Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, July 21, 1915, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 10

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10 "
The Ideal Match Depends for Its Success on the Wisdom of
Experience, No Matter How Great the
Difference -In Age.
WIII5N the cosmlo urno 1" feU In the)
goul and the long-tlrenmod-of one
hn entered our life with a trnln of rndl
ance, most sordid considerations are nil
tomntlcally cllmlnnted, ond among them
th question of the uro of tho beloved.
While youth seems to be nn all-desired
nttrlbutc, wo do not Invariably demanJ
It In the Individual of our choice. And
neither do the many virtues of maturity
beconls a necessary qualification.
The nows of tho day never falls 10
Include tho story of the amorous Nestor
who shuffles to the altar bcnrlnrr upon
his arm a blushing damsel of sweet-nnd-twenty.
And every one marvels' at tho
prank that Cupid has played.
1 ARani, wo iiwir ui i.
juvenno menu wn
takes to Ills' bosom In
holv matrimony n
handsome dowagor
properly a contem
porary of his grand
mother. Those arc, of
course, extreme
cases, nnd not to bo
offered for emula
tion. But let us not
concludo from them
that moderate dis
parity In ago Is not
a good thing.
Of course, moBt of
us agree that mar
riages between young
nnnnll wliero a
man of 25 weds a girl of IS, are Idea
But tho world la too prone to overlook
tho rich charm of that maiden who Is
about to step across tho thrcshhold of
her third decade. And yet It regards n
man ns ellqlble to enter the holy estate
despite his long acquaintance with
Father Time.
It Is a rcmarkablo provision of nature
that makcB possible and bo often suc
cessful thoso marriages between persons
of 20 and 18 when ono contemplates tho
problems of wedlock thoso unavoidable
events that clip tho wings of romanco
and bring It to earth and how necessary
Is tho philosophy of middle life for their
solution and endurance.
But youth skims through thoso nlr
pockcts buoyantly and soars In success
ful flight dcsplto tactlessness and Im
prudence, dread vices that always ago
Aro not tho vicissitudes of our young
friends constantly a source of convcrsa-
A Game for the
THE family breakfast was Just about
over when Jack said sorrowfully, "So
you aro real certain sure that wo can t
go away this summer, father?"
"Dear mo. yes, son," replied father In a
tone of surprise. "I thought we hnd
nettled that long ngo!"
"I guess wo had," Bald Jack; "but I
kept hoping that something would hap
pen to change your mind, and you would
let ub go to tho lake."
Father laughed. "Things don't often
happen thnt way outside of books, my
eon. With circumstances as they nro at
tho ofllco, I am thankful each day that I
havo a Job and can enrn bread and butter
and n good homo! Dctter bo glad for what
you have, nnd find something nice to do
hero at home." And father started out
the front door.
Mather Bat at the table with a thought
ful look on her face. Tho children looked
toward her In surprise usually mother
was tho first ono to get up nnd stnrt tho
mornlns work, '."hat could bo troubling
doII-Tiouse, a housekeeping cupboard and
every kind o comfort for a long cruise,
her? "Children," sho said very seriously,
"what Ifl It you like to do at tho lake that
you can't do here at homo!"
"Lots of things!" they all exclaimed.
"Oh, of course, I know that," she an
swered; "but I mean what do you MOST
like to do? What Is It you always think
of when you wish you could go?"
T'or a minute the three children were
silent, then Jack Bald positively, "A boat
Is what I want most. If we had a river
here so I could have a boat, I wouldn't
mind staying at home."
"I believe I like a boat tho best, too,"
said 10-year-old Alice. "You see, mother,
I had planned that this year I would fix
some housekeeping things on Jack's boat
and we could tako our meals on the boat
-I think that Is what I miss most."
"Me too," added 6-year-old Ann. "I
intended to fix a doll-house on Jack's
Mother smiled happily. "Then If you
ell want the same things. It's easy! You
shall have a boat!"
"Have a boat!" exclaimed the children
In a breath. "But where could we put
Jt? There Isn't a river or a lake within
10 miles!"
"Never mind!" laughed mother, "this
boat Is going to be handy It's going to
be In our back yardl" And then she told
bar plans.
How the children did work that week I
r rV
w i Wr-1
i " i
ii iiKt Inifmntfla. nnd In what
strong contrast Is their llfo with that
of tho placid couplo tho sum of whoso
nge Is slxty-wlth tho majority of years
rmicn in ii"w "
Tho success of
this union Is nil duo
to tho woman who
has learned to treat
her good man ns n
great baby to bo
amused and kept
In blissful I g n o r -nnco
of his many
defects of character
Time ha made her
attitude no longer a
task, and tho man
loves her with a big,
enveloping love thnt
does ono good to boo.
t know n man
whoso birthday cako
could furnlBh can
dlelight for n largo
salon. Tho npplo of
1,1 a nvn In IllH VOItng
wlfo who won't bo 22 for n long time i yet.
She Is ns happy ns the classic turtle dove.
In Bplto of tho llttlo dally lectures at
dlnnor time. She gets her knowledge of
human experience at second hnnd ana
regards hor husband ns a bcnlflccnt In
structor. Whatever the mcrltB of the
sstcm be, tho fondness of the man, cou
pled with his consideration nnd Bavolr
fnlre, make the mntch perfect. I think
It wns Turgenlov who said "That man
who Is pleasing to old women una uu
O II II U W U II irviowu-
allty." Tho woman
of years, with her
deep familiarity of
life, b w I f 1 1 y np
pralses tho worth of
youth and perceives
Ignorance, 1 n oo n -sl8tcncy
nnd n o 1 f -satisfaction.
young man who Is
tho favored of a
woman his senior
may feol himself a
marked man.
And mlddlo ngo Ib
willing to please.
Thoro aro m a n y
compensations for
tho nbsenco of tho
lilnnm nml vivacity
of youth, and tho prospcctlvo Skipper
upon tho Bcas of matrimony should think
of them In engaging nis nrm uiaio.
And what fun they did havo! Such
secrets from father, and whisperings nnd
poundings oh, dear, but It was fun!
Tho next Sundny morning father said,
"Why nro you all In Buch a hurry to get
through brcakfast7 Anybody would think
you were going away for the day!"
"Wo are," replied Jack (and how his
eyes did sparklo!); "and you nro going
too. Wo nro all going boating! Como!"
They followed Jack into tho back yard
and what do you supposo they found 7
Dock of tho sunflowers, screened by the
tall golden glows so that civilization
seemed far away, stood a broad, comfort
able raft! It wns perched on rollers so
thnt It rocked Just a bit unless you
stepped carefully. On tho raft whs n
doll-house, n housekeeping cupboard nnd
every kind of comfort for a long cruise.
"We made It nil ourselves after mother
told us how," cried tho thrco happy chil
dren, "nnd wo'ro going to cruise here all
summer!" And bo they did, nnd such fun
as they had you will never know until
you mnko n "ynrd-boat" for yourself.
Copyright Cfaro Ingram Judaon
Style's a queer and whimsy dame,
Odd the notions that sho gets;
Freakishly she plays her game,
Strnngo the fashion that she sets.
Now and then It seems to mo
Uer decrees are wisdom's mocklngs;
Who'd havo over thought that she
Would Insist on yellow stockings?
She has rigged up funny hats
For tho young nnd old to wear.
Ordered phony curls and rats
Just to supplement her hair.
Narrowed skirts, or built them out
Like the wrapping on a 'cello;
Now sho rules for thin or stout
Hosiery of fawn nnd yellow.
But If you are friends with style,
Mr. Merchantman, all Is well;
If on you she's pleased to smile.
Anything you've got to sell.
If she says that It's correct.
There will be an end to knocklngs;
Who but Style would e'er expect
Them to fall for yellow stockings?
Detroit FTee Press.
A Last Resort
Some days ago a young woman called
at the house of a prominent doctor and
after discoursing on all the topics of In
terest of tho day settled down to tell him
her ailments. Among other things, she
said that she was greatly troubled by a
"sinking feeling."
Tho doctor prepared a little bottle of
medicine and gave It to her with minute
directions as to how It should be taken.
The woman began to talk, but at length,
after many vain efforts on his part to get
rid of her, made for the door. She had
JUst opened It when she turned and aaldr
Oh, doctor, what shall I do If this
medicine does not cure me?"
"Take the cork," he retorted. "They
say that's good for a sinking feeling."
The Evening Ledger will award it dally
prise of SI for the beat original snggea
tlon on entertainment. The aubject of
the first rontrat will be "My Most 8uc
ceseful Luncheon." All manuacrlpta
should be u reaaonable length, and none
will be returned. Addreaa to thn Enter
tainment Contest, Evening 1-edger, Inde
pendence Square, Philadelphia,
VI i i &j
FMPWWiPK ,', umrrrnmirwrrmjflBX'UBSSBBMBBBBSBBSBHHMIBKl'' 'fMi yla ii'tPs Ps JL ea W '
? - C? 8HBP LsiMWm iv JIPw .g L Bsm sv LbI
Sixty-five Teachers Will Study Under
Eyes of Child Federation.
Tho Child Fcdorntlorr Is conducting a
strenuous campnlgn for child hygiene and
ngalnst tho insidious fly, tho dirty milk
bottle nnd tho dirty kitchen. Sixty-five
teachers will begin tho course In child
hygiene nest Tuesday.
Tho equipment for the courso was pro
vided Mondny. It consists of largo dollrt
and sample layettes In which tho dolls
will bo dressed and undressed whenever
thero nfo sufllclcnt pcoplo Interested to
mnko tho demonstration worth whllo.
During past years this dressing nnd un
dressing of dolls has been ono of tho
most cffcctlvo of tho federation's uplift
Keeping in Touch With Home
You never quite forget (lie home town,
even on the mint enjoyiiblo uicntlons. Keen
hi touch with homo nffnlni by '"'
that your favorite newspuper follows you
where'er you go. Notify the livening IdRer
before you lemo to send jour paper to you.
Specify the edition detlrcil.
,'- --, , ,.;
MUCH hns been said nbout fnll
materials nnd colorings, but
I am going to hark back onco
again to summer styles, and say
Just a bit about lato summer suits.
Tho girl who Is fortunnto or un
fortunateenough to go on a
vncatlon lato In August, or oven
early September, needs a aummer
or fnll milt, depending on where
sho chooses to vacate. Tho cool
scashoro Is seldom unpleasantly
cool If sho carries nn ordinary
scrgo or even Bilk coat suit. This
does very well for evcry-day wear,
and, of course, sho can bo right
up to tho mlnuto and comfortable,
too. If Bho wears whlto or roso
fox as nn nccompanhnont.
One of tho season's' most proml
nont fabrics Is n real "mado-ln-Amcrlca"
material, nnd no ono
would Bay It wns Inferior to tho
Imported goods In nny respect.
This material I speak of Is called
khakl-kool, nnd It Is both smart
and prnctlcal. It has all tho ad
vantages of linen at Its best with
out tho prime fault of linen It
musses so easily. Khakl-kool will
wear a whole season without being
pressed, If tho wearer Is ordi
narily careful.
This llttlo Btreet suit Is Blmple
In tho extreme. The coat la a
belted-ln model, with a shawl col
lar and long, button-trimmed
Eleeves. Tho front of the coat la
cut away, with silts nt tho sides,
trimmed with buttons nnd eyelets.
Notice the deep band, tallor
stltched, which trims tho edge of
tho short coat. Tho eklrt Is ab
solutely plain, with side plaits to
Blve fulness. The hat, by the way.
Is n satin faced Panama, with a
'grosgraln bandeau and tiny mer
cury wings nt tho front.
French Fashions
Cherult. who Introduced smock
ing this year, or should I Bay re
vived smocking, has scored an
other auccess, for It Is used on
frocks and blouses for women,
Smocking has long been used for '
children's clothes, nnd with charm
ing effect, and, Indeed, there Is,
srarcely n cleverer method of hold
ing In tho bouffant fulness around
tho hips than by smocking.
Bell-shaped Bleeves and Kton
jackets are equally smart
Tucks of every width and ruf
fles, too, form the modish trlm
mlngi on tho flaring skirts.
Foulard nnd taffeta frocks show
a liberal use of chiffon, net, tulle,
lace or ifllk gauze.
Whlto net nnd silver lace Is a
favorite combination for summer
evening gowns. This usually
forma tunics 8r flounces over
underskirts of silk.
Whlto lace frocks for afternoon
are quite the rage.
White satin hats are considered
quite smart for summer wear.
White leather with patent
leather trimmings forms many of
the 'Snodlsh belts and bags for
2jji8mmi3mszm8mm& - . -
Left to right-Emanuol Hansen,
Awarded Prizes for Perfection of Their Offspring in Contest Held
Under the Auspices of Free Osteopathic
THERE are thrco very happy mothers
In Kensington todny. Perhaps thoro
nro moro than three; but at nny rate,
thoro nre thrco mothors who aro .much
happier than nil tho others. Tho renson
nnd mother will ngrco It is ft good one-Is
that their babies havo been Judged tho
most perfect In all Kensington. Tho
Judges, too, were all doctors and nurses,
and so they certainly must know.
Tho three most perfect tables woro
chosen from 130 entrants In the contest
under tho direction of tho Free Osteo
pathic Clinic of tho EaBt Montgomery
Avenuo Methodist Episcopal Church,
Frankford nnd Montgomery avenues.
Tho entries were mndo on July 13, It nnd
15 and tho decision ol tno juuges u
announced lato yesterday afternoon,
tho thrco happy mothers received
..,., WW 11, I " ..l..,,,.! ii .I- - i.. in .f ....I, I , ., ., , , ,
Viola Womerand Walter Newley.
prizes to keep until tho babies thom
sclves ahall grow old cnbugh to know of
their fnmo nnd good fortune.
Tho first cholco of tho Judges wns
Walter Nowby, tho son of William nnd
Anna Nowby, of 2250 mtter Btrcot. Llttlo
Walter,' who Is Just 22 months old, weighs
2714 pounds nnd measures 33H Inches
from tho tip of his toes to tho top of
his head. Out of 1000 posslblo points for
perfection Wattor received 975. Tho prlzo
was IS In gold.
Tho second cholco was 8-months-oId
Viola Werner, whoso parents, John and
Phoebe, live at 2109 Adams street. Miss
Viola weighs Just 16 pounds nnd meas
ures 27VS Inches. Tho Juuges deemed
that Miss Viola was only 40 points away
from perfection, and so awarded her 9C0
out of a posslblo 1000 points. Tho prize
for Viola was' $10.
Tho third cholco went to Emmanuel
Hansen, who is Just a few days past 3
months old. His parents, John nnd Cath
erlno Hnnscn, of 2012 Martha etreet, havo
six other children, but they readily agree
that Emmanuel Is tho most perfect In
deed they think ho Is the most perfect In
Kensington. Emmanuel Is 21V4 Inches
tall nnd weighs 13 pounds. The prlzo
for him was $5.
Tho primary purpose of tho contest wan
to acquaint tho Kensington mothera with
tho work done by the Frco Osteopathia
Clinic, nnd tho contest was so success
ful that It was decided to mako It nn
annual affair. Tho contest opened on
July 11 With a religious health talk by
Dr. Alpha M. Flack, dean of tho Phila
delphia College of Osteopathy. And
throughout tho weok and n half promi
nent physicians gavo talks upon tho
caro of the baby's health and any ques
tions that the mothers might wish to ask
were carefully answered.
The Itev. Dr. S. K. McConnell. pastor
of tho church, wns directly In chnrgo of
all tho work and the clinic was super
vised by Dr. Ira Drow, professor of
anatomy at tho Philadelphia College of
Osteopathy. Dr. Irving W. Turner had
charge of tho physical work and the
mental caro of each baby was looked
after by Dr. Muriel Llchtenbcrger.
The other doctors and nurses assisting
ICeepslthe hands
The soothing, healing Realnol
balsams in Reainol Soap, combined
with its freedom from harsh, irri
tating alkali, give to red, rough
hands that whiteness and velvety
softness for which women yearn.
Hands Vuhed only with Reainol
"Soap aro usually hands to bo proud
of. Try it for a week and see.
Reainol Soap la acid by all dealers
In toilet Kooda. For sample tree, write
to lleslnol Chem, Co.. Baltimore, Md.
Family Excursion Steamer to
Etopplnc at Cheater and PennsrroT
Only Boat to Auguatlne Beach
, Landlnc In ftont of grove; safe salt-watt,
bathing; BOO aanltarr bathrooms, full or-
cheetra on boat and beach; dancing all day.
Artaalan water; plenty tablea, benches and
shade. All kinds of amusements at beaeh.
Vare, Bound Trip. SOc, Children, S to 10, tit.
Leave Arch Street Wharf 8 ISO Ually,
Sunday, 0 A. U,
JAMES K. OTIS. Mgr 8 Arch EL ,
woro Dr. Edward Drew, Dr. Ncttlo Tur
ner, Dr. Earl Dunnlngton, Dr, Irving
Whnlloy, Miss Kathcrlne Fcnlon nnd
Miss Blanch Price
Tho Frco Osteopathic Cllnlo was es
tablished nt tho church a tittle moro
thnn-iv year and n hnlf ngo by tho Itev.
Alexander Leo. Whon Mr. Leo was
transferred to nnother church his work
was followed by his successor, Doctor
McConnell. Ono hundred nnd thirty
seven children havo been treated nt tho
clinics nnd In sovcral cases rcmarkablo
cures havo been effected. Tho clinic Is
open each Thursday afternoon at 4
o'clock, and each mother Is required to
pay 10 cents to have her baby entered,
Tho medlclno nnd the milk nro furnished
by Kensington residents who havo Inter
ested themselves In tho work.
Perhaps tho most rcmarkablo caso over
treated by tho doctors at tho clinic Js
thnt of S-year-old Mnry Slnvln, of 2123
East Norrls street. Llttlo Mary was tho
first child entered, nnd nt that tlmo sho
was unablo to walk or play or do anything
that tho other llttlo girls did becauso
sho was suffering from a displaced hip
bone. She had been examined at BOvoral
hospitals and pronounced Incurable.
Then her mother heard of tho Freo
Osteopathic Clinic and brought llttlo
Mnry with tho hopo that sho might bo
benefited. Instead sho wns entirely cured
after IS treatments and her mother and
all her frlonds regard her cure almost as
a mlraclo. Today sho can Jump, romp,
run, and. In fact, do anything that nny
5-ycnr-old girl enn do. And nil this Is
duo to tho frco clinic, nnd this Is Just
one of tho reasons why tho mothers In
Kensington rcgnrd tho cllnlo so highly.
Capacltle) 200 to 200. Near Beach,
Boardwalk and Amusements. Pleasant
aoclal life. Coaches meet all trains. Book
lets. For details address' the followlnf
hotels at Wlldwood, N. J.:
H1IKL110N D. J. Woods
AUEI.l'111-nilllS.. II. WlttO
. C. It. Kurtx
.J. i:. Whlteseu
J. A. Harris
. N. A. Randolph
HfltH DnvtnnP'n R" 'nr Capacity
nuioi uayiuu SM Fine table; all outside
rooms, running water; early aeason rate.
Coach, music 4 bklt. F. W. & A. McMurray.
Hotel Readinr 123 E- 0ak Av0, lMr-
nuici IVCdUlilfi aryroom,, Superior table.
Near depots, beach & amuse. C. Wambach.
rVrlirrrnff Wlldwood Ave., near beach.
ICUitlHUIl pooit. Mug. A. j, NEVIL8.
R A 1 Tl M OR F Bklt- 222 B. Matnolla avs.
DftL l t'lVJIc Near Beach & amusements.
Hnfpl Hnvillfl Burk BVe- Beach. IS up.
nuici naviiid. Mrs, j, thank ticb.
FRFMDNT Bcheltlnser avo.. near Beach.
I ivliiiuh I Term8 reptie. M. J. Bllhartz.
Tmnlf Hill Poplar ave. rear Beach.
1 CIlipiL. nail uoofci.t. Mra. Q. BURTON
GREENLE1GH 'm iVfi. S32&
TllP ARRPY Bine ave near Beach and
i no nuui t amU8e M Li Derbyahre.
Open for season. MARGARET MACE, M. D.
GREYLOCK Beach front. Hot and cold
The OTTENS Beach front location. Bp.
i lie tu i i ciio cU1 ratt mM JuIy ntb
WIMjWOOD crkst, n. j.
'JUSTICE Near beach ond amusements;
u uj i aL booltct, w A JUST1CE-
coopERarowN. n. y.
ON OTSEQO LAKE, Cooperatown. N. T.
ei hours by rail from New York City,
Brooks Hall, 8 acres. High, healthy. Tennis,
to. Perch 105 ft. long. lOo from titttb at. "L.'
Particular atten. to com. men, motor and
tourlat partlea. Reg. meals BOc. Sunday meals
T6c. Cats at. Hist, sur- C. Welngartner, Prep.
QLENWOOO HALL On the Perklomen Creak.
La,ua.nce navuioa. unit. laaa.xicgeni&Aiar.
The Cliesaneakfi Magnificent situation on
! . V' , l'caKc bay. Gentile clientele.
Auto hotel. Trains met by auto. J. 8. Owens.
Meeting to Form Organizat
Will Be Addressed by Pro
nent Men.
A branch of tho National Sei
Leuguo will bo formed In this ell
morrow night at a tneotlng to be hel
tho Racquet Club, under tho ausplrt
a number of men prominent In bus)
and social life,
Tho National Security Leaguo has
Its object tho assurance of adequate
tlonal dofenso by tnnklng It a poll
nnd clectlvo Issue. It urges the clct
to legislative positions of thoso men
aro definitely committed to a poll
Among thoso who Will partlclpah
tho meeting nnd mnko addresses
Major General Leonard Wood, fot
chief of stnft of tho United Slates A?
former Postmaster General John W
maker, G-corgo Wharton Pepper
others. Henry L. Stlmson, former g
tary of War, may also attend. Joscpl
Choato Is president of the league.
Invitations to tho meeting read In i
as follows! t
''In ordor to glvo careful but Infoi
consideration to tho present sllifit
wo earnestly urgo you to ntlcndS
vnto conforenco to bo held nt the n$
Club on tho ovenlng of Thursday!
23. 1915, at 8 o'clock. Ono subjeffl
consideration nt this meeting will bl
ndvlsablllty of establishing In Phils
phla a branch bt tho National Sccu
League whlqh has Its headquarten
Now York. Of this leaguo Joseph
Choato Is honorary president, nnd on
thoso who Is most netlvo In Its wor
Henry L. Stlmson, cx-Secrctary of
"Wo nro not overemphasizing the
portanco of this meotlng when wo
that, In our opinion, attondnnco at 1
a ctvlo nnd patriotic duty.
"Very truly yours, It. Dale Ben
Porcy C. Clnrk, Kern Dodge, Uu
Duano, Qeorgo II. Frazlcr, John C
bcl, John C. Groomc, Joseph Lt
Eflllngham n. Morris, Itobert Mo
Roland S. Jlorrls, Arthur E. Newt
Georgo Wharton Pepper, John V.
maker, Thoodoro E, Wledershelm, CI
ton Ynmall, William S. Lloyd."
(Dr. Gaertner'a modlflctitlona)
Ideal at Weaning Time
Highest grado milk from health
cows, carefully modlnod In our specie
laboratory to suit the normal baby"
needs. Fresh dally In 0 oz. nunln
bottles at 5 cents.
nest nnd unfrst during the lit
senaon. It Will help to keep bab
well and case your mlndl I'rlnte
matter with valuablo hints on feed
lng mailed freo on request. Do no
fnll to rludy this.
Ask your physician.
Abbotts Aldemcy Onirics
Phone Baring 20.1.
Also supplied by ua nt Atlantic Tits
Ocean City, Wlldwood, Caps May.
Occupying an entire block of ocean fron
connected with the famous Uoardwoll
the popular Chelsea section; capacity
unusually large, cool rooms with unobstt
view of the ocean (rora all: sea and
water In nil baths; running water In re
4(100 ft. of porches surround the hotel
new dining room overlooks the sea; i
cuisine and white service: orchestra of
Ists; dancing twice dally; social divert
resident physician: magnificent new
Lounite. Bpeclal $17.60 up weekly; be
mailed; auto meets trains; manaem!
owners. JOHN C. OOSSLEn. U
A Hold Original Creation lth the
Local Color of Atlantic City.
American Submarine Grill European
Leadlnrj High-Class Moderate-Rate Bo
A I RPMARI E Virginia ave. near B
ALDnmWVUC CnPi3S0 niovator.pl
baths, etc.; excellent tablo. Bummer rnt
up weekly; $2 up daily. Bklt. J. P. COi
St. James Place and Beach (between '
& New York aves.K Flrst-claas table. !
dly.; llOupwkly. D.C.rENNYT-ACKER.
. ... r.turl 1.11 lll?
Jersey conat. Every form of sport
entertainment. J'or bouklet and full
formation rrcardlnB hotels and cotta
Wr LEO MrCRAVKN. Hnrniirh Cirri
Stone llnrbiir. V '
Abiho.t .
Kirrrun ins Tt MICH
..ix.nnnr arkrr I LILMCLJ
The Ideal moderrt hotel of the Ideal r
capacity 400: aea water bathe, phones
new cafa and grill; garage; orchestral
lag. Booklet. w. MEncER DAI
t .. .. j-t-i..i- a altar
.Reaaonable Tates. Mrs. Calvlngtti
Glenwood &$& &"$
Chalf onte g. ? m'maJI
,. 5i " " -&- ' - - frr- f ' - "- .,i s,..,, ,r -
HtHr lMgtufd, wwf I tmt lA4f
"Horn J iWaar"
fCemt n$t JezxUl4
PHty effl
SmUy gU m ttafH$h.
wAo Mvsr gugtfi.