Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 21, 1915, Night Extra, Page 5, Image 5

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Goober Vender Is
fof. Ralph Bernstein, of
Sfaiemann College, a
fitfld Authority on Dis-
gps oi tne DKin.
ki oeanuts on a steamboat tins no
P - tint nvftrncrn linv. Tlinrn
W. ..... .nlfir nf i-nmftniA In nnMi
Vftl m "t'"- -- - -- "-.
fld It IS inunuiuiiuuo, iu Dj mo
S. i n. fellow can't net a Job nt
ft lio during the summer months
iMltato on tno penmu Business,
ftn DO Clliercu win, .1 amaii tuin-
ono of your moro proaperqua
ould Pee you-tr even worse,
Pit girl. That woulil uo fatal, you
htanv of us worry about what
tftoplo think of us. nut there la
Option lO 11119 ruiu in x'liiiuucipuio
t)f, KOipn ieniit:iiii
iM nf,. Im rrnllzed flint mnnnv
"iBSat as essential as an artistic tern-
St. tf Ho hail tho latter he care
fencled It. In fact, ho went
sublime to wnnt somo people
il the ridiculous by studying
It'and literature In tho winter and
ipeanuts mm pruizuia in uiu sum
L mlEht say thero Is no connec-
Btween peanuts and science. Hut
"toss tnero was ananno cunnccuon
lost empnaiic. 11 was witn tno
. -uA.1 1... BAltltirv nnnhlltfl nr1
ImZMltllt e"ll" Ui OV,..IIb ,l.,.lUI43 UIIU
IWiSuli on th0 rlvor steamers that ho
Sflfll "ay through tho University of
t years ns an errand boy preceded
Sli?14 OW'",""l,C" w
?iil'u (v enter ulo iiuiuteuBi itittnuui
gbj Bohool botoro going to tho Unl
Stf.fand was well equipped to battle
JTilI oroblems thero. Ho didn't havo
.rf-llma for class social affairs and ho
V Jevery cent go Its limit.
Jfl'approached tho flnal year In the
, ijimt)' be round ins expenses getting
Itirsrs required to meet tho costs. Dut
jsj the summer tho captain of tho boat
jin watching him and know that tho
gjfii making- a strong fight. Tho skip-
ffJISUlj EHVU il.ill U. JVM UO -IKlft Wit
, SWald attention to details, and
j- jnfhha'd work was soon promoted to
,1 ! master and eventually becamo
iJj a! commissary. All this tltro ho was
K sa'tlV department of mtdlclno In tho
inftlrjr In 1903 and a year later from
,i nHihaemann Medical College. '
STtlmo things looked blue. Ho
ej that closo application to work was
oaiuy to ovorcomo tho many ob-
iit, which confronted him. Ho was
SSita Decauso no couian i Bparo mucn
StQt pleasure. Finally ho got an
trhmily to enter tho skin dispensary
eto'ef tho Hahnemann Hospital and
bi Mia from fourth assistant to clln-
tltJJef. It seemed but a short tltno
jsVthat when ho fcccamo clinical pro
ps bt dermatology at tho Hahnemann
Mai CoUego. Ho Is also consulting
(raiitoloCTst to numerous other Instltu-
Between times Doctor Bernstein wrote
reus brochures on skin diseases and
:ti out as many ng 20 a year. Ho
tthe first to demonstrate to tho med-
crofesslon tho successful use of
lifted carbon dloxldo In tho treatment
"cancer of tho skin. Professor Bern-
la Is also- the author of sovoral text
oks dealing with this subject.
Yldence Of his versatility is shown by
13 Invention or tho Bernsteln-Luscn
tilh-tenslon apparatus, which tends to
Tgfflut.'ontee all types of high frequency
Ua"tuuoo'ui iia Hirnpiq.conBHUC-
i u. iub oxperimenis are.conr
his home, 37 South 13th street.-
ifessor has ona characteristic
helped him through his hard
Se Is an optimist.
fil from I'auo Ona
'fen Wanted at Once I" is pasted
lass screen df each tnxlcab. and
ometlmes varied with " Each
rings Peace Nearer!"
'us notices aro posted up:
: youNa tvojiEN or London
our 'Best Boy' Wearing- Khnkl?
don't YOU THINK ho should
he does not think that you and
ury aro worth lighting' for, do
Ink he Is "WORTHY nf vnn? Tlnn'f
9 girl who Is alone her young
prpbablv a soldier flchtlnir for
y Ber country and for TOU.
Iar young man neglected his duty,
ftwe may came when he will
Tit over then nsk him to
iWklng notice I saw a hundred
Iter was tho plcturo of five hats,
S central ono being that of a
and the four grouped around It
wi silk hat, a golfing cap, a
t and a derby, with tho accusing
n enormous letters below,
larger shops the women aro
the elevators, and I noticed
'POn dOZen nf hllCA tnntnrtpnntfff
I ft breakneck pace by women.
uiy manipulated tho great ma
ough the heavy trafllo with
and no little nerve.
tU are. nf rnnnA flllorl with
Khaki Is tho only color a man
Without belnc- Rtnro.l Bt Anil
"ly to glance at the faces
cp of tno common "Tommy
here are no uneducated set
men, but the brains -and the
ura of Emslnnd.
and bartenders, peers of tho
costermongers have all en
Pectlve of ranlr or cnmmli.
V? nghtlng shqulder to shoul-
honor of their country. This
B the uniform of a common
wgnlzed ono of the most brll-
wa oi tno English bar.
of attack from Zeppelins to
t Earlv thin nvcnlnir h.
had altogether faded, there
whirrlnar overhead and on
I saw a large machine di.
I confess that my flwt
to rush atmlsht IndnAi-a
Irators with whloh wa are
aa It In understood that
Inlng BnhVYlllllnir cfla arA
h dropped on London, and
yry one has rosplrators
rKe auantltlea of a. nniin.
utlon wherewith t soak the
aC, hoWeVAr nmvul in ha an
tVU ouloklv faltnwaJ hv
!utmg tor the flrat gllranae
. upeuns Tonlsht. at the
wrltintr. thA aii i M.ih
' VivlU With MWUQJnn nanri'li.
llUUllv rjn,n.: at ,. tA
J?t and the vanous lire
. H on Dial mil vii.. Ir la a
D 1110ht In. a UL... t
rmw and thlM district li fullv
fOIIH? bomki dromiliiit ThA
'& me 4a, ivvi,,, rtintr on
Vi inoujHiit i ervly
f ,
dlcrs havo Informed me, Is tho most ex
cruclatlng form of torture Imaginable In
fact, the agony Is beyond imagination.
The lungs nro torn In pieces and tho
strugglo for breath Is terrible.
I understand that tho nlm of the fw.
nans la to blow up tho City of London,
..." i. mt mo nuacK will tnKO placo
through the underground railways nnd
tubes. A German prisoner Informed n
nurso of my acqualntdnco that sho must
never travel by tube, If she valued her
own Bafety. Sho had nursed him through
a bad Illness, nnd ho told her that ho
would llko to glvo her something by way
of thanks, but could only worn her In
this manner. Tho tubes, however, remain
in their usual much-ovorcrowded condi
tion, and no one pays any attention to
such disquieting rumors.
In traveling from Edinburgh to London
n coupla of days ago the authorities abso
lutely insisted thnt wo keep every blind
tight down. "Bead tho notices." said the
conductor, "we don't tyko no chances of a
Zoppclln hitting us every blind down I"
Lqndon by night Is In total darkness.
Only last night I crossed eight miles of
tho city In a motorbus and I did not
relish tho experience. Tho London motor,
bus driver Is a skilled chauffeur; ho Is
oven n genius. But he and all his com
pntrlots have risen In a body from tho
steering wheel, and steered themselves to
tho firing line, wheio sparks other than
automobiles can produco aro rejoicing
their valiant hearts.
And in their place has sprung up tho
"substitute," who drives through tho Inky
streets llko his Satanic Majesty himself.
For this body has been gleaned from n
wide variety of sporting spirits, to whom
tho blackness nnd tho dangers of the Lon
don streets by night are a veritable Joy.
On tho sent bWdo mo sat a couple of
"Whltcchapel "costers, a fishwife, an In
ebriated dock-laborer nnd n "char-lydy."
"My Gawd!" murmured the latter ns" wq.
biiui iiko ijucucr tnrougn tno aenso black
ness of tho night, "don't ee drive llko
tho very devil hlsself?"
The Inebriated dock-laborer kept slip
ping from his scat to tho door, murmur
ing, in a rich Irish broguo each time tho
able-bodied "char-lydy" replaced him in
tho perpendicular, that "suro ho hated
tho Kayser!"
Regent's Park Is full or wounded sol
diers, and today I talked with several
Belgians, ono poor fellow with his leg
blown off. "That does not really matter,
mademoiselle," said ho In French, with
tho most charming nlr. "If they would
only let mo go back, I would willingly
glvo my other leg for my country!"
Tho wounded soldiers wear bright blue
coats, and automobiles belonging to
dukes and duchesses nro crowded with
them. Eords and ladles, princesses and
countessCB havo nil given over their cars
to these poor wounded Tommies, and In
splto of thcirXsmashed-up condition they
enjoy their. daily airings immensely.
Today I visited St. Mary's Hospital In
Paddlngton, where tho wounded nro
looked after by such wonderful physicians
nsSIr John Broadbent nnd Sir Almwroth
Wright. Ah tho locality Is in the richest
part of London tho soldiers have every
luxury showered upon them, and tho
matron informed mo that magnificent
cars aro offered so freely that each pa
tient had tho sole right of one, and some
times two.
A great work Is being conducted by the
Red Cross Organization in Pall Mall.
Hundreds of enormous packing cases
aro sent to the front dally, these con
taining comforts for tho soldiers, and
the secretory showed mo the wonderfully
efficient workings of tho placo.
Later In tho day I visited the Joint War
Committee at St. John's Gate, Clcrken
well, and had an Interesting talk with
Lady Mary-Perrott, who Is In charge of
nffalrs. Two thousand trained nurses are
on tho list, and an Infinitely larger num
ber of untrained women who devote all
their time to "helping." Adelaide,
Duchess of Bedford, the Marchioness of
LansdOwne, tho Marchioness of Rlpon
and many other famous women are on
the committee, and millions upon millions
of dollars have been subscribed to the
Theatrical Baedeker
KEITH'S "Ballet Divertissement." with
Bwan Wood; Uelle Blanche; lioweri, Walters
and Crocker; Del man Thompson's Old
Homestead Double Quartet: Mas Melville, ot
Melville and Hlsstns; Walter V. Milton and
company, presenting "Don't Walk In Your
Pleep"; Balier Sisters; Qlen Ellison: Uradley
and Norrls. "In Loveland," and llMm-Scll
NIXON'S anANDO'Drlen, Havel and com
pany In "Monday"; Bam Rice. Lulu Beeson
nnd Harry Lyons; Countess Oralis, Nardlnl;
Fatrlcola and Mye s; Emily Francis Hooper
and Ellsworth Cook In "dive Us a Chance"!
Hose Schmettan and Brother and laughing
CP.OS8 KBYS-Flrst half of week! Hyman
Adltr, In "A Mliers Dream"; the Mendels
sohn Four. Loro and Payne; Itlley and
rj'Neill Bisters: dllmoro and Caitla and
Htrsohot! Troupe.
WOODSIDB PAHK The Yoshlmo Troupe, five
Japanese nww, uw ., umirii ini
Holdsnorths; Flooa and Erna and Cliff
Summer Shoes -Reduced
$2.00 from $4 and $5 White
Canvas Low Shoes in
II l yll .!
Vr- 13ZU (.bestniUoi.
"Where Only the But la Qood Enough"
Shop ClM" Dally 5 P. M. i aad all day Saturday during July & Autut
A Few Fncts About the Com
pany of Child Actors That
the Majestic Has Established.
All-kld" companies arc rapidly becom
ing the fashion In fllmdom. Within the last
fortnight tho Evening LEDann printed
the story of the new company Organized
nlong those 1IC9 with a famous young
lwnrf nt Its head. Now comes nn In
erestlng communication on the same
lines from tho Mnjcstle Motion Plcturo
What Is serious work and an art to
nctois nnd nctrcsses Is mero chill's piny
io cmidrcn.
mlmbc nr,0(iplr11 '? whlch lho ""all
V,i n ot ",0 newy established Mn-
Jfstlcp company Df children, formed to
cl photoplays on child subjects for chit
tlrrn, lake their v,ok. Hence the actlnr
0 ! Majwtlo "kids" before the camera
n.iilhe a!m.lh .coast taMWimeSt tho
'naJu'ratt.10 8lUdlS' "
hn inp n.pr'BKs "'id aelfish little
hoy Into a motorboat nnd send It ripping
uLm -? '? p.crform C"K tricks and
?, gV.fh,anl fen,s wllh Papa's silk
near "nfiM0 tho ' of the heal-
SeSJhUn'i60 It thlngs thal chlldren
uellglit to do nnd hence do well.
The children In the compnny are a
varying number Each themS Is a child"
hood onc-a-childhood themo acted for
mentnfbr, QMkTf"; So Bpeclfll w'
11.1? l U,c mlnlnt"- 8" nro made,
.i; ' u nro nIao n number of stock
liVr? ?, are, rc8"l"!y ordained mem
nirr. i f th? )ll.vcnll Players. Already
l iliL uvo lcveIopcd their respective fol
lowing over tho country.
rn?.ttl! Prnn:l Carpenter, aged 4. al
ready has his small boy admirers wher-
rrnLnovl.n.g..plclureB aro 8hown and
probably If tho truth Is to bo told his
reinlnlno ones, too. Tho same might bo
said, too, of Violent Radcllfto, the little
h niVu .(!,d!y novln plays the villain
in nil tho "kid" comedies. Small Betty
onv V vn"ifC? ,0f Mno Manh' and of
n.?.J ?ars tnkc3 nn occasional part.
wih lonc' V old, Is sometimes
leading man and sometimes villain. Cnr
wnn?.iR"0 '" nnoUlcr little girl mem
ber of the compnny. Occasionally adults
nppear with tho small players,
rhin" 'mm,,(,lnl0 'rectors of the MnJeBtlo
child players aro tho Brothers Franklin,
ainro tho company was Inaugurated they
nao becomo expert managers of chil
dren. Thorp never nro any rebellions In
Ji1.?in,pa.ny'- A.1 ,lrst' beforo thlnM "'ere
n full swing, thero was a little friction,
wit a system of rewards In which dolls
for girls nnd marbles for boys played
prominent parts, soon settled nil differ
ences, .,,0.ithfmef. llpon whlch tno "nail play
ri,th?,r, dl.ct0.rus nnd cam,!ra m-m
"ork, deal with tho ambitions of child-
.Pr'1i'..andi" ,B?mo caBCS lhclr realization.
Little DIck'B First Case" shows a
boy who wanted to bo a detective. This
ooy had an advantage over most olhor
boys. His rather was a detective. So Dick
learned to bo a detective, and, or course,
learned It all wrong.
He did hotter, however, In his second
ciito "Dirty , Faco Dan." He really
caught tho culprit and sentenced him to
havo his faco washed. "Pirates Bold" In
troduced an clement of playing which
was very enjoynble to the "kid" com
pany. A very priggish llttlo boy was sent to
sea In a motorboat. The swift pursuit
by another craft and tho rides entailed
by the production greatly pleased tho
children. In "The Ash Can" there nro
many small villains. Every boy wants to
be a vllllan at least once In his life, and
the "kid" comedians aro nn nxrontlnnn
So they enjoyed tho filming of this pro-
uuuuun. in "ine juu Magicians" there
is a iiiuo Doy of wealthy parents whose
best clothes are taken by a ragged urchin,
xnat 13 tne poetic Justice of childhood.
Sleight of hand tricks also flguro very
prominently. Every boy likes these, nnd
probably" haB practiced much beforo the
In "The Runaways" a little boy rides
on a railroad handcar and, wonder of
wonders, It Is equipped with a gasoline
engine, and still better, tho raco Is against
a train. What healthy boy of 0-year-old
Georgo Stone's ago wouldn't enjoy that?
George did.
And In 'Tho Straw Man," tho children
find a scarecrow that's nllvo In a Meld)
More, It docs dances for them I Of course
It's an escaped convict who Is In hiding,
but that only makes It tho moro fun. And
the children, aided by a grandfather with
a rifle, capture tho convict finally a
thing of which every boy has dreamed.
So tho children of the Majestic com
pany are enjoying their work hugely, and
at the same time they are giving almost
equal enjoyment to children all over the
Marriage Licenses
Ctrll D, Williams. .1012 lUchmond St., and Ida
li. Qeist. 11)37 Richmond st.
Waiyl Mactiarnluk. V41U Meredith St., and
lltrj-a Senyuk. 2440 Meredith st.
Alex Zupnyk. T4T N. 24th St., and Katartyna
Todorlco, 2413 Pearl st.
Joseph W. Rappenglueck, 1418 N. Bouvler at.,
and Eva M. flitter. 1228 fihsckamaxon St.
John T. Phillips, Poccmoko City, Md., and
Ada Chambers, 024 S. 17th st.
Julius Bchenck. 830 N. Franklin st , and Lena
Yarlih, M1 N. Oth st.
lltrnsrd Iloyle. llrldgeport, I'a.. and Mary
nrady, 2238 N. 3d t.
Edward ftiul. 2U0O Alter st., and Agnes Jones,
2010 Waverly st.
William C. Watson. Montoursvllle, Pa., and
Henrietta M. Laytleld, tTankforil, Del.
Herbert Liverpool. 1700 Federal st.. and Kath-
erlnd D. Frances 1820 Latona st,
Ralph Davis. Brunswick, Md., and Eva Chaca-
kin, 2021 N. Franklin it.
Penrose D. Hnyder, 4001 Powelton ave., and
Mary C. Roberts. 4001 Powelton ae.
Joseph A. Witte. 341 Durfor St., and Laura E.
Smart. .141 Durfor st.
Lcona-d Moore, Ardmore, Pa., and Mary A.
Barrett, 2IH3 derrlit st.
Philip Goodman. 1002 Poplar St., and Olsela
Uenlamln, 1003 Poplar st.
Radcllffs T. Henaon, 4KM Germantown ava
jnrl Naomi Rlebsn. 2225 N. 29th at.
Howard Alton, Sr , 1234 South st., and Mar-
l rS.nln 1211 Mifflin st
Robert SI. llaker, 3040 Thomas ave., and
Bupnemta C. Moore, SO40 Thomas ave.
Charles tfchulu. areenwlch Point, and Marlon
Nathans, 108 Moore st.
Joicph A. Charles, Pownlngtown, Pa., and
Mary A, Yohn, Downlnstown, Pa,
Borden O Hoffman, 4777 Worth St., and (Louise
oilman. 11,1 iiuiii
sooo Dlttman st.
rfcil. 3d and Vim
If Ifnnm
Herman Kerbel. 3d and Vine sis., and Ida
Leventhal, 29U Montana st.
many styles.
$4,00 from $8 and $9 Fancy
Shoes in great variety,
$3.50 from $7 Patent Leather
Slippers, various models,
$3.00 from $5 Tan. Russia
Tennis Oxfords.
f The Daily story
For the Watson Pedigree
JlC1n'iiWC St1,"'0" without tho Wat-
in. pedlBrce? ' - Matilda Watson,
IVlu hef .moHl!!r u8Sfs! ft tour in
S?,?,. ..v . I hllhetlt unrecorded Wat-
ln .it navV ny ancestor on
rTM,i,,C,ih,ould.1th,nk thev would do
for the whole family."
"Even if they havo no coat-of-ntm"?
and never served In the nvdutlon, 2nd
uv .l!n, Testrnl . or anything
flo M w.3;.BurelyAftd gravestones '
. 2. , ;. ,8n and her daughter went
eiones lUiy lho WfttBOn Bravc
nr"Sfm,Md.aLyoU W.IU apP"clate the value
2r'i hi, C?n."C l0n8' . the mothr n
vf. ihe dBhteli and thn maybe
you will thank mo for raisin the Wat.
sons from obscurity."
Blnckflcld proved to be, besides the rail-w.';rha-,?,nn',.a,C0Up.lc
' farm "ouses. a
in t ii ' ,dlcouraglng," said Ma
tilda, looking about at the dreary -panso
of farm and. t .t!t ..' '.
8'" to do without a church-
nt5lho"fore?Vat"n "" mMns lnaulrie
"Wntson, Watson," muttered the aged
store keeper, coming out to the door to
WM-nlJ " " h0,mlht tho lost
ttm.n" ' ' B,om ne8nborlng field, "it
?l?,tlLl h.&d hcard thnt name be
n.M Ut ,hcre nothing left of Black,
field now-n-days. Borne go West, and
some go South and some go North, but
they nil go. That's certain."
"But Isn't there a churchyard some
where?" Inquired the persistent Mrs.
"Yes, thero Is n churchyard, all right,
down yonder, half hour's walk. That'
where the old settlement used to be
years gone by."
"Halt hour's walk," figured Mrs. Wat
son. Have you B carriage or convey
ance ot any kind?"
"I'vo a fairish sort of buggy."
"How soon can you let us havo It?"
"Well, I don't see as I enn lot you havr
It ot all," drawled the old man, "seeing
as I havo hired It to tho party putting
Up nt the farmhouse yonder. Somo of
thoso Tysons: they can't use It nil the
time, so maybe they'll lend It to you."
"Shall wo try?" queried Mrs. WntBOn
of her daughter. "You know how I dl.
like to walk, and I simply must seo the
"It won't do any harm to ask," sug
gested tho storekeeper.
Ho shaded his eyes with his hand and
pocrcd up tho road. "Thero they comt
In a inlnuto moro the dilapidated buggy
and horso had drawn up and nt a sig
nal from tho storekeeper had stopped be
foro the store. Tho young man In the
buggy looked peculiarly out, of keeping
In tho antiquated vehicle, and he Jumped
"Jfntldn looked up timidly."
out upon the road as If ho were
to be freo from It.
"If you want to go over to tho church
yard, I'll take you 'along now," said Mrs.
Tyson from within, "If tho young lady
docsh't.Jnlnd the walk. We are going
over to take some carbon Impressions of
the gravestones and my son Is going to
tako some photographs."
Mrs Watson did not try to conceal her
delight. "Aro you, too. Interested In
genealogical research?" she exclaimed.
The young man with the camera was
looking with an amused smile at Ma
tilda. "It's a long walk over," he ex
plained. a
Mrs. Wntson uns beaming upon him.
Her success In finding the graveyard and
an easy way to reach It had put her In
her most gracious mood. "If you really
don't mind walking," she said to him,
"I should bo delighted to take your placo
In the buggy. I'm Buro we can drive
this horse without your assistance. Per-
hnnn vnu will nf thnt mv dauirhter. Miss
Watson, finds us safely?'
With a few more words of explanation
tho party started over on their research.
"I suppose you know all about It an
cestors nnd that sort of thing?" the
young man began as he and Matilda
walked nlong the dusty road In the wake
of the old buggy.
Matilda opened her eyes wide In sur
prise and looked at him. "No," she said.
"Do you?"
"Indeed not!" he assured her. "but It's
my mother's one extravagance, so I
have to humor her. She's trying to find
some mlbslng links In the family tree
Just at present."
To Mrs. Watson the day; was one of
rare interest. She had met so she ex
plained to Matilda a woman ot rare In
sight, sympathy and discrimination,
who, like herself, was sacrificing her
own pleasure to the lasting good of her
children. But In spite of this great and
unexpected pleasure lira. Watson's day
had Its disappointment. The Watsons
didn't even have gravestones, or at
A Series of
ye x aiKs
No. 65
Our Next Talk, Wed., July 28.
By Joseph C. Ferguson, Jr.
F each disease of
the body Invariably
made Its Identity
known by symptoms
that never appeared
under other circum
stances, then we
might have but little use for
And the same would hold
true of eyo troubles. Ocu
lists would not be needed
wo would simply buy "ready
made" glasses with perfect
safety and assurance of
neiptui results.
eyestrain symptoms, how
ever, are numerous and var
ied, and none other than the
Oculist Is capable, by study
and experience, of locating
the cause of the trouble and
prescribing correct treat
ment. If glastaa are needed, take
this presorlptton to an
equally capable Dptlelan.
PitKiiptlua Opticians
W 99 HOT Jfctomlm Jfyss
from a copy
alt Hint rs-
JI.Zir? . T- vft-
Counsel to tho Federal Industrial
Commission, who was returning
to Now York on tho liner Orduna
when sho was attacked by a
German submarine. His report
determined tho President to order
an investigation.
least, If they ever did have any, they
were worn nwny past recognition.
At the end of tho week tho Watsons still
lingered. That morning nt breakfast
young Tyson conceived a brilliant plnn
whereby he might contribute to the fund
of Watson history.
"I Just thought of nn old man thnt lives
up the hill who might tell us something,"
ho -announced. "IWb very old."
"Just tho thing," 8ldncy," said Mrs.
Tyson with motherly approval.
Half way up tho hill Sidney turned nnd
looked Into tho face of his companion.
"You haven't said n word nbout ancestors
slnco wo started," he laughed.
"And unless you forco mo to I don't
Intend to begin," she answered. "At least
not until wo reach tho old man on tho
"But supposo thero Isn't nny old man on
the hill, after nl!7 Suppose I had Just
mndo that yarn up as nn excuse to get
you oft?"
"Why didn't you watt till wo had got
all the way up before you told me? Now
we' shall havo to turn around and go
back," said Matilda reproachfully.
"But we might Just happen to And an
old man up thero anyway," ho suggested,
and thdy continued their climb.
"It's a shamo to dlsnppolnt mother."
said Mntllda half an hour later as sho
threw herself down on the side of tho hill
overlooking tho surrounding country.
"But I am slnd wo came Just for this
"Ilao you so many blanks in your
family treo7" ho asked In' mock serious
ness, "Severn!." she snld, opening tho port
folio she had brought "Oh, dcarl" she
cried again ns sho tried to catch tho pa
pers that were blowing far out over tho
trees below.
"You don't care." ho assured her.
"But It was the only copy of tho Wat
son trco we had "
Sidney then drew a paper from his
pocket. He unfolded It, displaying tho
sprcndlns branches of tho Tyson geneal
ogy, nnd hamlcd It to her.
"How would that do Instead?" ho nske-l
"There Is only ono blank In our tree that
I cure anything about, and thero Is only
one name that will flit It."
Matilda looked up timidly.
"You will till it," he assured her as ho
crushed the precious paper and the girl In
his arms.
(Copyrliht. 11)15. tiy th MrCluro
Newspaper Syndicate.)
glad ' H Wfi ..v. ,1.
1 ' v V" t I
O 1 You're on the right track! v I
J 1 I J I If $ou can find use for a little i
C won't f I more fmyu ougnt io ' 1
HURT S ' 9 ' 1
POUND X&MMMB?P 1 Mayhe "yours" Toon' the falimaw JL-
Z I -maybe it rill. lAZ'
isE isH
I The Thomas B. Jeffery Company g
I ' , , will announce the 1916 Jeffery ,
II " Chesterfield Six at $1350 early in . I
I ' August. This car may now be 8
I tfW?5 seen at our shojwooms. s
I (jliWlS Jeffery Sales Company I
I pig S. E., Corner Broad anc Race Streets - I
Philadelphia Band Will Piny There
Tho Philadelphia Band will nJvft the
following: program nt City Hall PImo, tre
1. Otertur. "1812" Tsehalkowrtl
2. "Venelel and Slclllana" from "OatalWla"
innunm solo, "Ela Dream" ("L(.hen-
HierM from''' Tiis' Deg'caV student;'
tun.. ---,- . ..-....... "Wffl?"
.'....ci uraBln 10 . upFPfiua ijh
potT-ella" tMllbts
(a Fin
I hi Vnl,
iJ".'i"rc iii"rrno as is vtocne.
ilro ds Ileurcs.
je) Muilque ilM Automates.
u, i. iiymrn.
M Introduction and Value ile la roupee.
m Mareh tics Ouerrleres.
. ) Cir1a.
0, Melodl.s from "Th Girl bt Mr Dreams"
7. Vatse ill concert, "Am sthener ?(elt"
C 'The Hide of the Valkyries". ...s'lner
Moonlight Excursion on the Delaware
A "high but dry" tlmo will bo enjoyed
by many West rhlladolphlans on a moon
light excursion on the Delawnro Itlver
Under tho nusplces of tho George's Hilt
Improvement Association tonight The
three-deck ritcamboat Queen Anne, char
tered for the trip, will leavo Arch street
whatf nt 8:15 p. m. A bnnd nnd pro
tr nM singers will render a musical
The naptha, in Fels-Naptha
is not only on the wrapper, but
in the soap, and in large enough
quantity to dissolve the grease
and loosen dirt on soiled clothes,
so' that a few rubs and a good
rinsing are all that is necessary.
No need of slaving all day at the
Just as wonderful for all household cleaning. -
-fcjtl -- I-- - Hi,
Band Will Play at Belmont Mamie
The Falrmouhl Park Band will phty at
Belmont Mftnitoit tonight. Th! program;
li Orerture, "Der FrelMhoU".., ,,.tvbr
2. (a) "Dance of the firlde ef Jtouehmir ,"
(b) "Polish Dance" .Bcharwensa
a. Orsnd scenes from "Tfalltare" Vfttmr
. "FanUsle Honrrolse" Tetoul
S. Bn MtterlMl. "Sheridan's HMrt..eouta
HfnopsU: Waltlnjr for the Hufle. Th
Alfaek. The dealt ef Tholrarn. Tan
Coming of Sheridan. The Apotheosis.
"A &yNtt'n" 0M
(M Pastorate,
() The Merrymakers,
?. fa) "Beennd Maiurka" ...riAdsrd
(h) "Down on the Swanee Itet''Myddleton
8. Melodies from "Th Bunthlne flirt".. nutans
"Btar-Spangled Banner."
- ' i i i... n .
Copperplate Printers Cortvcnllors
The 23d annual convention of the In
ternational Steel and Copperplate 1'rlrtt
rs of North America opened today for
four days' sessions at the Hotel Walton.
Tho 25 delegates were welcomed by the
members of this city, anfl an address was
delivered by tho president, William
Holder, of New York. Meetings will t
held dally -until Saturday. Tho conven
tion wilt be brought to a close that eve
ning wllh a banquet at tho Walton.
. m
' H
- -j ii.
..jr.! -z
M. 14
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