it EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY. JULY 20, 1D15; r" " "' '- . ' -"tivi i mwmjujrinA, TUJfiHDAY, JULY 20, 1015; ww if; NTERESTJNWALL STREET TURNED' FROM SPECIALTIES TO RAILROADS AND COPPERS ZOi TSZm C""' I pgs I heavy buying Limp Ini rEssssmismmsimr STEEL ON BIG PROFITS . ,, &r's Earnings Estimated at Per Cent, on Common, ?fcreak in General Chemical, YonK, Juty 20. Wax specialties given rest In the trading on tho Exchange today, and in their stead standard railroad Issues, tho inter- StlonM ones In particular, and the cop- i were hrougnt out, snowing ine most .iMr and atrength for some time past. h, twitching of interest to these fe mes wm a very encouraging and help factor from a market polht of view, wr specialties again today showed ! Wslnit tendency, With another down ward tumble In Crucible Steel nt the nlng, me urop ucnur i points, anu tuiuly all or mis was regained Dcroro jWday. "he market, as a whole, started f with a know or ivcanncss, ana u was until well on toward noon that itngth developed In tho rails and cop- tislness was not on as largo a scale yesterday. There did not appear to a many oruvru un imu, and lor ine o,t part a waicniui waning policy was I evidence. The Cabinet meeting In the nornlrig, at which the rough draft of reply to uermany was aiscussoa, con- a tne street, a great aeai. iNorvous over the labor troubles experienced tome or tne Munitions works was ihed as a reason for the lagging dency In the war specialties. :"Ij the European liquidation over? The ftresxth In the railroad Issues would Rem to lndlcato that It Is, for the moment at least Judging from tho tape, selling from abroad In tho form of forward fales In the last few dnys has showed 5; marked falling off, and in the early taouYs today no sales of this character .Doeared. HfjAdvancos in tho coppers ranged from a friction to over a point, tne largest gam ttlng In Amalgamated Copper and in tho HJlroads It was about the same, the Wtoslers, Lehigh Valley and Heading being JRotably otsnrg. U. S. Steel remained Wtn Viipy KtHn nftftntlntl wnft nnlrl r M OatlM. !" ..-w .... ... ...... 4...... j k.iu Bltreet to tho probability of an appeal by Kihj, attornment irom tne decision or tne Supreme Court in tho anti-trust suit, in Kfjew of tho Improvement In the trade. She fc&turo of the afternoon session ji.j a spurt in llctrilelicm Stoel to fuotber now high record of 195J4, up 10V& ifslnti for tho day. it did not hold all of Wto idvance, howovor. Thero was ro a- nTtiy more auuvny in tne war specialties tiiih during the morning, but the rall- Hntds oontinuod to hold tho centro of HW stage- A Uttlo of tho advance In sftlis Coopers was Ioddo& off. From the flht'st previous sale thero was a break of llTti points in Ucnoral Chomlcai. There hru another spurt in Bethlehem before the close, which carried it to 138, up V& points. Coppers eased oft from tho high. .The market closed Jrregular. KjTo account for tho sharp advanco in Bethlehem It was said that the pronto in .the first half of the current year werq In excess of J6.000.000. This Is aftor In terest and all other charges, excepting 'depreciation, have been deducted. It Is pointed out that this estimate was con servative. Judging from this tho sur plus available for dividends on tho com mon siock in tno nrsi nan ot tne year ,rcas ttiuat to between 30 and 35 per tent. Via the previous year 30.5D was earned on the common, some people in tho street estimated that the earnings on tho com mon for the full year would be about 90 per cent, 'or more. R t vJfiSSW filSi T .. .t. !... ..... -" cior. Aii.AvV.0WAvns 3M HI"-li High. 35 24), 47U Iow. Close. 31 3i 32, 22H 01 02 03H 0354 47K 4714 1012, 104H lWi 741, 7214 73) ( M 40! 54 105 103 105 of.W MM MU 131)4 134 123H 134, "wi iw uvyt in 60X 105 45 054 34 20 1054 48!( 7Wf 107 80 39 45 054 34 20 105 48 78 107 80 3354 45 0)4 34 20 1054 4854 70) ( 107 80 39 hslm Xtfa.. oj' km. ..:. ;: f i. . nRIJ? Mr ' 02)4 Am Art Chem prof. . nt Am nt Sugar 4a Am Drake S A P t C 105 "isiKamaiea uoppei. 73 'i uan ,,, Am Can pref Am Cur & Koundty., Am Coat Products.,, Am Coal Prod nf. . Am Cotton Oil 45 "is & Leather, o)f Am Hide te h pref... 34J4 Am Ice Securities... . 20 Am Linseed ,, iqu Am Locomotive...,., ami Am Smelt c Kef...., 7su Am Smelt & Itef Bf. . 103 Am Smelt & rief pf b 80H Am Steel VonnrirlM.. 1111 imTvLfiCabl? 0 05 05 0.5 ?. y!""'" 85 85 85 85 Assets ncallratlon.... 7H 6)4 5 5 E"T .?,F "4 101)4-1005 10054 Atsntlc Coast Lino.. 100 100 100 100 S?u!n J-0-; 705f 7W 70)4 7154 Baldwin Loco pref... 102J4 10254 10254 10254 Si'!ln Ohio..... 77 78M 77 7754 Bait & Ohio pref...., 71 7ji 71 715J h L, L'em 2lecl l 10354 183 103 "cm euera Dicei pr... 120 Brooklyn IUp Trans. B7U Duff II & nttsburg. . m Dutto & Superior... , C9)4 Cal Tetroleum 12 cal relrolcum trf a.i mu siu Canadian Pacific 143K 145)4 143)4 143J4 v-eni watnor t;o 41)4 41)4 41)4 4154 UI'3.IPV.IKU OS UBIO.. J Chlno Copper 45J4 Chlcaco at West..... 11 1 Chicago Qt West pf. 2S5f 121 87 80 70!f 13 121 8054 80 70 1254 121 8354 80 70 1254 31)4 Chic Mill & st Paul, cm a 1 & p 0 0 0 & st L pf... Chl tc Northwost..... Cot Fuel & Iron C6mstoclc Tunnel... Consolidated (las..... Continental Can Continental Can pf... Corn Products Rcf... Corn Prod Itef pf.... Cruclblo Steel Crucible Steel, pf Cuban-Am Sugar Cuban-Am Sugar pf.. Del & Hudson Distillers Securities... Domo Mines Dul S S & Atl pf... Du Pont Ponder pf.. Erie Krio 1st pf Erie 2d pf Fed Mln & Sm pf. .. Cen Chemical Ocn Chemical pf Conoral Electric General Motors General Motors pf... Goodrich B F Co.... Goodrich B F Co pf. Great Northern pf... GtNcfs for oro prop.. Guggenheim Expln... Hav El Ry L & P.. Int Con Corp Int Con Corp pf Inter-Met vot t c... Inter-Met pf International Paper... Intcrnat Paprfr pf. ... Inspiration Copper... Kan City Southern... Kayscr Julius & Co . Kresgo S-S Co Lack Steol Lehigh Valley Looso-W Bis 1st pf. . Louis & Nashville . Mackay Cos pf 395 40 1W 28 V4 82)4 13M 01 33 4554 UK 2854 8154 13 01 3854 40 1W 2854 8154 13 01 8151 1354 00 121 122K 1225i 122M 3154 35)4 3454 3454 11 II) 10 128)4 128 128 68 C8 07H 09)4 100)f 100 14 1454 14)4 0M 7054 7034 41)i 07 100 103)4 ltt 25)4 22)4 4 09 25)4 3954 30M 50 28754 103 1G7 183 107 4954 41J4 00 09 05 144 24)4 223 4 09 20M 4054 3334 CO 272M 110 100 185 100 6054 39 95 97 95 144 23t 21)4 4 99 25)4 40 32 50 205 110 10 128 07)4 10054 1454 70)4 40)4 90 97 95 141 24)4 2254 4 99 2034 40J4 3334 50 272M 110 105)4 16554 180 185 100 100 40 50)4 103)4 10454 104)4 KH54 11034 117H 110)1 11734 37)4 37)4 30)4 01)4 81)4 10)4 71J4 20 72)4 934 3834 3054 24M SO 135 4834 142 90 111 60 02 81 10)4 7134 1934 72M .934 37 3134 2434 SO 134 47 14334 142 02 9. Ill ,05 3054 01)4 81 19)4 71)4 1934 72 934 37 3134 2134 80 131 47 112H 92 103)4 111 05 65 01 81 ' 10)4 71)4 19)4 72 934 37 30 2434 80 134 17 NEW YORK CURB Zlnn ...'.'' s& '&Hh A TW Aw 'ffeV.A Anl,l 4 iJr jaWi-Amer Tobacco now 15 ma uonsoiiaaicd ., 1 in Pnnnniifi n west copptr 33Ji jUtBoio 1. B"a,W Valley Coal Bales " Elevator CUs Elevator nM . mttMIegemun firtlnr Gum trareo I'roductH .Bltad t!lrnr KtnroM . . . itanl Cigar Stores fta. '.'.'.'.'' BgilMd Vront Sharlag now noria rum ,. Jjken Oold Asked 58 7 1BU 4Y" 3)H .15.') I6.-1 . 70(5 r. . MiS 05 . 60 60 . 0T 102 .107 120 "54 2H ' 4 ImjIEW YORK COFFEE MARKET SEW YOHK, July 20.-ln the earlv .-..inn hU Conoe Exchania todav trarilnir i-o T. lVlfh nrlm Irfflniilfia ' f yaawwai MIV,UIHii Today's Yesterday's opening, close. T.13BT.X7 7,i,07.".,3 m ttl .I40OT23 SjS.1 7.0TO7.13 7:10.7:12 rut .... 7 oofi7 o' feunttr fl.s:iiM.05 asoSBo EJSt.i 0.88201K1 n.I2S().lrt fwember , 0 03Lua sjw"r fl.02O7.00 '0.17.00 SJ"rr 0.03 7.027( MAil0.t0'slili','?3Ai84 84)4 8434 84H MffltlciSlSl'! 7lt70!' 703f xvunn,,BC ivOUi9,T...L 12 13 13 11JW 112 112 M St.P"& S'S M.. Mo Kan & Texas.... 6)4 mo Kan A T pf 15 Miami Copper 27 Missouri Pacific 334 National Biscuit pf... 124 Nat Enamel & S 1854 Nat Lead 03 Nevada Con Corp.... 1434 New York Air Drake. 10034 0 15 2734 334 534 15 27 3 13 112 0 15 27)4 3 N Y N II & H., Now York Central. N Y O & West.... Norf & West North American.... Northern Pacific. 58 80 20 103 74 12234 12234 12234 10)4 1834 19)4 0134 1434 09 58 8034 27 103 73'4 63 1434 09 89 87 27 104 334 0134 14M 99 59 87 27 104 7334 10334 10534 104)4 10434 3434 GOVERNMENT BONDS Bid. . 07 . U7 . U7 ..100 i.WIMO registered i el Man ,.,,., ' fusm4 2a registered Mm. 2 IMS registered. Jm new 3s registered, new ct coupon..,. Asked. ti8 ' 1V1S registered. I tiis "upon.. . 3 registered. 10:3 coupon.,.. .100 VI ..100 ..11054 RATES FOR MONEY b fall niWphl ; 3UB4' "" , lUttlU 3 nv.m-t IW'Jft1 taPr. three to six months, Vhl "U, 3HS4 per cent. Werve Banka' Discount Rates MATURITIES IN DAYS. 1 to 11 to 31 to 1)1 to "01 to lork iphli na uli . 4 Polls city Hnctsco 10. 30. i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 334 CO, 4 i 4 4 tH 4 4 4 4 4 4 00. 0 raos. m a 4 4Vj 4M s a. ultursi and live stock paper only, I RAILROAD EARNINGS DKKVER AND RIO GRANDE. 1013. ik Juiv ftiS7 nnn 2Vr t 853.300 . SOUTHERN RAILWAY. f.J'y I .. 2M1JDT3 GRAND TRUNK SYSTHJI. i wgjjt .! taan A u ::'..:.:; tsxm WXAH AND PACIFIC. !. W6k Tnlu (,ld nua my 1-' :.:; ? COLORADO AND SOUTHERN. CHICAUO AND ALTON. Lj Jiy io,mo Decrease. t0.6nj 1T.S0U 127.S9 2I7.TJO 183.3 H 'W, Wn e..w 7.4t3 COTTON YORK. Julv SO nonstdarlne the ' Iron) Ijvernool tna DDninir of tilt teaitoa murket tliU morning wa dl "WW! Ftrt nrloes wete gtwdy, at of one ta four oolnta. wheraaa 1 i-iverfiool ahawlnu an advance of i tlx pwinu was won anted. ttrnet, loval and Southern inter- 'ree aetlera 09 and after the "leaning quiia inarpiy in iu upuort 1 51 i xi i0 Ml 9SS Ouen 5 4 b 72 -O U 11 iJ 75 tn HUB. to U 0 47 t J7 a. 74 0 47 U.3 ClOM V 11 Pacific Mall 34 35 3354 renn ii 11 iuui iuoi iut iuui Peoples Gas Chl 11634 117 117 117 Pettlbono-Mulllken... 05 01 03 03 Philadelphia Co 70 81K 78 SO Pittsburgh Coal 2334 23)4 23 2334 PUtsburch Coal pf... 9354 0134 93 9434 Pressed Steel Car.... 494 49 4854 49 Pressed Steel Car pf. 9934 0934 C934 9934 Pub S Corp N J.... 104M 103 100 100 Oulcksilvcr 23. 254 234 234 Quicksilver pf 4 4 4 4 Ry Steel Spc 3354 324 3234 3234 Hay Con Copper..... 2334 2354 23 2354 Itoadlnc. Rep Iron & Steel.... Rep Iron & Steel pf. Rumely M Co Itumely M Co St Louis & S F St L & S F 1st pf.. . 6t L & S F 2d pf... Seaboard Air Line... Seaboard Air L pf... Sears Roe & Co Sloss-Shcf S & I Co. Southern Pacific Southern Ry. Southern lly pf- 14034 14734 14054 140y ojn Jin .iJ 34 90 0134 0034 9134 23 j 234 234 34 0 8 7 8 434 434 4H 434 0 934 9 034 534 0' 554 534 13 1234 1234 1234 32M 33 3234 32M 14034 14034 14534 140M 3954 3734 3034 3734 8434 8534 8434 8434 1334 14H 1334 1434 4734 49 49 49 Studebaker Co 8054 81 7934 80 Studebaker Co pf.... 10034 100 100 100 Tenn Copper 38 38 3734 373$ Teiss Co 13234 133 13134 133 Third Avenue 5134 51)4 5154 5154 Tobacco Products pf. 0S34 DO" 09 99 Union lias & Paper. 0)4 034 034 034 United Dry Goods pf 59J4 68 58 6S Union Pacific, Union Pacific pf.... Union Pacific war.. United Hys Invest. . United Rys Inv pf U 8 Realty 4 Imp. U S Rubber U S Rubber 1st pf U B Steel U S Steel pf.. U S Express ... Utah Copper, V-Caro Chem Va Iron Coal & O., Wabash..... Western Union Tc!.. Westlue E & II.... Willi s-Overland..... Wisconsin Central... Woolw'lTF Y Co.. Cents per share. Quoted ax dividend. 12654 12734 12034 127 80 29M 2014 3034 35 4634 101 0334 11134 111 8034 3034 21)4 3834 35 4034 63 6034 3234 44 ii 69 10034 10134 137 135 28 28 10534 105 8034 2934 20 303 35 45 10334 10334 10334 U334 6234 03)4 111 62 60 3034 4434 H 69 0034 101 134 135 as 28 105 105 02 67H 3034 4434 34 69 S034 3034 2034 3734 35 45 111 63 6054 30)4 4434 3i 60 SMALL AUGUST MATURITIES Coroorato securities maturing In this country in Aftuat toul only about MSOOO.OCO. TfUa la L" smaller aSbunt than has matured to any Previous month of the year. Tfie last four inojiths ofTha yar, with the exoaJUlaa ' SewVar. aaV still fer nuturlttti hn August, Maturities forth entire fr "" r .! taiu lull laiLUHJ. .! Kscrr."!,,.,.! 1. nauunvi annoximaieiy wvjtowvi Th targt'jurltj J? Auut Is paid ...l.fc. l&afhrAad H nr cent r "f SVfTt Hi ,,H nt , "?r:- rr.rf i ..j ih. rc. iwn ivr imi -i t. 'rr"rj in oas, JiCAJTa CAT- irirBiure Is laaluttMi 'rlfncate Aldlne Trust Dividend Raised . ,..3U, at u. at 1 it caat. M ! tba 1 AEe TP. CnMB WJ1" 'S1, Vtooay Tn lrto ii9tWZ ,P caal. w.if j t'p aiock of raeord a !m SLS.0 SHua& 'SKiT 2 per cem. , lflffi&d?W Italian War Loan Subscriptions ROM.. July - ""'-. '. r '. : - in. TSTrvraskSf m- b birita v"ar3n. . to JS SBSSLftSHlrS bou aubfCd hvi tw NEW YORK METAL MARKET l$$& AJms Bxprew 4s . 7 JQM -Mr Agr M aeb .... v 1000 Amer liFda kh 0....W 4?po Amer.SAtlt. Seelb .10 aw Attn Arbyt U U JtKM Armour Co 4M OlC iilvo Atchison im tt .... Wft ES2 Auhlson ad) 4s.. . J si 2000 Atchlten ev a IM6...IO0S liou Atohiijn u .'ry. :..m im AtcM Trurs 8 ii is .. S i ft'W.UM" 1 4 ttU LTSIt Rr n !tU. nnl. nniirt Fli i. i A .. 12 iooo Halt A O ev 4H im Rait o Bw TOW Uth Steel 1st i .tlVMl nfh All tA 1W0 Drookn nap Tr 5s'.'..'. 3V00 llronkn n Tr M jihw urooK un Blv lit M..1W) ' JWjrjl naa Kleo a feu 100O Canada Soutn ss lojll 1-2000 Cent l'ac 3Ha (d)1 8000 cent, Pae 1st 4s,.,... tw. U0OO Uhllo uorper..,., us" w)0 Oes &. 6 ct 4"s..... 71U 4000 Chl & Alton 34s..." 4j2 Sfooo o b a q joinnt in... oe llH!n An n In n.47 WJ U M JO"") do col .haw uni Ht H UOft umi Den & no nroo uet Un tM 4Ss. . . . tn r.000 Ula Soo Oor S..., ... 04H MO) Vi l'ont Vowd 4Ws. . . Mti KX) l;rle conv 4 Ber A. 01 2000 la 1st con 4s Ion SOOO Brio , ,...10()Vi 4tiiiOO lien Klee Sn ll 14004 Indiana steel Ss 1C0V aooo 111 Chl It C kiC .1000 III Sleel 4H si oOOO III Cent 4s 103.1 , 81 OUOi) lntp cv ret t9 'IB.. .1S? rHt Insp pv ret On '23 12!) mull imerD Met 4is T.i i'noi) Intcrb II T ret .1 07U VOCO inter Mer Mar 4'ka... M'i TOOO do rota M(4 34000 .Tap new or ata 44s. 71(4 soot' Jnnneso new 4Ws.... Wli IOiiO Kati City Bo let .Is.... (RU 100.) Licka Btl 3a 1030... 7I4 10OO TAUe Bli ilti 4s 10.11.. no noon Louln ft Nanh 4 W( (WOO Mo Kan & T 1st 4a... 73f, 2000 Mo Kan A X 2.1 4o . . M .IOOO Mo It A T gen 4M . . 304 Mono Mo lnc 4 :ili, IPiNM Mo 1'ao cv Si aj 11000 Mo I'ao col Ra 1017.... SO 10i0 Mo I'na Ss lf20 ... ., w 2000 N Y Cent '4a St!S 17W) N Y C & It .1W M 07000 K Y Cent rct 0... ..lBIH WOO N Y City 4's lOOi. .. OS 1OC0 N Y City ret 434s ....101H IKXHI N Y I'lty 4H1 1IKW....1014, 10W '.N- Y City 4'4 Nov '&7.101S 1000 N Y Ons II & 1 4s.. 81(4 1000 N Y Htato 'ia 10II 1000 K V Tel gen IMs .. . 045 0000 Norf & West con 4s.. 87W 10000 Norf & West cvt 4Kb.. 101 10000 Norf A West cv 4..1M .17000 Nor Pac prior 4s.... WH 20000 Nor Pac gen 3b ffiii IOOO Oro Bhort U ref 4 SfltJ 10OO Ore A Oil 10iv iooo Pactnc Tel r.s n7T4 03000 Peuna cv CMa 10OH 1C00O Penna gen 4Vi 07W iooo Ponna 4t lots rog.... mi 27000 Penna rets 4'j 103'J ?ooo Penna 4Mis 1021 100i,i nooo Putillo Ser N J 6 R0V 1000 Hay Con Cop fls 117 loono itntdlnp gen 4s 02 100(1 Iloidlng-Jer Cen 4... 02 nnnti Tcr Ir ft B Ss Wio.. fa 20CO St I. 4 9 P gen fis..100V5 IOOO Boabonrd A U adi Be.. IIW 'Jvn Smboird A I. rW 4n. . 074 1000O South Tar col 4 134 .muhiii no cv ri 44000 do cv ret f p Ss 1031 071 12PO0 do rfd 4s ST 110OO South Rwv gen 4s... At iron do con Ss nan -I00O Texas Co cv fls 0flt4 loon Th'rd Ave rot 4s 70 r,on do ml Ss 70 2000 IT S Rubber (Is 102 anono u s steel s iom 700(1 Union Pac 1st 4a 01V4 1000 do" cv 4s f"?H 1O0O Tlo rfd 4a MH 30000 Un Rwys 4s 424 0000 Vn-Car Chm 1st 3s... 03S IOOO Wabash 1st ref 4s... 104 rnoo do 1st Ba loni 3000 Wah Win ct ata 4s.. W, 47000 Wab-P Tor 1st et 4s 4000 West Chester Sf 10t SOOO West Elec na 101 SOOO West E & M cv Ss mA 14000 do rets 103H 1000 Wheeling & t. B 4s.. 32 in. kgw. Close. A 10K4 ux m fa 8IH ,81! 10UH luuH 101 NlW W 80 89 P0H 00H BOH ii m 4 iw t4 ltJ4 Joafi iviy, in. in.. .ri 100 1UO 1KIJ4 ifft nsSu 71 71 43 4l3i im on 1118 niu .' .M IMV, otr, ra now do cv 4V4s t4 Ulh iooo Chi n i a"p rfd 4., o5 nin COl IS,,.., 82'4 R2U Hjli U P M A M 4341,100 flooii ioo A nlo Or 4a. . . 71 71 71 (10 otn 8? inn ioo'4 102 loos 855 . i 1221H 128 il H7 I m $ 33 SO mil 77; 10331 OS ""Ii ioi4; 101 HI lot wrkt. 102 (i 10214 not; 0211 8034 10011 07; loot. (Hi oiu ft 10!l l(OU 1(41 Ml 81 Us 121) a 71 714 ?ik 00 .04 34t, 33 so IIS14 875 78 10.13. OS 101'i 101)4 1 rl H7Ml 10.1 102K H014 023, sy, 100 n ootj 100'i 074 1)714 1024 102, 100V1 Srt'4 117 0234 02 0234 100 V. (13 ti (17U R031 RO 074 81 ni onu mt4 7034 70 102 10114 m ksy. sd'J 41 U 03i 11)11 loot7, rt 101 101 103 10I3J B2 100M 117 0234 02 02 f, 10(1 07l So" ss III no's 70 )i 7ft 102 lOiH oiu SSi 8(IV, 1231 ItiK, inv, 10m! 17H H 101 101 10.VI 104T4 32 Sales in Philadelphia 103 Alliance Ins. 10 Aasetts neal. 30 Allla Oiialm. 100 Am Can . . .icu Amer 31111.. 1300 Dald Loco. . 200 do pref . . . S Halt A Ohio. 10 II & S t c pref T.a 1 Drill J a 387J 4 Cam Iron 42 7.17 Cam Steel S1J4 440 Kloc Stgo 1 ion trie 2(14 20 ins Co N Am. . 21(4 Ii Kevst T C rref 03 filVi I.iko Sup Corp. RW 273 Lehlgi Nav.... 7334 320 Lehigh Val TI4J 20s Leh Vnl Tr pref 20 .1 North Central.. .. 10 North , Penna. 242 Penna 'n R... Ill Penna Stl pf., 1230 Phlla Co , 40 do cum pref 12S Phlla niec... 10 Phlla It T.... tun ao tr cub.... o 243 neadlng 73$ 10 So Pnclflo SO So Railway 100 St ltSt F 2d pf .. 1307 Tonopah Belm, 3H 2S2 Tonopnh Mining H3i .".(I Union Trac 3: SO United Gas Imp 83 2720 U S Stoel 41 Warwick IAS. n west'iano coai. no 332Cromp & Sons.. 01 W uonps. Last rev, suie, Yes. close. High. Low. Close. 1811 17 17 17 . ,. Mi S)i 611 . . 238 2af; 23V . BU!4 BOJJ S04i 50ft . 0 a 0 11 . 7134 "? 'au "ft .102(4 102(1 102H 102 HTj Ills ii?S an so :m 40 40 40 42 42 M34 8154 3.1 S3 14 2AH 2flt; ii 0014 fillti o 1-10 73U PHUA. CO. SECURITIES United Railway Investment Bonds Buoyant General Lo cal List Reactionary. Following tlie example set by tho United llallays ot an Frnnclsco eecurltlea, Philadelphia Company stock continued lt upward climb today, rising more than two points. United nB.llwn.j-fl Invest ment to wero nlao In demand, bids for a time remaining unfilled nt a frnc tlon above last night's closlns quotation. Tho first transaction was finally mada at 83, BRalnat yesterday, and the price quickly rose to CT. Tho Juno earnings of tho Philadelphia Company subsidi aries will bo out In a few" days and arc expected to show good gains, the In dustrial -boom around Pittsburgh natur ally having a, favorable effect upon Ihcm. Aa tho day advanced Philadelphia Com pany lis becaino active, moving up above RO, while tho 1018 scrip Jumped five points. Tho general local market was some what hesitating In tone, recent favorites showing signs of profit taking. Uecllnos range from a fraction to over a point In Storage Ilattery, llaldwln Locomotive, Cramp Shipbuilding mid Cnmbrla Steel. Tho Street was Inclined to bo nmUscd ot tho otllclal announcement that the Pennsylvania Knllroad had not given an option on Ua Cambria Steel and Pennsyl vania Stctt holdings to Henry C. Krlck but to Mr. Donncr. Ab the latter has all along been regarded as Mr. Frlck'a representative in these companies, tho dllTcrenco was generally looked upon aa a mere matter of form. However, In tho samo statement tho roport that tho two concerns were to bo merged was also de nied, In well-informed quarters it was stated today that nlthough Improvements aro being mnrie at tho marlno department of tho Pennsylvania Steel Company at Sparrows Point, the amount Involved la nothing like (1,000,000, as reported In dis patches from Baltimore. Tho local bond market was a trlfla more actlvo than In recent sessions, some foreign sales were noted. One block of $10,000 Baldwin Locomotive Ss came out at 102, seller 20 days Hat, and there was also a sale of Lehigh Valley Coat 5s, seller 30 days flat. Of course Interest contrcd In the Philadelphia Company group of bonds. It was stated today that the Phila delphia Electric Company might ask tho Public Service Commission for more time In which, to (lie its Inventory of valuation of the company's property. August 2 was tho dato for tho return ot tho Information, but tho company may be unable to complete tho work by that time. Tho stock ruled qulot and firm. The local money market has shown vir tually no change for some time. Tho In crease In loans of the banks last week did not affect quotations. Tho demand for funds I still for below normal. Com mercial paper ranges all tllo way from 3 to 1 per cent., with most of tho busi ness done averaging about 354 per cent. Offerings of best names paper nro scarce. Thero Is not much local business In six monthV loans on collateral, but some ap plicants for such loans offer to pay 4 per cent. i 4 r.i B1 2(1' 21' OlV Mi 73U 71V5 20 SB S?" 40H 41 23 R'i H 7.W 8IU It SH 3T. 7 82 8TH4 ftl 7 2SV. R.PJ 00". 31 0015 38 40U 23K S4 73$ 84 V, 14 S!i 3.. . 32 03W (12 ; 60 OJH 8 71(4 71U 20 sm ItOU 2311 8H HV4 73h MH 3 3",. 32 m 0314 OH io4 1C00O Paid 1st Bs. .'.ft ram Kt sen II do Feb 1017.. U7H 102V. 10. out; An Mrv 11)17. . . OS 1(XX) Leh Val Coal Ss,103;i KIO11O Penna gm 4i4- WK 30OO do cons 4H. .103 111 00 Phlla Co eon 3a, i0 l.'S do acp 11)10... oa S32 do 1018 !I3 liiro Phlla Eleo 5s. .101 300O Hearting gen 4s. 02 1000 Ifn Itwys t c 4n, 74 37COO U Itwy Inv Ss., 02U nirh. 07 lfflW 07 iai W5J Oil 08 101 im; 74 (J7 Low. 102 mi 07 07 iai 07H im 7014 0(1 03 101 02 03 Close. lOi OT 07 07 IOI 07J 103 MM on OS lot 02 Oil I Local Bid and Asked TJaldtvtn ...i do pref .... Puff & Bus t c do pref . ... Cambria Steel Elec mora uen en Asphalt jgg do pref ..", '"ft :eytona Telephone,.,. iiW Keystona Telephone ,.,. w Keystone Telephone t 0 1314 Keystone Tel prot .... w Lake Bud Corp .9 Lehigh Navigation Lehigh Va y Uhlgh Valley Trac Leh Val Trao proi. niPninarlvaula .. phUa Bleatrle t'luia km . ... . do 0 pr cent. do U per ent. Phlla A T 00 t c...... Heading; ...... Ton Bel Ton Mln ... Un Trao it n 1 ... . U S mol. york Hyy 00 r.. Wm Craro Bbc dlvli ip t I dead. Today, Yesterday Did. Asked. Hid. Asked 71W 7JVI 71 71 ..,"K IOI 102 llO ,..,.. 31W S1K 61(5 32 ...... 53H MV5 W S3H 32 31 3 J 60V4 K8ti IVl 14 11W 14 14 UK 14 07 on 67 M .Mi 73 US, 1.1)4 1174 71 11H 71 71!i 20 & U 41'., &l S3 SSU $ w h 8 SfS:::S J5 8 fl :::::: U ;. n w Tail 73V? , 3 3U-10 ...... o 54 K T I.,.. .3 as 33 32M IM Rl WIH RUM 63U H aa tQ 0 7 7 as a so 6314 ftlVi OS H.l LIVE STdbK QUOTATIONS fnilCAQO. Joly M.-HOOS-Rscalpt. 20.000 kraA : market sle b"?: '2-Tfa SE3i feiMfc avy, ow, ae lower, aiixeu aua ; gooa neavy. it.wfii, .). light. T.0i. PV. .80s6 1; marfcat 7."..ll'.,.i . ...1 . -. CATTt5."lc1P,, ZmnSVIrV l,'i "; .j uv. wevv. o.jeni, "" !" b3ir. &; w, X"!m-l:wVL,ti. 1UI0 hai: naar -twf . . s.y'-. - aaa v ik Ntiv ana nswiwn, e.wr.iu. Ml l !' " Jlore War Orders Expected WEW YOBK. July 30.-A4WJK1UW to t tkl Jot of h currwt2r o aumr mTTract Iter thiielnch ahW..l shelU for th. iSfJCK aSfartTnitnt to the anjount of 12 500.- nao, with an option WT U .MrelatHf It LbtlU Said tor ute mitwo "-- - ;-,adllon., t-.5no.ouo PUBLIC UTILITIES The Pacific Qas and Electric Company for tho five months ending May 81 reports gross revenue of $7,749,538 an lncreaso of 1679,303 ; net corporate Income of 51.794.2tM, and surplus after preferred stock divi dends of 11,343,931, being a gain of 1503,699. Tho June report of the Virginia Rail way and Power Company discloses a gross Income of (430,201, ?0-W less than re ported In that month a year ago. Through n reduction in operating expenses, net earnings of 1324,711 wore about tho same oh In 1014, Thero was a gain of 2531 In other Income, so that, uftor allowing for taxes. Interest charges, sinking fund re quirements, etc., tho surplus available was 194.03S, or $1115 more than was earned In tho preceding year. Dayton Power and Light Company's gross operating revenues for June showed an Increase of 6.61 per cont.. compared with tho same month last year, total gross Income amounting to 17G.115. Oper ating expenses, Including depreciation and taxes, wcro 7.41 per cent, higher than In 1914, and net earnings of 133.GS8 wero nearly G per cent, abovo those In 1311. Dividend disbursements on tho company's prefencd shares amounted to 110,543, leav ing a surplus balance of $5990, a gain of more than 10 per cent. Operating ratio for the month was 55.87 per cent, com pared with E5.45 per cent, a year ago. For Juno the Great Western Power Sys tem reports an Increase of upward of 9 per cent. In gross income of $232,821. Net earnings over operating expenses and taxes Increased from $141,014 a year ago to $165,802. Other Income, however, was somewhat less than In 19H, and total operating revenues were nearly 12V4 per cent. In excess of those last year. For tho 12 months ended with Juno the Virginia Railway and Power Company shows a gross decreaso In earnings of eifl jm nnrt n net decrease of (19.593. The surplus was $985,019, a decline of (70,612 from the previous year. FOREIGN TRADE CHANCES The olloiolno list 0 opportunities for Amer. icon manufacturer In t orelpn trade l allien tu the Bureau ot Foreign anil DomeetUi Commerce, Department of Commerce, and ad dlllonal (norinatton moj be had by corre spondence, pltln the file number; No 17530. paints, An American consular officer In Kngland transmits the name and ad dress cf a company In his district which de sires lo lecelva price and minplea o ultra blue, l'erslan blue and all fast red and green dry paints. No 17SS1. paints. A firm in England In. forma an American consular otllcer, that It la lntereeted In nonradlnK aniline colors which will atund on newly plaatered. walls, and de sire to obtain samplea and quotations on "no!" 1T-W. lambaklns, ostrich feathers, hair, etc -A representative of a South American nrni deslriMi to be put In toueh with buyers of lambsklno (short-ha'red and plain skins), also outers of ostrich feathers, horsa and cow nalr No. 17&M. copper and steel wire An Anuil can ionular oflfcer In England transmits a re port relative te a market for copper and etwl wire A copy ot hl report may had on a p Kiinuinn m th OtirHU of Forelan and Do- nutl: Commerce or Its branch office. Mo. 175A6. structural iron. A nrm or eon- trsctois In Italy informs an American cafir ini.i. officer that It desires to receive quota tions on approximately 800 tons of structural lrcn. Dimensions, etc . nvny u swi wsf cation to the Bureau of Foreign and Doaeatle S'" ;.., Ha biaiirh offices. NoTIi6. cotton eacka and cUtb for saeks. African conaular officer In France, trana- detalled report relative to a tnariiet lor An American nwr ,ifr OJlin , -.. r- vrrv -;- - ;-. '...& 1 wtton o. u ... . JAU.SlGi'tio5 eikV ot nu T9ifvnmmr u H5Mty" T; a,W nan VraliAh AiTfraaJI ? y,r.i? sssTsri i P.O. iiH, v-"-" 'r Bin U the United statea Is la recalBi of a latter frdu a eaminny to ArgwitU WlBg that it dasTraa te ur- 'rmtTHOo. f? w.o,b?af J!"-, e b4 rwauad iniormaii metVoite of LONDON STOCK JIAIWET LONDON, July & BtaHr tone ! vaUed gnraUy in ourttU on the Stock KxchauM toJy, but bitinM eon tinued gulat A wUiWMnt of the great strike of mlntrti lit Mm Watoh ooal JVt04 appeared to ba In stjjtU. Ewrmow pay mints were n4 tolwr lor tb saw war loan ltu im4 tbat the amount ".'"-v. "nails. luaiD iron. lvaid wiw- i , l vMaa of mgw.vW A s ,.'".'.'? S? 'bThad'oll1 SSLxS? to ar .r.u.t tor WmK0 wlU be cua?'!?CorL.End Domiatlc Com- r,tr.l to 1'arllaBMtit tOttUht . on lu brunch, alTtv... . , i, . rumorad that dealing In tba r; or-.ta aiarttriKai suinniiaVat ana iuiiiai-r- -- -- - . w t.-., no i. rr-rT'.rT'-r" .1-.. . i rl4iti - iJi nsuMallU ALU . niBV Dal StiTto"K nKraVTo foi,- iii jjta lWtT wire rmlls, boop boo, alsi4 ipoo itc An American consular .pftcer in rSitland report that a Brai In his dfiukt d ?... roimuuiuiU with American esporura i The annual meeting of Jumbo Extension Mining Company wm held at'Phoenlt, Art, yetterday. Th following Iwattl was elected: Charles S flm-Asue. 3. K. Turner, WUrt l. Ward and II. I. lie Amy. The lioant orgnnlzed by eleetlng C B. Spnigue, president i J. K. Turner, vice prealdent, nnd declared a dividend of TH per cerit Chicago, Milwaukee nnd SL Paul Hall rpad Company has applied to tho New ork Stock Kxchange to list $89,141,300 general refunding mortgage convertible 5 Per cent, bonds, series "B." A new selling level for copper has been found at from 19ti cents doun lo 19 tents n pound. Fully ll.MO.OOO pounds were gold during the last few days at these prices by producers. The favorable trade balance for the week ended July IT was $7,3,J, the smallest In some weeks. For $00 a Beat on tho Philadelphia Slock KxchnnRo has been sold. Thlg'h unchanged from the Inst protlous sale. Zlfic ore prices at JOplln. Mo., nro $120 a ton for the high-grade, an advanco of (10 a ton. Townsend Whelen & Co. have been awarded (tC6,000 city of Scranton 414 per cent, bonds, maturing serially from 1910 to 1911, Inclusive. Now York bankH lost $75,000 to tho Sub treasury yesterday, and slnco last Friday $145,000. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS CsUAIN AND FLOUR , WJin.VT.Tlecelpt. 111,003 buab. The mar ket declined 2c. under lower outside advices, but there was n fair csport Inquiry at revlocil price. Millers showed little Interest. quote Car lots, In export fator-No. 1 rod, now. Kpot nnd July, f 1. 12(11. 14; No. 2 red, Western, new, 1.13lil7i No. 2 Southern red. new, Jl.lOfJl.12; steamer No. 2 red, now, 11.1)8 U2.10, ag. :i icii, now, l.u.1fll.lUi rejected A, new, M.llKfl 111; rejected II, now, HScell; No. 1 Northern Duluth, old, 11.3401 CO. C'OltN. ttecclpts. 1000 bush. Prices wore well ninlnUlnod under light offerings, but Undo wan qulot. Quotations: Car lots lor local tmdo, us to location No. 2 yellow, HiHjUbSVjc.i steamer jellow, ljd!4US7Hc: No. 3 yellow, M'iOSoWc. OATS. Receipts. 10.301 bush. Oderlnga wero light and tho market ruled Arm though quiet. Quotations: No. 2 white. tKHttuJc.. standard white, IUOOVjO.; No. y white, lil 4Jult&c l'LODK. ItecelpU, 1310 bhls., 020.200 His. In stcks. Demand was light but mill nmnn were uen miuniain-a. quotations rol low: Old, per 1U0 lbs.. In wood Winter, clear. Co., sacks. VMM.7.V , m .- ..r .7. . m. - . .;;: itiiih, urci, ticur, uo., siraism. t(1.731i0.ti0. do., patent, (Tliy7.23; do., favor He brands, !7.40tf7.rj0, city mills, choice and fancy patent, I7.4UO7.00; city mills, rmular srariea V Inter, clear, (3.2.1'f3.30) do , stratjht, $.1..iiitf3.TS, do, patent, J3.7330.23 HVi: I'LOUU was dull and unchana-ed. vib quote I'cnnsylvanla at Tt.30O3.13. wuod, , low: Old. per. 1U0 lbs.. In wood-Winter, 3.233 GO; do., slralght, JV30H3.73! patent. SM.T3Sil.23i Kansas straight. Jute s $0.231tf.30: (lo, patent lute sack. a.VKj and tatcrn new nt $303.23 In sacke. PROVISIONS There was a fair Jobbing dtmand and values were well maintained. Quotations: Oltv bcor, In sots, amoked and alr-drled, 23ff20o.; West ern bevf. In sets, smoked, 23i32Dc.; city brct, knuckles anl tenders, smoked and alr-dncd. 2, ft 28c; Western beef, knuckles and tenders. Bmokcd, 27Ci2Sc; beef hams; SJlvn?; por', family, $32,233)22.73; hams, s. I', curod. loose, l-1tt&14c; do., skinned. loose. WUB135.C.; do., do., smoked, lHfllHc; other hams, smoked, city cured, as to brand and average, 14j013c; hams, smoked, Western cured, 14M13C.; do., boiled, boneless, 2:iff21c; picnic shouldcm. a. P. cured, loose, 12fil2Vtc: do., smoked. I2HJJ 12&C. ; bellies. In pickle, according to average, looso, 124S1.IC. ; breakfast bacon, as to brand and- overate, city cured, 17(fl8c: breakfast bacon. Western cured, 17018c; lard. West ern, refined, tierces. lOOIOUc; do. do., do., tubs. 103100.; lard, pure city, kettU rendered. In tierces, lOalUUc; lard, pure city, kettlo rendered, in tubs, lOlJlOVic REFINED SUGARS The market ruled steady, but thero uas little trading, Wo quote refiners' list prices. Stan dard granulated, U.13c, extra fine granulated. U.10c; powdered, 0.20c; confcctlonera' A, tic; soft grades, 3.2305.33c, DAJRY PRODUCTS HUTTER. The market for solid-packed creamery declined He, but prima were ?uotably unchanged. Thero was u fair outlet or nil choice atock. Quotations: Western solld-tacked creamery, inner specials. 21c; extra, 27c: extra firsts. 2U'il2aViCj firsts. 23ip 23Hc: seconds, 24c: nearby prints, fancy, 'nnc.j average exlia, 2fif20c; do,, fair lo good. 23Q ttii. . Inhhlnir antra nt tnncv Mrlnta. 'MGVVtc i;j6s. Fine new-laid eggs wero well cleaned up at ton prices, but unattractive stock nu plentiful, dull and weak. Quotations: In free otses, nctrby extras. 24c per doz.; nrsts. $0 per standard caao; nearby current receipts, . t.70 per case; Western extra nrsts, $0 per case, tlrats, S3.7033,83 per case; fancy selected catidltd eggs wero Jobbing at 20tr 27c per dos. CHCESC-The market declined slightly under free offerings, but choice slock sold fairly at revised prices. Quotations: New York, full cream, fancy, nen, 18-S13UC ; do., do., fair to good, new 14Sl4Kc; do., part aktms. OOUc. POULTRY JJVE There waa little trading and prices of fowls declined ic Quotations: Fowls, as to quality. lb&IUHc; roosters. llSl'.'c: broil ing chickens, fancy, not leghorns, velghlng 1W62 lbs. apiece, 22824c: broiling chickens, not leghorns, weighing ltilVt IDs. apiece. Hip 21c. broiling chickens, leghorics, weighing lVj Id lbs. apiece, lSr2uc; broiling chickens, leg. horns, weighing IWli 11. apiece, HI417c; dutks. I'ckln. old, 13014c. : do. Indian Itunner, old, 124JMc : ducks, young, according to alio, lOUlTc. ; pigeons, old, per pair, 21021c; do., youn. per pair. 20lr21c, DltF.SSEI). Trade was alow, but receipt were light and prices were well maintained on fancy deslrablt-alzcJ stock. Following are the Quotations: iTesn-i mod poultry, fowls, l to box. dry-picked, fancy selected, luc; wei. mi 4V.O& lbs. aploce. lai.c.: welzhlag 3 a Tii nQlece. 1SV4C. welxhlnl U lb, apiece. leiiUl'Vic; under 3 lb, apiece, 14 HK 13 He; Ice-packed-rWestern. 4Vi lbs. and over apiece, 18c; do., smaller sizes, 13 17c: old roosters, drl-plcked, 12c; broiling chickens, Jersey, fancy. S0O12c.; other nearby, fancy. 23 JOc; Western, weighing. 1V4W2 lbs.. 2 2oc t do, weighing lol1 lbs., 2ltf23c; spring Hurl,. i0Uffil7c . souabs. per doz . white. weighing 11 to 12 lbs. per doz., $.1 0OS4 CO; Mie. weighing 0 to 10 lb, per doz., $3fl S.fO. white, weighing 8 lbs. per doz.. 2.M 2.83; do.. T lbs per doz., J.2.1062.20; do.. ewX lbs. per doz . $1 lioSll.Mj dark. It.sO 4l.ii5; smalt and No, S, $L FRESH FRUITS There was a fair movement In choice stock ot most descriptions, and prices of peaches and cantaloupe- wero a shade firmer Quota tions Apples, new, transparent, per hamper. Meed- Peaches, Georgia, per crate, 1181.73. Lemons, per box, $101.75. Orange. Florida, tier box, $2.3034. Grapefruit, Florida, per box, fli2. Pineapples, per crate I'orto Itlco. $1.30 2 73; Florida. J1.M&2.73. Cherrlea, swwt, psr lb. BeSc.. do., aour. per lb , olec. Pluma, Ororgla, per carrier, $Ufl.2o. Currants, red, per qt.. Jttfic Illackberrle. Delaware. Mary land and New Jersey, per qt.. 4Jc. aoose. barrte. per qt., 3tic. HuckUberrlas, per qt., 70de. ilaspberrlaa red, ner plot. 21 4 c. Cantaloupe. Ueorsta. per standard crate. 73c Stl 23, do.. North Carolina, per standard eratiV Vo y$1.30; do,. North CaroTlaa, per flat crate. 30040c. Waterme'ons, per ear, $T5DIS0. VEGETABLES 1 Supplies were liberal and sorce kind war lower, demand being only moderate. Quota tions White potato, Virginia, pr bbl.-No. 1. TScWl. do., No S 4Mri.; sweet pota tie. North Carolina, per ttL-Ne, I. $ltl do No. 2, $2 504KI. oaleo. Bermuda. Mr cra't. 504$0c . do . Jeaw. pef H-huh basket. 20924k: . do . Eastern Blior Pc h.rapr. 88 SJoTT eggplant. Florida. ,fr box. $lfj.xJ JV.; Norfolk, per craU, I SO: cuweir, aiiubMomi, pr 4-lb. ba, sjm.$i. slgh- pre- b la cash befor ondltlon so warrant Thae tt4 lu till country and MaviBg ta iioiuai DIVIDENDS DECLARED mi, mat Bervk Company, quarterly IH MunUiWlser, MytW, AU)(Urt t "Ii JitJft tmu Uni Qww,, $ a anu riTi aaent o th Suruau of Fomliu aud IJo nSitio "ooimerce t7 Nsw Kork ba been In '""... . .... .. n Italian Arm desire, to re Lira laaitAinarl au aaanufactuiw and xportcr of 4aArlr .prtwrUctjU llgbt xtur ud luiulcl avWUoee. Catalo cualaJalttg tba oitk of the bi.-u Ih rlzTO to rL Sriv iaoapU. caiab-gs and fijlTliXormatlon "&." i.sik. rariui" A ttrm in Italy Is luu a r u n. tjr rrpiaaiuig a..-. ..,, ini utrtcture r leAiiwr uiis t;,IUa?ls. -alsivsj. et . b-'U.d 0 U. M OiH. it nau . . . -.- --- . --. .., new war loan wuuiU w " "m" "" the btginnlng of Agut By that time slp will have be. fully exiliaoged for allotment receipt. The Ameriea. flrtroent wti to, Caii.dian and Sth American ratto dioppBd Fomgu were dull. Pfndto; te.Kipt t fuitbr WW trow th W ba iU a, .olftnd JHU d v.a Uek.d kuvpvjL Hoiee rij rooked ujrWW 10 lo 10:30 A. M. itbrla rlteel :oo Cimi Sof era Norm cent , ss tiouut iNeinr. hi tk p Cr 81-1 Benin twy Fenrxi ..s.. U 0 Clteel . do ffl 100 llaldwln . rem-... .. ti-t io PWia Me i hi v b Bteei I 400 do... 9 im da ? BO Willi (in Mjwww . 100 Dal b'teii.:' i Id win .... foil Ca ... Si) llaldwln 100 iSStJ 200 do. ICO do 40 Blec Storage 15 do.. 100 ttnldiTln . ... 260 do 100 do... .....i 100 U B Meet..., 3 MAlc :.,: 6 10 Penna ,....., .to TOO IMldwln w 100 U 8 Steel. 08 tvt (4 Tt 71 BONDS. so aa. .. 10O Mt Bap I iq U fl Pte 10 Cambria .1MU P . 39 . 71 on.1'1 02 10 W Cramp t 20 U 8 Steel. . 40 OA cr s :i-i eel WM irla Btrel ni 10 u a steel.... u io do ety, tm Tonopah Bel. M U Cambria steel scrip 1010. 0 Cambria Steel scrip Feb n Cambria Steel serlp Xlay lbOO Fenna gen 4Us IOOO Penna eona flis ........ louen iinidirin 1st 3 twoo iMiawin 1st tm . ....... 'Hll'.l 1B1T..4 . 7 10:30 to 11 A. M. 11 Phlla Klrc . SI 23 !ik Bun Cor 81 10 Phlla Co am 45 Tonopah Ilel. Vi KK) do T 100 Haldwln .... TO iV Ht 101) B la 10 W i 10 do llrtwln .... 70(4 1, B F 2d pt L. & B I- M pf .1 Cramp t c mt, lo cog : .. M 71 3-18 IIP .. 03 100 P Tt T t e... 8J4 to W Cramp t e S8 10 Assets Ileal.. Mi 80 do ,...6.1 no i.ake Hup Cor 8"4 10 do . 10 IJ 8 Bteei ... fttfc 10 do.. I'MIA Rlao tTlk. 9 I'anna . n.t' 10 war .ir nt 100 I.-H Vallsy . . Tl 100 U B Rlrel. 100 Mil Val.. 28 do 10 Penna .... 100 U B Pteel. 10 do 100 'Heading .. I1014D9. :i21 Phlla Co scrip Into 00 833 Phlla Co scrip 1018 W 100O fhlali Valley Coal r ,,. ,.1MU 31 Cambria Steel scrip 11)18 W 11 to 11:30 A. M. 3 Dalt & Ohio. TTi T do M 1-tfl 8 Ij;h Val T pf 28S 1W Tonopah Mln, fl lo IJ K Bteel .7. io4, 2.1 W Cramp t c friK 1uo Uh Valley. . TI4 lo Phlla. Co .... an. nnn Am Mining... tt loo do am, in I'hlla Co .... 3D 2 Tonopah Mln. 7 100 Heading .... 71)1 20 Heading ...:. Tni 'tn AIIIm Mk-t 'KliT m. K-..A U....a R 30 Tonopah Ua). Jis M do 100 U H Sleel.,.. (VI 100 do 1U UO hall co I'hiia IM ... 3 Penna 33M UONDS. U0OO I'nlted Itwjs Inv 5h 2000 United Ilwya Inv Ss loco t'nltcd Itwys Inv 3 1C0O United Ilv) Inv Sa 3001 Baldwin 1st Bs iooo United Itwy Inv r.s ni;co United Kwy Inv Ke IOOO United llwya Inr 3s It Cambria Bteel scrip 1010 .... 1000 United Ittvys t c -Is 11:30 A. M. to 12 M. M r.i 3H . C3 . 63 . rci . m .102 . IEJ',4 : if4 . 09 . Tl M Phlla Co ... 30U n do 3uy II) North Penna. nuU Ml Cambria Steel fit U 300 Phlla Co .... 40 211 do 3 Ph Co cm io rhila co 13 do n do .... Rt4 i Pt 40 AniL 40 40VS ;h Nav.. 73 3s..,, rH 3s.. CSVi m 10 Cambria Steel 31 100 Lehigh UONDS. 1000 United nwys Inv a 01 3000 I'nlted Itwy Inv 3a us 4o0(i United Ilwys Inv Sa ,'... 01 1000 United ltwys Inv 3s tw win united itwya inv 1000 United Rwys Inv 20(XI I'hlla Co cons 0s 7Bjj 2IXMI Phlla Co cons Ss .. TOft UHO Phlla Co cons Bs 80 1000 United Rwys Inv Sa A 01 2U0O United Itwy Inv 3s 1.014 2000 United Itwya Inv 3 OT 3000 Heading gen 4s 02 VI 12 M. to 12:30 P. M. 120 Cambria Steel 31Jt 20 Tenna 03 3-18 1011 laih Val T pf 20 2 do Kl.l-ia 20 Ins Co N A. 21W lo V Cramp t 0 til", 10 Phlla Co .... 40J1 loo Lake Sup Cor 8(1 200 do 40U 3 do X 10 U S Stoel.... Qta 1 Cambrli Steel 32 20 Penna 33 3-111 100 U B, Steel.... 2Ji o nay ici pin. uis m t) a m c pxu . 1(1 Pa Steel pfd. my. M V O I 8314 CO I'hlla Co .... 40K 30 I'hlla Co .... 40& v BONDS. 1000 Thlla Co cons 3a., 80 .Vino I'hlla Co cons 0s soli turn United Hrrya Inv 3a 67 VC0O I'enna gen 4Ua U7ti 1000 Penna gen 4iU , nl 2000 United Ilwys1Inv 5a , 07 2000 United llwya Inv 3a 07 12:30 to 1 P. M. 10 Phlla Eleo .. 23i 100 llaldwln 71 ;I'7$ IN CHICAGO MARKET Weathfir ftdporta Cdnflicttef, Trading Light, With Oiter togs From Country Small, CHICAOO, July -ConniftOris vesthtf reports, fluctuailons In U expoit hwr ket and stow harvesting were the tsorifli Uon eonfrontlhir traders et the operrfns; of the Brain Mt today, ttndV a 04 eH some nervousnM( fcrevafledj In the. rif liours snles Were scattered and trtuHnff was very light, pfferlnga Uom tlvs country, it was said, axe. tmall. While A Rood Bastern demand Is dweloplne. Oiv4 hout reported that U bad dlapowd of 46,000 ImaheU cf wheat la ttuvt dlrasiUon today! H opening at tUStt July Wheat ah wad a decline of U cent, as compared, with the close yesterday. September w6.i followed the trend of July ,bene off BKX than a. cent. December (oat H of a eejfU on the opening, and aagted mora laias. Prices slipped oft further as th lay progressed and July fell neatly t cnU, The cither months were also weak. In the final dealings Jul broke to 1141, a drop of E& cents, September was down S?i at tho close and December J'.i. July corn showed some strength, ad' vanclng H cent, to fl, and later addlns' o. little more. September and December sold oft. Oat did not develop additional stren&yi when compared with yesterday's cloelnf prices. Influenced by Europe's poor harvesting prospects, the Liverpool market remained firm, Arrivals have also been lighter. 8pot was Unchanged and strong. Good corn weather Is belntr had at Argentina, w(tli warmer and dryer days necuea lor wneai. xne uuenos Aires murket was steady. , leading futures ranted a follows: Open. Ulan. l-! Wheat- Julv l.inu l.irt'i Dolember .. l.OOii l.ont necemoer .. 1.11 1,11 -orii innw ueiivery; Tnt'1'l Low. Close, eleae. l.ll 1.1 IV. l.KJ 1.0OH ti.os l.oo 1.081.0SH Lll Juiv September December Oats July heptember December Lard July September October . , Ribs July Heptember October . , rorK July September ,.W0 October . ...1B.20 llld. t.Vsked. 77 40 8.10 7.23 8.37 77U 73 04 40 38 30 TO' 72 Hi 37 sav i tea. 30S 8.37 8.13 8.27 8.01 rl.20 8.27 ..10.13 ,.1010 10.13 10.13 15JO 15.2) .... 0.00 O.07 tlO.OO 10,03 iaos .... UM 14.77 114.82 14.00 14.02 8UIS S.43 10.10 1(5.22 10.27 14.00 13.20 lSvSS MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAIl .STOCKS. Did Jim Butler .SO Nacxamara tn Midway ... H Mltpah Eilcnslon .....,v. SI Montana - w. 20 I Northern Star .11 Tonopah Jielmont ..,., .Tji Tonopah Kitcnslon STK Tonopah Merger '10 Tonopah Mining 0 jieacuo .uia .iw West End GOLDriELD STOCKS. .74 Aaksd .81 ,o .18 .23 .2i .40 T .on .79 45 I'hlla Co .... r,M s Westmor 601, ID I C 1.1 100 Leh Vnl TT pt 29 80 W Cramp e mfc 100 Baldwin 71 dl y 3D union Trac nz 10 l.lec Storage. 37 10 U 8 Steel.... til a i'enna 0.1 .s-iu u w tramp t c u 100 U B Steel,. . tn 60 Lehigh JJav.. 73U 100 do......... (Tl BONDS, 15 Cambria Steel scrip 00 313-10 ... 5 1018 1 to 1:30 I. M. ICO niec Storago. S3 100 Ton Bel. 20 W Cramp t e l J00 do.... 2S0 Ton Bel . . 3 13-10 1:30 to 2 P. M. 80 Ton Bel... 3 13-10 23 Lehlirh Nav.. 73U no llaldwln 71 ion Ton uol .. 313-is a ienign Mar. .11 War Ir & St Wi 15 Eloo Storaua. MX 10 I.ehlth Nav.. 7114 10 ljiks sup Cor SS 100 Cambria Steel 31U 30 U O I Sltt 33 do.., 10 U 8 Steel... 20 PhlU Co ... 3 Alliance Ina. 2 to 2:30 P. M. 10 Baldwin 1 Penna 2 Tonopah Bel. 43 Alliance Ina., 23 do 10 Tonopah Bel, 70)1 1 Leh Valley 3.1V) zo j'nua t.n :tti 1DDS Steel 17 "10O Arner Can it i I'enna an Sit B3 71 ii i$ eel.... RIW :an ... Sot .... 331-10 Atlanta , 33 ,30 Blue Bull M ?0S Booth 32 .St Bulldog .03 .01 COD Ot .03 Combination Fraction .08 .00 rjlamondncid B B ... 3..'.i M - ".OS Daisy , ?... .01 -.08 Florrnce .. -. .30 i&1 GoIdRald Consolidated 14 !' Ooldlleld Merger.'. ' ,.2 .23 Jumbo Extension ., 1.70 l.3 Kewanaa ,,.....,r.. .W .14 Oro , JUt .V Sand Ken ' '...., .07 .08 MISCELLANEOUS. Falrvlew Aatec 03 ,01 Klmberly 03 .07 N,eada Nevada .21 IVonder 1.50 El 1.53 NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW TOUK, July 20. BUTTnn. Market, 33.u,4 steadier, rocclpts. packngea: extra. n rvivll'ia. 49'.u iHtuuui,,. 2RKe.: hisher scoring. 2IMp.; State dairy, 20c,i imitation creamery, zisijiwe. . EUOS steadyi receipts, 211.704 cases; extra firsts, 22023c; regular packed nrsts, 20821c. regular peeked nearby whites. 282ilc. rolled color, 184T22C., nearby browns, 24Q20C. 2:30 to a P. M. ICO Baldwin ....71 CO Baldwin IM Ia Steel pfd (17 lot) do 30 Alliance Ins.. 17 I0O U 8 Steel 4o Lehluli Nav. . 73(4 10O do IS l'a Steel ..,.07 11) do 23 Thlla Eleo .. S3K 100 do 12 do 2-l .10 do. 4 Cam Iron ... -42 -loo do 10 IT H Klcel ,ttl 10. P It T 7 Penna...,. 3.1 3-10 100 Tonopah Mln. iru 23 Cambria Steel S1W 100 Erie 20JJ 20O do Oils 23 Ph Co cm pf 41 ICO II 8 Steel.... 63H 10 do 41 IPO do... OBli 80 U S Steel.... Clli 100 Leh Valley .. 20 23 do , ClVi BONDS. MOO Penna gen 4U 07V 2000 Penna iron i-a' Ml 2000 United Itwy eons 5 CO 17 Phlla Co scrip 101S OS 1000 United llwya Inv Ba 00 100 Amer Qa & tUvctrlo 3 83 SHORT TERM NOTES By.. Ilata P.C. Am Locomotive. .. Am Tel & Tel sub. Anaconda Cop Co. Argentine uoit Anenllne Govt Argentine Oovt Argentine Oovt Halt A Ohio . Halt & Ohio .. Brooklyn It T . Can Paolne Ry c & u jy Chlcaro Elv Erie It R rle u Erie It K . . . . . Oovt Switzerland.. Oovt SwItaarUnd.. Oovt Swlturlaad.. Int Harvester Co.. LcUa St) Co.... iTJht M s n It 1. Sh M 8 II It- HYP HHd R ? Nw Verts 9W"" Vaw Vnrk CUV. . .. S R 6 S a, R n Tjfpw(lt. 5 1 lerult ... a ed Fruit ? Utah Co V Bid. Asked. ItUtS HU 7 Van, Vozk City. . N T N 11 Hart. Peso B ceov. Pub Sarv Corp N J BabttfeTlTa A. U By. Southern By ... town nr UnlUd Frutt uaitei inunoN at Jt 8-18 peat. lljel)4g. Due, o JUIV 1D1H 0 April 1010 luu u alar, jw.i iwn iwn U Dee. 1013 lOUi 101W . 0 Dee. 1010 10016 100- . 8 Dkl 1017 10O looff , 6 May lOtO liU OaK . -tY, June 1917 U)K DUM . June 1018 8844 DMi , 8 July 1018 uo It) . 0 Mar 1B24 101M 102 . 3 June 1011) WMt til. 3 July ltll 04 S OSK 3 April isle aOH qm g Oct. 1013 lOIHl l5M 3H April 1017 oSti fW 3 Mar. 1018 00 IM 3 Mar 1018 tlitti 7!4 L 8 Mar. 1BX0 Wi 07 I tot joT? ml m . 8 Sent. 1013 10OU lOOli Pec. laid IWtf 101 Sept 1013 lOOe lOOli 9 Oct IBID lUOfa IWti 6 Sept 1013 iOOfi ItAU 8 Sent- lBlll lOtU lOtH May 1016 IB& I0M, Oat 1013 iftffi KMH liar. 101 II 0M( ll'. Mir. ial Ion lOCi Fb, 10l 100 inr May 1917 JTH V. as m m lM ap m o9w im ., at. .... quodd Philadelphia Suburban Gas & Electric Company First Mortgage and Refunding Eft Gald Bonds Doe JFtpruary 1, 1980. Free of Ptnntyloanitt Stat Tax Free of Normal Federal Income Tax t Girard Trust Company, Trustee Company serves greater part of territory immediately adja cent to City o Philadelphia. Operates under forty perpeta ual franchises, exclusive as to gas. Earnings applicable to this issue nearly twice interest re quirements. Guaranteed Principal and In. terest by endorsement of com pany which has paid dividends uninterruptedly since 1893. PRICE, 05AND INTEREST Yielding; S.30 William P. Boabrigbtfi Co., Inc, MORRIS W, STROUD, Jr. Manager 4)7 CHESTNUT STREE Philadelphia New York BwitoA PetwR London I William P. Bonbrlihl It Co. l'artat JJoobrlfht Co. asp: BARSIIVER July Sfi.-Bfg f ! w Penna. R. R, 3y2s Hue Oct. 1, 10IB. We recommend to inyejttora hoW Ina thgse bonds tnt U present time Is particularly opportune lor Hi.nn.imr nf them at a nremlura an.t 'nveatlntf tha proceeds savi matfe. higher lnteresx in P.nnu. Tax Free e A. B. Le US outh BaUltnor New Workmen's Compensation Act Brief and In3trucUy JDJfWt egpecially preparW m can be had upoa appWKi- Henry W. Brown & Co. Insurance and Acewlsnt PrtrvsnJton Adviielf IUBU IHIQ IBDir -jct Sltie. jM qMA c I igHE., oirsot im a"!'JBsSi V uKal Kg UHHkJ, J! Madaa. )Bg, -aWFt'''''Ji ' ni 99 mrta w. Beft; Lombard 43$ Keystone. Main 43$ 435W.Ji$i, Tffi BfessissllM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers