATIONS WANtED ADVERTISING IN THE PUBLIC LEDGER IS IN SERTED IN THE EVENING ASDGER WITHOUT 'ADDI- MAL CHARGE. . T!re la n drnn' stnrf, n-ir vntir JKthat will accept Ledger want Sjt office rates. m HELP WANTED FEMALE iBll'S'Help Wanted and Situations lVanted fMiiplH!! Inserted In In Daily Public Ledger jijiwa in 1'ie Evenxna Leaner the same teTgilfldiit oddltlonal charge 4WCMEN Manufacturer wants reliable Lto ot ability to take acencv In exclusive Rcry In Philadelphia. Now Jersey and jisrivama. tur nouse and ouuns arrases, B direct to homes, a anlenUld oDDor- tr. Inquire Mlts Dean, Ledger Central. REHS Neat, reflnad vounir ladv In riatl. Bun lunch 41 N. 12th. WTED. for 1st ot August, In Chestnut Hill. titnnea i-roiesiam gins: one lor cooKing downstairs work, tho other for chamber sad wal tint.- and to asalst with two ru. only girls with the highest refer I an trt rharaptai' unH nhllttv naAjt nnnlu till. Udger Office. ' iwd'WOMAN. espabl. to take care 3 little . . ....caiaiiv. aiii A.ine. .ucei lauy iiooiil 5W8E your husband's income, largo firm Baroffer an exceptional opportunity; no .""los. l, gov, ijeoger uentrai :Pn fltrnvTPt? , -nirL-..n. i.vb feojraphers and all other young women aiog commercial positions. Consult "Misa r w c,ii,m. onv mil iicti. juu le a position it your situation wanted so sot find exactly the opening you want HELP WANTED MALE KEEPER, knowledge of tvoewrltlnar. An jft giving reference and In own liantlwrlt- ' i.(. Leaser otnee. SMAN WANTED-A eood all-round seetural draftsman, one who has had it jo years experience In architectural j-Bi, to lake charge of office In Texas: ' t especially strong at designing, also 't planning and somo knowledge ot nlSatlfln writing' nitf h. nrrtpflv nh' PWi specimen of designing, also refer- rtRNm;Rn salesmen ns for hlzh-arada salesmen of ax on. Apply or address BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT reraAWBRlDOH 4 CLOTHIER dla. meraA k.l, .k.... !i a.ll.l."' wvmr dfpftrtroent, ratall itore: muit UtaJt avnalana. 109J -U-...a -t, .PFfTlltlE' 1 J a'ViTII T1 'ATtberi a rrArj.'" rnte'1 must be capable of (akin en- -LlJLEttt Trust Dulldlng. wy bright abogt H ytari old; y broiccraga houc. buvlnMs expri- . rvs--a f , ).., S3 tClOlWIiVCtl, Niary let tr ft -- .( .-... ti .. wrnsnt H 1M Ledger tjentral y W HPU'Elta. 8. phjslcal examination 8100 OrayFerry road. 8ALI MANAOBIl H selling rxp . to handle sales of j r.n ' ' w "'" wi. av sv anu oneilons L l)5t. Ledger Central. 'nv 'or Philadelphia and State; nly tr."r. ' - T'". T.riT"iari.-irf a-' r ; -" v wuftiffH tu -?unUlon onl L 426, LdT Qglc. fcf!",K8'L"rc'!.".,,.l5Jnf.,,V "f: ."large corporation state ags, sx- 1 am not b coosldaeef. H (tl, bedfer faN IS ta 55 vatr .i?? "" iRU to lurn DfcvOtia'ia:.it bu& sr ''"-".(i aor nunc yoiwr IB Ben.a. .i... T fia. i. ' .TT- L - ' aeatom W. ' " OPPORTUNITY la slwais ,".tf antral stars Mr Huot alll ' ou me to operation glvaa Led In anarvO uf good pvaltioos fffffir LAMDEIIT, wife of Edward P. Llp ISiStt. ied 21 year. Relatives and friends EFiiii lDlly re Invited to attend tho funeral iiSL. nn Frldav afternoon, at 2 o'clock .irniM' uitnniniv. rn .iniir vis iuir . Men of excalleod character racaatly m or retired teats. Marias rc5SnS J Except loaai taenwamests and par- i iIS h l.h fl;a ?J b0 CB ojuauB EVENI JttELP WANTED-MALB Oencrat ft"5WAItE OP lMlTATOnS almi'(.s?Ba.-,.td dal.15' '? Prato moving picture SptSan: 7i? '?!'h. r,m auleK methods of tfiStri !i'5. 'ejflcal fnttallation of a to x nd,flt fou ,or ,.Poltlon paying 115 abli lnp..w"li niplte course IIS. piy 1J10 Arch Iynients. Keystone dcnool, Bsranf4 kpmes-csupxm WANtiti I8. Lnn' J1"9 Building. , tiiriiB?Al.'Ji0r,Pi'."' MrM I" ,'aklng dlc tation and transcribing, salary 15 to 2J. SITUATIONS WANTRTl TTSTVTAT.W kSiHA? '.n .aP!ut' or doctor's otfleej well id3Kif b??k,k.SepJni5 nd typewriting; wen educated, n no, Ledger Central. AvTfiDAN? .t, '"valid or nervous case lOUng Protatnnl n ,h nA.li(i.. . ..M and reterenco H lap. Ledger Central. Uwn&1?B,'EJ,-E,P,:ie'na business woman: iJS?i e,,ge, "l ""ographyi clerical or secre tarlal work desired, o ins, Ledger Central B2o"i4jiJ!;lJliH' stenographer, high and bua. iL'l'1 eTp ' M- 12- Q "S. Ledger Cont. HoySEKEKFEIt (managing) tor adult famllj. ok,?.'n.llr? chugo, where one servant la kept. P 425, Ledger Office. CIIAMOERM'AID AND WAITRESS desires po . attlon; best ref. P 422. Ledger Office. CHAMBEKMAID of waitress, experienced? ...vp ....p. . uya. if,, nowni wi I.WU. mm:r. II t iiu.iit.t,. ' ' ... .... --... '. - CKAMBEIlWdKlc and aaalst with children or iiuutgworK, uan am w ntn at CHAMUERWOIIK and assist with washing; "i rcicrcncg r vat L,eqger utnee. CHILDNUHSE, capable ot taking charge of mmiui rrierences asi u si. C1IILDNUHBB or waitress Olrl, colored, de- Hifga puamon. iiuio "lasKcr at. CO(?K Middle-aged Penna. Qer.t highest ref. aa to efficiency and character; seashore or country. Address 8. B. 13., Llanerch, Pa, COOK Scotch woman, experienced; beat refer crenco; good bread and psstry: assist down stalra work, P 421, Ledger Olfice. COOK AND CHAMUERMAID wish positions together; Main l.lno ref. P 427, Ledger. Off. COOK Comp. German wishes position; reter- . ences. 003 Nectarine (near Spring Oarden si.). FRENCH lady will teach converaatlon; gen .iriitn pieigiru. Pi'ruco otft'. OIRIi, white, wlihea plain cooking, chamber work, walling, ten., seashore, country. 2102 Peinberton. GIRL wants housework or chamberwork and waning; reterence, uau fli s. luin. OIRL, colored, neat. exp desires general work or cooking, Fhone Raring 7S9. HOl'tiEKnEPER Lady aa managing hkpr. In gentlemen's home; refa. aa to ability and character. 21 Led. Dr., 1700 Mt. Vernon. HOUSEKEEPER, middle-aged; Penna. der.; hlgheat rets. as to efficiency & character; stib tirba pret. Mrs. S. 8. Daersma, Llanerch. Pa. HOUBEWOI1K Young Prot. girl: assist with children, niodernto wagea. 32 N. 10th St. LADY'S MAID, German Protestant girl, rpeak tnit English, good needlewoman, city, nuburba or shore P 4in, Lodger Office. , MANAGING liskpr., Protestant;" public or prl : .1 )eara' city ref, 5551 Pemherton st, MILLINERY Manager Hnd buyer, or best trimmer: eltv or out ot town, beat toforences. II 144, Ledger Central. NURSE, English, experienced, wishes core of Infant; beat rof. P UK, Ledger Office, OFFICE MANAGER Experienced, captblo woman nnnts responsible, good-paying posi tion; business builder. Don't answer unles you want brains and oro willing to pay for them. H 140. Ledger Central STENOGRAPHER would llko position where neatness and accuracy would be appreciated; moderate salary: reference. D 802. Led. Off. STENOGRAPHER, knowledge of bookkeeping, hlah school graduate, 3 years' exp., 2 years' legal. Plin. Wol 070. O 044, Ledger .Cjpt. SrENOORAPIUJR. exp.. knowledge of book keeping; mod, salary Phono Spruce 6552. STENOGRAPHER, alight experience: do "neat work; willing., H 143, Ledger Central. ETHNOGRAPHER, rapid typist; ace. tran acrlpts aesured: mod, sal. G 852, Ledger Off. TRAINED NURSE for Infant, especially good with delicate children. 402a Aspen st. TYPIST, expert, can operate dictaphone: good speller and grammarian. O 455, Ledger Cent. WAITRESS or chambermaid, flrBt class, wantB position Imme'ly: best ref. P 421. Led Off. WIDOW, aged 32 yeare, desires position as managing housekeeper for widower or gentle man where other servants are kept; highest ri terences. 11 45. Ledger Central CAPABLE stenographers, bookkeepers, clerks, commercial help or any kind can be securod through the Commercial Department nt Ledger Central. Write your needa to "Miss Dean," or telephone her at Walnut 3000, and prompt service will be rendered. You will undoubtedly require a eubatltute Ledger Central la a good place to And one. This Is a free service to Ledger advertlsera 1 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ASSISTANT TO SALES MANAGER Young man with iractlcal inside and road experience desires connection with manufac turer O 943. Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER Married: long business experience; familiar with payrolls and coat accounting, office de- lana. n ,-h, Laager t-qiurm. BOOKKEEPER Practical and experienced, competent office manager, capable with credits and correspondence and all office de talla; also a good salesman, exper. 10 years In manufacturing business. G 448. Led. Cent. BOOKKEEPER, 20, assistant or clerk, high school graduate, desires chance to learn aome business; real estate, builder's, architect's office preferred. O 040, Ledger Centrnl. BOOKKEEPER, stenographer and clerk, 12 Scars' experience: reference; moderate salary Jo start, Q 553. Ledger Cential. BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly exp., will audit accounts, open, close and writs up books, day or evening; mod.terms.B BO Ledgerpfflce. BUTLER Cojoredman wishes position; reform ences, city or country, H 330, Ledger Office, CHAUFFEUR, mechanic, desires steady poel tlon wltn party who requires lst-class service; married, ocst creqeniiais. u oi. s.eo. t-rni. CHAUFFEUR, mech., married, 34. 11 yrs.' exp,; honest, sober, careful driver; dlsengsged end or juiy; nest rci. v voj, ngugcr i.ihhii CHAUFFEUR, white, Protestant, alngle, does not smoke or drink, would like position; best reference. Bell phoneBelmont33flq Y. CHAUFFEUR wishes position, prljate or truck. 10 years' experience. 1820 Ellsworth, Cj7ERirAND"TVPIST-YounB man. 2Q. wishes nosltlon. exp.; refa. 11 148. Ledger Central. COLLECTOR I would like to fecura a posl. aa 'collector: I am 22 ra. of age. very ambltloua and not afraid to work hard. M Z21. Led, orr. DRAUGHTSMAN, mechanical: graduate tech- ence. II I13j Ledger Central. ELECTRICAL engineer, college graduate; 3 year' practical experience: commercial or buslnesa end preferred. O B57.Ledrer Central. JANITOR Experienced while Protestant; best r.rlr.nre P 42B. Ledger Office. MAN, versatile, tactful, III hie prime: years of business and executive experience: excep- r.": . Knn4nft tirltof n4 nAArmmri has developed and hanJl1 hundred of men: hlrheet reference! open for enlevement. II am t -i PntrI BALESMANi r lg 1 ears' experlynee. de sires position wltfi reputable manufacturing educated nd of good PPr ; boat refa. aa lo TTsiT..: u---fl-t. i- n 44R. LivltTteP font. SAl-EBMAl. 6 yeara" ep.. dTrea permanf nt cuiiiiruiu J" ' ; SAl.KSMAN, younr. willing to travel any- wrr-. owt'v-v :;.-; erancea. i "io, ug. w., VBTERINAHIAN. graduate, wants pay.. coun try, city or laboratory work. B 820. Led. Og. WATCHMAN. Wgnt. or p pwi,mii wi iiHr .lrid y narrleS man, 40. with a good char acter and refa. H M, Ledger Central. AUTOMOBILES CHAUFFEURS .. CHAUFFEURS "-U.-Li.,. uru, in ooaratlng and repalrlsg. Tiuft lMhat. FoplaF MH Tor Sala irnn HALE 3-pasMOgsr Hudson six, 1913. re FOl.lJAl;f rLTIIiSftr. n.j Plk tlraa all ?ISLnd. oundltlon perfect. Can be seti at 4lf fhestaut at No faalsrs. MflL HAUr-tV-ft t, Kn Bcbout; vary 2t a raTT bargtia. Can be saa at i,imt St., UStIB"" atri AUTO HVBRY AND OABAOBS illlV nirtlnann ,M w , .. -Tna-UW)DilN18 AND .TOUBlNir" " r-iftB raone, iioga aswo ' AUTO BEPAIBINO f3LHAWIW AKP TBIKQ, 7" u LENARTZ. expert on American and for- J'Jti 55 FJ1 ulPPd ii-clUsa. abjl.. N(Ll.DGBB-PfiltiAPBiPHrA THTJR8DAY JULY 22, "T " ' ' . .i , . BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES "j'SINKM MAN wsnta party with IM00 to I to u ,j wusinrra. Anaress tevf tana. -v vHiiiitr.. n'tuiFH ,i, leldi west Phils delphls. 6re"13?AJ!HH!BD manufacturing business for sale; et. 4f yean, l ew. Ledger Central. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY I,iXi2JiFl.VJW...,B wn" wait A. , -'"-"""-, ,,,.m),tiuiul ricmri I"" '. , i "giut. notorial itsview par. dressmaking taught; short, prac. course. Mae Powell. HOT Denckla Bldg.,llth 6 Market. P0R SALE CIOAIl store and confectionery business, best location, main street; good reason for selling, price reaaonable. i. A. Van Sickle, 5S1 Main it, Btroudsburg, Pa bTlliARD, pool, combination, 2d-hand bought, sold, rented, exch'd. Keafer, 320 Olrard ave. MAOIIINERY AND TOOLS PIPE bought and sold; all aires. Philadelphia uaji tfiM m ci.. a nAA a is ft r ocvuuvj-iittiiu hjj UL-pijr, njufj jh. Iin. MUBIOAL INSTRUMENTS rATli: DAbDY'AtkiiR" ii p.' iC Burs all records, exchanges all. Be. Sell Victor double-faced, 85c, 3 for II. 2332 Ridge ave., above. Columbia. STORAGE WEST Monarch Storage Co. Auto and pack PHILA. log and snipping, H870 Lancaster ave. ROOMS POR RENT JUST THE ROOM YOU WANT Can very likely be located In a few minutes ,by examining tho photographs and descrip tions ot rooms with and without board which are on file for your Inspection, at Ledger Central. An Interior photograph and an swers lo every question you would ask la here, so sou can decide Intelligently; free service, test It. ARCH, 1520 (St Paul Housel-Nleely turn. rooms! hot water: rates weekly, 12 and up. ARCH, 1812 Newly fum., running water alt rooms, nam; mesia serveq; pnone. BALTIMORE AVE.. B717-Nlcely furnished front rooms; gentlemen, Woodlsnd, 42-71 i CHESTNUT, S4U Two attractively turn. rooms (communicating; all con vs.; phone. DAUPHIN AND MP, N.. 2300 (cor. house)- Lirn, Ql.y Hum iin.1 unv. lam, jyis, itui u DIAMOND, 1503 Large aecond front, nicely lurnisncu, auunmq tor i rng, pneq; pnons, OERMANTOWN, Wayne ave.. tmS-Dellght. ful. cool room, reasnrable; nhons Otn, 2201. SPRUCE ST., 031 Nice, large, cool rooms; sum, rates; reaaonable, ph. Walnut 7264 W. OPRUCE, 1117-2 well-turn, front rooms, eliv gle or communicating. Walnut 717U v. SPRUCE. 1021 Large ulry apartment, 2 or 3 rooma wun nam; airo single rooms SPRUCE, 2022 Desirable furnished rooms; private baths; summer rates. Locust 1663 J. WALNUT. 3425 Cheerful, furnished rooms: porch house. Telephone Preston 63BI W. WALNUT, 0003 Newly furnished room, prl- rate family; convenient to tnree car lines. ltvni. S, 314 Two attractive front rooms, 2d noor; single or communicating; pnone. IflTII. N., 1430 Handsomely furnished rooms tt refined private home, board optional; all com enlt-nces, phone service. 17T1I. N, 1432 Well-f urn. bechelor apt., prlv. po-ih, other aconclea. Poplar 4278 W. 30TH. H., 3B.18 (corner 10th and Erlel-Brlght, rnnl ?.ntnrv front room, well furn. . aentle- man, 3 mlns, from Tioga 3ta.; Tioga .12-11 D. 40Tli, N.. 82 Delightful vacandea; porch, lawn, excep. table, near L; Baring zga w, B5TII, S , 131 Exceptionally large furn, 2d"- BLWIJT 1UUIII, ,1,V. HI,,,., , u,,.,, ,iy. .., jtiti COMFORTABLY furnished rooms, suitable for gentlemen; 10 minutes to City Hall, private tamiiy. nanng mm l,. inoto at Lteag. lent. Mtnn.v f,,rt. frnnt rnnm frtr ?. with board conv. to 60th and Market, Belmont 10t37 D, I'VVO fumWied rooms for rent, 60th and Mar ket; noar L Phono Belmont 22U7Y B2d and Sansom, Furnished rooms; men only, meals, WEST BRANCH shower baths; near L; all the Y. M. O. A. comforta of home. Phone Bel mont 46S1. Key. West 398. BOARDING CHESTNUT & 42D Large airy roome; also 3. room apt.. 2d floor: refined. Baring 7345 W, LEHIGH. W . 1313-16 Beautiful rooms, with board; new management. Ph. Tioga 8221. PINE ST.. 5911 Small adult family ha; large front room, oultable for two, furnished, with board; refs. exenangea. mtimoin tua u. SPRUCE. 1028-30 2d-floor room, southern ex jpOTure choice table board. WalnutJf28gW. BPRl'CE. 1224-20 (Brlsmonde) Furn. rooms; single, en suite; rrnsi" imme. ibuib wt WALNirT, 453f 2d-floor rooms, with boardr nea r W, aoutnern exposure, rcis. racuaiiagu. WALNUT, 6600 Large rooma. alngle or com. rr hnn-! ee..liont table: 16 eacn: phone. TASKER, ,4-Furn. 2d-floor rooms; bosrH optional: private family, Dickinson 36.16 W, SPHUCELYN 305 S. 41st St., JIISS B. u. Hanly, formerly ot Chestnut St. oIBTTT',, 104 Vocanclea for couple, turn, or tmfum.: board optional: reasonabls: phone. Suburban OERMANTOWN. 235 W. Rlttenhouse st. (be tween Wayno and Oreenrt-Dealrabla rooms, single or comm.: rood table, utn. laiA a. OVERBROOK - BOfl.1 Drexel road: boarding, tennis, awlm'g pool. Phone Preston B5M W. Seashore OCEAN-CITY, N. J.7 Hotel Henry Home com forts, bountiful table $6 up: board and room. APARTMENTS SPRING OARDEN, 1010 Excellent apts. In different housea: aome turn,; kitchenettes. FURNISHED APARTMENTS LOCUST, 1118-Elegsnt apsrtments 3 rooms, nrlvate bath, also single troi. Wat. 7IKH W. WEST PHlUtDELrlllA SUBLET Well-furnished . housekeeping apart ment. 5 rooms and bath: corner; all outside fTon!.; neighborhood 56tK and Wa nut; for summer ir"'. - ". ""- -: gllBLET furn. apt.. 8 lst.rsg. cool rooms, bathl prlTito hall. Woodland 4205 W. HOUSEICEEPING APARTMENTS an AND PINE BTS.-DE LA.NCEY APp. vaw "lint. 4 to 8 rooma, 1 and, 2 baths, vitcienette ccntrsl location. Apply Janitor. niAMOND. 2112 3 rooms, bath, kitchen, hot water heat ref. 2d floor. 1M. 4 rms.. bath, W.'r.nh"ll cor .-ma! 35, Diamond 1813 W, phT'TlAlt 1522 Attractive housekeeping opta . r- and 3 rooms, bath, kitchenette: modern conxenlencea. nnir um r., - West Philadelphia WALNUT. 4000, (corner)-Modern apt., . rms. and bath; Janitor service, Preston 4105 P. REAL ESTATE POR SALM CITY ioifl N HTH ST. A real Bargain ro quica purciiasf., .tv -,wW, -.-- - irder; large yard. w. ri. nuutf, " .-"r FIRE INSURANCE ALBRECHT'S 873 rVr.,.1 Blda- 2114 W. Lehigh ave. Logan LOGAN REAL ESTATE SALETrSNT AND BXCHANOB M.M7Sml!hBroad.ppJganjH(etJon. NEW JERSEY BUNGALOWS. $100 cash. 10 monthly: Iota il&Oiieir trolley, conv. to rler; Natlonsl Park. Ortate? Niw Jerssy Co.. 33 B. 16lh. REAL" ESTATE SALE OR RENT own YOUR HOME by monthly payments of from ill to ISO; bouses located N, Kbil- "4 otT. worth from ItSOO toJB260. Merchants' Untoq Trust Co.. ta-710 dhhestnut st. REAL ESTATE WANTED SEASHORE FURNISHED cottage for, August. Veatnor, riK May or Bay Itead: 4 or 5 bedrooms ts SPad; rMsiiuibre rental 8. 11. Itager, 3287 V. Peon t., Phlladslpiila. REAL ESTATE POR RENT POR RBNT-PURNI3HED CITY ggBBr mm atone riarour. n. . t,t3&wwa HORTGAGEa orriQKflf liuaiNEfis booms, eto. SJiiSr aultM, Sti B rooms. JB toTMti jltlii p. wiLUAMB. tMO Drexal ButtjUg. MONEY. FOB MOBTGAUSft J50O ?tOOO 11200 SiSOO $1600 $5000 W M HOOD tUi! NOSiUa T L Why None Stood Up "Indeed," the apeaJcer went on, "I believe that nine women out of ten propose. As a test I would ask all married men In the audience whose wives virtually popped the question to stand up." Thero was a subdued rustle In the auditorium, and In the dense silence that ensued could be heard sibilant feminine whispers In concert: "Just you dare to Btand up I" Exchange. AND THE WORST ' . ' j A Uf 1 - r' '"" ' " " I' '" ' ' "' """' ' ' " ' " ' " "- ' .--a.-.-.,,! &.--,' .,-.a.-a-. . .., , Ml, n in , T , h M A Monetary Reason Qutte Trtie THE PADDED CELL 1 Trinra-Cheek.t Murphy-Jugt go, bqt th less game 'Kjl,'Y A' 1 ,. rJSJk A . llw I I Flora-Checkgl the mvre liuntlnii y?u luvi. fkJjJ)J Vf ! lfU'M 'Ji- f ' il S0NG3 WITHOUT WORDS ' IMf Ymi J lfflM'i VKw ' I l&S&i)? t7i " TUE J0KES 0F YESTERYEAR SHU Life I She Loves Me; She Loves Me Not J She Egotist! he'd bo motionless." ' J AMATEUR NIGHT AT THE MOVIES - .1 I "TERRORS I r ( AWATCHjYtOWANJI KMh G? stIai5AofmoeY. I "BEtj w -r ; J ACCOWUCE'SHEMS.IN .ACCOMPUCE.3HWOW ACEMJUCEAS ITiiniirrr ,,... J?i ITS K WCNE.TES3- fflz-X 1 Q7mJfl Vro;SPEAW,AH3im. rP HOOKS WOrtEP- 1 gjU3TTtlEM TESS W s 1 - VWLEJoevoyoM fXMTi- wrti. cr-t,piM n STOP5TO rCWDtR. o ( -? F TV tfrVlllt1rsssie- m.f n .. GRAPPLE Not Sure of Herself Even members of the family had to look twice to be aura as to "who was who" of the twlna. But they didn't put different colored hair ribbons on them until the day when grandma, cominc Into the llvlnsr room, said to the small person looking- out of the window, "la it Jools or Roslel" And the twin replied, "I fink U'a Joile." Exchange. IS YET TO COME 1015. ANOTHER GERMAN : 77 h "V. laa::-! I rz . aJ v f . sm. ' . -- Btv jr , osjKapsvtn -s . -i &&maaiJM$& Oett Uafe-J Brtttth W drjuiihttiur IMSMaMBBSMSJVsiMsaaJH He Stands Well Blx-WUt Mb4 of a reputitHm tv JHB4t SWt tni4irM4 t "W s aBjr.HQ,w,w5 ATROCITY AJ f tAai H41f-jMi. jssi J"11 I "Mil" WteikH of Bxpwlw WUtU." qarl h uavlUrlcti "la its mi - 5 0 -TMhataaaBBBaV "l siiilti "la lsaa IsMg W4MT en "na wi SSfflmEB ""Ntlr it ull ou fcow to ateure M( Ing hifuiLj&J3& lSaVS