pu; ,"wuMwyHJ'wr'- p ii IB. Ii H I m m BRYAN'S RACE IN 1900 BACKED BY GERMANY, NEWSPAPER ASSERTS Supported in Campaign for the Presidency Because of Anti-imperialistic Views, Story Now Related De clares. NEW YOIIK, July . The assertion that "CJerman otnclal in fluenco wag wlelcldl In fnvor o( tlio elec tion of Mr. Bryan In JMO because of nl antl-lmperialltlc views, and thnt nctlvlty ted to the ertacement nil a dlplomntliit or the German Ambassador. Dr. von IIol lebcn," Is the assertion made In n .spe cial dispatch from Washington published todny In tho Herald. The dispatch fur ther says. , ,, -Dr von Holloben In January, 1903, left New York for Germany on 'nn Indefinite leave of absenco granted because of tils lit hoalth' Two circumstances of peculiar Interost wcro reported In connection with his Journeyi first, that before leaving Washington he did not call upon Presi dent Hoosevelt to bid nil revolr, as would usually be done by a diplomatist tem porarily leaving tho country, and. sec ond, that In hlB appearance, tho Ambas sador gave no signs whatever of the Ill ness because of which the leave had been granted It was recorded also. In tho nowspapcrs of tho time, that tho Am bassndor was decidedly testy when askd to dlscuBS his trip In fact, ho refused to speak a slnglo word to any reporter during tho two days ho remained In New York before his steamship cleared "Doctor von Holleben In March. 1002, was accused by Herr Umll Wltto of having Interested himself Improperly In tjie domestic alTaim of this country dur ing tho McKlnley-Drynn campaign of 1900 At the time these accusations -wero mado Trlnco Henry of Prussia was draw ing to n closo his memorable journoy to the United States. Tho Kaiser was doing nil In his power, through this trip of his brother and in other ways, to cultivate tho friendship of the tlnltcd States Tho charges of Herr Wltto caused n, pro found sensation. Had Doctor von Hol leben been recalled at that time, and particularly had his recall been duo to any suggestion from the United States, a most critical diplomatic situation must havo resulted. However, since Herr Wltto had been an employe of the German Em bassy, and,' moreover, had In his posses sion papers which ho said proved tho activities of tho Ambassador, his as sertions could not bo Ignored. "Accordingly an Investigation was or dered by the United States Secret Serv ice. Tho Stato Department remained silent. The German Ambassador himself issued a statement in defense of his conduct, stating therein that tho Investi gation conducted by the Secret Service had shown theso charges to bo ground less." BRYAN-HOLLEBEN STORY HOUSES OFFICIALS' INTEREST No Information Disclosed or Light Thrown on Charge. WASHINGTON. July 21.-Polltlclans here expressed lively interest in but de nied familiarity with the details of a story published in the New York Herald today asserting that former German Am bassador Holleben was recalled In 1903 because ho meddled In tho 1900 Bryan McKlnley campaign to obtain the German-American vote for the former. It was explained that Holleben liked Bryan's antl-lmperiallstlc views, hoping to obtain a German coaling station in the Carlbboan. Tew officials' experiences dated so far back nnd these few sold they could throw no light on the story. State De partment attaches declared themselves Ignorant of tho rensons for Holleben's recall. Tho German Embassy would not discuss the matter. Kaiser Denies War Prophecy BEIH.1N, July 21. Official denial was made today of a report circulated in for eign countries that the Kaiser told n, del egation of German financiers tha the war would end by October. THE WEATHER Official Forecast WASHINGTON, July 21. For eastern Pennsylvania and New Jer seyFair weather and moderate tem perature tonight and Thursday; light to moderate north winds. Unsettled weather continued during the last 21 hours In the Atlantic Statos, and showers were general to the eastward of the Appalachian Mountains, with heavy amounts on the coasts of Virginia and North Carolina. Showers are reported also from Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, the Gulf coast, and New Mexico and Arizona. High pressure continues over the Interior of the country, attended by temperatures that are slightly below normal. V. S. Weather Bureau Bulletin Obiervitloni taken at 8 a. m. Eastern time. Lour ' laic Ilaln Vloc- 8tation. 8 a.m n't. fall Wind, Ity, Weather. Abllinn. Tei ,,,,08 (Kl .. NB 1 1'. Cloudy Atlantic: city ....63 (Ml .is N 4 cloudy lilamarck. N. D.,-?a U NY 4 Clear Bo.ton, Maaa... .SI K! .OS N 1'.' Cloudy Uurralo N Y .. ns SB il H.Cloudy Chicago, III. ...,.63 68 . N n Clear Cicvdiliil, O., ,. lul lit .. NB la P.CIoudy limr. Col ,M 52 .. H 4 Clear rea Maine., !..,( Sfl ,03 NW (I Clear Detroit Mich.... 03 M .. N H Clear Duluth, JJInn . 6a B-l .30 NW is P.CIoudy OalvMton Tax 7ft 7ri Mi N 13 Cloudy Harrtsbunr, Pa ..A3 ft3 .01 K H Cloudy Helena, Mont M A3 . SW S Clear Huron. 8 D ., .M BO N 4 Clear 3a kom Ilia, Fla M 7 .SO BW 10 P.CIoudy Eaivaaa Cltr, Mo.6t 63 ,. N 8 Clear . uuvllle. Ky .ttl mi . " in Cloudy rmphla. Tenn ,m N H Clear Kiw Orleans. La.M 78 .12 NB R Cloudy N.w York, K.Y .as i . B 6 Cloudy N Platte. Neb. !W M w 4 Clear Oklahoma. Okla..fl2 R8 ,, N i P.CIoudy Philadelphia. Pa.. 70 fW M BW 4 P.CIoudy Phoenix. Aria 74 74 .03 W 4 Cloudy PlttuburKh Pa. 64 IB .. E 12 Cloudy Portland. Mb ... m rift .03 N 10 Cloudy PAOand Oft mm , N 4 Clear guetwo. Can.. ..63 80 . K 8 Cloudy t 1 n ii, Ug . m M NW 8 Clear t Paul Minn 60 Ml NW 10 CWar Rilr take t'tab..W IW .. 8 8 Clear San Fmorljoo . 54 01 . W a Clear B-rai 1 Pa. H8 M BW 4 Ilaln Tmnm .. . M 'I .84 BW 4 Cloudy waamnstoa e 01 .u n 4 Clear fWnnlreg . .53 W .. W Clear Observations at Philadelphia 8 A. M. Baromtr ,., ,,.,,., 29.01 Temperature 71 Wind Bouthweat. B mllaa ?ky . ...Partly sioudy rftcli-Uatton bat 34 hours....,..,, OS Mlabnum tr'maiu're V.V.V.U',','.'."'.!!!.!!! & Maximum twa(eratur .., ........... TV Almanac of the Day budmu 7:38 p.m. Bun rlM tomorrow 4:4S lum, UlMf eOt tolUUITOW It J? a,OL Lamps to Be Lighted Aulu-l tod otnar ihlcl .. 7.40 p.m. The Tides PORT JJIi ilMOND Ldw water 8 W p.m. HUtb walr 04 p-w llo- WSlf r tot urrow 47 ft.au CM toT 1 1 1 STRBBT WHARF ijjw aif 1 9-Jt P m nlh wat.r e01- uw atfr lionow . f .9s S (u. BBKOT lAUaP. i jtrr "W p 10 1 4 3fr louj.tf'ow . 1 Jg ft u. K tr wmofivw ffRft.3. HHJ4.KWATSJt JSI LE VITTORIE ITALIANE ANORDEASUDDELLA FORTEZZA DI GORIZIA La "Przemysl delIsollzo,, Sta Per Capitolare di Fronte ai Violent! e Metodici Attacchi delle Forze Italiane. rtOMA, 21 I.ugllo. Dn notlile dl notevollsslml rlsuttntl o dcclilvl ottcnutl dagll Italian! a nord cd a sud dl Gorilla I Rtornall romant trag gono la deduilono cho o' vlclna la capl tnlarlono tlella forteiza dl dorlaln. 11 "Olornalo tl'Italla" dlco cho gll Ital lanl stanno ora vlncendo la batlnglia plu' declslva dl tutta la guerra sul fronto dcll'lsouzo, occupnndo poslilonl dallo quail Infllggono nl nemlco grandl perdltc Telegramml dalla fronllcra dlcono chn rlfuglntl gluntl In terrltorio Itnllnno o provenlentl da Oorlzla nffennano cho I'cvacuazlono dl quolla forteiza da parte degll nuntrlacl e Immlncnte. nncho perche la guarnlglono nl trova quasi senza vlverl o gin' da qualcho tempo si mantleno a vcgotall. Ter guardnrsl con tro raids aerel da parte dl Itollanl la cltta' rcsta complctamento nl bulo durum duranto la nolle o lo nutorlta' mllltari hanno mlnacclato dl fucllare qualsin3l horgheso cho tcntasso dl nprlro le sue rlnestro. 11 ponto forrovlarlo sull'Isonzo tra Ccr vlgnano c Monfalconc, tllstrutto dngll iiu--trlncl, e' stato rlcostrulto dal Oenlo Ital lano, o lerl fu attravcrsato dal prlmo treno Qlungo notlzla che It capltano nvlatoro nolla o enduto da una nltczza dl 400 pledj mentro rltornava da una rlcognlzlone lungo le llneo nustrlncho ed o' rlmasto ucclso. BUI. PARSO Telegramml da Udlnc dlcono cho tuttl ooloro che rltornano dal fronto dl linttng lla affermano cho la battaglla lmpegnatn. sul Carso o" dl vasto proporrtonl. Gil Itnllanl hanno a loro dlsposlzlono forro assolutamento prepondernntl, ma data la natura del terreno cssl non possono splegare pin' dl qurtttro rornl il nrnntn per volta, cloe" circa 1C0.00O uomlnt, men Ire gll ntistrlaci hanno il vantnggio dl occuparo posl7lonl naturalmcnto fortissi mo o reso aneho plu' fortl dnllo operc cho vl hanno costrulto, poslzlonl cho sono quasi Imprcndlblll sla con 11 bombarda mento cho con rnssalto. Qucntn c" la raglono per cul l'avanzata degll Itallanl c' lento. SI ticdo che questa ripreea dl nttlvlta' degll itallanl, cho costa loro grand! sac rlll7ll, ' dovuta nli'accordo rec"'o en cliibo dal gencrale Torro nclla sua vlslta a Parlgl cd al fronte franceso In fattl le truppc Itnllnnc dovrebbcro dlh trarre verso le Alpl II mngglor numero pnsstbllo dl for7e nustrlacho per nllcg gerlre la presslone contro lo forzo rusBc SI dlco cost' che I'nrclduca che dlrlgo lo operazlonl sul fronto Itallano ha ora nl euul ordlnl un millono dl uomlnl, ma In sisto presso II suo govcrno per nvcrno nn cora mezzo millono per potero prondoro roffenslva contro gll Itallanl cd Invaders l'ltalla. L'ATTACCO GENEItALE. Sembra che la grondo battaglla Impcg natn nI settore plu importanto del fronto italiane sla molto vlclna alia huh fese declslva. SI tratta delta battagllu sut flume Isonzo Gll Italian! stnnno cs eguendo ora 1'ntUcco generate su dl un fronte dl 75 mlglla, da Tarvls alia costa dcll'Adrlatlco. Nel settoro settentrlonale, cloe' tra Malborghetto e- Caporctto, la battaglla o' nccessarlamento rldotta alia sola artl gllcrla dl grosso callbro, sla perche' non vl e' la posslblllta' dl splegamento dl numerose truppo e sla percho' gll Italian! si trovano dl fronto a fortlflcazlonl cho devono essere tidotte al stlenzlo. Pero', sla In qucsto settore come In qucllo dl Gorlzla, che si consldera come la Prze mysl del fronto Itallano, 11 gencralo Ca dorna ho reallzzato notevoll progressl del quell per ora non e' permesso parlaro. Infattl gll Italian! hanno occupato nu merosl puntl dl grande Importnnza, cho rer II momento pero' costltulscono sol tanto la via aperta oll'avanzata gencrale. 11 successo plu' Importanto ottenuto dagll Itallanl o" pero l'avanzata sull'ol toplano del Carso, ad est dl Sagrado Ivl si svolse lunedl la battaglla cho duro' per tutta la glornata, o gll Itallanl fecero aanzare grandl masse dl fanterla, lo plu' grandl flnoro implcgoto nella Italo austrlaca. Police Court Chronicles Honesty has always been advocated by Edward Jones, although he Is a hobo. The only thing ho ever tried to take was a bath, and for that he was arrested. Jones believes In good sanitary condi tions among homeless wanderers, and to carry out his policy practically he strolled Into the dispensary of tho Women's Homeopathic Hospital and picked hla way through long corridors to one of tha bathrooms. Tho glistening white tile and the rigid cleanliness all about strength ened his ambition to be clean and ho started to shed his clothes. But he had not proceeded very far when an employe discovered him and told him to cut It. "I'm surprised to hear there's any Tl rules agin' people tryin' to bo clean," uald .Tones. But the quick arrival of Policeman O'Neill ended further argument, and the ambitious bather was taken to the 20th and York streets station. "It's too bad that there's a law agin' bathln'," said the prisoner, "You can't wander In anywhere you please and take a bath," said Magistrate Orells. "I suppose I'll have to wait 'til there's a raeetin' of the board of directors," said Jones, "an' let them vote on It." But the humor didn't appeal to the Judge, and as the prisoner was Inclined to bs disagreeable, ha was held in 300 ball to ktp the peace. Say ZuZti to your grocer man and get a spicy, gingery feast, 5, SX NATIONAL P BISCUIT VCOMPANY f;...., ; Xr4tLA'sfiaByY il z2fflttl2: r J Biuiii-i- F-Rmmroic mfffi EJVENIlsia TrcnttttnpmLAPELIIHA. WlD "TABLE d'HOTE TREE ir i'tit rr r m ;r 'i i .' is . it,&a& Kvd (ZM A 9'a5r5' Jkvw i Prof. IL G. waiters, of Lnnghornc, nnd his peach tree, which bears Krafts as follows: Two of apple, three of rose, two of cedar and ono C.ICh OI IlcmiOCK, DinCKUUiiy, BECKER'S FINAL PLEA FOR LIFE NOW BEFORE GOVERNOR WHITMAN Ex-Police Lieutenant, Con demned to Die Next Week, Makes Appeal to Man Who Convicted Him. NirV YORK. July 21. Charles Becker ficnt his llnnl appeal to Governor 'Whitman last night. In It ho related In dotal! his work as a gambllns crusader and described his relations with "Big Tim" Sullivan, Larry Mulligan, Her man Rosenthal, former Pollco Com missioner Ilhlnelandcr AVnldo'and others whoso names havo been brought Into his case. Becker's account of his activities as head of tho "strong arm sauad" when Herman Rosenthal was murdered covers moro than GO typewritten pages nnd Is divided Into two parts. The first part ho wroto In thJ death houso after the Court of Appeals refused to grant him a thlid trial. The second ho told last week to his chief counsel, W. Bourlto Cockran. Attnched to Becker's own story of tho events that led to the killing of Rosen thal Is a copy of the appeal which Mr. Cockran submitted to United States Su premo Court Justice Hughes. The former pollco llcutcnnnt bcltbves that by throw ing himself on tho mercy of tho Governor ho may yet bo saved from tho electric chair. "Becker Is ready to die. Ho docs not ask favors of any one, but he wants to prove his Innocence," Mr. Cockran said. "He did not expect to mako public Ms story at this time. In fact, he wanted It to bo left until after hla death, but wo lesolvcd that he should not go to tha elec tric chair while, such a statement lay In our olllce. Tho stories of Charles Becker and of Jack Rose of the events nnd Becker's participation In them which led to tha murder of Ilcrmun Rosenthal aro as un llko as white and black Becker doos'not deny Tloso'n essential statements one oy one, although ho denies thorn as a whole. Some of them ho does not deny. He docs not deny having met Herman Rosenthal at tho Ulks Club tho Now Year's evo before tho murder, although ho says ho did so unwillingly, and left as soon as he could. Ho docs not deny having had close relations with Hose, Al though ho says he used Hose as a stool pigeon and as a procurer of stoolplgcons. He ndmlts that he and Mrs. Becker called at Rose's home, but Bays tills was to talk over with Roso a contemplated raid. Becker denies that he himself lent Rosenthal $1500 on a chattel rnortgage. Rose has said that was Becker's reason for not raiding Rosenthal's gambling house, Becker says that Rose lent Rosen thal tho money. Roso never mentioned Big Tim Sulli van's name In tho case, Becker said that iBIg- Tim had (12,500 Invested In Rosen thal's place, and that he failed to raid Rosenthal because of Big Tim's state ment that Waldo had been "fixed." Reeds Semi-Annual Repricing Sale of Finest Ready-to -Wear Clothing Our Men's and Young Men's Clothing, which is -originally priced at fair and moderate figures, presents VCty exceptional opportunities to purchasers at the extremely'low markings in this Semi-Annual Sale. All the goods are made on latest approved models, are of seasonable, high grade fabrics and tailored in the heat possible manner. Mens " Suits Jacob ,eeds Sons 1424-1426 CHBSTNUT STREET f laHum HMir, S V. M. tract ' vr wxsFt?&wttwfM,zimt'Bfi'j4Lr;jy.7&."-T'AS . . . . . mac, jjiuui uiiu wiiuviji. EXPERT IN PLANT LIFE MAY SEEK NEW FIELD Prof. Walters, of Bucks County, Contemplates Mingling School and Research Work. Prof. Henry G. Walters, Instructor In, tho philosophy and psycho-physiology of plant life, of Langhornc, Bucks County, Pa., Is out for tho new olllco of Assist ant County Superintendent of Schools Two weekly newspapers of that county aro with htm In tho fight, and tho pro fessor thinks Bucks County ought to let him have tho Job and glvo him tlmo to do his research plant work for tho glory uf Bucks Into the bargain. "Tho Pcnroso-arundy group fight nio to tho last trench," say Professor Walters. "If If If being Assistant Superintendent of Schools docs not interfere with my plant research work. It would prove of help to me. My claims aro I am an Instructor In tho philosophy and psycho physiology of plant life, method of Will iam James, L. It. C , etc." Tho professor has numerous other claims. For Instance, ho has written moro books on science, philosophy and pootry than any other man In Bucks County. A partial list of theso books which the professor has written, accord ing to his letter head, under ratrlouP, "nom do plumes" may' bo found 6W"tho totter head. Also thb professor says ho has done moro In advanced botanical way for Bucks County than any man In Us history. Professor Walters gTafts all kinds of strango plants on other plants at his Langhorno home. Ho (A tho originator of tho "tablo d'hotol tree" Tiow growing on his place and producing various kinds of fruits nnd other edibles. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA Vessels Arriving Today Str. Crown Point (Dr.), London, Trangatlan ttc Line. Str Delaware, Now York, merchandise, Clyde Stoumjhip Company. Htr Conrad Molir (Nor.), Androsaan, ballast, Joseph C. Gabriel. Schr Hnrold"H Couiem, St. John, N. D, A. D. Cummins &. Co. Steamships to Arrive rncjciHT. Name. lrom. Sailed. City of Bombay Calcutta Juno It Lanla .Copenhagen ....June 13 llftlow Iluelva JuneSO llorcland CardlR July - Narvik Nan Ik July a Klruna .Narvik July 4 Atlantic Sun Liverpool July U Maine ... London July U Joaquin Mumbru Pamas July 0 London ,.Las I'almas ....July It Dlonyenlos Stathalls ...Balboa July 11 llamuoy Iluelva July 1J Mar Mediterranean ....I'alamon July 11 Upo Mendt .ARua Marga ...July 13 Dakotan ,.,.Hl!o ....July 14 Texan Crletobal July IS Waverley Port Talbot ....July la Manchester Mariner ...Manchester . ...July IB lleckenham 11a I boa July 111 Ilanan I'ort Antonio . , July la Vulcan .. , ........ .Teneririo July IT TENTS lo HIRE ALL SIZES Water Proofing BERNARD McCURDY Phone 110 NORTH NINTH STBEET REGULARLY ARE REPRICED $25,50 $23,50 $19,50 $15.50 $13,50 $35,00 $30,00 $28 & $25 $22 & $20 ,$18.00 Saturday., 13 Nooa NBSDAT. JTTLY ZAPATISTAS AGAIN OCCUPY MEXICO CITY Convention Forces Re-enter Capital Following Evacua tion by Carranza Forces. WASHINGTON, July 81.-Tho Zapata. forces aro again In full power In Mox lco City, Having returned to tho capital on Sunday afternoon upon the heels uf tho sudden evacuation of that place by tho Carrnnro 6rccs Under command of Genoral Tablo Goniatcs. News of tljo reoccupatlon reached tho Stato Depart ment In a dispatch from Senor Cnrdota, the Braslllan Minister. Secretary Lansing soldi "The department Is In receipt of ad vices from Mexico City stating that tho Woouatlon of tho city is complete. 'Za pata men occupied tho city Sunday and appointed some authorities. They arc, therefore, again In full power. However. It Is stated that tholr actions lndeate a dcslro to maintain order. President Chnxaro and tho Convention st Govern ment havo not yet returned. Commenting on tho evacuation, Senor nllsco Arrcdondo, Carronza's agent here, said "Tho movement In force out of Mex ico City under the command of General Pablo Gonzales has been projected for several days. This movement wns kept secret, nnd although I have known sinco Saturday that It was In prospoct, Its im portant chnractcr as a military move ment necessitated silence on my part thnt tho enemy might not bo apprised of l.s Intention. "Now that tho movement Is under wny, I am free to say that Gcnornl Gonzales forces havo left tho capital for tho pur poso of meeting nnd destroying n raiding movement to tho northward of the city bv ono of tho Inferior forcci of Vllln. This force had Its baso near SUao. Ado qunto provision for tho prcscrntlon of .order In Mexico City has been made, and immediately tho present operation Is enp turcd, which should rcqulro only R fow das, tho military force wilt return to Mexico City, whero General Gonzales will re-establish headquarters'." Ofllclals In Washington nro awnltlng with considerable Interest tho result of tho prospectho clash between tho Cnr rnnza forces and tho Villa flying column commanded by noyes nnd Plerro. Pres ent Indications ato that tho battlo will be fought somewhero In tho vicinity of Pa chucn. Should tho Villa troops defeat Gonzales, It would not only strengthen tho military position of tho Vllla-Zapata combination, but would Indicate nil In herent weakness 4n tho military position of Cnrrnnra. Secretnry Lansing wns notified today that "rnllroad communication betweon Vera Cruz nnd Moxlco City Is suspended on nccount of tho present military oper ations." Any time anywhere Oneeda Biscuit Breakfast, luncheon, dinner, supper or any time between. At home, away, at work, at play with milk, with- cheese, or any thing you please. Five cents. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY J il'gllllFI I II III .1 JJg , m $ Ka V l UnoocJa Biscuit il j A GITATORS proclaim that a Prohibition law can be en r forced, and it can in certain particulars not to the tax payers' liking. Prohibition would (based on Government figures) wipe out industries, employment, and enormous Government revenues. Merely in Pennsylvania alone a Prohibition statute would P ONFISCATE and make useless liquor manufacturing in- dustries in which there was invested in 100D (last Census report) $150,352,000. THRIVE OUt Of emnlovmnt mnnu thnninnilo nt tmU.J XJ workmen in the manufacture and sale of alcoholic bev Licensed Spetkta&sy HI I I r ' I I I :.lmllJllJljiiijJ: fJUT it is a FALLACY -' indulgence in drink. traffic from licensed and regulated dispensaries, to illegiti- mate dispensers of alcoholics. QFFICIALLY and theoretically, for instance, Georgia is x- a Prohibition State. But when mobs recently swarmed the streets of Atlanta (as reported by the Associated Press), threatening vengeance upon Governor Slaton because he commuted the death sentence of Frank, charged with mur der, officials of that city ordered 2200 Baloons closed until the tumult had subsided. Ordered 22QQ salopns closed mind you, in Prohibition Georgia I ' W 21, 1916, U. S. CAVALRY TllOOfS ARRIVE AT MT. GRETNA Hegulnr Army Men Will Instruct Guard in War Game. MOUNT GRETNA,. Pa., July 21. - Two troops of the 6tH United States Cavalry arrived hero shortly before noon today, completing nn overland trip which began last Thursday morning at Fort Myer, Vn. Tho trip wag made by easy stages, tho troopers spending the nights In shelter tents at various points nlong tho route. Immediately on tholr arrival here .they erected thi canvas, which had been sent hero from Fort Myer In chargo of a de tail of eight tfoopers, nnd prepared to re main 10 days In tho instruction of tho Pennsylvania, Maryland nnd New Jersey guard troopers In tho working out of n war game. The mllttla cavalrymen, with the except tlon of tho Governor's Troop, are expect ed In camp Friday evening. Tho Harrls burg command wilt make the Journey ovcrlnhd early Saturday morning. Colo nel W. E. Wilder, of the United States Cavalry, who will command tho camp, Is expected to como here thh everting, hav ing been dqlayed In Washington. I,.1 CIIAKLT0N TKIAL IN FALL Nearly Half of Witnesses Hnvo Gone to Front. ROME, July 2L That Porter Charlton's heating on tho chargo of murdering his wife, now expected In tho fait term of court, Is likely to bo largely n matter of reading depositions, became ovldont to day with tho departure for tho front of threo moro carbineers who wero wit nesses at tho preliminary hearing. This makes tho number Df ottlclnls connected with the Charlton ense who havo gone to tho front moro than half tho whole num ber Involved Charlton will face almost an ontlrcly now set of court ofllclals rsusmsass TOP This young man can tell you Manufacturing distributor! of Card and filing systems. Unit cabinets In wood and steel. M. W. MONTGOMERY, Manager 910 Chestnut St., Philadelphia If h n 'i i MktWHJmmrtuimmr'. m 'mm aCtS Versus Fallacies FACT is a real state of things. FALLACY is an appar ently genuine but really illogical statement or argument. accomplish the following results: erages, as well as in the allied branches of trade. ATITHDRAW from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and from this State's counties and municipalities a yearly revenue from taxes on liquor interests of $6,110,149, when nearly all these Governments are now financially em barrassed to meet annual expenses. TT IS an undeniable FACT that a Prohibition law would A be highly successful in bringing about the destruction and losses above outlined. to dalm that Prohibition law Btops Such ban onlv transfers tVin linijnn Philadelphia Lager Beer Brewers ITh next artieU will appear Saturday, AGED NEGRO FOUND DEAD J IN BED WITH SKULL CRUSHED J Whitfonl Police Seek Couplo who Lived With Dead Man. WEST CHESTER, Pa., July 21 -Thos. - tk vonrft. tteero. of Whltfnr ki. county, was found dead In his home last 3 ovenlng with his skull crushed nnd many wounds about the head. Tho police aro A looking for Edward Berry and wife's negroes, who hod boarded with Jones un- A til a ie w" o-. -"- " mu now missing. ... Tho house had been ransacked thor oiilv. but Jones Is not known to hm. had much money. It Is believed by the 3 police mm no """ rwneu louowing a quarrel with tho former boarders. Sugar Wafera aro a treat served as a confection or with nny dessert. Chocolate flavored throughout. NATIONAL BISCUIT, COMPANY I a nits 4?r AM0LA all about the L. B. Automatic Index in ten minutes. Then you'll understand why it is the quickest, most accurate, most practical method of filing why it is so far ahead of every other. All kinds of businesses, large and small, have adopted the L. B. "Automatic." They have proved It out, and their ex perience is good reason why you should investigate it. Visit the Library Bureau salesroom now and see it work. This is the time for you to put your filing on a right basis for fall business. Our catalog, "Automatic index vertical filing," will be helpful shall we send It? 1 I ureaii Effects ot Prohibitum Idle InuU5trle& Idlo Workmen . No Revenue rrffi3 . PTMHimTTinM - i GEORGIA Orders Stdoons Closed ll UNTIL i Mob Tumult Subsides 'ismsaejEEi fcS5Ci -1WJ5 stB'MW Hfwn Association July 34th) SlmS 1 i 3 14 m m l i ,-a 'i