It WAN ED "MALE "Wnnfri ft(OflO!l IfO-lled ll" . .... rlf.. P..MI.. r.atrta. f" ..i r . ..... .1.. ..... F7a- IA' r 1 rTM.p (lof i"o a..i,o . ... .Iirji 1 i Qda"'1'" '' ,.j. . f ,nd plant with drair line f,r-i reqmren n. itr rruiF) MAIIJJfl OPBRATOR, ,,! he capable of tdklfi n- en Ap. (IT movio urpnrmiciu, Ttnt Trust RulldlJBj. sar.FS WAHAanii .. Li silling "?,.. ""?'! XL"1..? RAMrtV font, imoin, bj ep vi fefKH- i im. t.dKtr Centra . SIU"'- , . ,. .,... ... .xeercaslv, Intelligent linn in oal mleemen r .."W I on Auto- Ledger Office. If nat.,. ror , temporary poaitifji 'fti !,?rt 1" wi applicant must be 'and emirate, salary $12. ApMy mM- Etrh , WBirfatpwn, f, J, excellent oMractef teceftlly fSrJllred tfom the Marine rine uai veptinuai liwucrinoiim aim per- ,h trad men Who (AH duality, al inducements ar . i..h irAdd men wnn rnn n Bftudi'. tlvln full prtlcuiAr, fort ofn. Briint, voung man n, MtptmAhi kBiil'l' tdge ur furniture nuAineM IVO'I ftll'AnV JQIlllOU -I-- r'' ... ...ii. . ana otfDor- hJnr-mnt Andrraa r. O. llox BTOJI, I ' ... Slrt pan"" t"5'' factory, rename mnn BftltBOnPr, Ulll u.uruciiLtu mail 111.11 Him ePPlv. I. 2, htigtt Of- . . ..T.k uul.. a.lM.l.n.iul ..!.. .silt. 3 Sit-flaas cupola tender) i accustomed till, warn. m, fis. tj m, L-cu. y. Ek or'.oppOrtTUNt tn-V In nlwa nt tv Udrr fentrAl. where Mr. Hunt will . ,f yeu the eo-nperatlon given Led ii-ri In Hearth of good poUI6na. lira 111 urMit-.i v. er write for f reo R' wrne tor ireo di unitv- U te'la you now to secure tans. tlentrnl Each oi' .to diuvb any auto. n 90 villi HIHIl ,JUUi 'IS rnoro will llnlsh you, fjjotary inibllc-fleorge R... Bit tier -.nip llrpntn. trVAnD OP IMITATOnS. fu- ua flrat-we will explain. ffii to 1S1B Qprlncuarden et. . Bjali Open BYenlngB and Sunday. .hvlo PiCTUnn OFEnATiNo- tlbod, chort term, small tuition; call srm, small tuition; call Keyatonn School, 1U10 explain e rhlla. HONE WANTED EEMAIiB ;pfift and tynlstl 3 years' exp.j will irfn. O Iff. ledger Central, !',W0HK artd aa-ls't -with olilldten or vu Bin i autn at, rounc Proteatant jclrli will duties, P 418, Ledger Office. ifus'a 'capable ot taking charge of jCTtrtrcnOea. 8ini u at. ,-Mt'erl-ncfd, ibe aut bllla to assist bookkeeper two lays'n ween, J8, fiBrtnch, 600, W, Lehigh. Infant's nurae , uia.jmi.t ivmr r minora proferred, 1IU3 . iltll at IKDIP., food baker, wishes , position; horjr. H 61. -Ledger 'central.. downstairs work; Bwed, PfotT bile Ledger, Wed.. 10 ft. m. iawor from New York desires o-w n'ts; eatla'tlou guar. Walnut. OK1. A'LNCBD chambermaid or waitress xi-,; oeBt rer. noom aro. imager on. UFA'CF.D' English nurse wUTIcn caro of : rer, r iiu, Leqger otnea, KEEPER- -Lady aa rtanagtng likfir. In tSuan't, hoi tie; refa. na lb tr and 21. Dr., 1700 Ml. Vefnon ESV0RK- Colored 'girl -wlshea general can iz.i vision hi. 8T(l;NUnS& exp.i''take' entire chargo; jneprei r tilt, uffager uiiicey elilD Qermaq Protestant clrl, epeak stlllh; rood needlewoman) clty,auburbt iui. tP flBi Ledger Office. rjaiu-Rinflrtenr.ed ,( . l.v 4.. 1 jiimneiiteii vuimcu nuin.tu, by day IBM South 21st at, lfU .IT., iQlKo Wpr., Proteatant; public or prl.J rt cltyitf. 0034 remberton at. toexp. colJrM girl dealree general work xing. ynqne uaring iou. SE, UMtUaesd, wishes, position, or light ftttUg Votx.' TT.J820, Ledger Omce fuUDLE white- woman, cooking, downstatra rJiawBritCtam. 3S0J. 182T Alontgomery. ?3fcrytflTftiegrapher dea. change"; thoiv ithtrtnpWi can handle correspondence; full .-i oeao rera. u azi iea. on. AFIIHR. -WODld lit- nottl7r n,h.r ana accuracy would be , appreciated ijalary; reference,, H Spi. Leddg! ,1-iiii.ti, exp., quick at figures. Lot hkpg Q P4T, Ledger Central, PIP!H. PalWn vrnHBlrf, llhr LeducatM , capable, a 950, Led.Cen. StlPJinn. hleh school ttrndllfn. nHI. WWIIIns workej- 0 048,LedgerOff, liRAPlTr.n. rl , lfnnl, . 'hl. iQalary, Phone Buruca 6352, gKiaAPllEn, 8 years' exp.) capable, ac-l pfflpla, II 142, Ledger Central.' RAVjier, high sohboiTgrad. ! silent substitute. H 44, Mdg6r Central. PIIER, rapid typist! accu. tran- lured; mod. eal. O 052. Ledger Off. wish positions; one as cook, other arse cnamoermaia: rorerencen'. irersrred, B 827, Ledger Office. xert 02 yeara, desires position a housekeeper for widower or centHi 'to other servants aro kept; highest II 40, Ledger Central. Stenographers, I naln tt fttitr bookkeepers, clerks. y kind can be secured rl.1,11 n,ndVltn,nr nl Witt . Commercial antral. Write VMIr nAa tn "MInm T tflleohone ber nt Wnlniit nnn nnri Servlee will hA rmnAArmti Yn.i will !idlV rnilla M k..hJll..lA 1 Atrm ilUaa good place to find. one. Tills is to imager adrertlaers. WH0UB WAITED MALE j , . ... K ACCOUNTANT ' Eii? KfleS tnanavar urmAli m4m mmJ book book 'llltyl r .-,-- d,"w, n,,u KiT:i'r? ..position, executive , lM.!J full charxe of ofncei Ion executive anil Bl viincr employer: nKnei heat reference! 'ndsry cons'. O- WS. ne t'JI. O 649, ,ea, .oent, NT TO HALES MANAOEU USio, with practical Inside and road ft..3esJr'? ("onneetlon with manufac IMgLedgerJentral. t ?PER. thorouihlv un.. will aurilt Pn, close an wrlto up books day , ...u, term. i out. 4iuHi:r uium. BQTS-BOYrf nfrgetlc, bright BOTB.and who come under our tare are fcvall.ble far oince ,. hop tVork; NOiOHARCIBS. JLB WOnKEnS' BUREAU WtlJ AHUM Race 8307,, fipruce 614T. ArBl..tKa n..ntinl. Blon in hotel or fartorvi ' daalree good ref- 8n, oienclden, Del. Co. ra. . French, freaks English; care- . tnethanlo. npfem aaaA honi to Slfoort reference, o alii. Led. cent me. hanlc, y whoreou ku u:l; j ' . - vz h". -j f nu requires 1st -eifti ISS s Lad service, cr 1entlal. U Ml. Pent. B I edl b' BtiaHaiipb, amA vb! ; Dlae. K. Roder. SB24 Albert at. Liinrl manhanln aaamrl l.a SB. r " a?-asj.v'- ejlltW U1"BI b?r8- best ref. Q 158. Led. Cent. -oinale, reliable bl rf. . go M 3l 1BC.,: -;-.-i:"- a i. i. -Mb.i, t yeui-M fltuiral eaxntirU PAi t Ion. nr mil ( rt v.m.1 mnnav mou. n asarrrflgerMBfftae. leilad. with soma knuirlsde-a of . position. It Lad. m t. ,l'u rr?cti axpefisnc- drlrfs-B. tinA Uigur "nTf eiijrlnr Aa? wtjrkj refer- ra4uale" ll'nl eanarlB& I preferred-Oi marcui eoargQ j BoH, Pai tfslr Cdli, atlOIK'Baarf dljalltl bOaliTAn aa ...11. .' ""W, tc S f, Ud Cent' "ir'A1! KaiMt:H wvmu n mifirin nnlluai lexefTiiMirute. Ifl ' also yean' ui ! position lth a trdf. I 40, ledger export ,$? ft4 f '"" lught- I akrchitaicte, enliiMrs, bulldwe i . Lodger Cmiiat iii.-H'0 cSi i !'! jjood ad Uly desire n, .h,r " Adjr H .ii', i,i i in" llllu to -i ruHr i Uer i f die. . 1 I . 113. d, Al rer- y- , - ll ei.U tmlili "i-J ,ixji spluiM,u e, ! iVl.tial J "' i man. S4 eaia is ,,.,ileii, Ai ruj. 0;ft.. fia I o n " "t He f" X SITUATIONS WANTED-MALE ? Abmim 7 rAf'1 '? "" D"-' " ' TRAFFIC M 'J0MAqn-ard!iii com me led In Interstate .1.- --.41. " ju nana hx Ka-araa.." iss:.. IripMrlAn; b-am.1 jiiLSirum pwmahfflt only. ri at 3, irtli?t I2.J.nf7T needing a rmrtr whn can nhow r.. KtffT1l! traveling salesman, H il l-lnr ill. ' KIH.-PQRW rrierenee. or dge-r Centil. hrYr ii .ifil1.1!!' --atl6n and experl- eaUrt- bm" 11 WJ?Vl 9llnctone! Urite J!eger Office ,m,n"iu" """alderatlen. n Mi, "uiSSdiuC"! iw7'MWtlu 19 .tor. 5J '!? rrlerice In retail e-ek niMli. J?'11"' ahlpper, eto.. r5fi-.ntSf"i2.1Jw.'!h Kr?ter poeelbl lllea; beet YOtJNcJ MAM, ae SJ rVar..".'U.iiinn ne i-ir mm .1.1-. -'--"."" .-.". ,t....1 "'- S'J'Vfr,. o Ahlpperi 6 yeara' experleneej v.v.cilUB. U 6BT, Ledier Central. hit-.N?.i,.iNt. ? (,flr" roaltlen In automo f!S.twtt'.tW -Ce''"Ai. reference. SM. B-.I LiiuiiHii. aui; ftrnnurnpn n ta . iuiniA, 27, with Tyre, uufUMiN, 27, With T' ence, clertoaf or aata I i.1 bilefneaa exorU l 0) Ledger C-niral. 1',lf-.,- J.'i ..ll . .. ivy.iv- AH,.l-lin -1-anllA ractleat banklnir exp., a Birre executive position. O S4T, Ledger Cent. AVTOMOBIIiES ciiAurpnurts , OlIAUPKEUrta In nntt-liiliitf nrl ,Ml,ln Complete courae mi r ISth et, roplar fl2, for Hale fond., ayTP. iy N. Mdii, Plarrtond lltT W FOnBALB-tt-paaienger Iludaon alx. l'oi Tl ltlAr.liA.rMinffBp fli.AMn i 4n In. h. . built;, at n (Aeriflcoi neW. Fiek tires all ;i?!"iS condition nerfect. Can b ecn at 4SI2 C l-Btllllt nt. Nn gui JfOH HALfi-0O.;i. K Knox IXaceaboi aceabouti ver: fast, a rare bsraaln. t'nn us aeen at Arrant st.t Oermnntown, 1914 FORD touring. toillbned with new 1fl1!t bodyi atreol, bargain At !T, Apply 1827 Filbert AUTO LXVEBY AND GAIlAaE3 PACKAIITJ limousine to hire, trip, dAy or week, owner will drive. mui won ai.i pnona Bell, Dlcklnaon 88S0 W, TO 111R13 LIMOUSINE AND TOUniNd CARS, Phone, T(loga 3300 W. TO 1IIUB Fine llmoualnea "and""tourlng cars. Call Harrison Oarage. Fkd, SOS or Eaat 230. , i AUTO BEPAIEINQ ,, ;i i I J.' Il, LENAIITZ, expert on American and for eign car. Fully equipped machine shop. workgunranteed, Overland car a specialty. , Rates rtaa. 3918 N. 16th at Tioga 6033, BUSINESS OPPOHTUNITIES ilOVlN'O PICTURE MANUFACTURINO CO.. .with studio and excellent equipment, desires to dispose of a portion ft the capital stock for the, pUrposo of Increasing Its ooutputl this Is' a sound going business with no ' tjlablllileai would consider ohe Individual will. -vIng o Inrcst'flO.OOij. IJ 300, Ledger Office. GOOD OPPORTUNITY to securo halt Interest with manufacturer of new advertising specialty; must liavo ability to take charge of business end and sales force, 1, 400, Led ger OHIco. UUSINKHS'MAN wonts party with $6000 to Incieose .oreaent business. Address Cleveland, 1332 N. llcdfley. West Philadelphia. CARPET CLEANING .WEST PIIILA. Monnrch Storage Co. Auto and pack ing and shipping. 8870 Lancaster ave. 'cleaning and deinq OSTRICH FEATHEnS AND FANCIE3 UbUAnc,u, iJlvtu iHAAUiiUA, juiv .neBinui DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERV HEMSTlTCIIINtl don while yoU iwalt. A. ltolchard. 1113 Chestnut. Pictorial Review pat. DRESSMAKING taught! short, prac. course. MacDowetl, UOT Denckla Bldg,(llth & Marky. EOR SALE CIClAJt storo and contecllonery business! best location, main street, good reason for selling: ' pi Ice reasonable. J. A. Van Sickle. 881 - Mbln St.. Htroudsburg, Pa. . lllLlilAKIJ. DOOl eomblnatlon. 2d-hand bought. sold, rented, oxC! :h'd. Heater, S20 Qlrard ave, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS T A. M. DADDY WALKER II P. M. Uuya all records, exenangss all. Be. Bell Victor double-face; Soc, 3 for $1. " 2J32 lltdgo ave., nboVe Columbia, STORAGE WEST riULA) Monarch Storage Co. Auto and pack ing and ehlpplng. DSI0 Lancaster ave, ROOMS EDR RENT ARCH, 1320 (St., Paul Housel Nicely furn. rooms; noi yater, ruiyn w""m,i m up. ARCH, 1012 Newlv- (urn., running water all rooina. pain; inm i wwji,jii. UALTIMORE, AVE.. 371T-Nlcely furnished front rooma; gentlemen. Woodland. 42-I-1-1. CHESTNUT, 3444 Two -attractively fufnT rooma; communlcatlngj all coma. ;pnqne. CORINTHIAN AVE., e53-lat and 2d floors. unfurn. alt conyfcj terma reasonable; phone. ijlAMONO. 1603 Large, second front, nicely lUmiUnrU, BUHHUIP 1U t''"-' ic. runt ai.mia QEItMANTOWN, Wayne ave.. 63i8-Dellght-rul. cool robmt roasocable: phone Otm 22dl. PQWELTON AVE., 8327 Large, cobl front rooms; , permanent or traiiaienl! conv. to "L" I phone; Photo at Ledger Centraii . t SPRlJfilt HIT Two Weil.furn, efront" rooms. single or communioaung. xainui im v, gPHt'CE, 1137. N, E. cor. I2th Delightfully cool, modern Uiouoe; good location: entire lloor with prime bathj also sing e rooms) furnished! unfurnished. Phone Walnut 8119. SPRUCE. lftiT Iirge airy apartment, 2 or 4 rooma with bUualfoslnglo .jwmifl SPRUCE, 2023 Desirable furnished rooma; private uns summar rules. xji;usb iuim .,. WAINUTt 3125 Chwjrrul, furnished, rooma) POrill DOUBC, IBItyUUIIB , I..WI. M.v ... WALNUT. 0003 -Nely furnished room, prl- vato: family; convenient to three car lines. 15TII, S., 311 Two attractive front rooms) 2d floor; single or communiciuinK; piiooe. ITCH. N., "USO-Handsomely funiiabed rooms !ii refined private home; board optional; all conveniences; phone service. itTII. N., 1432-Cool, well-furn.bedroom.slttlng ttMinVjiryalg rorchi other vaeanMwi phone, iStII N.. 230 Second and third Iront sultfal -.-L' -.-,- .An... a.,m,nM rittaM. . also' jOTIl, summer rat aim -iiign. i..... -- j JiV. n . L.- in-rii N 3S8 (corner 10th and rlel BrlKI Ill, well furti.J gentle- r-rnt -n,ginrv inuii luviti m&n; 8 mlns. from Tioga Sta, TlQgnt ;a Bi- -11 D. 40T1, N.. 82-DllghtIul vaoaneiea; liwfii excec table; near L. Baring 21 porch, 58 W. BbtII, H 111 tticartlonslly isrge furn.d- in oryroom; prl v. fsm.; all conv.; negrtLi pH. 62d and Ransom IMrnlsoed rooms; men only; rnealai WF.HT BRANCH shower baths PiUp all the Y. Jf, C. A. wun'wta of liproe. pnone ii- rpont 4a8LKjy, 381 COMFORTABLY furnished rooms, si gentlsiaaa; 10 mluulM to City HA liable far l private fmllx. ukilna ma L. Photo at L I. Cent. nicely furo. front rom. for . ' -- .,,!- i.W i . -a.---" T i sum. irw iwm., ii -. ""'i.xr to 60th and Market. Belmont Kg 8 FURNfSHBD pom. rm lee; private bam. Phoi and bath; hotel aerv- hone poplar 18T !- IV. Atlantla City, N. J. reference excJuiagx! BOARDINO CHESTNUT .4IV-Urj airy rooms; all lso a. Baring T81I W. rowiiJtlW?Ll. nniaiiTv- iWi Suard; new managei ullful rooina, with t. Phaas Tioga asfl. mkin UT 6611 Small adult fanill Umtm i. .?. ...',, .tillable Liard: iefi e.ih.njad. ivr fi will iu ilmont UnnTirK? HC8 SO 2d-llor room. BOUtl ,..,.,irp lid e u boards walnut IXMir I., suum"- IT-TTf - r - mri,,,v aia-Larae roams, auaia ar com, t ar 0 tfcjjohon ' h;,.f,l. eivaliont !-; vacaiuMes. 40TU N. B-l"l"""l, lewnei' eptlooaWa : V' --.. ;.orcu. -AA.,,.t.-i VST .108 t) 41st It., Htaa S. M t."' ,'?......,.. iv nf rluvai llanli nut st Suburban ,lCllMANT(.N t , , II w J 1' use at (be- li 1 I- , l)strsblv rooma, , , I 1,., 1-17.1 v itiglp wr wiui b'L ' iiii .trT...: :; JuG7uii? HOte Oi'Ml load: boarding. '2n 1X t'"J"' 'tuB-,- 1: traabora . . ..-..t K' I Hut.) iiror Hmiiio coia- EVElrtNtt .KEDCJ!XtPHTEATnSLPHi:At WflftyBBDAt". JTOY KTED-MALE I aha- 11 ":' ' - ' U-'U-JL-J-' " -J,. ' APARTMENTS srnirio OArtDBN, lftlO-RxrelW tehenaft In 8 2jrt rum.; y, $ ran iftjfi ApTTS in nuor aerVi . Hftsr - " -'- 'iTi .. j APARTMENTS WANTED "gfr;,ijaaa,iMa i ujt) ufnn 4 Led d. Cent. EURNISlIED AFAUTMEtfTS BftOAD, fi., 425-Altmcllre am.. -TTi .aJ. lyate bath; small family: dlnlna rank ' W'.Ui l3iH J iJKiyiBfrm vale JtOUBEKEPINO APARTMBNTd Mil AMI) 'PtN'g ST9.-DH LANCET A, Hlhli 4 to S rooms, l And 2 bal -iiiiiti central location, Apply itnl IJIAMONI). Sllld A mm,. h.lK bllalTl', Athl; lor. M-t' hMfi ttl- SA nn.eri IMl 4 rma'ibath. kitchen, lf ear, ma,. 188. Di.mond 181a W. VnPl&Ht 1522-AttrActlve, houMkeepfrig apts., J-Alli? ron',f bath, kltcheaettes noSetri -E22I "ne. Apply tot Empire, rilqg, hot- Weil Phllailelplila THE itlUTtAND A JUST dOMPLETEO f.rrilnT or alTlr t mrtr MT.I (I and t room apartment, with all BT, ins laiesi .ui,i enipiic, "one ntlmont 4493,B'aHa1rti Bell Wat: icust at. T. 40A0 fr.raarl.Medti i ih, ...K-. -.v.:,. .-...-""" riu fipi.. n rms. reston 4103 D. ,,, jaiu.ur oria, ri 1IOU8E1CEEPINO APTS. "WANTED Furnish eil WANTED-i-Furnlitud house or apartment West Phllai alx montha from October V. O. Murphy, 122 0.' 4Mh at, REAL ESTATE EOR BALE CITY IBIS N, OTII ST.-A real bargain to quick burohasa; three, atory, eight roomsi good brderi Urge vard. , . , , W. If, HOOD, BI2 Norrle at. OVEnLOOKlKON, E. BOULEVARD JOSEPH A, DLAlrf. BLDR., 43S3 N. 8TH 4247 N, 1BTH 6T.--An attractive 2-story porcte rront house! reception hall! steAm hat, C, V. OABELL. Jr.V 614 Walautdt. UBNT8 cQLLEcfkD ALBItECIlT8,"Til . prexel Ilulldlng, 2414 Vf. Lehigh ave, Business Properties and Slorea WILL BELL BELOW ASSESSMHNT Seven store properties, Including .two cor ners, lo and 12 rooms each! 2713 to 2723 Kensington Ave.! suitable for storage, .garage LEUTE, 2T8H Jasper at. r OERMANTOWN MOST BEAUTIFUL AND UNtQUfe S1TUA .. . .TION IN OEnMANTOWNi ' wlssihlckon Ave. Bbo- Carpenter st. New house nnd, garage over an acre, adjoining and overlooking Falrmount Park, o; n, Nlch . ols, 321 Chestnut at. Phone Lombard 4200. Chestnut Hill NEW BALE AND HENT LIBT READV. Pclham, Mt, AtrV and Chestnut Hill, TELHAM TRUST CO.. 0740 Oermantown ave. Logan LOOAN REAL ESTATE ' BALE., RENT AND EXCHANOE M. M. Smith.- Broad at., opp. Logan Station. LOT. 20x118, west aide of 10th st., through to Sydenham St.; all ntreet Improvements, WM. LEUTE. 27CO Jasper st. MAIN LINE. TA. It. K. Haverford BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE ot the late Thomas P. Hunter: situated nt tho corner ot Montgomery ave.' and Booth lane, containing about)Byj acres. OIRARD TRUST CO. NEW JERSEY BUNGALOWS, $100 cash, $10 monthly! lota 23 xlBOj near trolleyi conv. to riven National Park. Greater New Jersey Co., S3 S. 10th. PENNSYLVANIA rATOlg 8 ACRES, Bethlehem Pike; ,i mile to trolley, near train i large house, conveniences; price $8300. "" II. B. McCOLLUM 1314 Walnut st., Phllsdelphla. "Pon't Forget the Number." 23 ACRES, good location, Main Line, for" Im mediate development. H. B. McCOLLUM 1314 Walnut si., Philadelphia. "Don't Forget the NUmbir." 60 ACRES, stock, crops, Implements, house, bank barn, aheds.ietci possession Any tltno; exchange for city properties. REED NABII.EyslheBjursCountyJrti. CHESTER and Del. Co. "farms All prices, lo cations, .terms, elc.i slate your wants) get our catalogue. A, D. Ileald, AV eat Chester.Pa. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED A dwelllnr Jn neighborhood of .TenXiniown, iijiiyvi", . vai.", . -,JM,ia Park! price approximately Jiu.ouu; givo lo. Ivo ioca-' i ot lot B 817, linn, descr ptlon, looms,, oimensions end when possession obtainable, Ltdger Office Suburban TWO adjoining new modern porch-front, two story houses; semidetached or detached pre ferred! suburban, or would conaldsr builders' proposition for building. 422, Ledger Office. REAL ESJATE SALE OR RENT OWN YOUR HOME by monthly payments ot from f 17 to $90; houses located N. Phlla. and. run.. worth from $1600 to $0260. Merchants' Union Trust Co. Tio-Tiu inneatnui si. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY iTgrn5j-N. "WARNOCK filth and Maater) 6 rooms, sll ronvenlencea; toilet second floor. Key at NAUi,n & cniuwiiiai uiraro ave. iii-iaio CAHl'ENTIiR-S, rooms, sll convenl encesi open for Inspection. ( NEALls, 010 8. 12th si 107135 If. ALDEH BT. (10th and, iaster)-.H room., ..... J --J-aTC'. isey at i.Mi uirara 'KAOLE & SNYDER, s.A oiiTb rtAFTOK ST. tilth and Locust bis.). Four rooms; good centrsl location. Key at 211. NEALIS. 010 S. 12th. .13-1607 TRENTON AVE, (Froi Vis). 7 rooms, all conveniences; t and newly Nor done ' ,.. -. '..rtii M. LANSOM. up. ivry a-- ." " -. nvriOEg. HUS1NES8 ROOMS, ETC, Corner suites, a to 10 room. $600 $101 SttiW ui.i.m Lit ., . w. y-. -.-.-.. WinTtENT Half of large, cool office, Inelud- of typwrlterj will rent to dedrable or 113 per month. 203 LudloK ng ui JHKt for n. MAIN MNETA. Vynnewood FOR THE MAN WHO HAS AN AUTOMOBII.H HOUSE NO. 40 MANOR ROAD WYNNSWOOD. PENNA. , H Is modern, wl(h all nwwary aonvsnientea. iinLaiM 18 roams, 2 batbraems and iters. JSm;'. ltbS lot of groqhd. with m Sad. and flowers, and the rent Is leas tbln a ID-room MY house. Autontoblla Storage, S per Manth. BKABIIOKB ,AllantloCU, N. J esasMgMMBma"HI gQR R,BNT-gUBNIgljj CITY ll! tfjlBflgVBift H1VA is. r t iBlAua ftarhjar. N. Jl. OTiSSSmSSB MOETGAOES WOK1ST FOR MOKfGAOES $500 $1000 t2Q0 $i5oo $I00O $5000 HuOD. &li NOBR1S ST .jtia " .tP7""' VlSk,r... MB-AH TTMriCH proi, oine rwa,; nr - - ,J T If i nnnvEL I1LDO. OFFICES, Annual Rentals. Pilround floor, $100. $120S single rs., $1B0. $K3. Ruffes 3 rms. $U'i. $160. $115. $200, $223.1250. HuTtes a riSs. J200. J278. 1400, JlM, IsjO 150. suites. S to 10 rooms, $600 to $1073, CifiAf-RqNT villas.. - MffllMSBM ' TirV' . U'V jj& Iftift UOi'NTrf l.i i.i,j 2J tuw anewf- Dl Visiting Blfthop Hurry, rnj good man or you'll be lata to church. Tho Itural One Oh no, I won't I'm the nextoti nnd JVgot tho key. ..- . ...". ' ' 1"1'.'.' " ' .. " .'" " ' ' '" ' ' liliTf. I ' t I'l.-.iil -,.,i',lt,.,iyiM. 1 fJ--'- 1- llfl' Tim j6kes of yesterybau JLZ'MtdSP Pk e Sctncs of Clerical Life A Diotean Confettrice I , LJ Kmf f vk LOokherA, mm slit It thtg btttn't a Jqt o' panel, eft iiVlK. I C"fflf I ( l"Vi 1LLfezTf VOVJ GOV TO CATCH MiOTTS, TES. TESSIEfeBJEOEO 1 lM(Zt mm'ixm w. p, rzj HW1' The Passing Show. The Lady of the House Yea, an' the on'y' difference between the Germans bad gas an' yours la Gerrrtani don't char'ne for Itl" v Explained "What do you mean by eaylng your dog took first prize. In the cat ahow?" "Why, he look the cat!" ' -AND THE WORST fBR? 7 0. 1 1 I 11. Dg. I .WW.W!l..Lll.l.lM.IMnl . II 1. n. h. .' "sl.. 1 ' . 1 n X 'V'- I I vwl) :wi: . ' . sHrrtJ JEF- 'i . ' 1 e. Mt5- "'' II V L T ?g' 1 1 My, tpCTi . , I .'?cr I I r A mi mi mini rlrTR iiM MFN-x 1 X L-r mMmUmm -mmmKjpjmmm tw ' iiMriifMnmF n gj wwwnr i -ic- "Xi i I gflr-iMajfHt. ,.,. i. , KA SCRAPPLE Wfeiwi F I .. . f "Sa Fawn bousht lamp, did DeT", "Yes, and by the lodkg of Hla black eye, 1 think he needs It." AMATEUR NIGHT' cabi. Atoua VitTH fAE COrfu iJ UGro'.V,HE(!.tNl.B, -rftft-LLh-th-Lh QUeasi'MTHERB ALLRKJHT, PKTIB UP Pi DOLL Line LUCY FDRTOItWrW A I USfER THINK THfW sHa coififenV 3t MB ftTftU BtT THE 0BW6l8Li OECn COUftTltt&THC H0UR. WTimpniuH! ftno'a viflTin&i no for nt The Soprano and Alto Are, Backbltlne Does anybody know If the bai ar bltlnBT-Detrolt Free Preaa. 18 YET TO COME tw.v.y ILL. JW -Q I:T "ftT 1 Catv - KVv a I .Winn 11 I -WTTWW vb S j laiKiH a inb. N 21, 1918: ' ' ' , , - Ib'tt AT Tilt MOVipS. TryW CAWHE LOOKS &ispaous GOfAV,Wd' A HOUUD.IH W LIFE L DJD IT EVER HAPPEN TO YOU? Uary i. vjii.ait.t,B0 t. tkiUlvua ; mf, rSn4. Tiuwra u PfOtjf PwitiYC "I Wk-rf aa oM whool chuna te4ay. 8 bla bcOWf 4 mllllooAlr 4t4 ba ajtxnUa govt" "l thtok m. lHl4 -w 8 -sr."--Bxcitaiaftt a new reatllhsr ' V!" . .' ' E.H -1 -- - - -i , .,.'.. , .. . 1 . ' . ,, . . 1 !- , r 6 r V tPffcfiCSffA' r &S Lieaa JK& TfisW3ir K (Ssj- UttSB Jlt'w -WHa kL'J &$&Mfem) -&nzr iJ) a MISSLUfcV ISNOTrtT fii- - -1 m UflUia KID I PPT ---. U f TAHfvhtH MPk sfHPI? ' hwPKPii &mM 1 . nstyArritea lJni U31 j B4laajwSaWaSa.Hii, . v - JiVYQ lift fill l) i- '" ol:i TV j,, ,1 -ajMaaSaaaaaalalalaaaiBy .IbbI WHiVIIiVb 'alalaVI' " m - iTniaiTirain iimv;. m-i ,-,4ft,niiinii. il afiaUttyjfcrMwi bu a. M fATCH llTTESS HteXS UP VilTH A WS thKt MfKE2UPE A BURDEN TO ttEfo tiattfc a J-'-" fc ' iftp-t'lOIMfaV'Ma 0itojr'FWr eiPif- i ttntt In aa wtaav di .-- -r - .,t. . . uaaw nil MW. Mw wlii aa 5fclWI TtWM!5- J& 1 - - 'f : i Vf3TSTKB CrASi&O 7 e- OfFiCEp.1', Olf ? ' XV3a.i,1 X I l. -S-Vv- : nfy-u-- iV! m m V 'A m m ;ti P c . :: W-u T liwiiliJl uu. W '-v- u'"1 oli 4u0W- I 11 4i.laiC., . tl IUI Vt .